TIIE MOUSING OKEGOXIAX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1011. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF SKECOXIAX TEtXPHOXKSL tvOnniKtn Vata TT City elre-slarloa .........Mala toro harasta Editor ....... .Main TOTO iruneay editor Main TTO Tropowlnr-rooni ...... ..Mala T0T0 not. kaUdlna- Mam TOT A A aeoi A OM A AMTSKMEXT3. Hr.IT.IO THEATER f p.venth and Tavler rt J'frsnn TV Anrll In th. muai nl pla- -Tha Beauty Spot." Tonight at IS o'clork. BVTH HtATrn isrt--i:ti and r-a.) The Bokar Stock ComoaB t -Tha Man On tha Ttox" tonight at 8:15. Brxr.ALOW THEATER Twtft" and Vorrion "Tha Squaw Man." Tonight at 15. C HEf.M THEATER rcerrtaoa. tj.rw tjtti and (molb) aode-rti:. This efl niMa at :IS and tonight at :!&. CRND THEATER (Park and TVaahtas li Vaud.vllla. Thla afternoon at :!, tonlibt at T:M asd B. tTRrr 1RKTSS (Seventh and M- I -Tie Comdy Company In "A Mix I'p. T'ii afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at K and 9. TAM THEATER Park and Waahlngtoa Motion plrturae. Continuous, frona to 10:30 p. it. Fiftieth Anniversary Number Will Be Issued February 4 Price 5 cents. Postage in Uni ted States, Canada, Mexico and the Island possessions, 7 cents. Foreign postage, 14 cents. AdTTtlaaaaaata Intended for f ft oty Nmi a Brief eeleannx la laaday'a la. a aaaat a ended In Taw Oreawelaa aalaeeei UMa Tr "cteck a a tartar CtTMouci to Erect Chap ex Aa a re sult of the recent visit of Archbishop Christie to Rose City Park, a alte of a rl:urch and school baa been purchased of lUrlman Thompson. The tract Is an acre and a quarter, at the comer of East Fifty-fourth street and Alameda avenue, and, a chapel costing; C5t will be erected at once. A building committee has been appointed by the parish with Instructional to proceed with the erection of the rhanel as soon aa possible. Rev. Father McDevttt Is the rector appointed to have eharre of the work In the new parish, mhk-h la called St. Rose parkh. There are about it families In the new parish. Kt Balk. Two lfln-hnrsepower horizontal return tubular boiler, complete with enclosed type feed water heater, SSxI'ixS Cmlth Vaikt feed pump. Dodge Injectors, safety calves, crown valves, sis-Inch header and all ancle valves, and Wlltlama feed water regulator, with safety water columns; In good condition; also, one 13-horsepower vertical submersed-head, tubular-boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings. Including; Buffalo Injector; almost new ud only a awiort time. For further par ticular Inquire at room 301 Oregonian building". Si-ujvaw GricH Fkwta Tone Subdi viding the Sullivan t.uloh sewer Into s?c tlora for the purpose of letting separate contracts for the work was discussed at the meeting of the aewer committee of the executive board yesterday. Estimates have been completed for the cost of the first eectlon, which Is to extend from t..e river to East Twenty-ninth street. For thla section alone the property ownens will have to pay more than (3)0.000. The purpose of dividing the sewer Into sec tions la to allow small contractors a chance to compete with those who would be In position to bid for the entire job. Year' a Term. Saltojc Tratfi Fatx,-' "I was a fool.- said Stanley B. Hani, pleading guilty In the Municipal Court yesterday morning: to a charge of larceny which had been reduced from a com plaint alleging burglary. He was caught by Detectives Hyde, Pressey. Hellyer and Moloney robbing a cash register in a sa loon at Thirteenth and Washington streets, early yesterday morning. He had entered the basement and broken through the floor into the saloon. He was sentenced to serve a year at the rock pile. C1A.-e Favor Iocai. Board. The Mount Srott Oltlsena' League favors the local Initiative public service commission measure prepared by A committee from the push clubs over the Legislative measure. At a mass meeting held under Its auspices resolution were adopted en dorsing the local measure. The reewlu tlons declare against the plan of placing the duties In the hands of the State Kail road Commission. The Woodstock Push Club also had adopted simiiar resolut'ons. Mrs. Marcotttj to Rbmaix ix Cali ftria. Rev. Henry Marcotte. pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Ilolla day'a Addition, has taken his wife to lxwer California, where she will remain for several months in the hope that a rhange in climate will benefit her health. Mr. Marcotte la expected back within about a week. A letter received yearter iiy from him statea that Mr. Marcotte had already been benefited and was In excellent spirits. Mrs. Dtobrt to Br Buried Todat. Funeral service for the late Mrs. A. J. Pygrt. who died at Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday morning, following an operation, will be held tomorrow morning from Holman'a undertaking l-arlora. Her body will be cremated. Mrs. lvgert Is survived by her husband. A. J. Dygert. head of a well-known book bind ery, and a daughter, Mrs. Celeste Bucb r.r. nnvi to Diaovss rcm rations. The Portland Woman's Hub will meet Friday at S P. M. In Women of Woodcraft HalL 'Interior and Mural Decoration will be the subject for the afternoon and a most Intereeslng meeting Is assured as Wlll am R. Moor and H. F. Wants, both of whom have had wfrle experience and study In this) work"wlll speak. ' K. It. VlMII. No better. ri H. irgu. the pioneer who Is helpless from paraly sis at hiss residence In Holladay'e Addi tion, was no better yesterdsy. Dr. Dav Raffertr. who I" attending him. said that there was complete paralysis of one side of the body. He appears) to be conscious, but 1 unable to speak distinctly. rev. WtiAJAM Parsoxs to I-ectvre. Rev. William Parsons, of the Third Pres bvtertan Church, will lecture tonight on -The Passion Play In the Sellwood Branch T. M. C. A., under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Spokane Avenue Presbyterian Church, tor the benefit of the branch. IltHWATIXJ' WSLTSS Pt-XtSHED. Pletro Laplano. arcueed of being an ac complice of two men who robbed another near Rlvervaiw Cemetery Wednesdsy morning, was arraigned In the Municipal Court yesterday morning on a charge of vagrancy. He was fined $'. and aent to the rockplle for to day Rroadwat Bridosj Is FraJBCT. The Northeast Side Improvement Association will hold an Important meeting tonight In Woodmen hall on Russell street and Rodney avenue, to discuss the rlght-of-a ay question for the Broadway bridge. Avtbr January XI. 1011. carriages, to or from parties, theaters, etc.. will be n each way. Round trip or exclusive use. ji. This rate Includes Inside the two mile circle. Central Stables. Anderson Urcei. Portland Carriage Co. ArrEJt Jaktart n SOHWAB PRIWTTXO CO. Will Bsj Located at 5h, stark street. OM DOOR East or Prssest JUjcatios. D Sou Cohe TO Ljcad. Services at Temple Beth Israel tonight will be con' ducted by D. Soils Cohen. A quartette. ..nrter direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch Baaer. will give several selections. a-, Watcw Ttm-TAis.l-io.-C. Chrlitan asn. d floor corbett bldg. Take elevator. TV. l IHsrard. tonight. Masonic Temple. Wooaters Xcr aoUons, 4ut Washlnfton. ArxEOED Thief Takes. Charged wli stealing a handbag containing tltiOO at other values, Harry MctJraw was a tectlve had watched for many hours the place where he had deposited nis 1001 The handbag was recovered with Its con- n r - int... f,rv Xfi WSi rrell. ol Adair. Idaho, was staying at the Ana cortes Hotel when Mcyraw went there to visit a friend. It la alleged that he saw the handbag lying In the woman s room and carried It away. v,f T? . bgtti Ovti Each. Th hey are the' next bext thine to China pliea ants. Fancy. fresh dressed Oregon chickens. 25 cents a pound (no cold stor- mmm TtthKltM .hif.cnS And Mil ttlO following meats can be had at every one of Frank I Smith s 3 manseis. m.o loBe of mutton, mutton chops, sirloin steak and round steait are i wui shoulders of mutton and beef to boil stew, etc.. for 10 cents; rib steak Is 1' v., I hreaxt roasts of vea and o-n roasts of veal are IVi cents and lb cents. Pot roasts are 11 cents anu Uli cents. Shoulder roasts of pork are 15 cents and 1JV4 cents, sraiin m purca kettle-rendered lard, a three-pound pa a- ..! a evA-nound-Dfl.il for ' n iH a tsn-nound nail for S1.35. Extra fancy breakfast bacon by the piece or half piece Is 22H cents. Good lean bacon Is 20 cents; heavy bacon Is 171s cents. Avoid coij Storaok Food. The siurest way to avoid cold storage iooo. if io tip the beef trust's markets and patron ise Frank U 8mlth. At any of Smith's - mork.K oi pan buy absolutely fresh Oregon ranch egg for 35 cents; other good eggs are 30 cents, uaaiarm ouuei, Norway butter and Primrose butter are two pounds for SO cents. Smith's Clover- leaf butter, one pounu tor t.. ,,k r tiisA butters Is guar anteed free and churned from aweet cream only a few daya ago. Alumnae Entertainment Course. 4th number, tonight. Masonic Temple, Hubbard Lecture-Recitai. tonight at Masonic Temple. " MAyOBKlOSITION TAZWEX.I HELD TO BE UNFAIR IX STVVTEMISXTS. Itefnaal to lleslsn Brings Recital Jom Simon or Dismissal rom Office in J02. Municipal Judge Taxwell was placed In anything but a favorable light by Mayor Simon, when the Mayor was asked yes terday to give has opinion regarding Mr. Taxwell's refusal to resign from office. The Msyor haa been slow about express ing himself on the subject, but when asked yesterday concerning Mr. Tax well's charges that the Mayor, when United Statea Senator, had unjustly dis charged him. Mr. Simon made the fol lowing atatement: "The office of Municipal Judge carries a salary of 150 a month. Is an office of no great Importance and for the few months that Taawell seeks to hold on to It. the course adopted by him one would think hardly Justitled. 'I gather from reading last evening's Telegram that Judge Taawell now aeeka to excuse his course in violating his pledge and refusing to tender his resig nation as agreed by the statement that In 19uAj while he was acting as my private secretary at Washington. D. C, I dis missed him from my service, implying, if not directly stating, that the dismissal waa for an insufficient cause. "After the lapse of these many years It seenua hardly necessary for me to re vamp the grounda for his dismissal or to Justify my action. It will be conceded by every fair-minded, peraon. and Indeed It is universally acknowledged, that the tenure of office of a private secretary la the pleasure of the appointing power. The position Is one of special trust and confidence and no one will contend that any reason must be assigned for a change In the private secretaryship. "In this connection I think 1 Ought to call attention to the fact that after leav ing my service as private secretary he entered the office of my law firm as stenographer and remained in Its employ for aeveral years, and until- he opened a law office on his own account. "During all this time he was pretend ing the utmost friendship and loyalty to Sfaaletpad J wis George Taiwrll, Whea Refanal to Realga at May er's Reqoeat 1 CaaalBg Taraieii. me. reiterating It when he solicited the appointment, as Municipal Judge until February i. "I had no reason to suspect that there was any unfriendliness to me on hla part, and I ran only think that the state ment he row makea that he was unfairly relieved of his position as my private secretary In Ifril Is a mere aubterfuge and a miserable pretense for justifying has present rourse.7 W. M. LAPP IS PRESIDENT Colombia Life A Tr-oAt Shows In creased Assets. TV. M. Ladd was elected President of the Columbia Life and Trust Company at the annual meeting of the company In the tipaldtng building yesterday. T. B. Wilcox, a P. Lock wood and Edward Cocklngham were elected Vice Presi dents and M. M. Johnson. Secretary. The report of 8. P. Lock wood, the manager, showed a great Increase of assets, from :9J.105.JJ to S344.64I.U. The Insurance In force' la $$.500,000. an Increase of more than $1,000,000. The surplus above all policy liabilities Is I9.:9.!7. an Increase of I14.403.al. Of the 1200.000 capital stock. 1173.500 waa represented at the meeting. Reek Sprtaaa CaeJ. Tbe best bouse coal. Liberty Coal ft. lee Co, exclusive agents, 31 Nana JTsarsaeata street. Mala 1443: A 311. For dry fir and hardwood call E SOS and C S303. Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc. i I'M'"' iV" t I - ' J i 4 BAILEY IS PITIED Grand Jury May Advise De claring Office Vacant. SHORTCOMINGS ARE PETTY Not All of Furniture Returned to State Is of Character Suited to Orrice NecdsIndlctmcnt Is Unlikely. Actuated by pity, it is probable that the grand Jury which Is now investigat ing Uie official acts of J. W. Bailey, State Dairy and Food Commissioner, under direction of District Attorney Cameron, will recommend to the Circuit Court that Bailey's office be declared vacant on the ground of his incompe tency, but that no criminal indictment will be returned. ' HIt Is hinted that the specific omission upon which the request will be hinged Is the failure of Bailey to Issue a monthly bulletin of foods tested and the results found, as Is required by the Pure Food Law of the etate. Desplte his attempts to explain away the seeming discrepancies In his ac counts and his declaration of faith In his ultimate ability to do so, Bailey, It Is said, really only excited the pity of the members of the grand Jury, who rec ognise In him a man incompetent, by reason of lack of business knowledge, to perform properly the duties of State Dairy and Pure Food Commissioner. Bailey Is 62 years old and it is argued that to return an indictment and pro ceed with a trial which might result In his incarceration in prison would be un necessarily severe. In view of the fact that, so far is known, his financial dis crepancies have been petty in character. Indicative of the line of testimony which haa been given before the grand Jury Is that of one of Bailey's deputies. who testified that the Dairy Commis sioner billed samples of food costing 10 and 16 cents to the state at 40 cents. It Is said that Bailey was unable really to explain anything to the grand Jury. Another discrepancy which has been found in Bailey's report Is his failure to return an itemized statement of the amounts spent In procuring food sam ples. The furniture which he bought and took to his home, later returning It to his office with the declaration that he bad merely been acting as its custodian temporarily, la not alt of a character suited to the needs of an of fice. This furniture was also paid for from the Pure Food Fund, in the face of a provision In the law to the effect that the money accumulating In such fund may be used only in the prosecu tion of food cases. OPENING MADE POSSIBLE Last of Fund to Kxtend Washington Street Is Paid In. x . t. n .11 f. mtnvl174 AAA street from Chapman to Washington streets has been' paid Into the city treasury, property owners are biui-uub . ... nn ,n how all of th Port land Helarhta cara mo down Morrison and up Washington. The payment oi jaauu, ine last oui- anlncr aAmnnt. COtYinlted the fund yesterday. The promoters have . . .v n .,m.A Vl w-mm V a r m In 1h WOrk urtii cun-Bu ........ - of opening; the street- Their chief mo tive has been to relieve congeeuun on Washington street by making a street car loop possible. The.flrsl move In the direction of completing the opening of the street will be for the city council to uecmc v.A c em n, a trestle shall be made across the exposition grounds. It Is thought that tne city win compiem Its work by the end of August. tt. nmT,ttt to whom credit la due for accomplishing- the opening of the street Is composea or unaries n. rell. W. H. Grlndstaff. Leo Frlede, Earl Bronaugh. W. A. Carter, Dr. iS. -W. Hutchison. E. E. Lytle, M. JL Spalding, Nathan Simon, John Corklsh, Lowenson Brothers, Eugene Richet and Robert Wilson. PIONEER OF 1866 IS DEAP Henry Law son Had Been for 11 Years Resident of Portland. i. t .v.i .AttA at Rt. Vln- rtenry wiowi'. " " -. , cent's Hospital Wednesday night,, was a . i . havlnir come to the pioneer ui ' -r " " --n ------ state In 1S66, when he settled on the lower Columbia, in came 11 jtois .s from Stella to Portland, where he lived afterward. Mr Lawson was born in Hamburg, Germany. October 3, 1834. and came to America when zs years "'a-" ""'.' i, nt naV Point. Wash. Miss fliary - . .. ... Besides his wife, he Is survived by four children. William H. Lawson. of Ridge - . . ... w . vt ... rnrii fanen. of Ore- gon City, and Elizabeth and Marie Law- son, of I'ortiana. Funeral services will be held this af temoon at 2 o'clock at the family resi. d'nee. 257 East Thirty-eighth street. The body will be cremated. WHERE JO PINE. aii tum. Amiimfimm tit the season at the Tertian. i PMtaiiraiiL Fine private apart ments for ladies; SOS Wash., near 6th St. Plant Slbson rosea Phone Sellwood 950. Everybody Admires a 6- i Foa hansbaaHawi. f l Sanaa aaMaaCaaM. I 37 ttmrr 5 - - HfwibtK.1; a wtiiioittmiX I er - .. K laJT cf TUmf'i jaW-tUr A.eaMaje, -a Gouraud's Oriental Cream cures Skin PIseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan. Pimples, Blarkheals, Moth Patches. Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness. Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires, x.- 11 For sale bv Drus-slats and Fancy Goods Dealers. Ferd. T. Hopkins. Prop., 37 WAISTS AD GOWN'S MADE TO ORDER. Our Clearance Sale i In full force. Every article In the shop Is greatly reduced, only contract goods eccpted. $3.50 Lopg Kid Gloves $1.98 Black, white and colors. $1.50 Union Suits 98c Long sleeve, high neck, ankle length. $5.00 Union Suits Spl. $3.98 Silk and wool. $10.C0 Silk Waists $7.22 Assorted colors and patterns. F. P. YOUNG 20 MORRISOV ST., Bet. 4th and 5th, Corbett Bid. L. MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. Main 9432. -A 4432. House-Keepers Weekly Saving Bulletin Follow the wise, and buy from a store that fights " HIGH PRICES." "We do not use this department as a bait. Only reg ular high-grade groceries as we usually carry on special sale for two days each week. We invite your patronage. " For Friday and Saturday, January 27 and 28, ve offer: Findon Haddock, 20c per lb., regular 25c. Trench Peas, extra fine, 25c per tin, regular 35c. Gif ford's Ripe Olives, "White Label, 1911 Crop," 50c per quart tin, regular 60c. Thompson's Peanut Butter, 15c, 20c and 35c bottle. Swastika Solid Packed Toma toes, 2 cans for 25c, $1.25. per dozen. We also carry Duff Tlordon Sherry, real imported Port Wine, and Madeira Wine, Bushnell's Irish Whisky, Jourde & Cuissin ier Apricot Brandy, Monople Champagne, in fact every Wine and Cordial that is khown to the "Epicure." Give our delivery system a test. We deliver to all parts of the city, the same day goods are or dered. We have ONLY ONE PRICE FOR EVERY ONE. "Sole agents for Rhode Sani tary Butter." F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak Neth & Company Collectors Established In 100. How about those old accounts! 35 Warceeter Bids, Portland. Or, PEdAL ATTENTIOX slven to reatorlnc old violins, repairing bows, mandolins, gui tars, cello or baas. J. T- COATES, Espert V loll a Maker and Re pairer, 105 Third St.. near Morrison, room B. Portland. Or. Van wlnllna ,rt weak on soma BtrlfltS. 1 L strengthen them and equalize tha tons. Beautiful Complexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Gr earn OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. . ... Si A dally necessity for the ladles whether at home or while travelli M,.w.ta th. wkin from injurious ' toilet S ng. It f effects a of the elements, gives a wonderful ttitr hiitv to the complexion. I 1 el- f t is a I Mrfwi nnn-K-reasv Toilet Cream and pos- f itlvelv will not cause or encourage the growth of hair which all ladies should guard against when selecting- a toilet pre paration, nnen uu-in' wvuue, i exertions heat the . 1 . .La .b n 1. prevents nnAamnce. Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for over half a century and cannot be sur passed when preparing for dally or even- Great Jones Street, New York. i m sri i ODD LINES . $3, $4 and $5 Hats $1.95 48th Annual Clearance If you have not taken advantage of these cut prices, do so today or : tomorrow, as sale closes January 28. . MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS': $15.00 Suit or Overcoat now $11.25 '$ 5.00 Suit or Overcoat now. .$3.75 $18.00 Suit or Overcoat now $13.50 $ 6.50 Suit or Overcoat now $4.90 $20.00 Suit or Overcoat now $15.00 $ 7.50 Suit or Overcoat now.. $5.65 $25.00 Suit or Overcoat now $18.75 $ 8.50 Suit or 'Overcoat now.-. ... .$6.35 $30.00 Suit or Overcoat now $22.50 $10.00 Suit or Overcoat now . .$7.50 $35.00 Suit or Overcoat now $26.25 $12.50 Suit or Overcoat now . .$9.35 $40.00 Suit or Overcoat now $30.00 $15.00 Suit or Overcoat now $11.25 1 Kn fflnPtr. Star. E. & Y. Shirts $1.15 $1.00 Underwear now. . . . . . . .75 &h.OO Cl'uett. Star, E. & W. $2.50 Cluett, Star, E. & W. $3.00 Cluett, Etar, E. & W. 41 nnd 900 Ties now 41 00 Ties now 50c Ties. ..... .35?, 3 for. $2.00 save $2.00 BY JOINING Y.M.C.A. CONTEST WEEK January 23-28 Durlag thla week the en- . trance fee of S3 la dropped to all new members. The Portland, Seattle, Taeoma and Spokane Y. M. C. A.'s are competing Id a bis; membership contest. .Membership Privileges la gTO0,0O0 Balldlng. Two Gymnasiums. Swimming Pool. - Hand-Ball Court. Cork Running Track. . Commercial Schools. Trade Schools. Boys' Day and Mght Schools, Amnaement Rooms, Reading Room and Library. Advisory and Em ployment Department Thirty Shower Baths. One Hundred and Seventy-two Living Rooms. Lectures, Concerts, Entertainments. Over 100 Different Lines of Work. Boys, Ages 10 to 18. Seniors, Ages 17 Up. Call and Be Shown Through the Building Free. Telephone A 6561 Main 7065 Mr. 'Wilcox Is going to build a 12-story building where we have been located for 14 years. So we must sell our large stock of UMBRELLAS before March 1. and to do so we are giving OFF MEREDITH'S 312 Waslungton, Bet. 5th and 6th IsltB staaa I Casnn asLaasS STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Kewatre! and brick structure. Furnished at coat ol (300.000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of Sau Francisco SANDSTONE QUARRY AT TENINO. Fully Equipped for Operation. For Sals at a Bargain. A. McMullen. Singer Bids;-. N. T, 74 Foremost Clothiers Since 1863. . Final Wee. Shirts $1-45 $1.50 Underwear now. . ... ... ., . . . .$1-15 Shirts $1-85 $2.00 Underwear now. . . . . . .. .$1-45 Shirts $2.25 $2.50 Underwear now , .$1-85 .95 $2.50 and $3.00 Sweater Coats. ...,$1.75 -65 $4.00 Sweater Coats. .$! $1.00 $5.00 Sweater Coats -$3.o0 For Coats, Suits and Dresses Worth to $25 GRAND Friday and Saturday sale of some of the moat stylish garments ever brought to Portland. A This is our last Fall and Winter season in this location and every garment must be sold, regardless of loss. This is the best offering of the Clearance Sale. The wind-up of this great event brings bargains unparalleled. A group of Suits, Coats and Dresses that sold earlier in the season for more than three times this low price. The cheapest garment in the lot was $17.50, some were as high as $25. The Coats are the best possible styles, black "broadcloths and fancy mix turesthe Dresses are for street or afternoon wear, " best materials and the Suits are the best models and materials. None sent on approval none C. 0. D. none exchanged. A decisive disposal of over 150 of the finest garments formerly $17.50 to $25.00, your choice today and tomor- 05 SEALY-LOWELL CO. GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WIXE MERCHANTS. THIS WEEK WE ARE DEMON STHAViau - - and especially adapted for the prevailing: Winter weather, fctep in and try a glass when you are downtown. CURTIS' RIPE OLIVES Rine Olives, when cured properly, constitute one of nature's most rerfert foods GWM Curtis & Cb.. Bloomlngton. California, have shipped Si a large lot of the finest ripe olives that we have ever een. lliey e law In size, full of oil and are not artificially co!ored. Their value as . I nutritious food cannot be over-estimated all sizes of bottles or cans. CALIFORNIA WINES They can be equalled only by the Wft hnra n. Till! une ol tiiw " Bottle. . 40 . 50 . 60d . 60 . 40C Dosen. S4.00 4.50 5.00 5.25 4.25 Claret Zlnfandel.... Burgundy.... Cabernet.. .. . Hock PHOTVES MAW T20O, A 6181. CORNER FIFTH AND STARK THE VERY BEST dentistry on the Pacific Coast Is executea nere. We have built nponr reputation on it. You can denend on quality and cannot get better painlea work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. We flBlah plata an4 bridsa worK for out- of-town, patrona in one dar it desired. Vainleaa extraction free when platee or bridge work ia order ed. ConsuitatieB free. HoltrOnms $5.00 22kBridraTsatli4.00 Sold flllinfS 1.00 Enamel Fillinn 1.00 SiWar Fillings ,50 Good Rubber - pl.t.. 5.00 Bait R.d Rubber M Plates 7.50 Painlota Extr'lies .50 SST aaKTHODS Wise Dental Co.,inc Painless Dentists rimnt Bulldmt, Third and Wsshhitton. PORTUHD . 0 OtaceBaaru A. M. te r. M. Iaaaara,taa iCCHWAB PRINTING CO JOSOLICITS YOUrt PATROSIACE 2.4.-7 STARK,- STREET -; "asjati-jjar -to ;; ' iV ML W. a. Wlltaaaai UK Miauas J mat will saw raaiuaa HOLEPROOF HOSE For Men, Womap and Children ate TOMATO NECTAR ' best i rench wines. " - Bottle. Chablis 60c Sauterne, 60C Haute Sauterne 70? Tipo Chianti, red or white 75 Dozen . 85.25 5.75 . 6.25 7.00 Morse V ku .A - M nw-Hm rtlnnfa chrnWL and trees produced in California, are illustrated, described and priced in our new Garden Guide. Copy mailed free to any address on re- -quest. Morse Seeds Sold Everywhere. C. C. Morse S Co. : the great California Seed House 151 Market Street San Francisco $7- P3 j ' 375 WMSiBjEta Street U a 'i