11 . . a a w v m "a-w-T m -T - O H t-i 1 1 iaaaaaaaa.ai m i i i '. i 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORWXl.W TELEPHONE. Covntlris-rmm Mala TOTO A nl City circulation ......... Main TOTO A Masaara Editor ........Main T070 A oJ Sunday Editor Mtn 7070 A aoj Compoalnc-room ........Mala 707 A om Cspu boildlsc Mala A MM AMCRKMET9- HEIIJ1 THEATER nth and Taring aiaxine r. 1 1 1 ot t in i ne iwwiwr Tonixht at o'clock. R1YCR THFITI'H I PIYnth and HOT rmo.) Tha Fakar Stock Company la On Parole." Tonight at S:lS o clock. Cl'i'LlH THEATtR (Morrison. betw filth and Savanthl Vaudeville. ThU art- moon at I 15 and tonight at :Ia Cr.AND THEATER (Kara, and Waahtnr ton) Yaulc villa. TbU afternoon at x:la. tonight at T:IO and a. Lrri'- 7H EAT EZt Sevanth anrt Aider) Lytic Comply Company In Toa Law makers." Thia aftarnuua at 1:30 and to night at 130 and a. IUK THtA r KK il-ark and Wahlntoal Motion pic-.uraa. Continuous, from 1:M to 10. ao p. al. Advartlacsaeata Intended tcr tha Clry Ncwi la Brief nlimmi la Saaaaya la. aa aiaat a aaaaea la Tan Orccaalaa bnataaaa aUlaa r-alaeBl aataraas HFTIETH AXMVKKHARY JirMBER. I'rtca x cent. Postaae In United JJlelea, n'ia. Mexico and tha Island poaeaslons. 7 t-enta. Foreign postage. 14 cente. Basketball Lcaoue la Formed. A fca.-ketball league was formed Wednes day night In the Sellwood Branch Y. M. C A., under the direction of Physi cal rlrector Lamb. Teams were or ganized from the Baptivt. Methodist and Presbyterian churches and another will be started Monday from the gen eral Bible class, making a league of four teams within the Jurisdiction of the branch V. M. C. A. The Monta vllla basketball team will take part in the a-ames. but will not be a mem ber of the league. The first game of the series wlil be played Saturday night. January 11, and there will be names evrrv Saturday night until March. The building will be turned over to the women Wednesday after noon. Classes of young girls will have the use of the gymnasium between and P. M and women between 7 and :30 P. M. Water Mai Assessmemts Heavt. Property owners on Villa avenue, be twen Eit Seventy-sixth street and North Mount Tabor are complaining about their assessment for 12-lncn water mains. K. W. Burder, who owns two lots of 45-foot frontage each, waa assessed 1160. and other property own ers are assessed In like proportion. As the main Is a relnforclnic main In which a large district Is Interested, and Is not a main to serve the single street, thei property owners contend that they are taxed too heavily for the benefit cf the surrounding country. Most of tha property owners will bond their property In the hope that their money will he refunded under the new charter amendment. run Vioctailij. Every day Frank L. Mnlth gives away Ave pounds of vegetables free to each purchaser of five pounds of the following meats: The meat will cost you 50c. the vege tables cost you nothing. Plan your t-unday dinner today. Kvery one of Smith's S3 markets has a supply. Tou may choose from corned beef, shoulder of mutton, abort rib of beef, beef hearts, tripe, soft ribs, necks of beef, plates of beef, flanks of beef, beef liver, breasts of mutton, lamb hearts, lamb stew and beef stew. Buy your butter at a Smtth market. Ferndale batter Is fOc; Buttercup butter Is 70o, and Norway and Oakfarm Is 80c. WooDe-rocg Tcxperaxcb furiosi Meets. Reports received at the annual meet ing of the Woodstork Women's Chris tian Temperance Colon yesterday at tha , home of Mrs. Albert K. Ayera showed an Inerease In membership from 14 to '1 during the year. The Union has been active In the distribution of litera ture and la medal contests. Officers elected are: President. Mrs. Fannie McCourt: corresponding secretary, Mrs, Clara Ingham: recording secretary, Mrs. I. V. Winter: treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Smith: first vice-president, Mrs. Hargar: second vice-president, Mrs. Albert K. Avers. CfrxATtTtAt. IIrsA!r FrNTE-vcrn. For accepting the Ill-gotten earnings of Ms young wife. Fred Iowney, an elevator boy in the hallway Exchange building, waa sentenced yesterday by Judge Tax well, to Imprisonment for two months at the city rockplle. The woman, against whom charges had been placed, was allowed to go oti her good be havior. In tha custody of her mother. I towney .had been married only five we-jks when they were arrested at the Prexel Hotel. The woman confessed that she had shared her money with her husband. WoMAJt's Cm-bj Meets Topat. The Vomin'i Club will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon In Women of Wood craft flail. An Interesting programme l prnmlse-1. . J. X. Teal, chairman of the ftate Conservation Commission of Teton, and E. T. Allen, forester of the Western Forestry and Conservation Commission, will each give a 15-mlnute talk, followed by Thomas Hawkcs. landscape architect, who will speak on 'Portland the Beautiful." The pro gramme will h limited to one hour, after which refreshments will be served. S'xth axo f ntmi Strfrt Income PROI'ERTT. We have an excellent Invesment on Sixth street, near Stark, also rorner on Seventh street, near Yamhill. K.ltber of these properties will show M In crease In value In the near future. Wa consider these propositions first class Investments, and will take pleas ure In furnishing any Information de sired. F. K. Tsylor & Co.. 4 01-4 OS lwls bids;., cor. Fourth and Oak sts. WOOPSTCMTC IxPROVXXEXT Ct-tTi TO Mr nr. For tbe purpose of discussing the Question of a library building and r. re department he annual meeting of tha Woodstock Improvement Club will be held tonight In Woodstock. There will ba election of officers and final action will be taken on street Improve ments. The business meeting will be followed by an entertainment and re freshments. The public Is Invited. I -or to Ba Paid roa First. At the meeting of the trustees of the Anabel Presbyterian Church, Mount Scott, Tuesday night. It wa decided to pay for the lot for the clubhouse for the younr people before the building Is erected. The lot wUI cost f ISO and part of the money ha been obtained. MomnxAST eVwtxrrr Meet Today. The Woman's Mlsalonary Society of the Sunnyside Congregational Church will ba held this afternoon at I J", at the borne of Mrs. F.spenhsln. tit Kant Thirty-fourth street. Mis Hoper. of the Seaman's Mission, will address the meeting. Mas. H lUc Bcktcf!. to Hoi.n Revival Beginning Januarv 23. revival meet ings will ba conducted by Rev. Mrs. Illll-Bocker, with areola! singing by her husband, at Immanuel Baptist Church. Second and Meade streta. Serv ices will be conducted nightly. Crniiji of Irvlngton and Holladay. If you want trains of cord wood, lumber excursions thundering by your quiet homes nights and Sundays, attend the meeting tonight at Twenty-fourth and Broadway, and express yourselves. ra. W. Arxold Lixtset. Osteopathic Specialist, on rheumatism stomach and .all nervous diseases: 311 and 311 Mac Jeay bid. Phone Main 1(78. Mix'i OvirecoaT ox Sj.ua. Classy 119 coats now tt.75. Jlmmle funn, room SIS Oregonlan bldg. For prompt delivery of cordwood call op Main JS. East 319. Glob Orrtcai, Oo, 0 Waah. at, HoTAt, Arcanum Hold Ikstaliatjox. N'orris R. Cox, deputy supreme regent, has Installed the officers of Multno mah Council, No. 1481. Koyal Arcanum, as follows: Regent. K. R. Beed; vice regent. J. T. Klchardson: orator, Pavld N. Mosessohn: past regent. Otto Klee m&n: secretary, H. Claussenlus; collec tor. C H. Gilbert: treasurer, W. L. Hay; guide. C. N. Stockwell? warden, P. L. Cover; sentry. Byron Ervln; muslcan, W. M. Kapus; trustee. Otto Mangold. George W. Hazen presented the retlrlrvg regent. Otto Kleeman. wfth a beautiful past regent- Jewel, a a token of the excellent work -done by him during; 1910. MlLWAtTCIB Ctmxasius Oroaxixbd. A gymnasium has been established under the auspices of the Mothers' and Teach era' Club of MUwaukle, for boys and young men. A room has been engaged on the lower floor of the City Hall. In the rear of the reading-room. At A recent entertainment 4 was secured for equipment, and the council has granted the club the use of the hall In the second floor of the city building for another entertainment this month.' The Mothers' and Teachers' Club main tains a library and reading-room In the City Hall. Fraxk K Smith's Good Meat at All OP Smith's .Markets. Smith's bacon ugar cured la 17 He; very fine lean bacon Is 2JHc. and the extra fancy premium bacon 1 12 He. Smith- famous hams are 15c and you can have half a ham for the same price. 15c California picnic hams are 14c. Strictly fresh eggs (not Eastern stock) are 30c dozen. Salt pork is 15c. Pickled pork is, 15c A S pound pall of purest kettle-rendered lard is 4ac. A j-pound pall Is 70c and a 10-pound pall Is $1.35. Choice pot roasts are luc, 11c and 12 He. Sirloin steak, round steak and tenderloin steak are 15c. Shoulders of Spring lamb 12Hc. Shoulder roasts of pork are lao and 17HC Shoulder pork chops are 18C nd loin pork chops are 20c Mut ton chops are 15c Veal sausage and pork sausage are 15c. Roasts of veal are 12 He and 15c Veal cutlets r 15c and 18c. Contractors Start ox Holoate Sewer. Gleblsch & Joplln, contractors for the construction of the Holgate treet extension of the Brooklyn sewer district, have started on parts of the work. However, only preliminary work can be done at present, on sections where machinery cannot be used. The company has a large sewer construction plant, which It used In building the Brooklyn sewer and the North Branch, and this will be used In building the Holgate extension. The plnnt Includes several steam shovels. With exception of short stretches the Holgate-street extension wll be built by machinery- Tdachttr W'ill Ii8fTss Taripp. "The Tariff From an Economic Standpoint" will he the subject of an address by Ir. James II. Gilbert, of the University of Oregon, at the Young Men's Christian Association next Saturday night at 8 o'clock. This Is second In a series of 12 addresses that are being delivered at the Y. M. C A. by Tjr. GllberL The attendance at the opening meeting was so large that the gathering this week will be held In the library on the fourth floor. Th meeting Is open to the pub lic and no admission will be charged. Fraxk L. Smith- Groceries. Two entrances. 22 Alder St. and 14S First st.: 19 pounds of granulated sugar for 11: Quaker oats. 10c per pound; three cans of country club milk for 25c; Ave pound can of fancy table syrup for 25c; Postum cereal Is 20c; two large cakes of Ivory soap for 15c: comb honey Is 15n, and strained honey I Sc per glass: ten pounds of excellent flour for 25c: three cans of old Dutch Cleanser for 25c, and one pound of Baker's premium chocolate. 40c; two loaves of bread for 6c Swixaixrj Pilb Kill Maw. Struck by a smlnglng pile at the site of the new O.-W. It. A N. bridge yesterday. Robert Lewis, foreman of the bridge crew, was knocked Into the excavation, about 20 feet deep, and instantly killed. Work men lifted the body out of the hole and thinking Lewis might be alive, sent him to St. Vincent' Hospital In the Red Cross ambulance. The dead man waa 4 5 years old and a native of Missouri. The body will be sent there for burial. Chemist Give Testimoxt. Verne Williamson, formerly chemist In the office of J. W. Bailey. State Food and Ialry Commissioner, will appear be fore the grand Jury again today, to continue his testimony concerning the affairs of the office. Mr. Williamson was a witness yesterday, as was Paul V. Marls, ex-chlef deputy In the office. Womax' Clpb to Mbot. The current events department of the Woman's Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock, at the office of Ella Crlm Lynch, 250H Third streeL The evening will be given to foreign affairs. There will be a prelude on Portland theaters. Jacob Asher Shot A pci dent allt. Jacob Asher shot himself accidentally in the left hand, when examining a revolver Monday In his store at 242 First street. Irs. Gellert and Sabin removed the bullet at Good Samaritan Hospital. "Tub Child axd Its Mother" and "Working out the Beast" are the sub jects of the Maynard lectures at Ma sonic Temple, tonight at 8. Both lec tures deal with certain phases of the x problem. Admission, 15 cents. North East Sidh Club to Meet. The North East Side Improvement As sociation will meet tonight In Wood men Hall, on Russell street and Rod ney avenue, for general business. Arlbta Mothers to Meet Today. The Arleta Mothers and Teachers' Club will meet In the school building this afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. Swiss Watch Rbpairixo. C Cnrlatan- en. Id floor corbett bldg. Take elevator. WooersR'i notion store. 408 Wash. MTINN IS SEVERE Law Too Lenient for "White Slaver," Says Judge. PRISONER IS SURPRISED ALLEGED EGG THIEF FREED Grand Jury Indicts Four and Exoif crates Tyo Accused. Four true bills and two not true bill were returned by the county grand jury yesterday In minor criminal cases. Tha Jury reported to Circuit Judge McGinn late In the afternoon and will continue Its Inquiry today. Frank Stone and Marlon- Turner were Indicted for robbery: Ira I Phelps and Alice Iajyrlmple for lewd conduct; Joe Fryer for burglary and forgery; John DordlR and John Bo to for burglary. Wal ter Brodhull wa acquitted of a charge of stealing egg and the Jury found that Bessie Henry didn't steal 110 from a Greek laborer as charged. WHERE JO DINE. All tha delicacies or the sea so a at taa Fartland Bestaurant. Fine private apart aaata tor ladiea. 308 Wash., near 8 la as. C. ELMORE GROVE. ' Photos. XI Washington streeL Special rates on several iyle of photos during January nd February. Prompt and Accurate. Expert watch repairers. Walter A. Lord Company, 111 Sixth it. near Washtnfton. Iteek Sprtasa OaL Tfca bast house coal. Liberty Coat a ice Co, exclusive agents. 28 Nona auncantn streeL Main 1443: A The flax crop ot Canada In 19" amounted to 2.-M3.IIO0 bu.hela. valued at I2.7SI.OOO. tha greater part of which waa used to tha man ufacture of llnaeed OIL Plant Slbson rosea Phone Sellwood 9wX Edicfsena coal satisfies. C 2301, E. 303, 2?o Good In Creature of Yonr Type?," Court Declares) as He Im poses Maximum Sentence of One Year and Fine of $250. Putting aside for a few momenta his system of paroles. Presiding Judge Mc Ginn, of the Circuit Court, dealt out the full limit of the law to a fltst offender yesterday and expressed deep regret that it was Impossible to apply a stronger sentence. Luther Adcox. "white slave" operato was the offender who experienced this new phase of Judge McGinn's Judicial methods. Inasmuch as not a' single of fender had been sent to Jail by the court during his term. Adcox evidently ex pected to receive a curtain lecture and be let off on probation. He freely pleaded guilty, perhaps with the hope of getting off. Adcox' offense consisted In luring 17- year-old Isobel Hawlow away from her home and placing her In evil environ ment for purposea of profit. When asked if he had anything to say, he admitted having done wrong. He said It was true he had boasted frequently or his con quests but that now he realized how foolish he had been. "I. want to ask your honor to be len ient with me. he concluded. "The statute give you lenience." rc plied Judge McGinn. "The statute gives you a great deal more lenience than you are entitled to or than you could expert from me. It Is a matter of sorrow to me that the strongest sentence I can give you Is a year In the penitentiary and a fine of 1250. You deserve more. There Is no good In a creature of your type. Yours is the lowest form of crime. You are not the victim of weakness, but the creature of vicious- nesa and degeneracy. Jail Is the placo for you. As I said before. I wish the statute permitted me to send you there for longer. 'You have It coming. So the sentence of th court Is that you re ceive the limit of a year Imprisonment and pay a fine of $250." MTtS. IVpSTMAX ASKS DIVORCK Wife or Convicted "White Slaver" Sues for Separation. Her husband having been sent to a Federal prison for engaging In the "white slave" traffic. Mrs. Myrtle M. Westman asked the Circuit Court yes terday to give her a divorce from David Westman. They were married at Ore gon City in June of 1908 and have one child. Westman. for his traffic In girls, was sentenced in November to a term of five years. Johns Erlckson asked the court for a divorce from Ida Charlottes Krickson on the ground of desertion. They were wedded In January, 1902. and It Is charged that Mrs. Erlckson abandoned her husband more than a year ago. He asks the custody of their child. GOGORZA SEAT SALE. Opens This Morning at 10 at Sher man, Clay & Co.'s Store. The sale of seats for the Gogorxa re turn inn? recital will onen this morning at 10 n'clork at Shernuin- Clav A Co.'s store on Sixth and Morrison, and IP 4 1 ' . - , v v V ESsalllo do Goaorsa. there will undoubtedly ba a good lineup, for all of the young Spaniard' friends and admirer here are very keen about this second song recital of his, which In to ba held Sunday afternoon at the half after two at the Masonic Temple, un der the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. The programme which the great singer will give will be especially beautiful and will have the added at tractiveness of being largely made up from the many requests which have been showered upon him since the first an nouncement of his return. There are some songs anT arias which are so In timately connected with the very name of Oogorza that one can scarcely disas sociate the two. and evidently many music-lovers are glad to have the chance' of preferring requests for the songs they specially want him to sing for them. The recital will be Sunday aft ernoon at the Masonic Temple. Park and Yamhill. ELLIS SEES NO MENACE lse of Colombia Slough for Sewage Vpliold by Councilman. That the use of Columbia Slough for th discharge of the Vernon and Pied mont sewer districts, for which plans have been drawn by the City Engineer, woud not be a mennce to that district Is the opinion of Councilman Ellis, In whose ward the two districts are lo cated. However, to make certain of the matter he suggests that a Joint conduit be laid to Oregon Slough. The Vernon district Is the territory between Vnlon avenue and East Forty first street, and the Piedmont district 1 between Union and Patton avenues L. MAYER I CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. Main 9432 A 4132 House-Keepers . Weekly Saving Bulletin Our invitation last week to the housekeeper who wanted to help us fight "high prices" was accepted by a good many, and we want you to join the ranks. We will save you a nice, snug sum of money on your pur chases every month. Tor Triday and Saturday, Jan nary 13th and 14th, we offer First Prize Pan Yan Eastern Buckwheat, 10-lb. sacks 50 Kieller's Marmalade, bot., 30? "Mayer" Catsup, pt. bot. SO -gaL Scudder's Maple Syrup, per can T5? Kno Gelatine, package. .10 Fancy Ripe Olives, pint cans, 6 for $1.25 "Private Stock" Bourbon and Rye, per quart $1.75 NEW ARRIVALS Cafe des Invalides, the latest. Jones' Sliced Bacon, in 1-lb. cartons, hickory-smoked. "We are sole agents for the farm." DELIVERY SERVICE East Portland, daily.. Portland Heights, for lunch daily. West, North and South Port land, FIVE trips daily. ! "Help ns fight high prices." and between Klllingsworth avenue and the city limits. Councilman Kills says he Is informed that the current in Co lumbia Slough Is two miles an hour, and that there is always plenty of wa ter. The current In Oregon Slough 1 said to be much faster. Councilman Ki lls contend the current in either slough is sufficient to carry off the sewage, and Just as safe as the Willamette River Into which Portland discharges all ita sewage. He condemns the plan to lay an in tercepting aewer conduit along Colum bia boulevard to the Lower Peninsula to discharge In the Willamette River ae Impractical. RESIDENTS' AID SOUGHT Peninsula May Not Show at Rose Festival If Aid Isn't Given. Th men who have carried the burden of the part the Peninsula has had In th Rose Festivals for tbe past two years say they are discouraged over the iiiDoort they received from tue residents, and unless there is a general movement of the citizens of the Penin sula that section will not be repre sented at th Rose Festival this year. This was the sentiment expressed yesterday by J. H. Nolta, who was the mainstay for the peninsula display and programme last year. "The people or the Peninsula have got Into the habit of allowing a few of us to do the work and pay the bills," said Mr. Nolta. "and we have become tlrea or carrying me burden. I gave six weeks of my time, paid in $100 and raised a lot of money besides, and yet naa trounie to una assistants for the union depot booth. If th people and concerns interested will raise J1000 to finance the expense I am w'lllng to go ahead. This Is the sentiment of the members or the Penin sula Rose Association. We feel that others should take hold, raise the money and do the work. It Is up to the people to say if they will do any thing or not." PERS0NALMENTl6ll. 3. M. Smith, of Salem, is at the Oregon. B. O. Gllkey, of Olympla, Is at the Cor nelius. F. R. Beats; of Tillamook, la at the Perkins. J. R. Paine, ot Fort Stevens, Is at the Perkins. N. 8. Slnnott, of Th Dalles, la at the Imperial. Dr. James A. Baker, of Gaston, Is at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carey, of Eatacada, are at the Lenox. R. E. William, of Dallas, 1 registered at the Imperial. C: A. Northey. a banker of Huntington, is at the Ramapo. F. H. Keperaky, of Milwaukee, is reg istered at tha Lenox. G. G. Bushman, of Sheridan, is regis tered at the Perklna V. C. Matthews, of Heppner, Is regis tered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball, of SaJem, are staying at th Lenox. George J. Doyle, of Salt Lake City, 1 registered at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Collins, of Albany, are staying at the Imperial. P. L. Trulllnger and W. G. Moore, of Yamhill, are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ashley, of Corval- lis. are staying at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Tallant. of Asto ria, are staying at the Portland. , Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hughe, of Eu gene, are staying at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Dunbar, of Lake- view, are staying at th Oregon. Mr. and Mr. John Reld. of Kalaraa, Wash., are staying at the Oregon. Fav 8. LeGrow. cashier of the First National Bank at Athena, is at the Im perial while In the city on a short busi ness trip. R. L. McLean, superintendent of the city water department of Walla Walla, arrived in Portland yesterday and Is staying- at the Imperial. am vr A NCTRCfV Jan. IS. (SneclaL) Portland arrivals at the Palaoe Ho tel. San Francisco, today were: o. xL Pammeier. W. C Kingston, Charles R. F. W. BALTBS AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak 0 si iajii I wiimnainmn Odd Lines $3, $4, and $5 Hats $1.95 Foremost Qiotfeiara Siaca 1863. Holeproof Hose for Men, Women and Children 48B ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Genuine reductions on Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Shirts, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Hats, Etc. Men's Suits and Overcoats $15.00 Suit or Overcoat Oil OC now O I liZU $18.00 Suit or Overcoat t1 Q Cfl now w I Ji UU $20.00 Suit or Overcoat g JJp $25.00 Suit or Overcoat gJQ $30.00 Suit or Overcoat 000 Kfl now. CZZiUU $35.00 Suit or Overcoat QQC OK now cZOiZU $40.00 Suit or Overcoat JJj) (JQ $1.50 Cluett, Star, E. & W. and Excello Shirts . ... . . .,.v-.-.r...S1.15 $1.50 Cooper Rib Underwear .-. ..:. . . .95 50c Phoenix Mufflers . . . .25 50c Ties 35 3 for . , . ..... . . . ...t. .$1.00 Boy's Suits and Overcoats $ 5.00 Suit or Overcoat 00 7 R now Uui I J $ 6.50 Suit or Overcoat g QJJ $ 7.50 Suit or Overcoat QC QC now. ,. .....uJiD J $ 8.50 Suit or Overcoat 00 OR now wUiU J $10.00 Suit or Overcoat 07 CO' now . Ul i JU $12.50 Suit or Overcoat OQ QC now Uui J J ?;.5.00 Suit or Overcoat Oil QC now ........... U I I iZJ THE KIND THAT WILL LEND DIGNITY TO YOUR OFFICE Quartered Oak and Mahogany. Dull brass drawer pulls and brass leg sockets. Thorough in construction and finish. awWSj.ijj'O-vT -rer .rt,, jjr -,tjU"fi! sW . - 3 V .yf-vv"'' t'"M9f .vecxi M' way X i ii II " , At just me dium prices. Our desks are direct from the makers. We save you the middlemen's proiit. BUSHONG & COMPANY APPLIANCES POINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS AND BLANK BOOK MAKERS DOTH PHONES 87-91 PARK STREET Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Aman Moore, Henry Albert. Clemmons Voss. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown. J. D. Coleman, H. L. Pittock, Mrs. Hertzman. Edlefsen sells Bootless hard coal for r.ast .1'..., . NOTICE! The Brotherhood of Owls NEST No. 4, of Portland, Oregon Invite All "Owls" and Their Friends to Be Present at the Grand Rally MONDAY and TUESDAY January 16 and 17 at the Eagles' Hall, 8th floor Marquam building. A good time is assured all. Committee, I. BRUNN, Chairman. Don't Persecute your Bowels Cuts, -tank Dvraatrna. TW ar braul CARTER'S LITTLE . UVER PILLS rMrnpulU. At , smtiy aa Bra. amiu Ui. aad f ?Z 2i ta Will Atmi Ik i Hln. as mK wbat. SawII Pill, Small Dase, Small Pric f " Genuine noabau Signature SEALY-LOWELL CO. GROCERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS The bis; 2000-1b. cheese is almost gone. Tf you have not yet tried it. Send your order today you'll enjoy it. The rich flavor makes it especially good for maccaroni or Welsh rarebit. We have everything in cheese. Tills Wintry weather makes buckwheat cakes taste pood we have pure Kastern Buckwheat. 50c per sack and genuine Vermont Maple Sap, a quart can only SOc; larger cans cheaper in proportion. Maple Sugar 20c lb. SPECIAL. New ripe Olives are now In stock bottles, can and in bulk. We offer a special lot of gallon cans regular fl.1'5 at, each SOf Dew Drop California Olive Oil, 25c size 15t Peets Tar Soap, regular 3 for 25c, now 6 for 254 Peets Wild Rose Glycerine Soap, 10c size. 4 for 254 Red Raspberries, pint Jars, regu lar 25c, 1 for 25t Red Raspberries, quart jars, regu lar 35c, 204 Harvey' Special Scotch, regular $1.50 81. lO Monogram No. 6, our own bot tling fl.85 Old Forester, regular $1.60, 81. lO CORNER FIFTH A NO STARK STREETS. Our Fruit and Vegetable Depart ment is the best in the city we offer the following specials: Fancy large Riverside Oranges at, the box $2.50 Seedless Grape Fruit 3 for.. 254 Hothouse Cucumbers 204 Choice Apples at, bozt 81. SO Easter Beurre Pears, doz 404 Imported Sweet Spanish Onions. 3 pounds for 254 New Norway Mackerel, each, at from 104 to 604 New Kippered Herring, doz., 404 Finnan Haddies, lb 254 Bismarck Herring, 8 tor. .....254 Try a can of Llbby's large white Asparagus for dinner on Sunday, it is a luxury only 354. or 3 for 81 Today we will tap a new barrel of the famous Spokane Pasterulzed Cider, gallon 504 Phone Mala 7200, A 6181. STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Bew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of (200,000. Every comfort and con veoience. On carllnes transferrins aU over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco Neth & Company Collectors Established In lO0T How about those old accounts T 6SS Worcester Bide Portland. t CCHVYAB PRIMING CO WSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 247a STARK- STREET Morse ' Valuable information which eTerr farmer and rardener should bare is contained in our new Garden Guide f Seeds, Plants and Trees. Copy mailed free to any address, Morse Seeds Sold Everywhere. C. C. Morse c Co. the (Teat California 81 Bouse 151 Market Street Saa Francisco SPECIAL ATTENTION riven to restoring: old violins, repairing bows, mandolins, gui tars, cello or baas. J. I COATES. Eipert Tlolin Maker and Re pairer, 166 Third Bt., near Morrison, room B. Portland. Or. Many violins are weak on lomt strings. 1 Ftrepffin them find equnllge the 'one. The British mint recently turned out its iflrst square coins 3-oent nickel bronze pieces for use in Ceylon.