the morxiS cm eg oxta x. Tuesday, January 3, 1.911. 1 (i r f .1 4 OLD POLK'S HOWIE TIMTT.TO GOOORZA SINGS TONIGHT. FORMALLY OPENED Dedicatory Exercises Held Presence of Over 600 People. in COST EXCEEDS - $125,000 Tribute Is I'alil to Mrs. Anna M Mann by Whose Munif lcrnce In tltollon -Is Completed Hoy. V. K. Hinton Speaker. Made postb!e by the munificence of Mrs. Anna M. K. Mann, widow or I'eter John Mann, the beautiful Old Peoples Home building, a three-story brick. seml-flreproof structure located on seven-acre tract at Sandy road and Kast Thirty-second street, was yesterday formally dedicated and the deed to the property was turned over to the trus- tee of the Old Peoples' Home Corpora tion. C. A. Dolph. Charles E. Ladd. Richard Williams, Tyler Woodward and Martin Winch. The building; and grounds represent an Investment on the part of Airs. Mann of approximately 1 13.1.O00. The dedicatory address was delivered ry Rev. W. B. Hinson. pastor of the White Temple. Bishop ScaddlnfC of fered prayer. Mayor flmon spoke brief ly, felicitating the trustees upon the generous gift which had been turned over to them and praising the gener osity of Mrs. Mann. lr. Luther K. Dyott. pastor of the First Coitgrega tlonal Church, formally turned the deed ver to Cyrus A. Dolph. who accepted It on behalf of the board of trustees. Fully (09 were In attendance. Mrs. Mann Congratulated. Mrs. Mann was congratulated on all Ides. At her express request her name was mentioned very little In the ad dresses, but she was unable to (ret way from the enthusiastic groups which gathered around her after the ceremonies wre over. Many old people who contemplate taking up their resi dence In the building were present and their thanks were the most effusive. "The best way to perpetuate memory Is to confer favors upon people in the two extremes of Hi." said Rev. Mr. Hinson In his address. It is especially desired that such favors should be shown people who are entering the darkened period of life. Old age lives In the past and largely for this reason the present should be made beautiful and peaceful for those in advanced years. It Is especially fitting that this home should be for both men and wo men, as It will permit of a husband and wife not being forced to sever their relationship until they pass on up to the Galea of Pearl. Philanthropist Is Praised. "The good wishes, the good will and the prayers of aged people will follow the donors of this building throughout life and even Into death. I have been prohibited from saying much of a laudatory nature, but I will say that I can conceive of no greater philan thropy than the providing of the com forts and necessities of life for those In less fortunate circumstances than ourselves." Rev. William M. Foulkes read from the Scriptures, selecting the following passages: Psalms. 11; Isaiah. 0; Mat thew. 1 1:55-30; John S:1-2I: Revela tions. 21:1-4 and 22:1-1 and 17-21. "In accepting this generous gift on behaJf of the Home and it strusteea. I beg to assure you It will be forever held as a trust sacred to the glory of God and the benefit of mankind." said C A- Dolph. "It may not at all times be wisely administered, for to err Is human, but however It may be admin istered, it will remain an everlasting monument to the name of the generous giver. Founder Is Eulogized. Tt was a happy thought which in spired John Mann to say. 'No home Is complete that does not admit men as well as women. All honor to the roble women who planned the Old Ladles' Home, but it was a broader and better phllanthorpy which Impelled Mrs. Mann to ope Its doors wide enough to admit both met and women. Hither In future years will come hus band and wife, or brother and sister !: j t : t if . ..v- .: ...... r - . f " ?T -' ' " f - ! ' '7 n CELEDRATED BARITO.XE WILL GIVE PROGRAMME AT THK 1IU1LIO THEATER. At the Helllg Theater tonight Gogorza and Schmltx. his pianist, will give the second of the Lois Steers-Wynn. Conian subscription, con certs of the ason. . "Not since Caruso came to San Francisco and thrilled the public has the singing voice of a man aroused such enthusiasm as did Oorgoxa's." says the San Francisco Chronicle. "Nature has indeed lavished gifts upon him. He has temperament, sympathy. Intelligence and a handsome presence with rare vocal power. If a man with a voice of velvet, a big. round voice of remarkable range, can sing In the very mood of the composer, now ringing with the buoyancy of "The Toreador." now softening to the tenderness of the lullaby and win the hearta of mon and women alike if he can do all this on a bare unchanted concert stage, what might he not do to electrify his hearers In the glamor of the operatic stage?" The eong recital at the Helllg tonight will open at a quarter rnst eight, the programme being the same as was published yesterday, with the substitution of "Mother o' Mine" for ono of Von Flelitx. to find shelter, protection aged people of both sexes, but he died wunoui leaving any yiuvwiuu ij mat It may be, and repose while they together go down to where life's evening shadows wait on night." Sod Turned March 9 Last. The flnut od in the construction of the building which waa yesterday dedicated was turned March t, 1910. The corner stone was laid May 9 by Mayor Simon. Many rooms In the building have al ready been furnished. Among those con tributing furniture are: Mrs. F. G. Eg gert. Mrs. A.- Stalger and Miss Rose M. Avery, Mrs. H. U Plttock. Mr. Hannah Robertson. Mrs H. C. Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. Delck. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Page. Mrs. C. W. Burroge. Mrs. Stgmund Frank. Mrs. 8. Farrel. Mm. H. S. Gile, John C. Carson and J. G. Mack. Among the articles of furniture In the building are some which belonged to David C- Lewis and Rebecca Lewis, Mrs. Mann's father and mother, pioneers of Oregon, and to f)r.. McKlnnel, the first homeopathic physician to practise In the etate. A sliver tea set which belonged to Dr. McKlnnel is in the main dining room and th office furniture which he used has been Installed in one of the rooms to be used as an office at the home. Many other people have offered to fur nish rooms. It la anticipated all will be In readiness for occupancy before the ar rival of Summer. The trustees will hold a meeting this week, at which rules regulating entrance to the new home will be formulated. It Is Mrs. Mann's wish to have the Institu tion appear as little as possible as a charity, but Mill to have no regulations which would bar deserving people who may not be able to pay. The trustees will probably adopt the policy of passing upon each application for admission sepa rately. First Guest Arrives. What Is now the Old People's Home was organised In 1903 as an Old Ladles' Home. During his lifetime P. J. Mann wis considering endowing a home for effect In will. Mrs. Mann, however, determined to respect his wishes. The name of the Old Ladies' Home corpora tion, to which considerable property had already been bequeathed, by Mrs. Amanda W. Reed. Mrs. Hiram Sknith and others, was changed to the Old People' Home and Mrs. Mann then had the new build ing, dedicated yesterday, erected and donated to the trustee body of the new Institution, the personnel of which was the same as that of the Old Ladies' Home corporation. At their meeting this week the trustees will arrange for the employment of peo ple to take charge of the new building and Its inmates. Several old people who are now In the home on Second street, the old Reed dwelling, will then be trans ferred to the new structure. BABY GIRL DOING WELL Stray Ballet Imperils Irife of Moth er and Child. Shot and dangerously wounded by a stray bullet fired by a New Tear's cele brant early Sunday morning, Mrs. Rosa Perry, wife of an Italian laborer, living at 308 East Seventh street, gave birth to a thriving baby girl at Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday, and unless septic Infection sets In, will recover rapidly. The case was reported to the police yes terday by Dr. Fred Gullette, the attend ing physician. In scant hope that the one who fired the bullet may be found. Mrs. Perry, dangerously ill. was lying In her bedroom, about 1 o'clock Sunday morning, when the bullet entered a win dow, struck her In the right hip, emerged again, entered the abdomen and passed around Its wall, coming out a second time and finally lodging against the fe moral artery In the left groin. She was taken to the hospital, where Dr. Oullette removed the bullet and a little later at- Continues its SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE tnis weclc, introducing a TREMENDOUS REDUCTION in our entire stock, including Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furs and Petticoats SUITS $25 to ?32 Suits that -We have 'regularly sold at these "1 Q prices have been reduced to only. . . ... . .... . . . . . P A $34 to $40 Suits that we have regularly sold at these prices have been reduced to only . . i . : $42 to $48 Suits that we have regularly sold at these prices have been reduced to only..;,.,...,... . .,. . . . .Very fine and large assortment of Suits in sizes 40 and 42. $22.00 327.SO SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE COATS $20 to $22.50 Coats that we have regularly sold at these ti A GJO prices have been reduced to J"-- V-r $24 to $30 Coats that we have regularly sold at these t -fl prices have been 'reduced to... , -P $30 to $32 Coats that we have regularly sold at these t Q E-JO prices have been reduced to . . .: P v SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE FURS $ 6.50 Furs now. ..... . . - . .$ $ 8.50 Furs now $ $10.00 Furs now $ $12.50 Furs now $ 9-38 $15.00 Furs now : .$11.25 4.8S 6.38 7.50 $20.00 Furs now $15.00 $25.00 Furs now. $18.75 $30.00 Furs now. . , .$23.50 $40.00 Furs now .'. . .$30.00 $48.00 Furs now $36.00 ONE-FOURTH REDUCTION on our complete stock of PETTICOATS, SKIRTS, WAISTS and DRESSES 400 Washington Street at Wtntf) tended at the birth. The physician says the wound was so near the artery that Its throbbing was very evident and that the slightest deviation would have made death almost certain. Five perforations were made by the ball, yet the woman lost little blood and is well on the road tp recovery. The In fant Is also doing well. No report of the shooting was made to the police at the time, as It was thought impossible to run down the offender. The ball was from a .32 caliber revolver. ROLLS WILL BE SWELLED Y. M. O. A.'s of Pacific Northwest May Hold Membership Campaign. H. W. Stone, general secretary, and J. H. Meehan, membership secretary, of the Portland Young Men's Christian As sociation, left last night for Tacoma, where a conference of the general and membership secretaries of the associa tions of Portland, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle will be held today. As a result of this meeting, it is expected that a general membership campaign will soon be inaugurated in wnicn me i. .vi. a. of the four cities will participate. It Is proposed to make the campaign competitive. It will extend the same length of time In each city, and at night the number of members gained by each association will be telegraphed to the other three. This would serve to make the contest one of municipal rivalry Portland, with its 4019 members, has a big lead over each of tin other cities. It is believed by the local secretaries that It would be comparatively easy to increase the membership to 6000 here. The secretaries will also consider other problems, such as the growth during the past year and the assimilation of mem- Ders into tne lire or the Y. M. C. A. The assimilation of members Is ' considered more Important than the mere lAcrease in enrollment. HUNTER j tji) RYE rib) s FLASHLIGHT PHOTOGRAPH MADE BY OREGONIAN STAFF AST 1ST AT OPENING OF NEW OLD PEOPLE'S HOME BUILDING YES TERDAY AFTERNOON. : e : J . i. . . . r . v- . . Vi ; v;V-. .' r. : r it . VJ i. . 1,(1.111 IWIHW'1'; il'.a. i:..V'."-.v ? ' . r . v 1 iy. 5 - ' ,T 1 : ... . i". Jti 5" ' -t.-'r ' & ... BEV. W. HIRAM KOI I.KES WHO DRLIVRRED DEDICATORT SPF.f.CH, KHOWX AT THE RXTREMR I.EFTl MRS. f. J. MtV IS STA5ID la DIRECT I. T BEHI.NO TUB TABLE, THEN COME, IN THE ORDER MK.T10M:D, C..A. DOLPH. REV. W. H. HI.NSON AMI MAYOR 8IMOX. 13 I file RIPENED BY AGE THE PERFECTION OF PURITY Paid t all am-cUas cafes snd by Jobbers, WM. JUsJMAJIAN A SON, Baitlmora. aid. Ill s I IlassaasaU saa Ummm in East Via , California Have you ever con? sidered tte .practica bility of going East by a Southern route, now that we are in the grip of Winter? Then, why not travel via Sunny Cal ifornia and the Santa 'Fe? The train service on the Santa Fe is un excelled. The scenery is un matched. The great South west contains a vari ety of charming life of a historic people rapidly becoming ab sorbed, whom in years not far distant you will consider yourself fortunate to have seen. The Santa Fe has three daily trains from San Francisco to Chicago via Kan sas City and if you wish can route you via Denver. The California Limited, the train of luxury, is finer than ever this season. It is exclusively first class. Our booklet "The California Lim ited" free on request. Stopover may be made at the Grand Canyon . of Arizona, about which our free booklets "Titan of Chasms" and "El Tovar" tell. The Santa Fe is the pleasant way, it is the safe way, it is the Winter way, and it it the right way. Con sider. For details and de scriptive literature, call on H. E. VERNON, GEN. AGENT, ATCHISON, T0PEKA &' SANTA FE RAILWAY, 252 ALDER ST. AT PORTLAND, OR. Silence! The instinct of modesty natural to every woman is often a great hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases. Women shrink from the personal questions of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ab horrent to them, and so they endure in silenoe a condition of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse. It ham been Dr. Pierce' a privilege to cure m great many women woo have found a retn&e for modesty In bis offer of FREE consults' tlon by letter. Till correspondence Is held as sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates the womanly functions, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who gives it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholio medicine or known composition. NO MORE INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA OR SOUR, GASSY, UPSET STOMACH There's No Risk If This Medicine Does Not Benefit, You Pay Nothing A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspep sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep- I sla Tablots leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute lndigrestlon and chronic dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are sooth ing and heallnff to the inflamed mem branes of the . mach. They are rich In pepsin, one cthe greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief they afford Is almost immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sin cere faith In Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you entire satisfac tion, we will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or formality. They come In three sisea, prices 25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain them only at The Owl Drug Co., cor. 7th and Washington sts. Yonr out-of-order Stomach feels fine five minutes after tak ing a little Diapepsin. ' -Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers in the United States, England and Canada take Pape's Diapepsin. and realize not only Immediate, but lasting relief. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sonr, gassy or out-of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfortably, ' what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or If you have heartburn, that Is a sign of Indigestion. Get from your Pharmacist a 50-cent case of Fapes Diapepsin and take a dose Just as sa a you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go. ana, Desiaes, tnere win te no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your oreatn witn nauseous odors. .rapes juiapepsin is a certain oure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it just tne same as It your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stom ach misery Is waiting for you at any arug store. These large SO-cent cases contain mora than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any ease of Dyspepsia. In dlgeBtloa ox any other stomach dis order. , il For Health and J Economy jggr WOMAN'S CROWNING GiOBT Is her hair. If Gray or Bleached. It can b restored to its natural color without Injury to health or oalp by on application of the Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STANDARD HAIR COLOR. INO. It Is absolutely birmlui Any shade produced. Colors dur. able. When applied cannot be detected. Sample of four half colored free. Imperial Chen. Mfg. Co., US W. S3d 8U. V. X. J 4