! . ... V . ' 3 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911. ' ' TAFT WOULD OPEN GATES FOR JAPS He Would Annul Restrictions on Coolies Entering the United States. NEW TREATY IS PROPOSED : 4 AMERICAN WITE OF FOREIGN COUNT, WHO HAS LEO ! BROKEN TO BE KESJtiT. . . I Asrcrmrnt May fU- Submitted This fer.lon. but Pacific Coat Sena tor Are Ukely to IrTcnt Katiricmtlon by Talk. elal. Information haa bm obtained by I the New York Time correspondent from various thoroughly trustworthy , oun-M lo the effect that this Govern roent has determined to give the Oor- t ernment of Japan a striking proof or Its cordiality and good will by taking up for Immediate action the matter of negotiating- a new treaty to replace the treaty of commerce and navigation now In f.rce between the two countries, vhirh would expire by limitation on July 17. 112. It la furthermore the derision of the Government to wtj-Id to the request of Japan that tha puracrnph of article 3 of tha existing treaty whlrh specifically exempts from tha stipulations of tha treaty "the laws, ordinance and regu lations with regard to trade, tha Immi gration of laborers, police, and public rurlty which are In force or which mny hereafter be enacted In either of the l countries." .hall not appear In tha new treaty. On both these points the present at titude of the American Government i Rot only strongly conciliatory to Japan, but It Is a reversal of the attitude that has been maintained up to within a com paratively short time. The preliminary exrhapse of views has been going on for some little time, and It is the hope of both liovemments to have the matter concluded In time for action by tha Sen ate at this session. In view, however, of the concession to Japan In regard to tha elimination of the provision regarding the immigration of laborers. It Is problematical whether such a treaty can be ratified by the tenate at this session. Such a concession t to Japan by the Government Is certain to encounter de rided opposition on the part of the Senators from the Pacific Coast and. while they might not be able to muster tha votea necessary to prevent ratifica tion, they could easily prevent the matter from coming to a vote at all by Insisting; on their right to discuss It at length. VETERAN JEWEL BESTOWED Oddfellows at The Dalles Honored With Perorations. THE DALLES. Or.. Jan. . (Spe cial.) Fourteen members of Columbia Lodge of Odd Fellows received tha vet erans' Jewel at the lodge meeting; last night. Dr. O. I. Doane had received the decoration In 103. The follow Imr received the honor: tlx-Oovernor Moody. Salem. February 11. 18S7: Rich ard Graham. Los Angeles. April 14. ls4: Georae Koch. The Dalles. Novem ber 1. !: H. T. Blakrney. Baker fity. September 4. 14S. I. C. Nlckelsen. The Ialles. February 4. 1ST0; I. J. Nor man, l'rew. or.. March 14. 1172; Wil liam 8. Worseley. Srenson, r.. Feb ruary 12. 174: H. O. Nielsen. The DsJlrs. Icember . 1 T 4 : Morris Wise. Port land. May !:": Hrrv Clough. The lls. January Zi, 17; Emanuel Beck. Portland. May I. !:; J. V. Thomas, oxwrgo. or.. October 17. 14; Ben Vlaumauer. Portland. October 54. 18S4; r. J. Crandall. Tha Dalles. October 14. ms. , About 125 were present at the ses sion. This lodge is the oldest secret arder In the city, having been organ ised November I. lii. Tha veterans' lewel is presented to those who have been members of the order 23 years or more. LET US DEVELOP DAWES Hanker Opxcs Federal Ilcgtilatlon of Railroad Scour Hies. CHICAGO. Jan. K. A protest against what he called 'government Interference In the cartlalisatln of railroads" was made by "hrles Dawe. president of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, n the hearing today before the Railroad sw-urltles Commission. Mr. Iawes said that while he favored Government regulation of general util ity corporations, be opposed a control that would discourage development. That restricting dividends resulted n Impaired service to the public, he said, bad been shown In Massachusetts; In that state, he' asserted, the gas compa nies had not ahown the progress made by companies la other states. The same lack of progress would result to railroads If Congress) attempted to control their dividends. In the opinion of the witness. As to rate-making, he said, since one railroad alone had numerous kinds of rates, be did not see how any one body was going to tlx all tha rates of all railroads. BLOW DEALT AT DIVORCE Reno Judge Hold Six Month Resi dence Most Be Gennlne. RENO. Nev. Jan. :. In granting tha motion for nonsuit for want of jurisdic tion In the case of Sarah Catherine Ford, of Morrlstown. N. J-. against Mil ton Ford, her husband. In an action for divorce on the ground of desertion. Judge John 8. Orr. of the District Court, yesterday drew more sharply than ever before tha lines which mark what constitutes a residence for the di vorce courts. Judge Orr In his decision states that the plaintiff left New York and on her arrival here decided to file a complaint asking for divorce, that she acquired no property and lived In an anartment-house. It states that the Plaintiff has a home In Morrlstown. X J. tt.e filed the complaint six months and six days after her arrival In Reno, Seagulls Killed; Man Fined. HOQl'IAM. Wash.. Jan. Is. (Spe cial.) Mose Freeland was fined S3 and costs In police Judge Philbrick's Court today for killing two seagulls. Free land MM the gulls Invaded bis chicken yard and ate up the chicken food. Man Named for Montesano Office. OREGONIAN NEWS BL'REAf. Wash ington. Jan. 3. Representative McCre die tojay recommended the reappoint ment of Fremont A. Furr as postmaster at Montesano. Wash. - V',V' v. - - v " - t. e x . : , .. ies, : QUEEN RETURNS; FIREIS QUENCHED Passengers Remain Calm as Crew Fights Flames in Steamer's Hold. COVSTESS DG DEACFORT. LEG BROKEN AGAIN! Countess de Beaufort Prefers Pain to Lameness. SHE RETURNS TO HOSPITAL limb Broken Refor Separation From Count Roes "ot Knit Well and She Calls on Snrgeons to Po Job Again. rnurr.n Jan. SS. (Special.) Countess Irma Kllgallen Jacques Alexander Von Murtk de Beaufort returned to w. uim a Hospital today and It la reported that her leg. which was fractured in a mys ...i..... ... m n - i.utf hefore her separa tion from her titled husband, was to be broken again by surgeons and reset. The report of a relapse waa oemcu - liosiital. Tiie second trip of the Coiintesei to the . .ii.l n - - .hrnurierl with SS HlUch mj.ltry ax waa the flriK. S5e rode to the hospital " automobile with v ..... i tt Vilirxllen. the wealthy Meel magnate. Attendants at the hos pital admitted tnat sne wms a but retuaea to 7 -- necesaary for her to go there. . . . -. i t -ih rnnrt that the nrn o"' Countes leg had not been set properly the first time. I've nw" were evasn-e. They finally denied the . ,. Acconllng to tne story in """""' . . .... vmiiim. rt!vflvrd that sr.e wax lame as a result of the Imperfect knitting of the ooneei in m. o... . .i... t lme for life, she de- cided to undergo the pain of bavlnf the leg broken anq reset. TAFT PROGRAMME HALTED I Continued from First Pag..) understood-! tohavo the approval of the President, while others favored the DalxeU bill. DalielU being the ranking member of the ways and means com mittee, secured the adoption of bis bill by the committee, but tha influence of the President secured the Insertion In it of evveral of the most Important features of the Longworth bllL Thera la no certainty that a majority of the House of Representatives will vote for a tariff commission bl!L Certain It Is that there will be a fight on tha floor, but even more certain that there will be a much more bitter fight when the bill goes before the Senate. In fact. If the bill Is passed by the Houoe. It probably can not pass the Senate In the short session, because certain Democratic Sen ators will Institute a filibuster, and only a very weak filibuster can prevent a vote being taken this session. t In all probability the most that can be hoped for at the present session la an appropriation of eX.0. which. It Is esti mated, will keep the present tariff board at work for the next two years. The Republican leaders think they can pass .i. i .nnrnriitlon. but down In their hearts they know full well they can not pui a tariff commission oiu- Subsidy Bill Seems Doomed. The President has not made as strong a fight for the ship subsidy bill as for the tariff commission, but he has had a number of conferences with leading Re publicans of the Senate and House, and on his suggestion the Gallinger and Humphrey bills have been modified in scope. In the hope of reducing objection and opening the way for favorable ac tion. The fate that awaits this meas ure, even In Its modified form, is a question for speculation. There are votes enough to pass a subsidy bill through the Senate. If the bill can be brought to a vote, but already there has been considerable filibustering, and. If this fight Is continued. It may be found necessary to abandon the subsidy bill for tha present. Abandonment now mesne lsying the bill aside until the Republicans again have full control of the entire Congress and the Presidency. There la considerable doubt whether a majority of the House of Representa tives, as it Is now constituted, would vote for even the modified Humphrey bllL The fear of subsidy advocates Is that the DemccraU and Insurgents will again combine on this measure and. if they do, the bill is dead. There has be-n no teft vote, but the Indications are that the bill has a very slender chance of passing the House, even though It may get through the Senate. The great diversity of opinion on the question, of conservation threatens t' block all legislation looking to opening up the vast resources of tho West that sre now tied up In withdrawals. The President Is anxious that Congress sharll provide some means whereby the pub lic coal lands may be developed on a fair and reasonable basis; he would like to see the question of water power con trol and development settled by Con gress, so that the power sites now with held from development may be openod to proper use. The phosphate, oil and other valuable public lands, thst are to day withheld from entry, he would have opened up on some reasonable plan. x--It la realized that such an Intricate prob lem can hardly be disposed of by Con gress In the brief time that will re main after the appropriation bills and other privileged measures are out -or the way. It is almost a sure prediction that all conservation legislation of import ance will have to go over to the next Congress. Including the bills providing for opening to development the vast coal fields of Alaska. There are two bills pending affecting the West which stand a good chance of passing If the House rules csn be con strued so aa to allow their considera tion; one the Warren bill authorizing the Reclamation Service to sell surplus water from Its reservoirs and canals, and the other the Mondell bill, intro duced at tha request of the President, permitting appeals to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia from decisions of the Interior Department, and also authorizing the-transfer of tha Cunningham coal land cases directly to the court for decision. The report of the Board of Army En gineers shows clearly that the Govern ment, for years to come, will be unable to build extensions to many of the big Irrigation projects begun by the Recla mation Sen-Ice. Tet the Government will have sufficient storage to supply the surplus lands, and could sell this surplus water to Irrigation districts ,or other private concerns, so that they could build distributing systems snd bring the additional lands under Irrigation. But this can not be done unless the War ren bill passes the House. There are several hundred thousand acres of land In the West that can be Irrigated if this law passes. ALL-ARE LANDED ' SAFELY Desperate Battle AVlth Blaze Con tinues While Children Slumber In Bunks Flreboats Complete Subjection of Flame. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16. (Special.) With her bow far down In the water and her engines working under very slowly, the Pacific Coast Steamship Company's steamer Queen arrived in port shortly before 3 o'clock this morn ing, after narrowly escaping destruction by fire at sea. . . Lining her rails and crowding her decks were 97 passengers. Including many women and children. who nad passed through the trying ordeal of fire nt sea. and yet maintained an Indif ferent air toward disaster. Passengers dined unconcernedly, while an Im promptu concert was given In the sa- in' V i.i. In the hold, with faces streaked with soot and drenched to the skin with water, the members of the crew of the Queen, headed by Captain George Zeli, fought desperately to extinguish the tire, or at least keep it under control until tHe fire boats came to their rescue. Fireboats Swamp Blaze. After the fire tug David Scannell had come alonnslde. the men left off work ing and a stream of water from the tugs battery subdued the flames. Then the crew turned attention to the passengers and saw to It that they were bundled overboard Into launches and sareiy transferred to the shoe. The Queen proceeded up the bay to Mission mudflats, where she remained flooded throughout the day. After the survey by the underwriters a tug with a pumping outfit was put to work tt reducing the 18 feet of water In the steamer's forward hold. From a preliminary survey It has been ascertained that the Interior woodwork In the forward part of the ship has been, burned and a larger part of tha cargo. No estimate of the damage was given by tho steamship officials. Crew Fights Fire Desperately. It was 5:15 when the fire alarm called the members of the crew and the officers to their stations. The officers gave their attention to the passengers and went about assuring them that there was no danger, and calling upon them to preserve order. The only way to reach between decks was through the forward hatch and. aa the way was blocked yith a large ship ment of perishable goods, It was neces r, the seamen to discharge this part of the cargo over the side. When a way was cleared. Captain Zen, with a towel bound about his head, de scended with the rest of the ship's com pany and personally directed the work of fighting the blaze. For two hours the men worked in the stifling heat and smoke-filled atmosphere, some of them toppling over and being obliged to seek the open air. When the Norwood and President arrived on the scene in -response to the calls of the United Wire less operator, George L. Hayea, the fire was burning briskly and It was feared that the fire-fighters would not tet It under control. Women Cool Amid Danger. rr' , n naBMnirrii nhowd great presence of mind and coolness, the men of the Queen testify, and many retired for the night while the fire. was burn ing. An Instance is cited of Mrs. J. Farquharson. who had Inquired as to the safety of those on board and then tucked her little children In their bunks for the night. Upon the arrival of the Queen four members of the crew were taken ashore for treatment at the Harbor Hospital. They were overcome by smoke, but suf fered no serious effects from it, mayorIoffer gash IDEA OF TRADE WITH RAIL ROAD IS APAKDOXED. delay , in letting the contract, it Is planned to extend thls'time. The Union Bridge Company Is th lowest, uiuu, according; to the tabulated figures pre pared by the engineers after the bids were opened, but it has since been as serted that an error was made, and that this company is not entitled to the contract. SIDING ORDER IS UPHE1D Court Sustains "Reasonable Judg ment" of Railway Comxnislon. SALEM. Or., Jan. 26. (Special. ) Judge Galloway, of the Mnrlon County Circuit Court, today sustained ' the rul ing of the Railroad Commission of Ore gon in the case of John Botcher vs. the Southern Pacific, in which the commission-ordered the Southern Pacific to construct a siding at Edenbower of suf ficient size to accommodate three freight cars. Botcher and others living at Eden bower complRined that they wese com pelled to haul their produce over a dif ficult roiid to Roseb'urg. two and a half miles. Their petition was granted, and the railroad appealed. Judge Galloway held that it Is not the province of the court to substitute its own Judgment for that of the railway commission, and that the order of the commission must be sustained, if reas onable men might differ as to the evi dence before the commission or as to ! its effect. He also held that the com mission act is broad enough to cover orders for the installation or laciiiuaa without violating the constitution. HUNTER KILLS 14 COUGARS Charles Adklns, or W ilson, Or., Adds to HIsTelt Collection. WILSON. Or., Jan. 16. (Special.) Charles Adklns, the "cougar man" of this section of the country, has succeed ed in adding another cougar pelt nine feet 'long to his collection. He saw the cougars' tracks in the road and calling his hounds started In hot pursuit. After a short run the cougar was treed and Adklns shot It dead. Every Winter when the snow falls in the mountains the cougars come down into the bottoms and along the rivers In quest of ealmon. which is plentiful as well as easy to .get at that time of year. This Is the fourteenth cougar that Ad klns has killed within the last four years. Local residents fear that If something Is not done in the near future to ex terminate them, it will be only a few years till the deer will be a thing of the past. It is asserted that if the state would pay a bounty of $25 or $50 for each cougar killed it would be but a short time until the animals were ex terminated. WHARFBOAT ENDS TRIP New Facilities Furnished by Safe ' Arrival at The Dalles. THE DALLES, Or., Jan. 26. (Spe cial.) The State Portage Road wharf boat was towed up the river from Port land last night and today reached a safe harbor at the Portage Road dock at the foot of Washington street. The i . WAa ki, v t ,,n hv the steamers . -r.. i ti' ....-tv. nf thA TTosford I VVttlWU H11U I fleet. The wharf boat Is substantially l.,ii a ho. n lpncth of 120 feet, a beam of 32 feet and a depth of 6 feet. TT.ti i.nt.r Washineton street from First north to the river bank has been unimproved, but a substantial roau- way of stone ana Dronen rom no. keen hnllt down to the inclines and dock of the Portage Road. There are only luu teet more m to be laid at Seuferfs to finish the ex tension from Big Eddy to The Dalles, although between The Dalles and Celllo nA r.. mi fnr thA rnnH is being pre pared and at Big Eddy the Portage Road Is running over suuu ieei m mo old O. R. & N. grade. Tailored Suits Clearance $10 Raincoats Clearance $9.85 Silk Petticoats Clearance $3.65 COAL MINEISSHUT DOWN Owners Object to Liability Law and Closing of Street. MARSH FIELD, Or.. Jan. 26. (Spe cial.) The Llbby coal mine, three miles from Marshfleld and owned by the Ore gon Coal tt Navigation Company, haa been closed, after having been operated more than 50 years. It was In' former years one of the big sources of employ ment In this .locality.. The mine Is not worked out. - Patrick Hennessey, local representative of the company, said to day that the new employers' liability law waa one of the several reasons why tho mine was closed. The company also operates tha steamer M. F. Plant, plying between Coos Bay and San Francisco, and Mr. Hennessey said that It had not been decided whether the Plant would con tinue on tha run. The company last year built a $10,000 warehouse and dock at the extreme north end of Front street. For some months past a part of Front street which was not Improved was closed by the city. This action. Mr. Hennessey added, was detrimental to the business of the steamer Plant and was another reason why the company decided to shut down the mine. All of the company's property. In cluding the steamer, the coal mine and about 3000 acres of land adjoining Marshfleld. Is for sale. SEASIDE HOUSES ENTERED Beach Resort Needs Watchman, De clares Portland Man. v SEASIDE. Or.. Jan. 26. (Special.) Two beach cottages here have been en tered this. week. That of Mr. Bartob was entered through a rear window. Nothing wss taken, but . there was a trail of burned matches and of candle drippings throughout the cottage. The basement of the cottage of Mr. Kennedy waa entered, but entrance was not gained to the upstairs, as the door leading to- the basement was locked. Bartch said he wished all Portland property owners wonld agree to con tribute tl a month to employ a watch man. .... Condemnation of Property Needed for Bridge to Follow If Mr. O'Brien. Refuses. Mavor Simon will today call upon J. P. O'Brien, manager of the Harrlman lines in Oregon, and make cash offers for the various pieces of property which the city desires to secure from the O.-W. R. & N. Company, including . . n.nA-sarv for annroaches to tllfl Id 11 Li n.' . j .-- . ' the Broadway bridge, sixty-five acres in South Portland lor a para, nu i acres on the East Side which the city wants for boulevard purposes. Mr. Simon's offer will not be based on the findings of a committee of ap- . .An.i.tinff of Lewis Russell. Dr.iBcra, ........ David 6. Stearns and H. W. Fries, as he considers the valuations wmcn mtj placed on the properties to be exces sive. Should the O.-W. R. & .N. Com pany not see fit to accept the offers which will be made by Mayor Simon orders will be given to begin condem nation proceedings at once. The Mayor yesterday affirmed his be .. - -L . i. ,n,iM he best for the city lie L mitt v - - and the railroad company to abandon the Uea of a trade, ne wisnes tu pay cash for any pYoperty bought by the city and wants cash in return for property wanted by the company, which includes the vacation of several East Side streets. He has consulted with several of the Councllmen, obtaining their opinions of the values of the sev eral concessions which the city wants from the O.-W. R. & N. Coi pany. Legal methods to restrain Frank Klernan from further interfering with the construction of the Broadway bridge are being worked out by City Attorney Grant and his deputies, and while the procedure to be adopted has not been announced, it is understood that the court probably will be asked for a restraining crder to prevent Mr. Klernan from making further misrep resentations concerning the legal status of the bridge bonds to prospective pur chasers and from bringing any more suits against the bonds in the face of the recent decision of the State Su preme Court. At the meeting of the Executive Board this afternoon it is expected that the contract for the substructure of the bridge will be foiWlly let. The orig inal specifications for the- bridge pro vided that it should be completed by October 15( but as there has been soma SEED SOWN FOR Y. M. C. A. "Booster Club" at Klamath Falls Has Plans for Young Men. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Jan. 26. "(Special.) The first move toward the ul timate forming of a Young Men's Chris tian Association among the young men of this city was started Tuesday night when 20 of those most Interested formed f "Young Men's Booster Club." While t Is announced that nothing is to be done at the present toward the estab lishment of a Y. M. C. A. here: this is givert out as the ultimate object of the organization. The object now is to create and foster better fellowship among the young men. It is also to create Interest in Y. M. C. A. work here and a better condition for young men. r , Sportsmen Protest Bounty Bill. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Some opposition will no doubt develop here to the proposed bill by Senator Merryrnan placing a bounty of 25 on the scalps of timber, grey and How to Stop Drinldng Give Orrine and Destroy Afl Desire for Whisky and Beer. Can Be Given Secretly. Try It at Our Expense. We are In earnest when we ask you to try ORRINE at our expense. We will Klvo your money back ,lf after a trial you fail to get results from ORRINE. This Is a very generous offer. It gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to excess an oppor tunity to try the ORRINE Treatment. It also shows our confidence in the merits of ORRINE. ORRINE is recog nized as the best and most successful remedy the world haa ever known for Drunkenness or the so-called Liquor Habit. It Is a very simple treatment, can be given in the home without pub licity or loss of time from business, and at a small price. Read the fol-lnwlne- letter from Dr. Nolle. 8th and i?ae its.! Philadelphia. It will tell you about some of the wonderful results from the ORRINE Treatment: "I have had a remarkable case of In- flVnTh. patien't drank" heavnT for lion. '"-.' . oho o Hotrrorterl fl ft VEftlB liv a vt!-"--" w "-'O-' - condition, which caused the breaking of his family and aeparation from his wife. Every hope was given up of ever saving the man from his strong desire for drink, and only a mother's interest finally persuaded him to vol untarily take treatment for hl dis eased condition. It was my pleasure to recommend ORRINE, your liquor habit cure and the treatment was taken faithfully. This was two years ago and the patient is now in a healthy condition and still abstains from the use of stimulants. I have sold ORRINE for a number of years and have al ways found it to be satisfactory. I be lieve you have an exceptionally good treatment for this disease." ORRINE 's prepared in two forms. No 1 secret treatment, a powder, ab solutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly in food or drink. ORRINE. No 2. in pill form, -is for those who desire' to take voluntary treatment. ORRINE costs only 11.00 a box. Write for Free ORRINE Booklet (mailed in nlaln sealed envelope) to ORRINE CO., 730 Orrine Building, Washington, D. C. OjjtlftE Is recommended and is for sale in this city by Skidmore Drug Co., 151 Third St., and 372-374 Morrison st. Tailored Waists Clearance $1.65 Gas Lights Clearance 38c Condensed List of Friday's Bargains New Fall Tailored Suits selling normal ly to $35.00. In reliable staple fabrics in weaves that are in greatest demand. We call particular attention to the tailoring, the fit and the finish. Women's English Slip-On Raincoats of cravenetted cloth in tan and oxford with single breasted front and high button storm collar; new raglan sleeves with turn-back cuffs. Dresden, Persian and Print Warp, Soft, SViimmerinp- Silk Petticoats. Made gen- L erously full with deep flounce finished with bias bandings, under oust rume to match. All sizes. Tailored Waists of a good quality col ored stripe percale in black, navy, green, , blue, red and lavender stripes. Made with plaited or plain fronts. Long tail ored sleeves and cuffs. New Inverted Gas Light complete with burner, globe and mantle. It saves you one-half your gas bill and gives twice the light. Extra fine quality Men's Shirts of mad ras or percale, with plain bosoms and either separate or attached cuffs. The choice of patterns and colorings is very broad. Madaleine Scarfs- selling regularly to $10.00, of good quality satin and chiffon combinations with attractive linings of Persian effects and plain colors such as gray, cerise and blue. $2 and $3.50 dorsets, clearance $1.39 $4 and $8.50 Corsets, Clearance $3.98 $1.75 Nadia. Corsets, Clearance ...98J 25c Ladies' Lisle Vests, Clearance 19 $1 Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits ...79 65c Ladies' Lisle Vests, Clearance 43c Ladies' Underwear from 65c to $1.00 erarment. Clearance 50 Women's Ribbed Cashmere Hose, Clearance ..19 20c Children's Cotton Hose, Clearance ...... .12 V 75c Ladies' Nainsook Drawers . . . .59 $4 Cambric Petticoats, Clearance $2.98 $2 Cambric Petticoats, Clearance $1.19 $1.50 Nainsook Drawers $1.10 $1 Combination Suits, Clearance. .5 c Men's Shirts Clearance 83c Clearance of Scans Hall Price Clearance of 3 Popular Corsets Clearance of Knit Underwear Clearance of Undermuslins 75c Corset Covers, Clearance 59 . . i,.AB tin on mountain lions. cougars and panthers, and JS on' bob and wildcats ana . h hnuntv out of the money i " J . . game funds. This measure Is designed to protect ceer irom um i-ac- these animals during the heavy snow- n:inf.r hi,t it in Asserted here ptornis ol ' ' ii'wi that stockmen are as much interested as sportsmen, xne sportsmen uere uu not object to the bounty, but believe h. mnnov Rhould come from the taxpayers a a whole and not entirely from the game iuna. Hoquiam Projects Indorsed. HOQITTAM. Wash.. Jan. 76. (Spe cial.) A branch postoffice for East Hoquiam, a bo levard between Ho quiam and Aberdeen, the opening of the Rlverdale property by tunneling a street through Campbell's hill at the end of Ontario street, and the purchase of the South half of section 36 from the state for park purposes are four projects which the clubs of Hoquiam has Indorsed. Jackson Jail Holds Ten. MEDFORD. Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Ten prisoners are held in the county Jail to await the action of the grand jury. This, with tho exception of ono time when 11 criminal cases were on the docket, is the greatest number of prisoners to have ever been confined in the jail at one time. District Attorney B. F. Mulkey started proceedings to day for the calling of a jury by Feb ruary 20. . Piano Prices That Create Buyers You Owe it to Yourself to Anticipate Your Wants in the Piano and Player-Piano Line In our Insurance Adjustment Sale, the -m reductions in the prices of standard pianos are greater than have ever before been pos sible for this or any other firm. , ; The price tagged on each piano is based on the insurance on that particular instru ment. In no case is the saving less than $50 in most instances it is two or three times that amount. New, elegant high-grade pianos, .barely scratched, are now being sold at $150, $165, $180, $190 and $195, that you could not buy under ordinary conditions for less than $300. Back of each piano sold is the unimpeach able guarantee of The Wiley B. Alen Co., and also an exchange agreement for one year at full purchase price, should the piano prove unsatisfactory in any manner. If it is impossible for you to call and per sonally inspect these pianos, , write us for bargain list, stating about the amount you . want to pay. You may arrange terms of payments to suit your best convenience a' small first payment and the balance in monthly installments. 304 Oak St. Bet. 5th and 6th.