The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 3o0 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. NEW FIBEPBOOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. TH E PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. MODtRN RESTArit-lNT COT O.XE MILLION DOLLARS HOTEL SEATTLE SSSV? asoo-MM fteeeatlr St Its Isrlorloe. New, Madera Salem!. HOTEL OREGON WESS Ba-tb Ratala Ceadaeted by MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON -at... --!if 1 THE fX-ixt -'- !'- VT? Th Horn of Walooma." cjrnar f. 1 "I 1 1 S )LM J t.r, Biwan and moat modern bt F-s iM 1 "Sii Y AU Iront room without bath. 1.M rn I pr a.T double. All OUTSiOB roots. C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. His id ffiv 5 TVtf" .'? SI .v .- sr. riiw.s' OPBTKKD I KPT, ISO. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX K. D. aad T. H. JOROEXSaSX. Pi ope. aad Mara. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. nt aad Cold Water. Uu Diataaeo Paoao la suvery Hnb. RATES 31.00 and Op W. . d. -. GIRL MYSTERIOUSLY GONE ll.Yrar-Old Maid IiAppeara on Way Home Krom Church. EVGEXU. Or.. Jan. IJ. SpeolaL) llaxel. 13. year-old tlauKhter of William ililllav who reattlea near the mouth of Kail Creek on the I'pper Wlllametta Klver. la miasms, a dlllcent ararch by her family and neighbors bavin failed to lorata her. Wbtla returning from church wth her parent last evening- the a-trl lanced behind. It was learned that aha had fnni to the home of a neighbor, but had left thera a little later. Fears ara rxpreased for her safety, as It Is be. tiered she met with some accident while walking alone In the dark. SANDS' HOLD W1LHELM1NA Second Kffort to Be Mado to Gel Schooner Off Vnipqna Spit. MARSH FIELD. Or, Jan. SS. (Spe cial.) The s-asotlne schooner Wllhel mlna. which went on the sand spit at . the mouth of the L'mpqua River. Is still high and dry on the sands. An effort was made to move ber with a tus; at high tide today, but waa unsuccessful. Another trial will be made tomorrow at hlarh tide and It la sttU hoped that the boat may be saved. If there la no storm before she Is moved to cause her Injury, she may saved. MAKTtMO KOnCEaV A- AND A. S. RITE. MULT NOMAH COUNCIL OT KADOSK NO. 1. Regular meeting In Me mortal hall. Scottish Rita Ca thedral; this arenlng at S 'Vcloca- By ordt-r KM. COMMANDER. rOLl'MBU RCTEKAH LODGE. NO. A. I. O. O. P. AU are requested to meet at Oddf'Mowr Temple. 1st and A'.der streets, at LiO P. M. sharp. WeaneoUar. J.nusrr -i. to att.nd the funeral of our late aisr Maria P r.ih.on. OCRTKl'OE OLIVER. X. O. CORINTHIAN- CHAPTER NO. 14. O. E. S. stated cummunlcstloa this lTa.llr avenlnir. S o'olocJc Muonlc Trnple Social. By order W. M. Di: Rl'ELLA HOLT. See. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. L I. ft ft p. R-ular meeting thla Tuesdar evening at T JO. Koyal lurpLe degree. Visitors al waya arelcome. R, OPVOLD. Scribe. PIED. HrKINI KT In thla city. January SS. at the tarr.fe resKlence. Mead aireet. I-ilsy MrKlnl-y. ag'd S yar. and 25 tfavs. The remains are at Flnley'e par inr. puneral noil-e k;l appear la a later Usu. noi.zER tn this .-itr. at hu son's rsst- .n-e 4?? Wt'Ilsms avenue. lhare P. l :s-r. il U year I anootha. runaral aotua -a V aii i aavs. 117; .. l.J.J HF.AIKr ARTrR OR T(H WI ui (I)HVICK(IAL rate mad to fajnlll aad sin gle (rallnnw. Tb mm aagen-s will b pleased ail ne ra show rum ive nri(r. A ud-- Turki-h Bala aatabUsbsaa-it la hotel. H. C. BOWIM, Mi FnnUIiliti ul Asa-Mat-- rt.ra (a Partlaa Pa!. PORTLAND NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED TUNE. 1908 A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modem in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetlani Secretary and Manager. CORNELIUS park and Alder. Port- botai. European plan. B- follow; All back room double. $8.00 par day. par day, alngfa; 12. SO tnr nSDlfiU f H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth avncTWashingtor, Hew Hotel, Elraeatly FanUaod. Rates $1 and Up SPBC1AL RATES FOR PERM AW EXT S. Ematti Plan. rBma Meat! All Trmlaa. M. B. FOLEY. rBOPMETOR. BATH. TOU WILL. LIKB THE WOODS isrssEs; hotel ...".v-.rV".',-,-..,. aifa All Coaafort." Omr Table d'Hote Meal One Prat-v. In heart of business district, center of oitr. bajf block from O. N. Hy. and N. P. By. Depot, oloee to all steam ship wharves aad C P. Ry. IXpoL VANCOUVER B. C. 1TMHAL KOTICES. PICKLE Frlende are resrioctfully Invited to attend the funeral eervlree of the lata Herbert i'leal of Bu Johns, whl.-h will be held from Zeller-Brmes " Companjra parlor. 594 Wlllleme avenue, tomorrow, V.Jn.sdav. January U. at 1 U P. M. tinder the auspiies of the Ht. Johns Camp. W. Ok W. Mr. Plrkle waa a member of Hennepin Camp. W. O. W.. of Minneapolis, Interment at Rose City Cemelsrjr. HICKrV Punerml service of the late Bliss H. Hicks will be held at Dunning Mc&ntee ehapel. eeventh and Ankeny. Tuesday. Jan uary 24. at X M. T1nJs respectfully Invited to attend, eervlcea under auspices of the J. A. H. Interment a. A. R. plot tireenwood Cemetery. , tUNatlU ILUKAL CtX MAKAlL'.lM UL.LMJ. KLUKAL UtMo.M. rtloaes:. Mala SIU. A 11IM. Dgailai at MrEotM, ruaaral Dlrscaara. Ttk and Ptn. l'heue Mala 41a. LasVy aa Uataai Ofllceoftooaiy JLaroaae. allWAKD HOLMLAN CO.. Fwaeral Dtree. ars. tie Id st. Lady aesislaat. 1'hooe M. a I. P. PIN LEY 80N. Id aad Madlsoa. Lady atteodaat. Pbowe Main . A LH. 1 aiua Suaerai iitrectors. suceeaeers to r. . panning. Inc. K. . B lAlA. EKiCtvON CO. Cadrrtakers. Idy est. 4 OS Alder.. M. U, A ttl. EEI-LLK-UVHNK0 t O.. Fuaeral Direr Mrs, l4 wllllama ave. both phones; lady aasl, LLKIH, .'adartaker. ear. avast Aider aad Sta. East ?L B ISAs. LaoVr assist aat ACCTIOX BALES TODAY. At Baiter's Aoctlon House, 151 Park St.. furniture, etc Sals at 10 A. M. Oeo. Baker 4 Co.. auctioneers. At GUmsn s Auction Rooma. 124 Second st.. at 10 A- M. 8. L. N. Oilman. Auc tioneer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or aaday. Par Line. One time .......... .lte Kama ad two eoaai cutlve times Sta ruiroo add tare ooasecutlve times see basse ad als er eevaa eoaeeeallve times. .Aae Kesnittaaoe saaat acoompaay eut-of-towa erdera. . . Ms words eeoaU as eae line ea eaah ad nruwmcsla and a ad C tinted for las than twe lines. ... Hats aa advertisement la not ran eeesea Btlve time the oae-tlm rate applies. Oa charge of book advertisement the charge will he based oa the actual sum bee af lines appearing la the paper, regardless of the aooiber of words In each line. la New Today all advertisement are charged ay aaeasare aoly. 14 Uaea te the bseb. The above rate apply to advertise role aader "New Todav" and all other classlfloa Uoos escepclag the followtogt Mtaatioas anted. Made. Mtuatloaa Wanted. Female. er Heal. Rooms, private Families. Roasna and Hoard. Private Famllire. Housekeeping Kaoms, Private 1- amities. 1 h rats aa the above claaalfloaUaa U 1 rente a Ua eacb, Insortioa. la raeo box office address Is reqnlred. nnsl thla as part of the ad. Aaswers to advertlsesneota will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -ad dj mil eavelope ar la rloeea. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OrriCE CITT HALL Main BV A Ifiea. UUaKS OmCXR, EAAT4H4 AMTSEMKN'TS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Tar lor. Phones Mala b and A US. Tonight S:15 Special Price Tomorrow Night Matinee Tomorrow MARY MANNERING In Her Latest Play Fuccesa, "A MAN'S WORLD." Evenings, 12 to 25c Mstlnee. $1.60 to 25c. ,aJS?V SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY , 1 HEILIO THSAIIlt DeANGELIS Ky Musical play. "The Beauty Spot" fiV S Nights, beginning Thursday. Cfc Hnvrlal Vstinee Saturday. ;4rs? Eve.. 2 to 23c Mat. 1.M to 2c Bungalow Theater MaalU 24 Oeo. L. Bakes. Manager. Torlght All Week Mats. Thurs. and Bat. H. E. Pierre A Co. present "THE SQUAW MAN." By Edwin Milton Rovle. exartly aa presented for two years at Wallack's Theater in N. Y. Evenings. S&c OQc. T.'.c. l. Mats., 25c. SOc lssgt Week "The Man of the Honr." BAKFR THEATER' A-a-AV A-rf IV MofT,.or) and Eleventh Main S and A 36u. Tonight All wsek Mats. Wed. and Sst. Baksr Stock Company In the great laughing "THE MAN t)N THE BOX." Dramatised from the popular book. Bright, clean and clever. Full strength of the Company. Evenings: 25c. 60o. 75c. Sat. Mat. 25c. 50c Wed. Mat.. SSc Next week "Salvation Nell." (Seats now selling.! Main a a fn.A MATINEE fetEBY DAY TH2ATER 1S-?S-65-el WEEK, JANUARY 18. Charlea T- Evana Co., late of Lvnns iloey. of "Parlor Match" fame; Frank Tlnnej, Amy Btitlcr, Maxim's Models. Dorothy Kenton, The lieed Bros., bmsin's Cockalow. GRAND Week of Jan. 23 MABEL M'KJNLEY, In Her Matchless Moairal Kepertolre S Roehrs Hammond and Forrester, Fred and Elsa Pentllrtnn The Itosairrs, GRANDASCOPE EmU Dodd Co., U.tln.. i,p il.e S Hit - anv Beat. 15a. Evening pertormsnces at 7:30 and 3:15; palopny. 15c: lower floor, 23c; bug soata. BOa TJnequaled Vaudeville. WEEK COMMENCING JANUARY 23, BLARE'S ANIMALS; linn Ion, Dean and llanlon; Pralaon At Hill; WlUard'a Temple of Mamie; The Hwikards. Popular price. Curtain 8:30, 7:30 and 9. LYRIC Kcvsnth and Alder Streets WEEK STARTING MONDAY MATINEE, Keating A Flood present DILLON A KIN", . ' Scpported by the Lyric Musical Comedy . Company In "A MIX UP." It's a cure for a grouch. The funniest and most laughable comedy ever presented on a stage. Two performances nightly. 7:45 and :18. Matinees daily, 2:45. Chorus girls- con test Friday night. Next week. "The Mashers" NEW TODAY. : T'sat XAREY ACT" IRRIGATED .. Ui-'tr.iNu. uv Y0O AtffTITLE0r0 fllf. OM If; ISO AOttS 0 I RRIQATI0 1AN0. f -j. . , 1 MAKE APfllCATION NOW JjEQJ .CDCrOKGCNtKsWltoCO. art V txcnusU Stpa. PORUAXO OfrL, Business Property Satisfactory income from assured lease for term of years. . Price and terms are right. C. V. EVERETT 414 Spalding Building. Profit in Almonds? Yes. Becauge: Free from pests, easy to grow, easy to pick, keep well, and have a waiting; market. The U. 8. Im ports annually twelve million pounds, aff&inst a cents a pound duty. Sun dale, on the North Bank Ry., has pro duced perfect almonds regularly li year. A commercial success. Sundale Is becoming; famous for Its apricots, pears, cherries snd European grapes. Sundale's Spring; chicken climate rivals Petaluma. Investigate the grand Co lumbia Valley. Dally trains and water rates forever for the producer. See ownors. Master Laad Cos, oT Well Kergo nidar. $40 Per Acre 960 acree. Improved wheat ranch, nearly all In cultivation. 500 acres In Fall wheat rented for one-third of crop free at elevator in Pendleton, which Is five miles from the ranch. Will sell or trade for Portland property, either 160 acres or 800 acres. Improvements ara good. Price $40 per acre. CHUM Y.ADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bids;., elk and Oak. Irvington Home Modern 8-room house, doubly constructed- throuRliout, furnace and fire place: panel dinlnic-room, full cement basement, foeir bedrooms; on a corner lot 60x100, with all improvements In and paid; on East 11th st., close In. Price only $67EU, $2000 cash and $25 per month, GBl'SSI at ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bids:., 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOAlNS Lawewt rates aad terms to aaritt "ae rial rates aad favorable terwaa aa larc loan ea bualnesa properties. Funds Loaned for Private laveaters. A. H. BIRRELL CO. WHS McKay Bid-.. 3d o lltark. Alder StCorner BOtlOO In heart of city, $150,000, worth $200,000. Special reason for sell- ing' HATCH HOWARD, ' 403 Commercial Block. A BAROAIN in a 100x100 on Division, for I-100. - . If yon are looking for Income property, I have a bargain at I.TJOO. bringing in be tween $40 and 45 per, month. Don't mlsa Ida "Fredenthal. room 1. Wsshlngton bldg. 5 Oa TO 7 LOANS Inside Mortftase Security. EDWARD F-. tiOVDEY, Levis Handing. WANTED Ten men to :, --4, - join an aviation class. To- ' i jj 11 tal cost f"r ue of ma chine, etc, $260. V C84, Oretjonlaa. r NEW TODAY. . 3 CHOICE BUYS City Acreage for Platting fh 1 Cff Tw0 suggestions P 1 OjOUU for the above. .First, buy it; part cash will do it; subdivide NOW and make good profit. Second, buy it, live in the house, sell, the loganberries nest year (the vines are there), and subdivide it later. Close-inBusinessCorner (t jsat -k -k - 50x100, on Park J) 3 IF 11 street; improve ments old; handsome office build ing on opposite corner. Factory Si S 4 0 0 0 0 fro a Ve"S acres; railroad switch facilities, deep-water landing; admirably lo cated for manufacturing site; 'z cash. HARTF.1AN &THOMPS0H Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN Fire acres within 3 miles of the Courthouse, partly cleared, beautiful grove, fine view. This is $1000 below the market. $3000 KEASEY IIUHASONJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. C MEXICO If you find the good things taken In this country, get our literature and in vestlsrato the tropical highlands of Mexico. A healthy climate, rich soil, all-year-round production and cheap transporta tion by water and rail. Land $7.5D per acre on easy terms, that produces everything. Free trip to buyers of 480 acres. Next excursion about March first. RABB & PATTON S2a Lumbermen's Blda" 6th and Stark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William C. 312 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-1 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, ato Brubalter Bsnsdlct, 004 McKay bids, at, 64. Cbapln Herlow, SS Chamber Commerea, Cook. B. S. A Co.. 608 Corbstt bldg. Jsnnlngs A Co.. slain 188 204 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO B. 1 Coaunae. clal Club bldg. chalk, uso. D, 228 Btark st. Mala asX A 239. The Oregon Beat Estat Co.. Orand ava. aad Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. THOMPflOI CO.. cor. th and Oak sta. REAL ESTATE. For haleLota. EXTRA FINE RESIDENCE LOT. High and alghtly. In center of best dis trict in city, where building restriction protect and undesirable people are barred: six of lot 78x100; east front; price :iSw. discount for cash. Phone A lolo. Main 15o3. Ask for Mr. Polahunty. BIOOEBT SNAP ON MARKET. Beautiful building lot near Z2d and Hawthorne avenue, best car servlcs In city. Only STOO cash required. This la the big gest snap on the market. DEVLIN" A FIRKBAl'OH. B10-M1-6H Bwetland Building. RESIDENCE LOT. $1170 will buy a choice lot In hlgh-elsss residence district; this Is I130 below price now and prices will be raised In few mrnths; don't buy home alte until you sen this; very easy terms. Phone A 1S15. Ask for Mr. Clements. EAST SIDE BAROAIN. Lot 80x100 on Eaat ISth at., beautiful location for apartment-house; can be had at bargain Price, if taken at one. DEVLIN A FIREBAUQH. R10-6U-M2 Rwetland Building. A SNA!' Two choice lota, 85x100, facing east between Tillamook and Hancock; on East 27th, in a choice restricted district. Price for both, $2250. ons-thlrd cash, bal ance per cent. McCsxgar, Bates A Live ly. 815 Falling bldg. LOT 60x100 on 41st at., next to corner of Tillamook, and close to car and Bandy road: all improvements In and paid; this Is a bargain at $860; terms. The Van Dersal Company. 401 Corbelt bldg. Marshall 17S0. A 1731. BANDY Boulevard business lot, full 50x100, Just east of 2th street. The only avail able lot on the north side of Sandy Road, between 2Sth and S2d. Price la only 11500; $150 cash takes It Phone Main . 150S. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. $ToCASH. $5 per month, beautiful lot, new addition, near good 5c ear; restrictions; city water; street graded and paid. HIOLEY. BISHOP A McCLOSKJiY, 132 8D ST. Hlgley. Bishop A McClaskey. 183 8d t- " ibbxioo. snap. 100x100 corner on Missouri ave. and Wygant t.: a bargain at $1600. H caah; for a speculation this can't be beat. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 BoardjfjrraJBMjt..4tband Oak. NEAR VNION ANlTklLLINOSWORTH. Lot 40x110 frontage, on Klllingaworth and Brown sta; choice of 5 carllnes: $1200, "ll cash; worth $180. Fred W. German. 329 Burnslde. Main 2776. " MT.TST SELL QUICK. My lot. 60x111. am leaving city and will sell $250 below market price; $450 cash. $136 balance terms. T 689. Ors- gonian. ' ROSSMERE. 100x100, only 11600, including improvements; very liberal terms. The Van Dersal Compsny, 402 Corbstt bldg. Marshall 1720. A 173L SNAP Business lot, 60x100. southeast .cor ner 4"d and Hawthorne ave.; price $2500. Best buy on the avenue. H 6H5. Ore- gonlan. - ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100. Must sell. See BENSON A CHAPMAN. ec,i Washington st., R. S13. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreass- all parte of helghta, all vlewa and prices; som bargains. Main 855L A 8S3H. GOOD INVESTMENT. A good corner lot. close in. East Side, fair Income. Yanduyn A Walton. 518 Cham- bcr Of LOmrnervq. TWO beautiful lots, seeer, w.i, -. - surfaced streets, all in, two carline; will sacrifice for cash. LOT forTs'l on Mississippi ave near Russell, cheap. Inqulra A. B. Zeller. OUVI WIMInms ave. CHOICE lot I" Irvlngtqn on E. 17th St., 1ll make easy terms. No agents. P 7,. BFL'TIFl'L 'corner lot. near 15lU and Broadway for sale. Mala 2488. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LOTS LOTS LOTS. LOTS OF LOTS. SOxlOO. East Front 32d St., $1550. 50x100, North Front, on Hawthorne ave., io'xJOO. West Front, 84th St., $1000. 5x57, corner on 37th St., $1000. 60x100, East. Front, 82d near Clinton, $9011. 100x100, corner BCth and Tillamook, $2200. If you want a home site or Investment, we have them; nothing but bargains ad vertised. S 10 )C HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner East 4th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 510, B 2Jt;7. I HAVE A BLOCK CONSISTING OF 20 LOTS, 50x10(1 EACH; JCST THE THING FOR A HOME-BUII.DER TO HUY OR SUITABLE FOR AN INVESTMENT OF FUNDS BY A SYNDICATE. TOTAL PRICE $16,400. ONLY $140 CASH REQUIRED TO HANDLE THIS. N 075. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and office man. 10 years of good practical office experience. Open for engaBtment Feb. 1. Own a Burroughs adding and llstlt g machine; operate type writer; experienced in wholesule and re tail lumber. Implement and Mdse. busi ness. Have Installed many time-saving systems. Very best references furntshod. also bond If required. If yttu want a good man drop me a line. Address C Blt. Oregonlau. . $200 LOTS 4)200. Trier-, cleared, level lots, short car ride; ood car service; built up with many . ... - in ttnrtl.nrl'a httat residence dis trict. Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Bose City Park carline. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. HAWTHORNE lots JS50; fine building lots, a block south of Hawthorne ave., 40x100. for $350; you have made money the mo ment you buy a lot; terms $50 down and $10 monthly; never again at this price In the vicinity; take Hawthorne or Mount Soott cars to 43d St.; branch office on corner. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Exchange. $900. Think of getting a fine lot at this price , In residence district where building Im provements are the best, streets paved, sewer, water and gas and trees planted; you will like this lot; easy terms. Phone roe at once. J. DELAHX'NTY. Phona Main 15U3. A 1.115. CORNER 100x100 on Tillamook St., close in. an elegant apartment site; when the Broadway bridge Is completed car will go past the place; It contains large resi dence and we offer it as a genuine bar gain at $12,000. For terms see The Van Dersal Company, 403 Corbett bldg. Mar- shall 1720, A 1738. IRVINGTON SNAP. 100x100 on northwest corner 25th and Klickitat, 100 feet from Broadway car. - $1800. Also 8 lots 1 block from W-W car, $425. Terms. , OWNER. b23 BOARD OP. TRADE. CHOICE 100x100 corner in heart of Irving ton, southeast frontage; only $3550. X 601, Oregonian. ' For Bale Houses. FINE LARGE HOME $4200. This is new and modern, has 7 large rooms and reception hall, nice fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement basement, laundry trays, gas and electric ity, lot 50x100, east front, sidewalks, curbs and water mains all paid; $500 will han dle it, balance easy terms, or will take lot as first payment. See this at once. H. W. CRAWFORD. 1021 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 510, B 2967. MODERN COTTAGE SNAP. Five rooms, strictly modern, fuu base ment, concrete foundation, elese to t. Pcott car line, in good neighborhood. Owner Is in need of $S0O cash, owing to that fact has reduced the pric e to $1 M (1 and will give terms on the balance, ims property can't help but sell at the price stated. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO 70 4th St. 404 E. Alder St. T T I ... ; 1 T 1 fo 615 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE DIST. COTTAGE. $1850. A four-room cottage with fireplace, Dutch kltouen. finished floors, electric lights, fine brass fixtures. Just two blocks from the Hawthorne car; ."K0 down and balance on very easy monthly payments; double construction. Call and we'll take you out to see It. " BUY NOW. t R08E CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. T rooms, 50x100 lot: Improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases; solid oak floors, baths, furnace, fire places, laundry trays, mirror doors, gas, etc.; terms $300 down, balance $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 826H Washington St.. room 616. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THERE IS A REASON. LET US TELL YOU WHY. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL; 1NG AND GIVING ALL WE AGREE BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS vrs-p if w"e build. if you own Lot Ve will finance it for you. L R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. t 324 ABINGTON Bl.DG. WE HAVE" SOME NICE HOMES IN Rossmere, Beaumont, Rose City Park. East Flanders and East Gllsan. These are all strictly modern, close to carline and aold on very reasonable terms. See us before buying a home. Kloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. Will buy a swell 0-room modern bunga low with every modern convenience; fire place, built-in buffet, full basement, etc. Corner lot. cement walks. curbs and graced street: 2 blocks to car line; ftne location. Price $2600. Be sure to see this. Call Mr. Ward.atMaln8i.00 or A 6271. " QUEEN ANN. 82S00 for a fine new 6-room with den. bookcases, china closets, wardrobe, pol ished floors, large closets .and Porehea. bath, toilet, woodholst and full base ment; 1 block from Alberta car, facing east; $500 cash, balance terms. Blanch ard ft Clemson, 61 6th St. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house In best district in Irvlngton: new and modern in every detail: handsome living-room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish dining-room: lire place? cement basement and furnace; four sleeping rooms. Price $7250 McCargar. BatesAlvely315Jang3ldg. 4250 $300 CASH, balance like rent, for a nicely furnished 1 live-room bungalovf at Sith and Hancock atreets. in Rossmere. Never been occupied. See this before buy ing. Bemember this Is furnished. ' ' JOS. C. GIBSON A CO L. 305 Gerlinger Bldg- Second and Airier. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $3750. Just one block from the Hawthorne car on East 46th St.. 6 rooms, sewer, cement wilks graded streets, etc. In and paid; $250 down and S2o a month will take thiV splendid home. Call or phono Main or A 2657. For Investments cr homes. SEE DET8CH A WITWER. Specialists In Real Estate For th man of moderate means BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. BEAUTIFU-TlOOxlOO lot with fine modern bungalow with fireplace and all fine wood work throughout the house; close to car line In Woodlawn; $3750 if taken at once David Lewis, room 3 Lumbermen's hldg.. 6th and Stark sta. NEW and modern 8-room house In Irving ton. on East 21st St.. four sleeping rooms, large dining-room and living-room, hard wood floors, fireplace, cement basement Tnd furnac"; garage. Price 86000. McO.r. gar. Bates ft Lively. 815 Falling bldg. "$225 CASH buv a four-room furnished, house on the bank of the Willamette River. Take Fulton car. 2nd and Morrison st. and get off at Rohse's Park. Inquire for H. R. Gardner. FINE 6-room bungalow on one and nne quarter acre trart. 30 minutes' ride from ?ity on Oregon City car line. Price $3t"0 8750 cash, balance on easy terms. Call 414 Spalding bldg. THIS IS A FINE HOME. " ' 8 rooms, modern, lot 100x100, fruit and berries. $3300: V cash. BENSON ft CHAPMAN. 32tj Washington St., R. 313. . WANT 4 "people to each buy a 6-room house in the Piedmont district at $2650; it only requires $500 cash to get posses Blot.. Bee Epton. 422 Chamber qf Com- nterce bldg. 11M SOUTH PORTLAND $1700 Nice 6-room cottage, fractional lot. im provements in and paid Including hard surface pavement; worth Investigating. Fred W. German. 829 Burnside. M. 776. OWNER offers splendid new 7-room home; sleeping porch; modern conveniences; only $3750. Good terms. Evening. East 6227. . $400 BUSINESS lot in new town close to Portland. In heart of business district; easy chance to make some money. Room 3. chamberof Commercebldg. gjjp for cash; 6-room house and lot, 50x 100 cheap for cash. Inquire for particu lars at Jones' book store.. 2S4 Oak st. THREE $100 lots, easy payments, In grow ing town on Hill electric line. Room i. Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR 6AI.P Bv owner, 7-room house. In Arbor Lodge. $200; lot 60x100. Telephone Woodlawn 1603. REAL ESTATE. For ralpjHouBea. $3800. NEW 6-ROOM CONCRETE HOUSE, NEAR A CITY PARK, SCHOOL AND KILLINGSWORTH-A VENUE CARS; LOT 60x100; THIS PROPERTY IS VERY LOW IN PRICE AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS SECTION WILL RESULT IN GREAT INCREASE IN VALUE. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT., ' CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. $1800 $2000 $2650 $2850 1 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 6 rooms New and modern in every way, bunga low styles, Waverley and Hawthorne cars. These houses are what others are selling at $2500 to J3500. We only list actual bargains where parties are pressed for money. Come in and see the plans ard find out about them. They will all go quick at the prices. Small payments down. We list bargains only and jnake building loans. Marshall 2730. ' O. W. Tarr. 2U0 McKay bldg. IF YOU are In the market for a home. In spect No. 104 East 4th St.. near Han. ders St.; has 7 rooms, reception hall, living-room with fireplace, paneled dinins room, Dutch kitchen as light as day; two bedrooms and large bath on first floor; large hall, two bedrooms, storeroom and fine sleeping porch on second floor; screened back porch, cement basement and furnace. It can be bought of me for $5000, $500 cash, balance as rent; you can't duplicate this anywhere in the city. JOS. C. GIBSON. 805 Gerlinger Bid g. THIS IS IT Six-room colonial house, full cement basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace. Dutch kitchen, dining-ruom has beam celling and built-in china closet; living-room with fireplace and reception hall: house beautifully tinted throughout; gas and electric fixtures cost $150; beau tiful fir trees in lawn; can't be beat for S4500, $1300 cash, balance like rent. See it. No. 430 Marguerite ave., near Grant street, and see JOS. C. GIBSON. 305 Gerlinger Bldg. WEST SIDE HOUSE. Very swell new, modern 0-room house; gas and electricity, furnace, full base ment, laundry trays, beam ceiling, china closet and all other latest improvements; on a corner lot 50x50. on Kelly St.; walk ing distance: street improvements in and paid: price $0000, $2000 cash, or will trade for good lot on West Side up to $5000; this house Is completely furnished. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. E. SALMON-ST. HOUSE. Good 6-room 2-story house; furnace, gas and electric, wash trays, etc., on a lot 35x122, with street Improvements all paid: price $4000, $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. Including Interest at 6 per cent: why pay rent? GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 6 ROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS, $3650. Double constructed, brand new; tull 7 foot cement basement, full lot, sleeping porch and every built-in feature; 1 block to car, among fine homes; a bargain and can prove it; $500 cash. Take Richmond car to Marguerite ave. See Askwith, 1067 Clinton st. Phone Tabor 2B52. FINE home on "Willamette Heights, prac tically new and every modern convenience; seven rooms, attractively arranged; two fireplaces, four sleeping rooms, two largo porches with magniilcent view; cement basement, hnlf block from car; a bar gain at $7500, easy terms. McCargar, Bates 1 ft Lively. 315 Falling bldg. MODERN and attractive six-room dwelling on Clackamas, near East 20th; lot 50x 123; fine location, house practically new and very attractively arranged. Price, with street Improvements all paid, $4700, good terms. McCargar, Bates oc Lively, 315 Falling bldg. , " r0 DOWN. $15 MONTH. Buys new four-room plastered house, bath, tollot, closets, wired, hot water tank, 50 xlOrt lot, one block good school, St. Johns carline, total price $1475. Owner, 311 Lewis bldg. m NEW, modern, 8-room house on Morris st., near Union ave. This Is a beauty, has every modern convenience and must be seen to be fully appreciated; price 86500; will take smaller house or vacant property as part payment. Call 414 Spalding bldg. bXrGAIN" if sold soon; new 6-room bunga low, 2 blocks from Rose City car, one block from Laurelhurst, fire-place, built in bookcases, linen closet, all modern con veniences, large attic fine view. Owner. Tabor 2101. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. SNAP, 17th and Elizabeth; beautiful, modern 8-room house, level quarter-block, all Improvements in, choicest neighborhood, grand unobstructed view of city, for little more than price of ground. Terms. Main 3551, A 3S39. BIGGEST snap In Porland; price $2400; 6 rootu new house, lot 100x100, with 20 foot alley: $400 cash, balance $14 per month; place rented now for $15 per montK 41 7 Board of Trade. $250 CASH and $16 month buys new six room house, one block from car; full con crete basement, . cement walks, lot 45x 110' nice lawn and roses; price $2650; owner. V 602. Oregonian. EOR 6 ALE Four modern fiats, desirable location. beamed ceilings, fireplaces, built one year, pays 12 per cent net on amount required; no agents. For partlcu lars call Main 6340. NICE West Side lot and two good six-room houses renting for- J50 month, near car, 10 minutes from business center; price 17000, y, cash. Room 17, 105 hi Fourth street. FOUR BEAUTIFUL Houses, elegantly furnished; oak and ma hogany, choice locations, Irvington. C I860; Esst 278. No agents. W. H. Herd matt. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 5 rooms, pretty, modern; furnace, fireplace. Im proved street, on carline; splendid view; 83S50; terms. Main 3551. A 3830. FOR SALE Eight-roomed house; every modern convenience; close to car; hard surface streets; snap; $4500; terms. 801 East Flanders st. phone B 1407. WE WILL build you a bungalow or flat and help finance it. Pioneer Building Co., 416 Henry bldg. iTYoO CORNER 11th and Hancock, new bungalow. Owner. East 2227. Business Property. FOR STORES AND APARTMENTS. That very desirable property on the northwest corner of Belmont and 85th sts.. having a frontage of 133 feet on Bel mont and 100 feet on S5tu St., la now offered for sale as a whole; it contains three cottages, but it in the heart of Sun nyside and Is ripe for good improve ments; we are authorised to quota what we consider a low price on same until Feb. L Call for full particulars. STRONG A CO.. Financial Agents. 605 Concord Bldg. TRACKAGE. 60x100, price $2000; fronting on O.-W.R. ft N R- R., close In, large manufacturing plant opposite: this property will be very valuable in a short time, aa supply Is very limited- easy terms if desired; Investigate this at once. Phone Main 1503, A 1515. Ask for Mr. Clements. SPLENDID site for small manufacturing plant; trackage and electric power: l.OOx 1O0. Room 3. Chamber of Commerce btdg. CONFECTIONERY. grocery. with living rooms; a bargain. 328 Russell st. Acreage WONDERFUL BUY FOR $4250. 15 acres, highly Improved, with 5 acres of bearing orchard of choice apples: beau tiful new 6-room bungalow. Just finished, with big. elegant barns: electric carline within 2 blocks; also 5 stores; place worth $7000; close to Portland. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. , 815 ACRES within 8 miles of city, all A-l soil, no gravel, lies beautifully, near electric car, some improvements and a fine body of virgin timber on a portion, of It. This Is a fine proposition for sub division.. For price, which Is right, and further particulars, call at 245 is Mor rison pc, J 6 10 OR 20 acres, best soil, south slope, r.o 'waste land, one ten partly cleared, balance native timber: 100 to 15o cords A-l wood per acre; two miles from city limits, fx... MMa. on county road, near railroad: j300 per acre, terms. N 670. Oregonian. 12 ACRES, rich, sandy loam, in cultivation; all but level, lies above surrounding coun try 10 miles from Portland, mile from electric railway, $300 per acre; small amount down, balance easy terms. AE 6"7. Oregonian. . WANT 4 parties to each take 5-acre .tract In cultivation; enly 10 minutes' walk from station; $225 per acre; $400 gives pos session. See Dayton, 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. "" A SNAP. A nice little acreage on electrlo line, clos to depot and close to Portland. Kin ney A Stamphor, 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 6 10 OR 20-acre tract of land, will take cement work, team work or wood cutting for part or all payment. Phone A S1S2. Ask for Fra nk T. Berry. FIVE acres of beautiful land, thoroughly cleared, on electric line, near Portland; small payment puts you In possession; a dandy investment. 405 Couch bldg. 18 ACRES 16 acres cleared, running water, near Beaverton; by ewner. Tabor 1660. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. nnnv A. VT.riR'fi fcPFCIALS. ... . ,,M-Li- .i irttr ing; 3o choice IVartlett pears in iuii Ing and 4 walnut trees, for less tha valuo of house alone. ' $5000. Tht. 1. T...I.-.-H a RV1P. This ptoporty is Just 15 minutes frot the city and Is directly on the line positive streetcar extension; $2200 ca will handle this property, but only 4 ca more at this price. COOK &. TAYLOR. Successors to F. E. Taylor ft Co. 402-4lt:U404-J05 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. tt Aureus witn small nouse, ctuog v Hon, on electric lute; $ivv. 2H acres, all plowed, at station on elec trie; 13UO per acre, easy tenns. k i. ,1 nl H v.rerl. s Station; 2U0 per acre. 40 acres good red-shot soil; 10 cieare. snd fenced; small house; 16 mlies wes of city; $'H per acre. BROWN A STAVE R. 614 Couch Bldg. l-ACHR HOMES. n.. - .... . v. .. ..v..,.. and oesL email nu lmc uii .u. excellent soil for fruit and produce; not rar irom cj. v.. r-. mm jh. ..v... ways ana only tour niiiua uuui v. tine, over uiiesc. m ir-ici tuuu,, .w. time we will sell small tracts at $.00 per acre on easy terms. If you are alive to the future you will s-e us at once. STRONG & CO., 605 Concord Bldg. .n PIT? 4(1 nr-rea In lltirh state Of cultivation. 40 minutes out on electric road, 8-room house and barn, 5 acres young commercial orchard in full bearing, for sale very easy terms or will exchange for 6-room mod ern home Irvington, Holladay or Laald's Addition; also 10-acre young commercial apple orchard, adjoining the town of New berg. See the owner. 6-'2 Chamber of Commerce. Phono A 641. Ac-RKAOR FOR SUBDIVIDING. 80 acres, on Oregon Electric. 10 miles out: partially Improved; running water, orchard, etc. This is a money-maker for aotne one to cut up and is offered under value: good terms. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. lluniestcads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In tha states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of sarnu; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors. 2ix.S, showing R. R. In operation, one showing all pro posed R. R. and electric lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20c each, or the three 60c. Map of Washington in ool ots. 21x28. 20c Nlumo, lluney A Co., Hsmllton bldg. . FOR homesteads. Central Oregon, call 500 Henry bldg-, Portland. Oregon. For Sale r-rult Lands. FULL BEA RING ORCHARD, 12 acres. all undor fine state of cultivation and 1 acres of fine orchard, consisting of 800 applo trees, assorted, balance of orchard pears, plums and cherries, all fenced with good fencing, good ti-room house painted and in good condition, fair burn, good npple-house and outbuildings; land lies level, close to school; line well and pump; 1 miles from river and It. R. and 1 miles from electric lino and small town. In a lino neighborhood: this is a fine home and a money-maker and will sell to unyone wanting tin orchard. Price if sold soon $5S"ti, $3000 cash. bal. to suit. THOMPSON ft SWAN, 200 Rothchllcl hldg.. Portland, Or., bet. 4th and 5th on Washington St.. anil 0th and Main sis.. Vancouver, Wash. Fit U IT LANDS. Most productive fruit land' in British Columbia. "Carlln Orchards," Upper Okan ogan Valley; requires no Irrigation; mild climate, fertile soil; fruits of llnest qual ity produced In abundance; railway sta tion on property; low prices, long terms ol paymeut. Write for illustrated pamphlet "B 4." Rogers, Black 4 McAlplue, Van couver. British Columbia. BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit land yields ta $1000 per icre and upward, annually: choicest Ertgewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake District. West Kootonay. $80 per acre: terms ovar 5 yeirs without Interest: no Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Gat Booklet "V." Investors Trust at Mortgage iuriwiuua, ., ... Ijastings W.. Vancouver. B. C. LET'S GO "BACK TO THE FARM." Don't forget that we have over 8106 acres of the best fruit and farm Innd in Klickitat County that we can sell cheap, er than any of them, for we paid cash for .ours. R. E. NICHOLS ft COMPANY. 270 Stark Street. in iK on-A mm trnta near Portland: nnesc fruit land and chicken ranches, close t railroad station; good roads; other farm - near by; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent, M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO. 810Corbett Bldg., Portland. MOS1ER ORCHARD. 10-acre tract, -mlio from Mosler (fa mous Davenport farm), 3 acres 4-year-old commercial trees; will sell or taks Portland property In exchange. 410 Cor- bett bldg. ' $1300. 8tA acres, bearing prune trees, H mils froni orchard. Wash., Vi mile to streetca line; only $550 cash and balance 2 years. Address owner, A 653, Oregonian. 80 ACRES splendid fruit land. 30 acres in commercial orchard; $12,000. AD 690, Oregonian. For Sale Farm. FARM BARGAINS. $250030 acres in Scocgins Valley. S miles from R. K.. miles from Forest Grove, on good gravel road. Land lies welt- 5 acres under cultivation. 15 mora slashed and seeded and part easily cleared; 10 acres good timber. 25 acres fenced goat tight; dark shot soil, sculh slope; good well and living water; new box house 14x24 and barn 12x24. with shed on side. New wagon, harness, good team, 1 cow, 3 hogs, 47 goats, chickens and implements go with the place. Hall cash. 12500 40 acres, 4-mlle from R. R. in road. 15 acres under cultivation, balance ture and about -mllllon feet of timber: 10 acres bottom land. bs rolling' good 7-room house, barn other outbuildings; family orchard herrles. Half cash, balance 6 per pas saw lanes and and cent, with good team. $3000. $3000 40 acres 3 miles from Foresl Grove, on good county road with B. F. D-, milk route and telephone; 15 a res cleared and seeded. 5 acres under cultivation; -a acres fenced, 15 r cres rolling land, balance almost level: fine shot soil, the very best for fruit- 2 good wells and creek. 7-roatn house, 20-30 barn, machine shed and other outbuilding; young orchard, plenty of berries; school and church close by. HVe have others. Come and see our list. KAUFFMANN ft MOORE, 325 L.umDer ju-ch-hbc. " LOOK THESE OVER. 10 ACRES. 10 acres, with 7 a. res under cultiva tion, balance easily cleared: land lies level good soil, all fenced with good fenc ng. small orchard of 140 trees, new six room house, small barn. 80 rods from It. R and small town, good soil; fine well, this is a nice little farm and a good buy: prlco $200, terms; this place Is only 18 miles from ftEs. 5 acres under cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced; good family orchard, som . timber, land all level; good 7-room house, good barn, 100 rods from electric line, R F D service, 6 miles from Vancouver, bii rods' from school; good well; prio 84200. terms. nf fine soil. 6-room houso, barn 32x24, chicken-house and good outbuildings, fine well and creek, close to school and store, lii miles from small town: personal prop erty. 1 horse, 1 new wagon, new buggy orofrafnlo'Thoughbfer-chicksl Prtc. rTl&a & 20nRdhho'nd whlnVtM J? and Main sts., Vancouver. IV ash. 75 IFres of fine black loam soil; four acVes of clear beaverdam: a new five ?onm house. 1 mile to station, on Van. couwr and Sif ton electric, 4 miles from Vancouver; balance of the land slashed; this Is a valuable piece of property and i In rtrice Is only $200 per acre, or will sell the half without the house for $2000. ha" C"hj0S. C. GIBSON CO.. 30.1 Gerlinger bldg.. Portland, Or. SMALL fruit farm, low price, easy terms. Bmall berry farm, low price, easy terms. Small poultry farm, low price, easy '"small dairy farm: ideal conditions. All close to Portland and electric Un and worm looking UD. Room 8. Chamber of Commerce bltlc. -"""KLICKITAT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. FRUIT, GRAIN, STOCK FARM. 1SC0 acres. $12 acre, easy terms; about 800 acres plowed: joining land, planted to fruit, sells for $350 acre; no timber, best of fruit soil; will consider trsde; plat this and make a fortune. Near R. R. and river. Hansl ma ir. 326 hi Was hlngton. 10-ACRE farm. 13 acres beaverdam land, 19 acres clover land, balance pasture and timber, watered by creek and has house, barn, orchard, etc; convenient to good valley town: price $3400; $1000 down, time on balance. Western Land Co., Z4tt SI niitrivBi. LINN County ranch. 864 acrea of grain and fruit land for sale at $25 per acre. If taken at once. Address owner. B. M. Payne, Albany, Or.