CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oregoman lEurnom Cont-ne-rra Vein TffT" Cltjt rtrcnlarlon Main TOT" Maracioc Editor Main Tots iunttar Editor Jlala T'T roirpMlB(.room .Main T070 Sjpt. buildloj Mam T0- A A A A A A Q AVTSfMETrS. HEIMO TJIEATER STnth and Tarr Tt Whltnor frra "nnpmjr In T ,? rt!n,at, tcidlr." Tontshl l Pwpi rfr"n,R ar1 Mr rl.n.) Tba Haker roclr Comp Tha Olrl of tba Co!Jn TVaat." Tonlht a IS o'clock. 3l'NlAI.OW THEATER Tlrtb end knrrlaon "Tin Qur-n f 'ha Moulla aluvox. Tonight as t:15 o'clock. "V-"M.fl THCITKR orr'aoa. kotwao at an Yaodavtlla. Thli en- rnooo at I 15 and tonight at :I3. tluny THEATER rark and Wash's tsn Taadsrril. Thla afteraeoa at 1:13, tonight at T: aad . l.rr.f ai AWffl-T.--rfe ComarlT rompiixr. Tlta nftarnoon at 1 3 and tonight al T SO and . 11 AK TMtrtK Pam and Wh!ogto WMt-a pi-tura. Continuous, from 1 11 ta l 30 p. M. nil LI. Ill AXMVEWART NUMBER. FTI-a S canta. Poeta- In United Stntaa. Canada. M.xic and tha Island poaaaatoaa. T canta. yorvljrn poataga. 14 canta. I'rK ftvimn I j.r-T Crnr-tits. OfrVrra of St. Ann Society of gac-red Heart par'aV) have been elecfd aa fol low: PntaMent. Mm. lan IMall: vice president. Mr. O. S. -nlty; treasurer, Mr. I'. tVarmuth; secretary. Mm O. C. HfT. The following, altar ao-!rty offi cers hr been elected: I'cesMer.I. Mm Kralllch: vwe-preald.-nt. Slr Neuberaer; traurr. Mr. Focrt; secretary. Afina Srsrr. Holy Nunti S-x-lety offn-.-ra for the ersailra; year ar: president. I. War muth; vice-president. Mrs Tli'nm Iunn; lrrtir). J. Kaznpf : treasurer, 11. llaxtlc. Kve.wi.xo Star Wixa PntTK. In the discussion of the oaeetion h:her tha Federal Oownnwnt or s'ateai should retain control of the forest. ' mineral and coal land. In Woodlawn r.rirgo hall Saturday night. Kvenins; Star (rartire. which represented the negative, that the etates stiould retain control, won over Woodlawn Orange, which contended tha Federal Government should retain control. John T. Whaler, lira. Jjla (Veto and ' 1. T. Van Tina were the JudffS. Fikt Mam Ti Ont-nn r ate n at Lets. I:ev. Father Beunr'n rel.-hrated the first mas In Dukes.- hall, at Lenta yesterday momlnK. Thla ball will be used until a chapel ran be built. ArchbllKp Chnstle has decided to establish a parish there. The Archbishop 1 announced to preach next Sunday. KemwoRrn tVn.t. SIestt. The Kenllworth Improvement Club will hold a feneral meeting; tonight In the Kenll worth Preabyterian Church to consider tha public acrvlc commission measure, Woodward-KHsworth-wtreet bridge and the water Question. Boxiwo! Wiitmno! Aiumn Championship. Utnstix'i II u. SrrrxTH axo Oak STBixTa. TVBSDAT EVE.MXO. I O'CLOCK. ADMISSIOX. tl AD $1.50. Swias Watch RtMiamo.-C Chrlstan ten. Jd floor corbatt bid. Taka elevator. FT ri-Prompt delivery. A irs. M. 123. En. E. C Bmc-ane. Etx. EUb: Slarauam. Wooaxar'a household hardware. 408 TVaih MORAL POINTED 3Y FILM IJnk That Hrid la Feature ricture at Star Tlx-atcr. Conveytra" a moral mtnmg mm a aennoa from a pu'.plt. "Tha L4nk That Held." a motion pictura by Thomaa A. Edison, was made the feature of tha programme at tha Star yesterday. The "lory deals with a married pair, the wife careless, g.ddy. neglectful of home and loving ad miration, tha husband, a bookkeeper in a place where the boaa la a slave-drver. One day the proprietor aeea tha wife and reallxlng her weak and eh allow nature, aeeka to win her. Candy, flowers and auto rldea undermine the little moral power aha haw. Belalng tha phrenological hour, when tha tempter 1 about to press) her to his breast, tha ch'Id allpa Into the tnrer office, looking with Innocence Into her n-. other' a face. Tha mother hesltatesv and then reallxlng In a flasti the abyna Into which aha waa about to fall, abruptly fera herself away. Thera was) something lft of nobll'ty In tha man. for tha frown caused by hi defeat ta transformed Into a tender smile aa ha lifts the tot and gtvea her a tender ktsa. Tha rest of tha story ! an anti-climax, aa it merely shows the rounding out of a new char acter for the wlfa into tha culmination cf a real home. Three other excellent fllma were on he bill and tha management presented for tha firs time Lynn F. Cowan, a new tenor, whose pure high lyric tonea won distinct triumph. At tha Arcaiia rathe Frerea outd'd themaelvea In the "Redwood Uattle." Tha censor of the people had to eliminate a part of the picture aa being too realis tic, but enough remained to satisfy tha mo-at exacting, the picture being on tha subject of -grafting" by an Indian agent, the reduction of the red men to atarva tion by the National troops. Another Iml'an picture waa featured at the Oh Joy Theater. 'The' Heart of an Indian Mother." besltles Crispen. the mu sical polar bear, until the fire came and tie house waa closed for the remainder of the day, and It will reopen again to tight. At tha Odeon In "A Flmple Ruetle Tale." "Water I.lllew and Inwtv Rhodes' lake a comic flight In a comic airship. The Tlvoll Theater, on the Hast Side, offered too best four r'rt"r ncw the opening cf tha house. "The Girl ft tha West." ery thrilling; "Twin Clnder ellaa'' and a wplendld double biocraph. The bova and girla are taking great In terest in tha contest lor the. pony and cart. "Hla Trust." which win ba tha Ht feature at the Star Wednesday, a great allograph and "II Trovatore" for Febru ary haa already awakened unusual In quiry. February will mark the first annlver aary of the formation of the People'a Amuwment Company and the manage ment haa In course of prenaration a little literary and dramatic soiiVenlr that will Toe acceptable to picture fans. WOODLAND WANTS BRIDGE TAa'hlnglTi Town Comnirrrlal Club Ha State Road In Vlrvr. WOOPUAXD. Wash.. Jan. IS. 5pe-, e al ) The Woodland Comtnerelal Club, at Ita last meeting, took active stepa to a-e that the bridge proposed to be bnl't for the Blalno to Vancouver state road should be located at or above Woodland. Mat the Urge section of Clark County, rontifuoua to Woodland, may be bene fited. Knglneer Miller. In charge, save It la not the Intention of the Slate Highway Commission to build below Woodland, aa by so doing It would Involve a great deal of levee work that would also have to ba protected by piling the river bank. LABELS MUST TELL FACTS jrag dob Anka Ijw for Tewlrtation of Headache rowdcr. To compel all manufacturers of medi cines containing atelanlllde. phena ca'.lna, antesebrlne or any coal tar product, cocaine, morphine, codeine, chloroform or chloral to atata upon the label the exact amount of these drugs used, the Western Oregon Drue; Club will offer a bill In tfle Oregon Legisla ture. A committee of the club, having drawn- such a bill, will present It to the club members at the annual meet ing and banquet at the Louvre Wednes day night. "Nearly all the headache powderi and headache tablets now on the mar ket." aald A. W. Allen, president of the club, yesterday, "contain either acetanl llde. phenacetine or antesebrlne. The law now prohibits the use of cocaine In medicines except upon physician's pre scription. But we want the exact amount of theae druga which are used In mediclnea atated on the labels, that persons taking them may know Just what they are taking." Offloera for the year will he elected. 200 CATS TO BE SHOWN LIST OF ENTRIES FOR CHAMPION HONORS LARGE. AlcdaXa and Cups to Be Offered for Strays Exhibited by Children I'ndcr 1. Nearly 2" entries are expected In tha first annual championship cat ahow to be given under the auspices of the Oregon Cat Club In the Meier & Frank atore Thursday. Friday and Saturday. January O-ZL Among the list of exhibitors who have already entered are Mrs. Frank D. Clark, of Medford. whoee cat won the reserve championship In the San Francisco ahow Just held: Mrs Joseph Df Feldler. Seat tle; Jamea O. French. Victoria, B. C: Mra. W. K. Wella, Mllwaukie, Or.; Mrs. K. I. Parks. Woodstock. Or.; Mra. F. W. Swanton. Portland: Mra. Ira Babbage. Portland: F. V. Holman, Portland; John F Howwrd. Owwegx Or., and Mra. H. E. Allen. Portland. There ls also a tele graphed entry of eix persona from Kan aaw CHy, Mo., who will make a largo ex hibit. It la known that there also will be entries from St. Paul, Omaha. Tacoma, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There are hundred of fine Individual cats in Portland, both In the long-haired and ehort-halred varieties. This wUl be a championship show and all polnta won at this show go toward polnta In the championship class. No cat la barred, whether It be the common house cat or some of the long-haired varieties. The Seattle Cat Club entered Its U challenge civs, for which competitors will enter, and medals and cupa will bo given for the best Hhort-halied atray entered by a boy or girl under la. offered by Mrs. Swanton. and the Humane Society glvea a beautiful silver cup for the beat short hnlred stray; and J. E. Jagger. for the beat atray ort-halred female. The en tries close today. The roster of the club Includes the fol lowing officers: John E. Howard, presi dent; Mrs. H. E. Allen, vice-president; C. D. Milton, secretary-treasurer; direct ors, Mra. E J. Breese, Dr. Myata L. Aus tin, F. A. Kent. H. Daniel. O. Anthocy; show superintendent, H. E. Allen: Judge, Mra Paul Jonea. Medford; veterinarian. Dr. A. C Johnson. Reek ssnatre Ceal. The boat house coaL Liberty Coal ft Ice Co, exclualve agents. 2S Korta ourrentb atreet. Mala IMS: A 1W. Qua The Only Life Insurance Company "Exclusively Oregon" is built on A Conmon Sense Foundation 7 gr.r ran1 Has More Insurance in Force in Oregon Than Any Other Pacific Coast Company DisCTtainating Buyers Know That est in Home A. L. Mills President BLAZE MOST .STUBBORN PATRONS OF PICTTTRE THEATER ARE EXCITED. lire mm Extinguish Conflagration In Basement of Liquor Store Only After Hour or Fighting. "" t ' Fire breaking out In a basement oc cupied by tho O. I. C. liquor store, at 249 Morrison street, at S o'clock yea terday afternoon, gave the fire de partment an hour of tha hardest tussl ing that It has had In many months. Though there waa little fire, dense clouds of smoke, filling tho basement where the blaxo was confined, and pouring out upon the street, made con ditions so Intolerable that reliefs or firelighters could stay at their work but a few minutes. ' First knowledge of the' fire came when a puff of amoke broke through the floor Into tha Oh Joy Theater, which la over the west basement of the liquor store. The house waa full or patrons, mostly children, and there waa some excitement, but Patrolman . Sims, who chanced to be In the theater, as sisted the management In quieting the crowd, which filed out without Injury to anyone. For an hour the firemen fought against tha dense amoke. before they were able to locate the small blaze. It had started in some paper packings in the basement and had begun to eat the lloor and Joists when It waa ex tlngulahed. Four feet of water atood In the cellar when the firemen had finished. E. E. Cohen, manager of the liquor company, waa unable to make an esti mate of hla loss, but thought that it might run up to I1S.000. cornered by Insurance. The building Is owned by the Flelshner Estate and la not seri ously damaged. The theater waa seri ously damaged superficially, but can be renovated at email expense and will reopen eoon. A large atock of llquora waa stored In the basement, and a barrel of high-proof alcohol caused aome trepidation among the firemen, but waa found to be stored In a place remote from the blaze. A cable of the Pacific Telephone Company waa aevered. and between 50 and 100 telephones are out of com mission, but repairs will be completed by tonight. Other business houses In the vicinity were slightly damaged by amoke and water. Fully 2000 persons gathered In the neighborhood of the fire, and a large aquad of police under Sergeants Goltz. Cole and Harms were kept busy In holding them back. When the alarm rang In at the Fourth-street house, the men on duty there were engaged In fighting a small blaxe which had broken out In their quarters from some unknown cause. Leaving Fireman Gavin with Babcock extinguishers to contend with It the other men hastened to their stations and made tha run to the fire. When they returned Gavin had conquered the blase. Foshay Conies to Vancouver. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Jan. 15. Special.) Tho announcement yesterday of the resignation of W. B. Foshay from the management of the Paclnc Power & Light Company. In this city, came as a surprise. He has accepted a new posl- .v,,: .- s?jr i- -r""';" r T; "I J' ' 'ti2z si " a. ej j i H KT m Mum jjv mm Life Insurance is Office: Corbett BIdg., Portland L, Samuel General Manager FULL DRESS QT TTTi O We have re O KJ X X O ceived a new line in Full Dress, Double breasted Frock and Cutaway Suits which we shall be pleased to show you. 231 (WASHINGTON STi PORTLAND CtOTMM i P. W. BALTBS j AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165. A 1165 First and Oak tlon at Vancouver. Wash., with the Washington-Oregon Corporation. His resignation waa handed In December 4. .KINDNESS COUNTS MOST Preacher Says Donors of Slillions May Forgot Nearby Needs. Tha aecond anniversary of the dedi cation of Epworth Methodist Church waa celebrated at the church. Sixteenth and Savler atreeta. yesterday. Rev. v T. McPherson. the pastor, read a report of tha work for tho .year in which he said the church was in good financial condition. The church property Is worth $20,000, an& la out of debt. Rev. W. T. Kerr preached the aermon yesterday morning. America would be better off. ho said. If men In public Ufa would exercise more Justice. He said that millions might be given to found Institutions to help humanity, but that the donors of these Immense sums might forget to lend assistance to families liv ing near them. It la not always tha great things In -life which count, tha speaker said, but real kindness of heart WHERE JO OINE. All tba delicacies or the season at ta Portland Rsataurant. Fins private apar ' taenia lor ladles. SO Wash., near u a. Plant filbson roses. Phone Sell wood 950. - I Fdlefsen's coal satisfies. C 2303. E. 303. MAKE or MENS Clarence S. Samuel Ani-Unt Manager The Greater Olds, oys' Air Siiip and Meet Jan. 28d to 28th Under the Auspices of the Aero Clubof America Entries Close Saturday, Jarmary 21st An event of interest to all boys tinder 18 years of age. We will positively not permit any professional-made models to enter for prizes. Every model airship, aero plane, or biplane entered for prizes must be made by the exhibitor a boy tinder IS years of age. The judging will be done by citizens not connected with the store, the points being: Workmanship, Ability to .Stay in the Air, Distance of Flight, Original Ideas, etc. This contest offers better prizes and greater inducements to exhibitors than any liKe contest ever conducted in Port land. Many interesting features will be introduced as the meet progresses. Remember, entries close Sat., Jan. 21. First Prize, $35.QO Cash Fourth Prize, $5.00 Order Second Prize, $20.00 Cash Fifth Prize, $5.00 Order Third Prize, $5.00 Order Sixth Prize, $5.QO Order . Seventh Prize, 5.00 Order A Merchandise Order to Every Exhibitor Foil Details and Entry Blanks May be Obtained at Advertising Department, 5th Floor. Watch the Daily Papers for Farther Announcements THE VERY BEST ientistry on the Pacifio Coast is executed here. We bsve built nponr reputation on it. You cm I depend on quality and cinnot get Detwr paimeae woVk anrwhere, no matter bow much you pay. I mi Tf- ffl T I 1 ... A lab ol bridse work for out of .town patrona in on day it daaired. Painleaa axtractioa free when platea or bridge work ia order d. Consunatian frea. MolsrOrswns $5.00 22kBridj.Taatk4.03 Sold Riling. 1.00 Fillings 100 Siiwr Fillins-s .50 Good Rubbar . . Pl.t.. 5.00 Bast Red Rubbar Plato. 7.50 Ptinleu Extr'lm .50 car METHODS at.w..witf,Pi js na Btti Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists rsmnt Bulldlni. Third and Wsthlnfton. P0RTUN0. 0RK etOceSaan: A. M. to 1 1. K. Saadars. DAY AND One ot tha lara-est beat equipped plants In Portland offers you unexcelled eervlce at prloee axceedinaTly low. Wnaa you want i CmLOGS, BOOKLETS, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS OR ANT OTHER FORM OF PRINTING U wQl ba to ytrur advantage to consult us. Oar facilities tmarastae best results. Our samples will convlnoe you of oar qusjlty, PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE GO. Fhoact: 1 2281, Main 6201. 388 Tijlor Streat NEW DEPARTURE Toe Coat of Iaermeaa Have Bee a Great It Rednce4 br Botmaa VodercakJaa; Compaay. Heretofore It has'been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking: Com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, have departed from that cus tom. When casket Is furnished by us we make no extra charges for embalm ing, hearse to cemetery, outside box or any services that may be required of us. except clothing, cemetery and car riagea, thus effecting a saving; of ii to $76 on each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. 30 THIRD ST- COn. SALMON. Neth & Company Collectors Established In 1900. Bow about those old accounts? 033 Worcester Bids. fortlaod. Or- T.HVAB PRINTING CO. KjSOLICITS YOUR PATR0MACE Q47i STARK- STREET , PaaaaraaMaaian uuaa a rauuai SEHICE! NIGHT t Wortman, 885 l5v:3 h4 t.3m lliflff liifa Kx PRINTING ARGUMENT Established over twenty-five years - experi enced superintendence-competent workmen modern machinery and equipment fair prices prompt service -central location entire new building - ground floor office and many more good reasons why you should let us figure on your next catalogue -estimates cheerfully furnished. Glass & Prudhomme Co. PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS STATIONERS ' 65-67 Seventh Street GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DAYLIGHT RIDE TO VICTORIA r rivn rpattlt WASH. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C. EvervSundav at 2 00 P S. Every Monday at 11:00 P. M. Northbound. Everjr S flry Saturday at 2:00 P. M. Southbound. HEALS AXD BERTH INCLUDED NORTH OP VANCOUVER. Worth Pacific Coast Commercial Excursion" to Hawaiian Island nd Return on "8. S. Prince Kopert" February I, 1911. Rate J225.00 For Ticketa and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Bnrcia, Gem'l Agent, First Ave. and Yealer t ay, heattle, Waah. Reduced Rates to Los Angeles $10.35 Second Class $21.50, $23.50, $26.50 First Class To San Francisco $5.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 ALL RATES INCLUDE MEALS AND BERTH. NEW BS. -BEAR" SAILS 4P.9U TUESDAY, JANCART 17. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S, CO. H. 6. Ssattk, C. T. A 143 Tfctr Bt. faaatai Mala 403, A iM3r a.........aMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxaawaxai aasSteawXawXsWaWateWatsssw . I King Store Contest o Winter Schedule Effective October 30. 1S10. Steamships 'Prince Rupert' and 'Prince George' FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connect ing at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert nr Rtawart and Queen Charlotte Islands. X W. Bliss i, AaTeat, Atliaiewtfc Dock .eat Main ZVff, A US.