FRIDAY, JANUARY 27. 1911. CITE MORNING OREGONIAN. RECIPROCITY DEAL TO CHEAPEN FOOD Taft Sends Agreement With Canada to Congress and Asks Action. FOODSTUFFS MADE FREE t.umtx-r. Wood Iolp and Paper Put on IVr- 1.1st by Itolh Cop n trie and Large Reductions Mad on Other Commodities. WASHINGTON. Jan. SC. Within loss than ton months after the Initiation by iTaaidant Tall of negotiations with the Tanadian Government, there was laid imuKaneouMy before the American Conirress and the Canadian Parliament today a reciprocity arranKement. which. If apf-rorej. will do much. In the opinion of the neftotlatora. to enlarge trade between tn two countries. The arrannementa do not take the form of a treaty, and considerable time will be eared In the consummation of the agreement, which can be made ef-fM-Mre by a simple majority rote In rach of the two Legislatures. Cost of Living Iledorrd. The animating purpose of Secretary Knox appears to have been to procure a reduction of the "high cost of living;" by greatly enlarging the free list, so fir as It relates to foodstuffs coming trom Canada. On the other hand, he procured a not able abatement of duties on a number of American products consumed In Can ada. Prominent among these Is bitum inous coal, which Is now exported to i ana-la to the value of several million dollars annually. There Is also a much better cpenlnjc for American farm ma chinery and Implements. No less than M per cent of the Canadian goods im ported Into the Cnlted States will bene it by considerable reduction of duties. I. u rubor Admitted Free. Both countries put lumber on the fre list. The intention of the commissioners . i 1 ,a,,.i.a .n nrlntlnflr nsner and wood pulp was effected, as far as the romlnlon government couia u outside the limitations existing In the laws of the Canadian irunmuu lnsnniigr AYnnft dutV Ofl riuuicuw ... ,1 . r. wood cut on crown lands In Canada, w... . i a . n h ntv will 11m only on the comparatively small proportion of t anadian du D or wwu vui ,...... crown lands. must be shaped as a law amendatory of the existing tariff acts in the United States and Canada, and It will require sharp work to accomplish this In the brief time remaining In the present session of Congress. Taft t"rge Prompt Action. V. vvH-m-i. n . . Mr ri f reel. procity treaty between the Cnlted States -I .-. . V tlH.lil.nt rv V Mill tA nu r www m .vuvu. j w- -- Congress a special message acoompan'ed Or tile Bgrtcmiiu luuaini u -Identity of Interests of the two peo- jn-s. tinned ii'nciurr uj j c . 1 1 l l.t. ,..f nna m nA nnrTHiihlril proximity." the President gives as the thief reasons for such reciprocity as he n .4 - TV TirMMfnt iivm he feele It at tiw -wish of tho American people that tela country enter into m ipwi t' and corJIal relationship with vanaua. Uherallty of view In dealing with the rt-nsA4. t r i r v l recommended. "We have reached a stage In our de velopment that callei for a statesman like and broad view of our future trade . . ....nlNm..!. h anM nmus iiu .........., -- While equivalency should be sought In an arrangement of this character, an exact balance of financial gain la ne'ther imperative nor ,i4iuui i.w j- .. ther: Canada's Products Needed. rk. a. mnllv. Is aeaktn ad i uvtmtnt of trade r:atln bttwto two counties tnta:a.l KroxrmpriU-allr ahouul be to clve plar t- prvdurtlve forf-ra as far ms practi cable, rrsarui.-s vi - We ha drawn upon our natural resources In aurh a way as ta Invite attention to their tii-warr limit. Thla hM properly aroua t -rf'rt to rontrrvl thm. to iw:d their waste arid to restrict thtr ue to vjr neceaaltlea. w- k... - i int-rvaail In rx.Dulatton and ao-- .,f t.-o-i Droduna un.' we mtrl!I lnraae nir production we cao before ua a chanse In our economic D?9lT10n ITPUl ' ' - i world natural producta fr.nn the farm ara for-t to one conuming and Importlnc them. KK-ludlnc cotton, whli-h la rtceptlonal. s radK-aJ tXani l alr-a-lr rhown In our ep..rta. In the falllne etf In the amoua-. of our aarlcultural pnvducts nt abroad and rorr.iond.nly markal Inrrea In our manulicturn exp-wtrd. A far-ihted ncllcy reriulrta that. If we can enlarge our auiply of natural resources, and ep.-lnly of lood orxlu-ta and the nce.ltlea of life, without ,i-.anllal Injury to any of our produ.:ln aed inanufa. turine claasea we ahou.d take atc;s to do n now. Protection Primlple fpheld. Xtr. Taft holds that a commer-lal sgreement with Canada. "Uy which we shall have direct acves to her gnat supply of natural products without an obstructing or prohibitory tariff Is lot a violation of the protective principle, a has been authoritatively n nounced by those who uphold 1U becatse principle does not call for a ta-iff between thin country and one whose cm. dltlons as to productions, population ind wages la so Kite ours, and when tur common boundary line of X miles In Itae'.t mit make a radical dkstlncton aetween our commercial treatment of -arada ard of any other country." Tbe President aaye that the Canadians "soon must declJe whether they are to regard thtmselvts as Isolated penra nently from our market j by a perpettal wall or wh-tlier we are to be commir cial friends- He saya: Effect oi Food Price Gradual. If give them reason to take the f.r m iaw we complain If they-adupt meti ods denying rce to certain natural -l):rrtt azcepi oa conditlona quit unfavir hle to ua. . notable Instance of such a ' poa.lhMlty ma be seen In the condition arrars-.lng the supply of pulp wood and tie wanufacture 4 print paper for which ve have made conditional proruloa In tke aremcnt. elil to be equltahla. Shoud not no. before their Polly has be con too e-jtallled and fixed fr manse. eet there In a spirit of real con ,lon acllltate csmmeree betweoa the to countn an l thus rreatly Increase tbe sat vral raourca ayalable to our people? A,to the effect the treaty would have the cost of living; In the United if.tea. the President says: I do aot wish to bold out the prospect nat tn unrestrlctea intercoange ox -xooa products will greatly and at once reduce yortvr. the recent small amount of Ca- eaIlaa surplus iot expon. as pimpw wna tmt of cur own production and coneump- Fxcludlng the element of transportation, tha prlra of atapTa food products, especially of i - r- a la. la much tut aame m worm ovar. and the recent lncras la price has been in. cvani. . ....... . u . Jiat a source of supply as aear as Canada would certainly help to prevent u'l' .n,r and -Void pep. ri! ".ffVet of a farthaa wort IsareaM la the prise eg lead- Inc commodities entering Into tbs cost of II ring, if that be available. PadfV) Ceaat Meneflta. -if in miklni a reciprocal trade agreement with Canada has been not only to obtain one tnal wouki oa i..u. -j - vantazeous to both countries, but one which ...!. h. mi. Kailnnal la Its scope, as applied to or own country, and would be of benefit to an sectiooa. . - " business ana tna vi that would be established forward and baca arro.a the border csnnot but Inure to the benefit of the boundary states. . ... h. tiaaded but pome reaajuaiuiww.- - In a very ahort period the adantae of free .... n communities commercial r( w separated only by short distances will strta Ingly manifest Itself. That the "dfn'"" of the sources of food supplies; that the opening o, the timber resource, . minion to our neeu. - -- ,, the supply of raw materials will be limited 'on, Particular section, does nou require demonstration. . Tha same observation apples to tba mar kets which the Dominion offers us In ex change A. It baa been: found pocwiDit w- - nd for fre.h fruit, and y1 mattr of w?cii m " Thiir prod- uct. In their season. ac.Mrlly I . Kf p.v " w " j Y: .r7. on the cost be cnietiy rominni " - of living, to food and forest products. The cost of living, affected by the duty on raw material, so much moo. -s no. within the scope of sn arwcoj.o -... cause she ral.s comparat.vely few wool .heap and her textile manufactures are This trad, asreament. If entered I Into, will eement tne iricnoii fi. minion which bav. resulted in a satis sctory settlement of tne conn--;"'- ",. lasted or a century ' u cood r?iirnf Deis .aiasv.. - -whT extend th. market for numerous prod ucts of the inlted States among the In habitant, c? a proaperln. "'ZTlX try with sn 'ncrean population and an increas.n, Prrn.,., pv. --- - ,guou;:rV..o7,Vnd7wi..rV. mov.ment and distribution of these lood- in,l.i h s message 1 fit I irsitir-u, . . by calling Canada "our good neighbor. Lumber Admitted lc. . rnartment gave out a summary of the tariff changes pro vided for aa follows: "Tho basts of tne Krcc.iir. ... i... taadina- food croa- v,..t and other graina. UCIS. Bl'l I a " '" . j . dairy products, fresh fruits and vege . .. ui. .i. ' f and tables; Iisn "i an - poultry; cattle, aheep and other me 1ma" . i . nmmnditlu now free Aiso "ilu ; , . . In one country are to be made free by ..i i. . . cottonseed oil by tne uiper, v - . . , . . Canada and rough lumber by the United States. ... Tin and tlnnlatea. now dutiable, are made mutually free. "Barbed wire fencing, now ""i"' . t.. f-anada. Is also exempted by the United States. Some Taw rlals. su h aa nnca anu a.,-. - -enter Into numeroua Industries, are to be made free by the United States. AH Paper and Pulp Duties Go. . i . ta a become free on the removal of all restrictions on the exportation oi puip w. "Mutually reduced Identical rates on secondary food product, such as fresh . i bacon and hams meata, nw'i'c,i . and lard and lard compounds, canned vegetables, flour, cereai yrcy-.-v. and other foodstuffs, partly manufac- tureo. ... Mutually" reducea rates wn . 1 .nrnmnHitlPl. WtllCh IU- RlinUIttClUICU eludes motor vehicles, cutlery, docks and watches, sanitary inmi, . i..ii,.f mods, nlate glass. una iuini . , . brass band Instruments, printing Inic and miscellaneous ariicieo. , i i na anch as nlows. ncr- turai i inti ic ..... t - , vesters. threshing machines and At lUa are reduced by tnw States rates. ... .. . i. .i . aticiaa is made ste A Small linv v. " .-. .i.i . .ch country. Canada reduces coalto 45 cents a ton and cement to 11 cents a hundred pounos. im w lowers the rate on aluminum producU and on dressed lumoer. "Total amount of duties to be remit . . .CTti.i..j St.8SO.000. tea uy n.o -Total amount of duties to be remit ted by Canada. 12.560.000. -Value of articles now dutiable which the United Statea proposes to make free t39.811.000 equal to 76.4 per cent. .(..HuMa, artlclea on which m .I., nroncises to reduce duties, :.5:i.000 equal to 14.4 per cent. "Value of articles imported Into the United States which are affected by the reciprocal agreement. 47.3SJ.0OO-equal to 91 per cent. ... ... Value of articles remaining dutiable at full rates, J4.771.000 equal to nine "Value of articles now dutiable which Canada proposes to maxe tree, -.i.i.. ..a ...i A tit K nar cent. VUV CUUa - r ... ..... itntlahlA articles on which Csnsda proposes to reduce duties. itS.- S70 000 equal to i.e "Value of articles imported Into Can . , ... .fiMi hv the reel aoa vnii.n i - - procity agreement. 147.818.000 equal to ""ValuVof articles remaining dutiable, - r la. r..A Miiai to C4 Tier cent. ..'.'.. nr rfntv remitted by the AUlVUii. " J United Statea on leading Canadian ar "Sawed lumber. $1,191,000; fish. $464.-enft- hav. $386,000: flaxseed and llnaeed. . .. -aa. miiti nve am L.TI V-TCOftn- veaetables. $257,000; ! .". tioiin- nala $142,000: . innuui. Hnlrv nroducts. $105,000 mica, . . . . 1 i , , . rvnsum. xiin.uuv; rani . -. i posts, etc.. t9,000; wheat. Tour. $7.000. -Amount of duty remitted by Can ada on leading articiea xrom tne ..mi "Coal, bituminous. $455,000; fresh fruits. $262,000: fresh vegetables. $242.- ,. - . . ..t nil live ani mals. $142,000: papers. $141,000; meal. luw'" fish of all kinds. $100,000; meat a - Aitn Bgriruiiuni imuiruicutoi products. $91,000: motor vehicles, $91.- 000. " , Provision Made for Free Paper The text of tha print paper paragraph . .ha agreement follows: Pulp of wood, raechsnlcariy ground: pulp . . j .k..i..n. Kl Ar unhlaadnad: ot wooo, cHwiiii-H ; , - - news print paper and other paper and pa- m. tKiaro. maiiuia.uw .." ..- wood pulp or from chemical wood pulp of . . ...i. i. . MmMii.Rl malarial wnicn iuim - 7 T . of chief value, colored In the pulp or not coloreu. ana . in." ... - crnts per pound, not Including printed or aecorsira 1 ' k . - - M M Provided, that such paper and board, valued at 4 cents per pound or leaa and wood pulp, belns the products of Canada, when Imported therefrom directly Into the lolled tit a tea. shall be admitted free of duty on the precedent thct no port duty, export license fee or ether export charge f any kind whatsoever (whether In the form of additional charge or license fee or otherwise) or any prohibition or restric tion In way of the exportation (whether by law order, regulation, contractual relation or "otherwise, directly or Indirectly) shall have been Imposed upon such paper, board or wood pulp, or the wood ueed In tha man ufacture of such pai-r. board or wood puip or the wood pulp used In the manufacture of such paper or board. Provided also that such wood pulp, paper or board, belnc ths projects of the United titates. ah all only be admitted free ot duty Into Canada from the United Htates when such pulp, paper or board, being the prod ucts of Canada, are admitted from all parts of Canada free of duty into the United Statea. Accountants Want State Head. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. (Special.) J. W. Ferguson. John T. Rich ardson. K. H. Collls, Arthur Berr'dge and Alex C. Rae. public accountants of Port land, are at the Capitol and will have Introduced a bill calculated to place their business on a professional basis. Their bill rails for a State Board of Public Accountancy to consist of five experi enced accountants to be appointed by the Governor. This board will conduct examinations of all persona professing to ow KlvuniaiiK n asuua v. I tnoM successfully passing the test All I .uocessful applicants will pay a fee of be accountants anu issue cnum.w " . ii- , . 1 .... XII . The bill can-lea no appropriation, the board to be eelf-sustalalog. FORGERY NOT EASY Handwriting Expert Explains in Turnbull Trial. LETTERS NOT ALL BOGUS Kytke Says Forjrery of All Purported Epistles of Woman Not Possible. . Woman Can't Recall Receiv ing Money From Pope. LOS ANGELKS. Jan. 26 Two wit nesses. Theodore Kytka, a handwriting expert, and Mrs. Lillian Ashley Turn bull, occupied the stand today In the contest of Miss Featrlce Anita Baldwin Turnbull for a daughter's share In the estate of "Lucky" Baldwin. Kytka ass given Into the hand Of the plaintiff's attorneys for cross-examination. He gave an Interesting exposition of the best, means to commit forgeries, which, contrary to common belief, 's not by diligently copying anotner s nana- writlrtg. but by turning a sample of It upside down and then simply drawing It, as one would any other object. Kvtka declared that even an expert could not forge all of the letters alleged to have been written by Mrs. Turnbull. The defense recalled Mrs. Turnbull to the stand for further cross-examination. A series of letters said to have been itten to her bv William A. Reddln, a New Tork lawyer In the employ of Colonel Albert Pope, of Boston, was read to her. They contained reference!, to money which waa sent to her by Pope through Reddln. and one referred to' $400 which she Is alleged to have received af ter she thought she waa Mrs. Baldwin. This amount was sent to purcnase pass age to Australia. She could not remember having re ceived the letters and declared that any money she received alter her alleged contract marriage was returned to Pope, as she believed herself Mrs. Baldwin and could not accept any further sums from tho Boston millionaire. The Countr Recorder's book then were resorted to In order to show the trafwfer to Mrs. Turnbull on November 24, 1893, of Pasadena tiroperty valued at $20u0, hlch Is alleged to have been bought by Colonel Pope. The marriage with Bald win. Mrs. Turnbull asserts, occurred March J. 1S93. The caae was adjourned until next Tuesday. MONUMENT MEN ARRIVE Dealers Are Unit In Desire for Ef fective Organization. Few In number but strong in the de termination for effective organization, the monument dealers arrived In the city yeaterday to attend the annual meeting of the Northwestern Monument Dealers' Association. President Thaver. of Seattle, will ar. rive this morning. H. J. Blaeslng, of Portland, occupied the president's chair during the afternoon session, ana Frank Weeks, of Portland, acted as secretary. The convention today will hear the annual address of President Thaver and discuss the conditions of tne trade. The annual banquet win be neia tonight. The members witnessed the perform ance at the Orpheum last night. Those who attended were: F. H. Watts, The Dalles: E. C. Lake. Eugene; J. F. Will lams, San Francisco: Chas. G. Simpson, Nelson. B. C: H. P. Scheel. Tenlno, Wash.: T. P.-Soules. Woodburn. Or.: C, P. Nell. W. A. Wylle, Philip Neu, Otto Re-human. Frank D. Weeks, N. A. Sena nen, John Dorcas, J. M. Newell, J. H. Imhoff. H. A. Heppner and M. J. Biae' sing, Portland. CONSUMPTIVE FEARS PLOT Patient Runs From Hospital Think ing; Police and Doctors .Ire Foes. Fancying that a physician and a po ti .....InJ Inat hla dnmeatl a.n.i.v Uaraav Vormim an 1 II V a 1 1 '1 caused ' the police to be appealed to twice to prevail upon mm to no v i vtn,.ni'i Hnatiftnl for- treatment r.rniim i a eonsumntlve and beiran -i i . i, i k.vilv TA'Adnacdnv afternoon. ga treatment for nis anmenu icen re went to his home at $11 Oak street, and frightened his wife, who appealed to the police. Patrolman Kllngel found that Far num had resisted efforts of his phys: slan to send him to the hospital. He i n. tm with the uollceman. but had been at the hospital but a short time when he managed to secure . rlnthaa. alln out of tne bulld- ine: and return to his home. Again I artolman Kllngel was called upon to ...i,. . . nt him. on the wav to tne hospital with the policeman Farnuin said he had left the hospital because he suspected Kllngel and the do:or were trying to get mm out ot inc w. SALARY LISTS SCRUTINIZED Mayor May Veto Ordinance Increas ing Pay of City Kniployes. i I . a . In .alflHM for eltv employes, aai provided by the Council, are . ...I... 4n mil . . u Vivnr DDi m it i iBiui . . J Simon Is having prepared lists of salaries In tne various aepuruneiita i . e .L.1 m ml r h tha nronosed ln- y&BU vi I."'" " - .- creaaea. After he has satisfied himself regarding the Justice In the various cases, he will determine if he will ap prove or veto the ordinance granting tnem. .... Two things the Mayor has in view In I...I.. ih. llata nf eslarles. One 1WIKIIIB " -'" - i j..n.inA it iinritia preference or a i .. , unjust favoritism is being shown in the matter, ana tne omer is v -co creases are, justified under the present low revenue of the general fund. The salaries suggested for increase were rec ommended by the heads of departments, i . i. i . raaiino- amons: many who have been left out that partiality has been shown. COLLEGIANS PREPARE PLAY Mount Angel Students May Present Irish Drama at Salem. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. Mount Angel. Or,, Jan. 26. (Special.) "More Einned Against Than Sinning." a fa mous old Irish drama. Is under prepar ation by the dramatic club of the col lege, and will be offered within the next three weeks. The play Is being " : i K V-llllan and Is the siagea u y o v o -. ... - heaviest that haa been attempted at the college for aeverai years, it ac.. with Ireland In the days of persecu tion and proscription, and has several very strong cnaraciere. T i c a m-lll asauma the lead Inc role and John Costello will take the heavy vUlain a part. Provided the DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. How Any Meal Can Be Thoroughly En- . . . kin n. n J"r Coats Yob Nothing to Try Sloan s wye- pepsla Tablets. u.n a a rule, are first discovered by their enemies. Their antagonists turn on the searchlight, and the proof of merit will lie In being able to stard he flash. i was onlv in this way that Mr. wkita ver knew that dyspepsia was nn. nf Mr. Black's worst enemies. Sit ting face to face at a iwo-mr-ii table, he handed his afflicted friend the bill of fare: Oyster Cocktail. siutiea unv. Boston Clam Chowder. Strained Gumbo. Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms. Roast Beef Hash. Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut Lobster a la Newberg. Baked Pork and Beans. Combination Crab Salad. Hot Mince Pie. Pineapple Fritters. Mr. White ordered a "little of each." Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers and a glass of mllic "i naa sucn a big breakfast this morning," he sail. that 1 11 Just taice a one to Keep you company. But air. vt nite couia not be deceived: "I am afraid you can t stand the gleam. Mr. Black. Why don't 1-on iit vou have dyspepsia and be done with It? You'll always have that hungry look anyhow as long as you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My stom ach was In Just as bad condition as yours at one time. But now I can eat anything, at any timo. For Instance, this clam chowder or sirloin steak or even the lobster would be Just as wel come to my stomach as your crackers and milk. Tou don t realize how tms dyspepsia business is robbing you of your spirit, of your energy and ability to think, quickly. I can't help notice It. You haven't the cheer and socia bility -vou had three months ago. Now I'll tell you what to do," and thereat the cheerful Mr. White took a v:ai from his pocket and extracted a wee tablet. "There, there is a tablet that contains an Ingredient, one grain of which dl- s-ests 3000 grains of fooa. for even the worst dyspeptic It's the only thing that really gives reiier. u ne reason is it relieves the stomach of nearly all the work It has to uo, digests every thing In the stomach and stimulates the gastric Juice. I can't get along without them. They aro Stuart's Dys pepsla Tablets. You can get them any where on eartn tor ouc a pacKage. Yes. it is true, Stuart s uyspepsli Tablets absolutely stop heartburn, nau sea. Indigestion, dyspepsia of the worst type, sour stomacn. Dioaty teenng ana all erucations and Irritation, and freshen and Invigorate tne stomach. They cheer you up, and make you get all the good there is in your food. You will forget you ever had a Btomacn to worry you. Send us your name ana address to day and we will at once send you by all a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 btuart Bldg., Mar shall. Mich. lawmakers at Salem do not abbrevaite their schedule and take their departure, the students will take their play to the capital city, with a view to offering It for the gratification of the solons' crit ical tastes. LECTURE ALSO RECITED Double Programme Promised In Alumnae Entertainment Course. The fourth number of the Alumnae Entertainment Course will be given to nleht at Masonic Temple and will be one of the most entertaining of all the courses. It is a double entertainment. helne a lecture and song recital as well W. I Hubbard, for many years muslo I.ti. a Hid r-hlfuirn TrihunS. h H an International reputation for his insight Into things musical ana since ne nas en tered the lecture field nas provea nim- if aa hriiiinnt a --Sneaker as a writer. He is assisted by Alfred Bergen, a young baritone who recently creaicu furore in Denver, and by Mrs. Campbell a nlnnlat of renntatlon. These two Illustrate for Mr. Hubbard, giving a real recital. BURGLAR J0 ROCKPILE Mao Wlio Wants to Start Anew Must Serve One Year, xTor-rv TCavmnnd. ex-convlct and pro fessional burglar, was eentenced by Circuit . Judge McGinn yesterday to a year on the County rockplle at hard i.knr Pnvmnnd nleaded guilty and said he wanted to start over again. The Court said his record was against mm because of four previous convictions, but a minimum sentence was imposed. r-.v Ttnaenstrom. .alter admitting; h- himm two worthless checks for a total of $13. was given a chance to start over again. Judge mcuinn let nim go on probation. Newspaperman Is on Long Walk -r.tnK r WirfhlnriAn. who has un- .i . -r r. u . . rt wallc from Buffalo. N. Y.. to Portland and return by June 15, 1911. in Purr and a rew aavs aco. tun i ... . i. mnmfnff on the return trip. Worthlngton arrived in Seattle from Buf falo in November, ana remainea at ocai- tle until January 11. wnen ne DAlanil TL'AlklnS &S he 1AV fit. On the return trip he will pass through Spokane. jNorinern lumw. North Dakota and on to Buffalo by way .11 , .wii i - f-hlraen and Cleveland. Ho Is confident that he will be able to complete the Journey oy ine epeciucu aaif). nuimiu6w" - paper man employed on the Buffalo Ex press. tTnllgltted Auto Causes Arrest. E. E. Cohen, manager of an automo .rr..t.n earlv ves Due compHu-i " , - . . a mnminr at Fourteenth and - . . Paimtniflll PrBV Washington Vi, ,iv.,,r for driving his automobile "ut lights The otneer reported mav . . . ii . . ih. inmm when called reiusea iw -1 - upon to do so. He was released upon his recognisance and failed to appear . ...j.u mnrninff wban thO In COUri rmriuu.. o case was called. A bench warrant was Issued for him, but ne arnvru """ The case went over. DELIVERED Bottled by OLVMPIA BOTTLING WORKS. Pheae Mala 380, A 4S4L O. I. G. 243 SJORRISOX S49 BEER SLOOt Th dtas IF fth weA h fthe clos IF Ab Qreaft Sdllninig Cleaffaimce Sal MEN'S SUITS They were $35; now $24.50 They were $30; now $21.50 They were $25; now $17.85 They were $15; now $11.85 Similar Reduction on Rain coats and Overcoats. MEN'S TROUSERS The $7.50 ones; now.. $5.95 The $6.00 ones; now.. $4.95 -The $5.00 ones; now.. $3.95 The $4.00 ones; now.. $3.25 The $3.50 ones; now.. $2.65 The $3.00 ones; now.. $2.25 !And Other Genuine Bargains in Every Department. Ease Accompanies the WeU-Dressed Man Men Who Wear BEN SELLING Clothes Are .Well Dressed. IB. EM FIRE HORSES IH DEMAND CHIEF CAMPBELIi HUNTING AX- IMALS XR ENGINES. Scarcity of Equities May Cause De lay in Establishment or Three New Companies. . . . . . uvaa n.w fl r"A en- pine companies will probably be de r . ., i- v, nf havlne laved mrguKii - - horses for the engines and at present Chief Campbell has been unable to una any suitable animals for this work Twelve or fifteen new horses are needed by the city for this work, but as the demand Is for thoae weighing between ?250 and 1600 pounds and between the ages of five and seven years, much trouble is being found in looting ani mals which win mi i" -Campbell said yef terday that the city had been aaveru...s ------ - some time but none had been pur chased. . m- W J. Wood, a naval arcnucci "t v,...- i w i i, fli-a committee cafco was seiecwu j - . . of ,he executive board at Its meeting THIS IS THE APOLLO, THE GREATEST PLAYER PIANO IN THE WORLD "meThTngTo other player will do. REMEMBER the APOLLO the original S8-note player and the ONLY one that plays ALL 88 note music, as veil as 65-note music. If thinking player piano, and want the best, see the others and then see and hear the APOLLO and we think it will be easy for you to decide. Ivers & Pond Pianos We are exclusive agents on the Coast for the renowned Ivers & Pond pianos, of which there are none better. A full line m stock, includ ing the matchless Princess grands. In fact, if you are m the market for a piano we can supply you with a god piano for less than can be obtained elsewhere. Try us and see. HOVENDEN PIANO COMPANY 106 Fifth St, Next to Perkins Hotel BOYS KNICKERBOCKER SUITS They were $15; now $11.85 They were $10.00 ; now $7.85 They were $ 7.50 ; now $5.35 They were $ 5.00 ; now $3.95 They were $ 3.95 ; now $2.95 Similar Reductions in Boys' Overcoats. BOYS' KNICKER PANTS The $2.50 ones; now.. $1.85 The $2.00 ones; now.. $1.45 The $1.50 ones; now 98 'The $1.00 ones; now 73 The 75c ones; now ....49? Quoting "VALUES" is quoting nothing at all I quote Original Prices and Reductions. SELLIMG LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON AND FOURTH yesterday afternoon to prepare plans lor i'oruana s new mo va.v, ,. to be built at a cost of about $125,000. The committee has been considering the selection of an architect for a long time, but the members could not at ii man whn WAS aCCeDtablO tO all tha members and the Mayor. For the nre boat ana ine auiinau water mains for the fire department by which It is planned to aid In, fighting fire in the business district, the city has authorized the sale of $275,000 . v. i.r..iD Th. mains will be laid from the river back as far as Sixth street, and through tnem we uro uu will pump water from the river when a serious connagration gets started. Physical tests for candidates for the positions of firemen should have been made more than a week ago, but the muddy grounds at the fields where the tests have to be made has caused the trials to be postponed. Overdrafts Made Felony. STATE CAPITOL Sa.em, Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) The Issuance of a cheek by any person on a bank in which he has no funds to his credit will consti tute a felony punishable by Imprison ment In the penitentiary if a bill intro duced today by Representative Bryant Wind River Logging Company Closes HT'STJM. Wash., Jan. ' 2fi. (Special. ) Logging camp No. 5 of the Wind River Lumber Company, seven miles up the White Salmon River from here, has suspended operations until March 1. About 40 men are employed In this camp. The company's dam a few miles below here that went out last week. It Is stated will not be rebuilt. Night and Day Your money is accumulat ing at interest when you have an account with Ash ley & Rumelin, Bankers. Put your surplus funds to work now. Your account is cordially invited. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID On Savings Accounts Accounts of $1.00 and Up Received Open 5t30 P. M. Saturdays Until S P. M. Coal If we would come out in print and tell you just how ' good Mendota is you might think we were stretching the truth. So we make only modest claims. It is a satis factory coal. Phones: A 3887; Marshall 2635 or Order From Your Dealer Today Meodota