T1TE MORNTXG OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1911. THE" IBSEN -LOSES RAGE Rose City Defeats Pacific Liner by 24 Hours. HANDICAP IS OVERCOME Norwegian Shfjj 1tc San Fran cisco Ahead of Speedy Pscnger Steamer, but Latter Reaihes Columbia One Day in Lead. Captain Mason, of the Rom Cty. makes no pretense of having the fastest vessel tm the Coast, but he la doing considera ble rrowlnc over Captain Smith, of the Norwegian steamer Henrik Ibaen. of the Portland Astatic fleet, because ne neat the latter Into the river by more than M houn after overcoming: a lead of three honrst. Incidentally the Ilenrlk Ibsen gained a day on the steamer Washington which resorted yesterday. The Ibsen has been rated among- the fastest of the Harrlman tlet plying- be tween Portland and the Far East and has maintained a dependable schedule for speed after leavlnc Yokohama on tne war cro!. On leaving- San Francisco. after having discharged a portion of her cargo, she Is said to have gotten a atari of three hours on the Rose City, but the Rose City passed her off Folnt Reyes and a-aa In the Columbia River at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. The Henrik Ibsen did oot cro In until Z oclocK yesieraay. While slower than the Bear and Bea ver. there are few of the passenger craft on the Southern run that can carry cargo like the Rose City and force her to take their swells. The vessel shifted last evening from Alnsworth dock to Irving-. where she will discharge cement brought from San Pedro and begin loading out ward, so before the Ibsen start discharg ing the former will have Southern cargo aboard. The 8an Franrlsco Ac Portland Steam ship Company has made no change In rates on the Bear and Beaver from Port land to Lo! Angeles, but the reduction pf 11 first-class recently announced for the through trip continues to apply, on the Rose City. CAXAIi TO BOOST SHIPPING Blue funnel. Cosmos and North Ger man Lloyd May Come. With the opening of the Panama Canal deep aea traffic In and out of Portland, It is predicted by those In terested In shipping-, will multiply many fold. In the vear 1S10 Portland handled more than 2.000.000 tons net register of deep water shipping, and It Is known that the owner of at least four large companies engaged In world s com merce and not now touching- roruana, ire preparing- to use the new canal. The liolt line of steamers, known all over the world as the "Blue Fun Del" line, operate vessels touching at only one Pacific Coast port aneou ver. Advices from the latter city state that the Holt company, whose vessels reach the west coast of America from England, via the Sue Canal, are pre paring to cross the Atlantic, traverse the Panama Canal and come nortn to Vancouver, touching at Pacific Coast ports. This route la too miles shorter than via the Suea. The Cosmoa lines operate from Oer man ports regularly through the Ma geilan straits, touching- at Brazilian and Chilean porta. Fan Francisco and Vancouver. It Is said that they Intend, with the completion of the canal, to sail a separate line to South America porta and establish a through line via the canal direct from Germany to ban Francisco, and at least one other W'eat Coast port In addition to Vancouver. The North German Lloyd company bave been Investigating the shipping; and docktns facilities of Puget Sound and Portland with a view of being ready to handle traffic through the anal. Other owners of ,-lndependent" ves els. or vessels not controlled by rail road Interests with whom they will compete for coast to coast traffic, will probably ply to and from Portland If assured the proper docking or terminal Tactmtes. R. w. Schmeer, who has given the subject of deep sea Imports and ex ports deep study, says, regarding tne opening of the Panama Canal and Its effect upon Portland: "By using the Panama Canal Port land will be In touch with Atlantic Coast cities as well as ports of Europe. It has been demonstrated by Captain Nelson, of the steamer Beaver, that freight from Portland (locks can be delivered at New York In 12 days at a cost of about $ a ton. Lumber will be laid down in New York for 15 a thousand feet. Think for a moment arhat this meana to Portland.' We have In the Northwest an abundance of tim ber, grain, fruits and produce to sell to the world. In the East are con sumers of all we have to offer and the ?anal presents the opportunity of sell ng at a reasonable price. "Portland Is the natural shipping outlet for the Northwest, being; at the end of a down-hill haul from all di rections. The amount of traffic will, and already has. attracted the atten tion of ship owners. "Certainly the opening of the canal will present to Portland market op portunities and advantages the vast ess of which is now hard to calculate." IWERXESS HAS NEW CAPTAIN Chief Mate Itendle Appointed Mas ter to Succeed Lewis. Captain Lewta. of the British bark In verness, who brought the vessel to Portland from Rnn Francisco, arriving December 23. will not take her to Eu rope when she la loaded with wheat, for his Illness Is such that he has asked to be relieved and will return to England aa soon as possible. Captain Lewis was taken III on the way from the Golden Gate, suffering from a bronchial malady, and has been Incapacitated since he reached port. Chief Mate Rendle. who has been with the "Inver" fleet a long tlnte. has been advanced to captain and will take the bark around the Horn. One of the su bordinate officers will be chosen for chief mate, and It Is thought that none of the ship's staff will be signed from among outsider. Captain Lewis will not leave the service of the fleet, unless his Ill ness becomes permanent, and he proba bly will be asalgnad to another carrier If he does not await the arrival of the Inverness In England. TVOUK STARTS ON SIINA YAK Deck load I Discharged and Hold Will lie Clearee Soon. M.n from the Oregon drydock yester day oegan work on the disabled steamer Shna Yak. preliminary to the vessel's being lifted for repairs, but until her cargo la out of the hold the labor will be eon fined to clearing away debris In the engine and, flrerooma. Only the re mainder of her deckload was discharged yesterday on the Eastern A Western dock and It Is expected that another day at least will be required to get the last of her lumber out of the hold. Steam has been gotten up on the Shna , Tak and she is working her own winches and pumps, so no great difficulty Is being experienced In keeping the water In check. Captain Blaln. in charge of the drydock, la of the opinion that the work on the Shna Yak will exceed the record stay on the dock of the ateamer Shoshone, which waa floated last month after having been repaired, following damage sustained on the Gray's Harbor bar. It may be that three weeks will be required to get the Shna Yak again In shipshape, as she as so badly strain ed that considerable strengthening must be done in the hold, besides the caulk ing of seams and repairs that must be made to the gear above deck. NAIAD JOINS GRAIN FLKET Inveravon Clears With Wheat and Others Are Finishing. Balfour. Guthrie & Co. yesterday fixed the British ship Naiad to load here with wheat, expecting to dispatch her in March. She is at Callao. where she ar rived November 28 from Melbourne. The Naiad Is of 1TS7 tons net register. The British ship Inveravon yesterday completed her cargo and hauled Into the stream, clearing later for Queenstown or Falmouth with 109.770 bushels of wheat valued at CC3IM. It Is thought that the German steamer Serak will be ready to clear Saturday, after loading 5000 tons of the cereal. The STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dae to Arrive. Name From Data Anvil Bindon. ... .. In port Golden Gate. ..Tillamook. ...In port Roe City n Pedro... In port Ilenrlk Ibsen. . Honjrkona-....Jan. 5 Su. H. ElmonTllltniook. . . . Jan. 1 l-'alcon ..tn Frmnclsovjan. 7 Itrweaweter. .. .Cooe Par... .Jan a Beaver. ....... Pan Pedro... Jan. 8 Roanoke. ..... .Saa Pedro... Jan. s Alliance Kureka .Jan. S Roar .fcan Pedro. ...Ian 11 Ceo. w. Elder. San Pedro... Jan. IS Scheduled t Depart. Name. for. Data Ro city Fan Pedro... Jan. T iiolilen Uata.. ..Tillamook.... Jan. T Breakwater. ...Cooa Ray Jan. lO Alliance Kureka. ..... Jan. lo Sue K. Elmore. Tillamook. ... Jan. 10 Falcon 5in rranelsor Jan. 10 Roanoke fan Pedro... Jan. It Beaver San Pedro. ..Jan. II Anvil Randon. ..... Jan. 12 Ilenrlk Ibaen. . .Hongkong. .. . Jan. IS Rear pan Pedro... Jan. IT Ceo. W. Elder. .Baa Pedro... J ac IS Scottish Moors, Buffalo and Frieda will nnlsh soon, while the Forfarshire has started taking cargo. They should be out of the harbor by the last of next week. The showing In grain exports for the month will far- exceed those for Jan uary, llse. and that considerable charter ing haa been done for vessels to arrive after February. Is an Indication that the season will continue much longer than laat year. - CAPTAIN J. M. GRAHAM DIES Deceased Operated in Maine Coast Trade for Years. Captain J. M. Graham, father of Cap tains A. W. and A. B. Graham, of the Oregon City Transportation Company, and Captain J. N. Graham, master of the Government snagboat Mathloma, died yesterday at his home In Oregon City after a lingering Illness. He was 77 years old. and until coming to Oregon had followed the sea since his 13th year. For years Captain Graham waa a ves sel owner on the Maine Coast and later entered the deepwater class, sailing across the Atlantic and to the principal ports of the world. Recently he made a trip to California for the benefit of his health, and was returning on the steamer Beaver when she struck and sank the Norwegian ateamer Selja. The funeral is to be held at Oregon City at i o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Besides three sons, the deceased left as many daughters. Mrs. A. H. Morrell and Mrs. George Fox. of this city, and Mrs. Wil liam Anderson, of Oregon City. Mrs. Graham died two years ago. COUNTERWEIGHTS YET HEAVY Another Section to Be Cnt From Blocks on New Bridge. . Engineers are planning to slice an other portion from the monstrous con crete counterweights on the Hawthorne avenue bridge because It has been found that the draw has become lighter through the removal of sand, gravel and other material that rested there when the first cutting was performed on the weights. No fault haa been found with the opera' tlon of the draw and it la said to have given no trouble since the structure was accepted by the city, yet the engineers argue that with lesa weight on the cables holding the concrete blocks the draw can be raised and lowered more smoothly. The fourth dolphin has been completed so that there are four to pro tect the draw piers from passing steam era and drift. LIMBER STREWX AT SEASIDE "Beachra" Recover Material Ixst From Dock of Shna Yak. SEASIDE, Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.) Many thousand feet of fine fir lumber, lost from some unknown vessel, were washed on the beach here last ntfht. The lumber Is strewn alone the shore from Tillamook Head to Oearhart. and all available wajrons are at work hauling the lumber aa fast aa possible. Shipping men are certain that the ma terial recovered la a portion of the deck load of the steamer Shna Tak. which was carried away after she struck Saturday Bight while leaving the Columbia and vu forced to put back in distress. atne lost the lumber Just off the entrance, and it undoubtedly has drifted slowly south. scattering as far as Tillamook Head. Other lumber has been reported adrift In that locality, but not In such quantity as the Shna Tak lost- Bateman May Be Replaced. Cantain James Good, owner of the steamer E. Q. Bateman, which burned at the dock at ancouver early yesterday morning, says that he will probably plan another craft, but that will depend large ly on the adjustment of the insurance. Captain Good had worked all night in company with mechanics to make re pairs to the engines ana nis attention was attracted to flames forward, which he found came from beneath the boiler, and he waa unable to reach It with a patent extinguisher. The Ore gained haadwav before signals from the Van couver ferry brought the department. The Bateman was launched early in tne sum mer and had been on the Portland-Van couver run a short time. She was valued at S000 and the Insurance was between WO and two. Canada Objects to New Rnle. OTTAWA. OnL. Jan. 4. Canada will protest to the American Government against the new regulation of the United States marine authorities, requiting hold ers of masters', mates' and engineers' marine licenses and certificates to be not only American citizens but residents of the United States. I.ast Month' Business Light. December's receipts at the Custom- PEC1LIST ro Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to Be Cured Easily, Quickly and Permanently NO MAN should suffer the loss of that vitality which renders life worth living, or allow himself to be come less than Nature intended, when there is at hand a certain i cure i for his debihtv Most of the PAJJNb, most of the DEBILITIES of the STOMACH, HEART, BRAIN, NERVES and AILMENTS of MEN from which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature's reserve power. You need not suffer from this. You can be restored. The very element which you have lost you can get back, and you may be as happy as any man. You can be cured by the right kind of treatment. Come to my office; investigate my methods. FIRST WARNINGS OF DANGER When you are first aware of any disease or debility upon your vitality, then you should procure the proper medical ad vice and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself that health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's lot, whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, ao tive brain, congenial make-up and physical development show that no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his system, that no mental, moral or physical debility is making his life, a miserable failure. MY TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be hind the symptoms. If the case presents even the slightest feature upon which I have a doubt, or if I recognize incurable complications, I positively refuse treatment. I would rather give up my practice than indulge in either guesswork r make believe cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscien tious endeavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplex ing problems that ever confronted the profession, and believe that I have attained the limit of medical possibilities in my par ticular branch of practice. I have brought to light the true nature of men's ailments and the causes of the symptoms they present. In addition I have by the scientific blending of drugs produced remedies that meet every condition that it seems pos sible to cure. There is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs nothing, and I will not offer my services unless I can cure you. My Original and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Haa Been Proven in Numbers of Instances Where Success Has Seemed Impossible Before. Information That la of Vital. Interest to Every Sufferer Free. How They Can Be Cured "Without Experimenting. Have Yon Violated the Laws of Health? Corrrect Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments, Piles and All Bladder and Kidney Ailments. Medicine furnished from my own the convenience and privacy or my Houra A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. House were not heavy, the aggregate be ing $o,lH9.3g. Duties netted the Govern ment 156,747.68, fines $198.25 and other revenues were small. The annual state ment of that department is compiled at the conclusion of the cereal year. Marine Xotes. To discharge more cargo, tire French bark Bayard yesterday hauled down from Mersey to the North Bank dock. master of the steamer Undine, vice Cap tain Z. C Wood, and Captain J. O. Smith is skipper of the Hercules, succeeding Captain Albert Sans. In general cargo from San Pedro and San Francisco, the steamer Rose City yes terday entered at the Custom-House. while the British ship Inveravon cleared for Europe with wheat. Few wheat sales along the Snake River of late haa resulted in the O.-W. R. & N. withdrawing the steamer Lewlston from the run. and only the teamey' Spokane Is In service. The Lewlston will not be recommissioned this season. Commander J. if. Elllcott, of the Sev enth Lighthouse District will leave aboard the tender Heather this morning to Inspect aids to navigation on the w 11 lamette River north of Portland. He ex pects to go only as far as the Columbia. When the Oriental liner Henrik Ibsen arrives this morning she will berth at Albers dock No. 3. Work Is being hur ried on the addition to Alnsworth dock, which will give the Harrlman lines a frontage of 900 feet, and the Far Eastern steamers will be accommodated there be fore Spring. Bids are to be opened at the office of Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.. January M. for supplying 249.406 feet of Oregon Douglas fir for the use of the engineer's ofllce at Oswego. N. Y., where vessels are under construction. Proposals are on tile and the contract will provide for delivery here. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. . 4. Arrived steamer Kom. Cltv. from San rrancleeo. Sailed Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Ban Dl.o and way porta. . Astoria. Jan. 4. Arrived at 8 and left up at 10 SO A. a!. su.amer Yoeemlte. from San Francisco. Arrived down at 10:30 A. M. and sailed at 12 noon Steamer Break iriiar, tor Cooa Bay. Arrived it 11:30 A. M. and left up at 1:30 P. U. Steamer Nome City, from San Franolaeo. Sailed at 12:30 p M. Steamer J. A. Chanslor, for San Franolaeo: steamer Klamath, for Ban Pedro. Arrived at 2 and left up at 4 P. M. Nor wegian ateamer Henrik Ihaan. from Hongkong- and way porta. Arrived at 2:!M and left up at 4 P. M. Steamer Washing-ton, from San Francisco. Railed at 8 P. M. Steamer Asuncion, lor tan Francisco. Ar rived at 4:30 and left up at 5 P. VI. Steamer Jim Butler, from San Francisco. San Franclaeo, Jan. 4. Salted at 8 P. M. Steamers Northland and Tamalpais, for 8Coos"Bar. Jan. 4. Arrived Steamer Alli ance, from Portland- Tokohama. Jan. 4. Arrived yesterday Norweslao steamer Rysja. from Portland. Elisabeth, from Bandon: Coronado and Dalav Freeman, from Orays Harbor; City of Puehla. from Victoria. Sailed Steamer Utirllne for Honolulu; schooners L,txxle Prlen. for Blusiaw Klvar; Jamas H. Bruce, for Gamble. Yokohama, Jan. 4. Arrived Chicago Maru. from Tacoma; Manchuria, from Ban Franclaeo. . , Hons-kong. Jan. 4. Arrived previously Steamer Chins, from San Francisco. Sues. Jan. 4. Arrived Taucer. from Ta coma and Victoria, ior Liverpool. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. ' 4:1T A. M T.7 feet'10:1O A. M S.J feet -47 P. M 7 6 feet:i0:22 P. M 0.4 feet San Francisco. Jan. 4. Arrived Steamers Smallpox Scare Has Abated. OREGON CITT. Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) The smallpox scare at Oregon City haa abated. The public schools and the Mc Loughlln Institute have been thoroughly fumigated and there Is no danger of a spread of the contagion. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In re storing the system to a healthy condi tion. Thousands havo testified to Its superior excellence. Sold by all deal FREE from 10 te 12. STUDENTS GIVING AID irXIVERSITlT AUTHORITIES SEE NO CAUSE FOR ALARM. College President Names Special Committee to Supervise Enforce' mcnt of Rigid Sanitary Rules. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Jan. 4. (Special.) Practically all of the students of the university returned to classes today after the holiday recess, determined to co-operate with the fac ulty and city authorities In their efforts to avoid any further infection with ty. phold fever. Because of parental objec tion many students remained at home and will take advantage of the corre spondence work which has been offered by the university until the concluded In stallatlon of the new filter removes all danger of the dreaded disease. While at home these students will be expected to carry on their regular work as a part of the correspondence school, They will later be admitted to examina tions on an equal footing with the stu dents now in attendance. Although unreliable rumors are being circulated about- the state that Eugene Is cursed with an epidemic of widespread proportions, there is nothing In the pres ent situation to cause any great alarm. The medical authorities state that no new case has been reported since December 26 and that the risk of Infection is rap- Idly on the decline. Several cases pre- vlously reported aa typhoid have proved to be only mild attacks of la grippe. President Campbell, of the university, has appointed a special committee com posed of Dr. Bertha Stuart, director of the women s gymnasium; professor A. ti. Sweetser, the state biologist, and Pro fessor O. F. Stafford, head of the chem istry department, to supervise the en forcement of rigid sanitary rules laid down by the administration. Any lnfrac tlon of these rules invites a temporary suspension from the university. This committee has circulated a printed card of "sanitary suggestions" which out lines the means of typhoid prevention In detail. A water plant at the university under the direction of Professor Stafford distributes boiled water to all the houses through the agency of a huge "hot water wagon." This service can handle up wards of 1400 gallons daily, which is en tirely adequate. Announcement was made today that the new Jewell filter will not be In opera tion for three or four weeks, and that the seml-milltary rule of university ad ministration will continue during that time. The filter is similar to one that has worked in Oregon City with great success for several years, and Professor Sweetser, who is an authority, promises that it will demonstrate Its permanent efficiency as soon as it Is placed In proper working order. EUGENE METHODISTS HOST Annual Sunday School Convention on With Large Attendance. EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.) The annual Sunday school convention of the Eugene district convened here today In the Methodist Church, with a large at tendance. Addresses were made by Mrs. J. W. Wllkins, state superintendent of the elementary department: Rev. Charles A. Phlpps. general secretary of the Ore gon Sunday School Association: W. D. Stem, of Kansas, and others. The fol lowing programme was announced: N Wednesday evening 7:30. conference of elementary worker, with Mrs. J. W. Wll kins. state superintendent elementary de partment, for the purpoae of organizing an elementary union. Thursday 9:30. praise service, led by Rev H. W. Davla: 10, report of district work by Arthur N. Tripp, district president; 1O-S0. reports from the schools, by the su perintendents; 11, teacher training, Mrs. R. laboratory for patients, from p MEM NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED Consultation and examination. If you cannot call, write for free self-examination blank and book. Many cases cured at home. 230V2 Yamhill St. PORTLAND, OR. Rae; 11:15, report of elementary confer ence. Mrs. J. W. Wllkins; 11:30, business seaslon: 11:4.1. "The Graded Lessons," Rev. fharle A. PhlDns. Thursday afternoon 2:30, Sunday school rally, conducted by Rev. Charles A. Phlpps, freneral secretary Oregon Sunday School Association, and W. 1. Stem, of Kansas, adult Bible class specialist; 6:00. adult Bible r-lflux hanauet at Younz Men's Christian As. aoclation building; 7:30. address, "Every I Man a Brother," w. D. Stem. Bank-Wrecker Is Divorced. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 4. Mrs. Lenna V. Welty was this morning granted a decree of divorce from Henry J. Welty, former president of the Home Security Savings Bank, of Bellingham, and who was sentenced last October to serve from four to ten years in Walla Walla Penitentiary- for wrecking the Belling ham institution. Mrs. Welty testified that for the last two years Welty had contributed nothing to her support and that he had gone through JoOOO, her sep arate property at the time of her mar riage. Shively Perjury Case Dropped. opnViX'E Wn'fih.. Jan. 4. The chares of perjury which has stood against Htate insurance ujiiinis.siuiier i. xi. Schively since June. 1909, was, din mioBA a rn mntlnn nf thtk nrnsp cuttng attorney's office. Schively was Indicted Dy tne gritnu jur, wuiuu charged him with giving false evidence during ithe jury s investigation oi nis relations to the Pacific Livestock As sociation. The prosecutor has decided there is not evidence to convict. Albany Man Held for Larceny. OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) Fred Hartman, of Albany, Or., Is in the County Jail on a charge of larceny. He broke into the barn of William Dog- srett. two miles east of Oregon city, on the Abernethy, and purloined a set of harness. When Hartman waa leaving the plaoe he met the owner of the harness and offered to sen mm nis own properiy. Hartman will be brought before the grand Jury tomorrow. Astoria's Weather Remarkable. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) According to the records in local Weather Observer Gllmore's office, the rainfall In Astoria during December was 10.9 Inches, 1.3 Inches less than the average for the corresponding month of previous years. The highest tem perature was 67 degrees, while the lowest was S3 degrees above zero. NO CURE, NO PAY OUR EUROPEAN METHODS CURB. S3 .00 AND C10.00 1 Ol'R FEE. Fkh-E x-kAv examination. Diseases of Men and Women Wa make no mis leading statements or deceptive prop ositions to the af flicted, neither do we promise to cure them In a few days In order to se cure tbelr patron age, but we guar, sntee a COil- plKTE. SAFE ana 1A.STINQ CUKE n the QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME., without leaving in' jurlous after ef fects . in the sys tem, and tne low est cost possiuie for HONEST, SKILLFUL, AND' bUCCEobi-UL THIS ATMtJST. Acute. Chronic and Nervous Dlseaaea. Blood I'oison. ervo-Vltal Trouble, Stomach Troubles, All Forms of Skin Diseases, Ca tarrh of all forms 5.00 uer month: Ec- sema, l'ilea cured without the knife: Swollen Glands, iservotlsness, IebuitT, varlooaed Veins. Bladder and Proetatio and Contracted Troubles and all Acute and Chronio' Diseases of Men and Women. Skin Diseases a Spe cialty. Call today for free X-ray examination. If you cannot call, write your symptoms. Many cases cured -by our home treatment. Call at once and be cured. BK1TISH BOTANIC MEDICO E CO. 2S7to Washington St.. Portland, Or., 4th floor Kothchlld .Building. 4UT, 4U. euv. lane ele vator- em Cored I Fulfill Every Promise The Leading Specialist. I do not care what your experi ence has been with other treat ments, what guarantees you have, and what promises were unfulfilled In the past, as unsuccessful, un scientific treatments and unreliable concerns are n no way a reflec tion upon honest, trustworthy business methods lived up to by me for twenty-five years. I have an establish ed reputation and my guarantee means-that my patients are Indisputably insured of suc cess in their case. There is all the difference in the world between a guarantee of this kind and the promises of those mushroom con cerns which are continually falling in business. I repeat my straight forward, square proposition to wait for my fee until the cure Is effect ed. I not only thoroughly cure my patients, but I am usually able to effect a cure in less than half the time most physicians require to produce even partial results. Were I lacking in knowledge pertaining to my specialty, I would never have attained my present success, nor would I today be recognized as the leading specialist treating men's ailments. I ask you to call at my office and talk with me about your case. Examination and consulta tion will cost you nothing, and I will explain to you my methods of curing. Varlcoae Veins, Obstructions, Contracted Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Poison, I Trent and Sever Fail to Effect a Cure. MY CUBES ARE THOROUGH AND PROMPT. I Will Walt for My Fee Until You Are Well. If you cannot call, write for diagnosis chart. My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. to 8 9. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Oregon. APROOF From One Who Has Been Using Our Chinese Herb and Root Medicines Portland. Oregon, Dec. 23, 1910. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have taken S. H. Wal Jlns's treatment for the past five weeks for a terrible cough and hoarseness, and was completely run down and not able to do any thing-. I have been sick for more than a year, and tried many doc tors, but none could do me any good, and some said I had the consump tion, but I kept getting worse all the time until I came to S. li. Wal Jlnjr, the Chinese doctor and pharmaceutist of S. H. Wal Jlng Chinese Herb and Root Medicine Co.. latelv from New York Oriental Hospital, and tried his wonderful Chinese herb and root medicines. And I am thankful to say that after five weeks' treatment my cough Is gone, my voice Is clear, and now I can talk like before I was sick and feeling perfectly well. I will glad ly recommend S. H. Wai Jlng, the Chinese doctor, to any man, woman and children with any internal, ex ternal or eruptive disease, for I am so thankful for my own health he has restored to me. Very truly (Signed) A. La. KKAHKlt, 189 Mill Street. S. II. WAI JIXG CO., 301 First St., Portland, Orearon. Free Consultation and Examination. If Von Can't Call, Write and Get Diagnosis and Remedies. MEN CURED $10 SSME ISUUKl-fcJi Pay When Cured W have everv known remedy ap pliance for. TREATING YOU. Our ex- nerience Is se srreat and varied that no one of the ailments of Men Is new to us. COME I.N AJD TALK. IT OHSK. r.nwai nebllitv. Weak Nerves. In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other Violations of Nature's law. Diseases of hiladdcr and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All hnrnlnc. itchine- and inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only- Padfic Coast Medical Co 22-44 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First. Bronchial Troches will BtoD that coutth. Carry them in your pocket and use them all day whenever needed, without Inconvenience. Ihey are safe and effectual. Entirely free from opiates and noted for their prompt action. Price, 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sample free John I. Brown & Son Boston. Man. - DR. GREEN SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING TREATMENT THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your sllment Is, nor who has treated It, If It Is curable we will g;lve you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting; cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing; to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our guarantee NO MONET REQD1 RE D UNTIL SATISFIED Is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and medlcmes free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" it is simply our successful way of do InaT things. VARICOSE VE'NS Weak, Swollen, Saara-tna;, Knotted, Wormy-like Veins, Clotted Stagnant Poole of Impure Blood, Weak, Nerv oiu, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. We dally demonstrate that VARI COSE VEINS can be cured without severe surgical operation. Benefi cial effects are Immediate. Pain quickly ceases, enlarged veins rap Idly reduce healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated ailments of these organs are rapidly overcome. There is no guessworR aDout it. we re move every obstruction, stop every waste, allay all Irritation and in flammation, revitalize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Rash, Copper-colored Spots, Erup tions, trlcrra. Sore Mouth or Throat, Mnccnia Patches, Swollen Glands, Falling Hair. Our NEl'CLEU - ATOXTL treat ment for SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON leaves no injurious after effect. It does not "lock In" the poison, but drives it out of the system, com pletely and forever, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purify ing, Blood-Making. Blood-Cell Rem edy, it gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and restores him to normal health. NE.WO-VITAL DEBILITY The ranee of Nervo-Vltal Debility, as well aa its evil effect upon tbe pbyalcal, mental and other powers, Is familiar to all afflicted men. Tbe ymptonia need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treatment is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, hut re stores permanently. All disagree able symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy is regained, seir-respect, seir confldence and self-control return, and the patient Is prepared for a new period of life. RUPTURE AND RECTAL Rupture or Hernia, Piles, blind, bleeding'. Itching or protrudlnail Fistula Ulcere and etc. Our proven methods make hos pital operations unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally 9 to 6. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. 363 Waahlneton St., Portland, Or. FOR $5 AND 10 LET ME CURE YOU I will treat some of your ailments for as low a fee as $5 and $10. I w 1 1 1 make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ail ment you may be suffering from. With this lo fee and my long and succes s f u 1 Si expert ence In treating ail. lents of men you need not suffer another day. I don't care who has tried to cure you. and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a small fee. Don't give up before seeing me. Hv the latent methods known to MEDICAL eolence I successfully treat VARICOSE VEINS, PILES, NERVOUS AILMENTS, SKIN AIL M E Jf T S, KIDNEY, BLADDER, LUNG AND BLOOD AILMENTS, RHEUMATISM, LIVER AIL MENTS AND ALL CHRONIC AIL MENTS OF MEN. Call at once and let a true spe cialist examine you today, not to morrow. Stop suffering; get strong and vigorous. What more to be de sired than health? Nothing. Come and consult us free of all charge. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128 Second street, Port land, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. II. to 1 P. M. LT YFP CHINTJ8B A m A A-jJU DOCTOR Yee Son's Medicine Co. spent llfetlri.e study of herbs and re search In China; waa granted diploma by tbe Emperor; guar antee cure all ailments of men and women when otners fall. If you suffer, call or write to YEE A SON'S MKDI CINE CO.. UiM, tint. Cer. I T. 1 Alder, Portland. Ox.