V -- - I NEW TODAY. FKl lT LA llnl peoductiv fruit land In B"tt Colimbla. "t-arlln ore bard." Upper Oaao aa Valley: require no Irrigation; onrt cum:, fertll soil; fruit of finest qu. mv produced In abundanc; railway ela tion on property; low price, long term of pey lent- Writ for illustrated pamphlet B 4." Roger. Vlark McAlpln. Vao cojnr. British Columbia. TVTlTISH COLUMBIA fruit land ylelde IHHo pr icr aod utaard. annually, thoireat Edgasrood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake District. Wlel Kootenav. o per ewre: term over i yetr witbojt IntereM; ro lrrtg.lng. delix.if.ul riimai apwadia m.T.et Get Bookiel "V." lDor r.-ust Jl.rtfii. Corporation. Id.. Wa tliumtl W . vnutr. R. C APPLE ORCHARD. FOR SHI.E by owner aa undivided on ba!f Interest In o cre. H mile south east of Portland. Var Ml. Hood electric. II acre In trees one yer old. balance easily cleared. Running water on the place. ant purchaser to taka charge of pia . Prlc .-. Addres AD. .OS. oregonlan. " to iflTfO-AChB trarta near Portland; flneat "fruit land and chicken rancbf. clo la railroad station; good roaue; ollur larm a Bar by; I7 to J-V per acre, part caa. ianc to suil at per cm. M'I'AHLANP 1XVKSTMEXT CO. S1W CorC.tt Hid-.. Portlaad. MOSIER ORCHARD. Ift-arr iract. ".-mil from Moaler (r mou Davenport farm. 3 acrea rf- id commer-lal tree; will "'l Portland property In exchange. 410 -or- FRUIT LA D. iteii ui'jii. t. acres, bearing pruna treea. " mlla from orchard. Wash.. , mile to streetcar !,-: onlv $5Sa rash and balance : year. Address "owner. A 3. Oregonlan. for Sale Karma. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT "LAND3. In th Deschutes Valley. Central prtnn. art rome of the mast fertile lend, in the sinte. Many thousand a-re ..f theao lands are now nnler Irriaation and producing- large cr.pa. oilier ihouunds of acres are laplu ly helfff P"l under IrrliSMI 1' 'n. Tonr "lAKKV AT" KIHHT n tltles vou to I0O acr-s of this land free. If ou will, wlihln three years. Improve part of It. I've on It three month., and ray ln ea.r Install ments, your share f ihe est of .he Irriat ion s lem. t'eptral lrer'n ir rlesnon Co.. 413 Kallway tt Bldg.. PurtlaaJ. orca-on. F'R SAT.E Fine Eastern Orecon wheat la-m of 17. id acres; 11.10 acres in eultl ation. about .-. acrea perfectly l"'"; balance a Mtle r..l!lnr: :.Sn acres seeded to v heat and ar.o acres readv for c'prlna lira- well fenced; deep anil, no rock; teo houses and Urce lam. windmill and plenty of fine water; only 4 nillea to rail road and S mile to school. T his land l.es In two trscls o- Im; and 3K mc''; will sell together or separate. Price. I per acre. .n vtrr easv terms, from the Utter direct. T. II. Uttlehales. Forest virove. Or. J ACRES of fine black loa.n poll: font acrea of rlear beaerdam: a new "v rooni ho-we. mile to station, on Jan ...uver and S-.fton electric. 4 miles froin Vancouver; balance of the land alnihed; th:a la a ynluabla pl of property ana Ihe price Is onlv l-OO per acre or will sell the half w llbout tha bouse lor l-WOO. c. .iinsox co.. 3i :rllner blda.. Portland. Or. BEST HARC.A1N VET. ST acres only S mlla from R R. station, not far from Portland; Si acres In crop ,i.,w; has house, fine barn, on-hard, wat ered by sprlnas. The stock and Implc menta will with the place. All for Easy terms. First caller wttl t a brfa'n. WESTERN I.AXP CO.. 24 S St-rk St- " KLICKITAT rOCXTT. WASHINC.TON. FRI IT. GRAIN. STOCK (ARM. acres. $12 acre, ease terms; about acrea plow.d- Joining land, planted to lrt.lt sella for i0O acre; no timber, beat of fruit aoy; will consider trade; plat tbia and make a fortune. Near IV. R. and rlar. Hanalmalr. ijiit Washlnton. i ACRE home, t miles" of city limits. lc fare new house, barn, chicken-bouse, rod well- cow. chickens. tool.: ood r..;s- onlv fi:w. II.vmi eaah. Portland VF. HAVE acreage and farna cl-se In from r-er acre up. EEMITSUX DICKINSON. Henry liidf. .ORTrriAKOT" farm. -" acres level land l.'.o In rultlvatlon: fenced; IJB per a-ra. hefor- April I. .ii cash. baUnca .n't Ai: t-4. Oregonisn. ...NN County ranch. h4 acrea of cram and fruit land for aale at -4 VT acre, if taea at anew. Adlrwaa owner. B. . P.vne. Albany. Or. i'K eiAI.K acres fruit land; I cannot met pay enta. so must sell. AK !:. re;on;an. to rxniAM.r- OR SALE or will e.e:iane for close-in Portland property. M) acres, near Tori land, about --. acres clear, ahoul l) acres lea apple orchard, house, barn. cow. far, implements, etc. Will sacrlilr. thla farn i It sold at onca will maka terms. Addre ow tier. M -. Orenian FeOFOHUv VICIMTI. HKUraKll alert EXCHANGE. Wanted Portland city and ranen pr-s-er-ty ta arhanse for property In the fa oi Ro.ua Riser Valley. P t IIiiJ.Ooo; live full deacrlptlon and detail and aa a rm bo 11 V 1 ad ord.Or. VaiRE tracts. Fpltsenben district, mlla and half from railroad; prtca 4oU. Terma or will evchanae. Wbat bava ouT F. T. BERRT. No. 4 North 6h. Phone A 31- t WANT VORB ROO-irWII-t. J MY Ht Nf.Al.OW FOR I OTS ET OF :o T BFTWKEN SNPT ROAD AND BlTOADWAT ilT PRKE 18 RIGHT; TOLKS MI ST B1- ..-. c. K. CLOPFEI.TER. HIT Chamber of Commerce Bid.. Wil I. urbane f"r Portland real oetate or re-VderTce my wheat farm In "; " Id. ho I no acres in Fall hat. fruit trees; borses; Implements; ail Improved. , rmiJroad; free ranaa and -eter near In foothills; alue. ,ov. Ea.t :tb. Tab.r :s. KXCHANOE Hood River lO-acr orchard, ona " ml" of town, for Portland V"V .--v: can a.o add a .V nr.. "nf- per cent. Owner. Bon .&. Hood Rie Oreton. i & ACRES choice fruit land, planted: an nual income will e.ceed :.-.". connected bv Portland Ela- trlc: will trade for bouaa lot. ACfiT4gonAV 11 -.. FQI ITT In e-ond S-room modern rni tae. North Irvtn.lon; trade for oh1 ftir-nitur-: lot. or aa payment on ood nuto. Phone A si.eat FUCITT In S-room modern cottaa-a to trade for lunch counter. rMlaurant. rSom'ni-houa. or vacant lota, rbona Co- ul c ..ehirirt mur property for wht you feJr" Portllnd EPach.nr;e. tilT Board X Tradab;d.Fea .Mr.. Wleat. Voe."o."or t'h.t or"M Sorthwewi:schaneIJ-JHenr bll. .'WANT a houseboat and will accept as frsV payment on my .mail bun.alow. l Lumbermen. bUlfi- .riV-vv all In cultivation, dirtily lm ,... I will fade for PortUn 1 Income cj n. l.ee. -an.v. Or. AN eou.: in a f od roomlna-l.oose la ex-.bena-e'lor l"t. or for sale on easy terms. l:.m I. Wahintonll lT: WF hae"some lola lo lra"de for furniture and carpets Ml. Hol lnd Co.. JIJ R.thchlltl bld: eacbance property of all kinds all tha Itrne. H. A. Chandler. ! Lumbermena bltif . w II 1 trade f.rt- cheep unlmoroved land n ,oo.'l oeei S-roora bums.ow. Call 414 SreMnc Mdc '.. ..rhaoae 1ea acrea fine wheat land In '.. . - . r..r Imuee and lot In rt : a nd tall if'i !"rk St. -mll boy. sell or trade anylhlnn- e. A. . . r ana rnrb.it bide. wTLl. eicunae li.use an-1 lot uj F.a.l for n tre..n. T Mllwaukie at. pi "('- e rrT.a to tew.le for other property or etumee. Swetlsnd M l ZZ Mi.HTIAur) or '1 , acres tor Ke a . lie e.r lot. AJ TOi tlrtiouun. WE can trade your property or business. Call ' Board of Trade. T M H Fl. FJTT:. r; enee cilenia .jiiiui l-r Itouae.. all . .lie. ard prices. If oJ want to eel I. see us -iiilck. PACIFIC NI'N TRI-ST CU tTd MM si. t WAST to purchase hv March 1st a new. 1 never J.r.m huns.ow on East Sl.i near ."d car line and not fsr lrm n.l M-tet be ept i-.t.a: l easy teima. iUl.il W tVI. urtoulan. - : . I ciTi-iTinv wVTF.n FEMALE,. ! ; I WANT '.D ICIL KSTATE. WANTED ACREAGE. 30 to 4u-acre tract wuhin l. mil. a or Portrnd. not more than one mile to el.ctrlc line, around n: atata K-rma and give detailed description. Ml-acre tract, cleared, la amhlll o. . must have hocee. not more than a '"' from transportation station. V. hat ha '"i-'acre tract close to alatlon on electric line, unimproved; not more lllall 40 tit. a- ride on electric; must bo taay terms. M 1177. Or-aonlan. WANTED BITTER. . Sl'Bl'RBAN re.l .-stale oltice in district in Portland. Besi ofllca on carllne. lo roo::ss. lease runs for over seven years et. orly i per month: on .e.l cor ner. I!us..esa -urine; my seven rnon.ns occupancy avers zrs per month, for sal or will trade tor one or two lola wortn altoti. This is a bamaln and a rar op portunity. Don't pass 11 up. Afc.. tiref onlan. Wr. have Inquiries for property in e.e., part or the rily; homes, vacant lols ano t.u.lnea property. If you wish to buy or sell It will be to your advantage to in- WUIASTJ.aAVINCS TRUST Co. HAVE "customer that can'pay" .: cash and monthly paymenta for .Vroim bunita low rli.se In Warns to buy at once. Hie ley. Bishop A McClasky. US Jd St. lA-YER for house and lot: "".) Ilaathorne. or Ankcny. --Joo to sihoI cash. Must be a bedrock bargain. A J 7QI. oregonlan. WANT Grand ave. property, for which can oflar unincumbered acreage close lo cay aa part payment. Vanduyn Walton, el Chamber of Commerce. . HAVE client "who "wants Income busmess property; ahoui .M.i"'i to ;ui.0UO. ATLAS LAND CO.. 4;u Lumber Exchange. WILL give mortgage of 1I7SO for 1" or 15 acrea near c.r within L". mlli-a of Port land. Phone Main .'. WANT "bargain" In Vernon o r v I cl nlty I n lola. Howard Land Co.. 420 dwetland bl'lg. WANTEle A iruct of lat-u near O.o Irorr. 10 to n acres, according to prlco. AJ 7". Oregonlan. THE-best0 or 7-room house on West Side for ""no to $3t"Mi; owners only. AH in. tregonlau. WANT equity In rortland lot "for clear lot. good town: will consider delinquent con- 1 1 acts. Wood. :tlo Ppalding bldtf. THE best or l"-room house on West Slda for :mmxi to 10.; owners only. AH 7.1. oregonlan WANTED At'once. a house and lot . In: Stephena" Addition. Call 414 Spaid- ln bldg. WANTED A. reoge for cash; must be ra- aonahle. X 6M. Oregon'afK FOB SALE TIMBER JLAN'D. , . AKE YOU LOOK I NO FOR TIMBER? 1 .ooii.oOo.000 ft. of pine. It per M. ion ooti.oiirt ft. of redwood, per M. Several tracts of spruce near railroad, M acres of pine (sugar, yellow and fin. guaranteed to cruise ii.DOO per acre: :i per acre; good terms. ! acrea fir. good quality. par acre. l.iO.DOil.eOn. l per M. Manv line trade of limber; will be ples-.i to show you. ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade blng. FOR SALE A good ellow pine Uiiil.er .lalm: cheap: a good Inveslment; need the money. AK 7W-'!. Oregonlan: TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead rellneu'ah menta. 21 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. ORCHARD of 4V)0 treea. tenant muat ahow r.n.ncial ability to handle It. Apply ChllcolU so actwsj oio. FARMS WANTED. FARM property wanted: only e-cluaiv contract for quick aale considered; wa have the buyer. If you want to sell, aea or write us. Hall Atchison. 213 Oer llnger bldg.. Id and Aider. WANTED TIMBER LANI3- T1MHEK lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. ."..it siiki; sing. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. KM xl.lt tract, house and barn. Addross pos'offlce bo ". oreg on "J. FOR HALh. Ho era. Vehicle and Hsmeee. FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLES. North lith St. I CARLOAD of horsea. ell s lies all prices; wagons and harness or all klnua, t.ry cheap. a ofer To Insure buvers agatnat loss. I offer tn following terms: Don't psy me a cent for any horse you buy. Deposit ilia money vou are to pay for horse In tha Portland Trust Co. bank. Take th horse or team to your home. If they prove aa repre sented, the bank tuma money over to me. If not as represented the money Is re funded to purchaser. Both of us are pro tected In this wa. Bank and buslneaa ref erencea furnished. R. 1- EVANS. FOR SAI.K Two horses. weight pearly . I noo pounda each, and good Iravelera; llrht hack wllh harness, all new. In- Lided. or sold separately. If taken now will be offered at a laraaln. Addrea A. P. tngeoberg. Clackamas. Or., or In quire at room 20.1 Oregonlan bldg. FO n" good saddle horsea aee C. H. Zimmer man, at the Portland Riding Academy. "1st and Johnson sla: be haa opened a training stable for high-class saddle and driving taoraee; saddle horsea lor sale at any time. Phone Main 873. A 4761. FOR SALE Draft." general purpose horses; have 14 on bond; It'So to I'Wefl pounds; 0 head will arrive about Saturday. i.Mh. All guaranteed aa represented. Owner can be seen 1-J Maadam at., or 2-7 Sal mon at. ii-r..U IsJj- FOR SALS Two horse, weight about 800 found each and good travelers: light ark. wli-i tarn.aa. all new. Included or sold aeparately. Address A, F. i-angon-berg. Cla.-kamaa. Or. $1.11 BUYS mar and horse with new hir neaa. weight loo pounds: true pullers. 0 year oUl and sound. E. 1-th and Madl- s..n. house In psrk. j,v-. BUYS the best delivery or family horse in Portland: chunky built, fat and hand-eome- worth l;,o to anyone who has use for hi. Trial allowed., Alder st. $- RIO BAR'IAIN 114.1 " Team horses. 2'J"U pounds, irue alngla or double: harneea. wagon. Woodstock. -td ave. Phone Sellwood 17gl. fo R " F A LE TeamT" 5 and 6" yeara old. weighing !'. eound and true; one i-year-oid black mare weighing l.0. eound and true. -6 Russell t. AT-VOUK own price . 00-pound team of horsea. 5ai E. Swb at- end of Haw- thorne-ave. carllne. FOR SAI.F. CHEAP Driving horse, buggy and harness. Inquir at 134 X. vtb at. pbon A 1343. FOR SALE Good delivery horse, harneea and cart, rheap. Apply at market. Alber ta at., bet. -Jin anu o.nn. BAT"ma"r. about-1100. or will trade for bear work horse. -1 East JCth at. A GOOD lono-pound horse. Call South are.; take Sellwood car. 5d qikiii grocere delivery wagon and light horse: price 1-00. Phone A2478. ' Automobile. APPKRSOX JACKRABBIT n-HIO It cndllion demonstrated will show H the be.t; will lake 15 per cent hill a If It were level: cost new partly equipped. I.VO; my price, fls.vt abanluteiy fuliy equipped, l'hone for appolniment. A. C llallam. Cornellua Hotel. B AR'I A IVS In used auto tires and Inner tub.-: eiamlne our stock before you bur; . ..i.. ..i-i.,- ret aclliie and r.-i.lrlng. El - Ion At :.. Humer. e oiara St. i-nono e rjcICK i-passenger. 40 horsepower, fully eoulpi.e.l. model lll. used but llltle. If condition and class count with ou. aee this car. Owner. 4QI Rolhchild bidg. FOR S VI. E Ha.x-o.-k electric runanout: gornle, nrst--ls condition: reason (.e terms to re.ponslhle parties. Rose liv Electric Garage. .".4 2l h at. North. ro;t SALE 1'.10 cad lla.. Mrst-clasa con clltlon: pousM In Atobr; price. $lloO; d ernte. treronian. fi.ooe. (iria-ia and Musical Instrument. AM leanng'lli--cl'y and will fell my new t-lgh-graoe piano at a bargain. Phone Wondlnwn I.IH. FAVILT. leaving cily. must sell or store Weber piano; please address for particu lar J 0-d. Ore go man. .""Apr" wllll s.icrin-e her nearly new upright 'piano: no ...sonablo ofler refused If taken tins wee.. J cyregonian. Blnls. IKogs and Pet Slock. I N V H V birds, line singers and fetnsle. '..'i-' Mon'g'ercerv st. phone Main 0. 1 IK h l,i:Mlll.l''' cocker spaniel pup. 111 t!e esltle. .'3'a N. l.'.th St. Mleeella AfES. new ana secouovoaaa. wa cash or cssy ternia PORTLAND AKBCO 9T Flftb rvropllF. p Singer sewing ischlne for sais ry cheep. GI E. Washmeton. MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1911. TIIE FOR SALE. ellM-enancoiie lAH liciGlS'lellta, -AAl-lrUC-ANH" (THAT CAUSED THE SMASH IN t R 1 01 S. I NO CRANK TO TLKN. MOST PRACTI CAL CASH REGISTER MADE. THE SE CRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Ol.fcyOjs STATE AGENT. W. R. HIGNET1. oul-e EAST MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND. EXCHANGED NATIONAL IlEGIbrtRb. Ill U PT q 1 75. MENS OVERCOATS. SUITS They are high-grade samples and can cellation order from Eastern mtnu'ar lurera. I have tjo overcoats snd about suits left over: most of these ure ou aale at 9.Si a stilt or overcoat; many ire wortn from - to .... Jlmmie Dut.n s Knew" Sanipie Suit Shop, room dlj, Oregonlanbldg. Take elevator. . vLli "leaei.y ec-nanged lor iaitee eaA daoi -mde: unreOe.rne. pledges for bail original price Uncle alyers. H au. between Oak and Pl-e. FOR SALE oDowcaeee. wallcaaes. counier. Geceral naiurea In rtock in. made to order at lov"' pe.cee. t?z 'iriii! a., a FOR-SALE Wood law. a barfialn; mutt leave city; m.ke mo an offer. 414 Grand ave S. FCR BALtJ OK RENT. LOGGING AND HOISTING E.VG1.NK-. Kallway Equip ment Co-74 Jr-rtsl-.Botb phonea 4GOOD family cows for sale or will ex change for horsea. e0 E. -isth at. . w. car to Gladatone avc. ; . FACTORY rroullt typewriter, 110 to ti. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO WO Fifth st. M. iJ-8. A 14. 0. REST A I" RANT fixtures cost 11500 two months ago. i.K. 118 .Morrison at. WANTKIt -Urn FLLANFOrH. CLOTHINO AMD KVERYTHINO. Wanted Men's castoft clothing ana shoes and bicycle: Ulgbaat price pld: wc also bur ladles' clothing. Call up tb Olobe second-hand store. Fboo ilaln 200. ISO litll. SEND your cond-nnd furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get les. Pbon A "J415. Main SU.VL IF TOU have household furniture to ei call up Georg Baker A Co.. 152 Par U. su Both phones. WANTED Child to" care for; mother" care. Phone East OH 4. WE buy most every thing an pay tbe price, too. Marshall 2353. W A N'TE D For cash, second-hand pool and Mlllsrd tables, uulgley Bros.. IStl 1st st WANTED Medical books In exchange for painting. Anderson, trSS Union ave. N. SCHOOLBOOKS bought and sold. 211 2d si., near Salmon. loQ 5th st. WANTED Moving-picture machine. eutllt. Alms. etc. AJ iHtt. Oregonlan. IIELP WANTED MALE. MAN" with rig to take charge or aie oi our medicines, extract, spices, soaps, per fumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry MEN" wanteo. ae la lo ei. tor li.emen. i.e monthly and brakemen $SO on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary: no "'"' promotion to engineer, conductor. --au road Employing Heauquarlera over JO met. sent to yositlona monthly. Statag. send at amp. Railway Aaaoclatlon, car Oregonlan. . ... . WANTED A bright young man. who la will ing to learn one of the most proBlable pro fessions, and haa soma money to put into an established buslnea; fully secured. Non but those that mean business need apply. Renson A Chapman, tltha Wash. st. R SJ3. WANTED A mechanic to take charge of machine shop, on who la capable of tlcurlng on work and taking charge of men. also willing to take a financial In terest in the concern. A good opportunity for th right man. Address J. R. I-ane. Etirek. Cal. WANTED Unencumbered man with KM for clean, profitable. permanent ,l":'t manufacturing bualnes. Pleasant wtrk: no previous experience required: Just or dinary Intelligence: big wages from etart; fullest Investigation and trial given be fore Investment. Call totOoodnovgh bld.T. WANTED Men and boy to work t uto moblllng. electricity, surveying, plumbing, bricklaying: learn In few months: mak more money; position ecured. Write for booklet. No expense. National bchoo of Engineering. 2110 W. Tin. Loe Angeles. CU WANTED Ambitious workmen: work oa rtu.l lobe pays for teaching trade elec tricity, automobile, plumbing, bricklaying: few month, required; 7m Uadent last four yeara. Write for Inform atlon. United Trsde School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. WE need two or three salesmen representa tives; there Is llO.Ooo a year waiting for men of character and ability, exclusive territory will be turned over after It ha been prepared by heavy ad vertnlng. Ad dreaa E 6C Oregonlan. RAILWAY mall clerks po.toff lc ' clerk, letter carrier custom-house and Internal revenue employee, to prepare for xam Inatlon; free book. Pclnc State School. McKay bldg.clty. WANTED -Toung man to take apeclal JS5 automobile course, driving and repairing: p.ictlral experience: complete Instruction: big wages. steady work. Call ,.2oH Washington St.. room 415. WANT a competent sale an to take en- ..b ."a. n lnl WT m An a. W 111 rnTJ Commission and share of profits to the right man. Call between f. and 0. Terse at Co.. 1 Chamber of Commerce. THE BUSINESS BUREAU. HI"H-GRADE OFFICE HELP. 414 LUMBERMEN3 BLDG. WANTED Two live sale.men of good ad dresa .o sell banks and leading flrma, hlgh-clae specialty. Phone Marahall 18.0. W. N. Cole. WA"s"TETFIrst-cas manufecturlng Jewel er Steady employment and good aalary. W. F. Rosa Co., 2U4 Morrison t-. Port land. Or. WANTED Flrsl-cl Jobbing Jeweler. St'esdv employment and good aalary. V. F Rosa Co.. 2C4 Morrison t.. Portlnd. SALESMAN. Multnomah County: Nuway Yueuilin t leaner. ,t ,..... . .. business. None. Renovator Co.. 10 W ash-lngtofst-.Chlcago. of "are wanted for government position. o net m cnth. Write fcr list of po.itlons open. Franklin 1-istltuta, Dept. SIS C. Rochester. N. T. r-"r wrell-established Jiouse can use 5 or 8 men of good address. Nothing to sell. Ap ply to M. Rowley. Imperial Hotel, af ter I ' ' o C."' WANTBD at once, three men to learn to repair nd drive automobile. Call at Oarage after S o'clock. 3.".0 East Wah Ington st. KFGWTEilED asalatant pharmacist for per Vnaneot position In manufacturing de ITartment. Clarke. Woodward Drug Co.. 6th and rloyt st.. third floor. vaNTED Office and messenger boy. good ehanre for promotion; apply In own hand writing, atallng age and wagea expected. Address C 6S. Oregonlan. uL-ivTcn A boy wit h wheel to do deliver ing after school. 4SS Wah. Portland !lng Co. ft H atVorka, w AVTED Man and wife aa cook and chore man 10 to 12 men, c,o up. Call early, raciflc Employment Co.. 12 X Second t- rKPAIR'yonr "ihoe. .07 sRlsan t.. corner llth: men' half aale &Oc: firat-claa work guaranteed. vol" ran clear per week; new ndyer tlslne proposition: 2". yeara' state rights; s'ihi required. Y 1". Oregonlan. . v-t v; it om pel e n t all round art glass .utter' wood ' Addresa C. C. Belk nap Glass cc-pany. Jieatlle. vvTFD--Experlenced detaller for struc tural reinforced concrete wv.rk. AN 703. Oregonia.. vvaVTED Young man to leain barber tr.de term reasonable: union shop, new building.2Mlssilpplve. -r,STcn Firs t-clasa chef for ont-cjf-clly hotel- references; steady and temperale. A 1 . ftieC.. oregonlan. ' ... . vtvii nt once, first-class second cook, milii ""'' references. Phone Bell 3KU. Salem. Oregon. xED At once. 1 men to learn to eTeia and repair utomobr.ea call at HJwth"ne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. - t,r r lc Iniarnatlonai corrunsai. T Schools. 23 Alder St.. opea n i ;.cc foe tree ralaiorua. .T.-MiRAriE representative wanted for H ood poslt'"n. i'.2l Hoard of Trade bldg. Kenshaw 12 hat. any style or sise? 44l wshlngton st. - , VTrn-photograph operator, flrt dsns. Apply' wLWkum bldg. n-TTv l sir ER wanted, u.e to mill work. T Annlv 5S Ablngton Bldg. WANTF.rC-First -class sollcliora iN -" ' ' 1 jot V Ttornalde. Cascade lye or e.r. - voi'NG man to learn the larber trade; mall sum reiulred. 1,tf Morrison st. . v'nt vr.'man telegrapher with knowledge T..,nne,,d.y. A tl.,pregor.in. - "Tn7.TOGHAPH coupon and portrait agenta. "w off.-. Cutberth .tudlo. Dekum bldg. preparation, etc.. In your count) . work gurantecd. work healthful. V' very prulltahle: reference required. Vi rue us. We mean business. Shores-Mueller Company. Dept. 03. Tripoli. Iowa. HELP WANTED ri.LC WHAT HAPPENED IN TBB Advisory and Employment Department of the Y. M. C A. during ,.,as , November and December. ISHOr 573 call for men. , . " .15 members sent to position. 124 r.ew members taken in. 23 meraberahlp fee refunded. Any fellow, young or mlddle-aged. who can do anything well or better, need not be out of employment. , Huatle will get it. and we will tell yoa bow or membership fc rfun'i':TC.-t T Secretary. Employment Department I. M. C. A., id floor. 123 COSTS ONLY S2.1 To learn to op-rative MOVING PIC TURES. Learn business In lO days By our uo-to-date METHOD. Dally call for COMPETENT OPEJRA- l!ea'rn on all STANDARD MACHINES. Our graduates hold best positions. We established first school here. Operators earn 125 to weekly. We help to secure GOOD POSITIONS. GUARANTEE Actual movlng-plclure Theater experience, or tart you Also in business. NEW YORK FILM CO. AND SCHOOL OPERATING, .--l' Washington, near 17th. WE WANT MEN to close sales on the HIGHEST CLASS REAL ES-LATE In Portland; property tne best: price the lowest; we now have many Inquiries on hand which we cannot handle and must have more salesmen, uo not answer unles you can deliver tne goods. BEAUMONT LAND CO., With Columbia Truet Company. Board of Trade Building. S4 4th st. ABLE-BODIED men wan Led for the U. 3j Marine Corp, between the age of : l ana 5: must be native born or have Brat . P pers; monthly pay $16 to lots ldl,t';", compensation pelble; food, clotning. quarter and meuic-1 attention 're. alter 30 year' service cn retire wltn. P" cent of pay and allowance: .J" board ship and ashore tn all part of th world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corp Re cruiting Office. Breeden bldg.. 3d ano Washlng-on st.. Portlaud.Or. GOOD CHAUFFEURS AND REPAIRMEN ALWAYS IN DEMAND. We want sober, reliable men whom we rrr. recommend for a position, to a"eIa the largest and only practical and re liable automobile chool on the Pacific t oast. This course covers all gasoline en gines made and Is UNLIMITED. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL OF OREGON.. Office 2HI Merchants Trust bldg., J.ovt WasUlnton St.. Portland. pr. BELMONT ACTO SCHOOL Th only thoroughly equipped iic-ool ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction, competent man agement snd practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON STS. Take 8-8 or ML Tabor car ar.d look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. HELP WASTE" railAI,-. WANTED Toung ladle for teleoboo op erating, lib. or without experience. AP . ply Faclflc Telephone TalegraPb -la and East Aokoo t WANTED Two competent girls In all famllv. One for general housework, other for nurse girl and second work. Oooa wages to right patties. Call between jo and 12 at 7-V corbett bldg. PASTRY cook. 110 week: 2 boarding tiouo couk. $40: chambermaid. $20; 2 waitresses (out of city), 130; girls for general house work. 120 to $35; family cook. $40. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. WANTED IMlli.OIA 1 ibl Twelve young lady eollcitors; good prop osition to right parties. Call 323, Cham ber of Commerce, between 11 A. M. and WANTED Girl for general housework. Must be experienced cook. Will not em ploy anvone unless they come highly rec ommended. Best wage. Small family. Phone Main 7324. WANTED By gentleman with 2 children, aged 13 and 15. a competent housekeeper. German preferred. Call 4144 Wasco sL, ....... G . r. (, (i GIRLS for light, clean work !n manufactur ing department; mast live at home. Clarke, woodward Drug Co.. yth and Hoyt sta.. third floor WANTED Toung girl to help with house work and care of bahy. to go home nlgnte. Call after mornings. 704 Lovejoy, Apartment EXPERIENCED aecond girl wanted; one who will assist In care of two small cnll dren. Good wages. Must have reference. Phone A 8-01. ; COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook: small family: good wages. Apply22S Union ave. North. MRs7HOWrr8 LADIES' AGENCY. 26 Va Washington St.. room l Main gci or A 326. HANSEN'S LADIES"AOENCT. " S43V. Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstair. ok... XI a In ".lit'.. BY wholesale- house, a reliable woman who expect to work: experience not essential. AB 67H. Oregonlan. WANTED An up-to-date experienced wo man to sell rooming-house. 41.. Board of Trade. SEVERAL teachers wanted at Mission School. Call at I45-4 First st. after 7:15 P. L . . . FITTER wanted. Must be first class and i ex perienced, call in afternoon at Sllverflcld Company. 4th and Morrison sts. rnuPFTEST ladv to assist on book and general office work. Must be accurate. Reference required. X 699, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced J?'? I'T.""! Apply in the drapery' dept. the Tull Gibba Store. , COOKS, waitresses, city and country, lloii'l ldlrV Agency. Room 314. 32B Wash- Ington. i , . U'ANTFD Girl bookkeeper, good at figures; at once. International Lundry Company. K. lh and Oak. i WANTED Refined, capable woman for re ipon.lblT position. "lavl Co.. 609 Roth- cblld bldg.. 4th and Washington. vp-FRIEN'CED giri'for general housework End caking good wages. Apply morning. 741 Irving st. i-.vTEu Experienced operators to work WAn .fcllrtl Apply Standard Factor,. Grand ave. and East Tylor. GlRI. nr woman wanted for general honse- work. Good home, good wagea. Call UJ! 4th st- V HI jaTI School. SHORTHAND and TPE- WRmNGTio.2.I914tll. Main HS.33. wi hst-CLASS chocolate dipper for East V"d. retail atore. AN 7ng. oregonlan. ... ,VTFn Girl for general housework; must be good. rook. .'.:. I Lovejoy st. LADIES: Learn beauty culture Sanitary Beauty College. 4oo Dekum bldg. WAVTF.ri Girl for general housework, wnrres $ W. Call morn ings 275N.5 1 h. WANTED Cook; good wages. 695 Davl si bclw.er'tandM. waVtEI? Good girl for general housework. In family. Call z.o G at. EXPERIENCED sale-ladlea. 351 Waahing- lon st.. Worrell's, successor to H. B. Lilt. r"nMPFTF.ST girl for general housework. "inV Thompson at. Take Irvlngton car. WANTED young lady to take care of ciean- ing and preinhorl2. l.th t. GIRI S-Twork'ln paper box factory, also G ."i-tBlrlAPPlyLowengart & Company. ,-f, for K,neral housework: small family. 0t E. Taylor. WANTED Apprentices snd finishers In dressmaking 1 Flledner. . WANTED Bon-bon dipper at Coffman', 360 Washington. WANTED Girl for general housew-ork. Ap- ply To. Marshall st. bet8ltand 22d. C-, BiL- would like nurse or nice lady for Kenwood 1744. piUllllll.is. . . GIRL for aoufork. family of three, $20 p-r r-nnth. Phone THhor UuOD platn cook wanted 4 st Hawihurn Bvr. - APPRENTICE RtrU. neat aewera. Te-dale, SOft M arqnam M'lg. 4U pupils t w100 Qt a'inUL- HELP WANTED FEMALE. STUDENT NURSES WANTED. On account of several wa""11"!,. .?,??" added to this Institution, the 1 rattling School for Nurses is about to l"6",? membership, and Is now ready to recrivs applications for the Sprins classes or particulars address: Superintendent of Numes. San Diego County General tios- pltal. San Diego. Cal. . CHA3LBEKMA1D 167 Eleventh t. HELP WANTED MA LK OR FEMALE. 10.000 POSITION8"for gradcaie last ye; men and women to learn barber trade in . B weeks, help to secure position: gradu ates earn from 15 to 25 weekly, expert Inatructors; tool free; writ for cata logue. Mohler System of Colleges, Nort4tll?or-nd.Or; ROOM for several high-grade solicitors: no house to house work; a corking good proposition; easy to sell. Call C1U Muf quam bldg.. S:30 to 11:30 A. M. or 7 to ! P. M. . MAN and wife, preferably with no chil dren, wife to do housework, man for sen eral farm work; near Portland. A ea. 24r E. 14th s'. East 4108. MakE money writing stories or for newspa pers; big pay; send for free booklet: teils how. United Press Synd.. San Francisco. AGENTS for best proposition ever offered, studio' do Luxe. Raleigh Bldg., 6th and Washington. . F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swet lat.d bldg. lioo MONTHLJ Income mailing formulas. Will atart you Immediately. 40S Couch st. CAN use two more good solicitors. ood proposition. 315 Dre-el bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Rookkeeners and Clerks. OHIO lawyer. lByears' experience tate and i-..i.i nrrl.e desires position with a leading firm; best of reference. H. T. Manner. Gen. Del.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED stenographer. assistant bookkeeper, timekeeper want position, capable and energetic; reference. AK 70.. Oregonlan YOUNG man desires position in hardware or grocery store as clerk. Best oi rei erences. AL J7jW.Oreonlan. YOUNG aTTorney wants position In law of Hce or as collector. Y pD5. Oregonlan. MiscellaJieotis. AN EXPERIENCED alesman with thor ough training In otiice n anagement. would associate with manufacturing com pany; would consider small Investment Full details of business are remit ated m first letter. No agent will be considered. .v o-j,. ure. -Jinan. lot witn some ioti" - . . there is a chance for advancement, at present employed; will be open tor en gagement February 1. O 69a. Oregonlan. MOVING picture operator; two ya'r ex perience in my own theater which I . re cently sold. Will operate on any machine. City work preferred. B bJi. Oregonlan. - THOROUGHLY experienced. practical farmer, dairyman would take charee or rent place on shares; A-l references, give particular In first letter. Au TO-i, Oregonlan. - WANTED Eastern man, 12 years' experi ence aa manager wholesale plumblns sup ply business, desires similar position on Pacific ."oast. AC 096. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE machinist with 7V4 years' experience on American cars waut posi tion; capable of taking charge of nop. best reference. L. 677. Oregonlan. FIRST-ClASSrneatcutter wishes PO"1'1"" city or country; all around shop man. tan manage business; sober: best refer ence. Address AE 674. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by American chef ; good all round man; strictly sober . ateady and reliable; city or country. J- Johnston, 610South jBt -t, c Ity. TOIJNO man 23 year of age wishes P0ltn In city; not afraid to work; can furnish best of references. B 61S. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED house cleaner. "vln,i,w washer. Floor repollshed. Hour or con- iraci. jdaifc.o- YOI"NG man desire place to work for board and rom after school; good reference. gl yen. Address H.D. B-. 18 &" FIRST-CLASS pruning, trees, roses, bushes and shrubs: guarantee work done. V m. r. rournier. r-nune juam .... BOXNAILBR would like position In Port land or near by; reference If needed. Add. M. M. Bean. Portland, Or.. GenDel. GARDE;NER7aingle. wants position; long experience greenhouse and landscape work. H or;.1.. Oregonlan. .AKPENTER First-class finisher and ex perienced foreman want situation. Sell- wood iii- EvpERIENCED dishwasher wants work. George Morgan. Victor rooming-house. A 5201. SITUATION wanted by man and wife, good .l round coo''1' tea-' and rellable; c,ty or county, a. oho. JAPANESE wants position In family, has good experience a. cook. AH 700. Ore- gonian. . TWO boy going to chool. desire work of mrnlng. and evenlns. " 9L Orego nlan WANTJ3D position as driver of delivery wagon or any old team. 701 Albina ave, COLORED man and wife want work; jan Itor or otherwise. 522 Northrup st. YOI NO "bartender, a good mixer, wishes . EXPERIENCED Janitor want Job In flat or office building. D 6i.. Oregonlan. 7 JAPANESE boy wants a . position at general housework. A 697. Oregonlan. MAS and wife want work on farm. Ad- position. W to-BQ'". Ores LJeacoiie.. ... wM.... - .-- JAPANESE choolboy wants position In good family. AE 703. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. steady, sober, .want work; anytning. lll,l,u - - TOUNG man wishes any sort of out door work. Kererencea An iv- w A JAPANESE boy wants job between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. AJ 703. Oregonlan. TOUNG man wants Job driving team. Phone A 419B. . WANTED to learn chicken raising; tat chances. pp. tri, YOUNG Japanese boy wishes any kind of work. IV loo. vi ce""' . JAPANESE bov want any kind work; speaks English. W 704. Oregonlan. JAPANESE, experienced, wants position a cook and housework. H-, 273 Burnside. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ales woman desires position In or out of Portland. Address Box 62. Wlllamina, Or. TOUNG ladv stenographer and bookkeeper, reliable, experienced, reference. AL .0.1. Orgoman. BOOKKEEPER and slenosrapher student wishes position In office; will work a week for experience. Phone Marshall IQ02. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position; experienced; will take billing. Phone East 12tS. . A-RAPID, experienced atenographer desires permanent position. Phone Marshall 2751. FOR a good stenographer, accurate and rapid, phone A 5446. ' rireasmaker. WANTED Plain sewing by the day: chil dren' awing preferred. Call Main 4oit. DR'ESSM AK ING and plain sewing by the day; experienced. Phone Tabor 4S3. BABY clothes made to order, plain or em broidered; will call. AG 704. Oregonlan. GOOD dressmaker open for engagements; reasonable, phone Main g"0. Call No. 71. STYLISH dressr-s. 5 up; waists, J1.S0 up; fine work. 529 E. Mill. East o2r.ll. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; doctors' references. Phone Main 6IIH7. PRACTICAL nurse. 2." years, would like ma ternity cases. Phono Main 14J7. Housekeepers. YOUNG woman with boy of 9 years, w-omd like position as housekeeper fi widower, or club of young men. Would take po sition as housekeeper for rooming house. Phone East 2433. WIDOW lo. refined, wishes position as housekeeper for educated, renned widower, with children; best of references. AM 7o2. Oregon inn. RFFINED young woman desires situation housekeeping widower's family or rooming house; has references. Main ai'HO. A 4nS. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper: eood family; chambermaid. Phone C 14411. WOW 4lN with babv wishes position as house keeper or assistant dressmaker. Phone Marshall 10"2. GIRL wants general housework. 44 Fail- lngst. . Domestics. EXPERIENCED German girl desires family second work, wage :iO. St. Louis Agency. .to.'ti, tvasn. wain x"..-, V. ANTED Day work or chamber work. Phone jaaieo-M i . . .. rjoOD cook wants r-lac.e In small family. t.all or wrue .'?! v. NFNT German tlrl desires situation house- work, 23. Main 2031". A 477J. SITUATIOX WANTED FEMALE. Mi-celliinroua gTrL. 13 years old, "with piano," wishes place to worK ior nonru ana ciutu--., eo to Shaver School. Albina. AE 0i. go to Shaver Oregonlan. WOMAN, experienced Ironer and house cleaner, wants day work. Please call or write 49E.6th st. N. Upstaira WANTED bv thorough, reliable woman, sweeping and dusting by the hour, tall Mrs. Lewis, phone Tabor lii22. LACE curtains" laundered. 40c a Fai"- called for and delivered. Phone A 40-U. Mrs. Heath. CAPABLE woman wishes position as cook in camp for Binall crew of men. V ouu, Oregonlan. ' EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day or hour. Sweeping and cleaning preferred. Phone Marshall 1U03. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants place, housekeeper- honest. relJable. Call or address E. K. 1.112 Macadar.st.Portland, Or. SWEDISH-girl wants position In private family. 3S0 Fairbanks ave., near Thurman street. CLEANING and sweeping by thoroughly reliable our.g woman. Call M. B., labor 1 122. NORWEGIAN woman wants day work. Phone Main 2S31. TWO neat colored girls would like a posi- tlon as chamber maid. Phone E. 4'Jbl. LACE curtains washed, stretched, 'oc a pah. Called for. delivered. Main oJoa. GERMAN woman wantslaundry work and cleaning by day: 2.',c per hour, h.. o.!S4. A COMPETENT, willing woman wants work by the day or hour. Phone inaJH IVASTED-aCmS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $o0 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery com pany. Liberal propos.tion; good territory. Address Orenco. Or. WANTED TO KENT WANTED To rent modern five to se eu room furnishea house or bun.fc'a1I,'vi,,i:,,i district. Two adults. AF tili2. Oregonian. Apartniecte. WANTED-5"or" 6-room stea n-heatcd. un furnished apartment, by three aaulls, per manent tenants, with good recommenda-tfon- "we.? Side, north of Wa.hi..g.on. Give location and price. AL b.l. oito nian. . . . Room. WANTED, bv adults. 4 or 5 rooms, com pletely furnished tor housekeeping ; cat Side preferred: rent not over $.,0 P-r month. AK 7"0. Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman wants furnished room with Jewish -private family. AG i, Oi--gonian. . WANTED, by young man, room in private, . u wmi side: state price. AM 7.,.: ilreconlfln. WANTED" to rent. 10 to 20 unfurnished rooms. Mrs. Davis. B'lO Mississippi ave. Jlooai Wl.u boar.. wXNTEDRoonT'and board, with modern conveniences, by young married couple; with private family. Jewish preferred ; ex change references, phono Marshall 14. or nildrese AM 71. OreKonian. WANTED by young man. room and board in nrst-class home, on West Side; bleak fast only or breakfast and dinner. AL 71. Oregonlan. ; YOUNG LADY employed wants good home for herself and 2 children in private fam ily. AB 094. OregonUui. FOIl KENT. huoiah. " PORTLAND BOOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city, save you mon.y. time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2SUVS Wasnlnttoa st.. P.. o02- Marsnan .toa. a o.-w ' T77. . . . ... i. ..... . -i -ci init. i.ii.-. i uv.ni.uvi. . -MILNER BLOG.." 3-OVa MORKlaO. 3t MODERN. CENTRA L. KEASONAUL-. FurnUlted Roums. ZUB BEAVER. 12ttt nd Marsnall sta. well furnished sleeping rooms. 2.oi per week; electric lights, hot baths free. aloDEliN outside rooms. 3 to $D per week, lnciuuuis uatha: also housekeeping rooui. 648 Vi Washington st. . THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam-heated rooms; running water. Cor. 3d and Montgomery sts. . ' HOTEL NORRIS. Rooms $3.50 weekup. IS : hi 1 7th at. Furnished lioonu. HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 3S0 Tavlor. Transient Bet. 7th and Park Sta Opposite nw Heillg 'i'heater, one block from Portland Hotel: brick building. Just completed: handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service steam heat, telephone and hot and coll water In every room; single rooms aoi suites with or without private baths, etc: centrally located, near Poslofflce: Just off all carllnes; very quiet: low rates by cay. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200- HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rate oy th week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy: located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-ot-town people; rate by th week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened: brick building. beautifully furnished: everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephones in all rooms; fine lobby and ladies' parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rate3 by day week or month. Phone Marshall 1j0. 625 WASHINGTON ST. ' HOTEL SAVON. 123 Eleventh t"t Kw. modern brick building, stea heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Cs.l and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited- GRAND UNION HOTEL 3S7Vi East Burnside rU. Modem, steam-heated roor3. hot and cold running water, rooms with private bath: rates t2.3u to 7 par week. East 540, B 1273. . NEW. fireproof building, steam heat, elec tric elevator, hot and coid water and telephone In each room; centrally located; 14.50 per week and up. 240Vs Yamhill st. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17t. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suit 11 modern conveniences; I weak.y UP. A 2647. Main 1647. . HOTEL AKSONIA. 1S4 14 th at., cor. Waih. Furnished nd unfurnished room: on. vat bath, free phone In . i 1 roo -n . T1IF, Elm" Place. 414 Yamhill St., rooms; hot and cold waier, steam nem, baths and suites. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New an! modern In every way; elegantly furnlshsd. rat reasonable; transients solicited. FIRST aud Madison. Large, clean, well-furnished front room. Including heat. 4 per week. New Philadelphia. 264" First FURNISHED room with private oath. ROSEFRIEND APARTMENTS. S. W. COR. 7TH AND JEFFERSON. THE" OZARK, 225 11TH ST. Furnished rooms for rent: hot and cold running water;J3 perseek. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED rooms, with board if desired; heat, light, bath and phone free; very reasonable. Apply before 11 A. M. .-4 Union ave. N.. corner Ivy. East 5b3. jTew.o fortallle room for respectnble gen tleman; all conveniences; walking dis tance; $10. 5.14 East Yanihlll St., cor. 13th. Phone B 3090. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; host and bath. 10 for one. 12 for two. 4.19 Broadway. . LARGE, front room, adjoining bath. P""'";'"e' reasonable. Breakfast if desired. Phone A 437", 731Kearney st. 2od tar. FURNISHED room, light, heat; board op tional; private, modern home phone B 3030. 1S8 East I2th St. SouMt. ."TpV room verv desirable for t--(i or nfo'rt:' sch rooms not often available; right downtown. 11 Eleventh. .-..MI.-.1HTABLE. furnished room, priva'e house, cheap, close J11. 313 2d St. 1'nona ' DFS1R ABLE connecting rooms with " poiLh. breakfast If desired. U12 E. Yam- mil. LARGE front room, facing east. modern dwelling; walking distance; modern con veniences; 61N21tt. A FRONT room sultahle for two gentlemen. Call S East 12th St. N. 44ti TAYLOR, near 12lh. very pleasant warm room for gentleman? modern: reasonable. SMALL sleeping room, sinstc bed. cheap i:as. batfi and phone. 4.M) Yamhill. PLEASANTsleeplng room cheap. :li1 loth. Main :tS12. ciNK-cosv room, suitable for a single young 'ixdy. 714 Kearney si. DESIRABLE location, clean house, 2.4u week: one ?1 75. 311.1 12th s'.. conveniences, rent reasonable, breakfast, it desired .i40.)ohnsonstrcet. near li.'li. j 50fjicely furnished room. 294 llth st. 1 LARGE front room. ,12. 315 3rd St. I'OK KENT. Furrislietl Itoums In I'rlraie Family. NEWLY furnished modern rooms for B' n tlnmen. Gas, electricity, ualll. furmct heat. We pride ours- lves on our pleasant, clean rooms. So North 1,1th st. About two bloeks trcm ".'asliinirlon. WALKING distance. very nice steam heated loom, suitable one or two; phone, bain, pleasant home; reasonable. jSi J' Main. Phtme East sti.m. Mrs. Epperson. ITllIurnlstied j;ooms. ONE or two large front rooms In new flat, unfurnished. ,1i57h: I'ast Davis between Ir.rh and llth. . .At.l.h C.SFLHAi.-H-.D KUOM4 M1LNER BLDG.. 330 MOP-lilSON SI. MuDEHN. CENTRAL. lirA.sON A3IJ3. "llooma With Board. KOT! RENT Three rooms, elegantly fur . mshed or unfurnish-d ; best location, 1 est Sine. Call Marshall 151 YOUNG women's Christian home: room and board for young women $3 week. 1- -l.-7th st. South. POnl LAND Women's Union. 23d yar; rooms with tourd, use of sewing-room, li brary. 51 1 idersFN.H eath.supt EXTRA choica rooms, single or en suite, first-class table, sejectjjlace 33N.Jltast, 6 PER week, first-class board and room, suitable for two. 231 12th. mar Main. ELEGANT room for 1 or 2 aud Ilrst-ciass labUi board. 374 Park. Uooins With Board tn rrlvute Family. TWO-elegantly furnished rooms, adjoining bath in a. private family of 2 adults; homo privileges, good home cooking, suitable for 2 or 3. or will rent single; West Side. Phone Marshall 236. , A PLEASANT, comfortable, well furnished room, with good hoard, reasonable; em ployed people; also third-floor sleepms roorn with breakfast, fi week. 120 IStll sr. North. FOR one or two people, very nice front room with board; pleasant surroundinss; close In, West c'ide; modern conveniences; reasonable terms. Main 32-.0. ONE nicely furnished front room. witn board to two persons, $ii each. Also one single room. Bath. 2111 llth st. Phone Marshall 2li'.l3. IP minutes' walk to 1 ' b.UAl.L bachelor s club; have one room left for 2 gentlemen of good habits; tade suoplied with best In market; .30 eaeh. ; parK st. MCELY furnished room, electric light, bath, both pnones. A-l location, walking dis tance. board if desired. 3S5V1 Mill. BY college man. not using liquor or to bacco, with educated family; lev :00m ers; S per week. AM 7iKi,Orcgonjan. UKUE I'urnislicd room with board. SI m week, for two gentlenn-n. 340 YamhllL (JiXiD home cooking aT" CIS Qulmby st. phone Main T.l.'lii. ltou-d and board, 03 reasonable;. Washington st.; rales NEWLY furnished rooms with board. Price reasonable. iw5l'astOak. B-tl. . COSY room, congenial home, clioice board. 7til Marehnl st. A 4H2Q. ROOM and" board for 2; furnace heat. :s2 E. liHd St., near Hawthorne. Last 2S1. KOOMand bourn, modern conveniences. 201 N. 22i. Phone A 7'i3". ' Apartments. THE BARKER Corner .21st ana irmg sis. This new 4-slory cnen "I'l-"--" " ,. " loll Two tiiree and four-room suite ..'..i,' ...t.nnn hull I'acllU: nliono In each apartment, electric elevator. Tolmes d im aiiueaitiig beds, built-in buffet and writ ing desk, gas ranges, Ice box. plenty of closet room. If ou want something ex tra nice, come to the Barker. Make res- ervaiions now. THE MEREDITH. 712 Wash. St. New brick apartments. Just finished sti'l fvirnisned complete for Immediate house-Keeping- beautifully furnished, all In ard 3-room suites with private baths and reception hall. Paeilic pliono in ae,i apartment free; nothing in the cltv to equal it for the price. Call aud see tor yourself. . PENINSULA Apartments, new building. East Side. 1133 Albina ave.; take Mississippi. L or St. Johns car. 15 minutes' ride from, Washingtoa St.; 2. 3. 4 and 5 rooms, com pletely furnished. i3 to 4U per month, all modern conveniences; unfurnished S,-rrT,..nts aiso nicely turnisued bea- looms. Phone Woodlawn 223. LW RKTIA COURT, on Lucretla slicet, near Washington; two veiy choice apartment; will be vacant Feb. 1. any one desirous jt see uring one or tnese i.c. eii-iu, ,-... irimenls with tlrst-cluss service, should apar 1.. U..I. .nn IKlt nil LO in. BUHCiit- tende'nt on the premises. Apt. 1. Phon , Marshall 1301. References required. The CEDAK HILL'' (nicest apartments In city), is! Green ave.. bet Park ave. and Washington St.. near City Park, overlook iiig cily new house, new furniture; thre rooms and bath, steam heat, hot water, private phone. If looking for a QUltanl cosy place, see these apartments. A iH. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; e . brick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room lamily apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan. Itor 'service; rent very reasonable. CA KM A LIT A A PA RTM K.VTS The Reed ' Institute apartments, s. L. cor. or 13111 and Jefferson sts.; nrst-class in every de tail' will be ready for occupancy by March 1. mil. Make reservations now at 46 Abington bldg., or phone Ma.a 6764. - ORDEKLE1GH APARTMENTS. Cor. Granu ave. and E. stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water. Bream heat. Phoae. East 300. iTroOM MODERN" APARTMENT, with all conveiii-auces. private bath, on sunny side, large bay windows. Call for superin tendent Marshall loul. Lucretla Court, be tween 2nd and 23d sts. FOK ' RENT Steamheated 2-room apart ment, completely furnished. Apply bet. U and 12 A. M.. apartment J 6. Pamar. .04 Lovejoy. near 2lst st. HARRISON COURT. Sth and Harrison, 3 rooni apartment, furnished or will sell furniture cheap; steam heat, private bath, both phones. .Main 514S. A i30J. LILLIAN apartments, cor. tith and Mont gomery sts.; now, modern, furnished. 3 room apartment; light outside kitchen: private telephone. Phono Marshall13iS. BOZ XTA APARTMENTS. newly fur-' nished. private phones, strictly modern, reasonable rent; vacancies now. lSli'a North 2."d. BFAl'TlFULLi furnlslied 2-room apart ment for light housekeeping; open tire place, furnace heat and hot and cold water. 32" Montgomery. ONE 3-room furnished suite; private hath and phone, steam heat; references re quired. 704 jloyt St.. Lois Apartments. IK1S APXRTMKNTS. Third and Mill ats. 5-room. unfurnished, apartment. ,45; mod ern improvemems. aouno . Vl-.ELA AI'TS., 37 Trinity Place, bet. lta and 20th. off Wash. One 3-room front apt., beautlfuUyurnished.str!ctlymoderii. , rVoNCE Newly furnished 3-room apart ment tirivate phone, modern conveniences. fbO 22d st. N. Marshall 22J0. ONEONTA. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. Furnished apartments, tteam-heated. rvcELIA apartments, 22d and Gllsan; S room apartment with all modern conva nlences.reniaaonablb; FlIE JUANITA. 325 llth nicely fur nished apartment. fT?I1NIS"h"eD 2-room apartments. 503 Alder. Collins Apartrricjit. Flat. URGE -room modern rial, .150 Kearney 'ct between 10th and 17th; new carpets, curtains gas range and heater for sale at a sacrime: possession given March I. Inquire mornings between lo and 12 or Phone A 34-0. WKLL-turnislied three-room flat, including; piano, bath and pantry; three blocks front Steel bridge: rent $25; adults only. Phono East 17S3. A NEW 5-room flat, all conveniences, rent reasonable, on carllne. close to business center. Inquire 4oS E. 12th and Division. A 33S3. - FURNISHED upper flat for rent; nice loca tion; adults only. Inquire 50 N. 23rd at., upstairs. . NEWLY tinted 0-room Hat with fireplace ar.d linoleum: rent reasonable. li. .4 Burnside. , fT'rx'SHED 4-room upper flat. 177 t-i Green ave near 23d and Washington sts. Call morning and evening. Main S9SS. HOI LADVY New. modern unfurnished up pe'r 7-room house, attic, be.sement and Jorrh; steam heal. phone East 1137. FOUR large rooms, steam beat, hot water. .".th and East Morrison; $35. Phone Ta bor I SI. jp-cy-- five-room flats, with steam heat, water and gas range furnished. 3S7 E. M :i i n. irROOM fb'l. 10'.'- East 19th St.; rent 30. photi" Tabor 414. --.wt. mil niooerr. umurnlshed upper six- room I1T-. aauii3 oniy. riiuno m oaj NEW modern .".-room flat. 1"14 Williams " in w.-ilnut Park. I'hone Main O'!04. ! NEW. modern 5-roof flat. East 18tn and i " Ash. plume B 2lKlfi. I 47r5i 'CM inodern unfurnished lower flat; large yerd and basement. 4.1110-th at. IFOR KENT Modern flat, near Steel bridge. Phone Woodlawn isr.fi. $12 oOioOM-flat. 230 Alder.