FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. 1011. . OREGON! AX, '' . i i GRAC WALTON IS SUED FOR DIVORCE Torrid Letters From New York Politician Taken by Hus band From Satchel. HER LOVE IS TRANSFERRED Woman Who Figured in Several Sensations In Portland and Seat tle Comr to Front Again in San Francisco Dltorcc Cas. F..V FRANCIiCO. Jan. IX (Spe cial.) Some torrid lor letters are In cluded In the divorce paper filed here today by counsel for Eugene Perooe, now of the Cadillac Hotel. New York. aKilnat irrle Ieroodc. an actress, formerly Orac Walton, of "tha Beauty root" Company. lie name aa co-re-apoBdent ho lias brokrn up his home and alienated the love or hi wife. Bur row McNler. a New York politician and ally of Theodore Rooerveli In the rerent New York political rampaiitn. A part of tha deposition of pcroods ia a hnri'Ile of love-letters, alleged to liava been written by Burrowa McNler to tha wife, wherein their relaUona are ad mitted. This parket. tha husband sets forth, he secured from the hand-satchel of his wife during- hi calls on her at variola Kasiern hotels to beg her to lome bark to hlm. Inirlnir ht-i l.-lt to a hotel In Albany. N. Y . where Mr. IerooJe waa staying List year, tlia husband says whllrt sha waa taking a bath ha abstracted many cf the Utters from her luggage. Somt of the burring epistles are on tha let-trr-hrads of the Kepubllran Club of New York. Tha ground alleged In tba application are that Ms wife ha In formed him she loves Burrows McNler. and that McNler has promised to marry It Just as soon as he can get a di vorce from his wife In New York. 1 1.-re Is a sample letter, written o stationery of the Republican Club: -My pear l.lttie flirt I did (300 snares today, making IIU. and about $H0 more from other buetness. I tnuot go to bed now and dose until roa call rr.e up.' for 1 have been on nay feet all flay. I love you with all my heart, and hope ycu real! that your love la always safe with me. Levotelly. (Signed! "nCNNIEL" The follow In nlKiil on the same sta tionery he wrote. In part: -My Own Darling Little Sweetheart 1 airi waiting now for you. It Is -10 o'clock, acd 1 cannot leave until I hear froia you. I called up at the hotel and found that you had gone to the thra tr. so 1 know you are not sick. Call ne as soon aa you get p"t of the show. I.ove and kisses. Slgnrd "HfNNIE." The case la set for trial next Thurs-ttny. MRS. UK ItOOIF. HAS 1IISTOUY Mie Aided Ilu-banil in iloltlnp. Rroilicr HrJd t'p Portland Car. tlrare Walton was a Portland girl, w ho Brst sprang into tha public eye aa nueen of a street carfilral here some years ago. One In the public eye. she stayed there sr reason of a series of spectacular per !orrnanes. rihe married a young f-llow named H.ivhh-. and shortly afterwarda the couple -b&ed Into the limelight In Seattle by a ienes of hold-ups. A white hor.e figured in all the robberies, and It developed that a ml ilaynle did the actual work of -tl -king up" the victims. Grace sat In a n-arby buggy hoi. Unit a white horse hv t.-ie reins. After the victim had been ! prtd from his valuubh-s. Ilaynle. Mrs. Ilaynle and the white horse would pee-Illy vanish. Hayni shortly there after mad- an unwilling trip to Walla Walla, while Mrs. Haynle sought bls Irlonlo honors by way of low-priced vau deville. 8e was not a huge success In this pr-f-ulon and gravitated back to Portland. wh-re sne was next brought Into promi nence by her brother. Charles Walton. Wa'ton undertook to hold up a streetcar on Twenty-third street, but unfortunately selected a car on which Patrolman Nel .n was riding. In the melee which fol lowed. Nelson waa shot and nearly died from the eff'cts of his wound, but Walton was captured- The family tried to dem onstrate young Walton's Insanity, but he n-'xertheles received a term In prison. (Irs-re left here shortly afterwards, and that she had married again was not cen trally known. BALLAST SHIFTS IN STORM Celtic Glen Has Rough F.xprrlonc Off Columbia. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. 13.-r-f Special.) The British ship Celtic fllen arrived this afternoon 54 days from t'allao. In ballast. Captain Roberts reports a fairly pleas snt trip until December I when In lat itude 41 north ho encountered a heavy gale. lie arrived off the mouth of tha Co lumbia Sunday morning, sailing Inside the lightship. The pilot schooner was In sisht but the seas were too rough for a rllot to coma on board. The shtn was rompelled to head off shore and that right sha ran Into a terrific hurricane that continued for two days. Heavy cross seas were running and the vessel rolled so heavily that early the follow ing morning tha bulkheads gave way and the ballast of sand and stones shifted to starboard, throwing the ahlp almost on her beam ends. In that condition the Teasel was al most unmanageable. but fortunately she was about 40 miles off shore and while driven by the gale a distance of ever 0 miles north of tha river, she did not get near the beach. As quickly as possible the crew went to work on the ballast and after three days of al most continuous labor succeeded In moving about ISO tons and righting the ship. She now has a list of about six ,-crees. The Celtlo tilen . made the mouth of tha river tha second time this , morning. HALF-PRICE HOEING TO GO Stair Horseshocra' Association to Slop Cat Kates In Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe cial ) For several weeks the livery men and those owning horses have had their animals shod for half price, but this promises to end soon. Thomas Gourley. National organiser, and Claude P. Cox. of the State Master Jlorseshoers' Protective Association. v.T, heard of the custom, and they will ba here Saturday to organise a lo cal onion and put ftiem back to their .old aUhSdaxd. . GREAT ACTRESS AND DIVA TO WHOM TRIBUTES WERE PRESENTED YESTERDAY. E:. s h I . m 8 ... - ' UBaaa 12 lea Terry. r . , , l; ' - , . k r i' -f' . " ?E ' ,' I .. - . " . . I - V-r-J.-':rVV v : f V '. , ..S.--'"' , 1 l ' ' , . V'.i ...... : ... . : DIVA GIVEN PLATE San Francisco Enthuses Once More Over Tetrazzini. SINGER IS DEEPLY MOVED Long Before Hour Set Teoplc Tliron; Kink to See City's Tribute of Cold rrcsented to World's Famous Prima Dobdi. "AN FRANCISCO. Jan. (Ppe rlal.) In royal fashion San Francisco turned out at Dreamland Rink this afternoon to give a San Francisco wet come to Madame Loilsa Tetraxslnl. The formal presentation to tho srrcat diva of the plats of California sjold that the city bestowed upon her In return for the memorable favor she bestowed upon the city on Christmas eve In singing at Ixuta's fountain was made. Rnthuslasm was Infectious, hearty and unrestrained. The great audi ence, which commenced to assemble as early as the noon hour, was ready with cheers for everything and everybody pertaining to the entourage or the diva. It remained for Acting Mayor Kelly. In the presentation address, to arouse the audience to the highest point of enthusiastic response. Klonuently the Acting- Mayor re viewed the memorable evening' at Lotta'a fountain, when the songbird, at the gravest risk to her mstchless voice, bestowed the beauties of that golden voice upon the poor of the city, who would not otherwise have been able to hear her. When the presentation of the rU plate was made the singer waa deeply moved' and It was some moments be fore she could express her gratitude and appreciation. GOLD MEDAL GIVEX TO TF.ItUY Founders of New Theater Fay Honor to Kngllsh Actress. NKW YORK. Jan. 19. In recognition of distinguished sendees to dramatic art. Miss tillcn Terry, the Kngllsh actress, was presented with a gold medal this afternoon by the founders of the New Theater. The presentation was made at the thea ter before a notable assemblage 'of men of letters, playwrights, musicians and the flower of stageland. To Miss Terry falls the dual distinction of being the flrst woman and the first British sublect so honored. Prior to the presentation a special per formance of Maeterlinck's 'Sister Beat rice" was given. CNITKD WORKERS OFFENDED IiY AMERICAN FEDERATION. If Action Is Taken, necausc West ern Men Cannot Got Charter, Unions) Mar Merge. COLUMBUS. O.. Jan. 19. A resolu tion which may mean the withdrawal of the United Mine Workers of Ameri ca from the American Federation of Labor, because of Its refusal to grant a charter to tho Western Federation of Miners, was Introduced today in the convention of mine workers by the committee on resolutions. It probably will be voted on tompn-ow. Passage of the resolution would mean the merging of the United Mine Workers with the Western Federation of Miners, a move much desired by many members and officers of the United Mine Workers. If we can't get what w-e want be fore the end of our convention, I sug gest that we withdraw from the Ameri can Federation of Labor." was the ad vice President Lewis g-ave the dele gates. Considerable stir was' created among; the mine workers today by the locking out of Emma Ooldman from Memorial Hall, where the convention Is meeting-. Miss Ooldman has been making- efforts to speak before the convention and today when she appeared at the hall, about 100 delegatea to the convention met her. The custodian said he had been or dered to lock the doors against Miss Uoldman, and the delegates and Miss Ooldman adjourned to another hall, where she spoke. TEACHERS PJ-AN PENSIONS Annuity After SO Years' Service Contemplated, by Bill. To provide for the payment of an nuities to teachers In school districts In if., , : . ' , e v fvy VV - ... W ""Ki ll : ' . II ' - II 1 -V 'W - . T- ,VsJ !C ts V-. ,'.-- ' - .' Mme. TetraaaJnt, Oregon having more thnn 10.000 chil dren of school age. a bill has been pre sented to the Legislature authorising the Incorporation of a retirement fund association. The bill provides that the association "shall receive at the time of the annual apportionment of the Ir reducible school fund a sum equal to 2 per cent of the amount of the said funds which shall be apportioned to the dis trict in which said association is formed." 'if the bill passes, the public school teschera of Portland will form a cor poration. Tire fund will be maintained by contributions from teachers. Inter est on the permanent fund and the 2 per cant revenue from the Irreducible school fund apportioned to the district. Teachers will pay 11 a month tho first ton years of service; 12 a month tho second ten years and 3 a month the third ten years. Annuities will not be paid until six years after the Incorporation of the as sociation, when a permanent fund of 50.000 will have been accumulated. To receive an annuity a teacher must teach JO years, at least ten years of which must be In Portland public schools, and also pay In 1600 to the fund. CAUCUS IS RIDICULED TEXAS DEMOCRAT FIRES EPI THETS AT LEADERS. nepnblleana Force Reading- In House of Letter Which Denounces Action In Advance. WASHIXQTOK. Jan. IB. Calder. a New York Republican, sprang a sensa tion In the House today by reading an open letter of Dies of Texas, a Demo- .t..viiiff tnniB-ht'a Democratic caucus. Mr. Calder dubbed the letter a "cold deck for tne coming caucus, which he called a feast of stale dishes. A call of the House forced a full at tendance of Democrats. Republicans had passed word around of the plan to read the letter to the House while the rollca.ll was on and the House and galleries were crowded. When the reading began Heflln of Alabama tried to head it off by making a point of order that the letter was not germane to the pending Postofflce ap propriation bill, but he was promptly overruled. As the reading continued wtth the ridicule it thrust upon the Dem ocratic leaders, who were denounced In sarcastic terms for distributing the spoils, there was frequent uproarious laughter. The conference- was denounced as a "frameup" and the Democrats who su pinely fell down "before these self-sustained successors of Caesar" as "fellow workere," as "Catllines Incog." and that the handful of men who framed up the committee awards were "early birds." Catlllnes In miniature," "usurpers and conspirators." who 'impudently stuck cut and dried slate" under tha noses of gentlemen. The letter held that It was cruel mockery to summon the new members to Washington merely to vote as they were told. "Worms Inclined to turn will have an opportunity at the caucus." read the let ter, which added that the symbol of union "would be a ring In the nose." The Democrat made no immediate response. Borland of Missouri merely referring to the Incident as a waste of time. EMBEZZLER AT ROPE'S END Illch Life of Soutliern Gentleman Ends In Drunkard's Cell. LOS ANGELES. Cal Jan. 19. His money gone, his health shattered and stricken with remorse when he found himself In a cell in the jifv Jail, a man who gave his name as Schrogglns when he was arrested on a charge of drunkenness by Officer Koehn. after a fight at the Arcade station j esterday, confessed to the Jailers last night, the police say, that his real name Is M. Keating and that he embezzled IJOOO from the Federal Government while SICK HEADACHE Metkod of Core That Will In terest ETery Sufferer. Mad Possible by a New Laxative Resigned to Be Used With the Tonic Treatment. x Mr. J. H. Crowley, a painter and decorator, of Charlfleton, Io., relates the following experience which others will find of Interest: "Through irreeulsr boars foresting I became afflicted with stomach trouble little over a year ago. I would bava bilious attacks lasting for a day at a time, while my stomach waa constantly ont of order. Frequently during the bilious attacks I would have to vomit. I bad sick headaches, which made me feel sick all over. My stomach was sour for days after these headaches and I would have a great deal of pain through it. It felt a? though my stomach was on fire and there was a weight in it. I wbj troubled some with gas and was constipated all of the time. "The doctor treated me for stomach trouble but gave roe only temporary relief. I became discouraged with bis treatment and began using Dr. Wil liams' link V. My improvement was noticeable in a few days. I wal soon relieved of the pournees on my stomach and bad no more bilious at tack.. I continued using the pills until cured. I have not hoen troubled with constipation since. Xo one need puder from stomach trouble. If Dr. Williams' link Pills are given a fair trial." As a rule a sufferer from sick head ache can tell hours, sometimes days, in advance, when the headache is coming on. Tliis fact makes it possible to use a laxative, aa soon as the approach of an attack is discovered, to eliminate the poison from the syetcm and prevent the attack or in a great measure to mod erate ite severity. A new laxative, PiNM-ima, designed to be used in con nection with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, afford a perfect combination treatment. We have prepared a pamplilet that not only describes fully the laxative tonic treatment of sick headache and (riven specific directions for the use of the remedies but contains also much valuable information regarding diet, ex erciw and the management of the sick room during au attack. This pamphlet will be sent free on request together with a sample of Petklets, the little laxative pills. Write todav if yon want to treat your trouble intelligently. A postal card request will bring . the pamphlet and the free sample. Ad d ress : The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. , Schenectady, X. Y. acting; as Deputy United States Clerk under Judge Thomas E. Jones, of the Fifth District of Alabama at Mont gomery. Keating' Is 35 years old and well edu cated. "Cards and liquor Is the only expla nation," Keating is quoted as saying. "I belong to a prominent family in Alabama and moved In the best society at the capital dry. I was a member of a fashionable club and my penchant for gambling soon took all the money I had. I thought I would be able to make several large winnings and took the money belonging to the Govern ment" RLMSlilTo SEA BARRED FIGHT PICTURES TO BE SUOWX ON BOAT. Steamer Will Be Fitted Tp as The ater to Obviate Ban New Or- leans Put on Exhibition. x- r ftPTPiVU T . Jan. 19. Spe cial.) Barred from showing the pic tures In the city of New Orleans by m -. v. - PAim.ll ,nH an Inlunctlon In the courts. William Rabb and his associates have purchasea tne steam boat Belle of the Bends, and will ln . i . w m.Hnv nlrturi Dlant siaii vu uwi ' " - for the display of the Jeffries-Johnson The Stoir f M eh ir Price, quality and the reductions of this Great Clearance Sale are sure of. No exaggerations and no vague, misleading "VALUES," which mean nothing or worse than nothing. you MEN'S FANCY SUITS BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS $35.00 Suits now.. $30.00 Suits now.. $25.00 Suits now.. $20.00 Suits now.. $15.00 Suits now.. .S24.50 $21.50 S17.85 S14.35 $11.85 Overcoats and Raincoats at the same reductions. $15.00 Suits now. . $10.00 Suits now.. $ 7.50 Suits now $ 5.00 Suits now $ 3.05 Suits now $11.85 7.85 $ 5.35 S 3.95 $ 2.05 MEN'S TROUSERS $7.50 Trousers now $6.00 Trousers now..., $5.00 Trousers now $4.00 Trousers now $3.50 Trousers now $3.00 Trousers now BOYS UNION SUITS $1.50 Garments now. $1.00 Garments now. 75c Garments now. 50c Garments now. .85.95 .S4.95 .3.95 .S3.25 .$2.65 .$2.25 98d 79 .49 .35 i'tt UUlt-3 UWl'i.nt.t v Boys' Overcoats at the same reductions. BOYS' K NICKER. PANTS $2.50 Knickers now $1.S5 $2.00 Knickers now $1.45 $1.50 Knickers now 98 $1.00 Knickers now 73 75c Knickers now 49J LADIES' SWEATERS $7.50 Sweaters now., $6.50 Sweaters now.. $6.00 Sweaters now., $5.00 Sweaters now.. $4.50 Sweaters "now. . $4.00 Sweaters now.. .$5.65 $4.95 .$4.50 $3.75 .$3.35 .$2.95 BOYS' WAISTS Special Line 50c and 75c "Waists, now BOYS SHIRTS Special Line 50c and 75c Shirts, now. ....... 23c Ladies Suits all this season's goods HALF PRICE Be EM SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON AND FOURTH prize fight pictures, and will "h'bit "hem in the middle of the Mississippi River, running large excursions up and down the river for a distance of 20 miles. -It Is one of the most unique schemes . i inntr time, and executed nere while expensive to the originators. It Is believed It will pay They contend . , .inn tha rniirtS Will that tne injunction not be available on the river, and that only the unneo. dli.c "".. .' :: could Interfere, which is saao. w true in point or law Tho .Bene oi m tcn" - - river steamer, 210 feet ions. first trip will be maae .-unu, Tj.hb and his noon, xi is hibu" -j . , company . that the pictures cannot in spire racial irouDie, 1 thl whites will see them on Board the steamer. Negroes will not be allowed. Dunnagan today introduced a bill in the Iowa. Legislature permitting wo men to hold any office within the gift of the voters of Iowa. Lumbermen End Session. ST. PAUTj, Minn., Jan. 19. Ending Its 21st annual convention today the Norm western Lumbermen's Association elected W. R. Wood, of Parker, S. IX, president. Fir and cedar producers were urged to influence transportation companies to obtain for cedar producers the tamo weight rate as for fir anj spruce. Offices for Women, Bill's Text. PES MOINES, la.. Jan. 1. Senator R.ennaikalble Pianos, Player- Organs Pianos Bargains $25 Estey Organ $145 Hallett & Davis S60 Steinway & Sons Piano $167 Kimball Mahogany Case $185 Sterling Nearly New $205 A. B. Chase Nearly New 380 Player-Pianos $380 Mahogany Case 1 Graves1 Music Co. Ill Fourth Street, Near Washington Reduced Rates to Los Angeles First Class: $20.50; $22.50; $25.50. IncludinR Meals and Berth (Second Class, $10.3o). Fa to San Francisco, $5.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00. S. S. ROSE CITY saila 4P.M. Sunday, January 22. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO. Rm'th. r?.T. A 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom, Agent. H. G. Main 402; A 1402. Phones: Main 263. Ainsworth Pock. On the breakfast table In the sick room for making salads, puddings and other des serts for a bite between meals, In the lunch box. there is no fruit equal to the famous California "Sunkist" Orange. Being tree- rioened. sound-nicked, packed and shipped with the utmost skill and care, it is the most healthful and luscious of all fruits. kist Wrapper. Thousands of families willhave none but Sunkist Oranges. After you have tried them once they will win you. Please make tho trial today. Your dealer sells them. And don't iorget to Snnkist Oranges are thin-skinned fiberless seedless. They fairly melt in the mouth. There is so little waste in servingand eatingthem that they are truly the cheapest orange yon can buy. Every Sunkist Orange comes in a Sun- save the "Sunkist" Wrappers. FREE Rogers Orange Spoon Ask for "Sunkist" Lemons After yott have eaten Sunkist Oranges, yotx will be fciaa to Know tnero are cuonat -wuhj, for thev. too. are the finest fruit of their kind. Xvever Dlemisnea.marrea.aecaycu, imi-.- kinnea or pttny. dunKisc wmow rnntn n .V) nrcenr. more mice man commonplace lemons, wnicn makes them most ec on o mi le -U tor kitchen ana caoie The Sunkist'1 o.r. i? c.inVit Ov-an ri fnr T.ATtion W'r aODer identifies Vrepperfl and send them to u wild ijc C them, par charge, packing, eto.. ana we win prewu s; Ioa with aaenaineBosreOrangfbpoon. of beautl i j-.i I v ; u Koiri n snvlnir wranMIrl 7 1 nn ifs M mnrA than one. tend 12 ounJcin WPI sd 12c (or oh sddoDl .Poon tol thsnSS. TTTmoanU .bSve2o. j-e prefer moper orden iipre ord of bank drnft. ""STTh to sen d too complete iim. onoiuo-w . jj -a "Raul H l" tjrriaDDera ior prennwiuB. CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS' EXCHANGE 34 Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. (3) 4 rift Dear to the Hearts of the Women. DR.T. FEUX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER An Indispensable and Necessaro Article for Particulat Women who Desire to Retain a Youthful Appearance. t 8"ll I SlJilljKiSawiSStli Every woman owes it to herself and S PsPi 1 JraJS'-Jj Ioved onPS to retain the charm of youtli 1 Sa rf" (SSfl 41 nature has bestowed upon. her. For over t ESSili5 I l half a century this article haa been used by actresses, slnsers and women ot fashion. It renders tha skin like the softness of velvet leaving it clear and pearly white and Is highly desirable when preparing for dally or evening attire. As ft is a liquid and non-greasy preparation. It remains unnoticed. When attending dances, balls or other entertainments, it prevents a greasy appearance of the com plexion caused by tha skin becoming heated. . , Gouraud'a Oriental Cream cures skin diseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan. Pimples Blackheads. Moth Patches, Uoah PrM-klps and Vulirar Redness. Tellow and Muddy skin, slving a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires. No. 10 For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. FertL T. Hookins. Prop- 37 Great Jones Street, New York. rlMIPW Stth rwro FoaTw rWusfbautMcsml rCRO.T. ti OPKINSs KOnax.