Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 03, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Governor's Stock as Candi
date for Senator Rising
Fast in Helena.
Corporation Oppotte Wlh and
Conrad la Held Not Qnalirtrd.
Republican Would Become
Governor If NorrU Wins.
UfcLKXA. Mont.. Jan. . (Special.)
The trctlurlll situation shows a de
rided tendency today toward the elec
tion of ;orernor Kdwtn l Norrla as
Tr.omas II. rrter" utcior. It Is
generally believed that neither Walab
nor Conrart will secure the tout, the
former becauee of corporation opposl
tlon and the latter owlnx to the belief
that, while he has acquired a fortune.
I;e Is hardly what I desired respecting
senatorial qualifications.
In confluence, the stock of Norrla
as a dark horse U rlsinjc rapidly and.
while not an avowed candidate. he
would accept. If elected. The only ob
jection raised la that by vacating the
;rernorhli he would turn the office
over to a ItrpuMlcan. but. as all his
appointments cover the period of two
years, little political capital would be
Tlie Legislature waa assembled here
today, but. beyond perfecting; an or
ganization with the election of Mc
Ixjwoll. of Butte, as Speaker, and Don
Ian, of Missoula, as President pro tem
of the Senate, no business waa trans
acted. The bodies will meet In joint
assembly tomorrow, when Governor
Knrris will deliver his biennial mes
as re.
Individual Liberty and Kconomj
Form Burden for Addrctw.
A LB A NT. N. T Jan. ;. John Alden
I'll, a Democrat, was Inaugurated Gov
ernor of New Tork State at noon today.
lie Is the first Democratic Governor to
assume the oftVe in IS years. The Gov
ernor then delivered his inaugural ad
dress. He said In port:
"The end of all government should be
the. preservation of true liberty that
liberty which guarantees to every man
the fullest measure of individual light
consistent with a proper maintenance
of the rights of all others and at the
Fame time preserves and maintains the
collective rights of all the members of
the state.
"Under oar constitution such liberty
we possess in New Tork. It must be
our constant aim to so strengthen and
extend the exercise of the personal and
inalienable righta by the Individual as
to bring to the state the greatest
growth and highest development of
w'ech our citizenship and resources are
"I am suecedlng to the Governorship
-when, business training and understanding-
seems absolutely essential to the
proper administration of public affairs.
"Great as are the public resources of
ottr commonwealth, expenditures and
outgo have grown In a measure out of
all proportion to the revenue of the
state and we seem committed to aa out
lay which will not alone tax to its full
est extent our Income but demand that
-we draw on the future in a way which,
la my opinion. Is of very doubtful wis
Bay State Senator Realise Crisis of
Career Has Come.
BOSTON. Jan. 2. An account of his
IS years' stewardship as one 'of the
Massachusetts Republicans in the up
per branch, of Congress will be given
tomorrow night by Senator Henry Ca
bot Lodge. In an address In Symphony
Hall to those members of the Legisla
ture who favor his re-election for a
four term.
The friends of Senator Lodge assert
Ms address will be the effort of his
life. All agree that the senior Senator
has reached the crisis in bis political
The address comes on the eve of the
convening f the Legislature, which
two weeks from tomorrow will vote on
the Senatorshlp.
While Senator Lodge is addressing the
majority of the Republican members
of the legislature, the Democrats of
the House will hold a caucus in the
tatehouae for the purpose of selecting
a candidate for Speaker, and perhaps
to plan a legislative campaign that
way include the Senatorshlp.
California legislature Crams Sever
al Days Business Into One.
SACRAMENTO. Jan. S. The Thirty
ninth Legislature of the State of Cali
fornia began its sessions here today
with a rush that augured well for an
a. -live session. Work frequently ex
tended by legislative bodfcs over two
days or more waa jammed into the
confines of this legal holiday.
Two sessions were held, and although
at dinner-time tonight, organization in
both houses had beVn effected and
Governor Gillette final message re
ceived, the legislators plunged Into
committee appointments. patronage
distribution, and the Vnlted States
Senatorshlp election muddle with a
teal which promise.) to last until the
early inorntita hours.
In keeping with the hurry-up aspect
of affairs, the inauguration ceremon
ies intended for Wednesday were set
forward to tomorrow night.
Colorado General Assembly Will Be
gin Session Wednesday.
D&NVER. Jan. J Tomorrow evening
at T:3 o'clock Democratic meraoers ot
the lower house of the General Assem
bly will caucus to agree upon a Speaker
and other officers, as weu as 10 parcel
out catronaae. At the same hour Demo
cratic members of the Senate will meet
to select a President pro tem.
The Assombly convenes for th 1SU
general session on Wednesday at noon.
rm Thursday the Legislature will meet in
.Int session to canvass the vote for state
off l.-crs.
Maine Will Elect Democrat
AUGCSTA. Me, Jan. X. The Demo
cratic Legislature, which convenes this
afternoon, will have the distinction of
beginning Its deliberation In a state
asoM remodeled and enlarged at a coat
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of f 350.000 by the last Republican Leg
islature. This Is the nrst Maine Legis
lature .to be Democratic in both
branches alnce that of 1847. which chose
James W. Bradbury United States Sen
ator. A Democratic caucus for the se
lection of a successor to United States
Senator Eugene Hale, has been called
for next Wednesday evening.
n Opposes Candidacy of Works for
Senator From California.
8AX DIEOO. Cai. Jan. !. A. O.
Spalding, the millionaire manufacturer,
who claims the advisory vote for United
Ststes Senator to succeed Frank J.
Flint, under the direct primary law, to
day issued a circular letter to members
of the Legislature, opposing the candi
dacy of John D. Works, of Los Angeles,
who is backed by the Incoming admin
istration. He says. In part:
"It is not my intention to visit Sac
ramento during balloting for United
States Senator because I have no reason
to question the integrity of members
of the Legislature, who are instructed
to vote for me. and I have no hesitation
in stating that I do not believe one
legally elected as a candidate for the
United tftatee Senatorshlp at the pri
maries should be expected to be present
at a session of the Legislature where
Ms own Indorsement by the people un
der the law Is up for ratification by
their representatives."
West Virginia Fijtlit Flve-Cornered.
WHEELING. W. Vs.. Jan. 1. The con
test among Democrats for the seat now
held hi the United States Senate by
Nathan B. Scott. Republican. Is now con
eldered as five-cornered, with the en
rollmen of John J. Cornwall, of Hamp
shire County, this week, as a receptive
candidate. The contest, however, ap
peared to be between Clarence Watson,
the Fairmont coal operator, and John T.
McGraw. of Grafton. The Legislature
meets on January 11. and the Senatorial
election is slated for January 24.
Carer Not Out for Senator.
CHETENNE. Wyo- Jan. S. Joseph
M. Carey, elected on the Democratic
ticket to succeed Governor B. B. Brooks
was Inaugurated Governor of Wyom
ing at noon today. Intense cold made
necessary the abandonment of cere-
mAnlA to take olSCA in t hfl
open air. In his Inaugural address
Carey indicated he was not a candi
date for United States Senator.
.Ohio to Fill Dick's Seat.
COLUMBUS. 0 Jan. 2. Chief inter
est In the session of Ohio General As
sembly, which convenes today, rests In
the election of a United States Senator
to succeed Charles Dick. The new Sen
ator will be a Democrat. The two lead
ing candidates are Atlee Pomerene. of
Canton, and D. E. W. Hanley. of Dir
ton. although there are upwards of a
doxen receptive candidates.
Oddle Takes OfHce In Nevada.
RENO. Nov.. Jan. 1 Tasker L. Oddle
was Inaugurated Governor of Nevada at
Carson City today. He Is the first Re
publican to occupy the; position since the
early s- Governor Oddle announced the
appointment of L. F. Adamson. of Gold
field, aa State License and Bullion Tax
Collector, and C A. Norcross, of Reno,
as his private secretary-
I a valuable fa mil v friend. Foley's
Honey and Tar fulfills this condition
exactiv. Mrs. Charles Kline. N. 8th St..
Has ton. Pa states: "Several mem
bers of my family have been cured of
bad roughs and colds by the use of
Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never
without a bottle In the house. It
soothes snd relieves the Irritation In
the throat and loosens up the cold. I
have always found it a reliable cough
cure and do not hesitate to recom
mend it highly." For la grippe coughs
and stuffy colds, for children and
grown persons and for delicate people
tise only Foley's Honor and Tar. Con
tains no' opiates. Sold by all drug
Idaho's New Governor Inaug
urated at Boise.
Dr. Hull Also Released From
Charge of Murder.
Klerentli Session of Lawmaking
Ilodjr Opens Amid Cheers C. H.
Storey Is House Speaker;
James Wallls Chief Clerk.
BOISE. Idaho. Jan. 1 (Special.) Amid
handclanplng and cheers and during the
Initial joint session of the Eleventh Idaho
Legislature. James II. Hawley (Dem.),
eighth Governor of the State of Idaho,
wa Inaugurated with the simplest of
ceremonies today, the oath of office being
administered by Chief Justice Stewart, of
the Supreme Court of the state In the
hall ef the House of Representatives.
The state officials-elect accompanied
by the outgoing state officials and beaded
by ex-Governor Brady and Governor
Hawley, marched Into the House at II
o'clock this morning and were greeted
by thunderous applause. Without cere
mony Chief Justice Stewart mounted to
the Spoaker'a chair and administered the
The 11th Legislature- went into initial
session at noon.
Perfect organisation of both the ma
jority and minority wings of the Senate,
with Senator Gooding, President pro-tem,
and Republican whip, and Ravenal Mac
Beth, chosen leaders of the minority,
marked the opening of the 8enate when
Lieutenant-Governor Sweetscr dropped
the gavel.
There was a note of sorrow apparent in
the Senate, because of the unfortunate
death of the daughter of John Hart, ex-
Senator of Fremont County, due to a
runaway, and the death of the son of
Senator Pugmyer, of Bear Lake. Resolu
tions of condolences expressing the deep
sorrow of the Senate were forwarded
the bereaved Senators.
The House organised by carrying out
the Republican caucus pledge and electing
Charles D. Storey, of Boise, Speaker, and
James H. Walll chief clerk. Storey's
election scouted the report that the Re
publican caucus would bolt and refuse
him support on the ground that his
selection waa made possible by the liquor
Frtur Passengers. Two Trainmen
Meet DeatTi In Kentucky.
ASHLAND. Ky.. Jan. 2. Six persons
were killed in a wreck on MiUer Creek
Railroad, near Van Lear, a few miles
from Palntsvllle. Ky.. last night.
Of the victims four were passengers
and the other trainmen. The latter were
riding on the pilot of a locomotive.
The accident was caused by a collision
between a locomotive and three coal
cars of a mixed train which broke away
while the accommodation was coming
down the branch line to connect with the
Chesapeake si Ohio passenger train at
Van Lear. On the return trip the mixed
train collided with these cars.
When given as soon as the croupy
cough appears Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will ward off an attack of
croup and prevent all danger and
cause of anxietr. Thousands of mothers
use It successfully. Bold by all deal
ers, m
Judge Denies Continuance) Asked by
Prosecution Because Poison Ex
pert's Inability to Be Pres
ent, So Case Dropped.
t a v:-. i (TTTtp -fiv Jan. i Mrs. Alma
H. Vaughn and Dr. James R. Hull, ac
cused of the murder or rroiessor jonu
T. Vaughn nearly a year ago, today
were freed of the charges against them
in the Circuit Court cere.
Their cases were nolle pressed by
Prosecuting Attorney Relger, of Adair
Count-, after Judge Shelton had refused
to grant the further continuance asked
by the state.
The announcement was greeted with
hv the erfenrim of Mrs. Vaughn
and Dr. Hull, who crowded the courtroom.
The widow appeared unconcerned wnen
she understood that she waa no longer
held on a murder charge.
Poison Expert Absent.
The inability of Dr. Paul Schweitser,
of the State University, the prosecution's
poison expert to be present, was the rea
son for the reuest for a continuance.
Prosecutor Deiger Introduced affidavits to
this effect, and Dr. B. B. Clements, of
Macon, who was a member of the medi
cal commission appointed Jn November to
examine Dr. Schwelte?r, testified that In
his Judgment the expert never would be
In condition to take the stand.
In refusing the continuance. Judge Shel
ton said he believed Dr. Sohweltsur. who
Is more than SO years old, never would
be able to appear In court. Reiser's term
as prosecutor expired today and It Is
likely that nothing more will be done In
the case.
Yanghn's Death Sadden.
Mrs. Vaughn was accompanied to the
courtroom by her mother, her sister,
Mrs. James Johnson, and Mrs. Alice
Blodgett. of St. Louis.
Professor Vaughn died In Klrksville,
iMo.. suddenly, on October 14. 1909. after
an interesting career as an educator.
In December of the same year, a num
ber of his friends obtained an investiga
tion and in January, 1910. his body was
exhumed. Then followed a bitter legal
fight made by the widow upon Dr.
Bchweltser's report that he had found
strychnine in the deceased etiucabors
stomach. Indictments were returned by
a grand Jury at Kirksville. a few daya
later and the case was brought to Lan
caster on a change of venue.
Commission Says Companies Make
Cnconsclonable Profit.
DES MOINES, Jan. 2. The Iowa
Railroad Commission ordered today a
reduction of from 6 to 20 cents per
100 pounds In maximum express rates
for interstate shipments by the Adams.
American. Great Northern. Paoiflo.
United States and Wells Fargo Express
The Pom mission holds that the ex-
See Full Page Annual Clearance Sale Ad on Page 20
(IS Frank Store
Big January Sale of Pure Food Groceries
START tbe new year out right this morning by giving our big Pure Food Grocery
a chance at supplying your needs. Visit this big, modern, ever-helpful Grocery
Store where high qualities, large assortments and prompt service go hand-in-hand
'with lowest possible prices. Our great J anuary Sale of Pure Food Groceries
starts this morning with hundreds of items at splendid savings. Read every one.
Baker's Cocoa, 12-pound at 20
Baker's Premium Chocolate, y2
potmd box, now on sale at 20
Vicot Pickles, 25c bottle, at 21$
Victor Pickles, 15c bottle, at 12
Victor Catirap, 20c Bottle, at 174
Victor Guaranteed Flour, barrel,
$5.37; 49-lb. bag. now $1.42
Fancy Large Bipe Olives, qtu, 60$
Choice Bipe Olives, qnart at 35
Fancy Queen Olives, qnart at 50
Oregon Italian Prunes, steam
cured: 25-pound box at $2.65;
2 pounds 25c pound, now at 15
Fancy Italian Prunes, box, 95
Fancy French Prunes, box, 95i
Fancy Evaporated Apples, 12$
Japan Style Eice, 100-lbs., $4.40
6 pounds now on Bale at only 27$
Fancy Evap. Cherries, pound, 12$
Fancy Evap. Peaches, pound, 10
Fancy Evap. Apricots, pound 18$
Holland Rusk, dozen at $1.30
the package, on sale at only 11
Fancy Cakes and Biscuits
Huntley & Palmer's Imported Tea
Cakes, 20 varieties for selection.
Butternut Butter
WeVe built tip aa enormous
business on this famousButter
nut Butter. Made of pure paa
teurized cream. Fresh every
day. This sale, 2-lb.
square, at the low price
We have the largest assort
ment of fine German Delica
tessena in Oregon, at the
usually low Pure Food Gro
cery prices. Try an order.
Frou Frou, imported cakes, 50i
Huntley & Palmer's Breakfast
Biscuits, on sale, the pound 50 $
Dr. Johnson's To aster ettes, 25 $
Dr. Johnson's Educator Biscuits,
come in 1 and 2-pound boxes.
Specials in Hams
Small Smoked Hams, hickory
smoked and sugar cured, 18Yi$
Medium Sized Hams, hickory
smoked and sugar cured, 16Vz$
Small Calirnia "Picnic Hams, mild
sugar-cured shoulders, lb., 14$
Olive Oil. Etc.
Lucca Olive Oil, Cross & Black
well's, on sale now, bottle, 75$
Lea & Perrin's Worcester Sauce,
on sale now. the bottle, only 25 $
Touranedas Kitchen Bouquet 25
Hazard's Burnt Onion Sauce 25$
Huyler'B Cocoa, V2-lb. box, at 23
Figs and Fancy Fruits
Cresca Pulled Figs, 25S50
Cresca Preserved Figs, now on
sale, the jar, at only 35S65
Cresca Stuffed Figs and Dates,
now on sale, the jar, only 60$
Large Fancy Florida Grape Fruit,
$3.50 the box; three for 25
Imported French Prunes, $1.15
Cresca Pot-Pourri jar, 30-45
Imported Weisbaden Fruits, now
on sale, the jar, at only $1.25
Fancy New Walnuts, 5 pounds,
$1.15; the pound at only 22
New Hickory Nuts, pound, 17$
New Black Walnuts, pound, 10
Small White Beans, 100-pound bag
$4.50; six pounds at only 2D$
The Bakery
Our French Pastry and all
kinds of delicious Bakery
Goods fresh daily. If you
want the best yon can al
ways get it in this section.
preis companies doing buBlnesa In Iowa
are taking "an excessive and uncon
scionable profit." It holds that 80 per
cent of the sum of local charges ol
express companies Is a fair and reason
able charge for a Joint rate and that
after March 30 such shall be the basis
of Joint rates in Iowa.
The Commission holds there are
many discriminations In the express
business. The decision follows com
plaints by Attorney-General Byers, the
Iowa Manufacturers' Association and
E. B. Higley, a Northwestern Iowa
Ex-Judge Attempts Suicide.
CHARLOTTE. N. C, Jan. 2 Ex-Jndse
Spencer B. Adams, of Greensboro, N. C.
attempted to commit suicide here last
night by slashing his throat with a ra
zor Hi! condition today 's critical.
Judge Adams was chairman of the Re
publican State Committee for several
years and was at one time a member of
the Indian Claims Commission of Okla
homa. His health has been bad for sev
eral years.
Oil King Says Vso Mistake as Foun
dation, for Success.
NEW TORK. Jan. 2. "Forget your
mistakes and failures of the old year and
start the new year anew."
This was the New Year's counsel of
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. to his Bible class
In the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church:
"Forget everything that is futile and
depressing," said Mr. Rockefeller, "and
begin 1911 with hope and courage. The
beautiful prayer of the Episcopal Church
says we are all miserable sinners, but
let us ask for forgiveness and forget
when we have once recognized our sins,
them. I can see no good In pitting In
sackcloth and ashes and brooding over
"As for our failures, let us turn them
Into the foundation for our success. The
dividing line between failure and suc
cess may often be simply the width of a
"Have a definite purpose and stick to it.
Aim at self-mastery. Don't eat what is
! not good for you; don't drink what is
I going to harm you. Be master over yourself."
Welsh Anthracite Is Ideal for furnace:
over S00 use It. Phone E. 303. C. 2303.
Of Ladies' Tailored Suits and
Coats Opens Today--A Large
Line of Suits and Coats at
So well known is this line of splendid tail
ored earments that it is not necessary to
say more than that all our garments are I
made of genuine merchants' tailor cloth
rich, durable, good for years. Every gar
ment we offer has been made here in
Portland in our own shops. Now, don't
be buying rag garments this week, when
these splendid garments are offered at
One Ma
f Price
This Sale Is at Our Store at f
Cor. West Park, by 0. W. & K. Store.
ii.j:.; ;, V;;;S wrWf K li 4