TJTE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. "FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911. 20 THE GRAIN CARGOES 60 Scottish Moors Get Off Today; Others to Follow. JWTONINE READY TO LOAD roar Big Sailing Vessel to Be Ready tor S Xear Same Time Lum ber Carrier Finishes Taking 3,000,000 Fret. After delay of a wee In the harbor waiting for a crew, the British ship Scottish Moors. Captain Parry, is sched uled to leave down the river this morn- Inr. bound for the United Kingdom with a carito of wheat. She will be closely followed by the British bark Korfarshlre. Captain Thomson, and the British ship Inverness. Captain Rendle, both of which will complete grain rar roea for the same destination today. The trio will take out about 440.000 fcushels of wheat. Plans are being perfected to have the Inverness ready to leave for sea to morrow. Captain Thomson, of the For farshire, does not expect to net away J.efore Tuesday. Each of these craft to Portland in ballast and has leen dispatched with fair speed. It l.aa been Just a fortnight since the In verness reached the harbor. The French bark Pierre Antonlne will egtn loading- grain for the United Kingdom tomorrow. Two gangs of longshoremen will be employed on her and It la declared that her cargo will ! completed by Wednesday, a day later than the date fixed for the sailing of the Korfarshlre. Consequently there will be four big windjammers, grain laden, leaving the river at about the same time. Two offshore lumber carrlors the British ship Poltalloch and the Italian ship Fperanz also will be crossing out to sea In a few days. The Briton finished loading at St. Helens yester day, her cargo of fir measuring more than 2.000.000 feet. She will clear for Iwlagoa Bay. South Africa. The Italian will complete her cargo next 9donday and It will total something like 1.850. 000 feet. Her destination is an Austra lian port. Each of these vessels Is tinder charter to J. J. Moore A Co. They have been In the river since De cember 3. The Speranxa la loading at Tongue Point. It was reported yesterday that a tramp steamer haa been chartered to load wheat at Portland for the Euro pean markets, but the local exporters denied knowleJge of any such fixture. The rumor was persistent, however, and some shippers are Inclined to place credence In It. ELFRIEDA MAKES QCICK TRIP hlp Comes From San Francisco to Columbia River In IS Days. Completing the passage In 11 days the German ship Rlfrleda crossed Into the Columbia River from Pan Fran cisco yesterday afternoon at 13:40 o'clock. She canae tn ballast and made the trip more quickly than the aver age 11 me ulcer." In a measure her smart performance Is attributed to the high southerly winds, which have pre vailed along the Coast for the past week. The Elfrleda Is under charter to the Northwestern Warehouse Com pany to load wheat at Portland for the United Kingdom. The British ehlp Balmoral, which reached the river from San Francisco Wednesday In tow of the Iauntless, arrived at Llnnton last night. She Is In ballast and left up In tow of the Ocklahama yesterday morning. She will load wheat for Europe, having been chartered by Balfour, Guthrie 4k Co. Reaver Takes Out 315. Taking out 373 pasaergrra and IKO tons of general cargo, the steamship Beaver, Captain Nelson, sailed for San Francisco and Lo Angeles at 4 o'clock yesterday. Every first-class; berth wa occupied. Her cargo Is one of the largest to leave on a roaster for a number of weeks. It con sisted of (lour, wheat, paper and miscel laneous freight. Within another month the company officials are expecting the steerage accommodations of the steam era northward bound will be In strong demand. By that time It Is said the la borers who went to California to spend the Winter, will be returning. French Rark Francois Chartered. Balfour, fiuthrie Jk Co. rhitrtered the Frrm h bark Francois d'Ambolse yester day to transport a general cargo from lilantow to Puget Sound. She will be In lier berth lot. ling by the latter part of the month and ready to leave for the Pacific Coast early In FVbruary. The Frenchman I an old trader at Portland. It ta expected that a number of other (rips will b taken by the Importers In time to permit the craft to reach here toward the latter and of the graln-ahlp-ing season. , TVock Near Completion. The new dock being built by the Har rlman Interests, extending from the Atnsworth to Albers wharf, will be ready for occupancy next month. Much cf tha framework, of the structure Is up and tha flooring fcaa been laid. It haa river frontage of feet and extends bark a distance of lv feet. The first steel beam for tha new O.- W. R. A N. freight beds, being built Just west of tea Alns worth dock and alongside of tha railroad track, were placed la position yesterday. Mammoth concrete piers form tha foun dation for the shed - Snake River to Re' Inspected. Major Morrow. Corps of Engineers. V. P. A- will make an Inspection of the shoals' and obstructions In tha Snake River from the Government dredge Wal lowa, which he r.l board at Lewlston for down-stream point He left for Ce lt! yesterday. After looking over the work being done at tha canal the Major will take the train for lwlston. Con siderable Improvement work In the chan nels of the Upper Columbia and Snake will be done by the Government this sea . Recentiy Major Morrow made an Inspection of tha Upper Columbia be tween Pasco and Cel. In. Marine Notes. With 13.000 barrels of oil the tank steamship Asuncion. Captain Brldgett. arrived at Llnnton from Richmond, Cal.. yesterday. Tha American bark Levi O. Burgess has finished discharging her cargo of cement and she will go down to Gobla to tla up for tha Winter. With about 400 tons of general cargo tha steam schooner Westerner. Captain Bernard Kelly, arrived from San Fran cisco early yesterday morning. In her freight was a consignment of 450 cases of eggs, containing 10 doxens to the case. Range lights will be established at Neah Bay by tha lighthouse tender Heather. Captain Hammarrtrom, which left the river for Puget Sound yester day. The tender also will coal tha light-vessels and deliver supplies be fore returning. Bringing a general cargo tha steam schooner Caaco, Captain Ahlln, la due from San Francisco today. With freight the Thomas I Wand and Klam ath are scheduled to arrive from the Bay City Monday and the Northland a coupla of days later. Carrying 20 passengers and about 100 tons of freight the steamer Golden Gate. Captain Astrup, left for Tilla mook at S o'clock last evening on the first trip she has made In three weeks. The steamer was tied up to have oil and electric light plants Installed. After taking on 1000' tons of wheat at Montgomery dock No. 2. the Orien tal liner Henrlk Ibsen shifted to the Albina wharf yesterday afternoon, fehe will move to the Portland Flouring Mills today to complete her cargo for Hongkong and way ports. In ddi- .- .h. will clear with close to S0.000 barrels of flour and she is expected to sail sunaaj. Movements of Vessels. Astoria. Or.. Jan. It Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. roush: wind west. 12 miles; weather, cloudy- Bulled at LEWIS rOrVTT riOXTER DIM AT WINLOCK. WASHINGTON. VST" t: It W . . ..J ...,..sV, Vc r ' Vv ' -4 s A. J. Rhodes. WINLOCK. Wash.. Jan. 11. (Spe cial.) tn the passing of A. J. Rhodes Lewis County has lost one of her oldest clUseos. lie was born In Pennsylvania on September 1". 113. His life was spent In 1 Ills ola 8lnce his arrival here In 117 bis history had been the history of Win lock. No one man contributed more to Its development and growth. Some rears ago he donated ground for and helped to build the Church of Christ. Scientist. He Is survived by two daushters and two sons. Josephine, wife of Ueorge Rogers of Iowa; Mary Jane, wife of Philip J. Erklnbrack. of this place: Charles W., of Portland. Ore gon, and Clarence, of Busaey, Iowa. He also was grandfather of Eugene P. Erklnbrack of the Great North ern Railroad at Seattle. a M steamer Falcon, for San Francisco. Failed at :SO A. M. Bteamer Roanoke, for Han nieao and way porta, sanea at ii . it British ship Inveravon. for Limerick. &pHiMl rf.,n . r il l.', a. M. Herman ship Frieda. Arrived at 12:40 P. M. Oerman ship Elfrleda. from fan Kranclsco. Kan rnnclWL Jan 12. SAlled at 10 A. M. Steamer Rose City, for ban Pedro. Ar rived steamer W. 8. porter, front Portland. San Pedro. Jan. 11 Arrived Steamer Olvinplc. from Columbia River. Muktlteo. Jan. li Arrived Norwegian steamer Herm. from South Bend. Hobart. Jan. 12. Arrived January In- French ship llsrechal de Castries, irom uuo 11 n. for 1'ortland. San Francisco. Jan. I2l Arrived Pteam ers frordon. from Newcastle. Australia: M. a rvniir from X n . i m n : w. S. Porter, from Astoria: Ruckman. from Seattle, called Steamer Citv of Puehla. ror victoria. Kesttle. Jan. Ii Arrived Schooner D. W. Bartlott. from San Francisco; steamer Kee mun, from Comui: steamer Armil. from San Franclx-o: steamer Awa Maru. from Taroma: steamer Hertha. from Valdes. t. i i-.i stMmr Avmerlc. for Yokohama and HonKkonc: steamer Admiral Sampson, fur San Francisco. Taroma. Jan. 12. Arrived Oerman steam er Serak, from Portland: Japanese steamer Panama Marti, from Yokohama. Balled- Steamer Maverick, lor San franciaro. Los Anireles Jan. 1J. Arrived Olympic, from Astoria: Patrlna, from British Colum bia, availed Barold Dollar, for Tacoroa; 1. L. Wand, for Portland. Tides at Astoria Friday. High. I-ow 0:07 A. U 11:10 P. M... 6.7 feet'S:1 A. M 4.0 feet n.1 feet!:'.'3 P. M....-1.4 feet E GOVERNOR. SAYS STATK VEEDS REST HIOM POLITICS. legislature Is Aked to Give Busi ness of State Precedence Over Ambitions of Men. PES MOINES, Jan. 11 Governor Car roll In hla Inaugural addreaa to the Iowa Assembly today made a plea for the cessation of political and factional feuds In Iowa, declaring they had had an un wholesome effect on the state. "While these things may not have driven any one from among us," said the Governor. "I do not apprehend that they have In any way encouraged peo ple to locate here. There la evidence on every hand, and from almost every county, that these bitter factional align ments have had their Influence on busi ness conditions of the various communi ties. Nothing better could come to our state than that there should be an end of these matters. Give the business of the state prece dence over the ambitions of men and let the people Join In a united effort to pro mote the material welfare of the com monwealth." The Governor Indorsed the suggestion of President Taft that Iowa bait In Its efforts to legislate long enough to secure compliance with the laws already enact ed, so that It might be known Just what additional legislation was needed. CRAZED MAN TAKES MAIL Ranch Foreman Disturbs Family at S o'CIock In Morning. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) Barefoot, without coat or hat. and parrying a bundle of mall ho had taken from a rural mall box. Charles Lemon walked Into Arthur Brown's house at t o'clock this morning and aroused the whole family. Brown lives 10 miles from Vancouver. The police In Vancouver were notified and Officer Gaasaway and Sheriff Cresap drove to tha scene. Lemon Is demented, and asserted he was bit In the eya by a horse. Ho had been taking care of D. McCarty'a ranch near Brown'a place. IC Is thought he haa relatives In Portland. Lemon is JS year old and single. CATTLEARE STRONG Large Offerings Are Readily Taken by Buyers. BEST STEERS SELL AT $6.70 Cows Move at $1.25 to $5.25 and Fancy Calves Bring $8 Hogs Go at Former Prices. Xo Sheep Sold. There was a liberal run of livestock at the yards yesterday snd a brisk demand developed for everything offered. Practi cally all the business of the day was done In the cattle line. . Only two loads of hogs were sold and the sheep that wsre received went on to the Sound. Cattle ruled firm throughout. Three loads of choice steers, averaging 1154 pounds, sold St (.TO. and four loads were moved st f.S0. Other steer sales were at 3.35 to 14 35. Cows ranged In price from fl.35 to JJ.55. Calves were very strong. Two choice light ones brought $8 and others sold at IS to I7.TS. A single big bull weighing over a too brought H.50. and better ones of aver age weight went at 4.75 and IS. The best hogs brought $8.10 and a second lot sold st $!.;. , The receipts for the day were 770 cattle, 44 calves, 210 sheep and 8t hogs. Shippers of the stock were Kiddle Broth ers, t cars of cattle and hogs from lmbler. La Grande and Elgin; McKlnnon & Chand ler, La Grande. 4 cars of cattle; Bauman McCulloush, Halns, 1 cars of cattle; T. J. Brown. Baker, 3 cars of cattle and 1 of hogs; F. Fleetwood, Baker, I enrs of cattle and calves; C. S. Walker, cars of cattle and calves from Blackfoot, Idaho, Idaho Falls sad Enterprise; J. N. Jones. Cash Junction. Utah. -J cars of cattle; James May. Idaho Falls. 1 car of sheep; R. M. Etanfleld. KtanfUld, 1 car of cattle; R. S. Ilotchklsa, 4 cars of cattle and hogs from Lostlne and Enterprise; Fltzpatrlck Broth ers. Lostlne. 1 car of hogs; Masterson Wiley, S cars of cattle and hogs from Los tlne and Wallowa; J. L. Baker. Caldwdll. S cars of cattle; J. C. Mitchell, Gazelle, Cal.. : cars of cattle, and Qoodale & Cassldv, Gazelle, J cars of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight Price J hogs m Si hogs 2 si) cows 131 4.y 47 cows 1 bull 1470 5.0'J Jl hulls 117 ' 2 steers !' 1 steer 1"0 : calves 1 800 1 calf 170 0O 1 calf 50 T.tJO !J cows 1"13 4.d0 i bulls . lsu s , ;j cows 5 00 1 cow 1030 S.60 s calves 242 ' "5 J7 cows 9 4.2 l steers ' 7 5.3 Ii steers 1072 1 bull l"s0 4. i t cons ' 4-'5 1 steer 30 4.U0 & cows , 9' S-2'1 t cows 1U0 6 00 10 cows 1023 -2 I calve 350 7.S0 1 iac 10S0 6.00 it cows 1044 r.:s i cows - , 10 itntri SS3 C.35 1 bull 200 4.BO 4 steers 4 4.60 12 steers 1101 3 S bulls 1530 J.r.0 1 bull 1610 4.00 1 bull 140 4.75 17 cows 12 4.,0 1 bull U60 24 stvers 1153 (.50 7s steers '. 1154 (.70 14 steers 1093 (.60 12 steers 1143 i-'-i 1.1 cows 1134 6 -5 44 cows 1113 5.23 cows .'...1"7 4.60 G cows 1010 6.25 Prices current on the various classes of stock at the Portland Union Stockyards were as follows: Prime steers 17.00$7.60 Good to choice steers 4.60 M 7.00 Fair to good steers (.00 (.50 Common steers 4.60 9 6.76 Choice to prime cows 6.25V 5.60 Good to choice beef cows. 4.75 6.35 Fair to choice beef cows 4.25 tp 4.75 Common to fair beef cows 1. 00t 4.00 Good to choice heifers S-OOiis d.50 Pair to good heifers 4.7.1 0 5.0O Common to fair heifers 4.00W 4.25 Fair to good light calves B.OOf 6.23 Good to choice heavy calves.... 6.25 V (00 Fair to good heavy calves....... 4.750 6.25 Common calves 3. 754 4.75 Good to choice stags 4.50 o 5.00 Fair to good stags 4.00 4.60 Choice hogs 8.90ft 11. lO Good to choice hogs 8.7.-. W 8.1H Tearltng wethers, grain-fad 4.T5W 6.00 Old wethers, grain-fed 4 23 S 4.60 Good to choice ewes, grain-fed., S.2T. H 3.73 Feeders Z.2SW 3.00 Choice lambs, grain-fed (.50 it 7.00 Good to choice, grain-fed ( 00e 6.25 Fair to good. 4.26ft 5.75 Poor lambs 4 (.00 Good to choice light calves ..... (.25 7.00 holes to good fat bulls 4.10 tt 5.01 Fair to good fat bulla 4 Ooi 4.23 Common bulls 2.60O 3.25 Bay-fed sbeep and lambs 60s lower than grain-fed. Chicago Livestock Market. CBICAOO. Jan. 12. Cattle Receipts, es timated. 6000: market, steady to 10c higher. Beeves. 4.80OT.10; Texas steers, (4.23 O 5.60: Western steers. $4.5090; etockers and feeders. .17J4j5lw: cows and heifers, f2.3 r.40; calves. 7.5010. Hogs Receipts. 21.UOO; market, strong to o up. Light. (7.7548: mixed. (7.7RSS; heavy. $7.701 B; rough. (7.70e7.SO; good to choice heavy. $7.50t); pigs. (7.4068; bulk Of sales. (7.85(1 7.W3. Bheep Receipts, estimated. 15,000: mar ket, steady. Native, (2.30u4.50: Western, (S5w4.43: yearlings. (4.0V5.T5: lambs, native, $4.730 -o: Western. (668.45. Chiracs Produce Market. CKICAOO. Jan. 12. Butter Steady; creameries. 21tl2bo; dairies. 21tj23c Ease Irregular: receipts. 6412 eases; at mark, rases Included. 233 27c; firsts. 28o; prime firsts. 2IM. Cheese Mtsady; daisies, 13H)16c; twins, 13S13Hc: Young Americas. 13 H 018c; long horns. 15 S (title. New York Cotton Market. XFW vonk". Jsn. IT r-nttr.,, Spot rioted C. Gee Wo Tbe Chinese Doctir Tbla great Chinese doctor Is vreU known thronsl,. out the Northwest because of his 1 w o ni a r ful and . i marvelous eurea and la today her alded by all his patients as the aieatest ot DIs kind. Hs treata any sad all dlaeases with powerful Chi nes roots, herbs and barks that are entirely unknown to the medical science of Uils country. With thess harmless remedies ba guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also pri vate ailments of men and women. CONSULTATION FREB. Patients outside of city write for blanka and circulars. Incioss , f tamp. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 14UH trtrwt St, Rear Marrtaos Part land. Or. :. t L V - tsai i,I.s.A..Jss This Boo To any man or woman who will mail us this coupon we will sepd free (closely sealed) our finely illustrated book regarding the cause and cure of disease. This book is written in plain language and explains many secrets you should know. It tells how you can cure yourself iu the privacy of your own home without the use of drugs. Don't spend another cent on doctors and their worthless medi cines. ' ' Nature 's remedy cures to stay cured. You should know about it. , If you suffer from weakness 6f any kind, rheumatism, lame back, nervousness, lumbago, debility ot stomach, kidney, liver or bowel troubles, you must not fail to get this book. Don't wait another minute. " . Cut out this coupon right now and mail it. We '11 send the book ' without delay, absolutely free. THE ELECTR A - VITA CO. 200 Majestic Bldg Seattle, Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your free, 90-page Illustrated book. Name Addrei quiet. Middling uplands. 14.90c; do. Gulf, Sales. lK0 bales. Jnnuary. 14.4e: Fooruary. 14. i3c: March. 14S7c; April. 14.Uc: May. 1.VO-4C: Juno and July 15 0.1c: August. 14.73c; September, 13.91c: October. 1.1.42c; December, 13.27c. Cotton futures closed strong, 5 to 13 points higher. Wool at St. Louis. PT. LOUTS. Jnn. 12. Wool Unchanged; territory and Western mediums. 216 23c; fine mediums. 17llc: fine. 1213c. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Hops. firm. CENTRALIA TO OWN PLANT Cltjr Council Plans to Buy a Water System. CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) The City Council of Centralla plans to acquire a city water system. It will cost (200.000 If present estimates ara verified. The present water aystem covers water supply from the Bkookem chuck River, and It Is unsatisfactory In quality. The present sen-Ice ie derived from pumping, while tne suggested sys tem would be gravity supply. The Aldermen believe that the result of the change would Include better serv ice, lower rates and finer quality of water. A formidable obstruction In tho way of the -success of the movement Is the fact that the city has already ex ceeded Its legal Indebtedness of 5 per cent by something like 170.000. . Graduate Manager Probable. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Or., Jan. 12. (Special.) It seems prob able that the Un'versity of Oregon will adopt the graduate manager system, now In use by other colleges of the Pa cific Coast, for all branches of student body activity. A resolution to this ef fect passed yesterday by the student executive committee will be presented at the next meeting of the associated student body. Financial deficits which have resulted tinder past regimes and Go to the Specialists CSTYoxx Run No Risk I Will Treat You Free for ona week If you desire to prov that I can curt you. I have spent thousands to develop my treatment and f know what It will do. Don t experiment elaewhere. Try my treatment free, and ba convinced that I can euro you. . . While tha exdlaary sTsetov to exa-eriaaeatlag and aaaktas; mtetakae, I aa eampUah earea. See bm aerw. Out-of-Town Men Visiting the City Cone-alt mo at once upon arrival and maybe you oan be cured before re turning home. Many cases can be oured la one or two or more visits, continuing treatment when home. Consultation and Advice Free. IMPAIRED VITALITY I promise you results so prompt and positive that you will not need any ona to point out the improvement. In short I will give absolute results In every case and a written mamoradum ts) refund every cent If you ara not perfectly cured. . . I want to talk with the men who hava triad other methods and foand them unavailing. I want to talk with the men who hava almost given up hope of being cured. I can convlnoe them by actual cures. COJtsUlTATIOJT ARD BIAMIHATTOX FRIED . at wtflea mw hy mall. Oat srrwul visit la areferred, bat tf this ia ! im practicable, write saa a full aad esrewms hbrtory of roar caa aaa get ar oalalM free. Maay eases cured at heaia. Medietas freak from my wa laboratory, SL60 ta go.50 Pr coarse. Hours 9 A. M. te S F. 91. gaaaays, 10 tm IX ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 330M TAMHIIX STREET, PORTLAND, OR. the broadening of managerial duties and responsibilities suggested this step. MORE FUNDS ARE DESIRED State University May Ask Legisla ture for $100,000. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or., Jan. 12. (Special.) Reference macje by Governor West in hla Inaugural mes sage to tho Legislature urging liberality toward educational appropriations has served to cheer friends of the State Uni versity In their campaign for greater education. The Governor's contention that Oregon, more than any other state, should extend its educational facilities. Is heartily eupported by the university administration. Although announcement is given that no attempt will be made to alter the (125.000 annual state university appro prfatlon bill. It is probable that funds will be asked for the erection of now buildings upon the university campus. It Is understood that (100,000 Is to be asked to construct a new men's dormitory with a. cafeteria annex, advocated by the pro motors of the students' loan plan. The university is crowded in all depart ments. COLLEGE CHEMIST QUITS Professor Bradley of Agricultural Station Goes East. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallls, Jan. 12. (Special.) Professor Charles E. Bradley, chief chemist of the Oregon Agricultural College experiment station, has announced his resignation from the college and will accept an Im portant position with the Rubber Regen erating Company, of Mlshawaka, Ind. Professor Bradley has been with the experiment station for three years. No plans have been made lor the appoint ment of a successor. Reliable FOR MEN You Can Be Cured Other Men Are Being Cured Every Day aaa yMtttvely aaaart kmt tavesw set nlit a single eaoe ( Blpe4 sse, Rtrmneis, Vsurieoaa Tdss, Piles, Kidney, Bladda mm either All- i ent Mea that I east mot ears itly, safely. niaa fly it 1st f sneMUeeU aoiaaaa. .' Dorrt Give Up I asa realtor!- smfferlmg snea every slay te robasrt health- Masy of them, etoabfc war ssaeh weaker la rt remark tkaa y. Km a Dollar JTeed Ba FaU Valeaa Cored. EN ONLY The Leading Specialist. I Cure the Cases That Others Cannot Cure A bold statement, but just as true as It is bold. Not all cases that others fall to cure are cura ble by my methods, but fully 90 per cent of them are. The way to learn whether your case Is curable is to consult me. I know exactly what can be done In every in stance. I ought to know this, for I have done nothing else other than treat men's ailments for 25 years. CONTRACTED AILMENTS. I .cure Contracted A.ments thoroughly and in less time than is commonly required even to cure partially. Do not. endanger your health by relying upon patent nostrums or other uncertain measures. 100 PAY WHEN WELL OBSTRUCTIONS. My methods of curing Obstruc tions is new and entirely original. No cutting or dilating. The ob struction is dissolved and all af fected membranes thoroughly cleansed. . VARICOSE VEINS. I use neither knife, ligature nor caustic In my treatment for Vari cose Veins. I positively cure this by an absolutely painless method, and without detaining the patient from business. CONSULTATION FREE. Weak and nervous men, or those suffering from any special dis ease, should call on me at once. I make absolutely NO CHARGE for a friendly talk, and my advice will be available, whether treat ment is begun or not. Write if you cannot call. I Also Cure to Star Cured Kid ney Ailments and All Blood Ail ments, etc. Office hours 9 A. M. to IF. M.; Sundays 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 Morrison, Corner Second, Portland, Or. FOR $5 AND $10 LET ME CURE YOU I will treat some of your aliments for as low a fee aa 5 and 10. I w 1 1 1 make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ail ment you may be suffering from. With this low fee and my long : and succes s f u 1 e x d e r I ence in treating ail ments of men you need not suffer another day. I don't care who has tried to cure you, and has failed 1 will give you a tore cure and a mall fee. Don't give up before seeing me. By the latest methods known to MEDICAL science I anccessf nlly treat VARICOSE VEINS, PILES, ISEHVOliS AILMENTS, SKIN AIL MENTS, Kl ON EV, BLADDER, LUNG AND BLOOD AILMENTS, RHEUMATISM, LIVER AIL MENTS AND ALL CHRONIC AIL MENTS OF MEN. Call at once and let a true spe cialist examine you today, not to morrow. Stop suffering; get strong and vigorous. What more to be de sired than health? Nothing. Come and consult us free of all charge. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets Entrance 128 Second street, Port land, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. it. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for treating YOU. Our ex perience Is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of Men-1 new to us. COME IN AND TALK. IT OVER. General Debility, Weak Nerves, 'In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other Violations of Nature's law. Diseases ot madder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and ehronio cases cured. Ail burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days, 10 A- M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co 224ft WASHINGTON STREET, ' Corner First. f5 vWVWvVvVvWWvWXsrs aJLI i aHicATARRHf i DR. GREEN SYSTEM OP MAN BUILDING TREATMENT THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated it. If It Is curable we will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our guarantee NO MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL; SATISFIED is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and medicrnes free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" it Is simply our successful way of do ing things. VARICOSE VE'NS Weak, Swollen, Sagging. Knotted. Wormy-like Veins, Clotted Stagnant Pools of Impure lllood. Weak, Nerv ous, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. We dally demonstrate that VARI COSE VEINS can be cured without severe surgical operation. Benefi cial effects are immediate. Pain quickly ceaees. enlarged veins rap idly reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated ailments of these organs are rapidly overcome. There Is no guesswork about It. We re move everv obstruction, stop every waste, allay all Irritation and In flammation, revitalize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a eafa, thorough and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Rash, Copper-colored Spots, Erup tions, Ulcers, Sore Mouth or Throat, Mucous Fetches, Swollen Glands, Falling Hatr. Our NEUCLEU - ATOXYL treat ment for SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON leaves no injurious after effect. It does not "lock in" the poison, but drives it out of the system, com pletely and forever, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purify ing, Blood-Maklng, Blood-Cell Rem edy, It gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and htm to normal health, NEiVC-VITAL DEBILITY The cause of Nervo-Vltal Debility, aa well as Its evil effect upon the physical, mental and other powers, la familiar to all afflicted men. The symptoms need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treatment Is the ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but re stores permanently. All disagree able symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy Is regained, self-respect, self confidence and self-control return, and the patient is prepared for a new period of life. RUPTURE AND RECTAL Rupture or Hern In, Piles, blind, b 1 e d I n k. Itctalnc: or protruding:; PI tula V'lccra and etc. Our proven methods make hos pital operations unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows hla business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally 9 to 6. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. MEN AND WOMEN CURED SS and $10 Is Our Fee PAY WIIKX Cl'RED. 10 X-RAY EXAMINATIOX FREE. Call at once ana find out what your trouble im before this grand offer Is with drawn. The Brit ish Medicine Co. are curing the sick with their wonderful Euro pean methods of electric and nat ural treatment, combined with their blchemlo remedies.. They are curing; to stay cured all chronto nervous and spe cial aliments of men and women. Pi IgSs Ithout the knlfs or detention from business; patlon. stomacn. liver. sail stones, kidneys, blad der, blood poison, skin ailments, pimples. sores, ulcers. any where on body, eczema, rheumatism, ca tarrh, varicose veins, sciatica, lame back, fits nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chronic diseases. If away from the city write ror particulars. Call at once and be cured, consultation and (10 X-Kay exami nation free. BRITISH METrtCTXE CO.. 287 Washington St., 4th floor Bothcblld Bldg., rooms 407-408-409. Take Elevator. S. H. WAI JING CO. Chinese herb and root medicine for men and wo men with any internal, ex ternal or eruptive disease. Our Chinese doctor lately from New York Oriental Hos pital also has 30 years' ex perience. If you suiter, when others fall, we wish you to call or write to 3U1 V First St., Portland, Or. Free con sultation and examination. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese IJoctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research in China; was granted diploma by the Emperor: s-uarantees cure all ailments of men and women when others fall. If you suf fer, call or -write to VEK A SON'S MEMCINE CO.. 142Vi First, Cor. Alder, Portland, Or. n hp)