13 . THE MORSISO OREGOSIAX. MONDAY, . JANUARY 1G. 1911. , 1 ..-,.- f KV.K. 1 HELP tfiTED-MA . BITCATIOS WACTtB-mAu, FOR SALE AT CA OF COLUMBIA RIVER. tOO acre of cholco land In excellent location on the rL P. S. Ry.. 6 miles from Portland. Rail way station on property. It Joint the famous Moffott Spring's, now called Table) Hock. It has halth-rlvln- warm and cold mineral springe. A most excellent location for hotel and Summer cottasres- Beautlful lakes containing trout and bans and guitar.!, lor rowme. 13.000,000 feet red fir. 7S per cent beln aw timber and i'6 per cent pltlnar. accessible to railroad. worth la per it atumpag. Property can be subdivided. This Is a rare opportunity to acquire, a m o u n t a in reorx proposition, either for speculation or per manent Investment. Pric and favorable terms upon appU cation. Positively no phone Information. R. H. BLOSSOM 314 Chamber ef Commerce. Apartment Site - Cheapest Quarter for Close-in Prop erty on the Market 100x100, 1 b'.ock off of Washington ttreot. 7 minutes' walk from 5th and Washington sta. This can be bought Hr $-12.000 $10,000 cash and bal- anre ten years, on or before; interest 6 per cent.' AD 667. OREGONIAN. $10,000 will handl. 0100 feet on East Washington. Kive years' time ot bal ance. Ite.t buy on Kast Side. Come In and talk It over. IIOISIXOTOX-COMTE CO, . S:S-2T Uosrd of Trade. I'hona Main t'3t Kru mini pkalfim. Tierk. William O.. Ill Falling bldg. IUrr.ll. A. H. Co.. - McKay bids. Rati oiato. Insurance, mortgages, loana eta I'eaer A llecedicl. Su; McKay bids. H. &4B. Chapla Sfc Herle . ST! rhamhe- Conn. sera. Coek. EC a. CO.. soj Corbet! bids. J.aning (A. alaia It 2) Oroalaa FiLMkR-JOMrt OJW li. 1', SIS CtMW etal Club LIU. Artel. uo. la. Km Stark M. Mala ItA A ll. Tee tr.go Real Eataie r. Orand ave. aa4 stal .twin st. .Holla. lay Addltloa.1 at. . IduMPaoX Co.. cor. etn and Oa- sta JlEl.tiTATe. tor bale 1H t y I ."T ?0O Rich. elear. level lota, short car rule; sod car servi.-o. built ap with many homes: la a'ortlernl'B lest reel!nco dis trict. Call nt :r.-gury Hetghla ofTic, end of K- Clfy fjrk cjrllnr. UKEUOHY 1XVUTSKNT CO. IANDT Ih'LLKVAKU bu!n.-sa lot IUi ont lot Incited r.o" ! b Street, full ditlN f'ot. south fronts..: eh-apeat lot on Ibis coining business thoroughfare. Tho only lot that can bo bouathl at tills price .itnin a radius of sis lyki t l.i ch win band:a ihia, ba'anc.- on .air pay ni.nl. udi ..-at ag- I bad sea lts ertiolnlng this one. This la tho lost one left, a bargain for sonn-one. jhone Mala 1'3. Ak for Mr. Burling ... O. II. A N. trackage. Rullleen'B Oulrn Have fro pare. of land lileally located for small manufacturing business or for a r.oua. purpura O. K. N. risht of way oa one side, street on ether; JiK feet from iin.ly boulevard, a paved thoroughfare; t cash will handle. A chsnco s-r the speculator to aloulile ' Ms money In HO i iv. Pbone Mala 13l. Ask for Mr. JJurllagerae. f A SNAP IN LOTS. 10 CASH. 4 lots. 3'lu each, oa Fast Humsiae St.. near iilh; hanuy to tvo carllnea; a nns place to build a houee and ralae cirksns. or a speculation. """J must sell: price alouO. Ilwi cash and 1S per month. . ORI-F5I 7ADOMT. . SIT Hoard of Trade Bids.. lh and Oak. LOTH. LOTS. LOTS. Buy rt'.m. Lots i0. W'et Stark and tld streets, west of City Psrk. only 15 minute from Wssnlnrtoa St. Beautiful view lota Moasy-maksra Terms III par NaTional Realty a Trust Co.. 32s Wash ington st.. room aift. BAROAIN lot. East bide, best restricted resl d'uco addition In Portland; bst of res sons for sacrl.lre price; can't keep up pay ments; lit Is 71xlSi sn.l two feet above grade; i7. will handle this for fw days only, price t7S. This Is a genums hMrgaln. Invrptigate. Pbone Mala i&Uu. Ak foe tr. Burltngamo. 8-, ll. FKST. PI- land Sta: ion. tTRKFTTS tiHAfCO AND W ATKR PIPKS 1 -A 1 1 -CHEAP EASY TKHM4 KNAPP A MAl-KKY. .3ltnS HOARI CH-" TRA1E PLDO. 6Ai"KIFIC SKai7k Ixt located la b.aulUul r'Sldcnce district, building restrlctlona In tlie two-mile e'rcle. ft-tlo; $IA will handle, batance eaay; lots m miles fur ther out sell for mors; Investigate aid be convinced that this Is a rrsl bargain. Mala 1,v;t. Ask for Mr. 1' urlln game. IKViNilTuN double corner bargain, located in very best section of this beautiful rest Oence district, where the Improvements sr all completed; one block to ltrondway car; ttnon takes it; adjoining corners are sell ing for fl.VH) snd up. i'huae Malu lluS. Aek for Mr. Burllngame. CuN'TRACTOIfS LOTS. ee me fer lo ool lots, cloee to good car system, for building low-priced homes: esceptlooal terms will bo made: I am lo a position to sell houses as fast as rosily to occupy. AF 74'.. t'regonlttn. ALBI.NA IX)T. tl-'.O. poxion-ft. lot on torthwt k St.. 1 bleek from Ruseell st.: price JUV'iO. terms. II. P. PM.MF.It-J'NKS ct. 51 3 ? 1 S Commorclal Club Bid. Phones Main A SrtM. A FINE view lot. a Mock from carllne, rut front, cement walk and euro, graded streets. Bull Rua water la sod paid for. arJoO; term a. R ARB PATTON. 122 T-aimbermens lll.,:in A Stark. i; have a bonch of fine, level lots wlthla two bio. ks of gvod car service. Bull P.ua water sires.lv la and paid for. Tdur rhotcs for t."oV en esse terms. Aim PA1TON. 3 LnrtlnnTHnl bl Is . g'h and Brark, OKTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Hom.-a lota quarter blocks, tracts ssd acreage sll parts of heights, s'l views and prices, some bsrgalna Vain l''l. A SSJs. fitPaVT Two lots. larOO. north and east front, half easa. or laslde let. I luvS r9. Z'l Cerllnger Mdg. LADlTn At'"tITION. trill sell m v ItOxllS In most desirable ran of trsct for -. J eTS. Orsgoalln. H. i N1T "S lot on rid. nesr Stanton. $1400. k snle. S'.S Heard of Trade. tee gals Haws. vr.ff modern homo ea Morris sL. etoeeTe I nloa avs. Is np-ts-dste la every psr- ticmsr. Will tske small eattsge er good vacaat property la trade. Price ItUuO. Ci.1 414 tps:dln Bldg. rOPTLAJit) HEtOifT bungalow, i rooms. rrettr. modern, furrisce. flreplsre. lis. reevea strset. on tarllne; splendid view; J ;.-; lot worta t00 tsrma Mala l 1. A St. lit Ml ALOW en Charch eL. Juet beyond IMes car barns: I-loO down. small moniblv payment. Call owner. 414 Spald- Ing '.' t- S EXCELLENT T'ornee. and t rooms: oak and mahogany fln'sh- verv deereMe locations: ne ageata C 1 rfJS. Fast 7A W. H. H-rJman. mTmTfTti n' l-room bungalow. East Kith and (5h.nr.an St. ti40O. will sell furniture; vasv terms CpU 274 Lumber Exchange bldg Phone Main oV4S 2 AM sacrlflng my T-room. modera home: new on good carllae. Call owner. Mar shall tT4i . 4 prwlM cottage for tllOO on your o-vn terms- I sra tre owner and want to seX t sll So. 414 Sps'.JIng bldg. ON fast Burnside. 424. bet. h and 7lh; goo4 property for $o": lbs lot Is 4r.i; Inquire In bouee for terms IaaeMrton. Ml'EKS 4)-r''m ho'ise. 42 Kugsae SL Iaaulie at 334; walking aw I Inr krila iinnwt. I r or tviip rnui NO. 14 :) down. U month: S-room shack, neer Kenton district. No. l." I. too flown. Ill) month; 5-room house, fruit. oOxluu. fenced; near Penin sular factories. No. It tl down. flO month; fins 4.tli comer, not far from t. Johns business csnter. This Is a fins Invest No. IT 1?00 down. 110 monthly. This Is an elegant Investment. OoxliKl. within a minutes' walk or Kenton lactoriea. If m 'T I . m K.i- I- ..-H.nv Illdf.. Phone Marshall I1S. during business hrs. Pbone Woodlawn 274 Sundays and esn gs. IF you are la the market for a home. In spect No. 101 Kaet 24lh St.. nesr Flsn ders St.: bss T rooms, reception hall, living-room with fireplace, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen as light as day: two br. I rooms and largo tain on urei n. la-ca hall, two bedrooms, storeroom and cine e!kiri!nr tMirrh on cond floor KrffnM back prh. cement btiemenl nl furnac. It cn be bouffht of mm tor K.OVO; H:-W ruh, bali-nr lor.f time; you can t dupll ato tnia anvwnexa- m JOH. C. OIUSO.V. 5o5 QerHnic-r bUir. S:.t0 CASIL . m m .Ji KK oo T?ment cawemem. i-nmre. - harlM and t1nt!n lnclu1-Kl In prlco: ttreeit . . s .i..w.iira' li im provement btlt paid; hort distant Rom City rarit car. Pay this homt Itrmi ilk rnt. u pnci- ie I'o.tofTic box 311 or A J 634. Orec-tnlM. m-cn ii rm IrtTil CA9H. 8trictly "mKleni new i-room bun(r.ow vlll, sas and lectrle. furnaco anrt flf- iac. Dum-in I'u.ici, ti i ii i mi amal ai1inc. lutrh Kitchen, hardwood flora. ceznvnt wajih traja. In fact nothlnt. iisalne: on a lot 6inxlW. ean fron only J" feet from Uoee City car; price ISSou: I07K rash and l-i per month; will ex change equity for 1 or a acres wim . Hot too Xar rrom car. GRlSI It ZADOW. 1T Ttosrd of Trade Bid g.. 4t hs nd Oak. . II I J lit t T atw.MAm rnlnnlfil hOUSC. full cement basement. Isundry trsys. piped for furnace. Dutch kitchen, dlnlng-rom has beam celling and bnllt-IH chins closet; Mving room with flreplac and reception hall: bouao tteautlfully tinted throughout; gas and electric fixtures cost 1W: beau tiful Or trers in lawn: ran t be beat tor 4i"0: tlota) cud. balance like rent. tee It. No. 4.H Marguerite avs.. near Orant . su, and see jos. r. nipsov, !U llrrllnrer Hlclg. Buy Now. ROS CITY PARX. KAST TEHMi . . T rooms. ioxi0 lot; improvements in and paid: Berlin buff-t and book case, solid oak floors, hatha furnace, fire places. Inundrv trsvs. mirror dors etc.. terms ISCO down, balance 20 per r nth. National Kealty Sr. Trust Co.. S 'j Wsshln gton St.. room tie. nriLD now. WE CAN SVE YOU M ONE T. THERE J A RF.AriOV. I.F.T CS TELI. YOU H. OI'H RKPLTATIti.V tH FAIR PKAI.; 1N.J AN 1) OIYIN.J ALL V,S AHULL TtRIXa in Mfl'll BlsiXESii-..I'L, IKEf IP WE Bl ILD. IF TOT OWN LOT WE WILL KINANTB IT FOR YOU. U R. It A II. KY CO.. INC J24 AB1NUTOX RI.1H1. PINE HOMB. 1300 CASH. Tirana nsw 0-roum modern hoaee. wltn gas and electrlo. nn flreplsce. built-in r.nlna closet, paneled dining-room, sleej Ins porch, laundry trays, on a lot 4 114 on Ksst a-d. near Hnwthorne : a fine Iocs Hon; price only 40dO. S'tXk cash and t-O f-r month. OIU SSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade BMg.. 4th snd Oak. Nr: W 6-room guivn Anne, f .'in; one Dloca from car. Willi line lot; noi e'o ..o water, bath and toilet, largs porches, Dutch kitchen. Isrje r'oscts. full bas-ment. cnina closets snd wardrobe, polished Coora. tins reception hall, closet to hang outer wraps- this Is a bargain, only IJotl cash, bul. easy terms, phons Sunday. C 12t7. Blanchard A Clemson. OH bixth St. S3udCAdM AND S20 A MONTH Will buy a swell 0-rootn bungelow. with every modern convenience: fireplace, full bae-m-nt. laundry trevs. etc.; corner lot cement wslks. curbs snd grsded streets, o blo--ks to csr: fins lotntlon. I'rlce t'.'tioo. te sure to see this. Call Mr. Ward at Main Stext. or A UJ7L Fee Investments c.r horr. -s, SEC DKToCH A WITWER, Speclslls-.s la Real Estate for the man of moderate mesea BOARD or TKADB PLDO. Reel Estate. Rrnlals. Invuranra PORTLAND HEIOHTS FNAP. !Th and Ellsabetn: eeauinui mur.H .-.-.-v.u level quarter block, all Improvements In. croloesl neighborhood, grand unobstructed view of city, for little more than rrlce of ground. Terma Ma.n 3.".,l. A KM. t -.A cibh BL'YS S room a large lot. 7..xllo. one blook from ssrllne; more ground nest to this place If you prefer, at 13 P'r lot: price . down, tli month. National Realty Trmt Co.. t2 'e Washington SC. room 810. I-Kuoll bungalow. sll convenlencee: nre- )iace. beam i. i . n -s nuv- r...-. pl,l(Tken-hotise snd run: acre: 1 11V) csnn. balance long terma Ralnaford. A-MODERN homs In every respect. 14 large rooms, grounas i"'", oow im.iiun. i bide, nesr 2 carlincs: must be seen to be appreciated; sacrifice pries, terms lib eral owner. AF TUJ. Oregonlsn. A HOl'KE for sale, close price: will take mortgege s pavmern or small psvment down ana " -ww. w. 2J1J. . TA-'E WILL build and help finance a bunga low flat or apartment for you. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. M aln o3'.t. 603 Oregon Ian bldg. UI) bargain. T rooma modern bungalow. In restricted district; must sell: price -'."MK), $MKJ down. Phone Tabor 23.1 L Owner. BY OWNER 7 -room modern home. East 3d and Multnomah sta, best resldsnce dls tnct m cltyjApPly Main H232. 1-HoUa modern house. S blocks from csr. corner lot; -'K down, balar.ee like reuL phone me at once. Tabor nail, owner. TEN-ROOM cottage, at Gesrhsrt Psrk, faces the ocean, barn and large grounds; terms liberal, owner. AF 7tH.Oregoniao. OOlNr awsy. must sell my rj-room strictly modern new bungalow. Owner. AN 071. Oreg onlan. Acreage. P1VB or tea a.rea. best fruit or gsrdea Isnd clues In, oa West Side; no rock, gravel or canyous; all In native timber; will pay a profit on clearing; near pro posed new electrlo Una, which will quad ruple vslus; f lOO per acre on terms or will maki. reduction for casn. H OS, orcgonlsr. Section line road. S3 acres, only four miles from ally; runs through o Powell Valley road; may be bad lb s week for per acre. Thla Is tue be arrae buy on the market. 8TKONO A CO.. doS Concord blilg OSF. ACRE HACRIFICB en O. W. P. carllne, worth tiov: will take $275; S12S cash, balance oue year S per cent: must sell at ouce: fine garden land all In cultivation. Owner iii Lumber Exobange bldg. A SNAP. A nice little acreage oa electrlo line, close to depot and closs to Portland. Kin Try utamphsr. JJl Lumbar Exchange tl.ls. . A liRElAT bargain; 10 acres at Bell station on electrlo Hue. cheap; station on the property! I1-sl chlrksa ranch. Cell SIS Hamilton bldg. " It ACHES. IS acres cleared, running water, near Pes vert uo: by owner. Tshor. 1300. Baalnees property. FOR SALE by owner, new business prop erty; price 110.000: Income. :; tvuvO will, namlla AL 403. orsgonlaa. Itemeatewda. ADV ANTAiirle OK onEliON lOS-psgs book gives amount ef Government land open to fcoraeei.su. In esch county In the ststes ef Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion ef same; gtvee homestead, desert, timber, stsne. coal and mineral laws: two maps of Oregon In colora tlsls. showing K. K. In operation, one shewing all pro posed R. R. and electrlo Hoes. Including Eastern and Central Oregon, :0a each, or the three Ha Map ef Washington la col era lx:i. :o. Mlmme, Ruaey Co.. Hamilton bldg. . 1S-ACRE relinquishment, all fenced. S wires, tine creek through plsre, good house, excellent hog or grstn Isnd: Joins. Isrge open rente: Ina for stock (arm, Wkrrens. SJ2 fhamber of Commerce. . for bile trait Lands. BRITISti I'Ul.l aBU Irult land yields te tiooo per tcre and upward, annually: .choicest Edgsweod orchsrd tracts. Arrow Lake District. West Kootenay. f0 per acre: terms over 5 yetrs without Interest; no Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market- uet Booklet "V." Investors Trust A Mortgacs Corporation. LtdU. it4 liastlngs W.. Vanccuvsr. B. C j lo. 15, to-ACRE tracts nesr Portland: finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close te ran road ststloa: good roads: other farms near by; S17.&0 to ltd per acre, part caah, Balance to suit at 0 per cent. ll'1'AHLA.ND INVESTMENT CO, tl0Corbett Bldg.. Portland. " HOOD RTVER. S.1 acres, trees a lo 7 years old. 1 acres strawberries. Oak drove district. tle.Onn; will s.11 part or ex-hsng for Portlsnd property. W. . Ksrrlv. la Olg St. tbunss Mala M20. A I12A lrH i rl)f. . ..-r.. .i , rowi.v on the Southern Pacidc. within the do-mile circle of Port land; 273 acres In crop, oats ana mu one-third of whlr-h eoes with the place: beet orchard platting proposition In the Willamette Valley; 1-S cash, balance years, o per cent. THE PKNNIS-JONES CO.. SU1-C02 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 104. THIT m . n who waota to rain SUDlSS. Bu a bsarlng orchsrd and get rid of eight years of total worry and speculation: con sider this property, close In. no buildings. Income 1910 87 V per cent of purchase price; first rsyment the only one you win have to make from your pile, not quite as much as receipts In 1!10- The orchard will do the rest and your living; a good crop coming up for 1011: pasture for the cow. haraVr to, horses and room for 2o0 more trccE Address W. 1 jsicnois, jv. e. Hood River. Or. I 'JO MT. HOOD. ROSE GARDEN 0 . i I i - nnriuhll TRACT. Planted and cared for 4 years, with a guarantee of foOO per acre in tnree yeare. tail im von rm for tno ner acre, not over 20 irrca to one party, located on the Mt. Hood electric now Dunning, anu io suto road passes It. This Is less than oth ers are Baking for raw land.' For further Information call on Mmmo. ituney se i' Hsmltton bldg. PHl'IT I.ANDH. Mcst productive fruit land In British Columbia. -Carlln Orchards," Upper Okan ogan Valley: requires no Irrlgstlon; mild climate, fertile soil; fruits of finest qual ity produced In abunuenoe; railway sta tion on property; low patees. long terms of pevmenL Write for Illustrated pamphlet "li 4." Rogers. Black A McAlplns. Van- eouvsr, British. Columbia. CELEBRATED Rogue River Valley. S0 acres: bullumgs; next to iinri grcnam in valley; gri. per acre; terms. wr, Ehnl Co., 5Q4 Fenton bldg. Main 270. ter Sale t arma 75-ACRE FARM. T mile S. W. of Dallas. Or.; 45 J'res in cull ivsi ion : wire iriitr ttig orchard. S-room house, large new barn 2 granaries. 8 cows, 2 horses, all farmlnf Implements; 1 mile to 8. P. R. It.l, 1 mill to school snd P. O. ; best buy In Wlllametti Valley; J-OuO eh will handle. THE DKNNIS-JONEd CO.. Marshall 2 W4. 02 Lumbermens Bldg. 3th and Stark Sta. BY OWNER An Idesl farm. 74 acres. 45 to tilirh Hal of cultivation. FlO rock Or gravel. 83 acres bottom land, balance fine fruit land: running water through farm, S tine sprtngs. water pumped by ram to house and barn: farm well fenced. This farm Is 17 miles rrom Vancouver. i.iara County. Washington, on the branch of the Ya.olt railroad. Joins small village, stores and school; wouid make a hue dairy ranch on account or water, son ana iocs- a ln 1'rloo Sl.lO DSr SCre. SOIMM) Cflflh, balance & years, S'i Per cent. Dlreot S14 Washington si., Vancouver. Wssh. Pbone 1 J. 1 tO-ACRE FARM. All fenced. 8S acres In cultivation. 6 " room house, new barn, red loam soli, spring water. 2 acres fnmlly orchard. 14 miles from Dsllns. Or.; :15 per acre, terma THE lENNlS-JONK3 CO. Marshall 21C4. ao2 Lumbermens Rldg. 3th and stark Eta f4.l' PER ACRE. 1.K10-ACHE FARM. In Kings Valley. Poik County- : KOO gcres In cultivation; good buildings; SlO.OOO cash will .fcsndle. THE DENNIS-J ONES CO. Marshall 11104. 02 Lumbermens Bldg. Bth and Stark Bts. WASCO COCNTY FARMS. 400 acres, 0 miles from railroad. 100 In cultivation. .-.". K4 acres. 8 miles from railroad. 200 In cultivation. teS'Hi. 040 acres. 7 mllss from railroad. SM) In ...1.1. ..i..n iiMao- will take I70O0 In Inrome-psying 1-ortlsnd property; 40u0 at g per CSTll. balance casn. 240 acres. 8 miles from rallrosd. all Ul labia, splendid fsrm buildings. ttf'IOO. J. A. DOl.THIT. The Dalles. Or. i; jAVB SO acres locsted In the Estacada fruit belt; linesi ami. ,i...uuin o miles from rallrosd. new building. 40 cleared 30 In cultivation. 8 in orchard, good well, spring, creek, good barn, small house. t.".00 worth of good fencing, worth S4&H): will soli at 40iH; 12400 cash bal ance S years. Phone Marshall KJ3. or A 3d3L or wrlta Address C 673. Ore- gonlnn. KLICKITAT COI'NTY. WASHINGTON. KKU1T. GRAIN. STCM.'K FARM. IROO acrea I2 acre, easy terms; about too acres plowed: .loluing land, planted to fruit sells for $330 acre: no timber, best of fruit soil; will consider trade; plst this and make a fortune. Near K. K. and river. Hsnslmalr. 820 H Wsshlngton. FOR 8ALE 100 acres of the choicest apple land In all Oregon, pinu impivaeu. WILSON A MYERS. End of Hawthorne curllne. LINN County ranch. 804. acres ef grstn and fruit Isnd, lor sale .at s-u per acre, 1. taken at once. Address owner. B. Is. Payne. Albany. Or. FARM LAND 60.000 acres of nrst-eiass land at 14.23 per acre; write iur iianivu' lars. Star Realty Co.. 433 Granville sL. Vancouver. U. C FOR RENTFARMS. FOR RENT 10 acres of beaverdam land. 7 - room houae. large nam ana omer ouv houses. IS miles from Portland on the United Rallwsy. sdspted to chickens, dairy or truck gardening. 800 feet from station. 2 miles east of North Plains: two wells on plaoa: all cultivated. Rent 8200 per year. 8e owner. 223 Lumber Exchange. ORCHARD of 4000 trees, tenant roust show financial ability to nnnuie iu appiy sv. Chllcott, 2i3 McKaybldg. FOR RENT An orchard of r,0 acres. Apply . tniicou. en-rva, wiua. FARM" WANTED. FARM property wanted; only exclusive contract tor quiCK ssie consiaereu; we have the buyer. If you want to sell, see or write us Hall A Atchison. 13 Ger llnger bids-. 2d and Alder. YV A NTF.I1- TIMBER .ANIi. TIMBER Innda wanted. C J. MoCrackea. 3U4 MIKav blag. FOR HALF TIM-BER l-NI. IIURKIt I . lIl!l tihi-.- 1 1 -r 1 v n 1 1 r '& J. M'CRACVEN." :W4 McKay Bid . TI uuro rljtlMS. homestead rellngulsh- ments. 21 Worcester bldg. TO KX.rit.ANGK. FINE retail cash buslnesa Invoice about tll.Otet, l o ILIian,. aw isr flu,..-!.?. PAC1IT70 I'CIAST TRUST CO., 170 3th St. FOR PALE or exchange for Oregon properly. 1 acres in i-uu aujuipinii City. A. Roblli n. Riverside Orchard. Old Albuquerque. New Mexico. WILL exchsnge n75 equity on a tl2M) lot In I,aurrluurst xor a aiamonu. c o-hj, oregonlan. LOTS In growing Pouthern Csllfnmla town to eXCnange or lauieiiii ir.ia.n. . nxnn lug-house or screagc. H oCtf. Orsgontan. WILL exchange fine house and cash for acreage wit tun ten miles 01 r-orcienu. . v 674. orsgonlan. WILL sxchange equity of SoO In fine new 6-room nouee in av.-c. aiaio; a I'T cneap lots, unlnoumoereo. a 000, oregonian. EXCtlANGE For acreage, fine unlncum- n.reu 1 " ' - ... - - - - - " 074. t.iregonun WILL exchaoge liM-acre wheat ranch for a house and lot in t'oruanu. r ea-j. urs- goniaaa. S2O00 o-room modern bungalow; tske lot as casn. oaiance irui s..vuun viua WE exchangs your properly regaraiess - location for mat wojen aune you oauar. orthwest tixcnanga e nanir oiia- ClllOlOIC 10-acre commercial orchard, near ia iiranua-, m. rv.. r-"- J tUJ. iio-;-iiiii. WE B win '. -i" ,,0 v-":..i K.i. some casn. v..oo.. k """a C1TT lots to trsde for auto. Box 122. Can by. . Oregon. WE . 11 - t I- anvlhln J J W Lawrence A Co.. 0 Corbelt bldg. e can trade your pioperty or huslaesa Call SOS Board of 1 TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. , 4.-i acres, highly Improved, on Seholls Ferry road: excellent buildings, stock and Implements; price JlO.OoO. 01 acrea highly Improved, 18 miles from Portland. 2 miles from U. R-. stock and implements; price 10.o0. 27S acres, 1 v miles from R. R-. In Lin coln County, good stock ranch, all fenced, 50 acres in cultivation, good bullulns. Bbout J200O worth of ato-k and imple ments; price 10.000; will take hcusct snd lot up to .Koi. bnlance ti"0 cash and, rest 5 years at 6 per cent. 4o acres In Linn County. 10O acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; good fruit or stock ranch, fair buildings; price I21.UOU; will take Portland propsrty and some canh. balance mortKaee. KAUFFMANN A MOORE. u23 Lumbermens Bldg. FINE Kana.il farm of 360 acres. SO miles south of Kansas city. 4t miles from good town; 10-room dwelling, good barn ana other outbuildings. 120 acres in timothy and clover. 45 acres corn land, balance bluegrass pssture: all best of land; never falling water, no stones: school mne. church 2 miles; llneit farm in Laetern Kansas; will trade for Portland property or Willamette Valley land. BRONIl-STEELE CO.. Oround Floor. LewlBldg. EQUITY In three fine building lots In high ly restricted residence district on fide, where the improvements are all in. Including bard-surface streets. 111 ex change for other property clear, or good securities. Cannot keep up present con tracts. Phons Main 1503. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. . MEDFOKD. VICINITY, PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE. Wanted Portland city and ranch prop erty to exchange for property In the ra moug Rogue River Valley, up to J200.00U. give full description snd detail and ad dress box 115. Msdford. Or. 160 ACRES. 12 miles from Spokane, on Ha selwood rosd. 55 acres In Fall wheat, line apple orchard land, new 0-room house, cement basement, new barn, coops, etc; water In house; tools. Implements. eto. Owner. Green. 441 Pcyton.Spokane, JV ash. WILL trade 1200 equity In two beautiful residence lots In highly restricted resi dence district for cheuper lots or acreage: cannot keep up preaent paymenta This will bear Investigation. Phone Main ljOS. Ask for jvu. Burllngame. FOR SALE Fine bungalow home In South ern Oregon, .best of soil; 60 acres, most all In fruit; II acres bearing Spltzs and Now tons; wster rights: good roads: will trade. Moor. Ehnl Co., 504 Fenton bldg. Main ZJ7-1. WILL exchange my equity of 1800 In 4 splendid lots for equity in 6-room bunga low; lots are well located on East Side and in hoart of very active district. Can build six houses on them and sell fast as com pleted. D 659, Oregonlan. EQUITY of $000 In beautiful lot on East Side, building restrictions; will exchanso for good diamonds or good securities. Phone Main 1003. Ask for Mr. Burlin- game. LOTS In Tillamook coast resort to exchanee for Portland residence; railroad finished this Summer, when -prices will advance. A'l 601. oregonlan WILL trade modern 5-room bungalow cot tage for cheap unimproved land or for acreage near to Portland. Call 414 Spald ing Bldu. WE have some splendid trades. See us. Rogers A McRay, 602 Swetland bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have clients waiting for houses, all sizes and prices. If you want to sell, see use quick. PACIFIC COAST TRUST CO.. 170 Bth Bt. WANTED 10 to 100 acres within 20 miles of Portland. PACIFIC COAST TRUST CO.. 170 5th St- WANT equity In Portland lot for clear lot, good town; will consider delinquent con tracts. Wood. 310 Spalding bldg. I WANT to buy a house and lot does In, Stephens Addition. Will not pay aver 3ou0. See Attorney, 414 Spalding Bids. WANT contracts -aid mortgages; will ex charge Irington and other -city lots for lima. A E 661. Oregonlan. WANT lot In Rese Cltv Pnrk district or Irv lugton. W 674. Oregonlan. WANTED -Equity In "bungalow for equity In 3 suburban lota II 061. Oroeonmn. rO SAI.rs. Iloraea. Vehicles and Heme 24 YOUNG mules from 1000 to 1130 pounds each; suitable for orchsrd. farm or general team work; good STOO-pound. work team and harness; several general purpose horses; four-ton gooeneck furni ture wagon, with top; ld-pssaeneer carry all, suitable for hotel, grocery and deliv ery wagons- also Hs-ton goeoneck wagon with top. Huhert A Hall, MO Front su, cor. Montgomery. HOUSES FOR SALE. Portland tiiables. 26 N. 13th sr. 2u norses. all slzss and prices; a written guarantee goes with every horse to refund your money If not as represented. Hamers. all prices, delivery wairons, buggies at AA actual value, it. 1. r-vana. FOR SALE Two horses, weight about 900 pounds each and good travelers; light hsck. with harness, all new. Included or sold separately. Address A. P. Langon- berg. Clackamas. Or. JUST arrived, a carload of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon from 1200 to 1600 lbs., and from 4 to 6 years old. All guaranteed as represented. U. S. Stables. 24S Front St. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 24 H. 16TH ST. MARSHALL 16S0 HORSES AND "WAGONS BY DAY. WEElf.ORMONTH. AT YOUR own price, 2200-lb. team, fat and in good condition, 520 6'Jth st. end of Hawthorne carllne VERY pretty black pony, for gale cheap. Pnone vvooaiawn ios-. ; Antomobllea, FOR SALE. Pabcock Electrlo Runabout. In first-, rlafs condition: new battery; guaranteed 6J1.O ndles. Rose City Electric Garage. 54 N. 20th st, FOR SALE Two-ton motor truck, very cheap; excellent condition, reason ior awn ing want larger truck. F 6S4, Oregonlan. Pianos, oriptn. and Musical Instroiocat s. FOR SALE Stuyvesant piano, fine tone and in good condition, inquire 100 r lamina ai. PIANO tuning 2.00. IS years' experlenoe. Phone Woodlawn 3138. Birds. Dogs nnrt Pet Stock. THOROUGH nRED cocker spaniel pups, little beauties, 52 (s N. ljtn st. FOX terrierpupples for sale, pbone Woud lawn 6:10. MltH-ellanroua. $50.00 BUCK'S steel range with water coll. :; 440 r-cupse airai ins". .ww . . Chief gas range. 3; heating stoves for cosl or wood. 12.50 up to lo; easel mir ror. 18x14 plate. 112.50; 40 quartered golden oak llbiary table. 123: 8-foot black -tm.t n Uainl aftanilDtl table. Ilo: mas sive' fine old walnut bedroom suit, large mirror. 20 (3 pieces); oak combination bookcase. 6 Inches w'de, 22.5u: oak com bination folding bed. desk, wardrobe and dresser, all In one. price 123; six solid oak genuine leather oox seat chairs. 1.; other chairs 50c up to 4; buffets. I to 'JO: dressers. 7.30 to 12.-.; bookcase. 3..-,0: child's fine Iron crib, blue and white. U: Iron and brass beds, tl.50 to I27.30; oak hallrnrk with seat and round mirror. .V75; 5-foot solid oak. high roll top desk. 2N; revolving office chairs. --- to 4.60; Wilton carpet. H.x25 feet, solid green. 4.1c yuid; srt squares. Uxl., 3; n.'?..JS,Jf-?r..ot5';rt ''"cntlPAVT. 843 and 547 Washington, bet 16th snd 17th Both phones: -wain nva. -'J ' " We pay good prices for new or fine aeconu-nanu auioi..w. MEN S HIGH-GRADE SLITS. S30 tr. the stores: my price during this Bate 1l 73: 823 suit, now $13.83: my god a month rent and system of buying does it. Jlmmle Dunn, room 313 Oretionian bldg. Take elevator. MEN'S S3.30 TROUSERS FOR $2.33. 4. -.0 vslues for :i.3S. My system of buvlng snd I0 a month rent does It, Jlriimla Dunn's Knew Sample Suit bhop. ?.l," ciregorusn imiK. FOR SALE- Two Hslley-Dsvldson motor- cvcle alao a row ' 1 1 ' very reasonable prlcea 334 Oak st,, corner 7th st. OLD Jeaelry -x-nnged lor watcaes oj oiemonds: unredeemed Pledges for half orlglnsl prices Uncle Jiysrs. 71 6th et, between Osk and Pl-ae gAFES Eight second-hand standard makes at actual cost on acaouo, ..t. In our salesroom: mut have room. Port lsnd Safe Co.. 83 Fifth St. FOR PALE OR" RENT. LOGOINQ AND HOIST1NO ENGINES. Railway Equlp- Diect Co., 74 First su coin paooem. FOR SALE Showcase wrllcases. count era General natures in ia order st lowest prices. 22 orand sva. A FOR SALE Fur overcoat. valuable and reasonable in price. luy"'" tt.i.. Fargo bldg. SAFES, new and secoad-hand. low pnees. cash or essy terms. HUH I l.A IN L C A f CJ W-. 01 a-i.aia - - C1TT physician retiring from practice will Bell ofllce rurntture ana umuiea reason able. Inquire IK Grand eve- room 11. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. 110 to SoA. . . . ..." 11 ii' 1 o- v a. c w 11 1 T r II Cil nuni n i ii.ii . .... , 90 Fifth SU M. 5328. A 1476. LINE shaft, complete, belts, pulleys and motors, ii cosL Mam biotta CASH REGISTERS. Americans, (that caused the smash in prices), operation lightning quick, no crank to turn, from one to four total sddlng counters, latest visible Pr'n. ed detail strip. showing which clerk made sale. Oregon State Agent. W. Klgnett. 301 Ai East Morrison L. Port laud. Exchanged other make. $15 up. BATHTUBS Cast Iron white enamel, $14 up: tollots. lavatories, laundry trays, boil ers, etc.. and all kinds of plumbing sup plies at extremely low prices: PlPe ofa kinds and sizes. PORTLAND WRECK ING COMPANY, 105-1O7 North Eleventh St. Phones Main 37. A 3736. MEN'S $2X OVERCOATS $9.S5. These were bought In New York es pecially for this sale at 23 per cent under market price, come at once. Jlmmle Dunn, room 313 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. WANTK-rS KlwrF-LLANKOTja. CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. Wanted Men's caslolX clothing and shoes and bicycle; hlgheet prlcee paid: wo also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Mala 2080. . 2M 1st su SEND your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phone A 2-W5.MainS05L SECOND-HAND, single and double harness: stoves and house furnishings. AD 664, Oregonlan. . ' WASTED To buy second-hand auto cat?e lngs and lnnsr tubes, chas. S. Elton. 133 Stark st. Ijr TOU have household furniture to sell. . call up George Baker A Co., 153 Parle su Both phones. WE "buy "most every-thing and pay the price, too. Marshall 2S3X WANTED Moving-picture machine. gas outfit, films, etc. AJ 646. Oregonlan. HIGHEST price for furniture of residences. Main 2473. . KELP WANTED MALE. WHAT HAPPENED IN TUB Advisory and Employment Department of the T. M. C. A, . - during November and December. 1010 T 873 calls for men. 245 members aent to positions. 'i'l 1 new members taken In. 2a membership fees refunded. Any fellow, young- or middle-aged, who can do anything well or better, need not be out of employment. Hustle will get it. and we will tell you how- or membership fee refunded. Secretary. Employment Department X. M. C A.. 2d floor. ALE-BODLD men wanted tor the U. a. Marine Corps, between the ages Of IB ana 85; must be native born- or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $ia: additional compensation possible; food, clothing. Quarters and meuical attention free: after bo years' service can retire with i6 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Re cruiting Oillce. !reeden bldg.. oa ana Waahing-lon ats.. Portland. Or. EASY INSIDE WORK. If you want easy inside work, short hours, learn to operate moving-picture ma chines: operators in demand; operators earn $25 to $35 weekly. We teaoh you to operate on all standard moving-picture machines; learn business In 10 days; make you special low price this week; we neip to secure positions; also start you In busi ness on a percentage basis. ..---. N. Y. MOTION PICTURE EXCHANGE. 326 '-a Wan 111 lis to" near 17th. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL, The only thoroughly equlppsd school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement snd practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON STS. Take S-S or MU Tabor car and look as up before deciding to enroll elsewnero. GET OUR SPECIAL OFFER. MEN MEK WANTED WANIED To learn to operate moving-picture ma chines, operators earn $25 to $H5 - a.am business In 10 days. ON EASY TERMS. Day or night. N. Y. MOVING-PICTURE ACADEMY. 526 As Washington SU REPRESENTATIVE of well-known Eastern manufacturing-concern requires the serv ices of local party to assist in organizing corporation to handle our Pacific Coast trade. This is a strictly legitimate propo sition and Is the outgrowth of trade de mands and a-111 bear the most searching Investigation; references exchange. An Oi-', oregontan. f MEN wanted, age 18 to 33. for firemen. $100 monthly and brakemen $S0 on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary; no strike, ,-.mAtA- 1 .n.n.ra mnductOTa. Rail- ronrt TTmi.Iovlne K eada uar t ers over 500 ni.. ... ii r , r, notations monthly. State age send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. iir.' iv ti-irn rv SELL. Wo want men to preeent the highest class residence property In Portland, we furnish prospectus. Do not reply unless you can deliver the goods. No oaP"1 required. Beaumont Land Company, wltn Columbia Trust Co.. 4 rouna sc. WANTKA Ambitious workmen; work on actual Jobs pays for teaching trade elec tricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying: few months required; 700 students last four years. Write for Information. I nlted Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angelea niiiitnv .all ol.rka. nostofflce clerks. letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare ior exam inations; free book, pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city. WE want an Al general agency man or crew manager ior urr,...i. V" """"'" i imm ir.no to $2500 to handle the business. Profits for a year $5000 to $10.o00. D 6S2. Oregonlan. WANTED For the Oregon Naval Militia Band, flute and piccolo, clarinet, altos and saxophones; a ,f ew beginners accepted on these Instruments. Apply In writing. Com mander McNulty, U. S. Custom House. YOUNG man with experience In grocery l.usinens, not afraid of hard work, wajte; $12 a week. Williams ave. IF you are a "live wire" and want steady employment with a good financial return, see Mr. James after 12 M., 418 Mohawk i o.a nwri Mnrrlann u i u ... " , WANTED All auto owners and drivers to . ' vninanlTiD, anri retreading? Hons U U g., OU mo, -.y-.-.- by Chaa B. Elton. 433 Stark su Phons A .164". WANTF.D Delivery boys over 16 with wheels: bicycle repairs free and good waxes paid; boys who make good will be taught business. C.H.Odeen. 76 3d St. TRFE good hustlers to sell real estate; no experience necessary; we teach you the business and help you close salea Call 527 Board oi 1 c,to WANTED Competent restaurant man to tniie half Interest and management of good dairy lunch. See G. L. Wood, 810 Spald- DU. Ill WANTED About February 1. active young man well acquainted to learn the Insur ance' business: will pay salary and com " . i v c.-rn Orearonlnn. misi'ioo. - wanted A stock sales manager; an oppor tunlty for Ir.rge returns; Investigate. 426- 4,1 Duaiu . WANTED Three men to learn to repair and drive nutomobll"". Call after t o'clock. 8 ,0 East W ashlngtonst. W ANTED Mall circulation solicitors on rural routes; good territory. Apply after o a xi f.th St. WAN'TFD Younc man to learn the barber trade: some money required. 1R9 Mor rison sc. YOUNG men to leave town; paying propo sltlon. Call 104 ri MrMlllen. before 13 fore 12 O ClOCK. WANTED A machinist or Instrument maker. Go Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington WANTED Young man. easy work. experi-H , , I , I T.i-aM-,nn I ence unnrcwuji ...... a ......."" room 415. ; HIGH FCHOOL girl to assist In housework in family " 3 for room, board and car fare. Phone East 5678. WANTED A man and wife to take car of small farm; must have experience with Small , V AO OM.Ai.la. dairy ami yon..-.- vi i.-PAIR your shoes. 507 Glisan su. corner 14th; mens half soles. 30c; first-class work guarsnieeu. i. . , OFFICE International Correspond .;. Schools. 243 Alder su. open tl.l t P. M. Send for free catalogue. xr-v PF.RIENCED grocery clerk, best of refer ences: Phone Woodlawn. 2294. Y 654. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS horseshoer wanted. 287 Tay- lor- St. VIOLIN mandolin and guitar teacher wanted. V lyiiin, . , , a hiiifi ...in nr.. V. U. s. tocnooi oi ..."-. " ..- HIGH-GRADE representative wanted foi ,! nrooosltlon. 621 Board of Trade bldg. wanted for PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced salesladies. Apply 213 First st. YOL'NG man attending school to work for room and hoard. 3V.H Mill. BOY to wash dishes, $4 week and board. 7(13 Thurman. a" FfRST-CLAS marker. Elite Laundry, Vancouver, Wash. yOU are wanted for government position. ISO per month. Write fcr list of positions open. Franklin Institute, .Dept. 318 C. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. AP- 81y Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co th and East An keny sta. GIRLS WANTED. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. X Grand ave. and East Taylor Sta WANTED Thoroughly competent stenog rapher; raplditv and accuracy absolutely essential: salary $75. Apply Johnson Lleber Co., brokers. 1 1st su LADIES learn to do fancy work In spare time at home; office hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Lady attendanU Home Decorat ing Co.. room 815 Drexel bldg.. 2d and x annum. WANTED An experienced fitter for ladles suits and coats: give references and state experience; only competent wiman wanted; state wages expected. Apply to D 60o. Oregonlan. WANTED Lady partner as photogrspher: must have means; Al location In British Columbia, Vancouver Island; experienced preferred. T 630, Oregonian. WANTED-Competent woman for general housework, two In family, no children; liberal wages. Apply 6S0 Elliott ave.. Ladd's Addition, from 9 to 12 A. M. WANTED Neat capahle girl for general housework. 540 Chapman street, corner Elm. Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 2S66. GIRL for general housework and cooking: small family adults; wages $30 to $33." 670 Hoyt st. MAID for two children. French preferred; must have good city references. 603 Davis St.. between 21st and 22d. WANTED Girls to operate Underwood bill ing machine, one familiar with compto meter preferred. Loweagan ec o. WANTED Teacher for small country school near Slleta Agency. Address Box 32. Sl letz. Or. ' WANTED Shortllfhd students; expert iii dividual Instruction, day, evening, malL B 601. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework and plain cook ing. 7S0 Kearney St.; good home, good wages. $100 MONTHLY distributing books and formulas by malL ResldenU 40S Couch WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth- child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced and some housework, near Ford. Main 271". girl for cooking 767 Madison su. 8 GIRLS wanted to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-413 Dekum Mdg. . MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826Aa Washington Su, room 814. Main bsdo or a i HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314 Washington su. cor. 7th. upstair. BY wholesale house, a reliable woman wno expects to work; experience not necessary. Q ri6S. Oregonlan. , WANTED Girl for general housework; ex perience not necessary. 257 N. 22d su. corner Nortnrup. 129 RUSSELD. O. L c. Restaurant; girl to wait on table. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry, can iuun i.obo. m -WANTED Girl, confectionery store. Apply QTo Burnside Su I UANitD At Sisters- I.ospital In Chlce, Cel.. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED Experienced lunch waitress. 11:30 to" 2. Apply Woman's Exchange, 184 5th. WANTED Nurse girl for child, afternoona Apply mornings. 170 SU Clair su, ApU 6. PRIVATE School, SHORTHAND and TYPE- WRlTING;J$5jno126914th.Maln 8SH3. SWITCHES made out of combings, 93o. San itary Beauty Parlors. 410-412 Dekum bldg. GIRL for general work by elderly lady alone. 547 7th. GIRL for general housework. Apply 9113 Kelly St., near Bancroft ave. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. loToOO POSITIONS for graduates last ysar: men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 83 North 4th su. Pornand.Or. MAKE money writing stories or for newspa pers; big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Synj1anFranclaico. F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 6116wet land bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and ClCTkjU P.YPF.RT accountant will keep small set books; books opened, closed, balanced, au dited; charges reasonable. AJ 448, Oregonlan- EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position with reliable firm; good penman; no booze lighter; moderate salary; nrst-class refer ences. AE 6ilS. Oregonlan, BOOKKEEPER, stenographer 6 years' ex perience; operate all machines; highest references here and EasU George HorwitU 227 Cherry st. EXPERIENCED man wants bank position, citv or country; references. N 007, Orego- nian. Miscellaneous. LOOKING for a chance to take care of gentlemen's place; Eastern man, temperate and good habits, an all-round man for kitchen or housework, fond of childreo. W. L. Thomas, 808 Pine st. EXPERIENCED dry goods and shoe clerk, age 23. seven years' experience, can speak Gorman- capable to- write advertisements or manage; references. AE 670. Orego nlan. . . A Kr,l.lADC paicj '"-- .... ers and buckers In woods; price accord Mug to size of timbers; can give refer- or.ee. Care J oiif, urepoin MARRIliD Scandinavian couple wish per manerft position as caretakers of bache lor's or widower's ranch or country home; small salary; references. M 66S;Oregonian. MA.N and wife, no children, want position together on dairy or farm, man good milker, wife good cook: write or call. W, 2 Market sr.. roniaim GOOD experienced Japanese wants position to do housework In family. K 6i3. Ore gonian. , FIRST-CLASS machinist on automobiles wants position driving. AD Clo, Orego nlan . JAPANESE cook wants position at general housework In the country or city. A 661. Oregonlan. YOUNG married man desires work of any kind, working hours from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. Fisher. 232SdsU WANTED Situation as foreman of logging camp: can give best of reference. AF 607. OregonlaiK JAPANESE Day Working Co. We supply you wih a" kinds day worksra. Phons A 8030. Main 8700. JAPANESE House-cleaning Company; wait ing and' cooking, also, by the hour. Mar- nii i-sJi. - COMPETENT oil fireman, who has experi ence mftKintf COli- iiu .wmicuiHi s.o, cm. t wants position. J. Frenna. U8 Croeby t. YOUNG- man. well acquainted with city, want posiuon n .-- auca a x icier- ericea. Phone B &6."9. TOUR Jobbing, repairing. Inside flnisnine wanted by experienced carpenter. Phone Sellwood 166 THOROUGHLY experienced salesman desires ositlon m gcii LuriiLBiiijiif siure, rtew ork references. AE 671, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED boy wants work in grocery. Ralph Keaa, owv Lompara CIRCLE sawyer, first-class, hammer and fil r; A.-A reieronge. auw, uregonitui. PAPERHAXGINO, tinting1, painting done by experienced man. jueves, vvooaiawn REFERENCED Japanese houeecleaner and cook; work bytne nour. sell wood 11-. EXPERIENCED yonng man wishes work as grocery clerk, phone Woodlawn 3015. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position in f.imily or boarding-house. 44 4th st. N. ENGINEER wants & position; locomotive or stationary engines. wo, uregoman. WANTED By married man. work of any kind; good references. tity, uregoman. WANTED Permanent position. billing general office work, some stenography ; hours 0 to 5; competent and experienced. Phone Enst 40'.". SITUATION wanted by young lady; experi enced typist: lair knowledge of shorthand; moderate salary. D 034. Oregonian. frernnerm. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like en- gngemcnts by day; first-class references. AD 073. Oregonian. DRESSMAKING Childress clothes a ap- cialty. Ksls t 1132. DRESSMAKER, first class, wants sewing by day. East 013U. BV two nurses; -one practical" experienced and willing ; more cases; confinement, fever, etc. Marshall 2437. NURSING by middle-aged lady. 25 years experience; maternity preferred. phona eHwoodli7l. - NURSING bv practical nurse bavin- had hospital experience. Phone Mam 0703. PRACTICAL nurse. Invalids and elderly peo ple a specialty. Phone Marshall 15tll. IIourktpers. WIDOW, with little girl, as housekeeper for widower with children, outr-i.ie of city. Particulars. A E t7 2. OrcgtmJan. " Miscellaneous. TOTJNO lady-wishes to take care of chil dren evenings or he companion to lady In exchange for room and board. Phone B 1572. LADY pianist and vocalist Al. six years' experience in show business, wants posi tion. Best references. A 605,Ore-onUn. LADY "cook would like cooking by tha day for dinners and partie. Phono East 171. room 218. F 6t'.ft. Oregonian. WOMAN would like work by day or hour. Phone East 5344. room 12. t WANTED Sweeping and dusting by tha hour. Phone Tabor 11.22. WANTED Housework by day. 25o hour. Call u6 3d st.. upstairs. GERMAN liuiy wishes work; washing, cleaning, ironing. I'hone Eest 474U. LADY wants day work. Phona East 5SC7. WANTED-AGEW. WANTED Capable saltern ;in to handla manufacturers line advertising slirns, bul letins, novelties, calendars ; best y oar around line In the country; none but capable men need apply. Send refer ences with application. Up-to-Date Adver t i sin g Co. .C a n i b t ejo . N . Y. ACTIVE canvassers can make $30 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition ; fcood territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTED TO RENT. lloufeea. l 12 TO 14 -room house; must be in good locality; strictly modern, with good yard, by repponeiblo party; will lease for term of years if neoassary; near c rllne. C U-3, Oregonlan. WANTED galow. -To rent unfurnished flat or bun B 051t, Oregoniau. Annrtmenrt. WANTED 5 or fl-room steam-heated, un furnished apartment, by throe adults, per manent tenants, with good recommenda tions. West Side, north of Washington. Give location and price. Address A d5j. Oregonlan. - Business Places. W ANTED Cement basement well lighted for storage use with aoceBs from slduwalk. X 605. Oregonlan. FOB RENT. fttooms. PO RTLAND ROO MING BUR!aU, Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished; table boardlntf, all parts of the city; v save you money, time and trouble. Lut us locate you. UuU Buchanan bldg. Marshall 1S0. A 5243. DON'T OVEKLOOK THIS TO OAT. -MiLNER BLJO.," 360 IORltlON 8X, MODERN, CJiNTRAU REaSONABLEL Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CAPLE3 Residential. 330 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sta. Opposite new Helllg Theater, ona block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, ate; centrally located, near postofCice; just off all carltnes; very quiet; low rates oy day. week or month. Phona Marshall il-uQ. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. Wa are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located In center o shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people rata by th week. 4TC AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick building. beautlfuly furnished; everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephones la all rooms; fine lobby and ladies parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by dav. week or month. Phone Marshall ltf&o. 025 WASHINGTON BT. SARGENT HOTEL, cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne; extra large and beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water and privata phone In every room; first-class grill In connection. Special rates by week or month to permanent peo ple; transient solicited. HOTEL SAVON. 12 Eleventh WU Kw, modern brick building, steam -heated, privata baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. ---- GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 EAST BURNSID13. Start the New Tear right; move to the East Side and save money on rent; 120 modern rooms, hot and cold running wa ter 10 public baths, also rooms with pri vate baths; rates $2.0 to $7 a weak. Phone East 5i4u or B 1275. HOTEL NOKKI3, 182 hi 17th. cor. Washington, first-class fur nished rooms, single and eu suite, run ning water, steam heat, rates by month, " transients solicited; prices reasonable. FURNISHED rooms, with board If desired; heat light, bath and phone tree; very reasonable. Apply before 11 A. M. 7A Lnion ave. N..wrnerlvy. Last OtSOS. bOlEL BU SUM ARK, Washington and 17th, first-class burnished rooms, slngie or an suite- all modern conveniences; J weekly Vp.Aa047.Main Jjtt47. HOTEL AN ON I A, J24 14th st., cor. Wash, furnished and unfurnished roomai pri vate baths, free phones la alt rooraa. - THE BELLEVUE. 14 1st st., new house and new fur niture; steamheat. tl.75 per week and up. o" W P ROOMING-HOUSE. 209 Alder, nloe clean outside rooms $.U per week and up; transient. Mrs. Etta Keys. THE HOLLf HO'liCL. 100 li-tn New aa4 modern in every way; elegantly furnished; rat reasonable;translents solicited. n"W P. ROOMING-HOUSE, 209 Alder, nice clean outside rooms 2.- per week and up; transient. Mrs. Etta Keys. THE BEAVER, 12tn and Marshall sts.. wd furnished sleeping rooms, -.6o per weeki electric lights, hot baths free. MODERN outbids rooms, f3 to $6 per week Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 W ashlngtont. : THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam -heated rooms; running water. Cor. 3d and Montgomerysts. FOR a warm, comfortable room for tha Winter, come to the Calumet Annex, 145 , 7thBt.fNew management. . FURNISHED fiat, -4 rooms, close In; home like. 273 7th St., corner Jefferson. 868 SALMON ST. Rooms, clean and com fortable; rates moderate. Main S2;3. Vi.rni..hed Rooms in Private family. NICE furnished front room In modern home or imvate laimiy. -a uui, aiv. uus- SOUtn Ol .oncajq NICELY furnished room In private familj, . ci.u s-.lr.-A In 4t. 1 :,H.-r.r. r T CL - " ROOM."" suitable for gentleman, excellent lo cation, bath, phone. Sl-50 wk. 22 14th tt. RENT to lady, room In apartment. Hum phone A 1181. 615 Lovejoy st. SMALL room; reasonable. 268 12th St. 591 DAVlS, furnished room In new, modera flat; furnace, also gas heater; $3.50 week. NlcE clean room, suitable for 1 or 2 gen tlemen. glO. 214 13th St. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms. The Bungalow, 37 Wrst Park st. NEATLY furnished room, gentlemen only. 414 Salmon st. DESIRABLE, well-furnished room, reason able. 451 10th st. NICELY furnished room, gentleman pre ferred. 141 13th. N I 'ELY furnished front room in brick bu Wdmg. lOS-n Union ave., cor. Aider.