MOKMXG OREGOXIANV TUESDAY. JAXTJAliY 3, l'Jir.- THE ROAD FIGHTS HARD TO AID RATE CUT Three Federal Judges Hear Southern Pacific Argue for Injunction. DECISION EXPECTED SOON ttorney Teal for Interstate Com- inrrce Cornmllon Contesls ; nlon'it Pica .salnt Ite dart ion of Clir;r. OTTO-INO CLAIMS Of ATTOR r rs RAILKtkAO con MlsnlO c-.isk. -ror years, t Southern Pacific ha been eprttn the line of ths rrtn California Itai:road Com pany In urron at a loss, tad la ju.t bow blnnln to r a lltlmate profit. To r1uc the classified freight rat sow araounta to confis cation of tha corporation's property." W. P. Fenton, representing tha Soothern Pacific. -Tbo net arnlnas of tha Southern Pacific f.r th fiacal year ending Jan SO. 1!0. were I3.0I3.S9X Th rlurtloa of tha rat on classified fralcht. aa maJe by th Oregon Stat flirAA-f rommlnloiL la 1ut." J. N. t: recresentlnc th CommlJilon. f T To avoid a reduction of Its present Tt-s for the shipment of classified freight to points In Oregon, the South ern Pacific Is jutting; up a hard fltsl.t lit the Federal Court. Judges Wol verton. Gilbert and Rean at en banc for four hours resterday afternoon lis tening; to the arguments of J. X. Teal, representing the State Railroad Com mission, and W. D. Kenton, represent ing the' Southern Pacific The rate case was taken Into court yesterday on the application of the Southern Taclflc for a preliminary In junction restraining the Railroad Com mission from enforcing the reduction In the tariff, which was made on class freight September II. Inst. Judge Gilbert announced from the bench that a decision would be made by the court as soon as possible. The attorneys were asked to file briefs, or In their place memoranda of the au thorities cited. A temporary restrain ing order, preventing the commission from enforcing the new tariff, was granted by Judge Wolverton when the suit was filed several months ago. and will remain in force until the three Judges decide the motion for the pre liminary Injunction. Apparent Discrepancy Cited. Attorney Teal-called attention In his argument to an apparent discrepancy between the estimate of the loss which would be sustained by the railroad un der the new tariff, as given In the corporation's complaint, and that given in the affidavit of the railroad offi cials. The complaint, he said, esti mates the loss at :;.31.80. and the affidavits at $133,030. In reply. Mr. Kenton, on behalf of. the company, said that because only 10 days were allowed the railroad company to put the new freight schedule Into effect, it was necessary to secure all these figures by telegraph, but that later, when the affidavits arrived, and when more time bad been given for figuring what the osa would be. It was found It would be less. Mr. Teal said the gross receipts of the railroad In 1J09 were t7.104.081, the gross expenses 5.S3..9S. and the surplus f 1.264.383. Kor 1910. he said, tha gross receipts were 18.834.903. the expenses tt.T91.310. and the surplus li.04J.i93. Dividends Are Given. For the fiscal year ending In June, 1910. be said the railroad could have declared a dividend of seven per cent on preferred stock and six per cent on common stock, and still have had $7S1. I93 of the earnings on hand, or four per cent of the capitalization, lie placed the preferred stock at 1 12,000. the common stock at $7,000,000. the bonded Indebtedness at 117.743.000 and the floating debt at $3.:07.O0S. a total of t39.93I.008. The value of the prop erty aa estimated by the railroad itself Is t43.S94.SSC. he said. Pope's repro duction estimate places It at t4(.8T9. :. and the estimate of the engineer employed by the commission at $30. 3S9.TT. from which was deducted a ertaln amount for depreciation, giving $:7.0T3.TTS as the present worth of the property. , Said Mr. Teal: "The company states In Its complaint that It would be obliged to raise the rates on other things than class products If this change In rates were made. But on the very lowest grade, they have al ready advanced the rate SO per cent, and are before the commission trying to prevent that advance. They say that Isn't confiscatory of the public's money, but that this slight reduction is confiscatory of their property. Double Change Not Xeedcd. They say In the complaint that a reduction of the local rate will mean a reduction also of roe through rate. But they may reduce the local rate, and It Is not necessary to make the through rate a part of It. "These rates are not confiscatory. If they are not. what Is the court to arrant an Injunction for? Is it Tor the court to fix this rate at 60 per cent or some other per cent? That would be a legislative act. and not within the court's power. If this com mission has not acted unconstitutional ly. If It has acted within Its Jurisdic tion, the courts have nothing to do with it. States have a right to create these administrative tribunals, and they have a right to go Into the rate question, to find out whether rates are discriminatory." In reply. Mr. Fenton said. In part: "Although this matter of class rates wss taken up by the Railroad Co mission upon Its own initiative, there was not a great deal of evidence be fore It, except that of financial experts and extensive tables prepared by the statistician as to rates In Iowa. Illinois and other states. The pressure upon the Commission apparently comes from people who are Interested in the re daction of the rate In classes four and five, under which groceries, hardware, canned goods and such things move. Investment Is Factor. "The amount of money Invested In a railroad ls a very important thing In determining ratesi hut one class of rail road economists takes Into consideration the cost of reproduction. I do not claim t!t the JlJS.ono or llM.n) reduction In rate would confiscate all the property of the railroad, but If this property Is worth, aa we sav. IC.000.000 and we are entitled to a net return, exclusive of such amounts aa vhould not be charred to capital, and then if we ore entitled to and I per cent upon our Investment, if the proof should show that we are only receiving 2 or 3 pet" cent, then Is It man ifest that any reduction would be con fiscatory of the u. of that property pro tanto. It Is a question for your honors whether this 1 not taking property with out due process of law and therefore In vloVatlcn of the Constitution of the United Slates. "I do not see why a railroad should not be entitled to make 10 or 15 per cent In Its business. If the rates It fixes are not excessive. In the gaa case, however, It was found that per cent was reasonable. In the Minnesota case it was found that 7 per cent was reasonable. "The Oregon & California is not oper ating this property. Th Southern Pa cific is, ts it were, a clearing-house. The Oregon California, under its agreement was to have $5000 a year and the Southern Pacific was to take all the receipts, pay all the dl-bursements and have all it put Into the property In the way of better ments. "June 30. IS", the Southern Pacific had advanced to tills property, above what It had received from the public, over K.0C0. MX If that money went Into capital It Is not an operating expense. But that Is one of the Issues of this case. They had access to our books. They nl their representative to San Fran cksco. They put themselves in the place of proprietor. Here and there they put their finger on an Item which they say should have gone to capital, but which we think should have gone Into the oper ating expenses. 'The records show nothing has been pnM on this stock as a dividend. It is a matter of common history that the $12,000.- of preferred stock represents the origi nal $10.0.'j0 of German money and floating indebtedness which went Into the construction of the first 3 miles of this road, and the $T. stock represents the accrued Interest of the German bond holders. When the time csme that they should take their money, upon the bank ruptcy of the company, they took pre ferred stock for the principal and com mon stock for their interfst. That stock has been In existence ever since. The bonded indebtedness is r.OX.000 and I7.046.OjO of this is outstanding. The taxes on the land secured by grant are paid from the proceeds of the property. Two Questions Involved. "Counsll says. 'Why don't you make an Interstate rate on these shipments to a point south of Portland and at the same time put into effect these local ratesr Suppose we should leave the interstate rates iii they are now and file with the Interstate Commerce Commission the new local rates. The Medford Chamber of Commerce will then ship from Chi cago to Portland and reblll to Medford or it will be compelled to .purchase of Portland Jobbers instead of Chicago Job bers. There are Just two questions In volved: Is Interstate commerce Intel fered with? and. does this rate confiscate the company's property? "Only In the last two years has thU property baer. productive. Class- 1, affect ed by competuon. to Eugene, has not been changed. 1 he sprtud has been made on the other classes. "Intrastate freight traffic Is several times aa expensive as interstate 'raffle. The road was running at a heavy loss In 1SU6. Complaints were frequent of rusty rails and bad woouen bridges. It was the Railroad Commission's purpose to leave the rates atone until the line could be rebuilt. "Twcnty-flve or 30 per cent dividends might be considered excessive, but not 6 and per cent dividends. Regulation dotsn't mean proprietorship. If the Inter locutory injunction Is not granted ours will be but a barn n victory, though we may win at the final hearing." Mr. Teal. In leply, said tne land was granted tha railroad as an Inducement to bu'ld the railroad In an ur sett led country. If t'ie land had been sold to homesteaders, as the law required, he said, the country would have been settled up and the rail road would have profited by the return In business. II said the land is likely to prove amply -err.uneratlve to the road for its loss in traffic. TRUST CHARGE IS MADE rXITED TELEPHONE CAXXOT DISCONNECT LIXES. Bell Company Is Accused of Using Unfair Means to Drive Out Com petition Front Field. A temporary injunction, restraining the United Telephone Company from discon necting Its lines from those of the North western Long Distance Telephone Com pany, has been Issued In the Federal Court. W. D. Tyler, receiver of the Northwestern Company, Is plaintiff in the suit upon which the injunction is based, and the United Telephone Company, Blaine McCord. James B. Hunt. W. H. Waterbury and the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company are defendants. The complaint alleges the Northwest ern Company had a contract with G. W. Scrnmblln, who owned local exchanges at Hubbard, Aurora and Canby. The con nections between the Northwestern Com pany and Scramblln'a lines were made In 1907. Scramhlln sold out to the United Company. Last August or September, It Is alleged, the Pacific Company connected secretly wltb the United Company's lines. In violation of contract between the United Company and the Northwestern Company. The United Company, It Is alleged, purchased from the Pacific Com pany the local exchange at Woodburn and made connections with It. A notice Is alleged to have been served on tha Northwestern Company to the effect the United Company would sever connection with It January 1. 1911. This would have cut off the United Company's 00 sub scribers from Northwestern telephone service. The Northwestern Company, through Its receiver, goes on to say that until 1S93 the American Telephone & Telegrayh Company, known as the "Bell System. had a monopoly on the telephone busi ness of the United States, and that the Pacific Company 'was one of Its sub sidiary corporations. At that time Its patent expired. It then had SOO.000 tele phones in the United States. Competition for 17 years has caused the Installation of about 5.OU0.Q0O telephones, it is asserted, the "Bell System" owning 3.SOO.00O of these. Unfair means are alleged by the Inde pendent Company to have been practiced by the Bell Company, in the effort to drive out competition. Jt is alleged to have employed secret agents to purchase independent plants, and then allow the service of these plants to deteriorate and refuse to extend the service. It is also alleged that In some cases it cut rates and gave free service to prevent the suc cessful operation of competing Companies. The American Company, or Bell Sys tem, now controls the Western Union Telegraph Company, it Is asserted, hav ing purchased large blocks of Its stock. The Bell System has elected. It Is said. Its own board of directors. Because the Northwestern Company is in financial straits, continues the com plaint, the Bell Company Is making stren uous efforts to undermine its business and is using unfair means to do so. It Is charged that it has Induced several companies to break traffic agreements with the Northwestern Company. Tha Portland Independent exchange has 11.0") subscribers, it is asserted. These and all subscribers served by the inde pendent company except those in Wood bum will be deprived of the privilege of telephoning over Independent lines to the south. POLICE SUPPRESS FIGHT PICTURES Exhibition to Newspapermen and City Officials Not Al lowed by Chief Cox. BAKER BECOMES ANGERED Councilman and Lessee, or Bungalow Theater, Dislikes Action of( Cox and Says no Has Xo Inten tion of Showing- Films. The moving pictures of the Johnson Jeffries fight, which took place at Reno. Nev., July 4 last, were nol shown at ths private exhibition announced for the city officials and the newspapermen last night by Walter Reed, manager of the Bungalow Theater, for Chief of Police Cox Issued orders not to permit tha showing of the films under any circum stances. George L. Baker, a member of the City Council and lessee of the Bungalow Theater, where the pictures were to have been shown, returned to Portland yes terday and hearing of the controversy over the films, held a conference with Mayor Simon, who refused to alter his decision made Saturday, when the pic tures were advertised to be shown, and Mr. Baker assured the Mayor that the pictures would not be displayed at his theater If they were considered objec tionable. Mayor Simon assured Coun cilman Baker that the pictures were ob jectionable and the latter Issued orders at the Bungalow Theater that they be not shown. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock a crowd of something like 200 person, including newspapermen, city officials and a squadron of police under the command of Captain Bailey, were at the theater en trance waiting to see the show. linker Is Angry. When the array of police assembled last night, Councilman Baker became angry and said: "I do not see the neces sity of sending a body of policemen here to stop these pictures. I had a confer ence with Mayor Simon this afternoon and assured him that the pictures would not be shown in my theater. I had no knowledge of any controversy over the pictures, for I only returned to town this morning. I knew that they were to bo shown in the theater and had given Mr. Reed permission to show them, for I thought there would be no objection, es pecially since pictures of other fights as well as actual fights have taken place in this city In the last year. "It Bcemi strange to me that the Jeffries-Johnson pictures should be classed as any more immoral than were the pictures of the Johnson-Ketchel, Johnson-Burns, Wolgast-Nelson, and many other fight films shown here only re cently, or half as Immoral as were the several actual fights which took place here last Winter, and which were not Interfered with by the Mayor and the police. Antagonism Xot Intended. "I do not care to antagonize the ad ministration, nor to have any difficul ties with the police, for I maintain or der in all my theaters, and If Mayor Simon or Chief Cox declare the pictures immoral, all right. I shall abide by their decision and the pictures will not be shown In any of my theaters. It was npt necessary for Chief Cox or Mayor Simon to send a cordon of police to the Bungalow Theater. The pictures would not have been shown after my conference with the Mayor." John F. Logan, the attorney, an nounced last night that the "defy" he Issued Sunday goes as he said It. and that he will carry out his remarks to the letter. "If Mayor Simon wants to reform the city. I will show him how to do It." reiterated Logan. Throughout the day yesterday a close watch was kept by police officers on the Bungalow Theater, but no -attempt jras made to exhibit the pictures, despite the announcement made at the box office Sunday that they would be shown. A small number of Intending patrons ap peared, but were refused admission. "Mr. Logan can't make the town too clean to suit me," said Chief of Police Cox, In answer to a statement of the at torney for the showmen that he was going to see that the "moral wave" was made thorough. "I am always ready to receive suggestions and information leading to better conditions and shall be glad to have Mr. Logan's co-operation." MINISTERS DISCUSS PICTURES Stand Taken by Chief Cox Is Doth Praised and Questioned. The moving pictures of the Johnson Jeffries prlxe fight were "roasted" by the ministers at their meeting in the Y. M. C. A. building yesterday morning, the matter being placed in the hands "Dr. Miles Nervine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits." A family can suffer no greater, affliction than to have a child sub ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would give their all to restore such a child to health. "I am heartily glad to tell you of our little boy who was completely cured of 6ts. He commenced hav- lng them at 10 years of age and had them for four years. 1 tried three doctors and one specialist but all of them said he could not be cured, but Dr. Miles" Restorative Nervine and Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills , made a comptete cure. He is now hale, hearty and gay. It has been three years since he had the last spell. I shall eive Dr. Miles' medicines f i raise wherever I go. You are at iberty to use this letter as you see fit and anyone writing to me I will gladly answer if they enclose stamp for reply." F. M. BOGUE, Windfall, Ind. Dr. Miles Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul sions and epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak minds. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven most effective in reliev ing these dreaded maladies. Sold by all druggists. If the first bottla falls to benefit your money is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. of the law and order committee, of which Rev. Benjamin Young is chair man. The ministers commended tne stand taken by Chief of Police Cox in prohibiting the pictures, but some of them declared they thought It an ad vertising scheme, believing- that al though the pictures are temporarily un der the ban they will be shown. When asked about the matter last night Rev. W. F. Reagor. president of the Minis terial Association, said that that game has been played In other cities, and will probably be played here." Dr. Young told the ministers the theater proprietors should have Invited the preachers to their "sample" exhi bition. Instead of Inviting the news paper men. "The preachers," he said, "would be competent to Judge." AUTO SPEEDERS ARRESTED James keep Trle9 to 'Take "Drunk" Home 40 Miles the Hour. Arrested for speeding an automobile, James Keep had the novel experience of being hauled to police station on an Im provised patrol wagon, being the motor cycle of Patrolman 91ms, who made tha arrest. Keep, in company with another chauf feur, was taking home an intoxicated man and the Job required dispatch, so they were "hitting it up" 40 miles an hour across the Burnslde br!t!gt. Leaving ona chauffeur with the car, Sims arrested Keep and mounted him behind the saddle of the motor-cycle for a swift trip to the Jail, where he was released on bail. Maximum penalty will be urged by Policeman Sims upon E. Gould, a driver for tha Montavllla garage, whom he ac cused of speeding past the school on Bel mont street at 3o miles an hour, in the face of recent warnings from the Chief of Police and vehement protest against the custom on the part of the Mothers' Club. H. E. Humphrey was arrested for speed ing at Third and Taylor streets, within the fire limits, and is accused of going at the rate of 25 miles an hour. Ho at tempted to refresh Sims' memory con cerning an occasion when the officer, he alleged, had accepted a drink and a cigar to overlook an infraction of the speed laws. Sims refused to remember the oc currence and placed Humphrey under ar rest. . E. T. Beverldge was arrested for going at the rate of 15 miles an hour on Wash ington street. R. Larson, driving a motor truck, is accused of making a speed of 20 miles an hour on the same Rtreet. S. C. Brown will answer to a charge of travel ing 25 miles an hour on Alder street and the Morrison bridge. ROUGH HOUSE ATTEMPTED Man llesents Hotel's Protest Against Kntcrtaining Woman in Room. L. D. Smith, of Eugene, collected a "gang" and attempted to start a "rough house" in the Oregon Hotel at 6:30 yesterday evening, because a woman, who he said was his sister, had been dented the privilege of visiting him in his room. "Big Bill," the day porter, was sent to the room to tell Smith that lie must entertain the young woman In the parlor. Smith and his sister then left the hotel and later Smith returned with a friend, accused the porter of insulting his sister and unexpectedly hit him in the face. The fight was stopped and Smith and his friend left. In a few YOUR KIDNEYS WILL SURELY ACT FINE AND MOST SEVERE BACKACHE SltVIPLY VANISHES Just a Tew Doses of Pape's Diuretic Regulates the Kidneys and Ends Bladder Misery. The real treachery and danger in kidney trouble is because the first symptoms are always seen In other parts of the body before anything wrong is noticed with the kidneys themselves. The moment you suspect any kid ney, bladder or urinary disorder, or feel a dull, constant backache or the urine is thick, cloudy or offensive or full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a scalding sensation, begin taking Pape's Diuretic as di rected, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine, at any price, made anywhere ele In the world, which is so harmless or will effect so thorough and prompt a cure. Put an end to kidney trouble while it is only trouble before it develops SHOW ME I demonstrate my ability in the treatment "of the ailments in my specialty, first, by giving immediate benefits; secondly, by the rapid progress my pntients make from the beginning, and each and every patient knows that he is going to get well from the fact that there is no standstill about the ailment,' no weary -weeks and months of wait ing, hoping and watching for benefits the trouble must yield ll I teu you in the beginning 1 can perma nently cure you, and it is because I am a scientific specialist and know how to CURE. By the latest and best methods, ! cure, to remain cured, Blood and Skin Ailments, Varicose Veins, , Piles, Kidney and Bladder Ailments. If afflicted men in Portland and vicinity knew of the permanent cures I accomplish, of the patients I dis miss who don 't have to continue seek ing and paying . for treatment, some of them having been treated a dozen times before, they would surely lose no time in seeing me. I prove my success over other specialists. I don't ask you to believe me. I don't ask you to take my word for what I say a visit and treatment will tell and convince you if you have any doubts. l Wfl l TRFAT YOU rnrc Xot a nollar Need Be Psld r Kr.ri Ualeu Cared. for one week If you desire to prove that I can cure you. I have spent thousands to develop my treatment, and I know what it will do. Don t expeHment elsewherS. try my treatment free, and be convinced that I can cure you. While the ordinary doctor is experlmentlBs; and naklK snistaKes, a accomplish cores. See w siow. $5.00 AND $10.00 IS ALL I CHARGE FOR CURING SOME CASES MY PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST, no matter whre. you go There is a reason-my practice Is the largest, my offices are the fargest. I am prepared to treat the largest numbers. Therefore I can cure you the cheapest. Having the most experienced and best scien tific treatment to be had, I can cure you the quickest. If you hava sny trouble whatever, come to me. coxsi-LTAnox AXD examination free t office or bv mall. One personal visit is preferred, but if this is lm Sract'cible write us a full and unreserved history of your case and get Sur opinion free: Many cases cured at home. Medicines fresh from, our own laboratory. 1.50 to .50 per course. Honra A. M. to 8 P. 31. Sundays, 10 to 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 2304 YAMHILL STREET, ppRTLAND, OREGON. LL WHO delight in a clear sKin, son, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp, with live, glossy hair will find that Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint ment more than realize every expectation. No other emollients do so much for distressing, dis figuring skin eruptions. Sold everywhere. Send to Potter Drag A Catro. Corp, Boston. lor 32-p. skla book. minutes he returned, accompanied by four or five men. Smith entered the lobby of the hotel from the barroom, while his friends lined up along the sides of the passageway. "Big Bill" walked over and struck Smith and Im mediately the "gang" was upon him. One of the Japanese bellboys who went to the rescue of the porter received a badly bruised eye. In the meantime, two policemen had been summoned from Washington and Seventh streets. By the time they ar rived, the fight had stopped, but the gang remained ready to start another conflict. The officers were asked to arrest the men who came back to the hotel to fight and made the distur bance, but they declined, saying they could do nothing without a warrant of arrest. While the officers were deny ing authority to intervene, a corps of waiters came up from the grill and the gang slipped away under the menacing glares of the' hotel crew. We wish to notify our friends that we have perfected a free delivery sys tem which enables us to reach all parts, of the city several times dally. Emer gency orders sent at once. Phones Main 292 or A 4292. Hummer's drug store. Third and Madison sts'. Try us. Into Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes or Bright's Disease. Pape'a Diuretic acts directly upon the kidneys, bladder and urinay sys tem; cleanses, heals and regulates these organs, ducts and glands and completes the cure within a few days. Pains In the back, sides or loins, rheumatic twinges, debilitating head ache, nervousness, dizziness, bilious stomach, prostatic trouble, sleepless ness, inflamed or puffy eyelids, weak ness, worn-out feeling and many other symptoms caused by clogged, inactive kidneys promptly vanish. Frequent, painful and uncontrollable urination due to weak or Irritable bladder Is overcome. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantire agency will vouch for the responsibility of Pape. Thomp son & Pape of Cincinnati, who pre pare Pape's Diuretic BO cent treat ment sold by every druggist In the world. CAN CURE THEM en Cored By My Special Methods The Leading Specialist. In all my work I am thorough, painstaking and careful to give just the right treatment required in each Individual case. For 25 years I have been proving my ability, and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified success Is due to a thorough medical education, sup plemented by years of experience In men's special ailments only. My treatment Is as correct as modern science can .make It. Others may offer inducements such as cheap treatment or quick treatment, but my foremost claim is for thorough ness, which- In the long run In EVERY CASE means the cheap est and the best. MY SPECIALTY IXCLl'DES VARICOSE VEINS. CONTRACTED AILMENTS, OBSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON AND PILES. I also treat and cure promptly and thoroughly. FREE CONSULTATION AND DIAGNOSIS. Call at the office If possible for Free Advice, Examination and Diagnosis. Men out of town, in trouble, write if you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. CALL OR WRITE TODAY. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays . 10 to 1. . The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 MORRISON ST., COR. SECOND, PORTLAND, OR. FOR $5 AND $10 LET ME CURE YOU I will treat some of your ailments for as low a fee ae $5 and f 10. I w i 1 1 make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ail ment you may be suffering from. With this low fee and my long and succes s f u 1 e x p e r I ence In treating ail ments of men you need not suffer another day. I don't care wno nan tried to cure you, and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a small fee. Don't give up before seeing me. By the latest methods known to MEDICAL science I successfully treat VARICOSE VEINS, PILES, SiERVOUS, AILMENTS, SKIN AIL MENT S, KIDNEY, BLADDER, LOG AND BLOOD AILMENTS, RHEUMATISM, LIVER AIL MENTS AND ALL CHRONIC AIL MENTS OF MEN. Call at once and let a true spe cialist examine you today, not to morrow. 1 . Stop suffering; get strong and vigorous. What more to be de sired than health? Nothing. Come and consult us free of all charge. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128 Second street, Port land. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. APROOF From One Who Has Been Using: Our Chinese Herb and Root Medicines Portland. Oregon, Dec 23, 1910. To Whom It May Concern: Thl3 is to certify that I have taken S. H. Wal Jing's treatment for the past five weeks for a terrible cough and hoarseness, and was completely run down and not able to do any thing. I have been sick for more than a year, and tried many doc tors, but none could do me any good, and some said I had the consump tion, but I kept getting worse all the time until 1 caine to S. H. Wal Jlng, the Chinese doctor and pharmaceutist of S. H. Wal Jing Chinese Herb and Root Medicine Co.. lately from New York Oriental Hospital, and tried his wonderful Chinese herb and root medicines. And I am thankful to say that after five weeks' treatment my cough Is gone, my voice is clear, and now I can talk like before I was sick and feeling perfectly well. I will glad ly recommend S. H. Wal Jing. the Chinese doctor, to any man, woman and children with any internal, ex ternal or eruptive disease, for I am so thankful for my own health he has restored to me. Very truly (Signed) A. L. KRAMER, 189 Mill Street. S. H. WAI JING CO, 3016 Klrxt st, Portland, Oregon. Free Connnltation anil Examination. If Yon Can't Call, Write and Get Diagnosis and Remedies, L. T. YEE CHINESE DOCTOR Yee A Son's Medicine Co. spent llfetin.e study of herbs and re search In China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; guar antees cure ail aliments v, mea and women when others fail. If you suffer, call or write to TEE SON'S MEDI CINE CO.. ltZ'A First. Cat. Im X, YJC Alder, Portland. Ox . . DR GRENE SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING TREATMENT THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated it, if It is curable we will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We chargre nothing to prove our meth ods will cure vou. Our guarantee NO MONEY REQUIRED INTIL SATISFIED Is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and medlcfnes free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It la simply our successful way of do ing things. VARrCOSE VE'NS Weak, Swollen, SaaglnK. Knotted, Wormy-like Velnev Clotted Stnjtnant Pools of Impure Blood, W eak, Nerv ous, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. We dallv demonstrate that VARI COSE VF.fXS ran be cured without severe surgical operation. Benefi cial effects are Immediate. Pain quickly ceares, enlarged veins rap Idly reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated ailments of these organs are rapidly overcome. There in no gurs&wuni nuuui i. 1 " move every obstruction, stop every u waste, allay all Irritation and In- II Ilammatlon. revitalize tne weaKeneu organs, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Rash, Copper-colored Spots, Erup tions, CleerN. Sore Mouth or Throat, Mucous Patches, Swollen Glands, Falling Hnlr. Our NEI'CLETT - ATOXYI, treat ment for SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON leaves no injurious after effect. It does not "lock In" the poison, but drives it out of the system, com pletely and forever, oo there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purify ing. Blood-Maklng, Blood-Cell Rem edy, It gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and restores him to normal health. NEVC-VITAL DEBILITY The came of Nervo-Vltal Debility, as well as its evil effect upon the physical, mental and other powers, la familiar to all afflicted men. The symptoms need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treatment Is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, hut re stores permanently. All disagree able symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy Is regained, self-respect, self confidence and self-control return, and the patient Is prepared for a new period of life. RUPTURE AND RECTAL Rnptnre or Hernia, Film, blind b 1 e p d I n fc. Itrblnic or protrudlngi Fistula I'leer and ctr. Our proven methods make hos pital operations unnecesary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally 9 to 5. Evenings- 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. DR.GR 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. CURED IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TREATING VOU. Our ex perience is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of Men la new to us. COME IX AND TALK IT OVER. General Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork; and other Violations of Nature's law. Diseases of Liadder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co 'Z'lVz WASHIMiTOX STREET, Corner Flrnt. NO CURE, NO PAY OCR EUROPEAN METHODS OTOE. $5.00 ASO S10.00 IS OIK IKE. Jr'KEE X-KAV EXAMINATION. Diseases of Men and Women We make no mii- leadlne statements r deceptive prop jiltlons to the. af flicted, neither do we promise to cure them In a few days In order to se cure their patron- but wt antee & tu.i PLETE. SAFE ar - i . . r. -' jcTivfi r ;i w 6 in the WUICKKST (lk aH without leaving in jurious after el- lem, and the low-J for UOAbsT.I BKILLFUL. AN' SUCCESSFUL T Hi AT Al -Eils'T. Acute, Chronic and ervous Ileaftcs, Blood Folson, Hervo-Vital Troubles, StoLUai'b Troubles, All Forme of Skin Oiheares, Ca tarrh of all forme S5.00 per moiitb; Kc- -icnia, l'ilrs cured without the knite; Swollen Glands. rvonneNK, Debility, Varicoeed Veins, Bladder and Prostatic and Contracted i Troubles and all Acute and Chronic Disease of Men and Women, fekin Oieaees a ble cialty. Call toaay for free X-ray examination. If you cannot call, write your symptoms. Matty cases cured by our home treatment. Call at once and be cured. BRITISH BOTANIC MEDICINE CO. 287Vi Washington St., l'ortlan4, Or.. 4th floor Rothchlld Building. 407. 40S, 409, Take (levator. EENCO. M 10