TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, J A NTT Alt 1 3. lil. 12 Portland's Greatest Clearance Sale Will Begin Today Portland's Greatest Clearance Sale Will Begirt Today Entire StocK Entire StocK Linens Reduced Great clearance sale of Linens, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bedspreads, Sheeting, White Gds, Flannels, etc, etc. $1.25DamasR 98c $2 DamasK $1.69 Extra heavy double Damask in ex quisite patterns, all linen, CI fZCk Richardson quality, ?2 val. F1,U, Finest double satin l)amak in choice patterns. Kichardson qua I- P1 ity, $1.85 value, the yard P Scotch Homespun, best grade cream damask, onr best regular t"1 OC fLSO quality. special for Out best staple qnality $1J25 QQ bleached Damak, special only Regular Wc Bleached Damask, 77 Regular Toe Bleached Damask, G30 900 Table Cloths Suitable for every-day use. Good wearing quality. On sale as follows: 2x3 yards. tZ75 value for S 2.27 2x2' 1 yards, g 2.25 values for $ 185 2i2 yards, $2.00 Talnea for $1.48 $8 Clotns $7 Richardson's very Tine pattern Table Cloths, including many of our newest and best values; $9 values 7 HO for $7.93, and $S values at v NpKin. Pox. 33.Q8 $7.QO NapKini, Doz. 95-50 Bed Spreads and Towels beeting, full 2V2 yrds TO 1 special sale at, yard C Linen Sh wide, on Satin Bedspreads, large, extra fine qualitv, with very attract- CO AO ive raised patterns; sp'L P'V0 Extra large fringed ero- djl fiQ chet Bedspreads, at, each V A Heavy crochet Bedspreads, C "1 clearance sale price, each PX"0 Great clearance .sale of onr entire stock of Towels, Bath Towels, large, heavy qualitv, full bleached; OO. our regular 35c values, special JV Bleached Bath Towels in our 1 O regular 22e quality for only Extra heavy Linen Towels, in three sizes, special at 10, 11S 12:0 Entire StocK Corsets Reduced $1Q Values $445 $5 Values $2.45 BOX TON CORSETS, in the long mod els, with medium bust, made of im ported materials, beautifully trimmed with lace and ribbon and having six silk elastic hose support- A A C ers; 5S.00 values, the pair iTJ RED FERN CORSETS, all whalebone, joft and flexible, with the gores placed in such a way as to resist the most constant strain. Made of heavy eou- tiL A remarkably serviceable corset for stout figures : regular fC QC values up to $15.00, only RED FERN CORSETS in most desir able styles; long or medium, for aver age or slender figures. Batiste or eontil-trimnied or finished with dainty lace and embroiderv; corsets wbich re tail as high as $10, are Cl AtZ grouped in this lot at, pair V WARNER RUSTPROOr and Un breakable Corsets in batiste and heavy contil; newest models, long, graceful lines and a pronounced waist line; our regular $o.00 values, spe- CJO Jc eial at low price of, pair JAJ HOWD CORSETS, the famous front- lace corset, giving graceful lines to the mot ungainly figure, and pro nounced curves to the woman of slen der proportions. Made -of imported materials; regular values CJf QC to $10, special price, only Clearance Sale Gas Heaters $6 Values 54. 4Q The celebrated "Reznor" Gas Heater or Grate, the most cheerful, least ex pensive to operate. Throws out more heat than any gas store on the mar- et Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Regular $8.00 value, spe- Cf A f eial at low price of, each V'v' Sale Eactr ordinary of Women's Suits. Coats, Dresses, Sweaters, Waists, Etc. in Basement 'Underprice Store Great Clearance Sale in All Depts. of Our Basement 'Underprice Store' Everything is Now Greatly Reduced At The Greater Oldls, Wrtm&i& Store 3.3di AmEMiial Cleraimce Sale . Portland's Greatest iSpecial vSsde Great Clearance Sale of $2 Kid Gloves at 79c Kayser's $1 Gloves at 29c Clearance sale of extraordinary values in women's real Kid Gloves. Two and three-clasp overseam styles, also pique Lambskin Gloves in all sizes and colors; our regular stock values at $1, $1.25, "7Q $1.50, $2. all in one big lot for speedy clearance at, the pair KAYSER GLOVES A sample line of the famous Kayser Gloves in fine worsteds, extra fine cashmeres, silk-lined, doeskins and suede gloves, also many handsome gauntlets, worsted mitten's and chil dren's fine worsted gloves and mittens, in fancy and plain OQ colors. Values to $1, all grouped in one lot, special, pair"'' $1.00, $1.25 AND 1.50 SILK GLOVES, SPECIAL, PAIR, 50 $1.50 Fancy SilKs89c $2.50 Persian SilKs $1.29 Great clearance sale of our mammoth stock of Silks. A line of fancies, including stripes, checks, plaids, Per sians, scroll and fancy effects in our regular $1, OQ $1.25 and $1.50 grades, are priced at, special, yd. OiC PERSIAN SILKS, in the most beautiful and richest pompadour and Dresden effects; plaids and two-tones, suitable for every purpose. Our regular tfjl OQ $2 and $2.50 grades, special clearance price P BLACK SILKS Values unsurpassed in all the great Northwest ; widths from 19 to 40 inches, in all different qualities; our best regular 85c grade, offered 7r special during the clearance sale at only, yard $1 grade 83 $1.25 grade 98 $1.50 grade $1.19 Onr $2.00 grades at $1.59 Onr $3.00 grades at $2.39 Opt $5.00 grades, only $4.19 Sale of $200,000 Stock of Women's Apparel Sensationally Low Priced for Clearance Sale Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Petticoats, Furs ft 111 i 2 Our Entire StocK of Women's Dresses at Half Regular Price Our Entire StocK of Fine Tailored Suits From $40.00 Up at Your unrestricted choice of our entire stock of Women's Dresses from the very cheapest to the very best at half price All women's suits from $4Q p are offered without reserve at a regular price Women's $48.5Q Coats for $22.98 Women's $25.00 Waists at $7.98 Women's Coats in broadcloth. polo cloth, tweeds, Scotch mix tures, etc. Double faced shawl coats, trimmed with fringe, steamercoats withplaid linings, collars and cuffs, blacK broad- cloths trimmed in braids, etc. A broad comprehensive line to choose from in values to $48.50 $22.98 Elegant Waists in chiffons, taf fetas, stripes and Persians trim med in jewels, embroidery and lace Chiffon over Persians, high or Dutch necK styles, many with lace sleeves and yokes for street or evening wear, others are strictly tailored Values to $25.00 all grouped for speedy selling at $7.98 f $10 Silk Petticoats at $4-85 $12.50 Silk Petticoats $5.68 A great clearance of all Petticoat. The larg est and best stock in all Portland to choose from. Here's a lot of the best grade taffeta bilk Petticoats ever shown in Portland at this price ; perfect finish, eTery wanted shade, including changeable; regular $10 JJ4 OS values, on special sale at only, ea. ?0J 500 Petticoats in this lot. All new and un usually good values; soft messalines in all wanted shades. Rich, lustrous Taffetas, in black and all wanted colors; black Jersey Silks with taffeta flounce; messalines with accordion-plaited flounce; regu- t C CQ lar values to $12.50, special for $JJO Great Clearance of 65c Hose at 23c Pair Children's 2Qc Hose at 7c Women's imported cotton and lisle thread Stockings, in black and fancy colors, embroidered, stripes, dots and many novel designs. A broad range of qualities and patterns for your selection. Our 09 i rn. J c- i .... iuC y wn rrfciuiar uuc auu iwc tniuet uii rjrtri-mi pbic at uutj, V JPhlT.riMWfl RiKKorl fnitnn TTnco in lin-hf niBlinTn an1 hcar-ir T li 11 , "0--I ' J if .w weight; all sizes, from 6 to 9'2; our 15c and 20c vals., at, pair Children's 50c Hose at 25c Children's black cashmere stockings in medium and heavy weight, merino heels and toes, full fasH- ioned, guaranteed fat dye Our regular 4Qc, O 45c and 5Qc values at low Clearance price of 3 C Baseme't 'Underprice Store Women's $28Dresses $10 k98 In the basement "underprice store," a clear ance of women's Dresses, made of English storm serge, taffeta silk, messaline silk, broadcloths, etc. Well made and trim'd with braids, fancy lace and silk yokes, etc.; also Peter Thompson styles. Val- (1 f QQ ues up to $28.50, special at only P U.iO 00ATS A large variety of women's Long Coats, in cheviots and mixed goods; ail col ors, some with plaid collars and cuffs, or belts of the same material, others neatly trimmed with velvets. Our regular values up to $22.50; special for clearance jQ QQ sale at low price of only, garment P&&0 Sale Silk Waists en's and Boys' Fine Clottiinf Reduced $18 Suits $9.2J $25 Suits $15 All our men's and young men's Suits in cashmeres and fancy mixtures, tin: season's newest, styles and patterns made by the best clothing manufac turers in the country. Nearly "all of them are union-made ; our most popu lar $15.00 to $18.00 val- fl!Q QC ues, special at only, suit P LOT 2 This line will be the means of creating much interest among men who want good clothes. The newest styles in the very best materials to be had; all the popular shades of grays. browns and mixtures are fijl C O C in this lot; $25 values P J.OJ Clearance Overcoats $35 Vals. $19.65 Our richest and best makes of gentle men's Coats, long or medium lengths, light, medium and heavy weight, nov elty effects, plain grays and browns in all sizes; $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 values, during clearance dj" Q 2C sale at this price, .suit P Men's $6.50 Pants at $3.95 ,$8.5Q Values $3,79 In the Basement "Underprice" Store. A sale of Silk Waists in many attractive styles; materials are velvet, taffeta, messaline, Dresden silks, white and ecrn nets, all new, trimmed in various ways with fancy yokes and sleeves, novelty collars, ties, etc. Values r 7f to $8.50; the Clearance Sale price, only J)J, j $10.00 SilR Pet ticoats for Only 3.79 In the Basement "Underprice Store a large assort ment of .Si IK Taffeta Petticoats with silk and cotton drops Deep flounces trimmed with tucks J TQ and bands or shirred Reg. $1Q values at iO J Cashmeres, tweeds and Scotch effects in dark and medium colors; come in all sizes; regular $5.00 to CO QC $6.50 values, for only, pair Wonderful Values in Men's-Boys' Furnishings John B. Stetson and Borsalino Hats $4.00 Values $3.00 $5.00 Values at $3.75 $7 -A. i str'n Velours 95.75 The best $3.00 Hat in all QO Portland at low price of P10 $2.50 Felt Hats $1.85 Boys $2 Hats at $1.50 Clearance Sale of All E.&W. and Eagle Standard makes, of known quality, all the newest and best patterns, in de pendable materials; clearance prices': Regular $1.50 Shirts for only $1.13 Begnlar $2.00 Shirts for only $1.29 Regular $3.50 Shirts for only $2.49 Regular $4.00 Shirts for only $2.95 Sale Women's Sample Shoes $5 Values $2.69 $6 Values $3.85 Great clearance of 1600 pairs of wom en's sample Shoes and broken lines, in patent kid and calf, vici kid, gun- metal, etc. .button, bal. and blucher styles, welt or turn soles; flJO fiQ values up to $5, for only P"vI7 2500 pairs of new chocolate, brown calf Shoes, patent colt and kid, gun metals, with cravenette tops ; our best regular values up to $6.00 (t Q QC the pair, on special sale at y)00 Men's Shoes $5 Values $3.65 Men's water-tight Shoes, viscol tan'd. Cordovan leather, with heavy double soles; extra channel nailed; come in tan or black; regular $o DQ C2.HL values, special at, the pair v