FOR MM. ll ! ri 1 1 ills a- Miw. T M E REAVER, lit and Marshall, for niahed (r bouaeaeeplng. U nnt. slec trlc light, hot wler. hath, laundry all free; 1." per mnaia up: a clean viae: best In the city rr money; ahort distent from Union Ipot. Taa "S" car. or lt B e. car north. get off al Marshall at. No a" COTTAGE. J nxrm. furnished. 1 month. We.l-furnlshed 4-room lower flat. $17 1 month, front of cottage. S r-oma, Sltl month: lulttl of two well-fu'nlahed housekeeping room. $ and Sl raonUx. Apply 4 North 2i.t. "W car from de pot, tta or MorrlaoB to 2'lth. Mo- north. II M TO fXBO WEEK; clean. furnlstted booeBeping roami, free laundry, bat. Ba clean Uaen. neat. " Vaneaaear o-. and ;vl rifnioa; take U car. a FIN DOWNTOWN HOXt Mtl.M-lH HLDO. lii Mi'KKISO.V FT. MODMK.V. CENTRAL, 1: E A3UN A RLE. Sl'ITslH of homrrkeepuig roon-.a: light. bath, water and ptiune. & bj A. Morrt . fL Phme Kant I l.-l JIHN'IHKI housekeeping rooma; alao ingle iiwiul William av. Fkea C 112X St EA.'T MORRISON, cor. Eat Sth , eimpletely furnlert-d housekeeping aultea. ONE housekeeping room and on sleeping re.ra. 4-t '2 1 at at. UOl'SKKtEPIKn. mni ra new rarmi bid. paone Vt or 23T. FUKMSHED h"-keeplnr room, rrason-aM- The W-r.-lri'irst. MiSs W ashlngloo. TliKEt-l.i iM r.ocsek-eping aulte; rent $35. Mvn gull. 211 .v. ---1 at. Heasr-evpln; K.sssn. In Frlvl Family. til MC& suit of upper room overlooking river in beautiful neighborhood, walking distance, near car: pnone. t:-at batn. pnone f-ll-ood IIP". : r- Bin. MCELV furnished housekeeping room: g-S rauae. electric ilrht. phone and bath; no . rniidren. 70 N. lita. between Da via and Everett. PA RTLT furnished housekeeping-room for working woman, or bachelor: bath and toliet on same floor, with uaa of phone. Quimby a'., near 2'th. BEALTIFUI.LT furnished housekeeping room la private fimliy. with gas. hath and pnone. neat and clean, at ::i McMillan st.. 6 block from teel bridge. TWO communicating rooma In privat fam ily; newly furnished, -a. king distance. 41 Alder at. ITUl R furnished housekeep.og-rooms; gaa, t.atn: phone B HM. bO Kaal bin at., cor. frtara. JiDERV. down'ria ra. nicely furnished, rent for X months or longer. 4'bone ast Clse. T?j K. Salmon. t WKLL-FI RNI-IIKD housekeeping rooma: fine location, cloae In. cheap. 412 Hall atreet. TWO comfortable single rooma on 11 rat floor: light, rhone. bath, very reaaonable. 413 loth t. TICREK furnished housekeeping-rooms to a'lults: front, coneenlent. j'S Tamhll! at. 2 HOL"SEKKEPiXil aulTea eery nice, rea- sonahle. 34d Hail. THKtrJ tomple'eiy furnished rooms, mod- ern conrenlencea. 1s7 O.laan. aialn a14. Tiil'.KE completely furnished housekeptn rooms, first floor. 4Jl Yamhill St. 4 VODER.V nnfurnlshed rooms, first floor, la-re ard in.l basement. 451 l'a St. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooma; electric lictf. sink. tl Hall St. THREE furnished rooms, clean and mod ern, fa -ln park. 4"l I'l'k st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 4Z$ E.Ashat- honaKaat lfl. yl RST-t"IA3 front rooms. beat. light, hath. p:ione. P75 rourb, N. E. cor. Isth. HOt'SEkE.riNOr'ni. cheap. T-l 1st at. H WHM yoaj moeo you'll Bead KIW FTTH. NITCRE. Buy tt Judiciously and tha sae toga will exceed your moving expense. One bualnesa for 1810. our third year, placed ua among tho "top notched la the furnlturo bustneaa la Portland. ffBT and HuW hare we bunded so rap. VEHT sillPLEI If wo did lb same business on the West blda our txptsioa would b $&.0tO inoro aacb year. Natural ly we bae been aol to aell much cheaper and th peop.a wer not alow tn ending J.Ok'.JAN-ATCHI.ET rURNITT JR CO. a-7J Grand in., cor. East -lark at. Eaat ABkeay. alootaellla and Kuaaall- gnaeer carllnca paaa our store. lO SENT W make a apoelalty of fBT aisned and unfurniahed houses, flata asd apartaoeota: ooUact our rwata an 1 recall you promptly. If you hav a vacant hone, flat or acarunent. and will 1st ua ha a deaclip hob of IV. our best leva tn at ) our cosamaad. r. B. TATtXR CO 4'2-40--4u4-4u. Lewis" Hldg. Pnuaea A 4114. Marshall eel. 1RV1XOTOX Elegant new-"modem-4-roorn and bath; large front and back porches, basement, fotrnace. beautiful reaidenc dis trict. $27. iw per month: lith at., between Broadway and Schuyler; llroadway and Irvington cars. Kboaa B -7el. "WE CAN FUli.NISU IOLK HuMC at a great earing. Oet our price. . look ers snivwn ovary courteay. M. OfTKIHV A CO.. -!-' North Sd St. Reaaonable price. Easy terma. FOR KENT New T-roorn modern house, conveniently loca'erl. $-2 kt month. J. H. TIPTON CO., Hue. lit rlpaMIng llldg. S3. THE fin A-room modern dwelling at 1 Kest Salmon street will be for rent January -V 1U II. lilueaum. SIC Chamber fumracrce. NEW ft-rnom bungalow on W. W. carllne, corner 41st and Pardee; rent $13. lavld lwis. room 2 Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and atara ata. FOR RENT 7 -room bous with bath. 1-50 E. balmon. lis per month. Phona Tabor 47. FOR RFNT A-room cottage with gaa and bath. 37 Eaat 1st. Hancock and Broad way; $lo per month. I-ROOM bouse.' .1st and Brooklyn. K a month. tt.och Koalty Co., Ill lAimber mens bldjr FOR KENT-Cotlag tn fine condition, at S iliutoa at. Inulr 72 3d au il. nlna helmer. FOR RENT Sla-room modern bousa. In quire all Cleveland ava. U car NICE -room house. 14 E. 13th, near B. Morrison: bath, gaa. $-5. FOK RENT $-0 modem ft-room house. tjood location. Xni4uir 123 Oraham a loliERN l-room house. Cleveland av and Knlling. Inq ulr li4 Pall liuy at.; "f" car. MoUalKN 6-room house, flreplac. cloee In; adulta only. 734 K. Mala. IS 1133. 2i4 SALMON 3 very desirable rooms fur nished for housekeeping: also single room. JlnDKRX 6-room bungalow, gas range. U$ Hlan1-na at. Main fo 7-room house. porcelain plumbing. trays, gas, electricity. 1'hone Sell wood is;. $ ROOMS, modern. K. loth; Sellwood car; i4: walking distance, fee 11 wood 10JL. aral4i Houses. FOR RENT A w-roora house completely furnished, modern conveniences. 1 block from iood Kemaritan lioeplial; phon KTiday or riat-arCay between 9 and 12 A M. Main 1107. FAHTLT fumUhed bouae for rent In Roe t:ty Park; rent roaaonabia. Phona Tabor 21JU $-H30M house, furnished, piano and sow ing rr.acuin Included. ou laonlgomery. M'WLT furnlahed ft-room flat, modern rwat, very reasonable. 7?rt -y Johnson St. Yi K.NISKEU flat. 4 rooma, nicely appointed. for ?. 511 Mont com ery. A Mt'EI.T furnished P-room houaa oa 2:ld. fall Mi In a;.'7. s'-koDll modem coitaae. partly furnished. Inquire at 4I1 fe'.th. st. S. E.. Ijiurelwood. fftewee fur ttrnt. Isnutsr- for $55 bun nlc furniture, l-ruoro flat, welk ing dtitanc. West side. Terms. Owner. A 4llod. or call at room 17, Kussell ildgM 4th and Morrison. TB ARCSAIN rumltur of a strictly mod era 6-roora flat for sale at about on-half the acual coat of the furniture; fta loi a tlon. West Mule. Call 111 4th St. FtiK SAI.rT Furniture of 4 rooms: prlc .'h: house to rent. $11 p-r mo.. In wa'k Ing distance, at Portland llomva Cow -OA Morrison at. y 1 1 R SALE 4 room, fine furnltur la A 1 coa'litton. cheap. Tarty Icaw-ig. Ad dreaa J 701. orgonlai l-ROOU Bat. completely furnished, flrst cl'a furmlur and carpets; can rent i or 4 rooma 43S Hill. Phon Mslntlo. 4-KVM cottage, fruit aad shrubtery . fur niture for sal cheap. frve fcaat Ttb at Nort n. NrTW m:ion furniture of unuaually nic four-room f't In lrvlnatou. cheap for sen: reat $:;'- A tt'J'J. orrgonlaa. KI'KMTl'RE t-ronm apartment rheap. Tel ephoao A 5"4 betwea 5 jO and .JO. a" f rvo if flat, rent $-77.50; good Income. Ij2 1.1B atreet.owner. FtNITT'RE of -ruorn h"uie for sal, cea- rral. alaer terms. A 4e. vJe AlTIL"Lthre-room fuprnlshed ft a t for sa.e. Low nazals. bL Alder and Wash. ron rkxt, House for Kent E " for Bole. riHXITlKK of a -room flat and two aleeping porches on Kings Heights: ma hogany. Orlantal ruga, old braaaea. cut glass, silver, picture and all oraamenta; everything th very best and In good con dition: only those who mean bualnesa and appreciate good (tuft need apply. Jaar shall 32. Foil rfALIi Purnlture of a four-room flat, completely furnished with hlgh-grad and staridaru furniture: our propoaltloa will Interest a couple desiring to go to house keeping. S54 East 14th st., northeast cor ner Mlh and Madison. JTRMll HE of a IJ-room hpuse. fitted tip for roomer and rooms all full: central, with fumace and ba; a bargain Juat as It stands. $J0Ul Pd la Mala Soon. 2o lith it. ENTIRE contents strlctiy modern fiat. S rooms, ally .l.gant; W eat old: n view; oasy terma; aacTlflc. J 44MI. Ore gonlan. . Fl'ItNITTRK of 7-room houa for sale, bar-g-ain. $-7".: rent -: rooms pay rent: easy wa.kln distance, on carllne. Pbon Mershall lot NEW furnltur of a -ronro flat for aa;, at a bargain: wU location; rent 13u. 1-2 .t -Jt at. Fl KN1TIIIE of new 5-room apartment, 1175: rent. $;l. Mt East lth St. NKW furniture, all or part, a snap. 1531 Virginia St.. Rlverviewcar, Paranaer SKAStnB HOTEL 1 rooms, modem hot-water rioatlng plant; eiegantly furnished, located Just south Moor Hotel; good ocean view; ery low price: easy terms. Apply or arrllB owner. J. E. oat. Seaside, or. HALF of new S-story brlclr, 80-100: plat glaee front: 10th and MarahalU anttabla for light Jobbing, manufacturing or retail; will lea one-half: divide apaca to suit tnant or tenanta; long lea. A. Q. Lang. TH-SINESS CKNT-R All or part Urg (round floor tor for lens to rcsrionslbl partle. Bt. Wash Ington and Morrison. AE i02. Oregonlan. bToRE Kg'W. with baaement; good down town retail location; modern brick build ing; splendid front; ready March 1: llw AC 04. Oregoulan. yO RH E .N T P t ore ISiCl. corner Id and Sal mon, reasonable rent: good lease. fcv$ oUch bldg.. 4th and Washington. CORNER store ant! II vl ng -room s, fursac. basement: shelving In; reasonable. i2 L'diod North. FOR RENT Small store and living-room ou corner opposite Arleta school, w m. Kolph. 101 cuiat 9ta at. M.'.V brick stor 11th and Hawthorn eve., elegant location for fin grocery. Apply 1. H. ralrcnlld. 3- Sherlock Hldg. rtjK RliNT Half of modern tor: light and water Includad for t-su par month. 63 Washington St. . OROINU tore for rent; spar 10x27; lea for sale: located half block from Meier A Frank . Ail 7w. Oregonlan. HALF a Btor for rant. JOT Slain gt, In qulr tii Front. fcTOIife; tor rent Phon Eaat lUX Office. TO LET. Privat room, desk room, on largr furnished room, all connected, and with both pauses, also clerk service. 41$ -paldlng Bids. PfBLIi? STENOGRAPHER Ta rent desk room, best location la city; offlc at elevator and stair to 8 largest office floor In Portland. AB SS, Clri gonlan. GKOUND floor offlc apac. with fin ahow window, excellent location for ral estate firm: will give lease. tieo. O. Malr. 1 Lumbermen bldg. OFFICES and halla, Sunday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday nights. Allaky bldg., $d and Morrison. DEPKROOM. use of pbon in dealrabl lo cation, near elevator In moat cntrally lo rated new office. B 677. Oregonlan. bKSKllOOU or whole offlc fur rent, rea sonable. Xt Lafayett bldg- Waablngtou and 6th. WANTED Desk room, but not In real -1st offlc; rent must be reasonable. AK 7v$. Oregonlan. MOST centrally located office, all-night ele vator service. $01 bwetland bldg.. or Jan itor. Hh and Washington. rEK ROOM. 301 MERCHANTS TRV8T BL-PG. DESK room, both phones. In most popular building In city. $17 Board of Trade. GOOD-OFFICE LOCATION Desk room for rent, with telephone. 2-v3 EatMorrlaon. FOR RENT A few office In Couch bldg. Call o Lwlabldg. , FRIVATB offlce."both phone, furnished "or ll Board of Trsd. LAW offlc for rent. Apply 4x4 Worcester bldg. 6TOKAGE space at and 11 Fearta a. North. Phon Marshall 29. TO LFA5E. HOME BAKEKT AND R E.ST A CHANT for al or rent; complei running order; good location: leas, cheap. Phon Eaat ftuS. loot akp rorrNn. FCiFS'li Wher you can buy genulna hair mattreeae retail at wholeaal prices; w renovat mattreaae and return aam day; w also renovat feather. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. M -tiger. 424 Front. Phon Main 44: A 1374. LOST Outsld Meier A Frank's stor. boy' bicycle. Finder return to io7 v Larrabee at. and receive reward. No ejueatlooa asked. CjsTt A turquols ring, set 'round with diamonds: th finder will be liberally re warded by leaving tha earn at No. SO Vhamber of Commerce bldg. XAT Umbrella, gold handled, pearl Inlaid, with chain. In Swetland a, Thursday noon: finiler pleas return Nortonla Hotel and recelv $14 reward. COST Wtch fob with Bcottiah Kit Ma onlc charm, gold spread eagles; Initialed IL V. P to C. R. J.; return to SIS Com mercial Club bldg. Reward. LOST Wednesday evening. pink came brooch on f or 23d-st car, or between 2'd and 25th on Thurman. Reward. 148 Hecond or A 4014 LosT Hlack and whlt Boston terrier, li cense No. 247C: answer to Bud; return to 210 North lth or call Main 10(4; r ward. XiST Between 4:.10 and 7 P. M-, Tuesday. 24th. a black lynx fur neckplaca. Call C lt72. Home pho nt. Reward. LOST -Pointer, brown and wblt. llcens No. S71L Return to 375 Morrison su or call luat 24D. LOST Oectleman- ring, aet with large topaa, A. l. T. Co. Phon Main 424. Bcryrjts opporttitii". LIGHT nd powr plant, very deslrbl for S radical man with ramlly. $12,000 will anril It. M TQJ. Oregonlan. MINING ANU I.NDLSTKIAl, STOCKS. Telcphon and other bond bought and old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton. cvanTED -Pa"rtner with 1-50O and aenlce In new manufacturing btulneaa un th Co-st. R 704. Oregonlan. MILUNERT. Good out-of-town millinery store for sale cheap. R 7U2. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Flrst-cln s delicatessen and bakery, best location In city, living -rooms, phone East 7S. Ivlt a'ALfc: A nil lakery and confection etr business in a bustling town. Inqutr Ciray. MrLesn A Percy. Ill 11$ N. at. p"oOLROOMand cigar store, good location ; this place cleared $27S last month; prlc $1509. 418 Board of Trade. SALOONStT NOTICE 1 will pay cash for a saloon llcens (not controlled by brw eryl. Add. B Ctfo. care Oregonlan. FINE tailoring, cleaning and pressing stor for sa.e. reasonable price; partners don't agre. F 7i2. Oregonlan. PARTS' Ert a anted for splendid cash gro ore: large trade. Call 74 4Blark at. LliAR eture. cheap If It's quirk sale, dandy f i sturcs. new stock. I 1 Morrison. $oo BLSiNaa earde. $1.00: yoa meat bnag this ad. Itoee city printer-. HS Taird, GR'VERT wlthllving-rooma; In vole about '. Call ri I H mark st. MOVINit-PICTl RE business; will sell cheap. Call Stark st. RKiTAl'RANT and grill, best of locations, lease. $. particulars. ,vi Henry bldg. PARTNEIS wanted with t.'.onn for dry goods store. Call Ptark at. T"It: for rent, beet kK-atloa In city. In oulr at 34 Wnahin gtoa st. HARl'WAKE stor: will Invoice about $1500. lil ;ts ft ark st. JOI I RINTING offlc for aale quick; a snap. O. A. flra vee. Newberg. Or PARTNER wanted for aplendld aaloon; U5o reonlred. Call 241 mark at- ' THE MOKyiXG OREGOXIAy. FRIDAY, JANlURT 27, 1311. I " f HNASC1AL I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BrwiXESS OPPORTrylTIEM. THREE hundred and fifty per cent nnunl profit for 23 years Is what hundreds ot Investors In British Columbia real estate har made. . T Th "British Columbia Bulletin of in formation" tell about th opportunities long th thro great transcontinental railways which ar opening up th'"' million acre of rich agricultural land and ffty million acres of timber. c?al ana mineral land In Central and Nrtlera Kntlsh Columbia, now famous as tn Fort George country. ,,, , On hundred million dollar W,IJ T pent In the next Av years In railroad building alnna. . Thousand of fortune will b made by thos who get In before the big rush. Li us and you a fre copy, cost you nom ine, may mean a fortune lor you. write today. Natura! Resource Security Co.. Ltd., ' Granvlll gt., Vancouver. B. C. FOR 8 ALB, OLD-FBTABLISHED BTTBT- NESS. "Tholes and retail with go.aBl"" Ik. K.. .ill .l ' neva til Teat od real estate CONdllJtKI-. Aodr B 658, OncoDlan. HOTEL-MANI How does this look? A thoroughly modern aip-to-dat hotel or s mom- . . -r ...... central lo rlv th benefit f snrlna trvL Sti0 will hand! this. JOS. C. GIBSON'. "$ Oerllnger Bldg . 2nd and Alder Fta. FOR EAI.K. A 50-M capacity Russell portabl aw m III. complete with cut-off saw. sawdust conveyor, etc, also a No. 1 Nortbweat planer, with attachment, food as new; naa been used only a short time. For particular call at my office. S2-2--S Front t Portland. Or. HERMAN METZOER. Owner. MOVINO-IifTCRB THEATER. THE NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE tart you In th moving-plctur theater business on ey terms. We hav good locations, also ESTABLISHED THEA TERS for KALE. Se Newman, msr-. rai Wash., near 17th. HALF Interest In an old-established busl nea doing a good business, with sal aried position of $loo per month. For full Krlli ulars call Kinney stampner, Lam r Exchange bltl., rooms &3I-532. TOLNO MAN. BriiANOER; Make careful Investigation at expense of seller befor you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department, T. M. C. A. FOR SALE First-clan stock of men's cloth ing, shoes, hat and furnishings, doing a fin business; an np-to-Uate store and live town of 3000 people. Address X 677. oregonlan. WILL aacrltlc my established manufactur ing plant with electric motor .machinery and stock; good investment to rruike moooy; must sell on account of sickness and old ag; only $lltiQ. S5 Union ave. NOW HERE I want to get In touch with a man of ability and mean to assist m In marketing my patent; this is no ordi nary proposition. Call 16U East 2uth. Tabor 2SSd. HAVE th best business proposition In Portland for a aaf Investment to some one with $2o00; ca show you a profit of . better than $0 per cent; can glv bank references. AM 641. Oreconlan. WANTED General merchandlae stores In every part of Oregon, ranging In ptic up to $50,000; we have llvo customers for good proposition In this line. Grusl 4s Zadow, 317 Board of Trade bldg. THE need of ready money to Drotect other interest compel me to sscriflc my stock in an Industrial proposition paying 50 per ' cent on th par valu or price I ask; no agents. B $. Oregonlan. FOR RALE Crockery, stationery and notion bustne In a good business center; price, $7t0; owner ha other business; would consider part In real estate, c 703, Ore gonian. FOR 6AI.E Sawmill and timber land. 80.000 capacity; $--.0"0 worth good machinery; S7.0v0.0oo feet timber and 1050 acres of land, all eo for $40,000 on easy terms. ' AM 706. Oregonlnn. ONE OF THE BEST Cigar, confectionery and fruit store; fin locntlon: to see 1 to buy. BF.NSOX CHAPMAN. S-61 Waah. St.. room 313 FOR SALE Meat market, strictly new and modern, flrsl-clas location: doing a cash business only. Leas. Apply boo Spauld- lng. FURNITURE stock for sI In good loca tion on Eaat Side, aplendld opportunity for good man; low rent. Inqulr &"2 William ave. phon East 4457. WANTED Partner with $2000 to lake bait Interest in business that pays $250 a week or better: good security for money in vested. Cll between 10 and 2. 88 N. Sth st. FINE llttl bom bkery nd confectionery; good mill town on columota rtlver; house hold furnltur goes with It. Write bos 40J. Kalama, Wash. PARTNER wanted to Invest $4000 for SO days: handl own raony; $ir00 profit Investigate this; reply at once. F. Roberta, au Salmon st-. Portland. FOR SALE Modern hotel with leas with VI WIIIIVUI t Vi '"" ' clearing over $400 per month; owner re tlrlng. Phon A 185$. A LIVE young business man can buy an Interest In an established buslnese; only .$lotN required, with services; first -class references required. AJ 707, Oresonlan. SALE or leas for terra of year, th finest stock ranch In Wallowa Co.. Or., located 40 mile north of Wallowa. Writ to owner. Box la. Clarkston. Wash. WELL equipped Job office. In beat town In Weatern Oregon; nets owner $150 per month; price. $2000: half cash, balance to ault. C 701. Oregonlan PARTNER wanted for manufacturing busi ness: patented article: rellabi people; mall amount of caaa will handle. &4V flth. OROCERT store; ber la a money-makar; low rent, lease, fine location; fixtures, $a.-i0; stock Invoice about $3000. N. T, Hall. 821 Lumbermen bldg. PARTNER wanted, reliable, sober man can buy half Interest In a splendid little cash business for $'50. Call room 316, Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted; grocery, doing big busl- . ness. price $1100. Call on my agenL CIS Board of Trade. MUST sell small casd grocery and fully equipped restaurant, $250. V 702: Or gonlan. M'ANTED Partner for good real eMste of fice; good furnltur and good district. $400 cash. M 670. Oregonlan. MOTION-PICTURE theater in city; has complied with nw city ordlnanc; low prloa for cash, or real estate In trade. C 7M. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and grocery; rent $JO; new stock and fixtures: snap at $3750. N. T. Hull. 321Lumbermenabldg! fitt CIGAR stand, right In heart of city: don't fall to see this place. 61$ Board of Trad a PARTNER wanted for well-paying real es tate business: live man wanted: very lit tie money required. 417 Board of Trade. RESTAURANT in hotel; rent free; netting $7 dily; $350. Room 628 Lumber Et change. WAMEU Ten men to join an aviation class. Coat for ua of-zr.achine. etc.. $250. No trlflera wanted. V tiS4, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and cigar More for sale; good location; a money-maker; can ba had below Involc. 417 Board of Trade. CIGAR stand: best buy In city; Went SldoJ 8 year' lease; $550. N. T. Hall, 321 Luin bermens bldg. WANTED Movlng-plctur operator. take half Intoreat in good houa. A 701, Ore gon ian SALOON for sale at a bargain. In good country town near Portland. Dement At Kr'-Irr 2IH Madison St. I'iiK o -V transfer outfit, doing good tiuslness. In prosperous town. For further particulars address Box 20, Eugene, Or. MECHANICAL engineers, office location and bualnesa for l cheap. 283 Eaat Mor rlon. DAIRY lunch; fin location; good trade; snaav at $4.v: terms. N. T. Hall. 321 Lum bermens bldg. FoK 6ALE Cleaning and dye shop, down town, very cheap: good location; leaving city. K 67, Oregonlan. ORt'HARPIPT desires to meet two young men with capital to rent orchard; good money In It. A K TOI. Oregonlan. LIGHT manufacturing business, light work and little money required, which yoa ban til yourself. 417 Board of Trade. REAL estate partner; half Intercj In good office: full investigation. N. T. HalL 321 Lumbermen bldg. CASH grocery with living room. $1000. Room 523 Lumber Exchange. BUILDING buslneea: half Intereat In best proposition on the Coast. 5-4 V 6th. CASH business, half Interest clearing $i-1o monthly, for sale cheap. 541, 6th. HAT and-feed business; will sell reason able. Call 14fr Stark St. CIGAR STORE doing aic business, only $5. BF. independent, learn to sllvr mirrors; send Sou. L 702. Oregonlan. cation, large transient business. wllb good lease: doing a business of about $:0O per month, with a rent of $7D. netting tn I BUSINESS OPPOBTrMTLKS. BEST-PAYING pool room, cigar and con fectionery In Oregon: modern aoda foun tain; best possible location; no opposition: best manufacturing town In Oregon: 2 payday a month; thi place netting $400 monthly; good man with reference and $2000 can buy bait Interest; If you hav money and can mak good, answer. Wm. Asay, 1007 Main t., Oregon City. FOR SALE; Well-establlahed phonograph and musical merchandise business In on ' of th best towns In Oregon, comprising store fixtures. $ year' lea, some sporting goods Edison and Victor machine nd records, all new and clean, and best piano agency; will sell at cost; terms part cash, balance on time to right party; best of reason for selling. For particulars, ap piy to Th Hull Music Co.. Eugene, Or. PARTNER MOVING PICTURE. A first-class show, center of city; man wanta reliable partner; will guarantee good aalary per week and large profits; will bear investigation. Call room 813, Lomner Exchange bldg. t SOLID BUSINESS Owner wanta Interested help: require small Investment, which will be secured : duties slly learned; will pay alary and share ot profits. Particular, i4' Stark at, FOR 6ALE California busine ehaac! fl rat -class grocery store and bakery route, located vicinity San Francisco. Address AS 673. Oregonlan. CIGAR, confectionery and stationery for ale. or will trade for horses: will Involc Sl.-.OO. Phone A 5757 or call 102 Chapman, bet. 13 and 2. No agent; fair proposition. IF yon have a rooming-house, grocery, ci gar stand or restaurant for ! or trade. It will be to your Interest to answer this ed. O 7P6. Oregoniftn. NICE hardware store, good location. $4000 stock, cash or city rroperty. Hall 350, Front t. RESTAURANT for sale; doing good busi ness; fin location; party has other busi r.ess: price reasonable. 64 B. 6th st. $50 BUYS pressing and cleaning shop; good location: good business; low rent. 3-3 Davis, near 6th. ROOMING-HOUSES. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT-HOCSB IN NOB HILL DISTRICT. BRICK BUILDING CONSISTING OF SO . ROOMS; ELECTRIC ELEVATOR, AX , MINSTER CARPETS. UKASS AND IRON BEDS. GOOD GRADE MATTRESSES, OAK FURNITURE; LONG LEASE AT $5 PER ROOM; THIS HOUSE IS CLEAR ING $3."V0 TO 4tHl FliR MONTH; $4000 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. M. BUNNELL, 282 CHAMBER OF COMMERCB. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN 4-RM. FLAT. Rent only $-0 per month. Completely furnished 4-room flat, walk ing distance, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, tationary laundry tubs, two bed rooms, good furniture; everything you will want to keep house with; gas range tor cooking; prlc for short time only $310. Stoddard-llrenner Co.. 605 Couch bldg. "ROOMLVa-HOUSESTHAT"ARB GOOD.-S-itliS 6 rooms, elegant furniture. iijSO 11 rooms, cicely furnished. $UMl 12 rooms, extra good furnltur. $HUH) 11 rooms, elegant furniture. $3-50 -4 rooms, extra good furniture. These are good, well-located house and ar good buys. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Room 3 Washington Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES WITH LEASE. . 4 rooms, brick building, rent $110. 29- rooms, brick building, rent $125. 18 room, new furniture, rent $li0. 16 rooms, new furniture, rent $ti0. BENSON at CHAPMAN. S'-IO-. Waah. St.. room 313. NICE LITTLE HOME. 6 rooms, rent $20; Income of thre rooma $3tr; leave three beat for owner; nice clean place, close In; West Side; price $30l. H casn. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th. near Stark. WANTED A good-paying rooming-house with housekeeping rooms on West Side; has to be a good money-maker; clean and lease up to $50X. F. FUCHS, 21IH4 Morrison Street. $ ROOMS, south of Morrison, corner. Urge yard, all nice and clean; part housekeep ing, rent $30: income $so. leaving a fin home: price $600. s cash. H. E. James Co.. 83 loth, near otara. tlJ.'iO WILL handle a 25-room house, right ' down town, on Yamhill, clears $165 per month, steam heat, good furniture, S-year lease. H1GLET. BISHOP ot M'CLA SKET, 132 3d. BIG SNAP. DON'T DELAY. 18 rooms, clears $100 month abova all expenses: good lease: best location; prlc cut to $12n0: easy terms. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 loth, near Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE. 9 rooms, beautiful place and a snap, fin furniture, well-arranged house, first-elaas location. West Bide, very close In; price only $550; term, partlcu- ' lars 101 4th st. HERB 13 A PICKUP. 10 rooms, rent $35; In th heart of th city; full of good roomer: owner bought large house: must sell, price $475. H. E. JAMES CO.. bS 10th. near Stark. 2 ROOMS, all on one floor, good location; rent $100. 8-year lease; Income $320; good furniture nd a nlc clean place; prlc H.'e.' JAMES CO.. 89 10th. near Stark. LEAVING PORTLAND, furniture of 10 rooms, rent $30. receipts $107 per month: 4 minutes from Postofflce: cheap. Wood. adjuster and referee. 8"2 Commercial blk. S"&nrwiLl7TBndl good 14-room house, right down town: w hav thi man wher h HVGLEV.Vis'rlOP M'CUBKET, 133 3d. FOR SALE Rooming-house. 6 rooms, all nicely furnished, H block from S carilne: price $200: only 7 blocks from City Hnll. rhone A .17.11. want" to buy for cash, good 10-room house, from owners only; must have good leas, and be bargain; glv full particulars. O Too. Oregonlan. WANTED Roomlng-nousa from 1 Jo 2S rooms: must b clean and modern: will pay $8H cash, balanc terms. Add as 827 E. 6th South. WANTED A 7-room house, not higher than K700. bout $1000 cash, balanc on or beIFF3UCHs!" S21J4MorrIson Streat, a" SNAP 12 rooms, fin furniture, clos in: prVcV $700. eay term. Call 417 Board ot Trade. WE have customer for rooming-house 15 to S rooms! 201 Board of Trad. Phon. Marshall bus. BK.T apartment-houso in Portland: clear $.100 per month; $10,000 cash, balance easy. Call 417 Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS close in; good furniture, furnac heat, modern, reasonable. BCi 8d t. SFECL.4.L KOTlCEf. lronol Invited. "MULTNOMAH COUNTT COURTHOUSU. Sealed proposals will b received at th ofnee of Whldden At Lewis. Architect. 701 Corbett building. Portland. Oregon, until r o'clock noon of Friday February 1 . . lall for all painting and Anlaning aa called for in th? specifications for the east wlnr of the new Courlhousa for Mult nomah county. Stat of Oregon. Plan and specifications may b obtained Vroa? ;hlf, 'considered unless orSere- .ic-ountyCourtirltAn fHHTErt irqVdated ttbAfK thS SiUiful performance of same In th. ny and all bids relved ?Y ERETTOCNounty Cor.' W ll LBSHTNeS ' County j:on,ml.sloner PROPOSALS FOR TtTBULAR DEEP WBLI- --"-"SwlSecefied who .bonld state in 5"!" .rwril'-beuJnVrv'e; CALOF-BONDS BEFOREATtlRITT. 8l.d PP1;., bLamTand Water office of the , ,v city of Lewla- Compsny. limited. In th city ot ten. Idaho, on V'. of bond, of rh'.L.wto.'U'J .nS W-er Compr. miA 4th day of February. , "niln fund' crwated und a c1. the trust deed curJ". l-atER COM' w,kWiu?S Proposals Invited. JtTTI.TNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOTJSB. Sealed proposals will be received al: the office of Whldden & Lewis. Architects. 7H Corbett Building. Portland. Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon of Thursday. February -S. 1911. for furnishing and installing the electric combination and gas Bxtures in th rooms and corridors of the eaat wing of new Courthouse for Multnouah County. Stats of Oregon. Plans may be seen at the office ana a complete schedule of all fixtures together with specification may be obtained Irom the architects. .,i. No proposal will be considered accompanied by a check payable tn order of the "County Court of u'tnonlauu County," certified by a responsible banK. for an amount equal to 10 per cent ot tne aggregate proposal, and this check Is to " forfeited ai fixed and llqu dated dam ages, in rase the bidder neglects or r fusses to enter Into contract and to fur nish a suitable bond for lMal p-r formance of said work- in the eent tn contract Is awarded to him. -elect The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids received. T J. CLEETON, County Jtge. , W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF BOND! NoYfce 1. Thereby given that the city of B.ndon. Coo. County. Oregon 1'!e,cheou: proposals for the purchase of "l"' , and ($60,000) dollar, P' ,a d amount of negotiable coupon bonds or city. Said bonds ar of the dtfncm'"a' r? of from $50 to $5o0. each b;'nJ leIl at th. rte of 6 per cent per f?nu- pact able cml-annually. on the tirst nay o June and on th. first day of December in MIali'bond. ar. dated the first day of April. A. D. 1911. and the Principal tber-ox Is payable on the first day of April. A. 1B26. principal and Interest pa V10 United State, gold coin at the banking houso of Kountae Brothers. In. the cit yana tat of New York. Sealed proposals mu t be addressed to the Recorder of the City oi Bandon. Coos County. Oregon. Bids will b received op to 'lou-, 6 o'clock. P. M.. of Wednesday, the lotn. -Lei z?s?v presence of tho Council, m aI?on'f "id gon, at th. hour of 8 o'clock, P. M.. of said aa'-ld bond, will be, sold to th hlehet bidder, but not for less than the.r lace VSald bid. must b. accompanied bya certified check of 6 per cent of the bonds The Common Council reserves tho riuiit to reject any bids. Recorder of the City of Bandon. RECEIVER'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the Mate of Washington, for the County of Clark D. F. Doherty. plaintiff, vs. tho K. b. Chem ical Company, a corporation, defenaant. No tic. 1. hereby given that the unde signed ha been appointed receiver for the K. Ac S. Chemical Company, a cor poration, and any and ail P"n having claims against- tho said rP"ralI hereby notified to Pscnt them to the underslgned receiver at his office. In van couver. Wash., within 30 days from tha date of the Ilrst publication of this no Uce. or they .hall be forever barred. Dat. ot first publication of notice, Jan. 1J. 1U1L E. M. Scanlon, receiver. . ToThmlt may .concern : That I wIU not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Henry J. Neicken. Master's Notice SerSuppd'o tManfS, or before January 2.. 11(11. "ul ton, master. NEITHER the captain, owners or agent of the German bark Wansbek will be re Ponslblo for any debts contracted by th. . crew of th'oreaaidvegel. FINANCIAL, "MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city property or for building COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 918 BpamjngBldT: roo-REAL ESTATE mortgages and sal. collet.; of81 per cent of selling price; win mscount IS Ver cent lor uick turn. A 121S- WILL pay cash for builders' equities or tirst nd second mortgages or contracts. c"ll oS McKay bldg. Phon. Marshall 2300. . . " MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN. &ua bpiiui"! p' Honey to Iau Kcitl Estate. "BUILDERS. ATTENTION. Hv money to loan, any amount, small or lalS. loans; will buy first and second Eongage building loan.: money advanced as building progresses. O. Vf, TARK. aUU Mctvay Dial. rtn IMPROVED city property or for build ing urpos; 8 to 6 years- time; liberal r"paVment privilege, money advanced as building progresses. The Kqultabi Sav- MONEY to "loan In sum of $1000 to $5000 M?or t.rm. ot years on city improved property. . WELLS co 838 C. of C. Bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and t pr 104 B.cond bL wis have plenty of money to loan on city Droperty sum. from $1000 t $-0.oo K foweat current rat -to'ijaft. ei Boyce, 6uo-6odAblngtonb.dg. tr.onooo ON improved city or farm property; building o small loans at lowest prices; lar. 'an. a specialty. J. H. Mcb.en,. 614-16-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and seconu mortgages and contract parchaaed on farm and city property any where la Oregon or Washington. i- L.veraux.Fonbjdg.iitn au IMPROVED or unimproved property; amall Ki.iiolnir loans; contracts and mortgages '' w"?i. Nunn. 4 Sherlock bid,. iiooooo TO LOAN, larg loans a specialty. Sulking loan, lowoat raiaa W. U. B. $1- Failing bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property: wsat ratesT a! H. Birrell Co.. 2u Alclvay Dld gd and Stark. ; . sRivATE FUNDS to loan, any amount; ..rma reasonable; mortgagee purchased. Henry C prudhommeCo..bpalding bldg. Tr,oo OlTllOOO at per cent to loan on 'real .stat. first mortgage. Tabor 516, B 26L tKnnn or part to loan on Improved city ,Tf'w "?u phon.at30M. AVYnaxt of $4.000 to loan on Improved city property. 20i Couch bldg. InBIliAUS LOANS AT JtliASON ABLal I7ANS"0N-1NSIDE PROPERTY AT TO I "lixl. 1114 LEWIS BLDG. uivAT money loaned on real estate mort- g a M esT H. Mlley. room 204. Oerllnger bldg. sIi"fud loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom tat. a-enu Multnomah Co.. 400 C. C vwiliioan $io.OOO or leas, real estate security. L"r?mgton. 416 Commercial Olub bldg. x-ooo TO loan on cloae-in realty. J. K. ' TiptonCo.. 110$ Spalding bldg. taooo TO lend on Portland property. Apply I4 Lewis bldg. T 'C-AXJ- money loaned on real eslat. Hlatt Sivwright, W Dekum bldg. iojiiV. any amount, 6 to S per ceuu oa- nougn acgeua, iu Spalding bldg. T7T. , .urn to lend on mortgago; slight caarte to borrower.Vd.Alij.Kybidg; MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PEK Cil.NT. MLotlS lLOMO.N.ao3Si'AKl aT. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral nytW.P08- Fenton. ' Money t lAtmn Chattel and Salaries. ' " S STATS SECURITY CO. $ $ $ V) k O K E R a. SALARY LOANSON rLALN NOTES. 'CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACB XO C" BORROW MONEY. ABBOLUTKLV NO tjJuiCLRITY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFlOilNTIAL HOUKS. a A. M. TO u P. M. Itll AND SAT. TO B P. M. STATU SECURITY CO.. 1 $ $ $ 8U8FAILiNGBLUJ$ $$ r7)NEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on ail kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy week.y or " tTiv naymenta; low rates; conrtdcntlal. SaV Cunningham, 201 Kothchlld bid., northwest cornor4th andWasbingto. ( isfclY " advanced aalarlea people, houae keepers and other upon their own names without security; Cheapest fates. easiest nayment: offices In BU principal cities; lave yourself by Bettinst n.y terms nrsu IQLMAiV, 817 Lumber Exchange. DO YOU NEED MONEY? 1 loan Immediately and confidentially; no wait or delay; reasonable rates on pi ano furnltur. or diamonds. If you want money uulck e. me. Mr. Maiden, b Falling bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit eases, 'trunks, overcoats and musical In strument. Uncle Myers. 11 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main 910- LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of aa curiiy chattel or real estate. Union Loan Cot. S Lafayette bldg- 6th and Wash, sis. i ntv rates- w. loan money on diamonds and jewelry- Marx A Bloch. 74 8d st, . LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Th. Loan Co.. 414 Deknm bldg. LOANS on diamond and other securities. vi- HolL room V, Washington bids. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY, 307 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington Sts. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. We loan money that's our business. We hav money for tnoao who need it. Wo all need money. Therefor, com. Ve loan on pianos, furniture, etc Why let your small bill worry your We can advance you any amount from $10 upward. Why go to other companies? fie ns. Wise people DEAL with us. ' When otter fail, consult th old re liable. HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. $ $ i s $ $ $ $ $ ARE YOtT LOOKING FOR MONEY? LI you knew how easy our terms ar you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of email debts; ' let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of ecurltles; terms to suit; also easy weekly . or monthly installments. We buy and . loan on tirst and second mortgages aad eaulty in contract. U S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 181 3d. Main 2 US 4. $$$$$$$ Loan yVanieq. WANTED TO BORROW $5000 for 3 years, 9 per cent. Secured on chattel and leas on largo liotel on West Sid. H. A. CHANDLER, $10 Lumbermen Bldg. WANT two $3000 building loan; will pay T per cent; Kilt-edged security; gauarantee against liens. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 6-0 Railway Excliance. WANT $1500 at 6 per cent on property worth $3200. This Is a building loan. Can furnish guarantee against liens. M 673, Ore.onlan. WHO will help me save my White Salmon apple ranch? $3300 mortgage due; mort gagee will not renew; can raise $1000 and Interest. Will you loan tha other $2000 on tirst mortgago if 1 pay good bonus? Property consists of 80 acres worth $10, 000. B GD. Oregonlan I HAVE an application tor a 3-year loan of $3200 at 8 per cent. :;20-acr farm worth ssouO. J OS. C. GIBSON. SOS Gerlinger bldg-. Portland, Or. WE can invest your money at good rate, of Interest. Gilt-edgo securities. First mort gages. Long-term Investment, PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEES CO, 524-520 Boa d of Trade Bldg. . WANTED $4000. $16,000 security; will pay 8 per cent. 2 to S years. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO., 170 Sth St. $5000 WANTED on new 12-room West Side residence, 3 years. 7 per rent; application, on hand for other loans. rienry Prudhommo Co.. U06 Spalding bldg. WANT $2600 for $ years at 8 per cent, best Portland security; privat. parties reply. AM 670. Oregonlan. WANTED S1000. 2 years. on improved property, worth $4000; direct from Inves tor preferred. O 707. Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $50; return $75 with in 60 days; A-l references. N 0, Ore gonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Sualdlngbldg. iTooo FOR2 orS years n cJ,eln, wff 1 Sldo property, valued at $16,000. Cail Main $3.riO0 WANTED on real estate; ample se curity. An i wu, vi tjuuu. LET us placo your money, good mortgages; reference. F. H. Lewi, 6 Lewi bldg. rriisoN.i- r aiv.s - " ' - - - ' , , Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; privat. -hospital accommodation; confinement cared for: consultation free Room 1U. Grand Theater bldg. Ma!n328, AJUI. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE-Helsingfor graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailment, under' physician's direc tions; baths, masscus. No. 7 East litn t second door south from East Anksny carllne. Phone East 260 B 1803. MISS OLGA PASOLA, Finnish trained nurse, Helsingfora graduate, gives massage treat ment to ladies only at residences; bee last year at Collins Hot Springs. $1 i.. 2xth st. North. Phono East 4tt76. DR. D. 1- LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrlo treatment of nervous ailments, private hospital. Room 610. Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047. A nil. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, Guaranteed to cure piles, bolls. feln and all chronic skin diseases. By mall 50a per jar. Address Th. Icnientum Chemical Co. 708 Dekum bldg.. Portland. Or. FEUVB-r ; Ai.E..u a. Leading wig and toupea makers; finest stock of human hair goods; "hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. MASS AGETned'eated bath and scalp treat ment. I. guurantee my treatment to cur baldness? Mrs. Parker, Breslln HoteL 422 Washington st., rooms 66 to 5tf. DK ESS suits ror rent. $1.60 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. t0 Stark. jX1R The largest stock of pure balr. all shades, to be closed out at less than whole, ale price. Fine hairdress given. Asa H, Rlobecke. Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. VT ALICE HAMOT, drugless healing, elec tric thermal baths and vibratory treat ments. Suite 46. Milner bldg., S50V4 Mod rlsonsL fitr WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. runmuii. MRS SOPHIA B. 6EIP. mental and spirit ual scientist, permanent resident and re liable adviser. 22 Selling-Hirsch. Main 6H24. . MME FLORENCE URY. lat of New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment. Suit 17 6elllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Waah. Phone Marshall 1991. LADIES No danger with Lorenx Antisep tic Cones; are soothing, safe and sure; $1 box. S for $2.60. Stipe. Tayior Drug Co, 289 Morrison st- MASSAGE given at residence, hotel, club, by experienced masseur; graduate doctor. Marshal jlW8. MME. CourtwrlKhl. skin and scalp treat ments facial deformatles corrected, plaatla surgery. 453 Morrison st. Main 5042. O Onn. Jurvas Natural sanitorlum. 17$ S. 0th Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular elands a specialty. Tabor 2003. B 8818. STANDARD BRICK 4 TILE CO. ' 808 HENRY BLDG. MANICURING, fac and scalp treatment, fe tfuhwarth. 422 Flledner Bldg. uicc Wallace, magnetic, electric treatment, mental, spiritual scientist. 180 11th at. itt-RT W LdTTRSLL Your father la dead. write to , JTk KETCHUM treats women's maladies. th h' HATTL.E Creek San., bathrooms, ladle ,..! v.lrii l:iln 19HH. 5.IJ.- j , , . i J.-1GS Kemedlea for disease of women. 631 Davis st. Main $216. ' liOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. u r Hill. 4-'a Flledner bldg. il $41$. tjr. ROSjf HOWARD, electric, -vibratory K' Sellina-Hirsch. Main 6728. ma nine BUSINESS KIRECTOKY. Aocountnnt. MACiCKNZla.. IlAii-tO fit BEKKIDGH. PUUL1C ACCOL'.vIA.NIS. ACHTORij. 224 Worcester Block iain 7300. A 1449, eoaunel and epert In ail matter per taining to municipal, commercial. lac lory coet and industrial accounting, ' CRANDALL 41 ROBERTS. Public accouuiants and auditors. Com mercial, county and municipal work. eov .oiii;uiu i"i. H. CO'-LIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County aud Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Sjetematising. b24 Worcester b.ock. phone Main boOi. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & proebsteL mining engineers, chem ist and assayers. 2U4 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory d ore-testing work, lbo Morrison su Attorney. A. E COOPER, attorney at law; practice In a.l' courts; abstracts examined. 716 Cham ber cl Commerce. M. 71. A 207L " " Batn and Swimming. Portland Swimming BaLhs. ltJT 4th Elegant plunge, steam tuj and shower batiia, 25c and Machiue M'ora. HARPER S BRAbS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, lot; N. 5th. aialn 37u. Civil Engineer. OKR1N E. STANLEY, civil engineer. 1005 Chamber of commerce bldg. Chlropruttlo Physician. "CHI-RO-PRaC-TIC T1CK-NER"; say it last and remember Columbia bldg.. 13 to 6:80. DR. EVA MARSH. Ilrst lady chlro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fliedner. Hours 8 to 6. Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estello and Flossie Deveny. th. only scientific chiropodist In the city. Panors 3ti2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2a and Alder. Phone Main 130L Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. Coal. COAL $7.00 A TON. Others charge J'J.50 and $10 for th ame grade; we are in the transfer busi ness aud sell coal to keep men and teams busy during the dull season. Order NOW. Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 1618. A 1984. Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place la city. $4.50 load; one-inch wood, stove lengths. 3.00 load. Portland Wrecking . Company, lo.V 107 11th st. N. . Phon Main 37. A 373U. COAL ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Contractors JVANTED Artesian and drainage wells to drill. 426 Board of Trade. Dancing. 25c PER lesson, or 4 .lessons for $1; waltz, two-step, tlirce-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternuon and evening for beginners. Including lady and gentlemen, teachers. Prof. WaL Wlllson's school, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. 386 s Wasn. .u, bet, W. Park and 10th st, HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second t., between Wash, and Stark sis., stag dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed In four lessons; class and social dance Monday, 8 to 12 Lessons dally. Dentist. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work l impossible; does away entirely with, plates, brldgework: we cure pyrrohea (loos teeth) absolutely, terms to reliable people. Rex Dental Co.. Ablugton bldg., 106 'A Wit. Bog and Horse HospitaL Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. Office 129 N. 11th at. Main 4086; re. E. 544Q. Hospital 89 33th St. Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. . BOBER Machinery Co., Coast agts' Seabury steam ei.gines and boilers, gasoline en glue. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. phone b S1j. Feed Store. , ZIGLER Misner. hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 4S-, Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASXIC & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mtrs. findings. J. A. STROVVBRIDGE LEATHER CO. ! tabllshed 185S. 189 Front st. . Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining, ma chluery. All kinds of repairs. 101 N. 4tha MuslcaL EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 9U0 Marquam. A 4160. Mar. lt2. Neurologists. Lye Specialists. QUICK relief for eve and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice. 3S6H Washington su Osteopatulc PhyHlrian. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., class ot 1SUS, post-graduate 1907, under A, T. Still, the founder. 317-318-819 Swt- . land bldg. Main 1987. A 19S5. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phon, Office M. 349; Res., East or B 10M, Paluls, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent office. Book let free. 719 Board ot Trade bldg. U. S. and foreign patents that protect ar secured through Paclfrh Coast Paten Agency. Inc. Dept. A.. Stockton. Cat. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Paving. m THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company.' 605 60S Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross walks. 317 Beck bldg. pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yarl in Portland. 71 6th St. Main 910. m Piano Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNINO GUARANTEED. John T. O'Kourke. :ia 14th street. Phone Main 5603 Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York st. M. 3489. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weaver. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from old carpets: colonial rag rugs. E;ist S5SO. B 12S0. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PURCELL SAFE CO.. 85 87 5th St.. exclu sive agents Herrlng-Hall-Marvln Safe Co. manufacturers of genuine Hail Safe Lock i-o's. safes and vaults. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes, at factory prices; second-hand safes. Showcases, Bank and Htore Flxture. th " I L'TKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutka, manager. R. H. BIRDSALU 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcase. In stock: prompt delivery. Sale agent, M. Winter Lumber Co. MARS1IALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; n and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. cinmrni and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-flgl Experts, reiiaoie lucit, , . will move you quicker, cheaper Bnd bet ter than anvone else. Phono us for an 2.n-,at: storage rate the very lowesu Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. r O PICK Transfer as biorai?e o., oiLicee and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vault for "luables. N. W. cor. 2d and- Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed Tor snippn'R. . PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse In ritv every convenience for sale and proper handling of goods: lowest Insurance rata In Northwest; free trackage: van for moving. Main or a j.i-o. . .-. . - T-, ii- irR lUiflTR CO ii 1 w .1 - , v ' - - - - General transferlng and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-89 Front t. Telephon . . ir.T A C"17 Main ti o. - - 7vin-ON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Offlc! 810 Hoyt st.. between 5th and 6t omc TJhone. Maln 69- A 1189. Storngeu STORAGE, with trackage. Telephon Sunset Grain Co.. E. 555. C 2313. ; Typetrrltera. WR are the exchange for the largest type writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, an prm , change. ?S7Vt Washington St. TWfWRIIEKS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentah,. $;t.0.J per month. Pacific Stationery & Printing CO.. i-B.w rebuilt, second-hand, rental at cut N?W;. -P. D. C CO.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinarians. X , Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians 831 Ankeny su A 399B. Main 2d02. Well Drilling. tvkii LING wells a specialty: prices reason-Dtvll-.'- lam. r wrlta Wnll.r A West, 182 Morrison St.. Portland. Window Cteaner . WINDOW - CLEANING Expert window " ' . , i.nltnr work hv monthlv con- Cleaned " li J , , . , tract. 272 Burnside. A 4i63. PORTLAND RAILWAY. IJGlfT POWEB COMP.WV-C1TV LINES. Vancouver lane. . M 815. 8:50. 7:25, 8:00. 8:35. :10. 50 10:30, 11:10. 11:50. V M 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. t:S0, S:10, 8:50, a-'to' 6-10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 8:50. , B -23 10:00. 10:35. 11:10. 11:45.x. On tho third Monday In every month to last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. tn, Vancouver miiKe no stons on Union avenue between Uurnsldo street and Portland DOUlBvmu to in u- passengers, but make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars for Portland: A M. 6:00. 6:35. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20. 8:55, B-HO 10:10, 10:50. 11:30. P M. 12:10. 12:50. 1 :S0. 2:10. 2:50. 8:30. 4-10 4:50, 5:30. 6:lrt. :j0. 7:25. S:0. 8:3J. :10. 9:45. 10:20. 10:55x. 11:30, 12:0.,xx. On third aionctay or every montn in. last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time In black type, double trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on . Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnside street, except to let off pas sengers. Dallv except Sundays. ral)y exeept 'nda)a. xxRun as local on Union aver.ue.