rinS 'MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911.' ' Oregon Cat Club's First Annual Show in Progress Today and Tomorrow Fourth Floor, Main Building Admission Free, Of Course Our Entire Stock of Fine Furniture for Clearance at lA Reduction Great Savings on Draperies, Carpets and All Home-Furnishings 20 50c Glass Towel Bars 29c BASEMEXT, MAIX BlILDING. ORDER. BT MAIL. A SPECIAL purchase of 500 just for this great 1094th Friday Surprise Sale! Crystal Glass Towel Bars, 18 inches long and one-half inch in diameter. Fitted with highly polished nickel-plated wall plates. The kind which would sell regularly at 50c. QQ Special price for this Friday Surprise Sale, only 7C IP YOU CANT COME IX PERSON, O ROEK BY MAIL OR BY TELEPHONE. rMirlmrr ' -i f ii rnfuiiriwuil Boys' Aviation Contest meet ALL boys eighteen years of age and under are wel come to enter. this novel event. The only restric tion is that the model air-craft be made by the exhibitor himself. First prize $30 Cash; Second Prize $20 Cash; Third Prize $15 Order; Fourth Prize $12.50 Order; Fifth Prize $10 Order; Sixth Prize $7.50 Order. A prize for every entrant. Girls' Aviation Story Contest $100 in prizes ask for the full particulars. Great ! 094th Friday Sw prise Sales Anneal Clearances kUCH a feast of bargains as The Big Store has planned for Friday! Our. Great 1094th Friday Sur- prise Sales and Annual Clearances bring forth a page-ful of commanding economies that no one can resist. In rainy or stormy weather "don't forget the Meier & Frank Store's splendid free Telephone Service, which extends to all cities and towns m the proximity of Portland. FOR GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Jewelry Novelties at V2 ORDER BY MAIL FIRST FLOOR. REJV BCILDISC SUCII year-round staples as Jewelry do not need the "reduced price" prod to crowd the counters, but the Big Store excepts no lines from its Annual Clear ance. Instances of the Friday Surprise Sale bargains follo'w note the nine great Ilalf-Price Lots: $4 to $18.50 Necklaces and Lavalieres at Half Price $1 to $7.50 Brooches and Scarf Pins at Half Price $2.50 to $15 Paisley Bags, French frames, Half Price. 85c Sterling Silver Thimbles, reduced to Half Price $2.50 to $9.50 Silver Mirrors and Brushes, Half Price $1.50 Belt Pins and Brooches marked at Half Price 50c to $3.50 Fancy Stationery on sale at Half Price 10c to 35c Hand Painted Sachet Bags at Half Price 50c to $5 Fancy Leather Goods now at Half Price FOR GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Specials on Small R.ugs TIIIHD FLOOR, MAIN BVILDI.'G. ORDER BT MAIL. ONE thousand splendid quality Small ; Axminster Ihigs in a large assortment of pretty," cheerful ratterns greatly reduced for Great Friday Surprise. $4.50 Small Axminster Rags, 36x72-in., special price only S3. 25 $2.50 Small Axminster Bugs, 27x56-in., special price only $1.59 $3.00 Small Axminster Bags, 36x66-in., special price only $2.35 Extra Heavy Room-Size Rugs $6 Extra Heavy Boom-Size Bags, 7:6x9-foot, special at $4.35 $8 Extra Heavy Boom-Size Bags, 0xl0:6-foot, special at $6.35 $10 Extra Heavy Room-Size Bags, 9xl2-foot, special at $7.85 $11 Extra Heavy Boom-Size Bags, 10 :6xl2-f oot, special $8.45 For Great 1094th Friday Surprise Sale. A Great Sale of Haviland xantfet China Cups and BAJKMEXT, MAIN BUILDING. EVERY woman knows what Haviland China is and how seldom it's sold at a "cut price"! For Friday Surprise we offer the celebrated Havi land & Co.'s China Cups and Saucers in ten beautiful pat terns (three exactly as illus trated), which have been sell ing in open stock as from $8 to $14 a dozen. Chocolate, Tea and Demi-Tasse Caps and Saucers, thin and dainty and in the choicest patterns. Less than regular wholesale cost, A q to-day, the pair, special atT'iC SEE FIFTH-ST. WINDOW. The Ready-to-Wear Friday Surprises ' lift I ' Mm MM' Women's, Misses', Juniors' $15 to $25 Tailored Suits SECOND FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. IX every way the biggest Women's. Suit bar gain we Ve heard of this season! One thousand smart Tailored Suits for women, misses and juniors, not ' a one in the lot worth under $15 and most of them $20 to $23! - Scores of the latest models medium and short coats with various styles of the close-fitting skirt. Some, of the Misses' and Junior Suits are in three-piece styles with braid and 6atin-trimmed dresses. All of the popular fab rics including Modish Rough weaves in black and wanted shades. Regular $15.00 to $25.00 Suits, for d of this great 1094th Friday Surprise, choice u)703 To $ 10 Coats and Capes Friday Surprise $2.48 Incomplete lines of "Women's and Misses' Coats and Capes will surely fly out at such a ridiculously low price! Coats are in short styles, of Serges, tan Covert Cloths, Tweeds, etc. $6 to $10 garments, Fri- t r in -none sent C. O. D. or on approval at f)i0 A SEE SUIT FOR WOMEN- A 1 NEW FRENCH PANTALOON -WINDOW AT FIFTH-ST. ENTRANCE FOR GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $1H Embroideries 98c FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. f UST 500 yards in the lot, but such Embroidery it is ! Baby Flouncmgs, exquisitely embroidered in pretty floral patterns on fine, sheer lawn, finished with dainty scalloped or hemstitched edges. Suitable for use in Infants' and Children's Dresses. Regular no ffcl 50 r ffcl 7n o-rnrlps. snprMfll rvrire-. the vard vOC "t- " . . O"- ' X X" $1.60 Corset Cover Embroidery, elaborately worked in floral de signs on good quality swiss. Imitation handwork pat terns. Special for this great Friday Surprise 'Sale at OC 25c Lace Edges Platte and round-mesh, Valenciennes 2 to 4 inches wide, in a big variety of damty patterns suitable t f for trimming lingerie gowns, undermuslins and the like 1UC FOR GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women' Scarfs Vi Price FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. OUR entire stock of pure Silk Chiffon, Egyptian, Spanish Lace and Trimmed Novelty Scarfs in- eluded m tnis sweeping imaay surprise reaucxioni Beautiful, filmy drapes in every, wanted shade to har monize with any gown. Sell regularly 1A Dnir'Ck from $5 to $40. Special Friday only at 20c and 25c Ribbons Pure silk Taffeta and Moire, in a broken lot of odd widths and shades, taken from our regular stock. Extraordinary Friday Surprise, the yard, onlycC "Women's $1.00 Umbrellas, 26-inch size, priced special Friday 49 Men's and Women's $5.00 to $7.50 Umbrellas, for rf A C7 this great 1094th Friday Surprise Sales, choice iDT'.O To $1.50 Persian Neckwear Novelty effects, including fan cy Persian Rabats, Jabots, Hob ble Ties and Collars with fancy pleated edges and silk trimmings. Friday, eachOC Women's $3 to $4 Tailored Waists $1.48 SECOND FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. WHEN you can buy $3 and $4 Linen Madras Tailored Waists at $1.46, you get something of the realization that belongs to Clearance economies. Made with broad GWy son pleats, over shoulders, prettily. A AO finished, neat cuffs and collars, at D JL T'O Fancy Chiffon Auto Veils at Half Price FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BT MAIL. COME two yards long, in the popular button style. Every desirable color is included in the lot. Made of good quality chif fon, neatly finished with hemstitched borders. Also three styles of Auto Bonnets included at this reduction. Priced at from $1.50 t' n to $5.00 each, special at exactly 2 iICC Women's 50c to $1 Belts Choice at 19c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. GEXUINE reductions! Of course they are broken lots, but, nevertheless, the best values of the season. Come hi fine calf and patent leathers, in black and tan only. All sizes in the lot. Fitted with neat, serviceable buckles. They have sold regularly for 50c, 75c - Q ' and $1. Special for Friday Surprise Sale lt7C $1.50 Leather Lined Bags special at 98 FOR THE GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Children's 50c Hosiery 25c Women's $1.50 to $2 Wrappers for 89c SECOND FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. NEAT Wrappers and House Dresses in a variety of pretty, practical styles. Come in black, white and plain shades of blue and gray, also in pretty striped, checked and figured effects. Made of good quality percale and flan nelette. Garments which sell regularly qq for $1.50 and $2. For Friday Surprise 05C Women's $6.50 to $12.50 Sweaters $4.95 For Great 1094th Friday Surprise Sale. Men's $15 to $20 Raincoats $10.15 THIRD FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. PHENOjMENAL Friday Sur prise Sale of 300 Men's $15, $18 and $-0 Cravenetted Raincoats and Overcoats! Every garment bears, the genuine Priestley Cravenette label. Fine worsteds, black thibets, cassimeres and cheviots. Cut full 52 inches long, splendidly tailored and 3A satin lined. Positive $15, $18 and j -t f $20 Coats, today at O 1 U. 1 O Sale Boys' to $12.50 Raincoats for $5.98 Special lot Boys ' . Genuine Cravenette Eaincoats, of worsteds and thibets, in plain black and medium and dark gray stripes. Newest style military collars, well tailored and 3A lined. Regular $10 and $12.50 Raincoats, Friday Surprise Sale price $5.98 FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BULBING. ORDER BY MAIL. VALUABLE assistance" to mothers with boys and girls in preparing for another school term! Children's fine ribbed cotton Hose, strongly made with double soles, heels and q toes. Heavy, fast black quality. Regularly 50c; Friday 2&C Women's 35c and 50c Hosiery, of fine quality lisle, cotton and fleece lined cotton, in light, medium or heavy weights. Double heels, soles and garter proof tops black and all wanted shades. Special for this great sale, the pair C Boys' and Girls' Hose, the famous "Rushline" brand. Fine or coarse ribbed, medium weight, with double soles, heels And toes. Exceptionally fine wearing hose. Come in black only. Special three pairs m gy 32c or one pair for only X C FOR THE GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Women's $ 1.25 Underwear 63c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BC1LDING. ORDER BY MAIL. MORE Examples of the matchless Clearance prices which are in force throughout the entire store! Warm Vests and Pants of part wool and cotton, also fleece-lined Union Suits, in high neck, long sleeve and ankle-length style. Included are all regular sizes, also out- 8i7es in white and cream colors. Regular $1 and $l.2o grades, J Q specially priced for this great 1094th Friday Surprise Sale at only OOC Women's to $1 Underwear Vests, Pants and Union Suits, in all sizes; cream color. Also knee- q J length black Tights. Special O C Women's $2.50 to $5 Underwear, in cluding broken lines of Vests, Tants and Union Suits. Come in QQ white, cream, flesh colors. tOC Women's 35c Fleece Lined Cotton Hosiery, the pair, only 22 i 1 1 KrtTmzzmtFif Order by Mail Great Friday Surprise On The Bargain Square 10,000 Men's $1 to $1.50 Shirts at 68c ANOTHER such Shirt Sale as The Meier & Frank Store is famous for! Ten thousand men's best $1, $1.25, $1.50 and even some $2 Shirts, made of fine domestic and imported percales, ma1 drases Russian cords and fancy shirtings in hun dreds of latest patterns. Every size from 14 to 18 and all sleeve-lengths. Out on our famous Bargain Square in the Basement, New Building, today 9 68c or 3 for FOR THE GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $5.50 Wool Blankets $4. 1 5 THIRD FLOOR, MAI.V BUILDING. ORDER BV MAIL. FINE, warm White Wool Blankets, the utmost of value at our regular price $5.50! Made with a close nap, full 11-4 size, with pretty pink or blue borders. For the great - 1094th Friday Surprise Sale are marked, the pair CpfK 1 D 500 Full -Sized C o m f o r t s Filled with fine white sanitary layer cot ton, covered 'with silkoline in many pretty designs. Regular $2.00 Com fort, for the great Ff i- d fCl day Surprise Sale, ea. tb l(Ut 150 Genuine Emmerich Pillows Clean, new, downy Feather Pillows, covered in fancy art ticking. Reg ular $2.25 Pillows, for the great 1094th Friday Surprise Sale are priced at, ea. $1.89 FOR THE GREAT 1094TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Pure Food Grocery Butter 69c BASEMENT, MAIJT BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. BUTTERNUT Brand and Royal Banquet, two names known to all Portland's housewives as the best Table Butter! Made from pure pasteurized cream by one of the largest and most sani- s n tary dairies in the world. Special Friday the 2-pound square Oi?C WAFERS, Dr. Johnson's brand, large size, 47. small size, special price, the box, pnlyOC BEANS, small white kind, a new crop, the pound '"C ANKER'S BOUILLON Capsules, for which we are principal r g agents. Special, the box, at OC HAMS, mild Eastern sugar -m cured, special, the pound X OC STERRO BEEF BOUIL- c Q LON CUBES, sp'L the boxOC 21c Dr. Johnson's Toasterettes, special, the box, at this sale 47 MALT VINEGAR, Crosse & Blackwell brand, the bottle