THE MOItXIXC OltEGOXIAJJ. vrKIXKlA. JAXUAKT " CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREUOMAX TEUmOXll riittfia.niam 7777.- TT A CUr elreulatloa Main TOTO A " v-cid rat tor Mala toto a i undajr rdl'or- Mala T070 A S"J Cempoalos-room Mass Jr?; CupL kalldlQf Mala 10 A " thfatfh " J"' -- Mry yinnmnl In the rtrani". " Man'a WorW." sporlal matlne t III an1 tomin S IS o'clock- I'km THtrrn iriwuih an r'B. ) T7. Bakar F tock romoaay la 'Tht Man an lha Bom." ilatlnea at 2 al lontcht a 15. W NcULOW THKATRR fTwlfti a M,rrt.n atU:U. .-nirrin "Ths Squaw Man." ""I"' iliLM THKITTB rVnrpiMB. katvMl aath and Seventh) VaudavU'.a. Thla mtt ainaoa at 1:13 ana toolsht at :IS THEATER fPark and Waahtne tln) Vaad.rtlla, Thla aiternooa at 1:11. tonight .t T:M and A. f.'rte Cnmnlr Comptnr la -A Mix l"p. THs afternoon at J.JO and lonlaht at ' io and a. 1K THEATER (Park and Wahfnstoa ""I"" plxant, Continuous. front 1:M U 10. CO p. M. fiftieth Anniversary Number I Will Ba Issued February 4 i Prioe 5 cents. Postaee in Uni ted States, Canada, Jlexico and he Island possessions, 7 cpiiU. F orign postage, 14 cents. Citu. War VrrrRAjt'a KTneral Hkld. The funeral or 4tla H. liu-kM, a vet-arr-of ilia Civil War and a resident T Oregon for year, km held yes rrlav. He was born February 17, 1M3. Near Carlisle. Clark County. Ohio, and Terwards moved to Brighton. Iowa. In ,VT he married Miw Annie J. Reeves, nd moved to rendleton. Or where e "ved 20 yearn, after which he moved to ortland. He ni a member of ljn Sny B. Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer! In Nntry front August 8. 1VS. Io July 10. when lie was honorably discharged. Jtr. Hicks had an excellent Tiar record, 'le was with General Grant at the ran- jre of Fort Donaldson, participated in 'he battles of Shlloh. Chattanooga, Allan lV and van with Sherman In his march (o the eea. He Is survived by hla .ldow. three daughters and three sons Robert 1.. W. A.. Lester 1. Annie, Bes !e and Bertha Hick MOTTTAVri.UA tXVKSTIOATINO PaVEMEXTS. -A committee from the Montavilla Board r'f Trade is still Investigating; pavement Vlth a view of selecting material for the 'mprovement of Villa avenue, between 'tj Sixtieth and Kast liighty-serond ".ireets. It 1 hoped to have the exreet Improved thla year, but the committee o far has not decided what It will rec- tiiimend to the property owners. It has In mind a new navement- but as It is lot recognized by the city It cannot yet e used. The Board of Trade favors, ounollmau hills' amendment providing or open competition In all hard-surface javements. hoping that It will enable the iroperty owners on VUla avenue to get khat they want at lower figures than t now costs to lay hard-surface pa ve in-nt. IUXAOB Sl'IT TRASBFERRED. D. J. Shaver's lawsuit ajralntu the Pacific Coast I'nndensed Milk Company for the re covery of JT3n damages because of the 'It-nth of Gilbert Shaver, has been trans ferred from the Circuit Court of Wash IngtfTn County to the Portland Federal Court. Gilbert Shaver waei 18 years old. He was sent to take some empty can trays from the second to the first floor if the factor'. He started the elevator, and was caught and crushed betwen the second floor and the lift. It in alleged no guards had been provide for the eleva tor by the company, an that it these had been provided the accident would not have happened. Warrants Isscxd for Two. Warrants for the two men who on Monday re lieved Qulnttlio Peslderi, an Italian boarding-master of I17U0, were lamied yes terday afternoon by the District At torney, and have been placed in the hands of the city detectives. Alarm has been sent over the adjacent states, giving the best pcewible description of the sharpers. It Is said that a similar trick was played In Spokane a few days ago by known criminals, and an effort will be made to get their photographs for rompariaon with tle descriptions of the two who operated here. Hex Lat Freak Povbli Boo. A freak ecg 7S and K- Inches In circumference, enclosing another normal erg has been laid by a hen owned by Mrs. Ingortoll, 1:32 Campbell street. The hen is a Rhodo Inland Red pullet eight months old. and besides laying this remarkably double rsi she laid an ordinary ii'Hi egg the same afternoon. The egg le) in the pos session, of V. R. Williamson, letter car rier In Central East Portland. The hen missed one day after laying these two eggs and then resumed laying. Cathrdrax. Indies Kelts Babt Home. The Cathedral Ldits' Aid Society will give a party Friday night. January 57. at Christensen's hall, for the benefit of tlie Baby Home. The following are the pa tronesses: Mrei J. P. O'Brien. Mrs. M. Wiley, Mrs. M. McKay. Mrs. J. Maginnls Mrs. P. J. -Cronin. Mrs. J. O. Costello. Mrs. Hulme. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Andrew Smith. Mr Frank Dorley. Mrs. P. II. Flynn and Mrsv J. Murphy. M. L Pratt to XjBtCTtTRC M. I Pratt, who waa principal of the Williams-avenue school In Portland 30 years, will 'lecture today before the graduating class of the Bhattuck school on the "Demo cracy of Jefferson snd Jackson." Mr. Pratt has received several Invitations from principals to deliver lectures to the advanced grades on American his tory and the paramont duties of citizen ship next term. Monthly MeEtino to Ba Held Thurs day. The monthly literary meeting of the Florence Meade Mission Circle of jthe Unlversalist Church of the Good Tidings will be held Tnursday afternoon 'at ;:3u o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. 'Alexander Scott. SIS Bast Stark street. Mrs. R. B. Gehr. of Rose City Park, will be the leader of the afternoon with a papar on ProverbA" East Sidb Mail Service Better. Let ter mail for the East Side will here after be thrown off the Hhasta VJmited. (at East Alder street, and distributed by kt: carriers to the business section the Lame afternoon aei received. Postmaster pierrick "nt a letter to the Kaat Side 'Business Men's Club yesterday Inform ing them of the change. Club to. Hold Smoker Tonioht. The cV II wood Commercial Club has arranged, to hold a amoker tonight at the club house on' Umatilla avenue, near Knat Thirteenth etreet. A new and novel pro gramme for the amusement of the crowd haei been prepared. There will be sev eral glove contests. It will be a get , togetiver" affair. ! Fourth Number At-rMNAE Entertaix 'mevt Coraae. W. L Hubbard, lecturer; lA'.fred Bergen, baritone: Gordon Camp ibell. pianist: Friday evening. January 27. 'a: M:uatnlc Temple. Tickets. 73 cents, on 'sale at GUI's. Woodard A Clarke's. Nau's. j Sherman. Clay & CO.'e and WUey B. Allen's. Home I.irs to Be Topic Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, of Corvallis. will apeak on "Home Life: At Home and Abroad." be fore the Parents and Teachers' Associa tion In Thompson school. January 2. at S P M. A sood attendance is oesirea anu small children will be cared for. riiiiiitiiiii. stomach and nervous troubles- drugless trestmentev half price until Feb. 1. Dr. J. W. Lewis. 614 De kum bldg. Dw. O. C. Houjster will spend reo- ruary in the soutn sea jsianui m-t. Oeorg C. Carl takes fcia office during Farmers Ask tor Road Extension. A delegation of farmers will present a strong petition to the County Court ask ing for the further extension of Villa avenue from Itockwood to the Falrvlew rrons road. The avenue Is now opened from the city limits lo Rockwood. and their petition will ask for Us further ex tension of two miles at 80 feet wide. Representatives from the district be tween Rockwood and Fairview attended Hie meetlnjr of the Montavilla Board of Trade Monday night and asked frthe ro-operation of that organization. They said that the farmers are snxlous for the extension. When this last extension of two miles Is finished there will be sn eO-foot boulevard from the west line of Iurelliurst to the Fairview cross road, a project that ha taken Ave years to brings to the present stage. Breakfast ox the Farm. "Carry me back to ole Vlrglnny" to a breakfast like my Southern mammy used to serve Slices of sweet pickle pork fried to a golden brown; a thick milk gravy poured over It; a heaping dish of fried potatoes on the side and biscuits! Made you feel like a man you could do a man's work gave you the conquering rplrlt: none of your namby-pamby breakfast foods for me. Tou must go to any .of Frank L. Smith's 52 markets for this same pickle pork sliced, for 2nc a pound. Smith's markets are the only plaeem you get It. Smith's strictly fresh Oregon eggs to go with the pork, cost you 35c per down (Don't est Eastern ptorsge stock ; Ferndale buiter In one-pound prints are SOc. That marvelourfy-frcsli Idaho butter Just a few days from the churn, quality guaranteed, one pound squares on I- 25c. Aito Awat. Running' bsckward at full tilt and with no guiding hand at the helm, an automobile caused great excitement at Third and Oak streets yesterday afternoon. A breathless and listless owner. In full pursuit, eventually raptured the truant as It was about to plunge Into the door of the police sta tion and drove It away without giving his name. The driver had dismounted at the Western Union telegraph office and went Inside 'for a few minutes. Ap parently he left the car set In the back gear and with the brake off. When he came out again snd cranked the engine, it suddenly leaped backward like a thing alive, and gained a considerable distance before the owner recovered from hla sur prise. Progressive) Business Men's Club Formed. Several representative business men of Portland met at a luncheon at the Imperial Hotel yesterday and or ganized a "Progressive Business Men s Club." The purpose of the club is to have each member represent a particular and distinct line of business and to In fluence business toward fellow members. The officers elected at tne luncneon an-. President. Eugene Brookings; vice-president. John G. Peters: treasurer. Earle A. Clark; secretary. Henry M. Browning: board of trustees, W. E. Neleon. t. . Fisher, Dr. G. N. Pease and the president and secretary as ex-offlclo members. Charlxs F. Holxer Dead. Charles F. Holzer, who had been a resident of Port land for the past 2S years, died at the home of his son, C. E Holzer. 427 H llsms avenue. Monday at the age of 69 years. Mr. Holzer was employed In the hardware store of J. J. Kadderly. In East Portland, several years. His wife died five weeks ago. He Is survived by an only son. C. E. Holzer. The funeral will be held today at 1:30 A. M. from the chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder and East Sixth streets. Pavrxo Under Discussion. The build ing of viaducts over Sandy Boulevard and the aubject of paving will be dis cussed by the Rose City Park Improve ment League at a meeting to be he d to night. The meeting will be held in the brick store at East Fifty-seventh street and Sandy Boulevard, and will be called to order at S o'clock. Church Dedication Postponed. The dedication of the Third United Presby terian Church, on East Thirty-seventh street, near lrawthorne avenue, has been postponed from next Sunday on . ac count of lack of eme finishing mater.ul. Swiss Watch Repairino--C, Cbrtstan. en. td floor corbett bldg. Take alsvator. AGED PIONEER STRICKEN E. H. Virgil, Long; Resident of Port land, Sot Likely to Recover. After a stroke or paralysis last Friday E. II Virgil. prominent pioneer and wealthy resident. Is In a critical con dition at hla home, XA East Thirteenth street North, and the attending physi cians gave no hope yesterday that he could recover. Mr Virgil had been living on his fsrm at Woods. Tillamook County, and com ing to Portland on a visit about a week sgo he was taken with a ever cold, followed by paralysis, which left him helpless. He appeared to be sinking slowly and steadily yesterday. ' . . e aih hut remained Mr. virgu is -- active up to the time of prostration. He came to the Pacific Coast In Pioneer days, and apent several rear, in the mines of California, once rold 1 nugget worth Jll.000. He came to Portland8 45 year, ago and was agent and manager of the property of W. B. dd for many years. Hla home was orand avenue near East Burnslde Street but recently he .pent most of Ms Vm. At hi. farm In Tillamook County. APARTMENT H0USE SITE On Fourteenth street, comprising more thS one lot. Price $10,500 IrTvestment. Terms. S. de la Mer. -3J Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main S74. "WE CAN AND WE WILL" Do your watch and Jewelry 'P' right. Walter A. Iord Co.. Ill Sxtn sl, near Washington Duck Hunter I Fined. L. C Fort, the duck hunter arrested on two count, charging him with vlo Ution? of h. am. I guilty and f med 0 before g th p,mra Olson yesterdaj . ine n'vj his ..inn out of season, while the Mr. Wilcox la .'n !? ".f.v 1 '-story building where we have been located for f? w must .ell our large stock of UMBRELLAS before March 1. And to do so we are giving OFF MEREDITH'S 312 Washington, Bet. 54 and 64 74 sentence on the charge of shipping game fowl without properly marklnjr them was continued pending the good behavior of the culprit. TACOMA OUTWITS WRIT Man Freed Under Habeas Corpus Hero Is Whisked Across I.lne. Spiriting of a fugitive from Justice out of the state in an aotomobile. im mediately after he had been freed by habeas corpus proceedings and arrested again on a Government warrant, was the method taken by Tacoma authori ties to thwart further efforts of attor neys acting for H. C. Brlnins. wanted In the Puget Sound city for embezzle ment. After Circuit Judge McGinn had or dered the prisoner released, he was served with the fugitive warrant, was taken immediately to an automobile and was whisked across the river t. Vancouver, whence he will be returned to Tacoma. Brining was arrested here several days ago for alleged theft of money collected for power coffee-mills and other appliances for which he was agent. He secured a writ of habeas corpus while authorities were at Salem arranging: for his extradition. Seamen's Concert Held Tonight. For the regular concert at the sea men's mission tonight a programme of 15 numbers of the best collections of mu sical selections and other features has been compiled. The efforts of Pev. E. II. Roper to provide entertainment for men of vessels in port has covered a wide range, but the weekly concerts have proved particularly popular. Ttoek srti.e Coal. Tlie best bouse coal. Liberty Coal Ice Co- exclusive agents. 16 rt.. sosrrcentn street. Mala 142: XUa. - For dry fir and hardwood call E JOJ and C 230S. EdlefsenFuelCo, Inc. Plant Slbson roses. Phone Sellwood SS. Men of Character Find It Profitable to Represent The Policyholders' Company Only energetic men of strict -iial-ilitv retain a contract in this Company for any length of time. This is for the protection of the public and for the protection of our repre sentatives. The contracts of many of our agents date from the organization of the Company. l nOME OFFICE CORBETT BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. A. I- MILLS, Pre.. I SAMIEL, Geo. Mar. CLARENCE 8. SAMUEL, A-st. MT. The Clerk Behind the Counter at Heitkemper's Is Required to Tell the Truth at All Times The Removal Allows no deviation from established Allows no ' ' . our success. We're simply r,..i.r -Tis true our below-cost vine;. Tl. true our below-cost trade but then we don t nave years is our " nrieea and then some fs our prlvllese so we can o to bedrotk o prices and tnen snd your (rood take possession of our new store In snow before a warm rain, be J,e w 1 miVEK In dozens, or broken sets; Yeon Bull,d'". A-n JFW ELHY. guaranteed TIMEKEEPERS, EM r1,KV! n?inViJs Asi for any thin a high-class jewelry store would keep "."nd you,"t.Aandf-'ataay price'' that will make you chuckle for all time. PRESENT ADDRESS 1885 PRINTING ARGUMENT Established over twenty-five years - experi enced superintendence-competent workmen modern machinery and equipment fair prices prompt service -central location entire new building - ground floor office and many more good reasons why you should let us figure on your next catalogue -estimates cheerfully furnished. Glass & Prudhomme Co. PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS STATIONERS 65-67 Seventh Street TILL IT RAINS! Clearance Sale 52, UMBRELLA Today and Save Money $1.25 values, special 85J $1.50 values, sprl $1.25 $2.00 values, sp'l $1.70 $3.00 values, sp'l $2.55 F. P. YOUNG LADIES' HABERDASHER 290 Morrison Street Bet- Fourth and Fifth F.W.BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak WHERE T0 DINE. All the dellcacte. of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladles. SftS Wash., near 6th st. Sale Now On business ethics that have made for i n Amntv store nrior inir profits for an empty store prior prices ao . v---- price, are r tVic n tVenty Dusless demanded it 286 Morrison Street Oregonlifc HfegHrm U I iigMlM 1711 H '-vrvT-i4$i''i.;.Xs ODD LINES $3, $4 and $5 Hats $1.95 48th Annual Clearance Sale If you have not MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Suit or Overcoat now $11.25 $ 5.00 Suit or Overcoat now $13.50 $ 6.50 Suit or Overcoat now.' .. .$15.00 $ 7.50 Suit or Overcoat now. . . .$18.75 $ 8.50 Suit or Overcoat now.... $22.50 $10.00 Suit or Overcoat now.... $26.25 $12.50 Suit or Overcoat now $30.00 $15.00 $1.50. Cluett, Star, E. & W. $2.00 Cluett, Star, E. & TV. $2.50 Cluett, Star, E. & TV. $3.00 Cluett,' Star, E. & TV. $1.50 and $2.00 Ties now $1.00 Ties now 50c Ties 35, 3 for Odd Lines $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, to close Odd Lines Underwear Odd Lines Boys' $3.65, $4.00 and $4.50 Suits Odd. Lines Boys' $5.00, $6.00 and $6.50 Suits $2.00 SAVE $2.00 BY JOINING Y.M.C.A. CONTEST WEEK January 23-28 During- thla week the en trance fee of (2 la dropped to all new member. The Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane V. 51. C. A. 'a are competing In a bit membership conteat. Membership Privileges In $500,000 Building-. Two Gymnnaluma. Swimming: Pool. Band-Ball Court. Cork Banning Track. Commercial Scboola. -Trade Seboola. Boj-a Day and Klght Scboola. Amnaement Rooms. Reading Room and Library. Advlaory and Em ployment Department Thirty Shower Baths. One Hundred and Seventy-two Living Rooms. Lectures, Concerts, Entertainments. Over 100 Different Lines of Work. Boys, Ages 10 to 18. Seniors, Ages 17 Vp. Call and Be Shown Throneh the Building Free. Telephone A 6561 Main 7065 A SKIN W BEAUTY 18 A JOY FOREVER, Dr. T. Follx Oouraud's Oriental Cream Of U.I B.niitlfl.r. 3. -H5jaw. Rcmorea Tan. rMmplfl. 3 f-CXV S7 10(1 rBrf blemiflh tm ySjgJ Jj 'M Ootectloa. II ou ,wu ui. (en of ss yemra. and ,1s to narmleM wc to be sural! la properly mmda. A ccept no counter feit of similar name. Dr. L. A. (terra said to a lalr of the hauV ton (a patient) t M At you ladles will use them. Ooarattd'. Cream aa th lesat harmful of U tha Cooda liesiera la tba United Statu, Canaua and luiopa. FERD. T. HOPKINS. Prop, 37 Jonas St, N. T. ( HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, abore Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Franca European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew alee! and brick structure. Furnished at cost of (300.000. Erery comfort and con venience. On carlinea trasaf erring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. AilfArRiMkMtwitflmaDolMnrrsnafOf Neth & G)mpany Collectors Established In 1900. How about those old accounts? US Worcester Bids-, Portland, Osn Foremost Clothiers Since 1 863 nal Week taken advantage of these cut prices, do so this week, as sale closes January 28. BOYS' Shirts $1.15 Shirts $1.45 Shirts $1.85 Shirts $2.25 ' 95? s1-00 $1.00 Underwear now. . $1.50 Underwear now. . $2.00 Underwear now. . $2.50 Underwear now. . $2.50 and .4;5.00 Sweater Coats T How to Cruise Timber A COMPLETE Finn MANUAL By John W. Shaw Levels Transits Aneroids Compasses Reels Tapes Chains Plumb Bobs Range Poles Field Books SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Drawing -Tracing Profile Cross Section . Blue Print Papers Van Dyke Solar Paper Imperial Tracing Cloth lOlLHaM Pr1nTINGYCO Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders " ' PBCRLESS, POPE-HARTFORD, CHALMERS, HUDSON, GRAMM COMMERCIAL VEHICLE is the best and !rEil!liK8af est tooth powder for you jwnvln$ to use on your lJ-kfjP teeth. Its anti yKIft septic proper- lS- cay and pre Mwfi serve the teetn. Schwab pRiNTinc co (OsOLICITS YOUR PATR0M ACE laj.-7A STARK-STREET H0LEPR00 For Men, Women an Children SUITS AND OVERCOATS .,S5.d ..S6 si4 $i. .$1.5 $3.00 Sweater Coats. . .$Vj $4.00 Sweater Coats $3 i -93 Half .$1.95 $2.95 Teaches Beginners and Experienced Woodsmen How to Cruise TIMBER how to use the compass and figure the variation; how to run lines, etc., and shows by diagrams the standard method used, making it an invaluable field reference book. PART II contains a synopsis of the manual of the survey of the public lands of the United States. Postpaid, $1.00. Pedometers Anemometers Thermometers Rods OfirWNai - ih m. - . . ,.v Wm iiST i.'l lanniasg- . a DAY AND 3d of tha tartest best equipped pi if In Portland offers 70a unexcelled ser at prices axoaedlng-ly low. When you CATALOGS, BOOKLETS, CIRCULARS, FOLD OR ANT OTHER FORM OF PRINTINC it will ba to your adrstntasT to consul J Our f&cllltlss (TDarantea best results. samples will oonvlnoa you of our qus PORTLAND PRINTING ROUSE Phooeti A 2281, blsin 6201. 383 Tailor SANDSTONE QUARRY AT TENt Fully Equlppe4 for Operation. For Sals at a Barcaln. A. McMullcn, Slnier BldK.. N. T NIGH absence. 1