7 V TTTE arOKXEVG OKEGOyiAX TUESPAY, JANUARY 3, 1911. , ' ' , ' HSASCUL. 1 BUSINESS IUKECIOEY. r' TX rr..i x. I . r, - - I Hsss fhi .plea Hmim I. mtl fMUf. fcK'E 3-room bnusk-eplng suit. newly furnished: steam kuL aas. eleetrieity. bath, phone; adult only. 175 Slat nar Washington. H EAii.VT furnished bouMkiil n rt lmn bath, yard and phone. Mala 22rd. ssX let ex. THREE furnished housekeeping room. light. heau use of paua. hot batba, f-O. 4'Ji Moptfim err- s t- f THREE unfurnished ronneetlnr houas- kitpiBi ruoniiL with pink. u bathroom. Inquire S-. 1 Mi)rr!n. 1-kuOH new. beautiful, modern flat to riean. responsible party, two ad'llts; fine location, walking distance. 8 JW UcstRABLE. fln.lv furnished hot'sxe-p- ln-room: choir, location; walking dla- lnrr, rruoniMc'du Main. JjA.-tKt.vr suite, clean, llsht. splendidly f inuslrd: alio id.li housekeeping room. I all 347 Ma. I st. TIIRKK modern housekeeping roo:n f.r r'tl; walking dist lacr; phone, bath tad light, Phone H 20.4. out avast tuuco. TWO or threw ntwlr furnished housekeep ing rooms: light, heau 444 J 1th. taiwwa Jcrlcson and t oilege. to NullTH 2TH Larg. front room; newly furnished for housekeeping, strictly flrst- 3 HOLSKKEKPiNO r-ouis. tumistied. pri vate family; real 114 month. io East Ankeny. 1.111 hnuirk'liif -riHinii. furnished or un furnished: sink. -s. Urge pantry: cheap; grountl floor, rtlv I nlon ave. ortn. t WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping room en suite. Inquire fi.i Nortn 1'Vtl at. 3 Hol M.KKKP1NO rooms, hot and cold ater. 347 W. Morrison at. OH KENT housekeeping rooms, walking distance, furnace heat. 1W Taior ,u THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, g-d location; furnace haat. t.:t E. Hurnside. S FVRNI.-HED housekeeping rooms, new hime. c lean . convenlenU 71 E. Y am hllL 40 II ARKIHON Two rooms ; no children. Phone Main 27". TWO bonsekeeptnc rooms. 014 East YamhllL Tabor 17". IIRMSHUI housekeeping rooms for rent .1 dd St. c irttw . . 1 1 . w... THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, (a and bath. )M 4th su UOl'SEKGEPlNll room. (12 per month. 829 Montgomery, between 0 and 7. tsu HAUKV ST., near w. llama ave.. well' fnmlshrd rooms, reasonable. U car. li HOUSES FOR KENT. 7 rooms. F-aat th and llalaey. 137.60. 1 rooms. rttn H&lsey at., $4X 6 rooms, harer end 'apltol eta., fts. T roorua. 7'JS lnc View ave.. t2S. FLATS FOR KENT. 8 room a. 6.VJL, Yamhill at.. 32-30. 5 rooms. 47S' Kat Oth at.. t2 6 rooms. :t71l3 pacific at.. iZ. J 6 rooms. 544 ast ;th at.. 1. 6 rooma. 6.-'4 Eat Aldtr at., a rooms. '- VcMllIen at.. PAKRlM . HATKIX3 IX.. 2-0 Aliier tt. SHE GREATER MEIETl A FRANK STORS RENTAL. AND INFORMATION BUREAU Home-hunters. Tlslt our up-to-date rental and Information department, eta floor, main bulldini. and see too a canclee we hare llated of desirable houses and flata Too' II aare time In cettlnv property and comfortably located. We keep In toacn with all Tacant houses, flats and apart mcnts in the city- we also keep a list of new buildings -n coarse ot construciio WHEN" you more you'll need new furniture. Suy It judiciously and the saving's wiu - .1 mue movlnr esnensea. Our NO-hEN'T PRiOES made us one of the tersest furniture houses in the city in two years. Lookers shown same coorteey as buyers, MOKIIAN-ATI-IILKY FIKMTIHE cu, f.rinri Avenue, cor. E. 2lark. East Ankeny and RuaseiuShaver carltna 1'ASS urn puuii. VI CAN FURNISH TOCB HOJ13 At a treat savins- tet our nrioaa lookers shown eyery courtesy. 1L OUTROW 4V CO. MDil North 84 Bt, Reasonable prices. Eaayterma, BOUSED and flata for rent, aome furnished, MERCHANTS AVI.MIH A TRUST COMPANY. K W. Cor. 6th and Washington Stsi l-r.OOM house with or without carpets, on Krilncsworth ave.. walking distance of Je.Teraon High tichooL l'hone Woodlawn I.ROOH modem house for rent on E. Ath et.. N.. one block from Alnswnrth ave. 1 larse rooms on first floor. eJO per month. Tbono lain 47tt. C-ROOM tun-slow. 6'M Aiblna ave.. I l.i-ci from 1 carllne. lr.iulre 1J7 llouroe. Phone Wood.awn 21 .'X CHEAP small house to r-nt on York at. Vanduya 4k Walton. 513 Chamber of Com-merce- $1T 5o FOR S-roo-n eottase. modern. ne-AT Jefferson Htrh 8. hooL Call Hlanchard 4k C lemso o. 01 nth at. MODERN e-rrM.m house to rent on E. Iflth su; some furnlturw: per month. Call at 414 bpaldlnc bloc. KICK. new. 6-nMm house, corner lot. East fid, li minutes walk. J-i. O ruber. 1. 7 Hoard of Trade bld. v-Ko4lU house. rt- Johns, for sale or rent. T'nlted Auto Co.. o34 Alder St- A Till. W. 4-37. $4i SEVEN-KOO4 modern bungalow. St. Helena Court. Une view. Inquire 6o7 Terrace rad or phone A33i3; LARGE, modem rooms, itas, bath, irmund fl'r. lance ard. West bide, no children. 4'-T Market St. tl.-RtK.4 house. 1 a:-ree. barn and chirk en houses, end ot Simpson su Call Gttt Weldl.T st. MOI'ERN T-rnom house. close In. fine neighborhood. Fast 4-40. -VICE ft-room house, new ly papereil. I US East 1:1th at., near East Morrison. qrel-hcd Moosew. CICELY furnished six-room house In Uol laday Addition, near East 2sth; house modern and conveniently arranged ". Hood location; will rent for year or longer If desired. McCarsar. Hates 4V Lively. S13 Fallln blrtr UOrCRN 7 -room house, furnished, wah piano; full basement, rood yard. bath, hot and cold water. Call between 10 and 3 o clock. lttlO E. Iavls. Take ilontavllla car to West ave. Rent S.-LvO. rt'R RENT, too 6-roora modern house, completely furnished ; large -rounds, plenty of fruit: will lease; call afternoon on premises. l."22 Hancock: at-, or phone wner.bei;wood777. JvICELY furnished four-room flat, electrio lights and gas: also five-room furnished mndnro cottage; rent reasonable. Inquire 67 Ella St. A MODERN, well furnished house of six rooms : furnace heat, also gas; East Side, two blocks from Jtawihorne-ave. carllne. Phone B 1070. e -ROOM house la lrvlngton. will sell or lease; fine home, good location. W. E. Reed, 343 Morrison st 4-ROrtM-furnished (Tat. yard. beautiful neighborhood. 7 mtnutea P. O : only re p.nslMe people need answer. S oT lut a st- T-RooM nicely furnished house and garage, ev7 East Burnelds; bard-payed street, Phene Tabor 1441. -NICELY furnished 4-room flat; bath, gas. basement, woodllft. etc; walking distance. 444 Rodney ave. Phone Esst 4oi. IX'R Kt.NT lo-room furnished house. N.ob Hill d:strlct. AL U4. cireconlan. T-ROOM furnished house for rent. 2'hone C "34. PART of elegantly furnished house, l'hone East 331. Bstttea for Rent frwnittnre for bale. irVKNITl'Rt. of S-room flat for sale, new mahogany and oek furniture, brass bed otesds, iirusael rugs, silverware, pictures, splendid new piano, bedding, etc; every thing complete and nrst-ciaas; leaving city. Phone Main 74. -TL'RXITL'RE of a ft-room modem bungalow for sale cheap: rent f-iK bu E. therraan St.: take Richmond car to 2vtn St.; 3 blocks north, phone Main r-340. ROtJM house for rent, furniture lor sale; close in; or will sell furniture without renting. fr71 Union ave.. near Hroadway, today, t to 3 o'clock. NEARLY new furniture of new 3-room bungalow: a bargain: cheap rent, on car line. Phono EuliMT. "SEW furniture of a 2-roora apartmsnt for sale: a snap If taken Immediately. Apart ment 43. Lucretla Court. LICHLY furnished new 3-room flat. 9173 rash, balance euy. You'll any "bargain" sure; wonderful view, aoj Water It. BARGAIN -Will sell complete f-t-nlsnlncs Bve-ruon flat, walking distance, 3eia l a ciflc Il'FtNITt'RE of -roon flat; cost 000, price t-oO: bargaln.4o4 College st. jri'RNITX'RIc of modem 3-room fiat for B-- ' - reasonable. 172 X. Kl'RNlTL'RK of 4-room flat: coot t""J. price .''. bargain. 4-4 College at. FOR RENT New brick store. Eleventh and Hawthorne ave.; Cne location grocer). 1 R FerahUd. Z12 Sherlock bldg. l'hone East For RENT --4-2' Front st. : long leasej near Madison bridge. J. Simon liros. ,'trc'K KE-s r Large place, 4i0. Front st, J. etmoa Brew, mi s jif i-udr, hrick. soxlOX): olate glass front; lth and Marshall, sultatilo lor light Jobbing, manuiaciuring w will lease one-half; divide epeco to suit tenant or tenants. A. Q. Long. I.ArrciE! ni soviex on yeront between Main and Madison; Just the place for machine shop, boner snop. pi-curaun, wagon works or feed store; long lease. rhrap rent. J. Simon rtroa. BTi iu,' wi.k k...m.nf modern brick bnlld Ing. front arranged to suit: very fsvor aole terms. Third street, vicinity of Tay lor. JL Gi. Oregonlan. iH KET I newx stores, one with good balcony; newly tinted and painted: Last Morrison St.: good location. Jus. Uucnlel 4e Co.. 114 orond ave. STOKE for rent. Fhone East 1-2. Offices. FOR RENT Three fine office rooms on or.d floor Lumber Exchange binding. . i . i .. I . v. VI Hniuruok 2d Co, no risis -' - , ,.- . - - Lumber Exchange blog. OFT"irE room, with use of roll-top desk. pnone. etc.: i.ni . ti... u.i - AL e''4. orcgontun. kuf7 centrally located offices, all-night ele vator service. 30e e wetland bldg., Ut and W ashlngton. FRONT office rooms and publlo halls: mod erate rent. Allsky bldg.. 3d ana atomson. IESK-room reasonable. 414 Lewis building use private oflce for consult a tlons. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bldg Call WoS Lewis bldg. WANTED To rent, desk room, not rd estate, AN o43. Oregonlan. TO LF A StC TO LEASE, peroral choice pieces of property be tween Everett. Yamhill. 4th and lvlth sis. will build to suit lessee. Call at (1-2 Chambor of Commerce or pnone a t. TO LEASE. Ttns- tmrm riMlreble 100x100 Close In on Taylor street. Vandyn at Walton. (IS Chamber Com mere e. LOST AND FOrXD. xio tit-u'inn fo- ladv'a silver nocksthook with name Mrs. George Jackson engraved on Inside and Initials U. J. on outside, con taining lady's gold watch; reward given on ruturn to 4i7 Concord bldg. Finder can reach owner by phone Marahall 1014 or Main 31TWI. FOUND Where yon can buy genuine feaus mattresses retail at wholesale prices: we rs novate mattresses and return same dayi we also renovate feathera Portland Curled Ralr Factory. H. Metsgsr. KM Front. Phones Main 474. A 1374. LOST A bunch of keys containing an aluminum ring, stamped. H. M. Daniels. Napa. CaL Finder please return to stable on corner 20th and iioyt and receive re ward. LOST vameo ring Tiffany setting, Batur day evening or Sunday morning, on way to Hapcist churcn. itn su r-oone shsll 01". riNPER of a mink muff, left In a taxlrab Saturday night, will please comxnumcato with owner. Phone East 82'Jl and will receive large reward. LOST Saturday afternoon. lady's go'd watch: Initials o. E. . vaiuea as aeeu s.tke; kindly return to 104 FTonU Reward. Prions A 1310. LOST l.ariys gold watch, hunting case: Aew lears ew. ' , son and Washington sis. Leave at Journal office. Keward. ' DIAMOND ring lost at N. EX corner 2d an Morrison sta, Jan. 1, 1911. Suitable re ward will be paid II returned to i-J Mor rison su . lKT Kjiinnlior. Tlecemher nl. after 5:ot P M., a roll of bills, 30. Reward andr grateful thanks of old lady left penniless. Cull up Enst gotil. 1 REWARD will be paid for the return or a black ana wnite Japanese eummtM bitch, lost at Tualatin. Or., about four weeks ago. Address AC Ml, uretonisn. LtiST White and tan collie dog; scar on left hind foot: answers to nnme of Laaaiei reward. Mrs, Wilcox. East liw. LOST Eves-leases. Portland Hotel wash room. Reward. rJenton. wo pwsiisuu bldg. Phones Marshall PBT, A fXli"- LOST Female bulldog, brown collar wlta license No. 104. Keturn to siv xturusiue, Liberal reward. sr a suitcase, left In lodging house New Years eve. Kewaru. otone r roui Saloon, Washington su LOST Note of IJoOO on 3d, Washington or 4th streets. Dec 27: only gooa to owoer. Phone c 17'Jt. Reward. IJ"1T Pm terrier nunnv. white and brown: answers to name ot "lea. jiewexu. Phone East 737 or B IK'S. name liuater, petore otss ; ou' w " - Market and receive uoerai nwi ... JjOrT Brown muff, between Oregon Hotel and Overlook; nnaer please can nwum-H la.. FOR business chances of all descriptions ' . , ,..lni cn X'JI Henry iML'ND Ttallroad ticket: owner can have same by calling at Morrison st. IxiST One Weed auto chain. Telephone East 64-. . BISrNKSS OPrORTCXITlSS. OENU1NE BARliAI.NS. Half Interest In a business that la safe, pleasant and a big money-maker. This will require 2X. and the Income will be from 1-ovO to :0OO per year. If you went a tboruuehly good business, call and see us at once. It's the chance of a lifetime and will go ouk-kly- Hall 4k Hlckle, 341 , . t-t . i- n . i -. ! I n ,-harai-tr umi L real estate experience, can obtain Interest In well-equipped going office for some cssn, to be used In extending business. Q C3SV oregonlan. IV. .J... ........ To you want to sell your business 7 De you want a partner? If so. see or write me W Lawrence. 313 Lumber Exchange l!ug. Itom pnooT-s Tkfsks careful Investigation at expense of seller before yon Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. I. M. C. A. 1IVEN away free, map of all the California oil fields, also trial aubacrlptkin of publica tion "California Oil Fielda" Sagar-Loomls Cj.. 7tl oreponian pine., inrumu. Ml H ROOMS MI SHROOMS If you are interested in tnem, can sua eew m tit wifui-i-llon we have for making big money. Hall ox Hlckle. 1(21 Lumbermen's bldg. M MI-NINO AND INDI STKIAL STOCKti. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 2C3 Ablngton. MILLINERY store, no competition, chsnre for dressmaking Wltn rnninery. aiusi sen on account of sickness. K tKltt. Oregonlan. ClOAR STANIV On Morrison stj: one of the best In furuanu . vnir u"v. nsu es Hlckle. S21 Lumbermcns bUlg. PRIVATE party will sell or trade for any thing of legitimate value aioca in a gooa. etMlshed business. L 830. Oregonlan. GOOD cigar business for sele. fine location; best OI reaauus tor kiiuis, jLppiy .u Alder st. SCHOOL STOKE 3 llvlng-roonis; close to large school on west roue; siou. nail at Hlckle. 321 Lumberrnens bldg. . WANTED Partner for small hotsl. doing good business: svoo required. Auuress I. OCX tiox ur .oyuuc, v. ao REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Opening for energetic man: can acpena on juaKing I50 month, particulars 243 vj stark at. FOR SALE Corner cash grocery doing bus iness goo daily; no oouus. noom o-.i. Lumber Exchange. LUNCH COUNTER I'srtner wanted; don't require esiwiinirr, " v mi v . w . required. Call 24SV, Stark SU XioO CIOAR stand, corner, rent very low; don t Tall to loog tms over. vig ousru of Trade. ORCX'ERY and markeU East Bide, comer location. Slotr or invoice, Wltn lease, van 613 Board ot Trade. 11200 RESTAURANT, West Ride, lunch counter Deeldee taoies; tnis place is clear ing 1173 month. Call 618 Bosrd ot Trade. CAFETERIA AND LUNCH Center of West Side: 3 years- lease- jiivu. wall a mesne, 321 Lumberrnens bldg. TRANSFER business for M-".o; can clear 12i month, call -4S r-tsrk St. CONFECTIONERY lunch modem rooma: lease for sale. Owner 334 Kussell su boo HLS1NESS cards. 31. 00: you must bring tftls ad. Rose city printery. lyyct xhtro. For SALE Pool room, cigar stand and lunch counter. Inquire 3hj North 17th su boLID business for $17iH; clesrs $500 month. investigate. -aii 2tts rtark su SNAP Coal snd wood business at Inventory. II. M. Carlock at Co.. 417 Board of Trade. --.I WEEKLY distributing books by mail; ;o iruir.i. i n:i i"i;w. ytj vJOUCh SU CR(X.'EKY stores. 37uu to 3t00 at rn voice. - Henry Ding. C1AR stands. 30v to 33000; good ones. 32H Henry bing. OIUK'KRV, feed, etc.; want a steady, sober partner, can ji-ts eisrg st. 10-ROOM house. $400: rent istl; good furni ture; come quiok. ld Madison st. OOOD pool hall confectionery; sell cost; no goae aoveh una aev sssMiisvii sta t . I .nrerc, nnwinTiAITIH f ROOMI.NU-HOI O Lfl. f Bommn-nutMa. THERE are wonderful Investment oppor tunities In Central and Northern British Columbia along ths lines of three trans- . continental and other railroads building. This vasu new and rich territory of thirty tallllM M .. -. t ,Mln frtllt r ort oeorge IS tno geographical cruw the line of all railroads building and , j . . . . n n 1 iVl 111 Ccjcgicu, ana voe jumwiwm . miles of navlesble waterways. You can get. In now before the railroad and share In tbe profits by Investing as little as 110 per month. Let us send you a free copy of "Hrltlsh Columbia Bulletin of Infor mation." containing up-to-date news or Investment opportunities In this vast new and rich country, also synopsis of govern ment Isnd. mining, timber and coal l"-"-etc. Send your name and address today. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd. Paid up capital l2.V.00O. Joint owners Oeorge Towns. to. 312 Granville su, Van couver, B. C. GOOD ONES. GROCERY store, near school, clean took, living-rooms. $.'. Cl'IAK and fruit stand, gooa corner, cheap rent. $030. . . WOODYAKD. West Side, established trade. $:i20o. , . Suburban DRUGSTORE, sales $300 mouth, st Invoice, about $13ox OltoCERY store, fine corner, $73 a day, at Invoice, about $1Sih. MoVlNG-PiCTUKB shows. In and out of '"dELICATESPEX. LIGHT GROCERIES, fine trade. $15oo. 111AK.1I KKALflZ 'J: 221 Lumberrnens Bldg. FOR SALB. A SO-Vf Capacity Kussell portable saw mill, complete with cut-off saw. sawdust conveyor, ate ; slso a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, good ss new; fas been used only a short time. For particulars call at ay office. 22-228 Front su. Portland. Or. HERMAN METZOETW. Ownsr. FOR SALE Controlling Interest In good paying stesm laundry In one of the best towns In Oregon. Doing $400.00 and over a week; msnager wishes to retire; plant modern and entirely new: established for years: would take $3000.00 to handle con troling Intsresu Address F BOW. Orego nlan FOR SALE A ell-estahilshed clothing and gents' furnishing goods business in Port land; party wants to retire: will enter tain reasonable offer and secured notes. Answer AK 605. Oregonlan, and your cor respondence will receive Immediate at tention. I HAVE a first-class proposition for a man who Is a salesman, a hustler and has a little money; party must have all these requirements and be willing to go away from city for business; a hustier can make tloO to $Soo a month. Address AH 640. Oregonlan. W'AXTED--tPartner for hotel In heart of city; fine, select business; no bar; one third Interest CtSOOO cash, netting 40 per cent; present competent management can continue or arrangements csn be made; every facility for examinations to right party. W 643. Oregonlan, MUST1 sell my well established business, with electric motor and machinery and good stock to make money; must sell on account of sickness and old age; only $1100 If sold Aiefore Jan. 1. 66 Union ave. HALF interest In an old-eetabrfeaod busi ness. doing a good buslnees. with a sal aried position of $100 per month. For full Particulars call Kinney Stampher, Lum er Exchange bldg- rooms 581-63X MERCHANTS. ATTENTION I We have a number of clients wanting to get into business. It yours is for sale, or you want a retlablo partner, see lis at once. H. M. Carlock 4c Co., 417 Board of Trade. FOR' SALE; Ao excellent clothing, dry goods and shoe business with lease, on one or the best oorner locations in rwrosu for medium-class trade; stock about $13.- 000. Apply Box S7! AN exceptional opportunity for a young man with good references to secure a noil in terest In cash business paying $40 weekly; If you mean business and want something gooa. investigate. tiir otn. GROCERY, delicatessen and bakery Woodlawn: good place for two women or man and wife; price loo0: terms If de sired Particulars National Realty A Trust Co.. room 610. MP.HT M A NI'lTACTITFt I Nil. Partner wanted In light manufacturing plant; money goes into the business: Is money-mnicer ana win stana invesnKanuu. call room Bio. Lumber r-xenange piuit. It 1 r .1? Inrorest In cood real estate oftic contracts on suburban tract, acreuge and lots. automobile, rurnlture. overytmng; best location In clty F 0o4. Oregonlan. WANTED Partner with $"1000 to take half Interest In business that nays $5O0 per month: good security for money invested. Call between in ana z. s ntn su CLEANING and dyeing business, well es tablished, stesdy Xrade: fine location; cheup rent; have other business, will sell cheap. owner, A im. orrKuiuan. WANTED Experienced box factory man with 41000 to $lo0O to invest to take chnrgo of new mill. Address A. J. II.. Box 4i;i. tlancion. Oregon. PARTNER wanted in cash buslnnss; will make you $HO per week; experience not necessary; e-.o required ciui room no Lumber Exchengo bldgj HAS anyone got a nice lot to exchange for new $00 player plmo; creaking up house keeping. Phone East SIS. Apply 442-4 E. Hurnside st COMPETENT dressmaker who Intends start Ing business will una gooa opening wun well established ladles' tailor. All SU-. Oregonlan. Foil SALE $3ooo worth of apU-house stock: same pays 323 dividends per month. Phone Main lo3 or A 1230. Office 840 C. of C. bldg WANT a party with money to go into the k..lMln. ku.ln.a. villi mm' Ki t 1 1 1 ! I n o. Il flTl and selling on the installment plan. Purse. 81S Chamber of Commerce. SNAP $400 cash buys a good cigar and con fectionery store. Wltn lease; Dost location on West Side: hurry If you want a money maker. Call 221 Morrison su. room U. SOLID cash business, clearing 12 per day: owner will sell i interest to energetic partner. H M. Carlock A Co.. 417 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Small grocery store. West Side; a snap In location ana rent; right place for a big stock; Investigate. Address AF C:t:t, Oregonlan. HAVING to leave this locality by January the tenth, must sen my manuiaciuring business this week; $230 takes It. Phone East 404. , CONTRACTOR and builder, having lots of contracts; wants partner; salary siou monthly beside profits. Room 323, Lum ber Exchange. VENDING MACHINES CS machines, all earning money. inis is a line cnance; $,-.j0. Hall ck Hlckle, 321 Lumberrnens bldg. PARTNER wanted for an established, good- paying real estate Dusiness: references re quired. II. M. Carlock A Co., 417 Board of Trade. CORNER grocery, neat and clean; no dead stock; for sale cnesp it taken at once, phone owner. East 228. S30f CIGAR and candy store, where man and wire make gooa: eo aay. un ousni of Trade. IRVINGTON Attractive modern home, built for owner, choice surroundings; price ana terms rlghU Phone East B4 It Interested. rAn 1 .M-n wtuiicu . -' ' ' ' J . ...... .1- '! A nrn-lr. X 1 TX ness; pay enei s.ic - - - - - ' required. Particulars 24S Stark U POOLROOM and cigar store. West Side, price llti""- tnis place is Clearing a-io month. 81S Board of Trade. ILK-RE IS A GOOD BUT. Cigar store, doing good business; only fiwo. Room 521 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Good location for meat markot or would buy out In city or country, 04O. Oregonlnn. ARCHITECT and builder wants a live part ner has plenty business; e-uv rcquirco. particulars 248"-4 Stark su SALOONS from $3500 to $12,000. best of lo cations, doing big business, can o-.- tonry bldg. SPLENDID family grocery: good trade now. which can be increased: win sen at actual Invoice. Call 248 4 Stark SU BOOMTNG-HOrSES. VERY CLOSE IN. 11 rooms, besides rented basement, down town and rent only $4.1 per month. This place Is well furnished for light house keeping, and Is filled at good rents; only tr..-) cash required. See this before you buy. PORTTaANT) ROOMINO-HOUSB CO., 313 Henry bldg. A SNAP S-room bonrdlng-house D steady boarders; always run; musi sen at once, leaving city; $'-M0 cash, balance easy pay ments. Call and see me. Mrs. Neese, 2.t4 Union ave. North. Phone Esst 3t76. A LITTLE BEAUTY. ! rooms, all one one floor, comer brick, steam heat, good lenae. fine furniture and carpets; clears $100; $LsC0; terms. 318 Board of Trade. WILL BTTT. Want to buv rooming-house, over 20 rooms; $l.oo cash, balance on time. Mc Govern. 1Q211 Board of Trade. FOR SALE If you want a modern house. always tun. toon ir'r. i" rnv. nice monthly Income, address owner. J fins. Oregonlan. Selling on account of sickness. WANTED A flrst-claas rooming-house proposition. 13 to 2"! rooms: have a desir able West Side lot to apply and, cash, for difference, o 3tl Orefmniaiij, and mixed farming land, fifty million acres) of rtoh mineral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapidity. ELLIS. SMITH CO, 201-2o2 Merchants Trust Bldg.. 8261 Washington, beu Clh and 7th sts. THE BEST BUYS OFFERED. A .40I1ARP3 DEAL TO ALL. JJTf Desirable i:OOUl.vO-HOL'SH on tie MarkeU TO HAVE IU CI,EARS $300 A MONTH. a t n ...... ..... i' . bm, loca.tlnn mad era. with RUNNING- HOT and COLD water in every room; Brussels and B. bed- cm M iron uciib, u . . .. . . oing ana everything to wrrniwuui ing renu which is only $4 a room: lease 6 years. A BARGAIN at twuu, pari, EUROPEAN HOTEL. 120 ROOMS, first-class BRICK build Ing. modem, including private baths, fur room; lease 6 years. Here Is a proposi tion that will appeal to you If you are a hotel man and mean business. Price cut lO lld.OUO tor Q.U1C1C sale, lernw. I5.-.0 A MOVTHPROFIT. 64 ROOMS, corner BRICK building; gas and electric llirhts, well furnished, much or the furnishings new ana gooa; wen lo cated for both Dcrmanent and transient; lease 5 years: RENT ONLY $113. If you want a MONEY MAK-EH you will never And a better one for the price, $4230; time on paru Lease alone worm nan tut price. THIS 13 THE ONLY ONE Oif ITS KIND. 2.1 ROOMS, situated In VERY BEST West Side neighborhood ; VELVET carpets UlrtOUGrlOC i. r.. matue w 1 - Oak end MlBrtil. furniture: STEAM HEAT: rent very reasonable, with LONG LEASE, including neat, water mu jam tor service; pays a good prollt on the in vestmenu besides delightful roomc tor owner's use. It you can pay $2iK0 cash on - nlace and want something FIRST- CLASS Find a charming home, then .see THIS AT OiCE. THIS la OOOD DON'T DELAY, 24 rooms, all on one floor; fine, close-in location: gas, electrio lights. porcelain bath: part housekeeping: good BRUSSELS CARPETS, OAK FURNITURE: rent about $4 per room, with 2-year lease. This Is one of the best buys hi Portland; csn be had on easy terms, jrice. sivw. 1 rooms, all on one floor In business block, gas and electrio lights, porcelain bath, well furnished; some housekeeping suites: clears $30 over all expenses every . . . , ,a. 1 tCnil V. II nnsV. Ill ll II l u : rem w; price, e"w -.., or will inns iui ui nsu isiuc GOOD PROFIT. NO WORK. 1ft rooms, nicelv located, south of Mor rison su; all housekeeping: no work to make up rooms; furnished in oak. velvet and Aim. carpets, furnace, etc.; clears too over all expenses, besides good rooms for landlady; price $uoo, nan casn. aiso targe assortment ov Bmnu to rooms, prices ooo to eiovo. vi us before you buy. From Ions experience 111 HUB lrCli!l 11111 Ol MU3I1IVMI snve you TIMS and MONEY DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. S16-317 Ablngton Building. pnnviva.Hf.rsi- hkadouaeTERS. If you are In the market for a good hotel, rooming or apartment house, call on us ror reliable Information, we protect oom the buyer and tbe seller. Below is a partial list of what we can offer. DIETZ-MCELLER CO., 816-317 Ablngton Building. BEST -TOTTSR IN PORTLAND. 64 Rooms, new brick; all In, 8 room suits with private baths, reception hall, sleeping Tjorch and veranda: ALL outflde rooms and beautiful view. The surroundings cannot be beat: furnished In Blgelow. Axmlnlster car pets and satin finish walnut. 3 year lease at 4so per month, income uov. inc ao,uw. Good terms. DIETZ-MTJELLER CO., 316-817 Ablngton Building. APASTVENT.HOnSB 65 rooms, new modern corner brick, only opened one week; ail in three-room suites with private baths and reception halls: complotely furnished with up-to-date .fur nishings, and It is certainly a little beauty. Now If you want a snap, here it la It will clear above all expenses $230 per month. Price S7S00, $4000 cash, balance 3100 per month, S per cent Interest. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 818-317 Ablngton Building. t40O PER MONTH PROFIT. 80 rooms, new brick apartment, elegantly furnished. 44 years' lease, very low renu Including heat and hot water; private baths with every suite. Can be handled on terms. For particulars please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 316-317 Ablngton Building. SOMETHING EXTRA FTNE. KR -rooms near corner brick on Washing ton su, very nicely furnished, hot and cold water In all rooms, private baths;' 4 years' lease at low rent and clearing above all expenses $300 per month. Can be handled on terms, or will trade for good city prop erty. For prices please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-317 Ablngton Building. INVESTIGATE THIS ONE. 25 rooms, fine furniture and carpets, lo cated on 11th St. This Is a fine proposition and a good money-maker. Price $3300, termi DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 816-817 Abington Building. ELEGANT HOME. 10 large beautiful sunny rooms; best fur nished house In the city. Rent $30. Strictly modern house and very central location and Just as clean as it possibly can be. Price $1100. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816-317 Ablngton Building. HOTEL, CLEARING OVER $700. 70 rooma corner brick, private baths. telephones, ground floor lobby, furniture and carpets all new best quality; owner leaving; see tnis; accept some traae. SEE THIS YOU'LL BUY. 27 rooms, fine furniture and carpets, steam heat, running water in rooms, clears (20: only fllrOO handles this. BEST FURNISHED PLACE IN CTTT. 1H rooms, rent SriO: close In. steam heat. running water, $2000, terms, or will trade for house or lot ana pay anterence la cash. . A LITTLE DANDY. 10 rooms, cheap rent, modern, fine lo cation. $1000. terms; clean, well fur nished; we buy, sell and trade. 8ee us before locating: we have large list of houses; list with us for quick sale. 81fr Board of Trade. A FEW OF OUR GOOD BUYS. $5300 APARTMENTS. 15 apartments; 0 3-room. 6 4-room, new ly furnished; cleared December $282.30; $260,. with lease. 15 ROOMS. . West Side, choice location, well furnished and never room vacant; money-maker; price $1150. 20 ROOMS. West Side, close in and a money-maker; (1600. 60 ROOMS. One ot our old-established houses, steam heated and evefvthlng In good order. 10 ROOMS. East Fide; this place clears $C0 month; price $630; and many more to choose from- OREGON INVESTMENT CO., 618 Board of Trade. SOME GOOD MONEY-MAKERS. $700 11 rooms, well furnished, nice and clean, good location. Income $93; 2 years' lease, rent $32.50, terms; this Is a fine little house. $1800 11 rooms, elegant, new furniture, large modern house, nicely located; a well house; Income $174, rent $33. $:t230 24 rooms, elegant furniture. In fine condition; the best and most com plete house you were ever in; big money maker, cheap rent and no work to do; come and see about 1U for It Is a beauty. IISOO 16 rooms, large and light and very fine furniture: close in; rent $so; clears over $lo0 a month: terms; a snap. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Room 3, Washington Bldg. WEST SIDE AND WALKING DISTANCE. 68 rooms, comer, brick apartment-house, beautifully located, fine furniture and In good condition. 8 and 4-room apartments, hardwood floors, tile halls, phone in each apartment. Cheapest rent In the city. Would consider good house and lot In exchange. Price $650u. Will give terms. A SPLENDID HOME. Only $3000. 12-room rooming-house, fine large house, beautifully furnished, most all housekeep ing suites, choice location, large lawns and veranda; 5-vear lease, rent only $75 per month. $1000 will give possession. Easy terms. STODDARD-BRTJNNER CO., 505 Couch SU ' PRIVATE HOTEL FOR SALE Fine loca tion. West Blue, close in; everyming new, up to date In every respect; all rooms oc cupied: net profits over $600 monthly; price $17,300: minimum cash down, $7000; balance on time: fullest Investigation to bona fide purchaser. No agents. Con ditions as to price and cash payment un changable, so those unable to comply therewith need not answer. K 642, Orego nlan. 13 ROOMS, SEVENTH ST. $1280. EASY TERMS. Walking distance, on West Side, all new ly furnished: guarantee profits $80 per month. Particulars National Realty 4s Trust Co., 320 H wash, su. room 51 19 ROOMS, housekeeping. Income $170, rent $70; 3-year lease; xurnnure clean ana new. fine location, $2300; - terms. 319 Board of Trade. EAGLE REALTY CO.. Main 3C77. ;I0 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 rooms, nice mor-em house, good money-maker. west niae: price $330. See IU W. Garland 4k o 191 lh St. PORTLAND ROOMINGtHOUSB CO., P7 rooms; new, modern apartment house; 4Vi -year lease; exceptionally low rent- newly furnished; velvet and Ax xnlnster carpeta; brass beds; oak dressers and chairs. Tnis nouse s aioui.-ii-.--v. .. i - k.ihi anil nhones and 11 thoroughly modem and up-to-date; don't overlook It; 3oOO cash will handle. o-i a a- oiturnntiv furnished: steam heat; good leaso and very low renu m scludlng heat and water. If you want really nice place see this. 22 rooms; corner brick; down town; only 110; lease over - years, . su-v -gloOO cash will handle. . 11 rooms; rent $13; good furniture and car-sets; boarders If wanted; , good loca- Xion i only ow, ' - . 10 rooms, on Washington st.; lease ana low rent; housekeeping and a money maker, price su-u; terms. .. - ii- Park! new building and newly furnished; the best little buy In town: t2Z cash required. We have anything you want at price to suit. Call Monday or any omrr uu.. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 10-room boarding house. Jom" all filled Wltn gooa, i.ei-.uji house well furnished and all modem con veniences; house private resiuouvc. $.10. Leaving city and must sell. N 642, Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. t-. -v n-u ci . i, v. i H -ra rf t "Oriole Mln nlng and Milling Co.." a corporation, ot Spo kane. Washington. Take notice: That a special meeting of the stockholders at ot held the "Oriole Mining anu juhhuh v,"-. at the company's offices, 222-223 Mona .nk block, bpoaane, vvaBiiiiisi-oii. on -- 2. l'Jlo. It was by resolution duly passed .... , . . w i.,,n ui of sale :ber :fd ueemea tor me ov ........ - - company to "sell and dispose or all property and assets to C. N. Houston, Its of of r-pokane, asmngion, suujrvt o " the debts and obligations or said corpor- . .i . u , XT - Unnatnn l-AUB ation ana tnav sun ... - - - to be Incorporated a new company, witn :. . .i ihe same me same l-uuilsi t.ocb. - - -: , par value, but wherein the stock be made assessable. . Thm ,inrif,T flllil btf VlrtUO Ot tile au- thorlty given them at said meeting ho trustees ot tne -onsie .minus - lne Co." have transferred and conveyed to C. N. Houston all of the property and assets of the above-named corporation, subject to Its debts and obligations, and said C. N. Houston has caused a corpora tion to be formed under the laws of the State of Washington, unaer tne "Metallne Oriole Mining Co.." with a cap ltal stock of 1.50O.00O shares of the pa . . . . nhnm n rh value ot i per oiiAic - - . stock In said corporation Is assessable, and . , .... ill Vllnlno. I'O" naS saia jaetaiine ui mio taken over all of the property and assets n -v, Unnarnn ami 9SSIimed ttlO debts and obligations of the "Oriole Mln ing ana mining -o. ...... . ..... . I . .1 . 1 . .. ..--. I . fl v. you are rurtner nouueu cut, j within ninety (1)0) days from the date hereor. at your own opuon, vi'' "' assessable stock in the "Metaline Oriole -(;inn ca ahai-A for share, or the right to take in lieu of your stock in th "Oriole Mining and Milling Co., one-quar ter l4l ot a cent pci no You are further notified and required to present your stock in the "Oriole Min ing and Milling Co." in exchange for .as sessable stock In the "Metallne Oriole vinin. Co or tha U cent per share thereof, to the Metallne Oriole Mining Co. at the office of the company. 222-223 Mp . . n i lin.lilnotnn witlllt pav K Dioca, ponmic, ...... ------ - ninety (90) days from the date hereof, or you win do ii-w J . -. . You are further notified and requested that upon sending In your stofk in tho .cll -Clll- -n,l Vlllinir C.O." VOU give your name and address correctly. rrotiry any one wnoiu you ooji "v Ing stock in said company, which said slock nas iiov uwii ........-...-- ... names, and thus prevent them from losing Dated Spokane. Washington, this Decem ber 80. 1910. - By order of the Board of Trustees. FRED N. DAVIS. President. Attest. THOMAS R. L. HARRIS, Secretary Miscellaneous. TO all whom It -may concern: This is to certiiy tnav 1 win not . - - - any aeota cuuirm-i ! Mrs. Adelaide or Mrs. F. J. Pazjk. on and arier January i. ifu. r. NOTICE My wife having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any ueot. x'cA JAMIESON FTNANCIAL. WE HAVE a customer for small block of vein ueveiopiiiwnt d.uv -1 I Call 601 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main tj4i. $1000 FIRST mortgage for sale, first-class ..-!. 6 no enr '.n 1 1 It 2 U RailWSY EX- change. , MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN, 505 Spalding Building. $3000 $1000 to loan on Improved city or I arm security, um '-v" " " - Money to Loan Real Estate. rw iMPonnm citv nrooertv or lor build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' timet liberal re-payment privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 btarK st. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' interests In contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiatea on improi i ihwi.'- -Noble, Lumberrnens bldg., 5th and Stark. uovl-v To I .t A "SJ On imnroved or unim- r,rnvd real estate: small building and installment loans a specialty: real- estate contracts and bonds purcnasecu W. H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock blk. Main 5119. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second Su WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city ,nv In sums from $1000 to $30,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, FUedner A Boyce, 603-&oADingion oiug. $300,000 ONlmproved city or farm property; hiiiMinn or small loans at lowest prices: large loans a specialty. J. H., McKenzle CC. &14-10-AO IjeriliiBcr oiug. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts Purchased On iarui mm oily imiciij, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. E. L. Deveraux. renton Plug., o oi-u si $2irO W)0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, 1 ... lnn?Uj, nlM. TV IV HeclC. Duimiiis i " ' " ... . . , . . . I I V. I .1 PRIVATE funds to loan on Portland real estate , aiin-ui . . .... . , ... .- ....... I , " C1Q fl,.ffA-ll.n attention gien. -HV...-U HAVE $33,000 to loan in sums of $5000 and Z.i i li luidlotnn A- rhnmW of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rales, a. ri- -j - - - - - j o- sa ano oii. $1150 TO LOAN on good city real estate I Or a iflrm vo ... - - . --- to borrower. Call 414 Spalding bldg. 500 AND $1000 and $1500 to loan; good city property at 7 per .cent lnteresu 203 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE n T T7.TTTTO 9 T I.---Ia 1 t llI KATf.3- r. n. j-i..tj. " j-.i, LOjNS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 5 TO 7 t...., ct-MT NU I.KUTM Ttl-nii. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding & ReynOlaS CO., 010 vnw-niucr ot v.omiiierce. oniviTt; money loaned on real estate mort- . vjr Xfltov. room 204. C-t-1 t n r.. htilir. MONEY to loan at 7 and 8 per cent on Im proved city propci cj. ovu neiiry Plug. rniva on reaL personal, chattel or collat- " eral security. C. W. Pallett. 3Q3-B Fenton. a,-A funds loaned. 6 per cenU W. B. Thorn as. State agent, fliuummiau o.. too c-. c. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlngton, 410 commercial C1UD Plug. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cenU Good nough & Seltz, 310 Spalding bldg. WILL loan $0000 or less on real estate. Hitchcock, tjtu xtouicniiq oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. . ...... c , t ou nv Oi9 CTlUt- CP 1,UL IU I3ACIOdlO.1i .... . . Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. ' HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. 807 Spalding Bldg., 8d and Washington Sts. Money. Money. Money, Money, Money. We loan money that's our business. We have money for those who need It. We all need money. Therefore, come to us. We loan on pianos, furniture, etc Why let your small bills worry you? We can advance you any amount from $10 upward. Why go to other companies? See us. Wise people DEAL with us. When others fall, consult the old re liable. HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon tneir own namea without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 principal cities: save yourself by getting my terms flrsL TOLMAN, 81T Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on all kinds or securities. lurniture. pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Low rates. Confiden tlal. Gray & Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg., northwest corner 4th & Washington. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats ana musical in struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main 91 a A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 IJeKum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx ec Bioch, 74 3d su LOANS on 'diamonds and other securities, yvau. Ac oil, room is, n ttsaiiifitonj Diog. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. 94 B R O K E R S. 6 ALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL: HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. olAifi .lr.i.i ui 1 1 v. ' S S i 308 FAILING BLDG. $ 8 S LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds ot st i.n rxw (.n 1 uMt, t'nion I.oa Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 0th and Wash, sts. Loans w anted. WIS have clients who want money at 7 per cant on good Portland real estate secur ity; can use any amount from $700 up no Charge tor placing money. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce, WANT $2000 at 8 per cent 8 years; ntr com mission; good security; also want $3500 at 7 per cent, 3 years, ecu.uov occumj. no commissison. ao. iiii. cireeouutcc. INSIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. -dl-o niH x 1 rt nun to 2o.oo0 first mort gage on business property worth $07,300. bee me today. . C, L. BAMBERGER, Main 24S8. Room 2, Lumbermen's bldg. WE can Invest your money at good rates of lnteresu Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment. PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO, 624-326 Board of Trade Bldg. (1800 8 PER cent; $3000, 8 per cent both city property and elegant loans; see us 11 you are looking tor gooa lonnn. TROWBRIDGE & STEPHENS, 827 Board of Trade. $3000 ON SPLENDID RESIDENCE. Walking distance. 7 rT cent interest. C. L. BAilBERGEil. Main 2SS. Room 2, Lumbermen s ping. A SNAP $750 mortgage ivr S725, drawing - i... a n a -mall enm-i wort per cent, bcuuiil uuo D J $2750. David Lewis, room 2, Lumberrnens bldg.. 6th and Stark. WE have many clients wishing money 01 gooa real euiam Kiui-.j . . - f yours lor you. J. H. Tipton Co., 1M8- 11 IV aptiiuiiiB umS' vears' time, gilt-edge security, phone East lir.4 bet. 7 and 8 P. M. No agents need 4UU iiUKlvrAUL, UlttV) iiir lit ' ja i. . in r tv. D&V id iraao lor ruuu ui nom - - Lewis, room 2. Lumberrnens bias., otn - and Stark. . .t-ilh til iiAa T tins f.nnt riiiUdtne lo&n ..vnrit v naiiKfaptorv! ADDlv direct. VV. Xi. liulll 17 KnuliliTl-r Kll il d 1 n (T VV AiN 1 til' 'AU UUIIUW -p-J-'xyw vj ' - years, security mortgage on building close in. worm a WANTED $1000 to $4000 on gilt-edge. close in, city property. AH 634, Ureg WANTED $3o00 for one or two years on improvea city ana ia-rm. pruyLjr, -i"--' i Ria tJOUCn OlUK $28,000 S PER CENT, building loan, no agents or proner-a. av- q-q, wi I WANT 12000 on $5000 worth of city real estate, can at 411 ppmums ums- LET us place your money, good mortgages references. F. H. Lewis. i Lewis bitig. ITHSOX.1L. bir 1 rC J. 1 U All Buvisei. xji . jcucinuu irouoxes ijuiuivij . bucibuh b "-'jum v place secret knowledge and power In your v. .i . n vov-n.x-A tha na n nf inv trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by any one or anything and open up a quick and sure way for the contentment, hap piness and good Influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him uaily or . j in h vf r h l l a.t Wash ington St. VttUU TJ AVI.U tf i is V Hi a as nAEiDui, Leading wig and toupee makers; finest uo-to-date parlors for hairdressing, mam- . j .-.,.! 1 k tri.utm-.nr 117 7th curing, mto " '-'i st., bet. Morrison and Alder. Phone Main Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation; confinement (isreu lor: tuns "''" 1 --' --' ' -firiinrt Theater bids. Main 3828. A 6607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors t..n.A. .h.iimAriiin. nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; batns, masseuse. -o. i ah-sl h-u st second door south from East Ankeny .-I,, uhn Runt '60. R 1803. cricuiiiq. . . . n iTTm 1 t n..C- S hair, in all shades, to be closed out at less than wnoiesuiu u..u.Voa en. Aza H. Ribbecke, Grand Leader, eth and Alder. DRESS suits for rent, 11.60 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. MME. FLORENCE URT. late of New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment. Suite 27 Selllng-Hirsch bldg., SS Wash. st. phone Marshall 1392. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly CUreS biOOQ anil sum aiioicuwi, ciuhcj unci bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. LADIES No danger with Lorenz Antisep tic Cones; are soothing, sate and sure; XI box, 8 for J2.50. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 289 'Morrison st. Jiii-vas Natural sanitorium. 178 E. 'oth. Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular glandS, etc., a yw.i.cj. wa. jo 2813. vTiff. " rourtwrlEht. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformaties corrected, plastlo surgery. ioo jioiuqqh Mrs Turney, Battle Creek treatments, re fined patronage Appointments M 1938. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. B32 Davis st. Main 9215. TR ROSA HOWARD, electric massage and bath. 66 Selllng-Hirsch. Main 6728. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. M 3473. ailSS Wallace, magnetic electric treatment; mental, spirimai MEN, women, be Truthrallans. Write or call 11113 StOCKIOn St., CQC luimiuuimu. UK. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179 H 3d St., cor, imnmic BUSINESS pntECTOBY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main TSttU, A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commmerclal, fac tory cost and Industrial accounting. E. H. COLL1S & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and b eternalizing, 324 Woi coster block. Phone Main 6oti7. Arts and Crafts. Artistic furniture made to order; repairing. Jos. wrenzei. ait jqiic -jiquoq pmiBum.. Assayer and AnaLyst. Wells 8b Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayera; 204 V Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing worx. nil jioiilqci nc Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney at iaw; practice In all courts; abstracts exaoncieo. u ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2071. Uiiths and Swimmlng. Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam tuo and shower baths, 200, Catering-. THE STEVENS Catering Co. takes entire charge of preparing aim kihui .c social functions. C 2208. Chiropractic Physician. CH1-RO-PKAC-T1C TICK-NEK"; say It fast and remember commune i 1.0 .. DK. EVA MARSH, first lady chtro. Dr. in Orecon. J iiieucic-i. xcom. g Chiropody. 'ILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the only scientillc chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d antLAluer. r-nouo cove Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. p. Hill, room zv r uwuw umi. - " - Circulating Library LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange DIUK.. IOO inn pt. uei. . - CoaL COAL 87.DO A TON. Others charge 88.60 and 10 for the same grade; we are in the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men and teams busy during the dull season. Order NOW. vau Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1018. A 10&4. Coal and Wood. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO. Special prices on green and dry cord wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO.. Office 203 Corbett bldg. Phones Marshall 2tt3, A 4884. DRY BLOCK WOOD delivered any place in ..i... cc x Ion1 one-Inch wood Rtnvn. lengths, 83.00 load. Portland Wrecking Company. 105, 107: No. llVli it. Phono Wain 37.' Coul and Wood. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH K. a.'ID ST. VUUD-. Cutuiiilssion Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, coini mission merchants. Sherlock bld. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, lou N. 5th. Main U702. Dancing. 25c PER lesson, or 4 lessons for Si; waltz, two-step, llirc-e-totep, stao uanoina, etc.; every luormug. afternoon and evening for beginners, lnuludiug lady and geiiticniea teachers. Prof. Wui Wliuou s scliool, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. 3GVa W'aEU. St., bciu W. Park una lota st. HEATH S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second St., between Wash, uiid Stai'K sts.; stags dancing taught; wultz and two-step guar, anteea in xour lessons; clans ana . social dance lloimay, 8 to 12. Leaaoiis daily. Prof.. Riucjler, i'ortland s leading dancing liiaster, 11 1 Morrison, priv. or claaa iusu Denllbts. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridae wojk 18 llnpossioiti ; uoes away eiitiruiy with plates, briutjowoi'K; we cure pyrroaea. tlootie teethi absolutely ; terms to reliable people. Kea Dental to., Abnmton bldB., loo1! 3d St. Dog and Horse llospit a Dr. Brown, D. V. S. Oltice o24 Flanders st, MainsObp; res. K. 540. Hospital bu 12ttt st, Lducational. THli: Mattingly Kindoryurten and Primary. School, 201 14til st. 1'cioue Main 0VJ0. tlectrio Motors. electric motors. David uow & sun. Motors tor rent or sale. ZU2 Lumber. mens blug.. phone Ma r. 2700. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Moturs lor relit or sale. 21o 2d su ROBEli Machiuery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines ' and boilers,' gasoline en gine. 2tl-Xbo E. Acomson su piione E 515. .Feed Slore. Z1GLEK c Misuer, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 204 urand ave. E. 4ft2. A-urs. FIN-E tanning, fur remodeling, gloss eyes, Flnley, 240 Columbia Bl. l-'ui-niture Reliaircug. FURNITURE nnisliini,-, repairing, packing; 18 years' experience In city. East own. llurse&uoelng. DE NIKE, 2N3i4 Front sL, makes a spe cialty of driving horses; 20 years' ex perience in New yoi'K City. Leather and iindingu. CHAS. L. MASTIC & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description, tups, intra' lindiuKS. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. x,s tabllslied 1S6S. 150 Front SU Machinery . B. TKENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, burins, mining ma-. chine.y. All kinds ot repairs, lot N. 4tn. Jltiical. EM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. 000 Marquam. A 41U0. Mar. 1U2U. Neurologists, Eye jpecluliatB. QUICK, relief for eye and ncrcous troubles. Drs. Freeze He Rice. o2UVs Waslilngtoa su Osteopatliio Physicians. DK LeRoy Smith, israduato Klrksville. Mo., class o 1SUS. post-graduate 100 1, unaer A. T. Sill, the founder. 3l7-ol8-aitl Swetlaud bids. Main 10S7. A lubi. DR. R. B. NORTHUP, 415-410-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone, OftlceM. 340; Kes.. East or B 1023. i'alnts. Oils and Gla8! RAbMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor, patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 710 Board of Trade bldg. ij s. and foreign patents that protect are secured tiuouBh Pacliic Coast Patent AitencyJnc- Dept. A- Stockton. Cal. r C WR1G1IT. domestic and foreicn pat "ents, intrlngcmeilt cases. 004 Deauni. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 003 008 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street pavlnK. sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yeara in Portland. 71 6th St. Main 1)10. plumbing JOB plumbing, pipe fitting, colls In stove! and furnace; stove work. Phone East 665a, j. k. Lawson. 701 Belmonu Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S0. Rubber Stumps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, eic, Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. " Km; Wearers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS. Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. East 35SO, j3 i-ao. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PURCELL SAFE CO.. 85-87 0th St.. exclu sive agents Horrlng-Hall-Marvin Safe Co.l manufacturers of genuine Hall Safe 4 Lock Co.'s safes and vaults. THeTmOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sate4 ut factory priccs;secoud-hand safes. Miow cases, BankanclStoreI'ixtures. THeT LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap. ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyu IU Lutke manager t JJ 11KDEA1jCj. iUI XOlMlcio.-l XOCjClr., showcases in stock; prompt delivery, sale, agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. Co., 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST In the city: car lots or leas. Gilbert. 201 Washington su Stoves. S. E, STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 601 Front St. Storage and Transfer. MOVING-STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-Dghters; will move you quicaer, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us tor an estlmato; storage rate tho very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. ' O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., ottlce "and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault fop valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed, xi. in r.on a 1119a. cor .null.,..,. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corne. 18th and Bverett sts. just upeucu nw-. and most modern storage warehouse In city- every convenience for safe and proper! handling of goods: lowest insurance rate In Northwest: free trackage: vans for mov , .!.. c 1 r.911 1I1K. CI. 11. m " - " - UCBO-I ltv'c , .......... v. . General transfering and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shlpmenL S7-SH Front sU Telephone; Uan ! 7 fir- A 22-47. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870, k. . , , . , t-... 1 1.. n .--1-1 Ktoraita. Ofnce 310 Hoyt su, between 5th and otn. Phones Main 89, A 1169. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type. writer concerns on tnis toasi; icivoslik.v., all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- change. 2a i sfe Washington au TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to 0. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, per month. Pacific Stationery A Prltitliig Co.. 203 2d SU NEW, rebuilU second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. c to., zjc aiars. jc- iiwu Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny st. A ouoo. Main Wallpaper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 173 1st St.. whole- salo and retail, samples maiieq tree. ANAGLYPTA RELIEF DECORATION. Alex. Gordon. Agenu 4S0 Columbia SU Window Cleaning. JEW ERA Window Cleaning Co., 63 Pars) St.. N. Phone Main 73S5. PORTLAND RAILWAY. UBHT PO WEH . JO-UA"--- a tu t cir-a. Vancouver Line. A. M. 8:13, 6:50. 7:23, 8:00, 8:85, 8:10, 9:80. Mr-.SO, 11:10, 11:50. p. M. lB:ao, i:m, z:ju, a:iv, :oo, 4:30, 5:10, 5:50, 6.80, 7 :0o, 7:40. 8:15, 8:30, 8:2.1, 10:00. 10::t."i. 11:10. 11:43.x On the third iionaay in every month tno last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Car. for Vancouver make no stors on Union avenue between Burnside street and. Portland Boulevard to let off passengers. iut make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect wim cars for Portland: A. M. 8:00, 6:33. T:10. 7:45, 8:20, 8:6o, 8:30. 10:10. 10:50, 11:30. p. M. 12:10, 12:r.o. i:ao, 2:10, a:so, 3:30, 4:10, 4:30. 5:30, 6:W, 0:50, 7:25. 8:00, 8:35, 0:10, 9:43, 10:20, 10:fl5,x 11:30, 12.03.xx On third Monaay 01 every montn the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:2o P. M. Leaving time in Diarn tpe, uouoie trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenuo between Portland Boulevard nd Burnside street, except to let oiz pas sengers. Daily except Kunaays. xDatiy except ilocdajs. xiKuns as local oa L'uicca a-veaut,