Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Turpentine at Highest Figure
Since Civil War.
Output of TliU Teir't Crop I Vn-
crrtain I'ne of Substitute In
the Kl High and
Ixw Pric,.
Turpentine Is in selling throughout the
oantry at the blbt prices sine "he C1vl
Tver. Th local quotation. In tu,
$I.0J per gallon. The reason for the sharp
advance la tha great dtminl and the small
supply resulting from a short crop. Tha
market an tha Atlantic seaboard ara now
an lha M-cent basis.
Tha following labia gives tha nigh and
low prices of turpentine for lha paat eleven
years, compiled from ho official records of
tho t-avannau Board of Tra-lo:
Miches. Lo
Cents. Centa.
April. 1iw March. l!"t... 54 3
April. l'l-Min-h. 1 rC . . . M s
April. 11K)3 Mareh. IM3... i
April. 1x1-March. U4... i 4i
April. 1MI Warvh. H'J... 51
April. lima March. lwH... 7 M
April. " IW" March. IW1... 74
April. l;.i7 Marrh. I... "
April. IK- Marrh. !! .. . 5"H "
April. lw March. lll. . . WS
April. lOlo January. Ill. M
A leading Eastern authority aay tha pree
.nt high price of lorprnttna Is daa to tha
fact thai unfavorable mrcath.r conditions
caused conjld.rabla damage to tha crop of
last year, which necessarily haa brought
about a dearth of supply. Ha makes lha
Tha turpentine season begins abont In
April, and last year at that tlma there
wara frosts In Florida and Georgia, where
tha trees from whlrh wa get tho tnrpantlna
grew. severe rainstorms also wasbad away
tta crude product gathered In tha cups, and
whan It cams lo distilling tha staff It was
found that tharn was llttla turpentine left.
-Vs cave now reached about tha and of tha
season, and thera Is no telling how tha now
crop will turn out. As for tha - prnaant
situation. I think tha market baa marnly
raspondad to trade conditions of supply and
demand, and tha Man prices wtrt to ba
expected. I do not believe that any such
thine as -manipulation' la responsible for
currant quotatlone.
Tha h!n prlca of eptrlta of turpentlna
haa led to tha purrhass on a tares seals of
substitute products, such as wood turpen
tine. Throughout tba East, many ratall
dealers, who do a small business, and tbosa
who are unreliable. hae bean In tha habit
of 'adulterating thair turpentine with ben-
lne or kerosene, and hare sold wood tur
pentlna for the spirits of turpentine; but In
recent months this practice la said to have
become more common, painting contractors
and deeorat-rrs. who made contracts for
work long before turpentine reached Its
present high level, bare found It Imperative
t resort to substitutes In order to a Told
financial losses. It Is not expected to get
spirits oft nrpentln at 3J" rents a gallon
tha lowest price on record (September 4.
K3e) atUL anything above 0 cents Is con
sidered rather exorbitant."
Hor trades mostly amoxo dkaijirs
H. I- Hart Pnjs 1 Cetsta far Kreb
Hrwa. Let.
Trading In h-pa la again principally be
tween dealers. M. L. Hart yesterday bought
seTeral lota of IBloa at 17 H to 19 cents
snd for lXv paid 10 to IS cents. Among
h's purchases was a el -bale of new Inde
pendence hops from Krb Tiros, at 1 cents
and 03 balea of elds from Krebs at lO cent.
A few other small deals were concluded.
The unsold stock of Oregon 110 hops has
been reduced to Tl bales, but there Is a
considerable supply of olds remaining.
Stocks of all growiba left ia the ststa areas
follows: ,
I01O ..
! ..
1 .
! ..
Krebs Proa, show their confidence In the
future ef the market by baring leased 170
acres or hop yards for cash rent- They
bare taken vO aerea oa Krowa Island, 33
acres of which are la hope; also 133 acres
In tha Alrile section.
Tha Kentish observer of January 11 says
of the English market:
Tha market continues to show much
strength and buoyancy. Prices are higher
all round: boie which wara obtainable last
week at IS a are now up to 13 llM. and
there ara very lew lots to bo ha.1 at lesa
nan that flsure. Present quotations to
growers are as follows: East and Mid
Ken's. Is lis to tit s; Wealds and Pusses,
ii 1"S to (4; low and Inferior qualities, it
ls to is 3s; tearl'iiss. ii to iS 5.
At faturUar's market at Worcester more
growers were showing .a. bait In many
cases ther saked r.ry emtrema pricea.. A
so...: trad, was done, and thera ara still
buyers at late rates, or even a llttla over.
Merchants stocks are very much reduced
In quantity, as growers have oean reluctant
to sail.
ItaMera OVarlog Mar Freely a ted Market
Is Weak.
Much pressure to sell oats haa dareloaed
b the past few days. Tha demand Is pure
ly local and Is not heavy, while tha excess
sf offerings has tended ta weaken tha mar
ket. Buyers would not bid aver I2S y ester
ase. Barley wsa quiet nd steady.
Tha wheat market was dull and tha
gercsrreat was generally weak. Club and
bluesgem were quoted at tha old prices.
There baa beaa a little trading la Valley
wheat In tha past two days at beater figures
than ware lately current.
Local receipts. In cars, were reported by
lha Merchants Exchange as foilowa:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Tuesday '
Wednesday ...
Thursday 53
Tear ago 11
3 4 11
1 3 .. 10
3 7 1"
11 S IS
SS7 15.13 5nl
111s 775 207
Thickets Sap ply Heavier aaal Prices Ara
Thirty cents was U general quotation on
Oregon etrgs yesterday, and buyers hesi
tated to pay even this reduced prlca.
The poultry market was better supplied
than for several daya Ducks wsro taken
readily by the Chinese, but chickens dragged
and I cents was ths top quotation.
NO change was made In local butter
prtcea but the market was weak. Cheese
waa steady.
Vegetables Selling Better.
After several daya of quietness, tha de
mand for vegetables had fruits reel red. The
street was well stocked with all green llDea.
s, car each of cabbage and cauliflower be
ing added to tha supply. Rips bananas ara
Besoming scares and It la probable tea mors
will arrive before Sunday.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday wara as louows: Balances.
peatti .
Tacoma .
. ...ii.3"7.:o 1142. ota
.... i. ;.! us.7ti
. ... K.1.Y2M 1.!7
. ... &90.7-1S OU.47S
Craia, rVear. Feed. rtr.
WHEAT TracX prices: Blueslem. Uc;
club, "si Sic; red Russian. T9c: Valley, M
see; e' f-1 hi ii, 1 1 .
BARI-EY Feed. f:3S014 per ton; brew
ing. t:7tt.5S per ton.
MIUUPTI FFS Bran. $-3 per ton: mid
dlings. 331; shorts. J6; rllcd barley,
FLOUR Pstanta !. pe-
straights. tlw--; exports .T; Val
ley, ta 10: grabam. $.s; whole wheat,
' ro-'whole. t;; cracked. Jt per ton.
OAT No. 1 whlta. : per ton.
HAT Track prices: Timothy. Willamette
Waller $1SO?o per too- Kn -tern Ortcnft.
flrllJ: alfalfa. $1!.S0 1 J.5 : grain hay.
tix.i0l: clover. Sll.tU u
Vegetables and Frulta.
APPT-KS Baldwin. TSretl.liS: Northern
f-py. neOtl.W: Ked Oiaek I'lpptn. 1' -;':
Winter Banana. 1.7S: Sritxcnlnirs. l-"
pL)' Yellow Newtown., I 7J; Arkansas
Black. $2; pelswsre Red. 11. 7S; Oano. S1.2S;
WBACK' VEOETAB LPS rarrots, l-0 hun
dred, parsnips. l.-iti 110. turnips. 1.00
bR:;lN'FRrTTw Pears. l.301.73 per
box: Malagas. 77.M per barrel; cranber
ries. i:ia.SO per bsrreL
VEOETAH1.F9 Besna 13He Pr pouna: tISSflt.SO per hundred; rnulllmw.
sr. S173B3 par crate; celeo-. California.
13 s 1 15 per crate; cucumbers. I- per
r-er: egg plant. 13c per pound; garlic,
lou 12c per pound, green nnlcns. -0c per
doxen: head lettuce. .ni6.c per box;
hothouse lettuce. J1.0O I.M per box;
peppers, lie per IK; pumpkins. c per
lh.; ra.ll-hes. f3ic p-r i"t'i: ''"1";
He; squash. Sc par pound; tomatoes, ILU
2 SO oer box.
POTATOKS Oregon, buying price. ITTJ
1.30 per hundred; sweet potatoes, fSO-J
s.7S per hundred.
TKOPICAL. KfIT Oranges, "aval
;atTt per box: Japanese. II per
bundle: Florida grapefruit. 13..0; California
grape fruit. UWOl. bananas. 0c per pound;
pin- apples, so per pound: lemons. 12. ..
ONIONS Buying pries. 2 per hun
dred. Ttevcv aael Coowtrr Proelejem
POULTBT Ure: Hna ISwltw: Bptlngs.
IKelluc: turkeys, 22 a 2.1c; ducks. -u
lc; gaeae. ll14c; dressed turkeys, choice.
Kiios Oregon ranch, candlad. tOc;
Oregon case count. JRtl-'Se.
liOTTKK City creamery extra. 1 ana s
pound prima, la boxes, He per pound; lasa
thsn htves. csrtons snd delivery extra.
CHEE.-K Full creara. twins, loc per
aounii: young America.. 17c.
POHK Fancy. 11,I1S Pr pound.
VKAU Fancy, 84 la 1I6 pounds, 13 1-40
rar irvuad,
flraewrlea. Drtad- stalls, eta.
DRIED UlLiT Apples, llllnie per In.;
carraata. ll&a; apneota. 14 H) l .
daise. pack as a. lUSee per la.: 3S-.,
wnite or b.aca. by each, icyeu; bus. eLfru
t.l; la-ls. sic; o-lia. au-la. .
amy m 1 be
SALMON Columbia Blvar. 1-poond tails,
tl IV par dosea; s-pouad lalla. 18;
pound Hats, 43.40; Alaska pink. 1-pouna
tails. H-ii. -,s..a-
COFFGU Rosa lad. in drums. 23t?a
per pound. ..
Nl. To Walnuts. 17 H 1S P onnd,
Brsxll nuts. latyltSc; filberts. 16c; almond,
Kttlsc; paeans. J be; cvecoalnuts. IMctJtl pee
dosen. ennuuu, lic tar pound; nickory
nsts. toioe par pound.
ALT oranuiateu. 1B per ten: Half
ground, loos, ts.40 per ton; AOs. t par ton,
BEANS nmaii wnite. 4 lac. large white.
4; Lima, a-suc: pink, ic; red Mexicans,
iac; bayou. 4 iac
RICE No. 1 Japan. 4c: cheaper groans,
t3Mu4.43; aVoutaara head. SSsOla.
HON Bit Choice, 43 ; per case; stralnea,
He per pound.
B'jliAH Lry granulated, fruit ana berry,
t:.40; teat. i.iu; extra C. i: goldaa C
4.0; yellow IX, 44-stt, cubes tbarrele.
15. Ii: liuwdered, 14.63. Terras oa remit
tances within IS days, dsduct tee per pound,
i, la'.ar than 13 days aud wltbla 10 oaya,
deduct a per pouso. Maple sugar. 44
IM per pouod.
HAMS 10 to I'i pounos. IT He: U to 14
pruods. IT He; 14 to 10 pounds, like,
skinned. Hfcc; picnics. 14c; cottaga rolL I.e.
BACON Faacy. JJe; standard. lie;
choice. :.1c; Kngllsh.' toe.
SMOKED HEATS Beef tongues. tSo;
dried beet sets. i:e; outsidee. Mm; lasldas.
Itc: knuckles, lie.
DRT HALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt. It He: smoked. He: backs, light,
salt. It He; smoked. 14c; backs, bsavy, salt.
Itc: smoked, laHa; exports, salt. 14e;
smoked. 1 1 H c
LARD Kettle rendered, tierces. It He;
tubs, 14 He: standard pure, tierces. 11 He;
tubs. 11 He; choice, tierces. 11 Ho; tubs.
llHe: shortening, tierces. luHet lubey 10 He.
LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels,
I1.U7; kettle boiled. In barrels. tlOS; raw.
In cases, fl.12: kettle boiled, la cases. $1.14.
Lots of SoO gallons. 1 cent leas per gallon.
COAL OIL Water While, casea 17c, wood
bbia.. ISHc. Iran bbla. Ho; Headlight, esses
ISHe. wood bD.a. 14 He. Iron bbia- 11 Ho;
Eocene, rases 20e: special Water White,
wood tbla. 17c. Iron bbls. 13c: Klaina, casea
lie: Extra star, eases 30c; v. U. P.
baptha. casea. 22Hc; Iron bbla. ISHe.
OASOLlNcl Red Crown or motor gasoline, 34c; iron bbls . 17c: "4 gasoline, casea,
HO. iraa bbA Sue; Aroturps, cases 43o,
Iron bblsL. lAc; aaglne OUsUUaia. cases too,
uea btoa. 4c
Grain Markrt Stfady and Vn
changrd Brl.-k Demand for
Staple Produce.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. J .( Special.)
Tba plica of freak eggs dropped another rent
today. Several dealers cut the price to Sic
and tha cut was met In m?t Instances. Of
ferings were heavy and tha demand only
fair. Most Jobbers look for ths pries to
drop to 30 cents snd lha retail price lo set
tle at S3 cents.
Ths poultry market was very active as a
result of the demand occasioned by the Chi
nees New Tear's colebretloa. a bleb com
mences next week.
Ths fruit snd vegetable markets wore ac
tive. The demand for stsples wi.s particu
larly brisk. The demand for apples was
better than at any time In several weeka.
Fancy fruit sold at full riiecs with S&0
about tba too oa the best selling verle-
F.xtra fanor tomatoes sold ss high ss
2 75. Cucumbers were ftffored at tl.ft'fc
A straight car of Mexican tomatoes was ot-
'Th lemon market was itirfer. ss high
as 3 7S being asked for the best stock. Elf
plant Is about off the market- The sup
ply of spinach waa larger than could bs
moved. . ,
The grsln market was Heady and un
changed. Hay waa decidedly weak with
considerable price-cutting going on.
Quotations Current la tho Bay City Mar
kets. SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. St. The follow
ing produce prices were current today:
Yegetaules Cucumbers. 6.'ll; garlic, 4
ec- green peas, S97c. string bean, sty
12 He; tomatoes. ll.i0; egg plant, 109
Butter Fancy creamery. Stic.
Kggs Store. I4c; fsncy canch. !IH&
Cheese Young America. lSHtMoo.
MlUstuffs Bran. -'7w30; middlings. t3
Hy Wriest !914; wheat and oats. $
t) 11; alfalfa. 11.
s-r,,!! Apples, choice. 65e: common. 4Cc;
Mexican llaiea. tt.sOtft; California lemons,
choice. $3: common. 1.50. orsnges. naval.
1130112-5: pineapples. 4- u 2.51.
Potatoee-Early Roee. tl.SOtrl tS: fallnas.
Burbanks. li WulJO; sweet. 33.23; Ore
gon Burbanks. tl.ti'jl-
Onions (!.' LbS.
Receipts Flour. td quarter sacks;
wheat. 7S centals: bxrley. 41.i7 centals;
oats. IS centals: potatoes. :!: sacks: bran.
:: sacks; middlings. 73 sacks: hay, lit
Wool Firmer at London.
LONDON. Jan. 25. The offerings at the
wool auction sales today amounted to 13.214
balea Competition was actlvs and prices
ruled firm. Coarse croaebreda were In eager
request nt bsrdenlng rules. Americans
bought tine merinos and a good quantity
of eroas-breds.
Havana Bond Issue Taken.
LONDON. Jan. 7t. An Increase of t.!5.
404 In Havana Terminal 4 per cent deben
tures was ottered. It was quickly oversub
scribed and at tha clues was quotsd at 3
per cent premium.
Waal at St. Loal.
FT. LOUIS. Jan. 2. Wool Unchanged;
territory and Western mediums. 21f3c;
fine mediums. lTstlSc: fine. llletlSc.
Hops at New York.
NEW TORK, Jan. a. Ilofis Firm.
Argentine Wheat Shipments
Are Double Those of 1910.
All the News, Domestic and Foreign,
Kavor the Bears Last Prices
Show Half Cent Xet
CHICAiiO, Jan. SO. Confronted with Ar
gentine shipments, doubls those of lsst year
and treble the records of a week ago, the
wheat market today turned nervous and
weak. Latest figures showed a net loss of
He He to HtTHc. Corn closed He to He
down and oats HO He. At ths finish pro
visions were 5 He off to 10c adrnnce.
It was announced that Argentina wheat
shipments for January to date were 3.000.
1HH bushels more than for the entire month
corresponding In 1910. In this connection
authoritative figures were expected to show
that world shipments hsd averagad 13.140,-
000 bushels a week and that only 10.S23.00O
bushels avorags would bs required for ths
remainder of ths sesson. Russia and tho
Danublan ports havs been shipping at the
rats of more than 4.000.000 bushela a week.
At the same Urns the new crops of Argen
tina as well as Australia and India have not
yet been touched. Domestic developments
also appeared to favor chiefly the bcara.
Cash v.h-at waa weak In all directions with
Kauaaa City snd Omaha complaining of lack
of storage room and with the seaboard sell
ing bv the boat load at well under the
price of Chicago May delivery. The range
for that option here today was from PoSc
to psHti'-'i'c with the close H O He net
lower at lHc- . ..
Corn sold off under local pressure both
fnr long and short Recount. May varied be
tween SOHe nu 50,c. closing l3So dewn
nt S" H 11 i" r. Corn was easy; No. X ysl
low flm.he.1 at 47t7Hc.
Poor ehlpplns calls depressed osts: May
ha.l as high and low points. 3414c and 34H
434Sc, with final sales H 9 He off at 84H
iii Vr-v'.Mr-ns strength was attributed to
lack of of. Inga. At the snd ',th;
pork was 2i.c lower lo Sc up: lard un
chxnged to :',e higher and ribs tne same
as last n!ht lo an added cost of 10c.
Ths leading futurea ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
July .1H H '
Sept 1S 3H
Mar ... .&7V .60H .60H .50
July . .MH .'OH S1H 61H
July.".." .ni -4
Mar H.S7H lt.5i, U.SSH 1S!H
July:.::.: k. hi "
May .Jtt H .T7H J.77H
July .7J .77H -70 .70
Mar .t74 0 t.
July:::::: .7 .7ih s-.:1
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flfiul Quiet.
live No. 2. 13 He. .
liarley Feed or mixing. 4597ic; fair ta
choice malting. 87tj4c.
Klax.eert No. 1 Southwestern, i.l9; No.
1 Northwestern.
Timothy seed H0.40 10.70.
Clover $14.75.
Pork Mexs. per bsrral, flOSIO. i.
I.srd Per 100 pounds. $4.91' H.
Short ribs Sides (loose). J10'I4.B.
Sides Short, clear 1 boxed). tl.7S911.
Oram statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 104. 000 bushela Primary receipts
were 425.000 buahels. compared with 427.000
burhele ths corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, It
cars: corn. 4.3 cars: oals. 111 cars; hogs,
19.000 head. ,..
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 14.n 18.900
Wheat, bushels !:.') 77.004
Corn, buehels 447.S04 63. l"t
Oats, bushels B-'S.SOO SS6.700
live, bushels 4.004 11.000
Uarley. bushels 76.400 1 40.000
Grain and rroduro at Wear York.
NEW TOI'.K, Jan. 2il. Floor wss qnlst
snd without 'quotable- chsnge today. Re
ceipts. 22.742 barrels; shlpmsnts, 17.3S0 bar-
" wheat Spot Irregular; No. red. 98e
elevator and !Hc f. o. b. afloat; No: 1
Northern Duluth. tlK'4 t. o. b. afloat.
Futures market was dull with smsll prlca
chanxea Cables were lower, but there wss
an arVence of pressure, due to moderate ex
port sales, closing Ho net lower. May
closed 1.02H: July closed 41.01 Re
ceipt..' -.4'H bushels; shipments. S0O0.
Hides IiulL
petroleum Steady.
Wool Quiet.
Furopeaa Grain Markets.
LONDON. Jan. 2d. Cargoes quiet but
Arm- sellers firm, buyers quiet. Walla walla
tor shipment 3d higher at 8tle.
Kiigllsh country markets steady; French
country markets dull.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 14. Wheat
March. 7s lHd; March. 7s 4id; neather
Minneapolis Craia Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 24. Wheat Msy
c!os.d. amsm H; n- i.r,h,rn:
JI.OOHt? l-H: No. 3 wheat. Htf IL0I H.
No white oats. SlH3:c: No. 2 rye 7o;
flax closed l!.i7; barley cloaed. SuaaOc.
Grain at San Francisco. 4)
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 14. Whsat and
barley Steady.
heaq,-s'nV,?pn.'n7. t.40l.UM per eent.L
liarley Feed, ti l: H t l ", Pr tental;
brewing. 1.16Wl.0 per cental.
osts Rod, tl.lttil.37H P-rcental: white.
llotiTJo per centsl; black. I1.11H&L20
per cental.
Call board eslea
J:i,hryZ:De"mber. tl.lSH bidtfl.14; May.
tl.l bull) L17 H aaksd.
Grain Markets of ths Northwest,
SEATTLE. Jan. 28. Milling quotations:
Bluestem. bflc; fortyfold. tUc; club. 82c;
Fife. K-'c; red Russian. SIC
Export wheat: Ulueetam 8Sc: fortyfold.
lc- club. oe: Fife, die; red Russian. 78c.
Yesterday's car receipts, wheat 12 cars:
barley 1 car hsy IB cars.
TACOMA. Jan. 9". Wheat Bluestem.
84Hc; forty-fold. 83Hc; club. 82Hc; red
Ru.lan. eHc.
Keceipts Wheat. 2 cars; hay. S cars;
oats and com. 1 car each.
Atchison and St. Paul the Firmest
Features of tho Railroad Mst.
Harrlnians I'nder Pressure.
NEW TORK. Jan. Tba toek "J
ket traveled today In the path which It
has followed often In recent weeks, with
k". showing of spirit In ths first hour
snd Utile more then a pretense of conduct
lug business during the rest of the day.
Prices ruled slightly above yesterday
closing, snd. sfter a dip in the Orst hour
and an immediate rally, were maintained at
a dead level, with a few Isolsted exceptions.
The bnlk of trsdlcg was confined to tho
speculative element on the floor. In tha last
hour prices moved up smartly and ths doss
""tchlTon and St. Paul were strong fea
tures of the railroad list, the former on ac
count of its aatlafactory December show
ing and the latter by reason of the dee
lsrstion of the regular semi-annual divi
dend of H per cent. The Harrlman stocks
were sgaln under pressure, v. Itn a renewal
of reports thst an unfavorabls decision In
ths merger cases Is Imminent, but they held
firm during most of the day and were con
spicuously strong st ths close.
Foreign exchange wss easier In response
to a fall in the klngllsh bank rats, the de
cline reaching 10 points.
Xeu bond market waa steady. Total galea.
t3.90S.400. United States bonds were un
changed on calL
Sales. High. Low.
Allls Chsl pt..
A mal Copper...
Am Acricult . .
Am Beet Sugar.
American Can.
Am Car & Friy.
Am Cotton Oil.
Ara ltd Lt pf
Am Ice Secuxi..
Am Linseed ...
Am Locomotive.
Am Smel A Ref
do preferred..
Ana- Steel Fdy..
Am Sugar Tl. f.
Am Tel A Tel. .
Am Tobacco pf
Am Woolen ...
Anaconda M Co
do preferred..
Stl Cner Mna.
Bait A Ohio -. !"
B-tlilehera Steel 8.000 H2H
Brook R Tranw 200 77 H
Canadian Pac .. 1.1HH) 2flH
Central Leather 1.1KHJ 31 H
do preferred..
Central of N J
Ches A Ohio . . 2.000 88 H
Chicago A Alton
30 H
32), 1
30 H
7 ' I
208 H
83 U
22 4
4'4- I
Chi Cl West
do preferred.. I'm
Chlcsgo A N W 2i
C. M A St Paul l.WOO
C. C. O A St L.
Col Fuel A Iron 700
Col A Southern
Ponsol Gss 1.20O
Corn Producta ,.
Del A Hudson
D A R Grande
do preferred.
Distillers' Secur J.400
Erie 2D0
do 1st Pf .... 100
"34 H
1 45
34 H
34 74
30 1
135 H
40 H
143 H
34 H
50 '4
70 H
1 -'. -4
100 H
33 H
40 H
84 H
28 H
28 H
50 H
62 H
do 2d pf
Gen Electric .. 100 Ml
Ot North Pf .. 00 1211
lit North Ore.. .UK) B9H
Illinois Central. 100 130
Interbor Met .. 20 10
do preferred.. L5HO 53 H
Inter Harveeter .400 114 H
Inter Marina pf.
Int PaDer .....
Int Pump 200
Iowa Central .. 200
K C Southern.. 200
40 14
83 H
82 H
' iii"
70 H,
25 H
do prererrodV,
Laclede Gas .. 1.200 1124
ImuIs A Nssh
Minn ft U. 800 27H
M. S P A S S M
Mo, Kan A Tex
do preferred..
Mo Pacific ....
Nat Blacult ...
Nat I ed
Mex N Ry 2 pf
N Y Central . . .
N Y. Ont A Was
60 H
ii',66 iiin
Norfolk A Wee. 2.S00
North Am .... 2K)
North Pacific 1.I
Pnclflc Mail ... -'00
Pennsylvania .. 1.200
People's Gas . . 200
P. C C A St L. 100
ins H
7 H
127 H
lixi 4
87 H
Pittsburg Coal ....
Pressed S Car.. 200 83
Pull Pal Car
Rr 8ttel SDring
Reading 52.100
Republic Steel... 300
do preferred.. SOU
Rock I. land Co 1.20O
do preferred.. 3M)
Ft L A S F 2 pf 000
Kr T. Kouthweet ......
33 H
61 H
40 H
no H
174 H
83 H
11 8 74
45 H
50 T4
do preferred.. S0O 63 H
Sloss Sheffield . :hh ro
Southern Pac 7,800 119
Southern Ry .. 300
do preferred.. 100
Tenn Copper ...
Texas A Pnc. . 10
Tol. St L A Wes 400
do preferred. . 3o0
Union Pac SO.r.oo
do preferred. . 300
V S Realty
V B Rubber .. 2.200
U S Steel 40..VH)
do preferred.. 100
Utah Copper . . 000
Va-Caro Chem. 1.0O0
Wabash 100
do preferred.. 400
Western Md .. 200
Westing Else
Western Union. 200
Wheel A L K
64 H
22 '4
.10 H
45 H
04 H
35 H
Lehigh Valley .. 3.700
1 7T
Total salea for the day, 222.000 shares.
NEW YO"RK Jan. 2. Clolng quotations:
U. 9. ref 2S reg.l00IN. T. C. g 3HS 88 B
do coupon ...HMiNo., Pacific 3s... 70
V S 3s rg 102 H No. Pacific 4s... 100
do' coupon ...102H So. Pacific 4s... 81
U.S. new 4s reE.H5iLilon Pacific 4a.l04
do coupon ...llSHIWIs. Central 4s J
D. A R. G. 4s... 92Japanese 4s .. 80
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Jan. 26. Money on call
steady. 2Hj2 per cent; rullnK rate. 2
per cent: closing bid. 2 per cent; offered
st 2 per cent. Time loans easy: for 60
dava. onered nt S per cent; 80 days. 8
per cent: for six months. 3H per cent. Prime
mercantile paper. 44 rer cent.
Bterllng exchange s'.cdy with actual busi
ness in bsnkers' bills at f4.8275w4.8280 for
00-dsy bills, and at $4.86 for demand. Com
mercial bills. 4 8104-2. -
Bar silver. Mo.
Mexican dollars. 4jC ...
Government and railroad bonds, steady.
LONDON. Jan. 2. Bar silver Quiet,
14 l-d per ounce.
Money 3 tH per cent.
The rate of discount In ths open market
for short hills Is 15-1 ft 4 per cent; three
months' bills. 13-ltSl per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2. Sterling on
tondon. 40 days. (4.83: slfrnt, $4.64.
Drafts Sight. c; telegraph, 11c
CHICAGO, Jan. 24. Exchange on New
Tork. 15c premium.
Bank of England Bate Reduced.
LONDON, Jan. 24. After a prolonged dis
cussion, ths directors of the Bank of Eng
land today reduced the bank rate from 4
to 4 per cent. This action was unexpected
In view of the present stringency in the
money msrket, which recently hardened pri
vate discounts; but svldently the directors
were guided to their decision by the fact
thst they hsve sbsoluts control of the money
market through the time collections and
will be able to make tho 4 per cent rats
When the bank returns ara published the
reserve probably will show a good Increase.
Discount rates at foreign centers are also
lower than in London, and thera Is an ab
sence of foreign gold demsnd. - It Is be
lieved that the Indian requirements are less
Sresslng and probably this helped to bring
own the minimum rate.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINHTON. Jan. 26. At the begin
ning of business today the condition of ths
United Slates Treasury was: I
Worklns bslsncs in Treasury office. 124.
61O.430; in banks snd Philippine,
I33.530.3S3; the total balance the general
fund was $8o.554.38. Ordinary receipts
yesterday were t2.075.872. with ordinary dis
bursements of $2,560,458. The deficit to
dste this fiscal year Is t8.582.761. as sgnlnst
f27. 839.831) at this time Inst year. These
figures exclude Panama Canal and pullc
debt transactions.
Stocks at Boston.
Alloues .13
Closing quotations:
Mohawk ....
Amalg. Copper.. 63
A. Z. L. A Sm.. 23
Arlxona Com. 13
Atlantic 4
R C C A S M. 11
:Nevada Con. ..,
'Nlplsslng Mines..
HjNorth Butte....,
jNorth Lske.....
'Old Dominion..,
Butte Coalition. 18
CaL A Arlxona. 48
110 A
:Parrott tS. A C.) 11
Cal. A Hecla...5l
Centennial 12
.on. Ran C. Co. !
Iwuincy ......... 63
Shannon ........ 11
Superior 36
Sup A Bos Mln.. 4
E. Butte Cp. M. 12
Franklin 1
Glroux Con. . 6
nranbv Con. ... 20
Sup A Pitts Cop. 14
Tsmarack 44
U. 8. S. R. A M. 85
Greene cananea. 6
H) do preferred .. 46
Utah Con 40
H Utah Copper Co. 45
Winona 7
Wolverine 118
I. Royals (Cop.) M
Kerr Lake 7
Lake Copper. .. . S3
La Salle Copper 7
Miami Copper... 18
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Jan. 26. Standard copper,
weak: January and February, 11.855 12.05c;
March and spot and -Ap-11. 11.800 12.10c.
London, quiet- Spot. 55. futures 55 16s 3d.
Arrivals. 170 tons. Custom-House returns
show exports. 24.137 tons so far. Lake cop
per 12.62H12.S7Hc: electrolytic. 12.87
12 50c. and casting. 12.1212.37Hc
Tlrr Easy. Spot, January, February,
March. April. May and June. 42.50e4jr.ooc.
London. quiet. Spot and futures, fiat l' d-
Lead Dull. 4.4094.50c, N York: 4.2rfl
4.85c. East St. Louis. London, spot, tl2
74fpelter Easy. Spot. 5.35f 5.46c, New
York- 8.20 to 5.25c East- St. 1-oula.
Iron Cleveland warrants. 49 4.4d In Lon
don. 'Locally, iron steady; No. 1 foundry.
Northern. 1 5.25 9 1 8.25c : N o. 2. 1 4. . 5 fi 1 75c ;
No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft,
15.25(1 15.75c.
Dried Fruit at New Tork.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-r-Evaporated PPles.
Arm- spot fancy. 12 H 6 13c: choice, 114,
12Hc- prime. 10trl0.-.
Prunes offeree: I Inore freely Quotations
ranze from 6llc for Callfornias up to
80-40S and 106 11 He for Oregons from
ApHcots. dull: choice. 13c; extra choice,
1313c: fancy. 13 14c.
Peaches, quiet: choice 'iJ4 c; extra
choice. 88c; fancy. 88c.
Raisins, firm. Loose mmjstels
Uo- -holce to fancy seeded. 04TrTc:
secdicss. ag8c? London layers, J1.40 1.45.
Missouri Egg Market Tumbles.
ST LOUIS. Jan. 24. Eggs at wholesale
In St. Louis havs dropped - cents during
ths last week, and in now 10 cents lower
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
4..V0- 04 63 H 3K
4'M 40 4'x 4H
4i0 41 H 40H 41 H
SO0 10 H ss
200 f.4H 54 H MH
DOO . r.8H 6H 6SH
H(K) 22 H 22H 22H
200 18H IsH ls''
10 H
4O0 41H 41 ' 40H
2.7O0 7H 77H 78
400 103 I'lS lor
100 40 40 4.1 (
' 114
1,80 144H 14:tH 144
2iM) : 04 ?s WH "4
2M) '32 31 H 31
40 3'.t 3!S 38 H
11.700 105 H4's 04H
200 103 103 102H
Timber Lands
701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bide.
Portland Oregon
than at this time a year ago, and cents
under the 190 price.
Indications are that a still further drop
will take place within the next few days,
as receipts each day are heavier.
Receipts yesterday were 2118 cases, and
tor more than a week tha arrivals have
totaled upwards of 1200 cases. Other
Western markets report heavy receipts and
lower prices. A relatively large decline has
Xaken place In cold storage eggs.
Active Demand for Good Quality
Cattle and Sheep at
Steady Prices.
There wag another large run of stock at
the yards yesterday. 2215 head being un
loaded. Buying was on a fairly liberal
The bulk of tha steer sales were at SS.13.
but one- load of better quality brought $6.25,
while others moved at $5-75 and 86. A num
ber of small lots of cows were disposed of
at 84.50 to $5 and a single prims cow
touched the top market at 85.60.
Two loads of hogs were moved at $3 and
$8.45 and a bunch of sheep at $4.75. In the
horse market there waa a sals of four sad
dle horses at $100 each. .
Receipts yesterday were 383 cattls, 44
calves, 873 sheep, 844 hogs and 21 horses.
Shippers of the stock were Adams Bros.,
who drlvs In 55 hogs; C. H. Vehrs A Son.
Lebanon. 1 car of hogs; August C. Braun
stedt, Woodlawn and Red Bluff, Cal., 4 cars
of hogs; M. E. Babcock, Slsson, 2 cars of
cattle; Albert Babcock, Sisxon, 2 cars of
cattle; Andrew Babcock, Slsson, 2 cars of
cattle; C D. Adama, Independence and Am
ity, 8 cars of sheep and hogs; E. E. WU
lard. Echo, 1 car of cattle and calves; J. D.
Houston, Enterprise, 1 car of horses;
Charles McCullough, Durkee, 2 cars of cat
tle; Kiddle Bros., North Powder, 1 car of
sheep; Brockman A Long. Steunenberg, Ida
ho, 2 cars ot cattle; E. W. Blackwell, Wei
ser. 2 cars of hogs; J. W. Johnson, Buhl,
Idaho, 1 car of hogs; J. L. Stewart,. Pay
ette, 2 cars of sheep, and J. Madison, Wei
ser, 2 cars of cattle and calves.
The day's salea were as follows:
V - Weight. Price.
268 sheep 88 $4.75
4 cows 870 5.00
1 cow 1120 0.50
12 cows 017 4.50
27 steers -. 1129 6.15
25 steers 10K2 6.15
26 steers 1116 6.00
1 bull 1440 4.00
1 bull 1460 4.75
1 bull 1440 4.25
8 bulls - 1250 3.75
20 steers 1158 6.15
2 steers ,1121 U.15
50 hog 272 8.45
55 hogs 273 8.00
41 hogs 234 8.50
20 cows 802 4.05
i bulls 1450 3.50
8 bulls ,...1440 3.75
1 bull 1" 8.75
4 rows 852 5.00
21 steers 1251 5.75
22 steer 14S2 6.25
2 hogs 4O0 8.00
26 hog 202 8.50
4 saddle horses 100.00
Prices current on ths various classes of
stock at the Portland Union Stockyards
were ss follows:
Prime steers $6.25 50
Good to choice steers 6.00 9 6.25
Fair to good steers 6.50 6.00
Common steers 4.00 9 5.00
Choice to prims cows 6.25 6.5o
Good to choice beef cows 4.759 5.2S
Fair to good beef cows 4.25 4.7A
Common to fair beef cows 2.00 9 4.00
Good to choice heifers 5.75 9 6.00
Fair to good heifers 6.00 9 5.50
Common to fair heifers 4.00 4.25
Choice to good fat bulls 4.509 4.75
Fair to good fat bulls 4.009 4.23
Common bulls 2.50 9 3.25
Good to choice light calves.... 7.759 8.00
Fair to good light calves 7.00 9 7.50
Good to choice heavy calves.... 6.25 9 8.00
Fair to good heavy calves 4.759 6.25
Common calves 8.759 4.75
Good to choice stags 6.009 6.23
Fair to good stags 4.003 4.60
Choicerhogs 8.75 8.85
Good to choice hogs 8.500 8.73
Yearling wethers, grain fed.... 4.25 6.25
Old wethers, grain-fed 8.75 9 4.25
Good to choice ewes, grain-fed.. 3.259 4.25
Feeders 2.25 9 8.00
Choice lambs, grain-fed 6.25 6.50
Good to choice, grain fed 6.009 6.25
Fair to good 5.25 6.75
Poor lambs 4.5 0.00
Hay-fed sheep and lambs. 90c lower than
Current prices In the horse market follow:
Drafters, extra. 1500 to 1700 lbs., $165
850; drafters, fair to good, $1259 200;
chunks, good. $1009150; chunks, medium,
$50 to 100; drivers, good, $125 up; drivers,
medium to good. $409110; plugs, $10940.
Chicago Livestock Market,
CHICAGO, Jan. 26. Cattle Receipts es
timated at 4500; market, steady. Beeves,
$4.7567; Texas steers, $4.1595.30; Western
steers. $4.60 9 3.70; stockers and feeders,
$3.7096.70; cows and heifers, $2.5096.00;
calves. $7.250 8.25.
Hogs Receipts estimated at 22.000: mar
ket, slow to steady. Light. $7.607.85;
mixed. $7.6097.85; heavy, $7.037.8O; rough
$7 55 7.65; good to choice heavy, $7,659
7.80; pigs. $7.4098; bulk of sales, $7,659
Eheep Receipts estimated at 12.000; mar
ket, strong. Natlvs. $2.5094.40; Western,
$2.708 4.35; yearlings, $4.50 93.60: lambs,
native. $4.2596.25: Western, $4.7596.25.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Coffee futures
closed barely steady at a net loss of from
16 to 30 points. Sales 48.000 bags. January.
10.Oc; "February. 10.8rtc; March. 11.02c:
April. 11.03c; May. 11.08c: June. 11.05c;
lulv IMWo: August. IQ.wnc: Sent cm her.
Boost your own
game a little, Mr.
Property - Owner
get your prop
erty improved
with the great
value - increaser
National Bank
Merchants National
Portland, Oregon
United States Depository.
Capital and Surplns $350,000.00
Accounts of Banks, Corporations,
. Finns and Individuals Invited.
We have every facility for the handling of Com
mercial Accounts and extend to Depositors
every accommodation consistent with J
Sound and Progressive Banking.
Portland Trust Co.
of Oregon
Capital, ' - $300,000
Surplus and Profits, 75,000
4 per cent interest paid on savings deposits,
computed semi-annually.
Accounts of individuals, firms and corpora
tions invited.
H. L. Pittock, President.
F. W. Leadbetter, Vice-President.
Emery Olmstead, Vice-President and Manager.
h A. S. Nichols, Vice-President.
B. Lee Paget, Secretary. j
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West o! tha
Rocky Mountains
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Compan
Ccrbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Street!
Capital and Surplus $950,003
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Saving
10.84a: October, 10.71c: November, 10.64c,
end December. 10.59c. ,,,,,.-.
Spot coffee quiet; Rio No. 7, l,m13Jie,
Santos No. 4. lane Mild coffee quiet; Cor
dova. 13413c nominal.
Sugar quiet. Muscovado sugar, 89 test,
2.Kt; centrifugal. B6 test. 3.42c: molasses,
89 test, 2.C7C Refined sugar quiet.
(tw Tork Cotton Market. -NEW
YORK. Jan. 26. Cotton Spot
closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 14.90c; mid-gulf,
13.13c Sales. 1430 bales.
Cotton futures closed steady at a net (tain
of 1 to 4 points. January, 14.67c; February.
14 88c: March. 14.79c; April, 14.S8c: May
and June. 14.97c; July. 14.90c; August,
l.7o; October. 13.80c; December, 13.2oc.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26. Butter Steady;
creameries. 17 25c; dairies. l22c
FiJai Firm; receipts. 4552 cases: at
mark cases Included. 17l419Hc; firsts,
20U.C- Drime firsts, 21c.
Cheese Steady: daisies, 15154c: twins,
13 bukc: Young Americas. l.,yfc f 16c.
worth while, excelling all others for novelty
ind pleasure. The Volcano of Kllauea. the
largest In the world, is tremendously active
now It Is possible to make this desirable
trin'wlth SPEED and comfort and the price
frPlow ' $1107 first-class. Sen Francisco Jo
Honolulu and back, and $45.50 for side trip
from Honolulu to volcano Including rail
and auto to Kllauea: hotel at Hllo.
Volcano House. No other trip compares wilh
this. Be sure to visit the Islands and Dp IT
NOW while the volcano Is active. b. a.
BlirRRA (10,000 tons displacement) sails
Feb 4 Feb. 25. March IS- Write or wire
7S Market Street, San Ii-anclsco.
San Francisca, Los An2l3 aai
San Diego Direct
forth pacirie 8. a Co.' 8. "
mna H 8. Elder sail every Wedneedar
Ift.rnaUlT at P. U. Ticket etfle. li
Xairx mU. near Alder.
uabtix 4, H1GLEX. Passenger Ageat,
V. Ii. SLUbSlOt. Freight Agent.
rboae M. Hie. A His-
New service to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco every five days.
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.
S. 8. Beaver Jan. H7. Bear. Feb. 1. Rose City 6
From San Francisco. Northbound. 12 M.
B.8. Bear Jan. 16. Rose City 81, Beaver Feb.S
From Ban Pedro, Northbound, 10:30 A. M.
B 8. Roee City Jan. 29, Beaver Feb. 8, Bear $
H. O. Bmltli, C. T. A., 142 Third St.
J W. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock.
Phones: Moia est. AML A 1402.
ri'KKS. LINCOLN ..F-ib. 18. 1 P. M.
tAUKKJKA March 2, 10 A. M.
U-nexcelled Rltz-Carlton a la Carte Restau
rant, Gymnasium. Elec. Baths. Elevator.
Palm Garden. 'Second Cabin only. 'Ham
burg direct. tHamburi via Cherbourg.
Gvmnaslum. Elevator, etc -
tH?' 8.' BA TA VI A'-V March 2. ArM 0
S. S. CINCINNATI.... JlMrcli -
JNaples and Genoa only.
YS - .v t-R -Jew
UH "TTZiS- -ai ss """
STT eccnAnd Up,
all necessary expenses.
Will tahe yssj
In Luxury and Comfort
Visiting Lisbon. Bpain, Italy. Egypt.
Irdla. Cevlon. Straits Settlements. Java,
Philippines. China. Japan. Sandwich
Islands and Overland American Tour.
Bv the Twin-Screw steamship CLE IB
LAND 07.000 tons). Klrst cruls
leaving New York November 1. ltl.
Second cniise leaving ban Francisco
t-'Ahrnnrv 17. 1912.
Fend for Illustrated Booklets.
160 Powell St.. San Francisco. CaJL,
or local R. R. agents in Portland,
or local R. R. Agents.
Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M. Deo. 13. 20.
7. Jan. $. 10. 17, 24. 81. Feb. 7. 14. 21. 28 sad
every Tuesday night thereafter during the
Winter. Freight received at Alaska Doclc
until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger fare llrst- .
class, (10: second-class. $7. including meala
and berth. Tickets on sale at Ainiwenia
Dock, Phones slain 26$. A 1234; '