THE MORNING O KEG ONI AN, TIIUKSPAY, JAXITAIt- 5, 19H. roR Rtn. Htwhfin timwin lo I'nwi a anally. 1-ftOOM furnished apartm.nt. suitable light housekeeping: beat. Hunt. gas. free phone and bath- ano Ueatrebtw lurnUhcd inn room, near fcast Twelfth and Hawthorne. AB iHJ. Oregonian. UKiiK tuck parlor, bath, stationary wash land, hot and cold water, furnace heau (I stove, eultabla lot light houikp leg. tt-'S Morrison. VICE 2-ro-m housekeeping suite. furnished; steam beat. iu electricity, bath. phone; aduila only. 173 21st au, tfir Washington. URSMED housekeeping, front rocmi., first floor, room, and board, hum cook ing. tath. pnona. a- 14ih at. C WO Boueekeeptn4r rooms, furnished or un furnished, sink, gas and a large paniry; rnnTl tsor. 41$ Union ay. THKEE modern housekeeping roomi for rr.t; walking distance: phone, bath and ltghuFhone B 2073. 47 Fast Couch. DNR and two-room suites, nlrely furnished, walking distance, lUht. heaL Call . cj Everett. phone Main 5018. j NORTH 20TH Urr front room, newly furnished for housekeeping, strlclly firal-clas. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, new home, clean, convenient. 7sl E. Yamblll street - THREE completely furnished roms with tn'ft; t-'mratf entrance. 2 '-j'i 11-11 at. I'ul'H nwiy furnnhrd housekeeping room! in cotare: aduita only. 3'6 Broadway. FOK RENT housekeeping rocms. walking distance, heau 4DO Taylor SU fffn newly furnished housekeeping room.; private bath, electric linhls. 42S Tall at. ON'F large roru. rlran and nicely fur nished Or houKkrplu. s.;ipark t. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, on. s-iltabl. for housekeeping. :1S Park A T7"-V CI. FAN." front housekeeping aulle. $5 weekly. 4J- liurnsulc. Fl hNIMIKl) housekeeping rooma 42U E. A ri L-1'I. one lu 1. fWO unfurnished or partly furnnhrd rooma; w alkln di tance. 1 tiq u l re 2-''.3 'a Hall. TWO clean, llghu furnished. mern houae keeping rooma. 71 East 9th. North. 1 MOPEKN nicety furnished housekeeping room, reasi hie. lv N. lth. lit ue. THK CREATER MKIfcllt FRANK FTOHJ It E NT At. AND INFORMATION ULRKAU. Homa-banters. visit our up-to-data rental and Information department, e'.k floor, main building, and aea tha cacctee a have bated of deelraSa bouse. nd flatn. l You'll ea-a t!ma la getting properly an comfortably located. We keop ta tooes with all vacant house, flata and apart menta In the city, wa aiao keep a liet of new bulldlr.xa In course of construction. liEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings will II ceed your movmr expen.ea Our NO-l:K.NT pkicw made oa ona of tha larzeit furnltura bouaea lo tba city la two years. lookers shown ssma courtesy as bur era. "UIK'.AN-ATCIILKV FLKNIILUS CU :-.& Grand Avenue, cor. iw htark. Caat lakrnr and Kuse:i-Sbavcr caxllna PASS OVH ln)olt. WE CAN FUHNISH YOUR KOMI At a areat aavint;. Uet oar prlosa lookers sbnwa avery courtesy. M. OjTROW CO. - North Sd 8b Reasonable prlcea tUsy terms. autSs.3 and flats for rent, soma XurnUbad. UERt'UA.VTS AVl.N'iS TRUST COHPAXT. R. W. Cor. 6th and Washington 8ta WtW. modern, 7-room house, one block from Hawthorne avenue: batn. elec tric llcht. fireplace. ba.m-nt. COWfERTHWAIT & flUtlsiTENSES. 41ft h and Hjwtliorn. roH rent for three months or more, a new, niodern. well furnished, a-room house. Kaet Side, walking distance, renr S4d. Phuna Main 7".T1 or East full RENT O-room house In irvingtoa. near Tillamook st.. 'wn l!th: rent Ap ply to owner. 870 Waahlntfton at. Phona Main MTj. A 53Td. JHtAP amall housa to rent on Tork at. Vanduyn -a Walton. 416 c bam bar of Com merce. ).HOUa cottage, lu Irvlngton. lyth it, be tween Weill. er and liroadway. Call ttSS Weldler St. SICE, new, ft-room bouse, corner lot, .4t Hide. 1& minutes' walk. S-o. tj ruber, V-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. 12o E. hTH i-T., coruer Alder, o-room cot tar, modern, bath, gaa and alectrlu light, IJv per month- HoVstE. aeven rooma modern, two lo-a, n-ar Ml Scott car. Mrs. Moxlvy. 67lu 5yth avc. Trcaiont station. t-KiXM bouse. St. Johns, for aala Vnltrd Auto Co- U Alder au M. 437. or rent. A 717L. VIODEKN" 6-toom house, alio E. Taggart at. 1 block from W-H car. atoI'Elt N g - room house, ta- . Salmon at.; rent -i afODERX 7-room house. 33 Grant St. In quire and key at 3"4 Lincoln. M.iln 4-"t. a-Ki.kM hoi;.-, rr.o.lru. ;-o Kast siurusula St.. cor. I'lth. 1'hona tvaat 2oil. 2 7-KOOM bouse. porcelain plumbing, trsra. gas, electricity. Phone Sellwocnl 17. Fa ilehed Hoaee. FOR RENT. $13 o-room modern houae. completely fumiehed; Large grounds, p.enty of frolt: will lease; call afternoon on premlsea U.'J Hancock au. or phono owner. Seilwood 777. A MODERN. :i furnished housa of als rooms: furnace beat, aiso gaa: Eaat Side, two blocks from Hawtborno-ava. carllna. Phone B S"7. a4 7ATLOR Nicely furnished 4-room moj ern flat, piano Included; gas and elec trlcl'r; quick gas beater; rent yjj. 7-KixjM nicely furnished house and garage. M'7 Kaet liurns'.de. hard-paved stiewt. lhone Tabor 144S. -KCM houae In Irvlngton. will acll tr lease, fma boma. good locatloo. W. E. I'.eed. 34i laorrtaon at. PO RENT--room houi. rloaa In on Eaat F:!e; reierencea aacbanged. Call l-st C-l-tf. SfllV. modern, o-room houee. ctnii.'orlal.y fumlsbe.l. llrookla tleigUta. l'bona Se.l w ood 4J1. IKOOM furnished flat. yarJ. beautiful ncigrihorlioHt. 7 minutes P. O : only people need answer. 3o7 Jo:hat. Pjh Ki:M to-room furnlshel house. Nob illll district. AU K.14. Oregonian. rOilK K NT tuT ' m uc f urTl I li ed. 1 13 a rreintft. Call Taior i. Moweee foe Kent I a rot t ora foe he la. F-K SALE A bargain; an elegnnl. newly furnivhed 6-roum II t. West .side, close In: must sell, leaving city: no agenta; only people meaning busluesa need tuset. V tf4I. urcg onlen. FT'RNITI.'KE ats-room mlern flat, walking distance; rent a.o. f irnut and carp.-ta A-l condition: prl io terms or W3 cash. Owner. 2.4 AUsky bldg. Mala a:; J. A 7iJ. " Foil jt ltK SAl.l'- S-reom flat, elanorata furniture; rent l.t-V West Sid-, warning dts:ance: 3 rooms rented. Jd- phone Marshall .-,073. BeXCtI FU U SaX rih. new furnishlnss. qulot. redned neighborhood; wonderful v ew of mountains, aacrlllce; easy istma lit Water st. FL'RNITLKU of a J-riwm snoiarn b-ingalow for aaia cneap: rent a'u. hhv E- bbermaa au: take Richmond car to 2,'th au; 9 blocks nortn. Phona Main r544. ITRMn'KE 4 -room corner flat, modem; rent only lo per mo.; gaa r.incu, close In, eKaat bide; no agenta; price? I.&u. Addresg M P. o. boa o V7. BTIll'TTl-T modern a-roora Cat. new y tur mshed; will sell cbeap lor cash. 4 J J Tay lor at. FVRVtTVKE of seven-room house. only 1-.'V . will rent or aell premlsea cry rea sonabls. All W4.. oregnnljn. FIVE rooma new furniture. Installraenta. Ingulra basement 4Ji Alder au 112 to 3 T. M. Ft KN1T1KK of e-rcom flat: cos; t0. prlea J.'o. baritsln. 4,t College st.. cor. I'Jta. Btoeea. HALF of new S story brick. .v.ilOO: p'.a'.a glass front; teth and Marshall, eultaole for light Jobbing, manufacturing or relal.; will laasa one-balf; divide spaca to ault tensnt or tenants. A. ti. Long. LAROt place. :.Oxl7J. on Front between ,t.n ana Mati'sor: just tba place for nvachlna sho. boiler ahop. bla-ksmlth, - arnn works or feed stora; J'vg leasa. c-np rent. J. Simon Pro. JVit ItrlST t new stores, ona with good balcony; newly tinted and painted; East Morrison St.; good location. Joa. Bacbtal a Co.. Hi Grand ave. FOK RENT New brick store. Eleventh and Hawthorne avc.: rtae location grocery. L, fl. Faircluld. 13: tiaetlock bldg. Phona Kil BEST corner on East Side: three corner rtrtint. sod for doiittai or doctor. Ihuna East -1 "vi. ' bNI ALdJ store at 4H Grand ave.. btwqi tek anil l'lne. good location. Inquire Hart nar '.. 41 Klftb St. FOK RENT I-Jt-S'-O Front St.: long lease; n-ar M d eon bridge. J. S'lmoa llroa. l ull Kr.NT Large place. 44x230. Irroat at. J. Simon Proa. STORK for rent. Phone East liX Warehouse. SToHAGE space at and 11 Fourth at. North. Phona Mirsiiall FOB RENT. Offlc FOR BENT Three Una office rooms on sec ond floor Lumbar Exchanga binding. 2d and Etark sis. Inquire F. B. Holbrook Co, 21 4 Lumbar Exchange bldg. ; af OST centrally located offlcaa, all-night ele vator eervlce. SU3 fiwellaxid bldg.. Slh and Washington. HALF ell-furnlhed office: phone, typo-a-rltcr; best location. 611 Swetland blilg. Cli EAP Someone to share office: roll-top dek and phone at 502 ijwetland bldg. FOK RENT A few office la Couch bldg Call bos Lew la bldg. TO l.KASH. TO LEASE. Long term, dealraule 1001100 eloa In on Taylor atroeu Vandyn 4k Walton. 513 Chamber Commerce. I.OST AND FOlN'n. LOST Friday evening. December 30. a wallet tsouvenlr of the Klrat National ltunk. Albany, or.), containing promissory notes payable to H. or Henry Carmody. at Gates, Or.: also ilposlt slips from above bank: liberal reward will ba paid for return of same to 2SSa N. 3d gu.c.lty. rtiUNU-Where you can bay genuine had xcattreaaea retail at wholeaale prices: wa n novate mattreaaea and return aame day; we also renovate feat harm. Portlaaj Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger. Troi-u Pbcnea Main 474. A 13.4. LOST In fitting room at Olda. Worlman a: Klng'a store small open-faced gold watch, engraved'wlth monogram M. E- !; gold watch ln attached. Return to PITS Klectric bldg. and tecelva liberal reward; no questions asked. LOST A-"bunch of keya containing an aluminum ring, stamped. H. M. lanlela, Napa, CaL Under pleasa return to atabia on corner I0ih and lloyt and rocalva re ward. t . LOST December 22. from I-urllna dock, black cocker ap-nlct dog. brown mark ings on face an l fet; reward. Notify H. K- Nelson. Hcaverton. Or. il.i ktiVAl.1) will be paid for tha return of a black and white Japanese spaniel bitch lost at Tualatin. Or., about four weeks ago. Address AF 8.17. oregonian. LOST Lady's black silk umbrella, nllvar mounted handle, near Gth au. entrance) il. a- F. Co. pnone Main Swflo or A 66o4; reward. LOST Female bull pup. black. brlndle, white breast, abort tall. 3 months old. Return to lo; E. Taylor at., or phona Tabor IT.O; reward Li ST January 4. morning, umbrella. In telephone booth. Meter 4k Frank basement: goid h-trtlle. Initials N. b. S. ; reward. Srivon Hotel. ,OST Gold chain bracelet at Armoiy Hall Monday night: reward 5; return to lu4 Grand avc- North, phona Ea st 411u. LO: T Wednesday, string of gold beads, be tween lMh and Kearney and -'1th and Marshall; reward. Phono Main 41-4. LOST Holsteln-Jersey cor. 33d and Kll linrsworth ave. I lease return to 3od and Alberta st.. Dixon grocery. LOST English bulldog: license number it4: lima In right for leg; reward. Return to 617 Falmon tt LOST Silver-handled umbrella. Initials E. J W. : In taxicab Saturday evening; re turn to -54 Kurd st; reward. LOST Lady 'a umhrella with silver and Ivory cross handle; liberal reward; phona Main 417l. or A 4:l LOST A blue enameled necklace on Tues day afternoon; reward. Phona Marshall 1473. LOST Gold bar pin. has 3 red sots, bird carved on pin; suitable reward. Wood lawa .ID. LOST One package containing 7 handker chiefs. beauty pins and 1 pair while kid isvcs: finder call Main SOU. Lost Sapphire and Rhinestone loop ear ring: reward. Phone Main 4176, A 423. LOST 3 mules, branded R-C on neck. Notify Hubert at Hall. 3 tin Front st. LOST Monday, a beaver collarette. Reward. Audresa P44 Gladstone ave. FOl ND--A bulldog. Call Arlon Rowen. 44 Front su BCSINESH OPPORTUNITIES. 3SOO VALL'E. fine confectionery. ctgara, pertodlcala. also splendid stand for fancy groceries: no opposition; rent $20 Sth of Feb. ; over tlO feel of new counter, wall caees. ahelvlng. cash register, etc: well stocked, fresh goods: must sell lmedtatcly; part time, trade or best cash offer: $'i0 less If you wish to move. 747 Northrup su. near 23d. CAFETERIA. , In good location, dee'rabla lease, low rent, doing nice business: owner must sell on account of other business; price. $3"Oi. must have Slfcuo cash, balance out of re ceipts or would consider good real estate). Jos. C. Gibson. ' 3o3 Gcrllnger bldg. FoK bALG by owner, cigar and confectionery store; best location on the West Hide; right down town where the people are; good lease, new fixtures and up to date; will In voice $-k: only t'Ji If taken today. Call 221 S Morrison st.. room 9. HOW'S) THId COMBINATION? A good saloon with Independent license, with a modern furnished rooms upstalra: don t let get away. Call -70". Stark street. MIL BL'PlNErtS MAN. Do jou want to sell your business? Te you want a partner If so. sea or wrlta me. w. Lawrence, 313 Lumber Exchanga bMg. Both phones. TOl'M) MAN. 8TRANOSHI Make earsful Investigation at expense at before you Invest money la any proposition. Advisory Departa-eat, T. 34. C. A. OTTO I FM1TH. CaM Main G377 aa soon aa you see this: everything Is all O. K. 1 have lots traded. WANTED A email business; will put J O0 new upright mahotrany piano as first pay ment, balance monthly. W. D. J. 3-1 -Q'h st.. cor. I-curcI. CIGAH and confctionery store: grand loca tion; go'Ml profitable business: for aulck sale $-s3; eaay ternva. Room 7. 2H1 4 Mor . rl4n su GIVEN away free, man of all the California ell fields, also trial subscription of publlca tloa "California Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Or. TOI tregonlsn bldg.. Portland. Or. RKAL. EST A "I E butn-ss; owner wanta part ner to show fnrms. etc.; reference re quired. H. M. Oarlock 4t Co., 417 Board of Trade. PARTNER In light manufacturing bui neea: legitimate; flout) required. 470 Washington su lsMT.I.INERT store, no competition, chanca for dressmaking with mllinery. Muat sell on account of sickness. K nop. OVegonlan. REAL ESTATE HI'SINESii Opening for en ergetic man: will stand full Investigation. l arllculsrs 2IHS Stark- st. PRIVATE party will sell or trade for any thing of legttimste value stock In a good. rfTiMlllirrl business. L fU'. Orcgonlall. CltoCEKIEet from 10 to 0(X. Coma and look them over; no trouble to show. Call il Board of Trade. COAL and wood yard: partner wanted for a big paying bustmss. H. it. Carlock 4k Co.. 417 Board of Trade. l?isT AlRANT Will sell cheap and can pay pttrt out of tha bualaeee; fine place. Ca.l 24!0 Stark su PARTNER wanted In machine shop, doing a business of 32'00 monthly. Call 323 Lum ber exchange. PKCENTLT established pressing shop, rood location, fixtures anil lease cheap If taken before Saturday. AC 643. oregonian. 1ii"lMNo"X.M) INDUSTRIAL. STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought aad soil. Fletcher lnv. Co., '."25 Ablngtoa. DRi'G STORE, only one In town of SO0: Soo6 countrv. good business, sickness. Ad ress City Drug store. Weston. Or. POOLROOM and clar atore. West PMe. price $16'4; this place Is clearing 327$ month. tl Board of Trade. HNCH "COI'STEH rartner wanted: perlenca not ne-essarv and requires very little motley. Call 24HU, b'tark SU Ci AR store, doing a good business; only tolX Room a.-3 i.umner r.xcnnnce. OWNERS, we can aell your business. H. M. CARLOCK at CO.. 417 Board Trade. fltiea R EST AT R A NT. Washington St.. rent ginejjUj years' leasa. (13 Board of Trade. Ml'ST leave city, paying restaurant for sale, price .i0 cash. Inquire 3rt0 North 2tth SU .n) ir.L'SINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring this ad. Lose City prlr.tery. 1B2H Third. fiid cTGAR stand, right -in center of city. M Board of Trad. FOR SALE os rent, home bakery; good loca tion, cheap. Phone East Mi.T. Foil SALE Poolroom, elitar stand and lunch counter. Inquire 3.s3 North 17th s:. WANT party with 3 1 2'V to IS)k); Interest anil more sure. Call 27 K. 1 1 th st. N. CENTRAL cash store for 317K: sales over il'Ki flay. Call 24"' S'ark su $Z'0 CIGAR and candy store, where mar and wife make good. ! Board of Trade. CI 1AK and confectionery for sale cheap, lal Morrison St. See the owner. GROCERIE.. feed, etc.; partners want for splendid store Call, J4.'4 Stark THIS corner grocery cheap If taken at once. Se this befora buying. Phona Eaat 2''2S. BARBER" ahopfor-aIr-127'Nreth"gC Bl'SINESS OPPORTCNTTIES. THERE are wondsrful Investment oPPor tunlties In Central and Northern Urltisn Columbia along tha lines of three trans continental and other railroads bul'ding. This vast, new and rich territory of thiny million acres of tha finest grain, fru" and mixed farming land, fifty p""0'! acres of rich mineral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapldi'y Fort George Is tba geographical center on the line of all railroads building ana projected, and at the Junction of Miles of navigable waterways. Too can get In now before the railroad and In the profits b. investing as little as i ie per month. Let us send you a free cojij of "British Columbia Bulletin of I'"f matlon," containing up-to-data "'" ?; Investment opportunities In tnis "el now and rich country, also synopsis of 80Yea" ment land, mining, timber and coal laws, etc. Send your name and address toosy. Natural Resonrces Security Co., Ltd. P': up capital 2."K).O00. Joint owners tort George Townalta. 513 Granville at., van couver. B. C GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND L1V.EHY. Good general merchandise atoro and UvrJ barn, includes slock, fixtures, 6 hor?e,-l. rlBS.."- aero of ground, good gtoro build ing with living-rooms In rear, price, in cluding everything 33500. half cash, w will trade for good real estate, located on electric line, not far from Portland. last growing town; this atoro has agency or electric ticket ofrtce on percentage basis, also warehouse on 50 per cent basis, net ting nice sum monthly; a snap. GRL'SsI fc ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg- th nJa.!I-. O. R. n7TRaCK AG E In tullivan's Oulch at a reasonable flguca la becoming very scarce. I offer a small parcel. Ideauy licated for small manufacturing plant or warehouse at a prlca actually as low as tha price ' asked for vacant lota In tn aame vicinity not having the advantage oi a railroad right of way: only 3200 casa required to handle 60xtO0-foot lot, close to larKe manufaciurlng pluut; easy terms on balance; an opportunity to double your money In 00 days: trackage In this vi cinity will soon bo at a premium. Pn" Main 1303. A 131.1. ask for Mr. Burllngame BANDY HOt'LEVAIlD business property, close to 2t'th. full 60x100 feet; have three choice lots facing this coming business iiii.r....i.r.i nni ei-.o e.h requlrod. balance on very easy terms; lots further I ut nro selling for a third more than l 1 can offer these for next few days: Irneau- u. gate this at once: an ojrporiuuii.y double your money In no days; I can con vince you If you are really Interested, cau Haln 1503.ask to- Mr. Burllngame. MILLINERY STORE Located In prosper ous town where good prices and good trade nre assurred; present owner has made sufficient profits to retire on: gross ensh sales mora than 3-' 000 per annum, stock of mora than ItKHK). also fixtures, best location; this will bear strict Inves tigation; will sell reasonable pr trade for good Portland properly. Sea J. t omiin. 613 Chamber of Commerce. . ron SALS. A SO-M capacity iiusssll portable mill, complete with cut-off aaw. aawdust conveyor, etc: also a No. 1 Nortnwesi planer, with attachments, good as new, fas been used only a short time. or particulars call at my office. 22--- root au. Portland. Or. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. FOR SALE Controlling Interest .In good paying steam laundry In one of thy best towns In Oregon. Doing 1400.00 and over a week; manager wishes to retire; plant modern and entirely new; established for yeare; would take 13000.00 to handle cob trolicg Interesu Addreaa F Oil. Orago Plan. FOR SALE A well-estabilshed clothing and ger.ia furnishing goods business in Port land; party wants to retire; will enter tain reasonable offer and secured notes. Answer AK ooi. Oregonian, and your cor respondeuca will receive lmmadlaia at tention. PARTNER WANTED. Half Interest In the very best money making business In the city. It will re quire 3:uuo and yield at least (40V0 per year. Call and sea us at once. HALL ft HICKLE. 321 Lumbermeus Bldg W ANTE D Partner for hotel In heart of city; fine, select business; no bar; one third Interest 30000 cash, netting 40 per cent: present competent management can continue nr arraneementa can be made; every facility for examinations to right rariv w u:l (Irevoninn. DELICATESSEN and lunchroom, one of the beat locations In city; party not rushed to sell; muklng good money; reasonable rent; price 314.V); 31O0O cash will handle. Investigate If you want to clear 330 per week with Increasing trade. H. M. CARLOCK A CO.. 417 Board Trade. RETAIL CLOTH IN3 and furnishing good store on East Side, will Invoice at about 3h)U0; fine up-to-date stock, good lease, cheap rental; sell at Invoice. SWEKK Bl'ONH. t14 tjwetlund Bldg, AOOODthlngforef live man; Interest In 2."0 acres of 7-year-old peach orchard In full bearing, for 310.000 worth of Port land property. Dubola Crockett, Wash ington bldg.. room 3. OIL1 OIL! Can locate 8 people on valuable Cali fornia oil land; location fee Includes as sessment work. Mr. Fleming. 631 Taylor ave. Phone A 7087. HALF interest In an old-established bus! nas. doing a good business, with a sal aried position of 3100 per month. For full particulars call Kinney Stampher, Urn. bar alachange bldg.. rooms 631-63A GROCERYforsale; one of the beat loca tions on the East Side; on corner of two prominent streets: will stand a thorough Investigation: reason for selling, party go ing to Eastern Oregon. P Hi, Oregonian. FOll SALE An excellent clothing. dry goods and shoo business with lease, on ona of the best corner locations In Portland for medium-class trade; slock about 31a. W0. A pply Box 370. GROCERY, delicatessen and bakery at Woodiawn; good place for two women or man and wife: price 11000; terms If de sired. Particulars National Really at Trust Co.. room 310. A SPLENDID business opportunity to make money In an enterprise having no oppo sinon: only takes i'-'ioo In cash, or will tke lots or land in ps y menu See tha owner. 510 Worcester bldg. CIGAR STAND. Fine location: money-maker; center of Weal Side: 11100. II ALL HICKLE. 321 l.umbermens Bldg. SPECIAL. - Three of the best-paylnr restaurants In city for sale at reasonable figure. 64 i Qt h su OWNER of cleaning and pressing business wants a steady partner to drive the wagon; profits are large, requiring vary little monfr. Call 24 V Stark St. WANTED Partner with llltmo to take half interest In business that pays 31S0 a week or better: good security for money In vested. Call between 10 and 2, N. blh su REAL EST ATEaIvTNEkT Good office, clean, good man and flna opening. HALL HICKLE. 351 Lumbermens Bldg. BLACK EAGLE MIN1NO AND MILLING COPPER STOCK WANTED Will pay N cents per share for 70.000 or over. AB 043. oregonian. IF YOU HAVE 3123. Investigate this cigar and con fectionery store; best of reasons for gell ing, owner, Willlann ave. WANTED Experienced box factory man wilh liooo to 31300 to Invest to take charge of new mill. Address A. J. H.. Box 413, itandon. Oregon. REAL ESTATE PARTNER WANTED. z Interest In one of the most reliable firms In Portland; salary of 373 monthly nnd commission. 64H oth St. WOULD Invest 33o or less with service In sound, paving business, rooming-house or chicken ranch preferred. AN 64i). Ore gon Ian. poll SALE 330HO worth of apu-housa stork: same pays 123 dividends per month. Phone Main 133 or A 1268. Office b40 C of C. bltlg. FOR SALE Restaurant and delicatessen store In first-class location, doing aood business: best of reasons; very reasonable. Address for Information. N 6.'I7, Oregonian. FOR SALE A fine bakery and confection ery business In a hustling town. Inquire Gray. McLesn - Percy. 113-115 N. 4th. STRICTLY cash grocery for I'hK); does-a nice trade and will invoice price asked. Call Zts Stark St. PARTNER wanted In well-estahllshod print ing business: for sale at Invoice price. AJ U. Oregonian. FINE chance to make $160 month in a good business at partner: open to fullest ln vestlgatlon. Room 523. Lumber Exchange. FOR SALV: grocery store In fine location for a good business. Inquire corner of I'nion avc. and Portland boulevard. 1 WOULD-like to buy. direct from owner, a good confectionery In the city; give full particulars In answering. X6:m. Oregonian. MUST seU ood picture theater business: ln vestlgate: will take real estate la trade, j 011. Orcgonlkn. GOOD", paving business: suitable for two ladles: everything complete; price 3a00. call 1S1 4th st. 12oo POOLRoOM and cigar store, clear ing about $.0 per month: fine location. H. M. Carloclc Co.. 417 Board of Trade. RELIABLE merchant wants partner: will guarantee good salary and share of profits. Particulars 24S-4 stark su $T:.(V-CIGAR stand In heart of city: good place to make money. 618 Board of Trade. CIGAR store, with one back room; will sell cheap. Call 24S'i Stark SU BCfTNESS OPPORTryTTTES. KOHL REALTY CO. BARGAINS. $3600 takes good saloon. Independent li cense. $360 for good cigar stand. $700 buys grocery on Washington Bt. $7000 takes general merchandise, coun try town. 80o buys Eaat Side pool room. $ti.-o for good restaurant, W eat Side. $41X10 for cash grocery. West Side. Have many other good bargains. Call S2S Henry Bldg. DELICATESSEN and lunchroom, one of the best locations In city; party not rushed to sell making good money; reasonable rent: price $1460; lo00 cash will handle. Investigate If you want to clear $30 per month with Increasing trade. H. M. CARLOCK CO.. 417 Board Trade. ROOMINO-HOirSES. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT-HOUSE. Brick building, 80 rooms, electric ele vator, furniture new, Axmlnster carpets, brass and Iron beds, good grade mat tresses, oak furniture, long lease with cheapest rent in city: price only $")" ' can be sold on easy terms; would consider property la exchange as part of purchase price. HOT EX ON -WASHINGTON- ST. Brick building. SJ rooms, furniture In good condition, clearing $700 to 00 per month: price $16,000; will sell on terms or consider property In exchange. Wa a?so have a good list of smaller places. If you want to buy a hotel, apart-jnont-house or rooming-house, call and see our list. M. BUNNELL, 233 Chamber of Commerce. EXCLUSIVE FAMILY HOTEL. Close in. elegantly furnished, all rooms have private bath; nets over 500 per month and can be bought cheap If sold thla week. . J. G. RAINET, 2S! Chamber of Commerce. MUST SELL. 10 rooms, all on one floor, steam neat, 5-year lease, rent 3160; the very best transient house In the city and the best money-maker; never clears less than $300 per month. If you want a snap, hrre it Is. as the owner must leave the city by the 15th. Call early and get the first chance. DIETZ-MUELLEU CO., 116 Ablngton Bldg. LETS TRADE. We have a fine 7-room modern bunga low to trade for your rooming-house; this Is classy and the rooming-house must be likewise. R. E. NICHOLS & CO.. 270 Vs Stark at. BIO MONEY-MAKER. 11 rooms, only few blocks from business center, very nicely furnished, rent $05; has good list select boarders; gross in come $400 per month; clears $100 per month besides living for four: owners leaving state and will sacrifice; $300 cash handles. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. CENTRALLY LOCATED. 35 rooms, corner brick, outside rooms, good lease, rent $250 per month, which Includes heat, water, hall lights and Jan itor service; elegantly furnished and clear ing over $200 per month. See this bo fore Tou buy; $3000 cash required. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSK CO., .113 Henry bldg. NO OTHER LIKE THIS. 10 rooms, furnished with best furniture. Ilk floss mattress, velvet and Axmlnster carpets, furnace heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, beautiful corner building, nice yard; price $1100. with terms, and H E. jaAMaKS CO.. 68 10th. near Stark. A BARGAIN. 9 rooms, all light, newly furnished and rooms full; especially desirable location, furnace heat; a nice home with a neat .in come; this is a bargain at $6o0; only $2j0 ToRTUND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 31 3 Henry bids. ELEGANT HOME. 19 rooma splendid location, close In, rent $80: first-class furnishings, good tenants, clears $S3 per month; $500 cash Portland rooming-house CO., ;i 1 a xi enry pmp. HERE IS A PICK-UP. 10 rooms, rent $35. In the heart of the city, full of good roomers; uwn ""Vr!1). large house, must sell; price $475. This h'"e."-AMES CO.. SS 10th. near Stark. e 11 t - -T- T3TTV TTiTt A V. 14 rooms, fine corner location, close In. good lense; clears $150 month: furniture good- Just what you have been looking for: $530 cash will handle. H. E. UMB8 CO.. 8S 10th. near Stark. 13ROOMs7 SEVENTH ST. $1200. EASY TERMS. Walking distance, on West Side, "" ly furnished; guarantee prolita $S0 per month. Particulars National Realty as Trust Co.. 3'.'6' Wash, su. room Big. ROOMING-HOUSE. 65 rooms, modern. 3 years' lease, low rent, clearing about $100 per month: will take part cash, balance easy terms, or will exchange for clear property: eo"'"'- A SNAP 0-room boarding-house; steady boarders: always full; must sell at once, leaving cltv; $2o0 cash, balance eaay pay menta Call and see me. Mrs. Nee. 254 Union ave. .North. Phone East 3979. WANTED Rooming-house 10 to 20 rooms; must be good furniture and well located: price anl terms reasonable. Phones A M?xwr a.'HvlVu CO.. m' 4th st. 22 ROOMS, housekeeping, wall furnished, clears $5 month; pi-ice $1000. terms. $.7o buvs furniture of ten rooms, good carpets, rooms always rented, central, terms. Call S3 Park st.. near Stark. " LOOK AT THIS SNAP. 12 rooms, rent 3S; rooms all rented: fair furniture; you can make a living out of this place; price $500. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th. near Stark. FIRST-CLASS little rooming-house flj rooms), close In; location, rent, price and everything else absolutely right: must be ' sold Immediately. AB 048, Oregonian. FOR RENT Boarding-house. 2S rooms. 2 blocks from Vancouver R. R. depot: rent $40 at J. D. Meyer Store, Vancouver, Wash. 1 HAVE $2000 which I wish to Invest In an apartment or boarding-house; can give good security for balance. AE 647, Ore gonian. . knap 1 rooms; good furniture; good lo- ra'tion: house clears 5o a month; price $700. terms. H. M. Carlock A Co.. 417 Board or rraoe. a noorP A.YING rooming-house or 47 rooma rent 130 month, all clear, to ex change for house and lot or acreage, a 633. Oregonian. l7ooWILL handle the best 19-room In city; rlirM down town; rent only $60; Income lVLBY.BISJHOPM;CSirT13S 3d. FOR S ALE If you want a modern house, always full, good lease, low rent, nice monthly Income, address owner. J 008. Oreaonlan Selling on account of sickness. A DECIDED bargain; fi4 rooms, corner brick; -rent $226. lense; heat: furniture very good: price $2."no. terms. H. M. Carlock & Co.. 417 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 to 20 rooms, central ly located, on West Side; transient house preferred; no agents. AC 046, Oregonian. IHAVB the cash money to buy clean boarding-house, not less than 30 rooms. AE fi45. Oregonian. l lil-KOOM house. 2 blocks from Postofflce. clearing $73 per month; price $1160. Call Board of Trade. I WANT to buy a rooming-house of 18 to 25 rooms from owner; must be good lease and reasonable rent. AH 843. Oregonian. i'WAXT Immediately a 14-room rooming house; have the cash. AE 640, Ore gonliin. $500 WILL handle 11-room house on 8th st good furniture and lease. HIGEY.BISHOP M'CLASKEY. 132 3d. TrooM house, furniture best, price $650. clears $40 month. Call 613 Board of Trade. A MONEY-MAKER 10 rooms, good'furnl ture: price $4O0. H. M. Carlock Co., 417 Board of Trade. aTgOOD "rooming-house for sale. 22 rooms; price $1000. some terms. Phone R. Casey, yam 1063. city. f II r.OOilS. rlsht In heart city, rent $150 month, lease: price $2000: $600 down, balance to suit. 618 Board of Trade. NICFLY-furnished lodging-house. 3 3 rooms. ..ood location, easy terms. 327 sixth and Stark sis. Call and see owner. IF you want a rooming-house, see me: no agenta Address AK 042. Oregonian. $11100 CASH grocery: sales $30 per day. H. M. Carlock & Co.. 417 Board of Trade. SEE 37 ALDER Clears $70 over rent; really elegantly furnished; $400 down. WVNTED Rooming-houses, all sixes. H. M. CAULOCK & CO., 417 Board Trade. ROOMING-HOUSES. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-317 Abington Building. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. If you are In the market for a good hotel, rooming or apartment house, call on us for reliable Information. We protect botn the buyer and the seller. Below is a partial list of what we can offer. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-817 Ablngtoa Building. BEST HOUSE IN PORTLAND. 64 Rooms, new brick; all In. 3 room suits with private baths, reception hall, sleeping porch and veranda; ALL outride rooms and beautiful view. The surroundings cannot be beat; furnished in Blgelow. Axmlnls-er car pets and satin finish walnut. 5 year Iff-se at $450 per month. Income $000. Price $10,000. Good terms. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-317 Ablngtoa Bulidin APARTMETNT-HOUSE B5 rooms, new modern corner brlcK. only opened one week; all in three-room ?ultes with private baths and reception halls; completely furnished with up-to-date fur nishings, and it is certainly a little beauty. Now If you want a snap, here it is. It will clear above all expenses $250 per month. Price $73O0. $4000 cash, balance $100 per month, 8 per cent Interest. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 310-817 Abington Building. $400 PER MONTH PROFIT. 86 rooms, new brick apartment, elegantly furnished. 4s years' lease, very row rent Including heat and hot water; private baths with every suite. Can be handled on terms. For particulars please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-817 Abington Building. SOMETHING EXTRA FINE. S8 rooms, new corner brick on Washing ton su, very nicely furnished, hot and cold water In all rooms, private baths; 4 years lease at low rent and clearing above all expenses $500 per month. Can be handled on terms, or will trade for good city prop arty. For prices please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. ,3,16-317 Abington Building. INVESTIGATE THIS ONE. 23 rooms, tine furniture and carpets, lo cated on 11th st. This Is a fine proposition and a good money-maker. Price $3300, terms. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-317 Abington Building. ELEGANT HOME. 10 large beautiful sunny rooms; best fur nished house in the city. Rent 50. Strictly niodern house and very central location and just as clean as It possibly can be. Price $1100. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 310-317 Abington Building SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. THE PORT OF PORTLAND. Portland, Or. Public sale of 0 per cent bonds Pro- ?osals are invited lor the purchase of 6U.O0O In' bonds of The Port of Portland, of the denomination of $1000 each, dated Julv 1, 11)08, and payable as follows: $50:000 July 1. 1M2, and $10,000 July 1. 1913. with interest thereon payable semi annually at the rate of 6 per cenc-per annum, principal and Interest payable In United states gold coin at the office 01 The Port of Portland, In the City of Port land, Oregon. Sealed bids will be re ceived at the office of The Port of Port laud. Portland. Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. M. of Thursday, the 12th day of Janu ary, lull, for the above described bonds, and will then be opened. No bids will be considered unless accompanied by a cer tified check in favor of The Port of Port land drawn upon a reputable banking house In the City of Portland. Oregon, for 5 per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for the same to be retained by The Port of Portland, as liquidated dam ages should the bonds be awarded and the successful bidder fail to take and pay for the bonds so awarded him. Conditional bids will not be considered, and every facility will be provided prospective bid ders for determining the legality of these bonds before submitting bids. The legal ity of the bonds offered for sale has been affirmed by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon. The successful bidder will also be required to pay in addition to the amount of the bid the accrued In terest from July 1. 11WS. to the date of the delivery of the bonds. The Port of Portland reserves the right to reject any and all bids. John P. Doyle. Clerk of the noara. Miscellaneous. TO all whom It may concern: This Is to certify that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by or for my wife, Mrs Adelaide or Mrs. F. J. Paxjk. on and -. ' . . Ti.ll "C T VdtIIc. alter januaij a. jo.. THE wndersigned. having sold their store to Steve Idean & Co., will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by said firm. Sam Charchales Puloa. Camas, Wash. . FTNANCIAX. WE have the acreage and wish to Interest parties with money to subdivide and mar ket the aame; a large tract, close In on carllne; a ground-floor proposition. Kin ney Stampher. 631-532 Lumber i.x- chnngo hiog. WE HAVE a customer for small block of Nelll Development Co. stock at 85o cash. Call oil Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 04 ia $o5K BUILDING loan wanted for one year; 7 'a per cent; no agenta 403 Abington Bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN, OOo spaiuuig QUHUI116. Money to Loan Real Kstale. ON IMPROVED city property or for bulld inir purposes; 8 to 5 years' time; liberal re-navment privileges, money advanced as bulWing progresses. The Equitable Sav liiga 1 - Loan Association. 240 Stark st. " ' $11000 To loan on good real estate security at 7 TTo"- HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 First St. woNEY TO LOAN On improved or unlm nrovea rial estate; small building and Fn aliment loans a specialty; real estate 1 .ntr.i-ii and bonds purchase-, WJ1 ujy44S. J-herlock blk. Main 5119. vTfNTY of money to loan at 6 and 1 per cent on real estate security, cent. 0- DW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. TJ.-1- have plenty of money to loan on city oroprty in -urns from $1000 to JSC 1.000 t Fowest current rates. Morgan Fliedner . Boyce. 003-006 Abington bldg. t-oOOOO ONTmproved city or farm property; binding or small loans at lowest prices; large loan, a specialty. J. H. McKeaxie Cc. 514-15-16 Geriinger bldg. i?in!T and second mortgages and contracts purcha-ed on farm and city property. Oregon or Washington. L. L. DeveVau. Fenton bldg- 84 6lh St. T'ooooo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea. W. G. Beck. 3)2 Failing bldg. twt forget Prof. Wheelan's social dance tonight it Auditorium Hall. 203 , 3d su. nearJTaylor; ; VE $35,000 to loan In sums of $5000 and upward. J. K. Mlddleton. 428 Chamber of Commerce unnTOAGE loans on city property: lowest ra"? A. H. Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. V,rtTGAG LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. LEWIS BLDG. ,-, ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO 7 rM.-lf CENT. S14 LEWIS BLDG. money to loan on real estate. Harding Reynolds Co.. 813 Chamber of Commerce. vTiX-ATE money leaned on real estate mort gVgnsT H. Mlley. 'room 204. Gerlinger bldg. --7TTvo on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C.W. Pallett. 308-0 Fenton. .,.. runds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as? l"ate agentMultnorrahJ n"in'io'an 110.000 or less, real estate security. W 111 loan ly." i-onimerclal Club hll. e'arrlngioo, . ' Tl TeiOOOO or less, real estate security. Will !" 1.0,0T Commercial Club bldg. FurnnglQH. ' . iTavcv'mv amount. 6 to 8 por cenu Good-MrfS..Ej-eitx. 310 Spalding bldg. -., , ; ican $5000 or less on real estate. H?fcr.cock l0RmhdbldB, vi . 1 i, sums to lend on mortgage; slight Charge w rborrowcrardIiskybjdg vTTteTTGAGE LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LO-fsSALOMON. aS STARK ST. MTfr-eyJo Loan Chattels and Salaries. $ $ ' . ARE TO" LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Con t be bothered with a lot of small debts, let u furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, llve-tock. rooming-houses and all kinds of secvrlties; terms to suit; also easy weekly f.r monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and enuitv In contracts. U S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO, 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $ $ $ LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical In struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th, between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 85 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash, sis. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. Hull, room V. Washington bldg. y oLoanTrC-attei.and Salaries ' "HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. , 307 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington St.. Money, Money, Money, Money, Money. We loan money that's our business. We have money for those who need it. We all need money. Therefore, come ffe loan on pianos, furniture, etc Why let your small bills worry youT We can advance you any amount from $10 upward. Why go to other companies 7 be. -s. Wise people DEAL with us. When others fail, consult th. old re HUTTpNEDITUr-A. x lit STATE .SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO 10,a CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. ...... . ... , . lipci'dttv rr $ $ $ 80S FAILING BLDG. $ $ 3 MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment: offices In 66 principal cities, save yourself by getting my terms nrsu TOLilAN, 317 Lumber .Exchange. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 UP on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Low rates. Confiden tial. Gray & Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg., northwest corner 4th & Washington. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 8d au Loans vvante. WE can Invest your money at good rates o Interesu Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment; PROVIDENT LNV. & TRUSTEE CO- 624-528 Board of Trade Bldg. $16008 PER cent; $3000. 8 per cent; both city property and elegant loans; see us u you are looking for good loans. TROWBRIDGE & STEPHENS. 827 Board of Trade. . WE have many clients wlsaing money on good real estate security, let us place jours for you. J. H. Tipton Co., 1104 1110 Spalding bldg. WANT $2000 on home worth double the amount at 8 per cent quarterly Interest and expenses; full insurance ; good title. AG 64, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $0000 at 6 per cent, 5 years, security mortgage on building close in, worth $20.00O:AN 042. Oregonian. $1400, THREE years, 8 per cent; Montavllla business property, worth $3000. AC 04 1, Oregonian. WANTED $5000 for 6 years at 6 per cent on V- block choice Inside property; no commission. O 633, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $1000 on Jackson County property. Zimmerman, 310 Hoard of Trade bldg. $1300 TO $1500 on building and lot worth ob00. 3 years, 8 per cent. E. O. Stadter, !Utorney,406C.of Com. Wanted $S500 for one or two years on Improved city and farm property. Palmer. 612 Couch bids. WANTED $4000, 7 per cent, on Improved Irvingion property. AE 044, Oregonian. WANTED $1000 chattel mortgage loan; good security. A hi 041, Oregonian. LET u. place your money, good mortgages; references, F. H. Lewis. 0 Lewis bldg. $T2rboo"FROM private Party on central Port land realty. Owner, AD 650. Oregonian. 1 TKAO.N'41. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quii-kly; Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power in your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by any one or anything and open up a qulcK and sure way for the contentment, happi ness und good influence tor success that you desire. Call and consult him dully or Sunday, 10 A. A. 10 8 f. ., al 4'Jl: Wash ington su (above 14th st). iBV-T . HANEHUT, Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of h nAn hair goods in the city; up-to-aate parlors lor nairuresslug, mani curing, lace and scalp trealmenu 147 7th l beu Morrison and Aluer. Piione Mm 646. Till A 1 irp A flR IB-. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according 10 the latest metnous; private hosmlal accommodation; confinement ..i,ln,iiin free.. Kooui lU. Grand Theater uldg. Main 3928, A 6607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and siiim ich ailments, under physician's direc tions' batua, masseuse. No. 7 .ast 11th st second door souui from Hast Ankeny carllne. Phone Eaat2bO.B 1U3. H a IK HAIR The largest stock of pura hair In all shades, to be closed out at less than wholesale prices. Fine halrdress glv en? Aza H. Rlbbecke, Grand Leader, sth and Alder. DRESS suits ror rent, $1.60 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, bullous sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and oeliverles! Unique Tailoring Co.. SOD Stark. MM- FLORENCE URY, late of New York, manicure. lace and scalp treatmenu bull. 2, Selliug-Hirsch bldg.. 3-4 Wash, su Phone Marshall 12. DK. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and blander trouoles aud piles. Cousullatioa free. 1S1 1st su. Portland. LADIES No danger with Lorenz Antisep tic Cones; are soothing, safe and sure; $1 box, 3 for $2.50. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co., ib a Morrison su S Onne Jurvas Natural sanitorlum, 178 E. soth Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular glands, etc. a specialty. Tabor 360S. a MMRCcrt wrlC skin and scalp treat niSnts facial deformaties corrected, plaitlo "urgerV: 433 Morrison su Main 5042. YOUNG man going to New York City will learn something to his advantage by ad drssmgAW8,Oregonla. Mrs. Turney, Battle Creek treatments, re fined patronage. Appoin imonta M 11)33. mat M OF FIGS Remedies "for disease, of "tomenjj Davis .U Mala $816. DR ROSA HOWARD, electric massage and bath. 6elllng-Hirsclu MaiaJ23. vioTks wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs! M. D. Hill. 42K Fliedner bldg. 34.3. vli ss Wallace, magnetic electric treatment; "ient.loirjtual scientlsu 100 11th st. urs'womtn, be Truthralians. Write or call 1613 Stockton St.. for information. f7w KE'l'CHtll treats women', maladies. 17 " 3d su.orJfainhllL BUSINESS DLKKCTORV. Accountant. "MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. ALDMOKS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7301). A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matter, per taining 10 municipal. commmerclaL fao- to ry cost ana mpuom- ' - -- II. COLL1S CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and MuniolpaL Auditing. Investigating and bj stematixlng. 324 Voceater block. Phone Main 8607. Arts and Crafts. artistic furniture made to order; repairing. Jos. Wenxel, 211 Mill. Fronctt poiisnii.g. " " Aiayc.r and Analyst. aella Proebstel. "mining engineers, chem- lst" "nd a3s-yers1JW4ttWjisp.tou. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory nd ore-tesung work. 186 Morrison SU Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, aitorney at law; practice In all courts; abstract, examined. 716 Cham ber of commerce. . . 11. Baths nnd Swimming Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th -Elegant -lunge, sieam tuo and shower batna, -oc. entering. i THE STEVENS Catering Co. takes entire charge of preparing and serving at a.l social functions C 2-58. Chiropractic Physician. "CHI-RO-PRAC-T1C XICK-NEK" i say It fast and remember Columbia blug.. 12 to 3:30. DR. EVA MARSH, llrst lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. -23 Fliedner. Hour, tf to tt. Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, tha only scientific chiropodist. In the city, parlors 302 Gerliuger bldg.. S. W. cor d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CoaL COAL $7.00 A TON. Others charge $tf.50 and $10 for th. . same grade; we are In the transfer busi ness aad sell coal to keep meri and teams busy during the dull season. Order NOW. Vau orn Transfer Co.. M. 1018. A 1084. Coal and Wood. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO. Special prices 011 green and dry cord wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO.. Office 203 Corbett bldg. Phones Marshall 2S0D. A 46S4. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place In city, $4.60 load; one-Inch wood, slove lengths. $3.00 load. Portland Wrecking Company. 105, 107 No. lllh su Phone Main 37. Circulating Library. LA1E fiction. 30 a day. Woman's Exchange bids.. 186 5th St., beu Taylor and i"aU Coal aud Wood. COAL ALbl.NA FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. liliU ST. WOOD.. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. snip brokers, coin niigsion merchants. Sherlock bida. Brass and .Machine Work. iARPER'S URASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. lOo N. 5th. ala 3702. Dunclug. Ho PER lesson, or 4 lessons for $1: waltz, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, atiernoou ana eveumg for beginners, including luuy and geii'.iciuen teachers. Prof. Will Wliisou b school, old est una only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. 3&ti Wasu. su, beu W. Park and loin su HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 100 Second su. between Wash, aud blark sis.; slugs danc:ug taught; waltz and two-Blep guar anteed lu lour lessons; clasa auu social dance Monuay, 8 to 12. Lessons dany. Prof. iKlnitler, Portland's leading dancing master. 231 & Morrison, priv. or class insu Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEE'Ili where bridge work Ul impossible; does away entirely with plates, briugewora; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Real Deutal uo., Abington blag.. luu 3d su Doit and liorso llopital. Dr. Brown, i). V. S., Ottlco 121) N. 11th U Main 4oaO; res. . 64-40. Hospital bl 12th st Lduca tional. THE Mattingly Kindergarten and Primary. bohoul. 20a 14th su Phone Mam 8a03. xeclrio Motors. ' ELECTRIC MOTORS. DAVID UuW SON. Motor, for rent or .ale. 2U2 Lumbar mens bldg., phone Mar. 2700. . PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. M-otors tor rem or sale. 213 2d su . BaJbER Machinery Co., Coast agls. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gollue en gine. 281--S3 E- Morrison su paone i 313. Expert Wladow Cleaners. WINDOW-CLEANING Expert wlnuow cleaner and jannor work by nionthiy coa- tracu 272 Burnsiae.A 7U Feed Store. ZiGLER ; Misner, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 204 -rand ave. E. 482. Furs. FINE tanning, fur remodeling, glass eyes, FU iley, 240 Columbia st. Fui'iuture Repairing. FURNITURE mushing, repairing, packing; 18 years' experience in city. Earn QOutf. Horseshoeing. DE NIKE. 283 is Front su, makes a spe cialty of driving horses: 20 years ex peilunce in New York city. Leaiher and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTIC CO., 74 Fronu Leather ox every description, taps, infra findings. J. A. STROWBRiDGE LEATHER CO. Jim tabllahed 1868. 130 Front su acUln ery. 5 TRENKMAN Ac CO., hydraullo and P 'clal pipes, screens, banging, mining 111a chlnexy. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4tn. ' Al usu al. EMIL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. 000 Marquam. A 4100. Mar. 102U. Neurolugbits. Eye Specialists. QUICK relief for eye aud nervous troubles. Drs. freeze - Rice. 320 'j Washington su Oatcop.uhio Physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo., class of 1808. post-graduate lWOi, under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-311 SweUand bldg. Main 1087. A 1DS6. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 416-416-417 Dekuul Bldg. Phone, Office M. 340; Res- East or B 1028. " Faints. OH" and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints. oils. glass, sash and duora. Cor. 2d and Taylor, " patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Oltice. Book let tree. 710 Board of Trade bldg. it s. and foreign patents that protect ara secured through Pacitic Coast Patent Agency, Inc.. DepU A.. Stockton. Cal. fj WRIGHT, domesiic and foreign pat ient's, infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Paving. THEBarber Asphalt Paving Company. 606 008 Klectrlcb.dK. Oscar Huber. Purtland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. tumcle MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 0th su Main UlO. Plumbings JOB olumblng. pipe filling, colls In stoves and furnace; stove work. Phone East 66SU, J. R. Lawson. 701 Belmonu Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and giear24th and York sts. M. 343U. " Rubber Stamps at so seals, stencils, choice stationery, eta. Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Kug Weaver.. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag ruga. East S680, B 1280.. 153 Unlon ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Bares. Pl'RCELL SAFE CO.. 85-87 Dth St.. exclu. sive agents Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co. manufacturers of genuine Hall Safe LockCo.'s safesandvaults. . THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safe at factory prices; second-hand safes. siinwcaeBank and Store Fixtures. "7riaTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyu R. Luika. manager. R H "bIRDSALU 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. 'showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sale. agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. Co.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingle.. BEST In the city; car lot. or less. S. & Gilbert. 2ol Washington st. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1U0 601 Front Bt. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men. no booxe-hghters; will move you quicker, oheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for aa estimate: storage rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. ofhee and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Planus and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1906. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., eornet 18th and Everett sts. Just opened newess and most modern storage warehouse in city: every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate In Northwest: free trackage: vans for xnov lng. Main or A 1520. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. -anem transferlmr and storage: safes. innnii and furniture moved and packed nr .hlDmenU 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or a ;;ii. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. 1 Office 310 Hoyt St., between 6th and Oto phones Main 60. A 1169. Ty pewrlters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concerns on this Coast: Investigate; all makes, all prlcea The Typewriter Ei change. 287 s Washington su TYPEWRITERS, all makes, fiO to $60, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 per month. Pacific Stationery Printing Co.. 203 2d SU NEW. rebuilu second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 831 Ankeny sU A 8009. Main 2402. Wallpaper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 173 1st St.. whole salo and retail. Samples mailed free. ANAGLYPTA RELIEF DECORATION. Alex. Gordon. Agent. 4S0 Columbia su Window Cleaning. NEW ERA Window Cleaning Co.. 63 Park St.. N. Phone Main 73S5. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT FOWEH CO PAN Y CITY LINES. Vancouver Line. A. M. 6:16, 0:60. 7:26. 8:00. 8:33. 9:10, 9:60 10:30, 11:10, 11:50. ' P M. 12:30, 1:10, 1:50, 2:30, 8:10, 8:30, 4:30, 6:10, 0:50, 8.30, 7:06, 7:40, 8:15, 8:60. 9-25 10:00. 10:35, li:10. 11:43.x On the third Monday In every month th last car leaves at 7:06 P. M. Cars for .Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Burnslrto street and Portland Boulevard to let off passengers, but make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars fur Portland: A. M. 0:00, 0:35, 7:10. 7:45 . 8:20, 8:55, 9:30. 10:10. 10:50, 11:30. P. M 12:10. 12:50. 1:30, 2:10, 2:60. 3:30. 4:10, 4:50, 3:30. 0:10, 0:50. 7:23, S:W, 8:35. 9:10, 9:43. 10:2o, 10:55, x 11:30, 12.05.xx On third Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type, double trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnslde street, except to let off pas sengers. Daily except Sundays. xDally except Mondays. xxRuns as local oa Union avenue li ii 1 no -o I