tite aronyixo onEGoyiAy. Monday, January1 6i9ii. 13 ' ' ' . t , f iSACIAI I BUSINESS DIRECTOR. . tvaukcd kixmia ta fnM r amity. TOR RENT Gentlemen only. References required. 2 wel 1 -f'l rc h e-1 front alrer--Ing room. T's of bath and phont. ti cellent nelghborreJV.'d. Eaat bide, only 2 In family. phono E .S244. LARGE, well-furnlshed rooma. iultM for DDI or two. l!h or without board, modern oftvrnlfDrn. elrlctlT Mlvitl family 'easy wa'kirg distance. 437 Taylor st. Phons Marshall l'18. kCWLV furnished modern rooma for sen. liftmen. Gas. electricity, bath. furnaos ral. We pride ourselves on our plessant. clean rooma 86 North Mill at. About two blocka from Washington. HOTEL MAXIMS for modern furnished rooma; steam heat and bsth. 1-1.5') I'' week. 14 7th st-. between Aider and M jrr:ion. I EAUTIFTI.LT furnished room with alcovs and dressing-room; Ideal bachelor's quar ters: brmf in and dinner it desired. Phurt Main f.l"4. LAKOE front room, farina- sast. modem dwelling; walking distance; modern eon vfnlra ces. t& N. 2Iat at. Fl RNISHEU front rooma. 37 month; bath Included. Williams avenue, near Ruall. VERT comfortably furnished ouislde room In nice modern home. 1 or 2 gentlemen. Main '..lo ONE well-furnished front room for gcntle tnan. h"t and cold water. 6-8 Irving St. Pl-.one Mnln I'?-'. SPLENDID roma. well heated, hot water. 14.oo and t liuu) p--r month; would aerva meal. 375 ritjrh N. K.. cor, 1Mb. FRONT bedr-m for two g-nlleinen. he-it. tc. $3. Three-room modern houMkwp. tng apartment. t wlt. 16J E. 6th. fFAN. odero room aultahlo for - young man; 381 Harrison, near loth. I'hone A S.l. FURNISHED room, furnace heat: adjoining bath. close tn. electric lights. Main 8.V4. rnfurnftehed Rooma. FestTtABIE INFTRNiaiirD ROOMS SIILXtR BLPG. 33v MORRISON bT. IIOUIKN, CENTRAL. KrASONABLB. alewaaa With Htrd. PORTLAND Women's Union. I'd year; rooma with hoard, uee of eewlng-room. li brary 81') Flandere. F. N. Heath. aupt- t HoICE rooma, alnitl or en aulte. sultabls for 2 or 3; emceil-nt table, eTarythlnc rirt-.-Iaa. .13 N. 17th at. Mt'KLY furnished room, facing park, lor two; frst-ciaaa table toard. a. Ura. THE UAMf-EKSON-r louch. dealrable outale room for gentlemen. t THE CAI.VkRr. 4R2 Morrlaon at., cor. ISth. rooma, with board: ntodern conenlncea. Hoeing Hb Hoard l ITHaie t arnily. iTaROE. well-furniahed rooma. aultable for ore or two. with or without bonrd. modern rot,venienrea. etrlctly private family, eaay wa'klng Uletajice. 6i7 Tay.or at. Thona Maranall lvlJ. rOR KENT Two nicely furnlahed front rooma with alcovea. furnace heat, running hot wat r In rooma: with or without h -d. 1-73 North 24'li at Marahail ". I. A R'!- attractive room, auperror realdence; homelike a.-eommoilat'ona and wholeaoma reeia. moderate rate; walking dtataoco. M.V Morrlaon. I'hone A Sji-S. M.KAN. welifurnuhed front rouma. ault aMa for iwj or fuur; g.od home ctxjk- tng 4.12 84 at. laKj front roma, with toard for two, J1 eacn. alngle (2: heat, bath and phono. Main .i4. "i th at. UH'lE uitTprivat bath, for threo or four people: with bard. Faahtonablo loca tion. ellT Kearney. ItOOM and board. rveonable; modern bouao. 71 E. lith. near tak. FRONT room and board, aultable for two gentlemen. 5S- Morri-n. at. DESIRAPUE room and I card. Iln place, fur mc. home rooking. CH L. Alder. H 2 oil. fLrTASANT room a4 good board for two. ftel Montgomery. Main oa7. riRST-CLAS room with board for 2 gen tlemen 3 4- Ht h at. llORO and rM.m for two gentl-mea. gool home cooking I'M 11th. tear Yamhill. Auartmcwta. THE PARKtR. corner 2 let and Irving ata. Thui ne four-acory brick opened Jan uary I. I 'll. Two. three and four-room aullea with reception ball. I'aclfle phone In each arani:ie.it. electric elevator, lfolmea dlrapwar,r. beda. bullt-ln buf fet and wrulng dee. gaa rangea. Ice box. plenty pf cloaet room. If you want omc thlng eatra nice, coma to the liar Her. Make reeervaitone now . rE.N lNSUl-A Apacjinl. n. w bulloing. Et Bide. HUH Alblnx ae.f lake Mteilaalppl. L or St. Jo tine car. 13 minuiear ride fr-m Waahlugton at. ; A3. 4 and & rooma. com pletely furnuthed. S1A to 44U per month: all modern convetilencca. unfurnlehed apartmrnta. a.ao nuely frirniaed bed- Jiint Pimm reyllawn 2-''a. JlLLSi Ar-AHTMENTs. Ittn and columola. 4 blocks aouth from Morrlaon at.; trick building, completely Brat-eiaaa; fur ntebed la t I nnd 4-rootn family apart meate; private bath, reception bait : heat, hot wator. elevator, tree pbona. Jaa Itor aervlce; rent ver reaeonabia. THE BANNER AJ'A KTM E.NT3. Weet hide. 4 Oajr at., near 14th; all 3 - room completely furnished aiantnenle; new houao and furniture: nteam heat, electric light, hot aud cold water, freo phone, laundry: -l to f2V. IncludiDg UgbU Thouo M a.-ar.all 2'7 4. C ARM AX-IT A APARTMENT Thn Reed Institute apartnienta. . E. cor. of Ulh and Jefferson ata.: hrat'Claaa In every de tail: aill be readr fcr occupancy by March 1. lsll. Make reaervatlona row a: 4i4 Ablngton Oldg., or phoaa Main T4. Tan CEL'AK Hlt-L'' (nicest apartmenia in cltv. 1!7 orceo ave.. bet Puk ave. and Washington at., near City l"ark. overlook ing city: new house, new furniture; thrra rooma and bath. atam heat, hot water, private phone. If looking for a quiet and cosy place, see these apartmenta A 7i34- THR PARK-HARRIS, corner Park and llar rtwn. has a lew very detrao'.e urf af msnej aiiitea. Oreplacea. liardw.Mxl iloora and all moderne-oavenlepcea: bet location and accommauon. Call mgc, at Marshall .-":. A 44-3. UKUEKl.tWH AfARTMKNTS. for. Orand ave. aud E. Mark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart menta; private bath, hot and cold water, strain heat. Phone. Kaet X00. CUMBtHI-AND APARTMENTS. Weat Park and Columbia ata. 2 and S-roorn apart iota. with all modern conventencea. fur nished or unfurnished, boo manager, on prontisea A NT. EI-A APT:.. ' Trinity place. beU Ulh and 2vth. off Wash. ona 2 -roam apt., beautifully furnlsned; one 4-room baae n.ent apt., furnished; atr.ctly modern. LILLIAN apartments, cor. 6th and Mont gomery ata; new, mixlera. furulshed. 3 room apartment. Ilrnt outside kitchen: prlvnt tel.. ;.tone. I'hone Marshall lo74. THE HTANi7f.Y APT., cor. TVashrnrton and King. 3 and 4-room apta. f urn is lied and uufuralahed. ail modern conventencea, rea sonable rent, t'apt. lcbnelder. prop. lEONCE Newly furnished 3-roora apart ment, private phone, modern conventencea.' lad '.-'I st. N. Furl RL.VT 4-room. ateam-heated flat, at come, of aSth and Eaat Morrison. Ph n Tabor 1-1. ONalONTA. H7 17th, near VamhllL Furbished apartm-nta -a m -heated. KEW TOR K Apartinenta S and S rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam heat. Iree phone. Eaat 7th and ttelmont. IloZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-roora ap:a; private phones and strictly mod ern; aid. near Johnson su bitk'apartm'ents. Furnished snd unfurnished apartments, 21st and Flandera CL':LIA Apartments. 2J1 and Gllaan: 3 room apartment with alt modera coneo aleoces. rani reasonable. KF.ELER Apartments. 14th and Clay a-.s.. Just vacated, one of our finest apartments WKNTED Ladv to ahare a-room furnlaed itartnient. Call M or A 1 HI. THE KiNOI DAVL-V-Corner King nnd Davis ata; one 3-room. reference. THE MARLBORO! "OH. 21et and Flandera. Nob lllll dtst : 4Vr5roapt.Maln731a. THTJ JUANITE. IJ llth t-; nicely fur nished apartments ilata. vr-,v lower 3-room flat. Hard -finished f.ra throughout, stl outside rooma gas range, water heater coil In furnace, ftre r sce larce ar , F.. Madlsin St. 4-Rv.i'M Bat. bathroom, large basement and fj.-r.ace. Call Hf East l ina. Tel. East Jioe. FOR RENT New. modern T-roorn flat, cor ner East Iturnslde and Eaat 12th ata Phone East 23"1. CAST StlDE New. modern, newlv furnished flat 3 rooms, close In, rent 930. Phons r y7 4. Oft llill modern unfurnished UDper s-s-roonl f:a. adults only. I'hone Miln rtH fT-Tr-RENT -Modern lower 3-room flat. 703 Marshall St. Phone Marshall 244. ll: MOrERN 4-room flat, close In. 140 Ormnd ave. N jiiEW. modera 3-roora f.al, Est ISth and Ash. phone B 3oO NET.. nio1ern f t. 3 blocks from Steal bridge. Phone Uoodlawn K.1l. FLAT. 4 : Morrison at- Aooly tiS B Stark, or phone K. 31 r . . I for REM. m si.-sr.5s orromusuu j - m i - i - t t-HOOH flat. cor. 11th and Columbia: gss t.A--f H t 1 Tl nlailt. r,ath. 127 ner month. II. P. Palmer-Jones Co.. 2I2-21J Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main Souk; a 2.-3. MODERN S-room flat, steel range, cement basement, window shades. 20 per month. IOO Halsey. near Stoel bridge. HoM!koeplng Boom a. IHS BEAVER. 12th snd Marshall Fur nished for housakeeplng. gas range, s.eo trle llghia hoi water, bath, laundry, nil ftee; $15 par month op: a clean place, best In the city for money: short distance from Union UepoU Take "S" csr r Idtl at. cars north, get oO at Marshall su h cgs. i . ... WELL-FURNISHED 4-room lower flat. 117 S month: two well-furnished house keeping rooms, is snd 110 month. Ap ply i North Jtth. "W" csr from depot, bth or Morrison to Hth. block north. li.aO TO 13S WEEK.: clean. furnished housekeeping rooma fres laundry, bat ch one. clean Unen. heat. 4' VancottV-r sva. arid aolSe Btauton; jtake U car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. ' MILNEK Bl.DO.. JSOH MORRISON 8T. MQPERX. CENTRAL REASONABLE!. NICE front suite housekeeping-rooms: slso ono single housekeeping room In brick building. I"1? I nlon ave.. rnr Alaer. THE MAX1NE. 421 Second; furnished house keeping rooma all conveniences, walking distance. 112 per month up. llol EK EEPINO-KC" MS. phone and bath; walking distance. 117 ISth at- North, cor. Gllaan. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also single rooma oJ2 Williams ava, Phons C 1323. , MOUbEKEEPlXO rooms In new concrete fcldg. Phone Wood, awn 2H97 or 1371. UOUSEKEEPlNci rooms for rent at ths Rose. 1 Mt t, 3d st. a. HoU-ekrt-piMV M. ne i PrisMte r smily. TWO nicely furnished two-room housekeep ing spt.. 124.00 and 11S.OO per month. Oil Tor cooking Included. Hath, phone, ten minutes' walk business center. 410 Hall, between Tenth and Eleventh. TWO large, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, first Boor: Breplace, gaa. bath and phone: furnished rooms sleo; walking dla t.itire. 874 Williams ave. i'hone C FOUR rooms furnished complete, prlvste res ldee. close In. Hawthorne Park district. Phone East 1442. NICE. lTght. 3-room housekeeping suite. walking distance, phone Marehall 44. bi3 Thirdst-. B. FOR RENT 5 furnished housekeeping rooms, to adults, front, convenient. 633 Tamhlll st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance, bath, gas and phons 330 Montgomery st. FOUR housekeeping rooms for rent, heat snd water free. 1:3. 174 Grand ava., cor. Tamhlll. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, gaa and water Included. 121. Walking distance. 34T Johnson st. ROOMS furnished complete, single or en aulte. heat, lights, bath, A SiSO. 373 Couch snd 1Mh. FIRST-CLASS furnlBheH apartment, three rooms, heat, lichts. bath, pbona. A 3U0. &7S Couch N. K.. cor. IMh. 3 UNFUKNl- Hfcl housekeeping rooms, modern, light and water furnished; 113 a month. t'-3 AlMna ava. "L" car. :"rPOM furnished suite. Ill; walking dis tance, free phone, bath, etc.; line nolgb- borhoodlio-t Wllllsms avs. 3 IAR'lE front rooms, completely furnished for llaht bouskeeplng; best locstlon. 214 nth at. TWO housekeeping rooms st 4o7 E. I'lna St.. a month, that Includes LUnt. phone snd water. TWO connecting furnished rooms. light housekeeping If desired: $4 week. 721 Mis sissippi ava. corner Fremont. HOUSEKEEPING room, rent most reaeon abia Phons Marshall 217. ) Taylor at. vVHFX yoa move you'll need NEW FTR NITURE. Buy It Judlcloualy and ths say ings will escred your moving axpensea Our business for 1110, our third year, placed us among the "top notchera In the furniture business In Portlsnd. WHV and HOW have we bullded so rap Idly? VEKT SIMPLE! If ws did ths same business on the West illde our expense would he U3.0U0 more esch yesr. Natural ly we have been able to aell much cheaper and the people wars not slow la finding It out. Mr'lt'i AX-ATCH LET FLT.NITURB CO. eu-TG Grand ave.. cor. Eaat Stark St. ast Ankeny. Uontsvilla and Itussell- Hhaver carllnca paaa our store. TO RENT W rusks a specialty of fur nished and unfurnished houses, fists snd apartments: eollect jour rants and remit you promptly. If you titvs a vacant housa. flat or apartment, and will let us have a descrip tion of It. our bast services are at your command. f. n. TATLOR CO.. 403-403-404-403 Lewis Bldg. Phones A 4414. Marshall bill, 117. 1 FOR a fine (mom modern cottage, large corner lot. on Webatsr, near new Jefferson High School. t.'v for new (-room, near Columbia and Freemont ata 110 for l-roora, on Eaat Taylor: large grounds and furnace. 113 for a 7-room on Benton, near Brosd wav: this la walking distance; modern, with furnace. Bianchsrd 4V clemaon, 11 th st. Phons tiunday C I2B7. jtHi-P; 7-room house on corner 13th and Market ata; 3 large bedrooms. 1 with flrepiscs. snd bathroom upstalra Can bo leased for one year. Kent. 4S per month. H. P. Palmar-Jones Co.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phonos. Mala r-V.': A HOUSES and flat for rent, soma furnished. MERCHANTS SAVIN;S TRUST COMPANY. S. i- cor. h and Washington Pt. WE CAN FURNISH YOUIt HOME at a great saving, tiet our pricea Look ers Bhown every courles. M. OSTKOW A CO., l4-ti North .Id St. Reasonstils prlcea Easy terms. jlOL'KHN 3-room bunaalow on the '-WW carllne: cr. lot overlooking the city, beau tiful view. Rent 113. David Lewie. lloom 2 Lnmhern-.en'ajbldg., 6th and Stark. T KOoMs. modern and convenient: house lo cated on two good carllnes. Pries 123-tK) per mo. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 110S-10, Spald Ingldg; FIVE-ROOM cottage In Irvlngton; lth St.. litween Weldier and Broadway. Call toi Wel'ller St. FO It rent. lovely modern 3-room cottage; fire Place. 2"th and Tlbbctts sta Phons last ft; B 1404. -ROOM, walking distance, near Washing ton High School and car; ll. Woodlawn 2131. MODERN 4-room cottage. 114 East lil'lh North. 3-RihM nousa for rent. Apply 434 E, Morrison st. -ROOM, modet house. 1330 Hancock St., corner 4olh st.. Rose City Park. l-'O. FOR RUNT ft-room cottage; bath and gas, thoroughly clean, ilt'et Knet Muln. Mt IDKUN s-room house for rent. 174 -st 1 it h . Apry 172 Hast 13t h. T-ROOM house, -ollega, near 12th: rent l.'S. Smiths Agency, lot Sherlock bloc. .o .7 - R(l(3 house. porcelain plumbing, trays, gaa electricity. Phone Sellwood 7. 1 uroKhed Itstws. FOI'R-RiiOM cottage. furnlshel complete; gas range, steel range, electricity, phone: clean and neat! everything Brai-class: a nice, neat home: good car service, edults oniy; 1110 per mo, w. E. McGregor. 2:t3 II. Slit h st. Phone Tabor 731. 0.R1T0M. splendidly furnished. modern house, on Willamette Heights; rent 1!3. Sew ua for particulars. l'ARRI.'ll. W ATKINS CO., 2S0 Alder St. Fl" R N IS H: D -room house, mo.lern. reason-shle- no objection to children. No. IT Buetell ave.. corner E . Burnslde. Phons B 2734. FOR RENT Nice- furnished 3-room cot tage, with r'ano. at Z2 Eaat 301 h. In q tlr Portland Realty Trust Co.. East 40th and Hawthorne, phone H eM. FOR REXT 12-room modern furnished house, good location for hoarrTera 123. Walnut Hotel, 2-1 ih and Nlcolal St., Mar-s-all H04. 1-RluiM modern house, furnished or un furnished. ! fast from W-R car. Phons Sellwood lWUfl. HOUSES t-t rent, furnished, from 4 lo 8 rooma Phons Woodlawn 1134. Btbray at Hart 133 3-room flat, new furniture: walking dlatance: good neighborhood. 443 Rodney ave. Phone East 4VXV MODERN 7-room furnished houss for rent. Phons Woodlawn lma NEWLY furnished B room flat, modem rent, very reaaonahla 72gs Johnson st. - .RiX)M firnlahed bungalow, with p'lano. Phone after 3 P. M. Woodlawn 270O. nousew for Bent Furniture for Sale, FOUR-ROOM houss for rent snd furnltur for ssla cheap. 142 E.2Slhst-.N. FURNITURE for sals and houss for rent; closs In. 371 S. 3d st. RARE bargain If taken Immediately; owner going East; good -room house, rent walking distance; fine neighborhood, West Side; l.0o new furniture for sale cheap. Call noil l.umoermens bldg . FURNITURE nf a modern r.-room flat, evarythtng good and clean, 3 rooms rented, located on the West Side, close In. nic little place; price lo30. H. W. C.ARl.A ND t CO., 191 4th SL FOR SALE; Furniture of three rooms, with bath; completely furnished for housekeep ing: rent 113: 10 minutes' walk from P. O. SWSht Montgomery at. . NEAP.LT now furniture, six-room flat, ons block from City Hall, on MM St.: must tie sold this week: no reasonable offer re-fus-d; tet is. call evenlnga .109t1Biht. FOR SALE A bargain, nearly new furni ture of 1 rooma. boune for rent: 4 rooms rented for 146; rent 130. Phone East 815 NEW furniture; can show how to make 370 a menth over rent and your own rooma 404 i Park st. 123 PER MO New. modern 6-room. Irving district: all or part of furniture for aale cheap, dee Mr. Bryan at Tull Glbba Stores. 00i7ft ONE -STORY brick bonding, corner Second snd Salmon; big doors on both streets, high ceiling; .lust ths place for motion-picture show; seed stors or small fsctory. Is also a good retail location. Csll A 8442 cr Main 1463. Inqulra next door at 210 Second. STORE BLDO. 50x100. flvs stories snd basement, mill construction, low Insurance, large elevator, flrat-claaa and within ono block of freight houaea; can alve long lease; 1600 per month. AE 70b. Orego nlsn. . MODERN storeroom. 23x100. at No. 2ft Front St.: good location, near Madlson-sU bridge and depots; rent, reasonable. A. H. Ulrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Btarlt streets. FOR KENT Half of modern store; light and water Included for 130 per month. 363 m Wash In g ton s I. NEW brick store, llth snd Hawthorns av elegant location for fine grocery. Ap ply L- R, Falrchlld. 232 Sherlock bldg. SMALL store. Lownsdsls St.. near Wash lngton. Smith's Agency. 103 Sherlock bldg. STORK for rent. Phone East 1211, Offices, Pnn PF" VT Three fine office rooms on ae,c ond floor Lumber Exchange building. 2d snd Stark sta. Inquire F. B. Holbrook Co. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. 8 CORNER rooms, best corner on East Side, good for doctor, dentist, tailor, ojz wm- lams ave. Phone East S4S4. MOST centrally located offices, all-night ele vator service. .K'3 Swetland bldg., otb and Washington. FOR RENT A few offices In Cuuch bldg. Call btS Lewla bldg. Warehouses. STORAGE space at 0 and 11 Fourth St. North. Phone Marshall 2. BCSrXESS Orl'ORTl-NlTIES. CASH BUSINESS. Old-established business, clearing over f'Jt'O per month: owner compelled to sell on account of beslth: very little money will handle 111 will trsde for good prop ertv. call room 313. Lumber Exchange bldg. CASH MARKET, rsrtner wanted In first-class market business, doing 1130 dally; owner will tsas cssh or good trsds for Interest! will bear rloaest Investigation. Call room 816, Lumbr Exchange WILL sacrlBcs my established manufactur ing plant with electric motor machinery snd stock: good investment to msk money: must sell on account of sickness snd old sge; only 1110O. 33 Union nve HAVE ths best buslneas proposition In portlsnd for a safe Investment to someone with 1250O: can show you a profit of bet ter than 30 per cent; can give bank ref erences. AM 61". oregunlsn. FINE locstlon for mollon-plcturs show, seed stors or smsll fsctory. B0x7'. corner Second snd Salmon, brick building, big doors both streeia A 3442. Main 1443. inquire 30 Second at. PARTNER WANTED 1100 per month guar snteed; best of references: monev fully secured snd hsndle It yourself; 17.V re quired. Call room 311, Lumber Exchange bldg RESTAURANT for sale, with grill license; hsrgsln If bought this week; tllssgreement between psrtners cause of sale. For par ticulars address (6 North Second sL Descamps er M rco RESTAURANT Fins location. Bne large room, well furnished, f S00 for a abort time only. I LOCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumberniens Bldg. FOR SALE Tea. coffee and crockery busi ness: established 14 years. In heart of Spokane; net monthly profits $400: part cash, balancs Seattle real estate. Owner, Green. 441 Peyton. Spokane. Wash. FOR SALE- Cheap for cash, half Interest In confectionery and candy factory; good chsnco to learn candy making. Address 103S Union St., Salam. Or. FOR SALE Bakery In country town, dough mixer, boiler, electrlo motor; price 13oo; Ihoo cash, balancs on time. D 60S, ure gonlsn. FOR SALE Restsursnt and delicatessen stors In first-class location, doing good business: best of reasons: very reasonable. Address for Information. N 037. Oregonlan. ClOAR. confectionery snd pool. living rooms, all furnished, plenty of everything, good money-msker; price $700. H. W. GARLAND CO.. ll'l 4th 3t. COFFFE house and lunch counter; a money? maker, 1323. Ill-OCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumhermcns Bldg. GROCERY 6TOK. any pries and any part ' C"y' BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermcns Bid g. WANTED A location for a general mer chandise or shoe store: give full psrticu lars In first letter. Address C Kruae, Jd9 Kast 84th at. BILLIARD AND POOL A good location. Room for 12 to 14 tables. 315 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANTED -A location for country bank or will buy stock in eatabiyhod bank. M CSV. Of egonlan. "mTNINO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 AMnnton, FOR SALE Sawmill, pood local trade, lim ber close by; price liiiou: two-thirds cash, rest on easy terms p ono. uregonlan. FOH SALE Delicatessen and lunch room; a snap If taken at once; In poor health. Phone Tahor 1319. MODERN 30-room flat, centrally located, low rent, good lesse, bargain If tsksn at once. I'hone Main 4612. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter; 2. year lease; new, modern. 333 Yamhill, near Park at. SALOON for aale to close estate. Indepen dent license. Good corner location. Call 113 N. 3d st. pAYINQ hotel, value 11O00: Investigate and make me an offer; cash or part real estate. Address Pox lu3. Ft. Johns. Columbia 237. WANT staple lina to sell to dealers in farming communities of Eastern Oregon. Address L 6 7 L Oregonlsn. MILLINERY business in a live town of Soul): good reasons- for selling. H 4.i. Uregonlan. FOR SALE A Bne bskery and confection ery business In a hustltnr town, lnqulrs Orsy. McLosn at Percy, 113-113 N. 4th. CIGAR STAND Right down town. 333a BI.OCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermeua Bldg. FOR SALE Saloon. In good locstlon; owner has other business to attend, to. Inquire f,4 N. 61h St. NICK little clean hardware buatneaa: good location, heart of city: 14"M stock; will sacrifice for cash. Hall. :i") Front St. 1'IS BUYS cigar store, good flxtures, new stock. Invoice 1240; owner shall leave town. 1M Morrison at. YOU can't beat thla; make me an offer on cigar nnd confectionery store; owner must lesvs town. Csll 809 Williams svs. FOR SALE A splendid sttlcle, ready for market; patented In U. S.; reason for selling AB tl. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE Smsll lunch counter, confec tionery, cigars; cheap for cash. Apply 832 Hurnalue. 1 WANT to buy from owner the best busi ness that 31000 will handle. AC 178. Orwgonlan. WANTED Party with 1200O to t.iooo tor business proposition that will bear Inves tigation, X 670. Uregonlan. IF you want to get Into the sswmlirbusl neea In Portlsnd. write t 680. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE Rsstsursnt fixtures cheap. In niilrsRed Front. 1 H 1st st- FOR SALE Wood yard and equipment, chesp. 32 1st. 100 BUSINESS carda 11.00; you must bring this sd Rose City pr:ntery. 192 1 Thtrd- 81000 DOWN For sale, cigar stors snd crctlonery. -n1 Ysmhlll st. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, modern rooms; lease for sale. Owner. 336 Russell St. A SNAP Ooo paying restaurant. Good location; full particulars . 107 Grand ave. fTrst-CLAES halrdresslng parlors for sals cheaplt sold at ones. Main 6-0!. WANTED To buy cigar and confectionery stors or light grocery. O 608. Oregonlsn. LOOK AHEAD. Triers is only ons last new country on this continent the richest and best. British Columbia Is being opened up by three transcontinental and other lines of rsllwsy. Over thirty million acres of rich agri cultural and fult land. Bfty million of the finest timber, coal and mineral lands that have never been touched will bo thrown open to the public for development. Thla Is ths famous Fort George country. Ons hundrsd million dollars will be spent tn the next Ave ysars In railroad building alone. Io you want a shars of ths profits? Lot us send you a free copy of ths "British Columbia Bulletin of Informa tion." giving synopsis of mining, land, mineral snd timber laws. Costs you noth ing. Write today. N NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO. Ltd. 413 Granville st-. Vancouver. B. C. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Fins stock of general merchandise In one of Portland's best suburbs; la-t month's sales wore 13000, mostly cash business. 276 family customers on the list: expenses are very low. rent only $37.30 Including barn, lease runs 4 years, stock and fixtures will invoice about 13300. Some terms. Owner's only resaou for selling la sickness snd must leave city. We can highly recommend this place to any ons wanting a good business. ORUS.SI a. ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR BALE. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSI NESS. Wholesale and retail with good mall order trade, all over the'U. 8. and Cana da. Wo want to retire, about 135.000. All clean stock nnd no Indebtedness; will sell with 13000 to 110.000-cash and stay with the buyer till the business pays the rest : good real estate CONSIDERED. Address B 638. Oregonlsn. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. A first-class small laundry, ths only ons within 2 miles in a thickly settled district on the East Side; laundry Is fully equip ped with latest machinery. 3 horss. 2 wsgons; on a paving basis, clearing 1300 per month; pries 133U0. 12300 caglt. balance monthly, or will sell lot DoxlOo and build ing for 11 00O additional, or will rent ths building. GRUSSI at ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SAL . A 20-M capacity Ruasell portable saw mill, complete with cut-off saw. sawdust conveyor, etc.; also a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, good as new; hss been used only a short time. For particulars call at my offics. 22-228 Front st,, Portland, Or. HERMAN METZOER. Owner. FOR SALE Controlling Interest in good s paying steam laundry in one of the best towns in Oregon. Doing 3400.00 and over a week; manager wishes to retire; plant modern and entirely new; established for years; would take 33000.00 to handls con trolling Interest. Address F a3H. Orego nlsn. FOR SALE A well-esiabusned clothing and gems' furnishing goods business In Port land; party wants to retirs; will sntsr taln reasoaabls offer and secured notes. Answer AK 603, oregonlsn, snd your cor respondence will receive Immediate at tentloa. " CAFETERIA. ' In good location, desirable lease, low rent, doing nice business; owner must sell on account of other business; price S300O. must have 11100 cash, balance out of re ceipts or would consider good resl esiata. Jos, c. Gibson, 80S Gerllnger bldg. MOVINO-PICTURE THEATERS. Havs several swell locations in Portland fcr moving-picture theaters. Must havs about !2M0 to transact buslnesa Partic ulars at Nsw York Amusement Co., 336 Washington s(., near 17th. GOOD opening for man who understands piano business; 1130 will secure the place; cheap rent, fins building; chance open only two weeks; field unworked. W 061. Oregonlsn. HALF Interest In in old-established "busl nees doing a good business, with sal aried position of 1100 per month. For full particulars csll Kinney A Stampner, Lum per Exchange bldg.. rooms 331-332. TOfXO MAN. STRANGER; Make careful investigation at expense of seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. C. A. G1VEN away free, map of all the Csltfornia oil lands, also trial subscription of publi cation "California Oil Fields." Sagar Loomls Co., 701 Oregonlsn bldg., Portland Or. MEAT MARKET, doing 375 a day; fixtures. 8300; stock st Invoice. BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermens Pldg. FOR SALE On Nob Hill, s well-paying boarding-house; established 6 years, with 23 boardera See owner about term- AD 605. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 100 shares North Coast Co operative Lumber Compsny stock st Sue per share. Address E. F. Wayland Co., 476 Monndnock bldg.. San Francisco. BARBER SHOP. A good location for a lO-chalr shop with 8 bath rooma lnqulrs 815 Railway Exchange Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES. THE EAGLE REALTY CO.. of 319 Board of Trade, sells hotels and rooming houses cheap and on sasy terms. Here are a few samples: NEW BRICK. 40 rooms, thoroughly modern, beautifully furnished, clearing 3300 each month; long . lease cheap rent. See this for ths best buy In the city. Terms. A LITTLE DANDY. 7 rooms, elegantly furnished, close In. cheap rent, small payment down, balance "ay' TRANSIENT HOUSE). 18 rooms, one floor, steam heat, best of furniture, corner brick; 3 years lease; 1900 cash handles It- GOOD INCOME. 24 rooma one floor, corner, mostly housekeeping. Well furnished. Owner sick. must sell. Make offer. Easy terms. BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH INCOME. Two 5-room flats, connected, best of residence districts, near 23 St., modern, beautiful furniture, very desirable. Sell separata or together: easy terms, see this. THE BEST OF ALL 11 rooma housekeeping, cheap rent, fins furniture; clears 173. Can't be beat. Main S77. 819 Board of Trade, ROOMING-HOUSES. Why pay rent when you can clear all expenses by Investing In a rooming or apartment-house? We have a good llst Come In snd let us sell you one. STODDARD BRENNER. 605 Couch Bldg. 1100 DOWN secures 1 rooms; beautiful ma hogany fumlturs; new building, furnace, gaa. electricity. 123 rent; paved atreet; wonderful view of mountains; near "S' cara: refined neighborhood. Sea 805 Water at. A BARGAIN. 1530. Rooming-house. 8 rooms, nice. close-In location. West Side, rent 137; rooms well arranged, good furniture and plenty of It, price ISfcO, some terms. - 11. W. GARLAND - CO.. 101 4th St. s;o8 BALANCE EASY, puts you Into splen did, clean, -paying little business; excel lent neighborhood, yet awfully low rent; Kast Side's all right. See this, anyway. SCI Ross, near Broadway. "Mississippi" ave. cars. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. If you want to buy or selL see ua Oldest established business chance firm In the city. Phone A 1321. Main 8774. H. W.ARIANDCO.. 191 4th St. WE have buyers for rooming-houses, all sisea List what you have with ua Phore and we will come and see you. We get ro sulta Ths Van Dersal Company. 42 Cor bett bldg. Marshall 1720. A 1733. TWO furnished flats. 10 and 10 rooms, both modern; bargain If taloen at once; selling on account of slcknesa Phons A 18S, ; WILL rent, trsde or soli st a bargain. Id room furnished rooming-house, centrally located and money-maker. M aln231 a I Vf eick and. must sell my 9-roora house at once. 14X. Csll Msin 2o07. FOR SALE Rooming-house, no agents, iss W. Park. Q8T AND FOUND. jFouND-Whero you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger, 424 Front. Phone Main 474: A 1374. LOST Brlndle bull terrier, name 'Ted" on brass collar: brlndle body snd white besd; if returned to 828 Mill st. Call A 45S0. vq'T Saturday, on Albina between Russell and Ferry, gold necklace. B. R., 144 Vs Russell, room 9. Reward. SATURDAY P. M . In Meier & Frank's, vel vet hag containing opera glasses; reward. AL 6. Oregonlan, LOST 115 reward for old cameo brooch snd 2 rings, lost during Xmaa- week. 831 Fargo st. riPFXTAL NOTICES. Mlscellsncous NOTICE. O Durhsm la no longer connected with the firm of Durham Fredenthal, and I will not bs responsible for any deals made by him. Ida Fredenthal, room L Washington bldg. I AM not responsible, for. debts contracted by my wife on or alter the lith of Decem ber, lltlO. Her husband. J. W. Royle. riuiiu- Auviteo, NOTICE OF BALE OF BONDS. Notice is hereby given that the City of Bandun, Coos County, Oregon, will receive proposals for the purchase of sixty thou sand 100.000) dollars, par value, in amount of negotiable, coupon bonds of said city. Said bunds are of tiie denominations of from $00 to 1000, each bearing interest at the rate of 6 per tfent per annum, pay able semi-annually, on tae lirst day of June and on the llrat day of December in each year. , . Said bonds are dated the first day of April, A. D. 1911. and the principal tuerei-f is payable on the tirst day of April, A. D., 1U2B. principal and Interest payable In United Statea goid coin at the baniilng houso of Kountze Brothers, in the city and state of New York. Scaled proposals must be addrassed to the Kecoruer of the City of Bandon, coos County, Oregon. Bids will bo reculved up to the hour ot 0 o'clock. P. M., of Wednesday, the 15th day of February. A, D-, 3911. and will ba cpened by the Recorder of said city In the presence ot the Council. In liauiion, Ore gon, at ths hour of 8 o'clock, P. ot said day. Said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder, but not ior less than their face value. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cent of the bonds. The Common Council reberves Uto nslit to reject any and all blda EMIL B. KAUSRLD. Recorder of the City of Bandon. PROPOSALS FOR TUBULAR DEEP WKLL. Office of Constructing W. M.. Fort Goorgo Wright, Wash., January 13. 191L Seated proposals In triplicate will be received at this office antll 11 o'oIock A. M., Janu ary 28. 1911, and then opened, for sink ing one lo-inch tubular deep well at this post. All necessary machinery, work and material to be furnished by oontractor, who should state in his proposal where his plant may bo seen and inspected. Pro posals must be accompanied by certified check or guaranty In the sura of 1500. Specifications, instructions to bidders and full lulurinutlon in regard to the wor required will be furnished upon appli cation at this office. The U. ti. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all xpropoeale, or any part thereof. Propos als must be Inclosed in sealed envelopes marked, "Proposals for sinking well to be opened Jsnuary 28, lull." and addressed to Lieutenant A. L. toneed, Twenty-nltn, Infantry, Constructing Quartermaster. CALL OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lewton Laud and Water Company. limited, in the City of Lewis ton. Idaho, on or before the 4tn day "I February, 1911. for the sale of bonus 01 the Lewlston Land and Water Company, limited, dated January L 1910. Those bonds offered at the lowest price not exceeding, however, par, with Inter est accrued to the 4th day of fcebruary. 1911. will be accepted and paid for 10 the extent to ten thousand 10,OUO dollar. , or any sum In excess thereof on hand pn said 4th day of February, loll. 1" the sinksjig fund created under article a ot the trust deed securing said bonds. LISWISTON LAND AND WATER COM- PAN Y.' LIMITED. SEALED bids will be received at the office of K, H. Thomas, Clerk of School District No. 1. Multnoi.ah County, Oregon, room 402 Tllford building, until 5 P. AI. Thurs day. January 19. 1911, for installation or oil-burning plants In the Washington High School, also the Hawthorne School. Copy of speclllcations may bo had upon application at the Clerk's office. Bids will be on esch school separately: certilled checks equal to 10 per cent of amount ot each proposal, payable to the order 01 R. H. Thoinas. bchool Clerk, will accom pany each bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bida K, H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated January 12, 1911. THE undersigned will receive sealed cash bids for the W. L. Barker & Co. slock of merchandise, located at Condon. Oregon, consisting principally of hardware and agricultural implements of the inventory valus of 176S2.D3. together with fixtures of Inventory value of 1333.75. up to 13 o'clock noon ot Tuesday, January 17. 1911. A deposit of 10 per cent of the amount bid is required and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. K. L. Sabln. 7 First at., room 8. Dsted Portland. Oregon, January 5. 1911. , FINANCIAL. OWN the ground and have the plans for what will be the moat desirable apart ments in the city. They will net from 10 to 15 per cent. Want one or two parties only with J40.000 to take an Interest and erect the building; references exchanged. AO, uregonlan. Wii have the acreage and wish to Interest parties with money to subdivide and mar ket the same; a large tract, close In, on carllne; a -ground-floor proposition. Kin ney Stampher. 631-333 Lumber x- change bldg. , MORTGAGE 11700, part purchase on unim proved property: will discount to net 9 per cent. - AG t73. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN, loncy to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years' time; liberal re-payment privileges, money advanced as bulldmg progresses. The Equitable Sav ings 4oanA-soiatlon. Ji staxjcit PLENTY of money to loan at. 6 and 1 per cent on rsal estate security. UDVV. P. MALL, 104 Second St. wf HAVE plenty of money to loan on city Property in suma from 11000 to 150 000 11 foweat current rates, Morgan. FUedaar Boyce, 603-6O6 Ablngton bldg. 3500 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or email loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. 11. Mcenle Cc. 614-13-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts Durchaaed on farm snd city property any where in Oregon or Washington. E. L. Deveraux. Fentun djL!Jithst. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small holldlng loans; contracts and mortgages oo'.Vh" W. H. Nunti. 448 Sherlock bldg. .-,.,, '.n TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest rales. W. u. Bee. m Failing bldg. ViuTCJAG loans on city property; lowest A H. BlrraU Co.. 202 McKay bldg. 3a andStark. ; TToiVrTO 115,000 to loan on Portland prop erty at 7 per cent. Call 317 Board of Trsde bjdg. ; e-ono TO loan on good real estate security. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbe.-mcns bld-. UORTGAG- LOANS AT KEAOOAAOL KATES.V. H. LEWIS. 3 L-W1S BL.U. Lo3TnS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 1 TO 7 vtyCENT- 81 1 aBLDG. dpivaTK money loaned on real estate mort gage's. IL Mlley. room 204, Gerllnger Pldg. BTta"7unds loaned. 6 per cent, W. E. Thom s? i "taageut, Multnomah Co.. 400 C C. willToanTSlO.Oob or less, real estate security. W"i.'ngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. Tit on O R 12 000 to loan on good city real ' estate. See Attorney ,4 14 Spalding bldg. , tend small sums on household furni ture. A? B.Smltai8 Worcester bldg. rj-rflTB money loaned on real estate. PRIVAIE. .,.', M,4 Dekum bids-. Hiati 0.. -.-p---. vir.Ki.-Y any amount. 6 to s per cent. Uouo.- no!-n' "sens, 810 Spalding bldg. ,77771 io.d 10OOO or less on real estate. mhcock, 010 Rothchlld bldg. T, . , t ,ums to lend on mortgage: slight hT-fe "c Tborrower. Ward. Alisky bldg. -tTTHTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. "luUs BALOUON, 233 STARK ST. tZ-M 11000. 11200 to loan. Hatch & Uov- 'd. 402 Commercial block. t oaNS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pailett, 308-9 Fenton. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. 8 8 iTrATE SECURITY CO. f 1 1 B K O K R S. - "LARY LOANS-ON PLAIN NOTES. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS. S A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. f S 1 308 FAILING BLDG. lit MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Do you want money today? You can have It for the asking. I loan money auickly and strictly confidentially on pi snoa furniture and diamonds; very low Fates of Interest. Maiden, 322 Falling. Main 8560. A 3475. MO"NEY loaned in amounts from 110 up on ail kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or sny personsl property, ilasy weekly or monthly payments. Low ratea Conhden tlal Gray Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg., north wescornethWashlngto. MONET" advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest narment: offices in 66 principal cities; iavo yoitreelf by getting my terms nrsu lOLMAK. 817 Lumber Exchange. LOANS on'diam onda. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoata snd musical In strumenta Uncle Myers. 71 6ih. between Oak snd Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on ail, kinds of se curity chattels or real estate. Lnlon Loan Co.. 85 t-afavette bldg.. 6th and Wash, ata LOANS on diamonds and other securities Wm. Holl. room 9,Washlngtonbldg. tTiw rates we loan ' money on diamonds rwl lewelry. Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chausL, Ths Loan Co- 414 Dekum bldg. -rytoJwm-----Cbattels "nI Salaries. MUTTON CREDIT uuriii 8o7 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington Sts. Money. Money. Money, Money. Money. Wo loan money that's our buslnesa We have money for those who need It. We all need money. Therefore, corns to ua We loan on pianos, furniture, etc Why let your small bills worry your We can advance you any amount from $10 upward. , Why go to other companies? Ses ua Wise people DEAL with ua When others fail, consult ths old t- "ab'HUTTON CREPITCOMPANY. 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 $ ARE YOC LOOKING FOR MONEY? IT you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of seevrities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and eauity in contracta U S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 20S4. 1 3 3 3 3 3 .3 3 Loans ivanteo. WE want several $2000 building loans; we will take charge of the money and' dis burse It; Interest 7 and 8 per cent; excel, lent security; loans guaranteed against liens. HARTMAN THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce. WE can Invest your money at good rates of interest. Gilt-edgo securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment. PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO., 624-520 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL sell at a big discount !2.)00 mort gage, secured by country property worth $7000 if sold within ten daya B 660. Oregonlan ; WANT 12000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, res idence property worth $4i00: will pay coat, but no commission. Address AN 010, Ore gonlan. , WANTED A loan of 11000, 2 years, at 8 per oent on first mortgage real estate. S 668, Oregonlan. WANT $2500 for 3 years at 8 per cent, best Portland security; private parties reply. AM 070. Oregonlan. I WANT to borrow 12000 on 1 acres and .-room house at Montavilla; will pay 8 per cent- Call 414 SpajdingPidg. LET us place your money, good mortgages! referencea F. H. Lewis. 6 Lewis bldg. TT TRSONAT- SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson ourea all troubles quickly; Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power In your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by any one or anything and open up a quick and sure way for the contentment, happi ness and good Influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.. at 49 Washington at. (above 14th st). DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronio and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation: confinement cared for; consultation free. " '" Grand Theater bldg. Main 328.A 1807. 6WED1SH TRAINED NURSE! Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom ach aliments, under physician's direc tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lltn St.. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 1303. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electtio treatment of nervous ailments, private hospital. Room D01. Merchants Trust bldg 6lh and Washington. Main 4047. A -411. FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods: halrdresslng. manicuring, face anil scalp treatment. 14T 7th St.. near Morrison, phone Main 846. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental and spirit ual scientist, permanent resident and re liable advisor. 2a SelUng-Hlrsch. Main 6S24. ; . DRESS suits for rent, 11.60 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 109 Stark HAIR The larcest stock of pure hair, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices. Fine hairdress given. Asa H. Rli becke. Grand Leader. 3th and Alder. DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney nnd bladder troubles and piles. Consultation f-ee. 191 1st St.. Portland. MMK. FLORENCE URY. late of New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment. Sulto 17 Selllng-Hirsch bldg.. 1S5 Wash. aU Phone Marshall 1992. LADIES No danger with Lorens Antisep tic Cones; are sootning. saie anu sure. i box. 3 for 12.60. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co.. ISS Morrison st. MASSAGE-given at residence, hotel, club, by experienced masseur; graduate doctor. Iarshall1908. YOUNG gentleman, former officer In the German army, will teach German and French. M 674. Oregonlan. IT will be for the Interest of John Cotter, often called Carter, to correspond with Charles Cotter. Two Harbors. Minn. JTjE. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments facial deformatles corrected, nlastlo surgery. 433 Morrison st- Main 604 2. O Onne Jurvas Natural sanltorlum. 178 E. 'eOth. Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular Elands a specialty. Tabor 2C0S, B 2813. 7 ALICE HAMOT. chiropractor, electrical "appliances for rheumatism. Suite 45, illlner bldg.. 4th floor. 330 Morrison st. a" LADYphys!cian can accommodate con rinement case In her home; best care; terms moderate. Phone E. 2114. wtcs Wallace, magnetic electric treatment, mental, spiritual scientist. 100 llth st. Mrs Turney. Battle Creek treatments, re fined patronage. Appointments M 1931. b.t v ofT-IGS Remedies for diseases of women. 632 Davis st Main 1215 MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Miss E. Kuhwarth. 422 Flledner bldg. fT5 ROSA HOWARD, electric massage and bath. 16 Selllng-Hirsch Main 1728. MOLES wrinkles, "superfluous hair removed. MrZ M. D. HilL 429 Flledner bldg. M 3471. DR. KETCH UM treats women wiwuin, 179 sd St.. cor. Yamhill. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants "MACKENZIE. BAIRD A BERRTDQH, PUBLIC ACCUUiN i AIM 1ES. AlUUUtt 2 Worcester Block.' Main HiiV, A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per talning to municipal, commmerclal, fac tory cost and Industrial accounting. " CRANDALL - ROBERTS. Public accountants and auditors Com mercial, county and municipal work. m!I ' iii Vnhmril Rids-. " E. H. COLLIS - CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. AuditlUE, Investigating end Sj steniaiizlng. '4 Wo'cester block. Phone Main oSti7. Assayer and Analyst. or.ila jCe proebstel. mining engineers. cllm )., and assayers . 204 Washington. iTttiNTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ore-tes.lng work. lSd Morrison St. ' Attorneys. 7 k. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In all courts: abstracts examined. 716 Cham, ber of Commerce. M. 7L A 207L Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Batha 167 4th Elegant pinnce, steam tub and shwer baths, ioc. Catering, - " the STEVENS Catering Co.' takes entire charge of preparing and serving at ail .n,.ifli runctiona t. -oa. Chiropractic Physician. -THl-RO-PKAC-TlC T1CK-NER"; say It fast .".1 remember Columbia bldg., 12 to 3:30. EVA MARSH, first lady chlTo. Dr. la riregun. r-3 Flledner. Hours 8 to 6. - Chiropody. ' WILLIAM. Estello and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in ths city, varlore 302 Gerllnger bidg.. S. W. cor. 2d Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chuopody and pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. " CoaL COAL 7.0 A TON. Others cnarge 18.30 and 810 for the asms grade; ws are in the transfer busi ness tod sell coal to keep men and teams busv during the dull season. Order NOW. y Horn Transfer Co.. M. IMS. A 1884. Co I and "Wood. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO. Special prices on green and dry cord wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO.. Office 203 Corbett bldg. phor.es Marshall 2S99. A 4684. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place in city 14.60 load; one-inch wood, stove lengths. 83.00 load. Portland Wrecking Company. 105. lOi lltn st Main 37. A 3736. N. Pnono COAL ALBINA FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOO Cummiesion Merchants. TATLOR. YOUNG CO.. snip brokers, com. mission merchants. Sherlock bldg Urais and Machine Work. MAlil'EK S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 3th. Main 3702. Dancing. Prof. Ringler, Portland's leading dancing master. 31 Morri.on, priv. or class lnsu Dane Ins. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second sl. t-etween Wash, and Stark sta; stags danc:ng taught, waltz and two-step guar anteed in lour lessons; class and social dance Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons dally. 26c PER lessuu, or 4 lessous for 11: waits, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners. Including lady aud gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wlllsou s school, old est and only recognized leauiug academy for correct dancing. 3S0Vs Wasu, at,, bet. W. Park and loth su Deutlsts. ALVEOLAR TEK'IH where bridge work is . impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth absolutely; terms to reliable people. Rex Dental Co.. Ablngton bldi;.. lodVa 3d at. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brawn, D. V. S., Oltlce 128 N. llth st. Main 4080; res. E. 5440. Hospital 89 I2th SC Jlectiio Motors. ELECTRIC MOTORS. DAVID DOW SON. Motors for rent or sale. 202 Lumbar mens bldg. phone Mar. 2700. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors fcr rent or sale. 213 2d St. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agta Seabury ateam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 2bl-2h3 E. Morrison st. Phone E 613. KnglneerlDg. ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO, INC. Civil Construction Engineers. Main 4770, Spauldlng Bldg. Feed Store. Z1GLER Mlsner. hay. grain, feed, oe ment, shingles. 204 Orand ave. E. 482. Furnllure Kepulring. FURNITURE finishing, repairing, packing; 18 yeara' experience in city. East 6608. Horseshoeing. LI-: NIKE, 2-t-3 Front St., makes a spe cialty of driving horses: 20 years' ex perienco in New York City. Leather and l-indings. CHAS. L. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs findings. JTaT STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. -tabllshed 1858. LSD Front st- Much.lt' cry. li . TRENKM AN & CO.. hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. AU kinds of lepairs. 104 N. 4th. EMIL TII1ELHOI1X, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. BOO .Vlarqunm. A 4160; Mar. Iti2l. XetiroiogiMs. 1 tipeclallhts. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Pre. Freeze & Rice. 3116H Washington at. Oiteoputhlo Physicians. CR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo class of 18"3. post-graduate 1807. under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-310 Swetland bldg. Main 11)87. A 11IS5. DR. R. B. NORTIIUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 849: Hes.. East or B 1023. Paints. Oils and Glasg. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, palnta oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, atturney at law. lata of U. S. Patent Office. Book. let free. 718 Hoard of Trade bldg. U. S. and foreign patents that protect are secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency. Inc.. Dept. A.. Stockton. Cal. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat cnts. Infringement -cases. 604 Dekum. I'svlng. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. sidewalks and crosswalks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokera UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year In Portland. 71 lith St. Main. DIP. Plumbing. JOB plumbing, pipe filtlng:, oolls in stoves and furnace; stove work. Phono East 6658. J. R. I.awson. 7l'l Belmont. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S'. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Klig Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. Eaat 353i. B 12ti0. 153 Union ave..' nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PURCELL SAKE CO.. S5-S7 6th St.. exclu sive acents Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co.. manufacturers of genuine Hall Safe Lock Co's. safa and vaults. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes Ht factory prices; second-hand safes. Showcases, Hank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE M KG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6Lh and Hoyt. R. Lutke, manager. K. H. LIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG., showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th nnd Couch; new and second-hand. M ain 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST in the city; car lots or less. 8. E. Gilbert. 201 Washington st. STOVES connected nnd repaired. Main 1110. (ilil Front st. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no boozo-llghters, will move you quicker", cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storuse rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Bot h p hones. C O PICK Tran.sfer & Stornce Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pino sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 5','u, A l'.'-6. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner llith and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate In Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A 1520. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring ana storuse; saice, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-88 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. . . . . . , , Tr. r. J-.-. I.MI.h. 1 Q7rt GKEUU.N lilA-prrJn v.--f., eaicuooo.u ....... Transfer and forwarding agents storage. Office 310 Hoyt St.. between nth and 6th. Phones Main 00. A 1100. Storage. STORAGE, with trackage. Telephone Sunset Grain Co.. E. 535. C 2313. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for ths largest type writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter tl change. 21 iv ann'ifc i"" TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 120 to SflO, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. 1I.OO per month. Pacllic Stationery Printing Co.. 2U.1 L'a si. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140 1. VetorUiarinns. S L Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny st. A 31'!'!). Main IMP J. Wallpaper. ' ANAGLYPTA RELIEF DECORATION. Alex. Gordon, agent. 430 Columbia sr. Window Cleaners. WINDOW - CLEANING Expert window cloaner nnd lanilor work by monthly con tract. 272 Burnslde. A 4i3. NEW ERA Window Cleaning Co., 63 Park St., N. Phone Main 73b5. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT POWER lU COMPA N V ITY LINKS. Vancouver Line. A ji 6:15'. 6:50. 7:23, 8:00, 8:33, 0:10. 9-30. io':SO. 11:10. 11:30. " p i i'i-30. 1:10, 1:50. :30, 8:10, 3:30, 4-'io' 5-10. 5:30, 6:30. 7:i.j. 7:40, 8:15, 8:50. 9:'3.' 10:00. 10:35. 11:10. 11:45.x. On the third Monday In every month ths last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. ija-a .or Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland bouievara to ici 00 jiuwhsci . but make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves vancou.ei m vuuucii cars for Portland: A M 6:00. 6:35, 7:10. 7:45. 8:20, 8:53, 9:30. 10:10,'10-.3O, 11:3. P M 12:10. 12:50, 1:30, 2:10, 2:30. 3:30. . . .'. ..i.i .t-1.1 n.-.o t-'a-. ft-on ft-:t.v 8-10 :45. 10:20. 10:53x. 11:30. 12:05xx. On third Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving lime in Dia.CH lyw. uouuie irmua. (.UTS IlOni HIH..O.e, .,u ...r .... Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnslde street, except to let off pas sengers Dally except Sundaya xDally exoept Mondays. xiRuui as local oa Union avenue.