THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911. Girl's Aviation Story Contest Another Original .Meier & Frank Event Closes on Feb. 10th $100 in Cash and Merchandise Prizes Our Great Sixth Annual Pure Food Show Opens Monday, January 23d Fifth floor Seventy-five Demonstrators Admission Freg 7Z5Z $1.25 and $1.50 Persian and Dresden Silks Today, at Yard 98c FIRST FLOOR, MAI.V BUILDING. ORDER II V MAIL. A SILK offering extraordinary 1 Around 3000 yards of beautiful Persian and Dresden Silks in hundreds of the latest patterns such as stripes, plaids and allover effects in all the wanted colorings. For waists, costumes and linings. Our best $1.25 no and $1.50 Silks, on special sale, today, yard OC Oregon Cat Club's First Annual Show Begins At This Store Today EVERYTHING is in readiness for the opening of the Oregon Cat Club's First Annual Show at The Meier & Frank Store this morning. The exhibits have been arranged on the 4th floor and several hundred entries arc included. Quite a number of Prize Cups and Blue Ribbons arc offered. cJ;i!;:T4:T-TrT ' ZZy'1' A Clearance Windfall in Women's Gloves--$ 1 .75 and $2 Grades 9&c ..-V---i .-TT" 2d Annual Boys' Aviation Meet and Contest Opens January 23d The Y. M. C. A, Membership Prize BUYS, here's another added feature for our Second Annual and Original Aviation Meet and Contest, which opens at the Meier & Frank Store, January 23: The Y. M. C. A., under whose auspices the event is being held, offers a year's membership to the entrant whose aeroplane conies nearest to flying from the top of the Meier & Frank Xtore to the Y. M. C. A. building, Sixth and Taylor streets. Two hundred dollars in cash and merchandise prizes and a prize for every ex hibitor. Our only restriction is that the model is made by ths exhibitor himself, a boy of eighteen years or under. First Prize, $30 Cash Second Prize, $20 Cash Third Prize, $15 Order Fourth Prize $12.50 Order Fifth Prize, $10 Order Sixth Prize, $7.50 Order $14.00 to $17.50 Furs Special Today at $7.85 SECOJVn FLOOR,' MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. EXTRAORDINARY reduction today on fine glossy Furs of Black Fox, Isabelle Fox, Wolf, Marten and Opos sum. Large shawl effect Stoles with natural head and tail trimming. Large Rug and Pillow Muffs. Our jT OC $14.00 to $17.50 Furs, at S OiJ $75 ASTRACHAN COATS 30-inch length, semi-fitted styles with combina tion Mink and Siberian CjQ Ef Squirrel collars. Today at ?O.DU $248 HUDSON SEAL COAT An ele gant garment, 52 inches long, lined throughout with rich lavender brocaded satin. Semi-fitting with Frog fastenings. Today V Clearance Reductions on Line of Worthy Trunks FOl'RTH FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. C TRONG canvas-covered Waterproof Trunks, J metal bound, with two leather straps over top, two covered trays and large hat compart ment. Special reductions for Clearance today: $11.50 Canvas-Covered Trunks, 32-in. $9.70 $12.00 Canvas-Covered Trunks, 34-in. 10.15 $13.25 Canvas-Covered Trunks, 38-in. $11.20 $14.00 Canvas-Covered Trunks, 40-in. $11.85 Steamer Trunks Hade of strong corrugated compressed fiber, steel bound, with two locks: $33 36-inch size $27 $36 40-inch size $30 $34 38-inch tsize, $28 $39 42-inch size $32 Genuine Cowhide Suitcases Made of full stock cowhide, 24-in. size; linen lining' and shirt fold: $ 7.60. Suitcases now marked at only $ 6.30 $ 8.50s Suitcases now marked' at only $ 7.15 $12.00 Suitcases now marked at only $11.10 $15.50 Suitcases now marked at only $13.10 ORDER BY MAIL. P FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. LEASE bear in mind that these are our finest $1.75 and $2 real French Kid Gloves the lowest special price we ever sold them for was $1.39! In the hip lot of over 1000 pairs are one and two-clasp styles in Capes, Suedes, Glace Kids and Mochas. There are not all sizes in all colors, But all sizes in the lot. The season's QQ biggest Kid Glove bargain real $1.75 and $2.00 grades, bargainized for this sale at, pr. iQC To $1 Gloves 25c For Clearance today, all in complete lines of Women's Gloves in suede, chamois, cape and glace kid. Broken sizes. Some slightly soiled and mussed. Regular 75c r to $1 grades, the pair OC 10c Kerchiefs 3c Great Clearing out of "Wom en's and Children's Handker chiefs, in plain hemstitched and broken line of initials. Reg. 10c and 12c grades ry while lot lasts today, eaOC 25c Kerchiefs 8c Broken lines of Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs in sheer and -medium weights. Some with hand-embroidered cor ners, others initialed, q Reg. 25c and 35c grades OC It's Here, New Pantaloon AviationSuitFromParis! SECOND FLOOR, MAIV BVILCI.VG Great Sale of 1 OOO Men's Genuine ORDER BT MIL. Eng! J,Vv v B : .i 1 sale f . " ' til - 1 ish Raincoats FIRST FLOOR, MAIN Bl'ILDIXG. OUR immense quantity-buying and direct importing brings these genuine Imported English Slip-On Raincoats to jrou today at prices, we believe, never before equaled in Portland. Every one is guaranteed strictly water proof and the Slip-On styles are equally suitable for men or women. Sale today in Men's Furnishing Store, just inside Morrison-si. entrance. See window display Two hundred men s or women 's' w ater-proor Slip-On Raincoats, in lipht and dark tans, gray and black. Made with high military col lar and pocket. All sizes. On 9iA O A today, low price, garment V Mens high-grade mported English Waterproof Rain coats, in light, medi um and heavy weights. Material is silk, wool and rubber combination, absolutely water proof. . High military, felt or plain collars; cut English Raglan style. All col-J1 1 QQ actual $20 coats V Regular $25 and $23 English Slip-On Raincoats for men or women in light. medium and heavy weights in all colors. High military, plain or felt collars. True English Raglan shoulders and sleeves; COf) QQ storm cuffs. For today's sale PJ0 uorrison-bi. entrance. At $4.24 At $11.98 ors and sizes At $20.98 The January "Baby Week" Continued Hand-Made Infants' Wear at 4 Less SECOND FLOOR, SEW BUILDING. ORDER BY HAIL. DRESSES, Skirts, Pillow Slips, Sheets, Spreads all the charming little hand-made articles for his majes ty, the baby fairy-like bits of lace, tiny clusters of pretty tucks, dainty sheer fabrics, but withal sturdy little gar ments that will wear and last. All Hand- 1 1 I ... made Infants' Wear, from $3.00 up at WS vlr ll $3.00 Baby Wear, J 11 53.25 Baby Wear, -Is $3.50 Baby .Wear, ( A I r $3-75 Baby Wear, &:i.'-2i:.i:fcv $400 Baby Wear, JT "? Iwi $4-60 Baby Wear' ft-TlA L'&pJr $5.00 Baby Wear, $5-60 Baby Wear, $8' Baby Wear, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, at $2.25 at $2.44 at $2.63 at $2.82 at $3.00 at $3.38 at $3.75 at $4.13 at $4.50 $6.50 Baby. Wear, special, at $4.88 $7.00 Baby Wear, special, at $5.25 $8.00 Baby Wear, special, at $6.00 $10.00 Baby Wear, special, S7.50 $12.00 Baby Wear, special, S9.00 $15.00 Baby Wear, special, $11.25 $16.50 Baby Wear, special, $12.38 $25.00 Baby Wear, special, $18.75 $50.00 Baby Wear, special, $37.50 IT'S BEEN hardly two weeks ago since a cable from Paris announced the introduction of the daring Pantaloon Skirt by the celebrated modistes of Paul Poiret and Doucet, and here is one on display at the Meier & Frank Store today! i m It is called the Pantaloon Aviation Suit exactly as sketched to the right and al though the name is startling perhaps, the skirt itself, as you will see, hus not an extremely eccentric appearance. Commenting upon the new fashion, M. Poiret says: "Soon er or later the women will wear trousers, but the first trouser skirts that we make must not have the appearance of being trousers they must look high ly conventional we must bring them up by degrees.'' On Display Today in 'Win dow at 5th-St. Entrance. ' ft! 'ill 1 Jj i Special Sale of Engraving 1 00 Cards Plate $ 1 .49 FIRST FLOOR, SEW. BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. OUR Engraving Department is prepared to do superior work on short notice. A special inducive we offer today and the rest of the week the following low prices: 100 Cards and Plate, Plain Script, bargainized at only $1.49 100 Cards printed from your plate at the extremely low price 69 i00 Cards and Plate, French Script, during this week at 1.89 100 Cards and Plate, Old English Script, during this week $1.89 100 Cards and Plate, Shaded Old English or French Script $2.69 "We take care of your plates and have them ready for reorders at any time. Wedding Invitations and Announcements a specialty. Best work at the lowest prices. Big Clearance Lino leiiras Contm 1JOW the hundreds of yards of these splendid Linoleums went out yes terday about as fast as we could sell them! Sale in full force again today, with several new specials. Read on: 70c Linoleums 47c High-grade Printed Linoleums in block, parquetry and imitation wood effects. Our best 70c grade, m j For Clearance, square yard T" C $ 1 .25 Linoleums 95c Fine Inlaid Linoleums in four hand some wood effect patterns of green and cream and red and tan. Q g Finest $1.25 grade, sq. yard cOC Linoleums at $1.40 Three bigjots of fine, heavy Imported Inlaid Linoleums m diock, imitation wood and tile eiiects Best $1.80 grade, sq. $.$1.40 Sl.5'0 Linol'sSI.25 $1.25 Our best $L70 Inlaid Linoleums in blue and white effects, Mosaic pat terns, etc. Spec. Clear ance price, square yard Seamless Wilt'n Rugs $45.00 Wiltons, 8x10.6 feet $35.00 $50.00 Wiltons, 9x12 ft. for $37.50 $30.00 Wilton, 6x9 feet, for $22.50 ues i oaav 9 Body Brussels Rugs $11.00 Brussels Rugs, 4.6x7.6 $7.85 $18.00 Brussels Rugs, 6x9 ft $12.85 EXTRA HEAVY ROOM $6.00 Room Rugs, 7.6x9 ft.' $8.00 Room Rugs, 9x10.6 ft. $10.00 Room Rugs, 9x12 ft. SMALL AXMINSTER $4.50 Axm. Rugs, 36x72-in. $2.50 Axm. Rugs, 27x56-in. $3.00 Axm. . Rugs, 36x66-in. RUGS $4.85 $6.35 $7.85 RUGS $3.25 $1.59 $2.35 P In the Basement Annex on IMMAIN SQUAK 300 Single Portieres, $3 to $4 Pair,Today Ea. 98c ORDER BT MAIL. THIRD FLOOR. MAI. BIILDI.NG. TODAY'S leader on the Bargain Square 300 handsome single Portieres at a fraction of their real worth. Come three yards long and 50 inches wide, finished with a heavy knotted fringe Colors are rose, red, green and tan. Three and four alike in certain patterns, so that it is possible to buy pairs. Plain, rich colors and - two-tone effects. Regular prices range from $3.00 to $--00QQ the pair, specially priced on the Bargain Square at only, each jOC Women's 35c to 50c Underwear, specially priced at, garment 25 Women's to 35c Neckwear, bargainized this special price, only 5 Men's and Women's $3.50 Jersey Coat Sweaters on sale at only 9S 7 $5 Silver Entree Dishes for $3.79 . FIRST FLOOR, MAIV BVILDI.VG. . . ORDER BY MAIL. TfNTREE 'or Baking Dishes, made as illustrated, above,- of - high-grade silver plate,' handsomely finished. Neat plain pattern, fitted .with first quality enamel inside-pan, which may be re moved. Sell regularly at tf Q :70 $5.00.- Today's price only DO J Silver-Plated Knives and Forks, the famous "William Roger brand. Best grade ' of Silverware on nickel base. Medium size, solid handle Knives and Forks. Set of six, spe- An AA cially priced at this figure iDm 1 500 Yards 30c Art Ticking 1 5c THIRD FLOOR.MAIV BLILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. FIFTEEN HUNDRED yards of extra heavy Art Ticking in a wide variety of artistic colorings and patterns. Pret ty floral designs and fancy striped ef fects, suitable for sofa cushions and ef fective hangings. The goods are slightly imperfect,, not enough to impair their wear. The grade that would sell 1C regularly at 30c the yard. Today 2500 Pairs of Lace Curtains Half Price Included are Irish Points, Clunys, Battenbersr, Scotch Laces, etc., also col ored Curtains in an amazing variety of pretty effects. Extra fine quality. One or two pair lots only, fcen A i iy regularly from $2 to- $35 Children's HighTop Shoes ORDER BY MAM THIRD. FLOOR, JEW BULDINO. STURDY, sensible' Shoes that are just-in-season ! Made of box calf or kid in blucher lace style, with high tops. Included in the lot are a few sizes in the smart new -Jockey Boots. They are made of patent and gunmetal calf leathers. Finished with patent leather cuffs. Entire list is made of broken lots which are all splendid values. $1.50 to $1.75 grades, sizes 5 to 8, special price for this sale $1.39 $2.00 grades, sizes 8y2 to 11, specially priced for this sale $1.69 $2.50 grades, sizes 114 to 2, specially priced at, the pair $1.98 Children's School Shoes, made of gunmetal calf leather. Button style. High tops, heavy soles. All sizes from 8 to d0 OQ 13. Sell regularly for $2.50 and $3 the pair, sp'l only &i.UXj Misses' and Children's Shoes in box calf, vici kid and patent leathers. Lace or button styles. Read the following three bargains for this sale : To $1.50 grade, sizes 5 to 8, bargainized for this sale, the pair $1.19 To $1.75 grades, 8y2 to 11, good values at regular price, now $1.39 To $2.00 grade, sizes lV2 to 2, bargainized for this sale, pair $1.69