Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Mi-ciLoe u.
IXVESTKI) m Impr-vcd property on
g.-d business .tr-el. East
l r-er "-nt. handle It. I'
I -r':r SMC, d and 'fc -'
a..".0 Bl'YS $vo equity in mwl'm bunlo
In Richmond district, ir l m tne day.: thi. wi:i " Inve.tlgat.on;
10 n'.. L 7"3. oregonlan
rt'R Fi IIA.V'.E-A f.n- I
fi. An.ele. resi
iinc prop-rty situate,!
hm.-al r . . I - n - district
le, on of the
Wl'le"! "n.
. 1'c.rttand
!n I. A. Wi:l eschang
residence property, 1mi 1
have tomethlnf rood an,l
ed. Thl property I. In
from 3tn and Broadway unleM you
similarly l.rai-I-mlntite
and rrnted for
S..2 month. Trie mrx
iJrt to rnorl.ase.
p-r cent. K. II.
f Trace Mdf.
; value. '".
runi - year.
Co.. 310 lltrd
In Car county. WMhlniton acre.
In eulMr.tion. lo-rre bearing ' "T,-rh-d.
good J-room house. ;
rhi.ken-bous-. nr.: water; -one
-ow and lot. of chicken; tlnt "
f.rrclng Imf-m-nti: will take rT Pp
crtv -P to ;.: balance b-ng time.
" pu-H'l fXI'lN TRUST CO..
I7 Oth t.
Wanted Portland city ae"lr?
erty to ..change for property In t ft
"u Rrgu. K.ver Valley, hp . ' ;
s . full decrlptlon .ud detail and ad-
c res, pox 1 j i-m. . ..
ana nan irwoi t . . . ...
vr will exchange.
n'hal have you?
No. 4 North ti.
rhone A 31S .
1 J WANT MORE room: ",,Ha&V. rVV iVk
317 cnanil-er of Cunimwca Flog
WILL exchange for Portland real Mat
r'.len-e my wheat farm In valley in
. o km in Kail wheat, fru.t
trie.- . hor, implement.: all '"P""
l.-T milt, from railroad: f re. ran "
..ier nar In foothill.; alue. .oo. 1
Kat :th. Tabor:S5.
lnd prvperty In rhan for
Sod ..rlcultural Und 1 m trom
KnoolhUM and .tore. m"'" I ?
railroad :valu S0.. E701. Oreonian.
Will trade a. f!r.t Pnent on
and lot or vacant lot. not over
f.r the II lot.. Fred W. German. 3-T
liurn.lde. M. 177.
5-Riit-M-irioJern houe anj a full acre of
rr.und a'l tn fruit and berrle.: rood barn
ar. rn'lrken-hou. clo to car to trada
or .mall f irm r!oa to city. 31j
.er Krharye Mda:.
Wll L . hanre K and T-room houe. prac
iiV.lly r. in city, for Improved or un
,nproe.l acrear rlw to .tailor. n lec
tric canine. taU Ahlngton bld.
AVI1J. trade four-hole. Arorn .tor. for
.inale bed. mattrew and Pr!nV. , , bed Kavenport) for dr. Mer or
w arirobe or .-il rheap. Muln "-
foTiehanae. beautiful .uburban horn her.
with i lola. lalm :.". for hotel with
br In oru rood thrlln town. A
C-.vNtri will li-acre tract on ore-
eon Kleerrlr. .oil. achool and .tatlon
rn property: want bunaalow or S-.tory
houe In c'ty. oailr.W A binttonbldt.
WILL nrhanrt fine letrle piano or imajl
baoy upright for aer'.-aco or lota. W '.
oresonian. . .
vj 1 t- riar lot in cood toa to tr.ido for
"itv in Portland lot: del.quent contract.
r.'n;rtred. Wool. 31' tpalMnbldt;.
IKV1NGTO horn, or Yamhill un'rmrm
t. Mrhni for Granta 1'a.a property. N
707. oregonlan. .
LJNN cor NTT acre., to trade for "K-
low equity: mut be monthly contract for
bal. A 70? t Te:onln.
tv"v"eachanie vour property for what yoo Portland F.acbanae. BIT Board of
Trad. b:d.?Mr- Wle.L
a' ACRF all In cultivation, hlarhly Im-
rroed': will trad, for Portland Incom.
prorerty. P. R- 1" Canbv. or.
,.- earr.nire. clo.a In .rre.yo on car-
H- end rier. for city property. M .00.
Oreron :a n.
W It. I. each.nite 1 acrr. fine wheat land In
Alherta. t xiiaia. for bouaa and lot. Call
;ti3 stwr .t. .
WElchang. property of all kind, all th.
time. H. A. Chandler. 1
sjlAI.1. grocery .tore, worth 1 1 . to trad.
f..r turnltnre. Worceeter b'dr.
Mil 1 eachan.e Iioum and lot In Ea.t for
rroperty In Oreon. H7S Mllwaukl. L
WILL TRtPE rood Alameda Park lot. a.
fir.t p.ymtnt on houe. N Oregonlan.
VEc7ntrade your property or bualnr...
ta.l riora
A real e.i.te firm ha. a client who hai
$10.CU to luve.t; he must be .hown a
.od Incom. and advantln value; any
aultjble propertr you tieacrlbe. vivlna; prlca.
etc.. will be examined bv our appralaer
and aubmltted to buyer. N' Oregonlan
Or ace. Portland.
WE hav. client, waiting for alt
aixe. and prlcea. If you want to aelU aea
u. oulck.
I7Q 3th t.
1 WANT to purchase bv March l.t a rw.
lns.lcra 5-room bungalow on Ea.t 81d.
near good car line and not fr from
hoL ilu.t be evceptionaMy ay terma.
AddreM W S9i. Oregonlan
I WANT to get th. be.t 4 or S-room bun
iralow for a client that $.-co or onder
will but: ran pay ItuOO ca.h: Sunny.lde
or Hawthorn, carllne. If you have a
good buv, an.wer thi at one. Tabor
M. or B :
I WANT 2,H acre, suitable for a hoc ranch,
with cr-ek and ctoe to transportation,
within it) mlie. of Portland. To recelto
attention give full leeal de-rlptlon and
'oe.t ca'h price, p. p. Box '.
"WWTED Tract to .ub-dlvld. for owner,
either tn city lot. or acre.: w. glv. you
full value and take all tha rtak. AL ti.
WANT modern, a-roora bungalow. About
$.k ra.n and i monthly. Prefer Bom
j"lty Park. M Oregonlan.
lr""yoiT hive a bargain on one of Portland',
through, gtreetn, give prlc. and term., no
agenta. Y 7"3. Oregonun.
Wlt.L buy equity In lot for cash: non-ro-atrtcted.
close In. H'.m. In.t.llment Co.,
McKay bldg. Phone atarahall ;i0.
WANTED Lot In Piedmont or ML Tabor.
Al'ort Welch Pun.. t'U Lewi, building.
Sunny.lde district. t70. Oregonlan.
A I.oTTnTerrace Park: only a genuine bar
gain will be conaldored. M 70.. Oregonlan.
WANTKD Acreage for caaa: wual ba rea
sonable. X K1. Oregonlan.
W'E HAVE a buyer for a farm of about 150
to 1 1 . ocrrl. on toe luanitita row.
i.l. l.le of Salem. Mud hat. a good
portion In cultivation and lie nice'y. If
tours will fill the above requirement, and
the price 1. nuaonabla, be aure and
53J-3o Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Derby.
J WANT to buy a real form, of about SO
acre, or mere, mostly In cultivation with
good building., must have fine .olL with
no roc, or gravel, good transportation
and tn a llv community. Must b. north
of ttalem and south of Wllsonvllle. either
near Oregon Electric or Southern Pacifio
vest side line. No fancy prlcea con-
direl. M 7is. Oregon 1. in.
'AKM rrPrty wanted; only esclualv.
contract for quirk sal. considered: w.
fcave th. buyer. If you want to .ell. sea
or write l. Hall Atchtaon. Z1S Oar.
l ager bid... Id ard Alder.
WANTED To buy ranch on or near coast
on crop payment or .mall cash payment.
Hog I:. M. Joe. ii. no.
C. J. M CP.ACKEN. 3Q McKay Bldg.
. . . c- vr x I T f V iimlwr 11 AOO AMI feet.
on ?I'J acree, g'SOtl. btoddard-Brenner
.. . foq-h Hdg.
lltll'KK CLAIMS, homestead rellaguun
meata. t Worceeter bldg.
tVTJTjroJrjVT F.
W 1-1! to lease stock or hay ranch on or near
to.-.t. wouia preiec
r-terencee: tk poseaion at one Box
IJ4 t. J.e. i;m"".
y s K J7i i'orke.1. on .hare.. IS to ZO
COWS. A- O"--
Tf 4TTEP TPInTH ..yrgL
TliihSR landa wanted. C. J. it c Crack. a.
xoa JgaJXAX bldg,
tnn irT FARMS.
DAIRY ranch of ::n acre.. 10 mile, ea.t
of Ciurthou.e; 12 milking cow.: 3 helfera.
3 horse, and all Implementa neceaaary on
Uarm to for five year.; tenants mut
enow flnarclal security for stock and
.ea.e: mul apply personally or by mall.
... -T- a Mtnnirtln
...... . . . t n .-. . I A .1 new
run nr... 1 ... .... . -
I'oi:i house, near l iiirr oc ann ti.-.-..
City car- $l". per month. Inquire Mr.
WaeTicrie. r.wm i Mulkey bids., d and
M-.rrlon !a. .
litiK.lVED 1 acres. J-cert fare, near
.-hool and stalton: water on rirrj e.-.--.
Icaee 5 to J years, til Couch bldg. Mar
ahull T::t. .
OHCHAKD of 4-00 trees, tenant mu.t "how
financial aMIlty to bandi. IU Apply
CJtllcotL 2"3 McKay bidg.
NIK little-ranch. f tirniJl'.ed. everv
thlng ready to go to work. 3 Or.
gonian. FOR SALE.
llanr. Vrblrle and Manic!.
Corralattnr of 2sio-lb. team, .ound and
true, a little thin In flesh from overwork;
set of aewed-trace hamraa In A-l condi
tion and S-lnch farm wagon a. good a.
new; If you want a bargain, call and be
convinced: trtul allowed. .-. Alder U
Handaome seal brown mar., ag. o.
weigh. lo?0 lba.; can road lu mile, per
hour and .tep a 2:i gait;- fearle.. of
car. or automobile, and .af. for a lady
10 drlv. or c.r for: mu.t be seen to b
appreciated: warranted nnd trial allowed.
i. Alder it. .
Chunky built, true and reliable to work
anywhere: also their harness. In A-l con
dition. Price complete, allowln
trlaL j Alder st.
Pair bay mare., age. 7 and 8. weigh.
":; lb... suitable for ranch, family or de
livery purpose.: warranted and trial al
lowed. .ViJ Alder at. .
Team of brown mare., age. 6 and
weigh. S:iin) lb..; will dr'lve .Ingle or
dout,le and broke to ride; aullable, for
all-round team. .MV. Alder .t.
True and reliable to work any place
you hav. u.e for him: he ha. become
tender In front feet from constant uao on
hard .trcet.: worth 12' to anyone In
country, r.05 Alder at.
Con.l.tlng of bay how. age 0. weigh.
llo(; prompt roadster: aafe for anyone,
l.cht harness and light spring- wagon,
price for all. w. 0S Alder at.
100 bu. 270'-lb. team whit,
true .Ingle or double; tender In front
feet: a bargain for aoraeon. In country.
5"3 Alder at.
Portland I. full of them and dealer,
who write guarantee, that ar. not worth
the paper they are written on. They hook
the horee. for you nd they .eem all
right tdrug.l. When you get them horn,
they eem all wrong (no drug.". I
carload of horse, from H.-O Iba. to lJtMi
los.. price, from $'i3 to for .ale on
the following term.: Dpolt the purcb.iM
price or bora's In th. Portland Tru.t Co.
Hank, take them to your horn, and be
atlstl.-d tbey are aa reprv.rnted. If they
don't ault vou. the bank will petund your
monev. Vy horse, must b. straight and
you are fully protected by till. plan. It
a dealer Intend, to refund your money,
what la the difference If It Is held In tho
hand, of a bank? Wagon, and all kind,
of harnras for aale. K. U Evana. l'ort
innd Stable. No. "o N. 15th at.
FOR SALE Draft, general purpos.
have 14 on hand: li to 1S.-0 pounds: -0
bead will arrive about Saturday. -th.
All guaranteed as represented. Owner can
be seen 1W Macadam at., or ZZt tal
mon .L Marshall JSi.
WE hare about 70 "head of draft, saddle,
and driving lorw: all goed condition und
guaranteed: prlcea rlarht. Thomsen
Malrhorn. Union Stock arda. North rort
Jand.Or. MUST mrl at one. mare and horse, with
new harness, weight 21U0 lbs.: are sound
and true puller a s and "'"i mt"a
a black pony cheap. East llth and
M.dlaun. lu.uae In park.
iTrsT wll fine, chunky Sio-lb. team
hone, poll 4 ton. anywhere, fast travel
er: S2.VO; trial guarantee given. Call i4
E. Sd .t. N.. near Broadway.
HORPE. top buggy and harness: honey
dirk bay. 1BH banila. weigh. 1150 lb..;
fine driver, safe for woman or children;
very cheap. Apply 4,.t" K. 3-d .t.
FOR SALE Team. S and 6 yeara old.
weighing Sluo, aound und true; on. 6-year-old
black mare weighing 1000, sound
and true. "JO Russell t-
MANDMOME liso-lb. horse, fl year. old. 14
hand. high, v.ry fast, gentle, true puller,
suitable for any work. l-i. Mrs. Burn..
312 KusMfll at-
FOR "SALE Now S-.prlng wagon used two
months; made to order; Just the thing for
eipn as buslnrn; also ki .Ingle l.arueaa.
I'hone Woodlawn Sl.'.l.
WANTED Family driver, weight 1JH lbs.;
must be perfectly safe for lauy; g.od trav
eler kind, sound and true, at rlht price,
lilt, full particular.. C 7o2. Oregonlan.
WANT to bar a'good "delivery horse, about
l.Ntl Iba Ralm ac Herbert, llorista, 110
Kaat 4aih .t.
WANTED lood team work horsee. weight
around 14oo each: price must b. rlght
Addrts. U. U Mcl.eod. I.yle.Wash.
AT YOUR own price 20-pound team of
horses. 59 E. MKh at., end of Haw
thorne ave. carlln.
FOR SALE CHEAP Driving horaa. buggy
and harness. Inquire at 134 N. 8th su
Phone A IBM.
GOtyD grocer', delivery wagon and light
horag: prlc. 20. Phon. A2.7S.
llocsea. Vehicle, and Harare..
F"bli SALE Bay ho'rs.. gelding.' gentle.
Cretty. weight 14-i; year. old: also
lack. 1400. S-year dapple gray, lioo or
better: on. team graya. 31UU. young and
sound: one pair baya, mar. and gelding,
weight SJoO; these abort mentioned horse,
ate worker.: guaranteed: no trader, need
.pply. J 701T. Oregonian.
XK SALE Two horses. weight nearly
1000 pound, each, and good traveler.;
light back with harness, all new. In
clude!, or sold separately. If taken now
will be offered at a bargain. Addrea A.
P. l.angenberg. Clackamas. Or., or In
quire t room 20Q oregonlan bldg.
FOR good saddle horse, ace C H. Zimmer
man, at the Portland Riding Academy.
21sl and Johnson ala; h. hu. opened a
training .table for high-claa. .add!, and
driving horse.; Kiddie horses for sal. at
any time. Phono Main 173, A 4761.
We have ..-veral .ec-ond-hand
car. of dif
ferent make, at various
prlcea, all splendid bar- .
PACk'aKO GARAGE. 83 N. 23d St.
2tear Washington St.
On. pedigreed stallion, registered In th.
American Trotting Kegister. will be sold
to satisfy mortgsge debt of approximately
.. This fine stock valued at 3i00. and
well worth It. value. Sal. held at Pacific
Feed stables. Front and Salmon a La., at
i P. M. today.
BAKtiAINS In used auto tire, and Inner
tube.: examine our stock before you buy;
vulc-anliing. retreading and repairing. El
ton a Burner. Hi Stark su I'hon. A
FOR SALE Pabcock electric runabout;
guaranteed nrat-cla.. condition: reason
able term, to reapon.:bl. partlea. -itoso
City Electric Garage. Z4 2'ith t. North.
5-PASSKNGF.R 4-hor.epower Iluli-k. .light
ly used, big aacruice. owner, 404 lloth
chlld bldg.
Kl'NAHOUT car for Soo ca.h; am leaving
the city; muat .elL AddreM D 700. Or.-
plane. Organ, and Mnslcal Inetmmeata.
ARMY officer leaving for Philippine lalan.l.
must aell new Kimball piano; been used
but .IX months; factory cot $47.'.: will
sell now lesa than balf price. AH 707.
AM going East, will atore my stelnway up
right piano almoat new with responsible
party with a view to purchase later. Ref
erence, required. N iP3. Oregonlan.
AM leaving the city and will sell my new
hlgh-grad. piano at a bargain. Phou.
W ootllawn 1711.
BAHRAIN Piano for sale. party going
away. (1 IJ cash, used on. err. N Oa.
AM leavlng for California: will aril my jih)
elegant upright piano for gl&O: uaed lea.
th.n a year. AL 70S. Oregon Ian.
JsEARI.Y new player piano, going away, will
aactlflct; xnak. offer. p 702. Oregonlan.
N1K Cabinet Grand plan.; good a. new;
tarmov. own.r. A 4930.
rt.noa. Organs and Musical Instruments.
STEIN WAY upright piano: rich mahogany
case, oeautirui tone; ramuy win sen on
account leaving for East: to party with
reference will arrange monthly payment.;
flve-yeiir gu.rantee goo. with alao
be.tutlful bench and music cabinet. AH
70-. ir-gonln.
I need money and will aacrlflce my nearly I
new pianola piano, original cost sii.v. no
reasonable offer refused If taken at once;
will arrange short-time payment, with re-;-pontMo
party. AL tS Oregonlan.
Dlrde. Dog a and Fet Stock.
WANTED Well-bred collie dog or puppy:
no fancy price., but tin. horn, on ranch
for good dog: slat. prlc. anddescrlptton.
Lock box 70J. city.
CANARY birds. One singer, nnd female
.Ml Jiunn'.mr: j ... n..
THOROUGHBRED cocker .pant.l pupa. Ilt
tle beauties. :2V! N. 1.1th t-
J147 Montgomery at. ynono atain oy.
Two 1O0 H. p. Ilorlxontal Return Tu
tiulur Boiler., complete with enclosed type
feed w.ter he.ter. f 3 S Smith Valla
feed pump. Todgc Injecton, safety valve.,
crown valve., il-lnrh header and all angle
valves, and Williams feed water regulaior.
with safety water column.. In good con
dition. ,
Also on. 12 It. P. Vertical Submerged
Head Tubul.r Boiler complete with safe
ty valvo and fitting.. Including Buffalo
Injector. Almost new; only a .fiort
tlm. For further particular, lnqulr. at
nr.i Uliv
room .ui, wi- v.wb
A fcS. .N o ouato.
They ar. hlgh-gr.d. sample, and can
cellation ordera from Eastern manufac
turer I have 60 overcoat, and about o0
ulla left over: moat of the.e ar. on aal.
at I9.S.3 a ault or overcoat; many ire
wortn from 20 to $23. Jlmmie Dut:n
"Knew" Sample Suit Shop, room 31.
Oregonlan bldg. Take .levator.
OLD jewelry l:nnng.d fcr watobaa aal
diamond.; onndeemel pledges tor haiX
original price Unci, aiyara. II a su
hetiteen Oak and Pin.
FOR SALE: 3 .how case.. 100fL .helving. 1
pre.cription case, - " .. . - -
mirror, ruuum .uu k1 - - -
t61 Umatilla ave.. Sellwood.
FOR SALE, at Mllwaukl. Nunerle apple,
pear cherry, plum, prune, peach and apri
cot tree. Address N. B. Harvey, Mllwau
kie. Or. Phon. Black 2S2.
ONE 80-drawer cabinet .ultabl. for law of -
nee; also aeverai acconu-uauu .... ...... .-.
ledger. In perfect condition; aacrlllco. AN
70". Oregonlan.
Itk ct a La. a.-iwa caaaa, wcllcasaa. counters.
General nature. In .took and mad. l.
oroer at loweai prlcea 2?-J taraod avaw a.
4GOOD family cow. for aale or will ex
change for horse. 809 E. 28th L W. W.
car to Gladstono ave. j
FACTOItV rebuilt typewriters, (10 to eft.
BO Fifth St. M. 63JS. A 1478.
FLOOR show ce, two eight feet, one six
feet, one Jeweler' Ie, good as new.
L'.'.O 3d at. -
FOR-BALE cheap, nearly new M. & M. mo
torcycle: a good bargain for someone.
Phone Ea.t 8u3.
CAHb, new and second-hand, low prtoe.
cash or easy terma
OLD ROSE point lace fan. also one laro old duchess point lace, reasonable.
K Ol. oregonian.
'J0. terms. A 4SH. Mill t-
BED. mattreas. spring. 2 chair, table, baby
buggy, for .ale. Z1 E. Couch. Eaat 1240.
cJn'E good 6-hor.epower engine. In . flrst
clau condition. East 7th and Belmont.
ONE Hobart electric coffee mill for grind
ing and pulverixlng. Inquire 2.'.a Third at.
Wanted Men', caatoff clotulnc and
hoe. and bicycle: highest price, paid:
we also buy ladles' clothing. Call up th.
Glob, second-hand .tor. Phon. Mala 300.
Wu l.t .
WANTED Complete ttirnltur. for 8-roorn
house. Olv. Hat and price. P 67. Orego-
nlan. .
SEND your second-hand furaltur. to th.
Ford Auction Co. or you'll g.t less. Phon.
-a. 2413. M.ln 9H0L
ijr VOU hVi) household furniture to ..IL
call up Georg. Bak.r A Co.. 153 Park at.
Both phone.
WC bur raoet every thing and pay tha
price, too. Marshall 2S33.
WANTED For cah. .econd-hand pool and
billiard tble. Wulgley Pro. 1S8 l.t t
WANTED Medical book. In exchange for
painting. And.-raon. uS Union ave. N.
t-CHOOLHOOKS bought and sold. ill 2d
t.. near Salmon. ItiS 5th at.
WANTED Second-hand canoe. Phon. B
ItiOl b.ilurday. H. S. Bennett
WANTED Moving-picture mschln. gas
outflt. dim, etc AJ 640. Oregonlan.
WANT3D A mechanic to take charge of
a machine .hop. one who I. capabl. of
figuring on work and taking charge of
men. also willing to take a financial In
terest In tho concern. A good opportunity
for th. right roan. Address J. R. Lane,
Eureka. Cal. ,
WANTED Wholesale house I In need of a
clean, energetic young mn about 20
vear. of age: on. living at horn, and who
has high school or business education pre
ferred; brain, and red blood are a nrcea
!ty. Answer fully. Rcfernc. Addres.
N 70S. Oregonian.
WANTED Ambitious workmen; work oa
actual Job. pay. for teaching trad, elec
tricity, automobile, plumbing, bricklaying:
few months required; 7K) student lat
four yeara Write for Information. United
Tr d. School contracting Co.. Lo. Angela
RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflr) elerka.
letter carrier custom-house and Internal
revenue employe., to prepare for exam
inations; free book. Pacific, state School.
McKay bldg- city.
WANTED Young man to tak. special 125
automobile course, driving and repairing;
ptactlcal experience; complete instruction;
g wage.; steady work. Call 328V.
-yvn.hlngton .L. room 413.
WANTED Flrrt-clas. man In advertising
business: prefer man that can do sten
ographic work: this position will pay right
man mom than 200 a month. Small In
veatment. Phon. B 2SK8 for Interview.
xv ANTED Accountant. live. practical,
thorough, detail man. .xperleneed ; good
salary and proap.ct. AB 69J. Orego
rda n.
PARTED Flrat-clas. manufacturing jewel
er Stead' employment and good .alary.
W. F. Ross a; Co.. 284 Morrison st-. Port
lnnd. Or.
WANTED" Flrst-cla Jobbing Jeweler.
Steady employment and good lary. W.
F. Ron A Co.. 284 Morrison sL. Portlsnd.
SALESMAN. Multnomsh County; Nuway
Vncuum Clener: permnent, profitable
bu.lneas. Nohe Renovator Co.. 160 Wa.h
Ington St.. Chicago.
You ar. wanted for position.
180 er jrcnth. Write fcr list of po.ltlon.
r.penT Fr-rklln Institute. Dept. S18 C
R ochester. N. T.
WANTED .t once, three men to learn to
repair and drlv. automobile. Call at
Garage after 8 o'clock. 330 East Wash
Infcton st.
.-Tiri. elerk: give .ge. experience, refer
ences, telephone number. M 7tk. Orego-
EXPERIENCED umbrella repairing; solicitor,
'commission. Apply Lavey' Umbrella
Work., 48 Washington JL
WANTED Competent, all-round art glass-
cutter gooa wage -.n'iresa v. t.. oci-
knap Olan Company. Seattle.
WANTED Y'oung man to learn barber
trade terma reasonable: union shop; new
building. S3- Mississippi ave.
ct-avTFn Man for circular letter work.
from 2 to 3 hour, evenings: must b. able
to operate typewrite. - .v. uic.iiitn.
REPAIR your .hoes. 307 Glisnn .t., corner
11th: men', half oles 30c; flrst-clss
work guarqntceo.
FINE opening for neat, sober young man.
small capital required; experience un
necessary. See manager. 542 Sth and Main
EXPERIENCED dyework solicitor, none oth
er 'need apply: wagon furnished. Broad
wv Dyework. Union ave. N.
... . v--ri.-i a brla-ht. energetlo boy about
1. to help In of tic; wholesal. houaa. Call
4 JO .t;
aTD At one I men to learn to
eiriv. and repair automobile. Call at
Ha w thorn garage. 44t Hawthorn, ave.
. . , or r ICS Inter national Lor raaal
Jt7m Bcnoola. 233 Aider .u. osea u 4
J. J. bend for free caljlogoa.
Tiril-GRAD- repre-ntatlv. wanted for
good propositi. 021 Board of Trade bldg.
.. ,.Ali Kenahaw 2 hat. any .;! or
4 an wa.lilngton ,
WANTED Five men to work. city, good
Job to hullrs373 Ea.t Morrison.
rai'eMAN Call on city grocery trade. F.
A. W-eyera 14 Front .t. N.
WANTED Carpenter. H.M day. E. pin.
and 11th.
VHOTOCI RAPH coupon and portrait agent,
.w Qr. CutberU. studio, .DeAius, bUUf.
Adrlsorj- and Employment Department
of th.
T. M. C. A.
v during .,..
Nov.mb.r and December. 1BH
73 call, for man.
. member, sent to po.rtlon.
224 new member, taken In.
22 memb.rablo fee refunded.
Any fellow, young or middle-aged, who
e.n do anything well or better, need not
b out of employment. . will get It, and w. will t.U .
bow or membership fee refunded.
Secretary. Employment Department x.
M. C. A.. dfloor. '
Visit all th. best motion picture schools,
then see our modern, practical, up-to-dat.
school, where we give Individual Instruc
tion. We give you a tryout In one of tho
beet picture house, in Portland and "ac
tual .how experience." Our charge, are
higher than others, but v.. give you a
complete course, perfect you to operate all
tandard machine., at ome time making
terma. Al.o associate you with the only
bona fide booking exchange In Portland,
without extra fee. Operator, receive big
.alary and short hours. Pulslfer's Theat
rlcal Exchange. Marquam bldg.
operate movlng-plcture machines: wtrf
from 1.1 to 33 a week. OUR OPERAT
teach each student on Powers. Edison and
Double Stereoptlcon Dlssolver machines.
Ther. Is no course of instruction so thor
ough on the Pacific Ccaat. WE ARE
WORLD: we are having DAILY tA-i-o
FOR OPERATORS: get one of our
ard operators' hand books. Apply Laem
mle. 60S Couch bldg.. 4tU and Washing
ton at... Portland. Or.
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the V. S.
Marin. Corps, between the age. of 10 ana
S5: mu.t be native born or hav. nrat Pa
per.; monthly pay 13 to 6M; additional
compensation poulble: food,, clothing,
ouarter. and medical attention rren allr
80 year' service can retire with . per
cent of pay and allowance.; .ervlce on
board h:p and ashore tn all Parts of tn.
world. Apply at O. a Marine Corp. Re
cruiting Office, Breeden bldg SO
Wa.hlng'on sts.. Portland. Or.
MEN MF,-f.. '
To learn to operate movlng-plcture ma
chines. Operators earn '25 to J.15 weekly:
learn business In 10 days: DA and
B28ta Waahington Street.
Tna only thoroughly equipped school
.- Dirinp rftlST.
f f .tr..w w.
tuurtfugu m.iiuvn. r -
agement nd practical work.
Take 6-S or ML Tabor car and look o
tip before deciding to .nroll .laowhor.
MEN wanted. g. 19 to 35. for firemen, 100
monthly nnd brnkemen S0 on nearby ra-
road; experience unneceasary; no atrlk..
promotion to engineer, conductor. Rail
road Employing Headquartera over SOW
men .ent to position s monthly. Stat. ag..
send .tamp. Railway Association, car.
WANTED for U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un-
jnrrled men between ge of 18 nd 35;
"citizen of United St.te. of good chrc
ter and temperate habits, who ?n apeak,
-ead end write th. English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Officer.
Alneworta block. Sd and Oak at.. Port
lsnd. Or.
W ANTED Young ladles for telephow pp
iratlnr. with or without experlenca. AP
tJly Paclflo T.l.phon. A T.l.grapb Oo
u and East Ankenr .ta.
On Account of everal .wards being
added to this Institution, the Training
School for is about to increase Its
membership, and Is now readv to "
application, for the Spring classes or
particulars address: Superintendent or
Nurses. Kan Diego County General Hoa
rd! l1SnDlcccX
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be experienced cook; will not em
ploy anyonu unless they come highly rec-
.l - K . .... .mull fumllv. 720
Corbett bldg.. between 1Q and 12. t
WANTED Girl for general nousewor., .
In family: wages $23: no washing. 24
North 17th, cor. Washington.
(28 to Washington SL. room 14.
M In SB38 or A 8286.
843fe Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstair
Phone Main 2892.
A GOOD home for refined young woman:
.mall wage.; more for a companion. Call
2:11 Shaver mornings
SEVERAL teachers wanted at Mission
achool. Call at 143 Vi First st. after 7:1S
P. M.
WANTED -Girl or womsn for housework In
country home near Portland; wages. $20.
Phone Mllwaukl. Red 4U2.
COMPETENT lady to assist on books and
general otiit-e nui -. w- .
Reference required. X 639. Oregonlan..
WANTED Lady bookkeeper, permanent po
sltlon. $75 per month; state experience;
reference required. H 701, Oregonlan.
TEACHER wanted for foreigner In teach
ing reading and writing. J 703. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
.pon.lbl. position. Viavl Co.. 60 Rotn
ohlld bldg., 4lh ndW.hlngton.
COOICS, country-hotels. $40. $50; crew men.
$40: waitress, country. $25. How. . -die.'
Agency, room 814. 336 V4 Wash, st.
WANTED Experienced operator, to work
on .blrts. Apply Standard Factory. 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor.
- ax-TED Young girl to attend child In af
ternoon Apply room 333 Th. Hill. 23d
and washlliKlon,beL10and IS-
WANTED Girl to assist In housework and
care for 2 small children; good wage
Call East $093.
wanted A steady and reliable chamber
maid. Call bet, 10 and 13 A. M. at 43
U n Ion ave. North.
W tNTED A good solicitor who can take
orders for cornets; references required. AH
706, Oregon Ian.
WANT ED-Girl to do second work and as
sist In csre of baby. 74 20th st.. cor. Ev
erett. between and 11 A. M.
AN experienced girl for cooking and general
housework, .mall family; good wages.
Phone Easl57Ea.tsalmon.
ANTED 2 experienced girl for dipping
chocolates and 1 tor packer. 3S3 Burnsld.
WANTED Experienced waitre, 384 Mor-
rlwon st. .
WANTED Waitress. Call at 404 Washing-
. .a. lAth end 1lth.
ton ei-.
WRITINQ: $3 mo. 209 14th. Main 33.3.
XlMES: Le.rn be.uty culture. Sanltar
h..uiy Collega. 400 Pekum bldg.
PJkTlTY to run .mall grocery .tore; living
room, furnished. 232 Worcester bldg.
GIRT'trTassl.t with biusework. Apply 802
Johnson st-
wanted Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 7' sSrshalsbet!lst and 22d.
iTs'.WEeIcLY mailing formulas: small cap
ital required: particulars at 408 c;ouchst.
Fills-CLASS waitress at once. 227 Al
der st.
DINING-ROOM girl wanted. Baumann Ho
t'el. 412 loth t. North.
WANTED G'rl 'or housework;
small family. A 70S9.
WANTED A cook; wage, $30; call at
N. W. corn.r 3rd and Mill.
APPRENTICE girls, neat sewer Teesdal..
500 Marquam bldg.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at once.
Apply 841. North Oth t
FIRST-CLASS marker and sorter wantud.
Mi. Scott Laundry. Tabor 23.
WANTKD At Sisters l.ospltal In Chics,
csl.. iiuplU to enter school or nurs.n.
GIRL for general housework. 75 N 14th at.
ROOM for aeveral high-grade solicitor.;
no nous, to house work; a corking good
proportion; easy to selL Call 61 Mar
Suam bldg.. S:30 to 11:30 A, M. or 7 to
9 P. M.
JANUARY 27. 1911.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduate. la.t year!
men and women to learn barber trade In
a week., help to secure position; gradu
ate, earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
loguea. Mohler Syatem of Colleges. i
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
MAKE money writing atorle. or for newspa
per; big pay; send for fre. booklet; tell,
bow. United Press Synd.. 6n Francisco.
Boo-keepers and Clerk.
BOOKKEEPER and office man, 10 year, of
good practical office experience, open for
engagement Feb. 1 : own a Burroughs
adding and listing machine: operate type
writer, experienced In wholesale and re
tail lunvber. Implement and merchandise
business; have Installed many time-saving
systems; very best references fur
nished', also bond If required. If you
want a good man. drop me a line. Ad
dress C eil'7. oregonian.
WANTED By experienced man wtlh legal
training position as bookkeeper or any
general office work; either all or part
time. AK 7Q5. Oregonlan.
OHIO lawyer, 18 years' experience state and
Federal practice, desires position with
a leading Arm: best of references. H. T.
Manner. Gen. Del.. Portland. Or.
RELIABLE man 28) wants position as
bookkeeper, asst. bookkeeper or any cler
ical work. Some knowledge of stenog
raphy. AC 700. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer. assistant
bookkeeper, timekeeper wants position;
capable and energetic; reference, AK 70-,
Oregonian. -
YOUNG "man desires position in hardware
or grocery store as clerk. Best of rel
erences. AL 700. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. 4 years' experience. asst.
credit man. law knowledge, with com
mission firm. V 704. oregonian
STENOGRAPHER and general office man
wants position; 5 years' experience. A
TIVI1 C an-. .n Ian
OPEN for position. Young man with Ini
tiative and executive ability, a thoroughly
competont. bookkeeper, auditor, credit and
office manager of over ten years' experi
ence In wholesale and retail lines, five o.
which In general merchandise, lumbering,
buying, selling and advertising- Two
years on the road, heavy clothing-coat
line Absolutely clean record, sober, mar
ried. a?e 30. have and will make good,
expect salary to be right. Holding posi
tion In Spokane charge In 13 day. Au
dress o 7Q0. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE young man desire to cast his
lot with some reliable local firm wnere
there is a chance for advancement: at
present employed; will be open fr en
gagement February L O 6U3. Oregonlan.
THOROUGHLY experienced. tractlcai
farmer, dairyman would take charge or
rent place on shares; A-l references.
. give particulars In first letter. AG Oo,
Oregonian. , .
WANTED Position with responsible firm
by boy of 17: is willing to learn business,
but wants good pay: had good deal ol ex
perience In electrlo light business. N Too.
WANTED Eastern man. 12 years' experi
ence as manager wholesale plumbing sup
ply business, desires similar position on
Pacific Coast. AC HOP. Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE machinist with 7H years'
experience on 'American cars wants posi
tion; capable of taking chargT of hop.
best references. L 677. Oregonlan
YOUNG nian with experience In general
farming wants employment on farm or
orchaid In Southern Oregon. AN 700,
Oregonlan. . .
FIRST-LASS meatcutter wishes position,
city or country: all around shop man.
Can manage business; sober; best refer
ence. Aqores. v c ti-. .
CHAUFFEUR who is neat, sober, stead...
careful driver, wants position. Wages very
reasonable. References. A. J. Peterson,
376 Couch st, .
YOUNG man desires place to work for board
and room after school; BOOd I references
given. Address H- D. B.. 148 Sth St.
GARDENER, single, wants position; long
experience groenhous and landscape work.
B 835. Oregonlan. .
HOISTING engineer, 10 years' experience
bridge construction, foreman or engineer.
f.n st 414-.1. oirouac
WANTED Situation by steady man, watch
man or elevator man; references. D 699,
Experienced salesman desires good line
On commission, -p -
WANTED Position as hotel clerk by man
Of ..J years, .evtini ' -
cellent references. AJ 705, Oregonian..
YOUNG Japanese wishes position, house
work or cooking In private family. K
700. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Frenchman wants Job as milker on
ranch or In creamery; experienced worker.
AN 700. Oregonlan. .
STRONG young man of 53! experienced
baker-, helper, want. work. E 089. Orego
man. -
ALL-AROUND machinist, piepe fitter and
auto repair man. 20 years' experience.
wants work. 601 East lth at.
fireman hard coal burner, references. 15
tfears' expedience; good mechanic Phon.
Marshall Ut&i.
JAPANESE wants position In private fam
ily: hai experienced cook. AU 70. Ore-
YOUNG Japanese boy want, situation of
sJout halt-days at housework. C 700.
sober young man wants place In plumb
ing shoS; 3V4 years' experience. W 701.
Oregonian. ,
WANTED poaitlon as driver of delivery
wagon or any old team. 701 Alblna ave.
YOUNolnan want Job driving team, phone
A 4199. .'
YOUNG bartender, a good mixer, wishes
position. W 693. Oregonlan.
TapaNESE schoolboy wants position In
good family- AE 703. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. steady, sober; want work;
anything. Phone Sellwood 39.S.
GOOD Japanese wants p"oltlon a. school-
boy. F TOO. Oregonlan..
EXPERIENCED Japanese pantry man de-
.Ires position. AJ 70S, Oregonian.
ILLUSTRATED singer, baritone, want en-
gagement, B 703. Oregonlan.
- JAPANESE boy wants Job between 10
a! M. ana 4 P? M. AJ 703. Oregonlan.
YOUNG, man wants Job as fireman. Phon.
A 4189. .
OUNO man want, outsld. position, collec-
i, -n Ttll Oregon I an.
tor or . . ... - -
perlence. Phone Woodlawn 2924.
Ro4kkeepera and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes per
rrTfinent position. Railroad-wholesale ex
perlence.AC pa.jDregonlan;
EXPERIENCED stenographer, rapid and ac
"curate. desires permanent position. Phone
Marshall 2731.
BOOKKEEPER wishes position: city refer
ence, a, ivi.
wanted Plain-sewing by the day; chll-
WdiT'.ewlr. preferred. Call Main 4b6Q.
STYLISH dresses, IS up; waists, $1.50 up;
fin, work. 529 E Mill. East 6238.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by the day;
F ?snable.Apt.40..Matn 2330.
GOOD dressmaker open for engagements;
reasonable. Phone Main 800. Call No. 7L
prriNED young woman desire, situation
housekeeping widower's family. r.nom.
Inghouse: has references. Main -039. A
4775. '
YOUNG woman with one child would like
place a housekeeper for bachelor or wid
ower. AM 708. Oregonjan.
ments; reasonable;
a-ishes more engage
doctor's references.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse;
reference Phone Main 693.-
TWO girls want work by day or hour. M.
427- Room 30.
GIRL. 18 year, old, "with piano." wishes
nlace to work for board and clothes, and
go to Shaver School. Alblna. AE 701.
tv ASHING. Ironing and cleaning by reliable
woman; best of references. H 702. Ore
gonian. .
POSITION wanted, by 2 Finn girls, for
general housework. Addres. 817 Union
ave. Phone Ea.t 8Q44.
T . T1 y t i pianist and vocalist; 6 years'
experience In moving a Icture theaters,
"ant position. N 702. Oregonlan.
kYtuATIO N wanted by . reliable woman to
assist la housework. Phone Woodlawn
ivriMAN wishes work chambermaid, house
keeper for widower's family. AK 708. Ore
gonlan. T-Y . experienced woman cook, a situation
In a small camp. AJ 706. Oregonlan.
TWO neat colored girl, would like a po.l
tion as chamber maid. Phon. E. 498L
LACE curtains washed,' stretched, 40c a
pair. Call.d Xor. oellvarad. -lain 8884.
YOUNG English woman, trained a. lady a
maid or second work, wants situation;
competent to demand good wages, or could
do work In other lines; best city ref
erences. Lock box 70S. city.
SITUATION wanted by man and wife, cooks.
hotel. restaurant, nrsi-cia
house; sober and reliable: good In all
branches. AL 707. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED housekeepers, cooks, wait
resses, chambermaids, invalid's nurse St.
Louis Agency. 303 Wash. M. 2039, A
XI LADY cook wishes position. 97S East
2Uh st. North!
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address Orenco. Or.
FURNISHED modern house of from 6 to b
rooms. In Nob Hill district, for term;
small family; references. Address AN 710,
O rt- gonian.
WANTED 4 or 3-room house. 13 blocks
from lath .t. and Alder, south part of
city; rent $18; state what you have, AK.
707. Oregonlan. t
WANTED A S to 10-room house by Feb.
15; unfurnished, between Morrison and
Columbia. 7th and Chapman. AD J01.
Oregon! an. ,
HOUSEKEEPING privileges with refined
people, private home, by young married
couple; no children; furnish own silver
ware and table linen; must be reasonable
and not too far out. Address it 70S, Ore
gonlan. .
WANTED Bv young married couple by Feb.
13th. furnished 2 or 3-room apartment,
west side. Must be modern. State price
and location in aiiswct. .
P.OOM In private home by quiet business
woman, a ivi. vjrcgpiu o.
TWO small or one large, modern, central.
A 700, Oregoniam
GENTLEMAN-wants furnished room; Ger
man preferred. F. Frank. 330 Gliaan st.
Boom. WItu Board.
WANTED Room and bord. with modern
conveniences, by young married couple;
with private family, Jewish preferred; ex
change references. phone Marshall 1354.
or address am iui, tn enum.ii
YOUNG man wishes board and room with
sleeping porch, West Side only. L 701.
Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un
furnished, board, all parts of the city;
save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo
cate you. 288 v. Washington st-, R. 02.
Marshall 21S'J. A 5243.
FRONT attio room; $6 a month. 432 Chajn-
Der OI commerce.
Furnished Rooms.
Residential. 850 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park 8ta.
Opposite new Helllg Theater, on. block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; handsomely furnished; .very
modern convenience. elevator service,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cold
water In every room; single rooms ani
smites with or without private baths, etc;
centrally located, near Postofflce; Jus off
all c&rlines; very quiet; low rates by day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 2200.
trrvrir.T. a T.T11IH.
Permanent and Transient,
We are devoting several of our choicest
rooms to permanent guests tor the "Win
ter will make special low rates by the
week or month; transient guests given th.
best of .ervlce and shown every courtesy;
located In center of shopping district, con
venient for out-of-town people; rates by
th. week.
Permanent and transient. Just opened;
brick building, beautifully furnished;
everything new; steam heat, hot and cold
running water and telephones In all
rooms; fine lobby and ladies' parlor.
Suites and single rooms with and without
private baths; very reasonable rates by
day. week or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
129 Eleventh BL
New. modern brick building, .team
heated, private bath., hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, coay and
comfortable. Rate, very reasonable. Call
and see us. Regular aud transient trad.
887 Vs East uurnsiae su
Modern, steam-heated rooms, not and
cold running water, rooms with private
bath: rates $2.50 to $7 per week. East
6940. B 1275.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th.
first-class furnished rooms, single or ea
suit. U modern convenience: 3 wtvaluy
UP. A 2647. Malnp64T. .
124 14th . cor. Wash.
Frnlshed and unfurnished rooms: pev-
t baths, free phone. In all room
THE Elm-Place, 414 Yamhill st,, rooms;
hot and cold water, team heat, private
batus ana suites.
THE HOLLx HOTEL, 105 12th New aal
modern In .very way; elegantly furnUhedi
rate reaonablejlranslents.ollclted.
fTxE Tront room suitable for 3 or 4 gentle
men; steam heat, bath and phone; rent
$7 a week. 165 10th St., cor, of Morrisun.
FURNISHED room with private bain.
SHE BEAVER, 12tn and Marsnall sts.. wail
lurnlahed sleeping rooms. $2.60 per weak.
.lectrlc lights, hot bath, free.
MODERN outside rooraa, $3 to $b per wtvek.
Including bathe; al.o hou.ekeeptng room,
648V Washington st,
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam-heated
rooms: running water. Cor. 3d and
Montgomery sts. .
Rooms $3.50 week up. 182 M 17th St.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
NEWLY furnished modern rooms for gen
tlemen. Gas. electricity, bath, furnace
heat. We pride ourselves on our pleasant,
clean room 88 North 13th st. About
two blocks from Washington.
WALKING distance, very nice steam
heated room, suitable one or two; phone,
bath pleasant home; reasonable. 587 E.
Main. Phone East 3830- Mrs. Epperson.
DOUBLE front rooms: steam heat and bath,
well furnished, deairable location, handy
to 2 car lfnea. Reasonable rent; business
men preferred. No. 715 Johnson st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room la pri
vate family, with or without board. JS4
Belmont at. Phone B 1210.
NICELY furnished large front room suit-hie
for two; no other roomers; references re
ouired. 123 North 23d st.
tin Four bright, conveniently furnished
housekeeping-rooms; bathroom. pantry;
first f loor. 109 Porter at. 3 car.
URGE bright front room In refined pri
vate home; modern: close in; reasonable
to rellned man. A 6623.
TWO good rooms, suitable for two ladles,
use of kitchen and dining-room; bath, gas
and phone. East 686a. before 11 A. M.
NEWLY-FURNISHED, small room: furnace
heat, gas, bath, best location. 82S Fland
ers. .
NICELY" furnished front room; modern con
veniences; centrally located; private par
ty. 404 Clay at.
jrjV'E blocks postofflce; 3SS Salmon; nice,
clean furnished rooms, furnace heat, rea
sonable rates. Marshall 2151.
FINELY furnished room with porch; Nob
Hill, references required. 723 Kearney,
Phone Main 2o36.
SPLENTID front"parlor. fireplace, furnace,
hot water, bath. 675 Couch, N. E. cor.
19th. :
NICELY furnished room for gentleman, all
modem conveniences; quiet, nice loca
tion. 427 H Clay st.
a DESIRABLE connecting room, with
porch, breakfast If desired. 912 E. Yam
hlll. ;
LARGE front room, facing east, modern
dwelling walking distance; modern con.
venlences. 69 N- 21st St.
. ronNT room suitable for two gentlemen.
Call 8 East 12th St. N.
NEW "cozy room, $10; gentleman. 354 East
Yamhill St.. cor. 13tU. Phone B 3090.
44t TAYLOR, near 12th, very pleasant warm
room for gentleman: modern; reasonable.
PLEASANT aleeplng room cheap. 381 10th.
Main 3.112. ;
CLEAN, furnished rooms in private home;
$12 to exo iw tn ..v au....
$,250 WEEK lor nicely furnished room. 294
ilth sL
329WEST PARK Nicely furnished front
room, suitable for two; private family.
l" LARGEfront room, $12. 395 3rd St.
SMALL, cheap room. 268v12thst.
tJnfurnlshed Rooms.
Boom. With Board,
PORTLAND Women'. Union. 23d year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt-
EXTRA choice rooms, single or en suite,
first-class table, select place. 33 N. 17th st.
ELEGANT room for 1 or 2 and flrst-clas.
table board. 374 Park.
THE CALVARD, 462 Morrison St., cor. ISth.
Room and board; modern conveniences.
Booms With Board In Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, with run
ning water, all modern conveniences,
beard If desired: single rooms $12 up.
double rooms $15; parlor bedroom $-0.
Marshall l
SMALL bachelor' club; hv. one room left
for 2 gentlemen of good habits: table
supplied with in market; $30 eacb,
4"i park .t. .
FURNISHED room suitable for two gentle
men, with board, at 230 10th, bet. Main
and Salmon. References.
WANTED Young man of good habits to
...i.i. .1 OA nA mAHlh hUh
roum witn ttuutji-3. , .o v ...
Oth sL Main 8304.
392 SALMON ST. Young gentleman wishes
roommate, large front room, furnace
heated, , finbleboard.
NEWLY furnished alcov. room, suitable for
two. business people preferred; breakfast
and dinner, phone Main g071.
WANTED Young man of good habits to
room with another; $30 per month. 69a
6th st. Main 3304.
DESIRABLE, well-furnished room.: good
board; reasonable rates; employed people.
120 N. lhth.
KOOM with-or without board In home of
young people. Phone B 3068. 640 East
Davis st.
BOOM for two people, with board; just
like borne; with modern conveniences;
terms are reasonable Main 3280.
COSY room, congenial home, choice bo id.
701 Marshal sL A 4920.
FURNISHED rooms, breakfast If desired.
52 North -od u
NEWLY furnished rooms with board ; price
reasonable. 595 East Oak. B 261!.
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 355 llth
St. A 1636. ..
MARRIED couple or 1 or 2 single men;
West Side. Main 51)34.
GOOD home cooking at G1S Qulmby st.
' Phono Main 7539. ;
Room and board, 833 Washington t.; rates
reasonable .
ROOM and board, modern conveniences. 201
N. 22d- Phone A 7230.
ROOM and board for 2: furnace heat. 2'.2
D. 22d at,, near Hawthorne. East 2Stl.
THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sis.
This new 4-story brick opened Jan. 1.
1911; furnished and unfurnished In two,
three and four-room suites, with recep
tion hall; Pacinc phone in each apartment,
electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing
beds, bullt-ln buffet and writing desk, gas
ranges. Ice box, plenty of closet room. If
you want something extra nice, come to
the Bar k er. Make reservations now.
712 Wash. St
New brick apartments. Just finished and
furnished complete for immediate house
keeping; beautifully furnished, all In I
and 3-room suites with private baths and
reception hall. Pacific phone In each
apartment free: nothing in tha city to
equal it for th. price. Call and see tor
PENINSULA Apartments, new building. East
Side. 1135 Alblna ave.; take Mississippi.
L or St- Johns car. 15 minutes' ride from
Washington St.; 2, 3, 4 and 8 rooms, com
pletely furnished. $15 to $40 per month,
all modern conveniences; unfurnished
apartment, also nicely furnished bou
rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2259.
LUCRETIA COURT, on Lucretia .tieet. near
Washington; two very choice apartments
will be vacant Feb. 1. any one desirous of
securing one of these now, elegant, moderu
apartments with nrst-class service, should
put In their application to 'h. .uperln
tendent on the Apt- i. Phon.
Marshall 1301. References required.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new
brick building, completely first-class; fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor 'service; rent very reasonable.
Institute apartments, . E. cor. of 13tn
and Jefferson sts.; flrst-class In every do-tail-
will be ready for occupanoy by
March 1, 1911. Make reservations now
at 424 Ablngton bulg-. or phon. Mam
' r , f u T L-IC.U 1 Pt DTtl CNTH.
tXV -...- '
Cor. Grand ave. and E. stark .t.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
ments; private bath, hot and cold water,
.team heat. Phone. East 300.
UNFURNISHED apartment, 3 handsome,
'arge rooms, with bath, private front en
trance from street, with porch; abundant
hot water; electricity, lurnace heat, ,3a.
848 4th St.
FOR KENT Steamheated 2-room apart,
ment, completely furnished. Apply Uu
9 and 1 A, M-. apartment 16. Pamar, 704
Lovejoy. near 2lat st. .
thf Stanley Apartments. 701 Washington,
corner King. 3-room apt,, furnished, ail
modern conveniences, rent reasonable;
Janitor service. .
THE ALT A MONT, corner Sth and Col K so
Bts Reautifullv furnished apartments,
steam heat, hot water, private phone and
bath, janitor service.
KBWnd elegantly furnished two-room
apartment with open lireplace and all
modern conveniences. 320 Montgomery st.
Marshall 2575
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison. 3
room apartment, furnished or will sell
furniture cheap; steam heat, private bath,
both phones. Main 5148. A 1 303.
LILLIAN apartments, cor. 8th and Mont
gomery sts. ; new. modern, furnished. 3
foom apartment; light outsld. kitchen:
private telephone; phoneMarshall lJiS.
fTNISHED apartment four rooms, with
bath, private front and back entrances,
first floor, furnace heat, electricity, abun
dant hot, water. 348 4th st. ,
ANGELA APTS., 37 Trinity 1'luco. bet. I'.llll
and 20th. off Wash. One 3-room front,
apt also one 4-room apt., beautifully
furnished; strictly modern.
nished, private- phones, strictly modern,
reasonable rent; vacancies now. l9ia
N orth 23d. .
IRIS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill sts.
6-room, unfurnished, apartment, S45; mod
ern improvementa; adulta only.
FOR RENT Three rooms, elegunlly fu r
nished or unfurnished: best location. Vo.t
Side. Call Marshall 151o.
TOT APARTMENT One 8-room furnished
suite private bath and phone, steam
heat;' relerenccs required. i04 Hoyt st.
THE BERYL, one of those beautiful aparl
menTsT for rent. 695 Lovejoy St.. near
I- r- ONCE Newly furnished Sroom apart
ment private phone, modern conveniences.
186 22d SL N. Marshall 2250.
vfw YORK Apartments, 2 and 3 rooms fur
nished and unfurnished, steam heat, nee
phone. East 7th and Belmont.
ttoi'R large rooms, steam heat, hot water,
35th and East Morrison, $35. Phone Ta
bor 181. ,
1ST 17th, near YamhllL
TMirnlshed apartments. ueam-heaU-.
CECELIA Apartment.. 22d and Gllaan; 3
room apartment with all luoderu coove
nlencearenteaaonable; THE JUANITA. 325 llth t,: nicely fur-
fvo-room apartment,
Sacramento Apart-
ments. tasl u.
e ROOMS "and private -bath, hest anfl all
modern conveniences. 429 E. Morrison.
FURNISHED 2-room apartments.
Alder. Collins Apartment.
FOR RENT Well-furnished 8-room flat.
West Side; 3 minutes' walk to two car
lines. Owner, 508 Couch bldg., 4Ui and
Washington. .
NEW cotv, 6-room flat: choice Wet Side
location: walking distance; elaborate new
furniture, sold at sacriflce. Phone Mar
shal! 3073- ,
FURNISHED 4-room upper flat. 177 Green
ave near 23d and Washlnfton sts. Call
morning and evening. Main 89SS.
KOLLADAY New. modern unfurnillied up
ner 7-room house, attic, basement and
porch; ateam heaL Phone East J 137.
FT-PN'TSHED ateam-heated flat In exchange
for board and care of children. 10 and S.
Phone SSSO. Inquire 4S6 Washington st.
vpu- modern 4-room ilat for rent, fur
nished or unfurnished; walking distance,
phone East 4793.
NEW. five-room flats, with steam heat,
water and gas range furnished. ' 6S7 L.
. Main. .
oK urn modern unfurnished upper ix
room Ha', adult, only. Phon. Main 8898.
east SIDE. new. modern, newly furnished
all 6 rooms, clow In. 30. Phone C 2971.
NEW, modern 5-roof flat. East 18th and
. - .- a , W. rt 1-1 8'fMlR '
FOK RENT Modern flat, near Steel by
phone Wood lawn 18o9.
NEW 5-room flat. S10H Belmont
$27. Phone xaoor j.
rBOOM flat. 731 Hoyt st,. nr
quire 10. mu st. vmu