19 MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1011- t .t . i 1 1 1. 1 1 OUT! DESIRED OFF Brewers Start Campaign Get Free Hops. to BILL IS INTRODUCED Repral of the Tariff Would Mean Cheaper Prices for Oreson Grower I-t-t Sale lo Hie Coa. Market. A bill has bees Introduced l CoeuttM by an Illinois Congressman to repeal duly on aopn. Lut Jr tha tariff was ralaea from II to 1 cents throosh tha efforts of Paciae Coast ho mn- The sherae to put foreign bopa aa tha fr Hat bow probably originated with lha brw.ra or Eastern teajera. It would bo wll tor tba bop growers of lha PaclBc Coast to watch this matter eloMly. If foraiga bopa ara admitted to this country froa It will mwi much Ut importations and lower price, for Ameri can bopa. The Imports of Cermsa bopa for tha Ben son to data have been about !. balea Tha exports op to this tlma hsrs been ji.Ooa bakta Vary few more exports win bo rnada thla season, but Imported bopa ara coming la at tho rata of bales or mora a week and tha mginnt likely to coatlnua for aoma tlma yat. If anything la dmw ta defeat tha ef fort of tha Illinois man to put hopa oa tha . i,-. win hva to ba dona by tha growers of Oregon and tha othar Const fates. Tha centers, except thoaa wha row hopa. do not how much Interest la tha matter, and tha r-ewers and Esst ara importers will eartalnly work for cheaper hopa The A. F. Stearns lot of 10 balea at Oakland was bought yesterday by Klabor. n-otf N-etter at 1H rente. mis re- A. tha unsold atock la Oregon to Ui bale. Thera baa been a heavier movement m M bona In California thla week. Tha Vhlmenns bought 0 bales of IKa at pi-Ires ranging from I to 1SH cents, and . m. x ..... Hoi.rht l) balea of lo Sa-ramentos at 1 cent. MIIIEKM ALONE ARE BfTINfl WHEAT rtl.M.-. nuaioi Hand at Cenie Oata o Ma r'lrm- Tris wheat market l solely a milling The demand la chiefly from i-itlfornla with aoma Inquiry from th Sound. Bluestem waa generally quoted around S rent, but aalea of choice grade were made aa high a cenla Club and -fol4 were tin Inquired for and little .. w.B mid. In tha price of tha two. The oata market waa nulet. aa tha feed Ira ilot. There were iocsi p..- :i. Barley waa unchanged at t w-l recelnta In cara were reported oy the Merchants' Exchange a follow: Wheat Parley Flour Oata Hey t .rwtT : Tue.ifr : It -.Icexlay .... Triors!" ..... 12 J r aao -.! to date.e'l 3? t Tear ago 1U 6 a 7 I) mi 17 11 10 5TT :o:i LOCAL A ri'I.K MARKET It FIRMER hm Reslno to Arrive from tha Sooth. Ktera Polatoea la t all f oral a. A car of cabbage and a mixed ear of vegetable were all that came through from the South yeaterday. but the railroad of-S.-lal promlae to have all the delayed pro duce In thla morning. Tha apple market la ahoalng a firmer tone -.. ..-.me era.lea have been advanced ! to to eenta thla week. Recelpta alnce tha be- ,i..in. of the cold weather have been tight and local atocka are much reduced. v . ti.v atoek ranaea In price from tl to 11 71 and Hood Rivera aell from $1.50 to til. Tha potato market l Arm but quiet. Receipt! are neceaeartly amall and ao Mpmenta will ba made until the road ara aafely opaa again. California advlcea note tha arrival tliere of aeveral car f Wla- ennsin potaloea. which ara aelllnr at tl.7i. They ara not aa good aa Oregona. but bring within 1 cent of the prtc of po taloea from thla etate. ALL KIXDS OF rol'LTRT ARE FIRM. Fgg Market lugglh and Heavy fork la Weak. Only a few amall (hlpmenta of poultry were received yeaterday. and they cleaned up at firm and unchanged price. The egg market waa quiet and weak, but the price of Oregona held around 3S centa. There were heavy receipt of dreeaed pork and buyera held back. reauHIng la weaker market, especially for th large aiaea. Veal waa firm. Freak city creamery butter work oft without trouble at tha old price, notwlth- atandlaa the weakneea In outatde butter. Hank Clearing. F.ank clearing of the North western cities yaterUay were aa follnas: i Clearing. Balanci Portland l.i77. -as 6 Sttli 1.1j-3 --"ma IVi Spokane 4.l ia.u; .11 u rORTLAXI MAaaVBTa. bra la. rloar. Fd. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Blueatacn. lit Mc. club, hltjo'c: red Russian. sOtSlc; aller. t.v: 10-fold. CUMt. HARl.tV Fred. s.'3o24 per toa; brew ing. tJtxtii.t per too. M1I.LSTI FF3 Bran. Civil it per ton: middlings. $W31; shorts. ;ie:.ti; rolled barley. t.V-i. t-LOK R Patents. fi.t Bee bare'. straights, 4.I44.; exports 11.74; Val- ler. I J0; granaa. !.; wbsis wheat. .auartera. 15. ronv whole. S:l: era-ked tj Sar toa. 1 oats no. 1 wmte, :.:ie.,..i. f HAY Track prices: limothr. WUlamatta Valley I1BO20 Pr toa: Kaatera Orrgoa. r.'10.'5: alfalfa. S14: grata bar. I14.M vlt; cioer, Ilirtf. Tetretsblaa aad FVuttm. APPLE!) Waxen. BOSH: Baldwin. 73c $1.2: Northern Spy. te'cti 11. .10; tonow. f 1.2i; r.ed Cheek Pippin. ll .'r: winter Banana. Il.;s?: Spitsenberg. IliOwliO; Tellow Newtoan. 1.TS; Arkansas Black. I-': Iel aware Red. II. 7i; Uano. 1.3; Wlnesap, 1 7i. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. fl.SS hun dred; parsnips, IL:j. turnips. $1.23; beets. II "1. URITEV FRl'ITS Peara. I.10e)1.7J par box: crapes. 7 ,".c b S 1 ncr box: Malttraa saet SO per barrel; cranlerrle. 11 112:10 per arrei. peri ui moa. ii.m wv. VEOETAB1.ES Beans. 12s nr pound: eabbase. IL2.1f L&0 per hundred; raullDow er. Ii.23 par eraie; eslery. Callforala. HQ pr crate; cucumber. J par box: eggpiant. 1 10 1-33 per crata; garllo. al2tte aar sound: araan enlnna. 15 doxea: head lett oca. 4nf30c per dosen; hoffhousa lettuca. T A" I S 1 0 per peppera 13c per Is. 1 pampklns. !8l Pr lb.: radlahaa. laaizua aar aosaa: aproaia Se: souaah. 14rlc par. lb.; tomatoes. POTATOES rregon. buyrnr prlca. $1.2S 01.40 per hundred, aweet potaloea. V,l pee handred. TROPICAL FRCtTS Orange, mare la. I1S17I par box: Japanese. tl par bundle; tangerines. 12 per pox: lemons. 94; Florida grapefruit. l; CailTorala srap fruit. bananas, so par pound; plns- app'.ea, c per pound. ONIONS Buy log price. ;LTS per hun dred. Trry nmt Coanti-r fradixa POI-I.TItr l-lve: Hcna. uewic. Ppnngi. turkeya. ZZHc: duck. :J :jc: graaa. i:lc; dreaavd turkeja. choice. 35 -'c EOOS Oreron ranch. canaiea, California. &4 0.15c: Kaatern. KM BUTTER City creamery extra. 1 and 3 pound prlnta. la bozee. 4o per pound; laaa than boiee. cartoaa and delivery eitra. fUKEst Foil cream. twin. -aw- per iiouad. young America. Kt'ith. riocy. ivui-c p.- VCAL fancy. M lo lii pounoa. par pouad. Oraeerlea. Dried rrntta. Fta. DP.IUU KKfIT Applea. II1IH per io.. curraata. 13Slc. apricwi.. . i1 T"V aatea. pacvaaa. lpw white or b.e. by ck. Ioci aue. il.6J HI; 12.13a. a&c. u-m xx; l-la. a. SALMON Columbia -rear. -P" 12 IO per doaen; IE-pound talla. J . pound flata, .0; Alaaaa pma. talle. 11.21. COKKtK Roaated. la aruma, -o a - per pouaa. .nA- nits nainuia. utif m f " Braall aula. lilr; fllterta. 1c: almonda, leoiac; pecana. lc; cocoatnuta. ' B' Ooxen; cneatnuta. lXtic per pound; hickory aula. I Viae per pouaa. SALT uranaiateu. (IS per ten: HW ground, looa. 3.o per toa: 60s. $ Per - BEANS orrutll wr.Ua. large whit ISc. Uma. -hW:: ptna. It; red jiezicaae. le: hayoo. 6 Sc BICE: No. 1 Japan. e: eneaper gr- t6nw.t6; Bouinern head. lOI4 HON Y Choice. a.t6 per caaa; aaralaaa. I Sft c per pound. b ' Cj A K lry graaoiateo. xrnsi ana IC.50; teel. eJ.JO. extra S3: golden C tt-0; yellow IX. -; eubee tbarraia. VIJ: powdered. 14.63. Tenne aa remlt taacea wllhla IS dare, deduct k per pound. later thaa 16 dara aad wttaia bw i deduct tee er pound. Maple augar. w laa per pound. MOSTLY POOR GRADE LOW PRICES REALIZED OX IX- KEKIOR STOCK. Good IXrnand at KuII Quotations for Choice Quality Fair Ttun at the Yards. Tk wmb a fair run or at oca at tna v.rria veeterdar. 1411 head being unloaded. The largea- part of the offering were of poor grade, aa to ahown by tha low prtceg n-allsorl at the aalra. The demand for quality atock waa good. Throe load of choice ateera brought IU.TO. but tha other offering which, however, were mall, aold low, the pricre ranging from M to $!. Common ateera brought - and tha fev.r IJ .. ralvpi moved at S." to 67. In the hog market tne top price paiu 6S -V A large buuch or eweaoia at ae.e.i. Recelpte yeateraay wr-re to - calvca. .VI. auvep and . i - noga: ihitneee of the erocK were eimon uiiiiivi, r.irhv. Idaho. 2 cara 01 cattio ana ii. k.Bnon A Chandler. I. tlrande. 3 eara of cattle: U. V. t-u Clair. Ararican raim i rare of rattle and ealwe: 8. It. Nelaon Alee Ilrown. Frank Snowball and othere. vvn Urara of cattle: 8. C. Bowman u.hr. 3 cra ox -can io anu inii. o. m- mn. Baker and Halnea. S rare of cattle. and Kld.ile Broa.. t'nloa. 2 cara of boga. The day a aalea were aa loiiowa: Weight, price. II cowa . ... " ft.ua 2 cow , 5 steer 6 ateera ... SMI ... W4 ... bin ...114.1 ...lTO ... 410 ...1211 ...mo ... -M.1 ... XM ... : ... x .. .l'X'l .... ll'l ...13"." . .. 4K 4. IX) 4 (Ml 3 bulla . 1 COW . . 4 ."I A.50 S ulvca 70 1.00 te-T u atrcra at hora . 8 PS boga . hotel IS ho . 8.1 . 4.4S (OKI . 4 4.T 4..VJ 13 ewe . . I ball . 4 bulla . i 4.1 17 calvea 5 iw 3 calve-i 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 8 cow . 1 cow . 6 cowa . 1 leer , 1 twr , 4 ateera .. 7!M ..II ll .. Ml 3.S3 2..-.' 4 4.1'. 3.2 3I 7U6 B.00 4.00 i,, current oa the earloua clasaea of tock at th Portland Vnloa stockyard were aa follows: Cttl .f.Sl .76 . 4 :Jt t.so Prime steers Oood to choice steers . i.7f.i 4.2 Kalr to good steers Common steers l-otnmoa lo prima cow ; od to choice beef cows . 4.r.u i 8 JS . o.i.Vi 5.S0 . 4.75W 3. . 4 -If. 4. Kair to choice peer cows....... Common lo fair beef cowa. ..... . 3.0OW 4.00 Good to cholre heifers.......... . 8.7S 00 . 8.0UU) l.i) Fair to good belters 4.00 1, 4 Common to lair neuere. ...... . Choice to good fat bulla Fair to good fat bulla Common bulla . 4 (U4 4.73 . 4 -5 , .2. SOW S-'.'S . 7 75 .0 Good to choice light calvea.... Kair to good ligni caivee Oood to choice heavy calvea... . 7.00 xl . 3Sa U.0U . 4.73'c . S.7S 4.7 . t.uoti s.: Kair to good heavy caivea Common calvea Oood to choice staga Fair to good stags . 4-OOtf 4.U4) Urge- Choice hog . t.ISS II . S.svCf I . 4.7K 5.00 Oood lo ciioice noge Sheep . . Yearling wether, grain-rea... Old wethera. graln-fcd Oood to choice ewea. grain-fed . 4.M 4. . 3. w S. . 8to . .2.-iW 'O Keedera Choice Umbo, graio-reo... Good to choice, grain-fed . 6.oon -- . o.2Sr 8.7 Fair to good 4.S3) 8.00 Poor I' Hny-frd sheep and limn ooo grala-ted. lb-aga Livestock MarkeC rlllf illO. Jan. 1. Cattle Recelpta e tlinalrd. ; market. teady. Moevea. 4.w .. T Ti.a ateera. . u a i . nea rm. t (UlOrl: atockera and ffeOkra. 8J.au1s 6 !: co aad beucr. Hoas Receipt, estimated. 24.0OO; market, .i i i.hi irkSna lU: mixed. 7.hat.10; ...... . . . . .... I. . T kit.. 7 Ul ) ' ..wwt tieaVV. lt.WVS.lu. v -" w . . . . choice heavy, aLwwa.iv. F's. K.20: bulk of ralca. M1 ."- . . ikunH.lDtl. ealimnreo. mir ke' ateady to loc oa. ivative. z.nu.-."; Western, 82.7i0 4.MO:' yearlings. 3l.7o; lambs, native. 4.7itr.i"; Weatern. $54j 8.5i f-olfeo and Sugar. vrw work. Jan. 1. I'olfea futurea t......l a ahaila Oft from til best under re aiming and oareiy ieauy st a net ad- vance of i 13 pointa. Sales, 75.500 bags- January. ll.Zic; February. ll.i:c; aiarcn. Anrll ana 3tay. ii.otc. u mi-. ......... -.j, 'l"c 11.44c; August. October. 1L:oc; 11. J 7c: September, .NoTeraber. 11. lo; Decern- bar. 11.17c. SlOt coltee quiet. .w. 1 i -f , N'o 4 Santos. It e. una cones, numiuau Cordova. 131SVC iUKar Kaw ri. .nuwu.jiu, s7 l. S4)lc: centrifugal. teat, s.sic; mwisssea, S test. 3.;c Reflned easy. Dried FTwit at Near lork. YORK. Jan. 19. Evaporated ap- NEW plea In: tlve. firm. On tha spot fancy i quoted 12t13e; choice 11 c; prim i?rune firm with an upward tendency. quotation ranging from ttllc for Call fornlas up to ;-. and 104llc for Ore- Sons from ws 10 ... : . . llht neleee firm t'eacnes '' - - -- - , ; Choice. 7Si7c; extra cnwn.-e, ovnw. fancy. 80c. I aarl" Shee poking Sales LONDON. Jan. Is. A sale of aheepsktna was held nere iiy. ' . . trade, and tho demand waa fair. Offering amounted to bales, but mant lot of Punta Arena docnnea onvnau !""- eoarre eros-brerls fnra 10 - to ilea scheduled for to- The wool auction day were potpond account of fog, ( blraga Irs4liMw Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 1. Butter Firm cream- rlea. 17a2Sc: dalriea. 10 -'2c. Egg Steady receipts. cea. mark, caaea llneluded. 234J2ttc; nrata. -00; prim Arata, 27 e. Cheese steady; dalalea. 1415c: twins. 13"13c; Young Amerlcaa. 134) lc; long horna. 15tlc w York Cottoa Markrt. NBW YORK. Jan. 1. Cotton futurea ch-ard barely steady. 3 to 8 point lower. January. 14-rtOu; February. l4.oc; airen, tl TT. St.rll 11 lllf. 14.P0i JUM, H Jc' July. 15.01c; August. 14.c; Octo ber. 13.33c. . , Spot cloeed quiet. Mld-treJsnrle. 14.90c; mid -gulf. 13.16c tales, IOO bales. SALES FOR PROFITS Speculators Unload Stocks at High Quotations. . ADVANCE IS CHECKED Increasing Ease of Money Show Poor Business -Conditions lo the Interior Bond Market Becomes Irresrular. NEW "YORK, Jn. 9. Hqu4dtIon for proOta In the more promineni pcuiau i tork markt today. X r n,1UTr" . waa most nronounrea in L.nneu f "" . Kt. RaadltiK. Norfolk A w eaiara, rem - y Ivan la. New Tork Central ana -"iai- B-areiBta.l pAtinaP X ttV t K OnetllnK I Otj waa a paaainff iraproveroeni. pmcmt"j r coaira and tveaiem rmurw .!. n!arrl lha ar ririiak ll.t allchtlr tbOVI l-BC nlj-rit ctoaa. Tha market, cloMd aaar la Una I flfuri of yrsterxiay. i n a ai rn win 01 nui w mm tiatania failura nf th. K WaW sTTOUB. rtsitiaaaf. atra a rf lrn W lV.MT.0n DO 8.IIW Ul" dfnd rata br tha executive commlttea to da y. lnf roatilne 1M of mnnT la no wnirr htiiiifir. fnfffir ii l.tntr now aenerally rcof" ntirvi that thla condition ta Ursely. It not , whollv. due ta Dour bualneae. Itotton waa reanonalble for bear rumor. tnurhtDa on the copper altuatlon and com-mI1on-boujes at tnat center were aellera of th ah area. The llntlna 01 American meliini in London waa followed by an brupt secima Here, out wua uus-st.ucu. Tna recent aetiTiiy in vinuoi mmiiiiuiia lajiuea at higher price waa accounted for today In the tacit admlBslon by a iarjte hankinr Intereat that neitol iationa are on loot for a conaoiiaaiion 01 many muv nsjnrlaM rn rrt rvs n ia On of the returna for December from imrtant ratlroada, that of the Baltimore Ohio. ahoeti a net oecraae ot j-9.w which la considerably above the average ri-r . for th it aix month a Th bond market wis Irregular. I Ota I ilea, oar value. 3.7t.000. United States Government oonna were uncnana;ea oa vt. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. AMI Chal nf 2o Amal Copprr .. 14..Vo Am Agrlcult .. I.00 (11 '4 4St 4" H nsv, 63 1 4 40 9 r.:i &u 22 64 4K 40 Am Beet Sugar. 2.000 American Can 2.J Am Car at Kdy. l.otio Am Cotton Oil.. "ik Am Hd I.t pt -WO Am Ice 8ecurl.. . . . . . . Am Linseed OIL A m Locomot Ive. 3s K3 50 18 11 4I 1I."V4 4U 144 i OS, 32 ail1, 104 10H i. 40 M 77a 104 44 USH M S3 39 lt'Si 102 40 7S 104 45 Am Smul . Bet 13.40') do preferred.. BOO Am Pteel Kdy.. 100 "iioo ' MX) UK) 700 5.(K) 000 Am Sugar K-f .. lis Am Tel ft Tel 141 M Am Tobacco pf. Am WoAlen . Anaconda M Co Atrhlson 31 39 104 do prwfererd. . 102 110 107 20 Atl Coast Line.. Halt Ohio .. Bethlehem Steel llrook H Tran. . 1.100 107)4 107 H l.ROO S."0 1.100 300 " V.266 ""166 " V.406 20.i"O soo 100 S.OOO 1.VKI l.L. M 2'H I'lKJ 3iO l..t ,V lOO THIO !l 71MI S.WMI 100 1,300 I1O0 400 1K) 2O0 vt l:0 - .10 7. Soo 1"M 2 77 ' SOIH l- 1D2 V '84 w '23 iili" " 77H 207i 30 102 83 ii 23 "4 144 120 a 04 141 14 l7'i 30 70 2S 47(4 3l 1.11 12R4 SO 13.1 i4 III 6314 113 15 12-4 40 7 lR-a ta ' 16 i 1KI-1 113S 147 27 1X7 , 3.1 04 4U UN r) 30 110 42 10S 00 117 20 12 IOM US 32 SI 1MI 33 'si 77 Canadian Pac . . Central Leather 20 30 do preferred.. IOZ 2SO Central of ff J. Ch- Ohio ... Chicago Alton Chi Ot Wct ... 83 3r 23 do preforreo. . 46 Chli ago t N" W 14.. C, M ft r ,. . , - t' at T. 127 114 33 t, .Ml 14-' 14 14- l!7ti 31 71 S4s 2MS 47 . 3rt 132 12rt4 no 13..14 1H 54 S. 11.1 i 13 )2 II m J3S no 14 ui 114Vi 14Hia 27 W 13X1 31 S , .r. 3014 11S' &Ha 37 11IH 42 107 : 11HI, 2tla 127H lot Wi 32 i 34 H l.'.sa S3 "sit. 64 42 4 i4 33 : Col Fuel A Iron Col & Southern Cnnsol Gas .... Corn Product .. 14'i 14 l'.l & Hudson.. 107 D K Grande.. 30 no preft-rren. . o Distillers' Securl 3:; Erie 28 do 1st pf .... do ! Pf 7 30 1.11 General Klcc .. Gt North pf ... Gt North 0:-o . . 1201 no Illinois Central. Interbor Met .. 1:1.1 '! do prererre-i. . Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf lnt Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern do pr-ferrod.. Ijiclede las . .. Iacledo Ghs . . Louis & Nah.. Minn St L .. t4 113 13 12 SO 13 33 en 114: 114 14S 26 M. 8 P A K K .M l.S0 13 Uo Kan Tex 13.4)10 83 64 40 118 do preferred.. I1 Mo PaclBc .... l.loo Nat Biscuit .... IOO Nat Lead WO Mot N By a Pf W0 N T Central ... 4.100 N Y. Ont W 70 Norfolk 4 Wea 11.4ifl North American 3.i Northern Pac ,, 3,".oo l-acitic Mall ... f' Pennsylvania ... T.OOO People's On! . .. l.o P. C C St 1... 300 Pittsburg Coal Preased S Car.. SOO By Steel Spring loo Reading 12S..K Republic Steel IOO do preferred Rock Islund Co. T.400 do pr.-f. rred. . 700 Pt L ft S F 4 Pf f.K gt L Southwest. liJO do preferred.. -o0 Slosa-Shelfleld . .. . ... Southern Pac .. 1K.-W Soutbern Ry ... S.4' do preferred.. I.-""" Tenn Copper ... I.'"") Texas Ac Parlflc oo Tol. 6t I. 'e :HH) do preferred.. -,MI Union Pacinc .. 2.' do preferred.. 300 IT S Realty 17 8 Rubber ... U 8 Steel 2. An nreferred.. 2.400 no 37 111 42 1110 t; 118 2B 127 108 8 18 32 3.1 117 32 let 32 3 41 64 V4 03 51 110 117 27 63 :i4i 2 23 b:i 17.1 U3 S' Trt 11HW 43 3 10 118 27 64 27 M 114 27 23 M 177 U3 'hi" 77 UK 4l S , ! Sj M 34 20 52 17H :t .. 6H 30 77 118 '4 I'tah Copper . .1 ;0 Va-Caro Chem. . 4.1 Wabash do preferred. . Western Md ... Westing KleC .. Western Cnlnn.. fH 10 l.a 4H 7ih 7(tO loo to. ami 84 M 11 75 5 55 ftO 7 1 75 5 Wheel L fc. LehtKh Valley 17l Total sale for the day. 534.81KI .hare. NEW YORK BONDS. VFW YORK. Jan. 1!. Closing quotation: IT K ref 2S reg.-ioo N T C J i reg.-ioo N Y C n. :s. ex -a on .... lo North 1'aciflo 3S. 70 g ..102 do 4 loo n 102!l-nlo Pacific 4.loo do coupon U n ! reg. t new 4 re'g'..n.1:Wtcon Cent 4s.. 3 'oTinoa .. 115 J.pan.sa 4s .... D R O a ... ;ll F.aalem Mlnlna: Ptocks. TtosTON-. Jan- IK ' Ine quotations: IT, iM.awk ........ 44 Allou . 04:Nevada Con. ... 18 Amal Copper Am Z I. & 8... Ari Com Atlantic B C CSM... Butta Coalition. Cat St Aria. . . Cal A Hecla . . . I'entennial ..... Copper R C Co.. ut. 1? M... . 2.1 Nlpisalng IO 14 W... North Butte .... 2-t . 4 INorth Lake 0 . 1 1 Old Dominion... 4 is Oaceola A Art Parrolt (S4C) . 11 7.-, toulnrv 70 12 Shannon 11 5 Superior 38 12 Suu Ik Boa Mln.. Franklin ' 7 Glroux Con. Cranby Con. 3T Green Cananea 4 Isle Rovalle Cop 14 Kerr Lake JS Lake Copper ... 24 LaSalle Copper. 4 ikllainl Copper.. 29 Sup Pitt, cop ii Tamarack 4. 11 B R i M 36 U s r ft M. pra. 4o lTtah Con ....... IO rtah Copper ... 4.1 Winona 82 Wolverine 118 Monev. Exchange, Eto. NSW TORK Jan. 19. Money on . . . . Mm: ruling rate. call. 2 Zi'r.,- T-Ioslni bid. a Jer cant; offered ?7'o nL imie lonna- easy; 60 days. 38 per cent; !H)daa.S3 percent; six months. 8,F?im. mecamlla paper cloaed at 494 PeK-eTilna exchange steady, with actual bu's IneV. In bankers bill, at $4.82500 4.8265 for soday bills and at $4.S.1i for demand. ConLnerclal bill.. $4.81 4 4.8a. Bar silver. 33 c ievlcan dollars, 43c. Government bond .teady: railroad bonda. Irregular. BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. Sterling oa London. 40 daya. $4.82: sight, $4.84. Draft Slg U t. 8c; telegraph, lie. CHICAGO. Jan. 19. Exchange an Naw York, par. LONDON. Jan. 1. Bar 1lTr Uncar- ThaVat of discount tn th epaa market ) for short bills Is Jit par cent bills. 1-11-16 per cent Money In' per ceuu ronditloa of tha Treasury. WASHl.VdTOX. Jan. 19. At the Begin ning of business today the condition ot tno Working bal initH riaim (remaurv was: anca In treasury offices. 27.3ttl.i.SO; In bank and Philippine treasury 8.i:l.7iiU.030; tha total balance in general tuna x:t 2H.1.250- ordinary receipts yesterday wera 82.2I0.71X. with disbursements of ll.bU0.S9O. The deficit to date thl fiscal year I J7.t:l.S10 analnst 2S.52o.lHl last jear thla time. These fluurea exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions Metal Markets. vrw vnn w TaT in. standard copper quiet. 'i January. February, March and Spot 155 lis. Futures. iS 17s 6d. Custom-house returns show exports of Con ner so far this month of 19.09J Sons. Lane copper. S We j, electrolytic. 11 3 a to 13c, and casting. I2.37to IMS He. Tin weak. Spot. 41.litfll.40c; January. February. March. April. 41.25(1 41.80c. -n don steady. Spot. C1S9 2s td: futures, lis. Lead quiet. 4.v l.l-'C .-sew ion, y-" 4.3Sc East St. Louis. wm spot. Spelter easy. s.i.jo .ew in, OS.3c East St. Louis. London spot, ui "'iron Cleveland , warrants. 49s d In Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet, m. .1 loun dry Northern. 15.Cit 16.25: No. 2, $14.75 I ern oft. l8.2Sfrl3.78. PATENT FLOUR DRAGS SEATTLE MILLERS LOOklMi IX) It SOUTHWESTEUX OUTLET. Selling Pressure weakens fotaio Market Egg9 May Be at the Bottom. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 1. f fepeciai. The wheat market was vrrr oau For tb flrit time In month i"t wer. demand. no receipts. in me o- " prices were nominally unchanged, The d An et- fort W being made to market aoma of tho urplu In ine r.oumw.i. At 3.1 centa iresn ees -- day. The market, however, was we.. highest price oltereu m me 30 cents. Dealers believe mat him torn has been reached and especially since Oregon K 1-111 hut no hi tuiicu unt - present prrae. Local ioiber mane n . . 1 ., ..-iifornla ectrs lou A V. mo ufc them taking losses In the process. 11.. , , was mmv . l r m ii y . . 11 - - - flrst-cla-sa top price. , . Greater olling pressure apparent in the potato market. several i" deavorlng to take the profits on tholr stocks rhar than hold for further advances. Good potatoes were obtained on track at 12. to en 28.50. Farmers are ni ir """; ri try dealers nevertheless are aelllns mod Thir- was a good demand for app!es at .wf.r.i advances for fancy stock. and extra fancy fruitstand stock. Sacked vege tablea were firm. Bad weather haa had a tendency to aeiay PRODUCE AT 8AX rRANClSCO. i-.ri,t in tha Bay City it- inwiMiw' - - - mete. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The follow 1 wm eiirrent touar : "f"!,! .in II: aarllc. 4 O 6c: green peas. 4f 7c string ov ,r.-. ,nmatnM. i.icuai.-o: tefcaw"", 13C.' 1 Butter Fancy cramtii, T , Eggs Store. 30c; fancy ranch. 30e, MluSuxTrU 3730; middlings. 132 , a mnxt 1 J . wttpiI And OfttS. $9 n " wi"i...'"r'-:hoie 65c: common. 40c; , n,. I44-.K: California lemons. rnolceT $3; common, tl: oranges, navel. & . ..501 63: satin.. tl...k.an i -. 111! IMCCU BnrhanhB, i-wW- Onions i-wa..e sacks: wheat 8 cental: 'barley. (W0 centals; oats, r,V.a ' ,.i.. notatoea. 240O sacks; bran. 75 "IT:.. TA,niZ.. .10 sacka: bay. 617 ton. Cnle MarkeU of the JJorthweat e . iu t Jan. 10. Whent Blucstem, 83c ; red Biii.'o,.1c: fortyfold. enc; ciuo. wheat 12 cars; oats. Russian, 81C rieceipie. 1 car; hay. 1 car. oVatTLE. Jan. 10. Milling quotations: Blueatem. 8.10; rortyioia. o; '""Lhr Fife. 82c; red Russian. ,c-1B" " ' ?Se Kf. 71: red W.sian"77c. Yesterday's car hay 3 cars, barley receipts, wheat 14 cars, 4 cara. .reu Grain Market. fnvrviK in. 19. Cargoes easier. Walla ,..--.'-- - . . . . .. .. Engltoh country 'market. quleL French country market Quiet. nraBPOOL Jan. 19. Wheat March. T id: May. 7 Id. weatner ciouuy. Sugar Decline In the East. NEW TORK. Jan. ll. Refined sugar .. ini .1 cents per hundred pounds on coarse granulated and confectioners A. and IZ TZnli on all other gradea. Soft ugar unchanged. Wool at St. Inila. BT LOUIS. Jan. IK. Wool Unchanged; territory and estern mediums. 21 ti 33c; Una mediums. 17ttlUc; fine. 12913c. DnJuth Flag Market. niu iTTH Jan. 1. Flax on track and t arrive, $2.67; May, $2.60. Hop at New Vork. NEW TORK. Jn. 19. Hops firm. MONTESANO ASKS CHANGE to Have Wynooche Plan on Foot Made South Montesano. xtovTirssANO. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe- C(al.) The Citr Council and the Cham ber of Commerce nave lanon nisi have the name of the station on the Bouth aide of the river faiangred from Wynooche to Soutn Momessnu. i residents of Wynooche are not opposed to the change and have taken steps to disincorporate so that the change can be maiie. ., This will be a step In the right di rection as heretofore it has been im possible to purchase a ucKei ovur mo new road to Montesano and has led to much confusion and dissatisfaction. Wynooche Is located directly south of this city on the new line of the O. k V . railroad. ' Albanr Girl Is Dead. uniKT Or.. Jan. !!. (Special.) Tucker, 12-year-old daughter of Mrs. Ella Thomas, of this city, died at her home here today. She spent almost her entire life in this city. Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRATH 4 NEUHACSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bldg. Portland Orcgoa inrwtj iuuLU iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiibiki i i Breaking of "Drouth Causes Wheat Prices to Fall. RECEIPTS ARE INCREASED Argentine Slilpments for the Week Are More Than Three Times as Large as a Year Ago. Corn Export Sales. CHICAGO. Jan. If. Value In the wheat pit suffered not only from me mouiun menu from Argentina and on account of Increasing receipts at primary pomu. peclally Minneapolis. Furtnermore 1" . .. . annu-fd II In l!lB southern part of Russia, a great neip tho Winter crop. Argentina o'P'""" the wwk were esUmated. at l.44u."U " i. ...m A.7noa boshels a year axo, and were nearly aa mucn auxius " .r daya aa for all of January iw-i .. . rin.,,. Lste in ino oay, iicic 1 caused aeneral covering y snoria. ino market rallied aharply. but tho effect did not last and the tone w , close. May ranged irom ai.vuia i" .i-vt 1.j1S. flnistilng aown mi .uvv,. Large export ciMrautM a-- . h corn. May Iluciuaieu oci.tvi. --- R0.c with final saiea uhuj-hb - : n-i. m.rk.i waa easy, shipping demand belnK practically at a standstill except on a low basis;' No. 2 yellow finished at 'oats kept within narrow limits and did not show much volume. j 1 1 5 " "-- - . points for May were 34c auu jum ine ctone i v as " v J . A light run ol nogs in in" i---- !ng centers tended to malte provismu- " In the end pork, waa loc higher to .15c down: lard .1c up to a like amount lower, and ribs unchanged to a nickel advance. The leading iuiuraa ruutu WHEAT, linen. High. Low. 31.00 .94 .94 .49 .50 .51 Close. (1.00 .9 .94 .50 .51 .52 .24 .34 May.. July.. Sept. . 11.01 U.01 .97 .7 .95 .95 CORN .50 . -.61 -51 .41 -5JT OATS. .34 -S4 .94 .34 May.. July. . Sept.. .94 .24 May.. July. . MESS PORK. 18.92 18.97 18-90 LARD. 10.30 10.30 10.10 10.05 10-05 1.00 9.92 9.92 9.87 SHORT RIB9. 10.67 1.7 15 10.05 10.05 9.97 18.97 lO.fO. 10.02 9.92 May.. Jan... May. . Sept. . 10.87 Jan.. .. May. .. 10.02 were as follows: Cash quotationa Flour Easy. BarWFe2edo? mixing-. 5S0c: fair to choice malting, 90e96c. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, J3.67, .xo, 1 Northwestern. 83 70. Timothy seed 310.40H 10.50. Clover $15. .. Pork Mess, per barrel. $30 20.59. Lard Per 104 pounda. 810.35. . Sides Short, clear (boxed). 814.751L Total clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 2.12.000 bushels. Primary receipts aid milk bushels, compared with 74- IMO bushels tho corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat, 24 cars: corn. 234 cars; oata, lo cars; hogs, 20,009 head. .Receipts- Bnipilieiui. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . . Oats, bushels .. Rye. bushels . . Barley, bushels 18.400 17.S00 . 13.200 ,22i5.2O0 .225.004 . 1.000 . 72.000 87.700 426.800 541.500 35.S00 93,400 Grain at Saa Francisco. 8AN FRANCISCO. Jan. 19. Wheat firm, bariey firm. , , , Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.47 1.15 per cental. ... , jjarey Feed, 31.15 per cental; brewing. 11.17 1.20 per cental. OnS Red, $1.101.27 per centa - white 31.50 1. so per cental; black. L121.20 per cental. . Call board sale: Barley December. 31.14 per cental bid. SL15 aaked; May, 31.19 per, cental. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Jan. 19. Wheat May 81 07 : July. $1.07 & 1.08: cash. No. 1 hard. $1.08: No. 1 Northern. $1.064 108; No. 2 Northern. $1.041.06; No. 3 wheat, 81.02igl.05. ' 1 Friday's Journal Says: "Bitulithic streets are favored by a large major ity of Port land taxpay ers." TRAVF.LKB'B GlIPK. PRFS. CKANT... Ja52Si H 4' tKAIfERlN AV(i. VIC... Feb. 11. 10 A. M- ' l-KF-S. LINCOLN Feb. IS. IF. M. tUriexcelled Rltx-Carlton a la Carte Restau ..!...,,, Baths. Elevator, rPalra Garden. -Second Cabin only. IHim burst direct. r, iiamnurg i , ... . " (.1BRAI.TAR. AI.tiIEB.-4. JiArLKS, 0, - - u. new 17 M)0-ton steamers, i-quiifrc - alT mXn .afety appilances. Electric Baths, oymnestum Etor etc. A . 8. . tiNCINNATI rb. 14. March M. S 8. BAT A VIA - -March 8. (Naples snd Genoa only. Ina T . J VTh . ftM.lMllns rgS5 wtwD.u .eceTsTry expend P AROUND In Luxury and Comfort. Visiting Lisbon. Spain. Italy. Etrypt. India. C.evlon. Straits Settlements. Java, Philippines. China, Japan. Sandwich Islands and Overland American Tour. 110 DAYS' DrRAT'OX. Bv tha Twin-Screw steamship ILKVE LAND ri7.0OO tons). Hrst ernlpwt leaving New York November L t9l. Second crnlse leaving; San Francisco February 17, 101s. Other cruises to the Orient. West In dies. South America. Vo the Mia. etc Send for Illustrated Booklet. HAJlBCRfl-AJJEKlCAN USE. 1H0 Powell St., San Francisco. CaL. or local R. R. agent In Portland. LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital MerchantsNationalBank Portland, Oregon United States Depository. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and individuals Invited. We have every facility for the handling of Com mercial Accounts and extend to Depositors every accommodation consistent with Sound and Progressive Banking. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Capital, - $300,000 Surplus and Profit, 7S.OOO 4 per cent interest paid on savings deposits, computed semi-annually. Accounts of individuals, firms and corpora tions invited. H. L. Pittock, President. F. W. Leadbetter, Vice-President. Emery Olmstead, Vice-President and Manager. A, S. Nichols, Vice-President. " B. Lee Paget, Secretary. .... . First National BanFi Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of thai Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Compaa Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Strcata Capital and Surplus $953,003 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Saving NOTICE On and after MONDAY, January 23, 1911, The Bank of California, National Association, will reoccupy its former quarters on the northwest corner Third and Stark Streets, Chamber of Commerce Building. - TRAVELER'S GClUK. V,V GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Winter Schedule Effective October 30, 1010. STEAMSHIPS: 'Prince Rupert' and 'Prince George FOR Victoria. Vancouver and Prince Kupert. Connecting- at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH., every Sunday at 2:00 P. M.. northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C., every Monday at 11:00 P. M., north bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P. M southbound. MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED NORTH OF VANCOITVEO. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or J. H. Burgla, Gen'l Airent, First Ave. and V'etiler War, Seattle, Waali. COOS BAY LINE CTEAXEB BKEAKWATF.B sails from Alaska dock. Portland. P. M- P- J J ffjin. 8. 10. 17, 2. 81. Fob. T. 14. at, 2a o4 very Tsdr nlbt thereafter oaring LjJJ Wlftfor. Freight received at Alaska Dock unUl 6 P. M. aally- Fasseniter fare, flrst riaSi. 110 ond-cla T. lucludta meal, and borth. Tickets on Alnswertk Dock. Fkoasa Uals aa. A i1 $500,000 TRAVELER'S COPE. HONOLULU AND THE VOLCAI THE TRIP MOST iu.nrr.ij.uu, nnrt Dleasure. a uc v largeit in the world. Is tremendously ac .r'P.ow. iio7 nr-eTa. San Francisco Honolulu and back, and l.au lor smo from Honolulu to vWc.no lnclud Ing end auto x xviiaucti, uiv' r Volcano House. No other tr p compares thlB. Be sure m vmi un -K-rtTxr whiu the volcano is .cw. o kikh'ra (10.UD0 tons displacement) Feb. . Feb. 23. March 18. Write or OCEANIC 8. 8. CO., 73 Market Street, ban iraactaco . . IT. . . . . . .".A Z MIRTT.lX'n KH New service to Los Angelca via ban F.' . ,. 1 Havtt. C1SLU ... T . ' tnftlffrl i P S8 Rose City Jan. 22. Bearer 27. Bear lr From Kan r rancmcff. uuiuinuu., i. gS Beaver Jan. tl. Bear , Rose tity J From iw" 8S Bear Jan. 24, Rose City 29. Reaver Fe J. VV. Ransom. Agent. Alnswortb I)oc in. AO 9S. A 140V. I San Francisco. Los Auulis an Saa Diega Direct Worth pacific a. B. Cos S. . Res J 4 a b. juiasr sau J van alternately at P. m. Ticks Wiles MAUXLN i. UlbLEX. Passenger Ad A. rf . -Pi n n, rill." " Vbene a. 1S14. A 1S14. Canadian Pacino Kmpresa Una of sterj ailing weekly between Montreal and L Moot, wireless on ticket asent or write . R. Jokruxa, O 142 Tnlra St.. rnuaau