THE 3IOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. JAyiJARY 24, 1011. I 1 I a. Bill I CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGOX1AX TELE rilOVES. rTOt!nc-raaia Mala Tn A City tlmlitlna Mala vny A aval Maraclaa Editor ........Mala 7079 A enei Sirdar Tdlior ......... .Mala T0T0 A SOM Cupwlif-ma ........Ma.a T7 A eosl tope aaiMiaa ni tq: a tot nrrt.trs TREATFR sT.nth and Te1or "i ir? Minnarlni In tne arama. A Man's World." lonlcnt S:IJ ccioca. SKFK TMKATrB (Vlintb and Jlee. rtana.) Tha Baker Sloe Company Tha Man on tha Pox.- Tonlsht at BrvilLOW THF1TPR lTwlft a"d Morrison) -Tha Squaw Man." Tonight at a.ia. C. -Hr.tM THEATER rVorrlaoa. ttwi lth and Seventh) Vaudeville. This art rmaon at t 13 and tonight at :tj- CSD TKEATEK i Par and Waehtnr taa) Vaadarllla. ThU afternoon at S:IA tonltbt at T:S0 and - tTRIf THIIATEn-(P.T.nth and Alda-' T.Trie Comedy Company In 'A Ml Up. TMa afternoon at 2:30 and tonlxht at : 3) and . "Tart THKaTER (Park and Waahtnrtoat Motion pictures. Continaoua, Inn I: ta I 10 p. M. Mieih Anniversary Number Will Be Issued February 4 Price 5 cents. Postage in Uni ted States, Canada, Mexico and tha Island possessions, 7 cents. Foreign postage, 14 cents. rR I ends Flo ITT Ovxil Job. Because he s ewspected of conspiring against the position of John E. Garner, J. W. Becker, a piano ra Iranian became Involved In an altercation which resulted In his ap pearance in Police Court yesterday morn ing, charged with assault and battery. Gamer waa not present to prews the charge, and Judge Taawell listened to tie exparte ct&trment of the defendant. Becker said that Garner resented his frequent vl.ts to Garner's place of em ployment and alleged that Becker was after hist job. Becker denied the chance and the two came to blows. As the de fendant appeared to be a law-abiding citizen, not given to brawling;. Judge Tas well dismissed the case. SlBURBUC Tct.rPHO.NS OnMPAffT ELBCTS. The Flrwood-Dover Teleplione Com pany near Sandy at Its recent annual meeting elected officers as follows: Presi dent. J. Morrison; vlce-prealdnt. James DeShazer; secretary. Percy T. Shelley: treasurer. Antolne Molaire: director. E. ". Bruna; executive committee, Mere. Morrison. DeShazer. Shelley. Molaire. Bruna. Bodley and Corey. Extension of th telephone line throughout the Sandy country was discussed and It vaa de cided to repair the present lines fires: and take up extensions later. Stockholders urged that tha switchboard be changed to a place where It could be kept In operation later at night. OrnCER PfRSTES Flirixo Toutji. Veils of "stop him, stop him" startled tiie loiterers in tha Courthouse corridor -eterdajr afternoon. ae a 17-year-old boy .rushed past them, a bearded man after him. The boy was Christ Grubb, son of lieorge Grubb. and the bearded man waa Probation Officer Teuscher, of the Juve nile Court. Grubb waa arrested for having stolen five alarm clocks from a more at &l First atreet. While Officer Teuscher waa searching a younger lad. Grubb bolted for the door, and led the officer a merry chase. The boy was caught by those standing in the cor ridor. Mr. Teuscher placed bira in the County Jail. Ea!LXTs Report Rcaot. Appearance of State Food and Dairy Commissioner Baiicy before the grand Jury, ie expected tills morning, pursuant to a recent dec laration of the official that he was will ing to make a statement to the Jurors whenever they were ready. Pressure of other matters has crowded out the in restiaraUon of the office for several days, but the Jury caught up with Its work early yesterday afternoon and adjourned for the day. Mr. Bailcy'a report for the period of two years past la now in the porsesselon of the Jury and upon Its statements the official will ba inter rogated. PlOKBERS TO Aid Cbavpoeo. F. X. Matthlcu ami Joseph Buchtel. noted p.oneena. will visit Salem to urge pass age of the bill appropriating fTuXO to pur rim more grounds at Champoeg. Mr. Matthieu is the sole survivor of the con vention of May 2, hSiS. when the ques tion whether the Oregon Country should be under the Jurisdiction of the United States or England was settled. Mr. Buchtel wants tho Legislature to pur chase ten acres of land adjacent to the monument erected at Champoeg. Mr. Mntthieu. ' though SO years old. Is active and enthusiastic for Oregon. Gtmxasu-m Classes to Entertain. Members of the senior and Junior gym nasium claews of the Christian Brothers Business Oollcge will entertain friends in the college gymnasium r.ext Friday night. Instructor Sliockley Is preparing a programme of fancy marchess Indian rlub swinging, apparatus work and other features. The programme will con clude with a basketball game between the second team of the college and the Sun ryside Spartans. Many students are enrolled in the gymnasium clams. Brn.nR Now Portlaxd Resident. X. 1. Butler, who Is one of the Board of Regents of the University of Oregon and has long been a reeident of Ihtllas, haa moved to Portland and opened a law office with his son, L I). Butler, In the Iew is building. Mr. Butler has been a prominent Willamette Valley lawyer and was formerly State Senator from Polk County. He has been Identified with various business) and political movements In the state. Monet Order Bvsixess Grows. Money order business at the Powoff Ice has grown to such proportions that it wss found necessary to enlarge the quarters of that dlvixlon. Bids were re ceived yesterday for making the enlarge ment and remodeling the office so that the large volumn of business can be bandied more expeditiously. The lowest bid was t--& by Ned M. Hall, and his propositi will be recommended to the Post off ice Department. GEoRniAX Arrestkp Her. On request or authorities of Ben Hill County, Georgia. Paul Price was arrested by De tectives Hellyer and Moloney, at Second snd Morrljson streets yesterday afternoon. He Is accused of larceny. He told the lll-e that he bad bought a horse and buggy and gave a note in part payment. He then sold h!s purchase and left Georgia without satisfying tV.e note. Mator Makes Appoixtment. Mayor Smon yesterday announced the appoint ment of J. C. Alnsworth as a member of the Water Board; I. N. I,ewis and lrr. E G. dark as members of the Park Hoard, and Dr. George B. Story aa a member of the Board of Health. All succeed themselves. The terms sre for four years, with the exception of that of Dr. Story, which is for three years. DoxtLD Mac Kea a FVxrrai. Held. T!e funeral of Donald Mae Rea. who died at Salem January Jfc was held yes terday afternoon from Zeller-Byrnes iTiapeL Interment was made in Lone Fir cemetery- Mr. Mac Rea was 71 years old. snd waa a brother or vt imam and George Mac Rea. . James A. Mlir Dies. James A. Mulr. 53 jrears old. Is dead at his home, at IZ Marguerite avenue. He wast the husband of Mrs. O- G. Mulr and father of Ross snd Ila Mulr. Interment will be made in the family plot ax Sacramento. CaJ. Thsj Federation loan fund card party and mualcale tomorrow afternoon at Ma sonic Temple. Table reservations may pt ill be had from Mr si Tlfft. Main -). or M-ei Shannon. Main Tlo. For Pot- Furnished hous. Ht at.d: rcesponslble parties. Telephone Main m PiamuRDS.-C Chrlstanern, second Coo Corbeu building. Taa elevator, a 9EU.WOOO Y. M. C. A. Contest Begins. Four teams, iwo senior snd two Junior, from tha Sell wood Branch Toung Men's Christian Association began member hlp contest yesterday to continue for a week. It is hoped to secure L mem bers In Sell wood. The brsnch now has mora than 100 members. Members of the Sell mood branch will be counted with the total secured for the main association, but will be the contributing members of the Sellwood T. M. C. A. end will be part pf the branch. Basketball games were played Saturday night between the Juniors of the Presbyterians snd Metho dists, the score being 4 to 7 in favor of the Junior and between the Bible and Baptist teams, the score being II to 15 In favor of the Bible team. Saturday afternoon a school for teaching boys to swim wss conducted and five learned to awlm. Every Saturday sfternoon swim ming claws for boys will be held. Grand lodob A. O. U. W. or Oreook. Testerday, the finance committee of the A. O V. W. of Oregon, isemod checks to the amount of 114.33 to the beneilclarles of the deceased members of the order who have died during the past month. During the year IMG. this order has dis bursed ino.SCO to the widows and or phans of the members. Bishop O'Reilxt Operated Upon. Bishop O'Reilly, of Baker. Or., was op erated upon in Chicago January 11. at Mercy Hospital. Reports say tha prelate Is doing well. .Bishop O'Reilly was at one time, pastor of St. Mary's Church, on the East S;de. and has many friends In Portland. He is expected to return to Oregon soon. EN01NEKR to LBCTURB.-In the audi torium of the Lincoln High School. Four teenth and Alder streets, at S o'clock to night. J. F. Whistler, C. E.. will lecture on, -Opportunities in Engineering." BBIDGrisSr AGAIN COrilT ASKED TO STOP BROAD WAY BOXD SALE. Attorney Duniway Asks Restraining Order, Saying Advertlsment Is Illegal. Ralph R. Dunlway and Frank Kier. ran. with their supporters, have not yet given up their fight to stay all prog ress of the Broadway bridge. Attorney Duntway filed If the Circuit Court yes terday a supplemental complaint. In which he asks that the city. Mayor Simon and City Auditor Barbur be re strained from selling 1500.000 worth of bonds today. Dunlway says the bridge case Is a suit In equltv and that the court should take cognisance of it. He contends that the advertisement In the city offi cial paper that the Broadway bridge bonds are for sale, that bids may be submitted and that they will be opened January 14. ls Illegal. He complains further that the City Council passed, on December 14 last, the ordinance which authorizes the sale of the bonds, but that the clty'a advertisement sets forth that the bonds are to be sold by virtue of an ordinance passed last June. The Ladd & Tllton Bank la made a party to the suit. Mr. Dunlway said last night that he had not made formal application to the 1 1 A a rn.t r. Inlnir or. court personalis i... . .- -- der. and that he did not Intend to do so. He said he Iilea ins uppirrarnii ... . .nH that that piaim tor . h -- purpose would be seen when the fa mous Broadway bridge obstruction suit was taken to tne i,niiea si Court. ' . Bide for the J500.000 worm ui uuuu .,. to be opened at the City Hall at 2 o'clock today. SHIPPER OF DUCKS GUILTY Charge Against Ilnntcr Arises From Conflicting Game Laws. v r i.iiui before Justice of the Peace Olson yesterday on a charge of shipping ducks out of season, pleaded ,... waa deferred on ac- K uii i j . . .... .. . i , . . count of another charge against tort. which will be triea oeiure iu . TV, n M-nnl PAUnt si 1 P COS court lwuJ- " - . . . violation of the law prohibiting pos session or ducxs in t" ... . km. h tha rincka in Washington County last week. In Washington County It Is legal to snoot qucm uum it a month later than In Multnomah County, but shipping of the birds into this county ia uom ; m game wardens to be a violation of the law. The merits of the case on both counts will be decided today. . . . . i . . rrnm a-ame laws which are applicable In one .county but not in one aajoimng. as jun.- nomah and Washington counties, where the duck seasona are different. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. jn5 Wash., near 6th st. Plant Slbson roses. Phone Sellwood S. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orpbeuin. PUNKT FRANK TIXNBT, blackface monologlst, ls back at the Orpheum this week, and if audiences are any Judge his Is the head-line act. His appearance here last season made his name and memory synonymous with royal entertainment, and he's Just as good this year. He holds his side-splitting "rehearsal" with the orchestra di rector, plays the same chunes at the piano, dancing and chatting fresh stuff glibly the while, finishing by murder ing "II Trovatore" on a wailing, shriek ing" blg-plpe. An act that pleases ls little Amy But ler, about as big as a full-grown pea nut, who sparkles and wiggles and laughs along like Tennyson's brook let. Miss Amy who gets over some new songs and some old ones also, is bounded on the East by a nice lad with a very high tenor voice, on the West by a tall youth with a richly deep bass voice of unusual beauty, on the North by a baritone and the South by another tenor. Amy's voice Is of the in-growing sort, but she's a mighty attractive, if small chunk of magnetism without any spine and no stays In her corsets. Charles E. Evans, of "Parlor Match" celebrity, makes his return to the foot lights in a farce-comedy called "It's Up to Tou, William." The members of Mr. Evans' support ing company give excellent accounts of themselves, and Mr. Evans is himself reminiscent in a long, lanky way of that dea nof vaudeville humor, Cressy. An act that combines educational value and real beauty is presented by "Maxim's Models," a bevy of men and women who pose In faithful reproduc tions of famous paintings. The Reed Brothers, a couple of ani mated bunches of strength offer feats of skill in gymnastics and general ac robatics that are genuinely good. They manage to stuff a lot of comedy In between lines, and on the whole make good. Swain's Cockatoos, a remarkable col lection of educated birds, are seen In an highly unique act. One feathered wizard counts, tells the time, and all but talks In, to say the least, an un canny way. And Dorothy Kenton, a banjolst, comes out in an aborted color scheme that would make the rainbow and Mel ville Ellis turn all colors with envy. Aided and abetted, by the orchestra, Dorothy hands out the usual things In banjolng which women do. The Grand. POR good, hard work and skilful cycle riding the three Roehrs are to be congratulated. Their act leada the Sullivan & Considlne bill at the Grand this week. Against all seeming laws of gravity they whirl about the sides of a revolving globe. Featuring their act is the remarkable loop-the-loop "which they essay at great hazard. w Just preceding the Roehrs Is Mabel McKlnley, niece of the martyred Presi dent. She makes a hit with the audi ence In offering it the chance to take part In the programme by Joining In the chorus of the catchy song, "Yum-Yum Tree." To anyone . who sings the chorus alone, she presents an autographed copy of the air. Of Interest, too. this week are Ham mond and Forrester, who give rapid fire foolish chatter and song which entitles them to the right to call them selves "Laughsmlths." Pathetic to an extreme ls the drama surrounding an erring mother as pre sented by the emotional artist, Emily Dodd and her company. Instrumental music, both classic and popular, forms the act of Fred and- Elsa Pendleton. They win great applause. The remaining feature is a tight rope act by the Roslares, man and woman. They open their act with an artistic arrangement of the stage, rep resenting a garden. Then hammocks and vine-covered walls are pulled away and on the bare ropes, which re main, the pair execute several feats, including a Dutch dance In costume. YEAR'S SEARCH ENDS HERE Charleston, W. Va., Youth Accused of $1600 Bank Theft, Is Caught. ' Nearly a year after his alleged flight from Charleston, W. V., with 1660 be longing to a bank, L. I. Melton, 21 years old. was arrested by Detectives Hellyer and Maloney yesterday morning at Sixth and Burnslde streets. He ls held for the United States Marshal of the Southern District of West Virginia. Melton, while admitting that he Is the man wanted, and agreeing to go back without extradition, refuses to say anything of the crime of which he ls charged. It is alleged that Melton left Charles ton last March, after being intrusted with 160 of the funds of the National City Bank of f'harleston. for which he Company, Inc. 384 Yamhill Street Until Feb. 1 a great re duction on all Ladies' Gowns, Dresses and Tailored Suits. Your patronage is earnestly solicited. We assure you a perfect fit. Frenchy and stylish Gowns and beautifully finished tailored work. An early call will save you much money. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder neutralizes the destructive acids of the mouth cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. was a bookkeeper and messenger. He disappeared, with his cousin, a youth of about his own age. They were traced to this city, where the cousin secured employment as a clerk in a hotel. A great number of fugitives from other places have found refuge In Port land recently. The arrest of Melton makes the 21st seizure this month of men here on request of outside author ities. DELEGATES HAVE SPECIAL 3Iany to Attend Retail Merchants' Convention at Salem. A special train will leave Portland tomorrow morning on the Oregon Elec tric carrying visitors in the fifth an nual convention of the Oregon Retail Merchants' Association, which is being held at Salem. The convention will be called to or der by Theodore Roth. President of Sa lem Business Men's League. An ad dress of welcome will be given on be half of the Salem Business Men's League, by H. S. Glle. of Salem, and an address of welcome on behalf of the city of Salem, by Hon. Louis Lach mund. Mayor of Salem. Max O. Buren will deliver an address of welcome In behalf of the Salem Board of Trade. " Luncheon will be served at 1:30, after which reports will be read of local associations. During the afternoon session discussions will be held on "Figuring Profits." "How to Sell Goods at a Profit.' and "The Economy of -ash Discounts and Losses Sustained by Long Credits." The evening session will commence at 8 o'clock. There will be an ad dress by J. G. Watts on "The Retail Merchant's Relation to the High Cost of Living," and a talk by Hon. Clyde B. Altchlson, chairman of the Oregon Railroad Commission, on "How the Railroad Commission Can Assist the Retail Merchant." "WE CAN AND WE WILL" Do your watch and Jewelry repairing right. Walter A. Lord Co., 1H Sixth st, near Washington. Rock SpnoBTS CeeL. , The best house coal. Liberty Coal St Ice Co. exclusive agents, IS North Foorr?entn street. Main li; A Slit. For dry fir and hardwood call E SOS and C 2303. Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc. Neth & Company Collectors Established in 1000. How about those old accounts? 635 Worcester Hide Portland. Or. H. W. Ladd, Presides! ' ; . aj, j J- . - ' 1 HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW Twenty Payment Life Premium REDUCTION POLICY? T. B. Wilcox, Vice-President : 'V-e" ?v--i-s.- ':' S- at .' ia 2.00 save $2.00 BY JOINING Y.M.C.A. CONTEST WEEK January 23-28 Daring this week the en trance fee of S3 Is dropped to all new membera. The Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane Y. M. C- A.'a are competing in a b I gs membership contest. Membership Privileges In $500,000 Building. Two Gymnaeiuras. snlnmlDi Pool. Hand-Rall Court. Cork Running Track. Commercial Schools. Trade Schools. Boys' Day and Night Schools. Amusement Rooms. Reading Room and Library. Advisory and Em ployment Department Thirty Shower Baths. One Hundred and Sev- enty-two Living Rooms. Lectures, Concerts, Entertainments. Over 100 Different Lines of Work. Boys, Ages 10 to IS. Seniors, Ages 17 I p. Call and Be Shown Throucb, the Building Free. Telephone A 6561 Main 7065 NigFit and Day Your money is accumulat ing at interest when you have an account with Ash ley & Rumelin, Bankers. Put your surplus funds to work now. Tour account is cordially invited. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID On Savings Accounts Accounts of $1.00 and Up Received Open 8 A. Sf. to SiSO P. M. Saturdays Until S P. St THE VERY BEST dentistry on the Pacifie Coast Is executed here. We have built up onr reputation on it. Yon can depend on quality and cannot get better painless WOTS, anywaere, no matter uww juuvu jwi k"J at''!3 We finish plsto and . v ; , j. . - .- ' bridge work for out- . i.- .' patrons v 5one dsr U V? v. VivHpaialees I,rmoti In desired. extraction free when plate, or Dnage wort i. oraer ad. CoMultatioa frea, HoltrOrowni $5.00 22kBridf.Te.tt4.03 Geld Fillings 1.00 Eumel Fillings 100 Silver Fillings ,.50 Good Rubber Plates 9.00 BtstR.d Rubber , Plates 7.50 M.sY.s. mil, ranatn tm Miaaats Painltta Extr'twi . 5 U ta nut uuaunsi m ramta BEST methods Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists Fining Building. Third snd Wsshington. PORTLAND. ORg OtUesgears: A. K. ta 1 1. M. udays, t to 1 tn . mar -X i fin V" - f No -Estimates Everything Guaranteed . A- .- att?5 MM. Johnson, Secretary S. P. L0CKW00D, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER Harry Richey, Manager Portland Agents Home Office, Ninth Floor SpaHinz Bldj , Portland, Or. The Tenderest Skin Is Benefited HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It has a delicate, velvety touch and con. taiDS just the elements necessary to thoroughly cleanse, invigorate, soften and clear the skin. All Grocers and Druggist California Metal Plating Works A. Methivler. prop. GOLD. -ILTEB, BRASS AND KICKEI. rLATIXG. Metal Coloring a Specialty. 248 SECOAO STBE2T. Main 7218 Portland. Oregon ti-'j A BEAUTIFUL, WOMAV la often distressed by Gray or badly bleached bair. Imperial Hair Regenerator villi remedy this. Any shade from !3Rlack to the lightest Ash Blonde fjr'S produced. Colors are durable. 3 u-o.ilv nnnlf.d Ah.nlutelv harm- Mesa Sample of hair colored free. ' I'orresnondcnce confidential. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL IF(i. CO., 133 XV. ;3d St.. ew liirll. SASDSTOXB QCABRY AT TENIXO. Fully Equipped for Operation. For Sals at a Barsaln. . A, McMullen, Singer Bldg.. N. I. BULLETIN NO 22 Competition By Charles V. Weston, President, ' : South Side Elevated Railroad Company, Chicago, HI. 7 Most of us are convinced that the public utility business is a natural monopoly. The majority of latter day economists admit this to be the case. Public service utilities, requiring special and permanent fixtures in streets and other public places, cannot be operated with high degree of success from the standpoint of either the managers or the public, except as non-competitive concerns. Therefore, it may safely be ad vanced that public utilities, whether in public or private hands, can best be conducted under a system of legalized and regu lated monopoly. . In the rendering of public service, competition means a duplication of investment; it means a duplication of service and of expenses, all of which spell ruin to the enterprises involved. The pressure of competition leads owners of the competing utilities to combine in order to escape insolvency. With com petition there always is the frantic effort to pay interest on wasteful investment ; service is skimped, to the disadvanage of the public. Whereas, if only one system had originally been given monopolistic privileges under proper public control, both the company and the public would have been the gainer. Study of the history of competition in public service under takings leads to the conclusion that no matter what provision a franchise majr contain against consolidation, it is only a ques tion of time when every franchise holder seeks the safe haven of monopoly and that, from the standpoint of the people and from the standpoint of the business itself, monopoly franchises, under proper public control, are the best. v rortiana Kaiiwav, Light & Power Co. DENVER, KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, ST. LOUIS FAST TRAINS Trains run via Spokane, the Northern' Pacific or Great Northern and Burlington Route. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and first-class Coaches. The entire territory of the Missouri and Mississippi .Valleys is reached by this service. LEAVE POB1XAVD 9 A. SI. A"D 7 r. M. NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS. a. jQBTi tun Jjf C1TV TICKET OFFICE Third and Morrison Sts. 100 Third St. 122 Third St. 3 v Hotel Sherman -i.'"i 8S-e iiv..;. ali W W If and CoUege In 2E& Chicago's Newest, most beau- tiful and most conveniently located norei ana iestauranr. i?i rooms, every one with bath. Distilled ice w a ' water in every room. 'tuns? K-e-Jhr,s f3s.-is-.-.:aSl tj"" Convention and Banquet Halls on second floor. Moderate prices.'' isjv Now Open to Guests fpF . ajl'JJS JFjHUL, -'.!. aaaaaaaaa"atSJBaTaMataajanaBa mi The character of our Printing and Engraving has caused tho phenomenal gain in the vol ume of ' IMPRESSIVE STATIONERY v that we turn .out for the high-grade business man. KILHAM !jaE3i Stationery & Ptg. Co. Fifth and Oak.