In Spite of Yesterdays Storm Nineteen Instruments Were Sold Several Talkie? Tables, a Machines and Not Less Than 12 Pianos Find Delighted Buyers. In Spite of Unusually Heavy Storms Eilers Music House Clearance Sale Attracted Numerous Buyers and We laanaged to Deliver Nearly All of the Instruments Selected You Should Have Music at Home Get a Piano or Player Piano or Baby Grand or Talking Machine During This Clearance &aie. Yesterday several Talkinr ' Tables, twelve pianos, an oriran. and numer ous other Talking Machines wfrt se lected by shrewd buyer from thl ely and from out of town at our Clearance Sale. Our recent announcement ha sorely proven an eye-opener to many. It Is safe to say that any buyer who has mi'! careful Investigation has found conditions exactly as we liar stated, and of course this means that the Eilers system prevails, and that people find It to their advantage to place their orders with Eilere Music lloua-. A g-aln we repeat our offer of yester day, wherein we asreol to donate IOOO TO rHtRITT. We herehy asrree to par the sum of On, Thousand Dollars $IOn in Gold to sny worthy charity If we are not fnnnd by anv unM?sed person to be offering;, during this Clearance Sale, pianos of Uie hlrheat grade and moil dependable character, for at least 27 per cent and lu soin Instances as much as 36 per cent I'm than the same (trade and quality Is ohtslnahle elsewhere, no matter what escus or pretense that mav be offered In advertLMnsr and cir cular lettore -to e.-ire patronage for this, that or the other "sale." ALMOST TOO CHEAP. .1HET THEYf We'll sell for $: a Oa'.e Piano that Isn't .tvtlr a beauty to look upon, but wl'l nevertheless make fair music: $"S wi:i ct a Knahe: a Stelnway will sro for I .': a very nice little Hallet & urpt"n sroen for on'.y 15. while a tr-.:l- superb Cbltkerlna; Square Grand io.a ftir $13T. In verv latest, strictly nn-to-the-mlnute In.'ruments. sHshtly used, but not to be told (mm new. by even an expert, we offer imnni others the fo'lo-Alnr: ' Orr-rertral frown, upright, like new. tnottd Kr.alleti walntil case, f 185. Another I'rtmn, Isrcr atxe. mottled mahoKspy case. A able Nelson, very fan"-. tS15. A Raymond, new, mottled walnut rase, elegant deelgn, 123a. A Clarendon, a little used, but rood. to. T-arfrest slxe Schubert, excellent tone. II TV Tbonlsed Fischer, fair tone. 77. ttoyai. fancy mahogany, nearly new, f-honlnsrer. largest slse. mottled ma- Another Shonlnrer. itood tone, wal nut. $:. Milton I'prlsht, very fair condition, liss. Another Milton, older. $ 1 IS. Also numerous Kt:nll. t'hlckerlnr. llan'min. Mohart M. t'shle. Mwn Hamlin. Weber makes at corresponding red u-t tons. i.b of ruirn no. early F.terr Make of Plarer riaae la lariaitVa In Tkla stale vt PrirM. M"e are rlostns1 out at? our Weber Ttnla nave' Pianos, fntne win go for ss low as $lrt. Via cl'io out all our Stuyvesant Pianola Pianos. Some will go for as low aa $.!0. Tie clos" otit also our Stock Pianola Flanns. Some will go for as little as 4 Several Apollo Player pianos, now ff.i. several Milton and other Tlayer ri lifts, -.0. Twentv-four months to complete pavmentr for a player piano. If de sired. IARGF.R r.n.MI1 Never heretofore ha so much value been obtainable, even at Eilers Music Huse. for so Utile. In th's sale are numerous sd r rands and also a most supers Oitckrrlnc rand. sllxhtlv finish - d irnaced. This Is rein closed out t ISOO; two-thlrde of the rriular value. ' YIELDS TO FATE HXPKCTS NEVKR TO BE mESI. DENT, SAYS HIS SPOKESMAN. Bill Gives Ilaltlaiorc Conference Broad Hint Bryan JVrcvs Will Line l"p Behind Clark. WASHINGTON. Jan. I. Democratic Senators and Representatives who at tended the Jackson day banquet In Baltimore last night, were discussing with unusual Interest today the sig nificance of a warning note which came In the closing minutes of the din ner from ex-Representative Theodore Bell of California, generally recognised at the conference as the personal repre sentative of William J. Bryan. Mr. Bell did not attempt to start a Bryan boom: In fact he eliminated the distinguished Nebraskan from any fur ther consideration as the nominee either In 11$ or any succeeding Presi dential year. "Fate undoubtedly has decreed.- he said, "that Mr. Bryan shall not be nominated a fourth time and that he ahall never be elected President of the United States." But Mr. Bell warned his hearers that If they were seeking a harmony which might bring about future Democratic success they must not continue a pol icy which omitted Mr. Bryan from con sideration aa a leader In the party to his reference to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bell had taken occasion to pajr a high tribute to Champ Clark aa a man In whom the Middle and f ar West had Implicit confidence. He did not go so far as to name Mr. Clark for the Presidency, but by inference his mean ing was clear and there are many po litical watchers in Wsshlngton who re gard the Incident of last night as the lining up of the Bryan element In the party behind Mr. Clark as against Governor Harmon. Woodrow Wl'.son. or any of the others who have been men tioned for the Democratic leadership. DAILY 3LETEOROLOGICAL Kit PORT. rORTLAND. Jn. I. Msilmam tm rsrsiur. 44 decrsss: minimum. 3A desrves. rHns. A. M.. 4- feet; chn In 1,11 Zl Itn'irs. 4.00 ft. Totsi rainfall 1 1 P. to & 1' M 4. lo Inches. Telsl rainfall since Sept-mfsr 1. 1910. 371 Inches Nr rainfall since September 1 Si.'o l"he. rslelm-r of rslrfsll l:ii-e Septeieoer I. . Inrh Totsl surshlne. none. Possib'e sun shine hours 12 minutes. Bammeier irs ao".4 te eel at r. i'3. Inch". The total rainfall in Portland from the fme the storm brsa at about 4 A. M. Tu'eedsr merntn until T So P. M. Wednes wta Sv Inches and the toial 24-hour fall from S P. 5. Toss-ley t- P. H. ! seeds was 4 10 Inrh.s. ThU Is the heav ies 4-hour rslnfa'.l since January S-0. IM JZ. . fsll ef 4M tncbes oeeurrsd. In V- trtl at 1- Inckea was recorded, and wUh . THE 31QKXING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911. - 15 '. . I SEW TODAY. 1 REAL ESTATE. Victrola and Other Talking A Weber Grand, rather old style, t7S. Another more modern. $45. A Starr Grand, mahoganv. late design. HfiO. A S I el n a ay. $830. A Fischer. tli. and a Mason Hamlin, rery little used. $550. AH standard made grand pianos be ing discontinued In- 111 catalogues will be closed out at a uniform dis count of 1 3 per cent. Thirty montha In which to finish pay ing for these grand pianos may be ar ranged oy any one not acsiroua oi pac ing cash. ORGANS Bl'TCHERCD, TOO. Kimball Almost newi large mirror, high top. verv latest style, oak case, shosts little sign of usage. $40. An other. $4S. Meon Hamlin Fancy high top, good as rev, oak ease. $4$. iiurrielte Chapel Good for small church or lodge room. In perfect order. $3". rarkarrt Parlor style; five octaves, wa'nut rase. Kimball Chapel style, walnut ease, waa not used over three montha; In fact la a good aa new, $45. A CEXt lXE SALK OF TALKING MA CHINES AXD RECORD!!. Filers Mnale House Deeatratea Its SelUasr Fewer Here la No I -solstakable Manner. We have taken over the Talking Ma chine stock of several dealers who dls continued business. We have also quite number of Talking Machines that win not De cats loaued thla vear. These machines are offered at less than what dealers regularly pay when they buy to sell again. . Karh machine Is accompanied wlfh ton. your selection, of records free, $15 machines cow $10, and some for IS.7S. $;S machines now $K.G0, and come for $15.30. $30 machines now $20 15. $.11.60 nmchlnes now $1 75. $40 machines now $:a.50. ' $6 machines now $34.60. $-10 machines now $45.60. $75 machines now $48. $100 machines now SfiS.SO. some for 17. fio. and silll others $75. $200 machines now for $157.(0. and ot tiers $'.0. Also elegant brand new. 10-inch. sin. gle face CO-cent records now 25c each. Abo the following machines without record.: $12.S0 machines now $.!S. . $:S."0 machines now $1?.S1. " ll.i.Ofl machines now $ I 75. $."5.10 machines now $32.50. $125.00 machines now $100. HERE ARB Mr SIC CABINET?. Also nearly a carload of Cabinets, most of them the latest styles, received too late for the holiday trade, to be closed out as follows: $10.00 Cahlnet for I4.TS. $11.50 Cabinet for HIV $)&.oi) Cab'nets for $9.25 $2i.00 Cabinets for $11.7. $;.V0 Cabinets for $14.50. $30.00 Cahlneta far $17.50. $40.00 Cabinets for $21. 7i. $-.0.00 Cabinets for $27.50. $55.00 Cabinets for $31.50. $75.00 Cabinets for $3.50. PIT OX A WOOBEJI HORX. Woo4 Horns produce mellowest tones. We shall close them nut as follows: $ Hrns for $ 70. 1 S.o.i Horns for $10.00. $;o.oo Horn for $14. jr.. $50.00 Horns for $31.35. FIX At. I. T AS TO PATMISXTSk One-terth of the amount when pur chased, and the balance at the rate of $.'. $3 or $4 a month will secure any Instrument under $150 In price. All other used planoa wll go at $5 or $ a month according to price. Thirty montha are given to complete payment for anv new piano n this sale. Please remember the address 353 Washington srreet. near corner Of Tark street. Eilers Muole House. theea two esceptlons the rainfall for the 14 hours endlnc at a P- M Wednesiar was the heaviest since the Weather Bureau was es tablished In this city In 1870. The rainfall has not been so heavy In jhe upper portion of the Willamette. Valley or la the Bound country, where the aznounta were only mod erately heavy. Kast of the cascade Moun tains there has been a marked rlae In tem perature with a.rosly anv precipitation. T!e warm weather Is meltlns the snow rap idly and there will he a small rise In tne Columbia Rlvar. hut It will not be sufficient matsrtslly to hold haea the watar now romlnt down the Willamette River. The streams ta Washington draining the Cascade Mountains smiths coast Kanre will rise rap idly durl.i the next 4$ hours, but the floods from them will not be so damaln as they were a year ao. unless the rains are heavier In the next 'i hours than they have been since the storm began. , The Willamette Kiver will rise very rap Mly during; the next two days an, reach a stage of J J test In Portland Thursday morn ing and IS feet by Friday afternoon or Saturday. The following stages were reported be tween 4 P. M. and J P. M-: Portland. T.g feet, rise 19 feet last eight hours; Wllson ville. 17.T feet, rise 4.0 feet last nine hours: Palcm. 13 test, rise 4-4 feet last nine hou-s: Harrlsburg. 4 feet, rise I foot last nine hours: Kugene. a.4 feet, rise .1 foot last nine hours: Alxanv, 14.$ feet, rise feet last nine hours; Tualatin. . feet, rise 3.1 feet last eirht hoars; McMlnnvllle. 27 feat, and Jef ferson. S feet. The conditions sre fsvoraMs for rain la this district Thursday, wtln loaer tempera tures in Southern Oregon. FORECAST. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain, southwesterly winds. Oregon Occasional rem: cooler southwest portion: southwesterly winds. Wasblncton Rain; south to southwest winds. Idaho Rain. THE WEATHER 3 Wind State et weather. STATIONS. Boise Boston. Calgary Chicago. lenvar Des Moines Duluth.... Eureks.. Oalveeion...... Helena Jacksonville. ... Kansas City.... Montreal New Orleans... New York North Head...., North Yakima. Phoel Pocatelle Portland. ....... Koseburg ........ Sacramento. .... PU Luls St. Caul Belt Lake Pan riego Fan Francisco. . Pisklyou , Fpokane. Taroma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... Washington. Winnipeg 4S 0.0012 SB S Cloudy ;u0.uo. 0 0.001 6 20. 00:12 Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy (s O.OOi 4 240.00 12 Si! T. lie 6S.0. 12,13 2 T. 1 0 42 0.34' 8 W T. 110 SO O.OOlltl 0 0.00,20 70O.Oi 4 w HV Icioudy sw SK E s NI SW 8 M B K-lear Cloudy Cloudy Icioudy Rain Cloudy iCIaar Clear an.k oo Clear 4 1.441 40 U. 221 o.chm e Rain 4 SB IRaln 4 W Clear 4O0.001 494.10! 5 Cloudy NW s !E w NW It sw n Rain pt. Cloud i u.04 12 SOO.OOt 4 Cloudy SO O.OOI O.OO 44 O.OO! 2 O.OO 82 O.OO 42 O.OO 42 0.34 44 1.32 Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. Cloud Cloudy Rain rioudy t'loudr 40.2 34 84 O.OO 34 12 O.OOI 4 KB SB r. icioudy 0.00 1 NW'Pt. Cloudj EDWARD A. FEAL8. District rorecaster. Oil and coal are successfully burned to gether under boilers In England. HOTEL SEATTLE Seat S4OO,0O0 Recently Sprat ea Its Interior. An Fwraiablnars and Appointments Kew, Modersi and Sylesidld. Headquarters for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON 'eSSSS Beth Hotels Conducted by MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, "With Private Baths. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. ill room.t ru.1 MODES RESTACKAXT COST OMS MILLION DOLLARS mm 0. VT. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. OPEXEO SEPT., 1908, PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX E. D. and V. H. JORGEX5EX, Press, aad KaTra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Hot and f old Wafer. Leas; Distance Phone la Kverr Room. RATES Si.OOand Op American Plan SS.BO Per Day. W. D. Wsod, Mgr. AVrKEMT.XT. HEILIG THEATER Pboaee Mala 1 and A U:t. IO.NIOHT- TOMORROW SATURDAY Matinee Saturday. The Big Comic Opera Success. The Chocolate Soldier" loft People 1O0 SO Orchestra 30. Prlres J. S1-v. SI. I110. 5nc- BAKER THEATER Morrison and Eleventh Main t and A :HI. Oeo. L. Haker, Mgr. T-.i.kt hi vuk vets tnitsv and sat. Baker Stock Company la tb-) Oreatert Theat rical xriumpn ot ns si "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN TTEST." Evtnlngs, 2c 60c, 75c MaUneoa. S5c auc Curtain S sharp. sfitlnee at 1 o cioca. Nest Week The Man ea lh Bo." Bungalow Theater asm t:4 Matinee Today. S:1S. Tonight. Sam l K. Rork's sensational musical . nvA tir lain sal THE QI EEN OF THE MOtUN ROCGE." Smart, saury and gorgeously giny. rigns prices. Hoc. T5c. SI. $1.5a Mat. Saturday. ac 50c. TSe. Next weak, start Sun. Matinee "The miuaw Man. Main S. A 1020. . ft UAT1NKBKVERIDAI svev-tdi WEEK OP JAXIJABY 1. Harry Tate's English Company In "Motortne. "u"1re a. ..inmnl.i;in.. Hess. Monro end Powell. John Netf. Korre aad Williams. Carrie Starr. Kennedy, Gertie le Milt ana ansew. i--Ahlbergs. Mme. Vailccita aad her ferocious trained leopards. GRAND Week of Jan. 16 CARO:. & FARNOM OIJO TRIO. Hart Berrick. Martraerlte Fry. The Chamberlains. GBAKDASCOrE. Every Evolution Hag a Laugh of Ita Own. Lester A K el loll. Mstlnee every flay. 1:30: any seat, 15s. Evenins performances at T:S0 and 9:16; balcony. loo; lower Boor. 2a; box seats, tttfa. 'AHTAGES Cneonsled Vaudevlila. Week Commercing Moaday. January IS. operial Attraction fc.xtranro.msry. IS CAPTAIN UKVUN AND HIS SOCAVES In army sports, wall-scaling and whlrdwlnd dxllla. S other feature acts. Popular Prices. Curtain I:D. 7:30. w. LYRIC Seventh aad Alder Streets Week Commencing- Tomorrow Matinee. Keating A Flood present DILLO BUNG IN "A Married Widow" Supported by the I.yrlo Musical Comedy Compsny. Friday night. Chorus Olrls1 Con- . . r . .l.hl tiS mnA Q ' I Matinees dally. 2 5. Next week. "A Mlx-up." W ev"-eM- ara v& NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED TUNE 1908 A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect.. Rates, $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. S wetland. Secretary and Manager. Wi'fea,B,a,B EiniSja'a'a'a' KEADOrARTIBS -0 TOCRI5T'aod COHMERt'IAL TR.1V ELEK8. Sperlal rates made to families and sin gle gentlemea. The management will be ? leased at all Ume o show rooms and clve prloes. A mod em Turkish Bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. mmim ihe7 s) THE CORNELIUS "The Hoose of Welcome. corner Park end Alder. Port lands newest aad most raodsrn hotel. Kuropean plan. Be ginning Mar let our rates will be as follows: All back rooms without bath, single. I1.U0 per day; double. ,2.00 per day. All front rooms without bath. 11.60 per day. single: 2.60 per day doublet All OUTSIDE rooms. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth ancTWashington New Hotel, Eleaaatly Foralahed. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR FERMAJfEJTTS. Enropeaa Plan. 'Baa Meets All Trains. M. K. FOLEY. PROPRIETOR. BATHS. TOU WILL LIKE THE WOODS Hf ews 17 w Euoieas Plan J 1 IjLi ft BBd (iu per oar. "It's AH Cera fort." Omr TaTsle 4'Hote Meals One Feature. In heart of bnslnes district, center of oltr. half block from G. N. Ry. and N. P. P.y. Depot, close to all steam ship wharves and C P. Ry. Depot. VANCOUVER B. C. AMCSEMCO'TS. ANNUAL CHARITY BALL BY UNITED DAUGHTERS CONFEDERACY Masonic Temple, Thura. Eve., Jan. 19 Tickets S2J50. On Sale Howe A Martin. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time .' ....12o Snme ad two consecutive times ...S20 tame add three consecntlve tlmee SOe Same ad six or seven conseeotlve tlmee. .Me Kenxlttance must accompany out-of-town orders. Mi words counts ae one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for lees than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consec utive times the one-time rate appUee. On charge of book advertisements the charge will be based on the actunl number of Hues appearing; In the paper, regardless ef the nnmber of words in each line. , In w Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 1 lines to the inch. The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all ether classifica tions excepting the following: situations Wanted, Made. fcltuntions Wanted, Female. 'or Rent, Kooms. Private Families. Booms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms, Private Families. The rate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. In case box office address Is required, count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed envelopes are in. closed. ACCTKXN SALES TODAY. At residence SOS E. 13th st. North, corner Hancock St- (Take Irvlngton or Broadway car). Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. At Baker's Auction (House, 153 Park at., furniture, etc. Pale at 10 o'clock. G. W. Baker A Co.. auctioneers. MEETTNO JfOTICES. OREGON COMMA NDERY. K. T. Special meeting this (Thurs day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Ked Cross. Visitors examined at 7 o'clock P. M. All sojourning mem bers invited to be present. C F. WIEOAND. Sec COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, m'unlcatlon this' (Thursday) even ing at T ;OU O OtOCK. .11"U1C nul ls. worK 111 mm j. . uaiw lsltlns brethren welcome. By or der W. M. FRED ,1. OLSON, Sec. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. a O. v gpectsl meeting this (Thursday) eve. at 7 'SO sharp, for the purpose of holding Joint Installation of officers with Golden Rule Encampment. No. 28. Members will meet at i n o. F. Hall. First and Alder streets, and proceed to Orient Hall, East Sltth and last Alder strssts. H. OSVOLD. Sec . - y-.JD Bnv.t ICAlvkhnM will give a 500 party and dance. Thursday evening January j. in mir ..-.j, ... end street. Coma and have a good time. BEQCETTE Sarah A. Bequette. at Hie res idence of her daughter. Mrs. George M. Connolly. SKI East Sth street, the be loved mother of Charles M. Bequette. Mrs. Oeorge H. Connolly. Mrs. H. Gurr. BOWMAN At Hood River. Or., Jan. IT. LydJa E. Bowman, ased SO years 11 months and 15 days, wife of J. I. Bow man, of this city. Remains are at Fin leys parlors. Notice of funeral hereafter. CORNELL In this city, January IS. a,, the fa-nily residence. 864 East 62d it. North, Holly Austin Cornell, aged 53 years 3 months 29 days. Announcement of fu neral later. CRAMER In thla city. January 18. William Cramer. Remains at Dunning A McEntee s 6aventh and Ankeny sts. Funeral notice later. FTXEKAL NOTICES. BEQX'ETTE At residence of daughter. SPt E. 8th st., arah A. Bequctte, aged "3 years, beloved mother of Charles M. B quette. Mrs. H. Gelser and Mrs. George H. Connelly. Funeral will take place from above residence Friday, January 20. at 9 A M. ; thence to St. Francis' Church, where services will be held at :SO A. M. Friends and acquaintances respectfully In vited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. MALARKET In this city. January IT. at the family residence, S21 19th street. Port land Heights. John Alfred Malarkey. aged 7 years 10 months 6 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Malarkey. Friends invited to . attend funeral services, whlcj will be held at the above residence at 10-30 A M. today (Thursday), January Ht. Interment Klverview Cemetery. Serv ices at the grave private. RIOHTZR At the family residence. 322 Falling st,, Wllhelmine Rlchter. aged 84 years, mother of Fred W. and grand mother of Francis H. Richter. Funeral services will be held at the above resi dence Friday. Jan. 20. at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Remains at Punning A McEntee's parlors until Friday morning. SMITH In this city. January 15. at the family residence, 32d and East Ankeny sta. lsahdora smith, wife of L. I.. Smith, aged 8a years 4 months and 0 days. The funeral services will be held at Flnley s parlors at 2 P. M. Friday. January 20. Friends invited. Interment Rivervlew iVmsterv. VANDERMEER Funeral services of the be held at Dunning A McEntee's chapel. Ttn ana rine sib.. ,,- uary 1!, at 1 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Services at the grave private. rMease ormi WENNERBERG The funeral services , , i..n. , u-.nimrh.rff will me 1S.IO i . " J i.e.. ..... , " T . . held at Holman's chapel. Third and Sal mon SIS., at It' A. M. lomgnu. ir m.j January ZU. rTienas mviiw. m ..we - the .rTt orivate. I st MALARKEY In this city. January 17, Joh Alfred Malarkey. aged 7 years. 10 monthi a i.ninved son of James A. an ,n s, d ' Catherine Holman Malarkey. Funeral 10:31) A. M. today (Thursday), P21 19th it st. XO.NSjtlli 1AKAL, LO. FLORAL DESIGN'S. Phones:. Main 6103, A 1109. .. Vi.. vrnnermT llretrs th and line. ihone Main 430. ldy aa- .l.i. m. Office of conntr Coroner. "edWAKO HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct era, 220 Sd st. Eady aselstanyhone M. 601. J. P. FINUKX SON. Sd and Madison. yady attendant, vnone - V- - BAST SIDE Funeral Directors, succ . ., , fc- sa n kvk to r. p. uu""'uti EBil'SON CO Undertakers. Lady assist. ant. 4UW AIQgr., ji. piaa. n. ZELLER-BVBNES CO., Funeral Dlreetors, 9 Williams ave.t both pbonesi lady asst. i mfH nndertaker. cor. East Alder and OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITT HALL- Maln 633. A 1589. HUMANE OFFICER. EAST47T4 NEW TODAY. Apartment Site Cheapest Quarter for Close-in Prop erty on the Market. 100x100, 1 block off of Washington street, 7 minutes' walk from 5th and Washington sts. This can be bought for $42,000 $10,000 cash and bal ance ten years, on or before; interest 6 per cent. AD 667, 0REG0NIAN. ALFALFA AND FRUIT LAND T7. . .. I .1.. .VI-AA ttint tho experts uiiaiiuiiuuoi ; , V western extension of the I'MATILLA 1 KnluAl lu.i rnujci it n'iii point of fertility of soil, transportation fai-llitles, climate and land value, is the best project in the country. Land under this project, when completed, will . be worm rrom -du io tJ have 600 acres of the best land pn the whole project, on me r.i 1 1 u&u, n.n most a mile frontage on Columbia River and with steamooai ianuin that we can sell you 'OW for only 8o per acre, uci us auw jwu. 317 Board of Trade Bids-. 4th and Oak. $50.00 Now And Only 1115.00 Per Month Gives You Immediate Possession of A FIVE-ACRE TRACT OP OUR GENUINE, ORCHAR.D LAND Nearness to Portland and Electric Rail way. Low price, no interest and no taxes during life of contract makes this an A-l bargain, look it up: K. E. TAYLOR A CO., dO2-403-44-4O.1 Lewis Bids;., Corner Fourth and Onk Sta. Laurelhurst Home Swell new 8-room house, sras and electric, furnace, fireplace, full cement tnsempnt. cnina closet- oooacaaes. panel dining-room, Dutch kitchen; in fact nothing missing; on a lot 50x100, all improvements In and in the best part of I.aurelhurt; a big snap 5500; $1000 cash and 25 per month. This property would be cheap at 16500. Come early. GRrtiSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade RldK-, 4th and Oak. LADD'S ADDITION Large new house In thla close-in Home district, where prices are ad vancing. 603 Ladd avenue; lot 40x128. Owner built this for his home. Make us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS db TRUST COMPANY. City Acreage fcf?nfifi foT rive acres ln southern ODUUU part of city; cleared and platted in quarter-acre lots. Will sell for $12,000 as platted. See us quick. Terms. HOISINGTON-COMTE CO, B25-8T Board of Trade Bid jr. MORTGAGE LOANS JLoweat rates and term t aizlti Hal ratva and (arorablt terms oa lajrc loana on boalneaa p rope rt lea, t unda .Loaned far Private Ioveatora. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 8Q3 McKar Bldsr 3d Stark. 5 TO 7 LOANS On Inside Mortgage Security. EDWARD B. GOCDEYi . Lewis Building. Auction Sale Woolen Mill AND Real Estate of the entire and complete line of machinery of the six-card San Jose Woolen Mills Co., cor. San Pedro and Hobson streets, San Jose, California. We will also sell the 5Vs acres of I land and improvements separately from the machinery. Sale Tuesday Jan. 24, 1 P. M. sale to take place on the premises. This is a bona fide sale, no limit or I6SGIV6e Send for FREE catalogue for full description. J.A.MUNRO&CO. AUCTIONEERS San Jose office, 40 N. 4th Street. Oakland office, 1007 Clay Street. Five Story 7 r YYaretioiise Has five stories and basement, 50x100, within one block of freight houses, First class, heavy mill construction, low insurance, large elevator; long lease at $600 per month. . X 684, Ore- gonian. Chance of a Life Time Beautiful 7-room Irvlncton home. handsomely finished; quarter - sawed golden oalc floors, beamed ceilings, pannelled dining-room, fine largre cab inet ; kftchon, electric liarht ftxtnrea made to order, beautiful la rue front and rear porches, fireplace and furnace, This waa built for a home and certainly Is one In every sense of the word. Can not be duplicated for less than f.7000. The owner. In order to protect other Interests, Is compelled to sell. If taben at once $0000 will btty It; small cosh payment. Somebody Is going to get a snap. Will it be yonT See owner t IRVIXGTON REALTY CO., Kast Sixteenth and Braece Streets. Take irvimtton Car. PIEDMONT Eight-room house, new, well-built, 5.1.1 i ...iin. nf. ever) Linus inuuciii, iicai . c v. fered for a few days at a big sacrifice. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. REAL ESTATE DEALEKS. Beck. William O.. 312 Failing bids-. BlrrelL A. H. A Co., 202-3 McKay bids-. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker A Benedict. B02 McKay bids. M. 6a. Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commarca. Cook, B. S. A Co., 508 Corbett bids. Jennings A Co.. Main 1SS 206 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO- H. P- 213 Commer cial Club bids. Schalk. Geo. !.. 223 Stark at. Uala X A 2362. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Mol'nomah st. (Uolladay Addition.) It. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. th and Oalc sta REAU ESTATK. For Sole Lots. CHEAP LOTS. 13200 lota 60x100. each west slope Mount Tabor, on 54 th, block north car. s.1200 100x100 facing car, on East 19th, restricted addition. 1550 50x100 on Gladstone ave., 150 feet from carlino. $1350 4 lots ln Kenmore, 100 feet oil Patton ave.. half block to car. T. E. DBXNISOX, 201 Gerlinger Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. One or two lots 50x100 each, 2 blocks from Fulton Park Station on the Oregon Electric Ry., only 12 minutes out from heart of olty, and only 100 ft. from S. P. R. R.. all , cleared and level, would make an elegant home site. For price and terms, call on C. F. Pnuger & Co., suite 6 Mulkey bldg.. Id and Morrison. SACRIFICE SALE. 100x100, Delaware . and Alnsworth. 300x100, 57th and Sandy Road. 100x100, Williams and Sumner. 40x100, E. 27th N. and Sumner. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. . LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Buy now. Lots 50. West Stark and B2d streets, west of City Park, only IS minutes from Washington St. Beautiful view lota. Money-makers. Terms $2 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 320 H Waab Ington st.. room 5 16- IRVINGTON. Lot 83x100, between 2th and 29th. on Tillamook St.; sidewalks ln and paid for. street to bo Improved this year: tine lo cation for a home; IL'OO to I.'lOO below mar ket price fo surrounding properly. F. E. REED 402 Oregonlan Bldg. StSUO. 8 W. cor. 75th and Pacific st., 40x100, Bralnard's Add.; 2 blocks north of Gillian St. car: a big sacrifice; $400 below value. CHAS. RIXGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis bldg. AI.BLNA LOT, $1250. BOxlOO ft. lot on Borthwick St., 1 block from Russell st. Price $12511; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 86!9. A 2053. EAST DAVIS-SI. J-.U1. A fine lot 40x101, on E. Davis, near E ISth. a fine location; price $2000; $500 cash and $20 per month. GRUKPI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oflk. ROSE C1TI PARK BARGAINS. A good view lot, on the Alameda; cor ner lot: sidewalk and street work ln and paid; close to good homea Address AK au nnrnnluL FORCED SALE I ara leaving city, must . . . ariA will n it- tl ia mv threA lots, $425 each. $200 less than surround ing lots; cash on each, $200, balance terms. AS 684. Oregonian. $450 CORNER lot 50x100, graded street, ce ment waia. iwu ivvia u.oc.4i.t, iiicu uj Broadway or Alberta car; adjoining cor ners selling for 3S00; must realise cash. Owner, 517 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. " WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Think of this! Beautlfu1 apartment site, 40x100, within ten minutes' walk of the Postofflce, for only $5730. Geo. G. Mair, 2 Lumbermena bldg. NBW six-room house; full basement, electric llgbts: everyining nicely lurumieu, 43x110; one block from car: must sac rifice at $2650, $250 cash, balance $15 month. Owner, room 3 7, 105V4 Fourth st. 410 DOWN and $5 per month buys nice level lui uam v.. j graded ard raid. Hlsley. Bishop b Mcrlaskey. 132 3d St. ""PORTLAND HEIGHTS PRUPBUTi. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargalns.jJa.ln355LASS39. TWO lots, good location, close In. on East side; price siaw. gooo ieim. . Mr. Perkins. Main 1503. A 151; TWO One lots In best residence section on the East side: price suwv. inuia. i. Perkins. Main 150:;. A 3 515. LOT near Union for $S50 only; small pavment aown. Dai. iv per mnm. e must sell. Call 414 Spalding bldg. For Kent REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $2550. 90x9J ft., corner E. 81st and Tillamook sts.; paved street; above grsde; good building lot. Price $550; terms $1000 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 211-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S699. A 2858. IF you want the best corner In Irvlngton at a price that will surprise you, get busy and call East 514 or East 2. lor bale Houses. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Has large, pleasant living-room, beamed celling and fireplace, paneled dining-room with window seat, cabinet kitchen with laundry tray and built-in Ironing board, full basement, fumaco and plastered fruit room, screened porch and all necessary window screens: very fine electric and gas fixtures, plenty of closet room, all window shades, nice large porch, cement walk in front and around house, lawn all made, lots of choice rose bushes, fine dogwood, flr and horse chestnut shade trees. This artistic bungalow home is situated on a full-sized lot. facing . east. In the very best part of Rose City Park, and Is absolutely the very best opportunity ln the city to get a real home, all ready to move Into, at a sacrifice; price $3500, easy terms. CHAPIN A HERLOW. (D) 332-38S Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW $3700 $500 CASH. Located on East 37th st., 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave.. facing east. HAS 6 NICE. LARGS ROOMS. Beautiful white pressed brick fireplace with mirror above, built-in china clojet, nice baih and lavatory, double constructed throughout, full cement basement with ce ment floor, cement laundry trays. nic large attic, ono of the most attractive bungalows in this section. If you see It you will buy It. Pon't delay, but see CRAWFORD. 1021 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 01 ot B 2067. IF you are in the market for a homo, in spect No. 104 East 24th St.. near Flan ders st.: has 7 rooms, reception hall, llv-ing-rooni with fireplace, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen as light as day; twfl bedrooms and large bath on first floor; large hall, two bedrooms, storeroom and fine sleeping porch on second floor; screened back porch, cement basement and furnace. It can be bought of me fur $."('00, ."00 cash, balance as rent; ..oil can't duplicate this anvwhere in the city. JOS. C. GIBSON. 305 Gerlinger Bldg. $200 CASH. New. 2-story house of 8 rooms and bath good cement basement, furnace, fixtures, shades and tinting included in price; street graded, curbed and sidewalks: all Im provement bills paid: short distance to Rose City Park car. Buy this home on terms like rent. The price is only $3400. Postofflce box 311 or AJ 634, Oregonlan. THIS IS IT Six-room colonial house, full cement basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace, Dutch kitchen, dining-room has beam celling and built-in china closet; living room with fireplace and reception hall; houso beautifully tinted throughout; gas and electric fixtures cost $150; beau tiful fir trees In lawn; can't be beat for $45(10; $1.tiio cash, balance like rent. See It. No. 430 Marguerite ave., near Grant St., and see JOS. C. GIBSON. 31)5 Gerlinger Bldg. OWN TOUR HOME. $500 DOWN. Just a small month! payment buys modern 7-room house, one b:ock from Ainsworth ave. and E. Sth st.: Ana larr rooms, light and airy, porcelain oath, fireplace, laundry tubs: 50 by 100-foot lot. fine lawn, roses and shruoboi-y; S bearing fruit trees ln yard: $3200. STODDARD-BRENNER CO., E05 Couch Bldg. BUILD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THERE IS A REASON. LET US TELL YOU Win. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL WE AGREE BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. IF YOU OVV N LOT WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR lOL. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. , 7 rooms, 50x100 lot; Improvements in paid; Berlin buftet and book casis. solid oak floors. baths, furnace, fire places, laundrv trays, mirror doors, gas. etc.: terms $300 down, balance $25 vor month. National Realty Trust Co., 2H Washington gt.. room 516. , r ... ,r i t ii r i.- ttnzn 7-room modern house, lot 50x100 n.: hard-surface pavement; on carllne: faces east; unobstructed view; Just completed and ready for occupancy. Price $6750; terms. It. T. PALMER-JONES CO.. 21-'-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8I.H9. A 2653. SIX-ROOM BUNG A IX) W Located on beau tiful view lot, cement sido walks, curbs, Dutch kitchen, largo bath, cement block porch, fireplace, cement basement. -O minutes from heart of city, in restricted district, far less than cost on account of Interest out of town; price $3K)0. $oo cash. $20 per month. Bay City Lend Co., 703 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. Brand new 7-room houtie. Just finished, furnace and fireplace and all other latest improvements, on E. 18th st. near Knott, price with 50x100 lot $r..-)O0. or with WOx 100 lot, $S2."0; $1500 cash; a bargain. tiRL'SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldb'.. 4th and Oak. . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Mcilein. up-to-date bungalow, recently comnleted: " rooms, including out-door sleeping room: furnace, electric tlxtures, hardwood floor, beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, etc: price $4500. easy terms. Kamoop A Kopf. 323 Railway Exchange bldg. 3UNGALOW, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A swell nearly new 5-room bungalow, with all latest modern up-to-date Im provements, on a lot 50x100; street Im provements are all in and Included in price; $5250; can make good terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. .117 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. &i;:v ioiie. 6-room bungalow, new, never occupied, on Eaat Taylor, near 41st; splendid home for $3500. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST MODERN and attractive six-robm dwelling """:.i - Mlh- int .',nvi2:i-. on Llcaiii. ., . fine ocatlon, house practically new and very 'attractively arranged; price, with street lmprovementa all paid. $4700: good terms. MeCarger. Bates A Lively, 315 railing piqg. For investments cr homes. SEA? Specialists ln Real Estate For the man of moderate meana BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP, 17th and ElizaDetn; Deautnui level quarter block, all Improvements ln. choicest neighborhood, grand unobstructed view of citv for little more than price of . ground. Terms. Main 8351. A 3S39. -a .- 4 . 1 D T " V J 5 rooms, large lot. 75x110. one block from carllne- more ground next to this place, If you' prefer, at $3 per lot; price $50 down. $15 moni-n. Trust Co., 320H Washington St.. room 81(1. 'nXntrr v-r heichTS bungalow. 5 rooms, ruivi'.o.''' ..., flr.nlflr.. Im. pretty, muuci", ....-w, nroved street, on osrllne; splendid view; tiS50; lot worth $3000; terms. Main 855 1. A .1639. DO you want a homo 7 look nere, ror your brand new bungalow, """""ik "" " East Flanders: only vu u'.wu. mi. month. Dubois A Crockett, Washing ton bldg., room 3. ; MODERN 5-room bungalow, one block from KUIlngaworth ave.; this Is new; Just com pleted and is a dandy; 1300 cash and easy terms on balance. See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. i'lft son MODERN home of 8 rooms on lot 50x100, facing east In Nob Hill district; this is under-priced and a fine place. A. J. Derbyshire. 201 Swetland bldg. A HOUSE for sale, close price; will take mortgage as payment or small pavment down and t25 a month. Call Tabor 875. B 2312. FOR SALE Eight-roomed house; every modern convenience: close to car; hard surface streets: snap: $4500; terms. 901 East Flanders St. Phone B 1407. " B EXCELLENT Homes, 8 and 9 rooms; oak and mahogany finish' very desirable locations; no agents. C 1S6U, East 273. W. H. Herdman. HAWTHORNE AVE., 6-room house. Just completed, strictly modern. $3350, $.150 down. $23 monthly. Rosa 265 Lincoln. A 741)7. 4-ROOM house on E. SSth st., fine lot, price $1100: terms to suit. I am the owner and . will give you a good deal. Call 414 Spald ing bldg. 6-ROOM house, 12-mlnute car ride, cheap for cash. Inquire at Jones' Book Store, SSlOaltst. FURNISHED modern 5-room flat; close In, ch-ap. Flat C. 308 3d St. Acreage. 18 ACRES. IIS seres cleared, running water, near Beaverton: by owner. Tabor 1500. ACRE tract, 6-cent fare. West Side, easy terms. 614 Couch bldg.