Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 21, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Store Will Remain Open Until 9:3Q This Evening - Delightful Luncheon Served in Tea Room on tHe Fourth Floor
Southern California Apparel Exhibit on the Second Floor i Scenic Showing of Coronado Beach, California and Hotel
Afternoon Concert Stiles' Orchestra
Olds. Wort man QX Kin ft
Specials in tHe
Baseme't Store
$15 Values $7.85
In the Basement "Underprise Store,"
a remarkable Coat offering. Wom
en's full length coats, made of broad
cloth and mannish tweed mixtures;
black and medium pray, semi-fitting,
perfectly tailored. Some are trimmed
with velvet collars, a fall range of
sizes. $12.50 and $15 vals. C7 OC
Special Clearance price P
D res s
S7.5Q Vals. $3.68
In the Basement "underprice Store,"
240 women's Dress Skirts, made of
fine panama and fancy striped Eng-li.-h
st'rge of unusually good quality;
trimmed with buttons and self-strap-pin:;,
all are perfect fitting and well
tailored. Hlack brown
and navy colors. $7.50 val.
Boys Unlaundered
5Qc Shirts 19c
In the Basement "Underprice Store,"
a special clearance of boys' white,
unlaundered Shirts, mado of extra
fine cambric, cut full in the body.
Correctly sized, 111 4. 2, uy2, -t Q
14. Our reg. 50c stock val.
Boys Underwear
50c Values at 29c
In the Basement "Underprice Store,"
a spocialelearanee sale of boys' Un
derwear, Shirts and Drawers, fine
ribbed, sanitary fleece lined, medium
weight, sizes 22 to 34. Our reg- OQ
nlar 50c values. Sp'l Clearance -C
Apron Ginghams 5c
Huck Towels 55c Doz.
In the Domestic section of the Base
ment ' Underprice Store," a sale of
good quality Apron Ginghams in
small and medium checks, fast colors,
27 inches wide. On sale at the C
special Clearance Sale price, at C
Lawn 27 inches wide, nice quat- 7
ity, pure white. Special, yard
Towels Heavy quality Huck, good
size, wifh colored borders. At CC
Srwtt'ial Plonninee Price Anr..
Bath Towela Bleached,
with frinee; superior quality.
Special Clearance Sale price
Men's, Young Men's
$2Q Suits $8.95
In the Basement "Underprice Store,"
a sale of men's and young men's
Snits. Broken lines, but all sizes.
Worsteds, cashimeres, etc. food
styles, very good values to $20.00.
All grouped in one lot to Q QC
close at the very low price FOiViJ
Boys' BlacK Shirts
5Qc Values at 35c
In the Basement "Underprice Store,"
a clearance of boys' Black Sateen
Shirts, very well made of good ma
terial: all sires up to 141 o. Our reg
nlar 50c values. Special Clear- QC
ance Sale price, the garment ---
In the Basement "Underprice Store."
30c Angel Food, special the lb. lo
50c Assorted Chocolates, the lb. 25
Pure Food
Show Begins
Today at 2 P. M.
Spend the afternoon and evening at the Great
International Pure Food Show, fourth floor.
Best arranged and best display of high-class
food stuffs ever , shown in the Northwest.
Watch the daily papers for announcements.
Men's Snirts
$2.50 Vals. $1.19 Mil
Men's high-grade, coat-style Shirts, with
cuffs attached, plaited or plain fronts, made
of Russian cords, French percales, imported
madras, etc. Well made, per- j "1 Q
feet fitting; values to $2.50 for NX. 1 H
At The
Evening; Concert De Caprio and His Band
Boys Airship
Contest Opens
Monday, Jan. 23
$300.00 in prizes. 1st prize, $35.00 cash. Ev
ery exhibitor will be given a prize. Contest
open to boys nnder 18 yrs. of age. Positively no
professional-made machines allowed to enter.
Olds -Wortmaa:
offee Pots
$1.40 Val.ues 75c
In the Hardware and Kitchen goods store,
3rd floor. Nickel Plated Coffee Pots, dou
ble seamed bottoms and ebony handles; 5
pint size, $1.40 value. 4 pint size, p7tlg
$1.15 val.; 3 pint size, $1.10 value
33dl AnEtsal Clearance
$3.50 Handbag 1.98
50c Veiling at 14c
A surprise offering of 750 Women's Seal Hand Bags, in many
new shapes. Gilt and gunmetal trimmed. leather lined, single
and double strap handles; worth to $3.50 eachji QQ
Specially priced for this great clearance sale at, each V ,i'0
Veiling Odds and ends taken from our regular stock o fine
Mesh Veilings, in black, brown and all wanted shades; m
plain or fancy mesh. Values to 50c yard. Clearance price JLC
Boys' Clothing
$15 Suits at $8-45
$15Coats 845
In our Juvenile
store,2d floor, a sale
of boys strictly all
W ooluits, hand
tailored, very swag
ger styles, long cut
coats, single and
double breasted
styles, with, broad
shoulders, 'full peg
pants, Scotch
tweeds, cassimeres
and unfinished
worsted s brown,
gray and fancy mix
tures values to $15
this clear
ance price
OVERCOATS for boys 9 to 16 years of age. The very latest
styles, full length, medium and heavy weights, many are craven
etted. The "Presto" Collar and plain combination collar
st vies. Verv exceptional $12.50 and $15.00 val
nes. Special for this great clearance, priced
Sale 2000 Pair
50c Values 16c
Main floor A sale of 2000 pairs of
Scissors and shears for pocket and house
hold use. Special carbonized steel screw,
nickel-plated; all sizes. Our reg- 1 Cf
nlar 25c to 50c values, special at VJv
12V2C Toilet Paper 5c
$2.5Q Hot Water
Bottles at 98c
Main floor A sale of the finest quality
Tissue Toilet Paper. Extra strengtfi,
1000 large sheets to the roll; reg- ' C.
nlar 12Ve quality, clearance price
Hot Water Bottle Seamless, heavy vul
canized edge, 2 and 3-quart size; red
rubber, warranted for one year; our
regular $1.50 to $2.50 values, QO
special clearance sale price, ea,
75c Calling Cards 39c
Men's 15c SocKs, 9c
55c SocKs, 3pr. 5Qc
In the Men's Furnishings department, main floor, we offer an
unusual sale of Men's Tan, Black and Blue Cotton Socks, good
quality with high spliced heels and toes, absolutely fast Q
colors. AH 6izes. Regular values 15c pair; special price
Cashmere Socks for Men. Natural gray colors ; also fine lisles
in plain blue, red and gray colors. AH sizes in the lot. CA
Regular values at 25c and 35c a pair. Special, 3 pairs
SilK Petticoats
$10 Values $4-85
1.75 Business Cards 1.35
Card Printing Department, main floor.
We will print to order 100 visiting cards,
your choice of type and stock; OQ.
regular 7oc; special, 1UU lor only
BUSINESS CARDS printed on good
stock, using any style type, 500 such as
we sell regularly at $1.75, " OC
500 only r
work guaranteed,
Women's NecKw'r
$1.5Q Values 39c
t $8.45
Boys' $2.50 Hats, $1.29
Men's $3.00 Hats, $1.98
In the juvenile store, 2d floor, a
clearance of boys and children's
hats all the new styles in every
wanted color for little -children
or b ig boys Regular
32.5Q values clearance
Men's high-grade Belgian fur hats,
soft and stiff, the season's newest
blocKs and shades None better in
all the United States at
reg. $3 clearace price
A big showing of Women's Novelty
Neckwear in all the latest designs. Lace,
lawn and Persian effects in jabots,
stocks, cascades, Dutch collars, coat col
lars, etc. A big variety to close OQ.
out; regular $1.25 and $1.50 vals.
$1 Embroidery 37c
Just received a new lot of dainty Em
broideries which were picked up by our
New York Buyer at less than half price.
Corset Cover Embroideries, Bands and
Edges in many pleasing patterns of Swiss
and Nainsook, widths to 18 inches O 7f
and values to $1.00, special at
Child's Sweaters
$3 Values at $1.48
In the Infants' and Children's Store,
second floor, we offer Sweaters in cardi
nal, navy and white colors, ages 1 to
8 years; regular values to CI A$Z
$3.00 at clearance sale price "0
Infants' 85c white Sweaters only 49
Infants' $1.50 white Sweaters at 89
Children's $1.25 Drawer Leggins, 79
In the big garment
store, 2d floor, a
sale of women's fine
taffeta silK Petti
coats in plain colors
and changeable el-
wit h
fects styled
deep flounce,
med in bands-Reg.
31Q values,
Lot 2 Women
high-grade messa
line, taffeta and Per
sian silRs, change
ables and blacK silK
jersey tops with taf-
eta silK flounces The best values
we have ever been able
to show at $10.50, special
LOT 3 Women's Silk Taffeta Petticoats in the soft finish, also
changeable . and Dresden effects with deep flounces, trimmed
in tailored bands. All colors. Our regular values C QC
to $12.50, special clearance sale price, your choice, pJJJ
LOT 4 A line of Women's Silk Petticoats in messalines and
taffetas, with rich, lustrous finish; also silk jersey tops with
accordion plaited flounces of Persian or plain color- G7 Ak
ed silk. Our regular values to $15.00, clearance price K
Men's ClotHimg
$25.00 Suits $15.85
Over 500 of our newest fall styles
in men's Suits, all popular shades
and materials such as Scotch tweeds,
worsteds and cassimeres in the pop-
ular shades of gray and brown styles
lor young or old men, stouts, slims
and regulars Ail $25
value s, special sale
Olds, Wortman l King
From 6 to 9:30
SilK Thread
The Dozen 20c
6 to 9:30 this evening-, main floor,
a sale of Sublime Quality Sewing Ma
chine Silk, a standard make, finest
luster, extra strength, all wanted
shades, including black and white.
Regular A size. Clearance sale On
price, special at, the dozen
Hose Supporters
75c Values at lOc
6 to 9:30 this evening, women's
fine quality Silk and Lisle Elastio
Hose Supporters, fancy and plain.
The Velvet Grip kind, a good assort
ment of colors and styles to "I f
choose from, values to 75c, spl.
e n's Socks
20c Grade 11c
6 to 9:30 this evening, a sale of
500 dozen Men's Fine Merino Socks,
fight and dark gray colors, spliced
heels and toes, good, warm, long wear
'ers, and regular 20c grades. 11.
Special clearance sale price, C
Men's Hid Gloves
$1.50 Values 89c
6 to 9:30 this evening, a sale of
Men's Kid Gloves in pique or cable
stitch seams, gray or tan colors, for
street or dress wear. Regular QQ
$1.50 values, special priced at OJC
Grocery Specials
3Qc Sardines 25c
6 to 9:30 this evening, grocery
department, 4th floor. Our own O.
W. K. Imperial Roast Coffee, OJ
special evening price, the lb.
EIPE OLIVES Very choice brand
in y tins, 8 for 25c; in large Ofl
tins, special clearance pric'
SARDINES The Yacht Club OC
30c grade, special clearance,
Women's NecKw'r
5Qc Values at 16c
6 to 9:30 this evening, a sale Wom
en's Novelty Neckwear in many pleas
ing styles and effects; Jabots, Stocks,
Coat Collars, VcnLse, Dutch 1
Collars, etc.; to 50c vals., ea.
Wool Gloves, Mitts
25c-75c Values 15c
6 to 9:30 this evening, in the base
ment Underprice Store, an evening
sale of Woolen Gloves and Mittens,
for women and children, all sizes and
every wanted color; heavy and light
weight. Regular 25c to T5c 1 C
values, clearance price, pair AC
Men's 4inHands
35c Vals. 2 for 25c
In the basement Underprice Store,
from 6 to 9 :30 P. M., a sale of Four-in-Hand
Ties for men and boys, all
good, new patterns; regular OC
25c and 35c vals, at 2 for only C
75c French Fruits 45c
5Qc Chew'g Nougat 25c
At the Candy Counter, main floor, a
special sale of assorted French Fruits
put up in 1-pound boxes, reg. A g
75c values, special at, the box "JC
Fresh Chewing Nongat, full of tYCLr,
nuts, extra good 50c seller, at
II 1 1 V ' 1 I - j
Men's S3.50 Shoes Only $2.23
In the basement underprice store today a great clearance
Kids, box calf, patents, gunmetals, etc, all Kinds of leathers, and a broad
range of styles to choose from. Goodyear Welts values up to $3.5Q
of men's SKoes, vici
Sale Boys' High Cut
$3.5Q Shoes $2.19
First floor, high-cut Shoes, size 10 to 2; black, with buckle
at top. Box calf stock, blucher style, heavy double soles, full
bellows tongue. "Everwear," $3.50 values, now PO 1Q
on special sale at the very low price, the pair, only
Children's Shoes
98c, $1.12 and $1.34
In the Basement "Underprice Store," child's Shoes, .sizes 5 to
8, box calf, kid or patent, with cloth tops, 98c. Sizes 8 to 11
box calf, kid or patent, $1.12; sizes liy2 to 2, kid, "
box calf or patent, oh sale at the very low price, pair
$3.50 and $4 Flannel Snirts $1.95
Men's French flannel Shirtsina broad range of patterns, -with detachable collars
d French turn-bacK cuffs, strictly custom made, cut full in the body.
lUHgauuvu.ivv. , ' r
Sale of E. &.W. Shirts Sale of Men's Shirts
$2 Values Now $L29 $2 Values Only 85c
See window display of the famous E. & W. Shirts; also Savoy In the Basement "Underprice Store," the best Shirt offer of
and York Shirts, in all the new up-to-date patterns. Made of the season, plain or plaited bosoms, cut full and fit perfectly. A
the best materials. Regular $2.00 values. Now on flj! OQ long range of neat, new patterns, medium and light OC
sale at the extraordinary low price, the garment, 'Only fast colors; good sellers at $1.50 and $2.00. Special -
' '
Rumor That Major Kennedy Will
Go on Bench Is Circulated.
Sine Mmjnr J. P. Kennedy restxned
wrwtry of the Clil 8nrtc Cimml
'on two week alto, (her has been
penitent rumor In political circles that
on February I he would ucceed Muni
cipal Judg Tasw!l. of the Municipal
Court, who. It was reported, would re-
Urn on that date. Judge Taiwell aaid
laet night that he had no intention of
reWrnlng;. and. on the contrary, would
remain on the bench and be a candidate
for re-election.
"I have no Intention of reaig-nlnr."
mid Judge Taswell. "I shall be a candi
date for re-election. Does that look as
If I contemplated reetgnlng? I know
there has been some talk that I would
reclgn. but there la nothing to It. I
vhall rxmaJn on the bench In the Muni
cipal Court and am a candidate to suo
ceed nij-ewlf.-.
Council Afked to Require. Trains to
Stop at Sandy Road.
West-bound railroad trains must
come to a standstill before crossing
Sandy road. If the ordinance recom
mended to the City Council by the
street committee yesterday becomes a
law. The purpose of the ordinance Is
to provide protection to people crossing
tho tracks until ' the Council can de
termine whether a viaduct should ba
built across the tracks at that place.
The committee was not prepared to
act on a suggestion at once that a via
duct should be built and on motion of
Councilman Rushlight, seconded by
Councilman Kubll, the City Attorney
was authorized to prepare an ordinance
to cause west-bound trains, which are
on the down grade, to come to a full
stop before crossing the street.
. V. V. Cotton, legal representative of
the O.-W. R. ft N., objected to the pro
posed ordinance, and aaked that the
Dresent law limltlnsr the speed of trains
and cars in the city to six miles an
hour be changed to a more liberal al
lowance. M. J. Buckley, assistant man
ager of the road, acknowledged to the
committee that trains coming down
Sullivan's gulch went at a greater rate
than allowed by the city ordinance oft
en reaching a speed in the city limits
of 25 miles an hour.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world-wide Cold
and Grip remedy remove cause. Call for full
name. Look xor alsoature . W, GROVE. 23c
Bar Association. Committee to Re
port on Guarantees.
The Multnomah Bar Association wi.'l
listen tonight to the report of a com
mittee appointed to investigate the Title
& Trust Insurance Company. E. S. J.
McAllister, chairman of the committee,
presented a report to President Schna
bel yesterday afternoon.
The committee was appointed at the
last meeting of the association to give
en opinion as to proper procedure in
certificates of title. It was contended
that the company in question the only
one of its kind in the state had insuf
ficient capital to protect its guarantees
of title, -which now amount to a large
The meeting will be held In depart
ment No. 3 of the Circuit Court at 8
o'clock tonight.
Over 77 per cent of the total production
of alcohol In Germany la obtained from po
tatoes. There are about 6000 small and 40
Industrial diaiiUariaa in the eiruure.