Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 21, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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    ' ' - I I 1
. , . . .. .. . .- I iini. I Fumlabed, House.
-v--tt- mil n .1 a . i . - .. ...... . . z -
NEWLY furnished niiKlfrn room for gen-tlamea-.
Gas. electricity, bat h. furnace
neat. We undo ounlvr on our picunni.
clean rooms. k North 15th at. About
two block from Waahtngtoa.
DESIRABLE furnished rootr. la private
family, furnace heat, walking distance,
brwa k last if desired: gentlemen preferred.
'J K. 12lh st. South. .
P.ooalS with or w'thout board In home of
iun people. I'hwf rr particulars. B
NU I.LI turiuDtit reuiu lor gentleman. U
modern conveniences, walking diatanca.
427'-. Clsy st.
X-ARUe front room, facing east, modem
dwelling; walking dlatance; modern con
veniences. 6 N. 21st au .
GENTLEMAN If you want (Inely furnished
room in miKlvrn home, reasonable. 10 min
utes fv O. . rail Main 521'. '
1 :KUY furnlaced room", modern conven
iences. $j and ap; centrally located. 4'4
lay at.
NICELY furnished front c-om. sullaMe for
one or two: alio single room: all conven
iences: reasonahlc. Mi M"rron at.
I FURNISHED loouia f..r girls employed,
heat. light, hath, phone; $I.jO and $2.00
a tf-t. UTi E- Main.
TWO well furnished front room, electric
llht. bath and heat, breakfast If de
alred. tl
LARGE room with alcove, modern and well
furniahrd. 3 beds, suitable for 2 or X
ph ne A
2 K'NIMH. Ane $11. one SIO P-r month:
phone, tath. warm rooms. B'KJS Salmon.
V-7 'III ,
DESIRABLE location, rleaa -room. I- per
week ; one $1.73. " 12th St.
NICELY furnished front nTH In private
family. reasonable, iiallt in at.
TWO anttes modern, newly furnished roc ma
194 lTtn t.. or phone Mam ;133.
r.EASONAltl-E room, modern convenience.
2'i X. loth at.
JTRNISHFD rooms, with boa id. 1U llth
at.. A ltU-l
I af ural-ned Bm
BOOM third-floor room furnished or
unfurnished: a o bedroom on 2d floor.
2H Flanders.
man.iri Women's Union 2 Id year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room. II
brary. 310 Flanders, r. N. Heath. supt.
CHOICE rooma, single or en suite, suitable
for s or 3; escellent table. everything
firat-claaa. 3 N. IT th t-
t PER week. Brst-class board and room,
suitable for two. 25 1-th. near Jialn.
BQPJWUh Boajd taInv's Kamlly.
FMALL. bachel.TS club; bae one room l-ft
for 2 jentlemen of food habits; tahl
supplied wilt, best la market; tJO each.
e" i rtrk at.
fcRY nice front room with board, walklnc
dlatance. borne coi'ktnx. all modern eon
venlences. terms ressouablo. Main aj0.
fcl .NNT room, board for snan and wife or
two reatlemen: furnace bat. good, home
eooklr.g; reasonable. P '."J.
COST room, modern, large rloaeia. electricity,
excellent neighborhood, choicw board. iol
M a rsha it A 4J0.
KIWLT Mrnlahed rooms, with boird;
reasonable. Mi E.okat. B loll.
S3 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board.
rates reasonable.
tit MORRISON Two splendid rooma large,
airy, comfortable, well furnished. Close in.
CLEAN, we T-furnlshed front rooms; good
home cooking. 432 34 sL
LARGE front roorn wlthboard. A.V0O wrfk.
For 2 gentlemen. TsmhllL
TUB BAKKER.tcorner list and Irving St a.
Tbla new four-story brick opened Jan
nary 1. l'.'ll. Two. three and four-room
suttee with reception hall. Pacific phone
in each apartment. electric elevator.
Holm ea disappearing beds, butlt-ln buf
fet and writing desk, gas ranges, ice box,
plenty of closet room. It ou want some
thing extra nice, coma to the Darker.
Make reservations now.
12 Huh. frl.
Kew brick apartmenta. Just finished and
furnished complete fur immediate house
keeping; beautifully rurutsued. all la
and 3-rom suites with private baths jno
reception nan. pacific phone In earn
apartment free: nothing in the city to
equal It for the price. CaJ and see for
fc.N INSULA Apartmenta. new building. Kast
bide. llli4 Alblna a vs.: take Mississippi.
X, or St. Johns car. 13 mlr.utes ride from
Washington si. : X . t and ft rooms, com
pletely furnished. 1 to 40 per month;
all modem conveniences: unfurnished
apartments, aero nicely furnished bed-
rooms. Phone
e v
hood lawn 22.MA,
LICKET1A COI KT, oa Lucretla sticet. near
Washington: two sery choice apartmenta
will be vacant Feb. 1. any one desirous of
securing one of these Lew. elegant, nodera
apartments with nrat-rlss sort ice. should
put In thetr application to the superin
tendent on the premises. Apt. L. iholie
Marhall 1 -V1. References ret. ul red.
"lis; CEDAR HIL.L." tal.est apartmenta la
city I. 17 Ureea are., bet Park ave. and
Washington St.. near City Park, overlook
ing city: new house, new furniture; three
rooma and bath, stesm heat, hot skater,
private phone. If looking for a quirt and
cosy place, see these apartments. A lOoi.
'TeINZ APARTMENTS. Htb and Columbia.
4 blocks eoutu from Morrlvin St.; new
brick building, completely first-class: fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
menta. private bath, reception hall, sleara
beat hot water. a:evator. frea phone. Jan
llor 's-rvl e. rent very reasonable.
Cor. Orand ave. and E. Stark St.
Kv flrsproof brick, building boautlfnlly
furnished- 1 wo and three-room apsut
meots; private bath, hot and cold a:er.
eteam heat. Phone. K as l ol.
2. and a-ro.m auites. nli-ely fumlsheX
private bath, eteam heat, phone srad Jani
tor service, also aingle nwim with hot and
cold water. aultablefur gentlemen.
Tub PARK-BAKK1S. corner Park and Har
rison, has a few very dc-tra t.le u n f jr
alsheH suites. nrepla-ea. bardwood rl -rv
and all modern roaventelces; best locatloa
aud aceoantuauoa. Call mg- at Marshall
aoro. a v.
conveniences, private bath, ou aunny side.
2 large bay windows. Call for superin
tendent Marshall 11. Laacretta. Court. 4e
taeen f:d and -Id sta.
llANNER APARTMENTS. West bide. 4v
1'lsy at-. 1 J. room apartment, new. coin-
f.lste'r furnished, t'.'a per tnonth. Ineli d
ng lights, steam heat, hot aud cold water
and te I ep hone.
J.E-l KAN. Marshall, between Iwth and oth;
airely furnlshet 1-room apartment: pri
vate bain, private phone, iirim h-at. big
ard; ouLstda light, tau. Mala OJ-1A A
ll: ;
ClaBEHLA.vU APAIllMENla. Weat lark
aad Columbia at-, two J - room anfumlsned
apartments, with all modern conveniences,
beautiful location, bee manager oa pram
Is. LILAJAN apartmenta. cor. ath and Mont
gomery sis.; new. modern, furnished. A
room apartment: light outside kltcnea:
private telephone. I'hone Marahall
Ui: STANLEY AIT., cor. Washington and
King, a aad 4-room apta. furnished and
unfurnished, all modern conveniences rea
sonable rent. Capl. bebnetder. prop.
fcj. CROIX APA R T M EN TS. one furulslicd
apartment, front, bath, phone, modora.
17Q St. Cla!r St. Phone Main &:T. A Till.
Jk.NviEL.A APT.. Jl Triaity Place. bet."lth
and Zdth. off Wash. One I -room front
apt.. -beautifully furnished, strictly modern.
1HB ALT A MONT. Sth and College. 1 3
roona apartment, elegantly furnished, pri
vate phone and tath. Janitor aervlre.
" ONlalNTA.
1ST I"'", near YamhllL
g-ttrnlahed arsrtments. tteam-hsated.
KEW TURK Apartmenta. 2 and t rooms fur
nished and unfurnished, steam heat, free
phone. East Tlh and Helmonu
CECELIA Apartmenta. 2.1d aad Gllamn: A
room apartment with all modern caara
a iencaa . rsnl reasonable.
yVRNITURt! for sale, terms If desired.
four blocks rosfotflce. Main 5-1 T.
THsT HAPLPOROI'OH. 21st "and Flanders.
Nob Hill disc: t-nwn apt. Main TSld.
Til E JC ANITA. 323 llth at.; alcely fr-
niahed apartmenta
$3v FOl'R rooms and bath In upper flat;
Montgomery above 14th: fine view of city
and mountains; adults only. Phone Mala
fuR RENT On or before Feb. 1st. ne
corner flat, large rooms. East lturnalilT
and 12th streets. Call today ox tomor
rtw. A NEW l-room flat, all conveniences, rent
reasonable, on carllne. close to business
.-enter. Inquire -ss E. Uth and liviloa.
A Sa-O. , ..
ri'RNISHED 4 room uppea flat. 1TTS
t.reen ave.. aear 23d and Was'tlnr.fon
s. eaJI morr.lng gnd evening. Mam si.
jTtlVLY tinted 6-rwn flat wl;h fireplace
and linoleum; rent reasonaMe. K. J4
blOR If 1 1 1 modern untarnished upper s:s
rsom flat, adults eniy. Than Mela tuns.
tite Monxiyg ohegoxtan. Saturday, January 21, ion. -
IN IRVINviTON. 1U St.. between Brosd
way and c. huyler. el.-gairu new. modern
flats: one 4 rooms and bath $.-T.H); one
t rooms, bath and large attic j:.60; large
front and back porches. Finest residence
district. Uroadway and Irvlngton cara.
See these. Open all day. PhunoB 1.03.
SJot'KRN 4-room flat, walking distance,
cheap rent to right party. Call 1 Grand
ave. North.
KEiV modern .-.-room flat. 1014 Williams
ave... In Wslnnt Pr.rk. Phone Main BHQ4.
EAST SllB New. modern, "newly furnished
rut. 5 rooma. close In, t3Q. phone C -
NEWj modern-flat. blocks from Steel
bridge. Phone Woodlawn loitt.
EXTRA w-erlfurnlshed S-room fUt. modern.
J-iA. 3sS North I4th St.
nidern 3-roof flat.
Phone B 2'sxt.
East 18th and
Lioasekeeplng- Hoanie.
WELL-FfRNISHED 4-room lower fist.
II". &0 month: front of cottsge S rooms.
t-U month; let v. ell-fumlahe.1 housekeP
Ing rooma. l and 110 mmlu Apply Jo4
N.irth I'dih.
car from depot, die or
Morrison toltlth.
block north.
il ia to I 50 WEEK.: clean. furnlsaea
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, beta,
phone, clean linen, heat. 4j Vancouver
ave.. and -U3 Sv Klanton: take U car.
NICE front aulte housekeeping rooms; also
one aliiclo housekeeping room In brick
Cnlon ave.. cor. Alder.
TUB MAXIN'E. 4JI Second: furnished house
keeping r-oma. all conveniences, walking
dlatance. tl-' per month np.
41 EAST MORRISON, cor. East th. com
pletely furnished aingle housekeeping
rooma .
Ft'RNIbll EI houaekeeplnc rooms; alao
single rooms. 5a2 Williams ave. Phone
C 1.-.2.L
bUtabKEEPLN'O rooma la new concrete
bldg. Phone Woodlawn fHOT or 3".
Fl PNIairEU housekeeping rooms, reaa-in-sMe.
The Wandulst, H5H Washington.
Kl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms. 40S Uavla,
$3 and up.
HorSF.KEEI'IXO rooms, steam hent. phon.
laundry, bath. The Newcastle. 4iJ4 3d at.
LA ROR front room, furnished for house-ke-.plnr.
3tll Tth St.
Metiefceeptac Ht"-ie w Pnvate family.
TWO newly furnished, two-roo, house
keeping apartments. 114. tlv per month:
gas for cooking Included, tath and phone.
Very close In. raved district. 410 Hall,
bet. loth and llth.
TWO nicely furnlahcd. clean rooma for
housekeeping In flat, to young couple or
two girls. Phone Main 0640. Call 31
filh St. Saturday P. M.
THREE "large, completely furnished house
keeping rooms In prlva'e famllv of two;
gas stove, porcelain bath, phone, fine
Inwn. reasonable. 4.V 3M St.
T ELL-FI RNISHEI). steam-heated house
keeping rooms; phone, bath and laundry.
n.'.d tlllaan.
TWO housekeeping rooms cheap to couple
who will board Z gentlemen, -ai-orday
afternoon. I') Grand ave North.
3 rNFI"RNlSHKl rooms, with use of kitch
en; light, water and phone furnished.
Phono Tabor 2M.
FlRST-Cl.ASS furnished apartment, three
rooms, heat, lights, bstn, pnone. a e:tv.
RTS Couch. N. E. corner 1 sth.
LIOHT H ifSEKEEI'INU Two attractive
rooma with alcove, prtvata home, two en
trances. oS Flanders.
you KENT a furnished . housekeeping
rooms, to adults, itont, convenient. . 153
Yamhill rt. i
FOR RENT Four furnished housekeeping
rooms. Gas. bath. Phona ii 14o. bu
East Sth street, cor. Stark.
2-KOOM euue. heal, gas. phone, hot water:
pleasant home for rlgt people. 2'J0
12th st.
4 NICE, connecting housekeeping rooms. 1st
flior. private cntrnm-e. A .WT2. 421 7th.
TWO rooms, with alcove, clean, neatly fur-
rlhed. 411 west park.
HESIRAHI.E housekeeping rooms; no chil
dren. 347 Market st,
LARGE unfurnished rooms, closel. pantry,
fit month. .'.43 Karl St.. rtellwood car.
2 CLEAN housekeeping-rooms; gaa. bath,
sink, walking distance. 211 Sherman st.
3 FT, RN I S H E D houscke.-ping rooms, mod-
rn. electricity, gjs. 40- mrit st.
TWO nicely furnished llKht housekeeping
rooms, gas, siu niontn. bit- rroui.
JCEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, very
.-'i-iip. ?2 Karl at., seiia-o-nt car.
llolSE'KEEl'INiJ r.Km. suitable, for one
or two people. 4.0 lamhlll.
i'l'RNISHEIi room, private family, meals If
desire!. 7l Helmonu pnone a l.iv.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms en
suite. 0 E. auth st. N. Phone East 4U54.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
731 I nlon ave Nortn.
111 H SKKEEP1NO rooms. 148 13th. ne
TWO front housekeeping rooms. 372 6th st.
5 rooms. 1S.19 E. Taylor stre et t"J"
B rooms, 412 E. inth north 3.o
rooms. East 22 1 north .1.VUO
rooms. Portland Heights .Ij.txi
T rooms. ! Front st 23.00
6 rooms, Johnson st $ 10.00
0 rooms. Kearney street ::."i,00
S rooms. 47 East Clh north 2.1. 3d
3 rooms. f.Ji, E. loth 2:1. SO
7 rooms. J.'hnson w.-at of .lrd.... 42.30
T Tooms. 7.i7 Esst Ankeny su fS.1.00
fl nwitii. K'71 E. Yamhill st 40.OO
S roon.a 42V lrrabee St.... 4.1. 01
rooms. 739 E- 41st st- 113.00
WH FN yon move you'll need KEW FUR
NITl'PK. Buy It Judiciously and the say
ings will exceed your moving expenses. -
Our .business for 1910, our third year,
placed us among the "top notehera" la
the furniture business la Portland.
WHY and HOW have we bunded so rap
idly? VEHY SIMPLE! If we did the earn
business on the West tilde our expense
would be $23 OvO more each year. Natural
ly we have been able to sell much cheapen
and tho people were not alow la ttndmg
It out.
49-73 Grand ave., cor. East Stark st.
Kast Ankeny, Montavllla and Ituaseil-
Shaver carllnes psss our store.
TO RENT Wo make a specialty of fur
nished and unfurnished bouses, flats and
apartmenta: collect your rents and remit
you promptly.
If you have a vacant house, flat or
apartment, and will let us have a descrip
tion of it. our best services are at your
4O3-4OJ-404- 1UJ Lewis Hldg.
Phones 4414. Marahall sal.
m .
al a great saving. Get our prices. Look-e-
shown every courteey.
M. OSTROW A CO., 64 -tie North 3d SU
Reasonable prices. Essy terms.
MODERN 3-roora bun-taiow on the "WW"
carllne; cor. lot overlooking the city, beau
tiful view. Rent $13. David Lewis.
P.oom 2 Lumbermen's bldg., tth and Btark.
(.KijM modern cottage, within walking
distance from business center. $23. 373
Vancouver ave.. near Broadway. Phone
NEW home to rent. rooms and hath, s-2
per month: near 2 carllnes. J. K. Tlptou.
Co. 11 'Jo tpaldlng bldg.
AlODERN S-room cottage. 440 Ross St.. $17.
Inquire Slate Laundry Co., 3B3 Broadway;
both phones.
FOR RENT T-room house with lath. 12.10
K. Salmon; SIS per month, phone Tabor
417. .
a-KOoM. modern house. 1330 Hancock St..
corner 4Qth st.. Roee City Psrk. $2Q.
NICE 8-Toom home. bath. gas. 12.1: newly
papered. 141 E 13th. near E. Morrison.
MODERN (.mm bungalow, lad lilandeua
st. L car.
t nrnl-vbed llousew.
8-KooM. modern, furnished house, 8T0 Kelly
L; rent. $'13. .
230 Alder St.
TO MAN and wife employed, a cheap home
on East bide near csr; good yard. roe-s
and fruits. Apply ftu3 .Uavla. Kent $14.
Mrs. L. P. Col-man.
Fl'R RENT 12-room modern furnished
house, good location for boarders. $23.
Walnut Hotel. 2uth and Nice Lai su Mar
shall 1"i4. .
Fl'RNISHEO ottsge. electric lights, range;
gas range, piano, bath-room. Dr. J. ZL
Uavls. 3li Mohawk bldg.
FOR SALE or rent. T-room house, furnished
or unfurnished. See owner. 233 Alder St..
res m 17. '
3-ROt M cottage completely furnished, close
In. block from t'nlon ave., gas. electric
lights 411 Russell st.
COZILY furnished 5-room cottage, closo In;
reasonable. 441 E. Ankeny.
COMPLETELY furnished S-roomflat.- 4I):
on carllne. 4t-l d'h St.
4V-UMM f'irnishol bnncalow. with piano,
i'uone allcr i V. au. Woodlawn 2700.
r . r Tti ulv-tiu npl"ftR1TXlTlES. I m-vsm. ivii. . .
FOR RENT New, modern. T-room furnished
house, piano. Inquire 1130 JS. Salmon.
Phone Tabor P44. B 2344.
Fl'RNISHED modern 5-roora bungalow,
Woodmere Station, Mount ocott carllne.
phone 1423.
THREE or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms.
clean and desirable: light, bath and heat
1rg furnished. 4H3 Montgomery.
PARTLY furnished house for rent In Roee
City Park. Kent reasonable. Phone Ta
bor ;.n;.
HOUSES for rent, furnished, from 4 to
rooms. Phona Woodlawn 1124. Slbray
A NICELY furnished modern home In Sun
nyslde. Call at 211 Glenn ave or phone
B 2)7.
NEWLY furnished 5-room flat modern rent.
very reasonable. T'-6'a Johnson st.
AAousee for Kent Kurnlluro foe Bole.
INVEST-$.13000 In 0-room furnished flat,
right down town, near loth nnd Morrison
and g.-t full value nnd free rent, free heat
and gas of 2 larse furnlahcd house-keeping
rooms nnd one sleeping room. Ytiono
o n or. .Marshall 20.'. S A. M .t o4PM.
Must be sold at once; 4 rooms, fine fur
niture hnd piano; all for $4."i.
320t, Washington St. Room SI 3.
;00 Fl'RNin;KE of 4 rooms, ntal as a pin:
Axmlnster rugs, mission dining-room and
parlor set; c-st $100 few months ago.
-Neat modem Ylat. Call M aln 784 2. after .
NINE'-ROOM Hat, completely furnished,
flisl-ciasa furniture nnd carpets: can rent
five or six rooms. 430ii MilL Main "4J0-
Fl'RNITCRE of S-roora Hat. rent $2S. 4
Mocks from Washington st. Phono Main
FREE ItUXf 0-room modern flat. 4 rooms
rented for $42; rent $33; new furniture
t:oo. ,
Fl'RNITCRE of -room cottage for sale,
house for rent: bath, electrlo lights, rent
$27.50. Call at t 10th st.
Fln.vITL'-B of a 6-room
terms. Phone Main 234.
flat for sale;
FURNITURE for sale and house for rent;
close In. 71 3d at.
4-ROOM apartment for rent and furniture
for sale. 23 'i 12th St.
4-ROOM flat, furniture for sale.
-- gomery st.
802 Mont-
Kli"E. light, well-appointed" ofTlces. heart
of business district; desirable tr-nants of
pernian'Micy only; elevator. Janitor, hot
and cold water, etc.
HALF of new 3-story brlrk. SOxlOO; plate
glass front: Llth and Marshall, suitable
for llcht Jobbing, manufacturing or retail;
will lease one-half: divide space to suit
tenant or tenants; long lease. A. Q. Long.
MOll-ERN storeroom. 23x100. at No. 299
Front St.: gcod location, near Madlson-st.
bridge and depots; rent reasonable. A. H.
Blrrrll Co., SOS McKay bldg., 3d and Stark
streets. . .
FOR KENT Hutcher shop part of grocery
store. Xo. i2 and 73 "N. Sixth and Burn
side sta. Fine location .
FOR-REN"T-StorT "room, good location for
any business. 23 N. Sixth and Burnslda
NEW brick store, llth and Hawthorne ave-.
elegant location for line grocery. Ap
ply L. R. Fairehlld. 232 Sherlock bldg.
FOR-RENT Half of modern store; light
and watr Included for $0 per month. 03
Vashlngton st.
FURNiSHED modern '-room flat; close In.
cheap. Flat C. 308 3d st.
TO KENT Store pace. centrally located,
rent reasonable. V 07T, Oreiynlan.
6TOREforrentrPhonirEast 12X
LARGE, airy office room, one of the most
prominent corners In the city. See Mr.
. iirownson. room 41s Mohawk bldg., 3d
and Morlson. Saturday 'or Monday.
MOST centrally located cfrlces, all-night ele
vator service. 3S Swerland bldg., or Jan
itor. 6tb and Washington.
DESK? ROOM wanted by permanent and
reliable party; give full particulars. Ad
dress R Oregonlan
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch hldg.
Call BOS Lewis bldg.
rKSKroom. attractive front office. Corbett
hldg. phono Marshall 2ii.'.3.
SPLENDID chance for a lodso or club to
step Into a well furnished building that
would give them ofAces. lodge rooms, hall,
kitchen and suitable ludgeroom furniture;
everything complete: good Income fine lo
cation, and a bargain: no agents or bro
kers need apply. O S9. Ores-mlan.
6TORAQE space at S and 11 Fourth
North. Phone Marshall 2SIB.
Only $:rt0 for a Rood paying saloon
business on sixth; it Is priced to sell and
'Is going soon.
21H Stark street
FOR SALE California busiuess chance:
first-claas grocery store ami bakery route,
located vicinity San Francisco. Address
AE T3. OrcKonlan.
FCiR SALE General confectionery store and
ico-cream parlor. Flourisliing business In
flourishing location. Apply AK 0T4. Oro
ffonltin. REAL ESTATE partner wanted: well es
tablished business; reliable people; com
missions last month $103). Particulars
III. Slvlh.
l'OOL hall for sale by owner; price $2400:
the best money-maker In the city, fine
location. S tables. Call 104 Fourth al.
WILL sell my stock In a good bualness and
guarantee H per cent the Ural year, or will
trade my stock for anything of legitimate
value. H CS3. Orvjtcnlau.
PARTNER wanted, $lU00. H Interest in best
randy manufacturing business In North;
must have business ability. V OTli. Ore-
gon I n n.
WANTED Partner with $2000 to take half
Interest In business that pays $230 a week
or better: good security for money In
vested. Calt between 10 and 2. 8S N. sth st.
$li0 IN A g-od Investment., beats a life
of work; let's prove It to you. Call on
Hercules Machine Co, 2S3Vs East Mur
tlson st.
jlXNUFACTURlNG Owner wants- Interest
ed help: duties easily learned: will pay
good salary, also share of protlta. Particu
lars 2!-5 Stark St.
HALF interest In paring real estate busi
ness; have too much to attend to for one
man; right party can get this for Very
little mouey. 41T Board of Trade.
j. o1. SALE loO shares North Coast Co
4peratlve Lumber Company atock at Sue
per share. Address E. F. Wayland 4k Co.,
478 Monadnock bldg.. San Francisco.
PATINO hotel, value f IOHI; Investigate and
make me an offer; cash or part real estate.
Address Box 1U3. St. Johns Columbia 23T.
V ANT staple line to sell to dealers in
farming communities of Eastern Oregon.
A d dressLtLOrei: I an.
ybll SALE A line bakery and confection
ery business In a hustling town. Inquire
Oray. McLean a Percy. 113-113 N. 4th.
POR PALE Small lunch counter, confec
tionery, cigars; cheap for cash. Apply 332
E. Bumslde.
YiiUNG man Interest In established col
lections and real estate company for $230;
bond. etc.. covered. G fi0. Oregonlan.
toll SALE 3-chalr barler shop and fix
tures In live town doing good business.
' CI 603. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A transfer outfit doing good
buslnrea In prosperous town. For further
particulars adaress pox r.tigene. or.
KWl'lTY splendid transient hotel, fine cor
ner part cash and exchange. Call Main
WANTED -Party with $20U to $3000 for
business proposition that will bear Inves
tigation. XJ170. Oregonlan.
WILL sacrifice movlng-plcture bualness for
low cash orlce or will trade for real es
tate U U-S4. Oregonlan. ,
FIVE-YEAR lease and option on tl-ronm
hotel In Vancourer. doing a good business.
Address P. O. Box 49. Vancouver. Wash.
PARTNER wanU'd for a splundld little
business on Washington at.; $225 cash
-will handle it. Call 24K'? Stark st.
1SD1STRIOUS young man wanted to take
"half Interest In strictly cash business;
something good. M tfr Sixth.
CLEANING and pressing business for sals
c h ea p. 2S's I'P Ion ave. N; .
CIGAR, confectionery and stationery store
at Invoice. . 41T Board of Trade.
p"XrTNER wanted for strictly cash grocery;
rcoutrea $12Q0. Call 2tH Stark at.
COV PLKTELY furnished rAl estate office
(or rent. 2I'1H Morrison st-
PARTNER wanted, for cash business, clear
$300 per month. 417 Board of Trade;
IF you want to get into the sawmill busi
ness In Portlnnd write T HHP. Oregonlan.
GROCERY Living rooms; does good busi
ness: will Invoice. Call 241 Stark st.
tOO BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you 'must bring
this ad. U-ise City pnntery. lmv. Tttlrd,
OR AI.E Restaurant fixtures, cheap. In-
oulre Red Front, lt'3 1st st.
A VVAP 3-cbalr barber shop. 3S4 Haw
tiloiue ave.
There la only one last new country on
this continent the richest and beat.
British Columbia Is being opened up by
three transcontinental and other lines oi
railway. '.
Over thirty million acTee of rich agri
cultural and fult land, fifty million -of the
finest timber, coal and mineral lands that
have never been touched will be thrown
open to the public for development. Anis
la the famous Fort George country.
One hundred million dollars "111 pe
spent In the next live years In raliroaa
building alone. ... -Do
you want a share of the profltsT
I-et ua send you a free copy
British Columbia Bulletin of Informa
tion." giving synops.s of mining. land,
mineral and timber laws. Costa yod nom
ine;. Write today. A .-
412 Granville st, .Vancouver. B. C.
NESa . ,,
TThoie-tale and retail with good mall
order trade, all over the U. S. and Cana
da. We want to retire, -about :(S,000. All
clean stock and no Indebtedness; will sell
with SSOtlO to $10,000 cash and stay with
the buver till the business pays the rest;
good real estate CONSIDERED. Addraai
B 038, Oregonlan.
A proposition for one who understands
the business, a chance to get Into a com
pletely furnished, up-to-date, - Hrst-class
located restnurant and grill: do $30 a
day now. running In connection with one
of the busiest hotels In the city. Apply
to manager between 12 and 2 at Hotel
Foster. 3d and Davis.
WANTED A man nnd wife (no children)
to take charge and manage dining-room,
grillroom and kitchen of the Grayport Ho
tel, at Hoqulam. Wash.; must be experi
enced cafe people; give satisfactory refer
ence and possess sufficient capital for
business purposes.
Free heat and rent and percentage on
all liquor sold In grill or dining-room.
When answering this advertisement
state amount of cash on hand. Address
Manager Grayport Hotel. Hoquiam, Wash.
A 20-M capacity Kussell portable saw
mill, complete with cut-off saw, sawdust
conveyor, etc; also a No. 1 Northwest
planer, with attachments good as new;
has been used only a short time. For
particulars call at my office. 22-228 Front
at.. Portland. Or.
FOR SALE A well-estabtlsned clothing and
gents furnishing goods business In Port
land; party wants to retire: will enter
tain reasonable offer and secured notes.
Answer AK C03. Oregoman, and your cor
respondence will receivo Immediate at
tention. ,
Flva people to take a 3-acre tract each
within 13 mllea of Portland, near graded
school and grocerv store; land Is all good
and level; price $030 each: terms to suit.
For further Information address Box Bel,
' We have a safe, popular, eaay-i-elllng
proposition, appealing to the small in
vestor, which you can carry as a side
line without detriment to your regular
business; liberal commission to right par
ties. AN HID. Oregonlan,
FOR SALE Of Interest to a halrdresslng or
manicuring bualness; balr hacklea, tonics
and curling Irons, face creams. lotions
and many other articles, toilet and pow
dr boxes, etc; will sell cheap. V tSTT,
WANTED Young man to go In partner
ship In the photographic business. I will
furnish outfit and material and will share
profits. Will work small towns. One who
understands finishing and calling or so
llcltlng preferred. R fti-O. Oregonlan.
KOOM ING'-HOUSE. 8 rooms, nice modern
house, cloo In: good furniture and clean:
price $53 terms; a bargain: also a dandy
32-room place: cheap rent, line house;
prtco only $700.
H. W. GAKLAXD A CO.. 191 4th St.
HALF Interest -in an old-established busi
ness, doing a good business, with- sal
aried position of $luu per month. For full
particulars call Kinney A stampner. Lum
ber Exchange bldg.. rooms 531-512.
Make careful investigation at expense
of seller before you invest money In any
proposition. Advisory Department, T. M.
C. A.
ESTABLISHED. well-stocked phonograph
store, bicycle and repair shop; low rent:
no competition; excellent location; 13
minutes from 3d and Morrison. AE 0TS,
WANTED Experienced man to take charge
of "Business Chances" in real estate of
fice l no capital required, but must be ex
perienced and a hustler. W S75, Ore
gonlan. $430 BUYS best located and best-paying
confectionery in Eugene, wholesale and
retail: If taken before Feb. 1 will accept
1-3 down, balance to suit. Address Box
P f. Eugene. Or.
WILL sacrifice my established manufactur
ing plant with electric motor machinery
and stock; good Investment to make
money; must sell on account of sickness
and old age; only $1100. 55 Union ave,
I HAVE THE CASH for business opportuni
ties and odrlng-houses. Must be snaps,
then the money Is ready. Wood, Adjuster
and Referee, 303 Commercial block, 2
to 4 P.M.
WANTED Party with $2300 to buy one
third Interest In a patented article that
will sell in every household. AN C7T,
Oregonlam .
CIGAR, confectionery and pool; nice modern
building: 0 living rooms furnished: rent
only $43; lease; well located; price only
$73Q. Call 1H1 4th St.
LARGE 12-room house, strictly modern. In
nest residence section; well furnished : can
rent eight rooms and pay all expenses. AF
H73. Oregonlan.
MANUFACTURING business, patented ar
ticle; one of the best propositions on the
coast: costs you nothing to investigate.
Hu. Slxth
THE BEST business that $S30 will handle;
small town preferred; no agents. Full
particulars first letter. Y 476.. Oregonlan.
BARBER SHOP for sale: three chairs, good
location, cheap rent, long lease. Address
Barber. 16 East Tth St.. Eugene.
LUNCH counter: owner Is cook antl wants
reliable partner for cashier, etc.; good
trade. Call 24l' Stark St.
GOOD solid business that will pay you good
salary and profits, guaranteed: particulars
Room 623. Lumber Exchange.
La"V etudent Good opening In established
law office f small salary.- Call 424 Cham
ber of Commerce.
WKI L - ESTABLISHED and best-located
hairdreselng parlora In the city; must sell
on account of sickness- S 0MtOre-onian.
D 1RY lunchi $430. half cash: fully
equipped, doing good business. See Mr.
Wood. 310 Spalding bldg.
MANUFACTURING business wants partner;
pay you $200 month. Room t23. Lumber
Fo it "SALE Saloon In good location; owner
has other business to attend to. Inquire
84 N. 6-h St.
FIRST-CLASS grocery store In good locality;
atock and flxturea about 2TOO. Apply R
MS4. Oregonlan.
GROCERY store, worth $1700 for $1000;
snappy snap. See this. Owner. 615 Board
of Trade. Establisiied business. ,
.l vi a i v Corner srocery.
ilh iiving-
room: doing good business, cheap renL V
ti i 1 . Ore-tuiiian- .
jelephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher inv. 10.. o a.".1"".".
BEST restaurant proposition on East Side.
Call 107 Grand ave.
LIT your hotel, rooming or apartment
houso with us today, so as to -get It In
our Sunday ad. Phone and we will cifll on
you If your house has men: we will ad
vertise and sell It without any incon
venience on your part.
4t2 Corbett Bldg.
Marshall 1720. A 1733.
Why pay rent when you can clear1-all
expenses by Investing In a rooming or
anartment-houseT We have a good list.
Come In and let us sell you one.
come mroDDAKD & BRENNER. .
505 CoochB I dg.
200 BALANCE EASY, puts you Into splen
did clean, paying little business; excel
lent neighborhood, yet awfully low rent;
v-at .-side's all right. See this, anyway.
1.1 Ross, near Broadway. "Mississippi"
ave. cars. . '
Sudden call. henc cuts $230O house to
$2Xjo terms: near P. O. ; steam heat,
other' essentials, good house. Come to
room 15. 270t-j Washington st.
TWO furnished Dais, 30 and 40 rooms,
both modern: bargain If taken at once;
selling on account of sickness. Phone A
FOR SAI.B Rooming-house, no agents, lsi
W. i''1"
FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair
mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we
renovate mattresses and return same day,
we also renovate feathers. Portland
Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, 42
Front- Phone Main 474; A 1174-
LOST A 2-months' old white Spltx dog.
Parties having same will receive a hand
some reward, if the dog is returned and
no questions asked; return to 601 Al
berta at,
LOST Gent's scarfpln; amethyst stone v,itll
pearls inlaid; reward If returned to A. rl.
Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bids., 3d and
LOST Brown hair switch, lost on Washing
ton between 5th and tith. Thursday; llb
eial reward ; return to Oregonlan.
FOUND Stray pointer. Call East 249 and
Identify 1
LOST Belt pin. attached to velvet belt;
reward. Return to 3Q3 Harrison st.
F. C. B. CHARM, with diamond set; return
to 141 North 0th. Reward.
biyciAL OTlCs;g.
Proposals Invited.
Sealed propoal will be received at the
office of the Lewlston Laud and Watef
Company, limited, in the City of Lewis
ton. Idaho, on or before the 4m day of
February, lull, for the sale of bonus of
the Lewiston Land and .Waier Company,
limited, dated January 1, 110.
Those bonds ottered at the lowest price
not exceeding, however, par, with Inter
est accrued to the 4th day of February,
lull, will be accepted and paid for to tna
extent to ten thousand 110.000) dollar,
or any sum In excess thereof on hand oil
raid 4th day of February, lull. " h
sinking fund created u&der article ol
the trust deed securing said bonds.
THE CITY of Toppcnlsil. Wash., will re
ceive scaled bids until 8 P. M.. February
0, lll, for the furnishing of all the ma
terials aud labor for the construction of
a sewer eyatcm.
Approximate quantities: 13.000 feet or
8 to Ill-Inch pipe, 33 manholes, 3 flush
A certified check for $1000 must accom
pany each bid.
Plana and specifications on lile with the
City Engineer and City Clerk. ,
Bids must be made on blanks tur
nished by the city. '
The Council reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. W. U. jlASSIU.
1. R. REDMAN, City Clerk.
City Lngineer.
OFFICE of C. Q. M-. Vancouver Barracks,
Wash.. January 20. 1011. Seajed pro
posals In tripllcata will bo received uero
or at ofTlces of the respective post Viun
termasters. un.ll 11 o'clock A. M.. 1-Otn
meridian time. May 3. ltnl, for furnish
ing fuel at Forts Egbert and Gibbon,
Alaska, for flscal year commencing July
1. lull. information furnished here or
by yuartermasters at posts. United States
reserves the nsht to reject or accept any
or all proposals, or any part thereof, en
velopes containing proposals should be
mai-Kct: "Proposals tor r'uel at , un
dressed to Post Quartermaster, Fort Lgurt
or Fort. Gibbon. Alaska, or Chief J. Ii.,
Vancouver Barracks, Wash.
Sealed proposals will be received for
the erection and completion of St. Mary s
R. C. Church. Pendleton. Oregon, until
Wednesday. March 1. lbll. at 1 o'clock
p. i.
Ail bids must be addressed to M. V.
White, architect, 010 Market street, Pend
leton, Oregon. ,
Plans and specifications may be had
from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo. S. J., Pend
leton. Oregon, and irom M. P- W lute,
architect, ll17 First street. Baker city,
Dated January 13. 19 1L
The regular quarterly dividend of one
and three-fourtns (l-c't) per cent on
the Preferred stock ot tms company hus
been declared for the quarter euuing Jan
uary 31, 1011, payable on the 1st day of
February, lull, to stockholders of record
at the close ol business January 23, lllil.
Transfer books will close at close oil busi
ness on January 23, lull, and reopen on
February 2. 11.1L p KEV1NS.
Portland. Oregon. Jamiarylo. iy 1L
I WILL not stand responsible for any debts
Incurred by Mrs. William J. Walters.
Signed by WllllamJ. Waiters.
WE have the acreage and wish to Interest
parties with money to subdivide aad mar
. iet the same; a largo tract, close in. on
carline; a ground-Iloor proposition, ln
ney & stampuer. 4JA-0J2 Lumber H.X-
chanse blda.
On Improved city property or for building
010 Spaluing Bldg. ;
FOR SALE A guaranteed per cent In
vestment with a very good speculative
Jeature. AE 077, Ore gon lan,
$4oOO REAL ESTATE sales, contracts and
mortgages; property sold for $10,000; lib
er a litiscounl1211
bOi -jpaiuiag duuuwv.
Money to Loan Real Estate.
J l, l i.i ' u --
Have money to loan, any amount, small
or- large loans; wlil buy urst and second
morigate building loaiis; ijioney advanced
as bunding pr6 teases.
O. W. TAKll, 200 McKay Bldg.
ON IMPROVED city property or lor build
ing purposes; 3 to years' time; liberal
. r-payuient privileges, mouey auvanced as
LulTumg progresses. 'Ine equitable sav
ings Loan AJocmJjm.JUubAak. su
TODAY we have $12,000 at C per cent, $10.
ooo 7000 and $oouo at i and several amis,
irom oO to $1UOO and two of 1.00. 11c
K.emele At CO.. 316 Gel lingerbldg.
A-Li. Ml of money to loau at O and i par
-i.L on real estate security.
Jg-DVV. e. MALI. .
1U4 Second St,
WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city
property in sums from $1000 to $30,OU0
. u lowest current rales. Morgan, Fueuner
at Boycev buJ-iiuU Abingtun aids.
$500 000 ON improved city or farm property;
buliomg or small loans at lowest prices,
large loans a specially. . ti- Mco-ouaie
X.C.. 314-lb-lO Geriinaer bldg.
FIRST and secoftu mortgages and contracta
udrcnaaeiA - - '- .
wnere in Oregon or vvasulugtou.
Aoveiaux. FeuionbldB., 040LU St.
lMrlluVEl) or unimproved property; small
bulluina loans; contracts auu moi'tgagcs
bought. W. tL- Jvunn. oneriock oiU)-.
.""ucTwio 'A'O LOAft, largo Joans a apociany.
liuiiuing loans, lowest, rales. t. v,. xieca.
aMng bd g.
iTiUKTGAGE loans on city property; lowest
rates. A. rt. xreu Co.. Mi jlcrvay oiu..
ia majitMs-
xtoOO TO $10,000 to loan on l'urtlatid prop-
rTr -.i per cent, call 3i Boaru ol iuus
biui.'"-"- y-
rivlVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount;
terms reanonaule; mortgages purenaseu.
lienry C. Pruunuinnie Co.. Spalding bidt;.
LTuK-xGAtaE LOA,No Al BtAou.Ali,ti
"Alfca.Furt:L--yVla. La. . la .PLy.
iTiN-ToN INSlDil rhOrEKl Y AX a iu i
PRIVATE mouey loaned on real estate mort
gagee. ALslHey. room Itm. tier:iugar uiUjj.
fci- laluni loaned. 0 per cent W. H. Hum
sT state agent, Aiun-uurnaa Co.. -sou c. c.
vCT i Toau lU.uuu or less, leal estate secur.ty.
t'irrina'.on. 410 Commercoal Cluu mug.
rTTi'vTTE money loaned on real estate.
Biatl at Sivwr.ght. oQ4 Deaum bldg.
r...Mv; any amount. to s per cei,u uv.
b'unj j"1." "-tia'"
Tii ssooo to loan on real estate ae-
1i"i,C a.S 07S. Oregonlan.
, ,t I and t per cent on improved
,vTte money to loan on improved city
w . , , .an 3000 or leas on rtm estate.
T. 7", l Sums to lend on mortgage; slight
vTTTu r ci Alt LOANS, a AND 7 PER clmt.
"l.;luAl.Oilul(,.SIS.tiTAlllv ST.
,niss on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C. W. Pallet-, aotl-a Fen ton.
.mIo LOAN on close-In property. J. H.
"pton C."0bSpaIdin8blu.
- xjune to Loan Chattels aud Salaries.
Do you want money today? Ybu can It for the asking. I loan money
Quickly and strictly confidentially on pt
.i.,a. furniture aud diamonds; very low
rates of Interest. Maiden, 322 Failing.
Main 8510. A '
vTr.KEV advanced salaried people.
keepers and others upon their ow fiaories
without security; cheapest rates, easiest
navment: offices In 66 principal cities;
save yourself by getting my terms lirsu
ioLMAN. 31T Lumoer lilxchange.
1 OANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, sult ;
trunks, overcoats and musical iji- I
anuments. Uncle Myers. 71 8th. between
Oak and Pine. Main DIP.
LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se
curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan
' s IM Laxayette bldg, 'a and Wash, sta.
" Money toLoa-Cnauela andSsu
3U7 Spalding Bldg,
3d and Wasniugton Sta,
Money. Money. Money. Money. Money.
We loan money that's our business.
We have money for those who need It.
We all need money. Therefore, come
to us.
We loan on pianos, furniture, eta
Why let your small billa worry yooT
We can advance you any amount from
$10 upward. . "
Why go to other companies T Sea us.
Wise people DEAL with us.
When others fail, consult the old ra-
I $ .
If you knew how easy our terms are
you would not be short of money. Don't
be bothered with a- lot of small debts;
let us furnish money to settle them
Furniture and pianos, storage receipts,
livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of
secrnties: terms to suit: also easy weekly
or monthly Installments. We buy and
loan on flrst and second mortgages and
eauity In contracts.
312 Hamilton Bids.. 131 3d. Main 20S4.
$ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $
- B R O K E R S.
$10 TO $100.
ec-.-iTUlTV I'Ct
SAAIC cii-i,.ii.
$ $ $ 308 FAILING B LDG.
LOW rates: we ioan money on diamonds
and jewelry. Marx Ac Bloch. 74 3d St.
A LOAJi for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co..4H Dekum bldg.
LOANS on diamonds and other securities.
Wm. Holl. room a. Washington bldg.
Loans vianieo.
WE can invest your money at good rates of
interest- Gilt-edf-e securities. First mort-gaii-s.
Long-term investment.
524-520 Boa d of Traite Bldg.
WE can use $33,000 to good advantage and
have nothing but first-grade security to
offer: prefer to deal with principals But-terworth-Stophenson
Co.. Main bo-A a--35
$5000 FOR " years from private party;
hlEh-clat-s West Side residence security.
A 074, Oregoniam : :
$S.-.00 MRTG AcTe. 2',-i years, 6 per cents.
Multnomah County arreago valued -2;-3'0.
Make me an offer. P. O. Box 4oo.
MljNEY WANTED Applications on hand
for desirable loans; mortgages for sale.
Henry C. prndhumme Co.. Spalding bldg.
WANTED -$120U for 3 years at 7 per cent,
on nico bungalow closo in. Call 317 Board
of Trade bliig.. 4th and Oak.
S22iMi 'iO 12300 wanted on new East Side
residence built for owner's own home; 3
year?. 7 per cent. T 077, oregonlan.
LET us place your money, good mortgages;
lefereneen, F. H. Lewis, tt Lewis bldg.
WANTED 4lilio on income business prop
erty, value ;u,i"HJLJiJin
WANTED J6000 on well Improved city
property; value $1S.UU0. Main 2018.
$Hl0 and $"3iTi io wanted on Improved realty.
W OSS. Oregonlan.
SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all
troubles quickly; Jefferson guarantees to
place secret knowledge and power in your
own hands, to remove the cause of any
trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by
any one or anythln-c and open up a quick
and sure way for the contentment, happi
ness and good influence for success that
you desire. Call and consult him daily
or Sunday, lo A. II. to s P. 1.. at iJS
Washington stL(abovo 14th at.).
MEN. get wise When you get tired of
handing your money over to the big ad
vertisers, come to mn for a positive cure.
I can show you results. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Modern methods, latest electric
apparatus. Consultation free. W .- I.
Howard, M. D.. 30-1-6 Rothclilld Bldg.,
4th and Washington.
Diseases of women and children, sur
gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated
according to the latest methods; private
hospital accommodation; confinement
cared for; consultation ,fe. Room 10.
Grand Theater bldg. M al n3938, A i i 7.
grsduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom
ach ailments, under physician's direc
tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East llth
at, second door south from East Ankeny
carline; Phone East 260. B 103.
ICMENTUM. Guaranteed to cute piles,
boils, felons and all chronic skin diseases.
By mall 50c per Jar. Aduress ine ii.
lUr-ntum. Chemical Co.,
Portland, Or.
70S Dekum bldg.
Diseases of women and children, electric
treatment of nervous aliments, private
hospital. Room 510. Merchants Trust bldg..
6th and Washington. Main 404 1. A - 1.
Leading wig and toupee makers: finest
stock ot human hair goods; halrdresslng.
manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147
Tth st, near Morrison. Phone Main 546.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental and spirit
ual scientist, permanent resident and re
liable advisor. 22 Selling-Hlrsch. Main
DKESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep
your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and
deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 0 Stark.
H AIR The largest stock of pure hair, ail
shades, to be closed out at less than whole
sale prices. Fine halrdress given. Aza H.
Rll becke. Grand Leader, Sth and Alder.
DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder troubles and piles. Consultation
free. 181 1st at., Portland.
MME. FLORENCE URY. late of New York,
manicure, face and scalp treatment Suite
IT Selling-Hlrsch bldg, $86 Wash. St.
Phone Marshall 1982.
LADIES No danger with Lorens Antisep
tic Cones: are soothing, safe and sure: $1
box. 3 for $2.50.. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co,
2i,9 Morrison st-
MASSAGE given at residence, hotel, ciub.
by experienced masseur; graduate doctor.
Marshall 1908.
s'ME. Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformatles corrected, plastic
surgery. 433 Morrison St. Main 5042.
q Onne Jurvas Natural sanltorlum. 1T8 K.
60th. Apoplexv. appendicitis, tubercular
io. a aueclaltv. Tabor 2008. B 2813.
M ALICE HA MOT, chiropractor, electrical
anuliances for rheumatism. Suite 43,
Mllner bldg-. 4'h floor. 350Vs Morrison SU
THE BATTLECreek San., bathrooms, ladles
only. "DrexelbjdB.Mainia38.
Lat OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of
women. 532 Davis st. Main $215.
MAI'RING. face and scalp treatment.
M 1SS I--- iynu"rt't", - "
MISS Wallace, magnetic electric treatment,
mental, spiritual scientist. 190 1 Ith st.
np ROSA HOWARD, electric massage aad
bath, hi Selllag-Hirsch. Main 72.
MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. P. Hill. 429 Flledner bidg. M 1473.
jjK. K.ETCHUM treats women's maladies,
179 V 8d st, cor. YamhllL .
"4 Worcester Biock Main 73C.I). A 1449.
"t ounsel and expert In ail matters per
taining to municipal, commercial, fac
tory cost and industrial accounting.
Public accountants and auditors. Com
mercial county and municipal work.
400 Concord Bldg.
Commercial, County and Municipal.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
a-A Worcester block. Phone Main 0567.
Asuyer aud Analyst.
Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers. - chem
ists and assayers. 204 Ki Washington.
,n(1 ore-testing vrork. ISO Morrison at.
" Attor-ceys.
A. E COOPER, attorney at law; practice In
all' courts; abstracts examined. 710 cham
ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2071.
' ' Batlis and Swimming.
Port'and Swimming Baths. 107 4th Elegant
Dlunge. eteam tub and shower baths. 25c.
Brass and Machine Work.
aad machine work. 100 N. Sth. Main 3702.
Chiropractic Physician.
ciriOAvjiATTC TICX--iR"; say It Iast
and rer.-&oil-r Columbia hldg., 12 to 5:0.
DR- EVA 4ARSH. flrst lady chiro. Dr. in
Oreou. 223 Fliedner. Hours to 6.
WITiT-IAM. Kstelle and Flossie Deveny. the
,n'iy scientific chiropodists, in the city,
p'ariora 302 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor- 2d
and Alder. Phone Main 1301. .
Chiropody nnd pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 420 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473.
Civil Engineers.
ORR'N F STANLEY, civil engineer. 1003
Chamber o commerce bldg,
THE STEVENS Catering Co. takes entire
charge of preparing and serving at all
social functions. C 225S.
Coal and Wood.
DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place in
city. $4.5o load; wood, stove
lengths. $3 00 load. Portland Wrecking
Company, 105. 107 llth at. N. Phone
Main 37. A 373C
COAL $7.00 A TON.
Others char-re ;i.50 and $10 for the
same grade; we are in the transfer busi
ness and sell coal to keep men and teams
busy during the dull season. Order NOW.
Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 101S. A 1U84.
Commie-don Merchants.
TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, coiu-
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.
25c PER lesson, or 4 lessons for $1; waits,
two-step, three-step, stage dancing. etc ;
every morniner. afternoon and evening for
beginners, including lady and gentlemen
. teachers. Prof. Wal. Willson's school, old
est and only recognized leading academy
for correct dancing. 3S0!i Wash. St., bet.
W. Park and 10th t.
st, between Wash, and Stark stfl., stage
dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar
anteed in four lessons; class and social
dance Monday, S to 12 Lessons dally.
- Dentists.
ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work ia
impossible; does away entirely with plates,
bridgework: we cure pyrrohea (loose
teeth) absolutely, terms to reliable people.
Rex Dental Co, Abington hldg.. 100 Va 3d st.
' Dog and Horse Hospital
Dr. Brown, DV.TffTceralirN. llth at.
Main 4080: res. E. 5440. Hospital 89 12th st.
Electric Motors.
Motors for rent or sale. 202 Lumber- .
men's bldg. Phone Mar. 2700.
Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d at.
ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts' Seabury
ateam engines and boilers, gasoline en
gine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phone E 315.
. Civil Construction Engineers, .
Main 4770. Spalding Bldg.
Feed Store.
ZIULE7R & Mistier, hay, grain, feed, ce
ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482.
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. L. MASTIC i CO.. 74 Front. Leather
of every description, taps, mfrs, findings.
labllshed LS58. 189 Front St.
B. TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and spe
cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma
chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4lh.
EMIL THIELHORN", violin teacher, pupil
Sevcik. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Mar. 1623.
Neurologists. Eye Kiieciftlisla.
QUICK relief for eve and nervous troubles.
Drs. Freeze Rice. 32rt' Washington at.
Osteopathic I'ti.vlcians.
DR. I.eRoy Smith, graduate Klrksville, Mo.,
class of 18118, post-graduate 190T, under A.
T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-319 Swetland
bldg. Main 1DS7. A 1985. .
415-416-417 Dekum Bldg.
Phone. Office M. 340; Res.. EastorB 102.1.
Paints. Oils and (Ila-ts.
RASML'SSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent Attorneys.
PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney
at law, late ot U. S. Patent Office. Book
let free. 719 Board of Trade hldg.
U. S. and foreign patents that protect are
secured through Pacif.-fc Coast Patent
A gency. Inc.. Dept. A.. Stockton. CaL
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents. Infringement cases. 004 Dekum.
Paving. .
THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605
608 Electrio hldg. Oscar Huber. Portland.
WARREN Construction Co. Street paving,
sidewalks and cross walks. 817 Beck bldg,
UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year
In Portland. 71 Cth St. Main 910.
office near 24th and York sta, M. 3489.
Rubber Stamps. .
ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc
Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Rug Weavers.
old carpets: colonial rag rugs. East 3.0.
B 128Q. 133 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison.
' Snfes.
PURCELL SAFE CO, 85-87 5th St.. exclu
sive agents Herring-Hall-JIarvIn Safe Co.,
manufacturers of genuine Hall bate
Lock Co'a. safes and vaults.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d st. Safes
at factory prices: second-hand safes.
Showcases, Bank and St-royix-e.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap
Ids Showcase Co.. 0th and Hoyt. R. Lutke.
showcases In stock: prompt delivery, bale
agent. M. Winter Lumber Co.
MAItSIlALL MFG. CO, 4tli nnd Couch; nsw
and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work.
BEST In the city: ear lots or leas. 8.
Gilbert. 201 Washington st.
STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110.
B01 Front st. .
Storage nnd Transfer.
Experts, reliable men, no booze-flghters.
will move you quicker, cheaper and bet
ter than anyone else. Phone us for an
estimate ; storage rate the very lowest.
Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones.
C O PICK Transfer Storage Co, offices
and commodious 4-story hnck warehouse,
seuarate iron rooms and fireproof vault for
valuables. N. W. cor. 2d nnd Pine sta.
Pianos and furniture moved and packed
for shipping. Main 590. A 1990.
13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest
and most modern storage warehouse In
cltv every convenience for safe and proper
handling of goods: lowest Insurance rate
fn Northwest; free trackage: vans for
moving. Ma'n or A 1520.
Geneual transfering and storage; safes.
nWinos and furniture moved and packed,
for Bhlpment. 87-S9 Front st. Telephore
Main .147 or w a;o.
OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 18i0.
Transfer and forwarding agents Storage.
Office 310 Hoyt st, between 5th and 6th.
Phones Main 69. A 1169.
STORAGE, with trackage. Telephone Sunset
Grain Co, E. 555. C 2313.
WE are the exchange for the largest type
writer concerns on this Ooast: investigate;
Til makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex-
chnnge. am1
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $00, fully
guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. $300
per month. Pacific Stationery & Printing
co, -". -u bv.
vr-V rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut
rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407.
Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians.
S' si Ankeny A 3999. Main 2-102.
Gordon, agent. 480 Columbia at.
Window Cleaners.
WINDOW - CLEANING Expert window
v. j, u.-oi-tr hv ononthlv eon-
cleaner iu J-"1-: 7-4
tr;lct. 272 Burnslde. A 4i63.
NEW ERA Window Cleaning Cot, 63 Para
- nVnn. Ainln 7385.
8t, iv. '
rOKD-cJ)JIplvv,Ty LINES.
Vancouver lane.
. M 6 15. 6:50, 7:23. 8:00. 8:35, 9:10,
a -hi 1030, 11:10. 11:50.
9.IW, .30 i:10i i.jn, 2:Sn, S:io. 8:50,
a.'tn 610. 6:50. 6:30, 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. 8:50,
B:23 10:00. 10:35. 11:10. 11:45.x.
On the third Monday In every month the
last car leaves at 7:05 P. M.
c.arg for Vancouver make no slops on
Union avenue between Bumslde street and
Portland boulevard to let o(f passengers,
but make stops to pick up passengers at all
transfer points.
Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with
cars for Portland:
A MOiO-v. 6:33. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20. 8:55,
930. 10:10, 10:50, 11:30.
PM 12:10. 12:r,0. 1:30. 2:10. 2:50. 8:30,
4:10. 4:50. 5:.10. 6:10. 6:50. 7:25, 8 00. 8:33,
H'lO 9:45. 10:20. lu:.ox. uij'i, i-tvoxx.
On third Monday of every month the last
ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M.
Leaving '-i-iie m umm ,..,....
Cars from Vancouver make no stops on
Union avenue between Portland Boulevard
and Burnslda street, except to let off pas-
a"rn'v except Sundays. xDally except
jUondays. jtxRuni a local on Union aveiiua.