15 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOTAX, FKIIJAr, JASDAEI 20, 1911. RATE GASE ENDED interstate Board Hears 5000 Pages of Argument. RAILROADS MAKE PLEAS AH fay Thrjr Must 1Itc Adranoe li Watfe Shipper Sijr Karnlnfc Tow Pa. Record Pulsion to B IL? ached by March 1. "WASHINGTON. Jn. 19. Arguments for the proposed advances In frlsht rates In Western Trunk Line Association terri tory were ended today after 19H hours or speaking In four dsya. The record In the case covers 6-XO 4age-. besides the Toiumlnona brlefa of rounwl and the reporta of their oral arrumenta The Commission expect to announce lta decision In the Fas l cm and Western rai't by March L It i scarcely likely that discussion of the casea will be taken up by the Commission as a body before the early part of February. In the final hours of today's proceed ings C. C. Wrirht. or the Chita- A Northwestern Railroad, In 'a philosophi cal discussion of the rate situation, said the question was not so much one of law aw one of statesmanahtp. In reaching a conclusion the Commlss-ion. he suggest ed, must do'ermlne the reasonableness of the proposed rates by the value of the services rendered to shippers. "The position of the Santa Fe." aald T. J. Norton, "la that our rates never liave been high enough. One fact domi nates this case: That Is- the absolute red of money by the carriers Involved. Our own company, with all of Its advan tages and the best geographical situation In the world. Is In need of money. Rate Miat Traffic Will Bear. "It semes beyond cavil that. If we are making Inadequate earnings on a s-vs-fem that Is conceded to be brilliantly managed, then our rates are too low. A rate of what the traffic reasonably will bear la what the country needs and what th roads- ought o have." Mr. Norton held cp to the Commission the specter of Government ownership and declared that a decision against the proposed advance In rates would be a disaster to the I'nlte.1 States. William K. Ellis, of the Chicago. Mil waukee A- St. Taul. aald thatthe chief irouble of the roads was In the labor and fuel accounts. Either the cost of labor and fuel must be reduced." he declared, "or the reve nues must be toned up. That la all there la to the question." Clifford Thorne. counsel for the Meat Producers" Association of the Middle West, aald that In the laat ten years the average market price of commodities, at wholesale, had Increased about 11 per cent, while the averag market prlca of 40 transportation companies Increased 104 per cent, which he held to be a re markable demonstration that the rail road business had been profitable Railroad Earning Greater. "I have compiled the figures repre senting the net earnings of American railways during- the last 20 years." Mr. Thorne said, "and after subtracting; All operating expenses and all taxes. 1 Mid thai for the year ending; June to. 110. the American railways had an Income amounting to I70.OOU.000 greater than ever before In their entire hlatory. I ft nd that the net earning of American railways have not only Increased In gross, but they have Increased for every train hauled one mile and for every mll of railroad." As a result of his Investigations. Mr. Thorne nia-H these three assertions: "First The credit of railway com panies Is as good, or better, than that of any other class of publto service or Industrial companies in the United States. "Second Railway securities are more attractive to actual Investors and have Increased In value more rapidly the last decade than any other class. "Third The earnings of our railroads above all operating expenses and all (axes, have been Increasing steadily within the last 20 years, and last year was the most prosperous year In the history of the American railways. "In this case If you deny the right to a general advance, you know and I know that the prosperity of these com panies is bound to keep on Increasing;.'' WOODLAND TO ADVERTISE Commercial Club Plans to Start y Campaign of Publicity. Wi.MiPI.ANP. Wash.. Jan 1. (Sne rtaL) The Woodland Commercial Club has recently organised. The officers of the club are Dr. R. M. Andruss. presi dent, and C. C. Alford. secretary. Other officers and a publicity man will be named later. , At a rousing meeting held In Bogorth's Hall yesterday H prominent farmers and business men of Clark Coiir.tr. lying across the Lewis River, met with the club. It Is proposed to erect a bridge across the Lewi River at this point. Several hundred dollars were raised for'publiclty work, and to assist In sending a delegation to Olym pla at the time the 'Ulslne-to-Vancouver state road bill comes up. to urge the building of the Lewis River bridge as one of the first acts after the new ap propriation is made. CANNERY JS DISCUSSED Tons Bay Fruitgrowers Consider Plant to lllllxe Waste. MARSHF1ELD. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Coos Bay Fruitgrowers' Association was held in this city and the establishment of a frutt and vegetable cannery was dis cussed. The representative of a firm which makes a business of establishing canneries' said that a cannery could be built here with k capital of 210.000 and that much of the unmarketable fruits now wasted could be used. A movement for a cannery hss been started at Myrtle Point and stock sub scrlptlonei are now being taken. The county fruit Inspector. P. M. Hall Lewlsi has Induced the County Commis sioners to buy a fruit tree sprayer, to be operated by a gasoline engine. It will be owned by the county and will be at tie service of any fruitgrower who w 11 pay for Its operation. HORSE AND RIDER PERISH alem Civil War Veteran Drowns When Mount Plunges In Creek. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 19. Joshua Smith was drowned In Mill Creek In this city last evening by riding a horse off the end of a bridge which was torn out by the high water during the afternoon. Mr. Smith visited the city yesterday morning, and was on his way to his home on the South Side when the accl- dent occurred. On account of the dark ness he was unable to see that the water had torn a cap In the bridge, and before be could prevent It his horse stumbled and plunged Into the torrent. Mr. Smith left the horse upon entering , the water and caught hold of a tree top near oy. He ciung w inn irn support for over an hour before his cries for help could be answered, but assistance was then too late. The cold water and his Ions; struggle had so weakened him. that last as the rescu ing party succeeded In placing a rope within his reach he released his hold on the tree top and floated off in the dark. Joshua Smith was one of the most highly respected veterans of the Civil War residing In Salem. He served throughout the war. and was several times mentioned for gallantry In ac tion. After the war he came to Oregon, and has lived in Marlon County for many years. He leaves a widow and a married stepdaughter. Mr. Smith was a past commander of the Grand Army, and held membership In Chemeketa Lodge. No. i. J. O. O. F, and In Wil lamette Encampment. No. 2. of the same orler. He was about 75 years old. U IXTERVEXTIOX IV RATE CASE MISUNDERSTOOD. Objection Is Only to Omission of la Than Carlo From Petition, Says Portland Attorney. MEDFORD. Or., Jan. 19. (Special.) Accusing; the Portland Chamber of Commerce of attempting to thwart the efforts of the Medford body to secure lower freight rates, the Medford Com mercial Club at a meeting; last night passed resolutions denouncing the ao tlon of the Portland body In Its at tempts to have the State Railroad Com mission prevented from granting the petition of the Medford Tratnc Bureau. Declaring that the present high price of commodities Is due to freight rates. and that these constitute a severe men ace to the development of Southern Oregon, the club accuses the Portland organisation of actions tending to bin der the progress of that portion of the state. As explained by J. N. Teal, attorney for the transportation committee oi the Portland Chamber of Commerce. the suit brought by the Medford Cora mercial Club is the same as brought by the Baker Commercial Club. In both cases Mr. Teal Intervened. "It was not to prevent lower rates, said Mr. Teal. "I have repeatedly made flie statement to Medford and Baker people. We are not opposed to their securing lower rates. They un derstand that clearly. What we are opposed to Is that they omit in their application less than carload lota. If they put that In their petition, the Portland Intervention suit will be dls missed. The reason we have Inter vened Is that the petition asks for a 35 per cent reduction on carload lots. while less than carload lots remain high and dry. thus preventing a job ber In Portland from shipping less than carload lots to Medford. so that the jobber there can take advantage of the distributive rates which are aifked for In conjunction with the Med ford suit. "We have contended all along that a certain proportion must exist between carload, less than carload and dis tributive rates. Thst Is the ruling of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the railway world in thta country. That Is all we ask." SENATE HAS IZAAK WALTON Mcrr man Has Rill to Do A way With FlHliermcn's Licenses. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 1. (Special.) A bill Important to sportsmen was Introduced by Senator Merry man today, the purport of the bill being te abolUh the angler's li cense. Merryman Is from Crook. Klamath and Lake Counties. He says his con stituents are vitally interested In the game laws and wis!) to promote to the greatest possible extent the pleasures coincident with angling. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. ll. Maximum temper ature. 44 degrees; minimum. 87 decrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. 12. fert: change In last 24 hoars. 8 2 fent rise. Total rain fall .-. i M. to S P. M. . 1.05 Inches; total rainfall since September 1. lulu. 23.'7 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 2-1. M) Inches; excess of rainfall sines Sep tember I. 1P10. 0.3 Inch. Total sunshine January IS. SO minutes: possible sunshine. hours, 12 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at P. M.. 3O.04 Inches. THK WEATHER. Wind S r State et weather. STATIONS. Voie . - Boston . Calgary Chi ag-. ...... Pes Moines..... Duluth Kureka. ....... Gulteston. . . ... Helena Jacksonville. . . Kansas t'lty. ... Montreal. ...... New Orlesns. .. New York North Itesrt . North Yakima. . Phoenix. ...... Tocatello Portland . ...... Rneebure. . . . . . Sacramento. . ft. l.out St. Paul Salt !.ake San Diego Fan Francisco. . Siskiyou Spokane Taconia Tatoosh I eland. Walla Walla. . . Washington.... Winnipeg B2.0. iMJf SE 4ol T. 113 W 4 O.UOl 4 SW S'J'O.iavio S 34 U . UOl 6 S lo T. ilo NE ..-t0.0 4 NE 62.0.001 4t T. 112, SE W T. S.N :irt o.oi'ii sw t,O.M,liW K.H 4N 8 s ii.ihuMi n 41 O.TO -JO SW 42 O.OOI 4 E 72 O.ool 4 NW 4VO.ti2il2 SE 44 O. Oil 4 SW 44 t.34' 4 N (iio.Mtjs4iS: 4ll.(H 4.6W 2n.no i K 2 O.OOI 4 SW I.' O.COi NW M 0.12 6,3 321 T. ..I... 400.ooll2lS,"V 4;o.3ol 4 w 420.40 14 SB 4IO.m:iuiS 4 O.OOI 4 NW -i 0.14I10E Cloudy Cloudy 'Clear Cloudy Cloudy Snow Cloudy Clear tCloudy raiu Cloudy Clear Clear I't. Cloudji cloudy Clear Clear Haln I't. rloody ciou.ly Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Snow Cloudy Rain Rain Cloudy Clear Cloudy t. Trace. WEATUER CONDITIONS. The rains in the North Paclflo States have practically ceased and all danger of a severe flood Is past. For the first 13 hours or the last 34 the river rose at the rate of nearly (our Inches an hour, while for the last 13 boura It only rose at the rate of one Inch an hour. At P. M. H had reached a state of 14.1 feet. At S P. U. the Clackamas River at Estacada had fallen a foot and a half and the Tualatin had fallen 1.4 feet. On the Yamhill at MeMlnn vltle the river rontlnuea to rise and It had reached a stase of 43.2 feet at sunset. At Albany the river re me to a aland at IS feet II i p. II. At Salem It had rtaen 1.3 feet to a stage of 10 feet at about the aame bour. The last report from Euxene showed a stase of ten feel, which Is a rise of I T fee since morning. At Wllsonrllle the rise was 1 (l. to a stage of ST feet during the day. The stase at Portland will be about l.YS fe-t Friday forenoon and 1.S feet Saturday afternoon or 8unday morning. It is much cooler In Southern and Eastern Ores in sad In Eastern Washington and the conditions are favorable for occaalonal llsht ra.n In Western Oreson and Western Wain. Inston Frlo'ay and for rain or anoer. with lower temperatures east .of the Cascade Mountains. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain, westerly wlnda Oragoa and "Washington Occasional rata west, rain or snow and coldsr east portion south te west winds. I'laho P.aln or enow and colder. EDWARD A. DEALS. District Forecaster. LABOR MEETS LAW Federation Delegates' Confer With Legislators. LIABILITY ACT UPHELD Joint Session at Salem Held for Pur pose of Discussing; Various Phases of the Labor Question Solona Addreaa Union Assembly. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 1. (Special.) La bor and lawmakers sat side by side In Oregon's legislative halls tonight and discussed legislation in which organ ized labor is Interested. The occasion was a joint assembly of the delegates to the Oregon State Federation of La bor In session here, and the members of the House and Senate In the Hall of Representatives. In discussing the employers liability law adopted by the people in Novem ber, J. F. Cassidy. Secretary of the State Federation of Labor, predicted that this law In Its operation would work hardship only on the "Conting ency" attorney. He implored the Legis lature not to interfere In any way with the provisions of this statute as It was enacted. A. I. Mason, of Hood River, fraternal delegates from the Orange to the Fed eration of Labor, discussed briefly the subject of good roads legislation. Mr. Mason strongly favored the bill now before the Legislature, which provides for state aid tn road-building and Inti mated that this bill has the indorse ment of the Granges of the state. The speaker disapproved of the bill which authorizes the issuance of bonds by counties to aid construction or roads. J. J. Price, of Portland, presided as chairman of the meeting, which was also addressed by President Selling, Speaker Husk. Senator Joseph, Senator Slnnott, J. Q. Parsons, Kd Rosenberg. W. F. Daly, president of the State Federation of Labor, and Mrs. Gee, of the Garment Makers' Union. During the morning session of the federation the delegates discussed many topics and voted on many reso lutions, some of which follow: The recommendation to abolish the "third degree" was Indorsed; the pro. tectlon of salmon of the Columbia as well as other rivers was also approved; that 10 hours is too long for a woman to work In one day is the sentiment of the federation, as expressed In their vote on the question; the eight-hour law for all state, county and municipal work went through with flying colors. A House bill slightly amending the present factory Inspection law was In dorsed. An age-limit bill for the driver of motor vehicles was also approved. That the plumbing of the state should be Inspected and supervised is the sub stance of a measure referred to the executive committee. The views of Superintendent James, of the Stste Penitentiary regarding ex tension of the parole system were ap proved. The House hill of Libby. of Marlon, designed to protect the men employed on all rail lines In the state -brought forth great discussion, as many of the delegates thought it was out of the province of the convention. After an explanation by the chairman of the committee on laws and legislation. It was Indorsed. The proposed child-labor law was adopted with slight amendments. A request was ordered forwarded to State Labor Commissioner Hoff that he furnish data on acridents and fatalities throughout the state. WASHINGTON COACH NOTED J. II. Mayburj, of Wisconsin Var sity, to Train Crack Teams. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Special.) J. H. Maybury. graduate of the law school. 'University of Wisconsin, and an athlete of National note; lias been chosen track coach for the University of Washington. Hla duties will be assumed February 1 and will continue until May 30. net-all Petitions Are Started. TACOMA. Jan. IS. Petitions were started today for the recall of Mayor Kawoett. It Is said many signatures were readily obtained. His position in urging the vertical lift bridge, together with his action in other municipal mat ters, are given as the cause. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Bnnda-r. Per Une. One time He fame ad twe ronseentlve times tza earae add three consecutive times 30e beme ad six or seven consecutive times.. Me Kemlttance must accompany out-of-towa orders. bix wards counts as one Une ea cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than twe lines. , When aa advertisement Is not run consec utive times the one-time rate an n lies. On charge of book advertieements the rharae will be baseu on toe actual number of lines Rppewring- in the paper, regardieea at tne number of words In eavh line. In Mew Today all advertlaementa are enarsed by measure oniy, 14 imea te the Inch. The above rates apply te advertisements under "New Today" aud all otiier classifica tions excepting the following: Situation. Wanted, Made. Mtuation. Wanted. Female. For Kent. TUxima. Private Families. tlooms and Honrd, Private Families. Housekeeping- Rooms, Private Families. The rate en the above classifies lions is A cents a line each Insertion. In case box office address Is required, count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded te patrons, provided, self -ad dressed envelopes are la- eloeea. MEKTTNO KOTTCKa. WASHINQTOV LODQB, NO 4. A. r. AND A. M. Special com- nicy munlcatlon this Friday) even- ins. 7:30, East stb and Burnslde. E. A. decree. Visitors welcome. Order W. St. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec, PORTLAND LODGR. NO. 65, A. F. AND A. M. StaAed oom- SjY-s munlcatlon tms trriaay) svenlnc. .W v i ll" rr in f a. db -tree. Visitors welcome. By order C. M. STBADMAJf. See MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. 41. A. F. AND A. If- A special com munication this fFrlday) evening 1:10 o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. p. R. TOUN'Q, Sea. ROSE CITT CHAPTER. NO. SC. O. E. 8. Regular meet Ins this I Friday) evenlnj at o'clock. Ma sonic Temple, West Side. By order W. J. SARAH B. QUERIN. bC HASA1,0 LODGE NO. IS. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this tFrlrtsy) evening at Tin o'clock. Work In tbs first degree. V-Iiters wslooms. FREDK. COZENS. See. ACCTIOX SALES TODAT. Today at "Wilson's auction house. Pscond and Yamhill. Bale at X A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer.. At Ollmsns Auotlon House. 146 Re con d sL. tl 19 A U. S. I N. unman, auctioneer. AMt'SEMEXTS. HEILIG THEATER rhones Main 1 and A lit. T55RH7"Sna I I Matinee. -I I Ton morrow "Sight I I Tomorrow,. X The Big Comic Opera Success. "The Chocolate Soldier" 100 people 10O 30 Orchestra SO. Prices 12. $1.50. 11. 75c 60c SEAT 6ALE- OPENS TODAY. Helllg Theater. S DATS BEGINNING MONDAT. Special Price Matinee -Wedneslay. Mary Mannering In Her Latest Play Success. "A MAN'S WORLD." Evenings. 12 to 85c. Matinee. $1.60 to gflc. THEATER Morrison and Eleventh Main z and A i'WO. Geo. L. Baker. Mgr. BAKER Tonight All Week Matinee Tomorrow. Baker Stock Company In the Greatest Theat rical Triumph of the Age. -THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST." Evenings, 25c BOe. 75c Matinees. 25c. Mc curtain 8 sharp. Matinee at 2 o-clock. Next Week -The M anat heBox: Bungalow Theater SfslU Mt2 rr- i l . . .r In a n it Night. Fam'l E. Rork'a sensational musical pro ductlon, "Tirr m-v-ir-v nr thtc MOTJUjr ROUGE. Smart, saucy and gorgeously girly. '.fht prices. 60c. 76c Si. l.e. Mat. Saturday. 23c. 60c. 75c Next week, start Sun. Matlnae -Tne fxjqaw .-um. Main. AMK0. UAnAtli a. tai auaa -v-a-nr ATTTt 15.H-58-TSI . -- English Company in "Motoring." s satire on automoblimg; Hees. Munro nd Powell, John Neff, Force and Williams. Carrie st.tr' Kennedy, t.ertie le Milt and Kennedy, the Afalbergs, Mme. YaUeclta and her ieroclous GRAND Week of Jan. 16 CARQN & FARNOM OLIO TRIO. Bart Berrtck. Marguerite Fry, The Chamberlains. GRANDASCOrE. Every Evolution Has a Langh of Its Own. Lester at Kellett, Msttnee every day, 2 :30: any seat, ISO. Evening performances balcony, l&c; lower floor, at 7:80 snd ?:1": , 26o; box seats. 6o. TJnequaled Vaudeville. Week Commencing Monday. January 10. fra.l-l lltraMlnn P1 f mOrdinS T V. IS CAPTAIN DKVLIX AND HIS ZOUAVES In army sports, wall-scaling ana wnirawinu drills. S other feature acts. Popular Prices. Curtain 2:30. 7:at. v. LYRIC Seventh and Alder Streets Week Commencing Tomorrow Matinee, . Keating ec Flood present DILLON KIKQ la "A Married Widow n Supported by the Lyric Musical Comedy test Two performances night. 7:45 sntl H.io Matinees dally. 2:45. Next week. "A Mjx-op. FLUERAL NOTICES. BEQUETTE At residence of dsushter. 801 K. 8th St., Sarah A. Bequette. aged 7J years, beloved mother of Charles M. .Be quette. Mrs. H. Gurr aud Mrs. George 11 Connelly. Funeral will take place from above residence today (Friday) January 2f. at A. M.: thence to fct. Francis Church, where services will be held at :o A. M. Friends and acaualntances re spectfully Invited to attend. Interment I Lone Kir Cemetery. 6IBSON In this city. Jan. IS. Mathew H. Slbson. native of England, aged 61 years, brother of William 8. 8lbon. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2 P. M. today (Friday-, Jan. 20. Take Sellwood car for Crematorium. COI. NELL At his home In Rose City Park, 664 8 2d street N. January 18. at 7:40 A. M.. Holly A. Cornell, aged 63 years. Funeral service at the home tomorrow (Saturday). January 31, at 1 P. M., con ducted by Rev. P. S. Knight, of Salem. WENNERBERO The funeral services of the lste Roy Bernard Wennerberg will bs held at Holmaifa chapel. Third and Sal mon sis., at 10 A. M. today (Friday), Jan. 20. Friends Invited. Services at the grave private. MOON Died at St. Vincent's Hospital, January 18. Mr a Nora Moon, wife ef R. S. Moon. Taoolt. Wash. Funeral 1 o'clock Katurdsy afternoon, Flnley'e chapel, at tended only by Immediate family. BOWMAN The funeral services of the late Lydlm E. Bowman will bs held at the family residence. 6tK Tillamook St.. at 2 P. M.. today (Friday). Friends Invited. Interment prlvste. IOMK1H FlORAL OtX MA HOC AM BLUO. . FLOKAX. 1EMG8. Phones : Main 6102. A 1161. "Dunning McEntee, Funeral Directors, Tth and Fine. Phone Main 480. Lady as- alatanu office of County Coroner. EDWAKD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct. eta, zap sa st. taur j- . J p. FINL.EY or phi., an ana iaaawn. ! . . . . a Kau UiUy attenannt. m rump ..mm m, LAST 61UK Funeral Directors, aucceewar to y. fl. Dunning. Inc K. 6g, B 2626. KKJCSON CO. Undertakers. Lady aaalst. ant. 409 Alder.. M. 6138. A 2236. EEI.I.Elt-BYRNE- CO., Funeral Director-, SS4 Williams are. both phones; lady aasfc LKRCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder nnj sth. East 78L B lass. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITT HALL Main 598. A 1589. HUMANE OFFICER. BABT4774 NEW TODAY. Business Property Satisfactory income from assured lease for term of years. Price and terms are right. C. V. EVERETT 414 Spalding Building. 14th Street Facing Mill street. 60x100 feet. Some Income. Price ll.ooo. GODDARD "WIEJJRICK, 804 Concord Bids. WANTED Ten men to Join an aviation class. To- i f is 1 tal cost for use or ma chine, etc. $250. Particulars V 684. Ore gonian. 400 Profit I need a few thousand dollars more to complete a new platting syndicate that will pay 400 per cent net profit. Mv last syndicate paid over S00 per cent net. -Address L 459. Oregonian. City Acreage tCflAfl tor f,ve cre ,n "outbern sDDUUU part of city; cleared and ulatted in quarter-acre lota: 16000 profit in this aa platted. See u quick. Terms. HOISINOTON-COMTB CO, 626-27 Board ef Trade Bldg. ... a. jk. Kt NEW TODAT. Auction Sale Woolen Mill AND Real Estate of the entire and complete line of machinery of the six-card San Jose Woolen Mills Co.. cor. San Pedro and Ilobson streets, San Jose, California. We trill also sell the 512 acres 6f land and impivements separately from the machinery. Sale Tuesday.. Jan. 24, 1 P. M. 6ale to take place on the premises. This is a bona fide sale, no limit or reserve. Send for FREE catalogue for full description. J.A.MUNRO&CO. AUCTIONEERS San Jose office, 40 N. 4th Street. Oakland office, 1007 Clay Street. Apartment Site Cheapest Quarter for Close-In Prop erty on the Market. 100x100, 1 block off of Washington street, 7 minutes' walk from 5th and Washington sts. This can be "bought for $42,000 $10,000 cash and bal ance ten years, on or before; interest 6 per cent. i AD 667, 0REG0NIAN.a 3 'CAREY ACT IRRIGATED PUBLIC LAND II OPENING. YOU ARg ENTITLSD TO Hit OH f 7" nj I no Acros or irrigated land. MAKE APPLICATION NOW -a:.--, . CWTT!Al.CfituDN IISIGHIOS CO. 4t sv ucnanct loo. PORTLAND ORE. WV.JT :zr?mtr & 4. $50.00 Now And Only flB.OO Per Month Gives You Immediate Possession of A FIVE-ACRE TRACT OF OVR GENUINE ORCHARD SAND Nearness to Portland and Electric Rall way. Low price, no Interest and no taxes durini-: life of contract makes this an A-l bargain. Look it up! F. E. TAYLOR A CO., 40 2-403-404-405 Lrls Bids:., Corner Fourth and Oak Sis. Cur land Pays for Itself Richest Lands in Oregon IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS tl miles from Portland, in Chehalsm Orchard District, 65c fare; "red shot" soil. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and ship us cord wood in payment for land; we pay difference In cash. FIRLANDS TRUST GO. OOS Spnldlnar Bids. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE NTT On Twenty-flnrt StrerL Leased for 9333 Per Month. $36,000 , GOCDARD WIEDRICK, 504 Concord Bids:. 16 Per Cent Net. West Side $28,000 A nice anartment-house finely locat ed on Eleventh street. West Side, with Income of about $3500 per annum, net ting 10 H per cent on total cost and 18 per cent on money needed to swing it. Nothing better for a-safe Portland In vestment that wiil bring good returns and increase In value. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INV. CO., 418 Hallway Exchange Bids. LADD'S ADDITION T.a.rarA now house In this close-in Home district, where prices are ad vancing. 603 Ladd avenue: lot 40x128. Owner built this for his home. Make us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Lovejoy St. House Modern e-room House, two years oia, furnace and fireplace, bookcases, china closet, panel dining-room, Dutch kitchen, den, sleeping-porch, doubly constructed, four bedrooms; on Lovejoy street, nead Twenty-first. Price only 68750 62000 ca.li. GRTJSSI ZADOW, 817Bord of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Fourteenth-Street - Apartment Site 60x100 South of Morrison, 811,000 GODDARD at WIEDRICK, 604 Coacord Bids;. A. SNAP Eight acres with house find barn, short distance from Council Crest, high and sightly. Price 610,000: adjoining 10 acres with house Just old for 619,000. Call at once for. particulars and go see it. GRVSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Blda- 4ta aud Oak. 400 Profit I need a few thousand drjlars more to complete a new platting syndicate that will pav 400 per cent net profit. Hy last syndicate paid over 300 per cent net. Address L 459, Oregonian. JfEW TODAY. $1000 PROFIT To be made on 5-acre tract i on West Side, within 3 miles of Courthouse. $3200 cash. I All other property sur- minding sells for $850 per acre. KEASEY fiUHASONSJEFFERY nor. m i - e n---mA ff 1 1 Five Story arehouse Has five stories and basement, 50x100, within one block of freight houses, First class, heavy mill construction, low Insurance, large elevator; long lease at $600 per month.. X 684. Ore gonian. PIEDMONT El(-rht-room houee, new, well-built, everything: modern, near carline. Of fered for a few days at a big sacrifice. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. REAL -ESTATE DEALER. Beck. "William Q.. 312 Falling bld. Blrrell. A. H. A Co., 202-S McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker A Benedlot. 002 McKay bide it. 649. Chapln A Herlow, 882 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Jk Co., 508 Corbett bids. Jennings As Co.. Main 18S 206 Oregonlaa. PALMER -JONES CO.'. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. 6cba!k. Geo, li., 223 Etark st. Mala Jil A The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. aad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) M. EL THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CT.nSR.1- CORNER. East 22d and Frankfort streets. 50x90 feet, one block to carline; streets Improved, cement walks, sewer ana water, all as ae&fiments najri: orice low to close out. (560. terms tlOO down, balanco monthly. GODDARD &. WIEORICK. fit4 Concord Bids. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Buy now. Lots $30. West Stark and 63d streets, west of City Park, only 13 minutes from Washington st. Beautiful view lots. Money-makers. Terms 2 per month. National Realty ft Trust Co.. 3264 Wash Ington st., room 516. IBVIKGTON. Lot 8xl00. between 28th and 2I)th. on Tillamook St.; sidewalks in and paid for. street to be improved this year; line lo cation for a home; $Jth") to t'MM below mar ket prica for surrounding property. F. E. RilEt 402 Oregonian Bldg. EXTRA FIXE RESIDENCE LOT. High and sightly. In center of best dis trict In city, where building restrictions protect and undesirable people are barred; else of lot 73xlo0. east .front; price JSooO. discount for cash. Phone A 1515. Main 103. Ask for Mr. Delahunt COLONIAL HEIGHTS LOT. Fine lot 60xS0, east front; sewer snd cement sidewalk paid; on E. 24th St.. Just south of Hawthorne ave.; a fine neighbor hood; price only $2400. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. 26TH STREET. 26th St.. 150 ft. north of Thompson, I have 4 choice lots at (1650 each. Im provements paid for; surrounding lots valued at (2000. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. RRKIDENCE LOT. $1170 will buy a choice lot In high-class residence district; tills is 6130 below price now, and prices will be raised in few months; don't buy home site until you see this; very easy terms. Phone A 1515. Ask for Mr. Clements. iHAVB several 6100 lots in Portland. West Side, on United Railway, for $o0 cash. Perfect title; owner leaving city. A snap for someone. 401 Spalding Bldg. Mar shall 2.S27. LOT 50x100 near Hawthorne, east front, cement walks and curb paid, only $1550: fine flat or apartment site. Hawthorne Realty Co.. cor. E. 34th and Hawthorne ave. Phone B 2J07; Tabor 516 WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Think of this! Beautiful apartment site. 40x100, within ten minutes' walk of the Postofflce, for only S5750. Geo. G. Mair, 2 Lumbermens bldg. 1375 EACH cash buys 2 nice nice 30-foot lots close to Rose City Park car; no restrictions- 00-foot street, water in. fine view, high 'and dry. Bee Logan, 32SH Wash Ington st. HERE IS A BUY. Blocks 200x2o. restricted location, close to Portland. $1500. HALL & HICKLE. s 321 Lumbermens Bldg. ROPE CITY PARK BARGAINS. A good view lot, on the Alameda; cor ner lot; sidewalk snd street work in and paid; close to good homes. Address AiC 629. Oregonian; ""PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts snd acreage; ail parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main 3a.l. A 3S39. l"oWN a good 398-acre wheat ranch and 'Want to traoe li iur a iiiHi-tmra ruiiiaiKi residence or close-in acreage. My price is 625 per acre. AM 670, Oregonian. ONE lot In the best residence section on the East Side; price 60o. J30 cash and 518 a month; a fine snap. Mr. Perkins. Main 1503. A 1515- IRVINGTON Snap; owner must sell beau tiful Improved lot. near Knott, 6ir00; one 'near Stanton, 61250; terms. AH 677, ' Oregonian. DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENTS One cltv aore, 1500 lots adjoining sell ing for 6350. Detsoh & wltwer. 618 Board ot Trade. A-1559; Main 2182. ' ROSE CITY PARK LOT. 100x100, choice location, at a bargain. HALL HICKLE. 321 Lumbermens Bldg. WILL save you 61000 on the purchase price of four view lots: restricted district, good car service, close in. terms 16 per cent down. AM 6711. Oregonian. 610 DOWN and 65 per month buys nice . , i . K.r ..at- oi t v orator itrut level iul - . - graded and paid. Hlgley. Bishop & McCl.iskey. 132 3d st. MUST SELL. S lots best In tract, 6200 less than market price. $421 each. Cash 6200 each, balance terms. Owner, W s:, oregonian. qT near Union fof 5S60 only ; small payment down. bal. 110 per month. We must sell. Call 414 Spalding bldg. XEN of the best view lots, in a high-class restricted property, spiendld terms for CMh.l5000.AN676.Oregonian. a LOTS for sale In Rose City Park. 6100 less than the price. Inquire 280 First. save you 6,100 on Portland residence block. Wood. 310 Spalding Bldg. CHOICE Irvlngton lot cheap. Call Main 2488. w For Rent KEA ESTATE For Sule Lots. ACRE TRACT BARGAINS. A levei. cleared acre tract. Improved with new 3-room frame bouse and wood shed, acre sot out to various kinds of large and small fruits; water piped In house: price tor Immediate sale, 61K00. ou terms. This property Is way below Its value. A cleared, level acre or half acre tract in Woodstock district, water piped to each tract; terms easy; both beautiful home sites. One-acre tract, close to Mount Scott canine. &c faro, on terms of $15 per month nu interest. Ttus laces on nard-sur faced county rosd. l.AMBERT-WHITMER CO. 70 Fourth St. 404 E. Alder St. IF YOU COULD, WOULD YOUT Do you want a lot in that most beautiful addition. LAt-RELHUKST? Would you cive stS.iO for my $1000 LOT T Have you $216 cash to make a first payment ? Can you pay about 615 per month on the balance? If you want the lot, get busy and see my agents, for 1 am broke and need the money! NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark St. 6250 CASH Will buy good 00 by 100-ft. lot on East 87th street. 2 blocks from W-W carline: cement sidewalks in and bonded; price J4."0. or will sell 100 bv 100 corner, same location, for $:ioo. 30i cash. The cheap est lots in the neighborhood and a splendid investment. KAUFFMANN MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. CHEAP LOTS. 63200 4 lots Oxl00. each west slops juount ranor. on i4th. block nortn car. 51200 100x100 facing car, on East 4th. restricted addition. 550 50x100 on Gladstone ave., 150 feet zrom carline. SI 350 4 lots In Kenmore, 100 feet oil raiioa ave., nan mock to car. F. E. DE.V.MSOX, 201 Gerllnger Bldg. 2550. 90x33 ft., corner E. 31st and Tillamook! sts., paved street; above grade: goo building lot. Price J.'ooO; terms 5100V vasu. JT. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212 -213 Commercial Club Bldg. rhones Main 8099. A 2653. For bale Houses. BUNGALOW 63700 6500 CASH. Located on East 37th st., 2 blocks sotiW oi Hawthorne ave.. facing east. II AS 6 nic.k. i.a Rr.K nnnws. Beautiful white pressed brick firenlac with mirror above, built-in china closet nice Data ana lavatory, double constructe throughout, full cement basement with c. ment floor, cement laundry trays, nic large attic, one of the most attractlv bungalows In this section. If you see I you win Duy it. Don't delay, out see UnAIVrURD. 1021 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 516 o B 2967. A BEAUTIFUL. MODERN HOME. East 9th street, near Going street I strictly modern 6-room residence, with fu cement basement, steam heat, laundr fireplace, beautiful dining-room with buf fct, large Dutch kitchen, hardwood flooH several linen and china closets, large ver anda with cement foundation and cemeni columns; price S3K50. terms. This Is JUH wuai you nave been looking for. GODDARD at WIEDRICK. 501Concord Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. HSOn CASH. Very swell brand new 5-room hungalo! nne nreplace, china closet, bookcasi paneled illnliic-room. tinted walls. Dut' kitchen, tine combination fixtures, laund' trays, in fact nothing missing; on inl proved street; cfmnt walk; near Hav thorne ave. and E. 37th; price 63200. 65' casn and s-jo per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. .817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. MODERN NINE ROOMS. Corner East 11th and Shaver street: 11 (vixioo. House has full cement basemei i laundry trays, wood lift, modern plumblrj gas and sewer connections: all streets a: other assessments paid. Price is 62U'1 terms. The owner will consider sol trade for acreage on carline near Portianl uODDAKD & WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Bldg. BUILD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THE!" IS A REASON. LET US TELL YOU WH OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEA I l.NG AND GIVING ALL WE AGRIl BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLA FREE IF WE BUILD. IF YOU OVl LOT WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOl L R. BAILEY CO., INC 324 A13INUTON BLDQ. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms. 50x100 lot: improvements and paid: Berlin buffet and book casJ solid oak tioors, baths, furnace, n: places, laundry trays, mirror doors, g I etc.: terms s.ioo down, balance 25 month. National Realty & Trust Cl ''2tS3 Washington st.. room 616. IRVINGTON. SWELL BUNGALOW. Swell new 5-rooin bungalow; drepla I furnace, panel dining-room, beam ceiiiH bookcases, flue tlxturcs, double floo I nothing missing to make a modern honl on a lot i0xlon. on East 11th St.. Thompson; price a snap. 630OO, lncludll street Improvements, StoOil cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak I ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern, up-to-date bungalow, recerj comnleted: W rooms. Including out-d- sleeping room: furnace, electric hxturl hardwood floor, beamed ceiling. Du kitchen, etc.; price 54500, easy terti Karnoop & Kopf, 325 Railway Exchau bliig. BUNGALOW AND LOT 51700: 6150 DOWN Balance monthly. 4 rooms, with bel toilet, sink, hot and cold water, bean ful view lot. one block to car. North Mo J Tabor. larKe norch. shade trees, etc. always have the bargains. Jas. C. Logl 32i'- Washington St., Room 404. SUNNY SIDE. 3-room bungalow, new, never occup on East Taylor, near 41st; splendid n for 53500. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. For Investments or homes. SEB DETSCH A WITWER. Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate meana BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. 17th Elizabeth; beautiful modern 8-room hoi level quarter block, all Improvements I choicest neighbornooa, grana unoDstru view of city, for little mors than pried ground. Terms. Main Hop I. A dfrjll. WE HAVE several modern, moderats-prll homes for sale in sunnysiao. uau and photographs of same. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE) CO., C. K. De Burgh. Manager. 217 Ablngton Bldg MODERN 4-room bungalow and lot 250, fenced and cross-iencen, gooa cni' house and lots OI iruii; diocb irnni line: to see It is to buy; -Jw, only cash. 170 5th st. NEW six-room house; full basement, elecl lights; everytning nicety luriiieiieu; 45x110: one lilocl irom car; must vmr.- at S2650. 6250 cash, balance month. Owner, room 17. 1654 Fourtl I winTl.AKD HEIGHTS bungalow, ,.r.rtv. modern. luriioce, lueoiace. proved street, on carline; s-ilendld vi 3.V11. A 383i. MODERN 5-room bungalow, one block fl Killingsworin ave., liiib new, just c uleteu. and is a dandy; 1300 cash easy terms on balance. See owner. Spalding bldg. HOUSE AND LOT a rooms, lot 83x70. on carline. mo:( 52500. half cash. HALL & HICKLE. 321 Lumbermens Bldg. 510 5 00 MODERN home of 8 rooms oil 60X100. facing east in Nob Hill dlstJ this IS 1inoer-pi iwa m. ime place. J, perbysnire. ums. A HOUSE for sale, close price; will mortgage as payment or small pay down and 523 a montn. can laoor v 231&. . yOR SALE Eight-roomed house; modern convenience: close to car: surface streets; snap; 64500; terms. East Flanders st. Phone B 1107. 5 EXCELLENT -Hmps. B and 0 rooms; oak and mahod finish: very desirable locations; no ag I C East 2i . w. n. neruman. HAWTHORNE AVE., 6-roon house. enmnleted. strictly modern. J3350. down. 625 monthly. Ross, 2s Linl A 7497 i.nonM house on E. 38th st.. nne lot. stioo: terms to suit. I am ths ownei will give you a good deal. Call 414 S;( ing bldg. MODERN 7-room house. 2 " blocks carline. full lot: a snap at $3150. cash. 170 Sth st- FINEST LITTLE HOME IN CITY New anl lovely. 63750. 5500 down. sncs as rent, fnone seuwooa lsoi. IVROOM house, 12-mlnute car ride, for cash. Inaulre at Jones' Book t-t 2S4 Oak st. IRVINGTON residence. Built for o hardwood floors, artlstlo nrenlace. East 17th Phone East 394 for part!ev FURNISHED modern 5-room flat; cloJ cheap. Flat c sua aa su