21 THE MORNING O It EG O XI AN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911. BEST1910SH0WIN6 Fewer Failures Than in Other Coast States. llc: tark-r. 30?le: docks. 2c: 14c: rtmwd turkeys, choice. r,n KOl!t r'm ranch, candled. 53e; EMrro. rrn. :v. CilKK.-K Kull eroam. twins. 1ttOT0 pr pournt; yiuns: America. 7Hlac . - BITTEH City crr.mrr utn. 1 and pouad prinia, la Win 0o psr pound; leas lh,n cartons and delivery eslra. i'ORK Fancy, HViWl-e per pound. ViAi-iuu, e w paan. lJOe per bobbo. IDAHO ALONE EXCEPTED This State Rrrnrd Comparrd With Tbox- of Washington and Cali fornia In Dan's Annual ItrTlew of Co mm err I a 1 Default, Craimmlal failures la the failed States during the ywar lPIA. accord In ir to statistics. TONnl 13. ess. with defaulted liabilities amnanttns to $21.TiT.fp7. in number of failures th record for tho pat y.ar ibo a rrnu an compared with 190, when the Bumbor waa IS 024 and a much larger de rrtu, aa compared with tho 1904, total of 13.KSO. Tho amount of liabilities, however, showed aa lacreaee aa compared with l". when tha total defaalta accreitated $!. 03.4OA bat a decrease aa compared with !. tha total that year having been $?TZ Of tha 12. 6.'. I defaalta ta lPIO thera warn 240 for fioo.ooo or mora, tha assre Cato llabllltlea of theaw belnc tl0a.2tS.TKS, ao that St per cent of tba defaulted llablll tlea of tho year warn represented by only 1 Per rent of tha defaulting firms. Tba aver are amount of each failure waa SI5.&4S. comparing with flt.934 In 190. I14.H9 In 1IKS and I1S.SM la 1P0T. Deducting tha ITO larva suspensions, tha trtrat, Itahllt tlea of tha remaining amall failures waa lT4ft. Oregon makes tha best showing of tha Faciae Coast Ftatea Thora wera 1223 de faults ta tha Ferine Plates with defaulted utilities amounting to IS.S02.4TS. This was aa lmproTt-B.nl a number, but an In errasa la liabilities aa rem pared with IPno, when It-era wera 1323 and Involved S.:iV I'l. and ta all respects aa compare! with laiiS. Fatturra ta Idaho Increased In Bum per, but decreased! ta liabilities, and Oregon makes a i err satisfactory ahowlnc In both, but as to llabllltlea tha relume from tha remaining states ara teaa favorable. Both In maaufacturtng and trading thera was con traction In number, but Increaao In ths amount involved, ta ths farmer 34 for 0 4li. comparing with 373 In IBM for 12.424 Ii and la tha Utter MO for Sa.Ua. 224, against luia for liJM. I2S. Com pared wit Ik Iso. boweter. thera Is snarkad tm proremenc la both classes. Tha brokeraga claes ttiak-s a comparatively satisfactory exhibit. 44 suspensions with liabilities of .-.rt...v. com paring with 43 for 4O.I3 ta lions and 4 for f2w.3T two years ago. Iun's etatt.tu-a for Oregon. Waabtngton, l.laho and A'allnfnrala follow: Cress rtes. Dried Fruits, KB. . DKIEU FKCIT apples, loa per pownd: carraata. 13ntlc: apnoota, HSC'; satra. package. lUVto par lo.s flga, bu Ik. thlia or b.iL by wck. asoo; wa, IU 1.14. 12-i-a. aac; W-lia U-JZ: iw-la, Ao; amyraa io, bAXMOn Columbia RItbt. 1-pound tall a. ft 1 per dozen; a-pound tails. SSPS; I pound I ..la. I2.au; Alaaaa pink. lpouad talla tl Ja red. 1-pound tails, loo. COFI'KB Roasted, la drums, 23 014c per pout.4. 1 NVTS Walnuts. inoiTa per pound: Bra- all auts. lie. Alberta, loo; aimonda, llfts; pecans. iSc; oocaatauta. BOcO P' doaen; cheatnuta. 12 so par pound; hickory Buta. ItpiOo par pound. SALT (Jranulatod. flS per ten: Half ground, loos. t-a per ton: 50a. I par toa. . BEANS r mail wbita. 4wc; larga whlta. ISc. Uma, a-ae; pink. Ss; raei Ataxlcaaa. IkCi bayou, lit - RICE No. 1 Japan. o: eheapar sradaa. II MD S3; Bouthera head, SVOTo. HCNZT Choice. 3-I par caaa; tralnao. He per pound. I'JOAR Dry graaulatad. fruit aad barry. r.0; teet. J.30. estra C-. J: goldea -. f4.M; yellow !., 4.u; cubes tbarralar. .1J: koorterod. M-aa. Terma oa remit tances withla 11 days, deduct at par pound. U later tnan 13 daya and within 30 days, deduct las tar pound, staple -augar. Li s Isa par pound. " HAMS 1 to 11 pouada ITHe: It ta 14 pound--. JTSe; 14 to 14 pounda. Jj. akinned. 174c; plcnlca. 14c; eoitago roll, lee BACON Fancy. Je; standard. tc; choice. 23c; Kngllsh. inc. MOKtL iltAT-J Beef tongues. o: dried beef seta, :2c; oulsides, nom; Insldsa. 23c: knuckles. i:c. DRT oAl.T CURED Rairular short clears. dr salt. 14 He: araokad. lcr backs, light, salt. H smoked, lac; backs, heavy, salt. 14c: amoked. 16V.O; exports, ealt, lc; smoked. lSc. UXD Kettla rendered, tierces. HHc; tabs. HWc; standard purs, tierces, llc; tuba. IJ'ac; chuica. tierces. 13 Sic: tuba, 13 "ac; shortening, tlercea. lVr tubs-lOVkO. Hope, srssl. Oldea. Eta. HOPS 11 crop. llOllHc; 1 crop. lHllc; contracts. UlIJe. wiHL bJutern Oregon. 120 lite per :b a ceo rO lug to aartnkasoi ralley. HCylto par pound. MOHAIR Choice. I) Otic m.'aKa HAHK lo per pound. lIIDs Baited hides. SWOT -to par lb.; aalted calf. Uc; cutod kip. JHc; salted stage. Sc; green hlUea, lc lass: dry hides. li;c: dry call, lllSc; dry atas. 11 12c PtLTS Dry. lHo: aalted. butchem-taka-a. 4001 5c: Spring; lambs. 260a- rROtl'C AT 8AX rR.NCTSCO. Oustatloaa Carreart la the Bay City Mar ket. AN TRANCIHOO. Jan. 12. Tha follow lna produce prlrea were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 7.'-cl: garlic. 4 ffac, grven peas, tttj-tc; string beans. 164 Sue: tomatoea. TScvtl: eggplant. aa)10o. Hutter Kancy creamery. .11 Sc. Kggs toro, ;tOc: fancy rnncn. SSSa. Che-eae Young America, lASCIlc Ml.Uiutfa B.-an. t.-itrJO; middilnta. J1 0-id. Uay Wh'at. t!OI4; wheat aad eats, Q It: a"alf.. oli.M. Fruit A pplcs. choleo. Mr ; common. 40o; Me-then llmea. t4u4..1Q: fallfornla lemons. Number failures. 1010...... A.-t. I J la I.i-ii i ill... l:li, . . 'u::t-r failures. 1H ..... I.i.r l:ti. Ilv M.nt tjiluree. tPIS T-u.ling failutea. ll! tfhf commercial. 111 ... Or. Wash. Idaho. CaL ITS 13 B4 IWt .t 46l'l tl.t3 I7.1 f S27.UO f t.29fl Jrt'.i . S-H&.407 2.0o.4trt 4o2.u.t4 . 4.0.ff.'4 X21 27"! St "lit .1.03.;;- tZ.203.2o I SIS.1WJ I4.1M.7-.-s 4! I2 - 113 111 JT 47 SIO 13 IS 1 IS tSroHT M.OIB IS CENTS KIGHCB. Loral Market Fallowa toe Adrwara ta rrlroa at Sewttla. Kxport flour prices wera advanced IS rents a barrel, to S3. TO. by local millers, fol lowing a similar ailvancs oa tha Sound. XtlU Feed qu-ftatlnrig wera unchangad. though thera has been a decllna In tha North. Tha wheat market was quiet and arm. Holders are vary bullish In their Ideas and where It la necessary to get supplies, prices . have to be bid up. The demand Is Itrht and ta ronSned to Coast miliars. Buyers yes terday bid A3 centa for club and Si to cents for bluest em- Fx port era could not pay thasa prtcee oa the bails af tha for eign market. Tha local aata market waa quiet and steady, but on the found the feeling waa somewhat ' easier. Barley continued Arm. Local receipts. In cars, were reported py the at arc nan is Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay Mondar l S 1.4 T-ieedar -1 1 Wedneeday ... 23 .... Thursdsr ..... 1 Tear aro a 1 Peastnto dat.2 S Tear ago T27J 14 rholce. J tO; common, f 1 SO; oranges, navel, tl.M,?.23: plneapplea. I2V?.M. 1'otatoes a!lnaa llurbanka. fl.S392.ln; sweets. So 0 3.20; Oregon Burbanks. f 1.73 V 1.1M. Onions I1.f1 l.Tf. Receipts Flour. 1004 quarter sacks; whest. 1.1.073 renlals; hsrley, 712" centals; oata. lao centals: potatora. S7l0 sacks: bran, llv serka; middlings, S sacks; hay, 424 tons. S S 1 32 If 4 4 a s to 123 BS ITV49 1227 733 1S78 All Cewatry rradacw Im Firm. The egg market holda Brra with aalea at IS to S4 cents. The demand, however, ta Bot active. The demand for poultry waa sufficient to clena up all the arrivals at tha former good prices. Dressed meats of all kinds were nlao firm. ' Butter nnd cheese were unchanged. Willi tha undertone of the market moderately firm In both departments. Light Pimsad for Vegetables. ' Trading In the green produce market Is at 14 light. The cold weather has checked the demand for frulta and buyers are aim Indl3erent about vegetables. Fresh color la scarce, shipments having been held back by weather condltlona In California, but a larga quantity of wilted stock la oa the street. There Is also a scarcity of good caullrlower. Bask rieartnsa.. Ttsnk clearings of the Northwestern cities ytstertlsr were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland I2.ll4.7lil f2.Vl.2iM Seattle S.2K4.B13 2044 Tacoma 7M.M2 124as Spokane PPo.1.12 2P4.IKS rOBTLAXD MARKETS. SralB. Floor. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Track prices: Biuestsra. SIO t;i,c: dub. s:Mc: red Russian, toe; Va.iey. SJc; 4v-to.il. lk4c. J HAfil.tY KeeJ. :3 in,,; per ton; bref tng. t:7w:7.5e per tun. ) MILLSSTCFFS Bran. t23.04.SS p4r ton: middlings. Ill: shorts. 123.304) TC.M; rolled tarley. i24. FLOI'R Pat lie fH pa barral: straights. I4.1v4i; exports fX.7t: Val let. 1 20: graoiana. f 4..S; whe.e wheat, quarters. 14. HAT Track prices: Timothy. Wlllam.lta Valley. flj20 pee. too: Eastera Oregon. t-'ltf22: aKalta. fi4: grata Bay. S14.3S jlSi. c!oer. llialt. corn' Whole. . cracked ft par tea. OATi No. 1 white. I2a.30tf2t per ton. Tegetables aad Fruits. A PfT. E Waxen. Sow ft; Baldwin. T3c 11 23; Northern Kpy. Iw 3L2S: roow. f 1 23: KeU Check Pippin, flwl -o; Winter Banana, tl 732; FplKenbets. tL2j1.7i: Tallow Newtown, f I 73. BACK VKiiaTABtES-Carrots. SI Q 1.1 hsnilred: parsnips, fl 91.33; turalpa. Hi e-'S. tl 13 ay 1.30. OKIES KRI ITS Peace. 11.2392 per baa: grapes. T3cMfl Pr bos: ktalagaa toOa.30 per barrel: cranberries. fl29 13 3ll par bar re!: irfaimsoof. f!.3 per joi. VEGETAK1.es-Beans, lme par pound: cabbaae. 41.23 pr hundred; caulinow er. - 13 per crate; celery, California. U91 per crate: cucumbers. 33 per box. eggp.aat. 1191.13 per crate; garlic. StI2Hr per pound: green onions. 13c per dosen; head lettuce. WOMo per dosea; hothouse lettuce. Tic u 100 per box: peppera 13 per lb.; pumpkins. lflS per Is.: radlabea. I8920e par dosea; sproata S0c: aquaah. 11H per lb.; tomatoes. fl.73 per boa. TROPICAL FRnlTSJ Oranges, naesla 12 9X75 per box: Japanese. tl par bundle; tangerines. f3 per pox: lemons. f4; Florida graiatrult. ll: California grape fruit, ts.5004: bananas. 6c per pound; plae appiea ac per pound. POTATOES Oregon. Jobbing prlosa, tl II 91.S3 per hundred: sweet potatoes. I3.T3 per hundred. OMONd Buying price. Lf per hundred. Tlatiy and Caaratry Frwdaee. rOLXTRT Lire: Hens, It 9 19c: Springs, WHEAT PRICES LIFTED HALF-CENT ADVANCE IX THE SEATTLE MAKKET. Potatoes Firmer on Account of Cold er Weather Eggs Selling at 40 Cents. SEATTLE. Wuhe, Jan. 12. 8pclL) TVhjjit pricn ware Itfted a half crnt all around today blueatem colnir to Ho and club to Mc. Tht inarkat waa dominated Imrfly T local Interaata. - aflllra ara best ruatomera. althousa averal of these have ail the wheat I hey ned. Hay waa eaalvr. but not much lower. Stores etocka ar not decreaalnv and con iderable California hay la yet to be shipped North. -Oata and barley were dull and un changed. The potato market waa noticeably firmer. AJthouKb six cars were reported aa havtnc; arrJvd today, the temperature was cloee to the freest nr point and tmleee the weather moderatee dealers will take no chances In ordering stock shipped. The supply of appice of all kinds Is yettloff low. One house had less than a half a car of apples of all kinds on hand today and none in transit. ec receipts were heavier. Bales at 40 cents were reported, a rise of 1 cent over Wednesday's price. The butter market was Arm. As a re mi It of the decrease In the supply of fresh Kastem butter, the de mand for frvsh Washington has Increased. This factor operates stroncly axatnst any Immediate cut In price. The price of fresh halibut Jumped to 10 H cents tonight Metal Market a. NEW YORK Jan. 12. Standard copper, dull: vpot. January. February and March, lJ4i12-lc; April. 1 2 0 1 2- ". London, firm; pot. f&S 10e; futures. .r6 7s 60. Custom house returns show ex ports so far t h Is month of ll.T.Vi tons. lUake copper. IX UTS 0 ia.l'iHc: electrolytic, 12.6'J 13c; cast ing. 12 S7 (l-.e2Sc Tin. asy; spot. S). 3X8c; January and February. 89 39 KVr; March. 3v.6oy ?0.vOe and April. SU-COC l.s5c. London, strong; spot, ilfil lus; futures, HS2 7s td. Lead. dull. 4.4&tf J.5S New York; 4 50 4.S.e East St. Louts. Iondon. spot. 13 1 3d. peilrr. dutl. 6-Mtj V0c New York. S.4tty &.4:r East ft. Louis. London, spot, 24 2s d. ron Cleveland warranta. 40s lOHd In tendon- Locally Iron was unchanged; No. 1 foundry Northern, 9 IS.75W 111!5; No. 2. $4 li.7.; No. 1 Southern and do sort. Coffeo nnd "agmr. NEW YORK. Jsn . 15. Oot f ee f u t urei clnsd stesdy at a net decline of 4 f 1 1 iolnts unUr continued realizing and selling for a reaction. Sales 53.0'o bas, February, ll.i.'c; March. April and May. 11.70c; June, 11 c; July. ll.O'c: Aujrust. ll.C4c; Sep tember. 11.; October. 1LSC; November. 11. SI. and December. 11. SI. eS,Kt coffee quiet; Rio No. T. 13e: No. 4 PanttYS, 14 S J lc. Mild coffee nominal. Cordova, UN J lit Haw lumr easy. Muscovado. .H9 test. S lie centrifugal. .4 teat. l.7; moUw-jj sugar. . test, Z 9Zc Refined sujfar steady. IrWd Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Evaporated apples easier, especially for prime on ths. rpot; fancy Is quoted 12 6 lie; choice, llTjc; prime. ISullc. Prunes rather quiet, but prices firm. Quo tations from c to 10 c for Callfornlas up to 30-40c and loQllc fur Oregons trom Mo to ive. Peaches firmly held but buyers are In clined to hold off; choice, 7Sv7c; extra choice, bQIHc; fancy. fti9c. CotWitUn 9t the Treasury. WAPHINOTON, Jan. 12. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the 1'nlted States Treasury was: Working balance la Treasury of- .'I27.TWS.SS4 In banks and Philippine Islands Treasury .n.V5tS.A28 Total balance In general fund. . et..,37,!l47 Ordinary recelpte yesterday ai.17.V313 Ordinary disbursements 1.3UO.IM4 The deficit to date thle fiscal year is 9442.63 asj against 920.412.329 at this time last year. Thes- figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Statement of Condition OF' Lumbermens National Bank OF PORTLAND At Close of Business January 7, 1911 'RESOURCES Loans and Discounts' Overdrafts U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation. . Other Bonds and Premiums Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures Due from U. S. Treas...$ 12,500.00 Due from Banks 343,202.33 Cash on nand 791,528.24 .$2,174,086.25 3,293.87 , 250,000.00 . 220,475.57 8Q0.00 . 25,000.00 1,147,230.57 $3,821,786.26 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits ., Reserve for Taxes Circulation Dividends Unpaid Deposits .$ 500,000.00 63,100.37 5,383.31 250,000.00 2.716.50 3,000,586.08 $3,821,786.26 SETBACK IN PRICES Wheat Selling at' Chicago Is Heavy. DAY'S NEWS IS BEARISH Heavy Shipments From India, Larg er "Offers From Australia and Much Selling Pressure in Ar gentlna Flour Trade Poor. CHICAC.O, . Jan. 12 The accrecate of tradlnc In wheat waa much laraar than ueual. There waa a reat deal of coverlns by shorts. Including soma of the Northwest em epresders. Meanwhile, other centers re mained unreepnnelve to the bule here. Con alderahle sclllnc of July wheat waa done, new trade solus larly Into that future. Itaarlsh feellne revived an early Impetus from heavy shipments by India. T.n1eu- to; Australian off.-ra were lancer In L4verpooI and there were reporta of much selling pressure la Buenos Ayres. Seasonable tam peraturea Southwest and petering out or cash demand and poor flour business fur nished a.ldlllonal reasons for a wt back In prices. Msy ranited from tl.SlW to H-SH. with latest fiRures allowing a drop of a at Sl.oiS Wl.01. Notatthatandlnc further bulllan news from Argentina regarding the crop there, some of the larger local longs sold corn futures In a liberal manner. May after fluctuat ing between 60c and Mc ended the day Uc off at &OV,50,c. Caen - corn waa steady. No. 1 yellow flnlshsd at 4l94v,c. In oats, local traders turned to the selling side at the last when other grains declined. May varied from So to 15 fee. dosing We net lower at IS9JH.C. Packera and slockysra traders nad pro visions for sale In plenty all day. Final results were to leave pork 15o leas eostly than 94 iiours previous. Lard was off 10 V 12c. and ribs l7'c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. -Open. H!gf. 1.02 1.IS .11 .! CORN". .50? .61 S ..:" OAT3. .55'. .16 MESS PORK. ' .It.lOVs If. ICS l.02tt is . LARD. 10. ss 10. 2i SHORT RIBS. .10.10 10.82 It. 75 .10. IS 10.17H lO.OSVs III. OS 10.071, s.si Cash quotations wore as follows Flour- r irm. live No. 2. 8 Be Barley Feed or mixing, 5a7Sc; choice malting, llwl7o. Flax Seed No. 1 Southwesten, II. 45; No. 1 Northwesten. 1.58. Timothy Seed 111.10. Clover 11&.00. s Mess Pork Per barrel. I20.1XH O20.J5. I.ard Per 100 pounda. 110.55. Short Klbs Sidee (loose). 110.1IHB10.7!. Sides Short clear boxed. f 10.7s $11.00. Uraln atatutlca: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 43.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 411.000 bushels, compared with 066, BOO bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlmated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, ;2 cars; corn. Hi cars; oata, 132 cars; liogs, 30.000 head. Recelpta Flour, barrels 11. too Wheat, bushels it. 000 Corn, bushels IC2.I00 Oata, bushels .177,200 Rye. bushels 1.000 Barley, bushels 1.000 May July Sept. May July Sept. May July May July Jan. Alar Jan. May July .17 . .10 .61 'i .15U .Site ..ls.S7h ..10.45 . .10.21 Low. I1.01S .to .8114 .12 .15 .24 18.62', 10. 15 10.10 Close. 1.01i .16 10 12 .35 "4 .14 1I.07H 11.45 14.85 10.1214 10. Tl 10.07H l.lla fair to Shipments 11.300 22.700 247.800 420.100 1.000 . -14. mo Grain at Saa Franclsr. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Wheat Firm. Barley Fteaily. Spot quotations: Wheat Chipping. fl.SO 81.05 per cental. Barley Feed. I1.12H per rental: brewing. $1.13 01.20. Oats Red. ll.lOti 1.H2W pes cental; white. 81.47 14 1.&34 ; black. 81.23. Cnll board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley ilay, $1.13 per cental; December, 1.34. Grain Markets of tba Northereat. TACOMA. Jan, 12. Wheat Export: Blue stem, b5c; club, 83c; rife. 82c; fortyfold. o4c. Milling "quotations: Bluestem. 85c; club. 83c: rad Fife. 82c; fortyfold. 84c Receipts, wheat 14 cars, hay T care, oata 2 cars, barley S cara. SEATTLE. Jan. IX Milling quotationa: Bluestem, 65c: fortyfold, 83c; club. 82c; Fife, 82r; red Russian. 60c. K i port wheat: Blueatem. 82c; fortyfold. 80c: club. c: Fife, 7uo; red Russian. 77c Receipts, wheat eight cara, oats 8 cars, cora 2 cara, barley 1 car, hay 18 cara. Ta European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 12. Wheat March, IVd: .May. 7l 2td. Weather, windy. English country marketa firm. French country marketa quieter STOCKS ARE UNSETTLED PENNSYLVANIA SOLD FREEIiT AND MARKET WEAKENS. Announcement of Proposed Capital Increase Has Bad Effect on the Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. The stock market waa more or less unsettled all day by rea son of the heavy aelllng of Pennsylvania sharee. following yesterday's aanouncement that the directors had proposed to ths stock holders an Increase of ln. 000.000 In the company's capitalisation. The action of the directors gave rise to Xears that slmliar steps might soon be taken by other roads, with a resultant congestion of the securities market. , Pennsvlvanla sold to 125 a loes of 84 points from the previous day's high price on a total of transactions much In excess of any recent day. Industrial shares were fairly steady under the lead of United Statea Steel, which waa affected favorably by reporta that opera tions are soon to be resumed at one of the corporatlon'a largest plants, aa well as the decision of the leading manufacturers to maintain existing prices. Taking the market as a whole, the clos ing prices were near the best of the day. A further receasion In futures on copper was shown In the London market and there were reporta df slight price shadings here, but they lacked official confirmation. It waa rumored that large exports of the metal were under negotiations, but the day's developments In the local copper market gave no Indication of this. Tha St. Paul report for November showed a decrease of over $760,000 In net earnings. The Putcel Sound division of the system showed a net Increase for the same period of $124. 000. Net returns of three score representatives lines for November show a derreaae .In net of 5.52 per cent. Bonds w-ere Irregular. Total sales, par value $2,240,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloeing sales, men. low. loo -'S 28 T.8U0 63 C2K 600 20O 4U0 00-J 100 200 l.nno uoo 1.200 200 Allls Chal pf Amal Copper Am Agrlcutt .. .. Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. .. Am Car Kdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am lid & Lt pf Am Ice Set-uri. . Am Llnaeeo ... . r. . . . Am I.ocomotlve. 2"0 Am Smel Ref ,(M0 do preferred.. 400 Am Hteel Kdy.. 100 Am Sugar R-f Am Tel & Tel.. 2,r.OO Am Tobacco pf I'OO Am Woolen . . . 100 Anaconda M Co Atchison 1.600 do preferred. . 300 Atl Coast Line Bait A Ohio .. 1.700 Bethlehem Steel l'H Brook R Tran. Canadian Pae . Central Leather. do preferred.. Central of N J. Chcs a: Ohio .. Chicago Alton Chi Gt West do preferred. . Chicago N W 700 C. M St P . . 8.400 C. C. C St L Col Fuel Iron 100 Col A Southern Consul Gas 7.SO0 Corn Products.. Del A- Hudson.. D A R Grande. do preferred.. Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Gen Electric ... Gt North pf ... Ot North Ore .. Illinois Central. Intrbor Met . do preferred. . Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf. Int Paper ..... Int Pump Iowa Central . .. K C Southern.. do preferred. Laclede Gaa ... Louis & Nash.. Minn & St I. . . M. S P & S S M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred. . Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit .... Nat Lead ...... Mex N Ry 2 pf N T Central i. N T. Ont 4 Wee Norfolk West North Am ..... North Pacific .. Pacific Mall ... Pennsylvania ... People's Gas . .. P. C C St L.. Pittsburg Coal. Pressed S Car . . Ry Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel.. do preferred. . Rock Island Co. St L & S F 2 Pf St L Southwest do preferred.. Sloes Sheffield . Southern Pao Southern Ry -. do preferred. Tenn Copper .. Texas & Pac . . Tol, St L Waa do preferred. . Union Pae .... do preferred. . tT S Realty .... TJ B Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred. . Va-Caro Chem.. Wabash do preferred.. Western Md ... Westing Elee .. Western Union.. Wheel ft L E. . Lehigh Valley.. Total 40 88 5144 C7 300 18 741 10414 44 142 "4 81 102 102 io" JO 7H 204 Vj 29. 1011, l.OOO 2.200 3.4O0 OuO 1.300 81 61 "4 otf", "is" "so" " 74 14 44 ; 102 Mi iosft' L'll 7 2o:;T4 2' 100 w "si" 143 1244 142 123S 3114 Slli 14114 14 200 2814 2714 46 1.1H4 124 1014 54 U 14014 2814 43 140 123 10'4 03 H inn 4014 4014 400 1S4 I"1 400 32 3 '4 V,n6 iiiii iio4 4iMt 144 S 14414 300 26 V4 2614 i 2.100 3414 82-4 ""soo "is"" "ii"" '"ibo "55" "m" '8.000 11614 ionii 1.3O0 4114 41 wo 10114 100 100 63 li.l 8,000 117 116 Vo.boo iis 14 iisi 000 107 a, 107 ,""io6 'HM 'iiii '"ioo "riiii "sii 126..M10 13614 ir.4 COO 3114 3114 "V.606 '30" '26 "366 '3614" 'is it S.noo 700 2H0 100 100 4110 300 40.600 2. 60O 64.000 6O0 000 100 1(10 IOO 200 2O0 2.700 113 27 62 32 26 2:tt 304 173-4 as 46 63 16 334 30 14 63-4 74 Vt 114 2014 1 14 82 26 2314 50 172 36 H 73 45 62 10 3.1 60 63 73 175 Mid. 2H 62 40 40 0 61 36 211 18 10 30 74 ll4 41 113 141 03 31 as 102 10214 .117 105 20 7.- 104 20 VK M0 Rl 33 22 45 142a4 124 03 :u 37 140 13-4 165 2S WU 32 4 27 43 15"! 123 . r.7 132 10 r.3 i;o 15 32 40 - istt ii- . 63 110 H4 26 133 34 84 47 118 64 37 100 41 101 65 116 27 . 126 107 DR 17 80 31 156 31 93 30 58 38 24 60 49 115 26 r,l 32 23 2 49 173 i2 6S 36 74 43 62 15 33 50 63 73 4 175 176 lea for the day. 436.400 shares. BONDS. NEW VORK. Jan. 12. Closing quotations: V. 8. ref 2s reg.lO0;N-. Y. C. en 3s. 80 do coupon ...lO0 No. Pacific 3s. ?0B U a 3s reg. 102 No. Pacific 4s... 100 do' coupon ...Hi '.Union Pacific 48.100 TJ. &. new 4s reg.115 Wis. Central 4a. 3 do coupon .. .113 Japanese 4a .... 81 I. & R- O. 4s. 98B Money, Kxctiange. Etc. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Money on call. "i-d-e-a-1" That's what all disinterested pavement experts say about "bitulithic" easier. 23 per cent; ruling rate. per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans more active; CO and 90 days, 3 3 per cent; six months. 3 63 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 404 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bus iness In bankers' bills at 4.S23O04.824O ' 60-dav bills and $4.8570 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.81 04.82. Bar silver. 54 c. Mexican dollars. 45c Bonds Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. LONDON. Jan. 12. Bar sliver Steady, 25 3-lGd per ounce. Money 34? 3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short tills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills. 8 63 13-16 per cent. SVN FRANCISCO. Jan. 12-8terl!ng on London. 60 days. $4,82; sterling on Lon don, sight, $4.85. Drafts Sight. 6c: telegrapTilc. Be CHICAGO, Jan. 12. Exchange on New York par. Sfneke at Roaton. BOSION. Jan. 12. Cloaing quotations .. . in.)...... .11 HA VAhawk Amalg. Copper"! 62 Nevada Con. A. Z. L c am., a vt Arizona Com. . . 13 Atlantic 4 BCCSM. 11 Butte Coalition. 17 CaL & Arizona. 45 43 18 10 27 Nlplsslng Mines. North Butte.... Vnrth Lake. . 1 Old Dominion... 3S B Osceola 105 Parrott S. C) 11 i I tr HAcln.. . .300 lOulncy Centennial ... 12Ashannon Cop. Ran. C. Co. 67 . (Superior K. Bute Cp. M. 11 Rup Bos Mln. anKiin o --a Giroux Con 6 Granny Con. ... 80 Greene Cananea. 6 I. Royale (Cop.) 14 Kerr Lake 6 . .9 1 l.aae . . . . . t:----- - La Salle copper 4IWolverlne . Miami Copper. 19f 69 11 36 ill Sup & Pitts Cop. 13 'Tamarack 43 U. 8. S. R. M. 35 do vjref erred .. 46 Utah Con 12 Utah Copper Co. 43 Winona 8 116 Bonds Investments TimberLands McGEAIH NEUHADSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis BIdg. Portland Oregon TRAVELER'S GUIDE. LONDON PARIS HAMBCRG tBATAVIA Jan. 21. 9 A. M. fl'KKS. GRANT Jan. 28. 9 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA Feb. 8, 1 P. M. TKA1SEKIN AUG. VIC Feb. 11. 10 A. M. TUncxcelled Ritz-Carlton a la Carte Restau rant. Gymnasium, Elec. Baths. Elevator, Palm Garden. 'Second Cabin only. JHam burg direct. Hamburg via Cherbourg. GIBRALTAR. ALGIERS. NAPLES. GENOA. By new 17.000-ton steamers, equipped with all modern safety appliances. Electric Baths, Gymnasium. Elevator, etc 8. S. CLEVELAND Jan. 28, 11 A. M. H. 8. CINCINNATI Feb. 14, March 28 18. 8. BATAVU March 8 tNaplea and Genoa, only. B. lacladlni aeceasary expenses. JTill fake wow AROUND ' . SB. . . M a sftV-t. BT" nT. In fisxsrr nnd Comfort. Vlsltlag Madeira. Spain. Italy, Kgypt. India, Ceylon. Straits Settlements. Jsva. Philip pines. China. Japan. Snadwlcb Islsnds. aae Overlaad American Tour. 110 DAYS' Dl'RATIOX By the Twin-Screw Steamship CLBTK I.AXD (17. 0O0 too). First crslu len-rlnsr New York November 1. 1911. Second cruise lesvtng San Francisco Febrasry 17. 1913. Other ernl.es to ta. Orient. West ladles. South America. Us ths Nile, etc. Bend for Hluatmtc4 Booklet: HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. 160 Powell St., San Francisco. CaX, or local R. R. Agenta COOS BAY LINE CTEAMEB B KEAKW ATK B sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 'p. M. Dec 18, 20. 87. Jan. 8. 10, 17. 24. 8L Feb. 7, 14. 2L 28 and every Tuesday night thereafter during ths WIntsr. Freight received at Alaska Dock until P. M. dally. Passenger fare Brst claaa. $10: second-class. $7. Including meals and berth. .Tickets on sale at Aiaswsrta Dock. Phones Main 868. A 1234 1 San Francisco, Los Anjehs aaJ San Diego Direct north Pacific S. S. Co-'s 8. 8. Reaaek aod 8. 8. Elder sail every Wednesday altsnsatsly at P. at. Tasks - efllee 111 Third c near Aider. UAliTLN J. Hit. LEY. Passeags Agtat, W. B. aLUbsi-K. Freight Agent, fboaea M. 11. A lili. Condensed Report of The United States National Bank OF FOHTLAXD, OREGON. Submitted to the ComptroUer of. the Currency at the Close of Business January 7, 1911 ASSETS. Loans and Discounts. United States Bonds at Par Municipal and Railway Bonds.. Bank Building '. Cash and Exchange 6,4G1,9S3.3S 1,054,100.00 125.000.00 4,490.327.85 Total $13,152,451.13 LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits. . Total Attest Correct: .$ 500,000.00 364.16R.99 800.000.00 . 10,488.282. 14 .$13,152,451.11 J. C. AINSWORTH, President. Condensed Report of the Condition of the Banking Departmeni of HARTMAN 8 THOMPSON BANKERS At the Close of Business January 7, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .$172,856.41 Stocks and Bonds 116,282.00 Real Estate 28,575.25 Furniture and Fixtures 16,984.64 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks 114,658.21 $449,356.51 LIABILITIES. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 27,913.84 Deposits 321,442.67 $449,356.51 erchants National Bank Portland, Oregon United Statea Depository. Capital iind Surplns $350,000.00 Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited. We have every facility for the handling of Com mercial Accounts and extend to Depositors every accommodation consistent with Sound and Progressive Banking. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Capital. - $300,000 Surplus and Profits. 7S.OOO 4 per cent Interest paid on savings deposits, computed semi-annually. Accounts of individuals, firms and corpora tions invited. H. L. Pittock, President. F. W. Leadbetter, Vice-President. Emery Olmstead, Vice-President and Manager. fc . A. S. Nichols, Vice-President. B. Lee Paget, Seoretary. First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Compaa Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $953,003 Invites Accounts ot Merchants, Individuals and Savin3 TBAVEI.KBT GCIDB. Steamer "Anvil" . Owing; to the present Inclement -weather the special trip of the "An vil," advertised as leavlns; the Oak street dock on Thursday, the 12th, will be postponed until the beginning 0f .next week. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND 88. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every ttve days. From Ainsworth Dork, Portland. 4 P. M. S.S. Bear Jan. 17. Rose City 22. Reaver 27. From San Francisco. Northbound, 12 M. S.S. Rose CHy Jan. 16. Heaver XI. Bear 2. From Ban Pedro. Northbound. S.S. Beaver Jan. 19. Bear 24, Rose City 29. II. i. Kniilii. C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. W- Raufiom. Agent, Ainsworth Bock. f'nonest Main uz. aa - j 9 t