TITE JIORyrVG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. " i I I xwW TODAT. I REAL ESTATE. I REAL ESTATE. BIG JANUARY DAYS AT EILERS MDSIG HOUSE Clearance Sale Attracts Buyers From Far and Near. Further Particulars as to Prices and How to Pay. Of Interest to Every Home Without Music. TV sincerely appeal to very possi ble piano purchaser In the hearing: of our advertising; role. Wo earnestly Inrlto you to call at our Portland salesrooms, thereby proving; to your ut most satisfaction that wo have the blg gcest raoney-savlna; possibilities ever offered to piano-buyer In the history f our house. Come. look, and bo con vinced. Our tremendous holiday sale of grand and player pianos brought us In ezchanre manv really fine upright pianos. These must be sold at one. Io addition to these, all standard up right pianos, large and small, which are being discontinued In our 111 catalogues, will now be closed oat at a uniform discount of 2 J per cent. Nearly a hundred to choose from . ALMOST ALL REPRESENTED. This la undoubtedly the greatest llt-tle-prlc sale of good musical Instru ments that has ever been witnessed in the West. One or more of almost everv Ameri can make Included la this Clearance bale of ours. Every used Instrument has been placed In beat possible condition, and Is warranted exactly as represented, or no sale. Orders from out of town must be accompanied by draft or money order for lo per cent tone-tenth) of the amount of advertised price. Any In strument In this sale will be shipped snywhere subject to Inspection and ap proval. Here Is a partial list: EXCELLENT l BED EPRK.HTS. Foster piano show no Indication of ftavlng been used, handsome carved panels, double folding fall board: one of the highest price styles, now $185. Bush ex Lane, beautiful renaissance upright grand: mahogany: small: agents ask $400 or more: now 2i; plainer style at I2i. Kingsbury, not a scratch on It. ease very show y, cannot be told from new; f 156. Regent, brand-new walnut case, one of the most elaborate styles; $180. Mason at Hamlin, mahogany case, $135. Wheelock. rainbow panels, elaborate ly carved walnut case; not much used, fine tone: $lj. Another, smaller six. $9S. Kimball, elegant English oak case, worth" $4iJ. now $290. Another Weber (genuine old scale, Weber-made), 1265. Kardman. han.lsome walnut case, double folding fall board, contlnuoua hinge, very fancy panels: In perfect condition: $265. Fischer. Ivory keys, rosewood case. 115. Schwechten. rosewood case, action In excellent condition, f TO. Schilling, largest, latest and fanciest stvle. almost new; $;oo. Ludwig. fanciest and largest etyle. oak case: action In perfect condition; elaborately machine-carved case; only II Si. Another. $170. Tkii. largest slse cabinet grand, ex cellent tone. I24i. C-Hk A Company, a very handsome mahogany style. $21$. Good little Ha us. upright, nice piano. $ls. Hobart M. Cable, handsome walnut case, double folding: fall board, con tinuous hinge; In perfect condition; $317. A CE.rtB SALE or TAI.KIXJ MA- Cm.M4 AD RECORDS. Her We DrMHtntr Selllar Power la I asaiatakabl Maaaer. W have taken over the Talking Ma chine stock of several dealers who dis continued business. We have also quite a number of Talking Machines that will not be catalogued this year. These machines, as well as several thousand of splendid records for same, which will not appear in forthcoming eatalorue. are . offered at less than what dealers regularly pay when they bur to sell again. Each machine Is accompanied with ten, your selection, from this fins stock of record, free. Sit machines now $10. and somo for $I.7i. lis machines now $ 18.50. and some for I USD. 110 machines now $:0.:S. 133.10 machines Bow 1 l.7S. $4 machlnea now $?S.50. US machines now $34.50. $!0 machlnea now $45.50. $75 machines now $44. $100 machines now $15.50. some for $57.50. and sUll others $75. MAN ROBBED AND KILLED Mystery Cloaks Finding of Body Near Centralist CEJfTRAIJA. Wsh.. Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) An unidentified man was found dead lata last night In a barn on a farm two miles north of Centralis. The Sheriff, while searching the premises this afternoon, found a gold watch. Us then abandoned tha robbery theory. He declares that an arrest may be made tomorrow. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAJfD. Jan. 6. Maximum tempera ture. 45 degrees- minimum. 41 degree. River readies at S A. M.. 2.7 feet; clianse In lest 24 hours. 0 4 fret fell. Total rain tell S r. M. Ii i P. M). trace: total rain fall since September L 1010. 143 Inches: noril rainfall since September L 20.5$ lacA: deficiency of rainfall sine September 1. ivlo. 4.14 inches. Total sunshine Jan uary 4. none: poeslbi sunshine. 4 hours. 4$ truout.a. Barometer (reduced to see-level) at a P. X-. $. inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Th dlsturasaos yesterday ever the Can adian Northwest has moved southeastward to In lower Missouri Valley and a third lew pressure area haa made Its appearance la 4he Aiberta region. The larse blab pros ear area which has so persistently remained ever Oreavsn bss diminished sllsbtiy in en ergy During the last -4 hours light snow has fallen In the Northern Slates from the Roeky Mountains to the Lakes tieslon. N precipitation of consequence has occurred on the Tactile S op or In the Southern states. It I muck wanner in the Mississippi val ley from St. Louis sooth to New Orleans snd eilfhtly warmer elsewhere east of the Rocky Mountains. On toe Paciflo Slope the temperatures have remained nearly station ary. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather in this district Friday except tn Southeastern Idaho and Western Waaa Ingtoo, wher llshl rain or snow will fall. FORECASTS. Portland and vlcialtr Fair, southerly lrlm.e. Ore son Fair, southerly winds. Washington Fstr. except rain extreme vest portion: southerly winds. Idaho Fair, except rata or snow south east portion. AlCnON L TODAY. At Wilson's anetloa bouse, corner Second snd Tamblll street Gale at 30 A. 24. J. r. Wlisoo. aaetioaeer. At 124 Sd st. 8. L. N. Oilman Auction room MirTTNG NOTICES. ATTENTION O. A. B The corarsdes of Ueorse Wright Post ar requested to sssembie at th ceapel of Dunnlne A MrEntee, comer Ankeny and Seventh sta. at i P. M . this FrMsy ta at tend the funeral servlre of Com rade Iianlel p. Mitchell. The rit ual service will be al the Crema torium. Take Peiiwood ear. A. w. wrLI H. Commander. A. C- SLOAN. Adjutanu MTRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 1. O. E. S. Ppectal meetinc the m oay evening la MaeoQlo Temple, at S e'clo, k. Joint insisilatloa of o.T'.cer with Camella- No. 3T. Co rlnthisn No. 54. and Rose City. No. A. By erCer v'. M. Ji.U. H. GALLOWAT. Sec, $:00 machines now for $157.50. and others $160. Also elegant brand new. lo-lnch. sin gle face 0-cent records, now 26c each. Also the following machines without records: $1150 machines now I8.2J. $25.00 machines row $11.69. $.15.00 machines now $18. 7R. $s.no machlnea now ff.S.80. tlt.tno machines now $100. Also nearly a carload of cabinets, most of them the latest styles, received too late for the holiday trade, to be closed out a roilowa: $10.00 cabinets for $4.7S. $12.50 cabinets for $6 25. $15.00 cabinets for H.tZ. $20.04 cabinets for $11.76. $23.00 cabinets for $14.60. $30.00 cablneta for $17.50. $40.00 cabinets for $::.75. io.oo cabinets for $27. R. $;s. 00 cabinets for $32.50. S7S.00 cahlnets for S3.50. Wood Horns. produce mellowest tones. We shall close theffi out as fol lows: $100 horns for $.70. $15.00 horns for llO.nft. $20.00 horns for $14.35. $50.00 horns for $33.35. iPLF..Din nnr graxos asd UBUER GRA.VD3 Sever Heretofore Haa ae Mark Value Be a Obtainable Evea at KUera Maale lloaae. For so Little. Tn this sale are numerous used grands and also one of the Chlckerlng Grands, slightly finish-damaged, which Is being closed out at $600, two-thirds or the regular value. A Weber Orand. rather Old style, $375. Another more modern. $485. A Steinwav. $550. A Decker Bros.. $275 A splendid rosewood case Kimball, $R5. and a Mason A Hamlin, very little used, $550. All standard made grand pianos dis continue.! In our 1911 catalogues will be closed out at a uniform discount of twentv-three ner cent. Thlrtv months In which to finish mtlni for these grand Pianos may be arranged by any one not desirous of paying; casn. "ALB OF PLATER PIANOS. Nearly Every Make of Player Piano la lacladed la This sale .ot race. Three verv latest Improved, special exhibition $1100 player pianos; a Deck er, fancy mahogany da luxe, the latest fancy feathered mahogany. Lester Do Luxe and a Lawson genuine English hurl walnut Tie Luxe, all used for dem onstratidn and con.ert work choice of either at 100. A Helnwav nlaver rdano. $7(5. We are closing out all our Weber Pianola Player I'ianos. Soma will go for aa low as $4o. We close out all our Rtuyvesant PI anola Pianos. Borne will go for as little as $360. We close out all of our Stock Pi anola Pianos. Some will go for as lit tle as $440. Several AddoIIo Player Pianos, now $455. Several Milton and other player pianos. $460. Twenty-four months to complete payments for a player piano. If desired. ORGANS BFTCnERED, TOO. Kimball Almost new. large mirror. high top, very latest style, oak case, shorn little sign of usage, $60. Anoth er 148 Mason Hamlin Fancy high top. good aa new, oak case. $45. E.stey Not been used at all; large fancy top. beautifully carved, finest stvle. walnut case, $40. Burdett Costliest . style. fancy carved toi: large rrencn plate mirrors: solid oak cases. $56. Thfcs organ shows no Indication of having been used. Chicago Cottage A little shopworn; cios out tor Packard Parlor styls; five octaves; walnut case. $25. Kimball Chapel style, walnut case, waa not used over three months; In tact is a gooa as new, fte. tstui an other I Si. . ,.,ni"Wifi AS TO PAYMENTS. One-tenth of the amount Is to be paid in casn during this sale, when purchase la made, and the remainder paid at the rate of $2. $$ or $4 a month. These terms will secure any In strument unaer ik in price, aii other ued pianos will go at $5 or IS a month, according to price. Thirty months are given to complete payment ror any new piano in mis sale. fieaa remember the address Eilers Muslo House. 363 Washington street, near the corner of Park street. mektcio yon cm. CORTNTHIAX CHAPTER, KO. 84, O. E. B- Speolal communtca tk this (Friday) evening, at He eon to Temple, S o'clock. Joint In stallation of officers of tour ciLV chapter. Order W. at. ELIZABETH SILKXTTTER, Secretary. TORTLAJil f T. AND A. I ZAVj cation. Mason, fsY day) even la. A$y- in F. C. dere PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 88. A. St. eiAted communl- Masooio Temple, this ( FTl- n. mo o cioca. wora sre. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. C. M. BTSAPMAM, See. ROSE C1TT CHAPTTrR, NO. . O. E. ft. Recular meeting this Friday) evening. 8 o clock sharp, Masonlo Temple. Weat bide. In stailaiion of officers. Br order W. M. SARAH B. OUERIN. See. CAMELIA CHAPTBR. KO. $T. O. E. 8 Joint Installation or of ficers al 8 o'clock at Masonie Tem ple this (Friday) evening. By or der of W. M. FLORENCK P. JOHNifUN, sec MARTHA WASHIXOTOt SOCIAL CLCB K.sular meetius this (Friday) evening. Cards and dancing. Muslo fey Prof. Jerro. All Eastern Htar member and their trieada cordially Invited. Admleelon. inc. MATILDA 8CHULT2. Becrwtary. prep. OXER la this city. January 4. Henry A. Oxer, aged 73 year The remains ar at Flnley'a parlor. Funeral aoUc will ap pear In a later Issue. FCSEHAL NOTICES. CAJTBROUS At the family residence, 447 Overton et.. Joeevh O. Cambrous, a red 81 year, a member of the A. O. U. No. IT. and Lonrahorvunen's Union, No. i. of I onian,!. Interment will take place Wasb ougaU Waaa.. Saturday morning, January 1 at 10 Ow A. M- Funeral sort ices at the house. HT Overton su, ax S P. M. todajt Friends invited. BOSS At the family residence, 7517 64th ave.. 8. W., January 8. Kenneth &. In fant son of Mr. and Mr Wilbur K. Ross, aged 7 months. The funeral services will t. held at the above residence at 10 A. M. Saturday. January 7. Friends Invited. Th interment will be la the lamlly plot at Albany. Oregon. ALBRIGHT Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services of thy late Perry Alorlght. which will be held from the Central M. E- Church, eorner of Farce street and Vaaoouver avenue, to day (Friday). Januady o. at 3:8i F. M, Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. MITCHELL In this city. January 8. David P. Mitchell, aged 79 years. Funeral will leave Dunning A- MoKntee's parlors today (Friday). January 4, at P. M. Thence to Crematorium, where services will be held at 2 i P. M., under the auspice of the il. A. R. Friends respectfully my lied to attend. IOXMIH tLORAt. CO. MAKML'AM BLLHi. FLOliAL Dt.-lUrk phenee:. Mala 11, A 119X. fjunnlng a AlrEnie. Fuaevat Directors, 1th aad line. Fba Mala aUtaat. ufllc et least Cec U)WAKD BOUUK CO., Fnaeral Plreo. ers. ft d St. Led eaeHmaUj'fap M. sej. J. F. FINLEX HON. 84 aad Madieaa. Lady stteadanu Thwae Maia S. A XA. IvAST MOK Funeral mrecters, soeoeeeors t r. W. Dunning. Inc. K. t, B TAta. LUiloON O ladertakers. Lady set. 4 Alder.. M. siss. A xxja. 2U.l.L:R-tVR-VES CO, Fnaeral Dlreetere. t Williams ave.i both pbonesi lady aaec LKR( H. t nderteker. cor. Fast Aider aad Ills. Ua( 'iL U iae. Lady asatsiaat. ft it I AMtSK.HJf.SlD . I " . T-. a-.-H., Acreage. I 1 I I I I HEILIG THEATER 'M2 Phones Mala 1 and A 1132. Tonlxbt 8:1S Tomorrow Nlpht Special Price I Matinee Tomorrow The Musical Comedy Success, "HONEYMOON TRAIL" Excellent Cast Pretty Girls Fun. Evenings. II. SO to 5c Matinee. 1 to IBo. P. A K P? Tit THEATER XJ-.I.1-J A.V Morrt.on and Fleventh Main t. A 688. Geo. L. Baker. Manager. Tonight All this week Matinee Saturday. Baker Stock Company m By Clvd Fitch, on of the most original . 11 written. a dainty analysis of the fair sex. Night prioes. -I- Cfle TKc- re,ln.a. lit. EO. Next opening Sunday matinee. "On Parol. MATINEB 14VEBT DAT IsUTI THEATER 1MWMI WTEK JAXTJ ART X Lillian i1aTk?r , nst swery nou v 1 1 w. " Auroras, Ernest Bcbarn', the Oee Jays, Jones Deeley, Nevlna A Enrood, Jnllus Tannea. GRAND Week Jan. 2d THE FOUR CHARLES Elsie Ridxley A Co., McDonald A , Huntinrt . V.I n Aln-1, rloo. Phil A Nettle retere. (a aa Artlstle VI aal Novelty. U.ilnM everv dev. 1 arrou es .owo fiiuxDAsrorB. 1:0; any seat. loo. Evenins penormncee v . r. balcony, lee: lower door. 36o: box seats. 60c Evenins performances it i ana e.w. rneqnaled TaudevUle. Xfii January S, lwll ATTRACTION EXTB AORDINABT ABDOC HAMAD'S ARABS S 8 OTHER FEATURE ACTS 8 Popular Prloe Curtain :30. 7:S0, . LYRIC HOME OF MUSICAL COMEDY Bwvratn and Alder Strseta, EXTRA I EXTRA I ALBERTA CLAIRK. The rlrl from Wyominx. ana mo Music., C.rmedy Company pre.en.tln. VlUne dally. 2:45. Friday night Clivtwua Cslri' torn.. OREGON HUMANE S0C1EH OFFICE! CITT HALL u.ik soa a tKJia. HUMiN'I OFFICER, EA8T4TT4 NEW TODAY, Washington Street Corner 50x100, near Sixth St., ' $22,500 50x100, corner, Washington, near Eleventh $125,000 Second Street Corner Between Morrison and Madison Sts. 50x90, $47,500 13th Street Corner choice apartment site, $14,800 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Sheepmen Attention"! Before you depart we would like to show you our city and show you a few chances for investment. It is hard to reach you all in dividually, so we extend this general invitation. Some of you have made in vestments here and why not you? r2 KLASEY CSi nUMASONeJEFFERY 232 ChAmbor of Commerce. C 12-Room Residence Very modern 12-room house, furnace, fireplace, den, sleeping; porch, five bed rooms OD secona xioor, twit roonm on third floor, has all latest Improve ments, on a lot 60x131. a fln location on ICast Salmon, near (0th. Price only I8S0U; $1000 cash, balance to suit. This la a real bargain. GRl'SSI IADOW SIT Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. .HOTEL SITE 100x100, adjoining; Washington street. Some income. Price S30.00O Easy Terms. OODDARD A tVIEDRICK. 604 Corbett Building;. , 242 Vx axk St. 4 0L PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN A DEED. MORNING SIDE Is" the property. It's alongside of the new city park. Prices $6SO to $1500 Including improvements. Terms 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. HARTMAN sYHOHPSM Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce. A RARE BARGAIN A $5000 home, situated on a corner lot, new and modern in every respect. All improvements in and paid for. 1 block from the street car. Will sell for $4000. $500 down, balance mnthly. Hart man & Thompson Real Estate Dep't. Chamber of Commerce. Private Exchange 20. A 2050. $50,000 Inside Income Investment $1000 to $10,000 Can be Invested with others and se cure an Improved Inside property, now paying; 12 per cent. Full information at our office. Aii opportunity for the small In vestor to secure the large returns of the large capitalist. SengstakecSc Lyman SO Fifth St. (Both phones.) SSOO Cash East Madison Street 5-Room Bungalow TKIe le one of the most com Diets, mod ern, un-to-date bungalows tn this section: larse reception hall with coat closet which nas mirror aoor; isrie mirror ovw uio pleoe, bullt-ln buffet, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement and floor, nice attio; west of East B4th st. and only 3200; $(100 rash, 120 nee month and Interest. CRAWFORD. 8e him at 1021 Hawthorne ave., or phone B 2 11 7 or Taoor Oiu. Ve have for sale an 8-room house in Holladay Park with two full lots, all set out to shrubbery. The house is thoroughly modern with furnace, two fireplaces and shower bath. This can be sold on very easy terms. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Abington Building. Why Not? Why not buy alfalfa land at $85 per aero when one year's crop will net tho purchase price? Whr not trade your nnproductive city property for a producarve farm with Sa-acre anaiia iana ana id sere, bearlns- fruit, with modern house and other Improvements? GRVSSI et 7.ADOW 817 Board of Trade Bldg 4th and Oak. Irvinston Home For sale by owner: A, swell, new, 9 room house, hardwood floors, upstairs, white enameled, full cement basement, den, breakfast room, furnace, all street Imnrnvementa in and Dald. A modern home in every respect. Restricted dis trict. Surrounded entirely oy iweu new homes. Price J7500: terms. No agents. Phone East 3928. lONet TnnnmH rjronertv Is the most desir able! purchase at the present time. West Side flat. $1600 a year-Income. MERCHANTS' SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. THREE DAYS ONLY Party leaving city will sacrifice his i a nAn. kniisft furnished. new. inuuvin T . fireplace and furnace, near Hawthorn car; f33tu. euu casn. ZU2 Ufrussrr Diufei (hen rft will handle 100x100, 9 Twenty-first street, near Wa kimrtnit This Is the chsapost pro nerty In Nob Hill. If you want a eny in u,,. - , A oar rarain address owner, au esi. ura nlan. BO 145 ACRES finest plattlns; propoal- IIUO III vHW ..v.J"....-.-"- . - . .-I - . - , I n.a. l;(tflA in ana biclimu o ...ivu , . u dies the deal. Phone Owner, Tabor han 267 IRRIGATED .. PUBLIC LANDXX Ik OPENING, mm U YOU A ENTITLED TO f IU 0 l' jl I 160 AC8 Of IRRIOATEO LAND. I I ?4W MARE APUCATIOeJ NOW JI v?Jv confttiORf ow imxn ca ftVff BTLAMDter WE PAT TOU FOR BUYING OUR LAND CHOICE FRUIT LANDS IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS $125 PER ACRE II miles from Portland, in Chehalem Orchard District, 65o fare; "red shot" soil. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and ship us cord wood In payment for land; we pay difference In cash. FIRLAND'S TRUST CO. 60S Spaldlna; Bids;. Rr.AL gSTATB PBATJCBS. Beck. William O.. 812 Falllns bldg. BlrrelU A. H. A Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, eta. Brabsker a Benedict. SOS McKay bids. at. 549. Chapln Berlow. 382 chamber Common. Cook. B. a Co.. B08 Corbstt bids. Jenalnss at Co.. Mala 188 200 Oresonlea. PALM K R-J ON KB CO M. P.. &1S Commer- elal Club bids. Echalk. oeo. D, 22a Stark st. Mala S9X A 2sl. Tha Oreion Real Estate Co., Grand are. and MaUnomsh st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. THOMP6QN CO., cor. 4th and Oak sta. REAI, ESTATE. For Sale Lots. O. R. aV N. TRACKAOB In Sulllvsn' Oulch at a reasonable fliure Is becomir-s very scares. I offer a small narceL Ideally located for small manufacturing plant or warehouse, at a price actually as low as the price asked for vacant lots In the same vicinity not Having tne aava.niE a railroad rlsht of way: only S200 cash required to handle SOxlOO-Ioot lot, close to large manutacturlns plant; easy terms uu balance; an opportunity to double your money In 00 days; Trackage In this vi cinity will soon be at a premium. Phone nam Ioxm. A 16io. asK lor Air. juningnn'. randy BOULEVARD business Dropexty, close to Zftih. full 60x100 feet: have three choice lots facing this coming business thoroughfare; only 130 cash required, balanc on very easy terms; lots further out are selling tor a inira more m can offer these for next few days; Investi gate this at once; an opportunity to double your money in B0 days; I can con vince you if you ar really Interested. Call Main iooa. as tor Mr. curungm- BICJ corner on Sandy road, cor. 47th; 116 feet frontage; street worn paia on one side; tl&00. 150 down, (25 per month. AJ S3A uregonian. WANT to trade my equity of $110 In two . 1. - . . . 1 .1 .. . T.' .. .. . CIX. a- IU IK, WUI LI1 aOia. IH UIH"l AJ . KI.MW provements best most complete and all Portland or Oregon telephone stock. AX, ottf, uregwiiMi, WTI.T.I AM8 AVE. LOT. Fine lot. 60x100, with Improved street and cement walk, on Williams ave.. near Alberta, Walnut Park, a restricted dlb trlct; fine bouses surrounding it: price 2000, bail casb. GRUSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVIMOTON. 70x100 feet on E. 22d St., paved street. carllne. well locatea: price soou. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main bti'Jtf. A 2653. SNAP on East Side. In highly restricted resi dence district; only $ 87. GO required to handle this; lot 71x135. Is worth J1200; my price for a few days JS75: good reason for SSlling. fuono JUUU low, amm. lur jui. Burungame. ONLY $63 cash required to handle beauti ful lot. 80x100, In highly restricted dis trict cn Bast Side; balance flu a month; S2O0 below actual market value; for lf days only, Alain uw, aw tw mr. juriiu game. TRVINT.TOX PARK. 50x100, on 20th. near Jarrett. $200 cash, $12 month: price soou. uowara uma -u. 4-0 awetiana oiag. and Johnson sts. ; finest apartment-house site .in city. Inquire Standard Jewelry Btore. . IJ 1 tlTWl'VT CITrS Some choice lots and quarter blocks, close in; Central East Portland; at low prices. V. O. WADDEL. 80l Lnmber Exohanga TWO sightly lots. Hast 17th and Skldmore, overlooking whole surrounding country. Owner wilt build to suit, on eary terms. Phone C 2794 or B 1481. A 617. Oregouian. no OOWTf and 15 per month: beautiful lot. near Mt. Scott 5c car; city water, street graded and pal a. Hlgley, Bishop at McClaskey. 182 3d St. ruKTLAMl ULiUM l'a PKOPERTI. Homes, lots, quarter blocka traots and acreage: all parts of heights, all views aad prices ; some pargsins. msib a APAJTiIENT 8ITE. 100x100. corner Clackamas and Benton, S12.0OO; very easy terms. ATLAS LAND CO., 42Q Lumber Exchange. a itrrr'TC lot In Rose City Park, close to car. on easy terms. C Da Young. 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 8AL.B cheap by owner, 100x100, in Belle Crest, on Alameda. Address J. A. V.. 503 East urant su f 1200 Piedmont corner lot, east front, .. . 1. ., - n nr - - Registsr, yua wriuner oiu. CHOICE Irvlngton lot at sacrifice, between Broadway loop on .ui voa. near suiuiouj gl400. terms. Kabie. 213 Board of Trade. cv l p Parry eoinr to California, offers bar gain in lot in JLadd'a Addition. 202 Uer- llnger piog. OWNER will sell 60x100 lot In Oregon City overlooking river from West Side. V C47, Oregonlan. -Rv Awrter. fine eorner lot adjoining- Waver. lelgh Heights, oheap for. cash. Phone Mar- snau aii. CORNER, 8ex17ii. adjoining Irvlngton. giuOO. including all improvements; will divide. Kable, 213 Board of Trade. VERT choice corner, 100x114, In rapidlor- growiag Mount laoor oistnot. a For Sale Houses. BUNGALOW. T Is new. modern! 7 larfl: rooms. Pol- Ished floors, gas and electric fixtures, full basement: lot 50x100, blocks Union ve. : 533 w. SiOW casn. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Washington Bldg. BEST BUY E IRVINGTON. Beautiful new 8-room modern home; 2 fireplaces, t toilets, hardwood floors, hand some nxtorea, aupir eunuve, vieisiiui sur roundings; near Irvlngton Club; 47SOO; street Improvements paid. Owner, AM 647, Dregonlan. BARGAIN If sold soon: new 6-room bunga low. 2 blocks from Rose City car, one block from Laurel nurst; nrepiacs, ouut-in bookcases, linen closet, all modern con veniences, large attic, fine view. Owner, 124 E. Main. Habor 7101. " 5 ROOMS. SOUTH PORTLAND, 8I70O. Near Front and Hamilton; newly paint ed cottage; street Improvements In and paid. Including hard-surface pavement; some terms. . Fred W. German, Burn- slde. M. Z77B. For investment cr homes, S19 Utbl Oi rx mi it c x. Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate meana BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. SEE OWNER. T rooms, full basement, bath, toilet, 50 xlOO lot; S150, balance easy; rent up for (1000; easily worth f340o. L. A. Pickler, 1137 E. Yamhill St. Phone B 2992. &-KOOM bungalow, all conveniences; fire place, beam ceilings, range, shades, lino leum, chicken-house and run; acre; X1150 cash, balance long terms. Ratnsford, Klsley Station. Oregon City line. WB WILL-build and help finance a bunga low. flat or apartment for you. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 8399. 608 Oregonlan bldg. (.ROOM bungalow, up-to-date, close in, V, block of car; lot 50x100. S 3150. Will take lot in trade. Inquire 1153 Belmont, cor ner S9th1PhoneTaor885. FOR 8ALB 6-room house on Eugene St.; price 2WK; will take S600 cash. bal. at 6 per cent. Phone C 2429. jnornlnea 54xlo0. WITH two 7 -room houses, location sightly. South Portland, IS000, terms, in. quire room 17, 165H 4th st.; owner. A SNAP If taken at once: 75 x 100. 8-room house, corner 80th and Belmont; good apartment site. Phone Marshall 2700. IR VINGTON Attractive modern home, built for owner, cnoice surrounaings; price and terms right. Phone East 394 if interested. 1220 EQUITY in 5-room house In Monta vllla, near car, for 1150 cash, by owner. Phone Marshall 2877. g00 Neat 2 -room house; 120O down. 10 month. 227 Lumber Exc. bldg., cor. 2d and Btark. EQUITY In 8-room house and corner lot to exchange tor loi or oner, i-v oweimnu bids. HOMES. ISOOO 8-room house on corner E. ltn and E. Ash sta; this Is close-in and will be future apartment-housa property. . I70O0 New and thoroughly modern 7 room house with handsome fltjlsn and fixtures; faces east; on carllne In Irvlngton. $8000 7 rooms: new and modern: 1 block from car; faoes east; In center Oi Irvlngton; surrounded by nne homes; street improvements in and paid. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8tW8. A 2953. WALKING DISTANCE. 8-ROOM HOME. Has 5 nice rooms and hall down stairs, . 4 nice rooms and large attic up stairs; nice fireplace, shades and fixtures. The basement Is full cement with cement oor and furnace; the lot is terraced and full 60x100, with choice rose bushes and shrubbery; all improvements. including sewer are In and paid; you will te sur prised when you are told this can be had for $5700; near 23d and Madison; only one block to Hawthorne ave. If you want a real buy, see this at once. CRAWFORD. See him at 1021 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 516. 5-ROOM bungalow on East Washington et.. Sunnyslde; new. with full cement base ment, Diitch kitchen, bullt-ln china closet, wood -lift, wash trays, two large verandas, paneled dining-room, large pantry, with sink and cabinet -work; a bargain for niHftlr aula Mt Sa.lOO: the owner of this property has gone to California and has authoiised us to s-11 the high-class fur niture at a low figure, so if you want something ready to move Into, you can Duy tne iurniture complete lor ew ru bee this today. THE VAN DERSAl, COMPANY, 402 Corbett Bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $400 cash, balance 810 per month; this on. llt.lA K,inlnv hfl, A COmfOrtablS rooms, all nicely tinted, with bath and entry way: beamed ceiling in uvins-rv"". nice fireplace and full basement. This is situated on Columbia boulevard, only -blocks from St. Johns car and 2 blocks from school. ' If you want a nice, comfortable little home and can appreciate a bargain, be sure ana ioor tnis up. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce SlaOo CASH will unlor-k the door of a new, modern. 7-room house. No. 104 East 24th St., near Flanders, balance or S30uu terms. thi is A nii-it wpll-huilt home: receotion hall, living-room with fireplace, paneled dining-room, all hardwood floors. Dutch klt.-hen. light as dav. screened back norcn. two bedrooms and large bathroom on first floor; large hall, 2 bedrooms, storeroom and a dandy sleeping porch on second floor; cement basement and furnace. Can voiuebeat this for soOOUT This is actual cosr of lot and construction, but must sell. Jos. C. Gibson. 305 Gerlinger Diog. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIM. A modern 6-room house with furnace and nrenlace. cas and electric: lull ce ment hanement. wash trava china closet. etc.: on a lot 45x100; east front, highly Improved street, cement walk; price only $4000, tlOOO cash and easy terms, on East Slst. near Hawthorne ave.; a nne lo cation. ORUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. A 14-ROOM residence, admirably arranged for the accommodation of S separate housekeeping apartments, furniture ma- f hogany, rosewood ana oaK. new ana clean, within 4 blocks of Lincoln HlKh School. price about of value; rent $45 per month. Anyone wishing ,to make rent and living anu nave a, nice iiuuni bhwuiu , in vestigate this. H. M. CARLOCK. 417 Board of Trade. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms. 50x100 lot: improvements and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, baths, furnace, fireplaces, laundry trava mirror doors, gas. etc. terms $300 down, balance $23 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 32t!Vs Washington St.. room 516. X5TOO CIHOIHE BUNGALOW $2700. For a nice home with spacious groundB, see this modern C-room bungalow: on cor ner, neatly fenced, near carllne; house well-built for Dresent owner, with base ment. cement walks. electric fixtures; house and grounds at actual cost; terms can be arrangeo. STRONG & CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. SU PER CT. NET ON THE INVESTMENT?. Elegant modern two-family fiat, near Hall ana Jieventn, remea at o.ou per month: have fireplaces, built-in book cases. China closets, wood lifts, tlinlshed attic. 2 furnaces, laundry trays and full cement basement; price eoouv; iow casn, otu. g years. Aaaress A J o-iw. uregoDiaii. PIEDMONT HOUSE. Nearly new, modern, 6-room houso with latest Improvements, on a lot OOxlOvl, east front, on Commercial street, near Kll llngsworth; very good location; price $1000, part cash. GHL'SSr & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Located Eust 3th street. Just north of Knott; modern In every respect: full lot; Improvements all In and paid; 8 rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement: price $5500, small payment requirea, Daiance montniy. C. V. EVERETT. 414 Spalding Bldg. $7000 Strictly modern 6-room house, one block from carllne, on East Madison St., near 15th; full cement basement and fur nace; hard-surface street and cement walks. The choicest residence district of the city; win take some traae. 200 ioucu bldg. X.-.O CASH BUYS 5 rooms, large lot, 75x110 feet, on "block from carllne; more ground next to this place. If you prefer, at $3 per lot; price ioO down. $15 month. National Realty 4 iruai "i.-o., 071 re.m.,m" p.., ...... two-room house In Fulton, complete! furnished; year's supply of wood and two boats; sacrince zor immeuiaio casn sa.iv, K 64S, Oregonlan. MODERN bungalows, $23 to $500 down, easy payments; any amount of them: better In " vostlgate our list. Raymore Realty Co., 430 Worcester oiag DO YOU pay $50 rent Why not pay It on an Irvlngton residence? See me today. Purse. 813 Chamber or com. Main i.iui. nu'KRR will sell nloe 8-room house, close In oa East Side; strictly modern and up to date. R 640, oregonian. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. 842 Eu gene st. Inquire 330. Business Property. viTreiTVTr..;i nronertv. East Side, on promi nent street: a-siory nncii 101 bwiiw". i 23.000; Income $22uu; mortgage it. ai per cent; will trade equity for farm In Willamette Valley; must be well located and close to transportation. Goddard A Wledrlck, 50 Concord bldg. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. Best half block on 15th st.; trackage on 18th side and streetcar line on 16th; close to all freight aepoia; snap lor sum urn A B 644. uregonian. INVESTMENTS. We have a few excellent Investments which will stand your closest investiga tion. F. Ft'CHf. g21"j4 Morrison st. Acreage. 07 ACRES lii the Willamette "Valley; spienaia proinniuun i" tracts- good soil, good drainage, good buuaings, gooa rou; -2 ,..,.-- ... ... station. 10 miles to county seat (has col lege with 1500 students); running water, between 200 and 300 acres in cultivation, 800 acres timber, balance pasture: price $50 per acre; term Brong-Steele Co., ground floor Lewis b Id g. . Portland. Or. miles bordering on North Umpqua River 1500 acres fine alfalfa land, coyote nroof fence. almosf unlimited outside range, fine climate, excellent soil for any purpose: this is one of the best buys In Oregon at price of $15 per acre: 10 years to pay for it; blue prints and description ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. CLEARED ACRE BARGAIN. A one-acre tract near Mount Scott car line" all cleared, level and water piped to same. This tract is positively under nrtced and can be purchased for $30 down and $10 per month. You will want this homeslte before Spring. Better buy NOW. . . .fDrDT-WlITTVITn rvi 404 East Alder St., 7Q 4th St. SEVEN acres, close to electric line and sta tion, 1- miles , wi ui i.w.u , 7- (.lc and fenced, running water, on Base Line road; $200 per acre; terms. 3 acres, close to station, small bouse, running water. $400. BROWN & ST AVER, 614 Couch Bldg. ACRE SNAP. " Beautiful 5-acre tract, -all cleared, close In, on electric line: owner must have money within a few days and will sao ritlce to the first customer; part terms. M 5, Oregonlan. LOOK HERE CHEAP. 6 acres Improvement for home and plat ting at Lents; 5-cent fare. Inquire owner, George. St. Charles Hotel, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. A SNAP. A nice little acreage on electric ltne, close to depot and close to Portland. Kin ney ft Stampher. 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE A splendid home, with 8H acres, 8 acres in cultivation: exceueni suit, close In. Writ for information. O 647. Oregonlan. 18 ACRES. 15 acres cleared, running watert near Beaverton; by. owner. Tabor 1560. FOR quick sale we offer the following: 85 acrea near Mt. Angel: good house and barn, highly Unproved! $170 per acre, tarms. 840 acres In Linn Co., partly Improved good darly ranch. $25 per acre. In Rogue River Valley, 709 acres, part ly improved, at $35 per acre. 166 acres, part in orchard, at $125 per acre. 280 acres Joining famous orchard, $150 per acre. 18 acres nearly all In bearing fruit; $10,500. , , 40 acres near Waterloo; good Improve ments, at $120 per acre. Soo acres. Yamhill Co.. partly Improved, at $40 per acre. For further particulars call on Kabia Realty Co., 328 Henry bldg. BANANAS AND "PINE APPLES And all other tropical fruits and plants grow on our lands In Tropical Mexico. Join our free excursion to this richest, cheapest and best land on earth; healthy climate, transportation facilities the very best; lands selling at $7.50 per acr na easy terms; next excursion January 14. Get buay and Join us. RABB & PATTON. , 822 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Start. A 10-ACRH FARM. CLEARED LAND. RICH. BLACK SOIL, NO STUMPS, GRAVEL OR WASTELAND; EXCEPTIONALLY ADAPTED FOR RAIS ING VEGETABLES, BERRIES AMI FRUIT; BALANCE EASY TERMS; CLOSE! TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 COUCH BLDG. Hemesteaa. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON" 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In the states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21x28. showing" R. R. In operation, one ehowlnr all pro posed R. R. and electrio lines, Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or the three 60c Map of Washington In col ors. 21x28. 20c Nlmmo. Runey ft Co., Hamilton bldg. FO Rhomesteads. Central Oregon, call 60O Henry bldg., Portland. Or. For bale Fruit Land. BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit land yields to $1000 per icre and upward, annually: choicest Edgewood orchard traots. Arrow Lake District. West Kootenay, $80 per acre; terms over 5 years without interest; no Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get Booklet "V." Investors" Trust ft Mortgage Corporation. Ltd-, 134 Hastings W., Vancouver. B. C FINE 25-acre fruit farm for sale at a snau If taken now; there Is 10 acres bearing fruit, 7 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture and brush! all best of land; small buildings; one mile to R. R. BRONG-BTEELE CO., Ground floor. Lewis bldg. 10, 15, 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms near by; $17.60 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310 Corbett Bldg.. Portland; ANOTHER man bought 10 acres of apple orchard after thorough investigation; 10 will pay you to see ma; only 10 per cent cash required. Purse. 818 Chamber of Com. Main 7309. ORCHARD land; one-half Interest In plat ting proposition; railroad running through property; $1500 cash required. F 63.1, Oregonlan 80 ACRES splendid fruit land; 30 acrea planted in young orchard; convenient to transportation; price, $12,000. X 647, Ore gonian. -. For Sale Farms. 63 ACRES. $126 PER ACRE. TERMS. Finest dark loam soli In the state; 83 acres In cultivation; 15 acres genalne bea verdam, easily cleared: big, strong stream runs through placo; fine 10-room house with fireplace, cellar and attic, 2 barns, smokehouse, toolhouse, implement shed, chicken-house, pig stys: all fenced and cross-fenced; right on main county road: only one mile from live town of 500, with railway station, schools and churches: only 21 miles from I'ortland; good family orchard and shade trees surround house. We can prove to you that the timber will pay for the entir plaoe and then This place would make an ideal hog ranch, and at the price It la a rar bar gain. Beat It If you can. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. r 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT WALNUTS ARE DOINO In Contra Costa County. California. 89 minutes" ride from San Francisco. We ar selling land set with S-year-old black walnut roots. Ingrafted with English wal nuts, that will pay you In four years at least $75 per acre and from that to $.XJ per acre; we care for them four years. Write for easy terms and guarantee. R. N. Burgess company. 907 First National Bank bldg- San Francisco. 60 ACRES rich bottom land. 25 acres in cultivation, good house, barn and other Improvements, all level, no waste land, running water, good roads, railroad sta tion 2 miles, milk and mail routes, ideal for gardening, dairying or chicken rais ing; stock and Implements go with the place; price $240 per acre, half cash, bal ance terms. 421 Hamilton bldg. A. M, DicKinson. WILL sell at bargain, on account of sick ness, for half cash, balance on mortgage. 40 acres In Lincoln County; partly clear, balance In timber; near a logging road. One 5-room house, newly built; water tank- Hi lots; In Gladstone. 414 acres on Johnson Creek, on Esta cada? carllne. this side of Lineman station. C 640, uregoiu-ii. - - - - . mmnll-MnU 12S0 acres, finest grazing land In Ore gon 4 miles to railroad; 3O0 acres can be cultivated, balance brush and open pas ture; can sell either one or two sectloo for $12 per acre on very easy terms. CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. nilHT V ARM. $60 AN ACRE. 1"0 acres of finest bottom land near Canny, all fenced, 40 acres In cultivation, running stream. Urge nous and barn, orchard; snap for quirk sale: som terms. Howard Land Co.. 420 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres on good county road, in famous Klickitat County, Wash apple district, 3 miles from town; 40 acres " eared 400 apple trees 4 to 1 years olds ill gently rolling with right slope; a bare-sin at $60 per acre. STRONG ft CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. FINE FARM. Tor sale t owner, 60 acres in crop, flMT, soil small orchard, line buildings; lt?Pmlles fJcmTgood town. 40 miles from Portland; will sell on easy terms: no f.nts. Call 320 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 1800 acres. Klickitat County, Washington, ir ia f"y ,,". . lolnlng land planted to fruit selling for $350 fere. Hanalmalr. $2 Washington St.. room 573. FOR SALE 160 acrss of the choicest apple land in all Oregon, partly Improved. WILSON MYERS. End of Hawthorne carllne. $15 'PER acre, good land, no rocks, close to river ana nivo,. - -- - - BROWN & STAVER, 614 Couch rung. LINN County ranch. 864 acres of grain and . 1 m 1 4 C ' 1 v a av r r sa I r Irull iana lor o -taken at once. Address owner, U. M. Payne, Albany, Or. TO EXCHANGE. FINE nine-room dwelling and 2 lots In nice part of Kansas City, Mo., to exchange for Portland or acreage near city. Brong- uA-lA .-V, crrnnnd floor. Lewis bldg. HAVE a lot, centrally located In Vancouver, W aso.. w 111 cfci-iiiwis, ' " . , . ; land property up to $3000. Call 820 Rail- way ucnanKg mus. CAM -1 1 . 1. L- IV. 7 lots In block 2, also some lots at Trout. What have you 7 HALL & HICKLE. 321 Lumbermens bldg. $1000 LOT, 50x100, In East . Portland weignta. win ct , . - - - - - - - bungalow or house. Orussl ft Zadow. ol7 of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. EXCHANGE 1500 acres of fruit and grain . . nan - t? T. and river: price $25. Hanslmalr, 326" Washington room aid. 1140 EQUITY In fine business lot In Burllng- . . . , . -.1,,, Tl.wim 1 Wuh. ion lor mo mm "k -- - .. Ingtoil Diag. HAVE three houses to exchange for lots; the houses are on E. 2Hth and Halsey. H. Gordon, -to nenry pius. $311 000 In acreage. 8 miles southeast of Portland; center to trade for close-lu East Side property. V 643. oregonlan. $20,000 FIRST mortgage bonds to exchange lor income u t-.it in ft wij v -j - P. O. Box 2065. city. HOUSE and lot In Sumpter, Or., to trade lor roriuiDa . jia... -j . -. .. gonlan. WE exchange your property regardless o location for that wnicn suits you onr. r,ortnwest lichkihc, a---- ' WHAT HAVE you to exchange for fine elec tric PISIIO Ul UCXU J Hviigij, ftriMav. main 8458. 700 ACRES, level, valley land to trade for Portland property up 10 sjo.uuv; pnet $100 per acre. J $49, Oregonlan. WE buy, sell or trsde tor ayuiag ml vwiu. 411 Hoaro. or irmo. EASTERN Oregon sheep ranch; trad for realty anywnere. is eao, in-egonian. WE can trade your property or hnaina Call 608 Board 01 xraae.