Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Warm Winter Underwear at Clearance
You will instantly recognize the unusual
values in underwear ine minute uur jui
women show you these advertised specials.
25c, 30c and 35c white lisle lace-trimmed Un
dervests for 18d.
35c, 50c and 65c women's heavy cotton Vests
and Drawers; white lace-trimmed Vests and
Drawers, cotton Vests; child's cotton Union
Suits; women's colored lisle Corset Covers and
Vests. For 25.
85c, $1.00 and $1.25 women's merino Vests and
Tights, colored silk lisle Corset Covers and
Vests; white crochet and lace-trimmed Vests
and Suits; colored silk plaited vests for 50
$1.50 and $2.50 women's black silk vests, me
rino tights; merino drawers and lace-trimmed
Union Suits, $1.00.
' "
Embroidery Strips at One-Half Price
A thousand strips of embroidery edges and insertions. Dainty
designs worked on the very best material. A clean-up of our
own stock. That means the best only.
Brief Charges Wronq View Is
Taken of Rate Question.
I rt-lglit Cliai-pcs as Whole Without
Itrgard to Whcthrr Articles In
C1M' or Not. Is Held
li.tue in InTcMljrtlon.
WASHINGTON'. Jmn. . Freight rate
rnntroctlnn. a whole and not with
relation to anjr fimrttrular article of
transportation, whether it be a commod
ity or be embodied In a rlasi. is th prin
cipal issue involved In the investigation
now being- conducted by the Interstate
Commerce Commission.
This contention of counsel for the rail
way lines" In official cWiir-tfiratlon terri
tory la presented in a hrtrf IIW wft the
Commission today. The brief points out
that It la the contention that the carrier
Ttave not maintained the burden of proof,
required by the law. "because they have
failed to establish by affirmative proof
the reasonabienesa of the proposed In
crease on eaci snecJtlc article in the of
ficial clasattication."
This." it Is submitted, "im a totally
erroneous view of the matter."
The contention ls atso made that If the
freight charge for transportation of any
particular article can be determined to
be too high, that doe not affect the whole
rlasa. but merely means that the classi
fication of that article ought to bo
In the view of counsel for the carriers
the considerable Increase In operating ex
penses of the roads furnlaiie on Its face
Justification of the proposed advance In
Return Not ExcessWe.
It la maintained that present returns
to investors In railroad securities are by
no mean excessive and that, in order to
maintain a proper credit. It Is necessary
for the lines to receive such n operating
Income as will enable them to form a
respectable surplus.
Apprehension Is expressed that a
proper surplus fund cannot be obtained,
without an advance In rates, although It
might be admitted that In years to coma
there would be an Increase In gross earn
ings. Other br'efs of Individual lines also
have been filed with the Commission.
Attorney for Trust Official Con
demned to Prison, Appeals.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Officers" of
the American Naval Stores Company
today filed a petition In tha United
States Supreme Court for a review of
their convictions In the Federal Cir
cuit Court of Georgia of violating; the
Sherman anti-trust law.
The officials convicted were Edmund
Naah. president of the American Naval
F tores Company; Spencer P. Shotter.
chairman of tha board of directors:
J. B. Cooper Meyers, vlce-presldjr.t :
George Mead Board man, treasurer, and
Jul I length
$1.10 for $1.50 Drawer.
Drawers of fine nainsook in
the circular, Isabella and skirt
effect, prettily trimmed with
five lace edgings and insertions.
Also of embroidery edgings and
Carl Miller, manager of the company's
branch at Jacksonville, Florida.
Shotter and Meyers, according to the
petition, are the first persons sentenced
to Imprisonment for violation of the
Sherman anti-trust law. whose cases
ever came before the Supreme Court.
A review is requested because, in the
first place, the Sherman law, as a penal
measure, is characterised as "a bad
law," even thounh it is not an "uncon
stitutional one." and. in the second
place, because the indictment was bad
in that it did not churire an overt act
committed In furtherance of the alleged
The "badness" of the law Is alleged
largely upon tho contention that It
does not contain an adequate descrip
tion of any criminal oVense. The prin
ciple Is advanced that a law which
names a crime ought to be so explicit
that all men. subject to its penalties,
may know what acts it Is their duty to
Avoid. Because no overt act Is charged
to further the alleged conspiracy, it la
urged that no offense against the
T'nlted States was contained In the In
dictment. Negress Dies, Ajted 117 Years.
IANCASTER. ra- Jan. 4. Mrs. Hattie
Jenkins, a blck woman, born in 17J3,
is dea.l In this city.
J I VIM I. m IM mi J M I :
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New 1911 Under Garments, New 1911 French Lingerie All at Clearance Sale Prices
r- ... j 7 " ... . - . ".. - Shntn mnm snmhles that cams to us as advance styles for
Cxauistieiu maae. m an immense assurimzm uj oiytt. . - - -
SpmJ n Aft sale wz price them to you at just about the wholesale cost. Thz range of prices gives you
selections from the most modest to the finest trousseau garments.
-Night gou:ns with irimminss of lace, insertion, embroidery headings ribbons' and medall om. High square,
circular and "V" shaped neck- Slip over and open front styles. Made of the very best materials. All full s zz,
and Jull Width. Sale prices
59c for 7Sc Covers
Ladies' Nainsook Corset Cov
ers, with "V" or circular shape
neck, daintily and prettily trim'd
with embroidery edging and inser
tion. Also lace, lace insertion,
headings and ribbon,
Senator From West Virginia
Dies in Washington.
Statesman Who Has Had Prominent
Part In Framing Important I,avs
Succumbs to CJrim Reaper Af
ter Lingering Illness.
Contlnued Krom First Page.)
charged with the duty of electing a
successor for Senator Scott, Republican,
. : . : s :
V . Y.
DUc to $y.vv eacn.
98c for $1.50 Combinations
Ladies' Princess Combination
Corset Cover and Drawers, with
lace edging. Also corset cover
and djawer combinations trimmed
with embroidery.
Selling From $27.50 to $40
CLEARANCE at $15.00
This price is made possible through our determina
tion to find new' owners for these suits immediately. ,
There are no half-hearted methods employed in our
Clearance Sale. We have determined to inaugurate
a series of sales unequaled in worth by any other store
in Portland.
To this end we start these Feature Sales
by offering 54 Suits at om price. $15 00.
They come in black, navy, brown and myrtle. The
jackets are made in the newest 27 and 28-inch lengths,
lined with the finest quality silk. The skirts are made
in the very newest flare shapes.
Satisfy yourself by investigation. It's the only
way to gauge the saving of this great sale.
Every Suit, Coat, Fur, Waist,
Skirt, Misses' Garment, Reduced
hint, fn, tvA first time In years
has a large Democratic majority, is
now confronted with two Senatorshlps
to be filled.
Governor Glasscock. Republican, has
the power to appoint a- Senator to suc
ceed Senator Klklns temporarily. His
appointment, however, would only serve
till the election of a Senator by the
Legislature, which will convene next
Career Marked by Political Honors as
Well as tireat Wealth.
As chairman of the Interstate Com
merce committee and a member of the
committees on appropriations and com
merce, Mr. Elkins" work in the United
States Senate since he went there in
1895 is best known.
He secured the passage of the law
prohibiting the giving of rebates by
railroads. known as the Elklns act.
Likewise in his capacity as chairman
of the Interstate Commerce committee
of the Senate, he caused to be Inserted
In the railroad rate law of 1906 a
clause, known as the Elkins clause,
which prohibited a railroad from own
ing an Industry whose commodity it
carried. This clause was. however,
practically killed by a recent decision
of the Supreme Court.
Senator Elklns was born In Perry
County. Ohio, September 26. 1841. His
ancestors were Virginians but had
moved to Ohio. They subsequently re
moved to Missouri, where the Senator
received his early education and was
later graduated from tha University
of Missouri. This was In 1860.
Admitted to the bar, he crossed the
plains to New Mexico. He became ac
tive in politics there and served in the
territory and was appointed United
States District Attorney by President
Johnson. He was active In the execu
tion of the order from Congress pro
hibiting slavery of any kind In the
District of Columbia and the territories,
which liberated thousands of Mexican
In 1873 he was elected territorial
delegate to Congress, where he made
impassioned speeches for the admission
of New Mexico as a state. He became
a personal friend of James G. Blaine
and assisted In his nomination for
President In 1884. He likewise was in
strumental In securing the nomination
of Benjamin Harrison in 1888.
With his removal to West Virginia,
the scope of his mining and railroad
holdings increased largely, as did his
wealth. He founded the town of Elkins,
W. Va., and his mining activities there,
which he began in association with his
father-in-law, the late Henry Gassaway
Davis, brought him millions.
As a member of the Republican Na
tional Committee and for his activity
in Presidential campaigns, the Senator
was prominent, aside from his work as
Senator from West Virginia since 1895.
His term does not expire until 1913.
While residing In Missouri Mr. Elkins
taught school and to thl? circumstance
owed his escape from one of the most
thrilling situations of his eventful life.
Riding one day toward the close of the
Civil War along a lonely road In the
western tart of the state, he was seized
by a squad from the band of the Confed
erate guerilla, Quantrell. He was charged
with being a spy and- the penalty was
death. Fortunately for him, he was
placed in the care of two brothers, who
recognised the young man as their for
mer teacher. Appreciating their peril,
they contrived his escape.
The Senator's new-found friends were
Jim and Cole Younger, who afterwards
became the most noted of the daring
band of outlaws led by the James
brothers. When, after the close of the
wer, the Toungers were captured and
sent to prison on a life sentence for rob
bing a bank In Minnesota, Mr. Elkins re
called their kindness to him. He exert
ed his Influence to procure their release
and ultimately succeeded.
Every Garment in
Muslin Underwear
at Clearance Prices
Woman Is Roughly Handled by
Men Who Held Up Train.
l'alr Passenger Implores Highway
man to Return Heirloom and
Gets Threat of Sudden Death
for Her Pains.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Many stories of barbarous treatment at
the hands of the robbers who held up the
Overland train near Ogden are told here
today by women victims.
To Mrs. Marie P. Smith, of Hollywood.
Cal., belongs the doubtful distinction of
being the first passenger attacked by the
hold-ups after they had killed the porter
and made their way through the bag
gage car.
'I was aroused suddenly." she said
this morning. "Then my curtains were
torn open and a revolver pressed against
my forehead. One robber searched my
bed, while the other continued to threat
en me with instant death if I made any
Engagement Ring Torn OK.
"I had on my right hand a diamond
ring my engagement ring which was
valued at JoOi), and the robber said I
would have to give that up. I remem
bered that I had two other rings on my
left hand, which was under the bed
clothes, so I told him that he would have
to take off my engagement ring, and he
tore It off my hand, while I slipped the
other rings under my pillow Just after
the second robber had shaken that up
and convinced himself that there was
nothing In it. He also took a circle of
rubles from my wrist.
"Then, not satisfied that I had given
up all my possessions, the two men began
searching my berth again. One of them
caught me roughly by the shoulder and
tore my dressing gown and then they
From 132 to 180 Pounds
Wonderfully Built I'p at Small Cost.
The number of cases of general de
bility In which Hood's Sarsaparllla has
proved Just the medicine that was
needed 1 very great. Mr. E. S. Fry,
Ivanhoe, Va., describes his case and
tells what this medicine did for him. In
the following testimonial: "I was all
run down and weighed only 132 pounds.
I took Hood's Sarsaparllla, and before
the first bottle was finished began to
improve, and when I had taken six
bottles was wonderfully built up and
weighed 180 pounds."
Hood's Sarsaparllla effects its won
derful cures, not simply because it con
tains sarsaparllla. but because It con
bines the utmost remedial values of
more than twenty different ingredi
ents. Any preparation said to be "just
a good" costs less to make and yields
the dealer a larger profit.
Get Hood's Sarsaparllla today In
liquid or tablets called Snraatabs.
$1.19 for $1.50 to $2 Covers
Fine nainsook Corset Covers,
prettily trimmed with fine
swiss embroidery, medallions,
embroidery insertion, laces,
edging and insertion and rib-
Warm Winter Hosiery at Clearance
f Cheney Foulards,
Polka dots, rings and fanciful patterns in small and medium
designs on a beautiful shimmering glossy fabric embracing
every fashionable shade.
ir, off mv bed slippers to see If I had
anything concealed in them.
Woman's Life Threatened.
"I was never so roughly handled in my
life. After they had left my berth ind
were going on to the next. I put my head
out and asked them if they would not
slve me back the circle of rubles, which
13 an heirloom and which could there
fore never be replaced, and for answer
the revolver was plioved again in my
face end, with a terrible oath, tha man
said: "I will shoot you dead If you put
your bead out again."
"We were there fully two hours and
such two hours none of us ever hopes to
spend again in our lives. The men were
so desperate that we did not know at
what moment they might come In and
kill us all, as they were continually
threatening to do."
Commander of Department of Co
lumbia to Stay at Vancouver.
ington, Jan. 4. Brigadier-General
Maus, commanding the Department of
the Columbia, will remain at his pres
ent post and not be transferred to the
Philippines, as was contemplated by
the War Department some time ago.
In a few days, a general shifting
of department commanders will be or
dered, but General Maus will remain
at Vancouver Barracks as the general
staff has decided his extensive first-
350 Annual Profit
For 23 Years
is what hundreds of investors in
British Columbia real estate have
The "British Columbia Bulletin ,
of Information" tells about the
opportunities along the three great
transcontinental railways which
are opening up 30,000,000 acres of
rich agricultural land and 50,000,
000 acres of timber, coal and min
eral land in Central and Northern
British Columbia, now famous as
the Fort George country.
Thousands of fortunes will be
made by those who get in before
the big rush. Let us send you a
free copy costs you nothing may
mean a fortune for you. Write
Natural Resources
Security Co., Ltd.
Paid up Capital $230,000.
' Joint Owners and Sole Agents
Fort George Townsite.
412 Bower Building-, Vancouver B. C.
District Sales Solicitor,
407 Wells Fargo Bids'., I'ortland, Or.
mm w
25c black and colored cotton Hosiery. Lisle
thread, plain and fancy, 124.
35c plain colored cotton or lisle thread, fast
black cotton or fancy lisle thread Hosiery 18.
Fast black and lisle Hosiery in plain and
open work; white lisle embroidered and open
work ; colored lisle embroidered ; polka dot
lisle and striped cotton; immense assort
ment, ,25.
75c fast black lisle thread; plain and colored
lisle; lisle thread; fast black lisle with em
broidered ankle ; colored lisle with embroidered
ankle and plain colored lisle thread
Hosiery, 35.
85c and $1.25 black lisle thread, open work or
embroidered; white lisle thread, open work or
embroidered; colored lisle thread, 50.
$1.25 Quality 79c
hand knowledge of Alaskan affairs,
gained on his recent trip, makes It ad
visable to keep him at the head of the
Department of the Columbia for a time
at least.
Compare Our Prices
With thoM Ton hre been in the hshlt of pnrlns. ,
Jndyoo that 3 offor ou o in hrtntl a . mr.
Won 11 work and too cannot net better painlwe
work anjwhers, no matter howmuch .von pay.
!T.V ' .r.j bndtre work for out
i fx-?--- s " -03 of town ratrons la
ono day Jf desired.
,r-- A?'i Palnlons oxtraction
- V -"tree when platoa or
. ( , bridge work ia order.
Wit; l ed- Consultation tree.
fc o!arfwn 55.00
Gold Fillings 1.00
V A Ensnei Fillings 100
- t
5 M S lvr Fillings .Oil
i- i - utiood Rubber
ft --v iU t'- Plates 5.00
owl nea nuBosr
OR. W. . WISE, Pmsanr uo Miusii
Piinleis EilrMlon .311
si nut imiuwis h ramus 1
All work fully guaranteed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,mc.
FimneBulldlng, Third and Washington. P0RTUNO, ORE,
OIIlo. Eoui: A. at. to 2 Jt Sundays, t Mt
Although there are hundreds of prep
arations advertised, there Is only one
that really stands out pre-eminent as
a remedy for diseases of the kidneys,
liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest, for the reason that it has'
proved to be Just the remedy needed in
thousands upon thousands of even the
most distressing cass.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly
because Its mild and immediate effect
is soon realized. It is a gentle, healing
vegetable compound a physician's
prescription for a specific disease.
Swamp-Rcot is not recommended for
A Sworn Certificate of Purity is with
every bottle.
For sale at all drug stores. In bottles
of two sizes fifty-cents and one-dollar.
In order to prove what Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder
remedy will do for you, every reader of
The "Portland Dailv Oregonlan" who
has not already tried it, may receive a
sample bottle by mail absolutely free.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,.
N. Y. AVrite today.
Wnwhlngfn Bl.lg.t 4fh and Wnnlilntcton
Is often distressed by Gray or
Bleached Hutr
Imperial Hair ICrgeurrittor
Is tho only sure and aosolut
ly harmless remedy for either;
easily applied; any natural shade
produced ; leaves the hnir soft
and glossy. It Is unequaled for
Beard or Mustache. Sample ot
hair colored free. Privacy as
sured corresDondence. Imperial
Chemical Mf. Co., 135 W. S3d 6U N. . X.