AL.V A f Aoti or OREGON 10-pa -oele gir Amount of C.fronifDt land open t. (omMloJ. In .aea county In tn. mtH f wr--a and V ..riLr-sl'in. aad dewertp tloa of Mm., gtv. boinMlwd. daMrt. ttrcoer ton.. eoel ar.d min-rl Uwi; (wo tr.-r" of Oroaoa la colors. Hall, tiowlni H K. la opu.Uoo. coo .bowing all ptj- r.d K R. an4 .Uctrlo llsoa. Including a.t.rn and Contra! Oregon 10 aaett. or tn tare, toe. Hap or waahlogtoa la Cl are, :iI. 10-i. Mmino. Runty at Caw Hamlltca blJt lor S-lr 1 rult Land. rRl lT UANP4 Met productive fruit land fa Trrltla rmiaMl. "Carlln Orcnarda," Upper Okan Valley: roqulroa no irrigation: mild ciirnet-. frf!l. auil: fruit of flne.t qual ity producd In abunlan.-.; railway .ti nea oft property: low trl.-w, long t.nna of writ. fvr flluatrat.4 parepnla ' li 4." R-gera mark at McAlpiaa. Vaa- cov.r. rirti:.h Cniumbla. NOTirn our ad of the Melrose Orchard fcceebjr. without e.cep-.lon tha Ml lru!t ar. 1 dual purpo. land . yet or.d ("m...eer or inveatora. Via aro aoia acrni. of Portland. (Set our pamphlet. RAYMRK KE.lI.TV COMPANY. 4. Worcester IliU. Main L4i. TEN irr amoothTllllab:. UM. uncleared. n-r m hool ar.d rour.ty road.; aoil. ! lion and drainage perfectly adapted to frul: running water and eom. timber. twr. houre from Portland. pVita $-.. part ry.h. Palmar. M2Couch Lldg. . M ARi:S aplendld fruit land. SO In com mercial crcur. $l2.v. J Oregon. .n. For rar I arm- - HI ACRES. ia mile aouih Portland, on rood MunlT roa.l. 2 mil- from railroad and l-vt lynlliig: a very tg!itly piac. rln... t. church and whool and with properotie f ia all around It: very rood aoll. no ik or gravel: 4rt arraa In high ! of ruitlratlon. 5 arrta rood tlmur and oal .u.r.r.l and a-dd: good aprlnc anl wil wat-r; p..ic la fnid and croaa-f-'netd baa god "-room houaa with pan try and p irrh. a. n w. largo barn and oih-r aood outbulldinaa: 2 acrra In ood rarlcg orrhard. principally Mntr ap vl. .od luy. wagna and all rm ln m. hlnrr. al.o 3 horar '','. t.y towa fo with lh farm: price !.'. half raah. alanr at 6 pr rrnt: might a-c-pt good Portland, property u part Wm"KUTFMAX MOORE. 3 ' l.umrwr Kt-hang. DAIRT RANCH. T a-ra. 140 a-ta bottom land, ion aTr rlrl. tlan-o rolling l'"oPi rl.lry rani h. at-k. l.-npUoinia. lc. oood a-room h'luaa. I' iv. Farm Ijind twpartrnant 1URTMAN THOMPSON. !anlera. Chamber of Coniuivrca Wide. WullTII TUB MONEY. It arra. all In high a:aa of rultlva-tl..n- o--l h.u. n-a larn :ihx4 trrt. with l-foot poa:a and near rhlrk.n-houaa tRat coat !" to bdild: place la Uxated on g.d war'U road. H mlio from aiation on or-.n Kctrlc. and only ad minutoa from Portland: It la cloae to good arho-.l. I,af R. f. l. ard telrprione; price. ..H): fiaio raah. balance tlm at f. p'r cent mtr-at; at-ck and Implrmrnu ran be lougiit reaonahle If lf:rd. Write or call at once, aa we -ill not have thia pla-e for aale lone at thla price. J. btroud jr. s.-n. Foaverton. r. ri.R SAI.E Fine Kaalrrn Oregon wheal farm of 13--J acre.. ll'.O a.rca n rultl vauon. about ir acrca irtectly leel balance a little rolling: .-.Sm acree a''ded to eheat and 31rt arrea ready for prln ae.ling: well fenced; deep aoll. no rock, two houaee and large haro. windmill and Plenty of fma water; only 4 mll'a to rail road and S mile to e-hool. Thla land 1... In two tracta of 1"".; and ..; ii nr eenarate. Price. -J r.r acre on very eaay trnia. from tne owner direct. T II. toreat tlrove. or. ivr farm for tvale. In Polk Co.. one or Yh. fanwu. Shadrlnnd ftrma tontamnj -tiiu acre, over under plow balan.e fine e.k: new houee. g.d building, and ree tence.. running . --- pa.ture a year.. 1. rich and eiiual to new. l"l eroa- heavy grain rrwra. " tsrm: onlv .-. r-r acre; adjoining land ", no..; oaner retlrlne. bee limber land. f. I. NAWIR. Amltr.Oregon. Haute I. 4 AfllES For ale by oenera: "fr" " m"5" f-om Oregon Ct:y In Vt. 1'lea.ant aalich porhood. 'Nearly all cleared and in;.n- No w.e land. A 1 Jil. On mala road. Cream route. K. F. I- ana t";epbone. No building.. Good fence: W mile to good .chool. i-rl.-e V- Com. out and we will .hoe ou. Art-Tea Cff man and Or, g..n lty cra-'n. In care of J. M. Olda. It- F. 1. 1. No agent.. 1.-c- t ITTIT PI Ai'TL o J -S 'acr"!". oo main count road. l. mre from Oak Ur station. Oregon . .... l- nne houae. barti. . hi .kn-houae: 115 apple treea and olher tiu.ti II- ca.K ill htn-lle t:ua Uiklti Xr Sr:A"liI:L.T. SCo Railway F.xchanse Hide. toITAT OHXIV WASHINli TU.N. FRI IT. OK.VIN. 8TOCK KAKM. If, acre IJ acr. ea.y term.: ahoot SOo acre, piowrd- Joining land, planted ta fruit, a-lla for .t3o acre: no timber, beat of fruit aoll wtil cot. aider trade: plat tnta and make a fortune. Near R. K. and river. Hanalmair. Waahlngiott; tllrt PER ACRE Tlefore February 1 buy. 13 acre, with " fine building.. f rm all In crop, near town: not far from Portland, price will be advanced If not a..d at above date; , mry eauv teTii.; no agenta bra owner. vR riALK acre.. mile, north of t..,..:.'., 1 acre. In tine tatr of culti vation, all ea.lly cleared plenty -V7 no buildina-a, - 'j mile, of 11. 11.: 1-0,J-e..v term.: wlU dujoounl lor caah. a Orfgonian. T"P.flnAKOTA farm. . acrea level j-.o in cultivation: fenced; 2n per acre." before April 1. $ ll caan. balance li aul;. Ail :'4. Oregonlan. UVN County ranch. 844 acre, of ram and fruit land for a:a at tli per acre. If taaea at once. Addreaa owner, ii. 1L Payne. Alba n y. Or. Mtacellancwna. $2!n PI'YS i.'yi equity In modern bungalow ' "in lllchmond dl.trlct. If taken In the neat three naya: thl. wl'l atand Inve.ugatlon: no agent. I. T3. Oregoniao TO FXCHAXC.K. A MotflEK FKC1T FARM. I will trade ou tha verv farm yon have beon l'okln for and will take In vo!.r bungalow, auto, houaea or l"ta aa tlr.t jiayment and a mortiage for the balance. Call at 2T0H btark atreet and I. exchange for Portland real eatate or mv wheat farm In railey In Idalio liW arrea In Kail wh'nt. fruit tre.a- honri. Implr ment.. all Improved, w.:rr in foo:hir... vajue ..00O. 1M Kilt 'Mt :1. 1.POT - iTLu.'OlJJ. ViCTlNlTt. PIlOi-alKTr 0 E-NCHANQK. Wanted Portland city and rancn proa erty to exchange for property la the fa moua Rou. River Valley, up to 1200.OW; full deecrlpilon and detail and it Creaa box 114. Medjoril.Or; lu-ACRE tracta Spltaenbere dlatrlct. mil and balf from railroad; prlca 140 Tarma or will exchange. What have you? K. T. FERRY. No. 4 North :h. Phono A 31Si 11 l-OT.-t WEST PORTLAND PARK. Wl'l trade aa flral payment on houaa and lot or vacant lot. not ov.r IIooO; 700 f,r the 11 lota Fred W. Oerman. 3i.J Curnaide. M. tl-L. trade four-hola Acorn .tova for .intle bd. rrattreaa and aprlnga: will w.j . r.. . fnr .1 r.ll.F or i ' a . e Dm i .v. . . t , . V. . M.ln Alt! ; WjmrOO mrn x ... - TU'O flea acre trade In cttv llmlta of Seattle. J-V.09; will exchange for raw acreage wltbln Sn mllea of l'o.-tland. a-T ( .'.im nfrrcrm pi'..- TO exchange, beautiful auburban homo here br In .ome good thrlvluc town. X , i.T't ni.n J.iK A1.L Or HHi'H" w. p.-rtind or cheap acreage a lthel general jri'Tcn.noiee .tore uuiui m - t . e T .1 . nr.fiinlin VlI.l. exchange line electric plana or email beby upright for acreage or lota. W Too. On-ooun. JJNS COl'NTI acreage to trad, for bunga low equity: mu.t ba monthly contract fur bal. A "'"" - iTxcHANOB bu.lneaa property for good - ... L. .r I . r i.l - flu.Oi.iO to S -U IAAJL A 1 tree, tin --.'i. x-..' K exchange your property for whet dee. re. l ort:and Exchange, bll Board of Trade bwe-" lcR exrbange. cloae In acreage on ear l ne .nd river, for city property. j 1v9, i -eron tan. tlma li. A. Chandler, ale Lambermena blue. WILL exchange houaa and lot In Ea.t for property ua . . j . . 71 can trade your crnvviij w wwmuv Call u Board ot Trade. . T ' I MVIPl. xirnM4LI!. I HKU WANTKI FEMALE. l TO rxrnr,r I FOK Ml-fc. I HELP M AM ED MALE. . I Mlacellaueoue. , . I - . ,t.. I lloe. Vehicle and UintM. Srt.A.'RE FA It M. In Cl.rlc County. TA'aJMnglon. 33 acgea In cultivation. l-aere bearing apple or chard, good 3-rooro houee. large barn, chlcken-bouae. etc; fine water; - horee., one cow and lota of chlckena: plenty ot farming Implement.; will take city prop arty up to I:oa: balance lone time. PACIFIC t'NlOS TRl'ST CO- 1TO oth at. WANT'.n REAf. rsTATK. 1H.0O INCOME I HOI KKTI WANTED. A real eatate firm ha a client who haa alC.ouu to invest; he mu.t be ahown good Income and advancing value.: any eultable property you deecribe. giving price, etc.. will be examined by our appraiser and aubmltted to buer. N t'ti. Oregoniao ofnce.Portiandy WS " have Inqulrlea W properly In every part of tha city; hornea, acant lota and hu.inea property. If oo wl.h to buy or aeil it will ba to your advantaga to In terview ua. MERCHANTS AriNf!3 at TRCST Co. WE have cllenta waltlne for houaea. all atiee and pxtiea. If yoa want to eel I. aea ua aulck. I-ACIFIC rNION TRUST CCA, 17Q Sth at. I2iev to VOo Inveatment In Inald. property paying fair Income; no flata or apartmenta wl.l be It you have aomething good and want cash, anawer O 71H. Oregonlan. SOW" here! 1 went to get In touch ' contractor or flrt-cla. carpenter of ablli tv and tneana to mill m. In building to aell; 00 needad. H CSS). Ore- I WANT to purchaa. by March lat a "' modern 5-room bungalow on ta.t sid. near good car line and not far from .. hool. Mu.t be .xceptlona'.ly ay terma. Addreaa W C1'7. Oreg.mlan. wTiIiepay caah for quarter Mock If owner will furnl.h money to hulld about a h'0. home: Irvlngton or Holladay preferred: tata location of lota In anawerln. T ait. Oregonlan. We HAVE a ca.h cu.tomer for 3 to S ecree near city, on carllne; mu.t I aUhtly and not too high In rrlce; come In to. ay. Mrong-Stee.e Co.. groundf!oor Iiwla blcl. WA.NTE D Hou.. and lot at Long Beach, between beaview and Hreakera; eivw full particular.; muat be reasonable. Ar e. oreeonian. ' . WANTED About .V acrea. partly rolling, within 11 mllea of Portland, at loweet figure, no aaenta. Geo. Hamilton, a. J Everett at., Portland , WANTED A hou.e. not higher than , i mi. about iiwiv cap". o,- before 3 veara. F. Ff CilS. Vi Morrlaon Street. NEW brick .tore. 11th and Hawthorne ave.. elegant io.""n "r - ------- I- H. Fatrchlld. 2i2 Sherlock bide. WILL buy equity In lot for ca.h; non-ra-.trlrted. cloae In. Home ln.:a!lment Co., 6ti8 McKay bldg. Thone Mar. hall iJtaX A I OT In Terrace park; only a e'nulne har rain wilt be con.ldered. M 707. Oreeonian. VANTKI Acreage tor caah; muat be r.a aonable. X 6Hl. Oregonlan. FAR.M9 WANTED. WE HAVE a buyer for a farm of about liO to 17.'. acrea. on the Willamette river. thla aid. or saiem. aiuai a-- portion In cultivation and lie nicely. It your, will fill the above requlrementa and th. price la reaaonable. be aura and eea ti. aoon. CHAPIN IIF.RLOW. 332-33h Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Derby. I WANT to buy a reel farm, of about f0 acre, or more, moetly In cultivation with good building, muat nave line ron. . ia no rocl- or gravel, good tr.vnp'rtt!on and In Ive community. Mu.t be north of Salon, and oulh of Wll.onvllle. either near Oree-on Electric or Southern Pacific we.t lde line. No fancy price ton- .Idered. M 703. Oregonlan. . Fa1M property wanted: only exclualve contract for quick aale considered; we have tha buyer. If you want to eelL aea or write aa. Hall AtchUop, 213 Car linger bid?.. 2d and Alder. WANTED To buy ranch on or near coast on crop payment or .man emeu ......... Hoi 12i. St. Joe. Idaho. FOR RALE TIMBER LAND. SO ACRES fine timber: cabin and water. near a oepoi. nm,. . L -" . better buy than fmlt land: cheap; by owner. :. P. Nawlr. Amity. Oregon. So Cerma for Slla 2-OCOOon FEET pine and larch timber cheap - ' i-i. i.iiwwi . h will handle It. ".ii 1 itmK-r Cfrhinffl bldC Fx:H SALE 1 acre, timber land In Grant I ounly. irregnn. I ' ' - - . - - - Pth ave.. Seattle. Wa.h. flMRER LANDS BOrOHT AND SOLD. c. J. M'CRACKKN. ."04 McKayBld. TIMBER CLAIMS, home.tead rellnguuh menta. 21K Worcealer bldg. WANTED TO HKNT-FARMS. WIStI to lease stock or hay ranch on or near coast: would prefer stocked rancn, gooo references: take poaeeeslon at once. Box St. Joe. Idaho. FARM, all atocked. on aharca. 15 to 00 cows. A' aw. Oregonlan. WANTTP TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER landa wanted. Hut MaKay bldg. C. J Mccracken. FOR KENT FARMS. DAIRT ranch of :!o acrea. 1 mllea ea.t or t.ounnou.e; i niu"n. ' " 3 horses and all Irr.plenienta necensary on farm to lease for five years: tenants mu.t snow financial .ecurlty for Mock and teane: mu.t apply oereonally or by malL -., rr . n . ft Ulnn.'rln . Foil RENT 2 acrea In fruit and nw 2- room house, near ciunn.j M ; - City car- US per montlb Inculre Mr. Waerndle. room 6 Mulkey hlds-. 2d nd UU. HAHU of 4000 trv tenant mutt iho rnanciai aoimy m f i' ee- Chllcott. 2i McKay bide- FOR 8ALE. Iloraea. Vehicle, and llarneae, FOR SAI.e'PORTLASD STABLES. North ISth St. 1 CARLOAD of hora-J. all .Ufa. Bll prlcee: wagona and harneaa o all klnoa, very cheap. A FAIR OFFER. To Inaure buyera agaluat lose. I oner tne following terms: Don't pay me a cent for any hore von buy. Depoalt the money you are to ray for horee In the Portland Truat Co. bank. Take the horse or team t.. your home. If they prove aa repre sented th. bank turna money over to me. If not aa represented, the money la re funded to ourchnaer. Roth of us are pro tected In this wav. Bank and buslneaa ref erence furnl.bed. WE have a carload of mare In area front , to lo yeara, eome In foal and all broke to work: will from lo 1400 lba.: thla atock la Ju.l I mm tne rounuj aim they are not .ore. We will make price. -., tr .ni muck for ca.h. We guar antee everv aale and give trial before buying. Phone M. 6217. Homo A 1J. ... t- . . Trutit. Kate Rem. FOK SALE Two hor.ea. wolght nearly inoo pound each, and eood traveler.; llEht ha. k with hatneea. all new. In cluded, or eold aeparately. If taken now will be ottered at a baoaln. Adiirene A. y. Langenberg. Clackamaa. Or., or In quire at room 2"0 Oregonlan bldg. FOR rood aaddle hones see C. 1L Zlmmer at tne Portland Hiding Academy, 21at and Johnaon eta: he haa opened a training (table W hleh-claaa aaddie and driving horfee: aaddle huriel (or aal at any time. Phone Main P73. A 478L FOR BALE Draft, general purpoee hore.: have 14 on hand: loio to lOSO pound.; 20 head will arrive about Saturdar. 2Mb. All guaranteed a. repreaented. Owner can be aeen 104O Macada.-n iu. or 227 Sal- mon IL Marshall 14J3. f!45Bla BARGAIN 14. Team, 22ml lba. true .Ingle or double: harneaa and wagon. 1000-pound hois, for 4 Wood. lock. 87tU and Rid ave. Phone Sellwood 17t. MT."ST sell at once. mar. and horse, with new heme... weight 2100 lbs.: aie aound and true pullers. and year old; also a black pony cheap. Eaat 12th and Madl.on. houaa In park. W K have about 70 head of draft, aaddle end driving all good condition and guaranteed price, right. Thomsen AY. Malehorn. Union Htockyarda, Jv'orth Port land. Or. FOR SALE At a big sacrifice, horse, alg year. old. perfectly aound; runabout and harne..; price 11 si. worth 0. Particu lar. J4 H t h. WANTED Family driver, weight 1200 lba; muat be perfectly eefe for lady: good trav eler, kind, aound and tru. at rl;ht price. Clve full particular-. C 702. Oregonlan. TWELVE hundred and flftv pound home, perfect In every reepect. without a blcm lh. for $173. Swank a: Co.. Vancouver, Wa.h. WANTED lined team work hor-ee. weight around 144m each: price mu.t be nghL Adore. D. I- McLeod. l yle, Wa.h. FOR SALE CHEAP Driving hone, buggy and harneaa Inquire at 134 N. Dth at. Pbone A I llORsn. buggy, harneaa: fn driver and saddler for l.dr or gent; bargain, stahlea 12th and J c ff arson. THE MORNING OK . . . - -, .-..-. X AT I FOR SALE Bay horee. gelding, gentle, pretty, weight 14-3; i yeara old; black. J.'MJ. o-ear aappie iraj. ijvw better: on. team graya. IO0. young end aound: one pair baa. mare and gc-ldlng. weight 3.HK1; ttaew above mentioned hor.ea ar. worker.: guaranteed; no trader, need apply. J 701!. Oregonlan . FOR fALE cheap, lady. Kngll.h .uddla; al.o ridln habit. O "03. Oregonlan. Antoiuoblle MOTOR SNAPS. -We have aeveral aec-ond-hand cara of dif ferent makee at varlou prlc.-a. all eplendld bar- PACKAHD GARAGE. 63 N. 2Sd 8L i.'ear Waablngton tit. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINO. HOOVETt-FRENCH AUTO CO. 132 SEVENTEENTH STREET. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. GIVE US A TRIAL. SAVE $200 ON TOUR NEW AUTO. Wlnaton. aU-rylinder. nrat-claa con dition, can be had for fraction of value by quick action, or by exchange for new Wlnton lull model: can aave you -00 bytranactlon. O 701. Oregonlan. BARGAINS In used auto tires and Inner tubea; examine our atock before you buy; vulcanizing, retreading and repairing. Ll ton Huraer, 43S Stark L Phone A 344. , FOR SALE Babco. k electric runabout; guaranteed flrat-claaa condition; reaaon able terma to reaponalhle partle. Roae City Electric Garage. M Slh t. North. RUNABOUT car for 1200 caah; am leaving the city; muat MIL Addrea D 700. Ore gonlan. piano.. Organ and Mo Ira! Intmmen ta. BTEINWAY upright piano: rich mahogany caae, beautiful tone; family will ell on account leaving for Eaat: to party with reference will arrange monthly payment: tlve-year guarantee goea with piano; also beautiful bench and cabinet. All 7tl f Ireponian. ARMY officer leaving for Philippine Iaianda muat oll new Kimball piano; been uaed but lx months: factory coat $475: will ell now lea than half price. All 70i, Orcgonian. I NEED money and will aacrlllce my nearly new pianola piano, original cost (llnO; no reaaonable offer refuaed if taken at once; will arrange ehort-tlme paymenta with re tponsible party. AL 7u8. Oregonlan. AM leaving the city and will sell my new high-grade piano at a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 171s. AM leaving for California; will sell my $300 elegant upright piano for glSV: used leaa than a year. AL 705, Or-.-gonlatv NEARLY new player piano, going away, will .arrlllce; make offer. l 7t2. Oregonlan. itlrda, itog. nnd ftt Stock. WHITE pltx dog. with collar and llcenae, pedigreed Persian cat, aeven canarle with cage. Tabor 2cU. THOROUGHBRED St. Bernard ok. 2 yea old, will aell reaaonable aa I have no uaa for him. 45 Chamber of Commerce. IMPORTED fox terrier, male, for aale, Call Sat.. 2S4 E. Btn at.. lortn. CANARY blrda. tine alngera and femalea. rt47 Montgomery e. riiuu" stxm.u THOROUGHBRED cocker apaniel pup, llt tle beautiea. 12", N. liln au Ml-crt la neoo. FOR SALE. - Two MO II. P. Horlxonta! Return Tu bular Bollera. comple'.e with enclosed type feed water healer. 5fcx3 Smith alle feed pump. Dodge lnjectora. safety valves, crown valve., tl-lnch header and all angle valve., and Williams feed water regulator, with aafety water column- In good con dition. . , Also one J3 IL P. Vertical Submerged Head Tubular Boiler comph-te with aafe ty valve and fitting.. Including Buffalo Injector. Almost new; only used a .hort time. For further particular Inquire at 'room 201, Oregonlan Bldg. ROI.L-TOPoak-ifleak. coat $70. will ell Oak 'filing cabinet, coat (45. will aell for .in. Small aafe. altghtly used, coat $75, will sell for ."0. ... Oak typewriter dek, cot (15. will aell CaVr at 221 Lumber Exchange bldg. MEN'S OVERCOATS. SUITS. They are high-grade .amplea and can cellation orders from Ea.tern manufacturer-. I have 60 overcoat, and about 2i0 rult. left over: mo.t of theae are on aal at I3 a ult or overcoat; many ire worth from 20 to 125. Jlmmie Dut:n "KneW" Samp.e Suit Shop, room Oregonianbldg. Tak eleyatotv NINE H. P. .tram engine, flra't-cla.. condi tion for all klnda of work, form ue. clearing land. etc. Will ell cheap for caah. I- M. Sheldon. 41 North 2d au Phone Mnr.h.ll3IK. ULlJ jewelry excrarged lor waicnea aaa d'armnJa: unredeemed pledge, for bail original prteea Uocie Myera. II eta aw tetween Oak and Plia. FOR PALE 3 ahow raaea. 100ft. ahclvlng. 1 prescription case, 12 aectlon 3-piece plate mirror, counter and prescription cai -61 Umatilla ave.. Sellwood. FOR SALE Four fancy cast column.: clso a flve-horso enclne. In first-els. working order. Heacock-Lawrenc Iron Wom, and Itcimont. toiv r enuweaaea wrllcaasa countwa General fixture In stock and mad t order at luweai prlcea 2?2 urand aea- a. CABIN launch, with hoathouee. 8 IL P. Sniailey; price $.173; a bargain. A. E. Vclguth. Seward Hotel. 4 GOOD family cow for aale or will ex change for horca 80 E. 28th at. W. W. car lo Gladatone ave. FACTORY reoullt lypewrttera. $10 to Ji. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. go Fifth .L M. f.-..t. A 1478. FOR SALE New reliable range, high iven. usea tour in un i .-v. i. Sat.. K. Mth at. FLOOR .how two eight feet, one alx feet, one Jeweler' afe. good a new. 23i 3d at. PIIY'ICI AN'S office furniture and medical booka for aale at a bargain. II 704. Ore gon Ian. FOR-SALE cheap, nearly new M. &. M. mo torcycle: a good bargain lor aomeone. Phone East S03. salts, new ar.d aecood-hand. low pnaee, ca.h or ea.y terma PORTLAND BAFB CO.. T Fifth .1. ONE Hobart electric coffee mill for grind 'ing and pulverizing. Inquire 2.'2 Third t. ROl.L-TOP. alao flat-top deak. with chalre. 20S Lumber Exchange. FULL act lateat edlllon Encyclopaedia Brlt- rrnicn. j i i iv ,,...e FOR SALE One good dump wood wagon; price $iu. AB 61H. Oregonlan. W AN'TEIJ-M1 SCELLANEOV 9. CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. Wanted Men'a caatolt -lulling ana a hoe. aad bicycle: hlgheat pricea said: we al.o boy ladle clothing, call up to Globe aecond-haad (tor. Phoa Mala 20IW. two I .- . WANTED Complete furniture for 8-room hou.e. Olve Hat and price. P 078. Orego- nlanu ' SEND your aocond-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you-U get leaa phone A Z413. Main S0S1. i IF VOU hav household furniture to tail, call up George Baker A Co.. 152 Park u Both phone. WANTED For ca9h.econd-hand pool and r,'.,,'.! ..ku. ,.,.1-l-v Tiro... isa lat at bCHOOLHOOKS bought and aold. 211 2d .t.. r.ear Salmon. ItiS Sth t- j WANT on I- C. Smith or CHiver type wrlter. Addrea HTOreonlaa. WANTED Moving-picture machine, ga outfit, nitns. etc AJ 64tt. Oregonlan. JIELP WANTF.D M ALK. WAVTED Good gollcltor for fraternal work- big money for the right men. Room 301, OreKOnlnn bldg. Call 1 P. M. aCAL oFFlCK IniernaUonat CorreepeaA ence Scboola. 2U Alder at., opea ua 4 xl, oenu for tree catalogue. HIGH-GRADE repreaentatlve all ted for eood proposition. 621 Board of Trade bldg. WEAR a Ken.haw $2 hat. any atyle or 419 Waahlnglon at. TEACH Eli Athietlca and history. $1000. 611 Swetiund bldg. TA ANTED Hypnotist give references. H 7o:l. oregonlan. WANTED Five men to work. city, good joo to huetler. 373 Eaat Morrlaon. MAtVried man for ranch. Addrea Q 70S, Oregonlan. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent, new oner. Cutberth atudlow Dakum bldg. EGO XI AN. SATURD AY, JANUARY 28. 1011. WHAT KAPrSNED IN THB Advlaorjr and Employment Department . of the 1. M. C. A. during November and December, 1810T S7S call for men. ... $1.1 member nt to position S24 new mcmbera taken In. -J memberablo fee a refundeo- Any fellow, young or middle-aged, who can do anything well or better, need not he out of employment. Huatle wli; get It, and we will tell yo bow or memberahlp fee refunded. Secretary. Employment Imparten- x. M. C. A., 2d floor. "WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN to cperate movtng-plcture machine.; waK? from $1S to $3 a we-k. UI.R OPERAT ING SCHOOL RECOl-.M7.ED ALL , 0 f.B THE EAST AS THE STA.NDak. -teach each student on Powers. Edison ana Double Stereoptlcon ui.soiver m There Is no course of Instruction so thor ough on the Pacific Ccn.t. Wh, Altc, THE LARGEST FILM RENTERS IN TH1. WORLD: We are having DAILY I ALK" 1- OK OPERATORS: gel one ui J--" ard operatora' hand booka. Apply ml. 508 Couch bldg.. 4th and - Washing- ton at... Portland. Or. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the C. "j Marine Cor pa. between the agee of 1 and 5; muat be native born or ha per; monthly pay $15 to $6a: ddl,'n compenaatlon poaalble; food, clotntng. Suarter. and medical attention tre " 0 years' aerrlce can retire with 76 per cent of pay and allowaucee; aervlc on board hlp and ashore tr. all Prt oC i world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corp re cruiting office, llreeden biug ano Waihlng-oa ata.. Portland. Or. QET OUR SPECIAL, OFFER. MEN MEN WANTED WANTED To learn to operate moving-picture ma chlnea. Operatora earn S25 to .lo i learn buslnese In 10 days: DAY ana NIGHT OPEN PUNDA i V N. Y. MOVING-PICTURE SCUOOU B-Oi Waahlneton Street. BELMONT ACTO SCHOOL. Tha only thoroughly equipped cno ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON T9-- ... Take 8-S or ML Tabor car and look ue up before abiding to tnrou .i MEN wanted, age 18 to 85. for flrem.n. $100 monthly and brakemen $S0 on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary; no promotion to englneere, conductor. Ball roao Employing Headquartera over sou men ent to position monthly. Stat age, end stamp. Kallway Association, cara Oregonlan. WANTED for U. S. ARMT Able-bodied un married men between age of 18 and 85: citizen of United Statea, of good charac ter and temperate habit., who can apeak, read and write the Engliah language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnaworth block. Sd and Oak ata, Port land. Or. WELL established Portland house w-ant good, live salesmen to work on liberal commission Must be experienced in machinery aupply buslneaa. Will glv choice of territory to right parties. we want Bailsmen, not order takers. X BU. Oregonian. WANTED Ambltioua workmen; work o actual Job pay for teaching trade elec tricity, automobile, plumbing, bricklaying: few montha required; 700 atudente last four year. Write for Information. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angelea WANTED Firat-claae window trimmer and arivertl.lng man, for ladies' ready-to-wear .tore: steady position and good future to tho right party: atate xitii parnnumi. on alary expected In flrt letter. S 709, Ore gonlan. RAILWAY mall cierka, poatofrice clerk, letter carrlera, cuatom-houae and Internal revenue employee, to prepare for exam Inatlona; free book. Pacific Statea School. McKay bldg.. city. WANTED Tioung man to take apeclal $23 automobile course, driving and repairing; ? tactical experience: complete instruction; lg wages; ateaily work. Call 82t)H Washington Bt., room 415. THE BUSINESS BUREAU. HIGH-GRADE OFFICE HELP. 514. LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. WANTED Flrst-clase man In advertising , i..... .refer man that ran do aten- ocraphlc work: thla position will ray right man more than $200 a month. Small In vestment. Phone B 28D9 for Interview. IF YOU ar a salesman making lea than $.-,00 per month, call at once. We how you how. Hercule. Mining Machinery Companv. offices nnd laboratory 28 J -.a E. MorrlonaJUPoMland.Or! EXPERIENCED card writer and window dresser; atalo age. experience and salary de.lred. Rosenthal. 406 Rlver.lde avenue. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Accountant, live. practical, thorough, detail man. experienced: good alary and prospects. AB 693. Orego nian. SALESMAN. Multnomah County; Nuway Vacuum Cleaner: permanent, profitable buslneaa. None Renovator Co., 160 WmS lngton at.. Chicago. YOU are wanted for government poaltlon. S80 ter mcnth. Write fcr Hat of posltlona open: Franklin InUtute. Dept. 818 tt Rocheater. N. . WANTED t onre. three men to learn to repair and drive automobile. Call at Garage after 8 o'clock. 350 Eaat Waan Ington at. WANTED Voun. man for etatlonery store, with aome experience; to per week. AB 7u5. Oregonlan. FINE opening Tor neat, aober young man, email capital required; experience un necessary. See manager. 242 6th and Main STRONG-lad to work as helper In bread dept. Call between 10 and 12 A. M. Royal rtanery. inn ...,.-. EXPERIENCED dyework aolicltor. none oth er need apply; wagon furniahed. Broad- . . , 1 '! r.lnn a v wav i' v-- ' WANTED A bright, energetic boy about IS. to help In ofilce; wholesale house. Call 49 2d L WANTED At once, t men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Competent, all-round art glass cutters good wages. Address C. C. Bel knap Glass Company. Peiltle. REPAIR your hoe, W)7 Gllsan t., corner 14th: men' half ale 50c; first-class work guaranteed. CRANEMAN $100; section foreman $65; others. C. R. HANSEN -: CO.. 28 North 2d SL WANTED Boy with bicycle. it. S. Ervin Ar Co.. Ltd.. 2M"i Alder at. A-l STICKER hand. 473 East Alder. HELP W A N TED FK1LM.K. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. .43H Waanington sc. cor. 7th. upstalra phone Main 2692. WOMAN to aasist with light housekeeping and care of baby boy: good home. Phono H 2im. B 7ol. Oreeonian. WANT a girl for general housework, plain rooking; good home, good wage. IbO Kearney St- WVNTED Girl or woman for housework In country home near Portland; wages 20. Phone, Mllwaukle Red 402. NICE competent girl to aasist in caring for two children and part of housework. Phonf B ll-Jj EXPERIENCED saleswomen. Worrells, successor to H. B. Lltt. 351 Washington aireL WANTED Lady bookkeeper, permanent po sition. $73 per month; atate experience; reference required. H 7Q1. Oregonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re aponalblo poaltlon. Vlavl Co.. 60S Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced operatora to work on ahlrta Apply Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor. WAV TED Girl to assist In housework and care for 2 small children; good wages. Call East IQi3 wasted A steadv and reliable chamber maid. Call bet. "10 and 12 A. M. at 48 Union kit. North WANTED 2 -experienced girla for dipping chocolatea and 1 for packer. 383 Buraside atreet. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooklng.goodwage-.741 Irving at. WANTED W'altreaa Call at 404 Waahlng to'n at., bet. 10th and 11th. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking " . . 1 . a n lu T -. " Vlumlar, u r and I1UU.- m . . J .. - T-.T-iiv-tt and gentlemen to learn Chemical oTlr2tlng 253 Mi Alderat. PRIVATE School. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING: $5 mo. 2d 14th. Main .-.l9i LADIES: Learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty conee. OiRL to asaiat with houjwork. Apply 662 johnwon LAMBERSON. 554 Courh. a girl for aecond work, to mtwv -1 -- FIRST-CLASS marker and aorter wanted. Mt. Scott Laundry. Tabor 25. WANTED At Sl.ters Kospltal In Chiea. a TitiriN to enter echool nf nuralng. WAITRESS wanted at W Ruasell at. WANTED Toung ladles for telephone op ratlsig. with or without experience. AP piy Pacific Telephone Telegraph -u-ta and Eaat Aakoo.- ata. WANTED TODAT. Cook for lunch counter. $45. Pa.try cook. $10 per week tip. stenographer. $.'10 per month up. Clerk. t per day and board. Waitresses. $20 to $-f. Housekeepers, $1- and $20. Nurseglrl. 315. General housework. $20 to $30. TACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladles' Dept. ? Morrison St. STUDENT NURSES WANTED. On account of aeveral wards being added to thla institution, the Training School for Nurses la about to Increase It membership, and I now ready to receive application for the Spring classes. For particulars address: Superintendent of Nurses. San Diego County General Hoi pital, San Diego. Cal. WANTED Middle aged or elderly woman to assist In housekeeping in a private home; no washing and no small children. Inquire -21 Shermau st RELIABLE wxman wanted at 227 E. Ibtii, near Salmon, to care for 6 months' baby and assist with housework; reference. required. $25 WEEKLY mailing guaranteed formu lae; amaii capital required-: must call Immediately. Full particulars at 408 Couch st. WANTED An elderly woman to aaalst with light houae work in exchange for good home and small wages, phone Woodlawn P60. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. S.dtti Waahlnglon St., room $14. Maln 6oaa or A 8266. WANTED A young girl or woman to as sist In light housework; good home and $8 per month. P 702, Orekonlan. EXPERIENCEDglrl for doing houaework. 2U4 E. 01t. Call B 2347. Take Hawthorne ave. car. , G1P.L for general houaework. 001 E. Taylor. lUELl' WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. I0T0OO POSITIONS for graduate laat year: men and women to learn barber trade la 8 weeka, help to eecure position: gradu ate earn from 15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tool free; write for cat a loguca. Mohier Eyatem ot College-, ii North 4th at.. Portland. Or. ROOM lor aeveral high-grade eollcitor; . no house to house work; a corking good proposition-; easy to aell. Call 619 Mar quam bldg., 8:30 to 11:20 A. M. or 1 to - P. M. MAKE money writing stories or for newspa per; big pay; end for free booklet; tell how. United Pre.. Synd.. San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, "611 Swet land bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and office man. 10 years of good practical office experience, open for engagement Feb. 1; own a Burrougha adding and listing machine; operate type writer, experienced In wholesale and re tall lumber. Implement and merchandise business; have Installed many time-saving systems; very best references fur nished, also bond If required. If you want a good man. drop me a line. Ad- dress C 687. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED atenographer, employed, studying architecture, wishes position wlta architect or construction company: prac tical experience in eatimating, bracing. etc. Address 353 E. 11th st. WANTED By experienced man wtlh legal training, position aa bookkeeper or any general office work; either all or paxt time. AK 7"5. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER. 12 yeara- banking and gen eral experience, wishes position; first-class references. J 706. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER and general office man wants position; 5 years' experience. AM 7011. Orcgonian. MJeeellaneouH. OPEN for poaltlon. Young man with Ini tiative and executive ability, a thoroughly competent, bookkeeper, auditor, credit and office manager of over ten yeara" experi ence in wholesale and retail lines, five ot which In general merchandlaa, lumbering, buying, selling and advertising. Two yeara on the road, heavy clothing-coat line. Absolutely clean record, soberi mar ried, Br 30, have and will make good, expect salary to be right. Holding posi tion In Spokane change ia 15 day. Ad- dreaa G 700. Oregonlan. t . CAPABLE young roan desires to cast hla lot with aome reliable local firm whore there ia a chance for advancement; at preeent employed; will be open for en gagemeat February 1. . O 693. Oregonlan. WANTED Position with responsible firm bv boy of 17; Is willing to learn business, hut wants good pay: had good deal of ex perience In electric light buslneaa. N 0a. Oregonlan. . THOROUGHLY experienced. practical farmer, dairvman would take charge or rent place on shares: A-l references: give particular In 0rt letter. AG i03, Oregonlan. " WANTED Eaatern man. 12 years' experi ence as manager wholesale plumbing sup ply business, desires similar position on Pacific ."oast. AC Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE machinist with tVt years' exDerlence on American cara wants poal tlon; capable of taking charge of chop; beat reference. L 677, Oregonlan FIRST-CLASS meatcutter wishes position, city or country: all around shop man; can manage business; sober, best refer ence. Address AE 674. Oregonlan. YOUNG man with experience in general farming want employment on farm or. orchaid In Southern Oregon. AN- 706, Orcgonian. YOUNG, sober man (German) desire posi tion a milker and lone other work near Portland; atate wages. Address J., 2o2 Front at. Portland, Or. CHAUFFEUR who Is neat. sober, steady, careful driver, wants position. Wages very reasonable. Reference. A. J. Peterson, 575 Couch at. A FIP.ST-CLASS moving picture operator want poaltlon in city or aurrounding town and may buy aome lntereat In show. ,K 7Q7. Oregonlan. CARPENTERING finishing or repairing wanted by experienced workman; reaaon oblc. Phone Sellwood 1663. YOUNG man deslrea place to work for board and room after school; good references Klven. AdJresILDB..148 9that HOISTING engineer. 10 years' experience bridgo construction, foreman or engineer. E-st 414 V Strouse. POSITION WANTED. Experienced salesman desires good line . . i.i,. u enO flrtt ,nni,n on cop:iiiigaii'. -J '", ----.--" YOUNG Frenchman wants Job as milker on ranch or In creamery; experienced worker. AN 709. Oregonlan. CARPENTER, flrst-claa finisher and ex perienced foreman wants situation. Sell wood 1712. YOUNG man want position in retaurant or dairy lunch; experienced. D 70S, Ore gonlan. POSITION by man Bnd wife, camp cooks, experienced, will contract. H 703. Ore gonian. ENGINEER want, position as engineer or with wholesale machine and supply hou.e. j 7Kt, Oregonian. STRONG young man of 25, experienced bakers helper, want work. E 69a. Orcgo nlan. ALL-AROUND machlni.t, plepo fitter and auto repair man. 20 years' experience wants work.60l Eaat lith st. f-H AUFFEI'R. Japanese, wants poaltlon; I have man? years' experience driver. F iO... oregonian A-NO X SALESMAN would accept position to .ell merchandise for wholesale house. I-ortlana ana vicuna- n - JAPANESE wants position In private fam ily : baa experienced cook. AG 709. Ore gonlan. YOUNG Japaneae boy wanta situation of ahout half-days at houaework. C 700. Oregonlam . SOBER young man want place In Plumb ing shop: 3V4 year' experience. W 701. Orcgonian. YOUNG man. teady. aober want, work; anything. Phone Sellwood 89H. W ANTED Work by two competent car- penters. Answer L 70S. Oregonlan. COMPETENT Japanese boy deslrea any kind of worx aauy. c cm. v, -J"'""- YOUNO Japaneae boy wants any kind of work. O 704. Oregonlan. YOUNG Korean, attending; school, want po altlon. 10 2d st. North. EXPERIENCED Japanese pantry man de slrea position. AJ 708. Oregonlan. K.ITCHEN man wants work; wage no ob ject. 42 6th, . North. BY" salesman that can sell the goods, lo years' experience on road with one house in grocery and specialty lines; references and bond furnished. E TOO. Oregonian. STATIONARY FIREMAN. two year' ex perience. Phone Woodlawn 21)24. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and stenographers. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer wants permanent position; thoroughly business; best of references. E . ore Fror.ian. . EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes per manent position. Railroad-wholesale -perience.AC 702, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, rapid and ac curate, desires permanent position. Phone Marshall -27.-.1. WANTED Situation by competent stenog rapher; references; rooder-te, salary. L TOti. Oregonlan. , , EXPERIENCED stenographer d'rp Im manent, good-paying position. J ore gonlan. , . BOOKKEEPER wishes position; city refer ence. A M 7"7. Oregon ian- POSITION In office or as cashier; good ref erences. D 707. Oregonlan; Drcaa ma-era. WANTED Plain "sewing by the day; chil dren's sewing preferred. Call Main " STYLISHreises. 15 up: waists. '$1-50 up; fine work. 62tf E. Mill.- East u2i)b. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by the day; prices reasonable. Apt. 40,Main2o0! Honaekeepera. RELIABLE housekeeper or rlrst-class cook In small family on West Side; best ot references. phone Marshall 2111. morn ings, or address q 70il, Oregonian. Nurses. TRAINED NURSE wishes more engage ments: reasonable; doctor's referencea Sellwood y MIDDLE-AGED pructlcal nurse; doctors' references. Phono Main B:i7. " ' Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED housekeepers, cooks, wait resses, chambermaids, Invalid's nurae. St. Loui Agency. 303". Wash. M. 2033, A 4775. RESPECTABLE colored lady, neat appear ance, educated, would like a position In theater dressing rooms or department store's lady's toilet. Phone Marshall 1U35. WASHING, ironing nnd cleaning by reliable woman; best ot references. H 702, Ore gonian ; LADY A 1 pianist and vocalist; C years' experience in moving ilcture theaters, wants position. N 702, Orcgonian. WOMAN wishes work chambermaid, house keeper for widower family. AK 706, ore gonlan. TWO neat colored girls would like positions as chambermaids or day work. Phone i 4081. BY" an experienced woman cook, a situation In a small camp. AJ 700. Oregonlan. WANTED by manicurist, place In barber shop. Phone Main 1245, Apt. 10. Al LADY cook wishes position. 078 Eaat 26th st. North. . LADY want steady places for Tuesday . . I T.l OttOfl ana inunuujn. riiuim i'"'ii w.-... TWO girls desire work by day or chamber work. .190 Overton St. ' CAPABLE Norwegian woman desires cham ber work; good hotel; Main203. A 4n5. WANTED By reliable woman, light house work or nursing; references. Main 34711. LAUNDRESS takes washing at home. Mrra. Schaefer, 751 Gllscn St. WANTED AG ENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTEJ1 TO KENT. Houses. FURNISHED modern house of from 6 to 8 rooms, in Nob Hill district, for term; small family; reference. Address AN ilO. Oregonlan. WANTED 4 or 5-room house. 15 blocks from 3 2th st. and Alder, south part of city; rent $Lt; state what you have. AK 707. Oregonian. WANTED A 9 to 10-room house by Feb. 15; unfurnished, between Morrison and Columbia. 7th and Chapman. AD 701, Oregonian. ! FURNISHED or unfurnished house, Port land Height preferred. Phone A742. Apartaaenta AT once, modern 4 or 5-room apt,, or small house. F 707. Oregonian boons. WANTED, by Feb. 1. 2 or 8 unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping; heat fur nished. AB 01)0. Oregonlan. ROOM in private home by quiet business woman. B 101. oregonian TWO small or one large, modern, central. A 700, Oregonian. WANTED Couple unfurnished rooms, near school, cheap rent. R 700. Oregonian. Boom. With 11 oar a. WANTED Room and board, with modern conveniences, by young married couple; with private family, Jewish preferred; ex change references. Phone Marshall 1354. or address AM Oregonlan. FURNISHED rooms, with board, by young couple, with child: Portland Height pre ferred. Phone A 3742. FOIL KENT. ttooma- " PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flata, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2S6Vj Washington sL. R. -02. Marshall 218'.'. A 5243. DU.VX UV-HLUUK THIS TODAT. -M1LNEK BL'Jli.," 60fc MORRISON SC. MODERN. CENTRAL. KEAoONABL-L Furnished Booms. HOTEL CAPLBSS Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. Tth and Park Sta Opposite new Heillg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; ' every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private hatha etc: centrally located, near Postoffice; Ju off all carllne: very quiet; low rate by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. " HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting .several of our choicest room to permanent guest for the Winter- will make special low rate by the wee'k or month; transient guests given the best of service and ahown every codrtesy; located in center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people., rate by th week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick building. beautifully furnished; everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephones in all rooms: Una lobby and lauiea' parlor. Suites and single rooms witn and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day week or month, phono Marshall 193o. 625 WASHINGTON ST. ' HUT.h taVOa, 129 Eleventh rJU New, ' moaern brick building, steara -heated, private baths, hot and cold aster In rooma. beautifully furnished, co.y and comfortable. Kates very reasonable, call and ae ua. Regular and transient trad, .jllcited. . . GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3S7V. East Burn.lde St. Modern, steam-heated rooma. hot and cold running water, rooms with private bath; rates $2.60 to $7 per week. East 6940.B 1275. HOTEL BCEHMAilK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnlaned room, .ingle or ea suite- all modern conveniences; $ weekly u0T.JLaln5B47! HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th t., cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnlahed rooma; pri vate baths. Ire. phone in all rooms. XHf Elm Place, 4T4 Y'amhill at., rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat, private hatha and aultes. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New aal modern In every way; elegantly furnlah.d. rate rea-onabltran8ifcatseollctted. FURNISHED room with private bath. KOSEFH1END APARTMENTS. ' a W. COK. 7TH AND JEFFERSON. THE BEAVER. 12th and Maranali ata, weul furnished Bleeping rooms. $2.50 per w.of. anctrlc lights, hot baths free. MODERN outside rooma $8 to $5 per wees. Including oatha: alao housekeeping n $48 H WahlDCton L THE IIAZBL Nicely furnished, ateam -heat, ed rooms; running water. Cor. 3d and Montgomery ata. THE OZARK, 225 11th at.; suite front rooms, hot and cold running water, fire place. NICELY furnished rooms, all conveniences. 711 Washington st- Phone Marshall 2678. " " HOTEL NORRIS. Rooms $3.50 week up. 132V. 17th sL Furnl.hed Room. In Private Family. NEW', coxy room. $10; gentleman. 554 East Yamhill St., cor. 13th. Phone B 3090. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY" furnished modern rooms for gen tlemen. Gas. electricity, oath, furnac heat. We pride ourselves on our pleasant, clean rooms. 86 North 10th at. About two blocks from Washington. FURNISHED rooms for girls employed, heat bath and phone, with privilege of, light housekeeping. $1.00 and 52 a week. 11,5 East Main, corner 30th. B 1119. EXCEPTIONAL cTub proposition to twa voung men; this will pay you to investi gate quick; large rooms, private bath., convenient to two carllnes. Tabor 2tit4. BE LTIFUL room, newlv furnished, every-, thing of the best: gas. bath, turnace heat, rent reasonable. 35 ISth at North, one block from Washington. WALKING distance. very, nice steam heated room, suitable one or two; phone, bath pleasant home; reasonable. 5S7 E. Main. Phone East 5650. Mrs. Epperson. DOUBLE front rooms; Bteam heat and bath, well furnished, desirable location, handy to 2 car lines. Reasonable rent; business men preferred. No. 715 Johnson at. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in pri vate familv, with or without board. 784 Belmont st". Phone B 1.10.' NICELY furniahed largo front room suitable, for two; no other roomers; references re qulred. 123 North 23d rt. TWO good rooms, suitable for two ladies, use of kitchen and dining-room: bath, gas and phone. East 5S63. before It A. M. ROOMS "suitable for one or two ladies, reasonable; phone, light and bath. Main 32S4. 311 u. N. 19th st. LAKlihi ironi room, ." - tlemen. close in. 308 3d St.. Flat A. r roe bath and phone. NICELY furnished front room; modern con veniencea; centrally located; private par ty. 404 Clay st. ONE modern sleeping room and 2 attic aleeplng rooms, walking distance. 6t, Everett. . FIVE blocks postoffice; 3SS Salmon: nice. . clean furnished rooma, furnace heat, rea sonable rates. Marshall 2151. FINELY furnished room with porch; Nob 11111. referencea required. 723 h Kearney. Phone Main 2356; NICELYfurnis'ued room for gentleman, all modern conveniences; quiet, nice loca tion. 427 H Clay , LARGE front room, facing east. mooera dwelling: walking distance; modern con venlencea. 69 N. 21et at. A FRONT room attltable for two gentlemen. Call 8 East 12th St. N. Sill WEST J ARK. nicely furnished front room suitable for two; private family. 446 TAYLOR, near 12th, very pleasant warm room for gentleman: modern: reasonable. ONE large front loom for two $3.50; smaller 5; ClOSe in. 11- nun" Avm 245 11TH ST., clean, warm, light roouag. reasonable. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dW tance: il.75 per weok. 431 6th St. CLEAN, furnished rooms in private homo; $12 to Jls.MjiJn 4043. 1N. 16th. NlCELY'furnlshed front parlor suitable two or more. 192 13th, near Morrison. ONE very attractive large room and ."lie imail room. 0-0 naii-vm. $2.50 WEEK for nicely furniahed room. 294 11th st. ' FRONT room, suitable for J or 2 gentle men; warning uiai-nn-. ... - - SMALL, cheao room. 26S 12th t. MODERN sleeping rooms. ;tfo , 7th U nfurnlshed Room. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MILNER BLDG., 850 hi MORRISON bl. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THREE unfurnished rooms, close In. fin location. 273V. 7th.corner Jetteron. " RoomaJWIth Board. PORTLAND- Women's Union. 23d year rooms with board, use of .ewlng-room. li b rary. 6 1 0F1 and era. F. N. Heat h. u p -.. EXTRA choice" rooms, single or en u ulte. first-class table, aelect place. 83 N. 17tn a- ELEGANT room for 1 or 2 and flrat-clasa table board. 374 Park. IHe". CALVARD, 462Morrlson St., cor. 13th. Room and board; modern conveniences. Room. With Moure in Private j-acqlly. FINE suite, suitable for .mall family or three or four ladies or gentlemen; home cooking; modern conveniences. 017 Kear ney st FURNISHED room suitable for two gentle men. with hoard, at 2.10 10th. beL Main and Salmon. References. 392 SALMON ST. Young gentleman wishes roommate, large front room, furnace heated. flnetablehoard; jEVLY furnished alcove room, suitable for two. business people preferred; breakfast and dinner. Phone Main 2071. COSY front room for two, walking distance, two meals 60c. modern homelike, pnone Main 6485. , VERY' nice fjnt room for two people; also small room, everything modern. Just like home. Main 320. . WANTED Young man of good hablta to room with another: $30 per month. 6 Sth at. Main 3304. BOARD and rooms, strictly first-clas. select neighborhood, excellent table, newly fur nl.lied. 3i)7V. Mill. , . RESPECTABLE'lamlly wants to keep good care of a few children. F 709. Oie gonian. DESIRABLE. well-furnished room; good board: reasonable rates; employed people. 120 N.18ijt. ROOMwlth or without board in home of young people. Phone B 3068. o Eaat Davis Bt- WANTED Young man of good habits to room with another; 120 per month. 60 6th st. M aln 3304. YOUNG business woman wanted ag ree labl-i room mate, pleasant room, choice boatd. refined home. O 7m). Oregonian. BOOM and board for gentleman of good habits. 712 Hoyt at. COSY room, congenial home, choice board. 71 Marahalat. A4920. FURNISHED room, breakfast If desired. 52 .Norm -oa st. NEWLY furnished rooms with board: price reasonable. 595 East Oak. B -BU. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 355 lllh St. A 1636. BEST accommodation for 2 gentlemen; clos in Phone East143. MARRIED couple or 1 or 2 single men; West siqe. jiuiii " "null and board, 653 Washington St.; rate. reasons Die. jcTTrthRUP Neatly furnished room, with board. ROOM and boaro. modern conveniences. 204 , .s. 22il. Phone A 72.i0. , 1st FLOOR, front room, with bord'. ,f,5 week: for two gentlemen. 49 Yamhill. ROOM and board for 2; tarnuce K 22d St.. near Hawthorne. Lasts91. ROOMS; 269 Uth. near Jefferson, walking distance. ApartmeDts. LILLIAN apartments, cor. 6th and Most--ornery !: new. modern, furniahed. i ?or? apartment; light outalde prlvate lelephoiie. phonelarshall lIo. FURNISHED apartment four room, with bath private and back entrance. aril floor, furnace heat, electricity, abun dant hot water. 348 4th St. ANGELA APTS.. 87 Trinity Place, bet. 19lh nnd '0th off Wash. One 3-room front apt also one 4-room apt., beautifully furnished ; strictly moderiiu BOZANTA APARTMENTS. newlf fur nished, private phones, strictly modern, reasonable rent; vacancies now. lo Vi North 23d. lRis"APARTMENTS. Third and Mill st. 5-room. unfurnished, apartment, 4o; mod ern improvements; adults only. FOR RENT Three rooms, elegantly fur nlsned or unfurnished: best location. West Side. Call Marshall 1315. LOIS APARTMENT One 8-room furnished suite private bath and phone, steam heat; references required. 704 Hoyt t. ONE modern 4-room apartment, with gas range refrigerator and telephone. 650 Flanders, Tvob Hill. Main 8251. thr BERYL, one ol those beautiful apart nients, lor rent. 695 Lovejoy St.. near LLONCE Newly furnished 3-room apart irent private phone, modern conventencea 1S6 22d st- N. Marshall 2250. NFW YORK Apartmenta. 2 and 3 rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam heat, tree phone. East 7th and Belmont. FOUR large rooms, steam heat, hot water. 35th and East Morrison. $35. Phone Ta- bor 131. ONEONTA. 1ST 17th. near YamhllL Furnished apartmenta tteam-heated. CECELIA Apartments, 22d and Gllsan; t room apartment with all modern conve niences: rent reasonable. THE JUANITA. 325 11th at.: nicely fur nished apartmenta TVVO-room apartment, mcnts. East 1345. Sacramento Apart- TWO" well-furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. 391 7th su ELANMYR, furnished and unfurnished apartments. 226 20th at. Marshall 2U27. g"" ROOMS and private bath, heat and all "X modern conveniences. ,. aiorrison. FL'BNISHeT5 2 -room apartmenta 603 V Alder. Collins Apartment.