Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1911, Image 1

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VOL. L NO. l.,.4.
Road-Building by Com
mission Wins.
All Prisoners but Stovemakers
to Break Rock.
Good Roads Men Yk-tors, IS to 14.
Mronjj Opposition Dne in House.
Eastern Oregon Is Main Foe.
County Courts Rule.
STATE CAriTOL, Salem. Or.. Jan.
t. (Special.) Place all ronvlrta on the
roads when not needed for other pur
r pesea at the State renltentlary and
create a State Highway Commlsalon.
These are the moves carried In two bills
that passed the Senate this afternoon
after a prolonged fight.
Something of the conflict waa pre
saged when MeCuIloeh. of Baker, ob
jected to creation of a State Hlghwar
Commission, as Joseph's Senate BUI No,
42 cam op for consideration.' This bill
vii passed upon favorably by the Sen
ate, Tuesday, while sitting a a commit
tee of the whole to hear the pleas of
men representing 300 leading Portland
citizens. Then only eight rotes were' re
corded sgalnst It. Passage of the meas
ure was thought to be comparatively
eaay today until unexpected opposition
Eastern Oregon light.
McCutloch declared that from the
sagebrush country In Eastern Oregon
there had come down the line the word
that they do not want the Highway
Commission, and that .he would be com
pelled to vote against It. He sug
gested a plan for Eastern Oregon and
another plan for Western Oregon In
good roads development, but said that
In Eastern Oregon they are not ready
for Intensive road building and that 'In
the last six weeks meetings bad been
held generally all over that section
against the association bills.
"If I represented & more thickly pop
ulated section." he stated. "I might be
In a position to favor such bills, but
It Is Impossible for roe to do so In face
of the cry (hat bas come up from my
Federal Envoy Speaks.
Benjamin F. Heldel who has been sent
to the Capitol by the Department or
Agriculture at Washington as Highway
Engineer to aid In lobbying through the
good roada bills, spoke, aa did ex-Judge
Webster, of Portland.
Barrett, of Umatilla, said that he
found the counties of CmatiUa. Morrow
and Union, which he represents, op
posed to the bill.
"I do not expect the state-aid bill
to pass." he said, "and thla bill Is
worthless unless the stste-ald measure
Js successful. If the state-aid measure
passes, the referendum will be Invoked
and the act defeated. Consequently. I
see no object In creating the Commis
sion." Nottingham retreated from his posi
tion of Tuesday and said he could On!
no opposition to the bill in Multnomah
and that he decided to stand for the
measure and vote yes. Oliver said he
personally favored the bill, but found
there was opposition In Eastern Oregon
and cast his vo'te adversely.
Bill Wins by Two.
On vote the Commission bill carried
by the narrow margin of IS to H
against. Stronger opposition is promised
In the House. The voting stood:
Teas Abram. Albee. Barrett (Wash
ington). Bowerman, Calkins, Carson.
Joseph, Kellaher, Lester, Locke. Malar-
key. Nottingham. Von Der Hellen. Wood
and Selling.
Noes Barrett (Umatilla). Burgess,
Dlmlck. Hawley. Hoekins, McCuIloeh.
Merrlman. Miller, Oliver. Parrlsh, Patten.
Miller's S. B. No. 9. providing for con
vict labor on the roads, developed heat
ed discussion throughout the remainder
of the afternoon, holding the Senate In
tessslon until ( o'clock, the latest ad
journment since the Legislature has con
vened. Stove Contract. Main Point.
What to do with the contract under
whli-h the Lowenberg-Golng Company
hires convicts for use In the penitentiary
stove foundry was one of the most vltsl
points at i'sue. The bill provides that
all convicts not needed about the prison
farms and grounds may be sent out on
road work on requisition of the County
Courts In the respective counties. The
Lowenberg-Golng Company holds, a 10
year contract, dating from 1W7, for use
of a minimum number of 1M convicts in
the foundry at the rate of cents a day.
and legislators were a unit in declaring
that the Legislature could not honestly
abrogate this contract, but believed that
amendments might result In the courts
construing such moves as legislative ac
tion which might result In Impairment of
such a contract.
Foundry Convicts Excepted.
Final amendment, however, eliminates
stove foundry convicts from the provis
ions of this road bill. Warren E. Thomas,
(Conduasd oa rai T.)
Problem Necessary to Make Aero
planes Isoful to Navy Solved on
San IMejco Bay.
PAN DIEGO. Csl.. Jan. :. For the
first time. It was declared, in the his
tory of aviation, an aeroplane rose from
the surface of the water today, sailed
about and. returning to the starting
point. landed on the water as easily as
a gull.
This fest was achieved by Glenn IL
Curtlss In hla specially equipped aero
nlane on San Dleso Bay. The machine
covered a distance of about two miles
and the flight was made after almost
two weeks of experimenting.
Both the Army and the Navy were
nrM.nid at these experiments on
North Island.
When the aeroplane was brought out
at noon today and floated on the shallow
water between Coronado and rortn
Island, it was equipped with hydro
planes and a new arrangement of front
surfaces. Curtlss climbed Into the seat
and started the powerful motor. The
aeroplane scudded up the bay at a 40-
mile clip for a quarter of a mile, then
lifted out of the water and rose to a
height of 60 feet.
Curtlss brought it down on the surface
easily, after flying half a mile, and
turned around as easily as a motor boat.
Putting on hla full power, he again rose,
this time to a height of 100 feet, sailed
out over the bay a mile from the start
ing place, circled around near the rev
enue cutter Bear and the repair ship
Iris, and landed lightly on the water in
front of his hangar on shore.
"I have succeeded in solving the one
problem the Secretsry of the Navy re
garded aa the most difficult and the
one necessary to make the aeroplane of
value to the Navy." said Curtlss, aa he
stepped ashore. "I can now start an
aeroplane from the water alongside a
war ship, make my trip and returning,
light alongside and be hoisted aboard.
This, I believe. Is of great importance
to the Navy."
R. II. Thompson Subscribes to His
torical Building- In Portland.
SAN J09E. Cal- Jan. 36. (To The Ore-gon!an-
I will give $1000 to the Oregon
Historical Pioneer Association and Mu
seum building; fund provided legislative
act passes and balance of the $110,000 Is
subscribed within IS months.
R. H. Thompson Is one of the heirs of
the R. R. Thompson estate. The Oregon
Historical Society bill provides that $100.-
0u0 be appropriated from the general
fund for the erection of a suitable build
ing In Portland In which to house the
boo'is and records of the society, the
building to be used also as) a museum.
The JlvaOOO Is not to be available, how
ever, unless another $100,000 la secured
from some other source for the purchase
of the ground. Thi last 1100.000 may be
either In cash or In solvent securities.
payable on demand, and available for
use for building purposes at any time.
The directors of School District No. 1
are authorized by the bill to provide a
suitable eiite.
Before the appropriation becomes avail
able the City of Portland must pass an
ordinance providing for the care and
maintenance of the building. If the site
Is not secured la IS months or if the
city pssxes no ordinance in 18 months
for the maintenance of the building, the
bill provides the building fund shall not
be available.
Rivers Rise From Banks, Destroy
ing Tracks Streets Are Awash.
BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 26. (Special.)
What is considered to be the worst flood
In years haa congested traffic, damaged
property and stock and placed many
Southeastern Idaho cities under -from
one to three feet of water. The flooded
area is confined to Southern Bingham
and Northern Bannock County. Water
stands in the streets of Pocatello, Black
foot, Ross Fork and Bancroft.
A warm wind rapidly melted the
heavy snow and was followed by'a rain
storm last night, turning streams and
rivers Into raging torrents and soon
flooded the country.
The marooned trains transferred pas
sengers to flat cars to take them safely
over the washed out tracks.
"avy Department Hears Nothing; of
Wheeling, Reported Crippled.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 26. No word
was received up to midnight tonight by
the Navy Department from the gun
boat Wheeling, reported to have met
with an accident off the Carolina coast.
Navy Department officials are not
apprehensive, however, and do not ex
pect to hear from the vessel until to
morrow night, when she nears Guanta
namo, Cuba, her destination.
Senate Parses Bile, Which May Now
Go Tlirough House.
CARSON, Nev.. Jan. !. The State
Senate today passed a bill making It
unlawful to sell or give cigarettes
or cigarette papers to any man. wom
an or child In the State of Nevada. 4-
Aecordlng to expressions from mem
bers of the lower house, the bill will
go through without amendment.
Congress Can Do Little
Tarif Commission Will Cause
Long, Bitter Fights.
Diversity of Opinion on How to
Open Western Land Renders
Action Impossible Subsidy
' Bill Doomed, to All Seeming.
Jan. 26. The outlook for the Taft legis
lative programme is anything but en
couraging. Only Ave weeks of the ses
sion remain, and In that brief time the
Senate must pass practically all of the
large appropriation bills; the House
must pass four or five of the remaining
big supply bllh. and the two houses
must reconcile their differences after
these bills have been sent to conference
committees. It is conceded that the ap
propriation bills must take precedence
over everything else, for. If any of them
fail (unless It be the river and harbor
bill) an extra session will be necessary,
and everyone Is striving to avoid an
extra session in the Spring.
Ordinarily ten weeks would be neces
sary to consider and pass as many ap
propriation bills aa yet remain to be dis
posed of. and if this essential work Is to
be concluded before March 4. Senators
will be obliged to curtail debate and the
House will be obliged to dispense with
Its wrangling over methods of procedure.
It is true the House made a good start
in December, but since that time fac
tional and partisan troubles have been
Injected Into the Houtc proceedings, with
sud results, se far ss the transaction of
business is concerned.
Rnles Fight Blocks Action.
The situation In the House would be
less, discouraging If the House had not
amended lta rules out of all semblance
to reason. But under the rules, as modi
fied by the, Republican insurgents and
Democrats, only three days out of every
week are available for the transaction
of Important business. Including appro
priation bills, the remaining three work
ing days being set apart for buslnesa
that could readily, be dispensed with un
til next session.
Were the appropriation bills out of the
way. the five weeks remaining of the
present session would be none too long a
time to dispose of those measures In
which the President Is most lntereted.
But the aoDroDriatton bills are not out of
the way, and there comes the rub.
Tariff Commission Outlook Bad.
Foremost. In the eyes of the President.
Is the bill creating a tariff commission.
That bill must pass the House before It
can be considered by the Senate, and It
has strong and determined enemies In
both branches of Congress. There was
a dispute aa to the merits of the two
commission bills before the ways and
means committee, one Introduced by
Representative Dalxell. Believers In a
tariff commission were divided, some fa
voring the Longworth plan which was
(Concluded on Page 3. 1
PROVED. Interesting articles concern
ing the, improvement of Ore
gon 's facilities for commerce by
river and ocean will be printed
in the Fiftieth Anniversary
Edition of The Oregonian, which
will appear February 4. The
deepening of Coast harbors and
betterments under way and in
prospect for Portland's channel
to the sea are subjects that will
be covered by officers of the
United States. Engineering Serv
ice. There will also be pictures
and a description of the Celilo
Canal, on which work is going
ahead more rapidly than ever
The building of new railroads
will also receive considerable at
tention in the Anniversary
Edition. The construction of
two railroads up the Deschutes,
electric and steam lines to Til
lamook and smaller projects
are not only important to Ore
gon, but advertise Ihe state as
a district in which the big rail
road systems have complete confidence.
The Weather. .
IESTEHPATS Maximum temperature. 43
degrees; minimum. 34 decrees.
TODAY'S Occasional light rain or mow;
sllchtly colder: winds mostly southerly.
Ilalarkey eaustlo In denying conference en
public service bill. Face .
Washington lower house orders strict Inves
tigation of National Guard. Pegs 6.
Oregon Senate passes Highway Commission
bill and convict-labor measure after pro
longed fight, page 1.
Both Senate and House order strict Investi
gation of management of asylum at Sa
lem. Fage 6.
Nearly all railroads in China eeass opera
tion on account of plague- Page 4.
Delay In printing report oa Bellinger case
causes hot debate In Bouse. Page 2.
Prospects bad for passage of Tafta legisla
tive programme by Congress. Page 1.
Taft sends Canadian reciprocity agreement
to Congress. Page 5.
Conant denies truth of Dodsworth's story
about fopanlsh bribe. Page Z.
Taft proposes new treaty with Japan remov
ing restrictions on immigration. 1'age o.
Senate committee provides for two dredges
for Portland s au-foot channel. Page 4.
Judge Klmhrough, at Danville, admits HI Sk
ills; inps lu ytavuida, w r J jiuua.
Page 2.
Curtlss In aeroplane rises from and alights
on water of San Diego Bay. Page L.
steamer Queen returns tg Ban Francisco
with burning hold and flreboata extin
guish blaze, page 8.
Countesa de Beaufort has leg broken by
surgeons to be reset. Pare 3. '
Handwriting expert says forgery of. all Turn-
bull letters not possible. page a.
Mrs. Francis J. Heney dies In 'New York.
Page 1.
Women attend auto show. Page 18.
Pacific Northwest,
Klamath Falls cheered by prospects for Irri
gation oevelopment. page 7.
Oregon Retail Merchants' Association plans
new net weignt Dili. i"ge i.
Cottage City sinks off Cape Mudge In storm;
many passengers missing, rage i.
Commercial and Marine.
Steamer Tahoma held in Ice at Big Eddy for
five hours is released alter smiting cargo.
Page IS.
Turpentine selling at highest price since
civil war. fage in.
Large Argentine shipment weakens wheat
market. Page is.
Strcks firm, but not active. Page 19.
Liberal run of livestock at North Portland.
Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
City Engineer and contracting firm charged
wltn conspiring to aeirauu prupny ou
ers. Page -12.
Metollua to be division point on Oregon
Trunk; work progresses rapiuiy. rago iv.
Hardware men approve denunciation of
"catalogue houses." Page 10.
School directors threaten to resign if new
bills are passed. Page 12.
Grand Jury. In pity for Bailey, may advise
mild action. Page 9.
Railroad fares from East to be reduced
during tourist season. Page Id
Portland to have 2.000,noo factory, employ
ing 500 men. Page 1.
William Haney and J. F. Adams freed from
timber trespass charges. Page 12.
Robbers hold up restaurant, desperate con
flict ensues with holdups victors. -Page 4.
$2,000,000 Plant Will
Come to Portland.
Details, Dr. Wetherbee Says,
Are Nearly Ready.
Speakers at Convention Discuss Pro
posal to Adopt German System
by Which State, Workmen
and Kniployes I'nite.
That a $2,000,000 factory which will
employ 500 men on the day It opens Is
about' to be located In Portland; that
a paternal compensatory law of Ger
many for injured employes should be
adopted in Oregon,, and that eternal
vigilance In freight matters Is the price
of trade extension was the substance
of the addresses delivered at the 16th
annual meeting; of the Manufacturers'
Association of the Northwest in Allsky
Hall last night. More than 100 manu
facturers were present.
Dr. J. R. Wetherbee in his address
announced that there were five new
factories on their way to Portland, and
the president of one of the largest
manufacturing concerns in the United
States would be in the city in a few
days to make final arrangements for
coming to this city. He refused to
name the concern.
This law provides that the state shall
appropriate 130,000 for the fund to he
created, the working-man is to give 1
per cent of his wages and the employer
2 per cent. This fund; Is to be disbursed
by a commission."
Money "ow DlTlded.
Fletcher Linn, of the Oregon Furni
ture Manufacturing Company, in a
speech declared that he was in favor of
some law and that he had given the
subject considerable study. Hs had found
that during 1910 Oregon had paid out In
liability insurance $178,000. Of this sum
$70,000 had come back to the state in the
form of Judgments, but of that $70,000
only $15,000 had been paid direct to the
injured. It was this condition, he be
lieved, that was constantly causing strife
between employer and employe. There
was no doubt that the employer was pay
ing dearly for his accident Insurance and
paying it in the hope that the injured
one would get the money.
J. F. Carroll, In response to calls for
speech, said that he was highly pleased
by the discussion.
"There exists in this country," said
the speaker, "a condition of altruism.
But that altruism is nothing more nor
less than one form of the manifestation
of equity. There is no doubt that the
state is interested in the welfare of its
citizens. Where life is taken away in
the industrial pursuits, there are fre
auently left a widow and children. The
state's interest, its asset, is in the bring
ing up of these children, for if they
go wrong the state has an extra burden
on its hands, and if It encourages them
to do right it . enlarges Its capital and
has an asset worthy of the greatest con
sideration." J. N. -Teal, of the Manufacturers'
(Concluded on Page 10.)
Going East to Attend Publishers
Dinner, She Is Attacked by
Tubercular Meningitis.
NEW YORK. Jan. 26. Mrs. Francis J.
Heney,- of San Francisco, whoso husband
was formerly special prosecuting at
torney in San Francisco, died tonight of
tubercular meningitis at the home of
'"harles P. Crane. She had been ill
about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Heney came here Jan
uary 6 to attend the dinner of the Perl
odlcal Publishers' Association, and were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Crane. Short
ly afterwards Mrs. Heney fell ill and
her decline was unchecked.
The body will be taken .to San Fran
cisco, but no plans for the burial were
given out tonight.
Mrs. Heney was 50 years old. She waa
a daughter of John McMullin. a pioneer
who figured in the Texas Revolution
Before the gold rush to California he
emigrated to that state. McMullin died
when the daughter was a child and flie
was educated with her mother's rela'
tlves In Kentucky.
Returning to California, she met Mr.
Heney In 1906 and was married to him
In the midst of the graft prosecution.
MAN OWNS 1,000,000 ACRES
Henry Miller Buys Lui Interest in
$5,000,000 Estate.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 26. (Special.)
Arrangements have been completed
whereby Henry Miller, head of the
multi-millionaire corporation of Miller &
Lux, will purchase all Interests in the
concern owned by the estate of the late
Charles Lux and his heirs.
As the first step In this direction a
deed of trust to all of the property of
the company worth $5,000,000, has been
recorded In accordance with an agree
ment signed last March. The deed is to
secure first mortgage bonds issued by
Miller & Lux, which will be used to pay
off the Lux Interests, which are dis
tributed among 37 heirs.
The corporation of Miller & Lux owns
approximately 1,000,000 acres of Cali
fornia and Oregon land. Henry Miller,
who la now the largest Individual land
owner In the. United States, Is 85 years
The deal now being negotiated under
the agreement will close years of liti
Storm Fighters Tell How Stagedriver
" Carried Woman t- Safety.
MEDFORD, Or.. Jan. 26. (Special)
J. K. LIppet returned this morning
from a trip to Crescent City and other
coast points. He and a companion,
George Brlnker, a mining engineer of
Los Angeles, were snowed in for ten
days at the Raymond stage station on
Patrick Creek, Josephine County. .
The two left Medford on January 2,
with Llppet's team and buggy. It was
on the return trip that they were
forced to turn back to the shelter of
the Raymond stage station.
The worst storm was encountered
In the .Illinois. "Valley between CoKs
Range and Crescent City. While try
ing to cross the valley through almost
four feet of snow the two men came
upon the stage from Grants Pass, which
was held solid in a drift.
A woman passenger was carried by
the driver for over half a mile and
then placed on a horse and taken
through to the station.
Work Slay Halt on Two New School
houses as Result. t
MF,DPORD, Or.. Jan. 26 (Special.)
Because the school board let the con
tract for the plumbing of the two new
schoolhouses to W. A. AHken, union
men may refuse to work on the building,
as Mr. Aitkin has no agreement with
the plumbers union.
It was reported today that the carpen
ters of the city, nearly almost all of
whom are union men, would notify Al
fred Trey, the contractor, that they
would not work on the buildings. They
have not yet notified him, however.
Fourteen Inches of Snow at Glendalo
Followed by Warm Wind.
GLESDALE, Or., Jan. 26. (Special.)
Fourteen inches of snow have fallen
in the last forty-eight hours, and more
is threatened. Telegraph and telephone
communication Is paralyzed. A freight
wreck at Hugo delayed traffic on the
Southern Pacific for twelve hours.
The Shasta Limited, due here at 5 A.
M., did not arrive until noon today. As
the temperature Is rising and the snow
turning to rain, floods and washouts
are feared.
Oregon City Man Remembered When
His Uncle Dies.
vnrrrtXT PTTV T 9fi Tamo
jrvxjrv.i x-la,
petty,' one of the well-known residents
of this city, who resides on tne ciacaa
mas river, has become heir to $150,000,
part of an estate left by an uncle.
There are five heirs. The total value
rf ' thA ..tuta la IT.'A ODO. Pettv has
been receiving remittances from the es
tate durln'e the last few years. He will
leave soon for Now York.
! .
Cottage City Sinks;
Many Missing.
One Boatload of Seamen Fail
to Reach Safety.
Women and Children ITurrlert OfT
In Boats as Captain, Crew and
Wireless Operator Stick by
Posts Till Driven Off.
SEATTLE! Wash., Jan. 26. (Special.)
Wireless tonight clicked in broken
flashes the story of the fight for life of
the 38 passengers and crew of 60 of the
wooden steamer Cottage City, which
sank off Caps Mudge, B. C, at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
One boat's load of the crew Is reported
missing. The remainder of the 98 lives)
are reported saved. The hidden rocks at
the entrance to Seymour Narrows pierced
the bottom of the Cottage City and she
sank, it is reported, within 50 minutes.
There was slight warning. Half speed
had been maintained because of a heavy
snowstorm that made it impossible to
see two ship lengths ahead. She was
picking her way cautiously through the
narrow channel when she stopped with
a terrific jar, trembled violently and be
gan to founder.
Dramatic Scenes Enacted.
Dramatic In the extreme were the en
suing 50 minutes. The passengers had
finished lunch and had assembled in the.
social hall. One of the women was p'ay
lng the piano and a group about her sing
ing when the ship's death tremor threw
them to the floor.
The boom "of the water as it rushed into
the ship's hold was drowned by the
shrieks of women and children. It waa
then that Captain A. C. Jansen ap-
peared. and In a measure calmed the
panic as he and the officers swung the
passengers over the ship's side and into
the boats.
The children were taken off first and
then the women. The men were taken in
the second boat. In the third boat was
that part of the ship's crew which is re
ported missing. Captain Jansen, who.
with the wireless operator, was the
last to leave the ship, took the fourth
"Good bye," was the last word to
come by wireless irom tne ouaga
City. It was the heroic farewell of
the wireless operator. He had started
out strong and clear with the "S. O. S."
when the boat struck on the rocks.
Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle ans
wered his call. "Steamer Cottage City
sinking." he had answered. That waa
when the boat first struck.
"Rush Aid," Is Call. ,
"Rush aid," was his next call.
"Coming," had answered Victoria,
Then came a break in the sending of
the Cottage City operator.
'Goo d by e," came the final
That was the last use to be made
of the wireless equipment on the Cot
tage City, for she sank within five
minutes. Captain Jansen hlmseir too
his wireless operator from hla post.
The other three boats had put well
i 1 v. i run
away from tne ainnniB onii wuc. .v-
tain Jansen and the wireless operator
went over the side and Into the fourth
and last boat. They had rowed not
ore than 40 feet when the Cottage
City sank.
Suffering among the women ana cnn-
dren was Intense during the fight in the
open boats to reach the. shore. The sea
was running h'.gh and the strong wind
and heavy snowstorm handicapped the
men at the oars.
Before the boats had gone 100 feet from
the Cottage City the women and chil
dren had been drenched. They were a
pitiable spectacle when shore waa
Boats Row Four Miles.
The boats rowed four miles to Camp
bell River, a small settlement on Van
couver Island, where all except the
missing boatload had arrived late to
night, i
Second Mate O. Anderson's boat, in
which there were several passengers,
has not been reported at Campbell
River, but It is believed that Ander
son put In at one of the small settle
ments where there is no wire commu
nication. The United States life-saving steamer
Snohomish and the salvage steamer Sal
vor has gone to Cape Mudge to assist
the shipwrecked victims.
The Cottage City Is the property of
the Pacific Coast Steamship Company.
She left Seattle last night bound for
Skagway, Alaska.
Cliff Is 230 Feet High.
Cape Mudge is the southern point of
Quadra Island and forms the east side
of the entrance to Discovery Passage.
It is flat and wooded and terminates in
a broad earth cliff, covered here and
there with vegetation, facing southeast.
The cliff Is 230 feet high at Its highest
part and gradually decreases to the
(Concluded on Fags 4.)