. v mxT-coT -V- T A YTT ARV ? 1Q11. REAL .X.TC- rr Salt 1- nxK i'arji rka'hv for vi. 4o a. res of extra d land. " house, good barn. rhlckrn-t"is. ai-'Ut cleared. 2 icri of .eenlm . rreek. waste land, r.ia'l n.'ilr. r-ut. phone In nous, i, in le to erh.-il. good Jrm" ' rows. .11 farm tool.: th.. Is a ,r". pric good terms; within mi.es ot port I in d ho.m 3. IVaihntcioa Bldg. 14-. ATE firm with -" acres of l0' bottom l.n.l. of whl. Ii 113 rl-jr) and In rtlltl'allon : Bne "real-Una over a n.lle and a half lhrni:h thl land an.J there are over t irte-n trillion I-et of ch-'re Or,r Ar on th- P'ace. . . -i - . r- f m. : information at 41 Spain. ng bldg. DROtAKPS and acreage proper!. of ' e: in Hone Rivrr Vi!ly at --'r r- right for tha buyer. Call 3-S Henry M-lg. TOR ALt- Ii acres of the choicest, apple land in all fr-.-n. partlv Improved, tt- i i . . .'. UVV.H.S End of H.'irlliiTiH carllne. FUN oul'-k anle list your fxrrn- with . hlT buvere walling. Write or tail tl.rr M.tg. . UNN County rinrh. m: n r. of grain and fruit hind for :.! at $2.1 I"- acre. " t.ik-n on.. Address owner, a-. l'ayn.AIbany. Or. . - WK We bujeri for Wlll.T.u 'J What have o to sell? Call .- Henry bldg. Ton-.-RE farm: If. cleared; bnuM. fcaj"' spring water: $.n. other acreage. Allison for terms. 4- Lumber Exehanr:. TIMRKR li.n.ls and et-ck ranches In Lana fount, at sarrlrt.e .-all 32' I""' "'' Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS. ATTENTION Tor on- dollar we will furnish a com plete and accurate list of all v.oiM and unsettled tarda In Clark Co.. "-. 7 rarefuliy romulle.1 from rerorda. " M.ip Co.. 714 V-her nve Vanrouver;jaiili. TO EXCIIAStiB.. EXCH ANC.E. . rn arr Improved wheat ranch nearly all Ir. rul:ltlon: 5" acre. In Fall "h""'-r-nted f..r oi.e-ihlrrt of "up free at ele vator In -.T.d!-!n. whl-h 1 "'' '""! the ran.-h: will aell or trade tor Portland properlv. either 1V c"l ' , lnt.rovemei:i. are c..rt ITir.. fit) per acre, liRI SM Sc 7.AtM)V. , SIT Wrwrd of Tra ! Hide- 4th unci OWN Eft will eichan Sill-arr apple orrll ard at WVnafh.-. V.'oah.. eontHlnlnn an arrea bearlnB r. hrd. with nine-room fur nished nous-, ieama. and romplfto '"r'" ln .tulpm-nt. fr unlnrumb-rad I net land property of the vnlu- of ""Jr, Pr- haaer to mw nuinnifl for ..... etn.!lna ov.r live y.-ara. No ak-nta. Ai rtrea Krnnctil Maiklntorh. Alaska, blilg, S ft t fie. ,' A . f ; t.;.on e-tuiiy In a. rea of fine lanl on Towell Valley rod near .itr Ilrnl" prl.e ts f"."0 p-r ar:. niortaai of :" asalrst It. land nearby aeil.n at ioi) and up will take Ity propertv. r-intrai-tti or nirtas-a f"r equity. to Oregon I n. M EL)Fk1). VI'INIT. riail'EllTI KOK KXCHAXtiE. Wanted Portian.I rliy and ranch prop erly to 'lrbino for property In ,r-,r;-moua Rn.-u Itiver Vall.y. up to 2"O.0n": irie full d-srrlptlon and dvtall and ad-d-- box ll.V Med ford. Or. l.'o ACRES, ea-l of Orec-m City, to exrhanc fr.r Hty property; nii;l be clear: tills farm Is In A-l condition: houre. Jarn. or-lisrd. frr.red and .Toes-frnced. well and stTl:.. le.-plione and rural mall, t Iilain. r Conch bMtf. Crl.EnitATr:ii"Ttoirue Itiver a.ley fruit lAn1s erhsnsed. alo bearnc ocohard. i.r'se-winors a: S.'an and Vancouver: l.trce Its; of i-le-tlons; a:so Me.rf.-.rd city property. aiioEhtiJCo1. M-df rd. or. WANT to Trade my enuity of rjix In two fine East hide lots, w hcra all Improvements trs In and Mch-cla restrictions govern, for a-ood aecurlties. Ar:i ieavln Portland for business reason. Y Oregonlan. C ."RES In polk I'o-jntj -: all flue aoli. no wast land; rait under cultivation; closa to a-hi-vol: want to tride for farm land In Wisconsin. Coodnoufih sk belt. ilO bpal.llrc blilc. . rtR fSAI.E or "trade. li" shares of Camp bira Safety lias Iturncr atck. chtap: oener leaving Portland, will trad lor Kovd pron-rty. 1171 E. Sa'mon. VIRST-ClAS'-Maiwell runabout and two is. free from IncumlTance. to trada for horsrs or livesttick. Uarafa, IStB and Tlawthorne. k-Pi-EMilU roxliid lot. restricted district, all Improvements eacept paving In ani Ptd lor; prte $T."j4n Will trada for good nors-s. P ;. Orrsnnlso. J.OT 40aP'S feet. In Altdna: fac-a Co.k a. ; will ei r'.ieas or trada for gor-d rtinabout auto, preler Hudson. Chlim, CI3 ..ulblde- W il.L em-hanr gl't-e.Ued securltlea gtiar antee:n per r.t f r lota or other real eta'e In t'or'lan'. I. -" iTegonlan. .tcixl 'IhST moituus-w bnus to v.chanra for Income Kenr.a city property. Address p . I i'X -ot'A. i ity. We fxthini tour property regardles af location for that which aulta you bettar. NrthwssJ lchan.;: Henry b.dg- 1 i It K. 9 rc.:len west of tosrn; Tnnrtrar $-. pr acre: wiir t--le for "cltv prop erty If clear. Chtsm. t!5 t'nuch I'Hl- xCE btie "self ar lr- la lor auyutuig tjsa l 7 P-ard t Trade. Il'.'l SK and lot at St. Johns to ex-lianao for r"On'lng-liouo or vacant lot. 1 1- tit h. ym lT land to ruhani for rooming-house iiwtftn Adjurt;tiei: Co.. iPa tith St. W iLI. trads aoo.1 Vpasnenrer ear. excellent condition, for fMioiol.rt: Couch blrii;. rzl trada your property or buslaeaa. 'a!l M4 Hoard o Trada. WtMIIerKKtL KSTATE. TO REAL EiTATn amenta and o tiers I am iu to market for Investments and siieculatiun: 1 wi;l gamble on Portland r-alty; If you hiiv any prospective irop ertv of tnertt you wish to realise on. don t overload tha pnea and you will get re sults: I will consi.lcr large business prop ositions; al-o arrrare. u-mlle limit; also t iinber lar.Os. Address L Or-soman. WANTED A corner, lixwioo. on loth or llth at.: anvwhera between Clay anil Couch ata : wners only. J. 11. Tipton Co.. I1H-.-I I IP Spalding bldg V.TEI To buy acrexgo on weat slope of Portland H'.;:Ms. overlooking Tualatin allev. W'nat have. your Location, a mount and price. AE orcgontan. WANTEIl From owticr. for canh. a corner lot on Not Hill, for private residence, or In best residence district on Enst S-ldr. AE ..! rrcgoiiian. CHEAP I.ANU WANTKU Wart some logaeil-off land, nvar Cnlum Ha 1:1-. er or raiiw: must be cheap. M'-C.oern. l-C-Hj Hoard of Trad-. M AN FKIi piece Improved propertv to fl-.-tnei brmvlrg gol returns; some terms. Ottni rs ou'i . ii Oteifonlan. TVANTU A bu!tlnes or other good prop erf, bl inking fair Inletest. for atoi.t Jli. 'o. V. r'urh. --'I tj M'lirit'inM V T c O Lot In Walr.nt park. RKlny or Mallory are. j-referre.1 ; stale price and t-rm". K 61'. or-gonian. TAUUS WANTED. FAHM Property wanted; only eacluslva contract for quick sa.e consiuerea; we fcave :lie buyer. If you want to sell, ses t-r write us. Hall a Atculaoa. 2;a Get-l-.nrff fa'dc. .d sod Aider. AHMKKS. ATTENTION We have buyers for farms: if you want to ;l. ta:i or wiltr us. Western Land Co.. 24it3 stark street. FOB SALE TIMBER I.ANU. T I all: Lit LANDS HOLHT ANU BOLD. C J. il CKACKEX. l4 alcKy Bldg. T1MPER CLAI.MS. homesteads, relinquish msnta Worcester bids. 1TIR BENT I UI.M5. .N" or-bard. ." acre?!, tenant must gla refer-nces b-fore particulars w-ll be fur-n'sr-ed. Arply R. Chllcoii. r"j McKay b:.:. WA.VTEU TIIHirR UXDIi WANTrTV Interest In sawntll. cutting 11 m !t M per dav on rai'rosd; state oca ten. etc.. first lter y- ittT. Oregonian. T1VPFR lands wanted. C J. s4 U Kit bldg. alcCracaaa. WAVrT TO RFNT TRM- VAST to rent a chicken ranch. lose to school and rarltne. Address u. A-. 44." E. a:i. FOR HAIE. Hoesea, chicle and ll-tmesa. TOTt HIRE. POM I. .ANU SI AMUr-c. JS . J-.TH S-T. MH-iiU. IS-.U lii;SK ANU waoonw my ry wt:rc m m.ntw sH"T s-"l at on-'e chesp. farm team. erels:ht ;.in ia. and doul hameaa, East o;n St.. end of Hswthorne carttne. Jt''iT. hame-s and lrllpg horse; works smete or double. fntiire SI l.tl North oth st., or i h-ne A :;.vi. TEA H.4 to hire; hors-a snd mare for sale. j4 aloatgo.pery; Marshall 24eT. iron MLR Trpewriter. rterrlngton. No. 10. "vistMe. n-ar'y new, fall Ml Lewis b'dg. srot? FAl.K Best loselng team In Portland. S.Vo lbs, 3"U lu. Morrison and Water sts. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and tlarnesa. BIO HAIlOAIX.1 IN' i" HEAD llOR.ifc.s . AND niVAHUS. All kinds and weights of hors and mans, w-mhlr.g from to 10 hs.. sev eral cheap teams, hotsea will be httciied. pulled and warranted accordingly. allow In a free trial. Call and be convinced at stable. Hii Alder street. More value for your money than any stable In Portland. Jlo DELIVERY RIO. $10." Brown horse. I lot Its., city broken, new Set heavy express harness, new very tine deliver'- waaon: all first-class. Call New York Club staolrs. 1Mb and Alder sts. .;.-. n ANC1I CITEIT. COMPLETE. 1'onslsttng of -ixsl-lb. team bay horses, id 7 and b; true to work, single or double, s t of hcivy breeching harness in g.KMl condition, und 3-Inch farm watson. aimcst new. Inquire for my ouult at uiKi Aider St. Geo. lit nson. IM roare and gelding with harness, ares and 7. weight -'!" !. closely mated, true to wcrk and extrn free drivers. A good ranch, famllv or business team. Trial allowed. Soi Alder at. HIS team snd harness, ages 7 and 8. true to work. This team has been overworked and not properly led and are thin nnd don't look very good, but are worth "" to any oue who has use for them and wants to get the benefit of the improving thtiii. .M'3 AHer St. NEW YORK CLCTt STABLE3. 1.1th and Alder Sts. HOtiSco sort aALs. All of Winston Hros. at KeDoogals horses will be on sale at the Hawthorn t-taoies for lo days. They range In welcbt. 1400 to ISon. and from 8 to 1. yeara of age. As all of our work on the N p. R. R. Is done, all of our stock will be' for sale. They will be sold under the cuarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. CaU and inspect these aftor November 1. UAWTHOHXK ETABLEli. 42i Hawthorne ave. I2to"nUT team of two horses, harness and spring bsck: we:gr.t 25w lbs.: are sound and in Lrst-clau condition. Una hack snd harness are practically new; owner must ell at once. A. l-amienberg. Ciaokaana. Oregon. Bi; bargain on mares. 1 horse, 110O-11.1O lb, double harn-ss and single. Wood stock. 57th and tUd ave. Phone Scllwood 2 GOOD cabs for sale or trade. 2 small horses, 4 end II years old. sound and well broke. $!: saddle at a bargain. 4 2d E. Yamhill. plione E. SI?. Auruiuonlle PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARING HOUSE. Arthur H. Herts. Manager. We are escluatve dealers In used aato mobllea If you want a snap for tho corn ing season, grab tnia Lelore aotue ono else docs: 1911 model Mollne. 8S-1I. P. tourlne car. p-irrhased new October 10 last at a cost of -0"0; has od-lach wheels, w arner lieediimeltr, top and glass front of course, price HTi. GRAB XT CRAB 1TI GRAB ITI A r2?A. rhonea Main GW2. Elxt and Madlsos Eta, Portland. Oxegoo, BARGAINS IN AUTOMOUILES. S Hart Krart light delivery wagons, 1 5-passenger Everett. I i-rasscnger E. M, y. and 1 4-pss3enger bodies. These cars will te soid at a great sacrifice, and If you are In the market or expect to be soon. I', will pay you to Investigate. 2fid-r-tt llth st. WE are going to close out sverv second-hand car In the place regardless of price. These Include some unusual. y Una prepositions In Pierce. Cadillac. Peerleea and Btaaras cars. Oome In and look them ovr. COVET MOTOR CAR CUM PANT W have several good bargalne In used automobiles left with us to sell by pur . hssers ot 1(11 Parkarda. Frank C. Him. a N. -3d st. ONE Chalmsrs ".I"-: fully equipped. In fine condition: a bargain. Frank C. Riggs. bi N. SI II. W ANTEL An automobile, runabout pre ferred, to exchange for city property. J HI. fresonlan. CAcilLLAC 1UIO derol-tonneau for aale; per fect condition; a bargain. X liS. Oro gonlan. lU'NCil of good atock, acreage and cash trad-, for runabout, to.l Couch I Idg. Plrtao. organ ant a iiaieal Inslrnmeaia lu-YEAR-OL.I) Jitelner violin and new bow for sj.1 cash: have to have the money re xa.dlcss. Call any evening bet. t and 7. Mr. Baker. 147 13th ' FOR SALE I'prlrht r'ano, good condition; ran be seen and price given at Luxor VpTtmcnta lath and Clay sis, Fult SALE High-grade piano very cheap; le.virgclty. Room 7-6. Imperial Hotel. To RENT A good toned upright piano for length of time. Call Phono Main 441.1. " BirdsT iHiti and pet Mock. TWO young, fresh cows and calves. Inquire ;3 Wliilams ave. FKKSII cow and calf for sale. Phono Tabor 14d. TWO fr.-sh cows with calves. 31 Water rt. M Isce l ta eou s . 4i ECLIPSE steel range. I:: eO. leader ateel range. $13. Cooker Chief gaa range, IS. Jewel gas range. . Heating stoves, for coal or wood. I2.S0 '"vvabash filing cabinet. $t- SO. ill roll-top desk. l-'s. Revolving office chairs. $?.:S to I4.S0. Arm chairs. !.& to 3.i0. Office tables. XI. tO. Library desk table, quartered-mlsalon oak. Si. Solid oak round extension tables, tlO. six solid oak box s-at chairs, each. Buffets. J7..10 to t-'t. Mission dresser, oval French mirror, : o. tienuin birdseye maple dresser, cost 5u. for 17 io. ilenulne mshogany princess dresser, cost :u. for lli.i. Other dressers, full slxe. 7.50 up. Sanltarv ate.el couch, with pad. $4. Solid oak hall rack. w!;h round French mirror and seat. Ji.71. X1J Art rust. i.U0. 41 yarde Biussels carpet, tie per yard. Sxi: body Brussels rug. In good shape. !-- WESTERN KAI.VAQ2 CO., ftt.1 and 47 Washington, bet. lftth and 17th We buy. sell or -itchange both new and fin- second-naif furniture. Hoth phones Main 110 or A 173. Store open Monday until noon. FORSALE. One horlxonlal tubular holier 4l z IX (ne 10 x la Erie City Center -Crank En gine. One 00 11. P. Induction Motor. 8 cycle. 3 Phase. One 3 II. P. Induction Motor. 60 cycle. 3 Phase. These machines are in first class condi tion and will be sold very cheap. ALBANY FLANINtl MILL. Albany, Oregon. AMERICAN CASH REOLSTERS fthat forced prlcea down) See our auto niatic printed record: no crank to turn; prices 4rt to $.17.1. essy payments; ex changed Nationals up. Oregon state scent W. R. Hineit. moved to larger show rooms. Ctil S Ks-t Morruon St.. l or Hand. Phone B 14IB. FOR SALE A combination Brunswick lislke billiard and !! table, good as new, with outfit, for half price. Owner has to dispose of this table because It Is too lare to get it Into his present billiard room. Y tin. Oregon tan. MEN'S TROI SERS. Clean-up sale on men's psnts. 9.1.50 to $4 valuta for IJ ;:: 4.i0 to .1 vaiiea for :i 3i. Jlmmle Imnn. "Knew" sampie Suit Shop, room ale. Oregonlan bldg. Fl'RNITrRE-andTionsehoid goos for sale; ivltig up housekeeping account of deatn in faniiiv. Apply .171 Union ave.. near Bread ay. loday. 1 lo 5 o clock. OL lewelry exehanged fcr watchsa ul diamonds; unredeemed pledges for half crlslnal prices. Un-ie Myers, 71 Cth sc.. between oak and Pn- ri Y"itiT Edison phonograplt. value and loo re-ords lor ii. and spend your even-In-s during New Tear at borne. Cull -k. 2-x K 3-i'h St.. South. KiiK SALE On RENT. I.OiOINO AND H.ilSTINU ENGINES, Railway Equip ment Co, 74 First st. Poth phones. SAFES, new and second-band, low prises, tssli or easy terma PORTLAXO SAFE CO.. 91 Fifth st- FOR SALE showcases, wrllcases. counters. General fixtures la stock and marie to order at lowest price. z:' Grand ave.. i. f5N"s new"drop-head aewlng macmna. I1S. "warranted Is years. l:t 1st st. jT"l.Mu PI ETE set of tinner's toola, includ-In- l.rn kt. AN Oregonlan. tUiN collection, or will trade for unin cumbered properly. A KT. -9. Oregonlan. W ANT E7 Ml SC r. I. LAN E O C WE bay most every thine and pay tha price, too, Marshall lis. WAXTMi allaf KIXANKO C, CLOTHINrt ANU EVERYTHINll. Wanted Men's castoff clothing ana shots and bicycle: highest prices psid: w also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Olobe second-hand store. Phone Main 2uao. 1st st. WANTED .MO worth of household fur nishings, new or liral-class second-hand, by the 0i st of February. Hill Western Sai vag Co. Main litis. A HTH3. Is lut. nave nouseooid furniture to aell. call up Goorge taasr at Co.. 151 ParK su Both phones. CELL your second-hand furr iltura to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Pnonee A :V Main 8t.11. . WANTED To buy second-hand auto oaso Ings snd Inner tubes. Cbas. S. E.ton, 4 Si t lark at- . WANTED Horse not over S years old. In quire C. Gilbert, Foster Hotel, Davla at. between "d and 3d. ILL LP WANTED MALE. WE ARE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE ON a, .Of THE LARGEST AND BEST WEST SIDE. CLOSE-IN PROPERTIES JSVEK PUT ON THE I'ORTLAND MARKET. AND TIE WISH TO EMPLOY MEN OF ABILITY TO TAKE CHARGE Or" DEPARTMENTS NOW BEING ORGANIZED. ON LT Mfc.N WHO ARE AMBITIOUS TO SECURE AN OPPORTUNITY OK MERIT ARE WANT ED. GOOD REMUNERATION. EX PERIENCE NOT NECESSARY'. AS WE WISH TO TRAIN. YOU IN OUR SYS TEM. APPLY NOT LATER THAN 10 A. M. THE .WEST SIDE COMPANY, MADISON BLDG.. THIRD AND MADISON STS. t:B ONLY I2R. THIS WEEK ON LT. Learn to operate mouon-plctur ma chima; operators earn -3 to 35 per week; Wo guarantee to leach you rtgnt In all stanuard inovlng-pictura machines, stero opticons. etc; only S-u for a compie.o course. Roso Oily Flim Co., 626 is WaaB. at near Uin, ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 1 J and 30; must be native bord or have hrst pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $0J: additional compensation possible; food, clotnlns. quarters and medical attention free; after 3i years' service can retire with .5 per cent of pay and allottanccs; strvice on board ship and ashore in all parte of the world. Apply at V. tS. Marine Corps Re cruiting office, Brecden bldg.. Jd ana Iv'asliu.gton sts.. Portland. Or. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires a thoroughly competent salesman for their men's clothing deportment; only those having had recent experience In this line need spply. Apply superintendent a office, tit It floor. 8 to 10 A, M. WANTED AN ENERGETIC AND AM BITIOUS SALESMAN WHO IS WILL ING TO DEVOTE HIS ENTIRE TIME AND ENERGY TO A BUSINESS WHERE THE OPPORTUNITIES ARB POSITIVE LY UNLIMITED. TH El MAN WHO CAN C'UALIKY' AND MAKE GOOD WILL BE RAPIDLY" PROMOTED. CALL MONDAY A. M.. 201) OAK ST., ASK FOH MR, li TO LEY. WANTED From $500 to 11500 per month is waiting for two or three men who have selling ability. Let us tell you about oue proposition; It's a live opportunity; t a ycurs If you grasp It. , bee W. R. To-.M.send st 322 Coroett b.ug. ALAMEDA LAND CO. GET OLK fcl'EClAL. OFFER. MEN MEN WANTED WANTED To learn auto driving and repairing on all makes through practical experience In our Dew and large garage. lay or evening. ANGELES AUTOMOBILE ACADEMY. OQIce. 320H Washlngtontrootn413 WANTED Thmio who has been praying lor an opportunity to devote his lite to toe salvation and betterment of the con dlllon of men. Viuullttrutions. age 30 1J 4.1. eltiier single or married: auccetrful business experience; a great love for tneii; an unimpeachable character and above all. toe utility ' to make good." G d4U, Ore go n I an . MEN" wantiHl. age IS to 3S. for firemen. $100 monthly and brakemen $SO on nearby rail roads: experience cnneceSfary; no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors. Rall roa.l E'.nplovlng Headquarters over 5U0 men sent to positions monthly. State age; s-n.l stamp. Railway Association, care Orcx onlan. WAN T ED A colored ftan who Is willing to do general work, such as cieunlng rooms, windows, bopis and anything that Ins to be done; must be strictly sober snd willing lo do as he la told, references desired. Apuly. stating wages to stall. T 642. Oleg Jlilan. REPRESENTATIVES wanted by a Western corporation, men with Industrial Insurance experience preferred; to capable and con vincing tulkers we can offer excellent In ducement, steady employment and ad vancement according lo ability 41S Mo hawk bldg. "CITY FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS 1 experienced orchard man 3 cem-nt finishers. 2 ulasterers. 3 bricklayers. 270 Madison st. No fee charged. WANTED Ambitious workmen; work on actual Jl' pays for teaching trade elec tricity. automol.il", plumbing, bricklaying; few nionths required; 7l students last four vcars. Write for Information. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. BARBER'S Stnte Hoard of Examiners of Oregon will be In session for the purpose of examining all those holding permits January 0. 10 and 11. at lo7"j 1st at. 1. M. Leabo, secretary. WANTED Lumber marker on sorting table, 2.7o. , . Baker, country shop. j0; room ana PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO- 1- N. SD. KAlLlVAl !u.. cle.-s. post wffice Clsrax. letter csrrlers. custom noue ana Interaai levenue employes. to prepare for eia. lr.aili.ia- ! book. Pacific Stiles 8cm MK1:Uds..clty. MILL foreman. $S day: head sawyer. r. tlay- man and wife. C.erraan. dairy. ftM ud' found; man an.l wife, waiters, hotel. and found, l'loneer Employment Co in North Second. WANT capable man of business experience, mtiderate salary from start, permanent position- answer with references and teje phone number. M Ml.'. Oregonlan. v A .itu -i -.vnei -..a .-u,.-s. l ave .otir , jli-snising ami re'.t vadlr.c dvas i, chss. S- Elton. HZ Stark st. i'nane 1 AN honest agent wanted to seH stock for hewiy lormcd company; rtrst-class seller and good cnmmiaelon. Security wanti-il. Al! IH2. iircgoninn. T771 U'w wanted I.T uovernmenl postLluo. ta'u nonth. Write for list of position, open. Franklin lnalltute. Dept. a.'j-il. huchcater. N. Y. CAPABLE salesmen to follow up leads; Msh cla'ss subscription work; state rcterenco end experience. Saallleid Company. Akron. Ohio. W NTEl Two good, live agents for good it lit h class properties. J. W. Hcfferlin iV-alty ' Co. 203 Corbctl bldg. Marshall J-lili. A 4I1S4. l . - and wile ja Janitor nnd housekeeper, in' beardlns-house: man must untie tand steam lieatJ.1JI"ytst.Maln 7004. IV iNTFll Young man to learn barber tnidc; small capital required. 19 Morri son st. -- T ci ss machinist wanted: stendy work ; out of city. Call 222 Commercial flub 'bids- rie-en for all-around man In country of nee. Tll Standard. Stanf.eld. Umatilla c-oitnty. Or. , WAST mnn to appoint agents: rn ciear 'o dull': a liltl- uion.-y required; t crusl'e'jrrltor:JliiHG!lsant. .TJV-v-xvD Office bov. pood penman : ch ance f..'r pi'oinotlon for bright boy. .standard Oil Co. . vC- x vTrn Steadv man to drive delivery wigon pavs better thsn "nges; IJ.MI rasn eVo..lredJt ajl '.-4'x -"'ark st. CrrVN-xVD Flrst-rlara boHern.sker who un- dersian.ls tha huslr.ess wanta steady Job. J.H 2r." .'omin-rcial Club bldg. ..... 1 ,r-.-lCii international corrvspwaa ence Schools. 233 Alder St.. open tl.i J J" . Send for tree catalogue. vv vSTFD Ccatmaker and bushelman. Ap ple Maxwell, the tailor. 248 Washington sirect. rT. - .-rn driving autos and all about tneua. in o" garage, day or evening. Office 24.1 Mh and Main- ?i. i-i'cjvlRAPH voupon and portrait agents. ", , n"'" i-.Mt'errh studio. Deitnm hirle. :. D ine.-rinnlcs. :l to d day nctlng as our representatives S"S O'lsr.n. PA IN'TEirs wanted at 331 Chapman SL; ill p r oi,,. OFFICE bov wanted. il a month lo slaiL AN ftlt. Iir-gonmn. WANTEP A baker. Immediately. at II. Sc'hracdcfs Bakery. Mala st.. ciregon Cily. vot'Viincn. over HI years of age, to. learn business. D 0:S, Orefonlan. HELP WANTED MALIC- ARE YOU THE RIGHT MAN? The necessary qualifications are Honestv, ambition and wllllngners to learn. Fotiner experience unnecessary. The real estate aalesman has tho biggest selling ncld In the world. Wo offer an ex ceptional opportunity for a man In your section of the city to get into this blg paylng business without capital. See Mr. Beck. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark &L BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. "Iho only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON STS. Take S-S or Mt. Tabor car and look ua up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Pacific Telephone A- Telegraph co vin and East Ankeny at HOTEL cook, city, 40. Head waitress, out of city. x0. 2 waitresses, out of cltv. 115. Restaurant waitress. S week. Chambermaids. $23 and $13. fcecond girl. S25. Kitchen heiaer. $22. 2 girls for general housework, Hood River. 40. General housework, city, $20 to $30. HANSEN'S LADIES- AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. Room 1. THE MEIER FRANK STORES require experienced long-hour waitresses; good salaries; permanent positions. Apply at 'superintendent's ofico, sixth floor, S to 111 A. M. GIRLS WANTED. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. X Grand ave. and East Taylor sta WANTED Woman for general housework, private family of four, living on orchard. 2 miles from Medford. Or.: no washing; w-Ill pay transportation for responslbla party wanting permanent position; must be good cqok; wages $30. Address P. W. Hauilll, tlcdford. Or. BUSINESS woman can have dinner and room in private home In exchange for light evening services; character reference re qulred. Address Irvington. Hex N 40. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for cloaks and suits; only those capable and possessing tact and ability, witn view of taking charge of department, need apply. P 634. OreKonian. WANTED One counter girl. $10 per week: two girls 11:30 to 1:30 and 5:30 to 7:3l. Si per week: two lunch girls, $: per week, meals included; come prepared to worn. Peerlesa Cafeteria, 3U4 3th st. WANT young lady stenographer; prefer one understands bookkeeping; state ex perience aud aalary expected. 11 03U. Oreconlan. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, good wages, steady cmploy meiiu E. 17th and Wash, Phone Last 472. WANTED Lady's maid, some) experience in nursing; must be Christian Scientist; French or German preferred. Call 001 Nortonla Hotel. STENOGRAPHER for general office work, experience In accounts preferred. Q U15. t 'rcconlan. WANTED Ludy, good piano player, from 4 to 6 dally all Winter. Apply, ststing weges and experience. T 043. Oregonlan. WANTED Young girl for housework in 4 room tint; no cooking: can go home at night. Apply Apt. tt. 'J4 Marshall st. WANTED Girl or woman for housework In country home, near Portland: wages $20, I hone Milwaukie. Red 402. WANTED Girl or"mlddle-ased woman for general housework; -small family; good home. 447 10th st. OPERATOR for hotel exchange, only those having experience need apply. Address Box L 041, Oregonlan. BY wholesale house, a reliable woman with energy and ambition; experience not nec essary. H 637, Oregonlan. WANTED Clerk for music store; must un derstand music and typewriting. McC'urdy Music Co.. t- N.3d st, WANTED a competent work and general hcuseworkcr. Olio Lavls St.. between 2isi and 22d. , UAM.D r-.eiinea. capable woman xer . spui.s.ole lositlou. Viavi Co., 6IO HtlJ-c.-.lid tldg.. -ith and Washington. LADY to take charge of small rooming house. See my agent al 15 North 5th st,, after lo A. M. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 320 Washington St., room 314. Main bSliO or A 3200. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 4lt Washington st- cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main gt!2. GIRL for cooking and general housework; 4 adults. Sou layior at, WANTED Chambermaid. Call after 10 o'clock A. M. Corner 4th and Madison. EXPERIENCED gltl wanted lor general housework. Call 1 10 Overtun. near 22d. WANTED Girl for general housework, no laundry. Call mornln gs. 774 H ancock st. GIRL to assist in general housework. 4 in fiimily.131North 22d st- TE VCHERS wanted for Chinese Mission. 2rt v, Second st. Coll at 7 P. M. YOUNG girl for general housework; call mornings; 2W0 14thst. phoneMaln 700. WANTED A girl for dining-room work at 103 12th and Morrison sts. WANTED Experienced waUresa. 227 AI- der st. WANTED Waitress at Winter's Restaurant. 2.10 Flist st. A YOUNO girl to assist with housework. Apply 002 Joltnson bu WANTED Girl for general housework. email family adults. 730 Kearney St. LADY teacher for M. E. Chinese mission niiiht school. Apply 220 hi Morrison st. G1RI. to assist with housework, pleasant home. 74s East Burnslde. East 2i2J. WANT El Jlrl for general housework. 71 Kearney t, WANTED Girl for general housework; ref erences. 772 Qulmby at. YV NT ED Experienced nurse, good wages, tllirl North ru p st. Morrison car. U1RI. for office wanted, $10 a. month. AN 040. oregonlan. GIRl.'nteir for general housework, family of adults. Call phone Main rtlM or A I3S1. LA DI ES' employment agency, 3.12Va V aah., upstairs, room 4. Marshall 3010. A 3uo:i. GIRL wanted, housework and cooking. Ap ply I'.i'i Montana ave. Gll'l wauled tor general nousenoia. 000 Flanders St., flat .1. Call mornings. WANTEDGIrF for general housework. 577 Esst 2-l street. ior'. ucm xvo-.i. GIRL to wait on table and assist In house work. 452 Morrison St. TRIMMERS, makers snd apprentices; also girls to clerk. Lowengart & Co. EXPERIENCED waitress. The Hill. 205 !4th street. , foMI,T:TENT girl for cooking and general housework. Apply 1133 Thurman st. IV ATE school. SHORTHAND and TIPS- WRITING: $3 mo. IMP 14th; Main 3S9J. TEACHER wanted, 2 hours In evening. G HIS, oregonlan. , ANTED At Sisters' Hospital in en.--, Cal- pupils to enter school of nursing. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. CAN TS. D lie pu t ies to procure members for the 1:05 al Hichlanders; good commission. Apply ! Wm. H. Cox. state manager, imu loth st. ."all between 11 and 2. SOLICITORS wanted Immediately for popu lar lecture course. Call from 0 to lo tills morning. Room P17Corbett bldg. cVsrHforcqultles In kils near Snndy road, must be cheap. Purse, 818 Chamber of commerce. WANTED Marker and sorter; good wages, steady emplo)ment, Troy Laundry Co.. 201 p. Water. . 1TFT-1P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. lO.Ono POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In ' 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free: write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. Jo North 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Able young men and women to handle real estate In city and In country towns; we leach you: no charges to pay. Apply for particulars or call on Ohio In vestmcnt Co., 4?1 Abington bl d g. WANTED Piano player, evenings only, for pl.ture show In small town near Port land; give particulars, aalary, etc. At 43, Oregonlan WANTED Singer for illustrated songs; small town, near Portland; give particu lars and salary wanted. AF 044, Orego nlan 11 AKE money writing stories or lor newspa pers; big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. United Prera Synd., San Francisco. Fl H lEACHalKS' ASSOCIATION. 811 Swat land bldg. 6ITTJATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT WILL STRAIGHTEN UP YOUR BOOKS, close up year's business, make trial balance and statement of profits and start them for new year; know how you stand and that your books are right at beginning of year: audits, labor-saving sys tem, etc. ; besl references, low charges. Powell, pheno B 187B. EXPERIENCED dry goods man, 2.1 years of ag 11 ycurs' experience in dry goods, fur nishing goods, fancy goods, underwear, hosiery, notions and shoes; experienced in buying, competent to manage department. X 32. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER Just disengaged. 20 years experience, total abstainer, best city and accountants references, thoroughly ac quainted with up-to-date systems. Phona Main 1U52. YOUNG married man wants position with lumber company as commissary buyer or in clerical work; capable of managing: steady; best of references. P 043. Ore conian. .. 1 V,.rtl.l-e.ooer 1 lliUKUllinl-l experiences o..."-. I wanta small set of books to keep spare time day and evening. Books opened ana closed. Phone E 355S. BOOKS opened, closed, systems established, statistics complied; rates reasonable. L C.3T. Oregonlan. ; WANTED Steady position: lumber ac countant, experienced in retail yard; good references. J 634. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER Experienced young man. desires position; references. Scllwood ltto- Miscellaneous. AUTOMOBILES washed and polished, every thing furnished but hose and water at private garajtfs In any part of tu c ty . cars oiled, hard-grease cups lilled. tires pumped up: all work at reasonable prices, no soap used, tirst-class work guaranteed, Phone B 3'i71. between 0 and 8 P. M. commons emTIToyment DEPARTMENT Wanted, positions for good men; book keeper, stenographers. waiters, c;''rK' packers, laborers. Phones Main 100j, a 74M6. 22 North Front St. STEWARD, thoroughly experienced in rest aurant business desires position: strict ab stainer; absolutely reliable; best refer enees. AL 835, Oregonlan. MAN and wife want position In logging or sawmill camp: man as carpenter, wife aa cook or general housekeeping or both as cook and helper. AM U42. Oregonian. LANDSCAPE gardener wants work to make lawns or trim fruit trees, by day or Job. John Heln. S3 North 3d St. WANTED Position: an experienced fam ily good cook. 247A Stark st, M. E. Chl ncse Mission. BUILDING superintendent or general fore man: one with the goods. AH 01. Ore gonian. , FARM hand from East, single man. sober, good milker, wages $40 month. J. Funk. Hillsdale. Or- route 1. GERMAN lad of 18 wants work of any kind. Addre3 763 Brooklyn st, Phono Sellwood 1082. Japanese Empluvment Co. will furnlsn all help. Main 46i. A 4073. 26S Everett su JAPANESE, good cook, wants place; please write 1Q7 N. Park st. HAVE your windows washed and house cleaned by J. H. Golns. A 4861. BOY wants work in afternoon. Phone Main SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and (Stenographers. WELL-EDUCATED stenographer, at present employed, wishes to change; seven years experience in general office work and stenography: wholesale, retail and col lections; salary $15 per week. AG 044. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by competent well-educated stenoKraplior. Five years' expe rience legal deposition, court reporting and Government work: best city reierences. Phone Marshall 2O20. REFINED vouiis lady stenographer wishes position as private secretary- or as com panion: no objection to traveling. AH 03.'. Oregonian. ' WANTED Position as stenographer: ca pable woman, 15 years experience. L (S3C, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, four months' experience, desires position; moderate salary. Y 637, Oregonian. NEAT young girl wishes position, office work or typewriter beginner or in dental of tice, AG 641, Oregonlan EXPERT cashier wants position In office or bank; can do any clerical work; best of references. G t332. Oregonlan. YOUNG ladv stenographer, some experience desires position; will take billing, phone East 1248. STENOGRAPHER Young lady desires posi tion; 3 'ears' experience; best city refer- ences; $4n. H 0421, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, ail kinds dressmaking done reasonable for next 30 days. Marshall 24.'i. DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking reas onable for next 30 days. Marshall 134il. DRESSMAKER; experienced. 8131 E. 3ry st.. X. l'hone East mtia. PLAIN sewing ly the day, $1.28 and car fare. Phone Main HOT 3. NURSING by middle-aged lady; 23 years' experience; maternity preferred. Phone Main 338. INVALID can have room, home comforts, "care, trained nurse, private home for ladies. Tabor 2213. WANTED Maternity nursing by middle aged, experienced woman. Phone Main 4 110. FOR an experienced nurse phone Marshall 2457. Domestics. EXPERIENCED cook desires position in pri vate house; no washing. AM 044, Orego nian. . JAPANESE gill wnllls a position in a pri vate family. G 41, Oresonian allsccllancoue. RELIABLE middle-aged woman as seam stress and would help with iijrht house work; good references. AG 043, Orego nlan. REFINED woman and a boy 2 years old, wants a place, cooking and housekeeping. f.LHI N. Overton st. WANTED By colored woman, washing to take home. 7.m rrnnt. Phone A 4SG1. ADY wants work day or hour. Phono Eas. 1160. room 1. CHURCH position wanted by soprano singer. AM ti-15. Oregonlan. ; WANTED Day work. Phone A 42.12. WASTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $.10 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. A heiress Orenco. Or. WANTED Two good live agents for close in acreaie. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Marshall 2V.iv. A 4084. AGE NTS to sell 'The Best Ever" Lady Washington Hulled Beans with Chicken. Galehouse Packing Co.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO RENT. Wa furnish the renter, collect the teat psy taxer. Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own: references, any bank la Portland, V 7HS SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 1, Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Houses. WANTED Small flat, 2 adults; rent not to exceed $16; permanent, close In. AC 639, Oregonian. AQArtmest SMALL heated apartment wanted by couple. AC o.ll. Oregonian. WANTED Large unfurnished or partially furnished room, fireplace, with board, by vyung married couple. T 041. Oregonian. Koonis With Board. YOUNG ladv. emploved, wants room and breakfast. West Side walking distance, strict I v private family; dinner optional: r-f-rences. S 014, Oregonian. BY young man. walking distance. West Side, modern conveniences, homelike; give par ticular. F 643, Oregontaav I FOB BEST. FOB RENT. 1 - Koonaa. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, fiats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished ; table boarding, all parts of the city; we save you money, time and trouble. Let us locate you. 3o2 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 21-0. ' . bON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -M1LNER BLDG- 350. MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. l-'umished Raonoa. HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Eet, 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Heillg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern conveniince. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc.: centrally located, near Postotfice; just off all carllnes; very quiet: low rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. ONE CHOICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. ONE NICE SMALL FRONT ROOM. ONE --ROOM HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. Furnishings, accommodations and serv ice lint-class; close to Washington and 20th street. THE DEL MONTE APARTMENTS. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter: will make special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located lu center of shopping district, con venlent for out-of-town people; rates by .the week. 4TH AND ALDER. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh SL New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautliully furm-hed. cosy and comfortable. Kates very teasonable. call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL, SM'- EAST BCRNSlDh). Start the New Year right; move to the Easi Side and save money on rent; 1-0 modern rooms, hot and cold running water ten public baths, also rooms witn private baths; rates $2.50 to $1 a week. Phone East ?'vtJi-l-- HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. ., OPPOSITU PORTLAND HOi'EU 330 YAMHILL- F1RST-CLA63 FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OK EN SUITE; MOD ERN; 1RANS1ENTS SOLIC1TEL-. M. 31, A 1111. J W-.-.-W er. I1U 1 r. 1 . uvuiwu, 132. 17th, cor. Washington, tirst-class fur nished rooms, single and en suite, run ning water, steam heat, rates by month. transients suiic-ii --, iwi- . -..-.... THE SAKG-INT HOTEL, cor. Grand and Hawinorne ate- Beautliully fuinlsncd suite or single rooms, hot and cold water, private phone In every room; first-class grill in connection ;translents solicited. s"oME fine double rooms on first and second Hoots, 2 rooms each, suitable tor 3 per sons steam heat, telephone and good but n, pi ices H to $7. 103 10th SI corner Mor- risun. 1 he Colonial- l-ciiEL BUSHMAKii, Washington and llin. Urst-claBs lurulsued rooms, single or ea suite: all mooern conveniences: 3 weekly Up.A3t47 Maia6U47. . CLARNO Hotel. 243 1. Holladay. one block - east of Steel bridge; xnoaern. 0O0 up; weekly rales, walking distance. Phoua K 4uu. aOOD ROOMS Large, light and well fur nished; brick building; bath, olectrio Ilglus; $1.75 to $3 week, transients. 87;. Russell st. LAUitABiE HOTEL, 227 a Larrabee St., walking dlslai-.ee; large, modern rooms; suitable tor 2; also single rooms; reason able. , . HOTEL ANSON1A, 124 14th at- cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished rooms: pri vate baths, tree phones in ail rooma " the'iTelleVue. 661. 1st at- new house and new fur niture; sieamnee.v, i.iu ye. .,-;, , y. THE HOLLY HOTEL, 105 12th New and uiod-rn in every way; elegantly furnished; rale reasonable; transients solicited. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooma. $2.50 per woo-; electric lights, hot baths free. MODE HA' outside rooms, $3 10 $5 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. -43 Ti Washington st. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam-heated rooms; running; water. Cor. 3d and Montgomery sts. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS IODaI. -MILNER BLDG.," 3501. MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. TWO-beautiful suites, suitable for 4 young men; $0 and $7 per w eek. 132'.. 17th -t. ROOMS to rent furnished by day or week; $1 to $2 per week. 415 North 24th. I'nrnl-hed Rooms In Private Fmnlly. BUSINESS woman can have dinner and room in private home In exchange for lignt evening services; character reierence re quired. Address Irvington. Box N 610, Oregonian. jTeLEGANTLY furnished front rooms, sin gle or en suite. In lower flat; hot and coid water, light, bath, rent reasonable, phone Main 411-W. Call loo Lounsdale. bet. Yam hill InritlTaylor. WANTED 2 ladies for company of yoimar -woman to take room at low- figure In private home, West Side, during absence of family. W 614. Oreeunian. IDEAL bachelor quarters, modern, newly furnished and every comfort assured; breakfast and dinner if desired. Tel. M. 6104. FINELY furnished front rooms: all modern conveniences; price reasonable; private family; very desirable. 5yJ,x larnhili. Phone Marshall 705. YOUNG woman, employed, desires lady com panion; share ar-rtment; references re quired, T 019. Oregonian. FURNISHED alcove room, steam heat, phono and bath, for gentlemen; also single room s. 335 Montgomery, corner 7th. LARGE front room, adjoining bath, furnace heat, private, quiet, reasonable. A 43i'J. 751 Kearney st- near 23d. IARr7 front alcove room; bath, gas, elec tricity, furnace heat, breakfast if desired. Phone B 17.10. FOR KENT Nicely furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 434 7th St. phnne Marshall snSl. NH E furnished room, modern conveniences, walking distance, suitable for two. 213 NEWLY" furnished rooms, steam-healed, ho und cold water, fireplaces. .104 Flanders. DESIRABLE location, one room, $2 per v.eck: one. $1.7.1. iiO.1 lath st. LARGE front room in private family; also smaller room, convenient. 42SV. 2d st. FURNISHED room, private family. 284 Hark st. . NICELY furnished front room with use of hilchen. 4SS Market st . I'nftirnislied Rooms. DEsTraBLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS M1LXHH BLDG- MO-.i MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASON A E Lc TWO-unfurnished moms, new flat, all con veniences, quo -iiai ii - Rooms Wilts Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use ot sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. Miss Frances N Heath, supt. NICELY furnished room, facing PBrlt- Ior two; first-class table board, 3i4 Park. Booms Wliii Board in Private Family. WELL-FUR N I SH E D rooms. with good hoard reasonable rates, employed people, one third-Moor sleeping room, wiln breuk fast. $12 a month. 120 N. lMh. WELL-FURNISHED room with board, suit able for one or two; modern convenience-; easy walking distance, reasonaole. Hiono Marshall 1010- LARGE front room, with 3 meals per day, pood home cooking, for two gentlemen; also gentleman wishes room-mate. ..U Salmon sL . NICELY furnished front room, with board for two gentlemen; Scandinavians pre ferred. 11 10th St.. N- bet. Stark and Burnslde. LARGE front rooms, furnace heated, good home cooking, for two gentlemen. 392 Salmon st. , . ONE single room, also suite of rooms, suit able for 2 or 4, terms reasonable. 2-0 M . Park. ROOM and board for one young man. $20: to room with another: 1 single room for $2.1. 605 nth St. Jiam - LARGE. well-furnished rooms, with or with out board, for 2 gentlemen; furnace heat, phone and bath. Main 428S. 571 Glisan. CHOICE board and room tor 2 gentlemen: have only the best to offer. Close in. Phono East llli- . CLEAN, well-furnished room, suitable for two; good home cooking. 433 3d st., flat 'C PLEASANT room, choice board, bur-lness people. 712 Hoyt St. ONE single room, with board, for genile man. 1M llth t- : 404 MADISON ST.. cor. 10th Large double rooms wMthsoodboard.Ialji 2000. LADY who owns her homo in Irvington would board married couple. C 1673. LARGE, well-furnished room, with break fast and dinner. Phone Main 20TL Kooms With Board In private Family. SEVERAL large, nicely furnished rooms, each room suitable for two or three men. good board, modern ami reasonable; lu minutes' walk to Postofflce. 333 Mont-- gomeryst- near 7th. Main 957. ROOM and board in strictly private family. West Slide, wnlking distance, good home for young lady or married couple without children, references reQulrou. Apply L 042, Oregonian. Apartments. TU r. EVERETT. 644 Everett St. Just opened and furnished complete for housekeeping. 3-room Buites with reception hall, sleeping porch and veranda. Pacific phone in each apartment, every room out side and surrounded by beautiful homes, electric elevator and the best furnished, apartment-houae In the city, if you want something extra nice, come to the Everett. THE BARKER, corner 21st and Jrving sts. This new four-storv brick will Lei opened January 1. 1911. Two, three nnd four-room buites with rei-eption hall. 1'a cllic phone in each apartment. electric; elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in bullet and wntmi; desk, gas ranges.. Ice Isjx. plenty of closet room. If ynu. 'vent something extra nice, come to the BnrKer. Make resert aliens now. CUMBERLAND arartmonts. corner of West Purk and Colur.bia streets, has Just three 3-room unfurnished end ono S-room fur nished apurlmontes left. If you want to live In ono 01 the best apartment houses In the city, that has ail modern con veniences, beautifully located, fronting the Park, you hud better seo about these soon before they are gone. Apply to manager, on premises. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new ' brhk building, completely nrst-class; fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service: rent very reasonable. THE BANNER APARTmIN' TS. West Side, 4s9 Clrty St.. near 14th; all 2- room completely furnished apartments; new house and furniture, steam heat, electric Hsht, hot and cold water, flea phone. laundry; $21 to $29. including lib-ht. Phone Marshall 2u74. t RE-UK AN Apartments. 024 Marshall Ex clusive, modern every respect, completely furnished three roems, all outside, prlvme bath end phone; If looking for something real nice, homelike, sej these. Main 0U3-. A 3191. OKDEKLE1GI1 APAKT.V1ENTS Cor. Grand ave. aud E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot nnd cold water, steam heat Phone East S00. OARDXER APARTMENTS. East 13th and Ash sta. Just completed, elegantly fin ished, all rooms light; 5 rooms, heat, hot and cold water, ens range, eta. These are worthy of inve-'.lcatlou if you are looking for something good. Phono East 2-S71. T-ilE LOIS APIS.. 704 Hoyt St., furnished 3- room suite, porch, private bath and phone, electric and fireless cookers, team heat, references required. ANGELA APTS- 37 Trinity Place, bet 19th and 20th, off Wash. One 2-room apt.. beautifully furnished; one 4-room base- ment apt- furnished. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT TO LET. "Rose Friend;" apartment of 6 rooms and bath: $05 11 month. Apply to rent ing bureau of tha Meier flc Frank Co. "UNFURNISHED APARTMENT TO LET. "Rose Friend:" apartment of 5 rooms and bath; $05 a month. Apply to rent ing bureau of the Meier & Frank Co. THE ALTAMONT, 5th and College, apart ments for rent, elegantly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phoua and bath; janitor service. THE STANLEY APT-"cor. Washington and King, 3 and 4-room apts- furnished and unfurnished, ail modern conveniences, re.ironable rent. Ca pt. Seh nelder. p rop. THE LEONCE, newly furnished 3-room apartments; private phone, modern con- vellielices. ISO 22d St.. N. tse NEWLY furnished three-room apart ment; h.teil, phone, private bath, 'labor 1708. ONEONTA. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. Furnished apartments. Lteam-heated. FIVE-ROOM fiteam-heated flat; fireplace, i-'iis range, refrigerator and porch. 15 L, I5th el., near Yamhill. IRIS "apartments. Sd and Mill sts- 1 room unfurnished, $30; modern improvements; adults only. , TWO-ROOM apartment, ideal for couple or bachelor apartments; furniture for sale, a snap. Apartment 4.1. Lucretla Court. COS Y furnished 4-room upartmenl ; steam heat, walking distance. West Side. 0"0 Flanders, near 2uth. Apply Janitor. THE COLBY. 04Sli Tiitirmnn, three newly furnished or unfurnished apartments; pri vate bath, free phone, cheap rent. NEW YORK Apartments, 2 and 3 rooms fur nished and tuuurntshcd. steam heat, free phone. East 7th and Belmont. 6-ROOM furnl-hed apartment. tHM Kearney St. Murgan. Flledner -t. Boyce, 5U3-600 Ab lugtCa bldg. L'OZ NTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room apis.; private phones and strictly mod ern; 23d, near Julimon st, CECELIA Apartments. 22d and Gllsan; 3 room apartment with all modern conve niences; rent reasonable. LUCRETlX" COURT Three-room apart men! for rent; furniture for sale. A snap. STEAM-HEATED -l-room flat. $35. 1051 E. Morrison St. Phone Tabor 13L A FURNISHED". 4-room apartment. Inquire of janitor. Cletopa. 5S4 Flanders eu Flats. . SWELL, NEW, 5-ROO.M FLAT. Strictly modern, 'furnace, llreplace. book cases, tinted walls, line fixtures, sleep ing porch. SSI Hawthorne nve. B 2104. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. MODERN B-room flat, all conveniences Id minutes from business center, on carllne. rent reasonable. Inquire mornings. 488 E. 12th and Division. A 3383. WELL-furnlshed 4-room lower flat, $17.50 mouth. Apply 3G4 North 20th. W car from d eput, 5th or Morrison to 2iith, block north NEW 5-room lower flat, hard finished floors, fireplace, gas range and gas heater; all ouieida room-.tX8 East Madison st. FOR RENT Five-room upper flat, heat and water furnished, corner E. loth Main; will furnish if desired. Inquire 020 East Main. TWO flats, Just finished. .1 nnd 11 rooms, 621 Northrup St., near 20th; electric light fixtures, gas range. Inquiro next door. Fl-RNISIIED steam-heated flat In exchange for board of children 9 and S years. In quire 480 Washington. Main 888O. MODERN 3-room flat, close in. 02 East loth St., and 47 East Sth, North, stokes Zellar. 390 East stark st. NOB HILL Fine "-room flat; rose bushes, vnrd: all modern conveniences. Key at 776 Johnson St.. bet. 2:id and 21th. NOB Hill modern unfurnished upper "ix fom flat, adults only. Phone Main -vV.t8. 6-KOOii modern fiat: good condition; fire place, fit's Northrup. , FOR RENT Three-room iiai, uiiiuinione-. I liquire 2r. Market st. Phone Main .'.10. MODERN 4-roum flat, both phones. Phona Kast 83Q.1 aU2Fargo. FOR RENT 0-rooni modern flat at 20S Park st. Call Main 12i. 5-llOOM llatT 598 Salmon St., bath and fur nace. Key i Salmon si. NICK furnished upper floor of 4 rooms, al 449 Oth st. Phone Main lo.'IS. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room Hat; central. 4119 Yamhlil: ?!: references. TTJ i4TH 5-room furnished Hat. Pnone B "l.':75 or Main 370. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat, mod ern. West Side. A 53S0. NK'K-5:room flat; bath, gas; $21. 405 East I'lnest- cor. l(Hh, close in. COZY Vroum furnifhed flat, including piano. 202 '.s N. 10th st. Phone A 11437. -NEWLY' tinted, well-f urr.ished three- room flat- Tabor 1708. B j'.-n. .-flj PAHK ST. Furnished lower flat to couple who will board own er . NEW, modern. 5-room flat- Phone B 20'ifl. Housekeeping Room. Thb"bEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free $15 per month up; a clean place; best' In the city for money: short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" car. or iota St. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL-furnlshed lower 4-room flat. $17.50 month- 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. $S month. Apply 304 North 20th: W car from depot, 5th or Morrison to 20th. block nort h. . tl 5U TO $2.50 WEEK: clean. furnished housekeeping rooms, freo laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 4Jd Vancouver ave- and 2u3 Stanton: take U car 401 EA.ST MORRISON, corner Sth: com pletely furnished housekeeping suite.; wnlkiiig distance. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. -MILNER BLDG.. 3.10 MORRISON ST. iZODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete Mdg. Phone Woodiawn 2997 or 2379. THREE nice, larse. modern hotisekeeplns rooms, suitable four persons. ISO Second Bt- Housekeeping Rooms in Private Famlly. TWO clean, light, ftirnltihcd. housekeeping rooms; gas; $12-50 month. 692 FronL A N