FAR WEST TO GAKJ BYAPP0RT10NMENT Representation in House Will Grow From 21 to 34 at Probable Ratio. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 435 Half Members of Census Committee Find Their SUt Would Lose Under Higher Ratio', Hence 210,000 Is Likely Basis. OREGOXXAJ NEWS BUREAC. WuV Inston. Jan. IX All the states of the Pa cific Coast and Rocky Mountain region will sseura an Increased representation la ConjTSss. as a result of the recent census, except Wyoming- and Nevada. Even Idaho will rain one member of ConereM if the basis of representation Is fixed at the figure now favored by the House committees IlttOOrt. Oregon. Utah, Idaho, Montana and Colo rado will each gain one member: Wash ington will gain two and California three, while the new State of Arizona will have one member, and her alstar state. New Mexico, two. This will give the Far West a total representation of 3t In the next House of Representatives, provided the two new states become rrt of the Cnlon In time. At present tries states have only Zl votes in the House of Representative. The numerical strength of the Far West In the House of Representative Is hown In the following table, it being assumed that EO.OOO will be the basis of representation adopted TTeeent. Next. PoouTatlor California Colorado Oregon Montana . rtaa '.w Sisal Idaho .... Arlsone . Wyoming Nevada . Slow-Growing States la Arms. When the total population of the United tatee was announced It waa generally conceded that the basis of representation would b raised to 23.000 or M0,0 In order to hold down the total membership, and prevent the House becoming more un wieldly than It Is at present. Put when the figure were studied by the committee on census, which will report the reapportionment bill, a peculiar situ ation developed It was discovered that. If the baala of representation was raised to a point which would prevent any In crease in the membership of the House. 1 states would suffer a curtailment of their representation, because of their failure to keep pace with the normal growth of the country, and by, strange coincidence, seven of the 14 states in question are represented on the census committee. Naturally, the members from states In dsnger of losing representation were quick to voice their opposition to the plan originally proposed, and tbey at one demanded that the basts be fixed at a figure which will allow every itate ; to retain Its present representation. The experts immediately got busy, and found that any plan which will prevent reduc tion will .resutl In lncreaalng the total membership to 435. There ar now 1 members. Senate Would Block Reduction. In view of the fact that 14 states would suffer a decrease in their representa tion, should the total membership of that body bo held down to 391. as at present, it Is altogether unlikely that the basis of representation will be ad vanced much beyond aMN& In the first place, the seven members of the census committee will probably be able to pre vent the report of any bill which pro vides for a greater basis of representa tion, but. should they be overruled and should the House Uself adopt a higher figure, the probabilities are that the Sen ale would reject It and substitute a figure that will prevent the reduction In repre sentation from any state. With 14 atat Involved, there would be 28 votes against a high basis of representation, and in a short session 28 Senators would have no difficulty at all In dictating terms to the entire enat on a Question of this char acter. Idaho Is in Luck. The Stat of Idaho may count Itself very lucky that the situation described has arisen, for, had the basts of repre sentation been fixed at CiOO or over. Idaho would have but one Representa tive for the next V years. On the basis of no.oro. Idaho will have two members New Mexico, whoso population is very little In excess of that of Idaho, will also have two Representatives on the 210,000 basis, whereas It would have .only on were a higher figure adopted. Neither of these states has sufficient population for two full districts, but each has one full district and the major fraction of another, and the major fraction gives an additional member under the rule that haa always been followed heretofore. Washington will come very close to get ting three additional Representatives, but if 210.000 la the basis, the state will lack only a few thousand of the necessary major fraction, and will have to bo con tent with five members. In the other states of the West, it matters little whether the basis of representation Is fixed at JlO.OfO or 23.000. The member ship will be the same. NEHALEM GETS NEW PHONE Company Is Organized to Build As-torla-Klste Line. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 11 Speclal. Res idents of the Nehalem Valley will organ ise tha Nehalem Valley Telephone Com pany, with a capital stock of tMOO. to build a telephone line from Astoria to Elsie, via Jewell, a distance of about 40 miles. The line will have 35 subscribers. More than 1500 of the capital stock has been subscribed by people residing in that section. The owners of the large timber tracts promised to take a good-slsed block of the stock. David Tweedle and James Jamleson to day Interviewed a number of the' local merchants and business men and disposed of several hundred dollars' worth of stock. Xrw Espee Town Planned. KLAMATH FALIA Jan. . Spe cial.) The Southern Pacific Railroad Company is said to be negotiating with the Federal Government for the setting aside of several acres of land on the Klamath reservation for a townslte, to be located at what Is known as Chlloouln bridge, on Sprague River at the crossing of the Southern Pacific Railroad bridge. The company Is build ing grade for three tracks for a depot elt at that point and It I now stated that the matter has been taken up with Population. House. House. 5.J77.MS S ij ! 1.141.V S 6 T0O.924 ( ;.V7A 3 7.0.3 1 3 S7S..1.M 1 3 a S-7.301 - , 1 3 H.S.M .. HJ.M 1 1 61.S7S 1 1 ! 34 Richer Than Cohalt or Coeur cT Alene are some of the silver-lead min ing districts along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Transcon tinental railroad. A small portion of this territory has produced to date $60,000,000 in gold. Let ns send yon free of cost the "British Columbia Bulletin of In formation," giving synopsis of the land, mining, limber and other laws and up-to-date information of fortune-making opportunities for investment. It tells yon how yon can share in the. tremendous development which is starting along the line of three great transcontinental rail ways that are opening up 30,000, 000 acres of rich agricultural and fruit land and 50,000,000 acres of the richest timber, coal and min eral land in British Columbia, known as the Fort George district. Write today. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd. Paid up Capital IJ50.000. Joint Owners and Sole Agents Fort George Townslte. 413 Bower Balldlna, Vaacosrver B. C RICHARD OBEE, District Sales Solicitor, 4WT Wells Fars Hid.. Portland, Or. tha Government with the view to lay ing out and platting a townslte pro vided enough land can be secured for the purpose. LIVESTOCK DEALERS ELECT Murdo McKenile Is Made President of American Association. FORT WORTH, Tex.. Jan. tt Murdo McKensle, of Trinidad, Colo., who has been vice-president, was elected president of the American Livestock Association in Its closing session here today. Dwight B. Heard, of Phoenix. Aria, was elected first-vice-president; S. B. Burnett, of Fort Worth. Tex., second vice-president, and Oovernor Carey, of Wyoming, third vice-president. Denver was chosen aa the meeting place of the next convention. Free hides wer condemned, duty on cattle approved, re ciprocity In trad Indorsed and Govern ment classification of public grazing lands requested in resolution DRAIN AGAINST "NESMITH" Proposed Division of Douglas and the w Armory Are Opposed. ROSEBURG. Or- Jan. 11 (Special.) At a special meeting of th Drain Commercial Club held on Monday even ing, resolution were adopted protect ing against the division of Douglas T.-.- - tha, creation of "Nesmlth" County, and the appropriation of 118.000 by the county court or xwugias wum for the building of an armory. With the entire county, outside of Roseburg. opposed to the building of an armory, it does not appear probable that the County Court will grant tha appropriation. Klamath Camp Army Grows. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Jan. 11 (Special.) Announcement comes from Medford that Forest Superintendent M. I Erickaon ha closed leases with ten Medford people for half-acre tract on the west borders of the Upper Klamath Lake for Rummer homes and camp grounds. The Government service baa had several acres of land surveyed at a point near tha Harrlman Lodge on the Crater Lake Forest Reserve, but all of these surveyed tracts have been reserved by those) eager to camp here during the Summer season. Klamath Church Elects. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 11 (Special.) The Christian Church has elected officer for the year as follow: Clerk, George Hay den; financial sec retary. E. L. Elliott: treasurer. Dr. C. A, Rambo; Elders. J. P. Lee. C P. Gregory and George A. Wlrts; deacons. J. C Swingle, C. A. Rambo. George Hayden, A. Bainter, R. H. Dunbar and E. L. Elliott: dearonesses. Mesdames Apple gate, Bice and Grant. Publicity Fond for 1 1, 95000. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Jan. 11 (Special.) The committee apolnted by the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, consisting of C. T. Oliver, E. M. Chll cote and W. P. Johnson, ha started out on its campaign to raise a 15000 publicity fund, which the local body wants for the year ltll. DAILY METKRO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTIAXD. Jan. 12. Maximum temper ature. 80 degrees; minimum. S3 degrees. Rtver reading, 8 A- M.. 4.S test; change In lust 24 hours. .4-foot rise. Total rainfall (6 P. M. to ft P. If.). .OS Inch; total since Bep teniper 1. 1910. 1T.4S Inches; normal. 32.0S Inches; deflclsney, 4.81 inches. Total sun shine. S hours. IB minutes; possible. hours. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at S P. 29. ST Inches. THE WEATHER. 3 H e o State of weatber. 6TATIOXS- Bolse. Boston Calgary Chicago Denver. .......... Dee Moines Puluth Eureka Galveston Helena Kansas City Montreal ......... New Orleans..... New York North Head North Yakima... Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg. ........ Sacramento. ... .. ft. Louis 8t. Paul Salt Lake..' San Diego San Francisco..., Siskiyou - Spokane. ......... Tacoma Tatooah Island... Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg 81 0.12 44 0.12 4'NK 8.NB 4 3E 8 SB e.s 1 w now Clear Clear 1-S4 0.00 sk rt.oi Rain 6S O.ool Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 24 0.00 16 O.04 SONW in! a'E nam 0.01 14 SK -14 0.14 4SW SO O.OO 4 sw O.OO 12 NE 7rt O.OO 8 SB 4HO.OO IO N S 0.01112 W KO 0.no 4 SB e,0.12 4;W 4-.H T. 18'SE 8! 0.0" lOi.VW 8K 0.0SI 4 NW 52 0.00.2B S 8rtl T. 8 W 2o;0.02'18NW IKi O.OO 14 S 8 O.OO1 6 NW Ml.MlSO'SW 21 T. ICalm 82 O.ool 4 NW 8rt 0.44! 8 S W 82 0.22 10 SB 82 O.OOl 4 S 74 0.004 6 E -19,0.01118 NW Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear PL cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Snow Cloudy Kain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Snow Cloudy Ft. ciouo Snow Cloudy Clear Clear T. Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The hlgh.pressure area, with Its attend, ant cold weather, continues to spread far- TIIE MORNING ' AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor. Phones Main 1 sad A 1128. Tonight. 8:15 Special Price Tomorrow Night Matinee Tomorrow MAXINE KLLJOTT. In Her Latest Comedy Success. "THE LMXRIOR SEX." grenlnrs: 82 to 25c .Matinee, 81.50 to 25c. 8 EAT SALE OrFNS TODAY. HEILIO THEATER. 7 NIGHTS BEGIN NINO 8UNDAT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The Big Comlo Opera Success. The CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Erenlngs and Saturday Matinee: Lower floor. 82. 81.50; balcony. $1.50. 81. 7Jc 6oc; entire gallery. 80c. Wednesday Matinee. 81.50. 81. 7c. 60c. 3Sc 25c Bungalow 2TI5 SEATS NOW SELLING FOR The Queen of the Moulin Rouge Samuel E. Rork's Sensational Production OPENING SUNDAY MATINEE. ALX. NEXT WEEK. Moat gorgeous musical comedy ever pre- - sented in this city. Instructive, bewitching, melodious, bewilder ing. One year at Circle Theater. New Torlc PRICES: SOe, 75e, 81.00. tlM. Matinees. SOc, 75c 81.00, RAKFR THEATER Main S. A S8oa. Geo. I- Baker. Manager. Home of the Famous Baker Stock Compsny. Tonight, all week, bargain matinee Wednes day. 25c Regular maUnee Saturday. The beautiful Southern military play. "ON PAROLE." Full strength of the company. Including Alice Fleming, who Is making her farewell appearance on th" stage. Evening prices. 25c 80c 75c Sat. Mat.. 25c 60c Next week, -The Olrl ef the ol den West.' a a iiwi (l MATINEE JiVEBY DAY liSHTI THEATER 15-55-50-751 -Week of Jan. Clayton White and Ma rie Stuart. In "Cberle," by George V. Ho hart; Mrs. Arthur Boranl and Misa NsTarroj Hugh Llord. King of Uie Air; Parshley; Tbe Yk-torta Four; Charles M. JLoDonaldt Porter J. White and his Company. GRAND Week Jan. 9 METROPOLITAN MINSTRELS, neverest Sextette of Juveniles la Vaudeville. Lee Ploees- Tom and Edith Almond, Stirling Chapman, rtie Three Alcarettas Howard Truesdell re.. Lorella Sisters. GBANDASCOPE. Matlnae every day. 2:80; any seat. 15a. Evening performances at T:80 and 3:15; balcony. 18c; lower floor. 25c; boa seats. 50c Tnejtjaled Vaudeville. week Commencing Monday Matinee. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. Mr. Way Thompson presents Joe Bailey, World s Champion High School Horse. S OTHER FEATURE ACTS S Popular Frlore Curtain 8:80, 7:80, S. LYRIC B'T'n'h and Alder Streets Week Commencing Monday Matinee Keat lng at Flood pressnt DILLON KINO In "The Law-Makers." RUDOorted by the Lyric Musical Comedy Company. The best laushlng show of the season. Two perform ances nightly. 7:45 and 8:15. Matinee dally. 8.43. Friday night. Chorus oirur contest. Next week "A Married Widow." RETURN RECITAL GOGORZA Sunday Afternoon, Jan. 15, 2:30, . MAS0NI0 TEMPLE Prices, $1, $1.50, $2 Direction Lois Steers "Wyrtn Com an Sale Opens Today, 10 A. M. Sherman, Clay & Co. ther South and the low-pressure area has separated Into smaller areas and thereby lost in character and force. During the last 24 hours snow flurries bave occurred In Western Washington, Oregon and South western Idaho. No precipitation waa re ported in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Rain has fallen In Colorado and In the Interior of California as far south as Fresno. In the Southern states and terri tories the temperatures are above normal, but In the Northern states, from the Atlantlo to the Pacific oceans, very cold weather pre vails. In the Canadian Northwest the temperatures this evening ranged from 26 OegreeS OelOW Sero lO W ornre ueiow aero. The conditions are lavorenie tor snow nur ri.a in this district Friday, with lower tenv peratures. especially east of tbe Cascade Mounta'na. FORECASTS, Portland and vicinity Bnow flurries; west to north winds. Oregon and Washington Snow flurries west, snow and colder east portion; west to north winds. Idaho Snow and colder. FnWART) A. BE ALP. Plstrlft Forrester. MEETING NOTICES. ' . A. AND A. 8. RITE Twenty, third semi-annual reunion pro gramme for today; 9 A. M., 18th degree; 10:30 A. M.. SJst degree; 9 p. M., 20th degree: 8 P. M.. 30th degree; 8 P. M-, 81st degree. By order PRESIDING OFFICER. MOUNT TABOR LODGE XO. 42, A. F. AND A. M. A stated com- m mumcauon tai. rrio.jr; evening degree. D. R. YOUNQ. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) evening. 7:30. E. 8th and Bumslde. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome By or der W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec A MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Fri day) evening In Masonic Temple at R o'clock. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec HASSALO LODGE, NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Work In the Initiatory degree Vis itors welcome. F. COZENS. Secretary. CLASS.CIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12c Same ad two eonseratlve times 22c Same add three consecutive times 83o Same ad six or sevea consecutive times. .88c Remittance must accompany out-of-town orders. nix words counts as one line on cask ad vertisements and ao ad counted (or leas than twe lines. When an advertisement Is not ran eonseo utlve times the one-time rate applies. On charge of book advertisements tbe cJianre will be based on the actual number f lines appearing In the paper, regardless ef tae number of words In each line. In New Today all advertisements are rharxed by measure only, 14 lines to the 111 The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting tbe following: Mtaationn Wanted. Made. Mtnatlons Wanted. Female. tor Kent. Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate on the abovs clsnslflcations Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. In case box office addrree Is required, eonnt this aa part of thm ad. Answers U advertisements will be forwarded te patrons, provided self-addressed envelopes are inclosed. sSSa - OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, AUCTION SALES TODAY. T 1 1 BU 18 gu.svaa sauev.. . I and YambUL Sale at 10 A M. J. T. ilaoa. auctioneer. DIED. M'DOWELL In this city, January 11. at the Xamuy resiaence, " " . Thyra McDowell, aged 85 years. months, 15 days, beloved wife of George M. McDowell- Announcement of funeral later. LOWE In this city. January 13, Frank E. IOwe. aged 7 years, mi Flnley's parlora Funeral notice will ap- naar in a later Issue. BARKER January 1L Lewis Charles Bar- aer. agen Ol yeara. neral later. IRVINO Robert Irving died at the home of his son on the Boone s Ferry road, ags 78. Funeral notlcs later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CARTER In this city. January 10. at her late residence, iruo xm. , Mrs. Catherine Carter, aged i3 yeara 5 months. 6 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above sesidence at 2 P. M. today Orlday). January 13. Interment la Lone Fir Cem etery. TONSETH FLORAL CO. MAK44UAM JBLDO. , FLO HAL UEMONd. fbonee:. Main 6108. A 1108. "Dunning UcEntee, Funeral Directors, 7th end line, l'bone Main 430. Lad as Utanl. OHlceol County Coroner. EDWAKD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct, ere. 220 Sd St. Lady assistant. Phone M. tel. j in plNLEY SON, Sd and Madisea, Lady attendant. Phone Main B. A 1600. EAST MDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning, inc. a., os. x aa-g. LK1CSON CO. Undertakers. Lady assist- est. 4u Alder., m. eiaa. a. nop. ZEI.LF.R-BYKNKS CO., Funeral Directors, 884 Williams avc; both phones; lady asst. LKKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and eh Kf "l H I sag. l-adr -!! ant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB CITT HALL ' Main CBS. A lSSS. HUMANE OFFICER. EAST4774 NEW TODAY. $iso Per Acre 53 acres near Tualatin on Southern Pacific; 20 cleared. All fine soil. KEASEYi liUMASONeJEFFERY 13 232 Chamber of Commerce. Richest Lands IN OREGON IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS $125 PER ACRE SI miles from Portland. In Cbehalem Orchard District. 65o fare: "red shot aoil. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and ship us cord wood in payment tot land; we pay difference in cash. FIRLANDS TRUST CO. 8 OS Spalding Bids:- Bare Existence a Thing of the Past If you purchase one of these high class 5 or 10-acre orchard tracts, all set to apples one year old anTJ to be taken care of 4 years more, for only 8310 per acre; small amount cash, balance monthly. Tha same quality of land, only better, that others are paying 8500 per acre for. OUR BIG ADVANTAGE: These tracts are but 25 miles trom .fori land: 12 electric trains dally. See lng Is believing, and we have the goods to show you at our expense no trouble to answer questions. V. R. TAYLOR Jk CO. 4Q3-S-4-5 Lewis BldsT Fourth and Oafc. LADD ADDITION SWELL HOME New strictly' modern, 9-room house with all latest Improvements, furnace, fireplace, den, sloeplng-porch, breakfast-room, built-in bookcases nd buf fet. In fact, nothing missing which makes a complete home, on an 80-foot street with all street improvements in and paid, prices only $7000, about $3000 cash, balance terms. GRCSSI ZADOW, 8 IT Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. MONEY I.V GRAPES f Tes. why not? Portland every year imports from outside of Oregon three fourths of the grapes consumed in this market. Sundale. on the North Bank Railroad, produces the European com mercial varieties better than Europe Itself. Beautiful Malagas, Hamburgs, Tokays. Muscats. See our exhibit. Get our prices and terms on best grape land. Dally trains and water rates for ever for the producer. Hooter Land Co., 4QT yVells-J'ara-o Bid. Columbia Street Snap Income 10 per cent. Price $6500.00 37y2xl00 feet GODDARD & WIEDEICK, 604 Concord Bnilding. 64 ACRES 40 In cultivation, remainder pasture and timber, good spring With 10-inch flow, small lake planted with Eastern brook trout; on good road. 8 miles southeast from center of Portland. C. E.. Box 278. R- D- No. 1 Mllwaukle. Union Avenue Corner $8500 Fine business corner. 89x105. Just ripe for stores with apartments overhead. This is a rare bargain. J. D. KEN Si EOT. 834 I'Bloa Alt, X. ffolSy IRRIGATED -.yfesVL (PUBLIC LANDp lij OPENING. pf 1 11 YOU ARE ENTITLED TO Fill 0M Ifir'-JI lljjil l80AClTE3 0IRIOAieDlA0. It: NJI MAKE APPLICATION NOW fl COTWIOMQDN iffTOXTION CO. tnl VJ9"V aitsVtxcmisuisuia. Affs&ff JATAKY lg, lxi. NEW TODAY. Six Fine Corners 40X140 With S stores and fine six-room bungalow all leased at $60 per month, on ML Scott car, price 86650 83650 cash, bal ance to suit. Corner south of Morri son, dainty site for apartments, a snap. Corner, good house, ready for stores and flats, on Williams avu. Price S8750. Corner, 9-room house, on South 3rd St., a big snap at 813.000. Albina corner with four flats. 8 cottages, paying 7V4 per cent now; cor ner vacant and ready for stores; 84250 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. Corner with concrete block store building and flats. East Side: paying over 10 per cent. Price 50X 65 100X100 100X106 100X135 100X100 8Z6.0UU. GRl SSI ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade Blag., 4th A Oak EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS Tf vnn am looking- for a bargain in an Irvlngton home, complete and mod ern in every detail, 7-room. fixtures especially designee:, winaow snaues mm screens all in, full lot and beautiful lawn, have $2000 in cash and do busi ness this week, it will pay you to call on us at once. jt Knvinn in anartment-house dis trict, can be had at a bargain price by calling on us at once; only 15000 cash required to handle this. Beautiful building lot. tun size, oe tween S2d and 33d on Hawthorne ave. carline; only $700 cash required. This Is the biggest snap on me marnei. Devlin 6 Firebaugh B10-511-S12 Swctland Building. Exchange Proposition WILL ACCEPT good Portland property to value of $4500.00, but must have $2500.00 cash. PRICE, $15,000. MORTGAGE, $3000. What have you to offer t Real Estate Dept. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Will Build Warehouse either brick or concrete, to suit tenant. Lot 80x100, northwest corner 15th and Kearney sts.; trackage 100 teet on 15th street. Apply to owner, Beacon Investment Company 606 Concord Bid?., 2nd and Stark Sts, Phone Main 1373. Nob Hill Lot 50x100 on Hoyt street, near 21st. Don't overlook tnis buy. $8000 KEASEY IIIUMASOKJEFFERY & 232 Chamber of Commerce. Gi Family Hotel or Apartment Site 100x100 feet, close in. one block north of Washington street. Small cash payment, balance on or be fore 10 years at six per cent. Have party who will build on West Bide and lease to responsible tenant for term of years, a building for laun dry purposes. New brick apartment-house, modern In every respect, located in the Nob Hill district, pays 15 per cent on purchase price; a choice permanent investment; terms. C. V. EVERETT, 414 Spanldlng Bnilding. Peach and Walnut Tract 5 acres at Meldrum Station, on Ore gon City electric, Improved with fence and new- J2000 modern, bungalow, in high state of cultivation. 660 peach and walnut trees 4 years old, should yield a profitable crop next year. This prop erty is worth J8500, but for a short time will sell for $7500. with $5000 cash pay ment, or 2 acres with bungalow for $4700, all cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg 4th sad Oak. IRVINGTON Six-room house, faces east on E. 19th North, near Thompson. Owner gone East and must sell. Big sacrifice for cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPAJfY. REAL ESTATR For Bale Lots. 45ft CASH will buy a 60x100 lot on East 27th St., near Jarrett St.; nice building lot. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. S04 Concord Building. TWO LOTS."5T5. EAST TERMS. Jn Falrport Addition, adjoining Kenton, 100 feet from car. A. R. Ritter. pnuns Main 8045. ONE block of 14 lota close to Hawthorne; will be sold as a whols or on a building bests. Benson, room 818. 326 Wash. WILL, sacrifice my equity of $760 In two well located lots for 1260. Address V 666. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATK PEAURS. . . ,,,, ai, catling hi rl . Bru baker & Benedict, 60 McKay bid, at Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce i- t a av una r-nrbstt bldC V. UUa, 0. 0. K- www Jennings a Co.. Main 188 206 OregonJaa. PALKER-JONEa CO, K. P.. 21 Comjnsr cial Club blda. ' Scbalk. Geo. !.. 22S Stark st. Mala l The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand aa .ana Mul-:noman st. nouauajr . M. E. THOMPSON" CO.. cor. 4th and Oai sta REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. GREGORT HEIGHTS. In the best residence section of lorx land; short car rlda: good ar service. Lots 20C and up. Take Rose City Para car to end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. A SNAP IN LOTS, 100 CASH. 4 lots. 3uxl00 each; on East Burnsiae st. near 05th. handy to two carlines; a line place to build a house and raise chickens, or a good speculation; ouner must sell: price 41000, 100 cash and 15 per month. GRUSSI 4: ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade Bdg- 4thandOaK1 IRVINGTON LOTS. 1300 cheaper than any others in same locality; $150 and upwards; macadamlzeo street, cement walks and curbs in ana Included in the price; we will build you a house on one of these lots If you de sire. See us quick. HOISINGTON-COMTE CO., Main 5738. 617 Board of Trade. SACRIFICE SALE. 100x100. Delaware and Ainsworth. 100x100, 67th, near Sandy road. lOOxllK).. Williams and Sumner. 40x100. E. 27th N. and Sumner. Submit us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Buy now. Lots $50. West Stark and 62d streets, west of City Park, only IS . ... LI , n d. T3i.fi ,1 tlftll minutes trom vroiiiiiB."" X view lota Money-makers. Terms $2 per month. . . National Realty & Trust Co.. S26V4 Wash ington st.. room oio. 50x90, on East 22d st. and Frankfort, one block to carline; both streets Improved and paid for; terms: 10 per cent . down, balance easy; price $850: this Is a snap. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 004 Concord Building. FORCED SALE. 2 lota on corner of two 80-foot streets; best location in Irvlngton; $1000 cheaper than anything around It; must sell this week and somebody is going to get . a bargain; if taken quick will soli for J100, terms. East 514. Tabor 2376 100 FEET From the Alberta carline. 75x100. with alley in rear, on corner of East 2Sth and Jarrett sts.; price $850; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 504 Concord Building. ALBINA LOT. $1230. 60xl00-ft. lot on Borthwlck St.. 1 block from Russell St.; price $1250, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8009. A 2653. SNAP on East Side. In highly restricted residence district. Only $87.50 required to handle thla Lot 71x135, is worth $1200. My price for a few days $875. Good reas on for selling. Phone Main 1503. ask for Mr. Burlingame DELAWARE AVENUE. Near Kllllngsworth avenue: 15 choice fruit trees on lot 60x100; price $750. terms; faces east. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 604 Concord Building. ONLY $65 cash required to bsndls beau tiful lbt. 60x100 in highly restricted dis trict on East Side. Balance $16 a month. Two hundred dollars below actual market value. For few days only. Main 1503, ask tor Mr. Burllngame. THREE LOTS. On the corner of East 37th and Ray mond ave.; 60x100 each; price $475 each; nice location and lie well; terms very easy. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 604 Concord Building. BAY CITY, ON TILLAMOOK BAY Termi nus United Railways; ocean shipping point P. R. N. R. R.: lots for sale. Par ticulars Bay City Land Co.. 702 Spalding bldg. CHEAP LOT. On East 28th st... 50x100, 250 feet from carline; faces west; price $475, $50 down, balance easy; a chance to get a lot close In on easy terms. GODDARD WIEDFICK. 504 Concord Building; IRVINGTON. Lot 60x100. in choice location, close to Irvlngton carline: hard surface street and all Improvements: will make very low price and easy terms. Address N 664, Oregonlam 1575 "CASH buys nice lot 150 feet to Rose City Park car; cement walks, etc.. In and paid; size 50x100; it's a snap for home or for Investment. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Wash. St., room 404. $10 CASH and $3 per month, level lot, 3 blocks Mt. Scott 5c car; city water, street graded and paid. XilglCy, J31nop x wcmaft. n'- A REAL SNAP Business location on Glisan street, near 28th street, for $1500. Easy terms or discount for cash. X 86L Ors- gonlan. ARE YOU INTERESTED In a good, close-in hnv ftn Smdv road? If so write me. Lot 50x100, close-In and next to corner fori $1150. Terms to suit. I oov, urcsttmaii. ' FOR SALE REaETeSTATE. Quarter block. Rose City Park dlstrlol; three lots. Improvements in and paid; two blocks to carline; unusual bargain. See owner. 810 Board of Trade. Phons Mar shall 88. CONTRACTOR'S LOTS. See me for 10 good lots, close to good car system, for building low-priced homes; exceptional terms will be made; I am In a position to sell houses as fast aa ready to occupy. AF 745. Oregonlan. TWO sightly lots. East lTth and Skidrnore. overlooking whoi. surrounding country. Owner will build to suit, on easy terms. Pbona C 2794or B 1481. A 617. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices: some bargains. Main 351, A 3839. CORNER 100 on Alberta St. by 80; snap; $2250 cash. Hurry! Phone Woodlawn 2714. For Sale Hoases. BARGAIN if sold soon, now 5 -room bunga low, 2 blocks from Rose City car on block from Laurelhurst; flceplace, bullt-ln book AAs. linen closet, all modern conven ience, large attic, fine view. Owner, 838 E. Main, lapor zivi. Fee Investments or homes. SEB DETSCH WITWER. Specialists In Real Estate For the man of moderate meana BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Keal Estate. Rentals. Insurance. SIX EXCELLENT Homes, 8 and 6 rooms; oak and mahog any finish: very desirable locations: no agents. C ISCd. East 273. W. H. Herd man. 6-ROOM bungalow, all conveniences; flre- filace, beam ceilings,, range, shades, lino eum, chicken-house and run; S acre; $1150 cash, balance long terms. Ralnsford, Rlsley Btatlon. Oregon City line. AMODERN home In every respect, 14 large rooms, grounds 100x100, fine location. West Side, near 2 carlines; must be seen to be appreciated; sacrifice price, terms lib eral. Owner. AF 763. Oregonlan. $2U0 TAKES a good 6-room house on Eu .Anl St. : 100 feet from Union; $4100 cash. balance 6 per cent in two years, phone C 2429 or call at so tn St. in. $28o"o ONLY New modern 6-room house, basement, improvements, lot 40x100. fine location ; 1-3 cash, balance easy terms. See owner, 1087 lst st. T NOB HILL HOME. Elegant, modern house, beautiful rut stone foundation; terms. See Benson. 326 Washington st.. room 813. A FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished complete, oak and mission furniture, raneo and heater: $3000, $600 cash, balance $15 month. X 664. Oregonlan. WHY PAY RENT T $8.0 buys a shingled bungalow In South Portland; easy terms. Call at 300 Hamil ton ave. Owner. KEW. modern bungalow, one block from good carline, and near the Jefferson High School; $300 down and balance on easy terms. Call at 414 Spalding bldg. WE WILL build and help finance a bunga low, flat or apartment for you. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 8399. 503 Oregonlan bldg. BIG bargain. 7 rooms, modern bungalow, in restricted district; must sell; price $2500, $500 down. Phone Tabor 2351. Owner. BY OWNER 7-room modern home. East 3d and Multnomah sts., best residence dis trict in city. Apply Main 9252. 6-ROOM modern house, 3 blocks from car, corner lot; $200 down, balance like rent. Phone ms at once. Tabor 2351, owner. TEN-ROOM cottage, at Gearhart Park, faces the ocean, barn and large grounds; terms liberal. Owner. AF 764. Oregonlan. 14100 Corner 11th and Hancock; new bun galow. Owner. Eaat 2227. SIX-ROOM house for sale. 326 Bonton. near McMillan st. Phono East 5732. x REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TODAY'S AO. INEXPENSIVE HOMES. TOMORROW'S, MORE COSTLY ONES. SOMETHING DIFFERENT NEXT DAY. $3750 Only $375 cash and balance easy monthly payments. There Is an unusual reason for these easy terms which we will explain to anyone who wants a modern 12-room house. It's o a corner lot; mxj nincent views. Located In Morning side, which is the tract where we had such a phenomenal lot salo in December and are having now. In vestigate. $3000 Non-resident owner of an attractive bungalow In Rose City Park au thorises quite a reduction in the price and has instructed us to sell at once, lot 50x100. near car and a few feet above sidewalk. Rented, but tenant would vacate upon fair notice. Book c -ses built In; pan eled dining-room, buffet, etc. Fur niture $250 extra. $2350 A home on easy terms. $750 cash; 4 rooms and bath, completely fur nished; on East 59th street, near the East Morrison-at. cars: lot 50 xioo; barn 12x16; furniture cost $600 seven and one-half months ago. We will show this (or any we have) or we will give yon all details and arrange for your inde pendent inspection. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT. (Properties handled by this firm are mostly listed with the arm under ex clusive contract.) READ THIS A REAL HOME FOR $600 DOWN READ THIS. If this Isn't sold In a few days it will be taken off the market, so GO SEE IT TODAY. 7 rooms, fine fixtures, all floors finished, pantry and Dutch kitchen, all Hnlshlns wood well selected: has sleeping porch, also dining porch and 3 other porches; porches aa well as the other parts of house set on concreto foundations. House will be ready to move Into In about one week; party buying now may select pnlAr. rtf tinting IwindoW shades). This Is in the Rose City Park dis trict, but not In Rose City Park. LET US SHOW THIS HOME TO YOU TODAY. PRICE $4800. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Phones A 2050 or Priv. Ex. 20. IF you are In the market for a home. In spect No. 104 East 24th St., near Flan ders St.: has 7 rooms, reception hall, ltv-lng-room with fireplace, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen as light as day; two bedrooms and large bath on first floor, large hall, two bedrooms, storeroom and fine sleeping porch on second floor, screened back porch, cement basement and furnace. It can be bought of me for $5000; 15i0 cash, balance long time; you can't duplicate this anywhere In the city. JOS. C. GIBSON, 305 Gerllnger bldg. $200 CASH. New. 2-story house of 5 rooms and bath; good cement basement, furnace, fixtures, shades and tinting Included in price: street graded, curbed and sidewalks; ail im provement bills paid; short distance to Rose City Park car. Buy this home on terms like rent. The price Is only $8400. Postofftca box 311 or AJ 634, Oregonlan. SWELL BUNGALOW. CHEAP. Very fine new 6-room bungalow, furnace, . . , . . ......1,1.. Unnwm wflflh nrepiace, cmna nB-i, wuuu." - trays, cement floor, fine fixtures. In fact nothing missing; a sieepum rv,"" . - - 60x100, east front, street improved and ce ment sidewalk: on East 27th. near Morri son; fine location; price Io400, part cash. If you want a nice home, cheap, you should see this. GRUSSI ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Blrtg- 4th and Oak. IN IRVINGTON. THAT'S WHAT WE SAID. And at the ridiculously low price of $4800: most elegant modern home, having every up-to-date feature, and beautiful grounds. It's Just lovely and you must see It. and the terms are the most at- tractive. . R. E. NICHOLS CO 270 ft Stark St. BUNGALOW AND LOT. $200 down, bal. like rent; yon should have one of our cozy modern bungalows; 4 rooms and bathroom, porcelain path, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, large kitchen cabinet, platerall. walls tinted, etc.. on 150-ft. lot. close to Rose City Park car; price for 2 days only. See Jas. r. Logan & Co., 326 Wash. St.. room 404. near 6th. Brand new 6-room modern house, wltn gas and electric fine fireplace, boilt-in china closet, paneled dining-room, sleep ing porch, laundry trays, on a lot 42x114. on East 32d, near Hawthorne; a fine loca tion; price only $4000. $500 cash and $-!0 per montn. . GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 41 h and Oak. OH. SO COSY! A nne lllli vrwm ... ... villa for $1600: nice lawn and trees; make your own terms. R. E. NICHOLS & CO.. 270 Stark St. 1 Tnirik-.TnM trn-vrE? CATTtO 7-room modern house, lot 50x100 ft., hard-surface pavement, on carline, faces east; unobstructed view: Just completeri and ready for occupancy. Price $6i50. II P. PALMER JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Mnln 8S'.9. A 2653. PIEDMONT Oroom house and 5-room bun- gaiow. . ....J east facing, full basements, cement floors, fireplaces, tinted walls, finished floors, combination fixtures, dining - rooms beamed and paneled, shades, first-class plumDing; easy ioiuib. " owner. Phone Woodlawn 1339. ' - nnnV, o nt'lTTV AW. $'800 on a corner lot facing east with den bath, toilet, built-in book cases and wardrobe, polished floors, large porches; only one block from sar; only $500 cash on this new resiurni., uti. icui... w.... BLANCHARD & CLUNSON, 66 Sixth St. 6-ROOM modern house, close in. lot 30x125; fruit, terries, ruses, yino .u-w. C 2429 mornings - Ituslness Property. . rr ii ..I'lnw In Rtillltran'a fSiilnh. at a reasonable figure, is becoming very scarce. I ofter a small parcel, ideally lo cated for small manufacturing plant or warehouse at a price actually as low as the price asked for vacant lots In the same vicinity not having the advantage of a railroad right-of-way. Only $2oO cash required to handle 60x100 ft. lot. close to large manufacturing plant. Easy terms on balance. An opportunity to double your money In 60 days. Trackage in thla vicinity will soon be at a premium. Phone Main 1503, A 1S15; ask for Mr. Burllngame. i SANDY boulevard business property; close to 29th full 50x100 feet. Have three choice lots facing this coining business thoroughfare. Only $150 cash required, balance on very easy terma Lots furthsr out are selling for a third more than I can offer those for next few days. Investi gate this at once. An opportunity to dou ble your money in 90 days. I can convince vou If you are really interested. Call Main ifuj. aK m .m. Vff: RANDY BOULEVARD BUSINESS PROP- EKTI vluoe i w ...v .. Have three choice lots facing this coming business thoroughfare. Only $150 cash re aulred; balance on very easy terms. Lots further out are selling for a third more than I can offer these for next few days. Investigate this at once. An opportunity to double your money In 90 days. I can convince you if you are really interested. Caii Main 1503, ask for Mr. Burllngame. BUSINESS CORNER. 46x46 corner East 10th and Beacon sts both streets Improved and graveled and' paid for; close to threo carlines; price $900 cash; fine location for a business bU"dlnGQPDARD & WIEDRICK. ,r04 Concord B uj 1 d 1 n g. evir qAI.E by owner, new business prop erty price 10,000; income, ?2000; JwooO will' handle. AL 603. Oregonlan. Acreage. 46300 10 acree, 2 milej east city limita. near Mount Hood Railway station and Base Line road ; suitable lor platting. nerAD6tf. Oregonlan. ( WANT partv to go In with me to buy a snap o 40-aore tract ; $ 1500 requlred. BROWN & STAVER. 614 Couch Bid-. 10 ACKES good farming land in Florida with improvements for $500; terms. T. Atki nson, 7S4 Roosevelt city. 20 ACRES on Section Line road, near Sevm Wile House; half cleared. AF tW8. Ore goclan. 1 ACRES on O. E. Ry. ; 5-cent fare, $18X0. In Madison Villa tract. Owner, address box 11. Eatacada. Or. 18 ACRES. 15 acres cleared, running water, near Beaverton; by owner. Tabor 1560. " 0 4-5 ACRES. A platting proposition, station on ground, 7L c.k ion i Wnshlns-'rin ronm St 13.