TnE 3IORXIXG OKEGOyiAX, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1011. ' BRet 0lj y a t r. NOTHER day of sensational Clearance Sale value-giving! Hundreds of new items go on i L: t ;.ef- -;m Wp rnn'r hein to name all the reductions every bale mis liiui iixii iui uiw c i j i shelf, table and counter in every corner of this great store teems with them! Come today! Women's Garments One-Piece Dresses About Half Price THOUSANDS of stvlish One-Piece Dresses for "Women and Misses, made of serges, Panamas, fancv worsteds and messalines, taf feta, foulard and other silks. Plain tailored and the more elaborate models for evening wear. Clearance Sale prices are about half regular. To $20.00 Dresses, Clearance Sale price $ 9.85 To $25.00 Dresses, Clearance Sale price $12.45 To $30.00 Dresses, Clearance Sale price $14.65 To $35.00 Dresses, Clearance Sale price $18.45 $ 1 00 Fur Coats Reduced to $68 Elesant "Russian Pony Fur Coats, 52 inches long, made of beautiful, fine, glossy skins, lined throughout in bro caded cream satin. Large shawl collar. J?Q fif $100 Coats. Clearance Sale price only, ea. tPUOtUU BLACK WOLF AND OPOSSUM FUR SETS Large shawl collars, in plain and fancy effects. Large Rug or Pillow Muffs to match, trimmed in natural J I OC heads and tails. Regular $20 value atj)l 1 0J If You Can't Come, Send Order by Mail or Telephone IECOD FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. Clearance of Umbrellas Handkerchiefs, Gloves FIRST FLOOR, OLD BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. . - i i i n REMARKABLE clearance sale reductions on au lines of Women's Dress Accessories, including Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Gloves and Neckwear. Every item is a big bargain; read them carefully: Clearance Prices on Umbrellas " i - Men's and Women's $1.25 Umbrellas, special, 98 Men's and Women's $1.50 Umbrellas for $1.19 Men's and Women's $2.50 Silk Uumbrellas $1.98 Clearance Prices on Handkerch'fs Women's 5c plain white! Handkerchiefs for 2y2? Women's 7c Initial Handkerchiefs, special at 4? Women's 12c and 15c embroidered H'dk'fs at 9 Women's 50c to 75c linen Handkerchiefs for 37 Clearance Prices on Kid Gloves Women's $1.00 and $1.25 soiled Kid Gloves 47 Women's $1.00 Cape and Chamois Gloves for 69? Women's $1.25 Glace, Suede, Cape and QO s w Mocha Gloves 2-clasp, special at, the pair Women's $1.50 to $3.50 iUd liioves; 2-clasp, and cape in 8, 12 and 16 button, Clearance Scale Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries TOILET ARTICLES. 25c Outicura Soap on sale for 15V 15c rears' Unscented Soap for 12c 25c Woodbury's Soap for only 15 25c Packer's Tar Sonp for only 16 10c Rose Glycerine toap at only 8 10c Jap. Rose Sonp now only It 10c Palm-Olive Soap on sale at 7 5c Lifebuoy Soap now priced at 4 5c flotilla Soap, dozen cakes 43? RUBBER GOODS 75c "Water Bottles now priced 49 $1.25 Fountain Syringes now 79 $1.50 Fountain Syringes now 98 $1.75 Fountain Syringes for SI. '3 9 $3.50 2-qt. Syringes at only 2.69 $2.50 Fountain Syringes for $1.49 ' 75c Rubber Syringes for only '49 75c Red Rubber Gloves now 49c DRUG SUNDRIES Regular 75c Ilair Brushes for 49J $2.00 Hair Brushes for only 98 35c Tooth Brushes now priced 19 15c Tooth Brushes now priced 9i 35c Nail Brushes now priced 19 5c Vegetable Brushes now only 3 65c Rubber Sponges for only 43J 50c Sponge Rags, special price 33i $1.00 Tourist Cases for only 59d THE STATIONERY All Desk Supplies now at 4 OFF 25c Fancy Box Stationery for 9 50c Fa'ncy Box. Stationery for 29? "500" Score Cards, the dozen 5 50c Bridge Pads, special price 29 50c Postcard Albums now at 33? $1.00 Postcard Albums now 697 10c White Envelopes, the dozen 4 To $35 Trimmed Hats $9.75 SECOND FLOOR, XEW BlILDING. SUCH marvelously low prices on these beau tiful Trimmed Hats will surely clear every one of them out by the week's end. Latest ef fects for midwinter wear, smartly trimmed in fur, flowers and feathers. Regular $15 to $35 Trimmed Dress Hats, priced tfQ 'TC for this great Clearance Sale at D O Women's and Misses Tailored Hats Scores of jaunty styles, trimmed in fancy feathers and ribbon bows; regular $3.00 Jf 'TC to $20.00 Hats. Clearance Sale Dt. O All Imported Hats, former $25 to $150 at HALF Willow and French Ostrich Plumes Reduced Our Great January Sale of Pure Food Groceries Cont'd BAMEMKNT, BlILDIXG. . ORDER BY MAIL. FAMOUS BUTTERNUT BUTTER The best at any price. Made of pure pasteurized cream by one of the world's H'X p largest and most modern creameries. Sale price, 2-lb.sq. Small California Picnic Hams, 1 A mild sugar-cured shoulders, lb. OLIVE OIL. ETC. Victor Pickles, 2. bottle at only 21 Victor Pickles, l."c bottle at only 12 Victor Catsup. 20c bottle at only 17 Victor Guaranteed Flour, barrel S5.3T 49-pound bag, special now at SI. 42 Fancy large ripe Olives, quart for GO? Choice ripe Olives, quart, special at 35 Fancy Queen Olives, special at, qt., 50? Ore prin Italian Prunes, steam GJO CC cured; U-Vlb bos at only SmJiJ 2 pounds 25e; pound special, at 15 Fancy Italian Prunes, special, box Fancy French Pnmes, special, bos 05 Fancy Evaporated Apples, the lb.. 12 Japan Style Kice, 100-lbs. for $4.40 6 pounds now on sale at low price 27 Fancy Evaporated Cherries, lb., 12 Fancy Evaporated Peaches, lb., 10? Fancy Evaporated Apricots, lb., 18 EASTERN HAMS Small moked Hams, hickory 1 Rlfor moked and sncrar cured, lb. O Medium-ize Hams, hickory 1 C fo smoked and sugar cured, lb. C Lucca Olive Oil, Crosse & Black- p7tZn well's, on special sale now, bottle Lea & Perrin's Worcester Sauce, OCf on sale now, special at the bottle"'' Touranedas Kitchen Bouquet for 25 Hazard's Burnt Onion Sauce for 25 Baker's Cocoa, Vpou11 for only 20 Baker's Premium Chocolate, Vs-Oflp pound box, now on sale at only Huyler's Cocoa, 12-lb. jyx for 23 FIGS AND FANCY FRUITS Cresca Pulled Fips at 25 and 50 Cresca Stuffed Figs and Dates, ?n now on sale, the jar, at only vlvlv Larpe Fancy Florida Grape Fruit OC. $3.50 the box; three for only Imported French Prunes, sp'l, $1.15 Cresca Pot-Pourri, jar, 30 and 45 Imported Weisbaden Fruits, 1J1 OC now on sale at, the jar, PJJ 25c Plain Drapery Scrims 1 4c THIRD FLOOR, MAIJf BCIL.DISG. ORDER BV MAIk Phenomenal Clearance Prices on Silverware FIRST FLOOR, OLD BLILDIXG. ORDER BV MAIL. NEARLY every article in our big first-floor sil verware department at splendid clearance sale reduction. Rich, sparkling Out Glass, Brass and Copper Wares, Chafing Dishes, Pearl Handled Cutlery etc ' All Cut Glass on Sale at 4 Off All Bohemian Glassware 1-5 Off Brass and Copper Wares V4 Off All 5 o'Clock Tea Kettles VS Off All Chafing Dishes Now 1-5 Off All Pearl Handled Cutlery 1-5 Off All Hollow Silverware at 1-5 Off All Smokers Articles at A Off All Sterling Silverware 10 Oif 5000 THIN BLOWN GLASS TUMBLERS 10- ounce size made of clear blown glass. J ust the kind for every-day use. Clearance sale spe- A cial today in basement at the low price of Today in the Basement Annex on the he Bargain Scpiare Men's to 50c Neckwear 1 5c NEARLY 14,000 Men's Ties, worth from 25c to 50c, for Clearance today on our famous Basement Bargain Square at 15c. Every imaginable pattern, color and style Four-in-Hands, French Folds, Flowing Ends, Bows, Knit- -g p ted Ties not a one in the lot worth under 25c and the most of them regular 50c values. Today, each DRAPERY FABRICS of every kind at extraordinary Clear ance Sale reductions. For today we offer 2oc Plain -i a Scrim in white, ivory-and Arabian, 38 ins.'wide. Spl, yd. xtv 35c and 40c Bungalow Nets, 45-inch, all new designs, for only 27 1240 Dotted. Figured and Striped Swiss, 36 inches wide, yard 25c White Swisses, 36 and 45 inches wide, special, the yard 191 50c, 75c and $1.00 Bungalow Nets, special at 39S 58 and 7B Tapestries, Velours, Damasks and other Draperies now Reduced Drapery Cretonnes 25c grade 16S 30c grade 21S 35c at 28 Clearance $1 Fancy Silks 5 9c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. THOUSANDS of the season's newest weaves, patterns and shades in these $1 Fancy Silks tor Clearance at olc a yard Designs for street and evening dresses, waists, kimonos, CQr etc. Priced today in this great Clearance Sale at, yard Regular 75c Taffeta Silks at 49 $1.00 Novelty Silks at, the yd. 67 $1.25 Novelty Silks at, the yd. 79 $1.50 Persian Silks at, the yd. 9S To $1.25 Dress Goods at, yard 69 $1.50 Tailor Suitings, the yd. 98 $2.00 Imported Dress Goods SI. 19 $3.50 French Broadcloth, yd. 2.59 Great January White Goods Economies To $.75Enib'd'y Flouncings 98c FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BV MAIL lllllll JUST received and on sale today, 2200 yards of the prettiest Baby Flounc ings we've seen in many a day. Full 27 inches wide, on sheer fine Swiss with f) hemstitched scalloped edge. Beautiful floral designs for infants' and children's wear. Positive $1.25 to $1.75 QO Flouncing, today at only, the yd. tOC TWO LACE SPECIALS. Today we offer 1000 yards of white and cream Net Top Lace, Bands and Edges, for trimming waists and gowns 1 to 9-in. 75c to $1.00 Net Top Laces priced at 39 $1.25 to $2 Net Top Laces priced at 69 IMITATION IRISH EMBROIDERY. Imitation Baby Irish Embroidery, including Edges, Insertions, Gal loons and Flouncings, Vz to 45 inches wide, on fine Swiss. Prices: To85c grades at, the yard49 To $1.25 grades at, the yard 69j; To $2.25 grades at, the yard, 98 To $3.50 grades at, the yard $1.39 CHIFFONS AND MARQUISETTES Beautiful Chiffons and. Marquisettes in black, white and all shades now at these Clearance Sale reductions: $1.00 Chiffon Cloth, the yard 79 $1.50 Chiffon Cloth, yard $1.19 $1.50 Marquisette at, yard $1.29 $1.75 Marquisette at, yard $1.39 Women's Gowns at Big Savings SECOXD FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. GREAT heaps of snowy new Gowns, most of them just received in time for this week's Big white Event. Made of fine cambric, nainsook and muslin, trimmed in pretty, durable Hamburg embroideries. Val. and cluny laces, headings, tucks and ribbon. High or low neck; long or short sleeves. ORDER BY MAIL. $1.25 Gowns at 85 $1.50 Gowns at 981 $1.75 Gowns $1.29 $2.25 Gowns $1.49 $2.75 Gowns $1.87 $3.00 Gowns $1.98 $3.50 Gowns $3.18 $4.50 Gowns $2.98 Great Clearance Sale of $3.50 Corsets at $1.98 Big bargain lot of Corsets, made of coutil and batiste in medium and low-bust models with long hips. Hose support- f-l QO ers attached. $3.50 Corsets at D 1 .ZO Regular $5.00 to $8.00 Corsets now $3 . 18 Children's 25c Corset Waists now at 22J French Under muslins Vz Off I . . - - -