Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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Demand for Cargoes Abroad
Has Improved.
'lr Business nlnjc Worked for
California Account Sound Silli
er In Uie Market Outlook
for Foreign Trade.
Wbeat crpx wer In better demand
yesterday, but at last week's prices. Local
exporter wer consequently In th market
and paying & fortnr quotation Th de
mand from California wu better than tt ha
been for th past fortnight. This wu to b
expected, a th buyer In th Sosta usually
rutxld toward th (Iom of tho T'ar and
then com la strongly after tho holidays are
over. Prtroa offered by buyT fjr Califor
nia Krautt were a shad over those quoted
ta eomo other qosrter. No milling demand
wm reported locally, bot a few of th mill
an the Sound needed wheat, which wa re
ponstbl for tho batter feeltnc there.
The Immediate future of th wheat mar
ket I a uncertain a It baa been throughout
the saason. Illark We, shipments are snow
ing a falling off and up to th clo of aav
tgatloa will probably b light, but Argentina
I getting ready to dlapalcn It urplua and
may oSset th decreased nottntnl. from
Russia. Just how much wheat Argentina,
will J to market cannot be figured out.
Thero baa been som damac down there,
but It la yet to be an whether th report
hae been zascrrated.
Ther la a luti Eaatern demand for
brewia barley and th prce quoted ax
without change. red barley la very duIL
Not much llf I shown In lb oat market.
Supplies ar fully equal to th demand.
Local receipt. In car, were reported by
th Merchants Kxchana aa follosr.
Wheat llarlcy Klour Oats Hay
Mm. and Tue. S'.'i l 11
Wednesday .... M 1 3
Yar a 3 &
eaaon to dal.TT1 st lll'l W
Tear iovl to lltU T3 K-i
Foreign crop condition ar summarised
by th Liter-pool Corn Trad New aa fol
low: tnlte Kingdom There ar continued
eompiainta regarding deterioration to th
?rnwln p:ant on account of wet weather,
he weatuer has now changed for th better,
being fin and cold.
France The cro bar shown no Im
provement during the past week. Laet week
the wralher was dry. but tma eck In
weather has asaln become wet.
wheat la moving more freely Into th inter
ior. ,
Germany Th weather Is colder and snow
la wanted to prot-t th plant. Supplies of
aatlee wheat e-w liberal.
Koumania The outlok for tha growing
wheat la aatlfa-tor. stocks ar Increasing.
The weather ts mill.
Hungary Th crop outlook I mort fav
orable. Italy In the north there are soma com
plaints of too much rain, etaewnrr th out
look Is general, y fair. Th weather la sea
sonable. Kussia Th growing crop cnntlnn fav
orable on the whnle. Arrivals at the ports
sro Storks at th porta show soma
dr- a a result of th recant heavy
North Africa There Bar been furthar
5 nod rains and all fear of damag by
routh 1 eliminated.
Turkey Th outlook for the crop Is favor
abie. Wheal Hair at Walla Walla.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Jan. . Sp
rlaL In th first sales of the year about
3O.O00 bushels of whest exchanged hands
today, th market being a trifle stronger
than for several days, clu was quoted at
73 cnta 'and bluestem at 74 cents f. o. b..
and tha offerings were comparatively largo.
About 30,000 bushels was offered to buyers,
but they took little more than half of It.
Frd Kofer cleaned out th remainder of
hi crop Tuesday, about 16.000 bushels, th
prlc being. It la stated. Tl rent. Th
grain waa bluestem. Other sales wer small,
on dealer offering TO cents for 1000 sacks
f. o- b. on th Northern Pacific and found
no grain.
Dealer expect little activity until early
Spring, when th opening of work will re
quire capital. Much grain Is still being held;
In sorno Instances two years" crops ar still
Large Black Sold ota the Street at 34 Cents.
Poultry Weaker.
An easier ton developed In th poultry
market yesterday. Receipts were not large,
but buyers objected to paying th high
price current at the opening of th week.
qhlckei-V were about half a cent lower all
around. It waa almost Impossible to sell
The weakness in the egg market Is grow
ing. Arrivals are steadily Increasing and
tho retailers are only buying from hand to
month, unless they can get sharp conces
sions. The general quotations yesterday
were 3n:iT cents, kut or. large lot of eggs
was disposed of on Front street at 34 cents.
The .-hoes market wss very firm. Most
of the factories hav now cloned down, and
It ts apparent that stocks on hand are bare
ly sufficient for tha remalnderof th closed
There wer no changes In butter prices,
city creamery was quoted firm, but cutslda
creamery was moved with difficulty, flocks
of Eaatern butter ar still large.
All kinds of country dressed meats wer
firm. Receipts wer good, but th demand
wss strong. Pork was quoted at 110 Il ia
centa with an occasional sal at a fraction
Rua af ttnaelt Is HmalL
ASTORIA, or-. Jan. 4. (.Special.) Quit
a few smelt hav been caught during th
past few days In th vicinity of Clifton, but
nor baa been taken as ye,t In th Grays
River, it I said th water In that stream
I too low and a freshet must com bfor
the smelt will be attrscted that way.
Th catch of steelheada still continues
fairly good and they are nf excellent quality.
Vegetable I Torn California.
A car of Los Angeles cauliflower was re
ceived yesterday and put on sale at ? 2j.
A car of cauliflower Is due from Kan Fran
cisco today. A car of celery also arrived.
Hothouse lettuc was In heavy supply and
sold slow at 73 cents to 1 per box.
Ml f Yakima Hop.
There waa no business In the Oregon hop
msrket yesterday and no demand at price
that woukl be accepted.
At North Yakima ther was a sals of 1
bale at OVs centa There ar now unsold
only Oil bales of Yakima hope.
Bank Clearing.
Jiank clearings of th Northwestern cities
yesterday wer. aa tolluw,: ...,
. .11 U.11. 147 linn
Tatoma .......
Vpokao .......
.. ili.itl.44S i4.11T
Grain. Ilowr. reed. Ft.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. S" 9
JJSc; club. Mli)t; red 7c:
Vsl.ey. eO-fold. il2c.
BARLfcY Feed. -M per ton; brewing.
X '4 r 25 ti-r ton.
MILLSTI-FFS Bran. SI3. JO 4 . SO per
ton- middlings. $31: horta. lii.iO J S4.JO:
rolled barley. i3 tt S.
FLOL-R Patents. i-lS per barr.:
straights. 4 1Dv4.s: exoorta IJ.M: Val
IryT $i JO: graham. 34.14; whol whsat.
"HAT Track prtras: Timothy. Wlllametta
V H , o . tnI- t'uitrs Oregon.
ill 9 Si: sifii'ra. 114: grain bay. 314.84)
alS0: clover. I11Q14.
CORV Whole. :; cracked. II par ton.
OA1S No. I whit. 1 per ton.
Tea-etablew and Fmlta
APPLKS Waxen. Rn$l: Baldwin.
ty - -- mrn py, ucvlLSO; tino, ILHO;
. .
Red Cheek Plrpln. tl CS: Winter Banana.
11 111).', r'pltirnberg. i.0tLi; iellow
s,w,'2,,....lJ ttai u
BACA VtUfclOLRO-v.nw w -w ----
hundred: parsnip. ltfLM; lurnlpa. .
beets. II !3 I.Su.
CRITN FRV ITS Pear. ft.ISIH per '
grapes. 7V(il per box; Malagas
barrel: ci ancerrl-e. IUi)i:N per bar
rel: pe--!rnmore, l.!5 per tox.
VEOETAIU.ES Fiean. liHc Pr pound:
cabbase gl.lful.M per hundred; cauliflow
er. $.; JJ per crate; celer?'. California.
3x? ty .l.r,o per crate: cucumbers. J - per
IJVc per pound: gren onions. 13c per
. . t t . . rt'.r- ner dosen;
bead lettuce. 5c per doxen
hothouse lettuce. TirtlelW
pei-rs. IJi. per lh-: pumpkins. 11 per
lb.: radlshe. lS2e per oosen:
58c: squash, liimii per lb.; tomatoea
11.75 per box.
TKOP1CAL rRUITo Orangea naeels.
t:tf73 per box: Japanese. l Per
bundle; tangerines. 12 per box: lemons. 4.
Florida grapefruit. 'ti: California grap
fruit. C;o4; bananas. 4c per pound; pln
appies. Oc per pound.
IVTATOKS uregun. Jobbing prlc. II I
1.5.1 per hundred; sweet potatoes,
per hun-lred. . ,
OV1U.NS Buying price. 11.40 per hundred.
Grwreele. Dried Trnlt. Et.
r'.IEL FRL1T Apple. 10 per po-onflj
currant. Jin 11c: aprlcota. 14Vjt10c:
dates, pscksge. lHo IKtr 1U: flg. bu.k.
whit or b.avk. by JOSc; 60s. ILMI
1.75; lil-liis. 5c; -12. 10-lm. boo.
bmyma lc. .
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tall
11-10 per dosen; 3-pound tslls. 1:
pound fata 12.15; Alaska plak. 1-poond Il.s red. 1-pound tails, loo.
ton Et UoaatsU. la drujoa 1
per po-.:d. .
NL'T.4 Walnnts, l91Te pr pound: Bra
sll nuts. 12c: nibert. lac; almonda,
liitlSc, pecans, lac: cocoatnuts. BOcl per
dosen; chestnuts. 12 o per pound; hickory
sou. ItTlOc per pound.
SALT oranulstcl, flS per ten: Hall
ground, lows. $1.30 per ton: 60s. ! per ton.
BE A. N.n cimall white, lac: lrg whit.
4V,c; Lima. to; pink. 'c; red Mexican,
44,c; bayou. I."- .
RICE No. 1 Japan. ie: cheaper srrad
$ioC4 t5; Southern head. 4t7o.
HOXET Choic. $1 15 pr ; strain.
He p-t pound. . ' . .
GL'UAH Dry graauUtsd. fruit and .berry.
If. So; keet. $S.W. emir C. 11: golden C,
I4.S0; yellow D., $4.60; cube tbarreUI.
Vli: owdered. I4.63. Terms on remit
tance within 13 daye. deduct He per pound.
If later than IS day and within 30 day,
deduct ) rr pound. Maple sugar. 11 4r
1 per pound. -
ITovl alias
HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. ITHc: 11 to 14
pounds. 17c: 14 to 16 pounds, lbic; skinneo.
ISe: picnics. 13wc; collage roli. lie
BACON Fsncy. 0c; standard. 2fl; cbolca
ISc: English, ile.
(UukLU HEATH Bf tonguea TSel
dried beef seta, lie: outside. none; la
ide. xjc; knuckles. 22c.
DRY SALT CU R E D Regular short clears,
dry salt, lie: smoked, le: backs, light,
salt, lie; smoked. le: backs, heavy, salt,
14c; smoked, loo; axport bellies, salt. Mate;
amoked. lc.
LAR1 ktll rendered. 12 We: stand.
rd pur. II fee; choice. 12ic; shortsnlsg.
11 wo.
Hop, Wool. Hide. Etc.
HOPS loin crop. ll!c; HO0 crop,
oontracta 12tflUS;C.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. 180 lTo pound;
Valley. ITllv per pound.
MC'HAlIt Choice. J0u33o per pound.
cascaHA HARK I Vc per pound.
HIDE." Halted Mde. evitfTHa pef ln.1
salted ralf. lie; ctltel kip. Tc; sated
staga c; gren hides, lc less: dry hides.
I',wl1c; dry calf. lTlc; dry stags. 11
4J 1-c. .
PilLTS Dry. lOSc: salted. butcharr
take off. 40 O 75c: Spring lamb 2l4
Dairy aad Country Prwdne.
I'UULTKT- Hem. 17Sc: Pprlncs.
t:iii;.r: turkeys. 20Jlc: ducks. 2.1c:
geese. 14c: dressed turkeys, choice, 25c.
K,..;.s cireton ranch, candied.
Easlern. "s .too.
CHEESE Full cream, twins. lTfylTH
pvr p-i.n4: your.g Amerlc. 1B4J llVaC
Bl'TTEK City creamery xtra. 1 and 1
pound print In boxes, 5o per pound; las
than b,xee. canons and delivery extra.
1'OHK Fancy. 11 ell So per pound.
VEAL Fancy. 8i to 1-i pounu U14
per pound.
LINSEED OIL Pur raw In barrel c;
kettl boileil. In barrels. $1.U1; raw. In cases
1.4: kettle boiled. In cnaes, $1.04. Lots of
240 gallons. 1 cent less per gallon.
COAL OIL Water White, cases ITc, wood
bbl. 18Hc Iron-bbI c; Hesdllght. casss
lc, wood bbls.. 15Hc Iron bb.s, llVjc;
Eocen cases 20o: special Water Whit
wood bbls. 17c Iron bbl Uc; Elaine, case
7c; Extra btar. rases 2c: V. M. 4k
laptha. case TltC: Iron bbl. lSVjc
UAeoLINE Red Crown or motor gasnlln.
rave 24c: Iron bbls., 17c; fed gasoline, case
37 He Iron bbl 3c; Aroiurp cases 41c.
Iron bbl. 3c; angln dlstlllat cases 15c,
Iron but. Sc.
Cheese Jlnrkct I Firm and Butter
and Ers9 Are Steady- Froren
Poultry Sales.
SEATTI.E. Wash.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
The veretabl market took precedence In
Importune over fruit today. Tomatoe wer
scarce, but news of the arrival of a ship
ment Friday by steamer from Los Angeles
relieved the situation. The new consign
ment will sell at 2 cent
There was a good supply of common cheap
apple but extra fancy and fancy was
scarce. Oranges wer plentiful and th
quality greatly Improved.
Poultry and veal were, sesree and th poul
try trade has been thrown Into th freah
froxen line. Fowls were quolud at 20421
cents; brollors at : cents; fryers at ti
tl ?5 cents sod roasters at 20tt21 cent
Butter and erg remained stationary with
a fair supply of Eastern storage butter and
egss enuush to supply the demand. Th
cheese market was nrm.
Iteceipts were 14 care of whest. 4 cars of
corn. 7 cars of hay and 4 cars of barley,
prices were unchanged.
Quotations Current La th Bay City Mar
ket. PAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 4. Th follow
produte prices v,ere current today:
Vegetables "ucunit'ers. $2 T ?.21 : garlic. 4
Hc; green pess.; strtnc beans. 109
Kc: 'tomutoe 75c;i1.15: evplant. 5tf7c.
Puttel Fancy creamery. Ill Sc.
l:-K Store. 114c; fancy ranch. 35C
Chei-w Young America. IOuMTc.
Mlllstuffs Bran, $27 U Z'l. middling. $32
Hay Wheat, IMrll; wheat and oat $99
12.JO: alfalfa. $rll.
Fmll Apples, choice use: common. 40c;
Mexl-nn llroea, 4.."n: California lemon
chilce. $1.50: common, ?2: orange, navel.
$l.vt?2.5i; pineapples. $2fi?...
Potatoes Sl!na Burunnks. $1.739100.
ivrru $Jt.1.'.'5; Oregon liurbank $l.0tl
1 75.
Onions $1.4Ol.B0.
Receipts Flour. 3910 qusrter sacks;
wheat. 1250 centals: barley. M.o.i centals:
oat W30 centals: potatoes. fil'iiO sacks; britn.
1...-. sacks: middling 0 sacks; bay. 232
Chirac 1'rodyco Market.
CHICAtlO. Jsn. 4. Butter Steady;
creamene :.1fr2c: dairies. "1 0 2Sc.
F.kks steadv; receipt 325H .cases; , at
mark, cases Included, ltf S 6 22 be; first 30c;
prime firsts. 32c.
Cheese Cnttld: dalsle lSe)134c:
twin 13ti:iHc: Young America 150
13Vc; long horn Hv 1.1c
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Cotton future
rinsed steady. January. 14.41: February.
H.TTc; March. 14 TAc; April. 14.4c: May.
15.0SC; June. lS.OIc: July. 15 04c: August,
14.74c; September, ll.xlc: October. 13.1c.
Spot closed quiet. 10 points lower. Mid
dling upland H.JTc; do. Gulf. 15.15c Sale
704 bale
Wool at St. Ixul
ST. I.OU1H, Jn. 4. Wool Unchanged;
territory and Western mediums. 21ti2'.'c;
fin medium lT.slSc: fine. 124711c: me
dium grades combing and clothing, lltf-lc;
light fine. 20;:.'c; heavy One. 1517c; tub
washed. 20 v lie,
Iraluth Flax Market.
DVLlTtt. Jan. 4. Flax, on track and to
arriv $2.52: Mjy. 12.1 asked.
Fort Steven. Captain Leaves.
cloX) Captain Raymond, commanding
tho Thirty-fourth Company, Coast Ar
tillery Corps, has been ordered to Fort
Adams. Rhode Island. As post ex
change officer at Fort Stevens, he has
ndeared himself to the enlisted men.
Choice California Stock Brings
$7.50 at Yards.
Small Load of Sheep Go at $4.83
and Lambs at $ Hog's AgAin
Sell at $ Woolmen
Will Visit Tarda.
Th fcatur of th livestock market yes
terday was th sal of two loads of prime
California ters at 7.80. th top mar
ket quotation. These cattl wer thorough
bred Shorthorns and wer raised by th
same poo pi who raised th grand cham
pion steer which was sold at Christmas
time. They wer shipped by th same deal-
r Ooodal Cassldy, of Oexell Cal., and
handled by the same commission firm. Hunt
Lacey. Th steers were bought by the
Union Meat Company.
In other respect the cattle market was
equally strong. Ther wa a rang In the
steer sales of $$. to $.S5. Cows sold
from $1 to 13 and bulls and calves at th
former rang.
Th sheep market wa quiet, but main
tained Its strength throughout. One small
lot waa disposed of at $185. A bunch of
lambs went at tt.
Th I peg was again towched In th hog
Th receipt tor the day were 11 cattle,
t calve 144 sheep and $4 hog
Shippers of th stock were: Tattoo Jk Over
ton. Halsey, I cars of cattle, sheep and hogs;
Kam Flint. Junction City. 1 car of cattle
and hogs; Ooodale V Cassldy. Gaxell. CaL,
I cars of cattl; August Braunstedt, Ga
zelle. 3 cars of cattle; Edison-Faulk Com
pany, Gaxell $ cars of cattle, and Van
Blyke Brothers. Milton. 2 cars of cattle.
The day's sales wr as follows:
rtviKoi. nic.
45 steer
15 steers
1 bull .
1 bull ..
It hogs .
2 hogs .
27 sheep
14 hogs .
1 cow . .
1 cow .
1 calf .
1 steer .
3 cows .
19 Steers
It Steers
r cows .
2 cows
4 cows .
10 cowl .
3 cows .
Z 7 cows .
1 calf .
1 hull
. .1404
, 1140
, Io0
, .1430
.'. 114
T.. 4
, ;o
, 4V0
a. oo
4 00
4. S3
4. SO
4 115
J. 1.0
4 SO
1 bull
1 ouil - 7
Prices current on the varlou ctses of
4. US
stork at th Portland Colon Stockyards
were as folloas:
Prim steers 0.T3$7.S0
flood to cholc steers 4 00(j 4 !S
Fair to good steers S.00t 6.50
Common steer 4.50 5.1:5
Choice to prim cows 3.30-0 5.75
Good to cholc beef cows S.00 5.50
Fair to choice beof cows 4.5081 8.00
Common to fair beef cows 2.O0 4.00
Good to choice heifers .75 5.00
Fair to good halfers 4.50& 4.75
Common to fair heifers 4.00? 4.25
Choice to good fat bulls 4.2.19 4.50
Fair to gocd tat bulls S.eOtf 4.0O
Common bulls 2.30 S.liS
Good to choice light calves T.00 9 7.50
Fair to good light calves 6.&0W 7.00
Good to choice heavy calves.... 5.25 V -00
Fair to good heavy calves 4.754 5.25
Common calves 8.73 u 4.7S
Good to choice stags 4.T.04 5.00
Fair to good Stags 4.O04 4.30
Choice hogs - 7 J a M.00
Good to cholc hogs 8-o"n 8.i5
Yearling wethers, grain-ted 4.75 5.00
Old wether grain-fed 4. 2.. W 4.50
Choice ewe grain-fed
Cholc lamb grain-fed
Good to choice, grain-fed,....
8.7Sj 4.75
2.2i 1 3.00
e.6o 7.00
xoo. Junius - . w
4.S3V 6.00
Hay-fed sheep and iambs oc lower tuas
Today th delegates to the Woolgrowera
convention will visit the stockyards. The
Omaha men are going to maka an effort
to secure the next annual convention, and
will probably succeed. They can show that
South Omaha Is th largest sheep market
In th country. Th sheep receipt at seven
prominent markets In the past two years
wer as follows:
1910. 1909. Inc. Deo.
Chicago. 4,.'5.944 4.0!2.e90 793.054
S. om'ha 2.&84.0UO 2.03H.394 827,999
Kan City 1.7:1.964 l.s3?.3M 186.111
ft Louis C7K.719 729.3U1 60.871
Denver . (40,04$ 5KS.5S5 48,467
Mt. J s'ph (13.262 (Sl.29 6S,47
Sioux Cty 132,421 66.218 $$.17$
Total.. 11.233.771 9.666.038 1.876.839 1(8.106
Gain 1,717,713
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Jan. 4. Cattle Receipt es
timated, 17.0O0: market. stendy. Beeve
$1.70(1 7.10; Texas steers. $4.25415.50; West
ern steers, $4.3ontl.lO; stocker and feeder
$11.75 v 3.7i cows and heller $2.tJ0ti'G.35;
calves, $7 If 0.23.
Hogs Receipts, estimated, 23,000: market,
slow. Llcht. $7.85wt!.20; mixed, $7.s3U&25;
heavy, $7.b5iQ8.25; rough, $7.K3fo; good ta
choice heavy, f(.li; pigs. $7.U0Wi.20;
bulk of Jinle $8.10i8.20.
Hheep hecelpts, estimated. 20.000; mar
ket, steady to shsde up. Native. $2..M?
4 .": Western. $2.7AU4.45: yearling $4.73
5WI; lambs, native. $4.753 0.50; Western,
$5 U 6.UU.
Lust Prltis Show Lossea of Half a
Cent and More Cables Are
CHICAOO. Jan. 4. Traders as a rule wer
not Inclined to follow or fight the bull lead
ers today. Selling pressure at no time be
came pronounced, being checked by a show
of support from longs whenever weak spots
seemed dangerou Lightness of receipts
sided as a sustaining Influence. All day. how
ever, pri-es sufTered from disappointing ca
bles. Depression increased In osneeouence
of the absence of public orders, notwith
standing the recent vigorous upward swing
In quotstlon Dnllylng power did not seem
to disappear entirely, though, until news
came near the end of the day that India
had received a beneficial amount of mois
ture. Final sales were at almost the bot
tom point of the day. May fluctuated be
tween 4Sc and v.-. He, with th close H8Sc
down, st !4 1, 4r !M c. . .
Cnsatlsfactory shipping demand weakened
corn. May ranged from 4Sfce to 41e and
finished at 4A.i4Tc. a net loss of .
Csh corn was easy; No. 2 yellow closed at
"uhUbuslness and values In oats kcot
within an extremely narrow limit. May
sold from 34f34Hc and In the end was
ugite off. at 34 a 34 c
' Provisions see-sawed under selling by
packers and buying on the part of specula
(orm. The outcome loft pork 5e lower to
sue higher. Lard, unchanged to Sc down
and rlh the same aa 24 hours before.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
May $ $ .8H $ .98 -4 $ .9S
July I! . .9SH .sr. l
sept:::::: .93 .i .mh
Jan 4S .45 .4IH .44S
May .... .4
July...... 49 49
Sept (0. .(0 .50 4, .(0(,
.S4V4 .241 .24 .24
.34 V .34 .24 1 .S4V4
.lt4 -3IW ll '
1$.T 18 73 1$.S 1$-T
10.40 10.43M 10.37H 10.42
Msv 10.15 10.15 10.15
Mav $.80 $.82 S.77t .S0
Cash quotations were as follows!
Flour Firm.
Sarley Feed or 'mixing. 80 B 72c; fair to
choice malting. Hr89c -
Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern. $i.l-, o.
1 Northwestern. $1!.3(.
Timothy seed $10.
Pork Mos per barrel. $!9.7520.
Lard 1'er 100 pounds. 110.42 V
Short ribs Skies (loose). 19 SI !4 6 1 O.J. '.4 .
tldes Short. clear (boxed), $10.if
10. 71.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour (Oal
veston missing) were equal to 72.000 bush
el Primary receipts were 312,000 bushel
compared with C06.O00 bushels the corre
sponding day a year ago. The world s vis
ible supply, as shown by Bradatreet s, de
creased 768.0IH) bushels. Estimated receipts
for tomorrow: Wheat. 28 cars; corn. 2 a 3
cars: oats, 213 cars; hogs. 27.000 head,
cars, oais, Receipt Shipment
triooc k.rrals 16.200 7.300
Wheat, bushels (H..00
Corn, bushel 480.000 JJSf
Oats, bushel 4(1.800 , 36. .300
live. Dusnels ........... v.vvw
Barley, bushels 124,100 2.300
Change In Available Supplies.
NEW YOKK, Jan., 4. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes in
available supplies as compared with previous
account: . .
Wheat. United States, east of
Rockies, increased
Canada. Increased 1.191,000
Total. United States and Canada,
Increased lM",0S2
Afloat for and In Europe, decreased. 3,900,000
Total American and European sup-
ply. decreased 1.78,000
Corn. United States and Canad
increased 2.101.000
Oats. United States and Canada, in-
creased $!!.O0O
European Grain Markets.
LONDON Jan. 4. Cargoes, firmer; buyers
more disposed to operate. Walla Walla lor
shipment at 30 .
English country market firm; French,
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 4. Wheat Closing
quotations: March, 7s lHd; May, 7s ld.
Weather, cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 4. Wheat
May, $1,001. l oot 1 July. $l.ujitl.o.:
rash. No. 1 hard. $1,07 4: No. 1 Northern,
$10081.07: No. 2 Northern. $1.03 & 1.05 ;
No. 3 wheat. $1.01 'A W 104.
Grnln at bsn Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 4. Wheat and
barley Firm.
tpot quotations:
Whet Shipping. $1,604 1.62H per centaL
llarlcy Feed, $1.12Vj per cental; brewing.
$1.15tt 1.18V,.
Oats Red. $1.07tfl.27H per cental,
white. $1.47 H 1.35; black, $1.3581.40.
Call board sales:
Wheat No trading.
Barley May. $1.17 per rental bid;
$1.18 asked; December, $1.18Vi asked.
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
TACOMA, Jan. 4. Wheat Exports: Blue
stem. Mc; fortyfold, Sllc; club. ts2c; red Rus
sian, hoc. Milling: Bluestem, 83c; club, 81c;
red Russian, 70c. .
Iteceipts. wheat 63 cars, barley 2 car
corn 2 cars, hay 12 cars, oats 1 car.
SEATTLE. Jan. 4. Milling quotations:
Pluestcm, b.'c; fortyfold, S3c: club, 82c;
Fife 82c; red Russian. 8ic. Export wheat:
Bluestem S2c. fortyfold. SOc: ciuh. 70c; Fif
7!c; red Russian, 77c. Yesterdays car re-
ceipt wueai -
7 car hay 84 cars, corn cars.
i "
Trade 19 Good- Especially In South,
but Bllizard In Eastern States
Checks Operations There.
The latest market bulletin of the North
western Fruit Exchange follows:
Now that the, holidays are over, the carlot
(1 r III UIl U BNU. . ' (. " v. - n . .
Ing especially noticeable In the districts or
the soutn ana oouinweai. wu.w . "
ther conditions are more favorable than In
the Northern districts of the Central West
and East, where the weather Is very severe.
Newspaper reports Indicate that a severe
billiard Is sweeping the whole territory from
. . i Atlantic ..nhonrri finfl some
Tory low temperatures and very high winds
are reportea. ui coumc, "
a tendency to reduce the operations of the
trade very materially while It lasts; hence
the market In the districts affected most are
1U'et-.. ........oe. . .at..
un iiie Homo .on ' . ' :
factory and encouraging and we have today
sold the last remaining iraun.i
port the following sales made sine last re-
PPFB 185. from Union. Or., December Id,
.a . . .. . 1 or. fflncv Ben Davis.
w inner v, , V. . ,
$1.15; fancy Olllflowers and Mann si.j.
choice Rome ijeauties nnu dchhiui
Grime $1.25; Spltx. $1.25: choice Spies,
r. ... it.... n'.ih.iff. RnMwIna
V , 1 1 1 II Il C I . .1. .... i. .. ...... ...e,-, .
Yorks. Missouri Pippins. Utter Reds, Genl
. Til 1. 1 ... I finlH.n Ru..ets. all 1
I , U '
per box f. o. b. Union Junction. Or., to a
wholesale grocery nouso in eiiiiai e--.
PFE 8037. from Cove. Or., December 24
. ... .1 l? r llrai'ltln V. SI 15
tuner a. i wi . - . - .
other Greenings. $1.10: extra fancy Tulpa
Hocken. $1.S3; fancy Baldwins. $1.35; Spies,
. nr. n. . I .. C . ftl -. ' Kin of Toill D-
kin County. $1.50: Ortley, $1.50; Hyde
Kings. $l.ou; mixea orimcs, x.un i . ......,
Lauver. etc., $1.50; all f. o. b. Oregon, to a
ouyer m v. ,,.".
ON 911(12, from Meyers Falls, Wash.. De
cember 3U, strnignt lancy imwuf
Jonathans, containing a great many small
sixes (190 5-tier). at a straight price of $1.00
per box. to a buyer In Oklahoma.
These sales are an at "top iiotcu oo.n-,
grade considered, and serve to show that we
have advanced prices and are holding them
very firm.
We have cable advices from Germany or
the sale of a csr over half choice at an aver
age price of $1.47 f. o. b. Washington for
straight Ben Davis. This ts "going some."
We want to hear from all shippers who
have fruit to sell In carlots. We have the
trade lined up and have not enough fruit to
go around. We must have definite speci
fication of sixes, grades and close descrip
tion as to condition, color, etc. With this in
formation we can plncn good fruit, well
packed, at satisfactory prices.
Metal Market
NEW TORK. Jan. 4. ftandard copper,
steady: spot. January and February 12.10
12.20c: March and April. 12.15tfl2.25c; Lon
don closed steady; spot, 5 15s; future
t.-.7 10 Custom-house returns show no ex
ports of copper this month. Local dealers
report a somewhat steadier tone In the
market. Lake. 3it 18.23c: electrolytic 12.. 5
fa ille and casting. 12.501 12. .5c.
Tin strong; spot. M0.43f 39.50c; January
and February. S9.40 39.611; March and April.
11 30 w 119.50. Sale Ave tons spot at 89 j0c.
London, strong; spot, 180 12s Cd; futures.
"Lead."" dull: spot 4.45 4.55c New York;
4.3094.35c East St. Loul London, 13
1"sttlter. Arm. 6.5545.05 New York. 5.40
5.45 East St. Louis. London. 24 -s 6d.
Iron Cleveland warrants, 50 1 i d in
London. Locally Iron was quiet 10. 1
foundry Northern. $15.25 16.25; No. 2. $ 4.7
915.75; No. 1 Southern and do soft. $15.25
0 15.75.
Coffee and Sugar. .
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Coffee futures closed
steady In tone and 1 to 20 points net
hlgheV. Sale 20O0 bag January. 11.41.
February. 11.49c; March. Hf: . ,
114c May. 11.86c; June. 11.32c; July,
ll'2S?-' August. 11.21c; September, ll.ltfc:
October, 11.00c; November. 11.04o; Decem-
be8po,t.0.r;ndy. No. 7 Rio. 13Vc: No. 4
Pamo 13T.C Mild coffee, quiet. Cordova.
"socevaoln shrdlu cmfwyp vbgkqj vbg
Sugar, nominal; muscovado. . test.
.3o! centrifugal. .00 test 3.Sttc: molasses
sugar, .89 test. .llc: retlned. steady.
Dried Fruit t New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Evaporated apples
quiet, steady, with high-grades mostly nom
inal. On the spot, fancy quoted at 1-H
13c: choice. llHWUVsc: prime. H11V.
Prunes nrm on the strength in the , W est
-n,i a aood export demand. Quotations
STeT,. frJm 7 ic to 10c for Californias
Z Z m0.?d 10c to llo for Oregon
'rOpTacSh0.,nrm3., Choice. 71ic: extra choice.
$i4f$Vxc; fancy. 9c.
Wool at New York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Wool Quiet.
Hop at New York. '
NEW YORK, Hops Firm.
Sales Are the Largest in Many
Profit-Taking Sales at . the Close
Wipe Out Most of the Gains.
Trading Heavy in Steel, Read
ing and tnlon Pacific.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4. A further advance
In prices was recorded on the stock ex
change today. The movement at the outset
was fairly broad and Indicated that Ve
market was recovering from Its recent spell
of depression, also that an Important bull
clique had the situation well In hand.
Transactions In United States Steel
amounted to 1S7.000 share or over 25 Per
cent of the whole, and next In order were
Reading and Union Pacific,
It is generally conceded that the welfare
of the United States Steel Corporation Is not
dependent upon the personality of Its titular
head, and this, with rumors of a goott
showing for the fourth quarter of last year,
was responsible for today's movement In the
shares. , ,
Realizing for profits and a Tenewal oi
bearish operations and an unexpected ad
vance In call money to 6 per cent during
the last hour resulted In a general setback.
In the course of which the greater part of
the day's advances were wiped out.
The London markets were hesitating ana
narrow, with a check in the movement in
South African shares, but with a strength
in copper Transactions here for London
account were probably less than 5000 share
mainly purchases of Union Pacific and
Amalgamated Copper.
Numerous railroad reports for November
were submitted, including those of the lead
ing lines In the New York Central system
most of which were unfavorable. The total
for all lines for November shows a loss in
operating income of $2,20,000. For the
year 1910 the total decrease In operating In
come aggregates $3,173,000.
The bond market was unusually broaa
and active, with business the largest of any
dav In some week Total sales, par value.
$.i.'71.000. United States bonds were un
changed on call. ,
8le. Hleh. Low.
Low. Bid.
29 27 4
:l B3
4HH 4'4
42 42
0 9
6S 08
11 18
..... 11
80 3
74 74
103 103
44 44
115 113
140 140
93 93.
39 39
102 102
101 101
117 117
105 105
20 30
75 75
190 198
32 32
104 103
"si 8i
45 4.1
142 1421s
124 124
05 05
31 31
57 57
137 13o
10fl 105
29 29
... 33
2S 27
4o 4rtVi
15 '4 .14
1V2 132
124 124
57 TO
383 131
19 1
r.4 54
11m 111
40 4C
H 18
32 82
107 107
143 144
332 VV.i
.... (14
47 47
CH r"
34 35
111 Hi's
41 41
lol 101
05 (15
117 117
28 29
129 129
105 106
30 80
152 152
31 31
93 93
30 30
(10 0
39 39
20 25
61 HI
115 110
20 2rt
62 2
34 34
23 23
53 53
172 173
93 93
09 69
37 30
73 73
117 117
45 45
A3 62
1(1 10
35 34
50 50
00 00
74 73
178 17
Allis Chal pf .. loo 2'i
Amal Copper .. lS.iUO 64
Am Acricul ... 2" 4rt4
Am Het Kugar.. a.uou
American Cnn . 2o
. " i.-. i , - i 'mil
Am Cotton Oil.' lilOO 59
Am Hd Lt pi
Am Ice Securl..
Am Linseed .. .
Am Smel Ref 6.S00
An nn,f erreit. . 300
Am Steel Frty..
Am Sugar Ref.
Am Tobacco pf.
Am Woolen .
Anaconda M Co
Atchison .......
100 93 Vs
""406 '46"
10,20" 103
A Ohio
Bethlehem Steel
400 SOS
Hrook R Tran.. 4.4'M) 7H
Canadian rac .. J -VV 'SJ
Central Leather 3.000 82
do preferred.. 200 104
t""a..1 ,?J' "k'nno '-'82
1 ilea oc v.t.v -'.
Chicago & Alton ...
Chi ut v est . .
Chicago & N W
C, M & St P . .
C. C, C & St L.
Col Fuel & Iron
Col & Southern.
Consol Gns ....
Corn Products...
Del & Hudson..
D R Grande..
do preferred..
Distillers' Secur ,
-do 1st pf ....
do 2d pf ....
Oen Electric ...
Ot North pf ...
Gt North Ore . .
Illinois Central.
Interbor Met . .
45 .
21 0
1,701 ?84
100 "i
o.Ml S. Vj
1,K 57
K"'l 13:17
2.20J '-'
Inter Marine pf
Int Paper
In. Pump
Iowa Central ..
iV U DOUlllon,..
do preferred.. ....
"i,nio ins
r,acieoe v.- ...
Louis & Nash . .
Minn & St L ..
M. S P 8 8 M
Mo, Kan Tex.
Mo Pacific ....
Nat Lead
Mex N Ry 2 Pf
400 1.11
100 6.114
1O0 34
N Y Central .. 3,oo inn
N Y. Ont & Wes 300 41 hi
Norfolk We 2.000 101
SortS Pa.flc".'. 8,::S lV&
Paclllc Mail ... 500 2
Pennsylvania ... 6,4o0 129
People's Gas ... 200 105 ,
P, C C St L
Pittsburg Coal
Pressed S Car.. 600 31 Ui
Pull Pal Car
Ky Steel Spring..... .
Reading 116.000 1.nH4
Republic Steel .. 1,500 32
do preferred.. 700 93 V,
Rock Island Co. . 8.200 30ji
do preferred.. loO 60
St L & S F 2 pf WO 3
St L Southwest 200 20
do preferred.. 300 6114
Sloss Sheffield
Southern Tac .. 12,500 116 J,
Bouthern Ry .. 1.600 27 V.
do preferred.. 400 J
Tenn Copper ... 1,200 35
Tex St Pacllic -
Tol. St L Wes 300 23 H
do preferred.. 100
u,.lflc ?7!).r.oo
117 '
03 Hi
do preferred..
17 8 Realty ...
U S Rubber ...
U S Steel
do preferred..
Utah Copper . ..
Va-Caro Chain..
Wabash .......
Western Md ..
eSLiiiH i'- - :; -
We.tern Union.. 1.700 741s
Wheel & L E..
VRW YORK. Jan. 4. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref 2s reg.100
IN. Y. C. g 389B
do coupon ...10074
U. S. 3s reg 102
do coupon . . . loi
U. S. new 4s reg.113
do coupon ...115
D. & R. G. 4S... 73
No. paciric us... 1 " ?
No. Pacific 4s... 100
Union Pacific 4s.lo0
Wis. Central 4s. 93
Japanese 4s .. 89 B
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. At the beginning
of business today the condition of the Treas-
Working balance In Treasury of
Inury-ani.' h"'"P.'ne. -T-33.507.260
The total balance In general fund ,Jtgt4
Ordinary 'receipts' yesterday were. 7SS.132
Disbursements - -- i.o,i
The deficit to date this fiscal year Is 14.
S97.504. as against $24,325,196 at this tlm
'""hesfflgures exclude Panama Canal and
public debt transactions.
Stocks at Boston.
Jan. 4. closing quotations
fta 1 Mohawk
Amalg. Copper..
A. Z. L. & Sm..
Arizona Com. ..
C3Nevada Con. ...
23 INiplsslng Mine.
14 North Butte.
B&CC&SM. 12
Butte Coalition. 18
Cal. & Arizona. 4S
Cnl. & Becla...535
Centennial 14
Cop. Ran. C- Co. OS
E. Butte Co. M. 12
ti a l.
Vnrth l.nlce
Old Dominion...
Parrott (SI C.)
Ouincv .........
Sup A Bos Min. .
f nil r ii" ....... " . . ...
Sup & Pitts Cop.
Granby con. ... iua 1 au.aric
Greene Cananea. 0 U. S. S. R. & M.
I. Royale (Cop.) 16 I do preferred ..
Kerr Lake 6 Utah Con
Lake Copper 34 Utah Copper Co.
t n ci.ll. former A. Winona
viioml r-onrar... 19 Wolverine 1
Money, Exchange, Ete.
XONEK)N. Jan. 4. Bar silver, steady at
25 Hd per ounce.
Money. 2 per cent.
The rate oi discount In the open market
for short bills is 353i4 per cent: do for
three months' bills Is 3 14 S3 5-16 per cent.
NEW YOKK, Jan. . Money on call firm.
. .- . ' 1 1
National Bank
G. K. Wentvrorth President
John A. Keating Vice-President
Geo. I,. McPhersou VIce-Prealdeut
G. M. Klce. Cashier
K. A. Freeman Assistant Cashier
Graham Dnkehart.. . .Assistant Cashier
Ladd S Tilton Bank
Established 1859. ,' TTiZ-V
Capita! $1,000,000
tt M Ladd President. It. K. ITowftrd, Jr Ass't Cashiers '
EdwcooklnKham, Vlce-Pregldoiit J. W. Ladd, Assistant CaBhler. ,gj ,
W. U. Dunekley, Cashier. Walter SI. Cook. Ass i Cashier.
Merchants National
Portland, Oregon.
Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Indi
viduals solicited.
Every courtesy consistent with prudent and con
servative banking extended to our depositors.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of tha
Rocky Mountains
i cu?Tar?j
17 A
JAN. 21.
- row
iscc?. tosionto MrfsiTii"" kXo WiaisiPtc on locsl ac
2n raNC
4-4fi6 per cent: rilling rate, 4; closing
bl3. 6: offered at 0.
Time loans dull; 0 days and 00 days, 3
4 per cent: six months, 3,'4.
Prime mercantile paptT. 4ftzJoH per cent.
Sterling exchange iirm, with actual busi
ness In bankers' bills at t.K23B 4r4.K2A5 for
00-day bills, and at for demand.
Commercial bills. 4.8Hi 44.82.
Bar silver, 54c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds,
firm. yT
FAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. Sterling on
London. BO days. $4.82; do sight, 14.85.
Drafts, sight, 8c; telegraph, 5c.
CHICAGO, Jan. 4. Exchange on New
York today 5c.
Koad Work In 1911 Drops Off.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) Ac
cording; to returns received at the Coun
ty Clerk's office, only one-third of the
road districts have levied special taxes
for road improvement during the year
1911. The levies range from 1 to 10 mills.
In the year 1910 every road district In
the county levied a special tax for the
That I will help
boost Portland
this year by
working for "bi
tulithic" streets.
"cruises I
MAR. 11.
improvement of the roads, and the drop
ping off this year has caused quite a
stir among the county officers who
thought that more road building would
be done during 1911 than ever before.
Snow Gets Time to Plead.
OL.YMPIA. Wash., Jan. 4. Ex-Stata
Highway Commissioner Joseph M. Snow,
of Spokane, who is accused of embezzle
ment of 12142 from the State, was re
presented by counsel in the Superior
Court today and was given until Jan.
14 to plead. Snow continues to treat
the charge as of no Importance.
San Francisco, Los Aaels3 an J
San Diego Direct
North Pacific 8. S. Co.'s a. 8. Roanok
and & 8. Elder sail every Wednesday
alternately at 0 P. M. licat olllc Ul
X.urd t.. near Alder.
UAKXLN J. IUULJX. rassenger Ageai.
Vr. U. SLLbasvtf. Freight Agent,
yhouea M. lttU. A 1U-
New service to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco every five days.
From Ainsworth dock, Portland, 4 P. M.
SS Rose City Jan. 7, Beaver IS, Bear 17.
From San Francisco, northbound, 12 M.
SS Beaver Jan. 6, Bear 11, Rose City 10.
From San Pedro northbound.
SS Bear Jan 9, Roue City 14, Beaver 19.
H. G. Smith. C. T. A.. 142 Third St.
J AV. Runsoin. Agent, Ainsworth lock.
phones: Main 402. ZHG; A 140.
Alaska dock, Portland, 8 P. M. Dec. 13. 20.
27. Jan. 8. 10. 17. 24. 31. Feb. 7. 14, 21, 2a nd
every Tuesday nlgbt thereafter during th
Winter Freight received at Alaska Dock
until S P. M. dally. Passeneer far nrst
class. Ho; second-clasa, 37. Including meals
and berth. Tickets on sale at Alnswortn
Dock.' Phones Main 2B8. A 1234:
Canadian pactflo Empress line of ateamars,
ailing weekly between Montreal and Llvr.
pool. Wireless oa all steamers Ask a.r
ticket ascot or writ V. , Joanswk, O, As
Hi Third W Portland. -