Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 03, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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WITH SB31.529.48
Slate Starts Clean and Out
going Treasurer Steel Wel
comes Change.
Total of 4 Oregon Banks Hold
Balance of 82a.t.5 and
Securities AmounUnj to $781, -73
In Surety Bond.
S A LICIT. Or- Jan. I (Special.) State
Treasurer Steel today turnad over to
tke lncomlnr Treasurer. Thoma B.
Xr. $51.J: 49. the total amount of
Saan la the hands of the .lata up to
the cioae of business. DwmiMr .
' 110. Of this, there are back balance
In 45 banks of Orriron amounting to
t0i and curltlr amounting to
71.7 In urety and municipal bonda
to guarantee repayment to the "
Cash In the Taults amounts to lit.
TJT T: remittance unreceipted to
. I$ff2 and Insuranoe commlloner s
funds not receipted to II1.: 01: -eur-Itles
In common school Oron Agrtcul
tural CoUee. tntverslty of Oregon and
. Burbank trust funds equal to -12
IT. and school district bond" In te
. bands of the state amount to IJIO.SIj.
Securities of foreign express and Insur
ance companies operating In the state
total SJ4.3(S-.
Slate LcU Clean.
'. E-Tresurer Steel leaves the books
of the oKic perfectly clean after one
term as a member of the administra
tion. During bla term the state faced
one of the most strinaent periods, fi
nancially, in Its history when state
funda were la the hands of falling
banks and the crisis of 107 was caus
ing distress In the financial world.
Under his administration, for the first
time, a policy was Inaugurated or ret
oulritif; securities from bunks to guar
antee repayment of stats, funds de-
.-- i- ihma kiiki and this system
has held good through his entire term
In office, securities now In the hands
of the state being- practically equal to
the balances In banks as shown above.
It Is a relief to me to leave the office.-
stated the out-going Treasurer
today, "much more of a pleasure than
K was to go la. I have been through
some trying times but I am gratified,
more than I csn express, at the condi
tion of the office as I am now leaving
and Aids Buy All Pay.
The Incoming Treasurer and his force
wss busy at the office all day checking
over the accounts and found them In
excellent condition.
According to a statement prepared by
the out-going Tressurer the balances In
the vsrtous funds at the close of the
rslendar yesr as they are turned over
to the new Treasurer are as follows:
Oenersl fund. 1414.24 47.
Common school fund, principal. J10T.
TM.SS. Common school fund, Interest. 1142.
15. S.
Agricultural College fund, principal.
JjT.3I. . .
Agricultural College fund. Interest.
H1TI J4.
fnlvemlty fund, principal. $1601 SI.
fnlverslty fund. Interest. $1472 9''.
Ft n r bark trust fund, principal. $04..
rturbar.k trust fund. Interrst. $1S7.7.
Thurston monument fund, principal.
Ieschute Irrigation Power Com
pany, guaranty fund. $12.(04.02.
Insuranoe fund. $2236.3;:.
Inheritance tax fund. $5000.
Orecon Soldiers' Home. National
fund. I19.SJ1 S.
Orecon Soldiers Home, escheat fund.
HounlT fund.
Hatchery fund. $1.
Hatchery fund. District No. 1. $42-
Katrhery fund. District No. 3.
$:;;. ti.
Game protection fund. $1.74.t.
1-ure fond fund. $14.1.
sut Board of Examiners fund.
$:1 2-
I'ortage railway operation and main
tenance fund.
Oregon stove Foundry fund. $100 J4.
Penltentisry betterment fund. I4 13.
"factorr lniipe"tlon fund. $ll.(j.t.
State Ubrarr fund. 1JTT4 44.
Normal st-houl fund. $523.70.
University of Oregon current expense
fond. i:i: 1.
Total. Jil t7.2.
General Ha Made Peep Stady of
Madness Which Affects Dogs.
!. Spei-lal. sk much has been heard of
mad doss In certain sections of the
Northwest recently, that General Maus.
rommanUer of the Department of Colum
bia, has taken an Interest and haa la--et!gated
the cause of rabies.
Concerning this disease. General Maus
said yesterday: "liable la a true Infec
tious disease and never occurs sponta
neously, but Is only transmitted by direct
Infection through the bite of affected ani
mals. There are two forms ef Tables,
furious and dumb.
"The symptoms of the furious rabies
are In the first stage; the dog seems to
change his disposition, la capricious. Irrit
able and depressed; easily angered and
excited, fretful and rarely affectionate.
He soon shows a tendency to gnaw or
swallow lndtgetible substances and may
refusa bis food.
"Alter from one to three days, the tna
nlactal stage appears, characterised by a
tendency to eecape and run away and
Inclination to bite animals, objects and
roes- Delirium Increases and the animals
run around In an Insane way. attacking
and biting everything within their reach.
Oftentimes they attempt to tear and muti
late their own bodies, particularly their
"Death, as a rule, occurs In the fifth
to seventh day after the beginning of
the disease.
He Allow Himself to Be Caught, to
Get Sentence.
KVERTT. TV ash.. Jan. X. (Special.)
That he burglarised the Hall Store
In Kverett last night la order to se
cure a term la the penitentiary, was
the statement made today by Fred Mil
ler, caught In the act by detectives
who had been warned from some mys
terious source, presumably by Miller
himself Miller had taken a quantity
of clothing from the shelve and was
leisurely packing it Into a suitcase.
MlUer haa bean a regular lodger at
, tka police station for several nights.
phYlnT & fiilUt and he sajs he prefer
When You Buy
A Cooking or
Heating Stove
you want to know exactly what
you are getting. You want to
be positive that you are getting
your money's worth. You
should feel that every dollar
you exchange lor a stove will
come back to you in service
heat and low fuel consumption.
Stoves and Ranges
tKa m far BrfYtv. three vetrs.
) w 2 BlvVW UlW - J a
Today as yesterday and the dsy before
tbey are wo; King m rcna oi ujuuwjm. w
homes, doing better service than you ever
thought possible of a stove.- Nowhere
will you find a stove or range that has the,
i t. - rHarr Oak- Look where
you will, none was ever made that equals
by nail tne vaiuo yow g
Charter Oak.
The Charter Oak ha a Fire Back that
la guaranteed for five year if coal is used;
4n the ronaumotioo. of wood it
earrie a guarantee of Twenty Year.
t A
Charter Bto-ves ana Kinrta mrm wj. ma
eta. e.sla he thsl fan faklllCfJ Bit? II kBOWO
to ir trmOm. No kimcttn-r or low rrnwla -"J1""
po licbt liotns no c-roiy i " v
Ttmy ara Uta beat atovaa tAat can ba mada for
America, cooatntctad of tba atrooffaat mad tUct.-
grM tnaicriaia waini-t
A Charter Oak Heatinr Stova ddm cotnfert,
i j . . nmm imn nlACS It TbCV
Civ cverr bit of Beet required with Ices fuel coe-
sunptioo wan wr gxuw "
atteotioa. A Cnarter Oek Raoce is the moat sa.
tutectorr and ccoaomical cooking and belting sp-
pesetas soowb. r, . "
me either the stove or the more with fuel. You're
B forever renns repair bills to keeo them
workinr- Ther will not to hot or (all to pieces.
Thev are made to last end to (ive tile acme of
acrvica In every direction. Tber are fas proof.
Yoo can ro to bed and fend trour (ire io food con
ditioa toe next moraine sad there will be no loul
odors In rour room.
We went rou to examine Charter Oaas. If In.
convenient to go to the dealer in roar town, write
sa for our free books. You can't afford to bur a
stove or rant e anul you bav found out all about
las Cbsrur Oak.
Bextrr Freedmaa Hardware C-, aales
Aerate, td sad Ash ets, FrrUaad. Or.
Charter Oak Stove & Range Co.
C "I OAK r- ,
St. Loul
Br. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
neutralizes the destructive
acids of the mouth cleanses,
preserves and beautifies the
teeth, and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
to ro to prison rather than keep up hi
hand-to-mouth method of living;.
An unsuccessful effort has been
made to connect him with the 11000
Smith residence robbery.
$400,000 IS SUM PAID
Oregon Washington Corporation
Also Acquire Franc-lily of Gas
and Traction Concern.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. 2. Sp3
claLt For the consideration of ap
proximately 1400.000 the Tancouver
Water Works Company today trans
ferred It property, holdinrrs and fran
chises to the Washington A Oregon
Corporation, and the officials of the
new owners took possession.
The deal was consummated some
time a co. but the formal transfer was
not made until today. The president
of the Vancouver Water Work Com
pany was John II Norrls. and bis co
partner was Edmund Rice.
R M. Adklns. local manag-er of the
Vancouver Traction Company, which
has also been absorbed by the same
corporation, will, for the present, ba
manaaer of the water company, and
the office of tha Vancouver Uas Com
pany ha been moved to the water
company' office, at Ninth and Wash
ington streets. Th office of the Van
couver Traction Company, also ab
sorbed, will remain In the Masonlo
Temple building- for the remainder of
this month, at least.
A. O. Potter, who baa been connected
with the water company, will have
charge of John H. Novrls private real
estate holding In this city.
The officers of the Washington-Ore.
gon Corporation, capitalised for 15.
000.000. are: President. I. W. Anderson,
of Tacoma: vice-president. D. 8. Sink
ler, of Philadelphia: secretary-treasurer.
Clyde A. Heller, of Philadelphia;
directors. 1 W. Anderson. R. M. Boy
kin. C. Berryman. E. W. Hall and A. A.
Lieutenant-Commander Klllcott Re
port on Wlllapa Harbor.
SOUTH BEXP. Wash.. Jan. 1-fSpe-clal-V
Lieutenant Commander Elllcott.
llKhtlious inspector for this district, haa
reported to Peputy Collector of Custom
Egbert that soundings made on Wlllapa
Harbor bar last June showed connected
depth of 3 ffet at mean low tide.
Also, that he has recommended to the
War Department that the- Ellen Sands
dolphin light be replaced by an acetylene
gas and bell busy; that th two dolphin
lights be changed from red to Axed white
tor greater visibility; that the two river
range lights be raised Ova feet and 10
feet, respectively, and that the outer one
be changed to red.
Are tonic In action, quick In results. A
special medicine for all kidney and
Madder disorders. H. M. Beatty. Little
P.ock. Ark., says. "For two years I have
been troubled with severe kidney trou
ble. The pslns across my back and over
my hips were so bad that they almost
meant death to me at times. I used
several well-known kidney remedies
which (rave me no relief until I used
Foley Kidney Pills, and thesa I can
truthfully recommend as they have
made me eound and well." Sold by all
druggists. - .
Sole Agents for Cross Gloves
America's Largest Popular
Price Drug Store Opens This
Morning theGreatest Cut-Rate
Clearance Sale Ever Under
taken by Any Drugstore
45th Annual January
Clearance Sale
Toilet Paper
and Holders
1 doz. pks. "Woodlark
Reg. $1.00, Clearance 84
65c doz. Santas at 57?
$1.20 doz. Mount Hood, Clearance 96
$1.65 doz. Castleton, Clearance ?1.33
$1.50 doz. Satin Brand, Clearance $1.28
$1.00 doz. Delta Square, Clearance 84 P
50c dJz. Prince Brande, Clearance 38
30c Nickel Holder, Clearance at .
40c Nickel Holder, Clearance at 33
70c Nickel Holder, Clearance at 44
$1.20 Nickel Holder, Clearance at 80
$1.50 Nickel Holder, Clearance at 78c
50c Nickel Holder, Clearance at 37
Big Bargains in Our
i'.,.sL'R rush
$2.00 to $2.50 Brushes, choice $1.43
$1.00 to $1.25 Brushes, choice 83
$2.75 to $5.00 Brushes, choice $2.49
35c Tooth Brushes, your choice 27
$6.50 to $10.00 Plated Toilet Sets. $4.97
$19.00 Sterling Toilet Sets $14.25
Special Bargains in Other Depart
ments Leather Goods, Handbags,
Novelty Jewelry, Hair Combs,
Hair Ornaments, Chest Protectors,
Skins to Burn, Fancy Box Station
ery, "Memorandum Books, Etc., Etc.
Southwest Washington Fails
to Divorce Self.
Seres of Ten Counties Represented
at Ontralia fleeting Lexlsla
ture to Be Asked to Work
for 'nr District.
nrVTRALIA' TCash Jan. 2. (Sne-
lai The attemDt of Eouthweat
Washington to divorce herself from
Tacoma. or fierce tounij, wneu mo
reapportioning of the state Into Con
gressional districts fell flat at a meet
In; held tonight and attended by over
76 business men and member of the
Legislature from even of the 10
Southwest counties.
The call for the meeting waa re
sponded to more generally than had
v And a.11 but tiro coun
ties were well represented. The senti
ment seemed general m" douiuwmi
lit fare better could
Tacoma and Pierce County be eliminat
ed, but after going over ino biiuhhuu
thoroughly tne pronnimr oi
BeeiHVTU mr
decided not to be worth trying and
more could be gainea Dy laum in wim
the Tacoma plan of reapportionment
..w hk. mmiifiMLtlnnii than would
result should the animosity of Pierce
County be incurred.
A mild resolution njr ii u aiinaru, oi
El ma, vu offered requesting that the
southwest member In the Legislature
use their best endeavor to get South
west Washington Into a Congressional
district, not Including Tacoma. The
Thurston County people, however, argued
that uch a reapportionment could not
be secured and that all that would be
accomplished would be to offend the
Pierce County members In the- Legisla
ture and thereby hamper the southwest
lawmaker In the securing of desirous
legislation at the next session.
The resolution, as finally adopted, waa
i . A A merelv that the ReDre-
lliauv v wu
sentatlve In the Legislature use their
best endeavor to nave iuuiti vuui
Ues Included in one district. The opin
ion seemed general, although the reso
lution did not Incorporate it. that the
three Lower Columbia River counties,
which were not included In the Tacoma
plan, be added to the southwest dis
trict. This will give the counties In the
district outside of Pierce 6000 or 6000
more voters than there are in Pierce
The Tacoma plan of apportionment
which the meeting eeemed to consider
undesirable, but also unavoidable, prac
tically will assure three Congressmen
from the Puget Sound country and two
from east of the mountains, leaving the
western tier of counties. Including Wll
lapa Harbor and Gray Harbor and the
Lower Columbia with very little voice
In the aelectlon. A resolution. Indors
ing the workman's liability law as
framed by the State Commission, was
Tooth "Whirled to Dcatb by Machin
ery In Glass Works.
PITTSBURG. Jan- X While oiling the
shafting at the Pittsburg Glass Com
pany' plant at Tarentum today, Charles
G ebb art, IS year old. was caught In
the machinery and whirled about until
every bone In hi body waa broken.
He died within an hour.
Brown'l Bronchial Trechea
Inatantly relieve Hoaraeneaa and Coughs.
i eeaB-eae.aei n I m 1 1 . ,
are the two great creators of
energy. You can get along
without Scotfs Emulsion if
you have enough sunshine,
but for the millions who
don't get much sunshine,
Scott's Emulsion
is absolutely necessary.
You can always get Scotfs
Emulsion. Get sunshine,
too, whenever you can.
Fourth and Washington
Wood to Burn
Half Price
Some for Less
25c Panels,' 3 for ...... 25
40c Panels, 2 for. ...... .25
60c Panels, 3 for..,.. iSOt
15c Panels, 4 for. ......... 25
30c Panels, 2 for...... 25
6c Panels, 6 for ; 25c
45c Panels, 3 for ... -50?
18c Panels, 4 for ... 50
50c Panels, 3 for .....50
$1.00 Panels, 3 for. . .,. .1.00
21c Boxes, 3 for..,.t 25
25c Boxes, 3 for. ... . ... .25
15c Boxes, 4 for. 25
30c Stat 'n'y Boxes, 2 for 25
40c Stat 'n'y Boxes, 3 for 50
50c Postcard Boxes, 1 for 25J
$1.25 Stools for only. ... . .65?
65c "Work Baskets for. . . .30
35c Bread Boards, 2 for..25i
50c Collar and Cuff Box. .25
$1.00 Book Hack now.... 50
$1.75 Dresser Box now...85
$1.25 Dresser Box now. ..63?
Tabonrettes, Waste Baskets,
Mirrors, Nnt Bowls, Photo
Frames, Smoking Sets, En
velope Stands, Tie Backs, Towel
Half Price
We Do Fine Picture Framing
Lowest Prices, Best Merchan
dise, Quickest Service. Every
One of Our 25 Departments
Join in Offering the Greatest 1
Bargains in Our 45-Yr. History
45th Annual January
Sale Fine
Cut Glass
Fourth Off
Your choice from one of the largest and best selected
stocks of Cut Glass on the Pacific Coast, including 1
Water Sets, Bowls, Nappies, Cream and Sugar Bowls,
Salts and Peppers, Water Glasses, Celery Dishes,
Liquor Decanters, Pitchers and scores of other beauti
ful and useful pieces. Regularly marked exceedingly
low, now selling at. . . ........ . One-Fourth Off
The Greatest Picture
We Have;
ever jraeiu
Takathe Elevator
to tha Fourth Floor
$1.50 God's Miraculous Gift, size 8x12,
done in colors, now. ......;.x.mwii
$3.00 God's Miraculous Gift, size 12x16, . d?1 QQ
done in colors, now. ..M.i.;
$6.00 God's Miraculous Gift, size 13x17, $3.75
done in colors, nowJUfl.i.ui.iijijiiui'wM,T
Oil Paintings One-fourth Off
Oil Paintings One-half Of f
Values to $3.00 Framed Pictures.
Values to $5.00 Framed Pictures $1.95
Values to $40 Antique Mirrors One-Fourth Off
Sole Portland Agents Cross Gloves
We Do Artistic Picture Framing
Farm Tracts and Timber Holding
to Bo Disposed of Saya In
dian Agent Watson.
(Special.) Eight hundred acres of
i i t.&inn0Hno. f f the Tela. math Indians
on the reservation is now being ad
vertised for sale by Indian Agent Wat
son. This is the second batch of In
ji i i .hi.h Iim hnftii offered for
umu iou ,. . v .
sale on the Klamath reserve since the I
. . i.v ft Alnnose of hold
tugs which came to them through de
ceased relatives.
Some of the lands offered in this
sals ar among the best farm land on
the reserve while others are timber
The plan under which this 1 disposed
of is that the owner has to apply to
the Indian agent for a permit to dis
pose of such land as he owns which
was left by a deceased relative. The
agent then goes, or sends an agent, to
appraise the tract and this appraise
ment is not to be known by any other
than the agent or the man making lt.
Then It 1 advertised for 60 days and
prospective buyer have to turn In
their bids, sealed, to be opened on a
certain date. If the bid are above
the appraised price the agent accepts
the highest bid, subject to the approval
of the owner. The bids must be ac
companied by a certified check for 10
per cent of the bid and when the sale
is made 16 per ceni mmo ui m j.
chase price must be paid. The other
payments are then arranged suitable to
The famous
Chinese, Dra.
t. K. Chan,
with t h e ir
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder-
WiA " -n"i f f fTr n r n .. I CAMI
DL S. t CHAN when other r e m e d i e
have failed. Sure cure for chronic pri
vate ailments, nervousness, blood poi
son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia,
bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou
bles, consumption, stomach disorders
and other diseases of all kinds. Reme
dies harmless. No operation. Examin
lnatlon free. Call or write to
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co.,
226 hi Morrison St.. between First and
Second, Portland. Oregon.
I nm o vat ion
the Jtistly Celebrate
66 KJ
at Portland's Great Store
AsR to See
Our Models