- r--rr irAnvTVP nT?PnHYTAY 1"? TTVVV. -T A "VTT A 7?Y 1 li. 1911. J, U 'Jk. a . v - 7 - " ' r ' ' T 1 I ,, .... . f HELP TTAJfTED FEMALE. I SITUATION WANTKI) MALE. I FORRENT. REAL MTA1T. I TO EifHAXCI. I FOB AU- . I "" Hi -'J"" I I Miscellaneous. I Furnished Rooms. THE FINEST PIECE OF CLOSE-IS ACREAGE IN THE STATE. 14 ACRES. GOOD HOUSE AND BARN, FRUNE DRTER. GOOD OCTBCILDINOS, RUNNINQ WATER; ON A OOOD COUNTT ROAD: MILK AND MAIL, ROUTE THONE IN HOUSE: NEAR TINE GRADED SCHOOL AND 3 CHURCHES 1 MILE TO RAILROAD DEPOT. 2 MILES TO CITT. THE FOLLOWING STOCK AND TOOLS OO WITH THE PLACE: 1 SPAN MARES. 60 HENS. ROOSTERS. PLOW. HARROW, t CUL TIVATORS. WAGON. 3 HAT FORKS. SHOVELS. SPADES. SAW". IN FACT ALL NECESSART FARMING TOOLS; ALSO SEVERAL' TONS WHEAT AND OAT HAT, KALE AND SOME POTATOES. THE PRICE 13 ON LT $4000 AND ON TERMS. SEE ME ABOUT THIS PLACE AT ONCE. AS AT THE ABOVE TRICE :t wo.vt last lono. W. W. ESPET. SI COMMERCIAL BLOCK. U RC TBil'T tlVN'MCATE. I want I- peop'.e to join m In buying irmct of 24 tirn right on electric car line. 5 acre earX prlc '0. less than half price of adjoining land; $2.." cash. i.-.-. 3 un: beautiful location fr suburban home; grand Ufw olumbla. mountain peaks, rluee to school. Apply r-ui..-h -,rH Lumbcrmthf bid. Main W.n V t A Ti V. Nar Portland and elecirle lines. .b . i I ....I .,nifflnrttd fruit land, pur beaverdam. nnexeelle,. bottom land. to $-' per acre; very rare term PACIFIC N. W. DEV. CO.. 4C Cou.-p Pols;. A ft N A P. - tlttla arrcaee on electric Una, close to depot and cl"e to Portland. Kln-r-y A Stamphar. Jul Lumbar Exehang blug. L ANT 5-ecr tracts, all plowed and cul tivated, right at etauon on electric easy term BROWN STAVER. 614 I'oiKh Hldr- DvaMMk. l'n'viTir.t OF OREGON 100-psge book give amount of Uovarnmant land opan to homestead. Is aach county In tba states of Oregon and Washington, ana oeeenp tinn of some: A'vee homestead, deseru t:nMr. aton. coal and mineral laws; two nana of Oregon In colors. :n:l. showing R R. In oparatlon. ona tbowlnf all pro R It and alactrlc lines. Includinc Eastern and Central Oregon- roc aach. or Iba tbree toe. Map of Washington in col ora. 20c. Nlnuno. Humj A Co.. Hamilton bid. l"OR homesteads. Central Ortfou. call Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. 500 Far ble -trait LaavtL loo mt. nrxjrx rose garden $90 APPLE ORCHARD TRACT. Planted and cared for 4 yaara. with a iruarantaa of $.V- per a era In three years, tli la la roars for per acre, not over ir arraa to ona partr. located on tne Mt Hood electric now building, and the auto road passes It. Thta la leas tban oth ers are asking for raw land. For further Information call on Nlmmo. I.uncy A Co.. Hemllrnn bldg. FBI IT LANDS. Most croductlva fruit land In British Columbia. "Oariln Orchard" Upper okan- ntn Vellev: reaulrea no irrieetion; mira climate, fertile soil; frulta of finest qual ity nriHtmd in abundance: railway sta tion on property; low prices, lone terma of payment. Write ror uiuatraiea pampmei 4." Roger. Black A McAlplne. Van ciueer. British Columbia. BKlTlSli COLUMBIA fruit land ylelda la fioon per tcr and upward, annually: cholceat Kdcewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake District. Weat Kootenay. 0 per ere: terma orer S y ra without Intereet; no Irrigating, deltsbtful climate, splendid market. Get Booklet "V." Ineetore Trust A Mortcate 'orporatlon. LUL. IJ4 HaJtlnga w.. Vancocver. B. C. 40, lx 3U-ACRE tracta near Portland: flneat fruit land and chicken ranches, cloee to - railroad station: good roaue: lh?r farma near by: II7.SO to - per acre, part cae. balance to ault at 6 per cent. M'FAKLAND INVESTMKNT CO, - I;o Corbelt BIdg.. Portland. " RAKE OPPORTUNITY. 12 acres elccant fruit land: good rmmlf road: level land, rfnot aoll and aaniy l"Mfn; half scr Waate: acree plowe.1; ! ah a- re will clear and plow balance; a great bargain ar ."-" an acre. Addreaa p. i . bo ls.Moaier. Or. .N r. U' TRACTS IN HOOU RIVER. & and lu-acre tracta ptnnted to the best snpee: on easy paym-nts For partlcu nra cm l room 3X -S Walu t or ate AN EXCKLLENT STOCK Oil - FRUIT RANCH. ACRES FINE 1VENCH LAND; . MILE FROM RAILROAD. 55 TO SO ACRES CAN BE PUT IN CROP: FAIR BUILDINGS. FINE SPRINO WATER AT HOUSE AND BARN. THIS PLACE IS LOCATED IN YAM 1 14 LL COUNTT AND It THE FINEST KIND OF A RANOB FOR STOCK OR CAN BE USED FOR FRUIT. THIS 18 AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT IISOO. SOME TERMS. W. W. ESPET. II COMMERCIAL BLOCK. A HOME A MONO THE ENGLISH WALNUT. No finer climate In California, and only 4ft mlnutee ride from San Francisco. Re member the dtte. February 1. lull, and bet a foot of land sold before. Send for our walnat folder and map. K. K. Hurgesa Company. 907 Flrat Nail. Bank brdg.. oaa Vranctacow "jvLC" K IT A T COUNTT. WASHINGTON. FRUIT. GRAIN. STOCK FARM. 100 acrea. $13 acre, easy terma. about IftO acrea plowed: Joining land, planted to fruit, eella for iZO acre; no timber, beet of fruit aoll: will consider trade; plat tbla and make a fortune. Near K. R. and river. Hanaimalr. SMS Washington. A BARGAIN. H).roo acrea Eastern Oregon ranch, atxmt Knt acrea la flra'-clase wheat land. 3i0 acrea alfalfa. (HH acre timber, balance good buncb graaa: aeveral Hoe farmhouse, orebarda. etc.: eaay terma E. AC Hick- son. 517 poara -of xraaeoiag. FARMS. Sew our list of farm bargain: wa can aeti you any also near Port.and or further away: can moke very ear terma WOOD A SEACIIKKST. l Railway Eirhange. pc, aRES In crop, fine huse. barn and out. bulldlnge. family orchard, deep aoll. near good town, not far from Portland; prlca il-e per acre: easy terms. WOOD SEAl-HREST. 3 Jo Railway Egchar.ge. FOR SALE 140 acrea of the cholceat apple laad ta all Oregon, partly Improved. WILei'lN A MVEPjS. End of Hawthorne carllne. LIVVCountyranch. 4 acrea of grain and fruit land for sale at tZi per acre. If taken at once. Addreaa owner. B. M. pay ae. Albany; Or. 80 ACRES, near Portland, about H acre Improved, farm Implementa, stock, etc.: will sacrifice If eold at once: I mean bust nee. Addreaa owner. AN ejHrt. Prcgonlan. FARM LAND 30. 00O acrea of flrat-cUaa land at per acre; write for particu lar. Star Realty Co, 434 Granville u V aaconver. B. C. TS ACRES half mile from R. R. atation. oa Taouina Pay. J300. time on II loo. H. A. Norton. Elk City. Or. TO ElrHAVtfl. NEVRI.T new Fstey piano, value $JAO. $10 I ,t in chits. Wash.: exchange for equity Portland lota AF 7S3. Oregonlan. VIi7l eichange It acrea Una wheat land In Aloerta. Cana.la. for house and lot la l-ortland. Call Stnrk at. WE can' trade your property or bualaeea un ana poard of Trade. g. ,i e good fruit land to exchange for roomlog-houae or lots. MS 6th. II ! anvone a lot to ex. lulnce for a new $o player planoT Phone East 316. i i WILL take $SOO worth of good Portland property, but must have $-500 cash. On th abovo proposition we offer the beet Improved northwest corner on Kll llngsworth ave.. In Piedmont. This new house la of extra heavy construction and haa ten rooms, basement and furnace; lot loo feet on Kllllngjuorth ave. by 7S feet deep. This property Is reasonable in price at the figure of $15,000; present Indebt edness la $.1000 HP. A I. ESTATE DEPT.. HAKTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. t.MII ANGS or sale, llll acres Eastern Oregon wheat farm. KOD acrea In cultiva tion, with all necessary farm Implements. 14 bead of horses, barn, house and shot's. Thli farm will show belter than 10 bush ele of wheat per acre on Summer fallow during past 10 years; an undivided one half Interest sold for 130.000 on contract of aale: 113.000 yet due at :oo per year, bearing 7 per cent Interest; will conatder buslneae. Income-bearing prop erty, or cloee-ln acreage In exchange up to ii.oo. Clarke-Beverly Company. $14 Iewta bldg. 2 j AcilEi 3 mllea from Beaverton: fine fruit land; none In cultivation; will take $IW"0 In Portland vacant lota. $o cash and balance - or 3 years at 6 per cent. Price. $ lo per acre. J. fTHOUD SON, Beaverton, Or. Mi-LOlUj, V1CI.MT1. FroTErtT FOR EXCHANOS. Wanted Portland city and ranch prop erty to exchange for property In the fa mous Rogue River Valley, up to $200,000; Slve full description and detail and ad resa box 113. Metiford. Or. HAVE equity about one-third In three fine residence lota In Eaat Mde restricted district. Will exchange for cheaper va cant lot. acreage or anything of good value. Unable to meet payments on pre vent contract. Phone Main l.'ioS, ask lor Mr Itur.'lngame. 1H ACHES, IX miles from Spokane, on Ha- xelwood road. acrea In Full wheat, nue apple orrhurd land, new tl-room house, cement baecmenl. new barn coop, etc.; water In bouse; toole. Implementa. etc Owner. Green. 411 Peyton. Spokane, Wash. $l.'lo KyUITT In eight lota, worth 33nt; In nlgh-clasa restricted residence aiftinci. on Peninsula, two blacks from carllne: will sell all or part cheap f'r cash or will take United Wireless Teleitraph Company'a s'ock aa part payment. Oou, orcgonian. Wt hate a nice home In Kanaaa City which might exchange for a boiel witnout ain-Ina-room. wvll loct.d In city, or would Ink eome Income property here; If thia Interesta you. come and ace us. xsrong' Slvcle Co., ground floor lwli bldg. ONE of the finest farms In the Willamette Valley, cheap; fine house and barn: close to good town: will take soma traae. ROJEKj A M RAT. Ri2 Shetland Bldg. WII.I. evrhaniro mv eaulty of $."rfX0 In high i I.m view lota for real retattt or personal property; no paymenta due on these lota for a years; 6 per cent interest. A two. Oregonlan. EQUITT In two fine building lots In high iv restricted aisinci E.ai siue. win chance for other equltlea or would taka S""ie gooo. aiamonoa. fnone awn j ask for Mr. Murllngame. $4000 HOUSE. 8 rooms, new. on Willamette boulevard; Incumbrance. a.jv; win iraue for vacant lota or acreage; what have you" AF 770. Oregonlan. WILL exchange my equity of $17$ In $40 lot for diamonds. street grading, stae walks and water free of charge. 12-mln ule ride; Sc fare. V tl. Oregonlan. HIGH-GRADE typewriter to trade; In good order; will take snotgun. rinc. or anytning of value or equity In cheap lou.AB tfuu. Oregonlan HAVE fine electrlo piano, also upright piano and folding organ; will exchange tor lota or acreage; give run particulars la xtrst letter. B 647. Oregonlan. LOTS In Tillamook coast resort to exchanga for Portland residence; ralirona iinisnea this Summer, when prices will advance. A'J Ml. oregonlan. FIVE acree choice fruit land, planted, an nual Income will exceei $juu; connectea by Portland Electric: will trad for house and lot. AO ool. oregonian. TRADE lO acres land: house snd other Im pruvements: win take gooa rooming house. all ISi Madison ar WE exchange your property regardless of location for that wnlch aulta you belter. Northwest Exchange. Henry bldg. WE will buy. sell or trade anything. J. A. 1 .aw re nee Co.. sua Cornell oiag. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT a good, modern. T-room house, near echool and carllne ror a waiting buyer, price within HMO and on beat terms possible. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. HAKTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. I MI ST aell my liome; I aeked $2.-.0; It's rhrin at that, bnt J-lOO Is my price now, It's a fv-room, modern and culo and sets on ftoxloo lot. - blocks from car; -0 min utes out. 1 leave here on 1 th and It roes before tnat; good terma to right party. av.t Worcester ping. HAVE aeveritl cllcata who want good to T-room house In nice location; win pay part or ail c ah If eutled. C. F. Pflugrr ar Co.. gulto o Mulkey bldg.. Second and Morrison. IN THE market for a bargain on a home In Nob Hill or I'ortland ilelgnu. run De scription and terms or no attention. V 1. Oregonlan. WANTBD Immediately 13 to SO acres of clay land for brick yard on electrlo line, within ld-mllo radlua. Price must bs rea sonable. Bond Bayne, Waab. I'WANT .V) to J6-acr stump land on or near t'olumSIa Hirer, within t-i mllea or Portland: must be cheap. AL 0U-S. Orego nlan. WE want a ha'gttln. & to 7 acres, not too far from 1'ortlann; improves, aim iui;u Inxs; not too expensive. X ttdtt. Orego nlan. WAXTKli Houae and lot on East Side, up to $3K: automobile as part payment, aj 07, orcg.mtan. WANT equity In Portland lot for clear lot. good town; will consider fleitnquent coa tiacts. Wood. 310 SpaMlng bldg. WA.VTEIl Acreage within mllea of Port land. Must be reasonable. T Oregonlan, FOB REST FA RMS. FOP. ItkTNI. 21 acres 12 area in cultivation; house and ram. family orchard: rent can oe paid for In work on land. tall or writ. J. STROUD - RON. Beaverton. Or. $0 ACRES to.- rent, 20 acrea In cultivation. furniture and atock for aale; no noraea; good lease; possession at once. Addreaa, with phone number. R 641. oregonlan. i OKCHARD of 4O00 tree, tenant must show fnanctal ability to handle It- Apply k. Chllcon. aos McKay bidg. FOR RENT An orchard of no acres. Apply K. enncott. aoo McKay bldg. WANTED To rent a email farm neat a river, w ouS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. FOR SALE at bargain. 160 acres timber on TU.amook Bay. near Bay city and Bay Ocean; will cruise over 4.000.000. AF 74s, Otegonlsn TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEX. 804 McKay Blag. TIVRER CLAIMS, homestead, relinquish ment :iv Worcester bldg. FARMS WANTED. FARM Property wanted; only exnltulv contract lor quick sale considered: we have th buyer. If yoa want to felt see or writ us. Hall A Atcblaoa. 1S Ger llnree hMg.. ?d and Alder. FA K.MS KS We have buyers for farma; It you want to sell, call or writs us. west ern Land Co.. 248 4 Stark at. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCrackaa, McKay bldg. PINE or fir. Call or address O A- Toung. 4jo Bwetlend bldg. FOR BALK Horace, Vehicle and Harare. JUST arrived, a carload of horaee and oaree 1 1 uiti eastern uifa irum i iu 16O0 Iba.. and from 4 to 6 years old. All guaranteed as represented. U. S. Stables. 214 Front at. MUST aell line 270-lb. team horses, guar anteed true pullers and fast walkers. -''J-.; or will aell separate. Call 34U K, 3d St., North, pear Broadway. BARGAIN 6-year-old mare, weleht 12lO loa. farm hack and names, lake beliv wood car to Inel.-y ave.. walk down to railroad track. 2.1d nnd InsN-y. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STAKLES. 2 N. 1..TH ST. MARSHALL 16s UynJtS AD WA'IONl BI DAY. Ws.t;a. OK aOXla. AT TOUR own price. 22O0-lb. team, fat and in good condition. iZV fiuth St., end of Hawthorn carllne. FOi; SA1.K I black mare. years old. weight i.ioo pounds, sound and true. 2.il Kuseell st. FOR SALE 1U head of draft and general purpose horaes. beat that can be found In fontanel. guaranteeu aa reprwui, vniirh from lnAu in itioo. voung and aound. Can pes owner at 227 Salmon su or 1H0 Macadam St.. at the barn. Phone Mar shall 1M6. Main 013rt. duality la the aturr. HOR6t;s HARNESS AND WAGONS FOR SALE. We have on hand aevera! horses from 1000 to 1760 Iba each, also I farm wagonfT X gooseneck wagons, several aell very wagons. Hawthorns Stables, 420 Haw thorn ave. Folt SALE Two horaee. weight about 0O0 pounds esch and good travelers: ugni hack, with harness, sll new. Included or sold sepsrately. Address A. P. La agon berg. Clackamas. Or. STALLS for rent. $2.00. 270 12th cor. Jef ferson. A 1030. and musical Inetromom. FOR SALE Stuyves.tnt ptno. fine tone and In good condition. Inquire 7Q6 F landers si. PIANO tuning $2.00. -18 years experience. fnnne woooiawn sua. Almoblle FOR BALE. Babcork Electric Runabout. In Jlrst clasa condition: new battery: guaranteed Ol.o miles. Hose City Electrlo Oarage, 61 N. 20thst. 1010 AUTO. EO-horsepower. t-psaaenger. good condition. 2 extra tires, chains, etc; price $10o0. cost lb00 new: part cash will handle. AK 6.v. Oregonlsn. Hl'P340BILrf: nearly new; fully equipped and In perfect condition; must sell. 2V0 East 2d North. Phone East 47:19. NEW Mitchell aulo for $S00. cost $1400. sig-xag wind shield, silk mohair top. A quick bargain. Call 376 Karl at. 5-PASSENGER tourist, fully equipped. In A-I order, for $:00. Phone Main 3339 or call 333 3d SU 12to 2. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. BAKRED Plymouth Rocks, males and fe males: finest ever; big values. E. J. Ldd. loo Front St., city. Ysrds, Wood e.ock. FOR SALE A good young cow. gives seven quarts of rich milk a day; $40. At 30 W. I'rescott t. Take Missis slppl ave. car. Miscellaneous. CASH REGISTERS. Americans, (that caused the smash In prices), operation lightning quick, no crank to turn, from one to four total adding counters, latest visible print ed detail strip. showing which clerk made sale. Oregon State Agent. W. K. Htcnett. Sfll t fcast Morrison St.. Port land. Exchanged other make. $13 up. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. $30 In the stores: my price during this sale, $10.76; $23 suits now 1.1. SO; my $ JO a month rent and system of buying do It. Jlmmle Dunn, room 313 Orejonlan bldg. ' Tske elevstor. MEN'S $20 OVERCOATS $9.63. These were bought In New York es pecially for this sale at 23 per cent under rnsrkel price. Come at once. Jlmmle Dunn, room 316 Oregonlan bld$. Taka elevator. Mb.i 2J S-.'V 1 Itoi or.ru r 'i. e--o-. $4.."0 values for t..V. My system of buying and $30 a month rent does IL Jlmmle Dunn's Knew Sample Suit Shop, Wl.t Oregonlan bldg. m FOR SALE, at Mllwaukle Nuraerlea. apple, pear cherry, plum, prune, peach and apri cot trees. Address N. B. Harvey, Mllwau- ' kle. Or. Phone Black 2.".2. FIFTY 12-lnch doller slxa. disc grapho phone records; never been played; all or part of them. 80c each. AB 608. Orego nlsn. . FOR SALE Sectional bookcaaes: 12 sections, tops and bases; Globe-Wernicke Mfg. Co.; In A-l condition, at a bargain. Call or address H. H. F- 7f3 E. Sslmon at. FOR SALE Two large rolltop desks, one flat top desk, typewriter desk, office ruits. etc. sll like new: great sacrlflcs for cash. Maiden. 823 Falling. 01U jewelry exenanged for waicbea aad diamonds; unredeemed pledgee for half original prleea Unci Myers, 71 th at. between Oak snd Pin. TOH SALE OR RENT, LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES. Railway Equip ment Co.. 74 Flrat su Bothphonee. $lloO MORTGAGE for sale. 7 per cent Inter eau 11 per cent discount. Phone Wood lewn 222Q. IXip. SALE Showcases, wsllcBsas. counter. General fixture In stock ami mad ts oroer nt lowert prices. 2? 2 Grand - a. Foil SALE Fur overcoaU valuable and reaaonahie In price. Inquire 316 Wells- Kargo bldg. SAFES, new aud second-hand, lew pnoaa, cash or easy terms. PORTLAND SAFE CO 87 Fifth St. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. $10 to $03. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO-, (10 Fifth su M. Bfl2S. A 1476. $72 GENT'S wheel, coaster, fine condition; also girl's wheel. iWi 8. 4th SU IV A Tt I MITKT I.A KO rf. CI-OTHINO AIvD EVERYTIIIVO. anted Man's castoff clothing and shoes and bicycle: highest prices psld: wc also buy ladles' clothing. Call op the Globe second-hand store. Phone Mala 2090. S 1 st st. WANTED To buy a good second-hand screw-cutting lathe, 10 or 11-lnch awing. Address "Lathe," New Scott Hotel. Port land. "WANTED Socond-hand boiler, about 100 H. P. capacity; describe fully stating where located. Ar n-i. tjregonian. St:Nl your aecond-hand furniture to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll got leas. Phons A 244.1. Main W51. WASTED To buv aecoad-nand aut lr and Inner tubas. Cbaa. S. Atnoa. 43$ 6t ark sU lr TOU have household furniture to aell, call up George Baker A Co.. 132 Park su Both phone. WEbuy most "every-thing and pay the price, too. Marshall 2j3. WANTED Moving-picture machine. gas outnt. films, etc. AJ 646, Oregonlan. SEWING machine wanted. Singer preferred. Mrs. Wilson. 3;i" Kremont st. HIGHEST price for furnlturu of residences. Main Z473. FTKI.P WANTED MALI lb' vno are "live wire" and want ateadv employment wiin a gooa noanciai return. see Mr. James stter u at., 4it MonawK bl.lg.. M and Morrison. a si KI All suto owners and drivers to have jour vulcanising and retreading done hv ('has. 8. Elton, 433 Stark iL Phons A rtl'l. WANTKD Delivery boys over 16 with wheels; Dlrycie repairs iree ana gooa wages psid; boys who mske good will be taught business. C. H. Odeen. 76 3d su ACTIVE young man wanted for real es tate business: one oi me moat reliable firms In city; salary and commission: small Investment, f.4 t. 6th. TRUSTWORTHY, energetic young man. able to Invest small amount tor permanent, profitable position; answer quick. X 603, Oregonlsn. WANTED For out-of-town stamp mill, ex perienced man oniyj repir wiin age, ref erences and phons number. M 6UL Ore gonlan. WANTED A first-class washer and starcher and all-around man in lauuury; one wno ran help build sp trad. Address Box 24 L St.Helens.Or. YOU are wanted for Government position; $S0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, - DepU 829-B, Kochester. N. Y. GOOD man to sell fruit acreage on electrlo lllie. CIOSC IU runuiiiu, Auuini II DM, orcgonlnn. CARRIAGE and wagon woodworker wanted by coiumoi imnase iu. auid v oraa, 2UB-211 Front st. WANTED At once, stock salesmen or ao- llcltora iot t " i ipo'iiwtHwa. -vuureaa AJ 60S. Oregonlan Wa'NTED At C. R. Hansen A Co.'a, 26N. 2d su. man and wife, janitors; $oo month and apafments free. WANTED Assistant credit man. wholesale hOUSe: glVO lie r.lfri iriiuv UQ pnOU number. S 0C.V Oregonlan. ONE or two reliable apeclalty salesmen; splenaia prwyvtuiuu. v.ii vis L,uiuoermens bids. REPAIR your shoes, 307 Glisan su, corner 14th; men half soles, Joe; first-class work guaranteed. WASTED Good shoemaker at once, call C4 Lomnara St., ..niversuy oiauon on SU Johns csr. ; WANTED Thre men to learn to repair and drive auiomoouee. Dnap. Hurry. Call after o'clock. 350 East Wash, su LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond ence Schools. 233 Alder St.. opva UJ t yt T. Ssnd for free catalogue. BOY aa apprentice In book bindery; good chance ior "vpiy lancoln McCord Co., 213vVashlngtoo au WANTED Young man to learn barber trade: sman sum requireq. u Morrison. WANTED Boys with wheels: good wages. 30.1 W asntllgton. p'-L oin ana oin. COATMAKER: steady work. Garrett A Young, l-tearns poik. -4, HIGH-GRADE representative wanted for good propoamon. o-t noarq or Trade bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. ,ew otTer. t-iltoertn amnio, uegum Plug. SOLICITORS -We want five No. 1 men. Call afternoons. 216 Marquam oiag. WHAT HAPPENED IN THE Advisory and Employment Department of the T. SI. C. A. during November and December. 1010? 73 calls for men. 215 positions filled. l-'i new members taken In. 23 membership fees refunded. Any fellow, young or middle-aged, who can do anything well or better, need not be out of employment. We guarantee employment or a return of membership fee. See Secretarv. Employment Department Y. M. C A. 2d floor. LEADING San Francisco Importing and wholoaal liquor Arm, controlling the agenclea of well-known. established branda of whiskey and specialties. Intend engaging a resident representative In the Northwest with headquarters at Port land or Seattle, to call on Jo'jblne and largo retail trade In Oregon and ash lngion. Only those thoroughly experi enced In the business need spply; ref erences must bo of the highest character and security bond will be required. Ad dress, wllh all details, references, ex perience, .etc, F. F. Muller A Co., 131 id su. S4n Francisco. 4Jai. ABLE-BODIED men wanted fos the U. a Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and S3: must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $13 to $b; additional compensation possible: food, clothing, quarter and medical attention free: after 80 years service can retire with 73 per cent of psy and allowances; service on board ship and ashore la all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corpa Re cruiting Office. Breedea bldg.. 8d and Washington Portland. Or. EASY INSIDE WORK. If you want easy inside work, short hours, learn to operate movlngr-plcture ma chines: operators In demand; operators earn $25 to $33 weekly. Wo toach you to operate on all standard movlng-plcture machines: learn business In 10 days: make you special low price this week; we help to secure positions: also start you In busi ness on a percentage basis. N. T. MOTION PICTURE EXCHANGE, 520 Washington, near 17th. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. Tha only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON STS. Tske S-S or Mu Tabor car and look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. WANTiCD for U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un marrled men between ages of 18 and 85; eitixens of United Ststes. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Ainaworth block. 8d and Oak st.. Port land, Or. ' MEN wanted, ag IS to 33, for firemen. $100 monthly and brakemen $SO on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors. Rail road Employing Headquartors over 500 men sent to positions monthly. Stats age; send stamp. Railway Association, car Oregonlan. WE want an experienced wide-awake man to manage our house and lot department; must be a. hustler and capable of handling men; an excellent opportunity and perma nent position for right man: department now In A-l shape; must have references. F. E. Taylor A Co., 402-3-4-3 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. GET OUR SPECIAL OFFER. MEN MEN WANTED WANTED To learn to operate moving-picture ma chines. Operators earn $23 to $bS weekly; learn business In 10 days, ON EAST TERMS. Day or night. N. Y. MOVINO-P1CTURB ACADEMY, 626V4 Washington St. WANTED Manager for established firm; must be educated, experienced and a gen tleman, opportunity of a lifetime for th right person; small Investment required. 116-45- Spalding bldg-. WANTED A yonng roan for city salssman with large typewriter firm. Must have good education and apper.rance with ;ood references as to ability and honesty. Ex cellent opening for one who Is capable and ambitious to learn a good paying line. Do not reply unless you mean business. Address Box W 662. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced collector,, by large trust company; must give references and furnish, bond. L 461. Oregonlan. WE have a money-making proposition to orrer A-l live-wire salesman that cannot be beat; If you are a salesman and can stand prosperity, be sure and see us about this early. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 833 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr. Derby. GOOD SALESMEN Wanted, men of Integ rity and stability to sell the best townslto proposition on the market today: propo sition, of merit; only those able to fur nish first-class references need apply. Edson Townsit Company. 612 First ave. Seattle. Wash. WANTED Ambitious workmen; work on actual Jobs paya or teaching trade eleo trlclty. automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying; few months required; 7O0 students last four years. Write for Information. United Trsde School Contrsctlng Co.. Los Angelea ANY BOY snxlous to earn money can se cure a position with me. To my best boys I am going to give savings banks and cash prlxe. The work Is easy snd docs not In terfere with other duties. W. L. Burt, 204 West Sixth street. WANTED. One laundry solicitor, one driver; per manent position; young married mitn pre ferred: give reference!, present and past employer and occupation; also phone num ber. Address AM 6s. Oregonlan. MEN wanted to learn aulo driving and re pairing at reduced rates. Angeles Anto Academy, oJTlce 826 i Washington st., room 415. WANTED Experlene'ed. reliable grocery porter for wholesale grocery house; fa miliar with all kinds and branda of gro ceries: out of tow-n: long Job and good pay to right man; state experience and references. V 6'7. Oregonlan. HUSKY young man to handle pipe in whole sale house: good, steady position: applica tion not considered unless you thoroughly understand pipe. Address in own hand writing, stating ore. experience and wages desired. P oregonlan. WANTED A competent driver for one horse furniture wagon; must b well ac quainted with care of horses and have thorough knowledge of East Side streets; none other need apply. N ft 18. Oregonlan. RAILWAY mall clerks, postoffice clerks, letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employea. to prepare for exam inations: free book. Pacific states School, McKay Wdg.. cltj MACHINE men to run door stickers, stile borer, panel raiser; also want door smash er good wages to men that can do the business. Nlcolal Door Mfg. Co., Clinton station. 6TEAM engine and boiler salesman, one who can take charge of sales department and produce results; permanent position for the right man; give references. X 659, Oregonlan. WANTED Young men to learn wireless tel egraphy R. K. and commercial 'teleg raphy: demand exceeds supply: good posi tions guaranteed. Cull or address Tele graph Dept.. US Fifth sU WANTED Druggists; strictly high-class floor men; men of ability with first-class references; splendid opportunity for ad vancement: must be registered in Wash ington. 3i!jrgtro,pokane, Was lu GASOLINE engine salesman, with knowl edge of irrigation plants; a good opening with established firm; state salary wanted and where last employed. X 65S, Orego nlqn. ' WE want cabinetmaker with capital to in vest in factory. Call or address 204 U. 8. Bank bldg..aIem.Or. MEN to clear land; old slashing; contract only. Geo. E. Allen. Beaverton. Or. BOY 14 or 15. Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, 10 a month: hours 8 to 5. BARBER Saturday. 573 Washington streeU HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO lady canvaasers for city: good posl tlon for live ones. Cal I 323 H enry bl dg. LADIES' employment sgency. 332V4 Wash., upstairs, room 4. Marahall 30H6. A 60B3. OIRLfor-general housework. Phone East 1537. or call 3""" East 17th st. North. PRIVATE school. SHORTHAND and TY1-1. WRITING: 3 mo. 2nl .4th; Main 3S9- S WAITRESSES for country. -" Howe's Ladles' Agency, room 314. 32r. t Wash. WANTED Girls for cashiers. 6 North 3d. Call 2 P. M. 554 COUCH ST., an experienced dining-room glrl. ; ; DINING-ROOM girl wanted. $20 a month. Call Main 0541- WOMAN for general housework; family of three. Phone mornings. Woodlawn 1576. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking. Apply 111 N. 22d st. WANTED At Slsterr Hospital In ChJco, CL. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED Toung ladles tor telephon op erating, with or without experience. AP- Sly Paclno Telephone A Telegraph On. th and ln Ank.ny sta. GIRLS WANTED. APPLT STANDARD FACTORY NO. S. Grand ave. and East Taylor Sta. FAMILY of two. living within walking dis tance of Jefferson High School and short distance from Highland public sobool. of fers good home and small wages to young girl wishing to attend school. Phono Woodl awn 2.1H4. WANTED By good-natured widower with children, competent housekeeper; will pay good wages and a lifetime home to risht party: woman between age of 30 to 40 preferred. Address K. F. D. No. 2. Box 2S. gprlngneld. Or. WANTED Experienced stenographer, sal ary $50 per month: possibility of perma nent position and advancement: must bs neat In work and appearance; office hours 8A. M.to6 P. M. Beall A Co.. East 25. WANTED Lady partner as photographer: must have means: Al location In British Columbia. Vancouver Island; experienced preferred. T 650. Oregonlan COMPETENT girl for general house work, small family. App(y Imperial Hotel, Saturday and Sunday mornings; refer enccs. t THE MEIER & FRANK CO. reauire the services of a young girl with nice teeth to demonstrate the Hydrau tooth brush. Apply to superintendent. 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework: none but competent help need apply. J. C. Mastln, 278 Alnsworth ave.. corner WU- llama. ' WANTED Girl to do general office work; wholesale: must be correct in figures. Address, giving references and salary re quired. AC 606. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework and cooking; small family of grown persons; best w-ages. 570 Hoyt su v ANTED Reflnea, capsbls woman fer re sponsible position. Vlavt Co.. 60$ BtA child rlrlg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Family cook and second girl; wages $33, $25, out town. SU Louis Agency, 303 1 Wash. Main 2030. GIRL to assist housekeeper in general house work for 2 adults; wages $16. Apply room 301 Dekum bldg. ; GOOD operator fir Underwood billing ma chine; one who understands comptometer preferred. Apply Lowengart A Co. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, a.OVs Washington SU, room 314, Main 6836 or A 8266. RANTED Reliable, competent girl for gen eral housework; small family; good wages. 7t7 Quimby st. WANTED Teacher for small country school near Slletz Agency. Address Box 32, Sl letz. Or. WANTED A bright girl to work In shop. Apply Oregon Plating Works, luth and Alder BIB. T . WANTED Neat-appearing girl for general housework; good wages. 101S East loth sU North. LADY owning furniture for 8 rooms wants responsible lady to share expenses of rent ing out rooms. AE 664, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced and some housework, near Ford. Main 2717. girl for cooking 767 Madison su. CABINETMAKER wanted, must be first class, will receive the highest wages. 222 Grand ave. HANSEN'S LADlikS' AGENCY. $43! Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs, Phone Main 2692. WANTED A girl for llghi housework, two children. Phone Ea8t422aL GENERAL housework and plain cooking. 1764 E.. YamhllL COMPETENT second girl. 751 Flanders su, cor. 23d. ; WANTED Girl for housework; salary $20 per month; two In- family. Phone C 1881. CAPALLE cook. 751 Flanders su, cor. 23d. HELP WANTED MA LE OR FEMALE. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $13 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors ; tools free: writ for cata logues. Mohler System of . Colleges, 35 North 4th su. Portland, Or. MAKE money writing stories or for newspa pers; big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Synd.,6an Francisco. F1SK TEACHERS- ASSOCIATION. 611 Swet land bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, all-around office man. ex perienced: operate typewriter. AB 662. Oregonian. ' SITUATION wanted; first-class bookkeeper and general office accountanU excellent in details, good worker, temperate and steady; moderate aalary; references. Ad dress V 662. Oregonlan. YOirNO man, 23 years of age. 3 years' ex perience, as stenographer; assistant book keeper, timekeeper, wants position at once. First-class reference AC 665. Orego nlaa. BOOKKEEPER-etenographer, experienced banking, lumber and other lines; have ref erence; city or country. T 665, Ore- Koniati. OFFICE MAN and bookkeeper of ability and experience wants permanent position; excellent Portland references. R 668, Ore gonlan. EXPERT accountant will keep small set books; books opened, closed, balanced, au dited ; charges reasonable. AJ 443, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position with reliable Arm; good penman; no booze fighter; moderate salary; first-class refer ences. AE 668, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by first-class outside salesman: can furnish best of references; city preferred. AN 667. Oregonlan. BY first-class bookkeeper and accountant of long experience, including auditing; best references. Y 662. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as clerk In grocery store: experienced, good reference AL 600. Oregonlan; YOUNO Eastern lawyer wishes position with law or realty firm: excellent references. Ad dress AC 664, Oregonlan. a"COMPETENT sbowcard writer would ilk position In city. Welgle, C 2631. DRAFTSMAN, experienced in bridge and mechanical engineering.- wants position; married. AB 607. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, young man, desires position; references. Sellwood 180. TRAVELING salesman desirous of high-class position. X 662. Oregonlan; Miscellaneous. NICE Japanese wants position, general housework In small family. AF 761, Ore gonlan. - HONEST Japanese desires a position as schoolboy or housework. R 667, Ore- Konian. WANTED Situation aa foreman of logging camp: can give best of reference. AF 067, Oregonlan. JAPANESE cook wanta Job at boarding hotme or restaurant; any kind of helper. A 5032. BITUATION. first-class cook, hotel, restau rant or boarding-house: 20 years' exper ience In South. Main 0360. WANTED Position by white man to care for cows and chickens and lawn. Chas. Peterson. 2rt2 12th St. Main 3163. COMPETENT reliable machinist, with saw mill experience, wants position. AF 766, Oregonlan. AUTO machinist wishes position driving or repairing. In city or out: references O. K. Addresa IPS E. 74th North. JAPANESE Day Working Co. Wo aupply you with all kinds day workers. Phone A 8030. Main 8709. JAPANESE House-cleaning Company; wait ing and cooking, also, by the hour. Mar shall 1057. A 3205. STRONG young German, 19 years old. wants work of any kind In town or in the coun try. AF 754. Oregonlan. . GOOD Japanese boy wants housework or any kind Job. AF 750. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Janitor, steam heat, office cleaning. Main 4862. SITUATION wanted bv first-class carpenter and finisher Sellwood 1712. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position In family or boarding-house. 44 4th St. N. POSITION aa milker oy white man. Choa. Petersen. 262 12th St. Main 8163. WANTED Position by bartender; best of reference S 660, Oregonlan. LOOKING for a chance to take care of gentlemen's place; Eastern man. temperate and good habits, an all-round man for kitchen or housework, fond of children. W. L, Thomas. BOSH Pl" BOOKKEEPER, stenographer. 6 years' ex perience; operate all machines: highest references here and EasU George HarwltU 227 Cherry at. WANTED Position by a first-class Jobbing tinner; one who can do all kinds of work; would go to country town. AE 007, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room before and after school hours; good references given. Address H. D. B., 148 Fifth su . TWO able-bodied young men will work 3 months for anyone for board and trans portation from Miss, to Oregon: references furnished. Address Y 657. Oregonian. MAN about 30 years wanta work In whole sale house or factory In city. AF 744, Ore gonlan. , YOUNG and competent colored man wants place as cook, janitor or any place where he can make good. Phone Main 9o72. A CHINESE wanta position as a cook In private family at once. AH 664. Orego nian. YOUNG German wishes position at any thing. Schwartz. 1704 Third, corner Y'amhill. room 20. Phone Main 4S86. - EXPERIENCED grocery clerk would Ilka position in city; can furnish reference. M 660. Oregonian. YOUNG man wanta job driving milk wagon. YOUNG man, 24. wants work; good refer ences. Phons Sellwood 398 SITUATION WANTED KEMALIU Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer a:.d all around office asslstanu desires Position: 5 years' experience; city references. AD 666, OTegoolan. PUBLIC stenographies! work done at 173 West Park st.Main 8242. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition: witling worker. Main 845. WANTED A position as bookkeeper; best of city references. W 665, OregonlanJ EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer wishes position. Phone Main 11108. Dressmaker-. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations; first-class work; prices reasonable. M. -..-u; oio xamimi. STYLISH dresses, $3 up; waists, $1.50 up; fine work. 52 E. Mill. East 6250. Norse. NURSING by middle-aged lady, 25 years' experience; maternity preferred. Phone Main 3H8S. BY two nurses: one practical; experienced: willing: confinement or fever cases. Mar- shall 2457. . NURSING by practical nurse having had hospital experience. Phone Main 6763. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse; best refer ences. Phone C 2772. WANTED Situation as child's nurse, gov erness or companion. W 660. Oregonlan. Housekeeper-. A LADY of experience wants position as housekeeper In rooming or apartment house, or would accept position In bach elor or widower's home. AC 607. Ore gonian. A GOOD, able-bodied, middle-aged woman with years of experience as housekeeper wants work morning in rooming or pri vate houae at once. L 663. Oregonlan. DRESSMAKER wants few more engage ments by, day; reference. AG 666, Ore gonian. LADY wants position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; good cook. Address Turn Hotel, 150 11th st. A 5657. NEAT middle-aged woman housekeeper, widower's family. Main 2039. A 4775. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wants position as housekeeper or cooking. 60S East 10th St. South. GIRL wants housework. 702 Montana ave., between Beech & Falling. L car. Miscellaneous, A YOUNG lady, experienced chambermaid, wishes work where she can have husband and child (3 years old) with her. Phone A 3018. A TEACHER who is a college and a normal school graduate and who has the best references wants two or Uiree more pu pl Is. AF 747. Oregonlan. r REFINED woman wishes work as mother's helper, care Invalid or children: good cook, can sew by the hour, West Side, Address AK 665. Oregonlan. LADY pianist and vocalist Al, six years' experience in show business wants posi tion, isesi reterenceo. a iwj, v,cfcuii-n. WOMAN would like work by day or hour. Phone East 5344. room 12. WOMAN wishes work by day Friday and Saturday, rnono w ooumwa 1011. BY young lady as waitress or cashier In restaurant. Aaqrees rsox i o. penmnuu. VERY capable woman cook, hotel, family restaurant. Main 2039, A 4775. TWO girls want work by day or hour. M. 04-I, ruuui ou. WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 2725. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $30 weekly selling trees for tne Oregon .xuisery com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory, Address Orenco. Or. . wivTtin At once, stoclc salesmen or so licitors for gtlt-edgo proposition. Address AJ 60S. oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. a n a or 7-roomed. neatly furnished house for a refined counle and domestlo -wanted for Immediate occupancy; best references furnished. Address b. J. U, room 403, Nortonla Hotel. WANTED Modern residence of 8 or 9 rooms In good residence district of West Side, one with garage preferred; will contract for 1 year at least. An. ot?. uregoman, NICELY furnished house, 5 to 7 rooms. West Side; state price. Ah. OOP, oregonian. 8 OR 4-ROOM flat, furnished completely; state price. AF 760, Oregonian. Apartments, WANTED Cement basement woll lighted for storage use with access from sidewalk. X 065. Otegunian. WANTED 6 rooms, unfurnished, steam heated apartment, on outside. Phone A 5063. ' koonw. WANTED Three or four rooms, modern, unfurnished rat; children. P 608. Orefio nian. . ROOM wanted, or would buy contents fur. nlshed house; state price. P 006. Orego- nlan, . WANTED By middle-aged man. comfort able room, homelike; give particulars. AF 757, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. NICE furnished room with Jewish family; must be close in; will furnish references, P 065, Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED quick. location for lunch counter, down town. N 617. Oregonlan. FOB BENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, fiats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished; table boarding, all parts of the city; we save you mouey, time and trouble. Let us locate you. 302 Buchanan bldg. Marshall gistf, a oeo. n,..n. .ivr-.l 'i' 11 14 TOIIAT. UU. , - ., -M1LNER BLMO.." 50V MORKlaO.N St MODERN. CENTRAL. KEASONABLB . Furnished Rooms. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator; $4 week and up. 2084 d. bet. layior aim ,o,um... UC .E-l IMKONt. 134 14th su, cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; prl vate baths, free phones in all room ROOMST-double. $16 monthly; will board; new place throughouu 6u0i Market or Y. M. O A. ... ROOMS Two double rooms, with grill, $40 monthly, for club of four; will board; new inroup uvuv. v.- im - - for first-class rooms there is no place like , T.h U, IMar Jtr foia.,n. Ataiioi iti i -- $3.50 par week; steam heat and phone, THE BELLE VUG. 661 H 1st su, new bouse and new fur- t,u-e! -team heau $1.75 per week and un. O. W. P. ROOMING-HOUSE, 20$ Alder, nice ,.14. rnnmm tt Kft na-. Clean . u v..vw .- -,. uu up; translenU Mrs. Etta Keys. THE HOLLY HOIEU 105 12tn New and modern in every way: elegantly furniahsd: rat reasonable; transients solicited, THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta.. well' furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week; ' electric lights, hot baths free. MODERN outside rooms, $3 to $3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 V. Washington sU THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam -heated rooms; running water. Cor. 3d and Montgomery sta. HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 350 Taylor. TranslenU BeU 7th and Park Sta Opposite new Heilig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every room; single rooms and suites with or without private bathe, etc-: centrally located, near Postoffice; Just off all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Splendidly appointed rooms for business men or women, hot and cold water, phone, hot water heat in all rooms, private bath, everything clean and comfortable; under new management. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by th week or month: transient guests given th best of service and shown every courtesy; located in center of shopping dlstrlcu con venient for out-of-town people; rates by, the week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL, Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick buirding, beautifuly furnished : everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephones In all rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without -private baths; very reasonable rates by dav, week 'or month. Phone Marshall 1930. C25 WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh SU New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable, call and aee us. Regular and transient trade solicited. , 8ARGENT HOTEL, cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne Extra large and beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private batn, steam heat, hot and cold water and private phone in every room; first-class grill in connection. Special rates by week or month to permanent peo ple; transient solicited. ' GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 EAST BURNS1DE. Start the New Year right: move to the East Side and save money on rent; 12i modern rooms, hot and cold running wattur. ten public baths, also rooms with private baths; rates $2.50 to $7 a week. Phone East 5'J-iO or B 1275. NEW" fireproof building, central location, steam heat, hot and cold water and tele phone in each room; all night elevator service: modern and convenient. Rates it. 50 per week and up. -46 1 Yamhill st. " HOTEL NOrtRIii; 1824 17th, cor. Washington, first-class fur nished rooms, single aud en suite, run ning water, steain heat, rates by month, -transients solicited: prices reasonable. THE OZARK. ' 225 11TH ST. Furnished rooms for rent, hot and cold running water, $.1 to $5 per week. BOTEiTbuSHMARK. Washington and 17tffc first-class furnished rooms, single or e suite: all modern conveniences; 13 weekly up. A 2047. Main 5647. Famished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY furnished modern rooms for gen tlemen. Gas, electricity, bath, furnac heat. We pride ourselves on our pleasant, clean rooms. 68 North 13th sU About two blocks from Washington., NICELY furnished room, very reasonable; heau light, bath and phone. 724 Union ave. North, corner Ivy su Apply before 11A. M. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front parlor, brass beds, stlk-floss mattress, also bedroom with private bath, suitable for two people, $5 per week. 33 18th St. North, LARGE, newly furnished front room, pri vate family, first floor, all modern, also other rooms, very reasonable. 422 Jeffer son, near cor. 31th. Marshall 1202. NICELY furnished rooms, bath, phone, heat, eingle aud suitable for two or three; walk ing dlstance40JofTerson.corncr12th. 850 SALMON ST. Large front room, suit able 1, , 3; furnace heat, hot and cold running water, bath, phones 415 -TAYLOR Nicely furnished front room, ground tloor, gas plate, wood stove, mod ern; nochildren. . LARGE rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat, bath and phone. Main 6501. or 433 Yamhill. FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rooms in pri vate family; bath and phone. 714 East Ankeny st. LARGE front room, suitable for two per sons; one small single room. $1.fO week. Phone and bath. 2sM 7th su NICELY furnished rooms. "4 block of Wash ington; breakfast if desired. 52 N. 23d street TWO rooms for working girls, .heat, bath and phone. $1.50 and $2 a week. 1176 E. Main. B 1010. LARGE front, room, adjoining bath; pri vate; reasonAble. 751 Kearney su Phon A 4:;79. LARGE front room, facing east, modern dwelling: walking distance; modern con venlences. 611 N. 21st su DESIRABLE, well-furnished room, reason able. 451 10th st. , NICELY furnished rooms. 4 blocks from Olds. Wnrtman & King Store. 473 Alder, FRONT sleeping room, stove heat, bath and Dhone. 450Yamhill; WANTED Roommate to share nice front room, reasonable price. 251 7th St. RENT to lady, room in apartment. Horns phone A 1181. 635 LovJoy st. ROOM for rent, yood bedroom. 150 B. 32d, on carline. NICE, large, front room, suitable for two, close in. 03 N. 10th sU ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, bath, phone, heat, excellent car service. 188 N. 23d st. FURNISHED rooms with modern convenl ences. 28": N. 16th. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern conven iences ;JmardJfJtesIred:2Wackson. NEATLY furnished room, gentlemen only. 414 Salmon st. NICE room, private family, walking dis tance. 32 West Park. Unfurnished Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MILKER BLDG.. 330'4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASON ABLE. Rooms With Board. FIRST-CLASS board and room, newly fur nished house; bath. Phones UghU bath, home cobking. 3S5"jMlll su ROOM and board," $25 per' month and up; best board and best location In town. The Waldorf, 147 13th au PORTLAND Women's Union 23d yea"; rooms with board, use of sewing-room. 11 brary. -610 Flanders. F. N. Heath. supU NICELY furnished room, facing park, for two; first-class table board. 374 Park. THE LA-MBERSON. 554 Couch, deslrabl outslae room for genuciupn. FINELY furnished corner suite, suitable for 3: Ilrst-Ciass lame, oo ...... " w. ........ will. Hoard In Private Family. COMFORTABLE home for Winter months. West Side, man and wife or man: every convenience, quiet; references. Phone Main 634. . LARGE, well-furnished room and board in private family, modern conveniences, suit able for one or two: reasonable. 657 Tay lor fhone Marshall 1019. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished front room with ooaru ' ' sooo trict. wanting qiaiain-t-. hi M,.... NEATLY furnished room suitable for two; Dreaatasc anu aio-i. .-...- forts, rnono a oojo.s FOR two, or one, want a clean, comfort able, large, iignt mvuwii '"V"'. "'' fare- board considered. Marshall .1015. GOOD home for small children In private . .. . . , .. . .... rtn- TFrnnl family, reasonauiu iod. ave.. Sellwood. COSY room for two. furnace heat, modern and nomeuae; vwu :.. - - i;.i..v WANTED 2 men. new house. West Side, walking distance. reasonable. Main 2211'. ROOM andTboard, reasonable; modern house. 71 K. llth. near Stark. FRONT room and board, suitable for two gentlemen. 552 aiurrisun su JEWLY "furnished rooms, with board; price reasonable. 3HS East Oak. B 2310. FURNISHED rooms with board. 855 llth It. A 1636. MOTHERLY woman with nice home desires the care or sman cnimren. mwi ioo. ROOM and board tor gentleman of good habits. il-1 iioyi su ONE large room, also suite rooms with heat, water, m west rara. NICE warm rooms with board: good home cooking. 392 Salmon.cor.10th. BOARD and room for two children; ages 2 and 4. AB 689. Oregonlan. WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board at 30.1 Holladay ave. Phone C 1411. Apartna ta. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Nob Hill dist. : 6-room apt. Main 7516. CHOICE 4-room apartment, unfurnished, at Lucretla CourU Phono Marshall liOL 1