Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 13, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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f-.t rr- Sale of Rov1 Worcester and Ron Tnn Corsets-Mhie. Helene. Mariette, Marquise and Redfern Corsets.
Warner Rust Proof, Howd and La Bean Front Lace Corsets-Rengo Belt Corsets-Expert Corsetieres to Assist in FiUigg
; 'i
Olds.Wortman Kinfl
At The
Extra Specials
In the Basement
BSiojl Store
33dl wAiniintfULSu
ti ill ,
Women's $1.25
In the basement "underprire store,"
clearance surprise sale of women's
Knitted Underwear, vests, pants and
union suits; sanitary fleece-lined, fine
ribbed cotton; broken lines, left from
the season's heavy selling; CO.
values op to $1.25, special for
Children's 15c
Hose Now at 7c
Only 50 dozen in this surprise pal
ace for today's selling. Fine grade
ribbed cotton, with double heels and
toes; fast black; sizes 5 to 9j; pood
wearing popular sellers at the regular
price of 15 a pair; special
clearance sale price, the pair
Dress Goods
60cValues for 29c
In the basement "nnderprice store,"
1000 yards of dress materials in fancy
rriral anifinm. nl&in serees. etc.; all
good staple colors, medium weight ma
terials, which will jnve excellent serv
ice; our regular 50c and 60o 29c
values; surprise sale price, yd. w
85c Taffeta SilKs
Special. Yard 48c
Basement Shoppers will find easy
choosing in this lot of fine French
Taffeta Silks, rich chiffon finish, 19
ins. wide, suitable for waists, dresses
nd foundations : every wanted shade.
Onr recular Mo nualitV. un- yl Q.
derpriced during week, at, yd.
Re.$l.QO Corsets
Special at 69c Ea.
Real nnderpricing in the big basement
store for today. Womena Corsets,
made of fine quality eoutii, modeled
... . l .
witn long nips; periect iiiuhk,
lStn 9rt fittrA vith two nnirs of hose
mnnAWrt wcmtitr 1 values. t
clearance sale price only, pair w
$2.00 Corsets
Special at 1.48
In the basement "nnderprice store,"
a clearance sale of Marquise Corsets,
made of fine batiste and eoutii, with
long hips and low bust, fitted with
3 pairs of hose supporters; a perfect-
fitting $2 eorset; special dTI
clearance sale price, pair P "J
$1Q.S Corsets
Special at $2.48
Tn the Basement eorset deDt a clear
ance sale of the lion Ton models, made
of extra fine batiste, trimmed with
silk, lace and ribbon; broken lines;
sizes ranpe from 25 to 30 only. Our
regular $3 and $10 cor- AQ
sets, special price, the pr. V"0
Men's $20.00
Suits for $8.95
Men's and young men's Suits in brok
en lines; bnt what's the odds you
only need one of a kind, and we can
fit yon. All sizes in the lot up to 42
ehest; about 500 good, stylish suits in
tasty patterns; $13 to $20 CO QC
values, special at. the suit
Men's $2.50
Pants for $1.65
In the basement store, we offer a
clearance sale of men's every -day
Pants, all well tailored and perfect
fitting; eome in sizes 31 to 42 waist;
neat gray and striped materials; good
every-day trousers, worth (2
$2.00 and $2.50. for. pair '-'-'
$1.75 Values $1.29
In the basement "nnderprice store"
a timeiy offering of Comforts, covered
with fine quality of silkoline, filled
with fine cotton, well quilted ; full
size; assorted patterns and shades;
regular $1.75 values, spe- C1 OQ
cial clearance price, each P
Reg'. $3.5Q Pillows
Special Pair $2.65
In the basement "nnderprice store."
a clearance sale of full-size Bed Pil
lows, filled with fine selected feath
ers and covered with extra heavy tick
ing; our best regular $3.50 values, of
fered during the clearance to CC
sale at low price of. pair M.VJiJ
1126jt3h. Friday Qurprise
Today's great double bargain event will attract an enthusiastic throng of buyers At
every turn will be found matchless values in high-class merchandise of every descrip
tion Bargains that will find favor with the careful buyer Plan to be here today
W o m e n's Suits
$32.50 Values at $12,98
For today only A showing of rare values in
Women's Tailored Suits-The very latest ap
proved styles in cheviots, broadcloths, basKet
weaves, English mixtures, mannish worsteds
We have selected from our regular stocK about
2QO of the most serviceable .and practical
styles for Winter wear Just for an extra clear
ance surprise we give you an op- ri -l C" Q
portunity to select; vals. to $32.50 CP1 J O
omen s
$22.50 Values at $9.95
Popular styles in Women's Dresses In fact the
best collection you have ever had an oppor-
tunity to choose from Materials are serges
Henriettas, broadcloths, striped siins, messa
lines, crystal cords, taffetas and attractive
rtlnid series, comorisinrf our entire stocK of
thif season's best styles in dresses worth up to
$22.50 Plain tailored dresses and T Q fff
fancy trimmed styles Today only H J J Zs
1 1
Surprise Sale
'Merode' Knit
75c Vals. 12V2C
In the underwear store, main floor, a
surprise sale of 2000 women's "Mer
ode" Knit Corset Covers, styled with
low neck and short sleeves; high neck
and half sleeves, high neck and long
sleeves, medium and light weights.
Our regular 60c and 7oc 1 Plor
values, surprise clearance
$22.5Q Trimmed Hats Only $7.95
SIO.OO Trimmed Hats Only $3.95
Frid ay Surprise Sale of handsome Trimmed Hats Smart tailored styles includ
ing Knox Tailored. Gage Tailored, FisR Tai ored. Gearhardt Tailored, Phipps
Tailored, Hyland Tailored, Etc. The sale includes the entire stocRs with the
exceptions of Plume Trimmed Hats and Knox Riding Hats This is one of the
most remarKable offers of this sale Hats worth $10.00 and up for (1 T Q
3.95-And hats worth j2.5Q and up special to close at only, each P 4 J J
Today at 1Q A. M.
Miss Tracy's Cooking School is grow
ing in popularity with women who are
anxious to learn how to make all kinds
of goodies to eat. Today the menu
will be: Crab Meat, Terrapin Style;
Noodles; Cream Scones, and Coffee.
Great Annual Clearance
Men's $25 Smits for $15.85
If you stop to think before you decide upon buying a Suit you will surely come to this store. Our
lines are all new, this being our first Winter season in the clothing business. "We could not show
you an old style suit if we chose to do so. There's none here. The thoughtful man will come here
because m establishing a new department it behooves us to give Deuer values inan me omer siores
m. . i ID ' L' I.i I 1L. m.
oiler, mere are neat grays, Drowns ana iancy mixtures in mis 101, uu me
style are practical and new. Our regular $25.00 values, now on sale for only
Great ITriday Surprise Sale
S20 8
iits for $11.45
A great Clearance Sale of Men's and Young Men's Medium and Heavy Suits. This season's new
est styles, in neat Scotch effects ; cheviots and cassimeres, brown mixtures, pin checks, grays and
fancy mixtures ; all sizes in the lot. Remember, our clothing is selected from the best representa
tive lines in the country, and every one is sold with an absolute guarantee of satisfaction to the
wearer. We solicit your critical inspection of this lot, whether you intend to (fr-fl - A
buy or not. Our Regular $18.00 and $20.00 values. Special Clearance price, suit D11 J
75c Union
Suits at 59c
2000 women' Union Suits, full-length
sleeves and ankle lengths; heavy
fleece-lined, form-fitting garments;
our regular 75o values, priced CQm
for speedy clearance at, suit '
MT7NSIN0 Union Suits, also vests
and pant for children ; white and nat
ural colors; not all sizes in this lot,
but the redaction is very unusual.
Pick out your aiie. 1- ly
offered at saving of Oi
DR. DINTON'S Sleeping Garments
for children; a full assortment of
style and sixes at clearance price.
Great Clearance of Petticoats
$lQ.OO Vals. $4.85 $10.00 Vals. $5.68
$12.50 Vals. $6.95 $15.00 Vals. $7.49
LOT 1 A factory clean-up
makes this great sale possible.
Fine taffetas, in blacks and col
ors, changeables and Dresdens;
in regular and extra sizes. Cut
full, with deep A Q C
flounce; $10 values p0J
LOT 2 Exceptionally fine line
Taffeta Silks; messalines, Per
sians, jersey tops with taffeta
and Persian flounces, all colors;
regular and extra sizes; petti
coats worth $10.00; CC fjC
clearance price, ea. P'"J
LOT 3-Attractive assortment of
women's high-grade Silk Petti
coats; rich, lustrous taffetas,
Persians, Dresdens, with drops;
regular and extra sizes; deep
flounce, very neatly CC QC
trim'd; $12.50 vals.
LOT 4 Finest silk jersey top
Petticoats, plain or Persian ac
cordion plaited flounce, taffetas
and messalines, all colors; rich
Dresdens and Persians; regular
and extra sizes; our C7 A.Ck
best $15.00 values at P t
a vi
D inner Sets
Small pink and blue spray, gold-traced
handles and knobs; 300 C20 7C
pes.; $46.35 values, set PJ"
100 pieces, pink spray, small vine, full
gold line traced handles G1A(1 OH
and knobs; $65.75 vals. PtU.fcV
100-pc. set, border pattern, green and
yellow with gold band, solid gold han
dles and knobs; regular D1 7 fiO
$68 Dinner Set for onlv v V
GERMAN CHINA 100-piece Dinner
Set, dainty decoration, full gold lined.
A splendid value at the regular price
of $20.00 clearance d 1 A Q CI
sale price, the set pXfcW'
Sale Men's Fine Underwear
$1.5Q Val. $1.1Q $3.5Q Val. $2.23
.Tnf trfcnt mn thane cold davs. A ereat Clearance of the famous Gantner & Mattern under
wear for men. As is well known among the wearers of good underwear, we carry the most exten
sive line of this splendid make in the city. ' Mercerized lisles, in fancy colors, such as white with
pink, blue and lavender stripes, plain blue and natural color. Athletic style shirts ; drawers are
trimmed with satin to match stripe. Also fine worsteds, worth' $3.50, special at $2.23. Fine
Mercerired Lislea in colors, $3.00 values, for 2.15. Mercerized Cottons, $2.00 1A
values, for $1.45. Regular $1.50 values now specially priced at only, the garment D 1 1 J
MEN'S CASHMERE SOCKS, Shaker style, the weight you should wear this kind of
weather. These are the regular 50-cent values, but for this clearance to go at, special price UtJC
Childs' $10.50
Women's Outing' Gowns
$1.75 Val. $1.32 $2.50 Val. $1.98
In the Second Floor Undermuslin Section, a great Clearance Sale of Outing Flannel Gowns in white
and colors; trimmed in braids, and colored embroideries; ail well maae; cut 11111. neg. a -m
ular $1.75 values, specially priced for this Clearance Sale at the exceptional price of i 1 Ott
OUTING GOWNS, made of heavy material, wmte or colors or wane wim ueut pina.a
dots; high or low necks; trimmed with braids and frogs; regular $2.00 values for
ftTTTTWn 11 A TXT "WQ -ma At vF 1 -r&rT Vpct. mm litv of online flannel: trimmed in
braids and frogs or dainty white and colors; regular $2.50 values, special at low price u
" . . ,. 1 . 1 T " 1 " i 1 1 J .1
KNIT FETTIC0AT5, just what you need tnese com aays. nam wnne, uiue, reu auu
green colors ; plain or striped ; very exceptional values at $2.00, specially priced at
1 X JkJ
Raincoats $7.89
$9 Dresses $4-48
In the little girls' department, on the
second floor, the best double-texture
Raincoats, rubberized cloth, made reg
ular styje; sizes 6 to 14 years. Our
best regular $10.50 values, QfJ QQ
on special sale at only, ea. V
TiTLESSES for children. 6 to 10 Tears.
Wool serge and luster, in dark navy,
cardinal and brown colors; our Dest
regular value up to $9, IS: A Afl
on special sale at only, ea. H'-'
Surprise Clearance Plaid, Gray and White
$7.00 Wool Blankets Only $5.1Q
Today tn the Bedding Store, third floor, we offer three remarKable values in
Wool BlanKets-Pure white with pinK and blue borders, feather-stitched edge
Attractive plaid blanKets, blue and white, tan and white, gray and white. blacR
and white, red and blacK-Also a very finely finished light silver gray blanRet
with tanborders-Ail lull size double blanKets worth $7.00 a pair dC 1
today's Surprise Clearance price is a substantial savina The pr. at V
SI. 49
Clearance vSale
Clauss Shears
The celebrated "Clauss" Scissors
every pair guaranteed; made, of the
finest razor steel, best finish; in all
styles, manicure, cuticle, barber, tail
or and household shears, blunt or
sharp points, reduced as follows :
Regular 50o Shears reduced 38
Regular 65o Shears reduced 49
Regular 75c Shears reduced 57
Regular $1.00 Shears reduced 75
Regular $1.50 Shears reduced 81.13
Regular $1.75 Shears reduced $1.37
Regular $2.00 Shears reduced $1.50
Enameled Cooking Utensils
At Great Clearance Reductions
White and white enameled Seamless Coffee
Pots; best regular $1.10 values, special, ea.
$1.10 Dish Pan, 14-qnart siae, on sale at, each, 88
$2.50 Tea Kettle, No. 8 size, on sale for only 82.00
45c Lipped Sauce Pan, S-qnart, on sale for only 34
Bine and white enameled Tea Pot, seamless, wj j
twiwinirt size: rerular 95c value, special at f J w
Regular 75c Coffee Pots, 2-qnart sUe, for only 60
25c Deep Pndding Pans, iyt-qnart rise, at, each, 1P
Best gray enameled ware, 6-qnart Covered Q O
Berlin Sauce Pan: rerular 60c value at only J t
70c Double Bice Boiler, 3-qnart size, special for 55
45c Straight Covered Bancs Pans, on sale at, ea., j-ac
50c Deep Covered Sauce Pans, on special sale at 39d
Din. anA T,.molo1 PA P1a.t.AS 1 0-itL. 4 P
tiza: onr rssmlar 20c values, on sale at, ea. X O C
30c Deeu Jellv Cake Pans. 10-inch, on sale for 24
Don't fail to see the window display a big showing.
Tlie Purest and feest Groceries
at Low Clearance Sale Prices
Bohemian Butter, two-pound square, on sale for 78c
Eggs, fresh Oregon Ranch, on sale at, the dozen, 40
Eggs, fresh Eastern, on special sale, the dozen, 31
Hams, Eastern sugar-cared, at only, the pound, 15c
Bacon, best English style, on sale at only, pound, 19
Lard, pure kettle-rendered, on sale at, 10 lbs,, $1.45
Lard, pure kettle-rendered, 5-lb. pail at only, ea., 75c
Grape Fruit, large California, on sale at only, ea. 5
Corn Starch, special, 5 packages at low price of 25c
Lima Beans, on special sale at five cans for only 25c
Golden Wax Beans, on sale at $1.25 dos. or, can, 12c
Standard Corn on sale at 95c dozen, three tins at 25c
SardinesYacht Club, large tins, special at only 25c
Ripe Olives, large, special at this price, quart, 50 c
Mackerel, Norway, very choice, special at, e achl 0 c
Herring, Milchner, new, on special sale at 6 for 25c