MEREDITH APARTMENTS Molt elegant ly furnished iptrtment-houM In Fort land now opn; 3. 1 and 4 -room strictly modrra apartment; thoroughly modern la every respect; fireproof building, steam heat, electricity, itaa and telephone con sections with every room, hardwood floors, tiled bath and lavatories, hot and cold water. larg rooms carpeted with iegant Axmlnster carpeta finest modtU la up-to-dat furniture in fact, all that the heart could desire to make an eletanl horn at moat reasonable rental. Apply osi th premises, lit Washington JHE BARKER, corner 21st and Irving sts. This new four-story brick opined Jan nary A, lull. Two. three and four-room suites with reception hall, Pacific phona In each apartmer.l. electric elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, bullt-ln buf fet and wntinc desk, gas ranges. Ire bog. pnty of closet room, if you want some thing egtrm nice come La Ih Barker. Make reservations now. TUB CODI. Corner of East 7th and Taylor; new, beautiful and very elaborately furnished apartments of 3 and 8 rooms; something entirety different from usual run of apartments. Thla la worthy of Investi gation If yoo ara looking for something exceptionally good. PUN INSULA Apartments, new building. East Fide. UUS Alolna eve..- take Mississippi. L or St. Johns car. 13 minutes" rids from Washington St.; 2. 3. 4 and I rooms, com pletely furnished. IIS to $40 per month; all modern conveniences; unfurnished apartments, al nicely furnished bed rooim Phone Woodlawn 2--M. HK1NZ APArtTXt.vTfi. ltth and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class: fur Blebed la Z. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception halt, ateatm beat, hot water, elevator, free phone Jsa ttor service; rent very reasonable. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. Weel Side. 4--J v. lay St.. near 14th: nil J room completely furnished apartments; new house and furniture, steam heat, electric light, bot and cold -water, frva phone, laundry: $21 to $2. Including llghu phono Marshall IQ74. "THE CEPAH HILL" nlcest apartments In city l. 17 Green ire. bet Park ave. and 'Washington St.. near City park, overlook ing city: new roue-, new furniture; three rihjmi and bath, steam best, hot water, private phone. If looking for a quiet and cosy plate, see these apartments. A 7534. CrUBEHLA.VD APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia st.. 1 and 1-room apart ments. wit.1 all modem conveniences, fur nished or ugf Brulslisd. new manager, on premises. XK-1'KAS. Marshall, between lyih and iluth; nicely farmshe.1 1-room apartments; pri vate bath, private phone, steam heat. Mg yard: ail outside light; $U) up. Main eVJ. A 313L aSJELA APTA. 17 Trinity Place, bet ltb and 3to. erf IVun. Una 1-room a ; u. beautifully furnished; ons 4-room base r.t apt., furnished ; strictly modern. jOH Ki.M 1-room, steam-healed flat, at corner of -M h aud i-sl Morrison, $A3 Phono Tabor 1 U- UNLUMA. ' 1ST 17th. aear .amhtIL Furnished asrtment. iteam-heatadV , s; W TO K K Apartments. 3 snd 8 rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam heat fie pnoue. Last iln and llslmonu IRIS A PA KTME VTS. Third and Mill sts.; 4-room unfurnished. $36; modern Improve ments: ad-jlts only. XloZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room apta; private phones and strictly mod ern; S3d near J oh aeon u " Bl'CK APARTMENTS. Furnished and unf uruaiiei apartments. Slat and Flanlera. XHK CoLBY. t4i Thurman. threw newly furnished or unfurnished apartments; pri vate bath, free phone, cheap rent. CECELIA Apartments. 23d and Gllsan; 3 room apartment with all modern conve nience; rent reasonable. KKELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sta. Just vacated, one of our finest apartmenta. Ai'AKTllHNT of S rooms, furniture for sale whole or In part: a snap. Lucretta Court. TWO and 3-room furnished apartments lld2va Union ave. Woodlawn 23781. TUB KING DAVIS Corner King and Davis sts.; on s-room; refcrsnce VNFVR-SIfrHEP-apartment; t-rooms and bath. Th "Rose-Friend " Main 4927. rials. MODERN 6-room flat, steel range, cement basement, window shades, t-'u per month. 2li Halsey, near Steel bridge. JOH Hill modem unfurnished upper a:x- room flat, adults only. Phon Main 6 AND o-roora flats; rent. -T lo $ 30. Phone Tabor 111. 8-Ki hjM modern flat, good condition, lire place, ttss Northrup. riVE-ROOM modern flat. 14?. N. 524. near Hoyt; rent $35. parriah. Wet-Ins A Co. KEWLT tinted 6-room flat with linoleum, reasonable. E. 24th and Bums id. jilW, modem. 5-rooru Hat. FhonB 100. Hnuask ptns; llssmw. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas rang, elec tric light hot water, bain, laundry, all free: (13 per month op: a clean place; beat In th city for money: short distance from Vimoa Depou Tak car. or lata su cars aorta, net off at Mara hsll M. e ra WELL-FURNISHED 4-room lower flat. $17. so month; two well-f uralsbed house keeping rooms. IIO month. Apply 164 North 26:h. V. car from depot, otn or Marrism to iath. M"ck north. II. w TO liVe-WESIt; clean. furnlabed housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bats phone, clean linen, beat. 4oe) Vancouver avs., and u2wi bianion;lnk U car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER RI.IX3.. li. MORKIfOV ST. MODERN. rK.VTKAl REASONABLE. 4dlE AST MORRISON, cor. 1Mb. completely furnished two-room housekeeping suite. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason able. Th Wendulst. 641 to Washington. FLRNIPHED bousekseplng suites. 284 Jef-f-raon St. borstk tEPl.NO rooms In new concrete bids. Phons Weoo.swn xtal or larsv CEXIRAIiT loeated. completely furnished. 4." Main at., near 11th. ehevwtla Km te la praaele Saaallr $11 NIC suit of rooms; larg kitchen, small s1ttlng-roe4n and alrne. steeping room: fully furnished: beautiful location; walking distance, a-ar car. lights, bath phona. o4 Avast tth St. 1 hone biellwood llua TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. light, phone, sink; tl per week. 19 K. 14th. on and one half blocks t East Morrison; no chll rtren. steady people preferred. Two" furnished Laxge front housekeeping rooms. 4 1 1 per month; gas for cooking In cluded: bath, phone. IJ minuter walk from Poaioaic. 410 Hall St. between lath and llta sis. HAST something really fin, new. up-rotate, quiet, retlned neighborhood, reason able small family, then saw U Water st. -S- cars. DEelRAtlLB housekeeping suits; gas. bath aad phon; very reasotmbla. 4wt Clay street. CLEAN, exceptionally well-furnlshsd front room and alcov for housekeeping. I2XS0 4 14th. T1IREJ3 connecting unumshd housekeep ing rooms; bath, ainsu Cal at dot a. M jrrtson. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, f urnsce heat, stationary wasbtub, gas. 147 tlrand ave. NV SPLENDID three-room suite; Brat-class lo ration; heat, tlsht. hath. Call A &'SO. 173 Couch. X- E- cur. IWl THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, 'moil-ru. nic Notation: no chll-d-en. Snt Keat leth. corner Main. 2 KJtMS furnished for housekeeping; rath, gas aud phon: no. children. CUil t'ol lege St. IS WEEK Newly furnished 2-room suite, wa'klog dlstsnre. CV4 llih St. TWO lavrve hous4eplr.g suites: free talh; 4S month, o 1 . K-trl St. NIlwood car. TTv O lovely furnished housekeeping rvums. sink, water, batb- phone.i-d petty grove. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to B'lu!ta; front; convenient. 0 jo Tambill at. FOf'R fjrnlehed housekeeping rooms, gas. yard. 113 month. Inqulr VJ'l Front. TWO famished rooms, light honsekeeplBsT. !14 E. Yair.hlU. I'hon Talor 1 7', F K P.ENT Single housekeeping room. ronvenient and reasonable. tou clay st. ONE furnished housekeeping room; phone, heat. ilghL i7S per week. ltt E.14th1 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rocma. UV4. Going. Bear Williams ave. TWO nicety fumlshsd housekeeping rooms. private Jath- 4- Hall it TWO deal rmble rooms. larg. airy, wall fur nished. Both plKnea. &J4 Morrison. FINK- front housekeeping suite, clean and up-to-date, f.-v weeeiy. a.vj nurnsme st. A DANDT 4-room house, down bv Pied mont cnrllne. for rent, riion Woodlnan i-. Sli.T a-room house, newly pspered; tnath and ess. 14 Cast 13th St., near Last Morrison. I - I FOR RENT A six-room corner house, with all modem conveniencsw. tW4 First at. In ulr Main 4471 WHEV yoo move you'll need NEW FUR NITURE. Buy It Judiciously and th sav ings will exceed your moving expense. Our business for 1910, our third year, placed us among th "top notchsra" In the furniture business In Portland. WHT and HOW have we bullded so rap Idly? VERT BIMPLET If we did the aam business on the West Side our expenses would be g'JS.OOO more each year. Natural ly we hav been able to sell much cheaper and th peopls were not glow In finding It out. MORtlAN-ATCHLET FURNITURE CO, o'J-70 Grand ave., cor. East Stark at. East Ankeny. Montavllla and Russell Fhaver carllnes pass our store. HOISES. S rooms. 1.139 E. Taylor. 33. 11 rooms. 8"3 Laild avenue, e". rooms. 443 E. lltth North. t-iO. B rooms, an E. 2-d North $r,o. 5 rooms. 1M E- 7th North. Je. FLATS. rooms. 73 S Kearney. 15 6 rooms. Js i, Johnson. 40. 8, rooms. 41 E- 1-th- e-i. 4 rooms. o41i K. Sherman. 13. FURNISHED HOUSES. B rooms. Johnson, near N. 2nd. It rooms. a:l! 4d avsw 8. B- - 7 rooms. 7.".7 E- Ankeny. t rooms. loTI K. VsmhllL 40 MERCHANTS BAVIN'-S A TRUST COMPANY. TO RENT We make a specially of for nlshrd and unfurnished houses flats and apartments; collect your rents and remit you promptly.- If you hav a vacant house, flat or apartment, and will let us have a descrip tion of It. our best services ara nt your command. y. E. TATIX)R CO 401-40 1-404-40 J lewls Bldg. Pbonea A 4414. Marshall bX NEARLY three acres. 4-room house, chirk-en-house, bearing orchard, good place for cow chlrkena. garden, feaat aids suburbs, Montavllla distrlrt. (1M month. Snap. Ap ply 04 North 30th. W car to 28th. block north. At a greet saving. Oet our price. Lookers shown every courtesy. M. Oe-TKOW CO. 4-H1 North Id SX Ra.ioa.bia brices. Easy terms. 1 1T. 4-room cottsg. nil modem, full lot. - . ..i.,.. ,t n U'.hat.P a I );(y An H-room bungalow. Last Tay lor; furnace and fireplace, large grounds. ItLA.VIlArtLf at v n ..tu.-. vs oi.ia 01. Mi lKRN 4-room bungalow on Waverly- Wootlatock carltne. oxiihj comer lot. eist and 1'ardee; rent f 10.50. David Lewis. ene.ti - 1 nmhermens Rids.. 1 1 h and Stark. FIVE-ROOM cottage In Irvlngton; llth St.. between Weldler and Broadway. Call AM Weldler St. FIVE-ROOM cottage In Irvlngton. lvth au between Weldisr and Broadway. Call tH einiet su FOR RENT New six-room housa. 680 B. I.0-H7-HOOM house. porcelain plumbing, tenvs e.e electrlcltv. Phon Sell wood bvi. G'i)t 7-room house. In desirable locality. rranaMe to good tenant. East S6P4. Fnrnisrtcd Mowseas. FOR RENT. sfV 4-roora modern house complatoly furnished : large grounds, plenty of fruit: wl.l lease; call afternoon on premises. 1323 Hancock au. or phon oaner. oei. wood T77. FINE larg room, well fnmlahed; lgbt tore good family orchard; M hens, freeh nillrh cow; Ji per month. Address "Th Firs." R. F. D. No. 2. Portland. btVEN-ROOM modern hous on Wll'njnett Heights, completely furnished. $70. par tis h.W at klnsJJo:;J AJderst. ft-ROOM house, nicely furnished, good piano, no children; I SI a month. Phono Tabor 51(1 or U SW.7. 4-lioOM house, furnished. 40 13th street! small family; adult only; $30 per month. ( ail before 2 o'clock. Col PLE would Uk couple to shar fur nished house, reasonable to right party. East C65IA 7l'l Belmont St. FOR-RENT 5-room house, furnished, bath and all conveniences; nlc plac; 1 block 2 carllnes. Call &M V 4th St. Fl KNlSHEIi. modern. 7-room house: owner leaving city. Phon Woodlawn 1917. $"S A MONTH 5-room furnished bunga low, li'no E. Ssilmon sL NEWLY fumlshsd 6-room Hat. modern rent, very reasonable. 7J6H Johnson St. 6-KOOM furnished bungnlow. with piano. Phone after ft P. M. Woodlawn 2700. Uousra fur Reot- -rnmitnr for Sal. FOR RALE Furniture of B-rooru flat al most new, good quality, at low price: flat for rent If desired: West Hide, south of JefTerson. on 0th. Phon Marshall 24sd or AF 7ftj.Orcgonlan. AM LEAV1NO CITY. Will sell my furniture for 5-roorn cot tage tor I30U; coat m 4a; you can rent cottax for 13 per month, phon Tabor &14 or call luil Hawthorn nv. FTNITVREof&-room house for sale- must be sold today. Call Marshall 3.U2. be tween 12 and 2. COTTAdB for rent, furniture for sal at a bargain on East Eld. Phon Main laoO. A lo.O. WELL furnished modern ft-room hous In 4 housekeeping suite; vary ressonable. Eaat 4". kterea. STORE TILXW1. ftOxlOO. flv storle and basement, mill construction, low Insumnco, large elevator, first-class and within on bloik of freight houses; can glvelong lease; $000 per month. AK 70a, Orego nlan. I yi it RENT Modern tor on R usee II art. cornor W illiams ave.; new brick building. ""'VaKEFIELD.' FRIES CO, b. Fourth St. FOK RENT. Store. 2AX0S. In brick building. No. JM Front street, near Madison bridge. A. H. lllrrell Co.. SO- McKay bldg- Stark. FOR RENT Modern store on Aldr at., near 11th; good basement, steam heat, lease and reasonable rent. WAKEFIELD. FRIEd CO, t5 Fourth si. FOR KENT Half of modem store; light and water Included for $Jo per month. o Washington at. ONE-CHAIR barber shop for rant: good lo cation. . a week. Call VH1 Alblna avs. L car. STORE. Orand ave. Inquire Hart Cigar Co. Both phones. STORE tor rent Phon East 13X " Offeree. FOR RENT Thre fine etftc roomt at see ord floor Lumber Exchange binding. Id aad Etark SLs. Inquire F. B. Uolurook Cek. 214Lombrr Exchange bldg. . NIi. light front office, with of recep. lion-room $30 a month. 1T Board of Trade. kOet centrally located oSleea, all-BAgnt ele vator service, tau. Swell aud bldg lh and Washlngtoss. FOR RENT A few offices IB Oouck bldg at 1 "a saw w HS WU Wsrehoueea. STORAGE spec at Bnd 11 Fourth St. North. Phon Marshall 399. LOtiT ANP FOTJNO. fOlTD Wen yon can buy gee e lee a Bsatti iissfs retail at wholesale piiees; e we also renovate lea therm. P4a- Ctirted Hair Factory. Am. Mstggar. From. Pbene Main 4T4. A 174. jTORKINiJ-firl lost. Thursday afternoon, purs containing 2 new lO bills. 1 $0 gold tiec small diamond ring. Return to "Ml joh nson. Phon Marshall ilvi. Reward. 4,T $j reward for old cameo brooch and 2 ring, lost during Xroaa week. . UI Fargo st. jj.-iT Small female Llewellyn setter; an swers to name of Lady. Return room 10 Uraad Theater bldg.. receive reward. BrfFei orpoKTTyiTiKe. A h a.ROAIN Splendid cash business for sale: grocery, bakery and delicatessen. t j2"eEast 788. FOR SALE Reetauranc, A-l location and on good-paying basis. AH Co. Orcgo- n 1 an. . FOR EALK Restaumnt and lunch counter; ..year lease; new, modern. 3C3 Yamhill, near Parkst. FOR SALE-A splendid articl. ready for n.arket; patented In V. S.; reason for s-lling. AH 4t;. regonlan. MII.LINEUY business In n live town of :s0: good reasons fur selling. H $62 Oregocian. $330 PUTS confectionery. grocery. from owner If taken at once- W 607, Orcgonian. CLEANING and pressing shop for sale, dy works. 'o2 West flth St.. Vancouver. Wash. eou ri. mMi.s carat, $;.uo; you must briag tiile sd Itose city prmiery. 1txv Third. $1uki liOVVN For sale, cigar stor and confectionery. 217 Yamhill st CIliH'KKY flood trade: invoice about $H: living rooms. Call atu. Slark St. $.w cigar stand, central, with lease; good buy. OIB Board Tragic. GitocKKV for .'.oo. in fin location; no bonus. Call 21$ t Stark St. FOR 8AZ.B. OLD-ESTABLIEHEtT BUSI NESS. Wholesale and retail with good mall order trade, all over th U. S. and Cana da. We want to retire, about 30.OO0. All clean stock and no Indebtedness; will sell with I.VX10 to $10,000 cash and stay with th buyer till the business pay th jest; good real estate CO.NSiDERlCD. .Addreaa B 638. Oregonlan. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. , A first-class small laundry, the only on within 2 miles, in a thickly settled dis trict, on the East Side, laundry Is fully equipped with latest machinery. 3 horses. 2 wagons, on a paying basis, clearing -toO per month: price $:i.'i0o. f-30 rash, bal ance monthly, or will sell lot OOxloU and building fug $1800 additional, or will rent th building. URUSSI ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED $10,000 from parties that nr not afraid to Investigate, or will divide th Investment between three or for.r parties; protlts show over 10O per cent: bank refer ences given and required: give name and address Ipr Interview. V UfiS, Oregonlan. I INTEND to start a metal works hem for the manufacture of babbitt, solder, typ and mixed metals and the sale of lead, tin. antimony, mine aluminum, copper, etc Thla la a very profitable business and natural conditions are excellent. I hav no definite plana as yet and wUl bo pleased to meet posslbl Investors. Ad dees T HOfl. Oregonlan. FOR KALI. A JW-M capacity Husaell vaortabl saw mill, complete with cut-olt saw. sawdust conveyor, stc: also n No. 1 Nortnwsst planer, with attnehmenta. good aa new. baa been used only a short time. FJ partlcular call at my ofllc. 2-a8 Front at, Portland. Or. HERMAN METIf.Kn. Owner. FOR SALE Controlling Interest In good paying steam laundry In on of th best towns In Oregon. Doing $400.00 and'over week; manager wishes to retire; Plet modern and entirely new; stabiuhed for jears: would tak I50O0.O0 to hsndls 00a trollng interest. Address F tVMa, Orega Blaa. 1WIH to open "coal offlr ber to hsndl output of coal mine which can be sold $2 per ton cheaper than present supply. I want young man with $1500 to Invest. H will be n partner and may have steady position If he desires; reforence given, Addrees AF O00, oregonlan. i..) H SALb A weil-caiatmelied cloining and f rents furnishing goods business In Port end; party wants to retire; will enter tain reasonable offer and secured notes. Answer AK 603. oregonian and your cor respondence will recslv 1m medial t tentlon. CAFETERIA. In good location, desirable lease, low rent, doing nlc business; owner must sell on account of other business; price 180OO. must hav $1S00 cash, balance out of re celpts or would consider good real estate. Job. C. Ulbson. 805 Gerllnger bldg. MOVINQ-PICTVRE THEATERS. Have several swell locations In Portland for movlne-plcture theaters. Must hav about $2n to transact business. Partic ulars at Naw York Amusement Co.. &26H .Washington st.t near 17th. MAN or woman can make good money by Investing small capital In good business; excluslv territory given. Be your own salesman; good commission paid: expe rience not necessary. AB C-VJ, Oregonlan. UaLK interest la an oid-eeiaoiisnea ous Bess, doing good business, with a sal aried position of $100 per month. For full Particulars call Kinney 4k Stampher, Lam er Exchange bldg.. rooms S$l-6e. OOOD opening for man who understands piano business: $130 will secure the place; cheap rent, fine building; chance open . only two weeks; field unworked. W 601, .Oregonlan. PARTNERwanted for light manufBcturlng business; chance to mak big money fur . A liltl money Invested. H. M. CARLOCK CO, 417 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE business; npenlng for en ergetic man: can draw $.3 week salary and shar of profits; requires small In vestment, fuly secured. Particulars 24SV. Stark su HAVB th best business proposition In Portland for a safe Investment to someone with $-300; can show you a profit of bet ter than 30 per cent; can give bank ref erences. AM 009. Oregonlan. TOL.NU slA.N. STHA.SOlEk: sfaks careful Investigation at expense f seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. T. At, C. A. PARTNER "WANTED For a good real en tat business; the right plac for a hustler. H. M. CARLOCK at CO, 417 Board of Trad. flOO Invested now will be worth $200 with in on year; investment secured by mort gage with 8 per cent Interest Address V 6o2. Oregonlan. W A NT E DI. rt ner with $.10; established business: not real estate; good warn; In side work; fin opportunity. R OoJ, Ore gonlan. Qlvc.N away free, map of all th California oil fields, also trial subscription of publica tion California Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomlt Co.. T01 Oregonlan bldg.. Portland. Or. HERE IS THE BEST Business in the state; half interest $2000; n 't profits over $4000. Sc us. Hall A Hlckle, 8-11 Lumbermen Bldg. WANTED Partner-wTth$JOO to tak half Interest In business that pays $254) a week or better: good security for money In vested. Call betwea10 and 1. $$ N. 8th st, GKOCERT 'aXD DELICATESSEN. 8 living rooms, furnished; leas; fin trade; about $IV0. Hall Hirkle, 8.1 Lumbermen Bldg. FOR SALK-MeaT-market. fitted up first class: long, cheap lease: have two markets: not abl to attend both. Phon Sellwo.d 1136 or CB.1 1614 E. 13th St.. Sellwood. CIGAR and confectionery on busy street at reasonable price: low rent good stock and fixtures. Call and see. No agents. All 60.'i. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted able to Invest 4,'aOOO In an old-established business: owner will show $4000 year profit to purchaser. Par ticulars 24SH Stark st. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store; a good plac to make money. li. M. CARLOCK A CO, 417 Board of Trade. DRY GOODS STOCK. Clean and good; liberal discount from Invoice. Hall A Hlckle. 321 LnmbcrmenB Bldg. bTtCHER SHOP Good lor st Ion, cheap rent: $73 a day; fixtures $3uu, slock at Invoice. ltloch Realty Co.. 221 I.umbermene bldg. PARTNER wsnted for building business; business established, excellent opportunity to get In with reliable people; littles money required. 34 '.. 6th. WANTED partner, whulcsal and retail brokrrag business. Room Lumber Ex- change. " GROCERY STORE. Rent $23: 8 ears lease; trad $40; In voice; this t B good one. Hall A Hlckle. 8iilLunibermen Bld. FOR SALE Cleaning and dye shop, down town location; very reasons bl on account of leaving city. R DPI. Oregonlan. PARTNER for Inside office business, good for $14,000 thla year; $00 required. Call $00 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Sawmill, good local trade, tim ber clos by; price $000: two-thirds cash, ret on easy terms. P 6. Oregonlan. GROCERY $1200: East Side; doing good business; going to California. 01b Board Trade. FOR SALE Delicatessen and lunch room; a snap' If taken at once; in poor health. Phone Tabor 1319. ilK RESTAURANT MAN If you are look ing for snap let us show you ft money maker; price $1H0. o4H '" enopartner In building houses and buy ing up lota, etc.; can give references. Cai and see myagenr.61SBoard Trade. MOIIBRX 0-room flat, centrally located, low rent, good lease, bargain if taken at once. I'hone Main 461a. GROCERY STORES from $.VM) to $4000. SEE US beforo buying a grocery. Ul oc h Realty Co.. 2'J 1 Lumberm ens b ld. FIRST-CLASS butcher wants lady partner to open meat market, lady to act aa cash ier. L 002. Orcgonian. MOVTNQ-PICTURE SHOWS, In and out of town: good on-s. -ltloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen! Mdg. PARTNER wanted 10 help In store; requires small Investment and will pay $lo0 month. Call 24 x Stark st, LADY wants gentleman partner In hotel or roorr.lng-hous business. A 60S, Ore gonlan. TWO good CIGAR stands. West Side; $350 MlochlRea1ty Co.. 221 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter, doing good business: everything new. Washington st. Phone Msln 1B33; lease. CLEANING "and pressing business: partner wanted don't require experience; profit g.iHl required. Call !4H Slark st. tUi bALK A flrse bakery and confection ery business In a. hustling town. Inqulr Pray. McLean A Percy, 11.1-115 N. 4th. pool. ROOM and cigar store. West Side; price $1000, on time. 61S Board Trad. I WILL sell one-half Interest In an Incor porated trust company with assets of over $18,000, to the right man for $5000. This Includes one-half Interest In the largest realty company In the state outside of Portland. The business Is too large for one man to handle any longer, and 1 want a partner that can take over a portion of the work. This Is no hot-air scheme, but a straight business proposition, and It will hav to be a business man that gets It. My books are open to the fullest Inspec tion, and If you mean business writ me. AF 742, Oregonlan. ' v GOOD SPECIALIST. 43 rooms, partly furnished, 4-year lease, rent lir.5 per month, steam heat, all new furnishings: here is a chance to make $1000 in A short time; prlc $2000; $1000 cash. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., - 316 Ablngton Bldg. BEST partnership In Oregon; $2000 half In terest In poolroom, cigars, tobacco, soda fountain candy; this half Interest nets $200 month. If you have money and ref erencea apply Win. Asay, 1007 Main t, Oregon Oiy. FURNITURE STORE. The estate must be settled., furniture at Invoice, in new building, doing good busi ness; all new stock and a money-maker. GRUSS1 & ZADOW, .817 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak.. AN opportunity for active business man or woman with $10,000 to J20.010; strictly mercantile business In Portland; will pay 10 to 20 per cent dividends; closest In veatlgatlon desrred. AL 804. Oregonlan. sr Tin a wnnv RamtaiirAtif nnd rooniing- house. In hands of mortgagee, can be- bought at a snap; small sum win put qualified man In this profitable business. Address James WsJton. Jr, Tillamook. Or. WILL sell my grocery store at Invoice; tak part cash, balance on time, as I am com pelled to leave the ctty on other business; am doing $200 to $3000 per month busi ness. AM 607. Oregonlan. INDUSTRIAL corporation owning valuable patent, now being organised, offers un usual opportunity to roan with $3000 cash; will stand closest Investigation. P 6ot. Oregonlan. . RESTAURANT for sale, with grill license; bargain if bought this week; disagreement between partner cause of sale. For par ticulars address 63 North 6cond st. 'Descamps as Marco. T $3000 NEEJJED to pay for planting 200 acres fruit land: $30.0oo now sold on Installments. $i0.0OO to bo Bold; $30,000 profit assured; Investigate. M 064. Ore gonlan. FOR 8ALE Tea. cofrc and crockery busi ness: established 14 years. In heart of Spokane; net monthly profits $400; part cash, balance Seattle real estate Owner, Green, 441 Peyton. Spokane. Wash. WANTED by experienced dairy and poultry man, partner who will put some capital In the business: 75-quart route establlshed. Ar 000. Oregonlan. CIOAR. confectionery and pool. 6 living rooms, furnished, rent $40; everything complete; prlc $700. H. W. GARLAND CO, 181 j4tht. " BUSINESS CHANCES. We hav a list of business chances that are right. Be us about them. 301 Couch bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant and delicatessen stor In first-class location, doing, good business: best of reasons; very reasonable. Address for Information. N 637. Oregonlan. SOLID cash business wants lady or gentle man as partner: duty to help In office; salary $100 month and share of profits. Room 623. Lumber Exchange. MNTNGNbTNDUSTRlAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bond bought and old. Fletcher lnv. Co, 223 Ablngton. HOTEL, doing big business, very fin loca tion : good lease, rent reasonable. For par ticulate call 208 Board of Trade. GREAT opportunity-In the Implement-business for a live manager. Address Pbll brlck and Greenwood, Baker City. Or. IF you want a bargain In a small paying hotel, cash or part real estate, addreaa box 103, St. Johns, Columbia 237, SMALL cash grocery with living-rooms; Just place for man and vlf to make $lb0 monthly. Room 423. Lumber Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSE SNAP. 30 rooms, elegantly furnished with high-grade furniture, carpets, beds and bedding: bath and phon In every apart ment: house filled with refined class ot people and clear $273 above expenses; excellent location; 4t yearn" lease; rent only $230; price $."So0, easy terms. This bargain will not last. JUST THE RIGHT SIZE. 27 rooms, down town, furnished with mahogany and golden oak furniture, bras beds, hair and silk floss mattresses. Ax mlnster carpets; rent $130: this pleasant horn and big money-maker is prloed right; $1800 puts you in possession. ANOTHER GOOD BUY. 20 rooms In 2-room apartments, elegant ly furnished with blrdseye maple and golden oak furniture, Axmlnster and brus sels carpeta; good location; rent only $53; big Income; a clean plac to be proud of; $1200 handles this little beauty. DEVLIN & riKEBAUGH, 510-ftll-&12 Swetland Building. HOW MUCH DO I EAR TO START ITT W want your highest cash offer on on of th best-paying apartment-houses In the city. The owner is compelled to leave tor th East on Monday morning and must sell within th next two days, and this place Is going to the highest bidder. It has 108 rooms, elegantly furnished and All full of tenants; It is strictly modern and close In; guaranteed profit of $475 per month. You can't beat It and yoo can make your own price. R. E. NICHOLS at: CO.. 370 ft Stark St. COME HOT Eta! WELL- I GUESS! On of th most up-to-date centrally located hotels In th city, going at $16,000 and on eay terms: this Is a six-story flre- Rroof building and the lease is O. K. It 1 clearing $1000 a month and has a fine class of business. This is tba first time It has even been offered for sale and la lust what you have been looking for. H. NICHOLS A CO, 270 i Stark St. ROOMING-HOUSE. 8 rooms, fine, close-in location. West Sid: well furnished and clean: every room open In hall; being well arranged to rent rooms; nlc modem house; rent only $37- Just th place for home and clear you $28 month; price $500. H. W. GARLAND - CO, 1U1 4th St. BOA RDING-HOUS E. 10 rooms, furnished first-class; every thing neat and clean; rent $."0; raters only to select boarders and clears $100 above living expense; $530 cash required. 813 Henry Bldg. ROOMS FOR $500. 9 rooms, close In; rent only $37.B0; flne looklng building and newly furnished: this Is what you want for a home and a nice Income besides; only $500; don't tarry. Call 818 Henry bldg. IB ROOMS, near 7tli and Madison; good building; rent only $30; average furniture; mostly housekeeping; no other ilk this for .the prlc; your tor $800 and soma H.rE?' JAMES, CO, 88 10th near Stark st. $100 DOWN secures t rooms; beautiful ma hogany furnltur; new building, furnace, gaa, lecinclty. $23 rent; paved streetj wonderful view of mountains; near "3 cars; refined neighborhood. See 800 Water st. WILL sail for what It cost rr e. 12 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; fins loca tion, rooms all full, clears $35 per month, $o0. Phone Main B12L 1W N- 13th. corner Kearney: will not sell to agents. 12 ROOMS, downtown, best location: mostly transient; good furniture and lease; you can make big money for th tnveatment; price. $1200; terms. . H. E- JAAir-S VP, Pa IQV". vi i-noio. 82 ROOMS, close In, West Side: good lease ...... .. . , -. matnttitv nt-oAt rent imi. iuaiaaa 1 ' : other business: price. $2000; easy terms; or city property and some cash. II. E. JAMES CO, ES lh, near Stark st. inA.-t4yc.11 . w v. . . 12 rooms, down town: rent only $60; clearing $100 per month; you can't help but make money In this location; price $1200. terms. Call313 Hcnry bldg. $1010 WILL handle" 22-room. rlsht down town, on Alder; 6-year lease, cheap rent, excellent furniture, good Income. Higley. Bishop A McClaskey.133 .3d St. HOTEL, doing fin business. 41 rooms, strictly modem: clearing over $3j0 per month: can be bought very cheap If taken at ones. Call 20S Board of Trad. ROOMING-HOUSES. W hav a splendid list of rooming houses. In down-town district.. For par- ., ... ti -. ani roueti blrie. FOR SALE If you want a modern house, alwaya full, good lease, low rent, nlc monthly income, addrees owner. J 608. Oregonian. Selling on account of sickness. 9 ROOMS, near 7th and Madison; nice, clean place; cheap rent; good furniture; price, aStlOO; terms. K. E. JAMES CO, 88 10th. near Stark st. ONLY $150 DOWN. 6 rooms; ront $20: close In; rooms full; a snap at $350; only $150 down, balance iin p.-r month. Call 313 Henry bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE 14 rooms; a dandy lit tle place; Just th place for exclusive peo- pie. 11-ROOM. Sth and Bumslde, short lease. Sood Income. $300 cash required. ;igly.shopMcCUs key132 8d S 10-ROOM. nicely furnished; party going East, sacrifice. Owner. 8S7 d sc - w, . - T- T . .re r-iviT 12-room. nicely furnished house, near 11th and Morrison st.-. rent $55, clearing $60 month; price for quick sale, $JUv. tx "is' ROOMS. NEW AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, PART CASH. BALANt-ia TRADE. , .. Very fine West Side location, very best of velvet and Axmlnster carpets, brass beds, all silk floes mattresses: rent 8.. with lease; this housa Just furnished new and has fine class oX roomers; owner will take part cash, balance trade for property and pay difference. JUST LISTED. SWELL PLACE. 42 rooms,' modern, brick building, very fine. West Side location. 25 sleeping rooms, bal.nce housekeeping suites; tno rent Is oniv $200 including steam heat, water and janitor; the furnishings are ot the very best; rooma always full; $4000 caah puts you in poases.iion. 40-ROOM MODERN ROOMING-HOUSE. $35"0 CASH. BALANCE LOTS. If you have $3500 cash and market value on lots or house and lot In Portland to the value of $3500. we can sell you this modern house, located on a promi nent corner In the heart of tna city, guarantee clearing $300 a month for 3 years. R. H. GOODXIND CO.. 616 Board of Trade Bid-. Marshall eu. a iww. THIS IS WORTH INVESTIGATING. Three-story corner brick apartment house with 58 rooms; 3 and 4-room apart ments, hardwood floors, tile hr.lls; phone in each apartment, furnlturo all new, only In use short time. Cheapest rent in the city. Would consider houBe and lot In tho city as part payment; must be Kooa value. Price $6300; $3000 cash will handle. STODDARD BRENNER CO., ' SOS Couch bldg. PICK THI3 UP. 20 rooms, steam beat, heart of city. West Side, quick sale. $1450. Main 4o. SPECIAL NOT1CKS. Proposals luvlted. PROPOSALS FOR TUBULAR DEEP WELL. Office of Constructing Q. M., Fort George Wright. Wash., January 13. 1911. Sealod proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M-, Janu ary 2H, 1011, and then opened, for sink ing oue 10-Inch tubular deep well at this post. All necessary machinery, work and material to be furnished by contractor, who should state In his proposal where his plant may be eeen and inspected. Pro posals must be accompanied by certified chock or guaranty in the sum of $600. Specifications, instructions to bidders and full Information in regard to the work required will be furnished upon appli cation at this office. The U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Propos als must be Inclosed In sealed envelopes marked, Proposals for sinking well to be opened January 28. lull." and addressed to Lieutenant A. L. Sneed. Twenty-fifth Infantry, Constructing Quartermaster. CALL. OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lewiston Land and Water Company, limited. In the City of Lewis ton, Idaho, on or before the 4th day of February, lull, for the sale of bonds of the Lewiston Land and Water Company, limited, dated January '1, 101O. Those bonds offered at the lowest price riot exceeding, however, par, with inter est accrued to the 4th day ot February. 1011. will be accepted and paid for to the extent to ten thousand (J10.000) dollars, or any sum In excess thereof on hand on said 4th day of February, lull. 'n,th sinking fund created under article 01 the trust deed securing; said bonds. LEWISTON LAND AND WATER COM PANY. LIMITED. SEALED bids will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. Clerk of School District No. 1, Multnomah County. Oregon, room ' 402 Tllford building, until 6 P. ii. Thurs day, January l'J. 1011, for Installation of oil-burning plants In the Washington High School, also the Hawthorne School. Copy of specifications may ba had upon application at the Clerk' office. Bids will be on each school separately; certified checks equal to 10 per cent of amount of each proposal, payable to the order of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, will accom pany each bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. R. M. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated January 12, loll. THE undersigned will receive sealed cash bids for the W. L, Barker 4 Co. stock of merchandise, located at Condon, Oregon, consisting principally of hardware and agricultural Implements of the Inventory value of $7682.5. together with fixtures of Inventory valu of $:135.75, up to 1J o'clock noon of Tuesday, January 17. 1B11. A deposit of 10 per cent of th amount bid Is required and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. K. L. Sabln, 7 First St., room 8. . Dated Portland, Oregon, January B, 191L Bllsrellaneona. " RECEIVER'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Superior Court of the Stato or Washington, for the County of Clark D. F. Dohorty. plaintiff, vs. th K. S. Chem ical Company, a corporation, defendant. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed receiver for the K. S. Chemical Company, a cor poration and any and all persons having claims against the said corporation ara hereby notified to present them to the undersigned receiver at his office, in Van couver, Wash., within 80 days from the date of the first publication of this no tice, or they shall be forever barred. Data of first publication of notice, Jan. 13, 1911. fc. M. scanion, receiver. FINANCX8-L . WE hav the acreage and wish to Interest Sartles with money to subdivide and mar et the same; a large tract, close In, on careine; a ground-floor proposition. Kin ney oe Stampher. 63l-ooal Lumber x- chango bldg. FOR SALE $300 chattel mortgage, du 1911. One furniture; J1O00 Insurance; dls- COllllL 1. 000, yyi s""'""- .MORTGAGE LOANS. TOWN SAIN. 603 Spalding Building. Money to Loan Real Estate. BUILDERS, ATTENTION. Have money to loan, any amount small or large loans; will buy first and second mortgage building loans; money advanced as building proiji-cssus. O. W. Aavrr, - .cr '".- ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 lo 6 years' time; liberal re-payment privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equltabi Sav tags aLoanAssoclatlon. 240Starkst. PLENTY of money to loan at d and 1 per cent on real estat security. EDW. P. MALI 104 Becond St- WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city nroperty In sums from $1000 to $50,000 ff fewest current rates. Morgan. Filedner At Boyce.6o3-ioAbingtonbldg. gsoo 000 ON-Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; larg loans a specialty. J. IL Mc-enxi Cc.T 814-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgage and contract! purchased on farm and city property any where in Oregon or Washington. la. Deveraux. Fenton bldg.. b 6th at, IMPROVED or unimproved property; small iinlldlng loans; contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. s'mo 000 TO LOAJX. large loans a specialty, ' building loans, lowest rat W. G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. any nart of $5000 to loan at 8 per cent A on good real estat" , city or good farm. Darling. unHTGAGE loans on city property; lowest M?aua L H- Blrr.ll Co. 202 Mcay bldg. . , atrlt- JJQ seVaeleaV - -UORTGAGS LOANS AT REASONABLE -2.Si f. H. LEWIS. 8 LEVV'iS BLDG. I-Ins ON INSlDhl PROPERTY AT 5 TO 7 ri-T. S14 LEWIS BLDG. l.a rce -- r,viTE money loaned on real estate mort ""gesT H. Mlley. room 204. Gerllnger bldg. --TTan's on real, personal, chattel or collat sral security. C W. Pallett. 308-tf Fenton. ei ana TO loan now. city property. JR. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. iToWoRTpartlSr loan on city property. Ad- dress AF 7 470regonian. SJTIeTunds loaned, 6 per cent W. B. Thorn b'. ;,. agent. Multnomah Co., 400 c ii Will'Toan $10,000 or lets, real estate security. wL!.ir.cton. 416 Commercial Club bide MONEY, any amount. 0 to 8 per cent. Uood "ynVfc Seitx. 310 Spalding bldg. nuuiu jrrrn ioan $3000 or less on real estate. ' llhcockjl10 Rothchlldbldg. SMALL sums to lend on mortgage; slight chir.e to borrower. Y ard. AiisKybldg tTrTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CliNT LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST.J' PRIVATE money loaned cn real estate. 604 Dekum bldg. 8100. $3500 AND $5000. on improved city property. 600Henry Jjldg. HAVE $1000 to loan, first mortgage, 7 per cent; no brokers. T 017. Oregonian. 'u.i ta Loaia CDJetteis ana SaUarle. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers an& others upon their own name without" security ; cheapest rates, easiest payment: onices in 00 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Uxchange. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, Bveuwiia sua musical in- ' struments. Uncle Myers, Jl 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 85 Lafayctt bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts, LO NS on diamonds and other securities. e-jo. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. aCLOANfofthe-nsklng. saisiry or "chattel. Th Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. "Money to laoan -Chattel and Salaries. HUTTON CREDIT uoliri. 307 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington Sta Money. Money. -Money, Money. Money. We loan money that's our business. We have money for those who need It. Wo all need money. Therefore, com We" loan on pianos, furniture, eta. Why let your small bills worry you 7 W can advance you any amount Iron. $10 upward. Why go to other companies? Sea us. Wise people DEAL with us. When others fail, consult th old r- Uat 'hITTTQN CREDIT COMPANY. $$$' ARB YO" LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don t be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity In contracts. U S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO., 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$- X $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO el1"- CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITJ BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFI1IENTIAL HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ 3U8 FAILING BLDG. $ 8 t MONEY! MONEY 1 MONEY! Do you want money today? Ton can have It for the asking. I loan money quickly and strictly confidentially on pi anos furniture and diamonds: very low rates of Interest. Maiden, 322 Falling. JldlU ou'.v. a. MONEY" loaned in amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furfliture, pianos or any personal property, lilasy weekly or monthly payments. Low rates. Confiden tial. Gray & Cunningham. 201 Kothchild bldg., northwetorner4th&Whlngton. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. Loan t antra. WANTED from private party, $2500 to lift present mortgage of tame' amount; will pay 6 per cent for 3 years; property In Nob Hill district, worth $12.0O0; uo bonus; rents for $80 per month; Interest payable every four months of 450. AN 670. Oregonlan. WANTED $1400, 8 per cent, 1 years, on house and lot valued at $3200. Wanted (4000, on Irvlngton property, valued at JsiOO. 7 per cent, S years. " Wanted $9000 or less, on 3-story brick apartment. K 661. Oregonlan. WE can invest your money at good rates of Interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENT INV. Sc TRUSTEE X $24-526 Board of Trade Bldg. I WANT MONEY. $3000 'Teal estate, chattel and personal security; will give 10 per cent Interest. J. R. K., 206 Couch bldg. Phone Main 6J12. WANT"$2500 for 3 years at 8 per cent, best Portland security; private parties reply. AM 670. Oiegoulan. LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 6 Lewis bldg. IT RfcSONAI. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly; Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power In your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by any ono or anything and open up a quick and suite way for tne contentment, happi , ness and good Influence for success tnat you desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., at 402 Washington st. (above 14th st). A' XV. a Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 1928. A 50T. SWEDISH TRAINED NUKSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: batha, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th su second door south from East Ankeny carlln. Phon East26 0.B180j. 1 DR. D. I. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrlo treatment ot nervous ailments, private hospital. 505-O06 Commonwealth bldg., 6th - and Ankeny. phones Main 4047. A 2411. FEBVET V HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Ill 7th St.. near Morrison, pnone Main 546. DRESS suits for rent, $L5 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, bullous sewed on, rips repaired, prompt calls aad deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. ua Stark. jAIB The largest stock of pur hair, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices. Fine hairdress given. Axa H. Kibbecke. Grand Leader, 6th and Alder. DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 lt St.. i-oiviaun. li i.OK.Cfl UHY, lata of New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment. Suite 17 selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Is Wash. at. Phone Marshall LADIES No danger with Lorenz Antisep tlo Cones; are soothing, safe and sure; $1 box 1 for it. an. blips. Taylor Drug Co, lbs Morrison su MME. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat meats facial oeformaties corrected, plastio surgery. 453 Morrison st. Main 6042. M ALICE HAMOT, chiropractor, electrical appliances for rheumatism. Suite 45, Milner bldg., 4th floor. 350 h Morrlsonsl, O. Onno Jurvas Natural sanltorlum, 7S E. 60tn. APOpieXy. l'1'Cliv..i..i.H, Uiaw,v.ta. glands a specialty, labor 2008, B 2S13. u i soi-HaE B. SE1P, mental and spiritual "?' .7. i HellinsT-Hlrach. M. Hani. Mrs. Turney, Battle Creek treatments, ro- linea pationaga. Appointments M mil. u.iu "oF FIGS Remedies for diseases of CTfss" W"aTlace. magnetic electric treatment; mental. jiplritual sc.entt.100 11th .U l-TROSA HOWARD, electric massage anil bath. t Selllng-Blrsch Mala J lis. MOLiiS wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. alU1- , . . u.m ... k' hide. M 1471 v rs. . iv. " - - -- JJJ i?CHUM treats women's maladies. 17s n an ,l, BUS IN iSS IH KKCT O K Y Accountant- "MACKENZIE. BA1RD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, BERR1DGS. AuDl'lORS. 4 vvorceetar Bloca. slain, 7 Joe. A Us. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commmercial. lac lory cost and industrial accounting. raiSDALL ROBERTS. Public accountants and auditora Com mercial, county and municipal work. 40O Concord Bldg. JC H. COLLlli 4k. CO.. ACCOUNTANT;, Commercial, county and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and btiuaualng. r,A woTcester block. Pnone ain tiool. fls-y 'and Analyst tT.-a.iis A proeusiel. mining engineers, chem ts ana asaayera 204 n Washington. MONTANA AbSAY OFFICE Laboratory and or.-toating work, loo Morrison su "" ' ' Attorneys. I COOPER, attorney at law; practice in all courts' abstracts examined. ilB Cnain ber ot C Jnmerce. M. a A 207L Baths and Swimming. Portland fawluiiuing Baths. 107 4th -Elegant wl n ann sliuwer baths. al plunge. aitw " Catering. THE STEVENS Catering Co. takes enure charge of preparing and serving at a.1 social funutiona. C 22oS. ' chiropractic I'iiysiclnn. THl-BO-PKAC-l'lC i'lCa-KElt "; say onrt romeuitier Columbia plug., 12 t It fast to 3;3vl. uv-i MAR SB. first lady chlro. Dr. iu Oregua.gtJVli i"-. gj'n "chiropody. -xtTTlIAM, lCsteil and Flossl Deveny, th ":l, scientific chiropodists in the city, u.riora ao2 Gerllnger blag., s. W. cor. xd Ind Alder. Phone Main 1301. and Aide Chiropody and pedicuring. -!tv Vlieauer bldg. Mrs. M. D. Hill, g. Pnone Main 3473. CouL COAL $1.80 A TON. Others cnarg-e $9.50 and $10 for th same grade; we are in tne transfer busi Tisa wd sell coal to keep men and teams ness "vi ,.,,11 . ri.,i buav aunua vow vw. " - - - -Morn Transfer Co., M. lolo. A 1984. Coal and Wood. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO. Special prices on green and dry cord wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO , ' Office 203 Corbett bldg. Phonos Marshall 2S99. A 46S4. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place in cltv S4.00 load; one-inch wood, stove- lengths. $8.00 load. Portland Wrecking Company, 105. 107 11th st N. Phone Main 37. A 3736. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG At CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchanta stierluck bldg. Brass and Machine Worlt HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, lot! N. 6th. Main 3,0-- Dancing. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second su. between Wash, and Stark sta: staga danc'ng taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed iu tour lessons; class and social dance Monday, 8 to 12. Lessons dally. Prof. Ringler, Portlands leading dancing master. 2:112 Morrison, priv. or class Inst. Dnuclug. f6c PER lesson, or 4 lessons for $1: waits, two-step, three-step, stat,-e dancing, etc., every morning, atternoou and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Willson s school, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. 3SUV4 Wash. St., beu W. Park and loth at Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEEIH where bridge work 1 impossible; does away entirely with plates, bririgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Rex. Dental Co.. Ablngton bids-. lotiV. 3d st. Dog and Ilorse Hospital. Dr. Brown, D. V. S.. Office 120 N. 11th St. Main 40a0; re,. E. 5440. Hospital H9 12th st Educational. TUB Mattingly Kindergarten and PrlmarH, School. 260 14th St. I'hone Main 8MM3. Jilectrlo Motors. ELECTRIC MOTORS. DAVID DOW & SON. Motors for rent or sale. 202 Lumber mens bldg. phono Mar. 2700. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Muluia fv.r rent or sale. 213 2tt St. RObliK Machinery Co., Coast asts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone K 315 Ensiiieeriuig. ENGINEERING & CONSTRUC 1 1ON CO, INC. Civil & Construction Engineers. Main 4770, Spaulding lildg. Feed" Store. . ZIGLER i Mlsner, hay. grain, feed, of mtnt, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Furniture Repairing. ' FURNiTURE finishing, repairing, packing; 18 years experience In city. East 5609. Horseshoeing. DE NIKE. 2S3W Front St., makes a spe cialty of driving horsea; 20 years' ex perience In New York City. Leather and l indings. CHAS. L. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front, of every description, taps, mtrs Leather findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEAIilbll CU. Ji.a- tabllshed 1S5S. 1S9 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN CO.. hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagginc. mining roa ch i neryklndsofjreaI Muslcal. EMIL THK1LHOKM. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4100. Mar. 1B29. Nuroloils. J-r e Specialists. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice. 32(1 Washington St. OBteopiitlilc Physicians. DR LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle. Ho, class of 1898. post-groduate 1907. under A. T Sill, the founder. 317-318-319 Swetland bldg. llaln 10S7. A 19S3. " DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 840: Res.. East or B 102. Paints. Oils and Glass. RAPMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Pnlent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U S. and foreign patents that protect ar secured through Pacific Coast Patens Agency, Inc. Dept. A- Stockton. Cal. " C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. " l'nvlng. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605- 60b i-JieCtriC D1UK. VVll aauMi. aw....... WARREN Construction Co. sidewalks and crosswalks. ; ' pawnbrokers. Street paving. 17 Beck bldg. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 0th Bt. Main 910. Plumbing. JOB plumbing, pipe fitting, colls In stove and furnace: stove work. Phone East 6659, j r Lawson. 791 Belmont. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory all J office. near 24th and York sta M. 3489. " Bttbber Slumps. ALSO seala stencils, choice stationery, ta, Cunningham s. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Heavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from old carpets: colonial rag rugs. East 8&80. 3 12b0. 153 Unlonave.. nr. E. Morrison. Sares. PURCELL SAFE CO.. 85-87 5th St., exclu sive ngents Herrlng-Hall-Marvin Safe Co.; manufacturers of genuine Hail Saf s. Lock cos safes and vaulta THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safe at factory prices; second-hand safes. Showcases. Bank and Store l-'txturea THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt, R. Lutke. manager. b7h. BIRDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDO., showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sale eeent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. Co.. 4th and Couch; nsw and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST In the city: car lots or less. S. E, Gilbert. 201 Washington st. " Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 601 Front st. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable mon. no booze-nghters, m 111 move you quietter. cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone u for all estimate: storage rate tho very lowest Van Hora Transfer Co. Both phonea. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. offlcB and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms aud fireproof vault for valuablea N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed Icr shipping. Main 5116. A 1996. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., come 18th and Sverett sta Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouss la city, every convenience for ssfs and prouen handling of goods; lowest Insuranc r7t In Northwest; free trackage; vans for xauy, Ins. Main or A 1520. . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfering and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for snipment. b7-sJ Front at. Telepaoa slain M 7. o rA S.SM7. OREGON TRANSB Eft CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, Office 810 Boyt st-, between 6th and ttla Phones Main 69. A 1169. titorage. STORAGE, with trackage. Telephone Sunset Oram Co . 655. C 2313. Typewriters. WE ara the exchange lor th largest type writer concerns on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change.' ia7t VVasninston su 11'fb.v. iti'l t-ua. ail makes. -u to $60, fully guaranieeu; easy pamenia; rent&la, $1 per moniii. Pacific stationery at rrialiiiaf Co.. -0 ltd su NeatV. reuuilt. second-hand, rentais at cut rates. aV. i. C Co.. 231 Stalk. . 141II. Veterinarians. Xa. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarian 331 Ankeny eu A 3U09. Main 2402. Vullpaier. ANAGLYPTa" RELllvF UECORATION. Alex. viordoo.Aj;eiit.4S0 Columbia su Window Cleuucrs. WINDOW - CLEANING Expert window cleaner and janitor work by monthly con tract. 272 luriiside. A 4i03. iiU W ERA Window Cleaning Co., 03 Park Ht. N. I'hone Main jobo. OAVAA-AN l HAllaUAl, LAG ill' AC lulVtB COMA' AN 1 U1K LAN Lb. Vancouver AJno. a M. 0:15". 0.5O, 7:2j. biOO, 8:33, 9:10. 8-io 10:3. H:l. 11:50- p.' M. 12:30, A:l. AtiiO. 230, 3:10, 3:30. 4-30, 6:10, 5:0, 0.30, 1 :0o, 7:40, 8:15. b:ju, u-'j 10:011. 1U.35, li:10, 11:45.x ok tne thud Monday iu every month th s car leuves at 7:0S P. M. Cars for Vancouver make no stop on Union avenue between Burualde street anl Portland Boulevard to let ott passengers, but maite stops 10 pick up passengers at all transier points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with, cars tor Portland: A. M. 6:00-. 6:35. 7:10, 7:45, 8:20. 8:35, S 130 10:10, 19:60. 11:30. p M 12:10, 12:50. 1:30. 2:10. 2:50, 8:30, 4 10 4:50, 5:30, tt:lo, UijO, 7:25. 0:00, 8:35, 9:lo! 9:45. 10:20, 10:55,x ll:3u, 12.05. xx On thud Monday of every month the last leriy leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time In black type, double trains. cars Irom Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burusiue street, except 10 let oif pas sengers. 'Daily except Sundaya zDally -except Monday. xxRuna aa local oa Union avenue. U 108.2