Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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    International Pure Food Show During' the Month of February Apply for Space at Executive Office
M .... t i 1X7.. R Tr, rnts-Mme. Helene. Marietta, Marquise, RengoBelt Corsets, Sahlirt Waists
Manicuring Halt-dressing. Electrolysis. 2d Floor-Picture Framing and Drapery WorK at One-Fourth Off Regular Prices
"One Greatteir Olds, Wortanaini
I I -' s I III I:. :1 I v . V.O-VI i .... "V 1 " X V X X-i : I f I 1 V.:-I I f .yiiyjaw:. l. I ITTTr. VW.-. Vv--1 jr.;:::'.-.-.'- -J. I Iv.-'V v.". -"..:' I ' J -:-S I :.-fJ
Our Entire Stock of Women's Suits Reduced
Great Clearance Sale of Women's Fine Coats
Our Entire Stock of Women's Furs Reduced
Great Clearance Sale of Women's Petticoats
Entire Stock of Beautiful Millinery Reduced
January Clearance Sale of Dress Goods and Silks
Entire Stock of Embroideries and Laces Reduced
January Clearance Sale of Linens and Domestics
Entire Stock Leather Goods and Jewelry Reduced
Clearance Sale of Ribbons, Gloves and Neckwear
Entire Stock Umbrellas at Clearance Sale Prices
January Clearance. Sale Hosiery and Underwear
Entire Stock Infants' and Children's Wear Reduced
Entire StocK
CooKing School
Today at a P. M.
Miss Tracy will resume her
cooking, school today. All
women are invited to attend.
MENU Chicken en Casse
role, Potatoes in half-shell,
Marshmallow " Pudding, Tea.
Entire Stock of Trunks, Bags, Etc., Reduced
Clearance Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing
Entire Stock of Shoes at Clearance Sale Prices
Clearance Sale of Drug Sundries, Soaps, Etc,
Entire Stock of Chinaware at Reduced Prices
Great January Clearance Sale of Rugs and Carpets
Entire Stock of Curtains and Portieres Reduced
January Clearance Sale Draperies and Wall Paper
Entire Stock of Silverware and Cutlery Reduced
January Clearance Sale Andirons and Fire Screens
Rntire Stock Quilts and Blankets Greatly Reduced
January Clearance Sale of Beds and Mattresses
$10 Vals. $4.45
$5 Values $2.45
BOX TON COBSETS, in the Ion?
models, with medium bast, made of
imported materials, beautifully
trimmed with lace and ribbon and
having six silk elastic hoee sup
porters; $3.00 Talnes, CA AK
on sale, the pair, at PxJ
bone, soft and flexible, with the
gores placed in snch a way as to
resist the most constant strain.
Made of heavy coutiL A remark
ably serviceable corset for stout
figures; reg. values op QC
to S15.00. on sale, only Pv.J
sirable styles; long or medium, for
average or slender figures. Batiste
or eoutil-trimmed or finished with
dainty lace and embroidery; cor
sets which retail as high as $10.00,
are grouped in this lot G?A At
at the Terr low price. PJ
breakable Corsets in batiste and
heavy coutil; newest models. Ion?,
graceful lines and a pronounced
waist line; our regular $6 values,
special at extraordi- ffO AEZ
nary low price, pair V"""
HOWD CORSETS, the famous
front-lace corset, giving graceful
lines to the most ungainly figure,
and pronounced curves to the wom
an of slender proportions. Made
of imported materials; OA QEt
reg. $10, special, only
Sale Women's
Sample Shoes
$5 Vals. $2.6 9
$6 Vals. $3.85
Great clearance of 1600 pairs of
woman's sample Shoos and broken
lines, in patent kid and calf, vici
kid. gunmetal, etc. Button, baL
and blucher styles, welt or turn
soles; regular values O (2 Q
up to $5.00, for only V""'
2300 pairs of new chocolate, brown
calf Shoes, patent colt and kid.vJ
gunmetals, with eravenctte tops;
our reg. vaL up to $6 J0 QC
he pair, special sale at PJJ
Jrtire StOCk. envx'ne "Westphalia Hams
Impt'd and Domestic Cheese
Oreat clearance sale of Linens, Sheets,
Pillow Cases, Bedspreads, Sheetings,
White Goods, Flannels, etc., etc.
$1.25 DatnasK at 98c
$2 Damask for $1.69
Extra heavy double Damask 'in ex
quisite patterns, all linen, 41 CO
Richardson quality, $2 vaL P x
Finest double satin Damask in choice
patterns, Richardson qual- 1 C C
ity, $1.85 value, the yard PlOiJ
Scotch Homespun, best grade cream
$1.50 quality, special for
Bakery Department
on tHe FourtK Floor
damask,, our best regular fljl OtS
Our best staple quality $1.23 QQ.
bleached Damask, special only
Regular 90c Bleached Damask, 77J
Regular 75c Bleached Damask, 63
9QO Table Cloths
Suitable for every-day use. Good
wearing quality. On sale as follows:
2x3 yards, $2.75 values for 32.27
2x2 Yt yards, $2.25 values for $1.85
2x2 yards, $2.00 values for $1.48
$8 Coths at $7
Richardson's very fine pattern Table
Cloths, including many of our newest
and best values; $9 values flH
for $7.93, and $3 values ? VU
$3.50 Napkins, the doien. $3.08
$7.00 Napkins, . the dozen, $5.50
Bed spreads Towels
Linen Sheeting, full 2y2 yards yo.
wide, on special sale at, yard OC
Satin Bedspreads, large, extra fine
quality, with very attract- flQ fQ
ive raised patterns; sp'l. V-,"vyJ
Extra large fringed cro- fl1 Q
chet Bedspreads, at, each Vi7
Heavy crochet Bedspreads fl 1 . A Q
clearance sale price, each P .
Great clearance sale of our entire
stock' of Towels, Bath Towels, large,
heavy quality, full bleached; OQ
onr regular 35c values, special
Bleached Bath Towels in onr 1 O
regular 22c quality for only XOl
Extra heavy Linen Towels, in three
sizes, special at 10S 11S 12Vt
Tea Room FourtK Fl.
Excellent Service
I Sausa
. iiL Shi
pt Oysters, Salads, Etc.
Model Delicatessen
on the FourtK Floor
Candy Stores, First
Floor and Basement
Greater Olds -Wortman-Ring' Store
Big Clearance Sale of Fine
Pure Food Groceries
A great sale of higH-grade standard quality Canned Goods, all tKis
year's pach. Prices will induce all shrewd and economical house
Keepers to buy in quantities. Lay in a supply. Phone E.x. 12 A6231
Hunt's Supreme Fruits Hunt's Staple Fruits Hawaiian Pineapples 20c
Peaches and Apricota, special, Peaches, Apricots and Pears Very choice, this year's pack,
the dozen $3. Clear- Q7 special the dozen $2; Q special, dozen $2.25. 0"
ance Sale price, can C or the single tin for IOC Clearance price, the tin AJQ,
Preferred Stock Brand Hunt's Tomatoes at 12c New Maine Corn, 2 for 25c
Tomatoes,' best on the market, This year's pack, very choice, Finest Maine stock Corn, by
special, dozen S1.40. e-jr special, dozen $1.35. f c dozen $1.40. Spe- QC
Clearance, 2 tins for j3C Clearance price, the tin 1 C cial, two tins for only
Standard Corn, 3 for 25c .Wrinkled Peas for 12c Sifted Peas for Only 15c
,A very good quality, special Sweet Wrinkled Peas, this Sifted Peas in tins, new pack,
by the dozen 95, ornr year's pack, $1.25 O special, the dozen, for - j-
3 tins for low price of DC doz., or single tin for X tQ $1.50, or single tin 1 JC
"Ex. Sifted Peas for 20c Choice Wax Beans at 12c Stringless Beans for 15c
Very choice grade, new pack, You will like them, special, the Fancy Stringless, very select,
the dozen at $2.00, C( dozen only $1.25, or -j ir special, dozen $1.65, -
or single tins for only UC the single tin for only 1 or single tin for only UC
Refugee Beans for 20c Choice Succotash at 12c Imported Mushrooms 19c
Very finest Cut Refugee Beans, Very choice Succotash in tins, Very fine quality, Hotel Im-
special, the doz. $2, Q- special, dozen $1.25, f O ported, special by the Q
or the single tin for LVsC or single tins for only X fciC doz. $2.10, the tin I7C
Bohemian Butter Is Always Fresh and Sweet
Entire StocK Clearance
Men's and Sale of All
Boys' Fine Dinner Sets
j S White Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets,
ff B t 1 Qi ia neat f ancy shaPes these Prices :
&. 50 -piece set, $4.46 value, $3.48
-ipfe n 60 -piece set, $5.60 value, $4.35
JaOC1 .X C CI IPO-Piece set, $8.70 valne, $6.68
Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, with
C1& RC) 95 delicate green and pink decoration,
VXXta fj S goid traced handles and knobs, and
r (y 1 "185 fancy shapes, offered, these prices :
pJ5 5llt.&piD' 50 -piece set, $ 5.68 value, $4.48
All our men's and young men's Suits 60 - piece set, $ 7.20 value, $5.67
in cashmeres and fancy mixtures, this iQQ-piece set, $11.20 value, $8.85
season's newest styles and patterns, -
made by the best clothing manufac- Bavarian China, fancy shapes, deo-
turers in the . country. Nearly all of orated border patterns, small roses
them are union-made ; our most popu- and full gold liues. Special prices ;
lar $15.00 to $18.00 val- d?Q QC 50 -piece set, $11.75 val. $ 8.80
ues, special at only, suit V-' : 777r7Ta
LOT 2 This line will be the means of 60 - piece set, $14.50 val. $1Q.S8
creating much interest among men IQQ-piece set, $21.50 val. $16.10
who want good clothes. The newest ; -
styles in the very best materials to be Bavarian China Dinner Sets, den
had ; all the popular shades of grays, cate vine border patterns, pink and
browns and mixtures aredjl C OC green, full gold lined, with traced
in this lot: $25 values V JOvJ handles and knobs. These prices:
' 50 - piece set, $14.45 val ,$11.35
1 T r TU C & 60 - piece set, $17.90 val. $14.00
100-piece set, $26.40 val. $20.80
OvrANk4c French decorated China Dinner
Sets, border pattern green and
t&ty er X T i C10 C EL pint gld handles and knobs; 100
POO ValS. iplV.Oj? pieces, regular $27 1Q
Our richest and best makes of gentle- value, special, set
men's Coats, long or medium lengths, Havxland Chona g ree border jat-
light, medium and heavy weight, nov- tern, double gold line 1 100-piece
elty effects, plain grays and browns set regular $00 00
in all sizes; $30.00, $32.50, and $35.00 value for only, set
values, during clearance $1 Q fltt
sal- at this price, suitV 7J-' ( IPApAnCC
Men's $6.5Q rj;
Pants at $3.95 3ale USS
Cashmeres, tweeds and Scotch effects w
in dark and medium colors ; come in y " w f- JJfc jf
all sizes; regular $5.00 to CO QC JL A 'CJ d JL X v3
$6.50 values, only, pair P '
Sale Men's Shoes $6 Vals. $4-4Q
C - r 1 c ffZ The celebrated ','Reznor" Gas
ipP.jyj Vai&.iO.UJ Heater or Grate, the most cheerful,
Men's water-tight Shoes, viscol tan'd, least expensive to operate. Throws
Cordovan leather, with heavy double out more heat than any gas stove
soles; extra channel nailed; come in on the market. Guaranteed to give
tan or black; regular $5 CO fC satisfaction. Reg. $6 JM Afi
values, special, the pair P'UJ values, special, each Hw
1 1
: : i I I
CzceM of Strrt AnixMment Over
Estimate Bring Threato of
Salt Against City.
Thrtata to ue th. city by interetd
property owner, to keep from paying;
th. aaaeaament of IJ0.844 for the Hall
atreet improrement. the estimated coat
of which waa 113.652, caused Mayor
Simon and the members of the judiciary
commltteo of th. Council to endeavor
yesterday afternoon to effect a compro
mise. Th. Mayor and tb. committee
agreed that if the property owners
would pay th. original estimate forth,
work and half the assessment in excess
of the estimate, the elty would pay one
fourth of th. excess and the contrac
tors. Gteblsch Joplln. agreed to pay
the other one-fourth of tba excess.
A. E. Clark, attorney, for tne prop
erty owners, who waa preaent with a
committee from th. latter, agreed to
present the offer to the Interested
property owners for their approval or
Judge Seneca Smith, one of the in
terested property owners, told the
Councllmen and the Mayor, before the
compromise waa suggested, that it waa
not the money Involved ao much aa it
waa the determination to put an end to
the practice of allowing contractors to
get much more than the original esti
mate, that caused him and others to
fight the matter.
The estimate for the work was pre
praed while ex-City Engineer Taylor
was In office. The work bad not been
completed when City Engineer Morrla
took office, and his men found that the
retaining wall in tb contract would
have to be placed on a rock foundation
Instead of on soil, aa originally planned.
This was what caused the property
owners to be assessed about 2M .times
the original contract price for th
If th property owners agree to the
compromlae offered by the Mayor and
th committee, an ordinance providing
for It will be presented to the Council
two week from next Wednesday.
The name stands for th finest, the
best of cigars and tobaccos. During
the Woolgrowers' convention, be hos
pitable bring them In and give them
a good cigar a Lord Baltimore or a
Ml Hogar. Nothing will please them
better, because there Isn't any better.
Stg. Blchel A Co., 2 Third or Third
and Washington.
On the package when you buy Foley's
Honev and Tar. None genuine without
the Bee Hive. Remember the name,
Foley's Honey and Tsr and reject any
substitute. Foley's Honey and Tar re
lieves coughs and colds quickly and ia
safe and sure. Contains no opiates.
Sold by all drugglstav
United Railway to Have Private
Excursion Saturday in Honor of
Road's Completion.
The extension of the line of th United
Railways to North Plains will ba for
meJly opened on Saturday, when a pri
vate excursion will be run, leaving the
city at 10 o'clock and returning at 3
O. W. Tayli". manager of the Ruth
Trust Company and the United Railways,
said yesterday that possibly two cars
would be used in carrying the excursion
ists. The party will be made up of
railroad and business men.
"The object of the excursion Is to show
the business interests of Portland the
work we are doing on th United Rail
ways," said Mr. Taylor. "We will be
met by, a delegation of Washington
County citizens at North Plains and we
hope that the excursion will result in
promoting a closer relationship between
the business men and citizens of Wash
ington County and the business interests
of Portland."
Before returning to the city the party
will be given an opportunity to Inspect
the Cornelius tunnel, which the company
is having constructed at a cost of over
400,000. '
Klamath County Officials In Office.
" KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) On the first working day of the
new year, Tuesday, the new County Court
took over the reins of the government of
Klamath County. The new members of
the County Court consist of two, Will
S. Worden, Republican, County Judge,
and Guy Merrill, Democrat, County Com
missioner. One member of the County
Court is a holdover, 8. T. Summers, also
a Democrat. The last official act of J. B.
Griffith, the retiring Judge, was the
swearing in of his successor.
Superintendent Donaldson Plans
Further Retrenchment in Order
to Meet Increased Demands.
Streets will not hereafter be cleaned
and sprinkled on Sunday, according to
a plan of- Alexander Donaldson, su
perintendent of streets. It Is a further
measure to make ends meet with the
reduced appropriation Donaldson's de
partment will get this year, because of
the increased demanda upon the gen
eral fund of the city.
"I do not want to force any of my
men to quit," said Mr. Donaldson yes
terday, "but there will be occasional
vacancies in th department, and it ia
mv nlan not to refill these. Thus
there will be a constant decrease In
the salary totals."
The general fund, from which the
expenses of the street cleaning and
sprinkling department Is paid, is made
up of money from licenses and munjcl
pal court fines. These have not in
creased as rapidly as have th de
mands upon the fund.
The Council will submit to the vot
ers at the next election an amendment
to the charter providing for a small
tax to support the cleaning and sprink
ling department
Solve. A Deep Mystery.
"I want to thank you from the bot
tom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader. of
Lewisbury, W. Va., "for the wonderful
double benefit I got from Electric Bit
ters, in curing me of both a severe case
of stomach trouble and of rheumatism,
from which I had been an almost help
less sufferer for ten years. It suited
my case as though made Just for me."
For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and
to rid the system of kidney poisons
that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters
has no equal. Try them. Every bottle
Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at
all druora-lsta.