TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911. ' RIGOROUS ASYLUM TO Both Houses of Legislature Order Strict Delving Into Its Management. ; FOUTS AND STEINER CONFER ;J Supporters of Bowrrmin, "hos ' Spnrh Caused Investigation, ; Eaport Kusk Men Will Whlte iah Ioctor Fight Due. " STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. . ;j5re-lal.) Rigid and thorough Inreetl- cation of the affairs and management of !.'tf-e Oresjon Btate Insane Asylum was or .drred by both the Senate and House in resolutions adopted today. The Senate adopted a resolution pro J Tlrtlng for a committee of five mem- I en. three from th House and two from the Senate, while the Hotuve provided for -a areclal coramlttre of Ave of Ita own J members to conduct the Inquiry. Hth resolutions Imtnirt the Investl ' iratlnir committees to make a report of J their findings to the Legislature prior to adjournment. J I r.Iess the two nouses get together and . decide Joint committee It Is poss- Me an Investigation may be conducted ,by two separate committees. Frnds of Senator Bowerman. who '-furnished the foundation for milking the propoflt'd inquiry, do not wl-Hi In any way to Influence the appointment of the ' 'committees to be named, but declare - they wMI Insist on havln only fair and ' Impartial members officiate. For this . reason It Is not expected the Bowerman forces will undertake to Interfere with i the House resolution If an unprejudiced ' committee Is selected from the House I membership by Speaker Rusk, who said tonight he probably would name the J committee tomorrow. Mclner Advocacy Kxpcctcd. There Is a surpWon among the, friends I, ft Bowerman. however, that the House i eommittee will favor Superintendent Stelner. This apprehension Is based on t the fact that Fouts. Rusk's chief Ueuten- - ant In the House organisation, passed I the greater pare of yesterday afternoon at the asylum tn conference with Stelner. ; Furthermore It la charged by the Bower '. mn followers that Influences have been brought to bear not only on Speaker J Kusk. but on lnd'vldual members of the lloue. to Influence the appointment of a ', committee In the House that will be fa- vorahle to the asylum management. If 1 the House committee Is not satisfactory to friends of Bowerman. they propose to ? lne'st on Its replacement by the Joint committee provided In the Senate Joint ' resolution adopted In the upper house J today. At any rate a final determination of the ' Investigation and the personnel of the '. committee by which It shall be mads promises to precipitate something; of a ? scrap In one or bottt houses. L Nottingham's Figures Aid. - Senator "Nottingham, who was chalr '.man of the legislative investigating committee, has prepared figure which ; h believes may be of use to the com- mtttee planned for the asylum ln ' qulry. These show the amount of money ex- pended at the Insane Asylum for cooks j and bakers during the last biennial period, the total cost being $3033.70. He has also prepared a comparative state ment on figures submitted him by Su perintendent James, of the penitentiary. In which It Is shown that SlOftO was psid for cooks and bakers at that Instl v tut inn. Estimating on a ratio of four to one. this being the comparative num ber In the penitentiary and the asylum as far as those supplied are concerned, a total of IU20 Is shown for the pen itentiary for this expense, or practically half the cost at the penitentiary for rooks and bakers as at the asylum, based on the same number of people served. A.'jlum Expense Iligb. Senator Nottingham considers the asylum coat particularly high, as In mates are used In preparing vegetables and doing other menial service of that nature. At the penitentiary convicts have always been used' to do ths baking, but Superintendent James aaya he haa never been able , to hire a first-class cook for 10 a month, the wages paid, but says he has succeeded In having the cooking done in a satisfactory manner. As a general rule, be says. It Is difficult to secure good cooks among the con victs. Figures on the asylum were pre pared from the superintendent's biennial report. War waged in the Senate this morn ing over a report on a resolution by Locke calling for a Joint investigation of the affairs at the asylum, and ths report was adopted only after a run ning fire of arguments from both fac tions, the arguments continuing for over an hour. l'rumpt Inquiry Wanted. The rosin objection to the resolution for Investigation was the nature of the Investigation called for. Many of the Senators declared themselves for an in vestigation which would be thorough and exhaustive, while on the other band It was argued that, as specific charges had been made on the floor of the Sen ate as to mismanagement of affairs at t.e asylum. It waa dua In Justice to the the people that these charges be fully In vestigated and a report furnished the Legislature before It adjourned sine die. lluti rnian. who made the Hpecltlo charges of mismanagement against the Asylum Superintendent, said: "I did not charge by inference, nor In any way. that there waa grafting at the asylum. But I did express strongly my views as to the wisdom of the "policy ex ercised at the Institution anil I believe a committee could examine ' Into these things and report their findings. On the other hand. S-nator Wood and the other gentlemen who have spoken In favor of an extensive investigation. I believe are rig!.. There are two nVlda to delve Into and I believe there should be an Investi gation of all the Institutions, but I fur ther believe that the policy of manage ment at the asylum should be thoroughly Investigated and a report received by tit is session. Aato Cited as Sample. Kellaher made reference to the auto mobile which the ways and means re fused to authorise for purchase two years ago and of the purchase subse quently made regardless of the commit tee's action and said thsre le reason for the Legislature to believe that thousands of dollars have been otherwise misap propriated. A resolution providing for Investiga tion of the State Board of Health. tte llry and Food Commissioner snd State Fish Commissioner, was reported unfa vorably and the report was adopted. Favorable report, with adoption, was re ceived for a House resolution providing for a committee to report on a system ENQUIRY BEGIN I of auditing for the Institutions and to ' prepare a. plan for an Investigation. PEXDLETOVS KATE IX SCALES Legislative Committee Goes to Scan Proposed Asylum Site. STATE CAPITAL. Salem, Or.. Jan. J. rSnerlaL) Senators Chase and Bean, and Representatives Mann. Bryant and Bonebrake. constituting; the special Legislative committee to Investigate and resort uoon the site selected for the branch asylum for the Insane at I'endleton. left tonight for Pendleton. An experienced engineer Is known to have accompanied the committee, but Its members decline to disclose his Identity. The particular mission of the committee Is to determine whether or not the property purchssed by the state for the branch Institution affords a suitable site for building purposes. The committee expects to conclude Its labora and return to Salem Monday, VOTERS TO LEAItX OF BILLS Initiative Measures Will Re Inter preted. Abrame Proposes. STATU CAPITOU Salem, Or.. Jan. (Special.) Interpretation by the mem bers of the Supreme Court or the legal and constitutional meaning and effect of all Initiative measures and a dissemina tion of that Information among the voters of the state prior to the election at which such measures are to be snibmltted to a vote, are the purposes of a bill Introduced today by Representative Abramsi The provisions of the bill fol low: Section 1 tt stiall be the doty of the Sec retary of stale befr any general or : rial election, at which measures are to bs submitted in the people for a decision, as siwn as lucb measure or measure are pre sented to him. If accompanied by a proper number of signatures, to submit the same to the Supremo Court of the State of Ore gon for proper Investigation and applanation. Section 1 it shsll be the duty of the u preme Court of tho Ststa of Oregon to ln veatlgata tho merits and effect of any and all bills submllK-d bjr the Secretary of elate for consideration and to Issue In a conrise form an opinion as to tho legality, constitutionality and effect of any and all features of such blil In caso It becomes a law. nucb opinion siisll b delivered to the hcretary of State tolher with the bill. ad or before such time as will enable him to romplr with the laws now on tho statute books, for delivery of same to State printer. Section 1 It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to cause to be published tn ofnwal pamphlet to be distributed among trie i-csj voters or tiis state, following tns printing of each law. the opinion of the Supreme Court as tu the effect of such meas ure. Such opinion to occupy not to exceed one pn of said pamphiet. the expense of said publication to be borne by the state. Provided, that tn case the decision of the Supreme Court Is that sura a law or sny portion of such law may be unconstitu tional, the same shall not be pieced on the bailot. nrnnnted In the ornlal pamphlet, but aUee"be Immediately returned to the person woo submitted the bill. Section 4 That all Initiative petitions shall be filed with the Secretary of State at least four and one-half months before the eloctloo at whlra they are to be voted upon. MOUE HILLS ARE 1XTRODCCED List of .Measures Ilrought Before House at Yesterday's Session. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. , Or.. Jan. I- (Special. New bills were Intro duced in the House today as follows: II. B. 217. Chatten (by requust) kegulat Ing ashing for salmon in Willamette at Ore gon City. H. tt. 313. Pierce Regulating fishing on Kogue River and ita tributaries above Illi nois River. II. B. Westerlund Fixing salaries. of Jackson County officials. H. B. 2io. Cuuei Empowering State Beard of Health to regulate sanitary conditions of growing, packing, handling and sals of oy sters and other shell flsh. H. B. 21. Bryant Making Issuance of a check on a bank In which maker baa no funds a felony- , H. B- 2-3. Bryant Seeutbig and perpetu ating liens upon cnattela for labor and ma terials expended thereon by liverymen, feed dealers and common carriers. H. tt. 23. Clyde Establishing labor em ployment agencies throughout the state. H. B. -.4. tilll Providing method by which counties mar issue bonds and war rants for permanent roads. H. B. 224. Hackled Conferring on rill road corporations the right to appropriate rlxht of way through passes and canyons. 11. B. 220. Ol 1 1 f rohlbitlng sale of liquor within one mile of college or university in unlncorporstcd towns. H. B 22T. Fouts ny request) Creating Judge of Juvenile Court In Portland at sal arv of H'". B. B. 2-,S. Clemens Prohibiting any one not a member to wear or display badge or button of sny order or society. It B. 22u. Bal Providing method for annexing additional territory to the boun daries of any municipal corporation desig nated aa a port. . 1L B 230. Mariner Confsrrlng on the State Engineer supervisory control pertain ing to the construction of state aid and certain other roads. . H. B. 2.11. Fouts Placing regulation of public utilities of stste, save cities and towns making own regulations, under con trol of Railroad Commission. H. B 2J2, Belknap and Thompson Mak Inc It a crime to deposit refuse matter In or pollute the waters of the Deschutes BHr'B. 181. Thompson Confirming title te Jrxooo scree of swamp land ia the Warner Valley Stock Company. H B 24. Peterson (by request) Giving te the United Statea and the state power to provide for granting rights of way over stste landa for ditches, canals, flumes and reeervolrs. H. B. 213. Reynolds (by request) Pro tecting the ginseng Industry and requiring inspection of all seed or root stock. II B. 2M. Abrams Authorising Supreme Court to prepare concise statement string legal and constitutional meaning of all Ini tiative measures proposed, same to be pub lished before election. H B. 2oT. Ambrose Authorising county courts to make levy of not to exceed one balf of 1 mill for establishing snd main taining county libraries. H. B. 3BS. Miller of columbut Prohibiting sale of liquor within one mile of a college or university la aa unincorporated town. H B. 23. Thompson Confirming the title to certain swamp lands In the grantees of the State Lead Board. ... H. B. 240. Brownhlll Providing for pub lication In newspapers of all laws passed at general and special sessions of Legislature. HOtSE PASSES 11 BILLS Seven Senate Measures Are Among Tltose Agreed Vpon. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. It. (Special) The following bills wrere passed by the House today: H. B. 1. Llbby Providing severe pen alties for persons convicted of white slave traffic. H. B. 102. Miller or coiumDia regu lating return of liquor llcenso money .(..nn.itad with County Court when li cense Is refused. H. B. 110. Chambers rroiecung crabs in Lincoln County. II b. IS. Abbott Making an addi tional appropriation of S20.000 annually for topographic maps and surveys in Oregon. k R 2. Hawler Providing for re cording names of farms. S. B. 10. Malarkey .Requiring nus band and wife to Join in petition for adoption of a child. S. B. T. Oliver Fixing terms Of court. Tenth Judicial District. S. B. ST. Nottingham Permits me chanics' liens to be enforced against homestesds. S. B. 5J. McCuIloch Fixing terms of Circuit Court In Eighth Judicial Dis trict. . . S. B. 26. Oliver Providing method for proving official documents. a a 7 r cr- Trohlhlt insr sale and use of giant and cannon firecrack ers more than x l-z incnes in lengtn and (-1 inch In diameter. House Bars Floor-Lobbying. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 2C (Special.) Lobbying by all persons on the floor of the House is positively prohibited while the House Is In ses sion by the terms of Representative llahoney's resolution which was adopted today. The Sergeant-at-artns is author ised to enforce the resolution. v NATIONAL GUARD INQUIRY ORDERED Sharp Investigation of Militia of Washington Is Plan of Lower House. INCOME TAX LAW LIKED Legislature Ratifies Amendment to Constitution Anti-Noise- BUI I Killed Charges Against Soldiery Are Grave. OLTMPIA.Waeh.. Jan. it.; (Special) Both bodies of the Washington Leg islature today ratified the amendment to the Constitution of the United States as submitted to the several; states, pro viding for an Income tax. The House postponed Indefinitely the bill rotating; to the abolishment of cap ital punishment. The Senate passed a bill regulating the conduct of courts not of record. The Senate adopted resolutions rati fying the purchase of the steel bridge across the Columbia River at Wenat chee for $126,000. The House passed a concurrent reso lution demanding a complete Investiga tion of the National Ouard. The sensation of the day was sprung In the House late In the afternoon when Representative Ooss of King In troduced a resolution calling for an In vestigation of the affairs of the State Militia. Its officers and all departments connected with the Guard. Buchanan of Spokane opposed the procedure on the ground that all pre vious Investigating committees had cre ated large expenses In their work with out giving satisfactory results and that tho proposed Investigation would result In a "whitewash, with an additional expense Incurred." Inquiry Is Ordered. TK.r. was Ktit little nnnosltlon. hOW- ever, to the resolution and It passed almost unanimously. "There seems to be no question that ..H,tinn Af th- National Guard of this state Is in a disrupted and unsettled condition." said Goss. "This Is due primarily to political factions within the organisation, cau.- ln- . Vi Malvnatlnn of some of the best officers and men and throug personal prejudice others nave peon remuveu r bltrarily and without cause. "There Is good reason to believe that ... k-h.i Irres-ularltles In the conduct of the affairs of the militia. We have been unable to have the books and records of the officers Investigated, although various attempts have been made to do so. Five to Probe Guard. The resolution provides that the com mittee Include two members of the Senate and three of the House and that a complete Investigation be made and report be submitted to both bodies of the Legislature as sarly as possible. Reeves Aylmore and Jack Sullivan, an attorney, have filed charges with' the House, declaring that the Adjutant General Is not legally In possession of his office as he bad been detailed from the retired list; that the funds appro priated by the Legislature have not been properly cared for; that Adjutants-General received state funds., upon blanket warrants whlcn have been placed to their private bank accounts and paid out on their personal checks, and aa a result of this system many men enlisted and later withdrawn have not received their pay, the fund accru ing to the benefit .of the Adjutant General; that fully one-half of the en listed men are allowing their enlist ments to terminate on account of the demoralized state of affairs. Abolishment Seems Probable. In discussing the subject many mem bers of the House decried the efforts of some of the legislators to procure appropriations for new armorlea In different parts of the state. It now seems that the Sentts will concur with the House on the question, and it Is not unlikely that the National Guard In this state will be put out of business entirely. In the Senate this morning the con duct of Judges of courts not of record and police court lawyers was the sub ject that consumed the whole session. When the bill providing for punish ment of Judges guilty of using unfit and improper language was placed on final passage. Rosenhaupt of Spokane, who fathered the measure, moved that it be put to a vote Immediately. In support of the bill he said: "There Is no doubt that the deport ment of the judges of some of the low er courts can be greatly improved. Bulldozing and browbeating methods have often been resorted to when c- eused persona have been brought before the bar. This haa happened in the courts in Spokane that are not of rec ord and I am sure it has happened at other places. Vpbraidlng Is Condemned. "It Is time that the code of ethics he established In these courts. Instead of a Police Court Judge upbraiding prtaoners In vile language. I think he should be a mentor end look after the moral side of these poor creatures, probation is better than condemna tion." Nichols of King objected to the measure on the ground that it provided for an unreasonably severe punish ment and believed It should be modi- fled by making the penalty a misde meanor Instead of a gross misdemeanor, which Implied penal p inlshment. . After some discussion, the bill wss amended and passed by a vote of 27 to 11. LIECTEXAXT-GOVERXOU ASKED Resolution Providing Aid to Execu tive Is Adopted. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 2S. (Special.) The House today adopted Sen ator Calkins' joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment providing for a Lieutenant-Governor. Before doing so the House adopted an amendment pro viding that the Speaker of the House of Representatives snail be next in tne order of succession to the Governor's ?hair. In event of death, absence from the state or disability, after the Lieutenant-Governor and president of the Senate has served. As amended, the resolution win be re turned to the Senate for its concurrence. The resolution will be submitted to the people of the state In the general elec tion In Novmber, 1912. MEASURE GUARDS STATE COIX B1I1 Compels Officials to Turn Bal ances Over to Treasurer. STATE CAPITOl. ' Salem. Or.. Jan. 28. (Special.) Under a bill that oper ates In conjunction with the bill re quiring the Secretary of State to pass on all vouchers and audit all accounts, pro vision is made that all commissions, boards, corporations or any other state organization having power to disburse state funds, shall turn over all such un expended money to the State Treasurer. This money is to be credited to the commission or board handing it over, and shall thereafter transfer the same only upon a warrant drawn by the Sec retary of State. - Preparation of the bill was largely ac tuated by the alleged conditions of the State Dairy and Food Commission, funds for that commission being In the hands of the State Treasurer but be ing drawn upon immediately by the commissioner without a warrant from the secretary. MORE NEW BILLS IX SEX ATE List of Measures Introduced at Ses sion of Yesterday. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or.. Jan. !. (Special.) New bills were Introduced In the Senate today aa follows: 5. B. 107. substltuta for S. B. 46 Relat ing to the advance publication of Supreme Court reporta, 8. B. 163. by McCuIloch Providing for a parole board consisting of three members. 6. B. 189. by Albee Causing timetables to be published in newspapers of towns where railroad stations are located. 8. B. 170, by Bean Relating to ths serv ice of summons. B. B. 171. br Bean Amending the trade mark regUitratloa law. 8. B. 173, by Nottingham Providing no ltrae or sulphur of specltlo gravity less than 80 degreei be sold for spraying purposes. 8. . 174. by Dlmiek Providing for de positing with Stale Treasurer excess of state funds. S. B. 175. by Barrett of Washington Pro viding for conveying water along public highways. 8. B. 178. by Miller Providing for crea tion of drainage districts. 8. B. 177. by atalarkey Making unknown heirs subject of suit. .... 8. B. 178. by Joseph Allowing County Courts In counties of over 60.000 popula tion to ajd agricultural fairs and associa- U"B. 179. by Joseph Providing fer bonds for those entering Into contracts with state to build or repair public buildings. 8 B. 180. by Blnnoit Naming terms or County Court in Waaoo County. So Ion s to Ask Sportsmen. 9TATD CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 2& (Special.) Sportsmen of the state are in vited to appear before a Joint meeting of the game committee next Tuesday night, when legislation affecting the game Interests of the state will be con sidered. Most important of these meas ures Is the bill which proposes the crea tion of a State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, which shall have full charge of the fish and game Interests of the state and empowered" to enforce all of the laws pertaining to the same. Bill Provides Taroic Board. STATE CAriTOL. Salem, Or., Jan. S6 (Special.) Under the provisions of a bill introduced by Senator McCuIloch this afternoon, a parole Is created and in all cases where It Is discretionary to use the Indeterminate sentence at the pres ent time the bill provide that this shsll be mandatory. The bill is fathered by Governor West. The parole board Is to consist of the Superintendent of the Pen itentiary and two other members to be appointed by the Governor. Crawford to Ask for Collector. STIVTB CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 26. (Special.) Attorney-General Crawford. In a House Joint resolution to be Introduced tomorrow, will ask the Legislature to authorize him to enter into a contract with a Washington attorney to assist In collecting for the State of Oregon a bal ance of about 170,000 due the state for Civil War claims. senatOagksTstoria AWARD OF $25,000 FOR CEX TEXXIAL RETURXEDa Several Lawmakers Favor $100,000 for Celebration and Demand Reconsideration. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or Jan. 26. (Special.) Allow but $25,000 for, the Astoria Centennial celebration Instead of $100,000, as asked in Lester's Senate bill reported back with the decrease, created a storm of opposition from many of the Senators this morning and the report was finally recommitted with the in structions that $100,000 be incorporated as the appropriation. , Joseph urged a larger appropriation, declaring It the best possible chance for advertising the Columbia River and showing the necessity of a deeper har bor. Dimlck protested that it would be a poor precedent to establish, in chang ing the report of the ways and means committee. Joseph Insisted that the Senator from Clackamas was wrong in bis attitude. "Clackamas County seems to object to every appropriation." he said, '.'and I suppose if we appropriated $5 to pur chase a rake with which to rake the rrtoss from the backs of our Clackamas friends they would raise a howl." Dimlck aald he could see In the ar guments of Joseph that the bill was mainly In behalf of Portland and deep water. Oliver. Locke and McCuIloch all spoke In behalf of the bill. FOUTS FIGHTS FOR GIRL CLERK Young Woman Is Dismissed After Protracted Refusal. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 26. (Special.) The dismissal of two young women clerks In the House al most upset the Legislature. One of the clerks accepted her dismissal without protest and quit. Relying on the assurance of one or the Representatives who aided In se curing her the place, the other young woman refused to resign snd continued In her position. She maintained this attitude of defiance until today, when Chief Clerk Corey, of the Secretary of State's office, ordered here peremptorily out of the building. She then ceased frequenting the legislative halls In the performance of her work. Representative Fouts is reported to have Interceded for one of the girls the one Anally dismissed today. Fouts has threatened o take, the matter to the floor of the House, but It Is under stood that the threat will not be exe cuted. Oil-Palntlngs of Two Asked. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Through the adoption of a House concurrent resolution. Intro duced by the resolutions committee, tho House today approved the purchase by the state of oil portraits of ex-Governor Benson and ex-Acting-Govemor Bower man. to be exhibited In either the Housi or Senate chambers. The resolution goes to the Senate for Its favorable ac tion before the paintings will be or dered. House Passes White Slave Bill. STATE CAPITOL,. Salem, Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Without a dissenting vote the House this morning passed Representative Libby's bill Imposing se vere penalties on persons convicted of engaging in the white slave traffic. The bill provides for fines ranging from $100 to $10,000 snd for Imprisonment of from one year to ten years. IS DE Malarkey Caustic in Reply to Newspaper Attack. BLAME LAID ON BOURNE Senator Says Pnblic Service Bill Is Opposed Chiefly by Those Who Want Separate Com mission for Portland. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 26. tSpeciaL) Rising to a point of personal privilege In the Senate this morning. Senator Malarkey, of Portland, attacked what he termed unreliable and vicious newspapers, and repudiated tho asser tions made against him in the Portland Dally News of Tuesday, untlor the bead line, "Is Dan Malarkey a Traitor?" Incidentally, he placed wUi Jonathan Bourne some of the animus of the ar ticle, declar'ng, "I know that the man who serves In the Legislature today and raises his voice against ths 'Lord's annotated' who sits back In Washington, must become a victim of his bitter spite." Senator Malarkey said: "I am not so new in public life as to be thin-skinned. He who aspires to servo the public fearlessly and without favor Is liable to become the target of the Irresponsible and blackmailing news paper reporter and the victim of tho vicious and lying newspaper. Inasmuch as these and similar lies have been re ported In the press and have been spread about through the Senate chamber in an attempt to influence the Senators against the public service corporation bill which I have Introduced, I take this occasion, and I deem It my duty to explain to the Senators the position in whioh I notv stand. Bill Is Well Considered. "The article deolared that I had been In conference for three hours with Presi dent Josselyn, of the Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Company, at the rooms of the Portland Commercial Club, and by' strong Insinuation and Inference In timated that I was working hand and glove with the corporate interests to se cure the passage of this bill. That Mil was framed by Railroad Comraijsionir Altchlson. )n many conferences with me, after leading authorities had been looked Into and after I had conferred many times with Governtr West, formerly a member of the State Railroad Commis sion. It s framed after the laws of Wisconsin nnd New York. So far as I know it has its only cpposltion among those who sie In favor of glvl"g to Portland a-Public Service Commission of its own. The only reason I can see why these patriotic citizens of Portland should desire that city to have a com mission of her own Is that they are will ing to serve the people of Portland at the rate of $5000 per annum. There Is only one way to regulate public service corporations properly and that Is In line with a state-wide policy. Portland Railway Opposed. "I am not talking here from a feeling of petty pride. But I say that tho ar ticle In the newspaper mentioned was inspired by persons who knew that the statements were false, and an attempt was made to make me appear as aiding corpora'-ions 'by this measure, when, In fact, I know that Franklin T. Griffith, of the Portland Railway, L'ght & Power Company, has asked for a personal hear ing before the committee on railroads that he might urge objections to the bill. The statement in that newspaper was a malicious, deliberate and an entire false hood. I have never at any time or at any place been In conference with any member of any public service corpora tion for three hours or for three seconds on a question relative to public service corporation bills. "I believe the reporter knew he lied when he wrote the article: the publisher knew he lied when he published it and the men who Inspired It knew that they lied when they Inspired It. When Josselyn, Griffith or any other public service cor poration man wishes to confer with me on any question concerning his corpora tion and comes to my seat in the Senate or to my office for a respectful discussion of anything whatsoever, they will be granted an interview. The time Is past when legislators should be afra'd of meeting public service men on a common ground, and I am not afraid of it." Fouts Offers Opposing Bill. Solution of the public service commis sion question was further complicated to day through the introduction of another bill on the eubject by Foute, of Multno mah. In its principal provisions the bill Is identical to that of the Malarkey bill in the Senate. It differs essentially from the Senate bill, however, in that It pro poses to give to the railroad commtepion the regulation of public utility corpora tions throughout the state, except where incorporated towns have or may pre scribe regulations for the' control of such corporations. The real effect snd probable purpose of the bill la, If possible, to displace the Malarkey measure, which provides for statewide regulation of pub lic service concerns. This would be In the lntrest of the initiative bill for the "I had been given up to die by three of our best doctors, I could not stand it to be on my feet and I was so swelled in the sbdomen I could hardly breathe. But thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine I am able to be about the streets, a walking ad vertisement of the curative qual ities of your remedies, although I am 70 years old." - John R. Cochran, Lewistown, III. Better" than any statement we could make regarding the value of Dr. Miles Heart Remedy are these words of Mr. Cochran. He speaks vfrom experience, the highest possible source of knowl edge. If you have any of the . signs of a weak heart, such as pain in the left shoulder or arm, fainting and hungry spells, short ness of breath, smothering spells, fluttering or palpitation of the heart, you need Dr. Miles Heart Remedy which for over twenty years has been recognized as the best prepa ration of its kind to be had. Sold under guarantee assuring the return of the price of the firing bottle If it fails to benefit. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. MILES MEDICAL. CO.. Elkhart. Ind. CONFAB HIED ! YOU CAN'T LOSE ON A PIANO AT 0DR PRICES Any Piano Sold at Our Factory-Cost Sale, if by Any Mis fortune It Had to Be Disposed Of, Would Bring More Money After Five Years' Use, Second-Handed, Than We at This Sale Are Now Selling It For You Can't Lose. j Don't Be Bluffed or Misled by "Puzzle Contest" Sales, "Fire Sales" or "Thousand -Dollar Challenges." We've Got the Goods, New Goods, and Better Goods, for Half the Price, at 361 Morrison. We -want takers at once for about 30 fine pianos, at less than half their actual retail selling price. Actual fac tory wholesale cost will take any pi and in this store. This will make the $400 piano cost tho buyer but $195 and the $300 piano $160 Our $450 piano $215 Our $500 fancy cabinet grand only $235. And our $600 concert upright grand in massive exhibition (art style) case for $295 and this is one of the costliest and finest pianos pro duced in any factory. Who ever pays more than $295 for any- piano in npright form, pays somebody a profit. We don't care who made it, or -what it's made of, where it comes from, or what its name is. $295 will build the best upright piano of anybody's make. You don't have to pay any more than $295 for our finest upright con cert grand piano' at this sale, and it is in every particular the peer of any $600 piano sold in this city No mat ter how old a name its got,, jor how you spell it. The "Cote" piano is built of the finest materials, and by the best skilled workmen, and will last a life time. We build these pianos in our own factory at Fall River, Mass., where we build. 10,000 pianos a year, and we don't believe anybody can build them any better. A careful examination "'of our pianos will convince anyone not preju diced in favor of some "pet name" that the "Cote" piano bears out all we claim for it, and we claim every thing that is musical, durable, prac tical and good in high-grade modern piano building and we guarantee it Look in "Bradstreet" or "Dunn" and see if you think our guarantee is good. Don't judge the value of a "Cote" piano by the prices we are selling at here in this forced sale of wholesale cost, but by its retail prices which are established everywhere they are han dled, and which are printed und,er the cut of each style ik our catalogue, and at which prices they, sell throughout the East, wherever handled, and which will be found more than double the regulation of these corporations In Port land and which will be submitted to the voters of that city next June. Frequent conferences between Fouts and Senator Kellaher, who has been active In promoting the bill providing for puch a commission in Portland, Is taken to be conclusive evidence that the Fonts bill In the House Is only a move on the part of the opponents of Malarkeys bill to bring about the possible defeat of the latter measure. SELLING ASKS M'CCE'S PARDOX Senate President Apologizes for "Stolen-BlU" Assertion. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) President Selling, from his seat at the opening of the Senate this morning, called attention to a let ter he had Just received from John Mo- W5KIDM0REDRUGC0 RALPH CRYSLERPROP. STORED mum ii ij WW.MU'I 1 ' Last Week of The onven One of these Kvery medicin to one 01 advertla more to s22ww2l' Skidmore's Beijzoin 1 Almond Cream'S 23c. SEE THIS vVTVDOW ) One of the most effective and delightful preparations made for rellevir chapped hands and rough skin caused for after shaving. Made and guaranteed pure by the Skidmore Drug Co. 1 bottle 754, 60c size 23S 25c size... Epsom Salts, 1-lb. pkg 4 Rochelle Salt..5S 9S 17 Boric Acid, pkg. .6c4 and 18c4 Castor Oil, bot. . and 18 Senna Leaves.. 3S 5S 14J prices we are asking for any style in this sale to close out quickly. What more can we say than has been said? What more can we do than has been donet We have more than cut the prices in two We have plainly told all the facts We have invited, in fact urged, the heads of pianoless homes to come in here and see these unprecedented bargains. We can't ":idnap" you, or yank you in here by the hair to see these pianos. We can only through printer's ink invite you. It seems rather distressing to know that we, in this sale, are throwing the public a "lifeline" so far as pianos are concerned and they can't see it, or don't know it, and are still run ning around town grabbing at straws, or procrastinating till time swallows up their only chance to feather their nest with a piano without lining some retail dealer's pocket with twice the wholesale cost of a piano. Don't couple this square deal with the many meaningless "hurrah" pi ano sales that are constantly being sprung at the public here by first one dealer and then another, under varied excuses too numerous to men tion, till the public ( has no faith in any. riease separate us from that bunch long enough to do us the fairness, and yourself the justice, to step into our wareroom corner of Park and Morrison and see what a fine piano the "Cote" is, and what we've got to offer; and if you're but remotely interested, I'm sure there'll be some thing , doing. You 11 firid this no "bunco game," but new pianos, good and fine, and for less money than you could buy a half-way decent-looking piano from the "second-hand jnnk" others are trying to work off against the factory wholesale prices of our new pianos of superior grade. We are ready and willing to save all prospective piano-buyers more than half their piano money, and are ready to prove it with the goods Give us a chance. - ' COTE PIANO MFG. CO. ; 361 Morrison St. Cue, a Representative from Clatsop In the last session of the Legislature,' in which MoCue refuted statements made by Selling before committee ttlat Mc Cue had stolen the sailors' boarding house bill and retained It In his pos session. The letter received by President Sell ing was the same that appeared In The Oregonlan of yesterday and the fol lowing reply was read to the Senate by President Selling and posted: Aniweiinir your favor of the 28th int., when I made the tatement last week con cerning you. in connection with the so-called tailor boardinir-hoirae bill, I believed It was true. Since you advise me I was mistaken. I cheerfully make the correction and ten der you herewith my apology and sincerely reKret that any Injustice was done you. It la. however, a fact that about mid night of the last day of the last session, vou took what you claimed was the bill from your pocket and showed It to me and said: "What are you going to do about it?" or words of similar Import. IV ITXU1.I"1,-,'.,.'I I'i Plates Free PU rchase of 50c or more (patent excepted) entitles a customer these olates. They are free from i or of anv sort. Only a few day get free souvenir plates. .:: :: :: Sale IF i Toilel Soap, the Dozen . 38c Packer's Tar Soap, cake . 15c Trana Glycerine Soap, each' 8c Woodbury's Soap, the cike . 8c Grandpa's Tar Soap, 4jt and 7c Colgate's Shaving Cake; ... 5c 2c by raw winds. A splendid lotion Lyon's Tooth Powder. ...15 Eoae Tooth Powder 8 J Pompeiian Cream, jar 33c Listerine 17?, 33S 66 Frostillv bottle. .14