Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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Steamer Tahoma Held at Big
Eddy Until Shifting of
Cargo Releases Her.
Sadden Burnt of Sprrd Ahrad Lands
Yel on Krorn Body Wbk-li
Looked SortBoat Is Hacked
Into Peep Water.
Held In the Ice five hours and only es
caping after a difficult tank that Involved
tufting- of Us freight and all aorta of
maneuvering-, m the experience of the
learner Tahoma at the Ulg Eddy. The
plight of the craft was narrated yester
day by Captain Buchanan, cf the Open
River Transportation Company, for which
the vessel Is operating pending overhaul
lr ef the J. N. Teal.
I saw the Columbia blocked with Ice,
from the Big Eddy to Covington's Polul.
an.l there la considerable Ice In cakes
floating In the river." said Captnln Bu
rhanau. "It was thought that the Ta
homa could reach the Big Eddy without
much trouble, and on seeing the lc pack
the. captain assumed from Its appear
ance that It was soft. He signalled for
more steam and took a flying start,
which landed the Tahoma on the Ice. By
rhangtng the position of the vessel's
h-.vy freight and backing hard It finally
slid Into the water.
We cannot get frelcht to the Eddy
under present conditions and the out
look Is not favorable. It was snowing
hard at Hood River and vicinity Wednes
day, and there waa new Ice at The
Dalles when I left."
In the face of cold weather and stormy
ion. lit lor s Captain Buchanan saya that
work Is being hurried on the Cellio Canal
and that at no time during the season
has lie noticed more act'vlty of construc
tion. Added to that stir there la the
life exhibited as far as the Peechutes.
where the bridge for the Oregon Trunk
Railroad Is being built. Porter Bros..
rontratcors. reported that the piers are
completed and that the first lot of steel
will arrrve on the ground next week.
Uranlte abounds along the Columbia In
places, but the railroad interests ob
tained that material for the piera In
Southern California and Mexico.
The steamer J. N. Teal will be floated
from the ways at the 9t. Johr.a Ship
building Company's yards tomorrow and
will be berthed at the Oak-street dock
to complete reralra to machinery. By
March 1. Captain Buchanan believes, the
Vpper Columbia will be open to naviga
tion. He Is convinced that the stream
to Lewlston will present no obstacles for
steamers during the Summer.
Mrrs absence costs Lira
Drowning In Port Few Since Adop
tion of Ordinance.
Determined that no drowning of sea
men In the harbor can be attributed to
faulty nets or tarpaullna beneath gang
ways, or to neattgenre In acquainting
all masters of shirs with the regulations.
Harbormaster Speler railed the attention
of Ms force again to the Imperative need
of Insisting on net being stretched, and
on hla personal Inspection of the water
front yesterday gave particular attep
tlon to the manner In which those safe
guards were provided.
The drowning of Chief Mate Pledrlch
Te Harde. of the German ship Elfrelda.
whose body was yesterday recovered at
Unnton by Hugh Brady and conveyed
to Dunning A Mclntee's establishment,
la charged to the fact that there waa
no net or tarpaulin used under the El
frted.Vs gangway. De Harde. It la sal-L
carried a lantern, but on approaching
the edse of the wharf the rays of the
light shone In hla eyes so that It was
apparently impossible for him to see the
plank. Phi pa lying at Unnton have now
provided nets, though they are beyond
the limit of the harbor. The net ordi
nance waa made effective aeveral years
ago. following a winter when a half
ilosetx men. Including one roaster, lost
their. Uvea through falling from gang
wave on bailast logs. Not since that
time has a drowning occurred through
the victim falling from the gangway. At
ttmea early In the morning crews of
ships have hauled comrades from the
rets who had fallen from the plank
while Intoxicated and then reposed In
slumber when they found their fall
broken by the contrivance. The harbor
police Insist on the gangwaya being
lighted at night and by those methods
the river's toll has been reduced ma
terially In accidental drownings.
Vpper River Freight May Be Hand
led by Rail.
Facing an Interruption of traffic for
two months. .while the Oregon City
locka are being deepened by blasting
away the bottom of the basin, officers
of the yellow Stack line are considering
means of providing for the care f
freight between Portland and points on
the Willamette south to Corvailla.
During the low water season last Sum
mer the lowest depth at. the north end
of the locka was IS Inches over the sills.
As the bottom of the locks Is solid rock
additional depth gained will have to be
provided through blasting, though by in
creasing the height of the gates the
amount of water available may be In
creased. There are six sections In the
lock snd work will possibly have to be
carried for half the distance. The sys
tem is arranged so that any section may
be drained and men may labor without
water Interference.
"While steamers will be prevented from
naming through the locks, arrangement)
are being consiaerea wnereoy ucimu
will be hamlled between Portland and
Canemah over the line of the Portland
Railway. Light & Power Company. Then
teamens can remain above the locks. It
Is said that If the Corpa of Army Engi
neer In constructing the proposes uov
ernment locks on the east bank of the
river there, establishes the height about
two feet above that of the present plant,
navigation will not cease until extreme
high water. The locks In use were
closed before the crewt of the last freshet
Waa reached and they were not re
opened until the river had been falling
two days.
Vessel to Be Launched Soon Barges
Are Ready.
Machinery for the first towboat of a
fleet to be formed by Georje W. Evans
and assoclatea under the llaT cf the
Portland Barge Towboat Company has
arrived from the East, and a Scotch
marine boiler . feet by 10 feet Is due
In a week. The engine has an 18-Inch
bore and stroke. It will be Installed
that the tu mar be launched about
The vessel has a keel length of 17 feet
and Is 73 feet over all. with a beam of
It feet and eight feet moulded depth.
Two barges. 120 feet long and of S4 fee
beam, about ready, will have a capacity
of tons each. During 1211 the com
pany will make no additions to the fleet.
w... ih. venture nrove nrofltsble
contracts will be -awarded In 1911 for
more facilities, it is pisnneu iu w...
. i inFn t in hm ennrlned largely
VIR'fBiiuiia flf " " "
to harbor work for which such tugs are
In demand.
Government Clears Stores Front
Hobby Horses to Hair Dye.
it nm.rv denutv collector
of customs, adopted the role of auc
tioneer yesterday, and quotations
. . . i ...v.1.1 mvIcH hat.
anocitea into mr r' ' - ----
There was a vast collection of poods
. . - i ..i.t.H thratiffh either
1111 IIMU uiuu.-.' .
carelessness or unconcern on the P"
. I L'..l. 1 atlfhtiri-
I consignees nu uiw . -
ties advertised the sale to swell the
January receipts
"Cheap at nan in pi iv, .
Dae te Arrive.
Name From t'r.
Beater. Pedro... In port
Anvil Handon Jan. .1
Sue H. ElmorTlllsmok....Jaii.
Bar Jisn Padre... Jan -
Alliance r'.uraka Jan. -
Golden Cats. ..Tlliamoo. ... Jan.
0-.X W. Rldar.San Pedro... Jan- -?
Hrshralr....'oe Hair Jan.
falcon Jsn Fraaclsof-b.
Mom Ct: n pedrs... . 3
Roanoke 8aa padre... Feb. -
rheduled te Depart,
watne. For. Data.
Beaver an padre... Jan. 2T
Alliance Kureha Jan. SO
Sue H- Elmore. Tillamook. ...Jan. 31
Asvil ...Bandoa. ..... Jan. 31
Ureakwatsr. ...Tillamook. ...Jan. at
Oolden Oste. ...Coos Bar Jan. 31
Gh. W. Elder.. ran Padro... Feb. 1
pear an Pedro... Feb. I
Kalroa ......5an Fraoelsc Feb. 4
Rosa City .San T-dro... Fsb. e
Roanoke 6aa podre. .. Feb. S
Montgomery as he handed over a rain
coat for J 2. 50. To a woman he sold
for $ a case of hair dye, worth $100.
according to the manifest. Three cases
of Christmas tree trimmings and other
vuletlde knlck-nacks. went for I3..5
and cas of dolls, hobby horses and
toys, listed at many times the price.
were knocked down for J10. They had
been damaged on the steamer Falcon In
recent lire. A set of old r.ngllsn
publications, said to be valued at $100.
drew a bid of $. Sacks containing
too pounds of rice moved readily at
J5.60. and a Christmas package of fruit
cake and delicacies sold for IS cents.
Small packages of food and samples of
Imported preparations went for figures
that would make a housewite gasp.
Grain Tonnage Loading Fast.
Two vessels, the British ship Bal
moral and the German bark Mlml, are
to finish grain cargoea this week. The
Mlml shifted yesterday to Martin's dock,
took on 600 tons of wheat in halt a day
and In the afternoon was moved to
Oceanic dock and will complete Its
load today. The Mlml will have the
last aboard by tonight. The French
bark Bayard should be ready to' leave
the harbor by February 1. Then, of
the grain coterie, only the Elfrieda,
Bossuet and Celtic Glen will remain.
High Bridge Is Time-Saver.
Since the completion of the Hawthorne
avenue bridge steamers of the Oregon
City Transportation Company have been
unable to pass beneath the structure
only on one occasion. That was when
the freshet of a week ago reached Its
highest point. There are other steamers
that reach the upper harbor without sig
nalling for the Hawthorne lift, and more
of them could avert such dejay. It Is said.
If their masters would ascertain the
Marine Note,
v ...- from ihn rn.t brought b V
the gasoline schooner Condor. Is being
discharged at Couch-street dock and
tomorrow she will sail with general
cargo for Walporu
w-io. - l. -. i-arro of ireneraJ mer
chandise ' the steamer Nome City
reached port last nignt. aa am me
steamer J. B. Stetson, the latter having
principally cement. sV Hlcharda have purchased
the Interest of L. Garner In the Palmer
boathouse. which has woraea up con
siderable business In the harbor plying
to and from ships.
Charles D. Lawrence, of New Tork,
special United States attorney. Is to
present cases before Oeneral Appraiser
.-,.. -I., i Mi-flrMand at the Custom
House today. The hearing being part of
a programme or visits 10 noire v-i
ports to hear appeals In various cus
toms districts.
Af t Vi fnlon ytrtds-e and
Construction Company are dredging In
the last pier of the Harrtman bridge, to
w i - ..a in 4dn wster. and arrange
ments are being made to moor a cement
barge alongside so inai concmmii -
be carried on from It during the entire
twenty-four hours.
Carrying a cargo composed of blast-
i .4 r.m.nt the steamer
Carmel yesterday entered at the Cua
. it ... rm Rin Francisco. She
cleared for San Pedro with 100.000 feet
of lumber and will load more on xno
lower rive", shirting to unnton iuusj
to start working.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Jan. S. Arrived Steamer
j Chanslor. from Monterey : steamer J.
B. Stetaon. from San Francisco; steamer
Nome City, from San Francisco. Sailed
Stasmsr Kalnler. for San Frsncisco.
Astoria. Jan. it. Caps Una down: no bar
report. Sailed at S:1S A. M. Steamer Ro
anoke, for Ssn Dl'KO and way ports. Ar
rived si and leU up at 10:10 A. M.
Steamer J. A. Chanslor, from Montersr.
Sailed at : A- U Steamer Washing
ton, (or Raymond. Arrlvsd at 10:40 and
Isft up at A. M. Steamer J. B. Slot-
son from San Francisco. Arrived at 11
A. M. and left up at 1:S0 P. la. Steamar
Nomo City, from San Francisco.
San Francisco. Jan. It. Arrived at A.
M. Steamer Qeo. W. Elder, from San Pedro;
schooner Irene, from Columbia River. Sailed
at t P. f. Steamer Bear, for Portland.
Pan Pedro, Jan. 26. Arrived yesterday
Yellowstone, from .Columbia River.
Ssn Francisco. Jsn. 26. Arrived Ad
miral Sampson, from Seattle; Umatilla, from
Victoria: schooner Irene, from Columbia
River. Sailed Steamers Jacinto. Coronado,
for drays Harbor; bark Andrew Welch, for
Seattle. Jan. Jt. Arrived Steamer
Hestbsr. from Nesh Bay. sailed steamer
Onsra. for Victoria; steamer Tamplco, tor
Slnsspore. Jsn. I. Arrived previously
Admiral Duperee, from Antwerp, for San
Hongkong. Jan. 2. Arrived previously
Tamba Mam. from Seattle and T scorns.
London, Jan. IS. Sailed Nlcarla, for Ta
coma. T scorn a, Jsn. 54. Arrived Jap steamer
Seattle M sru. from Tokobama.
Lxs Angeles. Jan. .rt. Arrived Steamer
Klamath, from Portland. sailed Steam
schooner Shasta, for Tecoma.
St. Vincent Jan. 32. Arrived Campbell,
from Portland.
- Tides at Astoria Friday.
High. Low.
10:4$ A. It t.1 fest SrlS A. M 4.S feet
6:i P. M 8. J foot
Big Field Seen at Jacksonville.
JACKSONVILLE. Fls. Jan .25. To
day's card, which was composed mostly
of selling events, brought together
large fields. Joe Knight proved best
In the fifth race for maiden two-year-olds,
standing a drive well and winning
by a neck.
Best assortment of trusses In the city.
Prices reasonable. Private fitting-room.
Plummer a drugstore. 260 Third.
Fair Sex Shows Interest in
Mechanical Points.
Practical Insight Relieved to Be
Augury of Sales Agents Will
Have Innings Today, Busi
ness Men Tomorrow.
Yesterday was Ladles' Day at the tnur kftlnff conducted by
v.. ptiMiflini AutnmoMlA Dealers' Asso-
clatlon. Throngs congregated at the
garages ail aay.
The -transfer system" inauguraieu oy
the dealers in handling the visitors
hiiav all risv rsrrvlnBr fair pas
sengers to and from the garages where
the neyest makes of cars are on exhi
tlon. Feminine enthusiasts displayed,
marked Interest In the latest designs of
Kvcrythlng from the smallest car on
the market to the largest and highest
priced touring car came in ior mmuio
Inspection, and many women displayed
trnnirl..a .if ttlA Intricate DOlntS
of the chassis on display at the Various
garages. Lieaiers were mucn l"c,,lu
K . t. . . t t.nt Inn ahntarn lha mechanical
department of the automobile industry
by the women, tor tney are mcwieu w
11.1.1 .hat .Hla nrapHlal InRlflrht IntO
... i . .1 ..... r.r .u,n.n v. v women means
added sales of motor cars, for when
a woman learns the "insldes oi an
automobile, and how to control the va
rious levers, she becomes anxious to
own and operate her own car.
Today has been set apart as "Agents'
Day" and special efforts will be devoted
to showing the latest cars to the out of
town agents and their friends, who
have come to Portland to take In the
auto show. ,
Tomorrow will be "Business Men s
Day," and arrangements are being
made to have a large number of the
transfer autos at the Commercial Club
immediately after the luncneon nuur
. .- m whl-k a larce number
of the business men off to the various
garages and show them the iaies.
...naa a inaial nroirramme Is being
arranged In this transfer system
whereby the business men and mer
chants Interested in the show will have
an opportunity to see an or tne cms '
the quickest possible time.
But Champion "Will Fight Cotton
Just to Knock Head Off.
PITTSBUP.Q. Fa., Jan. 26. "I do not
Intend to fight for six months lyid will
entertain no challenges until after that
time," aald Champion Jack Johnson
when shown a telegram from Chicago
announcing that he was to meet Al Kauf
man In London next April.
Johnson, who Is here with a theatrical
outfit, continued: "I quit the show busi
ness here In Pittsburg. From here I go
to Chicago for a visit with my mother.
Then I am going to San Francisco,
where I will stay two months. At the
end of that time 1 will probably start
around the world, going either to Austra
lia or London first."
Angered at what he terms "dashed Im
pertinence" on the part of George Cot
ton, his former sparring partner, who
today challenged him to fight through
the newspapers of Pittsburg. Jack John
son put tip a certified check for $10,000.
which he will bet against $3000 that he
will knock Cotton out ins'de 10 rounds
If they ever get Into the ring.
"I don't like men of the uncertain cal
iber of this Cotton trying to get a repu
tation at my expense, but I will fall for
this fellow Just once In order that I may
get chance to knock his head off. He's
In good training now. but 1 11 waive any
claim to t'me to train if he'll only put
up $M0O. We will fight any time or
lla.-e all I want Is one hour's notice for
Corvaills to See Great Basketball
Game Tomorrow Night.
Corvaills, Jan. 26. (Special.) The bas
ketball five d O. A. C. faces what prob
ably will be one of the hardest games of
the season on Saturday evening of this
week, when they will line up against the
National Guard Company F team of
Portage. Wis.
Coached by E. D. Angell. forrflerly
physical director and athletic manager
at O. A. C, the Portage basket wizards
constitute one of the most brilliant
basketball quintets In the country. Thoy
have captured 45 out of the 48 games In
which they have engaged in their trans
continental trip, and having defeated
every Conference team except Whitman,
with whom they were unable to obtain
a game, they are seeking final triumph
oyer O. A. C. at Corvaills.
Against these players, whose team
work is said to approach perfection and
whose basket throwing is pronounced
phenomenal, the O. A. C. players, while
with no great hope of victory, are mak
ing every effort to give them the hard
est game of their western experiences.
Three of the Portage players are grad
uates of the University of Wisconsin,
and their team will be supported by a
large number of Wisconsin graduates
now members of the O. A. C. faculty.
Light Mount Angel Team No Match
for Football Tactics Used.
Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Willamette
University took a rough game of basket
ball away from the collegians here last
night by a score of 17 to 21. It was a
hard-fought game, but a game in which
the lithe and clean-cut young collegians
clearly could not compete with the foot
ball tactics of their husky opponents.
Fouls figured mostly on the score board,
18 being called on the visitors for rough
work. The neat dribbling of Van Loo
and the clever guarding of Melchlor,
both of Mt. Angel, were easily the fea
tures of the game. The line-up:
Willamette. Position. Mount Angel
Mclntyre RF Van Hoomiser
Homan LF L. Furney
McKea C Van Loc
Shrsmm Q M. Melchlut
Minion Scholi
Umpire H. Melchlor. Mount Angel. Ref
eree Zimmerman. Willamette.
New Clubhouse on Mount Hood to
Be Opened Formally.
Under the leadership of J. Wesley
Ladd. eleven 'members of the Portland
Snow Shoe Club will leave tonight for
Mount Hood. This Is the regular an
nual Winter excursion of this club to
the famous mountain of Oregon, and Is
being undertaken at this time for the
purpose of holding the first "house
warming" and opening of the new $1500
The members of the snow shoe club
I . ... T W..ll
wno Will II111VC L II a .lit. i - -
Ladd. Harry Ladd Corbett. David T.
unn.vmon Tfali-At. R Hnnevman. Dr.
Herbert Nichols. Elliott Corbett. Hor
ace Mecklera, Rodney L. tillsan. uranat
Wickersham. Jordan .an ana i icu
Greenwood of San Francisco.
Th. cinK win. tskA two cooks and a
camp restaurant. The new clubhouse
adjacent to Cloud cap inn was num
last Fall. The members expect to re
main a week or ten days at the moun
tain side.
Storm Demolishes Covered Track at
University of Oregon.
rvrtirpSTTV np OREOON. 'Eugene,
Or.. Jan. 26. (Special.) The Winter
training quarters of trie university ath- t
letes. consisting of a covered running I
track and vaulting ana jumping siicua,
were destroyed by a storm early yes
terday morning. To this covered track
Hayward -credits the early careers of
Dan Kelly, Oliver Huston. Nelson, Gam
mons and other famous Oregon ath
letes. It Is said the wooden pavilion
was covered with Insurance, If not with
paint, and with this money a new
greenhouse" will be built to shelter
the aspiring freshman athletes from
the Winter elements.
Professional Nine to Challenge En
tiro Northwest First Match
Next Sunday.
Buddy Ryan ha finally gathered to
gether his crowd of Beavers who are to
play indoor baseball for the present
Winter, and last night he met with the
manager of the A. G. Spalding team,
which recently won. the Indoor cham
pionship of the city, and the two clubs
will cross bats at the Armory Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Ryan has decided to call his team the
Beavers, and If they are successful
against the Spaldings Sunday they will
challenge any Indoor team In the North
west. The Beavers will have all the
Portland champions, now wintering hero.
In the lineup, and Jimmy Adams, of the
Vancouver Northwertern League Club,
and Al Lerch, of the Trl-Clty League,
will help out. Vean Gregg Is practicing
the underhand Indoor delivery each day,
and Bill Rapps and Gus Fisher, who have
been stopping his shoots, say he throws
like a cannon ball.
The Spalding team has made an en
viable record at the Indoor game this)
Winter, for that club has won 11 out of
the 13 games played.' and won the cham
pionship of the Indoor league by a wide
margin. Henderson, the cleverest of the
local Indoor baseball pitchers, will be In
the box for the Spaldings against the
Beavers, and he is confident of being
able to fool Buddy Ryan'o sluggers who
won the Pacific Coast championship at
the outdoor game.
The teams will line up as follows:
Ryan's Beavers. Position. A. a. Spaldings.
Gia Fiaher C BKle
Vean Ore -P.. XSki
Kddle Mensor I.S Pembroke
Jimmy Adams RS l
Bill R.PP. IB - Auatlr
Pearl I'ssey !B WA. B ? !
BUI Steen I B TcookrV
Buddy Ryan L MtnSl
Al lrch HF McHato
Portland Academy Is Defeated by a
Score of 40 to 18.
In an exciting game of basketball the
Jefferson High School team yesterday
defeated the Portland Academy quintet
by a score of 40 to 18.
The Jefferson lads outplayed Portland
Academy all the way. and displayed
much better team work.
Vosper, West and Morgan were the
stare for Jefferson. Fenton, Bean and
Edwards did the best work for the Acad
emy team.
Edwards was injured and had to retire.
Reed was transferred from guard to for
wnrd and Miller was sent in at guard.
The lineup:
Jefferson. Pos. Port. Academy.
Voaper --f Bear,
VVcst Edwards. Reef
Anderson C Fentoj
Morsan C W'"J?ii
Earl. Murphy Q Reed. Millet
TOM WILLIAMS and his cohorts
down California way are "literally"
weeping and walling and gnashing
their teeth for the California legisla
ture has tied the "tin-can" to their
bang tall game. The handwriting was
on the wall some years ago, but Tom
and his pals failed to notice it.
Tommy Tennant has' returned to San
Francisco after playing Winter ball In
the South, but Tommy did not please
the Bar City scribes and management
by signing up for 1911. Tommy believes
In taking his time in money matters,
and he Is diplomatic enough not to say
whether the figures suit him or not.
s s s
The reason Happlcus Hogan has been
so quiet this Winter is that he is wait
ing to hear from Frank Chance, man
ager of the Chicago Nationals, from
whom Happlcns expects to receive sev
eral players. With a couple of embryo
"Cubs." Happlcus thinks he can land
the bunting this season.
m s a
Lou Mahaffey. the former first base
man for the Portland "champs" of 1901,
and later an umpire, has left for Mex
ico, where he Is to help a friend install
a big manufacturing plant, Mahaffey
Is a roofer by trade, and has landed a
fat contract, according to Portland
s s s
There ought to be considerable ex
citement around the Armory Sunday af
ternoon when the Portland Beavers
wintering here meet the Spaldings,
champions of the indoor Baseball
League, In a game of Indoor ball on the
Armory floor. . Buddy Ryan, Bill Rapps,
Gregg. Steen. f2a.sty, Ort, Fisher and
Mensor of the champion Beavers ae
scheduled to play against the Spaldings.
Commenting on Bill Steen's anxiety
for the season to open the San Fran
cisco Globe says: "Bill was not such
a glutton for work last season." If the
Globe man will consult Spalding's
guide he will find that Steen worked
In about twice as many games as any
San Francisco twlrler except Henley,
s i a s
JacW Grant's popularity as a referee
Is again shown, for he has been asked
thA Hmir between Jack Les
ter and Denver Ed Martin scheduled to
take place at Tacoma next w eanesaay
night. Grant is one of the best ref
..... .v.. rlflf. rnant. and his ludar-
ment as third man in the arena can
always be depended upon.
a a
Tickets are being sold with such
rapidity that a "packed house" is prac
tinaiiv ob.hii.aH thA Portland Social
Turn Vereln at the Heilig Theater next
Monday night. The Turners are giv
ing a monster gymnastic exhibition at
the Helllg for the purpose of raising
funds to send a representative team to
the Pacific Coast Turnerbund at Los
Angeles In July.
Go to. the
opesjicajLa!. MEN
fGTYou Run No Risk I Will Treat You Free
for one week If you desire to provi that I can cure you. I have spent
thousands to develop my treatment and I know what It will do. Don't
experiment elsewhere. Try my treatment free, and be convinced that
I can cure you.
While the ordinary doctor la experimenting and making mistakes, I ac
complish cures. See me bsw.
Out-of-Town Men Visiting the City
Consult me at once upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before re
turning home. Many cases can be cured In one or two or more visits,
continuing treatment when home. Consultation and Advice Free.
I promise you results so prompt and rosltlve that you will not need any
one to point out the Improvement. In short I will give absolute results
In every case and a written memoradum to refund every cent if you are
not perfectly cured.
I want to talk with the men who have tried other methods and found
them unavailing. I want to talk .with the men who have aJmost given
up hope of being cured. I can convince them by actual cures.
st efflee or by mall. One personal visit Is preferred, but If this ts Im
practicable, write me a full and unreserved history of your case and get
our opinio free. Mkay cases cured at home. Medicines fresh from my
own laboratory, SIJSO to per course.
Honrs 8 A. M. te 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12.
Railroads to Reduce Fares in
Tourist Season.
Local Officials to Ask Special
Charges for Rose Festival, Es
peranto and Christian
Church Conventions.
Reductions in passenger rates to the
Rose Carnival In Juno, the Christian
Church convention In July and to the
Esperanto congress later In the year,
as well as the usual concessions r
colonists' and tourist traffic will be
sought at the annual meeting of the
Transcontinental Passenger Association
at Chicago, to attend which William
McMurray, general passenger agent of
the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi
gation Company, will leave Portland this
Mr. McMurray also will make efforts
to secure the customary routing of Cali
fornia tourists through this city and to
have stopover privileges granted them
that they may visit Portland and other
points In Oregon.
Especial Work Outlined.
He will direct his energy especially
toward securing this concession for the
delegates to the National Education
Association and the National Sunday
school convention which will be held in
San Francisco during the coming Sum
mer. Members of both organizations al
ready have made application to have
their tickets issued with liberal stop
overa In Portland.
It is likely that reductions in rates
will be granted for the Rose Festival
on 11 lines entering Portland as well
as on all connecting lines west of Chi
cago. The fame of Portland's annual
carnival has spread throughout the East,
and the railroads realize that this is
one of the greatest revenue-producers in
which they have the opportunity to
The Christian Church convention, which
la scheduled for July 4 to 12, will at
tract at least 10,000 visitors to the city,
according to the estimates of local offi
cials of that denomination. A temporary
auditorium will be constructed to ac
commodate the visitors, who will come
from all parts of the United States. A
reduction for this occasion virtually has
been promised.
The third special event for which Mr.
McMurray will ask low rates Is the
North American Esperanto Congress, the
date for which meeting has not yet been
set. Several thousand delegates are ex
pected to attend this gathering.
No Trouble Foreseen.
No difficulty is anticipated in securing
the usual colonists and tourist rates
through co-operation with the Eastern
roads. This reduction annually has re
sulted in the advent of thousands of
people to Oregon and has been the
means of causing many of thjse vis! ors
to become permanent residents. In this
attempt Mr. McMurray will have the
combined support of the passenger agents
of all other roads entering the North-
Wo"iIe of the principal Items of busi
nesS in which the entire Pacific Coast is
interested is the plan to secure east and
westbound Summer tourist fares in addi
tion to the special excursion fares. A"
effort will be made to have such rates
apply to all points weU of the Cascades
and to have them effective on return
trips as well as on the west bound Jour-
The sessions of the passenger associa
tion will open next Monday, and may
continue through the entire week.
In return for the cncesslon W".
Coast roads will ask some of the lines
The Old. Bellsble Chinese
Doctor .pent lltetlme study of
herb, and reaeaxch In hln
waa granted diploma by th
Emoeror; guarantees cure all
simfenti ot men and women
whTn other, fail It you suf--r
rail or write to
First. Cor. Alder. Portland. Or.
You Can Be Cured
Other Men Are
Being Cured
Every Day
I can positively assert that there
does not exist a single case of nisod
Disease, Nervousness, Varicose Veins,
Piles, Kidney, Bladder and other All
meats of Men that I can not euro
promptly, safety, permsnentlj- If In
reach of medical science.
Don't Give Up
I am restoring suffering men every
day to robust health. Many of them,
no doubt, were innck weaker in
strength tbaa you.
Dollar Need Be Paid
Unless Cured.
entering East-.-n and Inter-ocean points
will demand excursion rates for their re
spective convention cities.
There Is not a physician living
who can claim to be proficient. In
the treatment of all human ail
ments. To attain the highest pos
sible degree of proficiency in all
depart ments of medical science
would require half a dozen life
times of study and as many more
of practical experience. Tne regu
lar practitioner is proficient in a
large number of ailments. The
specialist must first become profi
cient for general practice and must
then go on to proficiency in a few
of those conditions and ailments
mow difficult to understand and
more difficult to cure.
The Leading Specialist.
Pay Me When I Have Cured You
Examination Free
I offer not only free consulta
tion and advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a
careful examination and diagnosis
without charge. No ailing man
should neglect this opportunity to
get expert opinion about his trou
ble. HOURS 0 A. M. TO 8 P. BI.
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap
pliance for TREATING YOU. Our ex
perience Is so great and varied that nj
one of the ailments of Men Is new to us.
General Debility, Weak Nerves, In
somnia Results ot exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature's law.
Diseases oi bladder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense and no deten
tion from business.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, Itching and Inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write lor list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days. JO A. M. to 1 P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
VASlii.ul.i STREET,
Corner First.
Chinese herb and root
medicine for men and wo
men with any Internal, ex
ternal or eruptive disease.
Our Chinese doctor lately
from New York Oriental Hos
pital also ha. 80 years' ex
perience. If you suffer, when
other, fall, we wish you to
call or writ to 801 H First
St.. Portland. Or. Free con
sultation and examination.
It matters not what your ailment
Is, nor who has treated It. if It is
curable we will give you immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting cure.
Do not allow money matters to
keep you from getting well. We
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure you. Our aruarantee
SATISFIED is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and diagnosis free.
We claim for our treatment
nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It
Is simply our successful way of do
ing things.
icrl.inTED MEN. before treatlnc
elarTbere, hoaestly InventlKnte our
oroven methods. You will then under
stand how easily we cure VAKIIOSK
troubles. CONTRACTED ailments, HIP
TUBE, FILES and all RECTAL ailments.
What vou want is a cure. Co m e
to us arid get it. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realize
how simple a thing It is to get well
in the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
ytars. Office hours, daily 9 to 6.
Evenlncs 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1.
302 Washington St., Portland, Or.
$10 LET ME
I will treat
some of your
ailments for as
low a fee aa J5
and f10. I w 1 1 1
make you an ex
ceptionally low
17 nau ie6 on any u...
fiy ment you may
With tnis i"
fee and my long
and succes sf ill
e x p e r 1 ence in
.... I n f nM.
ments of men you need not suffer
another day. I don't car. who has
tried to oure you. and has failed
I will give you a sure cure ana a
small fee. Don't give up before
seeing me.
By the latest methods known to
MEDICAL science I cc"";u"
ireat VARICOSE VJBl.Vs, 1'Il.bS,
N Elt VOLS A H.M KNT J, b KI l''
MENTS, KIDNEY, It L A 1J D fc. It.
Call at once and let a true spe
cialist examine you today, not to
morrow. . ,
Stop suffering; get strong snd
vigorous. What more to be de
sired than health? Nothing.
Come and consult us free ot an
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets.
Entrance 12M$ Second street. Port
land, Or. Office hours S A. M. to
S P. M. Sundays. 1U A. M. to 1 P. M.
Grand Offer to Sick Ken and WGmen
Call at once and
find out what
your trouble 1
fcefora thla grand
otter Is with
drawn. The Brlt
lih Medicine Co.
are curing the
.Ick with their
wonderful Euro
pean method, of
electric and nat
ural treatment,
combined with
their blchemlc
remedies. They
are curing to stay
cured all chronic
nervou. and spe
cial ailment, of
men and women.
rnred without the knife or
constipation, stomach, liver.
gall stones, moneys, uw
rier. blood Dolson, skin
ailment pimple.. .ores. ulcers. any
where on body, eczema, rheumatism, ca
tarrh, varicose veins, .ciatlca, lama hack,
fit. nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all
chronic dl.eases. It away from the city
write for particular. Call at once and be
cured. Con.ultatlon and J 10 X-Ray exami
nation free.
S87V4 Washington St.;
4tb floor Kothchlld ISIdir., room. 407-40S-40S.
Take lilvator.
'C. Gee Wo
if The Chin'si Dc!r
This great umnci
doctor is fii.
Known thro u g ..
out the Northwest
because of h I i
wonder ful and
marvelous t.uret
and is touay ner
aided by ail h I l
i fitltnts as till
h.ttest ot Mi kind. He treats any
tod ail diseases with powerful Chi
nese roots, herbs and barks that ari
entirely unknown to the medical
science of this country. 1th the
harmless remedies ne guarantees l
cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kldnev troubles, also pri
vate ailments of men and women.
Patients outaldti of city write for
blanks bod circulars. Inoosa .a
i tamp.
1U2V4 first St., Near Morrlaoa.
Portland, Or,