4a XnK 3IORXIXG OREGOMAS, THUKSUAI, JAaUAKX a, in. ; ' V 1" ' : i : ' ' X : I FOR EEXT. I l HA.tL r. I . .- - I . I i .n-iseeiianvous. TO HEAL. ESTATE w'Dtl and ownere J am lu the market lor inmimmn anu l-ulaUon; 1 will mM on Portland ealty: It ) hay any prospectlv prop erty of merit you wlati to realise on. don t overload tha prlc and you will gel r mi: I will consider large bua.neee prop o:tlona; ilto acreage. J-ml.e limit: alJ timber lanJa, AilJf L 00. Oregon 13. WANTED From owner only. E tat Side. -nail bungalow or lot on terme: 8 flown, 123 monthly: must be bargain: near East Ankeny or Roe city Park cere; give l price exact location. H M3, Ore gontn. WANTED at one, bungalow, house and ri.-ee-m acreage, mora burera than prop erty. V. J. ROSKXBERH. 619 l.amt.rmrnl Bldg. WASTED A hour of 8 or 4 room for aoout : cajh. balance monthly: for food, itnilr. working people. V. Fuche. 1 .'!'-- Mirr:on at. WANT reeldence $4o u $iO0: hava Brat mortgage farm to treile for earn. . W. LA BAKKE. T fommerc'al Block. 1 and Washington. ANTED Lot In Walnut para. Rodney or Malltry ave. preferred: :at prlc and term. K 0. OrrorUn. WANTEDPIecernproved property to $12. txNk bringing good leturne: anraa term Own.n only. AD all. OrrconUB. WANTED One lot or lnoxlo.) on R. R ewitcn on Km Hide: in location and - urlce AN 6t.. Uregrinl-n. itr.MDENi'K lot and some ash In trade fur modern i-t.ra bungalow. Geo. G.- Malr. . l.umhcti'-ne bldg. ANTED Eqallv In lota wanted, rail . bw hap. glv Lection and price. AN 64 llrtialta. 1. ; - your farm with u: have buyer. H. M. r.LWK CO. 417 Board Trade. fAK.H1 WANTED. FARM Property wasted: only eaclu.Ua contract for quick aale conUdered; we bm the buyer. If you want ' or write ua. Hall 4 Atdila-O. -U Oer- llnser Mile.. ?d and Alder. WK hare buyer for farma: If ) " to e-IL call or write ua af once. ea.crn Land Co.. ft ark t. WtXTKD Small farm tract. cheap. Lii-l-rnred. on HaH Line or Hear I-ents. A a.'., ore;. ml n. FOB WILE TIMBFB MNa 4f A' RE . .li . . iimd.r J ml!ea Forest Orove. oiie mile from electric llt.e; tnnl orchard land. lliiO. Jl 6iJ. S"nian. Tiuorti t &:ti9 BOCtiHT AND SOLO. fjrjACJtENJ04McKaBJ4f; TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads. rallBqulah ments 21a Woareaier bid. FOR RENT FARMS. AN orchard. .v acres, tenant must glva referencea befor parllrulara will be fur n.heu. Apply R. Chllcolt. -'li McKay b m r- FUR R EST Truck farm on ahares: renter mutt !e able to buy team, feed and aeed. its, Oregonlan. WANTED TIMB F. R LAN D9. TTANTEI Intereat In sawmill, cuttln IS li So 34 per day on railroad: stale loca tlm etc.. flrat letter F t!7. Orgonlan. T1VMER lands wanted. C J. atcCracken. McKay bldg. f)R "AI.E. Moraes. ehkrles and liarneea. UOHStS FOR HALL Ail of Wlnaton Itroa. at MtDoagmTS horses will be ?a aale at tha Hawthorns ftaolea for 10 dsya. They range la weight. 14O0 w loo. and from ta 1 veara of ate. As ill of our work an tha N P. R. K. ta dons all of our stock will be for sale. They will be sold under tha guarantee of tha Hawthorns FtaMea, Call and l&apect these aftar Nortmler 1. UAWTHOKNE STAHLfcS. if ha ft home ave. WR'luii a few heavy work bora's left and will sell right If Bold twin: caah or time: this etok la all sound and broke i-nti ages from 4 to 0 yeare old: also few e--i of harnea. one g.o. vrg'lable wagon. "t at 3.M Front, cor. Market, slain 6Ji. Home A 13'.!'. F'R hALt head of draft and gentrul purpose hnreea. guaranleed aa repre ril ed, weight from lul to 1-iO". young, sound, ss good stock ss can he found for mon-y. Own-r ran be aeen at I'lil Mac adam at. Fulton car, or 2-7 rialmon at. FOR SALK pVlo pony Puss, blue ribbon l-to-tlaad biree iboe Ivio 14-1 hands. T years old. very fast, aoumi and kind. Ap pr to Lieutenant bears. Vancouver Hsr rarka. W aa. . rtR PALE -Two horses, weight about pounds each ar.J "d travelera. IJrht hack, with harucss. all new. Included or oid aeparar.lt. Addreaa A. I' Laccn betg. t'Uacaamaa, Or. , 5 GH)D cahafor aale or trade, S ama.l horses, i and P eara old. sound and well broke, fro: aadd'e at a bargain, Yamhill. I'hone aV 30? ! BAR'TaT.N HO. bay leant, mare and h"ee. lbs., and harneee. nm-loifk, :.7th and k:M mir. I'hone Xellwci-I I7t. wR HIRfcCpoHILANO stAl'Lti. N. i:th nr. uaUmiall i- nuhsi-.s and V.-AliONa HY DAY. V K X X MOSfH. FR KALE I nno Kelr'an black mare. S rara old. weiahmg livt lbs-; sound and t.f J.'i ftuJl. el. YcAkn tw aire, noveea and marea fas ants ie Montgomery. Maraliall 3 41. atanBsaeOaa. BARGAINS IN ISED OARS. 1 T-paaa. Staarna. r-0 horsepower, eiuliped with top, gliaa front, speedometer. ons sxtra caln. Would consider ood city 'eal estate. Piles " J T-paaa. SI earn a. 3'V.v horsepower, eouipped with lop. gave front, apesdometer. Won'd ronaider good city real eel ale. Prlrw IJnco 1 Pleree-Arrow. -eyllnder. 4-hree-power. deml-llmoualne. equipped with seal, covers and speed ometer; la Orat-class condition. ITie. 00 1 pieree-Arrow. -CTjnder. Ba-horsa-power. a-paaeenger. equipped with ton. glass front and speedometer prica "3- 1 Pierce-Arrow -cylinder. 4S horse- , power. T-paseanger. eouipped with top g-taea front, wpeedometer, elec trtc side and tall SKhts: car In arst-cass condition. lTlcs IO0O 1 Pierre-Arrow. 4-r Under. S-pasa. t-urin car. la good condition. Pnca - v' X Cadillac model. pars, equip ped with top. glass front, speedo- . meter. Car la nrat-class condition. -91300 1 Cadillac. 11 modeL - equipped with top. glasa front, speedometer, car la Orst-claas aondluon. I'nce . . $ 1800 1 Model -V Cadillac B-paaa.. equippad with tup; In good con Oil Ion. Prlca o00 1 Bingla-cyllnder Cadillac In good rendition. Prlca I J0 1 single-cylinder Cadillac la good condition. Prlca (300 1 Ren. S-eyllnder. S-paaa.. ear In good condition. Prlca I 850 1 Reo. S-erTtnder. .o-pass., car In good conaltlon. Price f 4S0 1 Mazwsll. 3-cyllr.der. In good con dition. Price I S7S 1 Detroit electric Stanhope, practi cally naw. Price tlOOO 1 I11 Cadillac deml-lonneau. equip ped with top. alass front, atveedo meter; car In firat-clasa condition. . I1300 1 on? Cadillac deml-tonneau. e.n(p ped with top. glasa front. atecd ometer; car In first-claaa condition. flhoO Theea ears have been left with us for eVe by owners, who bars purchased lull pierre.Arrow snd Cadillac cars. COVpVMOTUR CAR I OMPANI. 7th and Couch rtta. (oiM S CASH. BAla WEEKLT. Btiva runabout In g'o.T running order; fuliy equipped, top. e,-art-h!lr ht, extra aeat for two. tires, wind shl.-M. tools, etc.; eaav to run : price for 2 days only. Call room 404. 32ri S Waah. at. Wafare going to close out avers second-haad car In tha place regardless of price. These tocluds some unusually fins propositions la Pierce, csdlllse, Peer'eva and Stsaxaa cars, rvmt In snd look them over. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPA.VT A (S.NAPPT SNAP. $.30 buys this 14 oil x. passenger 4-cyl-Inder roadater In A-l condition; owner must aell; an Ideal car for a city aalee man. ew owner at Shoemaker In v. Co., Henry bldg. Main 4di- ONE Chalmara -30": fully equipped, la fins condition: a bargain. Frank C. Klgga. 3 N. 2Jd at. Vl'tNTED An automobile, runabout pre ferred, to exchanga for city property. J a.iy trregonian. -l n x equipped Maxwell runabout for .ale cheap. Avenue Oarage. I3tn and Hawthorne. MAKE" me an 1r on my runabout car. Call II E- !- t- I - , a At K. I H ELP WANTFD MALE, T ftELP WANTElFEMALE. ..TtAUU.H.,-. Anlnmibllf WE h several goou bargain la uaed auloinobllca Lit with ua to by pur chasers of 1511 Packard. Frank C. etign. 3 N. 23d at. BUNCH of good atock. acreage and cash tia.ie. for runabout. 403 Couch -bldg. t'l .nn inf p. and xtuen-al 1 pal rgmeaf. WtrU a Weber piano reduced $1.".0 Inter est you? In our laat shipment we had two Webera. case damaged only. In new colo r'al lull deelgna. KChler Jc Chaae, 3u Washington at. . Wol U) a orand-new Kiacher nlano Intereat you that la reduced In prlre 1U0 on c rount of belns acratched In transit. KnMrr A chaee hava one at 375 Waah tretn at. A rUAKO In new 1II tolonlal dealan. brand new. at I1T5 ahould make you call on us Immediately reaar!lnr your contemplated piano purrhare. Kohler aV Chase. JT Vahtnieton at. kll HALL uprlitht grand piano: beau; tlful inalrument: price --k '!"rm,.,?T"' down. monthly. 20 AUaky bldg. Main 3Too.A JT. : - MY nearly new Weber upright piano for aale: make offer, leaving city, muel aell at once. AB M. Oreonlan. m FOrTsAI.E L prlirhl piano, "good nd";oni; can be aeen and rlce given at Luxor ApinmfUIS. u:n aim liEAI TIFl'L uprlxbt piano. S145. coat 1370; need money, fail M Jetferaon at. M lecellanewue. FOR SALE. Ons hoiixontal tubular boiler 4 x IX Ons 10 x li Kris City Center Crank En- ''tTns 80 H. P. Induction Motor. 0 cycle. S 'oil" 1 H. P. Induction Motor. 00 cycle, S PVhte machines are In flr.t class condi tion aad will be sold very cheap. ALBANY PLANING MILL, Albany. CTegy. . MEN S ell KUITS NuW 7.li. Thea.- aults I usually sell for 10 -H th; sni. grado ths stores chsrge you L for: I am a. llliig thee, suits -it 20 por cent under wholesale cosit l"'.,,."nM!.i.' rn prove. Jlmmlv Dunn, Slo oregonlan bids. Take elevator. SNAP In'furnlture: V off on new mslionany dresser and chiffonier: dinlng-rocm set mission styls; rues of Oriental l'Snj nieieaa co..ker: rhslrg and saa rante sell aii or pa-t. Phona A 7-3 r c" " King. lavia Apta ... ... . V . iVL' lll'l I IT1 Clran-up aal.-; all hlgh-Brndo coats, xo oats elltoO; ..-. .oats l3.H-;i a few b-ft at 7 PO, usual store prlco tlo. Jlrumie Dunn. "Knrw" riampls Suit Shop, room 313 Orrg-oman blilg. ' FOR PALE A combination rtrnnawica- Italks billiard anu pool um - - - with outfit, lor Half price. Owner ha to dispose of thla tabla because It Urgsto get It Into bla preasnt blKlard room. r UJO. Oregonlan. OLD jeaelry ex. nanged for waicjea aad diamond: onredeemed pledgee for bail original prlcea tnria k-yera. 71 ttU au. between oak and plna. - FOrTVATE OR RENT. LOGGING AND HOIbriNG KNGINKS. JUllw.y Equip ment Co, 74 First at. Both phone. 8AFF.S. netT atd second-hand. Ion) pries, cash, or easy terms. , PORTLAND HA FE CO.. 87 ritthL FOR SALE Showcases, wsllcaasa. counlar. Oenernl rxturea in stock anu mama t order at lowe-t prices fl trend - FACTORY rebuilt typewrttera. 10 to o. Nil 11TH WEST T Y P K W Rl TE R CO., HO Fifth at. M. .V.-'S. A 14iH. WII.I. tellYungaiow curtains, une.l 1 moi.lli. ro.t .v. will .ell for JS If oid l "nce. phona Mxin :it6. ; FOR SALE Jersey row. T quarta dally, teeted. "'. Last house west end of tKld mora au No. FTtESH JEHSEY cow. rich milk, beautiful bellerca.f. Tabor 10J. ' iTlrll cow and calf for aale. l hona Tabor MO- GOOD Jersey family milch cow. Addtesa 1 i,rvi"ii'" " SALE or exchange, new rtmlth-Premler typa- w rlter. O ''o'i. Oregonlan. e"..vThlrty-k'y National caah register, good "ord.r. IMI Oak at. ONE new dtop-neaa eewlng macnlne. 41a. warrantea n years. '- - DRESS suit, coat 175 new. cheap II aoia at n ... H -13H. kTiR fALK New eliisle Iron bed matttesa prlngcbeap; pakl I LI. X4l:Oregon!an. WELL-ROTTED ferllllxlng rrnnure. l'hona calla after S P. M. E. 4!J1. FOR HALE i-oinpI-te soda watur outnt chi-ap. A n-Mi. tiregoniao. COIN collection, or will trade for onla cumbered property. AK Oregonlan. WAXTMi -4itt-t:i MNunc CLOTHiMl AND KVERYTUTNU. Wanted Men's caatolT clothing and shoes and bicycle; bigness pricea Paid: ti a'so buy ladlea- clouilng. Call uu th ; obe sscoad-liand atora. l hona Main .tisu. Z.-O 1 at WANTED Noveltire and commodltlea to sell In an old-estnhIlne,t mau-oroer oo.... . Ibouaanda of dollar recelv.-d dnlly; pat-ent-ea and inventors made wealthy. Mall Ord.r D.partmenL41-4i1 tJlialdlng lld. WANTED 2rOn worth of household fur nishings, new or first -clars second-hand, by ths first of Februsry. lull Western b- ae Co. Mm 11iiA liia .... . . ii m 1 1 lira tO IL rail up Ueorge Uaaer 4k d-.. l Pari M. riotB pnenea. lEtl, your aecond-hand furnltnr to taa Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less, rboaee A Jill Main M3L . WANTED One la-horsepower motor. A. C. tH-cycl. 3-phJse. atats price. B 641, Oregonlan. . " A .N 1 X.l T buy aecond-hand auto eais irgv and taasr lubaa. Cbaa at aotoa, i lapk St. WB buy most averr thing and pay th price, too. Marlhall -11- WANTED Movlog-plcture msrlilne, (a ouiltl. nima. elc. AJ M". oregonlan BARN wanted with or more vails Call at Ho 4th at. or phon Mm in t-4l HELP WANTED MALt SPECIALTY sslesman for high-grade silver line: dignified, highly prontuble. exrluslv pattern for merchant with modern adv. - All 4i, Oregonlan. V A.i isi-Ai, ai..o owners and arte?, .r .i;cnt&.3 ana rstteadlng diae by Chav s. tliin. 4jJ atark at. Pbae A - i W A NTED Firrt-class dyeworka rllcltors; gNd proposition to the man who can make good: city re.erence required. Phoue beliwood Is. - BLACK" KAFI.E MINING AND MILLING COPPER STOCK WANTED Will pay h renta per ahare lor 70.000 or over. A lt64a. oregonlan. TOC at wanted tor Government position; fed month. Writ for llt of position open. Franklin Institute. Dept. j.-s-H. Rochester. N. T. - A COMPETENT bookkeeper wanted for a city position: etate aae and nature of are vloua experleuce. D im Ontonlan. WANTED 10 ollcltor for city and country work' none but reliable men need apply. Colleen. 173 Uth C WANTED Man who can aoll collection con tracts, good proposition to right man. K Worcester bldg WHY Slav for otheraf Work for yourself; 3c start you: clear 15 to (100 weekly. Room 14. i.Mt Yamhill. WANTED Experienced flra lnaurance so licitor. Call befora 10 A. M. SIS Board of Trade. WANTED Four advertising aollcitora; must l.ave experience: afternoons. 210 Mar- nuam Mdc. city. FIRiT-CLASS machinist wanted; steady work: out of city. Call 212 Commercial Club Mdg, vvTntFD Ry ,h Arlington Club, a cojn ne'teiit and experienced yalet; must hava jtood reference. EXPERIENCED- tenographer In railroad olTlre. 4ddrvs AD OregonUn. GIT references. HIKER helper on rke with ome, expe rience. Call at Royal Baking Co.. aOM Washington St. Phone Main W. i OOAL OFFICE International .orreapoad encs Schools. 233 Alder St.. open il l j, send for free catalogue. WANTED Delivery boy. meal mgrket. Cor. Irl'-h and Gll'an sts. PRINTER All-around good Jobman. Leave phone number. T i. Oregonlnn. xino MONTHLY dlatrlbutlng hooka by mall. must call lo-lav. 40 Couch at. TWO flrst-eluse rarpnter; contract work. K. Oak and ljth at. WANTED Girl for general housework ; no laundry: call morning. 774 Hsncock at. lll .1 Oi"iAi'Ii .'ui.on nr.il portrait agents. ,. ----- -r- ri'di. Iw-kn-n hMt IlOY wnnted with wheel; good wages. Ap ply jlj Alder at. WANTED Hoy with wheel. Row A Martin- T23 Washington at. yANT 3 first -class painters. D 640, Ore gonlan. Bl'Sll ELM AN wanted at once. 133 lOta St. yOl'NG man for bellboy at Alder hotel. PREISER wanted. 430i Washington atreaL F. N. CLARK IS IN Position to appoint -TWO ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIVES To devot entire time to closing hlgheet-class REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. I'hon Main 2113 for ap pointment with Mr. E. A. Clark, sales manager, at 821 Spalding bldg. WE ARE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST WEST S1DL. CLOSE-IN PROPERTIES EVER PUT ON THE PORTLAND MARKET. AND VIE WISH TO EMPLOY MEN OF ABILITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF DEPARTMENTS NOW BEING ORGANIZED. ONLY MEN WHO ARE AMBITIOUS TO SECURE AN OPPORTUNITY Of MERIT ARE VV ANT ED. GOOD REMUNERATION. EX PERIENCE NOT NECESSARY". AS WE WISH TO TRAIN YOU IN OUR SYS TEM. APPLY NOT LATER THA.N 10 A. M. THE WEST SIDE COMPANY. MADISON BLDG-. THIRD AND MADISON ST3. v PTOCK SALESMAN. ONE WHO CAN HANDLE STOCK OF INDUSTRIAL COMPANY OF NATIONAL REPUTATION. HANDLING APPLIANCE tISED BY LARGEST STRE12T RAll WAYS IN COUNTRY. PROPOSITION OF HIGH GRADE. APPLY ROOM - 20. MADISON BLDG. $2S ONLY IIS. THIS WEEK ONLY. Learn to operate motion-picture ma chine; operator earn $23 to $.te per week; we guarantee to teach you right In all tandard movlns-plcture machine. opticona. etc: only 523 for com.P, tours. Roas City Film Co. 626 H Waan. L, near litn. Are You the Right Man? The necessary qualifications are Honesty, ambition and willingness to - -fcarn. Former experience unnecessary. The real eatate aalesman haa the Mg gert riling; held In the world. We offer an exceptional opportunity for a man in your section of the city to get Into this blg-paylng bualnees without capital. See .Mr. Beck. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 27o Stark St. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. . w . . f IB and nirini thorps pcmern lue v . 30; must bo natlvo born or have tlrst pa pera; inonlhly pay 13 to :; additional compensation poaslble; food, clothing, quarter and medical attention free; after at) years' service can retire with ,3 per tent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore In all part of th world. Apply at U. K. Marine Corp He crultmg Office. Breeden bldg., 3d and Waahlngion ata.. Portland, Or. THE MEIER FRANK COMPANY re quire a thoroughly competent aalesman for their men'a clothing department;, only thoffe having had recent experience in ttiia line need apply. Apply auperlntendent office. tJlh floor, I to II) A. 11. - SALESMEN. ; WE NEED SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY SALESMEN TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE; COMMISSION BASIS; KNI'ENSES ADVANCED. ONLY THOriB WHOSE RECORD' WILL BEAR THE CLOSEST SCRUTINY NEED REPLY. A SNAP FOR A GOOD SALESMAN TO "EARN FROM $150 TO I2.'il PER MONTH. C. K MORI'HEW. SUITE K'H. NEW PER KINS HOTEL. FROM 10 TO 12. BELMONT. AUTO SCHOOL. The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 23 O AND MORRISON STS. Take S-S or Mt. Tabor car and look u up before dtcldlnc lo enroll elaewhere. nPT nirR hpki'Iil DI'fFH. MEN e MEN WANTED WANTED To learn auto driving and repairing on ail makea through practical experience la tour new and large garage. lay or evening. ANGELES AUTOMOBILE ACADEMY, Office. Mi Washington t room 413. WANTED Thernen who haa been praying for an opportunity to devote his life the aalvatlon and betterment of the con dition of men. Quallflcationa. age 30 to 4.1. either alngle or married: eucceanful business experience; a great love for men; an unimpeachable character and above alt. the ability "to make good." G 640. Ore gcnlan. We want good live men to sell BEAUMONT. POSITIVELY the finest subdivision In th city: exclusive fealurea. We FUR 1SH PROSPECTS. Commlaalon good; en ergy the only capital required. BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY. With Columbia Trust Company. 84 4th St. WANTED for U. S. ARMY Able-bodlc-d'un-marrled men between age of 14 and o3; cltixena of United Slates, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who csn apeak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. A Ins worth block, 3d and Oak ata., Port land. Or. . MEN wanted, age 18 to S3, for firemen, $100 monthly and brakemen so on nearby ralU evi,erlenr unnecessary: no atrlke: promotion to englnrera. conductor. RaM road Employing Headquartere over W . men sent to positions monthly. State age; s.-nd stamp. Railway Association, car ' Oregonlan. WANTED Ambltloua workmen; work on - actual Joba pays for teaching trade elec tricity, automobile, plumbing, bricklaying: few months required: 7t students last four years. Write for Information. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles PAiL.vAt mall eietas, post office okiu letter carriers, custom hous and In t era a. revenu employe, to prepar for exara Inationa: fie book, pacific Stats scaoej VrKybldg..clty. LOGGINO foreman wanted for small rail road camp; muat be a rustler, thoroughly experienced In modern logging method and furnish good reference; no other need apply. AG 647. Oregonlan. WANTED Neat appearing! well-Dressed young man who la willing to work hard for $2 week; muat have aome referencva aa to responsibility. Call room S, 2o3t Alder st.. between 9 and 12 Thursday. WANTED Able young men to handle real estate In city and country towns; w teach you; no charge to pay. Apply for par ticulate or call on Ohio Investment Co.. 421 Ablngton bldg. STREETCAR MAN. We have paying proposition for your apare houra: It'a easy money if you can sell orchard tracts; liberal commission. Call afternoon. 320 RallwayEx-hange. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvasser and demon strater Golden Rod vacuum carpet and rug cleaner. 427 Board of Trade, R. T. Green, atnte agaut. HELP WANTED FEMALB. ANTED Experienced distributor at th U s. Laundry Co.. Grand ave and E. Yamhill st. WANTED Waitress at 371 Eaat Burnsida st. WANTED A girl for dining-room work at 103 12th and Morrison sts. WANTED Girl for general housework, j-mnll family adults. 7H Kearney at. WANTED A girl for general housework; expertenceunneceasary. 710Flanders. ALTERATION handa. Grand Leader. 5th and Alger. LADIES' employment agency. 332H Wash., upatuir. room 4. Marshall 309H. A Soda. WANTED A girl for plain sewing and housework. 1704 E. Yamhill t. GIRL for general housework, family of 3 a,lulta. Call 76 Irving at. to p puslneaa Bureau, furnisher of hlgli- gradeh5lp.514Lumbermen bidg. WANTED Good girl for general housework. B-.'n Hancock at. LADIES, call Eijat 4642 and hear of some thing ol Interest to you. GIRL for general housework, family 3. Phone E 6078. . vtrxvTED Practical nurse for tubercular pntlent: 110 a week. Bast 4311. Y.,i-,-ij isdy to mind an office snd answer cullers; 813 a month. V MX, Oregonlan. GIRL wanted for general housework. 600 Flanders St.. flat 3. Call mornings. WANTED Young ladle for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paclfio Telephone at Telegraph Co th and East Ana en ata. WANTED LADY 6ALESFORCE. Managera and competent saleswomen wanted to handle a live, high-class propo eltlon of merit: want good, honest, intel ligent saleswomen lo compete against flrst elass men salenmen: success depends upon s-lllng what the people wanu we have what they want and must have. Apply promptly nt No. 203 Coroett bldg. GIRLS WANTED. 4YPPLT STANDARD FACTORY HOl X (J rand ave. and East Taylor ta WANTED AT ONCE, i Experienced saleswomen for domestic department. Robert Bros., 3d and Morrison at. WANTED Woman or girl to do general housework In small apartment. West Side, for one or two hour every day. AH 64U, Oregonlan. ' WANTED Experienced gin for general housework In family three adulta; must be neat and a good cook; good wages. Ap ply morn! ngs. 833 Overton st- WANTED Girl for ahootlns- gallery. 12 a day and up: also a shooting gallery for sale. Apply 4th and Couch between 10 mid 12 A. M. . A FAMILY of four will pay 20 per month for good girl to do housework; a good home for a girl willing to work. B 2301, Oregon lan. WANTED 1 energetic solicitor for flret--claas proposition; married men preferred. Apply bet. and 1 A. M. 41S Mohawk blilg. STENOGRAPHER for general office work, experience In accounts preferred. G 613. Oregonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman fr re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Rata child tlrli;. 4th ar.d Washington. WANTED Bookxeeper, female preferred. Inquire International Exchange Co.. 48Vi 3d at. North, second floor, room 101. YOUNG girl to aasiat with care of Infant: must be able to do plain aewlng. Apply llll N. 10th. cor. Hoyl. . NEAT, capable girl for general housework. Apply at 340 Chapman, cor, Kim, Portland Helg h ts. COMPETENT girl to assist In cooking and general housework; no children; good wages. Apply forenoon. 149 N. 22d. HOUSEKEEPER, country. 25; chamber maid. Howe's Ladles' Agency, room 314, 32uVxWah1 WANT good cook and girl for general housework. 823 Tillamook t. Take Broad way car. YOU NO girl for general housework and help with cooking. Call mornings, 321 Ctb. corner Clay. GIRL that Is employed1 during day or schoolgirl to help mornings ana evenings, nrlvaie family, call Marshall 2248. WANTED Molherly lady to take caro of baby for several months at ber own home. B 840. Oregonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 320 !n Washington St., room 314. Main 8I36 or A 82tl6. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at loon Thurman, cor. 33d. Willamette Heigh t. ; " HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. tt3k Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL for general housework and plain cook ing: good home, good wages.. 780 Kearney street. . " . WANTED A good g'N hr general home work: good wages. Apply 491 E. 19th sc. N. PRIVATE school. SHORTHAND and TYPB WR1TINQ: 5 mo. 269 14th; Main 8893. WAN'TETnirl for general housework; ref erences. 772 Qulrnby st. luVDY teachers for M. E. Chinese mission nlcht school. Apply 226 Vj M'irrlson st. WANTED Teacher to glv piano lessons. Call 3'T 1st at. A GIRL wanted to learn tailoring. Inquire 3U3V Washington sL, room 23. WANTED Girl for general housework. no l a unory. inn iuqi ii - A STRONG, willing gin to ssaisi win, housework. 605 Davis st. Phone Main 117B. WANTED Shopping girl for cloak and suit department at the Tull at Glbb store. LESSONS given In shorthand at tud.-nt' home; quick method. Woodlawn 2879. WANTED Experienced . girl for cafeteria. 12r 0th st WANTED Coat and skirt hands, ladles' de partment. R. M. Gray. ;T3-275 Morrison. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital in Chlco, Cal.. pupils to enter school of nursing. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position: gradu ate earn from 815 to 2& weekly: expert Instructors: tools free: write for cata logues, Mohler System of Colleges, S3 . - . i . . Un.il.nil flr. WANTED DeptTties to procure member for .. i i ii ni. I- na ffnod nnminlulrin. nuriii im x . . w. ine nwji i.'h"" Apply to Win. H. Cox, atate manager. ln!in lllin at. m'l or.w.. - WANTED Marker and sorter: good wages, steady employment. Troy Laundry Co., -01 fc.. v Bier. MAKE money writing stories or for newspapers- big pay; send for free booklet; tells bow. United Press Bynd.. San Franclaco. TEACHER music and grades. 170; rural. Jtjir. on pweimiiu uiu. FiiH 1EAOHK.KB' A.-SOCIATION. Sll Bwat Und Sidg. 61TCAT1QN WANTED MALM. Bookkeepers and Clerk BOOKKEEPER Just disengaged, 20 years experience, total abstainer, best city and accountants- references, thoroughly ac quainted with, up-to-date systems. Phon Maln 1952. . WANTED Position by oompeUnt book keeper and salesman: good references; not afraid of work and no objection to leaving city; will work on anything. AD 645, Oregonlan. . YOUNG man with three years ortlc ex- . perlence, capable of assisting on books, alao stenographic work; can furnish flrat clasa reference. D 641. Oregonian EXPERT accountant . will keep small set books; books opened, closed, balanced, au dited; charge reasonable. AJ S43, Ore-gonlan- BOOKS opened, closed, system established, tatutlc complied; rate reasonable. L 637, Oregonlan. wAted Position as salesman In a tech nlcal line. AF 642, Oregonlan. YOUNG lawyer wants position In law of fice or as a collector. V 642. Oregnnian. Miscellaneous. GOOD all-round man (colored) In kitchen; porter. Janitor, or housework. In or out city. AK 640, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wants work evenings, theater or "store; anything whatever you have. X 039. Oregonian. vnuKfl Japanese wishes situation as cook or housework In a email family. AB 649. Oregonlan. , AN exnerlenced second girl would like po sition In private family; gdod reference. Phone Main 87jO. MAN or man and wife, want Job as cook In hotel or restaurant; best of reference. AB 64i. Oregonlan. SANITARIUM ttendant desire position; abstainer; patient; faithful; references. AjH 842. Oregonlan., YOUNG man. thoroughly experienced In hardware, wishes posiuopgood references. AL 042. Oregonlan. POSITION by first-class man. cook and helper; thoroughly reliable: camp, lnatl- tote or hotel. Y 610. Oregonlan. r;i I KUON pressman, 6 yearn' experience, on fine Job work. Apply Brockmann, Y. M. C. A. . JAPANESE Day Working Co. W supply you with all kinds day worker. Phone A 3O30.Ma2n8709; HONEST Japanese boy wishes position In family, do houaework nd help cook. X 634. Oregonlan paper hanging, tinting, painting done by exnerlenced man. Meves. Woodlawn 477. EXPERIENCED automobile washer and pol- V; h rr w s n ts work. Phone Bellwood 8sV WANTED Position by first-class saurage- niaker; best of references. 73 N. 9th st. YOUNG man, 24 years old, resident of the city 6 years, experlenceu. in me- io confectionery or collecting, would like a position; good reference. X 639, Oregonl an. COMPETENT cook, steady and reliable. wants work: capaoie bujbi, mo.i restaurant or short order; state require ments end wages; will leave city. N oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS white cook with 14 years' .. I . . , KAe, hnl.l. find CflfeS in San Francisco wants position. E 644, riF-MnUn MAN and wife want position In logging or sawmill camii, no b ----- cook or general housekeeping or both a cook and helDer. AM 642. Oregonian. POSITION by stationary engineer: undcr- stanas reingerauon aiiu itc-iunftm. , - dynamo and steamntting; day or night, v tisu. Oreironian. YOUNG man, student, now -employed, ref erences. IllBlica poaiiiuu , ..... Ing room; small salary. AM 6o0. Orego nian. MARRIED "man wants position as city so licitor with firm that will stand back of goods and agents: qualifications, sober, en ergetic and reliable. AG 648. Oregonlan. PRINTER All-around printer and press man, 18 years' continuous experience; steady, reliable. Address AC 640. Orego nlan. ' HUSTLER, present employment e0llctln5; wishes to change; can make good. AN 647. Oregonlan- - TINNER all-round man, understand blumb Ing; like to have country position. AM Rl:t Oregonlan. WANTED Work on stock and grain ranch by young iiihu. o--i, mi v YOUNG-Japanese wishes position In family. M 644. Oregonlan. A GOOD Japanese boy wants Job of any kind: sneak English. P 640. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk desires I posl tlon. city or country. Jos. Kohler. 283 otn. Japanese Employment Co. will furnish, all help. Main ASS. A 4U71. its Everett st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. "Bookkeeper and Stenographer. WANTED Position by competent well-educated tenographer. Five years expe rience legal deposition, court reporting ana Government work; best city references. pnone maranmi o.i-. EXPERIENCED stenographer desire, per manent position. Phone Sellwoot' bU8. O 044. Oregonlan . 6TENOGRAPHER Neat, experienced, mod erate salary, reasonable hour. Phoue a aiMjo. IrrrvniK Iters. DRESSMAKER; experienced. 13ii E. 3rd et., N. Phone East 1609. WANTED Plain sewing, underwear a spe lnalty. Phone Main 224j. DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking done reasonable for next 30 days. Marshall 2459. Nurses. WANTED Maternity -nursing by middle aged, experienced woman. Phone iiain ' 4110. NURSING by practical nurse having had hospital experience. Phone Main 6i63. Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPER, with 15 years' experience in commercial and resort hotels, colleges and sanitarium, desires position; highest references: no objection to leaving city. AL 64o, Oregonlan. WIDOW wants position as housekeeper for widower, bachelor or elderly couple. Call or address Mrs. Edwin M. Durham, St. Charles Kptel. room 206'3. YOUNG widow would like position as house keeper for bachelor or widower; no cltii- nppn ,-none MHin o i . iooiu w. A LADY" wants position as chambermaid or housekeeper In hotel. Call A 2ilo. Domestic. . GIRL of 20 wishes general, housework; can not speak English; wages 120 pes month. i'-ii .. TOl riov.lnnri ave. LADY with 9-months-old baby wants house work In private family. 873 Cable st. Phone A 7427. JAPANESE girl wants a position in a prl vate family. G 641, Oregonlan. SITUATION as cook or housekeeper. Room 203i St. Charles Hotel. SITUATION wanted by good, first-class col ored COOK. A .N OTP, .i rbvi...... jllscellaneou. a wmnw educated, refined, would take charge of one or two children and do plain needlework In a good home. Address Ruby. statlonC, Bunnyside. city. COOKS, housekeepers, chambermaids, walt Veises. St. Louis Agency, 303 Wash. Main 20i;9. A 4773. HIGH SCHOOL girl wants place to work for room and board; West Side preferred. Main 7710. . LADY wishes to learn dressmaking: paid -while learning. Phone Main U0d9. 581 Hood St. BY a refined, experienced young ladx as lady' or children' maid: would appro- . . 1 1 a i J Cira-nnlan. Clate a nonie. I. ii " i v, - RELIABLE experienced cook situation In private famllv capable of full charge. Phone Marshall 3020, AN experienced woman want day work. Phone Main 6831. jCTLADYwants position a chambermaid or waltre. Call M. 62S7. room104. c'tTITATION aa cook In small camp by lady and grown daughter. X 642, Oregonlan. TWO girls want work by day or hour. M. 6427, room 36. WOMAN want dusting, sweeping or Ja.u'tr work by the hour. Phone Tabor 1922. WOMAN wants work by day for Thursdays, Fridays. I'hone East 4719. WOMAN wlshe work Thursday and Fri days by day. Woodlawn 1611. WANTED 4GENTB- ACTIVE canvasser can make 850 weekly selling tree for th Oregon Nurery Com pany. Liberal proportion; good territory. Address Qrer.co. Or. . AGENTS Either sex. to canvass In or out of city; can easily make from 83 to 87 per day. Call room 519., Lumber Exchange bldg. : AGENTS to aell 'The Best Ever" Lady Washington Hulled Beans with Chicken. Oalehouse Packing Co.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO RENT. W furnish th renter, collect the rent. ... taxes, Insurance and keep up repairs, the asm tor you thau-a th property w our own: references, any bank la '"'iSfl SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 H Stark St. Phone A 8500. Main 85- House. WANTED To rent by young married couple, furnished house, modern, of about 8 room. In restrioted district, 4 months or longer. r- hit. IHCgirm,"- WANT to rent 6-room modern cottage with in 5-cent fare limit; atate full particulars. AM 646, Oregonlan. wanted To rent house, 6 or more rooms, close lnT West Side; modern. . AM 648. Oregonlan. SKVEV-to" 9-room furnished flat or house, within A to 10 block of P. O. Address 555 E. Stark st. WANTED Small flat, 2 adult; rent not to exceed 16; permanent, close In. AC 639. Oregonian- WANTED 6-ROOM, fully furnished flat or" ' cottage, close In, West Side, rent rea sonable. A J 641, Oregonlan. WANTED An unfurnished house by the Sth, close in. Main 8546. . Apartments. TWO or three-room apartment for light housekeeping, not more than live block from SL Mary' Academy. AJ 647. Ore gonian. WANT to rent flat or auartment. 5 to 6 rooms. West Side. V 648, Oregonlan. SMALL heated apartment wanted by couple. AC B31. Oregonlan. ; TWO or 8 unfusrilshed room by young couple; no children; references; walking distance: give particulars, rent, etc. AD 646, Oregonlan. WANTED Large unfurnished or partially furnished room, fireplace, with board, by ysung married couple. T 641. Oregonian. YOUNG physician desires room in strictly first-class private family. AL 64S. Orego nlan. . , BY two men. with single beds, on Dth or 10th St.. between Stark and Couch t. B 64L Oregonlan. ' Rooms With Board. TWO young men with good appetites wish board and room with hot water and baths, not too far from Washington st.; state prices: private family preferred. AD 649. Oregonian. w BUSINESS college girl wants good home In . private family. Main .2957. FOB KENT. Rooms. PORTLAND-ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished i table boarding, all part of the city; we save you money, time and trouble. Let us locati you. .102 Buchanan bldg. Marshall A 6243 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -111LNEB BLDG.. 350V4 MORRISON bT. , MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Room. HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 330 Taylor. Transient. BeL Tth and Park 8ta. Opposite new Heilig Theater, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, team heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every room; single room and suites with or without private baths, etc; centrally located, near postoffice; Just off all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day, week or month. Plione Marshall 2200. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Wln ' ter; will make special low rates by th week or month; transient guest given the best of service and shown eveyy courtesy: located in center of shopping uistrlct, con venient for out-uf-town people; rale by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh SL Kw. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, ho, and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call ana see ua. Regular and trauslent trade solicited. " GRAND UNION HOTEL, 8S7A EAST BUR.NS1DK. Start the New Year right; move to the East Side and save money on rent; 120 modern rooms, hot and cold running water ten public baths, also rooms with private baths; rates 82.50 to 87 a week. tnone .cast uaw q q . . , . -.-! 1 1 1 i ' i.' i ir . OPPOSITE PORTLAND HOTEL, 330 YAM HILL. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE; MOD rtN; TRANSIENTS SOLICITED. M. 31. A till. eo w Laa uj. uriTPr VfiRT!l ' 132 17th, cor, Washington, flrst-clas fur nished rooms, single and en suite, run ning water, steam heat, rates by month. transients solicited; prlcea reasonable. SOME tine double rooms on first and second Hours, 2 rooms each, suitable for 3 per sons steam heat, telephone and good bath, pi ices to to 87. 103 10th su. corner Mor rison. T he Colonial. HO'lEL BLSHMAKK. Washington and 17th. ftrst-claas furnished rooms, single or en suit: all modern conveniences; ii weekly VA2M7- Maln-567 CLAHNO Hotel. 243 Mi Holladay. one block east of Steel bridge; modern. EtOo up; weekly rates, walking distance, Phon E 450. fiOOD ROOMS Ure, light and well fur nished; brick building; bath, electrio lights; 81-73 to 83 week, transient. 871 Kussell st. THE ASSEMBLY. 205 6th st.; large, finely fuanisheU rooms; 1 corner room with nie place; heat, bath, phone, fine yard, close in; rates 82.50 to iiweek.Pncne A 74.1 u. LARRABkJE " HOTEL, 227 4 Larrabee St., walking distance; large, modern roomi; aultable for 2; also single rooms; reason able. . I . 1,-1 IV'UllMIl 124 14th St.. cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri vate baths, free phone In all rooms. mm. util I VUTrE' 66114 1st st.. new house and new fur niture; steam heat, 81.75 per week and up. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New and inoddi-n in every way; elegantly furnished; rate reasonable; transients solicited. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall st.. wall lurnlshed sleeping rooms, J2.oO per weak; electric lights, hut bath tree. MODERN outside rooms. So lo 85 per week, including baths; also housekeeping room, 548 Vj Washington st. ' THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam -heated rooms; running water. Cor, 3d and Montgomery sis. rrt-r, rw a T ir V TUN TODlT. -MILNER BLDG.." 360 H MORRISON St M 0 DER.N JEjTR AL.RE ASO.N ABLE. TWO-beautiful suites, sultabla for 4 young men; 86 and 87 per week. 132 y lith st. Furnished Room In Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished room at reasonable price; apartment witri pilm-i-w no,. all renned conveniences; suitable for man and wife or two gerPVIemen; adjoining bed chamber if desired; exceptional opportun ity for renned party desiring quiet, well located home. Also one large, well fur nished side room et low rate. Call 74o"A Hoyt St. fnrrne aiarsiiiiii i. i t.i FOR RENT. In private family, nice large newly furnished modern room, suitable for two gentlemen, with or without board; private family: no other romers. 521 20th. Portland Heights, cor. Laurel. Port- laiio. ngigiua mi NICE front room near W-R. W-W lines. In private family, suitable for man and wife . or couple of ladlea; bath, furnace heat, use of parlor and piano; 83 a week; will serve meals or board; take car to Kenll- wort h ave. No. 891 East Carut her t. WANTED Room mate by renned j-ming man- located on East Side near Haw thorne bridge. 20 minutes' walk to t;n: all modern conveniences; 8K per montn. S2; fArtjuurt aiia ipcuiu., ..vn-...., ---nlshed, bath adjoining, electricity, fire place, lurnace, imiuiiii. feired. Main 8910. 187 16th. near Yamhill. . " , unn,A frte rent com- lrtKi lower iioor o. ' ,. r pletely furnished, 5 rooms. $.10; walking J ,i , , LI 1 - - ..-i.... I '. r- n ,1 1 1 OVA. 4l,H distance, o n uiwn" 1 ' v" " E. Mlllst1!nearjvin . r... . ..imhl. fnr 2 fentl- HIKOI-LIjAOO 111."'. " " -' , aii conveniences. Including r.et and cold- water. West Park. Phone Main 9000. FURNISHED alcove room, steam heat, phone nM haih fnr aentlemen; also single qQ- xinnliromerv. corne. 7th. FURNISHED room. line location, private home, gas. electricity, bath, phone. East 56r,9. iyi tseimmiiBi. iciiTi.v furnished rooms. 'A block from Washington; breakfast If desired. 52 N 23d St. LARGE front room, two beds heat, bath. hot ana com wli , " - j . side. A PLEASANT front room, with private fam ily for a couple or two gentlemen; also single room. 549 Johnson st. Prone A 4b8L NEWLY" furnished room. Una location, suit able for one. two or three pereon. 569 FlanderssL . NICELY furnished, well-heated rooms, sin gle or suitable for two or three; walking distance. 440 Jefferson, corner lith. DESIRABLE location, light, sunny front suite or single room, with use of kitchen; references. Phone Main 739. FRONT room, bay window, two beds. 327 West ParK St. ; reaaonimic. WELL-FURNISHED front room. private family, xiu- -oo -- CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, with heat, $10 to $12 per month. 2G8 14th st. NICE front room on first floor, reasonable. 268 12th St. ; . NEWLY furnished rooms, steam-heated, hot and cold water, fireplaces. 504 Flanders. FRONT room in renned private borne; 810 a month. Phone B 2715. $H Nicely furnished room, ode,.cl'lv"a" lences. 393 11th st. Phone A 7753. FRONT parlor, close in, all conveniences, 2 or more persons. 181 11th. DESIRABLE location. one room. 82 per week; one. 81.73. 305 12th st. CLEAN,well-furnished front rooms, one suitable for to and one single. 3S9 ith st. Unfurnished -Room. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. TWO unfurnished rooms, new flat, all con- venlences. aim aftrci Booms Wit- Board. ROOM with board for 1 or 2 in private home; every modern convenience; use of piano, etcf 7 blocks from Postoftice. Phone Main 4304. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; room. Twith board, us of sewing-room, li bra 610 Flander. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt, . NICELY furnished room. Uclns park for two; fir.t-claastable board. 3i4 Park. FURNISHED-room and board. Siio 11th st. A 1636. ' THE CALVARD.-452 Morrison St., rooms with board; modern conveniences, ROOM and board: modern convenience ; homa cooking. 75 N. 14th st. tto-ms Wlth Board In Private Family. WELL-FURNISHED room with breakfast and dinner, suitable for one or two. easy walking distance. Phone Main 6800. TWO newly-furnished single rooms for gen tlemen, 8 each; excellent board near, la Hoyt. Marshall2820. SPLENDID parlor suite; also -other room: choice board, excellent neighborhood. 761 Marshall st. A 4920. ROOM and board near good carline, reason able rates. Phona Red 522, Oak Grove. CLEAN, well-furnished room, suitable for 2; good home cooking. 433 d t. BEST accommodation for two gentlemen, close in. Phone East 143. ROOMS with board in private family, walk ing distance. West Side. A 7087. TViO 'gentlemen to room and board at 805 Holladay ave. Phone C 1411. LADY " who owns her home In Irvington would board married couple. C 1673. LARGE front room with good board for young lady, reasonable. 807 Corbett st. st.n,e n-ltli Roard in Private Family. 333 MONTGOMERY ST. One large alcove room, suitable for 2 or 3: alto several other nice room with good board; 10 min utes' walk to Post office. Phone Main 8957. VERY pretty front room, with board, mod ern, pleasant surrounding, walking dis tance, also smaller room; term reason able.Maln S2SO NEAT rooms, better than average, table Cottage Home, 86 week; gas. bath. 93 E, 12th st- near E. Washington. GOOD rooms, residence, nice location, on Rose City carline. walking distance; bath, phone, board If desired. 546 E. Davis. NICELY furnished modern rocms. single or double rooms, with or without board; prices reasonable. 3S514 Mill st. NICELY furnished rooms for tvo, good noma cooking, very reasonable, wanting tance. 211 12th st. ROOM and board In private family. Call East 2360. LARGE, well furnished room, with break fast and dinner. phone Main 207L Apartments. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett St. Just opened and furnished complete tor housekeeping, 8-room suites with reception hall, sleeping porch and veranda, Paclfio phone in each apartment, every room out side and surrounded by beautiful homes, electric elevator and the best furnished apartment-house in the city. If you want . something extra nice, com to the EvrtU THE BARKER, corner 21st and Irving ts. This new four-story brick will b opened January 1, 1911. Two. three and four-room suites with reception hall. Pa cific phone In each apartment. electrio elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, ice box. plenty of closet room. If you want something extra nice, come to th Barker. Make reservations now. CUMBERLAND apartments, corner of West Park and Columbia streets, has Just three 8-room unfurnished and one 3-room fur nished apartmentes left. If you want to live in one of the best apartment houses in the city, that has all modern con veniences, beautifully located, fronting the Park, you had better see about these soon before they are gone. Apply to manager, on -premises. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely flrst-class: fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service: rent very reasonable. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. " West Side. 4SU Clay su. near 14th; al. 2-room completely furnished apartments; new house and furniture, steam henl. electric light, hot arm cold water, fret phone, laundry; 821 to S29. Including light. Phone Marshall 2074. RE-UKAN Apartments. 624 Marshall Ex clusive, modern every respect, completely furnished three rooms, all outside, prlvaH bath and phone; if looking for something real nice, homelike, see these. Main 6U32, A 8191. OKDERLE1GH APARTMENTS Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark St. Kew fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. (Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water. , steam beat. Phone East 300. ' GARDNER APARTMENTS. Eaat 13th and Ash ts. Just completed, elegantly fin ished, all rooms light; 5 rooms, heat, hoi and cold wawr. gas range, etc These ars worthy of investigation if you are looking for something good, phone East 2871. THE STANLEY APT., cor. Washington and King 3 and 4-room apt,, furnished and linfurnlBhed. all modern conveniences, reasonable rent. Capt- Schneider, prop, THE ALTA1I0NT. Bth and College, apart ments for rent, elegantly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phone and bath; Janitor service. ANGELA APTS., 37 Trinity Place, bet, 19th . and 20th. oft Wash. One 2-room apt., beautifully furnished; one 4-room baae--mem apt- furnished; strictly modern. THE Lois Apts.. 704 Hoyt St., 1 8-room. fur nished apartment; private bath, phone, porch, steam heat, electricity and flreles cookers. "UNFURNISHED APARTMENT TO LET. "Rose Friend." apartment of 5 room and bath. Apply lo renting bureau of the M eler &. f rank -o. THE LEONCE, newly furnished 3-room apartments; private phone, modern oon- venience. 186 22d St., N. 30 NEWLY furnished three-room Pft- ment; heated, phone, private bath, labor 70t. " ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill, triirnished apartments, rteam-heabsd. FIVE-ROOM steam-heated flat; fireplace, gas range, refrigerator and porch. 183 E. loth st.. near Yamhill. IRIS apartments. 8d and Mill sts.. 4 -room unfurnished. 8H6; modern Improvements; adults only. COSY furnished 4-room apnrtment; steam, heat walking distance. West Side. 668 Flanders, jiear2"l Apply Janitor. THE COLBY. 648 Thurman, three newly furnished or unfurninhed apartments; pri vate bath, free phone, cheap rent. NEW YORK Apartments. 2 and 3 rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam heat, free phone. East Tth and Belmont. 5-ROO.M furnished apartment, 668 Kearney stT Morgan. Flledner & Boyce, 5U3-606 Ab- ' lngton bldg. STRICTLY up-to-date apartment, 6 rooms, 8 to 6 months; references wanted; no chil dren. J 640. Oregonlan. BOZANTA Newly furnished 8 and 4-room apts.; private phones and strictly mod ern; 23d. near Johnson at. CECELIA Apartments. 22d and Glisan; 9 room apartment with all modern convs- nlences: rent reasonaoie. STEAM-HEATED 4-room flat. .15. E. Morrison st. Phone Tabor 131. 1051 Flats. SWELL, NSW, 5-ROOM FLAT. Strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, book cases, Unted walls, fine fixtures, sleep lna porch. 981 Hawthorne ave. B 2164. ing po GRUSSI & zadOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MODERN 5-room fiat, all conveniences. 10 minutes from business center, on csrllne. rent reasonable. . Inquire mornings. 48 E. 12th and Division. A 3383. FOR RENT Five-room upper flat, heat and water furnished, corner E. lBth Main: will furnish If desired. lnqulre626 East Main. TWO flats. Just finished, 3 and 11 rooms. 64 Northrup' st-. near 20th; electric light fixtures, gas rangeJnqijrenext door. THREE large, unfurnished modern rooms; gas baths, ground Iioor, large yard, West Side: no chlldren.jjrMarketjt. FOR RENT Modern 5-room upper flat, rea sonable rent, close In. Inquire 3204 Weid ler. Phone C 2793. NOB Hill modern unfurnished upper six room flat, adults only. Phone Main 8S0S. 8-ROOM modern flat; good condition; fire place. SS8Northrup; , BROOM flat with fireplace and linoleum. reasonable. t,. - .. FOR RENT Three-room flat, unfurnished. Inquire 225 Market St. Phone Main 316. 5-ROOM flat. 598 Salmon st-. bath and fur nace. Key 600 Salmonst. 429 14TH 5-room furnished fiat. Phon B 147o or Mala 11 TO. . COMPLETELY furnished 8-room flat, mod ern, west Side. A 53S6. irnu TEN'T 4-room unfurnished apartment F2? Tr;,,-?elia Court. Plione Marshall 1501. MCE' 5-room flat; bath, gas; 821. 495 EasFlnestI1cojioiii, tiuao eT75"r.rj NEWLY tinted, well-f urr.ished three- J,i Tnhor 170S. B 1034. SMALlTfurnlshed flat for rent: central West Side. Inquire afternoons, 233 HallSL NEW, modern. 5-room flat. Phone B 2006. ' HousepLeeplna; Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights,' hot water, bath, laundry all free $15 per month up; a clean piac. best-In the city for money short uuttane from Union Depot- Take "S" car. or 16th . cars north, get off at Marshall st. Mo 'dogs. s tl 50 TO 82.50 WEEK; Clean. furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone? cleaS linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave.. "rtnau3nntynjtak U car. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas plate furnished; $1 per week. Belmont Apts.. 4SQt Belmont. ' FINE DOW NTOWN HOME. "MILNER BLDG.. 85044 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 front rooms, use of phone and bath, first- Hoof. 594 Everett, cor. 19th. TWO and three large modern housekeep Ing rooms, suitable for four persons. 680 Second st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete tldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379. 401 EAST MORRISON, corner east 8th t., completely furnished housekeeping Jult Heneekeeplng Room In Private Family. 40S HARRISON Two rooms; no children. phone Main 2709. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, gas and bath. 406 4th st. TWO clean. Tight, furnished, housekeeping rooms: gas; 812.50 month. 692 Front. 2S9 HALPEY. near Williams ave.; t well- furnished housekeeping rooms. U car. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance, private family. 450 Hall St.