Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Ail M.anHi.7pu,cha,ed on Credit Today and Remainder of This Month Will Be Charged on Feb cc"g
1 hnnl Todav.lO A. M-Menu: Clam FjmjWaffles, Oyster Short CaReICofeeYou Are InvUed to Attend
n ik v "n1-1 . v fi
H284hi Friday Surprise
International Pire IFoodi Fair
Boys' Airship.
. 1 ; ,V.ioK ir, tke advantage of the great Clearance Sale bargains
111 J? IWU ua J m.--- . ' .
and we aim to maKe these the Banner UayS ot the sale-Lvery aepanment w
store is called upon to put fortH its best efforts to clean up stocK-to bring out tne
best values possible for tne last days-Shrewd people will taKe advantage of this
opportunity and supply their wants tor montns to come rveaQ ""h
Afternoon Concert 2;3Q to 4-3Q Fourth Floor
The Curtiss Type Aeroplane
from .11 floor, of the .tore. No on .honld mis, thi opportunity lo see mis, tne nrv -u
ays' Great AirsKip
....... .... , i i i J 10 r.P nrtck i in Vin seen on our fourth floor.
A large and very creditable display or airsnip moaeis maae oy dojs uuuer r- invest TT ,.
Thefhow remarkable skill and ingenuity on the part of the young inventors. This exhibition wiU be in eresUng preC
They show remarkable skill ana ingenuity on me pan. oj. iuo j-uB u,.... e -f VJnf ..nurse it's
to old and young alike. These models are well executed almost without exception. See it today of jourseits
10,000 Yds Embroid'ry
S1.25 Values Now at 37c
Friday surprise clearance of dainty Embroideries in Corset
Cover. Bands, Edges, Galloons, 3 to 18 inches wide, ivih
nd nainsook material, suitable for every purpose. Onr iWi
Ur values to $l-2.'i a yard. This exceptionally pood and
larg. lot of Embroidery at special clearance price, yard
52.50 Values Only $1.37
floral desiems. full 13
inches wide, fine swiss and nainsook materials, very suitable for
Waists, rieasing pattern, and most extraordinary values to $2.50
a yard. A very unusual offer on goods of thia high g1 Q7
quality, priced for today's surprise clearance, the yard -
Women's $12.52 Waists
SIQ.QO Bath Robes at $5.49
.Vtriklnrf values for today's Surprise Sale-Women's Lingerie Waists
made of fine batiste materials trimmed in Valenciennes lace and em-broidery-HiRn
and low necKs arid short sleeves-Also Linen Tailored
Waists neatly tucked and plaited or band embroidered- J O AQ
Regular values to $12.5Q each-Clearance sale price only '
Batb Robes of blanket cloth and eiderdown materials-High or V-shape
necKs-Colors red, green, blue and pinK-Sizes 34 to 42
Our regular values to $1Q-Clearance sale price, at each r ' '
Women's $1.21 Outing Gowns $1.52
Only 2 Days More for Great Clearance Bargains
. . r- , finnr m. ereat clearance of Another lot or Women's uuung xiannei uowns in pmm uu utJr
In the undermusl n store second floor a gre. el ear ution collars Splendid mat(
ail uunng r .annex - """ thVwVrm, 1 Q rials, all eut full in tha body and long. Our regular ffl OQ
nTRcurarVl K "EpS:, $1-32 n.75 valus. SpecUl for this clearance, priced at only $1-
Sale of Jewelry Novelties
S2.QO Values Now at Q9c
mi i i f AArfinAP rr in tha ipwplrv nensrtment.
Aiiere una urcu m gicai - .
which prompts this surprise offering of Collar Pins, Belt Pins and
Belt Buckles, oxidized silver, rose and green gold finish, with
fancy stone settings. Values up to $2.00 each. Special CQ.
Women's Eve'ng' Scarfs
S3.QO Values for l.OV
Tor today's surprise sale we offer a very exceptional line
of Women's Evening Scarfs, in figured and Dresden effects;
also Knitted Scarfs, plain and silvered effects, our regular val
ues to $3.00 each, to assure a 'speedy and e"etivel 69
-i- . n.o nri.a Viom ATCAeninpl v low at. each V
cictuauo no o '
Men's $3. Underwear $2.
Men's S3.QO Hats for $1.98
Friday Surprise Sale of the famous G.O.M. Underwear in fine worsteds.
JL S 1UO w . JJ r - - j ,
nd cotton shirts and drawers-Nicely trimmed with
satin to match High-class underwear worth $1.5Q special at $1.1Q
Reular $2 garments reduced to $1.45-Regular $3 garments rfQ
deduced to $2.15 and the very best $3.5Q values reduced to 4w
All our Men's Hats, stiff and soft, made from the highest grade Belgian
1 " Z m I - s-. 4-.
fur All the new blocks and the popular shades which are Qg
in vogue right now Our best $3.00 values now reducedto
Men's $5 Damp Proof 'Shoes $3.12
Clearance of All Women's and Children's Shoes
Today, in the shoe store, on main floor, a surprise sale of 2600
pairs of men's Work Shoes, in tan or black, made for service,
sewed soles, channel nailed; best damp proof; ourQO
regular $5.00 values placed on special sale now, onlv
Another line of men's shoes, in a big assortment of styles and
i ii ii in h lnt These lire all selected from our
regular stock of high-grade shoes; our regular $4.00 CO 1 O
rAafoA An sneeial Kale at low tu'ice of
VUUOD UIO W " f v. X
A Clearance Sale
of ilid Gloves
Today, in the glove store, on the main floor, a clearance of high
grade regular stock Gloves at astonishingly low prices here.
f2.00 Monarch Kid Gloves, specially priced, the pair, $1.70
$2.00 Alexandre Kid Gloves, specially priced, the pair, $1.79
$1.30 Derby and Mocha Kid Gloves at, the pair, for $134
$3.50 Black and White Suedes, specially priced at, pair, $2.98
A Great Clearance
of Redfern Corsets
SIO to S15 Values $6.95
Sal extraordinary, a surprise indeed to women who wear high
erade Corsets. These famous Redferns are made of beautiful
brocade materials and plain goods, with mercenad finish, in
the newest models, loug hip, medium bust, also models with low
btuU and braiere attachment, which sell regu- gg QC
larly for $10.0(1, $12.00 and $15.00, surprise price " -
REDFERN CORSETS, made of light and heavy batiste, eoutil
and fancy materials, boned with genuine whalebone. Models
which give the long, graceful lines demanded by the (P O QC
prevailing mode of dress; all aiies, vals. to $3.00,
SIO liowd Corsets $3.45
S2 Brassieres Only 98c
The famous liowd Front Lac Comets, the only perfectly satis-
factory front lac eorseu aioueicu i buj.ii. i.
nd erine and to bring out the most perfect lines of a woman s
firure. They are made of heavy coutil and im- Att
ported striped material. Sizes 25 to 34, vals. to $10, PO.t
ROYAL WORCESTER WAISTS for Women and Misses, odd
lines, button or clap "fasteners, with or without bones over
th hips, fitted with four hose supporters. Onr very 7Pc
special low clearance surprise sale price is only, each
BRASSIERE 3 in a variety of well-known makes, including De
tevoise and B. 4 made of batiste and linen mesh, QO.
closed at the back or front; regular $2.00 values, special -
All Sal Corsets are fitted by our Expert Corsetierea Further
more, they ar all guaranteed by Olds, Wortman & King.
5000 Men's White Shirts
On th,e "Bargain Circle"
50 Values Now 98c
LARD Pur open ket-, 75c
tie, in 5-lb. pails, special
LARD Pure open ket- Cfkf
tie, in 3-lb. pails, special
FISH FLAKES, Burnham and
Morrils, in tins, some- 1 C
thing new, lOo and
SARDINES Imported bone
less, put np in oliv00
oil, large tins, special at
CHOCOLATE "Bishops Cup,"
a cup in a minute; p-ACn
cial the pack. 25c andJ
RAISINS Seeded, very choice,
put up in packages ttpC.
special price of 3 for,u
HERRING Imported, smoked
fat Herring, in bouillon, 1 C.
special the can at only
SARDINE S Albert Roche,
very choice, special the 1 Ag
dosen $1.65, or the tin
SARDINES Norwegian
smoked, in olive oil, O
$1.40 dor, or th tin A"
PEACHES Monopole Lemon,
Kling, 2-lb. tins $2.75 OC
a dozen, or the tin each-''
PINEAPPLE 2i-lb. tins spe
cial th. dozen $2.75, orOC
th singl can, each
PEAS Monopole Dimple, spe
cial the dozen $1.65, or 1 C
th singl tin at only
EGOS, fresh Eastern, very good,
but not guaranteed. Spe-O
cial today, the doz. only
OINQER ALE, imported or do
mestic, special today, the Cfl,
dozen $1.90, or 3 bottles"-
Sale Fvare Food
Marigold Butterine 3Qc
A scientific substitute for butter, absolutely germ proofpure and
really better than the original. Give it a faithful trial and you
will have no other. Cheapest and best. On sale at the30c
pure food demonstration booth. Special now at, th lb.
Bohemian Bvitter 78c
Our own special brand, sold exclusively by our Pure Food Grocery
Store, fourth floor. Sales on Bohemian are increasing every week.
Of course it costs a little more it's better. It's "Bobem- "7QC
ian." Oa special sale now at the price of 2-pound square
Sugar Cured Hams 16c Pound
Medium sizes, and every ounce good; not those great big
clumsy ones. Fbone for one now, they are selling very rapidly.
Southern. Head Rice. 3Va Lbs. 25c
The very best grade, unbroken, clean, bulk stock. Do your order
ing by phone, Ex. 12, A 6231. They are promptly delivered.
Jellicon Assorted Flavors, 3 PKg. 25c
See the demonstration of Jellicon at the Pure Food Fair, on
the fourth floor. It is well worth seeing and instructive. Try it.
Complete stocks of Cold Meats, Fishes, Sausage, Cheese, Pickles,
Olives, Salads, etc.. in onr delicatessen, on the fourth floor.
Special delivery to all parts of the city; special phone service,
... - a oooi will K nrnmntli? wAlted tiron.
call up iS. or a uwi iuu j ' -r .
BEANS Best small, white,
clean, new stock, on spe
cial sale now, the pound
ORANGES F a n c y selected
California navels, spe- 25c
cial the dozen now only
fornia seedless, on special
sale at low price of, each
DINNER BISCUITS H u n t -ley's
and Palmer's, reg- 9()c
ular 25o package, now7
PEAS Sweet, wrinkled, new
crop, special the dozen 10
$1.25, the single ean for
SWEET CORN This year's
crop, choice Iowa stock, OC
95o dozen, three tins for-''
TOMATOES This year's crop,
Bear brand, the dozen OCr
95c, three cans for only
stock, new crop, special OC
$1.35 dozen, 2 tins for"--SOUPS
Campbell's or Van
Camp's, standard tf ((
of the market, doz.
TAMALES Boneless chicken,
Spanish-American, spe- "1 A f
cial $1.65 dozen, the can
OYSTERS Fountain brand,
very choice 6tock, CI
special the dozen
very choice, put up in 1 gl
eans, $1.65 doz., the can
TOMATOES Solid pack, new
stock, special the dozen OC.
$1.35, or two tins for
K.. i u- .1.., thie rjrflnt Cipurance hale or Wnite i'laitea
Bosom Shirts. It begins today, 5000 in the lot, sizes from 14 to
18, all sleeve lengths, coat styles, cuffs attached or detached.
The prices are greatly reduced for the final days of this great
sale. See the window display and the big showing QQ.
on the bargain circle; regular $1.50 values, special for-"-""
Boys' $l.QOtiats for 49c
Boys' 75c Caps Only 44c
All women will cheerfully testify to advantages and pleasure
of trading in our juvenile store, second floor, especially when
such striking bargains are offered. Boys' and children s Hats,
in many fancy shapes for little fellows, blues, tans and 49c
browns, in felts, flannels and serges; $1.00 values, now -x"
CAPS, made with the inside fur pull downs, golf shapes, in gray,
brown and fancy Scotch mixtures; in all the sizes; 0uj44c
regular 75c values now placed on sale at low price of
$1.25 Crib Quilts Now at 79c
Kindergarten Beads Free
Remember all this week we are giving to every' child brouglit
into the department, second floor, a box of assorted mlored
kindergarten beads, m all the sizes, ABSOLUTELY REh.
INFANTS' COATS Long and short, made of cashmere and
poplin material, are all well made, plain and fancy U
trimmed; values range from $1.50 to $22.50, all reduced
DIAPERS Made of birdseye cotton, sizes 27x54 in. I 1
neatly hemmed; put up one dozen in package, at V.-!
CRIB QUILTS Made of fine white cheese cloth, filled 7Qr
with white cotton, neatly knotted, $1.25 values now
INFANTS' SACQUES and long wrappers, made of good ' U
cashmere, hand embroidered, $1.50 to $6 values, reduced .
BUGGY ROBES, hand crocheted of Eiderdown wool 0 QO
at t
JW """" , T, ,
yarn, white, pink and blue colors; $4.25 values
puff boxes, etc.j
NOVELTIES for infants, bassinetts, baskets, toilet sets, l.
ata a 1 1 runnppn niiriiiir uhuv w ecu.
Great Clearance Bed Sheets
Pillow Slips, BedSpreads,Etc