V THE MORXIXCr OKEGOMAX, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911. in Fr I... a new tear offerino. a bargain at tabor heights. I am Instructed to ll t prlvt Ml HailJj feet, only ilirw blocks from car, ibMul'tiil Tahnr THeiehls I th Property la situated In choice location, will dlvld In two buildln sue. If desired, nil" lot earn, absirat-t given. It will par you lo giva th's yir Immediate attention Call up Main 4:j. er Tabor 1047. Sunday ana Jlinaif. S. L. N. u:iman. agent. lo r. -a. -re-u, .i.ia nfuui. , itworwf hi aoeeu'a tlv value, 'too a lis). Una corner, aplrnold , fa-w on "it mlnm . 11 1 X block frura eetrlc rar line, all cleared. IxrcL 123. $30 cash, balanre raj y terma. koine special bargains In lor In Port- Iand rark addition at 3 a-.d $.3. 4 to bloeka from ,ectne rar line, west side. -3 rninute fmn poetorTir. A big saving by bujing N J A . r.asy urml I l- urrLL'iri IV PP1I.TT PO.. o3 Corbel! Building. Phone" Marshall IWO. A ;. GREGORY HEIGHT?. rina lota at only $:': $1 cash. $10 Pr mer-th. Tak R City 1'ark car to end GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. i. R. A N FRONTAGE Have P4riH or ground Ideally loraled for wFrhmi. mij manufacturing plant or wood and roal yard Mount Hood Railroad will pir Portland over thia read- Investl this. Prlca I ran ouon makes thla brat buy In rill road property In Sullivan a t;ulrh. Telephone Main 13. A 1313. aak for Mr. Huriinicam. BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY. rir block of eighteen full-slio 1"'". roar Hawthorne atr.. for sale. Will tak v "ur contracts or mortgage up to $s'a, hiKmt long time per rni. with release clause. uregnnian. A1AKTMF.NT-IHM SK SITE. Fine NB Hill rornT. 5ox'. l-'X. essy terms. it. F. PH VAN. civi r!r! tr of Comrirrrr. Main I ": A l..'i. NEAR hiK TI.AXK HA I I. WAV r'Hnl' Hilt Ft-ie corner I t . J. I."., all eash. lrtj W. irnn. -'1?' r.urns.ile. Main 277'V la Sale- -Itunar. $ STATE SE'THITV c'H $ B It K E R SAI.ART LOANS 'N I'l-VIN' NOTES. $lf To $'. . HE.vrE.-'T AM) Hi:ST TIACE TO HOKKkW monk v. AIWfll.l'THI.V NO ."Ki l'RITT. BVSINtS-. oTKICTI.Y -'NKll)ENTI.M. IHl ltS. A. M. TO B !. M. Wr l. AM) SVT. To i 1. M. --T 1 K SKi I U1TV -o.. S t ::' KAU.INU r.l.tnl. t ', AM) Av'l:E HOME.-. , arr all In cuimaiion. 1 room houaa. lara barn oo 3 rah. fc, a-r. I P'ntn hooa. chltkrn house. ror;ir .'.. caV arrr. a room lionn". losn ra-h. i, 1 a-r. 4 riom I'.unealow, a beauty .w I iH rash. - l; In 5 lara limit. Trad W. firrman. S;t Iturnaida. M CTI'k A SNAP. Hou and lot at IT:); nmt. coay. homo l.kr: will mik trnta ti ault t'all at i..Tirv H-u-nia off:n and of Koaa City J'ark rarlm. UKEOORY INVESTMENT CO. r.vr now. r.OSK I ITV I'ARK. t. V TF.KM.-. T rooms. il' lmprormn) In SRCHM. Modam hom: all tonrnlrnrr: lmprnvai l-.l; prlrr l'l0. tornis. Call a: Urraory lloirnta off:c. rnd of Roo City l'ark car. in. liRErJoRV INVESTMENT CO. i'K ha for aal lii bpl -room buncalow in lrtnton; Aosital lot !th all In.provc lornta in: laraa llvlncr.x'm ar'.tli Pra- r.k'. brmd rrllinaa. hr-lwoo.1 lloora. ui -h kttthrn. lull rrmrnt baiewnl. flna ftirr.ara and laric nnlatir l attic: tha prlca la JiiVO hl.-n ran r paid li!- rtnl. t- i li . . ... A I'll Sid and Hrana. W-.'C I FARilAINS 7 "rTmMS NEAR OVERLOOK. Montana jvr-.. 7 rivuna. m"Hjrrn. fnr lot of roiMpa. arc. Ti r-A ra5h. Hlandna at.. 7 rooina. ..rnr lot. built In bokcaar. wrltina; dk. rt.. braiol nrar. "oo. $;.Mk rash, varant pr"P-rt baU S vrara. t rtd W. O-rmau Si'.i l.urnalda M STTn l-RliiTO.VS FK.A' TIKI I. PI IH KIt. 7-room. modern liotxar. brat lo.-atinn In r"rton. f-I.V: If oti aro looklna for a boma and a bia bargain, do not ovrr l.ok tNia; iik'ji cash. bal. on tlmr: tako Mr J!.-ott cr to Clarka Station. O. 11. Taylor. - Tt EST BCT Al.KCKTA IISTI: ICT. H-room. ihorur':;ly modf-rn hour. all on rn tlMr. rrmmi bji pirnl. ttrat 'f piumiitnr: nr-half blx"k frin rar: rlopr to bualnrna rnlr of A'orrta strrrt: .rt:d 'o. onr-balf c.l:. -"all iun Gr.inst-T Mr . h--on 1 and Aldrr ?ta. $:m cVfH. SWE1.I. Hl'ViAI-off. Fara raat. nrar Hawthornw. larre norrh. Iniprovi-mrnta In and prid; larito roonii. rxtra nnr nrrplar? full baarmrnt. vJ irrllnarr bills- Main 7311. A lOIl I1I Y IN Kh'HMOMi. &-room bungalow. Including bath and reception ball, full basement. eement walks, gaa and electric lights, handsome fixture and range go Willi It: I.Mihj easy terms. 1 1 TS E. Sherman. vV-R car. investments er h-m-s. SEE IETSIC c WITWEIt. Spetlalis-s In :eal Kstate For : n man of mo-ieiate means. ROAKlk OF THAUE HI.DC. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. "TrESTOV S H K AlrT IK I I, 8 ltTFRR. Z lots. hn: ft., close to earline. ffWn. rath $l."o. bal. f l." per month, other lots selling for f..-al each: you had better l-'oVt this up: take Mt. Scott car to '!a-ks Station. tfi. If Tayior. 4k-I.OO.ki oungaioar. all convvmenree. dre- filere. beam ceiltnea, range, ehadee, llae um. cblcfeen-house and run; S arra; $llo caan. balam long terma. Ratnaiex l:.atey bfaition. ortfDn City line. VERY MODERN Tlome. txrellent oak llnish. splendlj !o ration, on Htodway. Irv inictoti ; suit coc tor. C l.vH. East W. II. ileruman. ""FOR SALE BY "OWNElt. " New b-room houae and lot. east front, on East 7'".tli si., one block from East Ankenv rarllne; 'ltii. rash or terms lo ni't a bargain. Rmm oil. Worcealer bldrf. Iuh kiALE Fly owner. A nice Queen Ann rottaie; mooern. si room a, large beauti ful lot on Atlantic St.. near Kllltngsworth see.; I.'.ooo, rash or terma to suit. 519 orcester btdg: FOH SALE New-, modern 7-room house. 2 b.ocks from Woodst-K-k earline: price s:lj.e: small payment down and balance ease terms. J. II. Tipton Co.. llos-1110 hnitdlng bldg. WK must sell s rooms, new: full basement, ful: lot. plumbed, wired: price 3.i.'a. f liak down and -'' and Intereat per month; this Is wcrlo $."); blorks west of Piedmont rar larna. Phone owner. Wvod!awn l.Mt PIG BARGAIN. S-room houj jkftT Tabor dletncu large barn, lot SoxIim); amail pay ment down will bundle, alee Mra. F t Hobblns. 1111 E. Stark. " Wfc: WILL build and help finance a bunga low, f.at or apartment for you. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. Main HJ'JJ. fJ'3 Pregonlan bldg. I-ROOM bungalow, up-to-date, close In. H block of car: lot 10x100. $1150. will take lot In trade. Inqnlre llii Helmont. cor ner IVh. Pbone Tabor i. V A 1. 1' ABLE property on Jefferson at. loca tion. :entra'. for apartments. F e2D. Ora gor'an. COSY hlllet'le home en West aide, srdendld v'ew lou $14t for o.ulrk sale All S.M ore gonian A SNAP If taken at once; 75 x loo. tv-room bouse, corner 3ith and Belmont: good apartment alte Phone Marshall 27'.xi. j.RiOx residence. South Portland: line lo. ration. Must be quick. R. - ftuettkefcr. 2H5 Salmon. aor Corner 11th and Hancock; new bun galow. Owner, aat 4749. no paia: tv-run ounct aim o- "-p. a"lid oak K.ora. balha. furuarr. flrrplatx. luun-Iry tiaya. mirror doo. caa. rlr ; i-rmi $noo down. baUnc J0 T-r nionth. Ni'tonal Rralty Trual Co.. Waiini tnn at., room 5ln- $ CASH Fl-YS 5 rooms, large kot. 7.xllo feet. I block from carllne; more ground next to thla place. If vou prefer, at 13 per lot; price s"a tfown. sis month. National Realty Trust Co.. :t-6' Washington St.. room 51o. RCU ESTATE. tor hair -II PtEnMONT SF-riAL To anvono Intrrr-etrd in a bouae In thla locality I offrr ona of tho flnat houara In ih Iran at roat and can troa that It la on of th blcrrst barcalna In tha city. I want th money and am wining . urrlflr nroflt lo maka ouick aalr. If cannot aril in trn daa will taka off th markat and maka other rinanciai ar rangomrnta; 7 room a. 2 blocka from car: nw and modrm. nrar htch a-hooL Phona Woodlawn Zloi or u Cm orcgonian. Arrrage. CLOSE TO PORTLAND ACREAGE. 6 "ACRES LOCATED ON HARXEY HILL. ON THE MILL. PLAIN ROAD. S4 MILES FROM THE VANCOUVER FER RY; ALL IN CULTIVATION: A NEW 4- ROOlf P LASTS RED HOUSE WITH FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT: WATER IN THE HOUSE; A GOOD BARN. CHICKEN-HOUSE AND RUN: 3300 BER RY BUSHES. BEARINU APPLE. PEAK AND CHERRY TREES; 1 GOOD BROOD MARS AND COLT. 2 SOWS AND TIGS. JiO FINE CHICKENS. NEW HAT RACK. :?EW WAGON. PLOWS. HARROWS AND ALL NECESSARY FARMINO ' IMPLE MENTS: 5 SETS HARNESS, TONS HAT, 50 TO 75 SACKS OF POTATOES. 10 CORDS OF WOOD; PRICE ONLY $5000 AND ON THE EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. CALL AND ARRANGE TO SEE THIS PLACE. 319 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. 2D AND WASHINGTON STS. THONB M. 5iW0. I', ACRES. 1 ISO CASH. Foi;r lilwki from rlwtrlo rar line, within 1o-intl- rirrle from renter of Port land. Wret fiji-; tine lit lug Ttm. all rl-nied and rrady for cultivation: part of I.IHJ la sloping, balance level; about "... nu.iutea from Portland: fine pluce for autiurban home which can be tnado aourca of aood Income from rhlckrne. gnrden. tirrrira. et--. Klne fruit land, deep aoll. no gravel. Thla proerty Is an tacrptlonal bargain, will be worth 10K to li00 in 1 than a j'ir. ". J1".0 rash. 147.'. CASH. HALANVE EASY Trr.MS. 4"4 acrea. One. deep aoll. no gravel, all cleared, with living stream through cor ner of land. 6-rooni houae. family orchard. p.ars. appies. rherrira. pluma: within ll Inile cln lo from, renter of Portland. 4 lilnrm from electric rar line, about S" minutes from l'rlland: line place for t'lliurt.an homo and be made to bring nlc Income frm poultry. garden. berries, frulta. etc. With litt.e Improvements this placv will more than double In value In Ins than a rar. Price only 1V. !.. rat. balance easy terms. J. W. HefTerlln Halty Co. '.TJ Corbrtt hltlg. Phono Marehall -!. A 44. UK) PER ACRE. For in arres six miles from elty hall, on good maradam road, ail In cultivation. Fine black soil. u acrea on eame tract not In cul tivation for :; per acre, tiooa terma. ..tM)U. 1J at KC Eleren mlVi out tnd 2'j nil!ee from Os wego. ;ood houae and barn, about 4 acres In fruit and brrrlea. Very best of soil, on It. y. I. mile to school, lljut) casn. Daiauca 6 pvr cent. ginon ONE At itl. nmt KlacW aoll Ilk minutes out on O. E- rie commutation fare, tlne-thlrd rash, bal ance easy at tt per rent. Choice of cleared or wooded tract. See thrao bargains at our expense li. t i i K a- ' yj. SOi I'orbett bltlg. ACREAtiE. If vou want a first-class Investment where' values are on the Increase, see us without fail: no poealole chanre to lose on any of the proposttlona wo are offer ing: prices from $.o to .""0 per acre. No tnveetnv-nt ao aafe aa acreage close to a big growing rlty like Portland, Vanduyn at Walton. 61!V Chamber Commerce. TEN and -O-acre tracta. unimproved. a.noo,n ullage land, spe.-iai y aoaptej to irun growlng: near county road and arhool: riinnlt.g water and plenty limber; only U miles from Portland: your choice at $.15 per acre, on easy lei ma. Palmer. bl2 Coucn bids. ai'HKS. c'oaa to Portland and atalloa. nrs;t-rlaas aoll. rencra on 3 aiuea. suit able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want It at the price of $130 aa acre, act at once as It will not last, long. . KINNEY STAMPHKR. 331-2 Lumber Exchange HI. If. 1100 CASH. la.gcr; tracts. Vancouver vicinity: fine soil. Land In same vicinity selling for $1." per acre; our price t5; JloO cash, balance terms. I1LEN1I ART REALTY CO. Unc i 41II-4-: Chamber of Commerce Hldir. 10 ACRES splendid garden lnn-1 close In on W.el Pide; no rock, gravel or .-.inons; wood enouch to py for Hearing; y.t.) per acre, Cdtn. oaiance iTiiie. or win sou 5 acrea at same price. 'i:. Ore. ml, in. 9oo xt.ES at J22..V1; fruit land half I - 1 Mn.l I : 1 f ood (own soli. able subdivision. Sl'.k Railway Kichnnke. Oil. 1.AN1). proven grt.und. half an Interest In 4" acres, exceptional oner tor caan. LK A. Ponrlson. DOi East lavl st. Baslneee Probteny. O. ft. N. FROXTACE Have parcel of ground Ideally located tor warenouae. small manufacturing plnnl or wood and coal yard. Mount Hood Railroad will enter Portland over this roar, lnvestlgnte this. Price I ran quote mnkes this best buy In railroad property In Hullivan'e Gulch. Telephone Main 10U3. A 1515. ask for Mr. Hurlingame. BUSINESS LOT ON SANDY HOfl.EVAKD Close to 2;:h. Thla lot Is worth $18Wk. Nothing to be bad In the district for lesa. For few davs can maka special prlca and terma Call Main 1S011. ask for Mr. llurllngaine. Hemeateacla. a'pv A XTaT; esTo K0 r EGO N lOOpi (re book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In the states of Oi'eKon and Washington, and descrip tion of same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral lawa; two mapa of Orecon In colors. 21xM. showing U. It. In operation, onv showing all pro posed R. R. and electric lines. Including Kastern and Central Oregon. i'Oc each, or the three oOc. Map of Washington In col ois. iMx;. :nc Nlmmo. Runey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. FOR homesteads. Central on-gon. call ooo Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. i-er tale Tult Laavi. FOR SALE CHEAP 1.1J acres fmlt and timber land In Skamania County 1 miles from Columbia River and county seat; Si acrea brown ahot soil, aouth slope, lightly timbered, easily cleared: r.Tso.O'M) feet uf yellow fir In all. besides cord wood: near sawmill: macadamised roads by next Summer: might consider a lot or new houss in choice residence district as part pavment. Telephone forenoons at unce. Helen S. Ui-ay. Nortonia Hotel. Portland. FINEST " ranches In Oregon left unplatted. 1-40 acres, alluvial or volcanic ash first bench Innd. and rich I iot torn land, lu Jose phine t'ounly. S mties from Grants Pasa. el intersection of Rogue River with Apple tiate lilver: 7 iv) acrea now under Irrigation and cultivation. Nut an acre of waste land. Has Its own abundant gravity wa ter right. Thla land wtll quickly sell at $lo0 per acre, in lu-acre tracts. Rare oC fer for quick sale. ipporlunlty for eyndl vate. " P eMIH. Oregonlan. BHITISH t'OU UBIA fruit land yielda to $1mi per -tcre and upward, annually; choicest Edgewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake idstrict. West Kootenay. $S0 per acre: terms over 5 years without Interest; no Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get Uooklet "V." Investors' Trust A Mortgage Corporation, Ltd.. Ie4 Hastings W.. Vancouver. B. C. 10. IS. 20-ACRE tracts near Portland: finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station: good roads; other farms near by; $17. oo to $jo per acre, part cash, balance to ault at o per cent. MFAULAND INVESTMENT CO, 3111 Corbett Bldg., Portland. EOl ITY bargain In S acres 1 -year-old Spltxenberg and Newtowns: 50O cash, 117 per month: $2o4 per acre; no Inter est. Includes four more years" care uuder guarantee. eltt Railway Exchange. BAR'-AIN In I0 acres walnut nnd fruit land, good Income now-, well located, good Improvement .110 Railway Exchange. j-ur -.ie I'arniaT " OREGON SHEEP RANCH. MOO aires: 2ut acres alfalfa land on John Dav River, good outside range, 40 bead of rattle. 20 horses, good buildings. Implements to run place: In fart, every thing Included (except sheep, which will be sold at market price) In price of $0 per acre 1-8 eaah. balance lo years. S1MMERMAN. S10 Board of Zrade Bids, REAL F.ST ATE For Sale Farms. ORCHARDS and acreage properties of all sixes In Rogue River Valley at prices that are right for the buyer. Call 32S Heury bldg. Timber lands end stork ranches In Lane County at sacrifice. Call Henry bldg. We have buyers for Willamette farms. What have you to sellT Call 3JS Henry bldg. , For quirk sale list your farms with We have buyer walling. Write or call 8 Henry bldg. (HJ-ACKE farm with 200 aeres of choice bottom land, of which 173 acres are cleared and In cultivation: a fine etrenm runs over a mile and a half through this land and there are over fourteen million e i r e am tVttk nine: .will take $35 per acre; full information at eie spaiuing ping. FOR SALE 100 acres of the choicest apple land In all Orecon. partly Improved. Ilplt u. .-v. a wVCtfil End of Hawthorne earline LINN County ranch. 864 acre of grain and fruit land for sale at $23 per acre. If taken at once. Address owner, B. U. Payne. Albany. Or. Miscellaneous. LAN L) SEEKERS. ATTENTION. For one dollar we will furnish a com plete and accurate list of all vacant and unsettled lands In Clark Co.. Waah. List carefully compiled from records. N. Map Co.. 714 Esther ave.. Vancouver. Wash. TO EXCHANGE. OWNER will exchange 220-acre apple orch ard at Wenntchoe. Wash., containing SO acres bearing orchard, with nine-room fur nished house, teams, and complete farm Ing equipment, for unincumbered Port land property of the value of $o0.000. jur chuser to assume mortgages for $33,000 extending over five years. No agents. Ad dress Kenneth Mackintosh. Alaska bid,-.. S-nttle. HAVE $&o00 equity In 11 ',x acres of fine land on Powell Valley road near city limits, price Is 6u0 per acre, mortgage, of $;"00 atralnst It. land nearby selling at 8uo and up. will take city property, contracts or mortgages for equity. S Oregonlan. m MEDFORD, VICINITY, PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE. Wanted Portland dry and ranch prop erty to exchange for property In the fa mous Rogue River .Valley, up to $200,000; give full description and detail and ad dress box 115. Medford. Or. To EXCHANGE We have a nice 23-acre fruit farm, one mile lo R. R-. In Willam ette Valley, to trade for Income property In Portland. Brong-Steele Co.. ground f I oor Lewis Bid g. CELEBRATED Rogue River Valley fruit lauds exchanged, also bearing orchards; prlxe-wlnners at Spokane and Vancouver; large list of selections; also Medford city property. Moor. Ehnl & Co.. Medford. Or. WAXT totraile my eeiulty of l- In two One East Side lots, where sll Improvements are In and hUh-class restrictions govern, for god eecurltlea. Am leaving Portland for business reasons. Y 62I. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE We have a fine 9-rootn home and two lots in line residence pan of Kansas City. Mo to exchange for Portland property. Brons-Steele Co., ground floor of Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, looo shares of Camp belfa Safety Gas Tturner stock, cheap: owner leaving Portland, will trade lor cood nronerly. 1171 E. Salmon. Ml 'ST sell at once 40 acres good Umber and rrult lena; win tuns j:ooi ieao u. hj i In on the deal. S-U Kast Suth St. Phone labor 23 M. WILL TAKE good automobile as part pay ment on a very accessible quarter or um ber In Linn Co. B. 6. Cook Co.. 603 Cor bett bldg. A NICE home of acres, north Columbia River, on Vancouver ave., new improve ments, for sale or trade. Owner. Lorena West. Phone Main 1053. (.ROOM house and lot; will trade on $1200 stuck ot groceries, oennie & wens. Mew art station. ML Scott line. Phone labor 6:o . 8PI.KNDID DoxlOO lot, restricted district. all Improvements except paving in ana paid for; price $7."'0o. Will trade for good horses. P 63S. Oregonlan. WILL exchange gilt-edired securities guar anteeing per cent lor lots or oinT real estate In I'or'ltnd. 1, 0-?q. Oregonlop. Iiiuuu K1KST moi-.guKe bonds to exchange for income bearing Clijr property, auuicn V O. Pox 1'itlo. city. WE exchange your property regardless of location for that wnicn suits you Deuer. Northwest Exchsnge. 22t- Henry bide. WE buy. sell or trade for anything sf eiilne. 17 Board of Trade. WK can trade your property or bualnees. Call SOS Board of Trade. WANTSIk REAL r.STATK. TO REAL EtTATE agents end owners I am In the market for Investments and speculation: 1 will gamble on Portland really; If you have any prospective prop erty of merit you wlnh to realize on. don't overload the pneo and you will get re sults; I will "consider large business prop ositions; also acreage. 3-mile limit; also timber lands. Address L B3D. Oregonlan. I WILL pay spot cash for Investment prop erty up to $0,000. I prefer to deal with owners, but If an agent has something especially good to offer, offer It. I wont all details and If proposition does not ap peal to xne I will return answer If re quested. Address AK 435, Oregonlan. I AM In-the market for a modern (arm close to Portland and on good county load; no mud holes. "Want from 100 to 2uo acres, and will not consider anything without running wnter. By giving do- ' tailed Information we will both save time. Address AK 38. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to dispose o. your property quickly, list It with us. e have a large list of buyers for all classes of property. CHAPIN ft HERLOW.' 332 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I WILL exchange my modern home for an up-to-date apartment house and pay ellfference In cash. Give a full descrip tion of property with income, location, etc. Address AH 4JS. Oregonlan. WANTED A corner. TodxIOO. on 10th or 11th St.; anywhere between Clay and Couch sts. : owners only. J. 1L Tipton Co.. llOS-1110 Spalding bldg . WANTED To buy acreage on west elope of Portland Heights, overlooking Tualatin Valley. What have you? Location, amount and price.- AE 2S. Oregonlan. WANTED Apartmont House; must be moil em; can pay caah or have other property which I can offer you as part payment. Address AG 35. Oregonlan. " CHEAP LAND WANTED. Want some logged-off land, near Colum bia River or railway; muat be cheap. MrGovern. 1Q20 Board of Trade. PARTY would like 1 or 2 good vacant lots near Hawthorne ave.; no agents. L 640. Oregonlan. CAsli immediately for barKatns in lrvlng ton Park or Alberta districts. Howard l.snd Co.. 420 . Swetland bldg. WANTED Lot In Rose City Park; must be cheap; will pay casn. re. r-. iticuaruson. !hiii K. r lanae iers. Phone B 1360. WANTED Lot. or house and lot, between loth and 14th, and Taylor and Main sts. Cash or terms. H 3R, Oregonlan. FARM WANTED. FARM Property wanted; only exclusive contract for quick sale considered: we have the buyer. If you wanl to sell, see or wrllo us. Hall ft Atchison, 313 Gar linger bldg.. Id and Alder FOR SALE TIM BKR LAND. WELL-PROTECTED timber land In the fog belt on the Coast: very low price. D. A. iMinelson. 909 East Pavls St. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLIX tl J. U CRACKEX, 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, rellnqulan vnents 21U Worcester bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Chicken ranch. 3 -room house, barn. 7 chlcken-houaea. 4 blocks east of Keliys Station iPlymouln st.) 'W-W" car; : , AN orchard. fn acrs. tenant must Hive references before particulars will be fur nished. Apply R. Clillcott, 205 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Interest In sawmill, cutting 23 to CO M per day on railroad; state loca tion, etc. flrsl letter. F 637. Oregonlan. T11CBER lands wanted. C J. atcCrackeo. W4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. llorwee. Vehicles and Hnrnesa. FOR SALE 1 black mare 3 years old, weighing 1550 lbs., suuua and true: 1 team young. wcsl-matched horses, weighing :i06 lbs. Russell St. HUBERT ft HALL'S STABLES. 80 Front at-, livery business, rips, borses. harness, wscons. for ssle or rent. Main 3203. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 2$ r. 1TH ST. MARSHALL 18 "I HORSES AND WAGONS RV DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. Idl'ST sell at once rheap, farm team, weight 2VOO lbs., and double harnesa. 029 East Ritth St.. end of Hawthorne earline. FOR SALIi Beat logging team In Portland, SaOO lbs. 300 . Morrison and "Water ata. FOB SALE. Horsea. Vehicles and Harceas. HORSES. FOR SALt All et Winston Bros, st McDongals horses will be on sal at the Hawthorne ttaoles for 10 days. They range In weight, 111)0 to I DUO, and from 3 to 13 years of age. As aU of our work on the N. P. R. K. Is done, all of our stock will be for sale. They wl.l be aold under the guarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. Call and Inspect these after November I HAWTHORNE STABL&S. 43Q Hawthorne ave. FOR- SALI3 We hav a few horse and niares left and will sell cheap for cash or time If well secured; also wagon and all kind sf new and second-hand har ness; reasons for quick sale on account ot going to ahlp to California by Jan. 6. B34 Front St.. corner Market. $250 BUYS team of two horses, harness and spring back; weight 2500 lbs.; are sound and in Orst-clssa condition. The hack and harness are practically new; owner must sell at one. A. Langenberg. Clackamas, Oregon. XKaaIS to hire; horsea and mare for sale. 2U4 Montgomery; Marshall 2487. Pianos. Organs and Mnssrad Instruments. FOR SALE Sacrifice, new piano. Christ mas present; had one. so will give bar gain. 521 Vi 20th. Portland Height car to Lwurel st. Automobile. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARING HOUSE. Arthur H. Herts. Manager. We are exclusive dealers In used auto mobiles. If you vfint a snap for the com ing season, grab this before some ono else does:- 1P11 model Mollne. 85-H. P. touring car. purchased new October 10 last at a cost of 3J000; has 30-lneh wheels. Warner speedometer, top and glass front of course; prlca $14" J. GRAB ITI GRAB ITI GRAB ITI A 5234. Phone Main 692. Sixth and Madison Eta. rortland. Oregon. msniivs IV AUTOMOBILES. 2 Hart Kraft Hcht delivery wagons, 1 K-passenrer Everett. 1 S-passencer E. M. F. end 2 4-passcntfer bodies. These cars will be sold at a itreat sacrifice, and If you are In the market or expect to be soon. It will pay you to Investigate, -ibti' ?r.s. 11th st. tvi.' see ,mn, to close out every second-hand csr In the place regardless of price. These Include some un'iaually One propositions In Pierce. Cadillac. Peerless and Stearns cars. Come In and look mem over. COVEY MOTOR CARCOMPANT AT SO PER CENT: ONLY $500. 10 H. P. Mitchell, overhauled, guaran teed, and extra good equipment; delivery Or commercial; aeiacnauie iwif avav. Need Soap Co., 24 Front. 1010 STUDE BAKER. 7-paasenger, fully equipped: will matte a line rent car; price 3500 down, balance easy terms. Call fn renin sireet. WE have several good bargains In used automobiles lert wlin us to sen- oy pur chasers uf Itill Packards. Frank C. Ri.gs. 65 N. 23d St. ONE Chalmora "30": fully equipped. In line condition: a bargain. Frank C. Rlgss, 65 N. 23d st. FOR SALE 2 Bulcks. 4 Whites. 2 Cadil lacs and -others, all In good condition. Harry Beatty. ao i. ai. e.. a, sooo s-ronriARD. D-Dasseneer. 40-h.-p.. newly painted, mechanically perfect; a bargain, i an eo icneu ancei. FOR SALE; Mitchell roadster. 2tt H.F.. In good repair; pue-a ,,iw. " . 23d st 1010 REO. 6-passenger, 30-h.-p.. almost new and good ns new; only $1000. bee car f.11 Tentn street. 1 t.:uT delivery. White gas car with ex pi ess bod', detachable. 1810 model. Call S6 Tenth street OAKLAND. IPIO. 5-passnKer. used V weeks; cost ?2450 equipped; a snap at I15O0. rail Mi lentn gireoe. WANTED An automobile, runabout pre ferred, to exchange for cltj property. J O.S.. VTa'OO"". CADILLAC 1010 deml-tonneau for sale; per fect condition; a bargain. T 625. Ore gonlan. FOR bargains in used automobiles. Call 86 Tenth street, 'oeiween aiars wnu nura side. . 1610 Whit gs car, four-passenger, fully equipped: a snap, tan so ientn irew. Birds, tkogw HPU Pet aloes. FOR SALE Ppltg pup (male). 803 WU- llama ave I'hone C 30S7. TWO fresh rows with calves. 3S1 Water st, Mlareliaueoua. $43 ECLIPSE steel range. $22.60. Leader steel range. $15. Cooker Chief gaa range, $3. Jew-el ess raruze. IK. Heating stoves, for coal or wood. $2.0 to 1 o. Wabash filing cabinet. $22.30. 50 roll-top Seek, $liS. Revolving office chairs. $:.25 to $4.50. Arm chairs. $1.50 to $3.50. Office tables. $3.50. Library desk table, quartered-mlsslon oak. IS. Solid oak round extension tables. $10. Six solid oak box seat chairs, $2 each. Buffets, $7.50 to $20. Mission dresser, oval French mirror, X9.50- Genulne blrdsey maple dresser, cost 30. for 317.50. Genuine mahogany princess dresser, cost $30. for Iis.oo. Other dressers, full sine, $7.30 up. Sanitary steel couch, with pad. $6. Solid oak hall rack, with round French mirror and seat, S.75. 9x12 Art rugs. $3.00. 45 yards Brussels carpetr 35c per yard. 8x12 body Brussels rug, in good shape, $12.50. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., Kll and f.17 Washington, bet. 16th and 17th We buy. sell or exchange both new and rine eecond-nair furniture. Both phones Main 110S or A 373$. Store open Monday until noon. FOR SALE. One horizontal tubular boiler 40 x 12. One 10 x 12 Erie City Center Crank En gine. One 80 II. P. Induction Motor, 60 cycle. 3 Phase. One 3 H. P. Induction Motor, 60 eycl. 8 Phase. These machines are In first class condi tion and will be sold very cheap. ALBANY PLANING MILL. Albany. Oregon. AMERICAN CASH REGISTERS ' fthat forced prices down) See our auto matic printed record: no crank to turn; prices $40 to $375. easy payments; ex changed Nationals $20 up. Oregon state agent W. R. Higueit, moved to larger show rooms. 3'13 East Morrison St., Portland. Phone B 1476. CLEAN-UP SALE. Bargain feast on clothing, men's suits, eravenettes and overcoats: SSO values for $16.50: $25 values for $13, $20 values $7.00. Jlmmie Dunn. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE A combination Brunswick Balk billiard and pool table, good as new. with outfit, for half price. Owner has to ' dispose of this table because it is too large to get It into his present bllllard- room. Y 6:10. Oregonlan. MEN'S TROUSERS. Clean-up sale on men pants, .$3.30 to $4 values for $2.35; $4.50 to $5 values for 33 33. Jltnmle Dunn. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, room 313. Oregonlan bldg. OLD jewelry ex'.-hanged for waicnea and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for hair original prices. Unci Myers, 71 tu St.. between oak and Pine BUY an EdTson phonograph, value $200. and 100 records tor $75. and spend your even-In-s during- New Year at home. Call o.Hck. "OS E. 35th St.. South. FOR SALE OR RENT, LOGGING AND Railway Eauip- ment Co., 74 Flrstst. Bothpiioues. nuisi iiu . FOR RENT Launch house, E. Stark St., stall 24x3 $4 month. Ballin, 3oo 12tli st. Phone Marshall 12o7. MOTORS Two, 1 -horsepower D. C and one As ; allghtly used; see them at 40 Hoth- chiia oiag. SAFES, new and second-hand, low sricw. caah or easy terms. PORTLANDSFBCO..87Flfth St. FIRSTCLASS No. 7 Remington typewriter, good as new, for $35. Ross, Buchanan bldg. OR SALE Showcaaes. wallcases, counters. General fixtures in stock and marde to order at lowest price.. gr r,rn a v. a. FOR SALE Visible lypewnur. .nap If token Immediately. Room 26. 142' Second. LOGlil.N'i uouaai, gouu COOCll.u. XI s In 2017. ONE new drop-head sewing machine. $13. warrantea ia yeais. A COMPLETE set of tinner's tools, lnolud- ing bmKc. -i v.-. - fa COIN collection, or will rade for nnln- eemoerea hiviti v.. nn PHONOGRAPH and record for sal. - fl$ Madison t. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. GENT'S bicycle, practically new: also girl s wheel; bargains; expert bicycle work our specialty. 2007? 4th su VTAMTKI) nnnt-KT-LAyiCOCa'. CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. Wanted Men's castoff clothing and hoes and bicycle; highest price paid: we also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 20S0. 210 1st st. . WANTED $2300 worth of household fur nishings, new or first-class second-hand, by the first of February. 1WL Western Sal vage Co. Main HQS, A 8703. I WANT second-hand roll-top desk: also chairs, rug and table: all-or part: must be good condition and cheap. P 627. Orego nlan. . , WANTED A church-bell, complete, size 3; to 40 inches. F. Taylor. Clover dale. Or. 1 IOU have household furniture to sell, csll up George Baker ft Co.. 152 Park su Both phones. . SELL your second-hand furniture to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones A 2-145. Main 8951. WANTED for adoption Baby not over 8 months; dark hair and blue eyes; must be healthy, either aex. W 630. Oregonlan. WAN1ED To buy second-nand auto case inga and Inner tubas. Cbaa. a. aSlton. 433 Btarlc at. WE buy most every thing and pay th price, too. Marshall 2S53. HELP WANTED MALE. WE ARE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST WEST SIDE, CLOSE-IN PROPERTIES EVER PUT ON THE PORTLAND MARKET, AND Wb WISH TO EMPLOY MEN OF ABILITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF DEPARTMENTS NOW BEING ORGANIZED. ONLY MEN WHO ARE AMBITIOUS TO SECURE AN OPPORTUNITY OP MERIT ARE WANT ED. GOOD REMUNERATION. EX PERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. AS AVE WISH TO TRAIN YOU IN OUR SYS TEM. APPLY NOT LATER THAN ,10 A. M. THE WEST SIDE COMPANY. MADISON BLDG.. THIRD AND MADISON STS. $25 ONLY $25. THIS WEEK ONLY. Learn to operate motion-picture ma chines: operators earn $25 to $35 per week; we guarantee to leach you right in all standard moving-picture machines, stere opticons, etc.; only $25 for a complete course. Rose City Film Co., 326 V Wash, at., near 17th, ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the nges of 19 and 85; must be nutlve born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $tlu: additional compensation possible: food; clothing, quarters and medical attention free: after 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Re cruiting office, Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington sts., Portland, Or. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires a thoroughly competent salesman for their men's clothing department; only those having had recent experience In this line need apply. Apply superintendence office. 6th floor. S to 10 A. M. WANTED From $300 to $1500 per month Is waiting for two or three men who hava selling ability. Let us tell you about our : proposition; it's a live opportunity; :t'a . ycurs if you grasp it. See W. K. Townsend at 322 Corbott bldg. ALAMKDA LAND CO. GET OUR SPECIAL OFFER. MEN MEN WANTED WANTED To learn auto driving and repairing en ail makes through practical experience in our new and large garage. ' Day or evening. ANGELES AUTOMOBILE ACADEMY. On Icq. 3-oV Washington St.. room 418. 3IE.N WaN'IEd. age Is to 35, for firemen; $100 monthly; brakemen, $30. on nearoy railroads. Experience unnecessary; na strike. Promotion to engineers, conduo- . ors. Railroad Employing Headquarters over 500 men sent to poaitlons monthly. State ace; aend stamp. Railway Aasocla tlon. care Oregonlan. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 2HD AND MORRISON STS. Take S-S or MU Tabor car and look us tip before deciding to enroll elsewhere. MUSEUM ATTENDANT WANTED. Hustling young man of ability, must he nice appearing and a . good talker: good salary and permanent position if can make good. Address immediately. S CSS. Oregonlan. WANTED Ambitious workmen: your work on actual Jobs pays for teaching trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; only few months required; 700 students last four yeafrs. Write for in formation. United Trade School Contract Ing Co.. Lo Angeles. A HIOH-CLASS salesman of good appear ance and fluent talker can secure highly lucrative employment calling on business and professional men who are old custo- mers; none but first-class salesman need apply. Box J 630, Oregonlan. YOUNG man to solicit and deliver grocer ies; must be capable, honest and indus trious and furnish good references; none other need apply. Call today between 8 and 11. East 2MU. and Halsey sis. WANTED-Wlde-awake boy about 16 years old willing to start on small salary: ex cellent opportunity to learn electrical sup ply business. O. B. Stubbs Electrical Sup ply Co.. HI Sixth st. t,A.i.vvA mail cieias. post office clsrax. letter carriers, custom house and Interna, revenue employes, , to prepare for exam inations; free book. Pacific States School MrKaybldg..city. WANTED Five men of good appearance, to represent a good portrait house, easy proposition, experience unnecessary, salary to start with $17.50 to $25 a week. Call Monday at 165 Vi Fourthst.Room24. WANT capable man of business experience, moderate salary from start, permanent po sition; answer with references and tele phone' number. M 632. Oregonlan. ' ;iAMtU vi. ai.e-. uwuels a,A unvers, bav-e vonr vulcanising and retreading- a Yy rhtv. S. Elton. 435 stark at. Phona a RSi YOU are wauled tor Government position: $S0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 323-B. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Two good, live agents for good , . Mna..,AB 1 W U.e.rlln nifen t:iaei iii),tn.... ... Realty Co. 203 Corbett bldg. Marshall 2 suit. A 4fi4. WANTED Cnatmaker and hushelman. Ap ply Maxwell, the tailor, 24U Washington street. MAN and wife as Janitor and housekeeper, in boarding-house; man must understand steam heat. 735 Hoyt st- Main 7504. WA NT life agent to sell half Interest in valuable patent, re. uueiiKoier, xt& sal mon st. WANTED Good operator at once; steady- position to rigne man. enicago fairness Dentists. 6th and Washington ets. PRINTER for all-around man in country of fice. The bianoaru, oiauiieiu. Amanita County, ur. A-OCAL OFFICE International Correspond- c.hnnl. 033 Aleier St.. onan till A P. M. Send for free catalogue. yes learn driving autos and all about them, in our garage, day or evening. Office 24J 6:h and Maln FIRST-CLASS cook for cafeteria: only first class man needed. K 043. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class French pastry cook. TV Oil. VICfc.i.n... EXPERIENCED nlEht cook wanted. Apply at the Crlteron. 82 6th st. MAN to answer orders by mall. Write to P. O. Box i lo. r-oriianu, yjr. prlOOJCirtAl'jl coupon and portrait agents. rew- offe- futberth studio. Dekum hide- YOUNG men. over 16 years of age. to learn . . r C. 'H Oraaonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GI RL to assist housework. Call at 323 E. ...... ... Alaolmno raat IROJ TRIMMERS, makers and apprentices; also gina eo SWITCHES made out of combings. f5c. Sanl- . ... l.,lnr, 4rtll.41 ruvVom 1.1. 1 tary rt-qmj .p....-. mua. EXPERIENCED waitress. The Hill, 205 !4tli street. COMPETENT girl for cooklne; and general housework. Apply 1135 Thurman gt. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral hOUSeworie. juvejoy ai. ppTvATE school, SHORTHAND and TYPE- IWHIAJ-Piv; so ae asm , HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Toting ladies for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap- Sly Paciflo Telephone ft Telegraph Cft, in ana East Ankeny sts. THE MEIER FRANK STORES Tequlre experienced long-hour waitresses; good salaries; permanent positions. Apply at superintendent oiflce, sixth floor, 8 to 10 A. M. GIRLS WANTED. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. X Grand ave. and Sast Taylor st. WANTED Woman for general housework, private family of four, living on orchard. 3 miles from Medford. Or.; no washing: will pay transportation for responsiblo party wanting permanent position; must oe good cook; wages $3C. Address P. W. Hamlll, Medford. Or. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for cloaks and suits; only those capable and possessing tact and ability? with view of taking charge of department, need apply. P V34, Oregonlan. WANTED Lady with experience in restau rant; must bo polite nnd understand th rusiness; preter one wno unaersianas meat, frying. Apply Homo Cafeteria. 403 East Burnslde st. Kt I WOMAN for general housework: one de siring good home and moderate salary. Apply before 2 P. M. Day Nursery, 25 North 9th st. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework: no washing; Sunday off after breakfast. 482 Harrison st. Main or A 3376. COMPETENT-dressmaker who Intends start ing business will find good opening with well established ladles' tailor. Box AH 635. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, good wages, steady employ ment. E. 17th and Wash. Phone East 472. WANTED Lady's maid, some experience In nursing; must be Christian Scientist; French or German preferred. Call 601 Nortonla Hotel. WANTED Girl to care for baby afternoons. Apply mornings only, 170 St. Clair st,, apt. 6. WANTED 2 reliable young women in city hospital with Bom knowledge of nursing preferred. O C42, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl for general housework in a physician's family of two. Call mornings. Woodlawn 542 WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; small family; food home. 41710thst. EXPERIENCED mangle feeders. Call Port land Laundry, 0th and Couch, Monday morning. OPERATOR for hotel exchange, only those having experience need a-pply. Address Box L C41, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, corset 30 size, wanted by cloak and suit manufacturer. Call 147 loth St., Tuesday morning. BY wholesale house, a reliable woman with energy and ambition: experience not nec essarx. H 637, Oregonlan. WOMAN for general housework in the country; small family. Call after 3:30 P. M. 779 Hawthorne ave. PUBLIC stenographer can have free rent and machine for small services. Call 420 Swetland bldg. i A.N i r.u xvelinea. cauuie woinaa :,t . sponsible position. Vlavl Co., tiOlk 3su chlld MdK.. 4th and Washington. FIVE girls wanted to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-412 Dekum bldg. 6TENOGRAPHER for general office work, experience in accounts preferred. G 615, Oregonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826 H AVashlngton St.. room 314. Main c36 or A 3200. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing. Phone Main 3710 or call 237 North 24th st. WANTED Stenographer (either sex), ac customed to machinery. F 638, Orego nlan. HANSEN'S LADlliS' AGENCY. 343 s Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2t02. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 446 E. 17th. North. Phone East 5071. GIRL for cooking and general housework; 4 adults. r00 Taylor st. WANTED Chambermaid. Call nfter 10 o'clock A. M. corner 4tn and aiaeiison. WOMAN to answer orders by mail. Write to P. O. Box iio, iJortiana, ur.. WANTED Girl for general house, .vork. no laundry. Call mornings. 7i4 l-iancoclt st. GiKL to assist in general housework, 4 in family. 151 North --a st. YOUNG girl tor general housework; call mornmgsk-tfoisiiii ijiwun jibiu idov. LADIES' employment agency, . "521, Wash., upstairs, rooi" .oa""i"p WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chlco, Cal.. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED Waitress, 10S 11th jit . Call early. HELP WANTED MALF. Oft FEMALE. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert i ...,., ot- tools free: write for cata logues vi'ohler System of Colleges, 33 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Able vouhg men and women to handle real estate in city and In country towns; we teach you; no cnurgea 10 paj Apply for particulars or call on Ohio in v.-s t men f Co., 421 Ablngtun bldg- MAKE money writing stories or for newspa pers' oifi pay; send for free booklet; tails how. United Press Synd.. San Francisco, FI H UEACUERS' ASSOCIATION. Oil Swal Und tidg. SITUATION WANTED -MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT WILL STRAIGHTEN UP YOUR BOOKS, close up year's business, make trial balance and statement of profits and start them for new year; know how you stand and that your books are right at beginning of year; audits, labor-saving sys tem, etc..; best references, low charges. Powell, phone B ISTtl. A YOUNG man, 20. who Is a stenograplitr and assistant bookkeeper. Is - desirous of learning some good business; is willing and reliable: is also an experienced so licitor. K 631. Orgonlan. BOOKKEEPER Just disengaged. 20 years' experience, total abstainer, best city and accountants' references, thoroughly ac quainted with up-to-date sj stems. Phune Main 19B2. . BY young married man. desirous of locat- 7 , i.,.A ViH seven vears' ltl in inn iii.v . "'I"! .'"' , practical business experience and can furnish good references; moderate salary. M 633. Oregonlan. BOOKS opened, dosed, systems established, statistics complied; rates reasonable. L Q.17. Oregonlan. WASTED Steadv v position; lumber ac countant, experienced in retail yard; good references. J 634. Oregonlan. . WANTED Position by young man, lezal education. In real estate or Insurance of fice: salary. AD 62S. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. STEWARD, thoroughly experienced in rest aurant business desires position: strict ab stainer; absolutely reliable; best refer ences. AL 03.1. Oregon ian. PHOTOGRAPHY First-class operator and retoucher with thorough all-round exper lerce open for engagements. L 643, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED chaulfeur wishes position with private family: can furnish A-l ref- erences. S 634. Oregonian. LANDSCAPE gardener wants work to make lawns or trim fruit trees, by day or Job. John Hein. 58 North 3d St. WANTED Position; an experienced fam ily good cook. 2471, Stark st. M. E. Chi nese Mission, OiKMAN lad of IS wants work of any kind. Address 763 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood lObS. EXPERIENCED Janitor, tinderstands steam 'heat and on'ice cleuning. Main 3008. Col ored. . HONEST and sober young married man wishes Indoor work of any kind; best of references. O 633. Oregonlan. Japanese Employment Co. will furnish ail help. Main 4669. A 4073. 368 Everett St. XOUrili Jftpwirsc "aula -.j-i. so owuas,- i work In a family. J 637, Oregonian, u SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ENGINEER wants position: best of refer ences; thoroughly understands boilers, pumps, and engines: will take Job boiler tending or engineering: have my own toolu. Address M. 11., 1020 E. 0th North, 1 ort land. WANTED A mrddle-agcd man and wife, no children, would like position In city or cojutrv; wife good cook, man handy nt all kinds of work; capable of taking onarrre or rancn. iv on. can."... COMMONS EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Wanted, positions for good men; book keeper, stenographers. waiters, clerks, packers, laborers, phones Main llitij. A 7420. 22 North Front st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. BooUUeeoers and stenographer. WANTED Position by competent well-educated stenographer. Five years' expe rience legal deposition, court reporting and Government work: best city rctoro.ices. Phone Marshall 2020. . WANTED Position as stenographer: ca pable woman, 13 years' experience. L 636, Oregonlan. AN experienced stenographer desires per manent position at reasonable salary. Phone Marshall 275L POSITION by stenographer with knowledge of bookkeeping ; willing worker. Phone A 5140. EXPERIENCED stenographer will accept position; $15 per week to start, Sell wood 1SI3. STENOGRAPHER, four months' experience, desires position; moderate saJary. X 637, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker would like en gagements by the day. AM 633, Ore gouian. DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking don reasonable for next 3D days. Marshall 24.V,). DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking reas onable for next 30 days. Marshall 11.49. DRESSMAKER; experienced. 813 A E. 3rd st N. Ph one East 160 5l DRESSMAKING, alteration, repairing neat ly done. $1.50 a day. Main 7043. PLAIN sewing wanted nt 267 Ross at. Nurses. INVALID can have room, home comforts, "core, trained nurse, private horn for Jadles. Tabor 2213. NURSING by middlo-nged lady: maternity pref erred.PhoneMalnJ!3SS. FOR an experienced nurse phon Marshall 2457. Domestic. GENERAL housework, by two experienced girls; wages $40. Write 600 East 2Sth t. Miscellaneous. LACE curtains laundered. 85o pair. Satis faction guaranteed. Drop a card or call 1030 82d st YOUNO Eastern girl would like position a governess or companion in reilned family. X 585, Oregonlan. A GOOD laundress wants some steady work. Martha, C 1972. TAKING care of children or day work. 23o hour. Main 1H95. Mrs. Smith. WANTED By colored woman, washing to take home. 750 Front. Phone A 486L WOMAN wishes day work. Tabor 2725. WASTED AGENTS. WANTED Solicitors for farm paper during Woolsrowers' convention: chance to make ' bis money. Address AVorld Wide Farm ing. Gas and Electric bldg.. Denver. Colo ACT1VL1 canvassers can make S6U weeaiy selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. J iii'ress Oreiico. Or. WANTED Two good live agents for close in acreage. J. W. HefTerlln Realty Co.. 2"li Corbett bldg. Marshall 2SH0, A 4'iM. AGENTS to Bell 'The Best Ever" Lauy Washington Hulled Heans with Chicken. Gatehouse Packing Co.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO KENT. Houses- WANTI-D 5 or 6-reoni furnished hou.'c. convenient to United Ry Co. line. M 011, f ires" man. Apartment SMALL heated apartment wanted by couple. AC 031. Oregonian. " Rooms. EAST SIDE, walking distance from Morri son bridge. 3 furnished rooms for house keeping, uicludlr.s gas stove. Address AN ;:1H. eu-egonlan. t Business Places. W ANTED To rent space lit stable for auto; must be close in. on AVcst Side. Main 8700. 010 Lumbermens bids- FOR RENT. Roe me. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Room. Hats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished; table boarding, all parts of the city; we save you money, time and trouble. Let us locate you. 302 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 21Sl! . d61 TVEKLOOK THIS TODAY. "M1LNER BLDG.. 350 H MORRISON ST, MODERN. CENTRAL. RE AS ON A-U LIS. Furnished Kooro- HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Hclllg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished, every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every ruoin; single room and suites with or without private baths, etc.: centrally located, near postoffice: Just off all carlincs; very quiet; low rates by day. wee I: or mouth. Plione Marshall 2200. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We-are devoting acvcral of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the AVIn-ter- will make special low rates by tha week or month; transient guests given the best ot service and shown every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rate by. the week. HOTEL SAVON. 12!) Eleventh ML New, modern brick building, team heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortaDle, Rates very reasonable, call and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited. ' GRAND UNION HOTEL, , a.N.Ax EAST BURNS1DE. Start the New Year rignt; move to in East Sido and save money on rent; l-O modern rooms, hot and cold running watev teli uub'lic baths, also rooms with unvais batlis: rates $2.50 to week. l'heme East 5010 or B 1273. un-rui WI'I K IMdllAil, OPPOSITE PORTLAND nol'KL. 330 TAM H1LL. FIRST-CLASS HRiManliD SuOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE; MOD EKN TRANSIENTS SOLIClT-tlD. M. 31, A 7177 JiJVrlUKlJK IN THE heart of" the city, on first and . sec ond tloors. two rooms, suitable for tine or four persons; fleam heat, phone and eood bath; rate from S to i per week. JH6 lutn. corner Morrison. The colonial- HOTEL NOKlUa, ISA-i 17th cor. Washington, lirst-class fur nished rooms, single and en suite, run-l-iiis water, steam heat, rates by mouth, tiaiislents solicite-d: prices reasonable. 'x'llE SARGENT HOTii.L. cor. Grand and Hatvlhorno aves. Beautifully . furnished suite or single rooms, hot and cold water, nnvate phone in every room; firsl-c.aas .rill in connectlon;transieni solicited. HOTL 5b'HMARK, Washington and 17th. Jlr.i.class furnlsned room, single or en suite oil moui-rn conveniences; 3 weekly -up.A2347.Main5047. CLAKNO Hotel. 243 A4 llollsday. one block east of Steel bnage; modern. 60c up; weekly rates, walking uistance, Phou E 45i: JOOD ROOMS Large, light and well fur nished: brick building; hath, electric lighis; $1.73 to $3 week, transients. t, V, hussell st. LAliKABjuB HOTEL. 227Vi l.arrabce t.. walking aisiance, iaii.e. u.v',, -. suilablo tor 2; also single rooms; reason able. , HOTEL ANSON1A. 124 14th St.. cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished room; pri vate baths, free phones in all rooms. TH1 HOLLY HOI EL, 1J5 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnished; rate reasonable; transients pollcitea. TVI E BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms. $2.50 per weak; electric lights, hot baths ree. MODERN outside rooms, $3 lo $5 per week Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 Washington st m n.-,v-'T nvKRUlOK THIS TODAY. -M1LNER BLDG.." 350 As MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. ROOMS to rent furnished by day or week; 1 to v- pe-i ntr-i. -ii" ........ ....... THE BELLEVUE. 661--S 1st St., new bouse and new fur niture, steam heat, $1.73 per week and up. urnisiird Koeini. la Private ,FnillX- NEATLY furni.-thfid bedroom: walking dis tance; 31..ID per WCCK. -a-u qui re FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. ultabl lor two, reasonable, uoi oibuu ae O