. . s Jf 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1911. m CITY NEWS IN BRIEF retro t te i-nma .... Cttr 1relat!si ... Manastnc Editor .. landar Editor .... Cmplrfnofi upt kolldlOS .... ...Mala TT .. .Mala for ...Main T070 ...Mam TOTO ...Uam t0' ...Mam A A S"S A "M A A SOM A AITTTMEXTS. BIXOALOW THEATER (Twelfth ai"1 Morrison) 'The Squaw Man." Tonlabt at li. Cr'Hr.LII TRCATF.R Vorrleaa. tx; - Sixth and VanAevtlls. This af!- eraooa at I 1.1 and tonliht at C1kZ THEATER (Park and WilMlf tmi Vaudv-1;. Thla afternoon at 1:11, tsol.ht at T:30 and . . TP ? TTTKSTK! lKnei aod atd- Lvtle rnmodr Company In "A Mix Vp." Th( afternoon at 30 and ttolchi at T a and . TAH 7 h CATER (Park and Washlaftoal Motion pfiaroa. CanUuiga. from I : ta 1 0:20 p. M. Fiftieth Anniversary Number WILL BEJSSUED JESRUARY 4TH Price 5 cents. Postasre in Uni ted States, Canada. Mexico and the Island possessions, 7 cents. Foreign postage, 14 cents. Jacob H. Made, to be In-erro TnniT The fnneral of Jacob M. Mader. aon of .Mrs. Alary Mader. East Ankeny street, will be held today at 1 o'clock from the Finley chapel. Jacob Mailer wan a member of the Second Oregon Volunteer, which took an active part In the Philippine Invaaion. He died at no a December K. m on board the United .ates Army transport Sheridan. -hlle .en route home. He was a member of Company F. and w dvchargrd In Man ila upon the return of the (Second to the United states. He acted as assistant chief cl-rk to the quartermaster at Man ila during the outbreak. He had been manager of the snip department for Mct.tsiibray Co at Manila, recently. Hs was also agent of the Portland Astatic Steamship Company and a mem ber of Manila Lodg. No. 71. of FJks. Cash A fpropriated for Boiuevaro It Is announced thst the Portland R.ill way. IJght A Power Companr han IhM aside W).W for douMs tracks on Hnndy boulevard to th end of the line near iregory Heights. Double track have been partly completed to the croestng of lh Q.-W. R. A X. line. The widening of the street to In feet Is senured. and ths property owners have signed up for hard-surfar pavement. The paving and levin- of the doable track a will go to gether, so there ta little doubt but both Improvement a will be completed by the tlms the next Live ock Show la held at the Country Club. The Improve ments are the most Important projected for ths East Ride for the present year, and will benefit ths entire city. FttfinVAl. or H. A. Oirn-eu. la Hjoj. Ths funeral of Holly A. Cornell, who died Wednesday, at hta home In Rosa City Park, waa held Saturday afternoon and waa conducted by Kev. p. 8. Knight, of Salem, an old friend of the family. He waa the. ana of Mr. and Mm William O&mell. pioneers of Oregon, and was ths youngest of seven children In the family, two of whom still live Mrs. Lmmi J. Royal, of this city, and Wilbur Cornell, of Alaska. Mr. Vrnell received bla ed ucation at ths original Portland Academy and at Willamette University. Mr. Cor nell' Ufa wa spent In Portland. For several years he was Identified with ths Northwest Door Company and recently with ths Psrellua Manufacturing Com pany. ATTRAcrmi Booklet Issrsux One of tbe handsomest pieces of community ad vertising yet knmted. in Oregon la ths booklet now being circulated by the pas senger department of the O.-W. R. & N. and Southern Pacific Railways In ths Interests of ths Commercial Club cf Ore gon City. The cover deetm la beautiful, the-color effect especially being attract ive. A tinted picture of a scene along ths Oackamas River adorns the renter of ths front cover pge. It k st off attractively with a gilt border. The In- irie psges ars filled with llluatratlona nd reading matter dcsr-rtptlva of Ore son City and Clackamas County. Poui-sntAit Puts Oi-p BtmxMH DnntES. A cooking veaael left csj-elemly on a lighted gas stove, st 14 North Seven teenth street, caused Patrolman Kd. Burks to make a quirk run, yesterday, under the Impression that the lioue waa afire. Ths contents of the veel had bnliej awsy and tlense smoke pouring from h filled ths hour) and rolled out of every crevice. Tie officer reached In a window, turned the key In the door, turned off the gas. locked ths door and put ths key In at ths wlnJow. The house waa apparsntly deserted. CAMFAIOXtXO FOR SERV1CW COMMISSION. Ben Rlesland. chairman of ths Public Service Commission measure, is address ing the puah clubs In Its behalf. Kenllworth Club appropriated $15.rt to help further the mnuairt at Its last meeting. Mr. Rlesland spoke before ths Woodftock Push Club Friday night, a svmpsthetlc crowd being present. Ths committee which prepared ths mespurs Incurred conntdrrable expense, and Mr. Rlesland says that It will tsks SKax) to meet past sxpensee) and get It before the voters. Chsmical. Hit t Car, While answer ing a false alarm turned In from Kieventh and MsJn atreets. Chemical No. 2. from the station at First and Jsffrrsnn streets, sis struck by a street car at Flftb and Main streets, yesterday and was seriously damaged. The fire appara tus was on ths streetcar track wben the car. no. 4MX running on the Sixteenth street 11ns. ran into It. The tongue of tl'S wsgon was) broken but the horses kept their feet and the crew were not thrown from their seats. Uwtost Mebti.xo to sb Held. Four ora tors will be beard at the union meeting to be held at ths Kot Side Baptist Church. East Ankeny and Twentieth treeia. at JO tonight. Rev. W. D. Htn non. paietor of ths White TVmple Church; It. W. 1L Jones, of M. M nnvllle: S. C Htannard. of Newberg. and Kev. S. Ckt-e-Ktt. of Patem. will be the speakers. Thla meeting will be open to the public Kreryone U Invited to sttend. nmxrii Opposes Sixc.iji Tax. W. SI l"Tten. single tax sdvncate. received a et-back at the lae meeting of Lents (;rnx. Mr. l"'Ren waa preeent and was afforded ths privilege of talking on single lt and given respectful consideration. However, his anruments did not appeal to ths members who heard him talk, and practically all present opposed blm. Ku gme Palmer and others combated his arguments for single tsx. Acto Specter Arrested. Jesse I Corwin. of 13t North Nlnfrentli street, in I la hssts to reach the tvene of a sup posed firs at Heventh and Main streets yesterday, drove his automobile at the rate of Z miles an hour, through the streets being used by the fire apiniratus. rsva Patrolman Sima. He was arrested by 91ms at Ueventh and Salmon streets and will appear In court today. . New Dtttes Feois Todat. A. R. Gaff tifjr.'or several years stenographer and assinMnt ticket agent In the local Rock Island office will begin his new duties wm ssflstant ticket agent In the office of ths tirest Northern Railway this morn ing, li s aucceeaor In ths Rock Island has not yet bevn clinsen. Swiss. Watch Refaibjso. C Chrtstea ssa. Id floor corbstt bldg. Take slsvator. D- E. C. Burs'. Era. FXaJt: Marquaia. WooeTEX'B for stationery. m Wash. , 1TTZ.?i-S THEATER (ReTenth and Taylor p r re- i 3! a j-r aisnnerins in inn orama, "A Man's World." Tonlfht B li o'clock. 3'KER Ts EATTR i FioTnlh and 21 rtson.) The Uakf Wees- rrpaa Favors Cement Pirx. Ths Woodlawn Imprortmnt Association favors cement pipe for the Vernon newer district and mill oonose maJctna Columbia Slough the : outlet for the sewer system. Represent stives of both terra cntta and cement pipe have appeared before the aseocla tlon. Poim-AXD A Capella Chos.cs. The next reheanaal of thin chorus will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) nlfrht at S o'clock at Ellers Hall, and every Tui day nlrht thereafter for the remainder of the ason. The chorus will make Its flret public spp;srsnce next month. Veteran's Kuxerau The funeral ser vlces of the late J. H. Msder. Cotnpiny T. Second Oregon Volunteers, will be held at F1nley chapel. Third and Madi son streets today at 1 P. M. All com rades attend. Veteran will slso attend ciervlcea of the late General Bummers. FVr Bunt. furnished house. West Side; rmponslble parties. niti"i AT THB THEATERS 'I BAKER STOCK COMPAXT la "The Mas OB the Box." a Ceenedy Is, Three Acta, bv Orace tlTlng stea Fsmlee. CAST. LJtuteoant Rtert Woburton Thurston Hall Mr. Charles Henderson Henry Stockbrldge CoL George Annasler Theodore Fairbanks Count Karlotr Thomaa McUarnle CoL Frank Raleigh Ronald Braflbi-ry Monalaur Pierre Wlillara Wolftert Magistrate Walls John Burtoa Clerk of the Court . .Thomas Krtuger Otrirer Csssldy Waiter B." Gl!b.rt Wlillara Walter Renfort ktlas Betty Anntsssy Ids Adair Miss Nancy Woburton Gens Tarborough Mrs. Conway Prenda Fosr Corm Beatrice Nichols THE comedy made from Harold Mac Crath's novel. "The Man On the Box," offers obvious opportunities for the Baker Stock Company to shine advant ageously thla week. The fun Just can't help rattling along at a famous rate ths way thess clever peop's cr "since the book Itself has been wklely read and the plsy has been seen her several times. It calls for little In ths way of snalysls for ths average show shopper or reader. A blase young aocls ty man. coming over on the same steam er with a pretty girl. faUs In lovs with her and trlee vainly, to meet her. Ar riving at his home on ths evening of an embassy ball, ths young man. who la a practical Joker, decides to play what h fondly Imagines will be a clever hoax, with his sister and a girl friend for goats. In the livery of a coachman he waits until his sister's carriage Is called, then Jumpa on the box and drives at a break-neck speed down the avenue. That be haB the wrong carriage and Its oc cupants are his Inamorata and a friend, forma the nucleus for the story- as It begins In ths first act of ths play, wltn the Intrepid young hero and all parties concerned drsgged Into court- The girl, an unwilling but generous witness, pays ths culprit's fins and offers him a place) aa her groom. Still with the fever of Joking In his system and to be near her as well ths man accepts. Naturally ths little lady puts him through many pacea. Including Impromptu work as a butler, . . . . i - ,imh and cheery. nut ins iiuiiivi, - i,,r.otlouelv that one aparaiea aivi.s forgets and forgives If ths comedy steps over Into the lana oi times. . . m Thurston Hsll Is "ths man and a rlcht good-looking well-aet-up and deb onair Impostor be makes. He waa In fln fettle and Imparted to the rather diffi cult role one that could easily b over acted. -too. a spontsneous and natural aens of real humor. ... Ida Adair, the new leaning cored by the deliberate surety of her work In th chsrmlng role of ths , girl. Betty. She makes the part artfullr de- ,inanallv imperturbable, and Ir resistibly determined. B""d nice to look at and so are the pretty clothe, in which she trail around. Henry Stockbridge may si ways bs de pended on for unique work and ns the chum and adviser of "the man. he clayed with unctuous comedy. John Bnr ton. that clever character actor ploughed several furrows of fun with his part as ... ..hii tele the case. and ID! , JUUIQ. w.w . . Uter makes a mare s-nest of by chatting comtortaoiy excellent bit of character ";"". forded In the French chef of W lllaro Wolbtt. whose very Silence IJ- m i- l.i.a rss fi-murht With Ct- lions in - - . preaslon. Other, who contribute to the success oi toe , . c.i..r.i.a the sir! father, a retired Army officer, and Thomaa Mac- Larnle. aa a riussian un"""--wene In particular between these two In which the old aoldler. facing finan cUl rlnl consents to -ell fortification, of his fort to ths Russian. Is most cumu r.tlve In Its dramatic Intensity. Hest r'cs Nlchnl. I. a pretty maid jrho dusts a. no maid on earth ever was known to ... nu i. rnrr mnkes a great do. wnne rw-- deal out of ths small role of Mrs. Con- wav. Betty s frlena. in .P rt.gd Bam. bill aU week with r.gular mattneg. -Till RQVAW MA .V. Br Edwta Mlltoa Royals, presesled . at ths Basra low Theater. CAST. Henry Wynaegate Frank Farley Lady Dlsna Edna Marshall Lady Elisabeth Wynnegsts Capl;ola Marshall Captain James Wynnsgate. after wards "Jim Csrstoa" j. c. Livingston Fir John Applegste. . . JoaephJCemper Ths Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Exeter O. W. Wegnsr Mrs. Chlchestas-Chlcheater Jones. . '. resile Kellogg Big Bill Frederick Monley Shorty Al Smith Grouchy. llarlln Talbot Andy Charles Btlts. Jr. Lady Mabel...' Oeorgla Edwanis Baco White John Firelight Tattywena Clarence Bennett N'at-r-nirh Nan Winters Little Hal Master Dick ffkrden "Cash" Hawkins Wayne Itosa Nick Joha Hartman McSworley Chaa. R. Moore Bud Hardy -..Harry Harden 4 asssaasoooseoeesseassessa s DW1N MILTON ROTLE S well-known Ls American play "The Squaw Man," first Introduced over the footlights to us by William Favershsm several sea sons ago. and since that time revisit ing u by ths stock and road-show route, opened a week's engagement at the Bungalow yesterday afternoon. It Is apparently one of those plays thst will never grow old. and seems to hold a particular Interest for those who prefer the typically Western plays. This one has all ths atmos phere of the plains, the tang of the alkali dust, the picturesque story-book cowboys, snd the Invariably Interesting Indian characters so popular n plays of this Ilk. Ths compsny Is no better snd not much worts than ths average road- ACTRESS HAS MOST SUCCESSFUL PLAT OF HER CAREER v r -A 'V. r A MARY MAXXERING, WHO WILL TU.MOHT I.N "A HAN'S WORLD." In "A Man's World" Miss Mary Mannerlng has found the most successful vehicle of her csreer. Her appearance here at the Hellish Theater, beginning; tonight and ending Wednesday night, will, there fore, be a matter of deep Interest to theatergoers who have followed her fortunes from her first success until this crowning;, triumph of her career. This new play by Rachel Crothers I. told with humor, realism and contalna a number of finely drawn character.. The hero ine battlea against the atandarda of a man's world. In which man sets the moral code for woman and expects her to live up to it. She says that men should live up to ths same rulss, and when she discovers that the man with whom shs ls In love has failed to live up to her expectations, she Is confrontsd with the choice of giving him up or being true to her Ideals. aggregation that brings us soms play for the nth time. Of the players, J. C Livingstons In ths rols of the Squaw Man stands out from the others, partly by rsason of his work, and moatly because his Is the pivotal character about which the story rsvolves. O. W. Wegner, as an old bishop gives a careful bit of fine line character drawing. and Wayne Ross, in ths rols of Cash Hawkins. k- t.mA n I. vs.- KiJ lnd A pretty dusky maiden. Nan Winters, gives a mighty nice study of the little Indian wlfs Naturltch. and Invests her work with a sincerity -that makes Itself felt. LOGAN FOR SINGLE TAX BII.Ii OF RIGnTS XO IjONGER OBJECT OF WOKSH1P. Call on Assessor feigler, Speaker Says, Has Convinced II Ira That System Now Is Wrong. r i.ii-t.(.4 tn finit - t Mr Losrsn a am U"HH 11 -..uu ' hss come out of the camp of the Phll- lalinea ana aecimrea J "i uvu -people." said E. S. J. McAllister at the meeting of the Single Tax Society last night. In the Medical building, at the conclusion of the aaaress oi jonn x-. Logan. In favor of the "single tax." It was Mr. Logan's first public an nouncement of his conversion to what he termed the aingie-tax ineorj. j. . . . .. arilrtiienmAnt rionnespy diui v 1 .f.. moved that the thank, of those present be extended to me speaaur. the society congratulate Itself upon the conversion of a leader of the dominant party of the country. The motion waa carried with applcuse. "I come to you. as t expresneu is i my friend J. Hennessy Murphy, a few months ago." said Mr. Logan, "for con fession of my faith. I come to you to be counted amon you. While I do not now as mucn or mis I did. I am certain that our present system of taxation is prwucu.. i thieving, lying ana perjury. it i ....nn a ..or Sle-ler In my search for consideration of this ques- m . .. v. i w. tn ha in heartv ac tion SOU iwuuu - cord with the fixing of taxes upon land. He told me that wnen n. - . i, w farelrsL As to aessing 'ultrJ . ; . , notes, there were none, and as to bonds. It was practically nIL We admired for many years that nign-aou..u...B beautifully-worded document, the bill of rights, until the light of the Initia tive broke In upon urrgon, -um.. other things that Is siaiea in worshipped document is ihalL be equal. i . -- her? Is nothing but rank Injustice vicious perjury and premeditate - bery fostered wnnin its w ls constituted. "What we pretend to favor ls that 11 of the taxation ehall be placed upon land values only. Improvements should not be taxed for. as the system exists today, only the smallest portion ls ob tainable for taxable purposes. Accord ing to the Assessor's dooks, you can..ui. find a diamond in me cn. bond. and. as for money, wn. there ls none. I am not an extremist in ,e matter of single is. -" vor of a land value tax as the basis UDorj win-1 " w. . - personal property and lmprovemente of .i-s.u. winri sir ha riveter. wiw a Tt-nru. Hnu r Aciiii'tius. r. SulU Cohen acted as chairman. ...sin.... it tv wtrnon. a. v. r. ftirAinpvci. - -Crldffe. K. 13. McKay and others spoke. PRESS IS GIVEN BLAME Rev. Mr. Morrison Sees Reason Why Church AllcRlanc Not Greater, "it is considered 'smart nowadays to swear non-alleglance to the church." said Rev. A. A. Morrison. In his ser mon at the Trinity Episcopal Church last night, "and we wonder why it is. Probsbly it is due to mo preen; to ine rnagaxir.es. out i in.uj0 ,n,iB. Wb nnd the two extremes, the ra tional tendency and' the fanatical ten dency. Some there are who discount everything that has to do with the church. They discount God, because, forsooth, the church has made mistakes vf - '- S'l ; v - Cf ' a -v J , fJH.lsH JII'llliniilafM'T'TS APPEAR AT TIELIO THEATER we know, and because the ministers have not always agreed. It ls also the other class of people, who help to make It so; those who make religion a sort of mania, and the. spiritual character of pdople has been minimised too much." Rev. Mr. Morrison also took up the question of evil spirits, saying not to think of thegi as something hideous, ghosts and haunting apparitions. "Think right," he said, "and you will not be bothered with evil spirits. Love truth with all your might; love truth, mercy and right; evil has no affinities among these.". PERSOJsALMENTION. B. Henderson, of Salem. Is at the Lenox. E. M. Sly, of Kennewlck. Is at the Portland. 5. W. Bolton, of La Grand, ls at the Imperial.. 6. Miles, of Boise, Idaho, ls at the Cornelius. Warren P. Reed, of Gardiner, ls at the Oregon. Mrs. George LaPolnte, of Lewl.ton. Idaho, is staying at the Lenox. . Walter Kelly, of McMinnvlUe. is reg istered at the Lenox. A. B. Daly, of Coos Bay, ls regis tered at the Imperial. State Senator M. A. Miller, of Leba non, is at the Perkins. Edward K. Bishop, of Montesano. Wash., ls at the Portlanjr George A. Graham, of Marshfleld. ls registered at the Perkins. R. A. Hawkins and daughter, of II waco, are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. H. Herbrlng, at The, xjtuies. aro at me Oregon. iwicB, kiv si mo urcgon. v C. L Peterson, of Aberdeen, Wash., l. registered at the Portiand. W. M. Pollman and family, of Baker. e staying at the Imperial. are staying at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Bounds, of Eu gene, are staying at the Oregon. J. Robinson and family, of Hood River, are staying at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Henderson, of Corvallis. are staying at the Perkins. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. (Special.) Port land. Or., travelers registered at the Congress Hotel are: E. J. Bartholomew, Mrs. R. W. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Rsrk Sprisas Cost- . Tie best house coal. Liberty Coal ice Co exclusive agenta. 2t Norta loni-wtn street. Main A 113s. For Policyholders Is the ONLY Consideration in The Policyholders' Company DISCRIMINATING BUYERS OF LIFE INSURANCE GIVE US 'PREFERENCE EES T FOR 0REG01ANS HOME OFFICE: Corbett Building. Portiand A. I MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager ! RIVER HAS SECRET Suicide From SteeL Bridgt Witnessed From Distance. HELP TOO LATE TO SAVE Figure May Have Been That of Wo man, I Belief of Three Persons Wlio Saw Act Body Quickly Swept Away by Flood. six SCICIIE RECORD FOR SINGLE WEEK. Tuesday John Chrlstlanson. Jan itor, shoots self with revolver in drug rtore at 110 8lxth street. t Tuesday Unidentified man found In yard st Twenty-second and Nlc olM streets, with gun in hand and bullet in head. ( Wednesday William Cramer found dead in bed at Coamopolltan Hotel, with revolver in band and bullet In held. Thursday Man leaps from Steel Bridge and. refusing all otrers of help. Is swept sway by current. Saturday James A. Brown, insur ance scent, takes cyanide of potas sium in presence of wife, at Buck ingham Hotel. Sunday Unknown man or woman jumps from Steel Bridge and ls drowned. Leaping from the shadows of the Steal bridge into the swirling flood below, a man or woman committed suicide early yesterday morning. The few persons who saw the act watched the swift current carry'the body out of s'ght but were un able to give any assistance. Angus Dickson, who lives at 2M Larra bee street, was crossing the bridge on hlk way home, when he saw a dark figure, on the downstream side, at a point near the east end of the draw. On ac count of the darkness he could not well distinguish the outlines, but thought that the person might have been a woman. The auicide was on the outside of the rail, hav'ng. apparently, chosen a time whe'n there was no one on the bridge to Interfere aa he, or she. clambered over the barrier. t . The figure had Just caught the eye of Dickson and he was in the act of hasten ing forward, when It detached Itself from the rail and sprang into the water. Dickson gave the alarm, but before any aid could arrive the body had gone out Toother men. who live at 412 Gan tenbeln avenue, also saw the act and In clined to the belief that the person was a woman. Police Sergeant Wanless made an immediate Investigation but un able to discover anything additional. A man whose Identity is not known to the- authorities committed suicide at al most the same place and In 8am manner last Thursday. The death re ported yesterday is the sixth by suicide within as many days. ' CHESS TOURNEY BEGINS National Meeting Draws Foreign Ex perts in East. NEW YORK. j"an7 22. Play in the National chess tournament. In which are entered the best metropolitan ex perts and representatives of Boston and Chicago. In addition to F. J. Marshall. United States champion, and J. K Capablanca. Cuban champion, began in New York today. Capablanca, who will arrive from Cuba In time to start In the second round tomorrow, was the only absentee and was given his bye In the opening round. The winners of the opening round were F. J. Marshall. R. T. Black, cham pion of the Brooklyn Chess Club: Charles Jaffe. Paul Johner and Oscar Chajea. of Chicago, the Illinois cham- PiOnlv one drawn game was recorded. and this was credited to A F. Kreym- berg. of this city, against Albert B. Hodges, the Staten Island player. The players were paired as follows: Morris vs. Johner. Jaffe vs. Baird. Black v. Smith. Marshall vs. Walcott, Hodges veCreymberg. Chajes vs. Tenen- i fioclges vanvi I wulsol, Capabl aDianca aowm torpst centers around Mar- " " "the New' England , " " amplo n. ,lr,e,ectedly shorL The contest was unexpectedly shorLJ ,-f..a- nn v 3 moves, wnen il wa r scored to Marshall's credit as a result of Walcott'a overstepping the time limit. WHERE T0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant Fine private 'apart ments for ladles. S06 Wash., near &th st. InJuredTBoy Taken to La Grande. WALLOWA, Or.. Jan. 22. t Special.) Fred Jacobs, the boy who waa accl dentally shot in the right leg at the CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager i vT !&&mm PRINTING ARGUMENT Established over twenty-five years -experi-. enced superintendence competent workmep modern machinery and equipment fair prices prompt 'service central location entire new building -ground floor office and many more 'good reasons why you should let us figure on your next .catalogue -estimates cheerfully furnished. diass & Prudhomme Co. PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS STATIONERS 65-67 Seventh Street Lime Kiln, on the South Fork, 10 mile: from town, was taken to the La Grandt Hospital for medical treatment. "WE CAN AND WE WILL Do your watch and Jewelry repairing riffht. Walter A. Lord Co., Ill Sixth at., near Washington. $2.00 save $2.00 BY JOINING Y.M.GA. CONTEST WEEK January 23-28 Daring this week the en trance fee of 2 Is dropped to all new members. The Portland, Seattle, Taeoma and Spokane Y. M. C. A.'s -are competing; In a b t a snembershlpeoBtest. ' Membership Privileges Is $500,000 Bnlldlng. Two Gymnasiums. Swimming Pool. Hand-Ball Conrt. Cork Running Track. Commercial Schools. Trade Schools. Boys' Day and Night Schools. Amusement Rooms. Reading Room and Llbrsry. Advisory and En- ployment Department Thirty Shower Baths. One Hundred and Seventy-two Living; Rooms. Lecturea, Concerts, Entertainments. Over 100 Different Lines of Work. Boys, Aea lO to 18. Seniors, Ages 17 Vp. Call pad Be Shown Through the Building; Free. Telephone A 6561 Main 7065 The Last Week This Week's Specials ROMXEY FASTEI.S in soft sepia tints, hand painted moon light marines, landscapes, etc. All with special antique gilt frames. Sale prices, 75S.. SI. S1.50. S1.S8. S3.75. ETC. 4 FRl'T PASTELS Handsomely framed. An ornament to any dining-room. Sale prices, $1.75. S3.50. S4.00. S6.75 and S7.50. HAI.L AXD HAT RACKS Handsomely framed, serviceable goods. Sale price only $2.75. , r ENGLISH HUNTING SCENES Especially appropriate for. the . den. $3.00 values at $2.25. COLORED LANDSCAPES and figures In miniature brown and gilt frames. Exceptional values, at XSd only. SEPIA PRINTS, 7x9, reproduct'ons old masters, handsomely framed in brown and Kilt ovals. Regular 60c values at 35. NOVELTY PRINTS, 10x12, all latest catchy subjects. Regru ' lar 75c values at 45c. Our Framing Department Is showing- the MOST COMPLETE and UP-TO-DATE DIS PLAY of mouldlng-s in the city. OUR SHOP ls one of the best on the Pacific Coast. Bring in your pictures and allow CAPABLE salesmen and EXPERT workmen to grive you satisfaction. SPECIAL LOW RATES on frames THIS WEEK ONLY. SANBORN, Wholesale COMPLETE LINE OF ARTIST Mention This "Ad" for 9 Plant fiibson rosea Phone Sell wood 950.' P. W. 3ALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak .ej&i iVn rt'isriTWi" s)sbIb" Tfwi DAY AND NIGHT One of the larg-est beet equipped plants in Portland offers you unexcelled servloa at prices exceedingly low. When you want CATALOGS, BOOKLETS. CIRCULARS. FOLDERS OR ANT OTHER FORM OF PRINTI'N It will be to youradvantags to consult us. Our facilities guarantee best resulta Cur Sam cries will oonvtnca you of our quality,, PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE COs Phones A 2231. Main 6201. 388 Taylor Street Neth & Company Collectors Established in 1900. How about those old accounts? 33 Worcester Bide Portland. OT SANDSTONE QUARRY AT IENWO. Fully Equipped for Operation. For Sale at a Bar.aln. A. McMullen. Singer Bldg- X- T. "col sACE eet lOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE S-a-74 STARK STREET! lltilil 3 Of Our Picture Sale During: the last week we are ofTeringt ex ceptional opportunities to beautify your home at a very moderate outlay. VAIL & CO. Retail MATERIAL AND STATIONERY Extra 10 Per Cent Discount. s